Love life During Primary School
it happens between 1997-2002 school: North View Primary School (Yishun)
in 1997 (class 1/3)  i enjoyed myself on first day of school, with my mom accompany me. but starting from second day, i didn’t want to attend them anymore, i kept crying, badly want to stay at home. my mom was perfect, she still accompanies to school/class and sneak away once i’m good. but i’m smart i stick to her real tight. earlier on i had to go to day-care after school, but i always escape i didn’t know why at that time (once i got older, i realize it is because i crave for freedom, teachers were restricting my movements of what i want to do at what time...) i escape the day-care and teachers aren’t aware, until my mom was angry and cancelled the service, i was looked after by some auntie mei-ling for a while, before my mom decides to give up her current job in order to take care of me. was i bullied in school? hmm i guess it was manageable, i m ok. my skin was thick and i was happy that my mom accompany me to school, so i guess ego wasn’t a big issue to me. but i did complain on an occassion when a classmate named malcom poke my butt cheeks with a leaded pencil, and i told my dad i got bullied, so he went to school to sort it out (i dunno how).
some facts:
 on the way to school with mom, i always have the thoughts that something bad is going to happen to her, so i always make her promise me - i.e hook our pinkies together and i make her promise me to go home in a safe way, have to come fetch me. but upon the school compound i started crying, asking her to leave the tissue that she wipe the sweat with me,and i will start smelling - for which it has a magical calming effect on me.
pri 3 and 5 are afternoon session, 1,2,4,6 are morning session. i seem to try fooling myself as a pattern to see my mom, telling myself there is a pattern i get to see my mom morning and night for those noon session, and the noon and night for morning session (which will be more beneficial, and i should be happy for such arrangements). 
morning breakfast, i got tired of it easily, initially was an egg a day (my mom tries to ensure that i am not hungry at school) - soft boiled egg with soya sauce and pepper, then no more pepper, then no more soya sauce. then no more egg yolk, and no more egg white (thats how fussy i am). initially there was honey stars with milk, i got fussy again, so i do not eat during breakfast. instead i eat well during recess time (rice with potato and hotdog) or after school.
i seek comfortably between friends, i like to touch smooth objects, i can’t remember how it started, once i am ok at school (not much crying) i talked to my neighbour her name was Janice, i tough her thigh like it was the most naturally and righful way to do. luckily i was a girl so no major issue of touching her as it was not viewed as the wrong way. i tough her for quite sometime, and suddenly she changed school. i vividly still remember how she looked, a mole below her mouth, str8 shoulder length hair with bangs, the way she walked her butt stick out. then comes chelsea, eurasian, but i forgot how we stopped talking was it because of graduated? hmm
then Agnes Chai, and Leow Chew Loo (both were bigger size than me and best friends which i envy, i always played a pranked on chewloo, as i was being playful. but chewloo is a good person, we wrote letters to each other after graduation, and i am the one who stopped replying her, thinking it was a hassle. 
i try to cultivate a leadership attitude with me, by hosting the girls who i had recess with to eat the same stuff as me to show loyalty: mix drinks + a spin wheel cracker as it was that good mixing this 2 goodly food together (mix drinks consist of all gassy drinks together-coke, sprite-fnn etc. 5 types.the colour turns out to be purple, nice colour!
i rmb going sentosa with chewloo for pinic to fly kite etc. but it was tough we are not suppose to BBQ at sentosa, and i brought her to my telok blangah house and BBQ outside our house. the floor was burned black due to high heat, my grand ma washes them after that, it was a guilty sight so from them on, i don’t do it anymore. 
and so, i did not have any close contracts from primary school who still talks. but i add them on face book as i could still remember their names. but how many of them do actually remember me? probably none. 
next post will be on love life of primary school - promise
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Love life in kindergarten - 1994-1996
Before I get older and forgot their names. Let’s start with my young self of love life.
Got to like people since I was very young. Those boy girl likings. Can’t rmb I learnt from where. Probably from same age peers..
