carlosgonzalezzlaw · 6 months
Carlos Gonzalez Law A Trustworthy name in legal sector Miami!!!
Navigating the complexities of criminal charges, DUI offenses, and traffic violations requires the expertise of a skilled legal professional. In Miami, Carlos Gonzalez Law has emerged as a trusted legal resource, providing top-notch legal representation in criminal defense, DUI cases, and traffic law matters.
Criminal Lawyer in Miami:
Facing criminal charges can be a daunting and life-altering experience, and having a knowledgeable abogado criminalista Miami  by your side is crucial. Carlos Gonzalez Law, with its team of experienced criminal defense attorneys, is dedicated to protect the rights and interests of individuals accused of criminal offenses.
The firm handles a wide range of criminal cases, from misdemeanors to serious felonies. Whether the charges involve drug offenses, theft, assault, or white-collar crimes, the criminal lawyers at Carlos Gonzalez Law employ a strategic and aggressive approach to build a strong defense for their clients. They meticulously analyze the evidence, challenge legal procedures, and work towards achieving the best possible outcome for their clients, be it through negotiations or litigation.
They understand that every case is unique, and they prioritize personalized attention to craft a defense strategy tailored to the specific circumstances surrounding each client's situation. The firm's commitment to excellence and client advocacy has established it as a reputable name in the realm of criminal defense in Miami.
DUI Lawyer in Miami:
Driving under the influence (DUI) charges can have severe consequences, including license suspension, fines, and even imprisonment. Carlos Gonzalez Law has a dedicated team of DUI lawyers who specialize in defending individuals facing DUI charges. They are well-versed in the intricate laws surrounding DUI offenses and employ their expertise to navigate the legal system on behalf of their clients.
A good abogado DUI Miami leave no stone unturned when challenging DUI charges. From scrutinizing the sobriety test results to examining the legality of the traffic stop, they explore every avenue to build a robust defense. Additionally, the firm understands the potential collateral consequences of a DUI conviction, such as damage to one's reputation and employment prospects, and works tirelessly to minimize these impacts.
Carlos Gonzalez Law recognizes the importance of swift and effective action in DUI cases, and their attorneys are known for their proactive approach in protecting their clients' rights from the outset of the legal process. Their dedication to achieve favorable outcomes for individuals facing DUI charges has positioned them as prominent DUI defense attorneys in Miami.
Miami Traffic attorney:
Traffic violations may seem minor, but they can lead to serious consequences, including fines, increased insurance premiums, and even license suspension. The company extends its legal expertise to traffic law matters, providing skilled representation for individuals dealing with traffic violations in Miami.
Whether it's a speeding ticket, reckless driving charge, or any other traffic offense, the traffic lawyers at Carlos Gonzalez Law are well-equipped to navigate the complexities of traffic law. They understand the nuances of the legal system and leverage their knowledge to seek the best possible resolution for their clients. The firm is committed to minimize the impact of traffic violations on individuals' records and ensuring that their rights are protected throughout the legal process.
Carlos Gonzalez Law stands as a beacon of legal excellence in Miami, offering a comprehensive suite of services in criminal defense, DUI cases, and traffic law matters. With a team of dedicated and experienced attorneys, the firm has earned a reputation for its unwavering commitment to client advocacy and its ability to secure positive outcomes in even the most challenging legal situations. Whether facing criminal charges, DUI offenses, or traffic violations, individuals turn for trustworthy and effective legal representation. To know more about the firm, you can consider the details mentioned below:
Name: Carlos Gonzalez Law
Website: https://www.carlosgonzalezlaw.com/
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carlosgonzalezzlaw · 10 months
Navigating the Roads and the Law with Carlos Gonzalez Law
In Miami's bustling cityscape, traffic violations and DUI offenses are not uncommon. When individuals find themselves entangled in legal troubles related to traffic violations or driving under the influence (DUI), the expertise of traffic and DUI attorneys becomes essential. These legal professionals play a critical role in helping clients navigate the complex legal terrain, safeguarding their rights, and seeking favorable resolutions to their cases.
Traffic Attorneys in Miami
Miami's hectic traffic conditions can lead to various infractions, including speeding tickets, reckless driving, and red-light violations. Miami traffic attorney specialize in handling a wide array of traffic-related offenses. They are well-versed in the city's traffic laws and have an in-depth understanding of local court procedures.
