brokenrobot2004 · 4 days
made a bunch of gasters from fucked up scrub daddies
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brokenrobot2004 · 5 days
DeerHead EMC-V2
My 3D printer is probably done for good (or for a very long time) after I've looked into it's situation further and tried a few more things to get it functional again, but I wanted to keep working on this robot so bad that I'd gotten corrugated plastic, and paperboard to try and do a cleaner recreation of it's original form, in something that won't collapse beneath itself; I think it's working awesome so far, currently any problems I'm experiencing are now due to my own design flaws, one pesky servo (One for the in-and-out movement of the back right leg that seems over-greased, even after I'd tried to clean alot of it off which was maybe a dumb idea but it was worth a shot; it can move, but moves very slow and often if I try to make it move too far from it's last position, too fast instead of easing into it slowly, the power surges), and my servo controller being quite noisy, leading to it having jitters that sometimes get so bad they make the Arduino reset; if there's no way to get to the bottom of that without replacing the controller, I feel like I probably will eventually just because it seems like this one (PCA9685) isn't really supported at all anyways compared to other controllers out there and I've already thought of replacing it earlier on in the project but wanted to power through! I think it's good enough to work on for the time being though :] though at the same time, the animations I'm doing are being based in Tim's Servo Program, which is written in binary specifically for this controller; meaning if I got a new one, it better be early on and not after I've done most of, if not all of the core animations! (Sitting, standing, walking and turning, walking at different speeds, anger, sadness, excitement, fear, kicking ball and other ball-related interactions, things along those lines; just baseline animations!)
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I only have one picture for now, taken with my ultra-HD 4K 10 million billion trillion megapixel laptop camera XD I took another one, but the stupid camera app seemed to eat it, since it wasn't in the gallery. He's way more chihuahua-like in head shape now too, featuring big floppy ravioli ears like little puppy chihuahuas have in particular ^_^ which wasn't entirely intentional, but because they turned out that way I think it's super cute so I'm happy with it anyways! I tried to make a walking animation for him, which I filmed, but the video has my face in it; I may censor my face and upload it to YouTube sometime, alongside the video there is of EMC-V1 walking; which surprisingly, turned out better than when I made this iteration walk which I'm a little worried about ,':1c I actually think that's soley because I didn't remember to make the dog enter a slightly-crouching stance to take it's steps, like an Aibo does, which was written right on my sketchbook but I was too tired to have skimmed past it because by the time I was finished actually building the new body, it was very late O_o'
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Epic laptop camera moment!!! Surely you can comprehend the writing through those like, five pixels? Looks like it was taken on a 3DS, the bloody thing! ToT Anywho, that's the scoop on DeerHead for tonight!! I'm hoping I'll get him to successfully move around without help soon, but if not, I feel like I should get a servo controller that's more specifically meant for projects like this and have software to work with, or compatible Blender add-ons (Robotics and Blender working as one?! I'd nearly want to jump for joy if I got to use that kind of workflow!!) anyways; then I wouldn't have to deal with those rather nasty jitters too, and only having the servos rapidly jerk through the basic frames of animation because I don't currently know if there's a way I can make smoothing happen on Arduino, and I'd otherwise have to boot up the raspberry Pi and stick the animation into there, and be at the mercy of it working.. Actually, the more I think about this process, the more I want to get a new servo controller XD I'm going to look into that a little bit!
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brokenrobot2004 · 11 days
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Sandey Deer, a fursuit with emotive animatronic parts! Video is from zeetheraccoon on tiktok, but suiter is misplacedspigot on Twitter/X.
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brokenrobot2004 · 11 days
Tried to recreate one of my old digital paintings in oils
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brokenrobot2004 · 12 days
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brokenrobot2004 · 25 days
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I'm sure he has a bit of tweaking to go as I notice little problems here and there, but I'm finished my modern model of Truffle, my animal persona, at last!!! I actually think some things about the older model are better, like the facial expressions and footpaws (They're wide on the other, not very chihuahua-like, they're a bit better after I edited them but still so!); But overall, I think it's safe to say I'm quite proud of this model, and worked alot of new methods in it that are going to stick around, like how I did that more detailed sculpting for the arms and legs! 😄 Of course it isn't perfect, but I'm going to get better with each model I make!
