Christians and Religious Ignorance.
     You know, most of my life I have heard stuff like “weirdo” “creep” ”cultist” ”satanist” for some of my religious practices or views. I’ve never really been to phased by it and i never really got behind the whole christian bashing mentality that seems to prevalent withing modern esoteric circles. However after dealing with someone who is so unwilling to be civil about it in my somewhat personal life I have just completely lost faith. So here is the record straight.
Yes, I practice things like Hoodoo/Voodoo/Santaria (yes I have a crystal ball).
Yes, I have tarot cards, Ouiji boards, and rune stones and yes I can use them.
Yes I have weird old gods, yes some of them are called demons (but compared to Azathoth you are much more malicious and ignorant).
No, I don’t kill babies or small animals.
No, I don’t sacrifice people.
No, yours is not the one true god, and no I will not bow down before him.
Yes, I have heard he will come and blah blah blah on he day of judgement, blah blah blah. 
get over yourself, grow up, let other people believe what they want to believe.
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Thoughts on: The Left and Right Hand Path
On either side of my body are my hands. I have two hands, a right and a left. Sometimes I use my left hand, sometimes I use my right. I don’t really favour one hand above another, rather I use the appropriate one for the appropriate task, sometimes I even use them together. The same goes with “Dark” and “Light” magick in my practice. Both are equally useful, both are powerful, neither is meant to be used alone. I see many young magicians getting stuck in their practice because they “refused to use binding spells, those are dark magick” or “refuse to use the dogmatic principals of the light” when in reality they are only holding themselves back. 
to day there is night,
do dark there is light,
to left there is right.
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Thoughts on: Working With Your Demons
This I think is going to be just an unstructured rant or a sort of vent. I’m by no means a perfect person, nor do I want to be. I actually believe that the reason there is so much chaos in the world is due to the natural law of force and from, namely that it’s the journey that is what makes the destination. That being said, I don’t like some major parts of my life and I often try to change those things without it working out. A couple of day’s ago I thought about doing some shadow work and actually facing up to my dark side, drawing it up and listening to it. After sitting down for peace talks and listening to the other side of the story I can’t help but wonder if maybe some of, in my opinion, my worst qualities aren’t justified and useful. I think if anything I would like to reach balance rather than running away from these things and banishing them over and over again. I feel like trying to face myself will be more effective in reaching a solution rather than trying to work around my problems until I unlearn those self-destructive habits.
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Thoughts on Wiccans
Whenever I let it slip to people that I practice the craft Wiccan’s come up as the first topic. “Oh my mother was one...” or “Oh like a Wiccan?” or “So and so is a Wiccan, do you know each other?” it’s the same blah blah blah, and I guess to a degree there is nothing wrong with that. Witchcraft is a very young religion, and is only really considered a religion because of Wicca. So I don’t want to discount the role that Wiccan’s play in bringing Magick out of the realm of esotericism and into the realm of religion, but there are a lot more practices out there that are discounted.
Another point of contention is the often preachy nature of Wiccan’s, again not all do this but I have met enough that it’s becoming a thing for me, I get that you believe in your “Three-fold-law” and congrats to you for using divine punishment as a way to make you do mental gymnastics in order to justify using dark Magick. Let me say something here. Do you remember hearing that Magick isn’t inherently good or bad? It just is and how you use it justify’s it’s effect. I do, and I remember thinking that if I were to use binding Magick to stop a mass murderer, would that not be good even though binding Magick is dark Magick? And if I were to use prosperity Magick, like an invokation of Jupiter, to secure a job interview... Would that not be bad because I may have potentially used Magick to take a job away from someone who needs it more?
The point is, you can never foresee all of the consequences your use of Magick will enact. What’s the point in limiting yourself for the sake of others? Do they not have the same opportunities to learn Magick as you do? Are the gods not universal in their ability and want to help those who summon them? In a perfect world I don’t have to use Bindings and Curses, but I don’t live in a perfect world.
Also, bigotry is another issue I find with Wiccan’s. I know one growing up who obsessed over the burning times, it was always dumb Christian’s this, and how can you have Christian Witch’s that, and Salem, Salem, Salem. He never shut up about Salem. At one point I remember saying “You don’t own the monopoly on Magick. You’re way is not ‘The Way’. And you clearly don’t understand some of the basic principals of Magick.” Death is natural, it’s part of the cycle that all things succumb to. Yoda said it best when he talked to Anakin about death. “Luminus beings are we, not this... Crude matter.” And he’s right! All those dead from Salem are on to something new, same with those Christians. What is the point about whining over something that happened 300 years ago? Why do you condemn a whole group of people based on religion, and better yet, how can you still call yourself an enlightened person with high moral standards if you do?
