chaenergy-blog · 7 years
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he isn’t quite sure what makes him feel the NEED to approach her. but then again, hanuel isn’t sure about anything, especially after waking up within the facility and remembering pretty much nothing about how he got here and even who he was. it was a strange feeling; knowing that he doesn’t remember. knowing that there were things he SHOULD know. knowing the presence of the  u n k n o w n . it’s seeped underneath his skin and irritated him from the very beginning -- but he’s trying to make the most of it. which has been him simply trying to step out and get to know everyone else, in hopes that maybe they would know something too  (  but it’s a long shot, he knows that too, but it doesn’t hurt to try  )  .  something about the girl just catches his eyes, a strange pull, like strings, bringing his steps in her direction until he’s standing in front of her with a head tilt, a little stunted on what to say now that he’s there and realizing he had practically been on autopilot, “ah-- hey.” GREAT START. there’s a slight flush of his face, but han ignores it in order to regain some sort of dignity, brushing it aside and regaining his composure. “this is going to sound... really odd, but i just-- feel like I KNOW YOU.”  ↘ @boahwang !
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chaenergy-blog · 7 years
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there’s a very high possibility that if bokyung ever told someone the tree he’s lounging in is way more comfortable than the beds the e.v.e. had provided them with, they’d most likely declare him insane. it’s not that he’d blame them, because it is kind of a crazy thought; a mattress should be cozier than the branch currently poking him in the cheek, yet he has no desire to go back to his in the dormitories. the problem is that he’s had a bit of trouble sleeping, and though there were several possible reasons as to why, there’s only one he’s willing to acknowledge. the bed’s too big. and that’s an even crazier thought, because it’s a single. but bokyung couldn’t shake the feeling, kept tossing and turning, and that’d led him to where he is now: resting up high in a tree, already dozing off and completely at ease despite the fact he could fall and land on his ass if he turned more than a millimeter. unfortunately, he’s roused from his daze when a voice pierces through the quiet – it’s not loud enough to startle him, but that doesn’t stop him from complaining.   “you’re so noisy,” his nose turns upwards in mild distaste, opening one eye to look and see who it is. hanuel’s about the last person he’d expected to see, as is evident by the look on his face – it’s part curiosity, equal part wariness. they hadn’t exactly gotten off on the right foot with each other, and perhaps that’d been bokyung’s fault, but there’s just something about chae hanuel that’s incredibly irritating.   “i know what time it is,” it’s such a non-answer, but it’s the only one he wants to give. there’s no real reason for hanuel to be there – or at least not one bokyung can think of – and he’s not in the mood to talk. or listen, for that matter.   “we don’t need to do anything. you can go back.” he folds his arms – a clear sign he’s not about to change his mind.   “what’re you even doing here? looking to suck up with e.v.e. by telling on me the second we head back? kiss-ass.”
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the frown is evident on his face once more at the complaint. han wasn’t that noisy -- sure, his voice was a little deep and broke a silence a bit more abruptly than a normal voice would -- but he was the farthest from noisy. the agitation only grows, and then the agitation at him getting agitated about something SO STUPID only encourages it further. the emotions are clear across his face; han had never been very good at concealing things. bokyung ANNOYED him. the way he talked, the way he presented himself, the way he immediately got an attitude in regards to anything that han did. he didn’t know what the hell he did to make the other dislike him so much; but the feeling was mutual. “we share a room. our room will get in trouble if not everyone is in it. so i’m not going to go back unless you’re going back with me.” he can’t help but emphasize his response in the same manner that the other had, frown downturning even more as he holds back the urge to just grab the other’s arm and yank him down  (  which he wasn’t going to do, it’d end up with them physically fighting, that much he already realized  )  .  bokyung is continuing and his unimpressed expression that is now taking over the frustrated one becomes prevalent at the others stubbornness. “if i wanted to ‘tell on you’ do you honestly think i would be here trying to get you back to the room before they noticed?” why the other thought han was out to get him he didn’t quite understand either; then again han wasn’t sure he’d ever understand bokyung. “what the hell is your deal?” the words finally slip, arms crossing over his own chest now to mirror the others own position, “just get down and get back to the room. either i drag you back or they do.”
