charles5436 · 8 months
Autonomous Vehicles: Rise, Ethics, and Accidents Liabilities! || NeoDrafts
Autonomous vehicles (AVs) have been touted as the future of transportation, promising increased safety, reduced traffic congestion, and improved fuel efficiency. However, with the development of this technology comes a host of ethical questions, particularly around who is responsible in the event of an accident. In this article, we will address the issues and develop a framework for ethical decision-making to ensure that the benefits of this technology are realized without sacrificing safety or accountability.
The concept of an autonomous vehicle is relatively straightforward: it is a vehicle that can operate without the need for a human driver. This is achieved through the seamless integration of sensors, cameras, and advanced software that allow the vehicle to sense its environment, make decisions, and execute actions such as accelerating, braking, and steering. AVs are already in use in limited capacities, such as ride-sharing services and package delivery, and are expected to become increasingly common in the coming years.
Why Autonomous Vehicles are Gaining Popularity
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Autonomous vehicles are becoming increasingly popular due to several factors. Here are some of the key aspects behind the rise of autonomous vehicles:
Technological advancements: The development of advanced sensors, machine learning algorithms, and high-speed computing power has made it possible for vehicles to “see” and “understand” their surroundings, allowing them to make decisions and navigate roads without human input.
Safety: Autonomous vehicles have the potential to reduce the number of accidents caused by human error significantly. Self-driving cars can react more quickly to unexpected situations, and their sensors can detect hazards that a human driver might overlook.
Convenience: Autonomous vehicles have the potential to make transportation more convenient, especially for people who are unable or unwilling to drive. With a self-driving car, passengers can use their travel time more productively or for leisure instead of focusing on the road.
Environmental benefits: Self-driving cars can potentially reduce fuel consumption and emissions. Autonomous vehicles could reduce greenhouse gas emissions with more efficient routing, acceleration, and the potential for shared rides.
Economic benefits: Self-driving cars can potentially reduce transportation costs, especially for businesses that rely on transportation. For example, companies could save on labor costs and reduce delivery times by using autonomous trucks.
Regardless of the popularity, some concerns remain regarding fully upgrading to AV. A survey by the American Automobile Association (AAA) found that only 12% of drivers would feel comfortable riding in a fully autonomous vehicle—this suggests that there is still significant public skepticism around the safety and reliability of AVs. Ethical issues such as liability and prioritizing the safety of vulnerable road users must be addressed to build public trust in this technology.
Ethical Issues Surrounding Autonomous Vehicles
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Ultimately, the ethical issues surrounding AVs are complex and multifaceted. Here are some of the issues that arise with AVs.
#1: Responsibility in the event of an accident
When a human is driving a car, they are generally held responsible for any accidents that occur. Whereas with AVs, the situation becomes more complicated. If an AV is involved in an accident, who is at fault? Is it the manufacturer of the vehicle, the software developer, or the owner/operator of the AV?
One possible framework for addressing this issue is the concept of “strict liability.” This legal principle holds manufacturers responsible for any harm caused by their products, regardless of fault. Under strict liability, if an AV were to cause an accident, the manufacturer would be held responsible, regardless of whether or not they were at fault—this would create an incentive for manufacturers to develop safe and reliable AVs, as they would be financially liable for all accidents.
According to a study by Deloitte, the adoption of AVs is expected to impact the auto insurance industry significantly. The study found that while AVs have the potential to reduce the frequency and severity of accidents, they could also increase the cost of repairs in the event of an accident—this could lead to a shift in liability from individual drivers to AV manufacturers and operators.
Another possible framework is to assign responsibility to the owner or operator of the AV. In this model, the person or organization that owns or operates the vehicle would be responsible for any accidents, similar to how liability is assigned in traditional car accidents. However, this approach may not be ideal for AVs, as it could incentivize owners to avoid responsibility by blaming accidents on software or hardware malfunctions.
