boredbrooder · 1 year
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boredbrooder · 1 year
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boredbrooder · 1 year
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boredbrooder · 2 years
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Finished comic inspired by this post! (I’ll link in replies or reblog, otherwise tumblr won’t let you see my posts!)
Finally posting after teasing it this morning!  I hope you like it! Find me elsewhere:   Twitter: @JessiLeighArt Instagram: @jessilart Pillowfort: JessiLeigh
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boredbrooder · 2 years
Loki and Thanos in the Missing Year
Someone just asked me about my views on this topic and I spent two hours writing it out. Since I put the work in, I figured I should post it somewhere in case anyone else is interested. I look forward to the comments.
Let me start by saying, I've been thinking about this for close to a decade and still don't have the best words to explain my thoughts on the matter. But I'll do my best and hope you can follow my thought process.First of all, a bold statement -- a discussion-ending, argument-starting statement. I DON'T BELIEVE LOKI WAS TORTURED BY THANOS.
You're probably wondering, "How can you doubt that Thanos tortured Loki? We know Thanos tortured people. We saw him torture Nebula to get information out of Gomora."
You'd be right, but just because Thanos tortures some people doesn't mean he tortures everybody. He doesn't need to torture people who are willing to work with him.
"Didn't you see the movies? In the end credit scene from Thor 1, he was bruised and injured."
This is true, but there are lots of ways to get bruised and injured without it being explicitly torture. Loki had just fallen through an unstable wormhole that he'd expected to end his life. The interviews said that Loki experienced hell in the darkest holes of the universe. He was probably scrounging and fighting for food and lodging. He could have gotten those injuries from the fall or from fighting, not necessarily torture.
"And he was injured at the beginning of Avengers. He couldn't stand up right away and he stumbled on the way out."
Yes, because he traveled through an unstable wormhole. Again. Did you notice how even though Thanos had many members of the dark order working for him, Loki was the only one to travel? He knew he could survive a journey through an unstable wormhole because he did so before. It was uncertain that any of the other order members could survive. Loki landed on fire. It was blue fire, the hottest, most damaging fire. Of course, he struggled to stand for a moment and was weakened.
But let me elaborate on military campaigns and torture. Leaders do not torture their generals before sending them into battle. If Loki had been tortured beforehand, he would not have survived the journey through the wormhole. Leaders do not trust people they had to torture into submission to do missions alone. Leaders do not trust people they had to torture into submission with their most valuable items. It's just too risky that any sign of hope will lead the tortured individual to betray the leader.
It is unlikely that Thanos would have trust Loki to work alone or would have given him the mind stone or allowed him to retrieve the space stone if he had to torture Loki and couldn't trust him.
"Interviews also said that Loki was being controlled by the mind stone. He wasn't acting independently or of his own accord. It was just like when Loki enthralled Selvig and Barton."
Not quite. Loki was only influenced by the mind stone, not controlled by it. This is further evidenced by the fact that Loki's eyes remained normal and were not the glowing galaxies that Selvig and Barton's eyes became. Being influenced by the stone, Loki's darker desires were brought forward, but he was still in control. Barton and Selvig were not in control and could not do what they wanted, only what Loki wanted. Loki was confused, as evidenced by his conversations with Thor and with Mobius. But Loki was able to keep secrets and enact his own plans.
"So, what was Loki's plan?" That's hard to say, but we can surmise that Loki wanted to get away from Thanos, wanted to lose the battle. Here are a few reasons we can believe this.
1) Loki had every military advantage. Superior technology, larger, more experienced army, space whales, etc.
2) Loki had two infinity stones at his disposal. Though, it is debatable whether he knew the mind stone was in the scepter, or some other power source that allowed him to control people.
3) He had inside knowledge about Earth's technology and armaments from Selvig and Barton. He even learned about potential humans that could be a real threat, ie, the Avengers.
4) He is a mastermind and master strategist with experience forming complex, many-layered plans. We witnessed some layers of this planning in the Avengers movie.
5) He has magic!
There are more, less impressive reasons, but I don't want to drag this out too much.
