brodieweston-blog · 5 years
The last place you’re gonna find me now is taking another college course, so I guess I’m just screwed. It’s less adorable when you have to explain to someone that you don’t actually have a problem with them and that you’re just clumsy and your body doesn’t seem to understand the concept of space, but I guess thanks? I think? That does sound like a pretty good day. Not sleeping in on a Sunday is a crime.
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And at this point taking a class won’t really help you, talking with your hands is already a part of who you are, it would be too hard to break. Okay that’s a fair point I’ve never had that extreme of a problem before so it’s good you’re explaining it to me. Yes, you’re welcome. I meant it as a compliment. — Right? It was a much better day than last Sunday and now April Shower’s are on a two game winning streak which is nice and the extra sleep was super necessary. Do you have any other plans for the day? 
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brodieweston-blog · 5 years
As do I, but that’s also my own way of making myself feel better for being born without a filter. I’m an over-sharer, it’s a low-key problem. Girl, you put sugar in coffee? You might as well just be drinking energy drinks if you do that anyway. I mean, do you drink hot coffee? If not then the sugar doesn’t even melt into it and it’s like you’re drinking sand
 No bueno. Oh, they’ll for sure make you cringe, but they’re bearable. Just don’t get high at the same time, it’s this whole trippy conflict.
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Ah, the struggle of no-filter, it’s a difficult life you lead. I don’t usually mind someone over-sharing because you’re not afraid to open up, someone like me has a hard time opening up to people that they don’t know. Of course I put sugar in my coffee I told you I like it sweet. So cream and sugar both. I drink hot coffee, sometimes the occasional iced coffee, but around the office it’s hot coffee. You got high and drank energy drinks? Sounds like a bad combo. 
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brodieweston-blog · 5 years
I’ve been told before that I talk with my hands, and I was always just like.. whatever, so do a lot of people. But I never realized just how much I do it until I slapped an unsuspecting passerby in the face today, so that’s how my day’s going. Anyone else’s better?
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I used to talk with my hands a lot more before I took a public speaking course in college that changed the way I present things. But honestly I think it’s adorable when girls talk with their hands. But the whole slapping someone in the face by accident is new to me and I think that’s hilarious. — My day’s been great though, got to sleep in a little, April Shower’s won and now I’m heading off to get some coffee. 
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brodieweston-blog · 5 years
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acup: task6  — ‘i saw the sign’ 
hogwarts house and four temperaments
You Are 45% Slytherin, 27% Gryffindor, 24% Ravenclaw, and 4% Hufflepuff!
You are relentless in your pursuit of success, making you a perfect fit for Slytherin, but your willingness to take risks makes you somewhat compatible with the typical traits of Gryffindor house. People who don’t know you well are often intimidated by your reserved demeanour, and you have very few close friends. You are loyal to few, and definitely prioritise personal success over close relationships. Your slight compatibility with Ravenclaw house hints at an appreciation for knowledge and wisdom, though they are not priorities for you.
Your temperament is choleric. 
The choleric temperament is fundamentally ambitious and leader-like. They have a lot of aggression, energy, and/or passion, and try to instill it in others. They can dominate people of other temperaments, especially phlegmatic types. Many great charismatic military and political figures were choleric. They like to be in charge of everything. However, cholerics also tend to be either highly disorganized or highly organized. They do not have in-between setups, only one extreme to another. As well as being leader-like and assertive, cholerics also fall into deep and sudden depression. Essentially, they are very much prone to mood swings.
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brodieweston-blog · 5 years
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brodieweston-blog · 5 years
That’s my kind of girl, someone who spouts the facts. I like it. You’re right, though, you don’t need anymore coffee. I think five’s probably pushing the daily limit already. And I’m pretty sure an energy drink is only adding to that
 I mean, it’s all caffeine. But I’ll let you in on the secret anyway. Go for the cheaper versions of Red Bull. Red Bull tastes like ass, the cheaper ones are way sweeter. And in a good way, too. Not the way where you’re like.. what the fuck is in my mouth right now, you know?
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I think it’s lame to not say what’s on your mind and tell the truth. I appreciate the admiration though, it’s flattering. Five cups feels like nothing when you’re lame and have to drown it in cream and sugar then continue to work all night. But you’re right I probably shouldn’t have any more than that. — The cheaper versions of Red Bull, got it. That’s good to know because clearly I like sweet things and if the cheaper versions won’t make me cringe then I’m in. 
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brodieweston-blog · 5 years
Exactly like that!  Oh man but what’s bigger?  The height of a sugar rush or the inevitable crash later?  It’s almost worth it.  Almost.  A win’s a win, totally.  But I get the feeling of wanting to work harder.  My week has been pretty good.  The kids are almost as stir crazy as I am though, I can feel it.
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Well now I think that depends on if you have the time to recover from the crash. So the peak of the sugar rush is the best...but the crash takes a couple of hours to recover from and sometimes that’s too much. You have to find that real balance to be a Halloween master. — Gearing up for summer are you then? Because I remember that feeling.
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brodieweston-blog · 5 years
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I will send you all the texts tequila-related! I can definitely do Saturday! And if you’re tequila-infused, but not in the mood for real dancing
we can always hit up an arcade and get litty to some Dance Dance Revolution. Imagine Me and You style. 