A third framework is to assign responsibility to the software developer. In this model, the company that develops the software that controls the AV would be responsible for any accidents—this would create an incentive for software developers to create safe and reliable systems, as they would be financially liable for any accidents that occur. However, this approach could also create a chilling effect on innovation, as developers may be hesitant to experiment with new technologies due to the fear of being held liable for resultant accidents.
#2: How AVs should make decisions in the event of an accident
AVs are programmed to make decisions based on a set of rules and algorithms. Still, in the event of an unavoidable accident, they may need to make ethical decisions not clearly defined by their programming. For example, if an AV is faced with a choice between hitting a pedestrian or swerving into oncoming traffic, how should it make that decision?
One possible approach is to program AVs to prioritize the safety of the occupants of the vehicle—this would mean that in the event of an unavoidable accident, the AV would make decisions that prioritize the safety of the people inside the vehicle, even if that means causing harm to others. However, this approach has been criticized for being selfish and potentially harmful to other road users.
In 2019, there were 6,205 pedestrian fatalities in the United States, accounting for 17% of all traffic deaths. [1] While AVs can potentially reduce the number of accidents caused by human error, it is essential to consider how their decision-making algorithms will be developed to prioritize the safety of vulnerable road users.
Another approach is to program AVs to prioritize the safety of all road users. In the event of an unavoidable accident, the AV would make decisions that prioritize the safety of all people involved in the accident, regardless of whether they are inside the vehicle. This approach has been praised for being more ethical and fair, but it may be challenging to implement.
A third approach is to program AVs to make decisions based on a set of ethical principles. AVs would be programmed with values and principles that guide their decision-making in the event of an accident. For example, an AV may be programmed to prioritize minimizing harm, avoiding collisions with vulnerable road users such as pedestrians and cyclists, and following traffic laws. This approach would require a consensus on what ethical principles should guide AV decision-making, which could be difficult to achieve.
#3: Potential economic impact
A report by the Center for Global Policy Solutions estimates that the widespread adoption of AVs could lead to the loss of millions of jobs in the transportation industry, including truck drivers and taxi drivers. While AVs can create new job opportunities in areas such as software development and maintenance, it is crucial to consider the potential economic impact of this technology and ensure that it is deployed ethically and responsibly.
One possible solution is to create a regulatory framework that outlines clear guidelines for AV manufacturers and operators. This framework could include policies on liability, decision-making, and ethical principles.
Another solution is to promote public awareness and engagement around the ethical issues surrounding AVs. By engaging with the public and encouraging dialogue on these issues, we can ensure that the development and deployment of AVs reflect the values and priorities of society as a whole.
The ethics of autonomous vehicles is a complex and pressing issue that requires careful consideration and discussion. We must address these issues and develop a framework for ethical decision-making that prioritizes safety, accountability, and the values of society as a whole. By doing so, we can ensure that the benefits of this technology are realized without sacrificing ethical principles or the safety of those on the roads.
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charles5436 · 8 months
The Blockchain's Power: How ItTransforming 14 Industries Other Than Cryptocurrency || NeoDrafts
Blockchain technology is no longer just associated with cryptocurrency and finance. It has now transcended those boundaries to transform various industries beyond what we ever thought was possible. The power of blockchain lies in its ability to create decentralized, secure, and transparent systems that increase efficiency, reduce fraud, and improve transparency and traceability.
From insurance to agriculture, music to government, blockchain technology has the potential to make a significant impact on various sectors of the economy. In this article, we will explore the fascinating ways blockchain is transforming industries beyond cryptocurrency and how it is poised to revolutionize how we do business.
For those who aren’t familiar, blockchain is a decentralized digital ledger that keeps track of transactions across numerous computers, making it open, safe, and impenetrable. Although most people only think of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin when discussing blockchain, its potential applications go far beyond virtual money.
Industries Transformed by Blockchain
#1: Banking and Finance:
One of the most significant impacts of blockchain technology is in the banking and finance industry. Blockchain can streamline processes, reduce transaction fees, and improve security in a way that traditional banking systems cannot. It can also enable cross-border payments, making international transactions faster and more efficient.
