calumcriedwolf · 3 years
calumcriedwolf’s masterlist
**UPDATE as of 3/8/2021: this masterlist is full of broken links since i’ve changed my url. tbh i’m not rlly proud of these (they’re all from 2016/17) so i have no intention of updating the links. however, all of these fics can be found on my archive blog @calumcriedwolf. here’s to an end of an era <3**
i no longer write for 5 seconds of summer, but here are all my old works!
sleeping with strangers
what started as a potential one-night stand ended with what could be the start of a beautiful relationship (feat fratboy!cal)
song writing
this wasn’t how you were planning to spend your day with calum after he got back from tour, but that doesn’t make it any less special
an extremely short blurb based on this tweet
A S H T O N  
drunk confessions
drunk words are sober thoughts, right?
L U K E  
pasta & cuddles
luke comes home from a tiring day to you, who always seems to make his day better
one hell of an actor
breakup imagine! basically luke is an ass lol
M I C H A E L  
secrets | part two
you find out your husband michael is cheating on you but you have a secret of your own that you’ve been hiding from him that only further complicates things
here are my recs
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calumcriedwolf · 3 years
pasta & cuddles (luke hemmings)
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summary: luke comes home from a tiring day to you, who always seems to make his day better
category: fluff
word count: 672
a/n: so this started as a blurb but i kinda got too into it so now it’s a short imagine? or is it still a blurb? idk,, this is shorter than my other imagines but it’s full of f l u f f ! enjoy!
You were sitting on the couch while Luke was at work, eating some pasta and watching TV, until you heard the door open and looked over to see your boyfriend, Luke, stumbling in. You can tell he’s tired as he trudges from the door all the way to the couch, and flops right down next to you. You put your food down on the table in front of you and face him.
“Bad day?” You ask.
He simply nods as he scoots closer to you and rests his head on your shoulder. You immediately put your arms around him and try your best to be the big spoon, which is easier said than done due to his broad stature. “This is good,” he mumbles after a minute of silence. “Can we just stay like this… forever?”
You giggled as you kissed him on the forehead. “Sure, Luke.”
He sighs in return and was about to fall asleep on you before his stomach grumbled. “Aww, Luke! Let me get you something to eat.” You cooed.
“No! Stay…” He pleaded as he grabbed you before you could stand up.
You eyed the pasta you had put down earlier, then returned to your position beside Luke on the couch. “Fine, but you’re still eating.” You said.
“But I’m so tired…” He whined.
You grabbed the bowl in front of you and brought it back to the couch. You sat cross-legged on the couch and turned to face Luke. “C’mon, Luke eat up. Then you can go to sleep for however long you want.”
“Why can’t I eat after I sleep?”
“When did you have lunch?”
You were answered with another grumble from his stomach.
“I will feed you if I have to, Hemmings.”
Luke opened his mouth in response. You rolled your eyes at him as you lifted the fork and fed him some pasta. “You’re such a child.”
“But you love me!” He said with a mouth full of food.
“Swallow your food before you talk.”
Now it was his turn to roll his eyes at you. “Okay, Mum.”
You both laughed as you continued to feed him.
Once the bowl was empty, you stood up to go wash it, only to have Luke follow you into the kitchen. His arms snaked around your waist as you washed the bowl in the sink. He rested his chin on your shoulder and gently swayed you from side to side. Luke began to pepper kisses along your neck.  “Luke!! I’m trying to work here!” You whined, although you couldn’t stop the smile from forming on your face.
“Y/N!! I’m trying to love you here!” Luke mocked you.
As soon as you were finished, he picked you up by the waist and carried you to the bedroom, with you screeching along the way. He laid you gently on the bed before he walked over to the closet and began to change into a baggy t-shirt. You got yourself comfortable under the covers as you waited for him to join you.
Luke finally got under the covers and snuggled up with you. This time, he was the big spoon as he held you lovingly against his body. He kissed the top of your head and whispered, “I love you, Y/N.” into your ear. You smiled as you looked up and whispered, “I love you too, Luke.” back. He pecked you quickly on the lips, but you brought him back for a full kiss that satisfied the both of you.
And it was nights like this that Luke was so glad to have you in his life. Nights where he would come home from a frustrating day to find you waiting for him and brightening up his whole day. He appreciated you and loved you so much, yet he would never know how to express just how much you meant to him. And so, his day concluded and the last thing on his mind before his eyes fluttered closed and sleep took over his body was you.
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calumcriedwolf · 3 years
sleeping with strangers (calum hood)
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summary: what started as a potential one-night stand ended with what could be the start of a beautiful relationship (feat fratboy!cal)
category: fluff?
word count: 1.7k
a/n: there’s no smut in this lmao
One party. That’s all it took for you to break every promise you ever made to yourself. Your friend had been begging you to come to this party and after days of refusing, you finally gave in and that was the decision that changed everything.
1. I will not go to a party.
You never really went to parties. They just weren’t your scene. Who wants to go to houses full of sweaty bodies and alcohol? And yet here you were, putting on a dress you never would have worn otherwise, and caking on more makeup than you have ever worn.
2. I will not get drunk.
There was so much to be done the next day, you couldn’t possibly do it all with a hangover. But when your friend offered you a red solo cup filled with a mysterious mixed drink, you couldn’t turn them down. You told yourself it would be one drink. But one drink led to another and now the room was spinning and you could not even form a coherent thought.
3. I will not make out with a stranger.
Yet you found yourself playing intense tonsil hockey with a boy you had just met a mere two hours ago by the beer pong table. His body sandwiched you between him and the wall while his hands roamed your body. His tan skin was pressed against yours as your fingers found their way into his raven curls. You stayed that way for a while, your lips hungrily kissing the stranger, until you pulled away to break your next promise to yourself.