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chaenergy-blog · 7 years
                The fact that the library didn’t have any sort of cart system was an issue Minjae was already mentally reminding himself to take up with those at E.V.E later on. And the coupling fact that there wasn’t any proper seating in said library was precisely the cause of his c u r r e n t dilemma : somehow making it to the designated common area from the library with the number of novels buried in his arms and wedged in the crook of his neck. It was possible he didn’t need SO many books, of course — but with how quickly he was prone to finishing them, and the current stutter of anxiety from being around so many unfamiliar faces in his pulse, he figured closing himself off for a while was definitely NEEDED at this point. It had been no more than a week since he’d woken up in the facility— eyes widened with confusion and chest tightened with frustration at the large gap in his memory. It had been a lot to adjust to— even MORE so when he’d been introduced to the others inhabiting the secured walls of E.V.E— but he was slowly getting there ( if secluding yourself from the others constituted as ‘ getting there, ’ that is ). A sigh rips through his throat as his glasses continue to slowly slip down the bridge of his nose, vision going slightly off kilter with the move, and his arms currently too occupied to do anything to fix it. The situation is suddenly made worse by the books slowly starting to slip from his grasp, only a mere few seconds passing before the entirety of his collection is falling to the floor and near the halted footsteps of someone passing by. Minjae doesn’t pay them any mind, though— quickly falling to his knees, instead and hands rushing to collect all that he had dropped ; eager to slip off on his own once again and find comforting company within the pages of his books.
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there really isn’t much to do around the facility. a week had gone by  (  that feels like forever  )  , han having found himself taking in everything that he could -- and yet the feeling of being stuck still remained. it lingered in the back of his mind but he ignored it. ignored it because everything that E.V.E. told them made sense; if this place was meant to protect them from whatever was outside of it, then he’d have to get used to what it had to offer. the tv only had a few channels, the garden was nice but han found himself aching when he spent too much time in it -- like he was missing something more. he was tired. he had felt tired since the moment he woken up on the first day -- but he was DEALING with it. most of his days had been spent talking to the others and attempting to do whatever he could to pass the time. training segments with the scientists helped, even if it burnt him out. he’s making his way down one of the hallways before a familiar face is catching his eye -- familiar because they shared a room. han knew his name was minjae but that was about as far as it had gotten between the two of them. he didn’t seem keen on talking much, and han couldn’t find it to bother the other when he made it so clear he didn’t want to be bothered -- but it’s like slow motion when the books begin to sway and suddenly  t u m b l e . the crash is LOUD in the empty hallway between the two of them, and without thinking twice he’s lowering down to where a few of the books had slid and stopped just a few inches from his own feet. there’s an awkward press between them -- han unsure of what to say but finding that his chest feels tight; as if he’s nervous to speak. nerves had never been much of a problem with him. there’s no real reason why he should feel this way but he does. “here.” he mumbles out, offering the books back towards the other and pausing, deciding if he should try to talk to the other or not -- and just a few seconds of a lingering gaze on minjae’s features somehow convinces him that he should. “minjae, right? do you need help carrying some of these?”
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chaenergy-blog · 7 years
                Another sigh pushes forth past Taemin’s lips, head lolling back and falling onto the arm of the chair he was currently curled up into. —— Taemin was bored. So bored, in fact, that he had resorted to watching his socked toes wiggle back in forth for the past half hour ; attention long since wandering away from whatever show was currently playing on the t.v. in the common area. And while Tae wasn’t normally one to w h i n e about things, he could already tell that a grumpy pout was starting to form on his lips. Being cooped up with nothing to do always made him antsy and pouty ( or at least he assumed it was something that always made him antsy and pouty ; it was kinda hard to exactly pinpoint his former wants and desires with… you know… the whole ‘ no memory ’ ordeal ), so keeping the bratty pout off of his lips was proving to be difficult. His only hope for a more entertaining afternoon was found in the nearby footsteps that suddenly appeared, his demeanor instantly perking up at finally encountering a bit of company. “Wanna go explore?” he suggests to the other almost as SOON as they enter the room, a bright grin quirking up and sliding across his lips.
