What the fuck why the hell are woman breast feeding in restrooms restrooms are full of germs and shit both literally and figuratively and that might make the baby sick not to mention woman carryed a HUMAN CHILD in them and gave birth to the child and is told what to do for nine months and now how to feed there own child which people have no right to do unless it is the childs parents and they both have to agree to it its there right not any bodies elses damn business and if an 18 year old boy thinks this than you people who think woman breast feeding in restrooms is ok fuck off its non if your business only the parents of that child
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Simply adore this movie and the music is awesome
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Pitiful creature of darkness, what kind of life have you known?
The Phantom of the Opera (2004)
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I never knew this and it seems annoying for goodness sakes its our hair if we like it long then let it be long i hate how everyone is like "be yourself" then we grow out our hair then boom "cut your hair" (im 18 so in Texas thats an adult not sure about everywhere else)
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Absolutely stunning love it
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“Nyx” - My painting of the night goddess Nyx done for International Women’s Day. This painting was supported by the wonderful people over on my Patreon Limited edition prints are available in my shop (links in profile) 
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Im torn now both in my eyes are worthy of her (spoiler to those who did not read kingdom of ash yet) to bad she is no longer mortal
Sarah confirmed that Aelin would have stayed with Rowan if Sam was miraculously alive and that’s the tea sis
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Sorry to anyone who comes upon this but the last thing i need is bad luck
“But if you forget to reblog Madame Zeroni, you and your family will be cursed for always and eternity.”
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May anyone who see's this indeed have a good day
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34K notes · View notes
I want this now love cards against humanity and ToG so together it is awesome
TOG Cards Against Humanity
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ACOTAR Version
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Id be down to read
Reblog if you would read a book with a male aromantic asexual main character.
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I prefer both they both realized its was wrong to be a death eater and tried to right a wrong but Draco realized it first since he was raised that way and knew what to do to save every one while trying to look like he is trying
The one thing I hate most about people defending Severus Snape is their usage of “well look at Draco Malfoy!” as an excuse for Snape’s own actions.
Throughout the books we see that Draco is a product of his parents’ racism. His attitude is what happens when you feed your child a diet of bigotry and hatred and starve him of sources that could prove you wrong. Until Hogwarts, the word of Draco’s parents was all he knew. No adult Draco encountered challenged those ideals because he wasn’t stupid enough to say them around adults. 
From book 1 to book 7 (ignoring epilogue and the Cursed Child story), Draco was between eleven and eighteen years of age, the point where he begins to reject everything he was taught. Severus Snape died at the age of thirty-eight the same bitter, hate-filled, malicious person he had always been from childhood.
Draco chose to be a better person. Snape chose never to learn, never to change, and died a miserable death because of his inability to accept that he was wrong and improve himself in any regard.
At sixteen, Draco was forced onto the path of becoming a Death Eater. At first, he is excited. His parents have told him what an honour it is, how glorious, and then he becomes increasingly more terrified and upset and disgusted, only continuing with his half-hearted attempts to kill Dumbledore because Voldemort is threatening the lives of his parents. 
“At this early stage, full of the desire for revenge and to return his father to Voldemort’s favour, Draco barely comprehended what he was being asked to do. All he knew was that Dumbledore represented everything his imprisoned father disliked; Draco managed, quite easily, to convince himself that he, too, thought the world would be a better place without the Hogwarts Headmaster, around whom opposition to Voldemort had always rallied.” (Draco Malfoy, Pottermore.)
This screams that Draco doesn’t have the ability to think critically about anything that his parents have taught him to believe. His mind has been so poisoned that this is the only reality that he can accept. His parents are right, Dumbledore is wrong, therefore Dumbledore must go.
The narrative challenged Draco’s ideals. The narrative asked whether this was what Draco wanted, was this person he wanted to be? And at every turn, he said no. 
He was actively horrified that he had let Greyback into a school full of children, he lowered his wand when he had Dumbledore essentially pinned and helpless, his bottle of poisoned wine was easily fixed, he sent a cursed necklace at a time when nobody in their right mind would leave their hands uncovered to touch it and even when Katie Bell did it wasn’t a fatal touch. He had Rosmerta under an Imperius Curse but never forced her to do anything awful like he probably would have done as a cocky little shithead. These were attempts on Dumbledore’s life that were feeble and would be easily fixed before they became in any way fatal. 
Draco Malfoy didn’t want this life. 