#2: Supply Chain Management:
Blockchain has the potential to revolutionize supply chain management by increasing transparency and traceability. Using blockchain, companies can track the movement of goods from production to delivery, ensuring they are authentic and free from counterfeits.
#3: Healthcare:
Blockchain can improve patient outcomes by providing a secure and accessible way to store and share medical data. It can also increase transparency and accountability in the healthcare industry by recording data on drug production, supply chain, and clinical trials.
#4: Real Estate:
Blockchain has the potential to streamline the real estate industry by reducing transaction costs and increasing transparency. By using blockchain, buyers and sellers can track property ownership, verify property history, and streamline the buying and selling process.
#5: Gaming:
Blockchain can transform the gaming industry by enabling players to own and trade digital assets, such as in-game items and characters, with each other. It can also increase transparency and fairness by using smart contracts to ensure that game outcome are predetermined and verifiable.
#6: Voting:
Blockchain can increase transparency and accountability in the voting process by creating a tamper-proof and secure system. Using blockchain, voters can verify their identity, and their votes can be recorded and counted transparently and securely.
#7: Energy:
Blockchain can transform the energy industry by enabling peer-to-peer energy trading and reducing reliance on centralized energy providers. It can also increase transparency and traceability in energy production and distribution, ensuring that energy is produced and delivered sustainably and efficiently.
#8: Insurance:
Blockchain can improve the insurance industry by enabling smart contracts that automatically execute claims and payouts. By using blockchain, insurers can improve efficiency, reduce fraud, and increase transparency in the claims process.
#9: Music and Entertainment:
Blockchain can transform the music and entertainment industry by enabling artists to own and control their creative work. Using blockchain, musicians and other creatives can distribute and monetize their content directly to their fans without relying on intermediaries like record labels or streaming platforms.
#10: Identity Management:
Blockchain can transform the way we manage our identities by creating a secure and decentralized system. By using blockchain, individuals can own and control their personal data without relying on centralized authorities like governments or corporations.
#11: Education:
Blockchain can improve the education industry by enabling the creation and verification of digital credentials. Using blockchain, students can store and share their educational achievements and credentials securely and transparently, making it easier for them to apply for jobs and further their education.
#12: Agriculture:
Blockchain can improve the agriculture industry by increasing transparency and traceability in the food supply chain. By using blockchain, farmers, and consumers can track the movement of food from farm to table, ensuring that it is safe and authentic.
#13: Art:
Blockchain can transform the art industry by enabling the creation and trading of digital art. Using blockchain, artists can create unique and authenticated digital art, and collectors can verify the authenticity of their purchases.
#14: Charity:
Blockchain can improve the charity industry by increasing transparency and accountability. Using blockchain, donors can track how their donations are being used and ensure they are making an impact.
As you can see, blockchain technology can potentially transform many industries beyond finance and cryptocurrency. Its decentralized, secure, and transparent nature makes it a powerful tool for increasing efficiency, reducing fraud, and improving transparency and traceability.
As blockchain matures and evolves, we can expect to see even more exciting use cases and applications emerge. Whether it’s improving supply chain management, transforming how we create and consume music, or increasing transparency in government services, blockchain has the potential to significantly impact our lives and how we do business. So, keep your eyes open, and let’s see what the future holds for blockchain technology! With its potential to disrupt many different industries, it’s no wonder that blockchain is one of the most exciting and potent technological developments of our time.
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charles5436 · 8 months
Telemedicine: The Doctor Will See You Now Without Pants! || Neodrafts
In today’s fast-paced world, we’re all looking for ways to make our lives a little easier. And when it comes to our health, convenience is critical. That’s where telemedicine comes in. This innovative new approach to healthcare allows us to see a doctor without ever leaving our homes. In this article, we’ll look at telemedicine and explore its many benefits and drawbacks. From saving money on co-pays to avoiding exposure to other people’s germs, telemedicine is a game-changer in the world of healthcare.
If you’re like me, you hate going to the doctor’s office. You have to get up early, sit in a waiting room with a bunch of sick people, and then get prodded and poked by a stranger who tells you to “take two of these and call me in the morning.” Ugh.