When someone faces a traffic violation, hiring a skilled traffic attorney can make a significant difference. These attorneys meticulously analyze the circumstances surrounding the alleged offense and work to build a strong defense. They examine evidence, interview witnesses, and challenge the prosecution's case to protect their clients from excessive fines, license suspensions, or points on their driving records.
Moreover, traffic attorneys in Miami often negotiate with prosecutors to reduce the severity of charges or explore options for attending traffic school to keep violations off their clients' driving records. Through their expertise, they strive to minimize the long-term consequences of traffic offenses on their clients' driving privileges and insurance premiums.
DUI Attorneys in Miami
Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is a serious offense in Miami and carries severe penalties. DUI attorneys in Miami specialize in representing individuals charged with DUI offenses, ensuring their rights are protected throughout the legal process.
A skilled Miami DUI lawyer understands the intricacies of DUI cases, including sobriety tests, blood alcohol concentration (BAC) levels, and potential procedural errors during the arrest. They carefully scrutinize the evidence presented by the prosecution and work to challenge its validity.
Abogado DUI Miami also advocate for their clients during plea negotiations and court hearings, seeking alternative sentencing options when appropriate, such as participation in alcohol education programs or community service. Their primary goal is to mitigate the penalties faced by their clients and, when possible, get the charges reduced or dismissed.
The Importance of Legal Representation
Traffic and DUI attorneys in Miami serve as strong advocates for their clients, ensuring they have fair opportunities to defend themselves in court. With their experience and knowledge of the local legal system, they can tailor their approach to individual cases, understanding what strategies are most likely to yield positive outcomes.
Carlos Gonzalez Law is the right door to knock for legal assistance in Miami. Whether it’s a criminal case or DUI charges, they are always ready to render valuable services. For more details, you can check the information given below:
 Name: Carlos Gonzalez Law
Website: https://www.carlosgonzalezlaw.com/
Address: 3785 NW 82nd Ave Suite 417
Doral, FL 33166,
Phone: (786) 358-6888
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carlosgonzalezzlaw · 10 months
5 Questions to Ask a Miami DUI  Lawyer Before Hiring Them
As a road user, you might have found yourself on the wrong side of the law for traffic offenses. It gets worse if it is a DUI case and you have to find a reliable Miami DUI lawyer to argue your case in a traffic court. If you ever need such an attorney, you could vet them using the following vetting questions.
1.      Questions about their background
Start by asking them about their background. You may ask the following questions to your Miami traffic attorney:
·         How long have you handled DUI cases?
·         How many similar cases do you handle per year?
·         How often do your cases go to trial?
·         How many of your cases have gone to dismissal or plea bargain down?
 2.      Training and certifications
You might also want to ask several questions about the training, including:
·         Do you have any certifications apart from The National College for DUI Defense or other state bar organizations?
·         Have you had a DUI ride-along with police officers?
·         Have you gone through and completed the NHSTA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration instructor and/or student Standardized Field Sobriety test courses?
·         What other relevant training and certification do you have?
 3.      Fees
When it comes to the attorney fees, you should ask your DUI or general Miami criminal lawyer the following questions when vetting them:
·         What are your payment options?
·         Do you offer a free or charged initial consultation?
·         Are there other fees I will have to pay in addition to the standard rates,for example, blood sample retesting and expert witness fees, among others?
·         What are the forms of payment that you expect? Do you accept traditional and peer-to-peer modes of payment such as Google Wallet, VenMo, and PayPal, among others?
 4.      The outcome
You may not predict the outcome of your case, but your lawyer might have an idea based on their experience and assessment of the case. Ask them:
·         Is there the possibility of a plea agreement?
·         Is there a probability of a pre-trial motion?
·         Which factors do you think will work for and against me?
·         Do you think we should go to trial?
 5.      Will you work on my case?
Lastly, know who will represent you. Ask whether they will represent you themselves or assign another lawyer to your case. Iron things out beforehand and ensure to keep it close-knit.
Visit https://www.carlosgonzalezlaw.com/
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carlosgonzalezzlaw · 1 year
Questions to Ask When Hiring an Abogado DUI Miami
If you are a driver or have been behind the wheel before, you should know all the possible offenses that can land you in trouble. Whether you did not stop at a red light or you were driving under the influence, you may find yourself at crossroads if you do not have the right legal help. With an experienced abogado DUI, Miami, though, you can have a lessened sentence or have the charges dropped.