Basically, with all these advantages, Loki still lost.
"Why did Loki lose?"
The only reasonable conclusion is that Loki lost because he wanted to. He made a lot of little apparent mistakes. Some things happened that were never suitably explained. He had to do some things, to keep up appearances. The Other was watching him too closely, had a mental link with him. He would know if Loki started acting against the plan made with Thanos. Loki had to appear in all ways to be working for Thanos while manipulating events toward his defeat. One aspect to consider is Thor.
"What does Thor have to do with anything?"
When Loki fell from the bridge, everyone thought he was dead. Especially Odin and Thor. Some sources say that Frigga believed he was still alive and searched for him in astral form, but when she found him, he sent her away to protect her. Anyway! Loki survived, and he hid himself from Odin, Thor, and especially Heimdall's watchful eye. We know that Heimdall sees and hears all, and we know that Loki's magic can hide him from Heimdall. If Loki had not disguised himself, Heimdall would have seen him and warned the others of his survival. Ok, so then, how did Thor know Loki was alive and on Earth? No one explains that. When Thor takes Loki from the Avengers, he doesn't ask how Thor found him, he asks how Thor got to him. Loki knew how Thor found him. Thor also managed to find out about the chitauri army, which was never explained. Possibly some intel gathered after Loki was found alive. The only explanation I could come up with for how Thor knew Loki was on Earth was because Loki dropped his magic cloak and revealed himself. He sort of invited Thor to the party. And, to over explain things, yes, Thor specifically. Loki knew the bifrost bridge was still out, and knew that Odin only had enough power to send one person. So, Odin would have chosen someone capable of defeating Loki. The only person who could do that is another Odinson, Thor. (I do like imagining how differnet things would have been if Frigga had gone.)
There are some other signals that Loki had a deeper, more cunning plan than Thanos realized.
Why did he take so few people with him when he stole the Tesseract? Why didn't he take Fury?
Why did he try so hard to indicate that Hulk was his major play?
Why did he only take out two engines on the helicarrier instead of all four?
Both times he had the advantage on Thor and could have killed him, he chose an attack that barely scratched him. Why?
Several times, he let various avengers live. Why?
Are we really supposed to believe that the arc reactor, what amounts to a battery or magnet, could stop one of the greatest powers in the universe? Why did Loki pretend to fail to enthrall Tony?
Why did Loki allow Selvig enough freewill to create a failsafe? It's also possible that Loki implanted the failsafe for Selvig to use.
Why did Loki remain in the crater created by Hulk and wait to be arrested?
These and many more questions abound and all point to Loki having a deeper strategy and a desire to lose.
Remember how happy he was in the time travel scene from Endgame? It was the behavior not of someone who was defeated, but of someone who was victorious and couldn't celebrate. He sassed off to everyone, and even gave a cheeky wave to the avenger that defeated him. Not the behavior of someone who lost.
All of this to say, Loki wanted to get away from Thanos, and had independent thought and strategies.
"You still haven't explained what kind of relationship Loki had with Thanos."
Yes, thank you for reminding me. In order to answer this, I started considering another relationship one of Tom's characters had. Remember the Night Manager? I'll summarize in case you want to surmise the rest of my logic and skip the rest of my essay.
"What?!? How did you work that out?"
Before the main character met the big baddie, they both experienced a great loss and physical injury.
Both had to find ways to get in with the big baddie. Pine had help from law enforcement and a motive of justice. Loki likely worked alone and had a motive of his own comfort.
Both quickly gained favor with the big baddie and made the underling jealous. Pine became Roper's favorite after saving his son and supplanting Corcoran. We don't know how Loki gained favor with Thanos, but we know Thanos trusted Loki enough to send him on this mission for the space stone.
Both underlings were jealous of the main character and threatened them in very similar fashions. One day, I'll find clips of both scenes to better support my argument.
Both main characters had to perform questionable acts to prove their worth and loyalty to the big baddie.
Both main characters had something influencing and confusing them. For Pine, it was Jed and her son. For Loki, it was the mind stone.