Thanks to modern technology, we now have telemedicine. That’s right; you can now see a doctor without ever leaving your couch. It’s like Uber for healthcare, except you don’t have to tip.
So, how does telemedicine work, you ask? Well, it’s pretty simple. You just log onto your computer or smartphone and connect with a licensed healthcare provider via video chat. That’s it! No more awkward small talk with the receptionist or wearing a paper gown that’s open in the back.
Now, I know what you’re thinking. “But wait, what if I need a physical exam?” Good question, my skeptical friend. While you can’t get a full-on physical exam through telemedicine (yet), you can still get many other services. For example, you can get a diagnosis, a prescription, or even get referred to a specialist. It’s like having a doctor in your pocket without paying malpractice insurance.
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Another great thing about telemedicine is that it’s incredibly convenient. You can see a doctor from anywhere, at any time. If you’re feeling sick in the middle of the night, no problem! Just log onto your telemedicine app and get the help you need.
And let’s not forget about the cost savings. Telemedicine is usually much cheaper than going to a traditional doctor’s office. You don’t have to pay for gas, parking, or any other hidden costs of going to the doctor. Plus, many insurance plans now cover telemedicine, so you can get the care you need without breaking the bank.
Of course, there are a few downsides to telemedicine. For one, it can be hard to build a relationship with your doctor when you’re only seeing them through a computer screen. And while telemedicine is excellent for minor ailments and routine check-ups, it’s not ideal for emergencies or severe medical conditions.
All in all, telemedicine is a game-changer. It’s convenient, cost-effective, and allows you to get the care you need without wearing pants. So the next time you’re feeling under the weather, try telemedicine. Who knows, it might save you a trip to the doctor’s office and a lot of headaches (and co-pays).
Now, I can hear some of you naysayers out there saying, “But what about the personal touch? What about the human connection?” Well, let me tell you, telemedicine has got that covered too. Many telemedicine services offer personalized care and follow-up appointments, so you can still feel like you’re being cared for by a real human being.
And let’s not forget about the added bonus of not having to expose yourself to other people’s germs. We’ve all been there, sitting in a waiting room, trying not to touch anything, and praying that we don’t catch whatever the person next to us has. With telemedicine, you can avoid all of that and stay healthy from the comfort of your own home.
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Of course, there are a few potential downsides to telemedicine. For one, you might miss out on some benefits of visiting the doctor’s office, like free lollipops or stickers. And if you’re a hypochondriac, seeing a doctor through video chat might not be the best idea. You might convince yourself that you have a rare tropical disease and start stockpiling surgical masks.
But all in all, telemedicine is a great invention. It’s convenient, cost-effective, and lets us take care of our health without leaving the house—Plus, it’s just plain cool. I mean, we’re living in the future here, people! Who needs flying cars when we’ve got telemedicine?
So, the next time you’re feeling under the weather or just need a quick check-up, try telemedicine. You might be surprised at how easy and effective it is. And who knows, maybe someday soon, we’ll be able to get a complete physical exam without ever having to put on pants.
Telemedicine is a fascinating new development in healthcare that has the potential to revolutionize the way we take care of ourselves. While it may not be for everyone, it offers a convenient and cost-effective option for those seeking medical care. Whether you’re too busy to visit the doctor’s office, live in a remote area, or don’t want to wear pants, telemedicine has got you covered. And who knows, as technology continues to advance, we may see even more exciting developments in the world of telemedicine.
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charles5436 · 8 months
Self-Driving Cars: Revolutionizing Transportation || Neodrafts
Self-driving cars, also known as autonomous vehicles, have emerged as groundbreaking technological innovations with the potential to revolutionize the transportation industry. These vehicles are equipped with advanced sensors, artificial intelligence, and machine learning algorithms that allow them to navigate and operate without human intervention. In this article, we will explore the impact of self-driving cars on transportation to understand how this technology is transforming our roads and redefining mobility.
