cas0cerrado · 2 years
Regarding The Allegations Against User @jalnandanz
Firstly, before we get into the topics of this post, I would simply like to make one thing very clear. I personally don’t like to partake in tumblr user disagreements or drama, but this situation is NOT drama. These allegations against user @jalnandanz is something very serious and no laughing matter. I take these things very seriously as slurs are not okay and will NEVER be okay especially if it’s not your slur to reclaim. Like everyone else when the screenshots were brought forward, I couldn’t believe it and immediately had a bad taste in my mouth. Upon looking at the proof that was sent in I believed the screenshots at first, till I saw the anon message that was posted where they mentioned a slight line being in the corner of the screenshots which made me grow suspicious and thus began my attempts to figure out if the screenshots were truly unedited or edited. Once again, I would like to reiterate these are very serious allegations and should not be taken lightly. If I’m wrong, I will issue a full apology to the black community and all poc writers who were affected by this incident and my actions.
1.)  The Initial Proof
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Now upon seeing the screenshot it looks very real, but if you click on the picture to view it in it’s entirety, you can see a white line. I know what you all must be thinking that’s just the image being cropped, but as the editor anon stated it’s the same exact line that appears when you edit something. I decided to test this theory myself and noticed on mobile through picsart and or other editing apps, the same line appeared. this can appear and will happen if you aren’t precise with the image placement or after an image is exported. 
2.) Enhancing the Showcased Proof 
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Upon this first image displayed above: I used some enhancing filters on my phone to see if I could spot anything off about the image and somehow, I did see something that wasn’t exactly right. There seems to be something like an overlay on top of the initial text. If you can’t see it well, down below you can see it a bit more.
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In regard to the image above: Do you see it? The weird white cast around the message bubble’s text which is quite weird if I must say so which is why I decided to test this with my own message feature. To avoid any errors on my part I made sure to make My blog background the exact same color as @jalnandanz​ blog and message myself as seen down below.
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The above image is my messages with the exact same filters as the alleged proof screenshot above. Do you notice there is no weird white cast around the text. On my messages you can see a slight line on the message bubble, but I want you to focus on the text part of the message. There is no weird white glitching overlay cast around the message text. Now, My one question is if the alleged private messages are true why is there such weird glitching and overlays behind the text of said messages. 
3.) The Dashboard Screenshots
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The above image is from @//xujeonghao whereas the one below is mine. 
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Do you notice the difference in the icons? Theirs seems to be elongated on the sides and more rounded whereas the one I took is more of a perfect square. The icon layout we are all familiar with which cannot be altered as it’s tumblr’s layout. Why does their layout look different? there’s many questions one can ask regarding this situation. 
In summery there’s a lot about this situation and the alleged proof that doesn’t seem right. Again, this is MY personal thoughts on the matter at hand. Furthermore, this is a very serious situation and requires a lot of attention and honesty. I personally have a hard time believing that this user said a racial slur when the proof doesn’t seem right. Once again, If I am wrong I will issue a PERSONAL apology to the black community and to all poc writers and those who were affected by this matter. 
I wish to add on that I don’t wish for this to upset anyone or seem as if I am looking for attention, I am simply doing what I would want someone to do for me if I was being accused. Block me if you wish, but this is something I take very seriously as a poc myself.
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