bookempress · 3 days
Buck, my sweet summer child, you still were constantly trying to get Eddie’s attention when Tommy wasn’t there. You are so close baby girl, but you take your time with Tommy, that’s okay.
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bookempress · 3 days
i know vitamin c basically neutralizes adhd meds but lemonade good
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bookempress · 3 days
They really be doing everything BUT fight fires 💀
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bookempress · 3 days
the year is 2006. you’re an avid fan of collegiate exy. kevin day recently transferred from the best team in the league to the worst after breaking his hand in a skiing accident. before the season starts, janie smalls attempts suicide. she’s a fox, so absolutely no one is surprised by this. however, this means that david wymack has to find a new striker. he picks up a neglected, unremarkable kid from millport. for some reason, this mysterious nobody thinks it’s okay to publicly humiliate riko moriyama, king of exy. apparently, neil josten and kevin day talk shit about riko all the time (this confuses you. kevin and riko are supposed to be best friends). not long after, seth gordon dies of an overdose. once again, it’s the foxes, so no one should be surprised, but something is… off. seth was clean, and it didn’t seem likely for him to throw it away. the foxes don’t get anyone to replace him. despite being short a player, they’re performing better than ever before. you don’t want to admit it, but neil josten can probably be credited with a lot of the foxes success. and something is off about that kid, too. he’s a 5’3 brunette with brown eyes, and then suddenly he’s not. he comes back from winter break with red hair and blue eyes, but more interesting than that is the number four tattooed onto his face, marked for the ravens, marked for the perfect court. the normal minyard twin murders someone in cold blood. neil josten is actually nathaniel wesninski. his father, the butcher of baltimore, tortures him and burns his tattoo off. the trojans throw away their shot at winning. kevin covers up his tattoo with a queen chess piece. he’s never been skiing, the theories behind what happened to his hand are endless. jean moreau transfers to the trojans. this isn’t helping with the abuse allegations. despite everything stacked against them, the foxes beat the ravens. the unhinged minyard twin shatters riko’s hand to stop him from murdering the mafia kid on live tv. for some reason, this is riko’s final straw and he kills himself. some people are blaming kevin, andrew, and neil, but you personally believe that it’s a tad bit dramatic to commit suicide after losing one game and breaking a hand. the rest of the ravens don’t seem to agree, as they’re all suddenly in the most fucked up game of “follow the leader” known to man. jean moreau is spotted being escorted from the foxes dorm room a bloody mess, but that’s only the beginning. one of the ravens stabs himself with a letter opener, another steps onto the subway tracks, and a third overdoses. it’s 2007, and you started saying that the ravens were in a cult as a joke, but you don’t know if it’s a joke anymore. you’re seriously starting to consider that your favorite sport was created solely as a front for the mafia
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bookempress · 3 days
re-reading my own fic because the author has exactly my taste in tropes, ships the same ships in the right way, and also shares my sense of humour. what a find, what a revelation. i hope they write more of this sort of thing.
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bookempress · 3 days
who the FUCK is out here doing it like david fucking wymack. bitch has a reputation for the most dysfunctional college team in the country and he wears that sticker with PRIDE. encourages his team by saying hey when we lose we can all get drunk and they win and get drunk anyway. signs some random kid from arizona because a national champion said he was a good idea, let said random kid crash on his couch whilst he proceeded to antagonize everybody he met and then simultaneously pulled the whole team together. fantastic news for wymack. but jokes on you brother that random is actually the son of a serial killer. no fucking reaction. drove to columbia because his national champion called him, didn't break a sweat when his pre-med backliner killed a guy, and at least 3 other people on his team are confirmed murderers. he drives them everywhere and breaks out the line 'fight because you don't know how to die quietly. win because you don't know how to lose'. who the fuck is doing it like david wymack
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bookempress · 3 days
oh btw. I've taken to saying "I'm taking my ADHD out for a walk" when I'm starting to get restless and feel like I'm going to bite the walls. I "have" ADHD the same way I have a dog. and buster. we are going for a WALK
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bookempress · 4 days
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bookempress · 4 days
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bookempress · 4 days
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a calm, quiet detour from this world
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bookempress · 4 days
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the smell after rain
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bookempress · 4 days
Some of my favorite hobbies are counting my chickens before they hatch, putting all my eggs in one basket, crying over spilled milk, barking up the wrong tree, and above all, doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results
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bookempress · 5 days
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Buddie + Insane Moments In Season 7
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bookempress · 5 days
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bookempress · 5 days
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FLORENCE PUGH photographed by Adir Abergel (2024)
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bookempress · 5 days
hey i know i asked for constructive criticism but what i actually wanted was for you to tell me i'm extremely talented. and also pretty. sorry if that was unclear
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bookempress · 5 days
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