Both had to find clever ways out from the big baddie without losing their lives. Once again, Pine had law enforcement to help him out, while Loki was forced to rely on his own cleverness and ingenuity.
There are more examples that are a bit more obscure, but this is enough for starters.
I like to imagine Loki and Thanos sitting around having casual conversations when their hopes and dreams and destinies come out. Loki, Thanos and the Dark order probably hung out much like we saw Pine, Roper and his minions hang out.
But there's one more relationship that leads me to believe Loki and Thanos's relationship was not the prisoner/torture victim relationship everyone thinks. Follow me across the galaxy to discuss Ronan the Accuser. Thanos's relationship with Loki was exactly like his relationship with Ronan. Ronan did not need to be tortured. He wanted to work with Thanos. He had selfish ambitions that made him a willing accomplice to Thanos. He wanted something Thanos could provide, and in exchange, Thanos asked something from him he could provide. In exchange for an infinity stone, Thanos gave Ronan access to a world-conquering army. Sound familiar? Yeah, it's the deal Loki made with Thanos.
Both Loki and Ronan were lost boys, disenchanted, looking for approval and validation and vindication. Both were hurting. Both saw Thanos as an ally, and possibly a father figure. Both outgrew their reliance on Thanos and struck out independently. Both betrayed Thanos and stole a stone from him.
Loki was a little different from Ronan though. Ronan just wanted revenge. He was rather narrow minded and became himself a villain (instead of an underling. Loki remained an underling even though he didn't appear to be, until he was arrested.)
Now, we're entering speculation, but that can be fun, too. Loki probably just sought out Thanos because he was looking for a hot meal and found more than he bargained for. Thanos probably made Loki feel more worthy and validated than Odin did, so Loki probably devoted himself to Thanos for a while, until he realized Thanos's ultimate purpose.
Since Loki was exposed to a culture that claimed to be dedicated to peace, protection, etc, Loki had those values instilled in him, as well, even if he didn't display them as overtly as Thor did. And he had centuries of Asgardian stories, not to mention his own experiences. Loki heard how Bor fought the dark elves and protected the universe and hid the reality stone. He was probably alive when Odin protected the universe and hid the space stone on Earth. He probably remembered where the space stone was hidden. Can you imagine him sitting down with Thanos one night? By the fire, over a drink, casual and intimate. Loki still introduces himself as "Loki, of Asgard," which means he feels responsible for the universe and the infinity stones. He started building a plan, but he had to involve Thanos, as he required his approval. Possibly, the other still had enough of Thanos's ear that he could express his concerns and convince Thanos to take measures to assure Loki's loyalty. That's where the mind stone came in.
And Loki didn't just go down there and start his campaign. He had to do some reconnoissance. That's where we get the end credit scene with Fury and Selvig. I like to imagine that Loki went down to Earth in secret and headed straight for the temple and the space stone. The only question is, did he do it before he met Thanos, after he met Thanos but before he proposed the plan, or after he proposed the plan? Whichever it was, the Tesseract wasn't there when Loki arrived.
This is where Heimdall's all-seeing, all-hearing powers come into question. Why didn't he know or warn about what was going on on Earth with the Tesseract? Anyway! Loki doesn't find the stone, so he has to look for it. Without giving himself away. I imagine him walking among the people blending in but touching on their minds to see if they have any knowledge of what transpired. He finds an old man who used to be a boy when Red Skull invaded. Loki interviews him to get a lead on Red Skull. He learns that Hydra was taken down by SHIELD. So, Loki starts looking for information about SHIELD. He probably ends up all over Earth following leads and cold trails. Eventually, he ends up in America following lower level employees of SHIELD. He trails up the hierarchy until he finds Fury. Fury is probably the first mind he touches that knows anything about the Tesseract. So, he shadows him to find out where it is. He touches Fury's mind to convince him to check on it. It's unstable. He touches his mind to convince him to find a scientist that can fix it. Strange that one of the scientists is a friend of Thor's. When Selvig shows up, Loki switches from Fury's mind to Selvig's mind to convince him to accept the assignment. But Loki can't wait around. He gets bored, or he has to check back in with Thanos. It depends on where in the timeline the end credit scene takes place.
