DeVry HIST410 (Contemporary History) All Weeks Case Study
  DeVry HIST410 (Contemporary History) All Weeks Case Study
 Devry HIST410N Week 1 Case Study Case Study # 1: Jules Ferry
  Jules Ferry was Prime Minister of France as that nation launched its imperial expansion. In a debate with member of the French Parliament, Ferry Defends the decision to expand. Read his remarks and respond to the following questions: 1. According to Ferry, what recent developments in world trade have made it urgent for France to have colonies? 2. What arguments against imperialism have been raised by Ferry’s critics? How does he counter them? 3. What non-economic arguments does Ferry offer in favor of imperialism? This 2-3 page assignment is to be submitted to the Week 1 Dropbox, located at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these
  Devry HIST410N Week 2 Case Study
  Case Study #2: Versailles: The Allies’ “Last Horrible Triumph”
  This week, you will read the comments of the German Delegation to the Paris Peace Conference on the conditions of the peace which ended World War 1. You will find that document in the webliography. Many have argued that it was the way World War 1 ended which made World War 2 inevitable. Read the document and answer the following questions: 1. According to the authors of Germany’s complaint, how will various provisions of the treaty hurt Germany’s economy? 2. In Germany’s view, how would the country have been treated differently if the principles they attribute to President Wilson had been applied? 3. To what higher “fundamental laws” does the document appeal to in order to strengthen German assertions? 4. Do you agree with the authors of the document that Germany was being poorly treated? What response to their complaints might defenders of the treaty have made? http://college.cengage.com/history/primary_sources/world/conditions_of_peace.htm Submit your assignment to the Week 2 Dropbox, located at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these Case Study: The Democrat and The Dictator Franklin Roosevelt and Adolph Hitler both came to power in 1933. They found themselves in charge of nations still suffering from the consequences of World War 1 and the Great Depression. Unemployment in the US was nearly 25%, while nearly one-third of Germany’s workforce had been idled. Americans and Germans had opted for new leadership in 1933 and were now looking to their new leaders for solutions, and perhaps a new vision of the future. Both FDR’s Inaugural address and Hitler’s first address as Chancellor of Germany have been analyzed for their similarities and differences. Now it’s our turn! In 2-3 pages, do the following: 1. Read both speeches and give an assessment of what these two leaders thought was the cause of the problems their countries faced. Provide quotes to support your view. 2. Using quotes from both speeches, tell how each leader intended to deal with: 1. Unemployment 2. Banking, finance and in general, the economy 3. Agriculture 4. Foreign Policy 3. Finally, in a concluding statement, tell where think these leaders find common ground in terms of their proposed solutions, and what you think their vision is with regard to the power of their position. Complete your Case Study in a Word document, approximately 300–400 words in length. Submit your assignment to the Dropbox, located at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these See the Syllabus section “Due Dates for Assignments & Exams” for due date information.
  Devry HIST410N Week 5 Case Study
  Case Study: Winston Churchill’s Iron Curtain Speech
  There are many ways to get a feel for the events of the 20th Century. One way is through the analysis of primary source documents. Few documents set the stage for the second half than Winston Churchill’s 1946 speech in Fulton, Missouri. Officially entitled “The Sinews of Peace”, it came to be known as “The Iron Curtain Speech”, in which Churchill laid out the challenges for the West in general, and the US and Britain in particular, regarding what would soon be known as the Cold War. Your assignment this week is to not just read Churchill’s speech, but read between the lines to answer the following questions in a well written 2-3 page document: 1. Churchill believes the Soviet Union “desires the fruits of war and the indefinite expansion of their power and doctrines.” How might those expansionist desires challenge the Western principle of national political self determination, a cause it championed during World War 2? 2. Churchill’s speech acknowledges “Russia’s need to be secure on her western borders,” but at the same time it raises concerns about Soviet actions in Eastern Europe. Is Churchill being inconsistent? Or does he provide concrete justifications for those concerns? 3. In his speech, Churchill asserts “There is nothing they (the Russians) admire so much as strength, and nothing for which they have less respect for than military weakness.” If he isn’t advocating a direct military confrontation with the Soviet Union, then what is he saying? 4. Churchill delivered this speech to an American audience, but after reading it one might conclude it could have been given in any western country. Why did he pick the US?
  Devry HIST410N Week 6 Case Study
  Case Study: Ho Chi Minh and Vietnamese Independence
  Was Ho Chi Minh a Communist? To many Americans he was. But to many Vietnamese he was a nationalist hero, and to even a few Americans he was that as well, plus a friend, and ally and a comrade in arms during World War 2. It may be hard to paint Ho with any color other than gray, and now, nearly 50 years after his death and 40 years after the end of the American war in Vietnam, even that color has faded with time. What we do have are his words. The link below will take you the speech Ho Chi Minh gave on September 2, 1945, in which he proclaimed Vietnam’s independence, and its arrival on the world stage. Your assignment will be to read the speech and provide answers to the following questions: Complete your Case Study in a Word document, approximately 300-400 words in length. Questions for exploration: 1. Ho’s speech proclaiming Vietnam’s independence contains a demand that the free world support that independence in part as payment for services rendered during World War 2. What ‘service’ did Vietnam render during that conflict? 2. Ho claims that Vietnam’s independence is consistent with the philosophical principles which the Allies claimed were paramount during World War 2. What principles was Ho referring to, and does he make references to occasions where those principles were reasserted? 3. In the speech, Ho mentions crimes committed by the French during their occupation of Vietnam. Which crimes, as you read them, were in your opinion most severe and justified Vietnamese independence?
  Devry HIST410N Week 7 Case Study
  Case Study: Mikhail Gorbachev’s 1988 UN Speech
  If the pace of improving US-Soviet relations seemed rapid, Mikhail Gorbachev’s speech to the United Nations General Assembly would shift the process into overdrive. In this remarkable oration, which you can find by clicking on the link below,Gorbachev emphatically declared that all nations must have the freedom to choose their own destiny, that ideology had no place in foreign affairs, and that great powers should renounce the use of force in international relations. Review his speech and answer in essay form the following questions: 1. Why did Gorbachev choose the United Nations as his forum for this speech? 2. What did Gorbachev mean by “de-ideologizing relations among states? What implications did this have for superpower relations? 3. Why did he say that “force no longer can…be an instrument of foreign policy”? What implications did this have for the Soviet bloc? 4. What did he foresee as the future role of the superpowers in the world and the future relationship between them?
0 notes
DeVry HIST410N Entire course latest all weeks discussions
  DeVry HIST410N Entire course latest all weeks discussions
 HIST410N Week 1 Discussion DQ 1 & DQ 2 Latest 2016  DQ 1 1900: The Age of Hope and the Age of ‘Isms’ (graded) Here’s a statement to consider: “Imperialism has been the most powerful force in world history over the last four or five centuries, carving up whole continents while oppressing indigenous peoples and obliterating entire civilizations.” Defend or condemn the argument by giving examples of the interaction between Western industrial powers and traditional, non Western societies. Were these contacts essentially positive or negative? ” DQ 2 The First Total War (graded) World War 1 is said to have been the first ‘total’ war. What does that mean? And what does it mean for people and nations trying to pick up the pieces and resume normal life?
  HIST410N Week 2 Discussion DQ 1 & DQ 2 Latest 2016  DQ 1 The Rise of Totalitarianism (graded) Compare and contrast the two types of totalitarian governments that arose after 1917, that is, communism and fascism. What were the origins of these governments, their accomplishments, and their failures? What accounts for the fact that the masses mobilized to support these movements? Elaborate. DQ 2 Nationalism and the Treaty of Versailles (graded) What were reasons that led to the ultimate failure of the Treaty of Versailles? What were the challenges facing the newly-formed League of Nations, and why was it so difficult to form a lasting agreement that would prevent another war? Elaborate.
  Devry HIST410N Week 3 Discussion DQ 1 & DQ 2 Latest 2016  DQ 1
 Dictatorship and Democracy (graded) Analyze Adolph Hitler’s rise to power and the policies he used to rule Germany. Textbook tyrant? Overheated Nationalist? Or the right man for at the right time for the right job? DQ 2
 World War II and the Holocaust (graded) The following statement was taken from a contemporary account of Germany in 1939: “Though the Fuhrer’s anti-Semitic program furnished the National Socialist party in the first instances with a nucleus and a rallying-cry, it was swept into office by two things with which the “Jewish Problem” did not have the slightest connection. On the one side was economic distress and the revulsion against Versailles: on the other, chicanery and intrigue…Hitler and his party promised the unhappy Germans a new heaven and a new earth, coupled with the persecution of the Jews. Unfortunately a new heaven and earth cannot be manufactured to order. But a persecution of the Jews can…”How do you interpret this contemporary account of the persecution of people who are Jewish? Elaborate.
  Devry HIST410N Week 4 Discussion DQ 1 & DQ 2 Latest 2016  DQ 1
 The Cold War: Who Shot First? (graded) The United States accused the Soviet Union of breaking all its wartime pledges and holding Eastern Europe hostage while trying to subvert governments in the west. The Soviet Union accused the US and its allies of trying surround and ultimately destroy it. War of words? Or was somebody telling the truth? And where do our ‘Isms’ fit in? In particular nationalism? DQ 2
 Cold War Buzz Words (graded) The Cold War its very own verbiage. The West had more than its share: Cold War, Iron Curtain, Containment, Domino Theory were just a few. What did they mean in this strange new post-war environment?
  Devry HIST410N Week 5 Discussion DQ 1 & DQ 2 Latest 2016  DQ 1
 Africa and the West (graded) What accounts for the rather late emergence of African countries as independent nation-states? Is there something peculiar about Africa that delayed its drive for independence? (Begin with a specific African country, and argue your case.)
  DQ 2
 Israel and the Middle East (graded) Why has the Arab-Israeli conflict been so persistent? What religious and cultural factors have contributed to the persistent state of unrest in the Middle East and, in particular, in what some people refer to as the Holy Land?
  Devry HIST410N Week 6Discussion DQ 1 & DQ 2 Latest 2016
  DQ 1
 The End of the Cold War (graded) What impact did Mikhail Gorbachev’s ideas of glasnost (openness), perestroika (restructuring) and demokratizatsiia (democratization) have on Communist society? Were these principles compatible with collectivization and a command economy? Did Communist leaders favor these principles or did they feel that their hand were tied once they were introduced into Communist society?
  DQ 2
 The not so Cold War (graded) It would be easy to dismiss the Cold War simply as proof that Capitalism was a better theory than Communism. Easy, but not the whole story. In order for Communism to be relegated to the dustbin of history, it first had to be proven that its struggle against Capitalism unecessary and thus irrelevant. How do the US and the USSR close the gap in the last quarter of the 20th Century to allow Communism to go out with a whimper and not a bang?
  Devry HIST410N Week 7 Discussion DQ 1 & DQ 2 Latest 2016  DQ 1
 Cold War Nostalgia (graded) In the years after the Cold War and the collapse of the bipolar order, the world has undergone significant changes. Chief among those changes has been a perceived deterioration of world stability, not only in terms of economics but also in terms of security. What indicators could lead one to conclude that in the years following the collapse of the Communist world, things have gotten more dangerous? DQ 2 Brave New World (graded) So…the Cold War is over. Time to do a victory lap and celebrate the primacy of American power. But the celebration seemed short-lived, as there were plenty of other concerns. Nothing is as it should be. Our adversaries are now our allies, and our allies are now competitors. The end of the Cold War knocked down the Iron Curtain, but it also destroyed conventional economic patterns. Is the end of the Cold War proving to be good for world peace, but not so good for world business?