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Some of the expression shape-keys! (The jaw is seperate, as are ears and eye-pupils; those were just adjusted for effect!)
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brokenrobot2004 · 1 month
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Sendoa the Doberman-Shepherd
Model completed in about three or four days minus breaks; and is still in a rough stage in terms of fur particles; which although they look nice for pictures, I think they're a pretty big pain in the butt for how mediocre my furry models end up looking with them anyways! They actually used to look way better and then kind of broke after I paired the teeth with the model; it took alot of fighting with them to make them even barely presentable here! O_o (Also the reason his head is constantly turned to the right is because there's this really annoying patch of body fur that's sticking out of the side of his mouth and nothing is getting rid of it so far I hardly even wanna know-)
It was also my first time doing teeth like this, I really like how they've turned out so even if they're not topologically fantastic Imo because they're just clipping through the gums, I believe this is probably a good direction regardless as this is what people do for professional-grade furry models on commission, so I'm probably going to continue doing them this way from here on forward! There's probably nothing wrong with them clipping through the gums also, I'm just nitpicky and want the world's cleanest mesh to work off of xD
I also think that his nose is a bit polygonal looking for the otherwise realistic rendering he's meant to have; if I'm going to go all out with particles as this model's main look anyways, I think next time I do one like this I'm going to let that nose be a bit more detailed than it is here!
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brokenrobot2004 · 1 month
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brokenrobot2004 · 1 month
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roach and orb
(female Blaptica dubia, orb. 2018)
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brokenrobot2004 · 2 months
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We need to stop treating callouts as well-intentioned but ultimately harmful and just accept the fact that they are specifically made to incite harassment. No one makes a callout thinking "I sure hope this helps that person realize their mistake and become better", it's always "I sure hope this person gets driven off of the internet or has a complete mental breakdown, which I will then also make a callout about."
So many people make posts about how callouts and public shaming are not conductive to actual discussion and improvement and that those things are done with private conversations, but then they don't make the logical leap and realize that that's the point. Callouts are a weapon and that's it.
Same with all those posts about lack of priority in callouts, where shipping and watching Steven universe are deemed more important than actual bigotry and violence. It's because the people making the callout don't care! They don't care about protecting people! They just want to hurt someone! That is the absolute and only end goal of all callout posts!
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brokenrobot2004 · 2 months
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brokenrobot2004 · 2 months
My robot chihuahua has a Raspberry Pi 3 brain now and an Arducam eye, I've forgotten to mention! And oh man, people should put dates on their tutorials though for Python because the amount of time I've put into following them and getting ridiculous amounts of errors for them only to find it's because it's for 8 million billion trillion year old version of python using a library Adafruit made when Earth's life primarily consisted of crestaceans and relying on assets that aren't installing because they're already pre-worked into the OS and are way too knew for the repositories to rely on them anyways and- Eugh, as you may be able to tell I don't entirely find it fun to learn Python rigbt now 😱 but I am always improving, and I'm not going to give up because I'm stubborn, and for as long as I have the components for it I am going to make sure there comes a day this robot dog can walk around and see the world if it means coding my fingers off, dammit!! 😆 It's an adventure to me, and a challenge; a puzzle that I find rewarding and exciting to solve 😄 and I've already learned how to animate her servoes too, and am beginning to remember different commands without having to look them up, like running sudo apt-get update after I install things, which I believe is so that the Pi updates it's registries to acknowledge the new things on it and tell other programs that said things are there too; I could be wrong though but what I know is when and when not to issue said command, which is what I find most important to learn!