If you get a court summons for a traffic offense, you will need a good lawyer. Below are some questions that you can ask when hiring one.
1.      What is your experience in handling DUI cases?
If you were facing a DUI charge, you might be nervous, upset, fearful, and emotional about the possible outcomes. This makes it important to have a ticket de trafico attorney stand in for you for the right legal representation. Therefore, it is important to ask for your lawyer’s experience in such matters to ensure that you are hiring the right one.
2.      May I talk to your references
When vetting them, consider talking to their references to hear their opinion about the lawyer’s services. Any domestic, DUI, or abogado criminalista Miami, should not have a problem with you talking to their clients to confirm that they can help with what you need. If they are hesitant here or object to you talking to their references, this could be a pointer to a long list of dissatisfied clients, which should be a good sign that you should talk to another lawyer.
3.      What is the likely outcome of my case?
Your lawyer will not know the outcome of your case, depending on its severity. However, they can predict the possible outcomes, again, depending on the severity of the charges. In this case, they should be in a position to answer this question and advise you accordingly.
4.      How long will the case last?
Everyone is busy, and so are you. You will need to know how long the case can last before being resolved. Ask your attorney about this, too, to stay in the know.
5.      Who will represent me?
To most people, this is a rather irrelevant question, but it is crucial. In most cases, you might get a different team assigned to your case. Therefore, it is important that you ask about such probabilities beforehand.
 Visit https://www.carlosgonzalezlaw.com/ to learn more or for online inquiries
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carlosgonzalezzlaw · 1 year
Carlos Gonzalez Law: Where to Find Your Reliable Miami Criminal Lawyer
If you have ever found yourself answering a legal action before a judge or jury, you know how overwhelming and intimidating that can be for you. However, it does not have to be daunting if you have a reliable Miami criminal lawyer helping you with the case and offering legal advice. If you ever need reliable legal presentation and advice from an expert, talk to us at Carlos Gonzalez Law and hire our lead attorney for your case.
About Us
Carlos Gonzalez Law is a law firm that you can depend on for all your legal issues and cases. Whether you are facing life behind bars for ticket de tráfico or because of a domestic issue with your partner, Carlos Gonzalez, our lead attorney, will defend you and ensure that you get a favorable decision. As our mantra says, your rights and freedom are our top priority, and we will work with you to ensure you do not stay behind bars.
Our Practice Areas
When you need a reliable Miami DUI lawyer, you can talk to us immediately. We handle traffic cases and will either get your case dismissed or get your fines reduced. We have the requisite skills and experience to handle any traffic ticket and represent you.
We are also your law firm when it comes to drug charges. If drug enforcement agencies come knocking, give us a call immediately. Let us work on your case for a favorable result.
Additionally, you can talk to our lawyer if you need expert legal help in the following areas:
·         Driving under the influence
·         Drug and substance abuse charges
·         Assault and battery
·         Guns and weapons offenses
·         Probation and juvenile issues
·         Domestic violence
·         Child abuse
·         Sex crimes
Hire a Reliable Abogado Criminalista, Miami
If you have been looking for a reliable criminal lawyer in Miami, you have come to the right place. Call us today for a quick consultation about your case. Get in touch with us at 786-358-6888 or visit https://www.carlosgonzalezlaw.com/ for online inquiries.
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carlosgonzalezzlaw · 1 year
Hire an Expert Abogado Criminalista, Miami from Carlos Gonzalez Law
If you have been on the wrong side of the law, you understand how murky and challenging the field can be on your own. However, with the help of a reliable and experienced abogado criminalista, Miami, you can get the right legal representation. For expert legal assistance and representation, talk to the lead lawyer at Carlos Gonzalez Law today.
About Carlos Gonzalez Law
Nobody would wish to spend even a single day in jail. To every human being, freedom is everything, and at Carlos Gonzalez Law, we know that your rights and freedom should be a top priority for any lawyer. Whether you need a domestic, economic, or ticket de trafico attorney in Miami, you can talk to us, and we will represent you to the end.