4. I will not go home with a stranger.
For some reason, you followed the stranger as he led you through the frat house and into, what you assumed to be, his bedroom.
You were now on his bed, with him hovering above you kissing down your neck.
5. I will not sleep with a stranger.
The make-out session had kept you away from the alcohol long enough for you to feel yourself sobering up a bit (you were still incredibly drunk- but at least you could think clearly now) and when you realized what was happening and how far this could go, you immediately stopped and tried to push the boy on top of you off. 
“Wait, wait stop.”
“What’s wrong? Did I do something?” The boy asked.
You stood up and walked away from the bed. He now sat up and followed you with his eyes. You shook your head. “No, no, I just… I don’t want to do this.”
“Hey, I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable.”
“No, you didn’t do anything I just…”
You thought long and hard about what you could say to get out of this bedroom as quick as you could.
“I’m a virgin and I don’t want to lose it to a one-night stand.” You quickly blurted out.
Well, it was the truth and boys do freak out whenever they hear the word virgin.
The boy stared at you blankly before saying, “Well… What if I wanted to be more than a one-night stand?”
You froze, not knowing how to respond. “W-Well, like I said,” You stuttered, now suddenly nervous. “I’m not losing my virginity to a one-night stand.”
“Wait, no that’s not what I meant to say,” the boy became flustered. “I’m not gonna sleep with you if you don’t want to but I would really like to get to know you.”
You looked at him with surprise all over your face.
“What?” He asked.
“I just didn’t think you’d take no for an answer.”
“What? Just because I’m a fratboy, doesn’t make me a fuckboy.”
You both laughed at his comment.
“No but seriously, I would like to get to know you.”
You raised your eyebrows. “It didn’t seem like it a moment before.”
“Okay first, I just tried to talk to you and then you started kissing me and it just escalated form there.” He raised his hands in defense. “I thought it was what you wanted! And I am a lady pleaser.” He winked.
You rolled your eyes at his charm. You began to walk towards the door, but he quickly stood up and walked over to you.
“Hey, hey! Where are you going?” 
“I want to go home, now if you’ll excuse me…”
“You’re still drunk, I can’t let you drive like this! Stay with me, we don’t have to do anything, we could just talk.” He paused for a bit before continuing, “Aaaand I just said I wanted to get know you more and you’re just gonna walk out on me?” He said with mock hurt.
“Trust me…” You trailed off, drawing a blank on his name.
“You forgot my name already?” he laughed. You sheepily nodded. “It’s Calum.” He smiled.
“Trust me, Calum. You do not want to know drunk Y/N, she is a mess.”
“Well I already know she’s a good kisser. Why not learn some more?”
You felt a blush creep on your cheeks. You knew he was right; you couldn’t drive home drunk. And there was no harm in staying just for tonight, right?
“Alright, Calum. You have one night to learn all you can about Y/N Y/L/N.”
It was now hours after the party had ended. The thumping music that once echoed throughout the fraternity was now replaced by silence. You had changed out of your incredibly tight and uncomfortable dress and into one of Calum’s t-shirts.
So now you and Calum were now comfortably cuddling in his bed, both completely sober. You rested your head on his bicep as his arm was draped around your body, his fingers resting on your hip. You had your arm over his chest, hugging him from the side and feeling his every breath.
“You did what?!” You laughed.
“I went streaking around campus for 10 minutes!” He said.
“You had no other option?!”
“Um, yeah the other one was not get into this frat!” He laughed.
“Man, you really wanted to get in huh?”
“Yeah… I’m surprised no one stopped me. It was a really long time and everything was on display.”
You giggled at him. “I never understood the Greek life.”
“Oh, so what are you into?”
You thought about it for a second. “Hmm…” You hummed. “I don’t really know, I’m not that involved. I really just stay home and do my work.”
“Ugh! That’s so boring! You’ve got to let me take you out some time! Show you everything life has to offer.”
You smiled at the thought of Calum taking you out. “I don’t know, Hood. You and I are very different people.”
“Oh relax, I’m not gonna take you to a club or anything, unless you want to, but I mean like, going around the city, just to get you out of your dorm for a little while.”
You thought about it for a little bit. “That would be nice, actually.”
“So what else do you do besides your work?”
“Uhh… study?”
“Are you serious?”
“What?” You laughed.
“So you’re telling me that you actually stay in your dorm 90% of the time? Like you don’t go out at all?”
“No! I have no reason to. I mean I guess it’s a habit to just study in my free time.”
“A habit?” 
“Oh yeah, I was a total nerd back in high school. I always had my nose in a book, these huge glasses, braces, and acne! Ughh!” You shuddered.
“I can’t even imagine you as a nerd.”
“There’s a reason you don’t see me at these parties, Hood. I’m always at home studying.”
“Damn, can’t relate. I can never just sit down and study, school was never my forte.”
“Oh, yeah? What was?”
“Music. I love music.”
“No way!” You rolled over and were practically on top of him to look at him in the eyes. “Calum Hood, tall, muscular fratboy, a musician?! And people say perfect boys don’t exist!”
Calum blushed at your comment.
“Yeah, I play the bass in a band with my mates.”
“You’ve got to play for me sometime! I’d love to hear it!”
This made Calum smile from ear to ear. He quickly pecked you on the nose and you blushed, hiding your face in his chest. You could feel his chest move up and down as he chuckled.
“Why are you so weird about that? A few hours ago, my tongue was literally down your throat.”
“I don’t know… this is just different…”
“What about this?”