Dumbledore saw that in Draco and offered him a way out that he almost took. In fact, it was probably the only time that anyone wanted to help him. So desperate to get away from the life of hurting others that he had previously enjoyed, he almost 
And you know what? Harry Potter being on the Astronomy Tower that night was a strategic choice on Dumbledore’s part, including freezing him. This was where Harry’s black-and-white view of people was challenged. He didn’t hate Draco anymore, not really - in the movies, Harry noted that Draco was lowering his wand, he was not going to harm Dumbledore. Harry knew that Draco was being forced into this.
He learned the hard way what his ideals truly meant. He learned the hard way that his parents had been in the wrong the whole time. In the end, Draco Malfoy never did anything for the dark side to improve his own status but to make sure he didn’t end up an orphan. 
Throughout Deathly Hallows Draco switches back and forth. He helps Harry, then he wants to capture Harry, then he helps Harry again and is saved by Harry in return. If the book had been written from Draco’s perspective I bet you it would have been full of confusion and fear, questioning his entire life and seesawing his way through decisions because the world around him is not conforming to what he knows; the veil his parents had forced over his eyes since birth is being ripped away, and he doesn’t know what to do.
I believe the Pottermore website puts Draco’s change much more succintly than I could:  “The events of Draco’s late teens forever changed his life. He had had the beliefs with which he had grown up challenged in the most frightening way: he had experienced terror and despair, seen his parents suffer for their allegiance, and had witnessed the crumbling of all that his family had believed in. People whom Draco had been raised, or else had learned, to hate, such as Dumbledore, had offered him help and kindness, and Harry Potter had given him his life. After the events of the second wizarding war, Lucius found his son as affectionate as ever, but refusing to follow the same old pure-blood line.”
And by refusing to follow in the footsteps of his ancestors, Draco may just be the first Malfoy who has ever denied the blood purity diatribe. He married into a family outside of the Sacred 28 (an important note: this disappointed his parents. For the first time, Draco disappointed them and he didn’t care!), and refused to teach Scorpius about blood purity. Scorpius is said to be much kinder and happier than Draco had been as a child, which means that Draco was a better parent than his parents had been to him. He was more loving, more understanding, and likely had worked hard for many years to undo the damage that his upbringing had inflicted upon him.
Draco Malfoy could never be like Severus Snape; at every point, Snape chose to become a Death Eater, where Draco was coerced into it. He choose to do Dark magic and make up his own Dark curses, but Draco was raised into a family of Dark wizards and was exposed to it from birth. And in the end, Severus chose to be a mean, bitter bully from childhood until his death, but Draco Malfoy chose, when confronted with the mess he had made of his life, to be better. 
And that is why I will never stand for Snape apologists making up a connection where it doesn’t exist. Where Snape chose to be awful, Draco chose to be better, and as an adult he lived a much nicer life with people that loved him because of that choice.
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So true
You know what’s one of the most tragic things about reading?
That you can only experience falling in love with a book for the first time once. And then no matter how many times you reread it, it’s never quite the same as that initial introduction, when you first met those characters and that world and you slowly but surely drowned in the beauty of it all.
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In all honesty i would love this and re read all the books listening to somewhere between the notes just so i can be happy that they are happy
Petition for Sarah J. Maas to write a final book that shows us life after KoA, I want to read about Yrene and Chaol being parents and the home they built, Dorian being an uncle and Manon becoming friends with Yrene because Dorian would be in the Westfall residence 24/7 and he would drag Manon with him. I want to read about Aelin’s court and all their shenanigans, about how they restore Terrasen to its glory and the little folk making their appearances, about Aelin getting pregnant and Rowan’s joy. I want to read about Nesryn in the southern continent, about her wedding and how she deals with being an empress and she’s just happy of having her family. I want to read of all the witches restoring their kingdom and living in peace. I know they all got their happy endings but now I just want to read about the after.
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I see this happening
Aelin: *does something stupid and gets herself hurt*
Rowan: After I lovingly nurse you back to health, I’m going to kill you.
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I think this is something no one can accept
Things I will not accept in the last throne of glass book
Aelin dying
Rowan dying
Dorian dying
Elide dying
Lorcan dying
Manon dying
Abraxos dying
Lysandra dying
Aedion dying
Chaol dying
Yrene dying
Fleet foot dying
Evangeline dying
Nesryn dying
Sartaq dying
Gavriel dying
Fenrys dying
Any of the thirteen dying
Any of the thirteens wyverns dying
Maeve living
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