cat-scratch-zach-blog · 11 years
He listened to her talk. He understood that she was spilling a lot on him, and he listened patiently. When she started to talk about having sex with him, he shuddered softly. She was so... different from any other woman he'd ever met. She was blushing and shy one second and openly admitting she wanted to have sex with him the next second. She was warm against him and he was very willing to have sex with her. It had been a long time since he'd been that close to someone. But he also appreciated that she wanted him for more than that.
"Ha, nah, you're fine, really." He chuckled, his voice still dripping with the purr. "You gotta test my abilities, doncha?" he smiled down at her.
He hesitated when she prompted him for information. He wasn't sure why, after all, he'd been the first one to volunteer his race. But his struggles... that was something he hadn't planned on sharing. But she had shared hers, and he knew it was only fair he share his. So he nodded and smiled a bit more softly at her.
"Well... in all honesty, I worry I ain't doin' good enough for myself. I worry that one day I'm gonna cave and take that boat load of money those dealers keep offerin' me to take their drugs and fae blood through the woods and outta town." He shook his head at that point. "I worry that... I'm gonna end up like my daddy, and ain't ever gonna stay with a family cause I... I like to be alone some times." He took a deep breath at that point. That was something he'd never told a single soul. "I ain't good at bein' 'round all the time, not like this. But I ain't one to not help a friend." He smiled a bit sadly at her, hoping that he hadn't just said something that would push her away. "I can be there for you, Mis- Kate." He stopped himself before he said the honorific she didn't like. "I want to be there for ya."
Business as usual || Kate & Zach
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cat-scratch-zach-blog · 11 years
He couldn't help but see the sadness in her smile. He started to say something, but she was already speaking, so he just nodded. "Sure, that's what I'm good at." He smiled at her. 
Her bright smile widened his own, and he pulled her a bit tighter to his chest. But her words sent a shiver down his spine and the purring increased. He wasn't sure what she wanted from him right now, but She kept close to him, and her breath was rising up his chest and onto his exposed neck. He couldn't suppress another shiver, and he smiled at her again, having to turn his head and look down at her. 
"I'ma good listener, Kate." He said reassuringly. He hesitated at her mention of mood swings, but he knew that he had the patience to deal with just about anything. "While I won't be a fan of th' bitchin', I'll be more than happy to deal, if it'll help you out. And to be honest, darlin', I'll be happy to be a willin' participant in the second, but only if you want." He grinned a bit more when she mentioned she was a good cuddler. "I'm bettin' you are. We'll have to do that some time. And don't you worry 'bout pissin' me off or nothin'. I've got patience for days, Miss Kate." He gave her a wink at that point. "And I'm pretty stubborn." He wanted a friend just as badly as it sounded like she did.
Business as usual || Kate & Zach
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cat-scratch-zach-blog · 11 years
Zach wasn't quite sure why she was so upset, but he knew she was. "Kate, listen here. If you wasn't a good person, you wouldn't fight it at all, right? You'd just let yourself go batshit crazy and start killin' everyone." He smiled at her a bit, trying to get her to understand. "But ya don't. You stay calm and keep happy."
He stiffened slightly when she leaned into his shoulder, but he didn't pull away. The purr that had come from his throat earlier was back, and now he was sure Kate would hear it in his chest. He slid his hand from her shoulder and down her back, rubbing it gently. Her being this close to him let him smell her better and her scent filled his nose. He closed his eyes slightly, enjoying her smell. Hypersexual creatures always smelled better than normal supes. It wasn't their fault, they just were more attractive to other supes. 
"I could be your friend, Kate. I... I ain't sure how much help I can be, but I'll be glad to at least be your friend." He spoke, his voice full of the purring coming from his chest. He nodded when she said it was nice. "It is. I ain't had a proper cuddle in a while." He chuckled at that.
Business as usual || Kate & Zach
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cat-scratch-zach-blog · 11 years
She looked out the window as they drive, considering his question for a moment. “Hmm, the grill sounds delicious, if that’s what you’re in the mood for. I’m cooking for you Zach. It’s whatever you want.” She smiled at him, watching his hands move as he drove.
