buriedkeepsake · 2 years
in so much pain
all the time
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buriedkeepsake · 3 years
first post
I always thought personal blogging was kind of corny and wack. I believe one has to have a level of self-importance to post about their day to day and think anyone truly cares about what they have to say. That being said, this very well could be my last correspondence into the ether before it’s my time to get sent to the shadow realm, so I might as well leave some kind of footprint outside of my shitposting on twitter for those who might possibly give a shit about me after I’m gone. It’s crazy to think about how fast time flies. One minute you’re with your friends on the other side of the coast joking about how you don’t want to make it to 30 and then damn, it becomes a very real possibility. Hell, I was just joking with someone I work with about how I don’t go to the doctor because I’m scared they’d find out I have cancer or something. Just my luck, right? I’m not really scared of the thought of not existing anymore. To be honest the past 5 or so years I’ve kind of just been coasting with no plans or future to look forward to. If anything, I’d rather be the one in this position than have it be a family member. I think the most painful thought is how insignificant I am. It’s ironic I spent my whole life well aware of how much I don’t matter and used it as an excuse to treat people however I wanted and do whatever I felt and now it’s what’s causing me the most mental traction. I know that the hard reality is that I’m going to fade from the thoughts of those I care about until I’m just a footnote in their stories. “That’s life!” - Johnny The Room
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