0 notes
Devry HIST410N Week 1 Case Study : Jules Ferry
   Devry HIST410N Week 1 Case Study : Jules Ferry
 Case Study # 1: Jules Ferry
  Jules Ferry was Prime Minister of France as that nation launched its imperial expansion. In a debate with member of the French Parliament, Ferry Defends the decision to expand. Read his remarks and respond to the following questions: 1. According to Ferry, what recent developments in world trade have made it urgent for France to have colonies? 2. What arguments against imperialism have been raised by Ferry’s critics? How does he counter them? 3. What non-economic arguments does Ferry offer in favor of imperialism? This 2-3 page assignment is to be submitted to the Week 1 Dropbox, located at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these
0 notes
Devry HIST410N Week 2 Case Study : Versailles: The Allies’ “Last Horrible Triumph”
   Devry HIST410N Week 2 Case Study : Versailles: The Allies’ “Last Horrible Triumph”
 Versailles: The Allies’ “Last Horrible Triumph”
 This week, you will read the comments of the German Delegation to the Paris Peace Conference on the conditions of the peace which ended World War 1. You will find that document in the webliography. Many have argued that it was the way World War 1 ended which made World War 2 inevitable. Read the document and answer the following questions: 1. According to the authors of Germany’s complaint, how will various provisions of the treaty hurt Germany’s economy? 2. In Germany’s view, how would the country have been treated differently if the principles they attribute to President Wilson had been applied? 3. To what higher “fundamental laws” does the document appeal to in order to strengthen German assertions? 4. Do you agree with the authors of the document that Germany was being poorly treated? What response to their complaints might defenders of the treaty have made? http://college.cengage.com/history/primary_sources/world/conditions_of_peace.htm Submit your assignment to the Week 2 Dropbox, located at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these
0 notes
DeVry HIST410N Week 3 Case Study: The Democrat and The Dictator
  DeVry HIST410N Week 3 Case Study: The Democrat and The Dictator
 Case Study: The Democrat and The Dictator
  Franklin Roosevelt and Adolph Hitler both came to power in 1933. They found themselves in charge of nations still suffering from the consequences of World War 1 and the Great Depression. Unemployment in the US was nearly 25%, while nearly one-third of Germany’s workforce had been idled. Americans and Germans had opted for new leadership in 1933 and were now looking to their new leaders for solutions, and perhaps a new vision of the future. Both FDR’s Inaugural address and Hitler’s first address as Chancellor of Germany have been analyzed for their similarities and differences. Now it’s our turn! In 2-3 pages, do the following: 1. Read both speeches and give an assessment of what these two leaders thought was the cause of the problems their countries faced. Provide quotes to support your view. 2. Using quotes from both speeches, tell how each leader intended to deal with: 1. Unemployment 2. Banking, finance and in general, the economy 3. Agriculture 4. Foreign Policy 3. Finally, in a concluding statement, tell where think these leaders find common ground in terms of their proposed solutions, and what you think their vision is with regard to the power of their position. Complete your Case Study in a Word document, approximately 300–400 words in length. Submit your assignment to the Dropbox, located at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these See the Syllabus section “Due Dates for Assignments & Exams” for due date information
0 notes
Devry HIST410N Week 5 Case Study: Winston Churchill’s Iron Curtain Speech
  Devry HIST410N Week 5 Case Study: Winston Churchill’s Iron Curtain Speech
 Case Study: Winston Churchill’s Iron Curtain Speech
   There are many ways to get a feel for the events of the 20th Century. One way is through the analysis of primary source documents. Few documents set the stage for the second half than Winston Churchill’s 1946 speech in Fulton, Missouri. Officially entitled “The Sinews of Peace”, it came to be known as “The Iron Curtain Speech”, in which Churchill laid out the challenges for the West in general, and the US and Britain in particular, regarding what would soon be known as the Cold War. Your assignment this week is to not just read Churchill’s speech, but read between the lines to answer the following questions in a well written 2-3 page document: 1. Churchill believes the Soviet Union “desires the fruits of war and the indefinite expansion of their power and doctrines.” How might those expansionist desires challenge the Western principle of national political self determination, a cause it championed during World War 2? 2. Churchill’s speech acknowledges “Russia’s need to be secure on her western borders,” but at the same time it raises concerns about Soviet actions in Eastern Europe. Is Churchill being inconsistent? Or does he provide concrete justifications for those concerns? 3. In his speech, Churchill asserts “There is nothing they (the Russians) admire so much as strength, and nothing for which they have less respect for than military weakness.” If he isn’t advocating a direct military confrontation with the Soviet Union, then what is he saying? 4. Churchill delivered this speech to an American audience, but after reading it one might conclude it could have been given in any western country. Why did he pick the US?
0 notes
Devry HIST410N Week 6 Case Study : Ho Chi Minh and Vietnamese Independence
  Devry HIST410N Week 6 Case Study : Ho Chi Minh and Vietnamese Independence
 Case Study: Ho Chi Minh and Vietnamese Independence
  Was Ho Chi Minh a Communist? To many Americans he was. But to many Vietnamese he was a nationalist hero, and to even a few Americans he was that as well, plus a friend, and ally and a comrade in arms during World War 2. It may be hard to paint Ho with any color other than gray, and now, nearly 50 years after his death and 40 years after the end of the American war in Vietnam, even that color has faded with time. What we do have are his words. The link below will take you the speech Ho Chi Minh gave on September 2, 1945, in which he proclaimed Vietnam’s independence, and its arrival on the world stage. Your assignment will be to read the speech and provide answers to the following questions: Complete your Case Study in a Word document, approximately 300-400 words in length. Questions for exploration: 1. Ho’s speech proclaiming Vietnam’s independence contains a demand that the free world support that independence in part as payment for services rendered during World War 2. What ‘service’ did Vietnam render during that conflict? 2. Ho claims that Vietnam’s independence is consistent with the philosophical principles which the Allies claimed were paramount during World War 2. What principles was Ho referring to, and does he make references to occasions where those principles were reasserted? 3. In the speech, Ho mentions crimes committed by the French during their occupation of Vietnam. Which crimes, as you read them, were in your opinion most severe and justified Vietnamese independence?
0 notes
Devry HIST410N Week 7 Case Study : Mikhail Gorbachev’s 1988 UN Speech
  Devry HIST410N Week 7 Case Study : Mikhail Gorbachev’s 1988 UN Speech
 Case Study: Mikhail Gorbachev’s 1988 UN Speech
  If the pace of improving US-Soviet relations seemed rapid, Mikhail Gorbachev’s speech to the United Nations General Assembly would shift the process into overdrive. In this remarkable oration, which you can find by clicking on the link below,Gorbachev emphatically declared that all nations must have the freedom to choose their own destiny, that ideology had no place in foreign affairs, and that great powers should renounce the use of force in international relations. Review his speech and answer in essay form the following questions: 1. Why did Gorbachev choose the United Nations as his forum for this speech? 2. What did Gorbachev mean by “de-ideologizing relations among states? What implications did this have for superpower relations? 3. Why did he say that “force no longer can…be an instrument of foreign policy”? What implications did this have for the Soviet bloc? 4. What did he foresee as the future role of the superpowers in the world and the future relationship between them?
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DeVry HRM 330 ( Labor Relations ) Final Exam
   DeVry HRM 330 ( Labor Relations ) Final Exam
 Explain the objectives of the employment relationship from the perspective of employers, employees, and society. Give at least one example of how these perspectives may conflict.
 How has intense global competition affected the American labor movement?
 What is the difference between mandatory, permissive, and illegal bargaining items? Give examples of each.
 In what ways have unions been both a positive and negative force in society?
 What kinds of tactics may be used by an employer in a union organizing campaign? In your response, identify which tactics are legal and illegal
 Describe the seven tests of just cause. How do these tests protect the rights of employees?
 In general, what are the advantages and disadvantages to immigration as a component of globalization? How does immigration impact the labor market? 
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DeVry HRM 592 ( training and development ) Entire Course
 DeVry HRM 592 ( training and development ) Entire Course
 devry hrm592 week 1 discussion dq 1& dq 2
 dq 1
 Strategic Training and Development Process (graded) Let’s begin by discussing the process of linking our organizational strategy with our training and development process.
 Take a look at Figure 2.2 on page 66 of the Noe text. How do we begin the strategic training and development process?
 Let’s also take a look at some examples of organizations and their training programs. Take some time to research a few organizations of your choice on the Web (if you need some suggestions, you might try General Electric, Pfizer, or Qualcomm). Then do the following for each organization you research.
 Identify and research: Identify the organization’s mission, values, and goals. Find any information that is provided regarding the company’s training practices and how they relate to the goals and strategies of the organization (hint: many organizations include information about their T & D practices in their Careers sections).
 Compare and contrast the different organizations that you research, including their approaches. How are their processes similar or different? What elements impact each company’s approach?
dq 2
 Future Trends in Training and Development (graded)
 Go online and research the future trends relative to the field of T & D. Consider researching professional organizations such as SHRM or ASTD. What predictions do you find? Where do you think the field of T & D is heading? How can T & D help an organization’s competitive advantage?
 DeVry hrm592 week 2 discussion dq 1& dq 2
 dq 1
 Needs Assessment (graded)
 Present some methods of training needs assessment. Imagine you are an operations manager at a manufacturing facility. What method would be best for this type of setting? Who should be involved in this process?
 dq 2
 Learning Theories (graded)
 How do we incorporate adult learning theory into the design of our training programs? What types of training might be more appealing to adults, and why? How does active learning apply?
 Devry hrm592 week 3 discussion dq 1& dq 2
  dq 1
 Transfer of Training (graded)
 How can we motivate managers to play a more active role in ensuring that transfer of training (TOT) occurs? What could be done to increase the likelihood of TOT if the work environment conditions are unfavorable and cannot be changed? Who is responsible for making sure TOT occurs, and why?
 dq 2
 Program Design (graded) Customer service training involvesfar transfer. What design features would you include in a customer service training program to ensure that transfer of training occurred? Discuss your design thought process.
 DeVry hrm592 week 4 discussion dq 1& dq 2
  dq 1
 Training Evaluation Design (graded)
 What factors influence the choice of evaluation design? Which of these factors would have the greatest influence on your choice of an evaluation design? Which would have the smallest influence? Explain your choices.
  dq 2
  Quantitative Evaluation (graded)
 What advantages accrue to training evaluation that measures return on investment (ROI)? What are some of the obstacles to implementing ROI measures, and how can they be overcome?
  DeVry hrm592 week 5 discussion dq 1& dq 2
 dq 1
  Training Methods (graded)
 What are the strengths and weaknesses of different training methods, such as lectures, case studies, and behavior modeling? When would it be appropriate to use each of these or other training methods? Provide specific examples.
  dq 2
 Technology in Training (graded)
 Explain how technology has changed the learning environment. What are some examples of how technology can assist with training? How might new technologies make it easier to learn? How do they facilitate transfer of training? Provide details.