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there had been a slow grin of amusement beginning to stretch across his face as he took in the smaller’s pout from across the room. everyone was distracted doing their own thing, but han’s gaze had found the curled up figure sitting in the chairs near the television not that long ago and was intrigued. his face is expressive; and it had only been growing as the minutes ticked by. the elder was standing before he could think much about it, making his way and sitting down on the arm of the chair across from the other, the immediate change in his demeanor and the question that slips makes him laugh. han doesn’t know ANYTHING about the other yet but he knows that suddenly he DOES -- and without any hesitation nods his head, “absolutely!” another chuckle slips, his grin mirroring the others before he’s standing, “you know any secret places in here? because i feel like i’ve seen the whole place already. but you’re a little smaller, though. you see on another level.” it’s a playful comment, not meant to do much harm and he’s hoping the light expression on his face conveys that. “
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chaenergy-blog · 7 years
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there were RULES to this place. rules that really needed to be followed. the thought strikes han and only enacts annoyance in its wake, eyes following the ticking clock mounted on the wall of their room as it continues to tick, tick, tick away and his bunkmate continues to not find his way into their room as curfew closes in on them. OF COURSE he wouldn’t. the annoyance only seems to grow at the thought; and han knows he shouldn’t. knows that bokyung’s business is not his own business and that he personally shouldn’t give a shit about it  (  and generally speaking, he doesn’t, but he wasn’t about to deal with potential consequences because the asshole decided to break curfew  )  but the thoughts still  l i n g e r  and prod and bother at him until his lanky body is dragging itself up with a heavy sigh, leaving the room and ignoring the inquiring glances of his other roommates in favor of tracking down a certain someone and dragging their ass back to the room before it hit ten. the lights were dimmed around the facility, signaling the end of the day, with a few still meandering about but slowly heading towards the dorms -- and yet, bokyung was still no where to be found. it wasn’t like there were that many places for the other to hide out in. which led him to the last place, which probably should of been the FIRST place he checked, and upon entering the warmth of the large garden, it doesn’t take him very long to finally locate the other. “you know what time it is, right?” han quips out, frown marring his face as he stops by the tree the other is lounging about in, head tilted back just enough to look up at him with a clear expression of annoyance, “they’re going to be locking everything down soon. we need to go back.”  ↘ @bokyvng !
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chaenergy-blog · 7 years
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wow it only took my bitCH ASS DAYS TO POST THIS FU LSAKDJFALSKDF IM SORRY MY INTRO IS SO LATE TO HANUEL. my attention span is the size of a gnat and once i do any sort of task for more than five mins i’m like ??? wow filled my quota for the day and the rest is just exHAUSTING and then i get lazy and then i end up putting it off for days until liz yells at me and chels nicely encourages me and then here i am, finally posting it. SO HERE ARE THE QUICK NOTES TO CHAE HANUEL.
hanuel has never had a permanent home. he’s lived in the foster care system his whole life, traveling from home to home, most people eventually getting rid of him once they were made aware of his peculiarity. some were scared, some saw him as a nuisance, some just couldn’t understand. to say that hanuel ended up with some intense abandonment issues is a bit of an understatement. it was him against the world for a long time during his childhood, hoping and praying that maybe someone would eventually take him in and keep him. but it never happened. he learned to not get attached to people; because people leave. he never knew his parents. has no idea what their names are or what they look like. he was dropped off at the doorstep of the orphanage when he was just a baby and that was his beginning. 