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brokenrobot2004 · 2 months
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brokenrobot2004 · 2 months
It makes me a little sad that I'm going to be convicted forever by the hate blog my ex best friend made about me years ago now; to her, the drama ended with that blog, but to me, it's going to stay forever as long as it's around, because it's one of the first things anyone is going to see when they look me up; I'd be more accepting of it if it wasn't also loosely comprised of buzzwords (Biphobic and ablest are specifically strange to me because I'm bi and diagnosed with autism, and even back when I was aroace I never said anything about bisexuals? I never said anything about any kind of disability either, I was always very respectful about both of those things and have even considered myself bi before now too, when I was 11) and mildly sexualized assumptions that an adult made of posts I made when I was either 10 or 11 years old in the furby community, just trying to fit in with what other people were saying but not entirely having a grip on what they meant and sounding off, when I never meant to sound the way I did at all; like how "Fetishizing trans women" was a post where I angrily mocked my mom calling me cute or girly things because I was a trans guy and found it upsetting, "disabled furby fetish" was me trying to make a positivity post about helping disabled furbies to be inclusive like everyone else was being, one of the things happened to be me saying I'd help a furby who couldn't walk sit on the toilet because I heard around that people taking care of the elderly would do that, so I included it in my post to seem knowledgeable on real ways of helping, and that was it; I really really wish that even while I was an unhinged young teenager, people would have just gently asked before writing those ever-lasting posts, "Hey, did you mean bla-bla-bla when you said this, or did you mean something else?" and I would've answered honestly, I'm sure; I was a bit of a monstrosity the further back you go into history of how I acted on the internet but I was really, not all that terrible to talk to when there was no perceived threat from the person and asking me a rational question would've been easy, I never ever mean to hurt anybody, but now, that's all people are going to think of me; even in real life, because who wouldn't look up my social media in this digital era? 🙁
And it was mostly, if not entirely, consisting of behaviors and views I've grown out of since the 5+ years ago it happened; I have even been met with backlash in 2022 or 2023, for saying I'm sorry to someone I was mean to back then 😯 (I now think that was unnecessary from me, I was very tired that day) what do the people who've cancelled me want from me? I don't think they want me to apologize, or care that I've gotten so much better since then; I think maybe they just want to revel in that I am a complete recluse now socially, a coward; I cannot even say "Cool fursuit!" or "I like your artstyle!" without feeling like somehow, someone will come forward and be able to twist what I've said into something terrible and use it against me if they don't like me, because that's just how people can be online now; it's terrifying. My ex best friend has shunned me behind my back for being so scared, I remember being shown longer ago; but knowing the things that upset her, she would be absolutely broken if someone did to her, what she did to me online; because that shit can ruin careers, it could ruin my chance of ever making a friend again, even IRL because anyone can look me up online; imagine doing that to somebody who was at the time, not even old enough to drink.
I've been called vile, irredeemable, and anonymously told to kill myself once even; I was a 16 year old; a rather air-headed one too yet. Who would talk that way to a 16 year old who made it clear he was trying to improve and never meant to hurt anyone? Who knew he was in the wrong and was trying his hardest to fix it? For young readers rolling their eyes, how absurd that is will click when you're older and realize how inexperienced most people are at that age.
And that isn't keeping in mind how developmentally delayed I always have been too, which I state as a fact and not as an excuse; I don't let it ever stop me from improving myself either, but I feel like it's probably important that I mention that about myself here; I've always been considerably far behind people my age socially and often, intellectually; it was very visible at School especially where alot of the work I did was far behind everyone else's, and was alot slower than them too, and when I was younger I'd hardly get any work done at all even and was very difficult to deal with as a whole; Autism can be a very unflattering disability, it's not generally pure or wholesome, and it has influenced my bad or otherwise embarrassing behavior alot in the past; which I will still take responsibility for; because my illness isn't some seperate entity from me I'd use as an excuse, I just want it to be understood and recognized that I can't function as well as most other people in the head, I never could, and I genuinely just want that to be understood coming from someone who is seriously, detrimentally autistic to a point I had gotten diagnosed with it at a young age; my past outbursts and socially-inept behaviors helped by it gave the internet ridiculous shitshows to point at, and I'll never be able to take that away; what I can do is hope that I'll be atleast somewhat understood in the end, and left alone for how I was such a long time ago now
I've made a good effort to no longer be that way or act immature and freak out like I did long ago, and I can't stop persuing a social presence at such a young age, over the idea that strangers might not understand that about me.