 DeVry hrm592 week 6 discussion dq 1& dq 2
  dq 1
 Career Management System (graded)
 Why is career management an important element of any organization? How would you go about designing a career management system? What employees and positions should be included in this system?
 dq 2
 Career Path (graded)
  Why do employees plateau? How could you help a plateaued employee? Discuss the characteristics of a plateaued employee who might resist your help. This section lists options that can be used to view responses.
 DeVry hrm592 week 7 discussion dq 1& dq 2
 dq 1
 Employee Retention (graded)
 You were asked in the You Decide scenario this week to choose an option to improve employee morale. Which option did you choose, and why? How might employee development impact turnover? Explain your answer.
 dq 2
 Change Management (graded)
 In a fast-paced work environment, technology and processes are constantly changing. What challenges have you faced on the job related to organizational change? How did you handle those changes? What recommendations might you give to a team that is facing a major organizational change? How does change management link to meeting strategic goals?
 devry hrm592 all week(3,5&7)course project
  The Course Project is designed to provide you with real-life, practical experience in conducting a training and OD needs assessment for a selected organization and in developing a training or intervention strategy to address the needs that have been identified. Guidelines The Course Project must be comprehensive and follow the analytical stages below.
 1.     Select an organization to be studied.
 2.     Develop and conduct a needs assessment.
 3.     Analyze the data collected and identify training needs.
 4.     Develop a training or intervention strategy to address the needs.
 5.     Determine the training intervention cost and quantify expected results.
 6.     Develop an evaluation method.
 Once the steps have been completed, a detailed paper outlining your processes, methodologies, results, and recommendations should be prepared. Although the length of the paper is not predetermined, a paper of 10–15 pages in length, double-spaced, is customarily necessary to cover the topic adequately. This does not include the title and reference pages.
 Note: There is an excellent guide online called Human Capital: A Guide for Assessing Strategic Training and Development Efforts in the Federal Government put out by the United States General Accounting Office. Although this relates to the government and not the private sector, it contains excellent information that can be applied anywhere.
 Milestones: Project Phases—In Detail
 Part 1: Select an Organization to Be Studied
 There are a number of ways in which an organization can be selected. One option is to look outside your organization for companies that would be interested in participating in the project. Another is to volunteer your own organization, or if you are not currently employed, use a church, school, club, or other organization.
 Once your organization has been selected, you will need to learn a lot about it. It is essential for you to understand the organization’s business, goals, objectives, and mission in order to complete this project successfully.(Submit the information on your selected organization to your Dropbox by the end of Week 1—this is an ungraded step but required and essential to help you make sure you are on the right track.) Also note that you will besubmitting a progress report for this project in Week 5 in the Minipaper assignment—this is worth 100 points.
  Part 2: Conduct a Needs Assessment
 Training and development processes begin with a needs assessment. Given the economic pressures that businesses face today, it is imperative that those needs be connected to specific organizational performance issues. There are three different forms of analysis you will need to complete.
 1.     Organizational analysis involves determining the appropriateness of training given the organization’s business strategy, its resources available for training, and support by managers and peers for training activities.
 2.     Person analysis involves (1) determining whether performance deficiencies result from a lack of knowledge, skill, or ability (a training issue) or from a motivational or work-design problem; (2) identifying who needs training; and (3) determining employees’ readiness for training.
 3.     Task analysis identifies the important tasks and knowledge, skill, and behaviors that need to be emphasized in training for employees to complete their tasks.
 Hints for a Successful Needs Assessment
 As you conduct your needs assessment, you may want to consider four potential sources of information that may help you in your analysis. Information such as employee turnover analysis, incident reports, long-range production goals, employee satisfaction studies, and physical plant layout can tell us a lot. Examples of other documents you may wish to consider include the following.
 Business documents:
 Key business documents can be used to determine areas of poor performance and developmental needs. Such documents may include
 1.     unit productivity reports;
 2.     customer satisfaction surveys;
 3.     communication survey reports; and 4. competitive analysis reports.
 Organization survey:
  Questionnaires can be created that probe for areas in which systems, structures, or processes are not functioning as intended. They can be used to look toward group, departmental, or individual issues.(Submit your survey to be used for gathering data by the end of Week 3—70 points.)
 Potential questions include the following.
 Questionnaire Questions
 1.     I am involved in decisions that directly affect my job.
 2.     My supervisor communicates with me on a regular basis.
 3.     I clearly understand what is expected of me.
 4.     I am rewarded for good performance.
 5.     My opinion has been asked regarding what needs to change in my work area.
 6.     I understand why the decisions that affect my job are made.
 7.     My supervisor gives me information that is important to me.
 8.     I have the skills necessary to perform my job properly.
 9.     I am rewarded for working well with others.
 10.   I receive frequent feedback on my performance.
 11.   I believe the information that I receive from my supervisor.
 12.   I have the tools necessary to perform my job properly.
 13.   My job leaves me with a sense of accomplishment.
 14.   I understand the information that I receive from my organization.
 15.   I am encouraged to make decisions that affect my job.
 16.   I am encouraged to communicate with my supervisor.
 17.   Team goals are supported throughout my organization.
 18.   My organization treats all employees well.
 19.   I have the information necessary to make decisions that affect my job.
 20.   I am encouraged to communicate with others.
 21.   The feedback that I receive is directly related to my job performance.
 22.   My organization treats all employees fairly.
 23.   My supervisor allows me to communicate my thoughts without fear of reprisal.
 24.   The feedback that I receive is constructive in nature.
 25.   My organization is interested in the growth and development of its employees.
 26.   I believe the information that I receive from my organization.
 Observations: Individuals can be observed on the job, and their interactions and activities can be noted for further analysis. Observations can include the following.
 Interviews: Interviews can be conducted in person or via a distributed questionnaire that probes for areas where performance may be improved. Potential interview questions include the following.
 1.     What do you think the most important part of your job is? What is least important?
 2.     What would you like to learn to make your job easier or better? What are the programs, processes, or resources available for you to learn from?
 3.     How have you developed the skills that you have?
 4.     Who brings problems to you and what kind of problems are they? How do you usually solve them? Whom do you ask for help?
 5.     What do you find most frustrating about your job?
 6.     What would you like to be spending your time doing? What would need to happen to let you do that?
 It is up to you to determine the methodology to be used in conducting the assessment. Considerations should include the willingness of the organization and its employees to provide information, the availability of information from the organization to be studied, and the availability of individuals in the organization to be interviewed and observed.
 The nature of the needs analysis, of course, also should be based on the type of assessment desired. Given the broad coverage of the course, assessment may include, but would not be limited to, the following.
 1.     Group processes and group effectiveness
 2.     Departmental effectiveness
 3.     Decision-making process effectiveness
 4.     Individual skills development
 5.     Group skills development
 6.     Career development
 Part 3: Analyze the Data Collected and Identify Training Needs
 Analyze the data you have collected and identify one or more training needs for the organization. Be sure to fully justify your recommendations and link your recommendations to the organization’s business goals.
 The data collected must be viewed in terms of the initial intent of the project. Care must be taken to evaluate the data for what they portray. Insufficient analysis or understanding of data, as well as reading more into data than what they actually portray, are equally ineffective activities.(Submit your course Minipaper that describes your needs assessment findings and other relevant project information in Week 5—100 points.)
 Part 4: Develop a Training or Intervention Strategy to Address the Needs Creating a developmental strategy is the objective of the investigative segment of the project. The strategy may include the following.
 1.     Training Sessions
 1.     Traditional classroom
 2.     Simulations
 3.     Self-managed strategies
 4.     Opportunity to perform
 2.     Career management systems
 1.     Self-assessment programs
 2.     Mentoring systems
 3.     Action planning
 3.     Organizational development intervention activities
 1.     Team building
 2.     Intergroup activities
 3.     Survey feedback activities
 4.     Education and training activities
 5.     Structural activities
 6.     Process consultation
 7.     Blake-Mouton grid activities
 8.     Third-party peacemaking
 9.     Coaching and counseling
 10.   Career planning
 11.   Goal setting
 4.     System redesign
 1.     Search conferences
 2.     Confrontation meetings
 3.     Strategic planning meetings
  Part 5: Determine the Training or Intervention Cost and Quantify Expected Results The fifth section of the Course Project is conducting a cost-benefit analysis. Training costs must be evaluated against anticipated results. This will only be palatable if, in the initial assessment, specific behaviors and processes and their impacts on the performance of the organization were determined. If so, conducting this final analytical segment should be possible.
  Part 6: Develop a Method of Training Evaluation Once you have completed the training, how will you know whether it has been successful? There are a variety of ways to evaluate training and development programs. Clearly identify the specific outcomes you expect from the project. Then develop a method of evaluating the effectiveness of your project.
 Submit your assignment to the Dropbox, located at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these See the Syllabus section “Due Dates for Assignments & Exams” for due date information.
  Grading Criteria Category
DeVry Hrm592 final exam
 Question 1. 1. (TCOs C, D) Assess and explain how you would ensure the transfer of training of employees. What must be in place in order to ensure the effective transfer of newly gained skills? Why is it important to ensure that the newly gained knowledge is transferred back to the organization? (Points : 40)
 Question 2. 2. (TCO F) Why are so many companies moving to blended learning in their training delivery? How does blended learning change the delivery of onsite training and online training? (Points : 40)
 Question 3. 3. (TCOs A, B) Congratulations! You have been hired to manage a brand new training department! The salary is much more than you expected, so you are highly motivated. You will have five trainers reporting to you: sales, quality, technology, safety, and leadership development. You also occasionally hire various vendors for employee development and other special areas. What model of training department organization will you use, and why? Fully explain your rationale for your choice of models. (Points : 40)
 Question 4. 4. (TCO E) Discuss Kirkpatrick’s framework for identifying and categorizing training outcomes. What is the utility of applying such a framework for evaluation purposes? (Points : 50)
 Question 5. 5. (TCO G) What role should employees, managers, and human resource managers take in career management? Discuss things that can be done so that managers are supportive of training efforts. Why is it important to differentiate these roles? (Points : 40)
 Question 6. 6. (TCO H) Describe dual career pathing. What is the value of a dual career path? (Points : 40)
devry hrm592 all week(3,5&7)course project
  The Course Project is designed to provide you with real-life, practical experience in conducting a training and OD needs assessment for a selected organization and in developing a training or intervention strategy to address the needs that have been identified. Guidelines The Course Project must be comprehensive and follow the analytical stages below.
 1.     Select an organization to be studied.
 2.     Develop and conduct a needs assessment.
 3.     Analyze the data collected and identify training needs.
 4.     Develop a training or intervention strategy to address the needs.
 5.     Determine the training intervention cost and quantify expected results.
 6.     Develop an evaluation method.
 Once the steps have been completed, a detailed paper outlining your processes, methodologies, results, and recommendations should be prepared. Although the length of the paper is not predetermined, a paper of 10–15 pages in length, double-spaced, is customarily necessary to cover the topic adequately. This does not include the title and reference pages.
 Note: There is an excellent guide online called Human Capital: A Guide for Assessing Strategic Training and Development Efforts in the Federal Government put out by the United States General Accounting Office. Although this relates to the government and not the private sector, it contains excellent information that can be applied anywhere.
