borngood · 6 years
Cracked it and dipped it in lemon butter. It was crab.
What are you doing to the turkey today? My family irradiates it. Or something. Dry fryer.
Traditional roast, following some techniques I learned from Alton Brown.
And this year’s was the best I’ve ever made!
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borngood · 6 years
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Clay Cliffs
In the middle of New Zealand’s South Island, near the tiny town of Omarama lies a hidden and widely unknown geological sight. Sharp pinnacles, ridges and narrow ravines make up the clay cliffs which are towering above the surrounding bush.
Keep reading
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borngood · 6 years
Oh, hell no.
The. Mt. Huashan hiking trail, China
everchanginghorizonThe selfie at the end is one of the finer moments of my life. #pureJoy#7000ftdrop
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borngood · 6 years
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© leaderjb_
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borngood · 6 years
cutest boy
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borngood · 6 years
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funny because its true h/t Fipi Lele
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borngood · 6 years
tell me why any Democrat should support Manchin now
because the Republican he’s running against is far worse and Democrats need to retake the Senate, period. You can’t do anything without a majority, that’s just how the whole thing works
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borngood · 6 years
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borngood · 6 years
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borngood · 6 years
“People are getting the warm cuddlies over George W. Bush again. Stop. The Obamas are gracious to him because they have important public roles to play. We don’t. We can respect their having to stomach what makes us retch without pretending Bush deserves their grace. He doesn’t. George W. Bush ignored screaming sirens before the September 11 terrorist attacks. George W. Bush used those attacks to lie the United States into attacking a nation that had nothing to do with them, and hundreds of thousands of innocents were killed, with millions made refugees. The disaster he created continues. George W. Bush authorized torture. George W. Bush let a great American city drown. George W. Bush ignored climate change and his policies actively made it worse. George W. Bush deregulated everything, attacked unions and the social safety net, and crashed the economy. I get it. Compared to Trump, almost anything looks good. But this isn’t grading on a curve. George W. Bush was a horrible president because he was a horrible person. He is not cute. He is not charming. And pretending he is cute or charming is how we got Trump. Stop.”
— Stop trying to rehabilitate the reputation of George W. Bush
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borngood · 6 years
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borngood · 6 years
Yesterday I went to buy some yarn and so you know how annoying it is when fucking people put those stupid bullshit “don’t use this, wool is murder” PETA stickers on the label?
First of all, stop defacing stock in someone’s store. You’re not clever or saving the planet or anything. You’re making it hard for customers to shop and see the info they need on the label (yardage, weight, dye lot)… You’re making employees spend hours peeling the damn things off, and in some cases, you’re causing damage to the label and or yarn itself. That means loss to the company, which affects employees who probably make minimum wage, you shit bags. You want to make change happen? Contact corporate, you fuckhead. That’s where decisions are made.
Second of all, wool is not murder. Are you fucking stupid? (Obviously the answer is yes). It’s a fucking haircut for a sheep. They’ve been domesticated so long that if we don’t sheer them, it’s bad. Yes, some sheep don’t live in ideal conditions. Got a problem with that? Going to a yarn store and putting stickers on things isn’t going to change it or the minds of customers. For fuck’s sake, you absolute cockwomble, go to the yarn companies. Make them use wool providers that use humane conditions for their yarn, like A LOT OF YARN COMPANIES DO.
And third of all.
You. You precious, empty-headed little shitnugget. You complete and total sawdust-for-brains.
You put your fucking stickers all over acrylic yarn.
There’s no fucking wool in there. It’s all synthetic fiber. Basically, it’s plastic.
You fucking dumbass.
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borngood · 6 years
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Ok. It might be petty, but if Trump is going to praise his own intelligence and education and mock that of others then I think this is fair.
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borngood · 6 years
if you didn’t believe that England hates Donald Trump already: the most recent news of his visit today is that the mayor of London approved protestors releasing a £16,000 Trump in-a-diaper balloon to fly 98ft above ground when he visits, and literally no British person is surprised. Welcome to London.
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borngood · 6 years
“i don’t know anymore, man. i genuinely do not know how to argue empathy at somebody. i don’t want concertgoers and schoolchildren to be routinely slaughtered in hailstorms of bullets. you don’t care. i don’t want some kid’s first memory to be a jackbooted deportation force kicking down their door and ripping their father from them. you don’t care. i don’t want a mother to bury her child solely because she couldn’t swing $600 for a two-pack of epipens. you don’t care. every day you wake up and deflect, but-what-about, twist, bend, contort, and echo whatever vile rationalization keeps you from having to admit that you’re, not just complicit in, but in fact actively facilitating this nightmare of a reality so many people are experiencing. i care about other people. you do not. it’s as simple as that. take your thoughts and prayers and shove them up your ass”
— Rob Whisman (on Twitter)
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borngood · 6 years
“There may be some debate over how punctual the Senate needs to be in presidential advice and consent. There may be furious debate over the newly invented rule that presidents may not make certain appointments during election years because reasons. But it should be a fairly standard-issue bit of bipartisan common sense that, say, presidents who are under active investigation for acts of potential treason should not be granted unilateral power to make lifetime federal appointments–not until they are cleared of wrongdoing.”
— Presidents under active criminal investigation do not get to make lifetime court picks
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borngood · 6 years
This is so stupid. Why do people do this?
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The destructive #lovelocks now being attached to the beautiful lampposts on the #bridge #pontneuf #defacing #history in #Paris #IgersParis #Parismaville #Parisjetaime #Pariscity #iloveParis #villedeParis #parisfind (at Pont Neuf)
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