- fell in love with my cousin 6th brother of my dad. Name Rong Yi . since 1996 till p3 play husband and wife kind. Cuddle and hold hands
These are the below boys that I thinking to married them when I get older. - there’s a boy name Benjamin . Big bright eyes ,cute . Handsome. No much interactions just look from afar and talk abit. Can’t find him on Facebook
-heng Kai, looks Chinese okay. Face skin looks saggy, bad tempered. Has a cute sister. Easily lose tempered. If he didn’t lose temper he is okay. Found on Facebook tried to add him but didn’t accept. He has a girl in a picture probably married.
-andy , dark skinned thick lips. Kissed and hug , shirt lifted up and his gochu into mine while standing. We do it in toilets while waiting for parents to come fetch us. I forgot who initiated. But that’s how it goes. Got caught by teacher once. And that teacher tell my mom. When I reached home my mom scolded me and keep asking me. How can I tell her the truth? So I only informed that he only kiss my cheeks and nothing else. After that we didn’t do it again so I can tell this is 1996. Can’t find him on Facebook
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Wild thoughts
Adding on to below post. I also have wild thoughts on these ppl : 1) kiatuan : how we going to get back together after our first WhatsApp chat .. he is going to asked me out and then ..... 2) minghui: how we going to start and talk again.. (o.s I tried but without my initiation nothing is going to happen from him) 3) Mel : more about living together in the same house... Whose going to cook and how we going to chill together in the living room... Drinking beer and watching shows. Chatting..
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As pisces is my Venus star sign. I went to read up it is indeed true about me. Dreamer... Think of all those impossible stuff once falling in love. 很會搞暗戀又卻不敢表白。。。 我怕嘛。。怕嚇壞對方,怕對方知道後不和我說話。 。。但當喜歡的人在我面前,我卻一副愛理不理的樣子。。。然後事後回想and後悔著。。 為何我怎麼沒把握好機會呀!!! Recently there this 全民app for singing song. Sang a few instead of making people 心動 I make them high and make them want for more... I only know the old songs from 5566 oldies haha. Joined sg唱友 G.A.E 's boss Aaron did help me to broadcast im single If anyone interested can talk to me.. but there is no one !!! Few days later got to do my first hosting in the room (always couldn't have proper sleep after that due to active mind) another few days later I thought of hosting again. But the group got disbanded (gyna , Aaron, elis) yinghui informed it's due for some hosting internal conflict. OS: 當下,我懷疑是不是因為我太優秀了?。 我第一次hosting深受好評,我有按時推銷房號-念房名、時間、叫人share房、提醒大家主題、接話、報歌、說了一側冷笑話 potato、模仿了一個吉祥如意油廣告....但我很享受,而且我還辦了幕後工作人員的角色-就是我的hosting里我辦了兩個角色外加音樂。眾三十三位左右 Few days later eve of vesak day (alr know the group disbanded) I hosted a mini room with yh Shirleen and friends and gerlyn I was on menses 2nd day . Did a few talks that aren't funny. Wasn't prepare ma. So I did 心理測驗test with audience.. in Chinese. Apparently some don't understand Chinese i feel it absurd . They singing Chinese song and they don't understand Chinese ? *Roll eye* But this particular guy name Jack caught my eye He was helping me to translate willingly on his own for my questions and answers. I was attracted to the hardworking guy. His horoscope put leo. It matches mine.. I was really attracted. I say alot of thanks to him because not much people will automatically helped me to do the stuff im doing. He is acting like my secretary and very good secretary And I like it.. after the event I start to have wild thoughts on him about how we going to meet up ,get together , get close.. marry etc.. that's the wild thoughts.. and thinking how should I engage more with him... But till now... It didn't happen at all ..... It is all just wild thoughts by my Venus sign...
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Testing because I haven't been posting for a long timeeee. So I wanna trial and error before I do the actual posting . >_
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First creation, first post 19 April 2020 - im 30 - working from home due to covid19 since 6 April 2020. Govn to lift the wfh on 4 may2020 - not sure if i have determination to complete with blogging. - in 8 months time , it is your birthday again :) 29th birthday (k....t....)
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