 Milestones: Project Phases—In Detail
 Part 1: Select an Organization to Be Studied
 There are a number of ways in which an organization can be selected. One option is to look outside your organization for companies that would be interested in participating in the project. Another is to volunteer your own organization, or if you are not currently employed, use a church, school, club, or other organization.
 Once your organization has been selected, you will need to learn a lot about it. It is essential for you to understand the organization’s business, goals, objectives, and mission in order to complete this project successfully.(Submit the information on your selected organization to your Dropbox by the end of Week 1—this is an ungraded step but required and essential to help you make sure you are on the right track.) Also note that you will besubmitting a progress report for this project in Week 5 in the Minipaper assignment—this is worth 100 points.
  Part 2: Conduct a Needs Assessment
 Training and development processes begin with a needs assessment. Given the economic pressures that businesses face today, it is imperative that those needs be connected to specific organizational performance issues. There are three different forms of analysis you will need to complete.
 1.     Organizational analysis involves determining the appropriateness of training given the organization’s business strategy, its resources available for training, and support by managers and peers for training activities.
 2.     Person analysis involves (1) determining whether performance deficiencies result from a lack of knowledge, skill, or ability (a training issue) or from a motivational or work-design problem; (2) identifying who needs training; and (3) determining employees’ readiness for training.
 3.     Task analysis identifies the important tasks and knowledge, skill, and behaviors that need to be emphasized in training for employees to complete their tasks.
 Hints for a Successful Needs Assessment
 As you conduct your needs assessment, you may want to consider four potential sources of information that may help you in your analysis. Information such as employee turnover analysis, incident reports, long-range production goals, employee satisfaction studies, and physical plant layout can tell us a lot. Examples of other documents you may wish to consider include the following.
 Business documents:
 Key business documents can be used to determine areas of poor performance and developmental needs. Such documents may include
 1.     unit productivity reports;
 2.     customer satisfaction surveys;
 3.     communication survey reports; and 4. competitive analysis reports.
 Organization survey:
  Questionnaires can be created that probe for areas in which systems, structures, or processes are not functioning as intended. They can be used to look toward group, departmental, or individual issues.(Submit your survey to be used for gathering data by the end of Week 3—70 points.)
 Potential questions include the following.
 Questionnaire Questions
 1.     I am involved in decisions that directly affect my job.
 2.     My supervisor communicates with me on a regular basis.
 3.     I clearly understand what is expected of me.
 4.     I am rewarded for good performance.
 5.     My opinion has been asked regarding what needs to change in my work area.
 6.     I understand why the decisions that affect my job are made.
 7.     My supervisor gives me information that is important to me.
 8.     I have the skills necessary to perform my job properly.
 9.     I am rewarded for working well with others.
 10.   I receive frequent feedback on my performance.
 11.   I believe the information that I receive from my supervisor.
 12.   I have the tools necessary to perform my job properly.
 13.   My job leaves me with a sense of accomplishment.
 14.   I understand the information that I receive from my organization.
 15.   I am encouraged to make decisions that affect my job.
 16.   I am encouraged to communicate with my supervisor.
 17.   Team goals are supported throughout my organization.
 18.   My organization treats all employees well.
 19.   I have the information necessary to make decisions that affect my job.
 20.   I am encouraged to communicate with others.
 21.   The feedback that I receive is directly related to my job performance.
 22.   My organization treats all employees fairly.
 23.   My supervisor allows me to communicate my thoughts without fear of reprisal.
 24.   The feedback that I receive is constructive in nature.
 25.   My organization is interested in the growth and development of its employees.
 26.   I believe the information that I receive from my organization.
 Observations: Individuals can be observed on the job, and their interactions and activities can be noted for further analysis. Observations can include the following.
 Interviews: Interviews can be conducted in person or via a distributed questionnaire that probes for areas where performance may be improved. Potential interview questions include the following.
 1.     What do you think the most important part of your job is? What is least important?
 2.     What would you like to learn to make your job easier or better? What are the programs, processes, or resources available for you to learn from?
 3.     How have you developed the skills that you have?
 4.     Who brings problems to you and what kind of problems are they? How do you usually solve them? Whom do you ask for help?
 5.     What do you find most frustrating about your job?
 6.     What would you like to be spending your time doing? What would need to happen to let you do that?
 It is up to you to determine the methodology to be used in conducting the assessment. Considerations should include the willingness of the organization and its employees to provide information, the availability of information from the organization to be studied, and the availability of individuals in the organization to be interviewed and observed.
 The nature of the needs analysis, of course, also should be based on the type of assessment desired. Given the broad coverage of the course, assessment may include, but would not be limited to, the following.
 1.     Group processes and group effectiveness
 2.     Departmental effectiveness
 3.     Decision-making process effectiveness
 4.     Individual skills development
 5.     Group skills development
 6.     Career development
 Part 3: Analyze the Data Collected and Identify Training Needs
 Analyze the data you have collected and identify one or more training needs for the organization. Be sure to fully justify your recommendations and link your recommendations to the organization’s business goals.
 The data collected must be viewed in terms of the initial intent of the project. Care must be taken to evaluate the data for what they portray. Insufficient analysis or understanding of data, as well as reading more into data than what they actually portray, are equally ineffective activities.(Submit your course Minipaper that describes your needs assessment findings and other relevant project information in Week 5—100 points.)
 Part 4: Develop a Training or Intervention Strategy to Address the Needs Creating a developmental strategy is the objective of the investigative segment of the project. The strategy may include the following.
 1.     Training Sessions
 1.     Traditional classroom
 2.     Simulations
 3.     Self-managed strategies
 4.     Opportunity to perform
 2.     Career management systems
 1.     Self-assessment programs
 2.     Mentoring systems
 3.     Action planning
 3.     Organizational development intervention activities
 1.     Team building
 2.     Intergroup activities
 3.     Survey feedback activities
 4.     Education and training activities
 5.     Structural activities
 6.     Process consultation
 7.     Blake-Mouton grid activities
 8.     Third-party peacemaking
 9.     Coaching and counseling
 10.   Career planning
 11.   Goal setting
 4.     System redesign
 1.     Search conferences
 2.     Confrontation meetings
 3.     Strategic planning meetings
  Part 5: Determine the Training or Intervention Cost and Quantify Expected Results The fifth section of the Course Project is conducting a cost-benefit analysis. Training costs must be evaluated against anticipated results. This will only be palatable if, in the initial assessment, specific behaviors and processes and their impacts on the performance of the organization were determined. If so, conducting this final analytical segment should be possible.
  Part 6: Develop a Method of Training Evaluation Once you have completed the training, how will you know whether it has been successful? There are a variety of ways to evaluate training and development programs. Clearly identify the specific outcomes you expect from the project. Then develop a method of evaluating the effectiveness of your project.
 Submit your assignment to the Dropbox, located at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these See the Syllabus section “Due Dates for Assignments & Exams” for due date information.
  Grading Criteria Category
DeVry Hrm592 final exam
 Question 1. 1. (TCOs C, D) Assess and explain how you would ensure the transfer of training of employees. What must be in place in order to ensure the effective transfer of newly gained skills? Why is it important to ensure that the newly gained knowledge is transferred back to the organization? (Points : 40)
 Question 2. 2. (TCO F) Why are so many companies moving to blended learning in their training delivery? How does blended learning change the delivery of onsite training and online training? (Points : 40)
 Question 3. 3. (TCOs A, B) Congratulations! You have been hired to manage a brand new training department! The salary is much more than you expected, so you are highly motivated. You will have five trainers reporting to you: sales, quality, technology, safety, and leadership development. You also occasionally hire various vendors for employee development and other special areas. What model of training department organization will you use, and why? Fully explain your rationale for your choice of models. (Points : 40)
 Question 4. 4. (TCO E) Discuss Kirkpatrick’s framework for identifying and categorizing training outcomes. What is the utility of applying such a framework for evaluation purposes? (Points : 50)
 Question 5. 5. (TCO G) What role should employees, managers, and human resource managers take in career management? Discuss things that can be done so that managers are supportive of training efforts. Why is it important to differentiate these roles? (Points : 40)
 Question 6. 6. (TCO H) Describe dual career pathing. What is the value of a dual career path? (Points : 40)
devry hrm592 all week(3,5&7)course project
  The Course Project is designed to provide you with real-life, practical experience in conducting a training and OD needs assessment for a selected organization and in developing a training or intervention strategy to address the needs that have been identified. Guidelines The Course Project must be comprehensive and follow the analytical stages below.
 1.     Select an organization to be studied.
 2.     Develop and conduct a needs assessment.
 3.     Analyze the data collected and identify training needs.
 4.     Develop a training or intervention strategy to address the needs.
 5.     Determine the training intervention cost and quantify expected results.
 6.     Develop an evaluation method.
 Once the steps have been completed, a detailed paper outlining your processes, methodologies, results, and recommendations should be prepared. Although the length of the paper is not predetermined, a paper of 10–15 pages in length, double-spaced, is customarily necessary to cover the topic adequately. This does not include the title and reference pages.
 Note: There is an excellent guide online called Human Capital: A Guide for Assessing Strategic Training and Development Efforts in the Federal Government put out by the United States General Accounting Office. Although this relates to the government and not the private sector, it contains excellent information that can be applied anywhere.
 Milestones: Project Phases—In Detail
 Part 1: Select an Organization to Be Studied
 There are a number of ways in which an organization can be selected. One option is to look outside your organization for companies that would be interested in participating in the project. Another is to volunteer your own organization, or if you are not currently employed, use a church, school, club, or other organization.
 Once your organization has been selected, you will need to learn a lot about it. It is essential for you to understand the organization’s business, goals, objectives, and mission in order to complete this project successfully.(Submit the information on your selected organization to your Dropbox by the end of Week 1—this is an ungraded step but required and essential to help you make sure you are on the right track.) Also note that you will besubmitting a progress report for this project in Week 5 in the Minipaper assignment—this is worth 100 points.
  Part 2: Conduct a Needs Assessment
 Training and development processes begin with a needs assessment. Given the economic pressures that businesses face today, it is imperative that those needs be connected to specific organizational performance issues. There are three different forms of analysis you will need to complete.
 1.     Organizational analysis involves determining the appropriateness of training given the organization’s business strategy, its resources available for training, and support by managers and peers for training activities.
 2.     Person analysis involves (1) determining whether performance deficiencies result from a lack of knowledge, skill, or ability (a training issue) or from a motivational or work-design problem; (2) identifying who needs training; and (3) determining employees’ readiness for training.
 3.     Task analysis identifies the important tasks and knowledge, skill, and behaviors that need to be emphasized in training for employees to complete their tasks.
 Hints for a Successful Needs Assessment
 As you conduct your needs assessment, you may want to consider four potential sources of information that may help you in your analysis. Information such as employee turnover analysis, incident reports, long-range production goals, employee satisfaction studies, and physical plant layout can tell us a lot. Examples of other documents you may wish to consider include the following.
 Business documents:
 Key business documents can be used to determine areas of poor performance and developmental needs. Such documents may include
 1.     unit productivity reports;
 2.     customer satisfaction surveys;
 3.     communication survey reports; and 4. competitive analysis reports.
 Organization survey:
  Questionnaires can be created that probe for areas in which systems, structures, or processes are not functioning as intended. They can be used to look toward group, departmental, or individual issues.(Submit your survey to be used for gathering data by the end of Week 3—70 points.)