Our lead lawyer is none other than the renowned Carlos P Gonzalez. He brings in a wealth of skills and experience in serious traffic violations, hit-and-run, domestic violence, federal and criminal, speeding, and reckless driving cases, among others. You can talk to us today, and we will get you the best drug charges, assault and battery, guns and weapons, or abogado DUI Miami.
Our Areas of Practice
We can represent you in a variety of practice areas with favorable results. Regardless of the case, we will scheme through it, advise you accordingly, and offer the best legal representation. Some of the common practice areas we specialize in may include the following ones:
·         DUI
·         Drug charges
·         Assault and battery
·         Guns and weapons
·         $ex crimes
·         Domestic violence
·         Child abu$e
·         Mortgage fraud
·         Insurance fraud
·         Credit card fraud
Hire the Best Criminal Lawyer in Miami
If you have been looking for the best Miami criminal lawyer, you have come to the right place. Talk to our experts for the best legal assistance, advice, and representation. Call us today for a quick consultation.
You can reach us at 786-358-6888 for a quick inquiry.
Visit our website https://www.carlosgonzalezlaw.com/ to learn more or for online inquiries.
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carlosgonzalezzlaw · 2 years
Where to Find and Hire an Expert Miami Criminal Lawyer
Anyone who has ever found themselves before a jury or court knows how intimidating it can be without expert representation. A legal team is crucial whether you face a domestic, traffic, or tax evasion charge at a court. If you are looking for a reliable Miami criminal lawyer for whatever case that you have ahead of you, Carlos Gonzalez Law is the legal firm that you should approach for that.
About Carlos Gonzalez Law
Carlos Gonzalez Law is a name that you can trust with all your legal issues as a legal firm. As a law firm, it has been in the field for decades now, proving that it is a premier and go-to one for domestic, DUI, property, fraud, child abuse, guns and weapons, and tax issues. Whether a court has summoned you for a DUI case and you are looking for a Miami DUI lawyer, or you have to answer to child support offenses, Carlos Gonzalez Law is your legal team.
Practice Areas
At Carlos Gonzalez Law, any client is welcome to ask for representation in any legal field. For decades, the lead attorney, Carlos P. Gonzalez, has been honing his skills through hands-on skills and experience as he handles similar cases as yours. Therefore, you do not have to worry about the results of your traffic charges if you have a reliable Miami traffic attorney such as Carlos Gonzalez.
Get in touch with Carlos Gonzalez Law for the following needs, too, as they also practice in these areas:
·         DUI (driving under the influence of alcohol or other substances)
·         Drug charges (drug and substance abuse)
·         Assault and battery
·         Guns and weapons charges
·         Probation and juvenile cases
·         Domestic violence proceedings
·         Sex crimes and charges
·         Child abuse offenses
Hire Carlos Gonzalez Law Today
You do not plan to be charged with criminal offenses. The Carlos Gonzalez Law firm believes that and is here to represent you. Talk to the office today to book an appointment.
Call (786) 358-6888 for a quick consultation.
Visit https://www.carlosgonzalezlaw.com/ to learn more or for online inquiries.
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carlosgonzalezzlaw · 2 years
Traffic Offense? Consult Carlos P. Gonzalez, Leading Miami Traffic Attorney
If a court summons you to attend a court hearing for a traffic offense, you may be tempted to represent yourself. While it may be a “small” case that you can argue by yourself, it is not advisable even if you are an experienced attorney. Instead, you can talk to Carlos P. Gonzalez from Carlos Gonzalez Law for the best representation from a qualified and experienced Miami traffic attorney.
Why Carlos Gonzalez Law?
For years, Carlos Gonzalez Law has positioned itself as the premier and go-to legal firm for different clients facing different charges. Whether one is due to face a judge for a DUI offense or they have a jury to contend with because of a domestic violence case, the Miami criminal lawyer to hire is Carlos P. Gonzalez from Carlos Gonzalez Law. You, too, can talk to him whether you need an assault & battery, guns & weapons, or a DUI lawyer.
Reliable Traffic Attorney in Miami
It is common for drivers to find themselves on the wrong side of the law for traffic offenses. While this can devastate you depending on the severity of the offense, Carlos Gonzalez Lawwill offer the best representation for you. The lead lawyer will listen to your case, determine the best recommendations, advise you accordingly, and represent you in court.