My point is. I don’t hate all Wiccan’s, but I feel like they are the face of all witchcraft, and they don’t represent a majority of the people who practice. It’s like lumping fundamentalist Christians and Catholic’s into the same group because they both worship a similar god. It would be insane to look at those fundamentalists and think, Yep that’s all of Christianity in a nutshell. Not like this is an incredibly young branch of a much bigger religion. I disagree with a lot of Wiccan dogma, I don’t like being lumped in with a group I don’t identify with, I don’t like people looking down on me for using “dark Magick” when they don’t understand the basic principals of it themselves. I think it bears repeating that I don’t hate Wiccan’s, you have the right to believe in what you want to believe in and I can’t stop that, nor do I want to, I just wanted to point out some points of contention and talk about how I feel miss-represented.
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The Four Sabbats and Essbats
The Four Major Shabbats and the Four Major Essbats Yule • Also known as: The Winter Solstice, Christmas. • Colours: Green, Red, White, Blue, Gold, Black. • Basic Meaning: Death. • December 21.
Litha • Also known as: The Summer Solstice, Middsumer. • Colours: Gold, Red, Blue, White, Green, Black. • Basic Meaning: Growth. • June 21.
Ostara • Also known as: The Spring Solstice, Easter. • Colours: Green, Pink, Purple, White, Gold, Blue. • Basic Meaning: Rebirth. • March 21.
Mabon • Also known as: The Autumn Solstice, Fall. • Colours: Brown, Gold, Black, White, Green, Red. Orange. • Basic Meaning: Harvest. • September 21.
Imbolc • Basic Meaning: Purification.
Lammas • Basic Meaning: Harvest.
Samhain • Basic Meaning: New Year.
Beltane • Basic Meaning: Fertility.
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Goddess and God Charge
Goddess, (God)
May I feel your presence within this place,
to bask in glory and in grace,
to bask in wisdom and in love.
May I call you down from above.
Merry meet.
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It is important to visualise the God or Goddess in the words of the prayer, i.e. The Goddess enveloped in rays of light when speaking of her glory, the maiden dancing when you speak of her grace, the crone teaching when you think of her wisdom, and the favor she shines down on you with your worship when you speak of her love. See these things in your mind`s eye and let them fill you up. (The same is done for the God but visualizing instead how he would do them.)
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Blog Blessing (Book Blessing).
Bless this blog.
Bless this place.
This place of knowledge.
This sacred space
Thank you God, Thank you Goddess!
Blessed be!
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Wiccan Rede.
Bide within the law ye must, in perfect love and perfect trust. Live ye must and let to live, fairly take and fairly give. Tread the circle thrice about to keep unwelcome spirits out. To bind the spell well every time, let the spell be said in rhyme. Light of eye and soft of touch, speak ye little, listen much. Honor the old ones in deed and name. Let love and light be your guides again. Deosil go by waxing moon, chanting out in joyful tune. Widdershins go when the moon doth wain. The werewolf howls by the dreaded wolfsbane. When the ladies moon is new, kiss the hand of her times two. When the moon rides at her peek, then your desire seek. Heed the north and the mighty winds gale, lock the door and trim the sail. When the wind comes from the east, expect the new and law the feast. When the wind comes from the south, love shall kiss ye on the mouth. When the wind whispers from the west, ye heart shall find a place to rest. Nine woods in the cauldron go, burn them fast and burn them slow. Birch in the fire goes, to represent what the lady knows. Oak in the forest towers with might, in the fire brings the gods insight. Rowan is the tree of power, bringing magicks and life to flower. Willow by the waterside stand ready to guide us to the summerland. Hawthorn is burned to purify and to draw fairfolk to your eye. Hazel, the tree of wisdom and learning adds its strength to the bright fire burning. White are the flowers of the apple tree, which brings fruits of fertility. Grapes grow upon the vine, they give us both joy and wine. Fir does mark the evergreen to represent immortality given. Elder is the lady’s tree so burn it not lest cursed ye be. Four times the major Sabbats mark in the light, in the dark. As the old year starts to wane and the new begins it’s Samhain. When the time for Imbolc shows watch for flowers through the snow. When the wheel begins to turn soon the Beltane fires will burn. As the wheel turns to Lamas night power is brought to the magick rite. Four times the minor Sabbats fall, use the sun to mark them all. When the wheel has turned to Yule light the log the Horned Ones rules. In the spring when the night equals day, time for Ostara to come your way. When the sun has reached it’s height time for Oak and Holly to fight. Harvesting comes to one and all when the Autumn Equinox does fall. Heed the flower, bush, and tree by Lady blessed ye be. Where the rippling waters go cast a stone, the truth ye shall know. When you have hold a need, harken not to others greed. With a fool no season spend or be counted as his friend. Merry meet, merry part bright cheeks and warm the heart. Mind the three-fold laws you should, three times bad and three times good. When misfortune is enow, wear a star upon your brow. Be true to love, this ye must do unless that love is false to you. An it harm non, do what ye will.
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