 Potential questions include the following.
 Questionnaire Questions
 1.     I am involved in decisions that directly affect my job.
 2.     My supervisor communicates with me on a regular basis.
 3.     I clearly understand what is expected of me.
 4.     I am rewarded for good performance.
 5.     My opinion has been asked regarding what needs to change in my work area.
 6.     I understand why the decisions that affect my job are made.
 7.     My supervisor gives me information that is important to me.
 8.     I have the skills necessary to perform my job properly.
 9.     I am rewarded for working well with others.
 10.   I receive frequent feedback on my performance.
 11.   I believe the information that I receive from my supervisor.
 12.   I have the tools necessary to perform my job properly.
 13.   My job leaves me with a sense of accomplishment.
 14.   I understand the information that I receive from my organization.
 15.   I am encouraged to make decisions that affect my job.
 16.   I am encouraged to communicate with my supervisor.
 17.   Team goals are supported throughout my organization.
 18.   My organization treats all employees well.
 19.   I have the information necessary to make decisions that affect my job.
 20.   I am encouraged to communicate with others.
 21.   The feedback that I receive is directly related to my job performance.
 22.   My organization treats all employees fairly.
 23.   My supervisor allows me to communicate my thoughts without fear of reprisal.
 24.   The feedback that I receive is constructive in nature.
 25.   My organization is interested in the growth and development of its employees.
 26.   I believe the information that I receive from my organization.
 Observations: Individuals can be observed on the job, and their interactions and activities can be noted for further analysis. Observations can include the following.
 Interviews: Interviews can be conducted in person or via a distributed questionnaire that probes for areas where performance may be improved. Potential interview questions include the following.
 1.     What do you think the most important part of your job is? What is least important?
 2.     What would you like to learn to make your job easier or better? What are the programs, processes, or resources available for you to learn from?
 3.     How have you developed the skills that you have?
 4.     Who brings problems to you and what kind of problems are they? How do you usually solve them? Whom do you ask for help?
 5.     What do you find most frustrating about your job?
 6.     What would you like to be spending your time doing? What would need to happen to let you do that?
 It is up to you to determine the methodology to be used in conducting the assessment. Considerations should include the willingness of the organization and its employees to provide information, the availability of information from the organization to be studied, and the availability of individuals in the organization to be interviewed and observed.
 The nature of the needs analysis, of course, also should be based on the type of assessment desired. Given the broad coverage of the course, assessment may include, but would not be limited to, the following.
 1.     Group processes and group effectiveness
 2.     Departmental effectiveness
 3.     Decision-making process effectiveness
 4.     Individual skills development
 5.     Group skills development
 6.     Career development
 Part 3: Analyze the Data Collected and Identify Training Needs
 Analyze the data you have collected and identify one or more training needs for the organization. Be sure to fully justify your recommendations and link your recommendations to the organization’s business goals.
 The data collected must be viewed in terms of the initial intent of the project. Care must be taken to evaluate the data for what they portray. Insufficient analysis or understanding of data, as well as reading more into data than what they actually portray, are equally ineffective activities.(Submit your course Minipaper that describes your needs assessment findings and other relevant project information in Week 5—100 points.)
 Part 4: Develop a Training or Intervention Strategy to Address the Needs Creating a developmental strategy is the objective of the investigative segment of the project. The strategy may include the following.
 1.     Training Sessions
 1.     Traditional classroom
 2.     Simulations
 3.     Self-managed strategies
 4.     Opportunity to perform
 2.     Career management systems
 1.     Self-assessment programs
 2.     Mentoring systems
 3.     Action planning
 3.     Organizational development intervention activities
 1.     Team building
 2.     Intergroup activities
 3.     Survey feedback activities
 4.     Education and training activities
 5.     Structural activities
 6.     Process consultation
 7.     Blake-Mouton grid activities
 8.     Third-party peacemaking
 9.     Coaching and counseling
 10.   Career planning
 11.   Goal setting
 4.     System redesign
 1.     Search conferences
 2.     Confrontation meetings
 3.     Strategic planning meetings
  Part 5: Determine the Training or Intervention Cost and Quantify Expected Results The fifth section of the Course Project is conducting a cost-benefit analysis. Training costs must be evaluated against anticipated results. This will only be palatable if, in the initial assessment, specific behaviors and processes and their impacts on the performance of the organization were determined. If so, conducting this final analytical segment should be possible.
  Part 6: Develop a Method of Training Evaluation Once you have completed the training, how will you know whether it has been successful? There are a variety of ways to evaluate training and development programs. Clearly identify the specific outcomes you expect from the project. Then develop a method of evaluating the effectiveness of your project.
 Submit your assignment to the Dropbox, located at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these See the Syllabus section “Due Dates for Assignments & Exams” for due date information.
  Grading Criteria Category
DeVry Hrm592 final exam
 Question 1. 1. (TCOs C, D) Assess and explain how you would ensure the transfer of training of employees. What must be in place in order to ensure the effective transfer of newly gained skills? Why is it important to ensure that the newly gained knowledge is transferred back to the organization? (Points : 40)
 Question 2. 2. (TCO F) Why are so many companies moving to blended learning in their training delivery? How does blended learning change the delivery of onsite training and online training? (Points : 40)
 Question 3. 3. (TCOs A, B) Congratulations! You have been hired to manage a brand new training department! The salary is much more than you expected, so you are highly motivated. You will have five trainers reporting to you: sales, quality, technology, safety, and leadership development. You also occasionally hire various vendors for employee development and other special areas. What model of training department organization will you use, and why? Fully explain your rationale for your choice of models. (Points : 40)
 Question 4. 4. (TCO E) Discuss Kirkpatrick’s framework for identifying and categorizing training outcomes. What is the utility of applying such a framework for evaluation purposes? (Points : 50)
 Question 5. 5. (TCO G) What role should employees, managers, and human resource managers take in career management? Discuss things that can be done so that managers are supportive of training efforts. Why is it important to differentiate these roles? (Points : 40)
 Question 6. 6. (TCO H) Describe dual career pathing. What is the value of a dual career path? (Points : 40)
0 notes
DeVry HRM 592 all weeks (3,5&7) course project
   DeVry HRM 592 all weeks (3,5&7) course project
 The Course Project is designed to provide you with real-life, practical experience in conducting a training and OD needs assessment for a selected organization and in developing a training or intervention strategy to address the needs that have been identified. Guidelines The Course Project must be comprehensive and follow the analytical stages below.
 1.     Select an organization to be studied.
 2.     Develop and conduct a needs assessment.
 3.     Analyze the data collected and identify training needs.
 4.     Develop a training or intervention strategy to address the needs.
 5.     Determine the training intervention cost and quantify expected results.
 6.     Develop an evaluation method.
 Once the steps have been completed, a detailed paper outlining your processes, methodologies, results, and recommendations should be prepared. Although the length of the paper is not predetermined, a paper of 10–15 pages in length, double-spaced, is customarily necessary to cover the topic adequately. This does not include the title and reference pages.
 Note: There is an excellent guide online called Human Capital: A Guide for Assessing Strategic Training and Development Efforts in the Federal Government put out by the United States General Accounting Office. Although this relates to the government and not the private sector, it contains excellent information that can be applied anywhere.
 Milestones: Project Phases—In Detail
 Part 1: Select an Organization to Be Studied
 There are a number of ways in which an organization can be selected. One option is to look outside your organization for companies that would be interested in participating in the project. Another is to volunteer your own organization, or if you are not currently employed, use a church, school, club, or other organization.
 Once your organization has been selected, you will need to learn a lot about it. It is essential for you to understand the organization’s business, goals, objectives, and mission in order to complete this project successfully.(Submit the information on your selected organization to your Dropbox by the end of Week 1—this is an ungraded step but required and essential to help you make sure you are on the right track.) Also note that you will besubmitting a progress report for this project in Week 5 in the Minipaper assignment—this is worth 100 points.
  Part 2: Conduct a Needs Assessment
 Training and development processes begin with a needs assessment. Given the economic pressures that businesses face today, it is imperative that those needs be connected to specific organizational performance issues. There are three different forms of analysis you will need to complete.
 1.     Organizational analysis involves determining the appropriateness of training given the organization’s business strategy, its resources available for training, and support by managers and peers for training activities.
 2.     Person analysis involves (1) determining whether performance deficiencies result from a lack of knowledge, skill, or ability (a training issue) or from a motivational or work-design problem; (2) identifying who needs training; and (3) determining employees’ readiness for training.
 3.     Task analysis identifies the important tasks and knowledge, skill, and behaviors that need to be emphasized in training for employees to complete their tasks.
 Hints for a Successful Needs Assessment
 As you conduct your needs assessment, you may want to consider four potential sources of information that may help you in your analysis. Information such as employee turnover analysis, incident reports, long-range production goals, employee satisfaction studies, and physical plant layout can tell us a lot. Examples of other documents you may wish to consider include the following.
 Business documents:
 Key business documents can be used to determine areas of poor performance and developmental needs. Such documents may include
 1.     unit productivity reports;
 2.     customer satisfaction surveys;
 3.     communication survey reports; and 4. competitive analysis reports.
 Organization survey:
  Questionnaires can be created that probe for areas in which systems, structures, or processes are not functioning as intended. They can be used to look toward group, departmental, or individual issues.(Submit your survey to be used for gathering data by the end of Week 3—70 points.)
 Potential questions include the following.
 Questionnaire Questions
 1.     I am involved in decisions that directly affect my job.
 2.     My supervisor communicates with me on a regular basis.
 3.     I clearly understand what is expected of me.
 4.     I am rewarded for good performance.
 5.     My opinion has been asked regarding what needs to change in my work area.
 6.     I understand why the decisions that affect my job are made.
 7.     My supervisor gives me information that is important to me.
 8.     I have the skills necessary to perform my job properly.
 9.     I am rewarded for working well with others.
 10.   I receive frequent feedback on my performance.
 11.   I believe the information that I receive from my supervisor.
 12.   I have the tools necessary to perform my job properly.
 13.   My job leaves me with a sense of accomplishment.
 14.   I understand the information that I receive from my organization.
 15.   I am encouraged to make decisions that affect my job.
 16.   I am encouraged to communicate with my supervisor.
 17.   Team goals are supported throughout my organization.
 18.   My organization treats all employees well.
 19.   I have the information necessary to make decisions that affect my job.
 20.   I am encouraged to communicate with others.
 21.   The feedback that I receive is directly related to my job performance.
 22.   My organization treats all employees fairly.
 23.   My supervisor allows me to communicate my thoughts without fear of reprisal.
 24.   The feedback that I receive is constructive in nature.
 25.   My organization is interested in the growth and development of its employees.
 26.   I believe the information that I receive from my organization.
 Observations: Individuals can be observed on the job, and their interactions and activities can be noted for further analysis. Observations can include the following.
 Interviews: Interviews can be conducted in person or via a distributed questionnaire that probes for areas where performance may be improved. Potential interview questions include the following.
 1.     What do you think the most important part of your job is? What is least important?
 2.     What would you like to learn to make your job easier or better? What are the programs, processes, or resources available for you to learn from?
 3.     How have you developed the skills that you have?
 4.     Who brings problems to you and what kind of problems are they? How do you usually solve them? Whom do you ask for help?