He cut you off by capturing your lips in his plump ones. He cupped your face gently and sat up so the both of you weren’t in an awkward position. It took you a second to realize what was going on before you started kissing him back. Your hands made their way to the back of his neck as you pulled him closer. His lips were soft and you could faintly taste the alcohol from hours before. The kiss was slow and passionate, unlike the heated make-out session from before. And you couldn’t get enough of it.
Once you both pulled away, you leaned your forehead on his as both of you caught your breath.
“Yeah, that was really different.” You said, answering his question from before.
He smiled. “Well now I know sober Y/N kisses even better.”
You bit your lip to keep yourself from smiling too hard.
You both stared into each other’s eyes for a while, before you pulled him towards you once more and reconnected your lips. He let out a little laugh before kissing you back. Your hands began toying with his hair and his arms now held you tightly around your waist.
Eventually you both had to pull away because the grins on your faces made it too awkward for you two to kiss. 
“I feel a good thing coming.” You whispered.
“Me too.” Calum whispered back.
Technically, you did break your promise of sleeping with a stranger, but it was an entirely different type of sleep. The kind of sleep where you stay up too late talking about each other’s lives. The kind of sleep where you are cuddled in each other’s arms; legs tangled under the covers. The kind of sleep where you knew you would have something great to wake up to the next day. The kind of sleep you haven’t had in so long; and you weren’t about to let go of it anytime soon.
a/n: I am the nerd the nerd is me. I would study and not go to parties this is m e ! shoutout to all the other nerds out there! also yes i know they would be puking from all that alcohol and they’d probably pass out or something but this is cuter so let’s just pretend… okay? thanks.
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calumcriedwolf · 3 years
secrets - part two (michael clifford)
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summary: after all the secrets have been spilled, michael and y/n must figure out a way to move forward and try to repair their marriage
category: angst/fluff
word count: 2.3k
a/n: here’s part 2 to secrets, not v proud of this, but part 1 was incomplete so…
read part one here
You had just hung up your call with Y/F/N before you opened the door only to be face-to-face with a wide-eyed and out of breath Michael.
“Hey Mich-” You began to greet but he cut you off with a sentence that drained all the color from your face.
“You’re pregnant.”
Your breath got caught in your throat and your eyes widened as well. “How did you…” You trailed off.
“I heard you and Y/F/N. Why didn’t you tell me, Y/N?”
“What do you mean you heard me and Y/F/N?” You asked, completely ignoring his second question.
Michael paused, realizing he got caught. How to talk his way out of this one…
“I- I-” He stuttered out. 
You scoffed. “I knew I shouldn’t have used the house phone.”
Great going, Michael. He scolded himself.
You angrily turned around and walked back into the bedroom, shutting the door on your way in. But Michael was quick to catch the door before it closed and followed you.
“Y/N, why didn’t you tell me?! You’re my wife.” 
“Oh, really? ‘Cause it hasn’t been feeling like it!”
“What are you talking about?!” Michael said, even though he knew exactly what you were talking about.
“How could you possibly think I didn’t know?! Michael, you come home late every night, and every night you have a new mark on your neck or a new scent clinging to your clothes. Don’t you dare play dumb now.”
Michael couldn’t deny this. He ran his hands through his hair in frustration. “I’m sorry, Y/N.” he said weakly. 
You scoffed. “A little late for that don’t you think?”
He looked at you with sad eyes. You could’ve dropped the issue right there and then. But then your hand traveled to your stomach and you remembered why you couldn’t do that.
“Why were you eavesdropping on me anyway? I should be the one invading your privacy with all of your… extracurricular activities.” You sneered.
Michael opened and closed his mouth, as if contemplating whether or not to say what was on his mind. In the end, he just gave up and blurted, “Because this fight didn’t happen sooner.”
“I saw you. I saw you find that lingerie under the bed. And you didn’t yell at me. I had to know why.”
“You knew?!” You exclaimed, starting to get angry. “You knew that I knew, yet you played dumb and dared to hold me after you knew, you knew, what you did!”
“I- I wanted to pretend it didn’t happen!”
“But it did!” You breathed, voice getting louder.
“Michael, you have been cheating on me for God knows how long yet you still come home everyday acting as if nothing is wrong. How do you even live with yourself? When you’re out there, do you even think of me? Does the thought of me, your wife whom you’ve promised to spend the rest of your life with, ever cross your mind? Am I even in the back of your mind while you’re out there giving your all to another woman?” You shouted with tears flooding your eyes.
Michael didn’t know how to answer. His gaze remained on the floor as he let his tears slip off his cheeks and onto the carpet.  
You sat on the edge of the bed as you shook your head in disapproval once you realized you weren’t getting a response. You closed your eyes and let the tears roll down your cheeks. 
There was an uncomfortable silence for a few minutes. Michael stared at the floor while you stared at the ceiling. None of you dared to look at each other. Finally, Michael cleared his throat and croaked, “I still wished you would’ve told me.”
You shook your head and scoffed. 
Michael ignored your reaction and continued. “We’ve been wanting to start a family ever since we got married, Y/N. This should be good news. We should’ve been jumping up and down once we found out. And n-now,” he hiccuped. “I might not even be here for the gender reveal.”
You let a single tear roll down your cheek. You sniffled before replying.
“Well, you already heard me talk to Y/F/N over the phone so you already know my plan. You have seven months. Think you can keep your dick in your pants until then?”
He looked up at you, surprised at your response. “You’re still giving me a chance?”
“Michael the only thing that has changed between now and the conversation I had with Y/F/N is there was a fight we both saw coming.” You paused before saying, “You’re still my dream boy, Michael.” You whispered softly. “I still want that future we talked about all those drunken college nights. I still want you to be in my life. I still want a family with you.” You bit your lip. Tears were freely flowing down your cheeks. And when you looked over at Michael, there was a river coming down his eyes too. 