I have no respect for people who think call-out and purity culture are okay and useful towards youth; this stuff was meant for use against megacorperations and rich celebrities that are getting boycotted for being generally harmful and/or gross on a huge scale that affects many innocent people, not stupid teenagers like I was, or even young adults. People learn, grow, and change; I spend and have spent every second of my life finding ways to grow and improve, and taking information in from people I look up to and admire to do so; and came far enough that I am 100% no longer the petty, angry, and immature person I was at the time, and that makes me very proud. I am no longer going to cower in my little corner, shivering at the thought of complimenting someone's 3D model or uploading a piece of music on YouTube; because people who told a scared and confused autistic kid to end his life and tried to take future careers, friendships, or even love away from him with things he's said and done years and years ago, do not deserve my compliance anymore
#Also did that blog ever mention me making alts? I don't remember but if it did‚ I wanna say that I literally did that because (continued)#my ex best friend showed me that she was doing it in a video call when we were friends and I admired and copied her methods#That's why I also tried to cancel her when I didn't really vibe with her anymore because I thought I had to do that to end a friendship#I didn't know that I could just not vibe with someone anymore‚ that's how our fight started really; because I didn't know how (continued)#to make that decision properly and kept struggling; my to-be girlfriend later on really helped me figure out (continued)#how to handle ending a friendship properly#And SO MANY other things honestly?? I really owe it to my girlfriend; while my ass was getting ripped off‚ she calmly told (continued)#me what I wasn't approaching properly and with understanding and care; I was actually extremely annoying when we were first talking#but she tolerated me so much that I really grew close to her and bonded with her and we eventually became best friends and then#we became girlfriend and boyfriend and uhh.. What was I talking about again sorry-#Back to me learning something bad from my ex best friend though I also want to say that I'm not saying that to condemn her either.#I was just in a bad online space in general at the time because call-out culture and stuff was just getting big and I didn't (continued)#understand what it was or how bad it can be yet; some people don't care or even actively enjoy it though and I can't change them so‚#I focus on changing myself; like I always do#Or like maybe I can change them but it's not my responsibility- you know what I mean!!
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brokenrobot2004 · 2 months
A completed chi!
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brokenrobot2004 · 2 months
DeerHead EMC-V1 baby pictures.. She doesn't even have all of her leg servos yet 🥺 (EMC stands for "Electro-Mechanical Chihuahua"!)
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Her snout is a bit huge for this first run, but really this is just a draft while the 3D printer is broken; the LED matrix in her head was also defective right out of the package, as it turns out; so because it's also a little heavy, I probably won't end up using it! That's okay because atleast for the Arduino Uno, running both 15 servoes and the 64 pixel screen animations at once could be a bit much! I'm thinking of getting the hardware up and at 'em first, and making sure that I can program it to say, do a little dance for now to show that I'm up for the challenge of animating servoes with this driver library (right now I'm just testing with a live servo control program), and then I want to upgrade to a Raspberry Pi brain so that I can start giving her autonomy! When I do that, I'm going to atleast want two buttons; a back and head button to sense affection and love! Or scoulding with a tap on the head, but that might be much to program for something I'd never really need to do with a robot I programmed XD unless it ended up being more autonomous than I'm realisitcally imagining it being! I'll also want a gyro sensor, so that she'll be able to tell if she's fallen over (maybe combined with soft buttons on her front paws sensing that they aren't touching the ground), and self-right! She will also have a distance sensor on her chest to avoid bumping into things, and for a general sense of depth; and beside that, a microphone (connected to a voice recognition module? I feel like Raspberry Pi wouldn't need that, I haven't looked into it though), to understand voice commands.. Or just "I love you" whilst receiving cuddles 😄 and of course, there would be a speaker, likely in the back of the head or also near the distance sensor depending on the size; for this maybe I can use some old furby boom parts I have laying around 😆 I'd probably need a module for the speaker though, so the Pi knows it's a speaker, and that'd probably come with another speaker.. And to power it all? A six volt LIPO battery! Or would six volts be anywhere near enough for all that combined with running the programming of the robot? Such I'd have to research lol, but furthermore.. I welcome EMC-V1 to the world!!! And tomorrow my new servoes will come in, hopefully she'll be able to walk too by then 😄
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brokenrobot2004 · 2 months
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it felt necessary to say.
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