 5.     What do you find most frustrating about your job?
 6.     What would you like to be spending your time doing? What would need to happen to let you do that?
 It is up to you to determine the methodology to be used in conducting the assessment. Considerations should include the willingness of the organization and its employees to provide information, the availability of information from the organization to be studied, and the availability of individuals in the organization to be interviewed and observed.
 The nature of the needs analysis, of course, also should be based on the type of assessment desired. Given the broad coverage of the course, assessment may include, but would not be limited to, the following.
 1.     Group processes and group effectiveness
 2.     Departmental effectiveness
 3.     Decision-making process effectiveness
 4.     Individual skills development
 5.     Group skills development
 6.     Career development
 Part 3: Analyze the Data Collected and Identify Training Needs
 Analyze the data you have collected and identify one or more training needs for the organization. Be sure to fully justify your recommendations and link your recommendations to the organization’s business goals.
 The data collected must be viewed in terms of the initial intent of the project. Care must be taken to evaluate the data for what they portray. Insufficient analysis or understanding of data, as well as reading more into data than what they actually portray, are equally ineffective activities.(Submit your course Minipaper that describes your needs assessment findings and other relevant project information in Week 5—100 points.)
 Part 4: Develop a Training or Intervention Strategy to Address the Needs Creating a developmental strategy is the objective of the investigative segment of the project. The strategy may include the following.
 1.     Training Sessions
 1.     Traditional classroom
 2.     Simulations
 3.     Self-managed strategies
 4.     Opportunity to perform
 2.     Career management systems
 1.     Self-assessment programs
 2.     Mentoring systems
 3.     Action planning
 3.     Organizational development intervention activities
 1.     Team building
 2.     Intergroup activities
 3.     Survey feedback activities
 4.     Education and training activities
 5.     Structural activities
 6.     Process consultation
 7.     Blake-Mouton grid activities
 8.     Third-party peacemaking
 9.     Coaching and counseling
 10.   Career planning
 11.   Goal setting
 4.     System redesign
 1.     Search conferences
 2.     Confrontation meetings
 3.     Strategic planning meetings
  Part 5: Determine the Training or Intervention Cost and Quantify Expected Results The fifth section of the Course Project is conducting a cost-benefit analysis. Training costs must be evaluated against anticipated results. This will only be palatable if, in the initial assessment, specific behaviors and processes and their impacts on the performance of the organization were determined. If so, conducting this final analytical segment should be possible.
  Part 6: Develop a Method of Training Evaluation Once you have completed the training, how will you know whether it has been successful? There are a variety of ways to evaluate training and development programs. Clearly identify the specific outcomes you expect from the project. Then develop a method of evaluating the effectiveness of your project.
 Submit your assignment to the Dropbox, located at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these See the Syllabus section “Due Dates for Assignments & Exams” for due date information.
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DeVry Hrm 592 final examination
 DeVry Hrm 592 final examination
 Question 1. 1. (TCOs C, D) Assess and explain how you would ensure the transfer of training of employees. What must be in place in order to ensure the effective transfer of newly gained skills? Why is it important to ensure that the newly gained knowledge is transferred back to the organization? (Points : 40)
 Question 2. 2. (TCO F) Why are so many companies moving to blended learning in their training delivery? How does blended learning change the delivery of onsite training and online training? (Points : 40)
 Question 3. 3. (TCOs A, B) Congratulations! You have been hired to manage a brand new training department! The salary is much more than you expected, so you are highly motivated. You will have five trainers reporting to you: sales, quality, technology, safety, and leadership development. You also occasionally hire various vendors for employee development and other special areas. What model of training department organization will you use, and why? Fully explain your rationale for your choice of models. (Points : 40)
 Question 4. 4. (TCO E) Discuss Kirkpatrick’s framework for identifying and categorizing training outcomes. What is the utility of applying such a framework for evaluation purposes? (Points : 50)
 Question 5. 5. (TCO G) What role should employees, managers, and human resource managers take in career management? Discuss things that can be done so that managers are supportive of training efforts. Why is it important to differentiate these roles? (Points : 40)
 Question 6. 6. (TCO H) Describe dual career pathing. What is the value of a dual career path? (Points : 40)
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DeVry HSM544 Week 2 Case Study Latest Guide
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 DeVry HSM544 Week 2 Case Study Latest Guide
You are chief of staff to your brother-in-law, Representative Howard Hughes, who was recently elected to fill out a term in Congress.
He has been asked to participate in a panel discussion on the Medicare funding crisis. You have been asked to prepare paper for him. The panel is asked to respond to a proposal for reducing Medicare expenditures by enrolling participants in HMOs. What does the Congressperson say?
The following key questions must be addressed in the paper:
Is Medicare in a state of crisis? Are radical measures necessary to preserve the program?
How is Medicare funded now? Why do elderly people feel that Medicare is an insurance program and not a welfare program? Is this perception accurate?
Should there be a Medicare program at all? Why should the government be involved in providing insurance to elderly preople? Does Medicare have detrimental effects on the market for healthcare or on the market for health insurance?
Are these economic effects, offset by the positive effects of the Medicare program for the elderly? What about the positive effects of caring for the elderly for society? Are there any externalities here?
Justify your position on either economic efficiency or equity grounds (or both).
Your Congressperson wants to appear intelligent. Do not be afraid to refer to economic theory or theories of distributive justice.
Prepare a written response to the questions and requests following the Case Study:
In general, the length of this case study should be no less than six pages, double spaced.
The written assignment should be produced using a word processing program, produced in memo format, and addressed to your congressperson from you.
A guide for writing the case study is posted in Doc Sharing.
Your assignment will be evaluated and graded based on the criteria in the Doc Sharing guide.
Submit your assignment to the Dropbox, located at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these step-by-step instructions.
See the Syllabus section “Due Dates for Assignments & Exams” for due date information.
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DeVry HSM 544 Week 5 Case Study Latest Guide
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DeVry HSM544 Week 5 Case Study Latest Guide
Your brother-in-law, Representative Howard Hughes, lost his bid for reelection. However, thanks to your efforts, he established himself while in Congress as an astute analyst of the health field and as a consequence, has taken a position as partner at the prestigious Atlanta investment firm of Keller, Keller, Keller, Keller, and Disher. You have decided to take him up on his offer to join him as a manager in the healthcare division.
The other partners have little insight into healthcare other than receiving care. Your brother-in-law has been asked to give a presentation on the current status of the health sector and opportunities for investment.
Your job is to provide him with infomation on the healthcare industry. Key interest items are in the below questions. To be effective, detail needs to be spectific, complete with sufficient depth and detail.
The paper must answer the following questions:
How is the role of government likely to change?
Will government be more or less involved in the health sector?
What impact will increased government involvement have on healthcare as a business opportunity?
Where do you see a potential for growth in the health sector?
What opportunities would make for wise investments (e.g., hospitals, home health, mental health, rehabilitation services, managed care, physician group practice management, etc.)?
Is technology a good investment risk? If yes, what sort or types of technologies are likely to be in great demand, assuming a national shift to integrated delivery system model and a focus on prevention along with treatment?
Prepare a paper that provides detailed responses to above questions and requests following the case study requirements and expectations in the Case Study doc under Doc Sharing.
Your assignment will be evaluated and graded based on the criteria in the relevant Doc Sharing document.
Submit your assignment to the Dropbox, located at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these step-by-step instructions.
See the Syllabus section “Due Dates for Assignments & Exams” for due date information
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DeVry HSM544 Week 7 Course Project Latest
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DeVry HSM544 Week 7 Course Project Latest
 Course Project – Guide
 Write a research paper (not less than 18 pages or more than 22 pages) double spaced based on your chosen subject, in which you convince your readers to support your recommendation.
Introductory material:
Cover letter or memo, title page, table of contents, executive summary:
Body of the report:
Introduction, conclusions, recommendations, findings, and methodology, organized clearly with effective headings and subheadings:
Supplementary information: Appendixes, exhibits (supplementary charts and graphs) and a list of illustrations, if appropriate.
Use Applied Business Research Techniques:
Guide your approach to solving the business problem and use tools such as the Internet, Keller’s Virtual Library, and other on-line and in-library resources to conduct business research to gather information and support for your proposal. Go to http://www.google.com for a good research engine.
Using Keller’s Virtual Library:
Log on to http://library.devry.edu/ through your Internet Service Provider (ISP) and browsers (such as Netscape or Microsoft Internet Explorer), click on Graduate Resources and follow the instructions on the page.
Follow the simple on-line instructions to conduct your information search. The home page has an easy-to-use Help Guide that provides an overview of the database and answers to specific questions about usage.
Tips for Success
Getting started:. Good communication begins with critical thought. Think about the chosen subject.
-Who is your audience?
-What is your purpose?
-What do you know about the situation?
Let your answers to those three (3) questions guide you as you research your topic, acquire information, and develop your business recommendation. You may also use the answers to those three (3) questions to guide you as you outline your subject. Don’t use information just because you have it, use information because it will help you accomplish your objective.
The greatest value in a course comes from applying the concepts, theories, and principles explored during class. The term paper will be graded according to the criteria below and is worth 21% or your total grade. This term project gives you an opportunity to select an a problem or situation with which you are familiar and identify a health care management issue in which an element of that organization is or is not meeting expectations. Then, drawing on the concepts and principles from readings, exercises, current events, and class discussions, write a term paper in which you:
·         Introduce the issue (Background)
·         Define the problem,
·         Search the literature,
·         Analyze the problem,
·         Offer possible solutions,
·         Propose a single solution,
·         Develop an implementation plan, and
·         Justify why/how it your solution will solve the identified problem.
Your paper must include, but is not limited to, the following sections:
Once your paper is completed, you will need to summarize the paper’s main points for your reader. Explain succinctly the problem/issue you are writing about along with a summary of your paper’s main points. Include the solutions offered along with your identified best solution and plan and how it will solve the identified problem/issue. Maximum Length of an Executive Summary is 1-2 pages.
Identify and clearly state the problem which needs improvement or is not meeting expectations. Remember, that what appears to be the health care problem or issue may actually be just a symptom of a bigger problem–dig deep to be sure you’ve identified the real problem/s. If there appears to be more than one problem/issue, decide if they are separate or related issues. State the problem in the form of a question.
Present what you discovered in your search of the literature. Review theories, concepts, and studies discussed in class and in our textbook AND review what other writers/researchers have to say about the subject of your analysis. In short, demonstrate an understanding of the literature and apply it sensibly to the problem. This is not a course in applied commonsense; however, such practical intelligence is important, especially in the application stage. A literature review is like playing a video game in which you are in a chamber with many doors. As you open each door, you uncover clues to help you progress to the next level. Similarly, in a literature review, your objective is to open the “doors” that can point the way to solving your business problem. Begin your literature review with a broad look at your field of interest, then narrow your focus until you zero in on the essential issues/s of concern.
NOTE: A literature review is a required element of this assignment. A good “rule of thumb” is to review at least ten resources, beyond the textbook and class readings, to ensure the effectiveness of your research. Be sure to list them in the bibliography.
Suggestion: Begin your literature survey by accessing Keller”s online library at www.keller.edu.