“But I can only take so much.” You continued. “Do you know how much it hurts to see the one person you trust wholly and fully break every promise they ever made to you? Michael, you keep hurting me over and over again and soon there won’t be anything left to hurt.”
Out of instinct, Michael began to walk over towards you to hug you, but you backed away before he got the chance. And in that moment, you could’ve sworn you heard his heart break. 
“Y/N, there is nothing I want more than to make this up to you and be a part of your’s and our baby’s life. It’s my dream to start a family with you, it always has been. I swear I will not even look at another woman, as long as I have you and that little peanut in your belly right now.”
Goddammit, why does he have to be so cute right now?
You stared at him a bit before getting up from your position on your bed.
“I’m tired, Mikey. I want to go to bed.” You weakly whispered.
Michael instantly felt better after hearing you call him by a nickname. Even though he knew you wanted him to take the couch, he felt better knowing at least you weren’t as mad as before.
“I’ll sleep on the couch tonight.” He said softly, even though you both already knew that. 
Once he reached the hallway outside the bedroom, he turned around and whispered, “I love you, Y/N.”
You simply nodded before closing the door and going to bed.
It’s been a couple of months since the fight with Michael occurred. You were now showing and although the bump wasn’t that big, people could definitely tell you were pregnant. 
Michael had kept his word and was trying extremely hard to win you over again. He came home straight after work everyday, even if the boys were going out, he would always come home to you. He spent most, if not all, his free time with you; tending to your needs, keeping you company, and it finally felt like you got your husband back.
Until today. Michael was taking a shower when his phone went off. His phone was right beside you, so you took a quick glance at it only to see a text from someone named Jessica saying, “Heyy… come over later? ;)” followed by an image.
You didn’t even need to open the image to know what it was. In the moment, you were so blinded by your emotions and rage that as soon as he came down from the shower, you started a huge argument with Michael and gave him no chance to explain. Hurtful words were thrown this way and that way, things were being tossed and broken, shouts echoed across the house. In the end, Michael had enough and slammed the door on his way out. You heard his car start and saw the shadows as he sped out to God knows where, while you were sitting on the couch, broken photo frames besides you and tears streaming down your face.
You thought about the argument over and over and realized how excessive you had been. You didn’t even give him a chance to explain himself. There could have been a perfect explanation for what had happened yet you were so blind with rage that you ignored any other conclusion.
For a while, you blamed it on your pregnancy and how you were more emotional than usual. But then you realized that you would’ve jumped to the same conclusion even if you weren’t pregnant. But still- you had plenty of reasons to think Michael was back to his old ways. Perhaps he was getting tired of you, or maybe this is a habit he simply couldn’t break. Either way, you didn’t know if or when he was coming back and until then, you would never know the whole story because you didn’t sit down and listen to him. 
Michael didn’t come home that night. And you didn’t get much sleep. You stayed at your position on the couch rethinking the situation over and over again. And once you were done replaying the argument, your mind wandered to where Michael could’ve gone. Is he okay? Did he get hurt? Or is he with that bitch Jessica? You were filled with so many emotions it was impossible to sleep. All you could think about was Michael.
The door opened at 6 AM. You immediately looked over to see a sleepy Michael walk in. You were instantly relieved to see him okay. You got up and slowly walked towards him while he was taking off his shoes. He stood back up and saw you standing there and was taken aback.
“Y/N! I didn’t know you were awake.”
You said nothing as you unzipped his coat and studied his neck. After seeing nothing, you pulled back a bit of his shirt surprised to be met with no new marks.
“Y/N- What are you looking fo- oh.” Michael realized what you were searching for and it broke his heart.
He took off his coat, hung it on the rack then turned around to face you. Your eyes were sad, with large bags underneath them.
He gently took your hands in his and said, “Y/N, I didn’t do anything. I went to Luke’s yesterday to blow off some steam,” he paused for a bit. “It’s not what you think.”
You immediately started crying and Michael brought you into a hug. “I’m so sorry, Michael.” You sobbed into his shoulder. “I should’ve let you explain.” He shushed you and held you tightly against his body as he stroked your hair. He led the both of you towards the couch. You stared at each other before he cleared his throat. 
“So um… that text you saw?”
You nodded.
“It was from a girl from before… Y/N I swear I would never do that again and I promise you I have lived up to my promise. I haven’t talked to her in months and I guess she got lonely so…”
You sighed and shook your head. “I still should have let you explain yesterday.”
“No Y/N, I understand how it looks. I’m just so sorry you immediately thought that because of my past… mess ups.”
“You swear you have not been doing anything the past few months?”
Michael took out his phone and handed it to you with the messaging app open. You scrolled through and saw that he indeed has not been texting any other women and the last conversation he had with Jessica was months before the confrontation. Satisfied, you passed his phone back and he made sure you saw him delete Jessica’s contact. 
“Y/N, I am 100% serious about you and our family and I 100% want to make this up to you. I know it will take a lot of time but I am determined to get what we once had again. I love you, Y/N and I miss you. I miss the you that had no worries and no insecurities and it hurts so much to know that I am the one who made you this way. I want what you want: to fix this marriage.”
His speech made you smile as you took his hands in yours and squeezed them. 
“That is what you want, right?” He questioned.
You let out a small laugh before reassuring him with, “Yes, Mikey. More than anything.”
This made Michael smile at you with the biggest grin you’ve seen in a while. He slowly brought his face closer to you and captured your lips in a short, sweet kiss.
“I love you, Mike.” you breathed once you pulled away.