shit changed for hanuel once he hit his teenage years and eventually met this idiot, whom he became very close with, and eventually ended up running away with at the age of seventeen. a recent highschool graduate, a knowledge that once he turned eighteen the foster system was just going to let him loose anyway, and knowing that the family he had been staying with really didn’t care much for him? was really all he needed to know it was time for him to go. bokyung offered an escape, and han took it, and he hasn’t looked back since. plus, there was no way he was gonna let that asshole leave him behind.
being on the road and saving every penny was a life that han got pretty used to. of course, none of the happiness could stay for long, and eventually once they came to find themselves in their time loop, his peculiarity began to act up. han has the power of energy manipulation and generation. he can generate his own energy and he can take the energy around him and manipulate it as well. any form of energy. unbeknownst to him, there was a flaw with his peculiarity -- and that was he never stopped absorbing it. his entire life, he had slowly been absorbing it little by little, expelling it along the way and managing to maintain himself just right to not realize how broke he was. until bokyung came around.
bokyung’s peculiarity is mainly pyrokinesis but the immense energy that the phoenix holds within the others body is what basically triggered han’s issues with his peculiarity. and at some point during the duration of time spent in their loop, han lost complete control of his peculiarity and almost died. he was taken away by people who helped him -- but in the process was left rather traumatized by the entire experience. he spent an entire year shoved away in a windowless and dark room with no exposure to light or any source of energy. when he was taken out, it was in a special container designed specifically for him and in there, he was forced to expel all his energy at once, without stopping. the entire process was excruciating and in the end, he was left with severely burned hands from the mass amount of energy expelled through them. they never healed properly, and he’s got a bit of an insecurity when it comes to them.
in the end the people helping him ended up designing a special pair of gloves that he wears at ALL TIMES. they stop him from absorbing, obviously, because he absorbs through his hands only. since then -- shit has been much better for him. with his peculiarity at least. but after they dropped him back into his timeloop it was a bit of a culture shock and he had a lot of lasting effects from it that still get to him. it was also after these events that he eventually discovered that it was bokyung’s peculiarity that had messed him up so badly. ensue the angst. honestly this could go on for SO LONG BUT FAST FORWARD TO JOINING THE OLD GROUP. DRAMA. ANGST. REUNIONS. MORE ANGST. A LOT OF TEARS N MAKING UP. han slowly starting getting his shit back together. went through the facility with the scientists the first time around, burnt the shit out of his hands all over again, and then from there just? was trying to adjust to live all over again.
oh, btw, the gloves don’t work when it comes to bokyung’s energy bc the gloves were designed mainly for natural energy of the world around him, and not life force energy. and since phoenix is alive within bokyung, even if han is wearing his gloves, he still is unwillingly absorbing phoenix’s energy just NOT as dramatically as he would with them off :’)))
because that was SO EXCESSIVELY LONG ASLDKFJASL i’ll make this short. han now is going to be slightly similiar bc his demeanor will always be rather relaxed and to himself and friendly, but he DOESN’T HAVE HIS ABANDONMENT ISSUES so he is a lot more trustworthy and a little more naive to things than he would of been pre-mind wipe. he wants the facility to really be what they promise that it is. he really wants to trust the scientists and hope they can keep them protected from... whatever is out there. but he’s also not aware of his peculiarity defect, and probably won’t be wearing the gloves because he isn’t aware of what they are for, and so there is....... that.... :’)))) but ultimately he’s going to be pretty friendly and try to keep a positive mindset and hope that everything ends up okay and that they all end up okay. bc he’s naive and a puppy.
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chaenergy-blog · 7 years
tag dump!
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chaenergy-blog · 7 years
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chaenergy-blog · 7 years
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ALTERNATE UNIVERSE SERIES: FUTURE!AU  ft. @bokyvng & @chaenergy
              It wasn’t often that Minjae thought back on where he was some odd years ago— when his outward demeanor was soured by things he just couldn’t find himself letting go of. The thought of it was humorous now, if anything— the memory of his pouty, angered expressions and his cliched cynical outlook on love and opening himself up to others very nearly causing him to roll his eyes. The attitude had made sense at the time, however. He had been mostly a l o n e growing up— with no family to fall back on, and an anxious reluctance holding him back from reaching out to others.