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Bless — awesome, sounds like we’ve got a plan then! Oh trust me, I’ve been dancing since I was a kid, I’m always in the mood for dancing. But I happen to be a big fan of Dance Dance Revolution so if that’s what you’re offering then I say we do that...just a couple of gals playing DDR Imagine Me and You style.
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brodieweston-blog · 5 years
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Make it an extra rare occasion. Bloody Mary’s are not the wave, but I guess it’s better than using cigarettes to take the edge off. You’d lose all my respect, then. Oh, for sure. It’s all about getting ahead. Just use your charm, your brains, and your looks and you’re golden. 
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Cigarettes are a definite no-go in my books, I don’t care much if other people smoke but for me they’ve never been a thing. Especially when I thought I could be a singer. So in that case, I’ll take the occasional Bloody Mary. Well if you continue to inflate my ego then I’m sure nothing can go wrong with that plan. 
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brodieweston-blog · 5 years
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Eh, it’s New York. There's hundreds of people competing for the same five jobs. But, you’ve been at this for a while, I’m sure shit’ll work out for you. Mhm, fair. I won’t tell you to get a tattoo if you don’t want one, but they’re pretty great. I’ve got
 4 so far? I’ve got plans for a lot more, but money and time make things fun.
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It definitely feels that way doesn’t it? I’ve been at this in the same position for years with only one pay raise. I should be asking for more but I’m afraid that they’ll fire me for it. I heard whisperings of a management position opening soon so if I can just stick it out a little longer I think I’ve got a good shot. — Once I think about what I actually want, I’ll be sure to come to you. What tattoos do you have?
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brodieweston-blog · 5 years
Oh! I gotcha. You wanted a gal but got the pal. Been there my friend. Oh yeah I’m super smart, and really careful. I can sober up pretty fast too. Never drank in high school, but hey I’m a college student and I wasn’t going to pass up drinking at parties. All part of the experience.
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Exactly. See, it’s good to know someone understands where I’m coming from. Clearly you can sober up pretty fast considering you’re the one giving me the tips on making sure to be drinking water with every drink — all a part of the good old college experience. How’s school going by the way? 
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brodieweston-blog · 5 years
you sound stressed, do you need an orgasm?
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Honestly? That sounds fantastic right about now.
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brodieweston-blog · 5 years
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Next time call The IV Doc.  They’ll literally come to your place and hook up the drip in your home.  Best on the call hangover service in the city, I use them all the damn time.  A very enthusiastic Smythe endorsement.
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Wow, an enthusiastic Smythe endorsement? That’s how you know it has to be good. The IV Doc, sounds interesting though. I’ve heard about stuff like that but I’ve never given it much thought. I’ll have to try it next time I’m suffering, thanks Serena.
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brodieweston-blog · 5 years
Such silly details when FoMo is quite real, Brodie. And thank you. I will very much cherish the opportunity to turn you down.
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And, of course, I didn’t mean my previous statement that a bunch of voicemails and emails piled up and waiting for you was deserved. Everyone deserves to ease into their Monday, so I do hope you were able to do exactly that.
I was just about to say that your FoMo was showing. Look at you, recognizing the symptoms, that’s the first step: acceptance. You love any opportunity to turn me down, but I like a good challenge so, it’s fine.
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Don’t worry Rach, I didn’t take it seriously. No one wishes that on their worst enemy let alone their friend — let’s just hope this coming Monday comes with ease and not as much hangover headaches.
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brodieweston-blog · 5 years
 do I want to know? Probably not, it’s your own personal business who ends up in your bed. But I take it it’s not a good thing. It certainly helps with the hangovers. And it’s good that you don’t mind taking alcohol advice by someone who’s not even legally allowed to drink it.
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Oh no, not friend like that, just really a platonic friend who got wasted and crashed in my bed. I would’ve rather had someone else in my bed who would’ve done more than just sleep next to me, but hey, at least she didn’t take up the whole bed. Anyway, advice is advice as long as you’re smart about drinking I don’t really care. I drank on more than a couple of occasions in high school. But you’re in college and that’s a right of passage. 
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brodieweston-blog · 5 years
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Yikes. That sounds like a shit show. Yet another reason I’m glad I don’t work in an office. Not that the sound of loud music and tattoo machines going is better but still. At least they aren’t voicemails.
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My plan was to work in an office, I just didn’t think I’d still be an executive assistant at the age of 27. I thought I’d be doing more of the calling and less of the answering but whatever it takes to get me to a management position. — I’ve always thought about getting a tattoo, just never followed through on it. Probably for the better since I can’t seem to commit to anything anyway.
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brodieweston-blog · 5 years
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Clearly not! Always go for Don Julio, Patron, or Don Cuervo. They’re some of my personal favorites. Oh! And El Jimador. For sure! I will never turn down a day to go out drinking. There’s gotta be good music too! To dance! You can’t have tequila and NOT dance. It’s a rule. 
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What I need you to do is send this list of go-to’s via text so I can keep it in my notes that way I have some way of remembering it when you’re not with me. Tequila and dancing — a girl after my own heart. Sound great! I got caught up at work tonight but possibly Friday or Saturday?
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