“I love you too, Y/N. So much.”
Fast forward a year later and you were sitting in the living room with your husband and baby girl. You and Michael were back to how it used to be, a loving couple in a healthy relationship. You saved your marriage and raised a beautiful daughter in the process.
Michael completely gave up his former life style of clubbing and women and now spent all of his time with the family he loved more than anything in the world. He was a perfect husband to you and an even better father to your daughter. He would always be there for the two of you and was supportive in every way. 
You were completely content with your life. You had your husband back, and you bounced a healthy baby in your lap as you listened to her giggles. You had everything you could ever ask for. A perfect family, living together with the perfect life. Everything you could ever wish for your daughter.
You were snapped out of your trance when Michael took your daughter out of your lap and began to kiss her all over her face.
“Hey baby girl!” He cooed. She smiled in response and giggled at her father. “I love you so much.” Michael sincerely said as he continued to attack her with kisses. 
You couldn’t help but laugh at the sight in front of you.
Everything was finally falling into place. Everything was perfect.
a/n: I am so bad at writing fights I am so sorry. Anyways! There’s a happy ending for ya! I was actually gonna make Y/N a single mother but I was like nah let’s make it happy. That was part two to secrets! I hope I did it justice and I hope you all liked it!
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calumcriedwolf · 3 years
secrets (michael clifford)
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summary: you find out your husband michael is cheating on you but you have a secret of your own that you’ve been hiding from him that only further complicates things
category: angst
word count: 1.5k
a/n: this is one of my faves :)
It wasn’t like you didn’t know. Michael hadn’t been very discreet; coming home late with lipstick stains and hickeys you didn’t leave, smelling like expensive perfumes you didn’t own, receiving suggestive texts you didn’t send. So you didn’t know why you broke down crying after finding lingerie that definitely wasn’t yours under your’s and Michael’s shared bed. You knew your husband was cheating on you. You had known for a while now. But this, this was the first confirmation you got. Everything else was simply circumstantial evidence. But this crumpled up lingerie was definitely not a surprise Michael was planning to give you. So you broke down.
Michael said he was going to be at the studio for the day. You were expecting the house to be empty, which is why you didn’t feel Michael’s gaze as he watched you pick up the lingerie by the smallest string and throw it in the trash with a forceful swing. He came back home to surprise you with lunch, only to be greeted by your sobs and broken heart as he peeked through the small crack of your bedroom door.  You sat on the floor with your back against the bed, head in your hands as sobs racked through your body. Hot tears streaming down your cheeks and whimpers escaping your lips. Michael hadn’t seen you this upset since before the wedding and he felt an ache in his heart.
Of course he still cared for you. He tried to convince himself everyday that you were all he needed and all of his vows were still true. But every night, he would be met with a new woman with a new adventure and he just couldn’t help himself. In the morning he would hate himself for it; but at night, he couldn’t stop himself.
He looked back at you feeling horrible knowing he was causing you this pain. He knew he had to confront you. This had gone on long enough and he had been horrible to you. To his wife. He knew this confrontation would lead to him promising to stop, and he knew he was going to regret it later, but he went into the room nonetheless.
He decided to play dumb.
“Y/N!” he gasped. “What’s wrong?” 
He rushed over to your side, taking a moment to decide whether or not he should hold you. He slowly wrapped his arms around you, afraid you’d just push him away. But instead, you wiped your tears and looked up at Michael with a weak smile. 
“Nothing, Michael.” 
You moved away from him, stood up, and started walking towards the door. With your back facing him, Michael didn’t know what you were feeling. More importantly, he didn’t know how to react.
He decided not to push it as he heard you take a deep breath and turn around to face him. “Why aren’t you at the studio?”
“I- I came back with lunch.” Michael stuttered. 
“Mmm, great!” You turned on your heel and walked out of the room. Leaving Michael at the foot of the bed, as confused as ever.
The next day, when Michael was actually gone, you called your best friend over to inform her of your situation. You had told her of your suspicions so she knew of Michael’s infidelity, and you really needed someone to talk to at this moment.
“You said what?!”
 “I told him it was nothing.”
Your best friend looked at you with a confused face before stuttering out, “Wha- I- Why?!”
She stared at you, waiting for you to continue. You sighed in response when you couldn’t find the proper words to describe to her the situation. 
“Y/N, you can’t just let him keep hurting you like this. You have so many reasons to believe he’s cheating on you, and you just found a huge piece of evidence that can’t be denied, so it’s not like you’re about to approach him with a stupid hunch! He’s hurt you long enough, Y/N, and you can’t keep brushing it under the rug like it’s nothing. This isn’t what marriage is supposed to be like!”
You shakily sighed. “I know.” Tears brimmed your eyes, and Y/F/N noticed. 
“Oh Y/N…”
She brought you into a hug as you sobbed into her shoulder. “I’m so scared, Y/F/N.”
“I know, but it will be worth it in the end,” she pulled you away from her to look you in the eye. “Just imagine, no heartbreak, no stress, no Michael hogging the sheets in the morning.”
You cracked a smile as she let out a small giggle.
“But I don’t know if I’m ready to leave him…”
“Y/N, maybe you won’t have to. I mean, I’m just asking you to confront him about this and maybe you two could work things out. I personally think you should leave him, but I know how much marriage means to you and I’ll respect whatever decision you make.”
“You’re the best, you know that?” You smiled through your tears.
Y/F/N beamed at you and hugged you once more. 
“But… in the case you should get a divorce, I will be here every step of the way. I mean it should be easier since you don’t have any kids connecting you two, right?”
Your gaze dropped. 
Y/F/N noticed and pressed, “Right, Y/N?” 