When his hand reached over to steady her, she looked down at it. Her hand involuntarily reached out to lay over his as her other hand held the door to keep her still. She chuckled softly at him, nodding her head. “I know how that is..” When he stopped the truck, she turned in her seat to face him. She smiled a bright smile, grabbing his hand and squeezing it. “I think it’s great!”
Zach shivered as Grace put her hand on his. He wasn't used to physical contact, and he wasn't used to women touching him. It wasn't that it was bad, it was just it had been so long since he'd been around someone like this. He was mostly antisocial, preferring to keep to himself because of how he was raised. The hustle and bustle of the city wasn't something he was used to, neither were the large numbers of people in the city. So when he'd gone to get a drink this evening, he hadn't been expecting to bring anyone home. 
But Grace seemed nice enough, and she certainly seemed interested in him. "Alright then, the grill it is." He grinned at her as she turned to him. "Thank you, but it ain't great. It's in need of a lot of work, but I'm happy here." She squeezed his hand and he returned it, smiling at her brightly. "Well come on then." He tossed his head towards the door of the trailer, then started to climb out.
A little home cookin' || Zach and Grace
Grace smiled to herself as she realized his default station was country. She hadn’t meant to talk badly about his choice in music, she really should try thinking before she spoke. But that was an idea for another day. When he changed it to a station more to her liking, she nodded. She liked Zach already, the gentleman that he was. She hoped they’d become good friends.
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cat-scratch-zach-blog · 11 years
Zach shook his head at her offer. He'd never enjoyed the taste of smoke. He'd tried his mother's pipe when he was very small and since then had not enjoyed it. "No thanks, don't sit well with my taste buds, ya know." He smiled at her to let  her know that it didn't bother him. "Ah... well, I ain't gotta problem with anybody, Kate. Honest." 
He smiled at her and turned sideways so he was facing her. Reaching out slowly, he put his hand on her upper arm, giving her a gentle squeeze. He'd never been one to judge, and after all, he had very few friends as it was, he wasn't going to turn down someone just because of who their parents were. He waited as she explained, his eyes flicking across her features as she mentioned the demon part of her heritage. He'd never personally met a cambion, but he did know stories of them. But it didn't bother him. Cambions tended to only need sexual energy, unless it was a full moon, and besides. Kate seemed honest and nice, so he wasn't going to let it bother him.
"I know you're a good person, Kate." He said softly, moving towards her a bit. "Everyone 'round here gets a bit weird sometimes, darlin'." He chuckled. "Hell, even lil ol' me gets weird and covered in fur on the full moon." he winked at her, his hand still light on her arm.
Business as usual || Kate & Zach
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cat-scratch-zach-blog · 11 years
Zach smiled at her when she slid her hand down his arm and grabbed his hand. He let himself be dragged across the bar and out the back door. It was dark out, the moon was hidden by the clouds tonight but he could see just as well as if was day time. He shook his head when she pulled out her cigarettes. 
"Nah, my momma smoked a pipe. That don't bother me." He chuckled softly, but then he noticed her smile seemed a bit more shy. 
He debated her question for a few moments. How old did she look? Probably 26 or 28. How old was she? That was damn near impossible to tell. The average supe could appear to be an average age, but be anywhere from 30 to 200 years older than that. Vampires never aged, but he was pretty sure she wasn't a vampire. He knew the smell of those undead monsters, and she didn't smell dead. He moved to lean against the wall next to her, his hands on the small of his back, palms towards the wall.
"Well, so long as you ain't gonna get mad..." He paused to look up at the sky as though he was thinking. "Maybe 130? If you gave me a hint, I might be able to get a bit closer." He looked back at her, grinning widely again.
Business as usual || Kate & Zach
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cat-scratch-zach-blog · 11 years
Zach watched the kid play with the dog. They looked much less like a boy and his dog and much more like a boy and his… Zach shook his head. There was no way. The dog seemed to ignore him for the most part, and then once they were done, he nodded at Kasey. “Nah, I didn’t figure he would. Dogs are normally only like that with their owners.” He didn’t move towards the dog, after all, he knew that any animal that attached to its owner would be highly protective and take any move that wasn’t requested as a bad thing. So as Kasey nudged the wolf towards him, Zach made himself still.