You may talk to Carlos Gonzalez, the lead attorney at the firm, if you have to answer to any of the following:
·         Texting and driving offenses
·         Speeding offense
·         DUI or drunk driving offenses
·         Other traffic tickets
Other Areas of Practice
When you talk to Carlos Gonzalez Law, they can advise you about different charges. They can also represent you in any of the following additional areas:
·         DUI representation from a qualified and experienced Miami DUI lawyer
·         Dr-ug and substance charges
·         Ass@ult and battery
·         Domestic violence
·         Guns and weapons
·         $ex crimes
·         Child @buse
·         Mortgage fraud
·         Insurance fraud
·         Credit card fraud
 Contact the Firm
Call the firm today about your case. Have all crucial details at hand and call 786-358-6888 or visit https://www.carlosgonzalezlaw.com/ for more.
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carlosgonzalezzlaw · 3 years
Boating Under The Influence In Florida
An alarming number of boating accidents and fatalities have been reported in Florida, most of which happen because of alcohol use. Therefore, it is not surprising that the State of Florida considers boating under the influence (BUI) a serious punishable offense.
About BUI
A person is charged with the offense of BUI when that individual is caught boating under the influence of drugs or alcohol. As per the Florida statute 327.25, ‘boats’ come under the category of ‘vessel’ which also includes barges, airboats, water crafts or any other means of transportation over water.
The BUI Law in Florida is stricter for boaters compared to drivers. This is because drivers tend to be more experienced in driving vehicles on land, than driving a boat in water bodies. The environment out on the water – i.e. vibration, engine’s noise, etc. – may also increase the rate at which the driver’s abilities are impaired. This unforgiving environment when coupled DUI can often result in accidents that there is no coming back from.
Before applying penalties on an individual several factors are taken into account. These include: • If the operator of the boat was driving and was under the influence of alcohol or drugs at the same time • If the operator of the boat had a blood alcohol content (BAC) of 0.08 or higher. This BAC level or more is enough to impair the ability to drive safe. • If the operator was 18 years of age or older at the time of offense. • If the operator’s driving contributed to or caused an accident that involved death, property damage or injury
Penalties & Consequences
If you meet the criteria and are convicted of BUI, the law has severe punishments in place in order to discourage drivers from boating while they are intoxicated. Criminal penalties for BUI are: • An operator fined with BUI First Offense is charged a fine of not less than 500 Dollars and/or up to six months in a county jail • An operator fined with BUI Second Offense is charged a fine of not less than 1,000 Dollars and/or up to 9 months in a county jail • An operator fined with BUI Third Offense within 10 years of the first conviction is charged a fine up to 5,000 Dollars and up to five years in a state prison facility • An operator fined with BUI Third Offense outside 10 years of the first conviction is charged a fine of not less than 2,000 Dollars and up to 12 months in county jail.
Visit https://www.carlosgonzalezlaw.com/
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carlosgonzalezzlaw · 3 years
Need a Miami Traffic Attorney? Call Carlos Gonzalez Law
It is common for people to find themselves on the wrong side of the law for either offense they committed or some they do not know of. It is even more common for motorists to face traffic charges for violating various traffic laws. If you are the suspect here under a DUI charge, disregarding traffic lights or signs, or hit and run, among others, we at Carlos P Gonzalez Law can help. Talk to us immediately you have a need for a Miami traffic attorney, and we will step in.
About Carlos P Gonzalez Law
The Carlos P Gonzalez Law firm is the brainchild of Carlos Gonzalez, a traffic, federal, criminal, domestic violence, and Abogado criminalista Miami. For the longest time now, we have beenensuring that clients facing legal charges get the right advice and representation. Whether one is facing domestic violence, child support, traffic, or criminal violation, among other charges, we can help them. Talk to us if you find yourself in a fix and needing a reliable lawyer.
Reliable Traffic Offense Lawyer
As a motorist, you may face the worst times if you have been issued with drinking under the influence ticket. No one wants this to happen to them, but if it does, you have no option other than to call a Miami DUI lawyer. This is where we also come in and stand with you for legal representation before a court of law or to give you the necessary legal advice. You can talk to us immediately you are implicated, or you receive a ticket, and we will pick it from there.
We can also assist with a number of other traffic offense representations. These include serious traffic violations, speeding, reckless driving, and hit and run cases. Since they may drain you and lead you to huge fines, you can let us intervene for you.