Your lip began to quiver and the tears were back again, confirming your friend’s thoughts. “Oh no, Y/N.”
“I should be happy about this! Why aren’t I happy about this?!” You sobbed.
“Oh Y/N, this just makes things more complicated… But it’s okay! How far along are you?”
“Two months.”
“Well now you just gotta think about three people’s future instead of two. What’s best for the baby?”
“He or she needs their father.”
“I knew you were gonna say that.”
“But I need my space from Michael.”
“That is also true.”
“I don’t know what to do, Y/F/N!” You cried out, grabbing your hair in frustration.
“We’ll figure this out, Y/N. You’re not alone. I’ll be here for you. Always.”
A few weeks had passed since Y/F/N had found out about your pregnancy. And you still had not said a word to Michael. Of course Michael had noticed you being distant and he knew exactly why. But he wasn’t willing to bring it up only for you to explode at him. He was just too scared. And so were you. 
You had no idea what to do. You wanted your baby to live with their two parents and have a perfect family and a perfect life and you knew that wasn’t going to happen. The closest thing to that would require you giving up your own happiness. But you’ve thought about it and realized that you would give up anything for your child to be happy. The only reason you’ve hesitated is because you’re scared that Michael would hurt your child as much as he hurt you.
The past few weeks were far too suspicious for Michael to not be curious. He had to know what was going on in your mind. So when you called Y/F/N on the house phone because your cell phone ran out of battery, he picked up the phone in the kitchen to listen in on your conversation. He knew it was wrong to be eavesdropping, but there was something going on with you and he was getting to the bottom of it. 
For twenty minutes, he listened to you and Y/F/N talk about each other’s days and laugh at a few jokes. He didn’t hear anything worth noting, so he was about to hang up the phone before he heard, “So, have you told Michael yet?”
He immediately put the phone near his ear to hear your response. 
“No… not yet.”
“Well have you decided what you were going to do?”
“Yeah, I think I have.”
He could hear you sigh over the phone.
“I’m going to tell Michael about the baby.”
“I’m going to give him a chance to clean up his act and be a part of the baby’s life. I don’t want them to grow up without a father, you know?”
“You don’t have to justify yourself, Y/N, I totally get it.”
“But I will leave Michael if I have to. If it’s what’s best for me and the baby.”
Michael’s heart was beating out of his chest as he heard the news. He’s going to be a dad. The mother was questioning to even stay with him and he had to find out by eavesdropping. How had he fucked up so badly?
He could hear you and your friend exchanging goodbyes and he hung up the phone quickly and raced up the stairs to your bedroom. You had just hung up your call with Y/F/N before you opened the door only to be face-to-face with a wide-eyed and out of breath Michael. 
“Hey Mich-” You began to greet but he cut you off with a sentence that drained all the color from your face.
“You’re pregnant.”
here is part two
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calumcriedwolf · 3 years
drunk confessions (ashton irwin)
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summary: drunk words are sober thoughts, right? after coming home from a party, some drunk confessions are revealed that only strengthen your’s and ashton’s relationship
category: fluff
word count: 1.2k
a/n: This may turn out to be rubbish because it is literally the first imagine I’ve written in almost a year, but bare with me as I try and start writing again :) Also, I have no idea what it feels like to be drunk so this may be inaccurate af but oh well I wanted to write and this is the idea I came up with. ❤ 
Ashton’s strong arms held on to you as you leaned on him and stumbled into your shared apartment. You were completely drunk and were incapable of doing even the simplest tasks. Your boyfriend had to physically drag you out of the party before you could pass out from all the alcohol. But you were finally in the safety of your home and Ashton could finally put you to sleep. 
“Okay, let’s take off your heels, yeah?” Ashton said. 
“Mmm…” You replied as you sloppily slid off the heels from your aching feet. 
You almost fell because of your imbalance but Ashton caught you as you giggled. 
He couldn’t help but crack a smile. 
“C’mon Y/N let’s get you to bed.”
He gently took your hand and guided you towards the bedroom.
“You want me to go to bed with you?” You slurred. “That’s gross! I have a boyfriend!”
“I’m sure your boyfriend would want you to be safe and in bed.” He chuckled. 
By now you’ve reached the bedroom and Ashton was ushering you inside and getting you to sit on the bed. But he completely failed and you ended up being sprawled across the entire bed; but hey, at least you were in bed, right?
“My boyfriend is the best…” You mumbled. 
“Oh really?” Ashton laughed. “He thinks you’re the best too.”
“Awwww thaaaanks!”
You rolled over onto your stomach, now laying on the very end of the bed. 
“You know, my boyfriend is so sweet. He’s the cutest and he always does these cute little gestures for me and ugh, he’s so perfect.” You rambled so lowly Ashton could barely hear you. 
“I’m in love with him.” You then stated matter-of-factly. 
Ashton paused. This was the first time either of you had said the L-word, and you were saying it while you were drunk? Did you really mean it?
Suddenly, you gasped. “Oh my god I’ve never said that out loud before.”
You lifted up your head to look at the blurry figure you had no idea was your boyfriend. You lifted a finger up to your lips and said, “Shhh…. Don’t tell him…. You’ll scare him!”
Ashton nodded but said nothing. You then sighed and exasperatedly said, “I wanna sleep.”
“Okay.” Ashton whispered. 
He repositioned you on the bed so that you could be comfortable. Once he was done, he came up to your face and said, “Y/N, I’m gonna undress you so you can sleep, okay? This dress must be so uncomfortable.” He murmured that last part. 
When you didn’t answer, he slowly began to unzip your dress, but as soon as he did so, you began to whine. 
“What are you doing? Do you want to see me naked? I told you I have a boyfriend!”