At any rate, Loki knows where the Tesseract is. Thanos wants it. The liesmith comes up with a reasonable request to make a bargain with Thanos. It was so successful on so many accounts. with Laufey, Malakith, Grand Master... why not Thanos also? Especially because Thanos made a similar bargain with Ronan.
So, why didn't Loki wait for Selvig to finish fixing the Tesseract? Perhaps Selvig was stuck and needed help. Perhaps there was something else affecting Loki's or Thanos's time frame. Whatever the case, it all worked to Loki's advantage.
Well, that's my very unpopular views on what happened during Loki's missing year and his relationship with Thanos. I know there's a lot of speculation, but I hope you find my conclusions well thought out.
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boredbrooder · 2 years
How does he age so flawlessly? That green background needs Loki added and the words removed. If there's a manip creator who wants to attempt it.
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Tom Hiddleston at The Essex Serpent special screening in London, UK, on April 24, 2022.
Via Torrilla/Weibo
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boredbrooder · 2 years
Texts from Loki
Sound Proofing
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TFL tag list: @ietss @theaudacitytowrite @anonymousfiction211 @shadyfarmcookiefish @tiredmamamac @69dyn420 @kneelingsince2012 @winchestersgirl222 @storytheanimist @wildflowerwattpad0217 @i-beg-your-pardon-laufeyson @dunohilly @darkacademicfrom2021 @browneyedgirl365 @youonlylizonce @blackwidownat2814 @d1a2n389 @raven762 @immersed-in-mischief @likeitloveitblogit @owldwagitoutofyou @1marvelnerd3000 @nevenabadr @oceanmermaidwitch @apine7 @justasecretwriter @xorpsbane @lokiprompts
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boredbrooder · 2 years
Texts from Loki
Movie Night (NSFW)
Warning: SMUT! Yay!! 18+. Minors you have been warned.
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boredbrooder · 2 years
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boredbrooder · 2 years
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HIDDLESWEEK ↳ Favorite Costume(s)
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boredbrooder · 2 years
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HIDDLESWEEK ↳ Favorite Quote(s)
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boredbrooder · 2 years
Kinktober Day 24 - Collars |Dark!Victorian Loki
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Summary: A new maid in Mr Laufeyson's service you are given a special uniform to wear for him.
Warnings: Dubcon, Boss/Employee dynamic, Master/Servant dynamic, Possessive Behaviour, Minor Public Humiliation
*Please do not replicate/rework/translate my work, I do not give permission. This is on A03, Tumblr, Wattpad. Anywhere else, it has been stolen.*
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You stood there as Mr Laufeyson circled you, keeping your head held high and your back straight, just as the training mistress had taught you.
“It is unusual for Mrs Davenport to send me such a young woman,” he finally stops, rubbing his fingers over his lips in thought. “This is quite a large manor house and I expect the best service. Usually that means a person a little longer in the tooth to have that experience and quality to them.”
“Please, sir, I have worked in large houses before, townhouses,” you don't look him in the eye, too keen to make a good impression. “I have my references available should you wish to see them.”
“I trust you,” he sounds amused. “Will you look at me, my dear? I do ever so hate the formalities Mrs Davenport puts upon her wards. In that same vein, I would like you not to call me Mr Laufeyson unless we have company. Loki will suffice. Is that clear?”
You meet his gaze, seeing a curiosity there and a hunger for knowledge. The intensity was fascinating to watch.
“Yes, Loki.”
“Very good,” he smiles. “Now as you may have seen, my staff have an unusual sort of uniform that is unique to them. Maude has her belt, Prudence has her hairpin, William has his rings. You, you will have this.”
He produces a golden necklace that looks more like a choker with emeralds studded along the intricate angular patterns. You cannot see any clasp or ribbon to it so you're unsure how it works but when he clicks it around your neck and removes a pin, you realise it has an internal locking mechanism.
