brynnlizzie1 · 5 years
The first day of school! 🥴
Yikes. Even saying that out loud makes me want to rip all of my hair out of my head. It’s not the most wonderful time of year like Christmas, in fact, going back to school is a students most dreadful time of year. Getting up early (ugh) Sitting in boring classes (ugh) and worst of all, hours upon hours of homework (ugh ugh UGH) but we somehow do it every year for 12 years so it can’t be that bad right? I’d like to say I’ve had my fair share of good first days and horrible, embarrassing, just shove-me-in-a-locker kind of bad first days. For example, my sixth grade year I was in a class with all of my friends, I had the teacher everyone in my grade wanted, and she made us chocolate chip cookies to eat while she read us her syllabus. On my first day of eighth grade, however, I had just switched schools. It was the worst time too! Everyone already established their middle school cliques and friend groups. And too make matters worse, I walked in on the first day and could not find my locker! I ran around the whole building and by then the bell had already rung and I was late. SOO MY BRILLIANT COUNCILOR decided it would be a BRILLIANT IDEA for me to go to my first class so I could ask my teacher where my locker was IN FRONT OF EVERYONE. And that’s not even the worst part. She said in front of everyone and I quote, “oh sweetie, the seventh grade lockers are upstairs...” fml. That’s definitely an experience I will never forget. But even though I went through that experience and cried to my mom on the phone about how embarrassed I was, I made it through. And even though everyone looked at me weird like I was the worlds biggest idiot (which I kind of was) I ended up making friends! And after a week or so I was happy with my decision of switching schools. The point of this blog is, even though we all have our fair share of bad days, sometimes we have to get through the bad days to appreciate the good ones. I know at the time I wanted to crawl in a hole, bury myself in it and die but eighth grade year ended up being the best school year of my life so far. I even met my soul sister (aka BEST friend) at that school! Don’t let one bad, embarrassing, shove-me-in-a -locker-already kind of day destroy your pride. Because I promise, when you look back at a years worth of memories, friendships, and stories that will last you a lifetime, it’s all worth it 💕💕💕
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brynnlizzie1 · 5 years
Welcome to my Blog!
So, I’m new to this whole blog thing, but with me being a teenage girl without a place to go and talk to about high school experiences, I figured it was time to find my creative outlet. I’ve always been a writer. I’m constantly writing short stories, poems, songs and overall just coming up with wild fantasies in my head that we all know will never ever happen. That’s the thing about high school. Most of high school life is fantasy. Acing that test you didn’t study for? Never happens. Getting your dream guy to ask you to prom? Never happens. Waking up and getting a call there is no school? Even if there is 10 feet of snow outside it still never happens! The truth is, high school isn’t like the movies where it’s all happily ever after. That’s why I started this blog. Cause high school is ROUGH! So my posts will be the most relatable content on this app, why? Because we’ve all been there! Welcome to my blog where I’m spilling the tea about my life at high school. My name is Bria Eza (and you’re watching Disney channel) *sorry I had to do that. 💕
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