callaghanhealthcare · 4 years
Reconnecting with friends and family after lockdown
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Lockdown is being lifted in most parts of the country and people are trying to adjust to this new normal. Even with the current lockdown in the south part of Australia, restrictions are being lifted everywhere. While coronavirus cases are plummeting, we cannot take chances of being reckless. Everyone is excited to meet their friends and family, but we also need to follow some rules of precaution to stay safe. Ultimately, a small act of safety can not only save us but also our loved ones as well. 
Even after the second locked down in new south wales and victoria, borders are opening and restrictions are being lifted, the government asked us to stay safe. There are a few things everyone needs to see through before meeting people or go to gatherings. 
Precautions to take after Lockdown
The government has already sent the guidelines to every state and city to follow some simple rules in order to meet people for other works. Here are a few things we need to know before going out,
Limitation in the Outside public gathering
Even after the lockdown is lifted, there are few rules that need to be followed for public gatherings. Every state has different limitations ranging from 20 people to 100 people. Although, while attending the public gathering, everyone needs to wear a mask and keep a social distance. Following the rules and taking the precaution with essential safety products for covid 19 is also important. These restrictions are in place for parties in public places, games, and entertainment. 
Limitation on gathering at home or inside the venue
The government has advised people about hosting public gatherings or parties in a few states. There is a strict law that forbids any type of small party or gets together at any individual’s house or small venue. But as most states lifted the lockdown a while back, they are allowed to invite 10 to 20 people in their houses. They also need to keep a distance of 1.5 meters and wearing a mask is mandatory. 
Visiting a pub, cafe, or restaurant
Most restaurants and food courts are open across the country and while keeping the precautions in mind, there are not many limitations to visiting.  Every restaurant and cafe and other establishments that services food and drinks need to follow the covid 19 checklists. In some states, certain amount patrons are allowed to visit a small cafe and pub and in others, they need to maintain social distance. From 4 square meters, 2 secures meters to 1.5 meters in social distancing need to be maintained. Every guest needs to provide their contact information for contact tracing in the event of coronavirus cases.
Limitation on Visiting other states
Most states allow visitors from other states with some restrictions. Currently, the Queensland border is closed for new south wales residents and the South Australian part is open with screening. In some states, no permits are required to visit other states while other states require permits and 14 days quarantine period. Everyone wants to visit their friends and family in other states but the government urges them to take precautions and provide a valid reason to visit other states where covid 19 clusters are discovered. 
Limitation in wedding and funeral gathering
Visiting friends and family become the utmost priority in the event of wedding or funerals. While the government has issued a guideline that 300 people are allowed to attend weddings after 30 December, meanwhile there are some rules that need to be followed. Physical distancing is first priority in any event and one guest per 4 square meter distance needs to be maintained. Large venue with better ventilating or outside venue is preferable along with electronic check-ins are mandatory. 50 to 100 attendees are allowed in funerals with a 1.5-meter physical distance. While only 30 people are allowed in seating arrangements for funerals.
Australia has almost eradicated the coronavirus and we just need to be patients for a while to get this over with. Schools are open, shops and gyms are also regularly opened with few restrictions. The government has lifted lockdown but that doesn’t mean everything is back to normal and now is not the time to be reckless. Wear a mask and keep a physical distance for your own safety. 
Source Link : https://callaghnhelathcare.weebly.com/
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callaghanhealthcare · 4 years
10 Tips on How to Prevent Novel Coronavirus
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The only way to prevent corona is to be cautious and self diligence. Make sure to follow all the safety cations and clean your house and office space. Always buy Corona essentials from verified sellers like Callaghan health care and read the description before using it. Coronavirus is spreading like a wildfire all over the world and we can stop this at home by following simple rules and save ourselves and our loved one. Always get your news from official channels and don’t believe in false news and rumors. If you heard something which might affect you, check the internet and find the source and make sure its correct information before passing on.  
Novel Coronavirus is the biggest threat faced by humanity in the last century. For a country like ours where millions of tourist visits every year from all around the globe are highly at risk. Currently, we have seen numbers declining and the premier of victoria just gave a statement that currently they have zero cases of novel corona in the state and they are reopening. But this freedom comes with many precautions and preparation for a covid normal Australia. In order to maintain Covid free Australia, we need to take safeguard as well, here are some useful tips on how to prevent the coronavirus.
10 Tips on How to Prevent Novel Coronavirus
We have seen how cases could hike in a few days all over Australia even with all those precautions. Health care workers and the government is trying their best to handle this situation but we as a citizen could help them too. Here are some of the easiest and common ways to stay away from coronavirus.  
Wash Your Hand
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Coronavirus spreads rapidly from the hand and that’s why WHO and even the Australian department of health also provided public health advice on washing hands and hygiene. Washing hands with soap or sanitizer with 60% alcohol can kill Novel coronavirus. Make sure to wash your hands every time you go out or every time you touch anything else. 
Wear a Mask
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The easiest solution to prevent the spread of coronavirus is to wear a mask. Creating a homemade mask is easy and everyone is advised to wear one and not those which are meant for healthcare workers. Wearing a mask can stop the spread and protect you and your loved one from the virus. A homemade mask with multiple covers can stop the spread of Covid-19 and make sure to clean the mask after use. This mask is reusable which is better than others. If you are buying a mask from elsewhere, make sure that they are certified sellers.  
Avoid Close Contact
Coronavirus spreads by close contacts and the only way to stop that is to avoid contact with everyone or at least keep 6 feet distance. Avoid a big crowd and public gatherings and always keep a physical distance between two people. Avoiding close contact can reduce the case number and spread of the virus faster. Social distancing is the new normal and we need to follow it with vigilance.
Disinfect Surface
We cannot avoid some surfaces from touching like doorknobs or elevator buttons or at the office like a desk or electronic equipment. Always disinfect with soap water to clean the surface or use disinfector like bleach or alcohol solution with 70% v/v. It’s not possible to clean all the surfaces but we can at least clean our house and offices, so we don’t need to be cautious around these familiar places.
Avoid Traveling
We can disinfect surfaces at home and offices and keep the distance but while traveling, we have to be in a close environment with strangers. Not everyone follows the Covid-19 guidance and if someone is sick they wouldn’t know they could spread the virus. Make sure to wear gloves and a mask while traveling with extreme caution. Currently, we are opening our borders domestically and internationally so that we can go back to the normal lifestyle. Make sure to follow all the guidelines while traveling and take precautions. 
Cover coughs and sneezes
Novel coronavirus spreads from coughing and sneezing and it’s important to cover the face. Use the elbow to cover the face or tissue and always throw away the tissue and washcloths after. 
Don’t Touch Your Face
One of the hardest things to do is not to touch the face. Coronavirus can spread from the hand to face or gloves to face or mask to hand. Make sure to avoid touching your face and always wash your hand before using a mask and clean the mask after using it.
Monitor Your Health
Coronavirus has a different incubation period which means if anyone has the virus, they won’t even show any outside symptoms. Always take temperature and make sure you do not have a fever, cough, shortness of breath, or any other symptoms of Coronavirus. Monitor the temperature if it rises and never takes temperature after running or exercising.
If you are feeling sick and have all the symptoms then quarantine yourself immediately. If taking the corona test is not possible right away then keep yourself away from others and wear a mask.
Coronavirus Updates
Always stay updated with local news of coronavirus. Sometimes the government would lock down the area with few hours of notice or there would be a new outbreak nearby, make sure to watch the news and stay updated.
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callaghanhealthcare · 4 years
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Buy Covid-19 Essentials Online | CALLAGHAN HEALTH CARE
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