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chaenergy-blog · 7 years
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HOUSE: hufflepuff BLOOD STATUS: half-blood PATRONUS: rabbit WAND: 10¼, holly, unicorn hair, pliable CLASS HE EXCELS IN: potions CLASS HE STRUGGLES IN: divination QUIDDITCH: captain, keeper
hogwarts was not some 'home away from home' for someone like CHAE HANUEL. the castle was a stark contrast in his black && white life; and he hadn’t seen any  c o l o r  until he walked through it’s doors at the young age of eleven and allowed it to consume him entirely. it was a chapter in his life he had never expected; a part of his soul that had been missing. a piece of the puzzle on who he was and where he came from. there had always been a metaphorical question mark for him growing up, never sure who he was, no memory of family or his parent’s faces to keep his constant stream of questions at ease. but then -- magic happened. quite literally, too. MAGIC. he had magic, and suddenly something happened to him. it was an evolution of his being. of his spirit. hogwarts became a sanctuary and a piece of him that he had never known existed until he was sitting on a stool and being placed into house of warmth represented with yellows and blacks and welcoming smiles. a piece he had never known until he was FLYING for the first time in his life. another piece when he plays his first game of quidditch and feels that adrenaline course through him and give him life. and then another when he makes his first few friends. hogwarts had brought together these pieces and filled the gaps of his life that he had desperately sought to fill for a majority of his childhood; it had saved him. han felt more like himself than he ever did when living within the confines of it’s historic walls. every day, there was more about himself that he learned. every day, chae hanuel grew as a person in a way he had never been allowed to while moving through home after home, seeking and hoping and praying that this family would take him in. this family would be his. but they NEVER would be -- and the realization had hit him halfway through his second year as to why it had been that way. hogwarts was his family. the faces and bonds he had made here were his. the world outside of it was nothing; and hogwarts was his everything. it was his home.
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chaenergy-blog · 7 years
it's actually quite surprising that daddy long legs has two handfuls for boyfriends. so tell us, which boyfriend is best at sucking dick?
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“daddy long legs? that’s a NEW one. lets try not to let my boyfriends get ahold of that nickname or else i’ll never hear the damn end of it. but – they are handfuls, and because they are, i can’t give you an answer to this one. SORRY. i prefer staying out of the doghouse, thanks.” 
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chaenergy-blog · 7 years
Didn't your boyfriends get together first without you? Doesn't that make you feel like you're butting into something that was already good?
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“technically? they did, YEAH. and then they both asked me out after that. i’m not sure what the point of this question is but if you’re trying to cause a problem, you might as well give up. it won’t work."
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chaenergy-blog · 7 years
what are some of the best moments you've shared with minjae and bokyung so far?
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“all of the moments i’ve spent with minjae and bokyung have been the best moments. was that CHEESY enough of an answer for you?”
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chaenergy-blog · 7 years
who is the neediest in bed between minjae and bokyung?
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“does this even need an answer? you’ve met them, haven’t you? self-explanatory.”
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chaenergy-blog · 7 years
if you had the option to switch abilities with one other group member for the day. who would you choose and why?
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“moonsoo’s ability would be pretty awesome. SHAPESHIFTING? do i really need to give an explanation as to why that would be cool?”
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chaenergy-blog · 7 years
what's the fondest memory you have of being in the group so far?
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“i could name quite a few things – but there are too many memories to pick just ONE. meeting the people i’ve met has been worth it. also, the new city every two weeks thing will never get old for me. i like getting to see new places.”
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chaenergy-blog · 7 years
if you could describe yourself in one word, what would it be and why?
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“good. because i’m just THAT good, i guess.”
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