“There we are,” Loki runs a finger over the metal of it. “My staff should be elegant and reflect my wealth. It does look beautiful around your throat. Now, time to see to your day's duties.”
His eyes linger on your neck for some time and you subconsciously lift your chin higher, presenting his token for his approval. You were keen to impress after all. This was the highest paying job you had ever taken.
“You and I are going to get on very well I believe,” he purrs before leaving you alone to start work.
You gave an experimental tug on the metal, noting it held fast. There was no possible way to remove it without the pin it seemed.
Over the next few days Loki would make a point to touch the collar whenever he passed you, whenever he sought you out which appeared to be quite often. He did not show the same level of interest with his other employees and it was becoming concerning that you were singled out.
Then it graduated to you being forced to wear lower cut garments to show the necklace off, to wear your hair away from your face. Nothing should obstruct his view. Nothing.
The other staff started treating you differently soon enough, some jealous of Loki's attentions and some scandalised by your appearance. You were ostracised, ignored and that left the master of the house free to capitalise on the lack of support you had.
“Come now, you know I do not like you hiding my uniform,” Loki finds you with a scarf around your neck to combat the chill of winter as you're bussing the silverware in the kitchen.
“It is cold, Loki.”
“I am aware,” he rips it off you. “But I shall keep you warm. I look after my staff, do I not?”
Two slim fingers slipped between metal and flesh and pulled you to him, flush against his body.
“This is improper! Loki there are already rumours!”
“What do I care for idle gossip? Why should you for that matter? I do not pay you to listen to the pettiness of others.”
“But you treat me differently. It is obvious to everyone.”
“You are special. That is why,” he walks you back against the kitchen counter until you are completely trapped. “My special little maid with her special little uniform. I have been waiting a long time for someone I felt would be worthy of it and how right I was about you. It is divine against your throat. Come with me.”
In the blink of an eye, a leash is attached to the bottom point of the collar and you are pulled behind him like a common dog, all the way up the stairs in full view of everyone else who do nothing despite your obvious plight. They only whisper amongst themselves.
On and on until you are in his bedchamber with its shimmering green décor and four poster bed. The fire has been stoked only a few moments before you entered as the flames spit and rise high in the grate bathing the room in a warmth that is severely lacking on the ground floor.
“As I said, I will keep you warm,” Loki smiles, unclipping the leash. “For this generosity, I wish to see you in nothing but your uniform.”
“You may wish all you like but I shall not do it,” you unstick your tongue, words finally forming amidst the initial shock.
“Did I say wish? I meant demand,” his tone is ice, cutting and cold and you're far too afraid to do anything else other than obey.
You've seen Loki's duelling and sparring lessons and you know what he could do to you. You have no other choice.
When the last of your clothing is left in a neat pile on the chaise, you face the master of the house absolutely bare apart from the collar. He approaches you, circling you as he did on your first day and undoes your hair.
“A little more natural,” his hands drape over your torso from behind. “Stars, you are the most beautiful creature. I knew I had to own you the second I laid eyes upon you. Oh do not tremble so, I will not hurt you. I will only offer you sweet pleasure for being mine.”
Fingers dance across your skin, curving along the swells of your breasts and to the stiffening peaks above as the cold air finds them. You are unsure what to do, frozen there by your fear of this man but heat is blossoming elsewhere as he carefully manipulates your body.
“Mine and mine alone,” the raspiness of Loki's voice is not aiding your situation either.
By the time his fingers explore further down, there's no resistance from you. The incredible frenzy from his touch and the soft kisses from his lips against your neck and jaw made you forget your terror.
When his hand cupped against your sex and his palm began undulating, you wondered why you'd been afraid at all. No man had ever taken the time to know what you wanted, to play with you so eagerly, to even care for your pleasures before and yet Loki Laufeyson, of all men, pulled the softest moan from you and all you could think about was wanting more.
“That's it, my little maid,” he whispers against your ear as fingers sink into the slick mess between your legs. “Ah, not innocent. I prefer that. One day I will have you recant your past sins of lust to me but for now, I will make you forget there was ever anyone else before me because there will certainly be no one after.”