“Y/N, Y/N relax. I am your boyfriend.”
“No, no! You’re just saying that!”
At this point you began to cry. “Ashton!” You called out. 
Ashton gently cupped your face with one hand and held your hand with the other. “Y/N. Y/N….” He cooed. You were still whining, so he gently captured your lips in his and slowly kissed you. You began to immediately relax at his touch and moaned, “Mmm… Ashton.”
He pulled away and you fell asleep instantly. He finished taking your dress off and decided that he wasn’t going to attempt putting clothes on you while you were sleeping. He pulled the covers up and tucked you in like a little kid. Ashton pressed a longing kiss on your forehead then turned out the light. 
He took the couch that night and left you to have the entire bed. But the entire night he was thinking about what you said. 
Does she really love me?
She’s drunk, Ash she doesn’t know what she’s talking about.
But drunk words are sober thoughts, right?
Do I love her?
He began to think about his feelings for you. How every time he sees your smile he gets this rush of happiness spreading through his veins. How your laugh gives him an entire zoo inside his stomach. And how when he holds you in his arms, it feels like he’s holding everything that’s beautiful and precious in the world. But was that truly love?
The next morning, Ashton rose up bright and early. He took a cup of water and some aspirin up to your room and set them on the counter next to your bed. He sat down next to you and studied you. How peaceful you looked. And how he so eagerly wanted to kiss you right then and there and wake you up. 
But when you wake up, would you even remember last night? Would you remember your confession to him? Would you still feel the same?
He tucked some loose hair behind your hair and you began to stir. Ashton’s heart rate rose seeing you closer to waking up. He didn’t know what was worse: you remembering what you said last night or you forgetting everything about last night. Either way, he had no idea how to handle it. 
Your eyes flickered opened and you immediately groaned from your pounding headache. 
“Yes, baby?”
“Never. Ever. Allow me to drink that much again.”
Ashton laughed as he handed you the water and pills. 
You downed everything and immediately went back under the covers. You slid over to Ashton leaned on him from underneath and groaned again. Ashton lifted the covers and got underneath them with you and began to hold you in his arms. The two of you cuddled for a bit before you spoke up and asked, “Ash? What happened last night?”
Oh. She doesn’t remember. 
“Uh. Well…” He trailed off awkwardly. “We went to Mike’s party and you got shitfaced drunk. You went all crazy and started dancing all over the place.”
“Oh no…”
“Oh, yes.” Ashton laughed. “And um. You were puking outside and I was trying to take you home, but you wanted to stay and said you could handle your alcohol.”
“Psh. Clearly not.”
“And then we got home… And you didn’t know I was your boyfriend. And you kept on gushing about how awesome I was.”
“I did not!”
“Yes, you did!”
You squealed from embarrassment as you hid your face in his chest. 
And then you told me you loved me.
“What else?” You asked.
The words were on the very tip of Ashton’s tongue. He was mentally battling himself going back and forth of whether or not he should just say it. But in the end, he leaned down and kissed you. 
I love her… lips on mine. 
I love her body against mine.
I love her hair.
I love her smile.
I love her laugh. 
I love… her. 
Ashton broke away from the kiss and stared longingly into your eyes. 
“No. Nothing else. You were really just a funny drunk.”
You laughed and once again hid your face in his chest. 
God she is so cute. 
You looked back up to see him staring down on you with the biggest grin on his face. “What?” You giggled. 
“I just… I just really love you.”
You didn’t hesitate to reply with a firm, “I love you, too.” a split second later. 
The two of you immediately engaged into another kiss that ended with smiles as big as they can be. 
Wow. She really meant it.  
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calumcriedwolf · 3 years
one hell of an actor (luke hemmings)
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summary: breakup imagine; “are you sure you’re a singer? because you’re one hell of an actor.”
category: angst… but not rlly
word count: 641
a/n: this is easily my worst fic ever, i literally hate it so much but i guess 14 year old me liked it so i’m reposting it for her
Luke had been on tour for almost a year now so you decided it was time to fly out and visit him. You two have been dating for a few months, but you felt as if you could have known each other for a lifetime. Both of you had clicked instantly and the past few months had felt like a dream.
You decided to make this visit a surprise, so no one knew you were coming (except for management of course, as you had to get permission). The taxi went to the address you told them and you soon saw yourself staring at the door of Luke’s hotel room.
You weren’t expecting a cliché reunion, with you guys running up to each other and hugging as tight as hugs can get, but you were met with another unexpected surprise. You could hear Luke talking through the door and you leaned in to hear.
“Yeah, I’m not really as into it as she is, you know?” His familiar voice said.
“What do you mean?” Michael.
“Well, she’s a bit clingy to me I don’t know. And she’s moving things way faster than they should go.”
Wait, what? Is he… is he talking about me?
“Really? Y/n doesn’t seem like the type of person who would be like that.” Calum said.
Yup. Definitely me…
“Well she’s kinda inexperienced, so I dont really blame her. She doesn’t know how things are supposed to be.”
“Have you talked to her?” Ashton asked.
“No. It doesn’t matter anyways. As soon as my ex gets jealous and wants me back, y/n will be gone.”
Oh my god.
You immediately backed away from the door. And leaned against the opposite wall.
Did he really just say that? He was faking it this whole time? He was just using me to get his ex back.
Before you knew it tears were falling down your face one by one and they continued falling until you were full on sobbing. You didn’t even realize the door was open until you saw Luke standing in front of you.
“Y/n I-”
You just shook your head and ran.
“No wait!” Luke chased after you.
Tears were blurring your vision and you had no idea where you were going- you just had to get away from Luke.