He wasn’t being overly friendly, and Zach saw that that was a probably a bad thing. Zach held out his hand, palm up, and slowly lowered himself to his knee. He looked the wolf in the eye for only a moment, before focusing his eyes on the wolf’s chest. This wasn’t the first time he’d met a dog or wolf that could sense that he… had an affinity for cats, as it were. Zach waited for the dog to come to him.
“Nah, he ain’t stubborn.” He said quietly, shifting his eyes from the dog up to Kasey. “He’s just intuitive, like his master.” He grinned slightly, then looked back at Al. “You’re right to think I’m not human. Cause I ain’t.”
The wolf still seemed hesitant, but with his master at his side, he managed to take a step towards the werepanther, but stopped again. Zach kept his position, not wanting to startle the wolf, or upset him. It wasn’t that he couldn’t take the wolf on, it was that he didn’t want to have to. He didn’t know how Kass would react if he saw Zach transform right in front of him. And on top of that, these were his favorite jeans. So he waited the wolf out, his hand still extended, his eyes focused again on Al’s chest.
“I’ll be honest with you, Kass.” He said after a few more minutes of silence. “I’m a panther, kid.” He glanced up at the boy for a few seconds, a grin still playing on his face before looking back at the wolf’s chest.
Cats and Dogs || Zach and Kasey
He watched as Zach moved out of the door and back down into the yard. But since he wasn’t sure where the man was going, he didn’t follow. It might be considered rude to just stand in the man’s door, but Kass was more than a little confused. How could his mother know this man, who smelled so different and somewhat similar to his own family? Kass supposed that Mama knew lots of people he didn’t, by virtue of having been around longer, he just couldn’t imagine why she would know this man. It wasn’t the end of the world; he was just curious.
Kasey didn’t bother to hide his surprise when the man indicated a desire to meet Alfred. There was a smile on the man’s face, and it wasn’t that Kass distrusted him, not at all. He must have misjudged the other man as disliking Alfred. He couldn’t hide the surprise on his face when the man so blatantly called them werewolves. It wasn’t as if it was a secret, just that few people pointed it out so point blank. He wondered if there was something he’d done to tip the other man off. Then again, if he knew Mama, it was likely that was how he knew. He smiled at his own surprise and shook his head a little. “Yeah,” he mumbled, knowing that if Mama trusted the man he should trust him too.
He saw the man inching towards the truck and he stepped out of them man’s doo. “Yeah, sure. Alfred’s good. Just… let me get him out.” Kasey walked past him and to the truck. Alfred got excited, just like any other dog would at their master approaching. “Hey, boy,” he crooned with an obvious smile on his face. When he opened the door, Al immediately jumped onto Kass, knocking him to the ground. They wrestled for a moment before Kasey remembered Zach. “Sorry, he gets real excited sometimes. He won’t do that to you, promise,” Kass assured the other man with a smile.
Al turned towards Zach and stepped forward before stopping. He didn’t growl, but neither did he wag his tail. Kass didn’t want the other man to get upset. “Uh, he’s just a bit stubborn.” Turning back to Al, he added, “Go on, boy, go say hi.” He gave the wolf a nudge with his foot. Apparently Alfred agreed that the other man smelled funny, he thought with a silent smile. 
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cat-scratch-zach-blog · 11 years
He smiled widely in return as she admitted she liked cats. That was a plus, but she understood what he'd been trying to tell her. She was smart, something that he really liked about her. On top of the fact that she was beautiful, and well spoken, she was quick witted and smart, all of which combined to still make him feel like he was out of his league. He nodded at her.
"They are. Quite independent, but they do enjoy having someone to pay attention to them." He smiled and turned his knee towards her to push against her leg slightly.
