Steven Joel Sotloff
Steven Joel Soltoff, born May 11, 1983, was an American freelance journalist who was covering the conflicts in Syria. Sotloff was kidnapped in August of 2013 near the Syria Turkey border. Sotloff was the second American who has been murdered by the Islamic State. Some of his last words were "I am Steven Joel Sotloff. I'm sure you know exactly who I am now and why I am appearing before you. Obama, your foreign policy of intervention in Iraq was supposed to be for the preservation of American lives and interest. So why is it that I’m having to pay the price of your interference with my life? Am I not an American citizen? You’ve spent billions of U.S. taxpayers dollars and we’ve lost thousands of our troops in our previous fighting against the Islamic State. So where is the American people’s interest in reigniting this war? From what little I know about foreign policy, I remember a time when you cannot win an election without promising to bring our troops back home from Iraq and Afghanistan, and to close down Guantanamo. Here you are now, Obama, nearing the end of your term and having achieved none of the above, and seemingly marching us, the American people, into a blazing fire.” In the video there is a man dressed in black that is holding the knife that killed Sotloff, this man was also in the video with a knife that looked like the one that killed Foley. This man has a British accent and investigators are now trying to find out who this ma is. Once Steven appeared in the first video with James Foley we all knew his chances of living were slim. Just days before Steven's execution his mother Shirley Sotloff sent a video to the Islamic State begging them to release her son. Some of her words were "All a mother wants is to see her son and her son's kids". David Haines is a British citizen and he is next line if U.S President Barack Obama doesn't "back off". Will David Haines be executed by the Islamic State? If Haines is executed who will be next? And who is this man that has killed both Foley and Sotloff? The Islamic State has been a growing threat to both the United States and the UK. They were an unknown group for most of their existence but they did establish in 2004 but in just the last month in a half they have been known world wide. Most of the Islamic State was apart of the terror group al-Qaeda, they didn't like there ways and split from the group and now fight against the group. Some call the Islamic State "insane" and others call them "out of control". But as some didn't know there are people from the United States, yes the United States who have traveled to Syria and Iraq and they have fought with the Islamic State instead of fighting against them. There is the worry that the Islamic State will send some of their terrorist into the U,S and the UK, the UK has been under a severe terror threat for the past week in a half. Only time can pass now and all we can do is wait for the Islamic State to make their next move.
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