But it was no use. Luke caught up to you (damn his long legs) and grabbed you by the arm.
“Don’t Luke.” You said, voice cracking. “I heard what you said there’s nothing you can say that will change the fact that you were just using me.”
Luke sighed.
“I really care for you.”
“No you don’t!” You shouted and violently got your arm out of his grasp. “No, Luke! If you cared for me you would’ve never done this to me. You wouldn’t have pretended all of this time. You wouldn’t have just used me like that!”
Luke ran his hand through his hair. “You’re right, I was a total ass. But y/n, please. Just think about it before you leave me for good. I love you.”
You bitterly laughed. “Now you just want me to take you back so everything can go back to your perfect little plan of getting your ex back! And you still have the audacity to say that to me? After you’ve pretended all of this time?”
You looked straight into his eyes and said, “Are you sure you’re a singer? Because you’re one hell of an actor.”
You didn’t need to hear what he was about to say. So you just turned around and walked away.
As soon as Luke was out of sight, you called a taxi to drive you to the airport. You bought a ticket home and never got a single call, text, or message from Luke ever again.
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calumcriedwolf · 3 years
song writing (calum hood)
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summary: this wasn’t how you were planning to spend your day with calum after he got back from tour, but that doesn’t make it any less special
category: fluff
word count: 759
a/n: this is my first fic EVER so it’s kinda trash… 
The messy, but warm, sheets beside you indicated that Calum had gotten up not too long ago and was probably eating breakfast. But when you stumbled into the kitchen only to find it empty, you began to worry. Calum had just gotten back from tour and the two of you were planning to spend the day together to catch up for the lost times.
But as you began to hear the soft strums of a guitar, you already knew where he was. You headed to the music room (or as he liked the call it, “his sanctuary”) to find Calum in the middle of writing a song. You knocked on the door to tell him you were there and greeted him with a, “Morning Cal.”
He looked up from his notes and smiled at you. “Morning, babe.”
“Have you eaten yet?”
“No. After I finish this song, we can go out to eat and spend the rest of the day together, how’s that sound?”
You smiled and said, “Sounds great.”
Calum went back to work and you left him alone.
After hours of snacking and binge watching your favorite TV show, you realized it was one o’ clock and Calum still hadn’t finished his song. Knowing he’d be hungry by now, you made him a grilled cheese sandwich and brought it into the music room.
“Calum, it’s one already and you still haven’t eaten yet!” You said as you entered the room.
Calum groaned and turned towards you. “I had a great idea for a song but now, I just don’t know what to do with it and ugh.”
You sat down next to him. “Well you can’t make great songs on an empty stomach! Eat up.” You said as you slid the grilled cheese towards him.
He lightly chuckled and mumbled a “Thanks y/n.”
A comfortable silence fell upon the both of you before you asked, “Can I see what you have so far?”
When it came to song writing, Calum would usually keep his ideas to himself; so it surprised you when he handed his papers over towards you and whispered, “Please help.”
You read through his notes and saw that he had a beautiful melody going on and insightful lyrics. He was only struggling to find verses and the instrumental parts of the song.
“Calum, this sounds amazing! Well- I haven’t actually heard it yet but the lyrics flow so well and-“
“No y/n, it sounds bad. I just, I don’t know how to put what I’m thinking on to paper.”
You stared at him skeptically. “Alright then. Play it and let me see how ‘bad’ it sounds.”
So he did. He picked up his guitar and strummed the beginning of his song, which sounded pretty good if you did say so yourself.
“I don’t see what’s wrong with it…”
He sighed and played it slower.
This time, although it still sounded great, the chords didn’t transition very well and you could see where he needed to change.
“What about instead of that chord right there,” you said, pointing to Calum’s paper. “You play this chord.” You pointed to a chord he previously played.
Calum’s eyebrows furrowed as he played what you told him and smiled when the music became more smooth after that chord change. “Yeah, I like that!” He laughed.
You smiled at him. “Now sing it for me.”
And he did. He sang his draft of lyrics and the song was coming together… except for one thing.
“Cal, this part is too fast. There’s too many words.”
“Yeah, I thought so. I just don’t know how else to write it.”
“C'mon, there’s plenty of synonyms.”
You and Calum spent the rest of the day working on and revising his song and had lots of laughs as well. By the time you two had the final product, it was dinner time.
“Oh shit babe, it’s 6:00!” Calum said.
“Yeah, want some pasta?”
“No, we were supposed to go out today!”
“Calum, it’s fine!” You laughed.
“I just came home and I decide to write a song instead of going out with you I am so sorry y/n-”
You interrupted him and grabbed his face. “Calum,” you brought his face down to look at you in the eyes. “We wanted to spend the day together and that’s exactly what we did. I don’t care if we’re writing songs or going out, as long as I’m with you.”
Calum smiled at you and whispered, “I love you.”
“I love you too, Calum.”
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calumcriedwolf · 3 years
calumcriedwolf’s masterlist
i no longer write for 5 seconds of summer, but here are all my old works!
sleeping with strangers
what started as a potential one-night stand ended with what could be the start of a beautiful relationship (feat fratboy!cal)
song writing
this wasn’t how you were planning to spend your day with calum after he got back from tour, but that doesn’t make it any less special
an extremely short blurb based on this tweet
A S H T O N  
drunk confessions
drunk words are sober thoughts, right?
L U K E  
pasta & cuddles
luke comes home from a tiring day to you, who always seems to make his day better
one hell of an actor
breakup imagine! basically luke is an ass lol
M I C H A E L  
secrets | part two
you find out your husband michael is cheating on you but you have a secret of your own that you’ve been hiding from him that only further complicates things
here are my recs
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