When she grabbed his arm, he forced himself not to shudder in response. But when she leaned in to whisper in his ear, he leaned towards her. Unbidden, the purring that she'd been talking about bubbled up from his throat. It was quiet, so she probably wouldn't hear it, but he felt weird for letting himself do it. It wasn't often that he purred but when he was happy, it wasn't something he could stop. He nodded at what she said, then turned towards her, sitting sideways on his bar stool. 
"Sure, I wouldn't mind getting some fresh air." he said, his voice still carrying some of the purr.
Business as usual || Kate & Zach
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cat-scratch-zach-blog · 11 years
Zach was glad it was so nice outside. He kept the windows up, but it wasn't too hot, so they weren't sweating. He grinned over at her when she mentioned she didn't like twangy music. Most people didn't enjoy his type of music, so he was used to that. He reached out and flicked the radio station to something contemporary and then turned it up just a bit. It wasn't a long drive to the house, after all, Missing Mile was pretty small. 
"So, you wantin' to cook those on the stove, or you needin' me to fire up the grill? I got a pretty nice grill, ya know." He grinned again and winked at her. 
They were driving down the gravel drive within a few minutes, but it was so bumpy that he instinctively reached out to put a hand on her knee to steady her. "Sorry, I been meanin' to re-do this drive, but that's a bit more money and time than I got right now." They pulled up to the trailer after a few more moments, and he parked the truck, turning it off, then turning to smile at her. "Here we are, home sweet home. I know it ain't much, but it's mine and paid for, so I'm happy."
A little home cookin' || Zach and Grace
When he opened the door for her, she smiled as she lifted herself up into the cab. Pulling the strap over her shoulder, she held her purse in her lap as she waited for him to walk around to his side. The trash in the car didn’t bother her, Grace knew how that was. 
When he climbed into the truck, she shifted in the seat to face him. When he turned to look at her, she smiled at him. She was surprised at how easy it had started, the truck looked pretty old but it was kept up really nicely. She looked out the window as he made his way out of the parking lot. She admired the town a little before turning to look at him.
"Oh me? I like any kind of music really, as long as it doesn’t have a twang." She smiled at him again, enjoying his company. She was excited about having a nice normal evening with a nice normal guy.
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cat-scratch-zach-blog · 11 years
Zach took another drink of his beer as Kate spoke, nodding and smiling as she agreed that fishing and hunting were fun. She seemed to be fairly honest, though she wasn't coming forward with what she was anymore than he was. But, that was the nature of the beast. No one wanted anyone else to know their weaknesses. But then again, that didn't start any trust between anybody. So as she trailed off, he smiled softly at her.
"I'm pretty simple myself, honestly. I don't have much time for playin' round, what with bein' my own boss and all." He leaned towards her again, not quite touching her this time, since she was facing him directly now. "Now, Kate," he chuckled. "The real question is, d'ya like cats?" he lifted an eyebrow, winking at her slightly. 
Sure, it wasn't the most slick way to give it away, and maybe she wouldn't even get it, but it was his step towards that direction. He knew that she probably wouldn't return the trust even if she did understand, but his irrational desire to bring someone closer to him in the last week wouldn't let him walk away from anything that peaked his curiosity, and he couldn't help but wonder just what she was.
Business as usual || Kate & Zach
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cat-scratch-zach-blog · 11 years
Zach walked them to his truck, only taking a few moments, since he'd been able to park so close. He went around to the passenger side, opening the door for her.
"Here we are, don't mind the mess," he said of the few empty Cupp's bags on the floorboard, and a half empty Piggly Wiggly cup in the cupholder. 
Once she was fully in the truck, he shut the door, having to slam it slightly because of the age of the truck, but then he jogged around to the driver's side of the truck, climbing in and turning to look at Grace as he started the old truck. He'd done a pretty good job of keeping it up, so it purred to life, and he pulled out of the parking space, romping on the truck just a bit as he pulled out of the parking lot.
He looked over at her again, grinning. "So what kinda music do you like Grace?" He asked, nodding towards the radio in the dash.