Your head tipped back against his shoulder, collar bared for him as he moved his hand in such a way that you surrendered dominion of yourself. Your pleasure came in spikes, in waves, in short bursts that had you panting and mewling in his arms as your legs began shaking.
His thumb brushed against the hidden bud before lavishing it with attention that saw you throw your arms behind your head to cling onto the man who was ruining you.
“Give me your pleasure, give me your cries. I demand it,” Loki rumbles as he moves his fingers quicker and you come undone, screaming your delight to the walls which echo it back to you. “Wonderful. Simply wonderful.”
You barely have time to recover before he's taking off his own clothes and dragging you down onto the rug before the fire, on all fours as he presses between your shoulder blades to lower you.
“You want this, don't you?” you can feel the head of his cock stroking between your legs, teasing your oversensitive sex. “To be mine? To wear my token forever?”
Your mind was too clouded to comprehend the gravity of his question. All you could think about was the insatiable hunger to be filled that was burning in your core.
“Yes! Yes, Loki!” you brace your arms against the floor as he eases into you, your walls struggling to accommodate the sheer girth of him.
“That does make me happy,” the laugh is wicked as he slowly starts a rhythm, thrusting deep. “You are no longer a maid. You will be mine. You will sleep in my bed. You will be at my side always for my personal use. In society you will be my lover. In here you will be my pet.”
He grasps the collar, using it to pull you upright a little, choking you in the process but the combined feeling of the drag of his cock and the lack of air makes you keen rather than protest.
“I will commission two pretty bracelets for you, two elegant shackles if you will. I want every man in the country to look at you and immediately know you belong to me and me alone,” Loki licks a line up the curve of your back, never breaking pace. “To know that I am the master of your body and they shall never taste its sweetness.”
Harder and harder he started rutting until your moans turned to growls with the intensity of it. He twisted your head to the side and you accepted his devouring kiss as his hips stuttered and he poured his seed into you.
“Now the staff truly have some gossip,” he turns you over so you can catch your breath lying down. “Your cries were loud enough to reach the garden but, I think, you do not seem to care.”
He lies next to you, stretching out so the marble expanse of him rippled as the muscles went taut before crooking a finger underneath the collar to pull your face to his.
“Your life, your body, your heart belongs to me,” he ghosts his lips over yours. “Therefore if any man should sway you, it is my right to take your life. Am I clear?”
“And what of you, Loki?” you look at him with pleasure drunk eyes. “If you should be swayed by another? Shall I be a maid again? Should I take your life?”
“Bold, are we not?” he grins. “No, my little pet. There will be no one but you. That token has not been on another's neck before. I have found what I am looking for and I shall never let you go. Never.”
And you knew he meant it.
You were a maid no longer. Now you were the pet of Loki Laufeyson and you were still unsure whether that was good or bad but for now, as his kisses became more insistent, you would let him do whatever he wished, if only to feel that intense pleasure again.
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boredbrooder · 3 years
The Jotun & His Bride
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Relationship: Jotun!Loki x Light Elf!Reader
Summary: You’re the princess of Alfheim, promised to Loki, crowned prince of Jotunheim as part of a treaty between your peoples. Tonight is your wedding night and his massive Frost Giant dick scares you because you’re a dainty wee virgin elf princess. 
Word Count: 2.5k
Notes: This is a one shot. I just wanted to write some size kink monster fucking Jotun Loki smut. No beta reader for this one, so typos are all my own. Happy reading!​
Warnings: TOTALY NSFW, 18+ MINORS DNI, size kink, arranged marriage, smut, fluff, loss of virginity, unprotected sex, cream pie, m/f sex, fingering (female receiving), vaginal plug
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boredbrooder · 3 years
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The wholesome bro meme but make it Party Thor and Jotunn Loki
instagram | twitter | kofi
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boredbrooder · 3 years
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boredbrooder · 3 years
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🤣 By Blondivae
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boredbrooder · 3 years
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