PROBLEM ANALYSIS: (45 points) This section should provide a detailed analysis of the causes of the problem(s) or issue(s) you identified in Section II. A major objective is to clearly illustrate how you are using this course concepts (as well as what your learned from your literature review) to better understand the causes of the problem(s) or issue(s). Show that you are applying course material!
Explore three solutions that could be appropriate ways to solve the identified problem/issue. Be sure these solutions are logical based on your analysis and that they each would effectively treat the problem, not the symptoms. Also, discuss the anticipated outcomes (both positive and negative) of implementing each of the possible solutions you identified.
Outline your recommended solution to the problem/issue—one of the alternatives explored in Section V or a combination of those alternatives. State your solution clearly and specifically. Describe exactly what should be done and how it should be done, including by whom, with whom, and in what sequence. Here are some points to keep in mind as you write this section: Have I indicated an awareness of the problem of implementation (the how aspect)? Have I been specific enough? A specific solution would state what style is most appropriate for the situation and how you will attempt to the have the manager realize the appropriate style.
What aspects of the problem remain unresolved by my solution?
Does my recommended solution and implementation plan address the problem/issues and causes identified in the previous sections? Does my solution consider and resolve the identified pros and cons?
How will I evaluate the effectiveness of the implemented recommended solution?
What process checks or procedures will I put in place to institutionalize the improvement?
Could my solution cause other problems/issues? What risks are inherent in the solution you recommend? What contingency plans do you recommend?
Assess the realism of your proposed action plan. For example, is there adequate time, money, or other resources for your solution? In addition, does your solution place too much reliance on other people being “reasonable”—i.e., on what YOU think is reasonable?
JUSTIFICATION: (20 points)
Justify why your recommended solution and its implementation will solve the identified problem/issue in the organization/unit you selected. An important element of this section is to show very clearly how you applied course concepts to arrive at a workable solution and a successful implementation. Apply appropriate course material; support your conclusions with appropriately referenced facts, quotes, and readings; and be sure your justification addresses identified pros and cons.
REFERENCES: (20 points)
All citations in the paper must appear in the reference list, and all references must be cited in the text. Choose references judiciously and cite them accurately. A citation of an author’s work in the text documents your work, briefly identifies the source for readers, and enables readers to locate the source of information in the alphabetical reference list at the end of the paper. To use the ideas or words of another without crediting the source is plagiarism. Plagiarism in its purest form involves copying of entire passages either verbatim or nearly verbatim, with no direct acknowledgment of the source. The most common (and unconscious) form of plagiarism is when a direct quotation is simply paraphrased. Paraphrasing does not relieve you of the obligation to provide proper identification of source data. The best way to avoid plagiarism is to make sure all quotes, ideas, or conclusions not your own are given proper acknowledgment in your text.
GRAMMAR/COMPOSITION: (20 points) The paper uses acceptable terminology in standard English and reflects the use of word processing software and spell check. Acceptable sentence structure is reflected with appropriate use of grammar and style and considerate of the audience for which the paper is written.
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DeVry MATH399 All iLabs Latest
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  MATH399 Statistics—Lab Week 2
 Question 1 is worth 5 points and each question after that is worth 4.5 points, for a total of 50 points for the lab.
Statistical Concepts:
·         Using Excel
·         Graphics
·         Shapes of distributions
·         Descriptive statistics
NOTE: Directions for all labs are given based on Excel 2013 for Windows. If you have another version of Excel, you may need to research how to do the same steps.
Data in Excel
Ø Excel is a powerful, yet user-friendly, data analysis software package. You can launch Excel by finding the icon and double clicking on it. There are detailed instructions on how to obtain the graphs and statistics you need for this lab in each question. There is also a link to an Excel how to document on the iLab page where you opened this file. Further, if you need more explanation of the Excel functions you can do an internet search on the function like “Excel standard deviation” or “Excel pivot table” for a variety of directions and video demonstrations.
Ø Data have already been formatted and entered into an Excel worksheet. You will see the link on the page with this lab document. The names of each variable from the survey are in the first row of the worksheet. All other rows of the worksheet represent certain students’ answers to the survey questions. Therefore, the rows are called observations and the columns are called variables. Below, you will find a code sheet that identifies the correspondence between the variable names and the survey questions.
SurveyCode Sheet: Do NOT answer these questions. The code sheet just lists the variables name and the question used by the researchers on the survey instrument that produced the data that are included in the Excel data file. This is just information. The first question for the lab is after the code sheet.
Variable  Name
Question 1: How long  does it take you to drive to the school on average (to the nearest minute)?
Question 2: In what  state/country were you born?
Question 3: What is  your shoe size?
Question 4: What is  your height to the nearest inch?
Question 5: How many  hours did you sleep last night?
Question 6: What is  your gender?
Question 7: What  color of car do you drive?
Question 8: How long  (on average) do you spend a day watching TV?
Question 9: How much  money do you have with you right now?
Question 10: Flip a  coin 10 times. How many times did you get tails?
Frequency Distributions
1.     1. Create a frequency table for the variable State.In the Excel file, you can click on Data and then Sort and choose State as the variable on which to sort. Once sorted, you can count how many students are from each state. From that table, use a calculator to determine the relative percentages, as well as the cumulative percentages.
In the box below, type the states from the database in a column to the left, then type the counts, and relative and cumulative frequencies to the right of the respective state. Using the data in the table, make a statement about what the frequency counts or percentages tell about the data.
Creating Graphs
2.     2. Create a bar chart for the frequency table in Question 1. Select the State variable values. Click onInsertand then click on the arrow on the bottom right of the Charts area and select Clustered Columnand click OK. (Again, different versions of Excel may need different directions.) Add an appropriate title and axis label. Copy and paste the graph here.
3.     3. Create a pie chart for the variable Car. Select the column with the Car variable, including the title of Car. Click on Insert, and then Recommended Charts. It should show a clustered column and click OK. Once the chart is shown, right click on the chart (main area)and select Change Chart Type. Select Pie and OK. Click on the pie slices, right click Add Data Labels, and select Add Data Callouts. Add an appropriate title.Copy and paste the chart here.
4.     4. Create a histogram for the variable Height. Use the strategies in the text to create a frequency table of the heights using the categories of 60–64, 65–69, 70–74, and 75–79. It may be helpful to sort the data based on the Height variable first. Create a new worksheet in Excel by clicking on the + along the bottom of the screen and type in the categories and the frequency for each category. Then, select the frequency table, click on Insert, then Recommended Charts and choose the column chart shown and click OK. Right-click on one of the bars and select Format Data Series. In the pop up box, change the Gap Width to 0. Add an appropriate title and axis label.Copy and paste the graph here.
5.     5. Create a stem and leaf chart for the variable Money, using only the whole dollar amounts. This must be done by hand, as Excel cannot do this type of chart. Using the tens value as the stem and the ones value for the leaves, type a stem and leaf plot into the box below. It may be helpful to sort the data based on the Money variable first.
Calculating Descriptive Statistics
 6.     6. Calculate descriptive statistics for the variable Height by Gender. Click on Insert and then Pivot Table. Click in the top box and select all the data (including labels) from Height through Gender. Also click on new worksheet and then OK. On the right of the new sheet, click on Height and Gender, making sure that Gender is in the Rows box and Height is in the Values box. Click on the down arrow next to Height in the Values box and select Value Field Settings. In the pop up box, click Average,thenOK. Type in the averages below. Then, click on the down arrow next to Height in the Values box again and select Value Field Settings. In the pop up box, click on StdDevthenOK. Type the standard deviations below.
Standard Deviation
Ø Select File > Save Worksheet As to save the data set. You must either keep a copy of this data or download it again off the website for future labs.
Short Answer Writing Assignment
All answers should be complete sentences.
7.     7. What is the most common color of car for students who participated in this survey? Explain how you arrived at your answer.
8.     8. What is seen in the histogram created for the heights of students in this class (include the shape)? Explain your answer.
9.     9. What is seen in the stem and leaf plot for the money variable (including the shape)? Explain your answer.
10.   10. Compare the mean for the heights of males and the mean for the heights of females in these data. Compare the values and explain what can be concluded based on the numbers.
11.   11. Compare the standard deviation for the heights of males and the standard deviation for the heights of females in the class.Compare the values and explain what can be concluded based on the numbers.
    DeVry MATH399 Week 4 iLab
 MATH399 Statistics
Week 4 Lab
Name: _______________________
Statistical Concepts:
·         Probability
·         Binomial Probability Distribution
 Calculating Binomial Probabilities
 Ø Open a new Excel worksheet.
1.     1. Open spreadsheet
2.     2. In cell A1 type “success” as the label
3.     3. Under that in column A, type 0 through 10 (these will be in rows 2 through 12)
4.     4. In cell B1, type “one fourth”
5.     5. In cell B2, type “=BINOM.DIST(A2,10,0.25,FALSE)” [NOTE: if you have Excel 2007, then the formula is BINOMDIST without the period]
6.     6. Then copy and paste this formula in cells B3 through B12
7.     7. In cell C1, type “one half”
8.     8. In cell C2, type “=BINOM.DIST(A2,10,0.5,FALSE)”
9.     9. Copy and paste this formula in cells C3 through C12
10.   10. In cell D1 type “three fourths”
11.   11. In cell D2, type “=BINOM.DIST(A2,10,0.75,FALSE)”
12.   12. Copy and paste this formula in cells D3 through D12
Plotting the Binomial Probabilities
1.     1. Create plots for the three binomial distributions above. You can create the scatter plots in Excel by selecting the data you want plotted, clicking on INSERT, CHARTS, SCATTER, then selecting the first chart shown which is dots with no connecting lines.Do this two more times and for graph 2 set Y equal to ‘one half’ and X to ‘success’, and for graph 3 set Y equal to ‘three fourths’ and X to ‘success’. Paste those three scatter plots in the grey area below. (12 points)
Calculating Descriptive Statistics
Ø You will use the same class survey results that were entered into the Excel worksheet for the Week 2 iLab Assignment for question 2.
2.     2. Calculate descriptive statistics for the variable(Coin) where each of the students flipped a coin 10 times. Round your answers to three decimal places and typethe mean and the standard deviation in the grey area below. (4 points)
Standard deviation:
Short Answer Writing Assignment – Both the calculated binomial probabilities and the descriptive statistics from the class database will be used to answer the following questions. Round all numeric answers to three decimal places.
3.     3. List the probability value for each possibility in the binomial experiment calculated at the beginning of this lab, which was calculated with the probability of a success being ½. (Complete sentence not necessary; round your answers to three decimal places) (10 points)
4.     4. Give the probability for the following based on the calculations in question 3 above, with the probability of a success being ½. (Complete sentence not necessary; round your answers to three decimal places) (12 points)
P(4<x ?7)
P(x<4 or x?7)
5.     5. Calculate (by hand) the mean and standard deviation for the binomial distribution with the probability of a success being ½and n = 10. Either show work or explain how your answer was calculated. Use these formulas to do the hand calculations: Mean = np, Standard Deviation = .gif”> (4 points)
Mean = np:
Standard Deviation =  .gif”>:
6.     6. Using all four of the properties of a Binomial experiment (see page 201 in the textbook) explain in a short paragraph of several complete sentences why the Coin variable from the class survey represents a binomial distribution from a binomial experiment. (4 points)
7.     7. Compare the mean and standard deviation for the Coin variable (question 2) with those of the mean and standard deviation for the binomial distribution that was calculated by hand in question 5. Explain how they are related in a short paragraph of several complete sentences. (4 points)
Mean from question  #2:
Standard deviation  from question #2:
Mean from question  #5:
Standard deviation  from question #5:
Comparison and  explanation:
   DeVry MATH399 Week 6 iLab
 MATH 399N Statistics for Decision Making
Week 6 iLab
Statistical Concepts:
·         Data Simulation
·         Confidence Intervals
·         Normal Probabilities
Short Answer Writing Assignment
All answers should be complete sentences.