A little home cookin' || Zach and Grace
When she finally reached Zach, Grace was practically beaming at him. She was happy to be finally getting close to someone in this town, and especially getting close to Zach. He seemed like a really sweet guy, and Grace hoped that they could become good friends at least. Adjusting the bag over her shoulder, she bounced on the balls of her feet. “That sounds great..” She told him, nodding as she walked through the door he held open. She moved to the side so he could lead her to his truck. She tucked her hands into the front pockets of her jeans, looking down at her shoes as they made their way to his truck.
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cat-scratch-zach-blog · 11 years
Zach hadn't planned on spending an afternoon not working. After all, he needed to be making more money. He had a lot of things he needed to do around the house. But something had overcome him, and he found himself wandering through the trees. The soft breeze brushed through his hair and he found himself enjoying just the quiet of the woods. His heightened senses heard someone's footsteps before he was anywhere near them. He moved himself off the path, concealing himself in the brush. He couldn't smell a supe, but with the way the wind was blowing, he could be just at the wrong angle. He moved forward, hearing her call out. She couldn't be a supe, he realized, but his feline instincts took over, and he moved forward again, moving to where he could watch before he decided to act. 
He watched her pen scribble across the paper, smiling at the noise. It was a very simple thing, but it amused him for some reason. However, he could smell her tension, and he finally decided that it wasn't fair of him to scare her.
Stepping out of the brush just a ways down from her, he moved towards her, acting as though he was just taking a walk like she was. "Hello?" he said in return, trying not to scare her.
Uncharted Territory || Ellie & Zach
The trees were almost completely bare in this stretch of the woods. The wind rustled the orange leaves that covered the ground in sections, the twirling motion looking almost choreographed. Ellie took a long look at the stretch of bended birches in front of her and almost laughed at her urge to write poetry. She never really was much of a poet, herself but for some reason the desire had crept up on her. She was ready to venture into that uncharted territory, opening her notebook and slipping the pen from behind her right ear, until she heard footsteps. She turned around, but saw no one. “Hello?” she called, uncertain. She turned back to her notebook, convincing herself it was an animal. These were woods, after all. But soon again she was starved of oxygen filled with the sound of footsteps and the feeling that someone was watching her instead of air. She turned around again, but no one was there. She wrote hasty poetry to get her mind off of it.
"Please, please come with me and sit where the wild blossoms don’t bloom no more
Every second matters. Or rather, is a piece of matter. Yet when gravity grabs for the space each occupies, his hand catches smoke.
Please, these blossoms are ghosts are gravity finally
you’re unique.”
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cat-scratch-zach-blog · 11 years
He watched her move, quite interested when she put her elbows up on the bar, mostly because it made her chest stick out more. But he was a gentleman and kept his eyes on hers, though they wanted to stray. Luckily, she distracted him with small talk, and he smiled. Normally, he wouldn't say two words past hello to her, but now she seemed genuinely interested in what he had to say.
"Oh, been here for goin' on 12 years, now." He said, taking another sip of the beer. "As for what brought me here? Now, that's a long story. And classified, I'd say. Ya know, the whole 'If I told you, I'd have to kill ya,' type thing?" He winked at her again. She wasn't human, he could tell, but he wasn't quite ready to give up his secret. Very few people in town knew he was a supe, and he preferred to keep it that way. Besides, why would she honestly care about his past? "As for what I do-" 
He was cut off as she apologized and darted off, one of the other reasons he'd never gotten to talk to her. While she was gone his eyes wandered around the room. There were still only a few people in the bar, but it was starting to get late enough that more were showing up. He thought he smelled the distinct smell of a vampire, which almost made him growl, but Kate came back at that moment, with another beer. He downed the last little bit of his and took the new one, nodding in thanks. 
"Well, I was dronin' on 'bout how I enjoyed fishin' and huntin' in the swamp and makin' good luck charms outta gator teeth." He grinned again, her taking the time to talk to him was putting him in a damn good mood. "I like it well enough. Some nice people, some not so nice, but I think I'll stay, well, as long as I can still make a livin', ya understand. What about you, Kate? You likin' it here? Whatchu do for fun?"