Contact Us
Now that you know who to talk to, why not contact us. We are on standby and waiting to help.
Call +1-786-358-6888 now for a quick inquiry.
Visit https://www.carlosgonzalezlaw.com/ to learn more.
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carlosgonzalezzlaw · 3 years
Discover your Leading Miami Traffic Attorney
More often than not, people find themselves contesting traffic offenses they did not even know they committed. In some cases, it could be that one is facing a case for a traffic offense they mostly do not know anything about. Whichever the case, if you find yourself on the wrong side of the law because of speeding, traffic lights offenses, or DUI, you can talk to Carlos Gonzalez, your leading Miami traffic attorney from Carlos P Gonzalez Law, for legal assistance.
About Carlos P Gonzalez Law
If you have ever found yourself contesting a legal battle, you needed and probably got a lawyer for it. Whether it was because of a DUI offense that needed an expert Miami DUI lawyer or a domestic violence issue, you ought to have been keener when finding an attorney. Whenever people in Miami have a day in court for different offenses, they contact and hire us to represent them. Talk to us, too, about your case, and we will forge the right way for it too.
Expert DUI Assistance
It is common for people to forget that it is illegal to drive under the influence of substances like alcohol. This means that it is common to find themselves facing a judge or jury and needing the services of an Abogado DUI Miami. If you are among them, whether you are in court because of a traffic offense that you committed or a ticket issued by mistake, we are here to offer legal help and representation.
Apart from that, we can offer expert help in a range of other traffic issues. These include reckless driving, speeding, hit-and-run, driving under the influence of substances, as well as other serious traffic violations. Because you might not know what you are facing or why, you will need our help to navigate the challenging legal front.
Talk to us today and let us know what we can do for you. To book a free consultation or get a free quote about your case, call +1-786-358-6888. Better yet, go through our site at https://www.carlosgonzalezlaw.com/ to read more.
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carlosgonzalezzlaw · 3 years
Get a Reliable Miami Traffic Attorney from Carlos Gonzalez Law
Life behind bars because of a simple traffic misconduct is never fun. However, it happens, and one finds themselves behind bars without any legal help that they can depend on. However, with a Miami traffic attorney from Carlos Gonzalez Law, you can get your sentence reduced, dropped, or issued with a lesser fine. Talk to our lead lawyer today for a free consultation.
About Carlos Gonzalez Law
If you are looking for a leading Abogado DUI Miami, then you came to the right place. If you have been involved in a domestic shuffle that landed you in court, again, this is the place to find a lawyer to represent you. At Carlos Gonzalez Law, we believe that everyone needs a safeguard of their rights and freedoms, which is why we exist. Our primary goal is to assist our clients with professional legal assistance and representation for more favorable sentences.
Reliable DUI Lawyer, Miami
When you need a trusted Miami DUI lawyer, you do not have to look further than our firm. We are a legal firm that enjoys years of experience to ensure that our clients get favorable results for their cases. Whether you have a minor or major traffic ticket to contest, we will advise you on the best option to take, the choices that you have, and the legal presentation that will help with your case.
For the longest time now, we have helped to handle a range of traffic-related cases across Miami. Some of the areas in which we can also help you with include reckless driving, driving under the influence, hit-and-run, and speeding, among others. Since we understand the mess that you maybe in, we are here to make sure that you get your way through and out of the court.
Getting Started
To speak to our lead attorney, Carlos P. Gonzalez, get in touch with us today. You will get a chance for a free consultation and guidance on the best options for your case.
Call (786) 358-6888 for a free quote. Visit https://www.carlosgonzalezlaw.com/ for more details.
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carlosgonzalezzlaw · 3 years
Visit Carlos Gonzalez Law to Hire a Professional Miami Criminal Lawyer
Often, people find themselves on the wrong side of the law contesting warrants of arrest, traffic tickets, or cases relating to domestic violence. Regardless of the case one is facing, it is important that they hire a reliable and professional attorney to represent them in court and offer legal assistance too. If you have recently found the need to hire a Miami criminal lawyer for whatever the crime you are accused of, talk to Carlos Gonzalez Law today.
About Carlos Gonzalez Law
Everyone has their rights until the constitution proves there is a need to curtail such rights. However, as it goes, everyone is innocent until they are proven guilty. In the push to help clients uphold such freedoms is Carlos Gonzalez Law, your leading and one of the most sought-after law firms in Miami, Florida.