We need to find the confidence interval for the SLEEP variable. To do this, we need to find the mean and then find the maximum error. Then we can use a calculator to find the interval, (x – E, x + E).
First, find the mean. Under that column, in cell E37, type =AVERAGE(E2:E36). Under that in cell E38, type =STDEV(E2:E36). Now we can find the maximum error of the confidence interval. To find the maximum error, we use the “confidence” formula. In cell E39, type =CONFIDENCE.NORM(0.05,E38,35). The 0.05 is based on the confidence level of 95%, the E38 is the standard deviation, and 35 is the number in our sample. You then need to calculate the confidence interval by using a calculator to subtract the maximum error from the mean (x-E) and add it to the mean (x+E).
1.     1. Give and interpret the 95% confidence interval for the hours of sleep a student gets. (5 points)
Then, you can go down to cell E40 and type =CONFIDENCE.NORM(0.01,E38,35) to find the maximum error for a 99% confidence interval. Again, you would need to use a calculator to subtract this and add this to the mean to find the actual confidence interval.
2.     2. Give and interpret the 99% confidence interval for the hours of sleep a student gets. (5 points)
3.     3. Compare the 95% and 99% confidence intervals for the hours of sleep a student gets. Explain the difference between these intervals and why this difference occurs. (10 points)
4.     4. Find the mean and standard deviation of the DRIVE variable by using =AVERAGE(A2:A36) and =STDEV(A2:A36). Assuming that this variable is normally distributed, what percentage of data would you predict would be less than 40 miles? This would be based on the calculated probability. Use the formula =NORM.DIST(40, mean, stdev,TRUE). Now determine the percentage of data points in the dataset that fall within this range. To find the actual percentage in the dataset, sort the DRIVE variable and count how many of the data points are less than 40 out of the total 35 data points. That is the actual percentage. How does this compare with your prediction? (15 points)
Mean ______________  Standard deviation ____________________
Predicted percentage  ______________________________
Actual percentage  _____________________________
Comparison  ___________________________________________________
 5.     5. What percentage of data would you predict would be between 40 and 70 and what percentage would you predict would be more than 70 miles? Subtract the probabilities found through =NORM.DIST(70, mean, stdev, TRUE) and =NORM.DIST(40, mean, stdev, TRUE) for the “between” probability. To get the probability of over 70, use the same =NORM.DIST(70, mean, stdev, TRUE) and then subtract the result from 1 to get “more than”. Now determine the percentage of data points in the dataset that fall within this range, using same strategy as above for counting data points in the data set. How do each of these compare with your prediction and why is there a difference? (15 points)
Predicted percentage  between 40 and 70 ______________________________
Actual percentage  _____________________________________________
Predicted percentage  more than 70 miles ________________________________
Actual percentage  ___________________________________________
Comparison  ____________________________________________________
Why?  __________________________________________________________
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Devry MGMT404 all weeks discussion and midterm quiz and Final Project
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 Devry MGMT404 all weeks discussion and midterm quiz and Final Project
 Devry MGMT 404 All Weeks Discussions Devry MGMT 404 Week 1 DQ 1 Read the case study 3.1 on pages 103–104 of the text. The Keflavik Paper Company is a case with the problem of determining a project management process for new product development. Answer the following questions: What does this case demonstrate about the effect of poor project screening methods on a firm’s ability to manage projects effectively? How would project portfolio management help to improve the situation at Keflavik?
  Devry MGMT 404 Week 1 DQ 2 Case Study: Widgets ‘R Us (graded) Read the case study 2.4 on pages 65–66 of the text.
The Widgets ‘R Us case study is a case with a problem of how the company is set up and how the company will handle operations with its projected growth. Answer the following questions:
You have been called in as a consultant to analyze the operations at WRU. Based on the readings, what would you advise Widgets ‘R Us to do in order to sustain the competitive advantage in the widget market?
What structural design changes might be undertaken to improve the operations at the company? MGMT 404 Week 2 DQ 1 Project Scope Project Scope (graded) The project scope defines what will be delivered as part of the project, and in some ways, it can be likened to the term vision. That said, whose view and needs should be expressed in a project’s scope? What items need to be addressed in defining the scope? Why are these items important to define? MGMT 404 Week 2 DQ 2
  Case Study- Project Management at Case Study: Project Management at Dotcom.com (graded) Read the case study 5.3 Project Management at Dotcom.com in the text on pages 166–167.
Dotcom.com is a software engineering and systems development consulting firm that needs some organizational improvements in the area of project management processes that will cut cost and potentially increase the profit margin for the company. Answer the following questions:
Discuss how you would begin redesigning dotcom.com’s project management processes to minimize the problems it is experiencing with poor scope management.
Why do you think configuration management and project change control are difficult to perform in the middle of a complex software development project, such as those implemented at dotcom.com? Share any experiences you have with project change requests. MGMT 404 Week 3 DQ 1 Project Schedule Project Schedule (graded) To develop a schedule for a project, we will use the concept of a project network, which shows work activities taken from the work breakdown structure and organized according to the logical flow in time and relationships governing when the work will be performed. By combining this network of work activities with estimates of the time duration for performing each of the activities, we can create a schedule for the project work. What types of information can we learn about the project by reviewing the project schedule and all the information used to generate it? MGMT 404 Week 3 DQ 2 Risk Management Risk Management (graded) Assume you have just been assigned to a project risk team of five members. Because this is the first time your organization has formally set up a risk team for a project, it is hoped that your team will develop a process that can be used on all future projects. Your first team meeting is next Monday morning. Each team member has been asked to prepare for the meeting by developing, in as much detail as possible, an outline that describes how you believe the team should proceed in handling project risks. Each team member will hand out their proposed outline at the beginning of the meeting. Your outline should include but not be limited to the following information: • Team objectives • Process for handling risk events • Team activities • Team outputs MGMT 404 Week 4 DQ 1 Case Study- The Problems of Multitasking Case Study: The Problems of Multitasking (graded) Read the case study 12.1, The Problems of Multitasking in the text on pages 405–406. Answer the following questions: 1. How does multitasking confuse the resource availability of project team personnel? 2. In modern organizations, it is impossible to eliminate multitasking for the average employee? Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Why? 3. How would resource loading and/or resource leveling help this situation? MGMT 404 Week 4 DQ 1 Case Study: The Problems of Multitasking (graded) Read the case study 12.1, The Problems of Multitasking in the text on pages 405–406. Answer the following questions: 1. How does multitasking confuse the resource availability of project team personnel? 2. In modern organizations, it is impossible to eliminate multitasking for the average employee? Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Why? 3. How would resource loading and/or resource leveling help this situation? MGMT 404 Week 5 DQ 1 Project Baseline Project Baseline (graded) We have now moved from the planning stage to the doing part of project management. Following good project management practices, we have set a baseline. How is a project baseline used to guide the execution of the project’s work, to evaluate progress and performance, and to control the project?
Also, as you continue to think about monitoring and controlling the project, specifically consider the question: How can the project baseline and the earned value approach for variance analysis be used to monitor and report project progress? MGMT 404 Week 5 DQ 2 Project Communication Project Communication (graded) Discuss the importance of communication and information exchange to project success. What are the crucial features and elements of effective communication and information exchange in successful projects? MGMT 404 Week 6 DQ 1
  Case Study- Finding the Emotional Intelligence Case Study: Finding the Emotional Intelligence (graded) Read the case study 4.2 Finding the Emotional Intelligence in the text on pages 130. 1. What are the differences between leaders and managers? Can anyone be a leader? Which would you prefer to work for and why? 2. Share an example from your work or school experience with working through the five stages of team development. 3. Select one of the characteristics of an effective project manager and tell why it is important. 4. Take the Future Time Perspective scale on page 129. Share your results and comments with the class.
  MGMT 404 Week 6 DQ 2 Quality Management Processes (graded) Read about the Quality Management Process on page 25 of the text.
1.     Why are measurements critical to quality management? What types of measures are available for quality? 2. How important is it to include a quality assessment in your project WBS? What can happen if quality is overlooked? 3. Let’s do a little research on Six Sigma. What is it and why is it important to quality management?
MGMT 404 Week 7 DQ 1 Case Study: The Project that Wouldn’t Die Review case study 14.2 on page 471. Answer the three questions at the end of the case. Your answers must be supported by the facts of the case. You will be graded on the content of your answers as well as your feedback to other responses. MGMT 404 Week 7 DQ 2 Case Study:Judy’s Hunt for Authenticity Review case study 11.1 on page 375. Answer the three questions at the end of the case. Your answers must be supported by the facts of the case. You will be graded on the content of your answers as well as your feedback to other responses.
 MGMT 404  Midterm Quiz
 (TCO 1) Before one can begin writing a charter, one must consider the most appropriate organization for the project. You are the project manager for a company that integrates custom data solutions for large corporate enterprises. This project will span two or three years and will cost tens of millions of dollars. This is a large, very involved project. Which of the five organization structures is most suitable? Why? (Points : 20)
2.     (TCO 2) You are a project manager for a new hardware/software project. You just received the project charter and established your scope statement. Within the scope statement, you defined some of the key components to meet the overall project objective. Establishing requirements will be critical to define and get approved. The hardware will be new for your company, so you will need to ensure the vendor is selected and the hardware is appropriately installed into your environment. The supporting software will need to be designed and coded. It will also need to be installed and tested on the system. To ensure the users know how to use the new software, training will be needed for managers and the associates. You have assembled your team of experts and they are anxious to get started. Part 1: To ensure you have a clear scope for your team, create a 2-level WBS. Don’t forget to include your WBS numbering. (15 points) Part 2: In your WBS, how many work packages have been created? (5 points) (Points : 20)
3.     (TCO 3) Compare and contrast crashing and fast tracking as a means of schedule compression. (Points : 20)
4.     (TCO 5) A firm hosts eCommerce transactions for other companies. The firm processes credit purchases supporting most major credit cards and is known as an inexpensive alternative to other larger competitors. The firm is deploying new security software that is state-of-the-art for eCommerce. It should increase security while speeding up transactions because of the new security algorithms. Part 1: List and discuss the major risk management functions from a project management perspective for the eCommerce project. (15 points) Part 2: Describe a positive and negative risk event, the related consequences, and the risk response plans for the eCommerce project. (5 points) (Points : 20)
 Devry MGMT 404 Week 8 Final Project
  Table Of Contents
1.     Executive Summary………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3
2.     Project Charter……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3
3.     Project Scope Statement…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3
4.     Work Breakdown Structure / Project Schedule (.mpp file)…………………………………………………… 3
5.     Risk Management Plan………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3
6.     Project Schedule and Budget with assigned Resources………………………………………………………….. 3
7.     Communications Management Plan………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 3
REFERENCES…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4
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