ceylondoykos · 2 years
Like i KNOW the hand holding is a metaphor for the building of a strong and supportive friendship. I KNOW this.
But it's also really fucking gay.
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ceylondoykos · 2 years
Hello, so I finished Platinum epilogue and wanted to ask if I get it right.
She is no longer an Armoless and she most definitely doesn't have any order to stay at Rhodes Island? And all this "don’t trust her" in her file it's Kal'tsit paranoia or Doctor forgetting to mention that they saved her from Armorless hunting her down? Right?
Thank you for your blog it's hella intresting
Glad you like the blog!
I think her files aren't saying ‘don't trust her’, so much as ‘don't trust the information she gives’. Kal’tsit’s bit about how she may not stay with Rhodes Island without her trust in Doctor is just an observation; Platinum doesn’t really care about their cause and could make more money working somewhere else.
It doesn’t actually say anywhere that Platinum could be at Rhodes Island under orders, but before Near Light it was still a valid explanation for why she was there. I think that idea originated from the potential drama it could cause for the Blemishine/Platinum ship if she was there to kill her (and it would make it parallel how the previous Platinum fell for his target).
As for why they can’t necessarily trust the things she tells them, she’s got good reason to not tell them about the armorless union (and she’s proven herself to have no issues with lying). Currently the only thing keeping her safe is that it’s more trouble than it’s worth for the armorless to try and kill her, and that would change if she starts telling people things. The KGCC wanted Czarny dead because he might know some things they don’t want anyone else to find out, how do you think the armorless would react if a rogue Platinum started telling a foreign company their secrets?
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ceylondoykos · 2 years
for this event the Armorless especially the Lazurites are like...peak villain because unlike every other antagonist we've met, the motivation for these guys is just "so i don't have to deal with my boss"
they have no problem killing whoever and treating as many people like disposable pawns, as long as it means less paperwork and not getting pestered by their manager. they know that morally treating infected the way they do is wrong, but theyve decided its not worth trying to change because it would be TOO MUCH WORK
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ceylondoykos · 2 years
I hate to say it, but I think Andreana’s module description might push her off The List.
“As soon as I see the three of them, my heart starts to beat faster. I once told the Doctor it was love at first sight, though of course that was a joke. In reality, my best guess was that this unusual physiological reaction was probably related to that incident when I was a child.”
I'll be moving her to Type 3, but I'm probably not taking her off the list just yet.
Arknights loves using unreliable narration for its archive files, and by extension its module descriptions.
That Skadi and Spectre, those friends from the same race, when I see those two, it's almost as if... I don't know exactly how to describe it, but it's kind of like that love at first sight from those fairy tales? No way, huh. If that was the case, maybe I should get dressed up...
That doesn’t sound like a joke to me for a couple of reasons.
She doesn’t go into the statement looking to tell a joke, she’s just trying to explain something to the doctor and settles on “love at first sight” to describe it. So if there is a joke, it happens later, but I don’t see a joke there either.
You don’t typically trail off at the end of a joke, you want a solid endpoint so the people you’re telling it to know you’re done talking and can laugh. If it ended with a period or question mark, then yeah sure, but it doesn’t.
Also the “No way, huh.” doesn’t seem like part of a joke either. If it had a question mark at the end then yes, but again, it doesn’t.
The impression I get from Andreana is that she tries to be cool, but she’s actually a bit of a dork. I could very much see her being embarrassed at jumping immediately to love at first sight, and claiming it was only a joke.
Also, in the first section of the module she calls Tomimi and/or Gavial cute, and then there’s whatever she has going on with Monica. All together, it’s enough to keep her on the list.
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