We understand that the life of someone behind bars is no fun, especially when they do not know what their fate will be. In this case, we have made the rights and freedoms of every accused person our priority. Whether you need a Miami domestic violence lawyer, Abogado Criminalista Miami, domestic violence lawyer, DUI attorney, or a Miami traffic attorney, we will make your wish come true.
Our Practice Areas
Since our lead lawyer has been in the legal industry for decades, we can assure you that no case will be such a mountain for him to handle. Carlos P. Gonzalez understands the field's ins and outs, and he will be on standby to attend to your case today. Talk to us if you need his assistance with:
·         Mortgage fraud
·         Insurance fraud
·         Drug charges
·         Sex offenses
·         Domestic violence crimes
·         Child abuse crimes
·         Credit card fraud
·         Traffic offenses such as reckless driving, driving under the influence of substances or alcohol, and speeding. We can also help with serious traffic violations and hit-and-run crimes.
Talk to us today for a free consultation. Get expert legal assistance, too, by calling 786-358-6888 or visit https://www.carlosgonzalezlaw.com/ for more information.
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carlosgonzalezzlaw · 4 years
Where to Get a Reliable Miami DUI Lawyer
Whenever you find yourself before a court of law for a traffic offense, you may find it harder to exonerate yourself unless you have professional legal assistance. This is the point where an experienced Miami DUI lawyer comes in to advise you accordingly and represent you before a judge. Whenever you find yourself in a traffic fix in Miami, you can contact us at Carlos Gonzalez Law for expert legal assistance.
About Us
Carlos Gonzalez Law is your kind of legal firm that seeks to help you with all manner of legal assistance and representation. Whether you need a qualified and experienced Miami criminal lawyer or a DUI attorney, you can be assured that you will find the right assistance from our firm. We have been in this field for years while our lead attorney, Carlos Pelayo Gonzalez, Esq. has over 20 years of experience. This makes us your go-to legal firm for any case you may have.
Reliable Traffic Attorney Miami
at Carlos Gonzalez Law, we are the experts when it comes to representing our clients with all manner of traffic violations. Whether it is a hit-and-run case, speeding, DUI, or a reckless driving offense that gave you a ticket de trafico, we can represent and advise you accordingly. Carlos Pelayo Gonzalez, Esq. has decades of experience and knows the industry's ins and outs to help any client navigate a traffic case easily and successfully.
When you find that you have been issued with a traffic violation ticket, there is no need to sweat over it before a judge when you know it will be in vain. It is highly advisable that you get a competent and long-serving law expert like Carlos Pelayo Gonzalez, Esq. for the right advice and representation. At the end of the day, you can be sure to have a reduced sentence, a lesser fine, or dismissal of the case.
Contact Us
Contact us today for a free consultation. Call +1 (768) 358-6888 and let us know about your predicament. Visit our website https://www.carlosgonzalezlaw.com/ to learn more about us.
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carlosgonzalezzlaw · 4 years
Where to Get a Reliable Miami DUI Lawyer
Whenever you find yourself before a court of law for a traffic offense, you may find it harder to exonerate yourself unless you have professional legal assistance. This is the point where an experienced Miami DUI lawyer comes in to advise you accordingly and represent you before a judge. Whenever you find yourself in a traffic fix in Miami, you can contact us at Carlos Gonzalez Law for expert legal assistance.
About Us
Carlos Gonzalez Law is your kind of legal firm that seeks to help you with all manner of legal assistance and representation. Whether you need a qualified and experienced Miami criminal lawyer or a DUI attorney, you can be assured that you will find the right assistance from our firm. We have been in this field for years while our lead attorney, Carlos Pelayo Gonzalez, Esq. has over 20 years of experience. This makes us your go-to legal firm for any case you may have.
Reliable Traffic Attorney Miami
at Carlos Gonzalez Law, we are the experts when it comes to representing our clients with all manner of traffic violations. Whether it is a hit-and-run case, speeding, DUI, or a reckless driving offense that gave you a ticket de trafico, we can represent and advise you accordingly. Carlos Pelayo Gonzalez, Esq. has decades of experience and knows the industry's ins and outs to help any client navigate a traffic case easily and successfully.