Business as usual || Kate & Zach
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cat-scratch-zach-blog · 11 years
Zach almost laughed at Kass’ overprotectiveness of the wolf dog. He brushed past the kid, walking back down the rickety stairs with his coke, while taking a sip. The kid had a heart. Unlike most of the supes he dealt with on a daily or weekly basis. But he didn’t quite know how the kid felt about him. Joy Jensen, the boy’s mother, hadn’t been too pleased that a panther was moving onto their hunting grounds when he’d approached her. It had been the first full moon after he’d bought the trailer, and the little bit of land to go with it, and they’d met in the swamp about a mile north of his house. He had been lucky it was only her, she’d let him go when she saw all he had in his mouth was a nutria, but he’d growled like he was holding one of her own cubs. She’d found her way to his door the next morning, and chewed him up one side and down the other for not finding out who’s property it was he was hunting on.
But when he did his manners right, bowing and cowtowing to the older werewolf, she’d seen he wasn’t a bad kid. That was 11 years ago, and they’d been on pretty good terms ever since. Sometimes, she’d ask him to find certain herbs and roots and such that she couldn’t go out and find herself, and pay him nicely when he’d return. More than once he’d helped them keep track of coyotes and foxes, to keep them out of the Jensen’s chickens and sheep. Zach had never been brought up to the house, after all, the kids mostly hated cats, but Joy would occasionally bring Zach some homemade goodies and trade them for things. Zach had smelled the kids several times, and watched their house on more than one occasion. He knew that the Jensens were good people, and they’d raised yet another good boy.
As he walked out into the front yard, he looked back up at Kass, who was still in the doorway to the trailer. “You mind if I meet him? I ain’t normally much for dogs, but I’d like to just check him out? Ifn’ you don’t mind, that is?” He smiled back up at the boy, then continued on. “And you mean you’re werewolves, so the wolf dog just comes to lay down by your fire.” He smiled, genuinely, but the boy looked shocked. “Don’t fret, now. Your momma and I are on good terms, and I like you boy. You ain’t gotta worry about me spilling your secrets now, ya hear?” He took a few more steps towards the truck, then looked back up at Kass, waiting for an answer.
Cats and Dogs || Zach and Kasey
Kasey was confused at the man’s insistence not to let Ty walk all over him. He smiled a little. Ty wasn’t mean, not really. Probably he and Kyle had some sort of fight so Ty couldn’t prank him. And the thing with Black Beauty really had been his own fault, Kass knew. But he didn’t feel like explaining the in’s and out’s of his relationship with his older brothers. He just nodded. Kass was nobody’s doormat. See how Ty liked finding out that he’d eaten a giant rat for dinner. A smrik broke out on his face.
He watched the other man go write down the recipe, grateful for his help. Without it, Kass wouldn’t have known what to do with the meat. Ty wasn’t dumb enough to mistake it for regular meat, unless he could disguise it into tasting just like Cupps, which he could do now, thanks to Zach. “Great! Thank you.” He could just imagine Ty’s face when he left the wrapper from the meat sitting on the counter after dinner. “Oh didn’t you know? Mama made your burgers special, out of nutria. He chuckled a little at just the thought of it.
Kass followed Zach’s gaze towards Alfred. He stood a little taller, getting defensive over his friend. “There’s nothing wrong with him,” he said quickly, then relaxed the tension in his shoulders a bit. “He’s just old is all.” Zach’s eyes met his own, and Kasey found himself staring backc, when normally he would look away. There was something strange about the other man, Kasey was sure about that. He acted strange, plus there was that funny smell about him. Which was one of the reasons that he found himself pretty surprised when the older man asked him if he wanted a coke. Mama didn’t keep much soda at their house, since it just dehydrated you. And working on a farm, dehydrated was something you did not want to be. But Kass nodded.
“Yeah, a coke would be great. Thanks.” But the man had already grabbed one and was holding it out to him. He grabbed it, popping open the top and taking a sip. It tingled down his throat, and Kass wanted to laugh at the sensation, but he didn’t want to look quite that strange in front of the older man. It wasn’t like he never had coke, just that he didn’t get it very often. Even when he’d gone to the diner the other night, he’d had tea instead of coke. The habit was so instilled in him that he didn’t even crave the sugary drinks most of the time.