When you find that you have been issued with a traffic violation ticket, there is no need to sweat over it before a judge when you know it will be in vain. It is highly advisable that you get a competent and long-serving law expert like Carlos Pelayo Gonzalez, Esq. for the right advice and representation. At the end of the day, you can be sure to have a reduced sentence, a lesser fine, or dismissal of the case.
Contact Us
Contact us today for a free consultation. Call +1 (768) 358-6888 and let us know about your predicament. Visit our website https://www.carlosgonzalezlaw.com/ to learn more about us.
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carlosgonzalezzlaw · 4 years
Need a Reliable Miami DUI Lawyer? Where to Find One
A time comes when you find yourself before a court of law because of a traffic offense. Probably you have found yourself charged with DUI, yet you are not sure what you should do about it. If that ever happens to you, talk to the leading Miami DUI lawyer from Carlos Gonzalez Law, Miami’s go-to legal firm.
About Carlos Gonzalez Law
Carlos Gonzalez Law is your go-to legal firm and guarantees the most sought-after legal presentation. When you find yourself behind bars because of a ticket de trafico, we are the right firm to call. We have the right skills and years of experience to represent you, present your case before a judge, and help you to get a reduced sentence or dropped charges.
For many years now, Carlos Gonzalez Law has represented a growing list of satisfied clients to win their cases, get lesser sentences, or have favorable fines. Whether it is an individual who needs an abogado DUI Miami or a couple that has a marital or domestic violence case and needs an attorney, our top lawyer, Carlos P Gonzalez, represents our clients diligently and professionally. As a result, we have seen our list of grateful clients grow exponentially, and we would be glad to have you be a part of our success journey.
Practice Areas
As of now, we have handled over 300 cases with high dismissal rates and solutions. The cases range from:
·         Drug ch@rges
·         DUI
·         $ex crimes
·         Probati0n and juven!le
·         Domestic v!olence
·         Gun$ and we@pons and
·         Ass@ult and b@ttery cases
Reliable DUI Lawyer Miami
Carlos P Gonzalez is your leading and among the most sought-after DUI lawyer in Miami. His experience runs for multiple years, making him and our law firm one of the top-ranking ones. Whether you have been summoned before a court because of fabricated DUI claims or you actually were driving under the influence, you will get the right representation with us.
Talk to us today before heading to a court. Call (786) 358-6888 and speak to Carlos or visit https://www.carlosgonzalezlaw.com/
To get detail information keep visit https://bit.ly/3jA50tp
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carlosgonzalezzlaw · 4 years
Have a Traffic Ticket? Get Assistance from the Leading Miami DUI Lawyer
People often find themselves on the wrong side of the law because of traffic offenses that they are not sure how they came to be. Sometimes, one gets issued with a traffic ticket because they were on the wrong. Whichever the case that you find yourself in, you can consult the most sought-after Miami DUI lawyer from the leading law firm, Carlos Gonzalez Law.
About Carlos Gonzalez Law
As the name says, Carlos Gonzalez Law is a full-service and dedicated legal firm serving the people of Miami, Florida, for years now. Our primary goal is to help you deal with all your troubles before the courts and offer the best legal representation and advice. Whether you have been charged with violating a traffic law and issued with ticket de traffico or have been accused of battling your spouse, we are the law firm for you.
Traffic Violation Charges Lawyer Miami
Carlos Gonzalez Law is a well-established law firm with specialties in the field of traffic violations. Once you are issued with a DUI ticket, for example, do not hesitate to contact us and get represented and legally advised by a qualified and trusted abogado DUI Miami. Talk to us immediately and let us help you to navigate the challenging field.
Representing you before a court is never easy, especially when there is hard evidence that you were driving under the influence. With our firm and top-rated attorney, you can be sure to get your charges dropped completely or have them reduced. Also, depending on the charges and evidence produced in court, because we cannot change the course of the proceedings, we can help you to challenge the charges and get favorable fines.
Let’s Get Started
We are Carlos Gonzalez Law and are on standby to attend to your legal needs. We offer the best legal advice and assistance and are just a call away for a free consultation with you.
Call us now via our main phone line +1 (786) 358-6888 or visit https://www.carlosgonzalezlaw.com/ for more information.
For more information and detail visit https://bit.ly/2NaSX6x
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