Kass wasn’t surprised that the man was so interested in Alfred. Most people were either terrified of the wolf, incredibly intrigued, or both. Zach obviously wasn’t afraid of him, so it must just be intrigued. Which was fine with Kasey. He’d gotten used to answering questions about the wolf at a young age. “I found him when I was little. My parents figure he was attracted to use cause he lost his family and we’re all…well, we’re the type of people to take care of him.” He wasn’t sure if the man knew about their family, and he didn’t want to just give the information away. It was supposed to be kind of a secret. 
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cat-scratch-zach-blog · 11 years
He grunted, but laughed as she smacked him in the back of the head, nudging her with his shoulder again (What the hell is wrong with you, boy?!). "Alright, Kate." He laughed. "And we just ain't ever talked before now. How was I supposed to tell ya?" He winked at her again, taking another long, slow sip of the beer. 
She was pretty, haunting blue eyes, dark hair, reminded him, oddly enough, of his mother. She certainly wasn't from the south, after all, she could speak properly, where as he sounded like an idiot who had half his tongue ripped out. He chastised himself mentally. What could a beautiful, well spoken woman like Kate want to do with a backwoods redneck like him? He shook himself mentally. He wasn't looking for his soul mate, after all. He just... wanted the friendship. 
He chuckled again, smiling a little less widely at her this time. "Well, I'm kinda in the same business, other than I don't got nearly as many customers as you, here. People ain't drawn to me, the way they is to you." His smile widened a bit at her last comment. "Well thank you, Kate. That's mighty nice of you to say. I want to talk to you too." He said, chuckling still. 
Business as usual || Kate & Zach
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cat-scratch-zach-blog · 11 years
Zach was leaning against a wall, twirling his keys over his finger when Grace came up to him, that infectious smile on her face. He couldn't help but grin back at her. He knew he was being stupid and irrational, but something was pushing him to be around people more lately. Maybe it was too many years with nothing but the bayou and gators and nutria to keep him company. Or maybe he was just getting old and needy. Either way, he was pleased she'd taken a liking to him.
He nodded at her, and tossed his head towards the door. "Figured we could take my truck, and I'll bring you back here whenever." He smiled again, and held open the door for her.
A little home cookin' || Zach and Grace
After heading to the back to grab some of the things she’d need to make Zach a home cooked meal, she ducked into the bathroom to look at herself. She brushed her curly hair down as best she could, touched up her makeup, and made she she looked alright before leaving. Yes, she had come to this town with the sole purpose of finding the vamp who killed her father, but it was obvious Zach wasn’t him and a little socializing never hurt anyone right?
She grabbed her purse and stuffed the food into it, tossing it over her shoulder as she made her way out from around the back of the bar. “Alrighty then, I’m ready when you are.” She smiled up at him, adjusting the strap from her purse over her shoulder.
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cat-scratch-zach-blog · 11 years
He laughed as she poked him about calling her ma'am, he did know better after all. "Alright, Miss Kate. I ain't nervous, tho. Well, no more nervous than a man oughta be talkin' to a pretty lady." He smiled widely at her, flashing surprisingly white teeth. "Oh would ya? That'd be a real help." He nodded, pressing his shoulder back against hers, but a bit longer than she had. Zach had a problem with physical touch, unless it was his shoulders. He always liked to rub or be rubbed there. 
He smiled again at her, blushing slightly. "Well thank ya, Miss Kate. Someone's gotta keep food on my table." He hesitated at the mention of him being alone. He normally liked it that way, but as of late, he'd found himself spending more and more time in town, like... he was craving interactions with other people. "Well, yes, I'm usually alone. Most people don't interest me. Too..." he paused again, unsure himself of just exactly made him dislike people. "Noisy. They talk too much." He looked over at her, taking another drink of the beer and smiling again. "But you, now ya always look like ya just gonna say what ya need to and not a bit more." He liked her, and found that he wanted to press his shoulder against her for another second, before he took another drink.
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Business as usual || Kate & Zach
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