The Rise of Self-Driving Cars
The autonomous vehicle market is projected to reach a value of $556.67 billion by 2026, with a compound annual growth rate of 39.47% from 2021 to 2026 (source: MarketsandMarkets). [1] This rapid growth reflects the increasing interest and investment in self-driving car technology.
According to the World Health Organization, over 1.35 million people die each year due to road traffic accidents (source: World Health Organization). [2] Self-driving cars have the potential to reduce accidents caused by human error significantly. A study by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety estimated that the widespread adoption of autonomous vehicles could eliminate up to 94% of fatal crashes in the United States (source: Insurance Institute for Highway Safety).
Benefits of Self-Driving Cars
Statistics reveal that approximately 90% of road accidents are caused by human error (source: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration). By removing the human element from the driving equation, self-driving cars can minimize the risk of accidents and improve road safety. A study conducted by the RAND Corporation estimated that if 90% of vehicles on the road were autonomous, road fatalities could be reduced by up to 300,000 per decade in the United States alone (source: RAND Corporation).
Self-driving cars can optimize traffic flow and reduce congestion on roadways. By leveraging real-time data, predictive algorithms, and interconnected communication, autonomous vehicles can make efficient decisions, such as adjusting speed and route, to maximize the overall traffic flow. A study by the Boston Consulting Group estimated that widespread adoption of self-driving cars could reduce traffic congestion by up to 40% in major cities (source: Boston Consulting Group).
Self-driving cars have the potential to enhance mobility for individuals who are unable to drive, such as the elderly or people with disabilities. According to a survey by AARP, 87% of adults aged 65 and older want to stay in their current homes and communities as they age (source: AARP). [3] Autonomous vehicles can provide them with an independent means of transportation, improving their quality of life and fostering inclusivity.
Transportation is a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. Self-driving cars can help mitigate this environmental impact by optimizing routes, reducing traffic congestion, and promoting more fuel-efficient driving behaviors. A study published in Nature Climate Change journal estimated that autonomous vehicles could reduce emissions by up to 2.4 million metric tons of CO2 per year in the United States (source: Nature Climate Change).
The development and deployment of self-driving cars present new economic opportunities and job creation. According to a report by Intel and Strategy Analytics, the autonomous vehicle industry could generate $7 trillion in economic activity by 2050 (source: Intel and Strategy Analytics). This includes job growth in areas such as vehicle manufacturing, software development, infrastructure development, and maintenance.
Challenges and Future Implications
The widespread adoption of self-driving cars raises complex regulatory and legal challenges. Governments and regulatory bodies must establish comprehensive frameworks to address safety, liability, data privacy, and ethical considerations. Statistics indicate that as of 2020, only 29 U.S. states have enacted legislation related to autonomous vehicles (source: National Conference of State Legislatures).
While self-driving car technology continues to advance, technical challenges still need to be overcome. Developing robust artificial intelligence systems, improving sensor technology, and ensuring seamless connectivity require ongoing research and development. Additionally, upgrading existing infrastructure to support autonomous vehicles, including road signage and communication systems, presents logistical and financial considerations.
Public perception and trust in self-driving cars remain significant barriers to widespread adoption. A survey conducted by the American Automobile Association (AAA) found that 71% of people are afraid to ride in fully self-driving vehicles (source: AAA). [4] Building public confidence through transparency, effective communication, and demonstration of safety benefits is crucial to accepting and adopting autonomous vehicles.
Self-driving cars hold immense promise in revolutionizing transportation by enhancing road safety, improving efficiency, increasing accessibility, and reducing environmental impact. The future implications are far-reaching as the technology continues to evolve and overcome challenges. It is essential for stakeholders, including governments, industry leaders, and the public, to work collaboratively to address regulatory, legal, technological, and societal considerations. By embracing the potential of self-driving cars and fostering a supportive ecosystem, we can pave the way for a future where transportation is safer, more efficient, and accessible to all.
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charles5436 · 8 months
Preserving Privacy: Navigating the Challenges of Smart Devices and Connected Homes || Neodrafts
In today’s digitally connected world, smart devices and connected homes have become an integral part of our lives; from voice assistants to smart thermostats and security cameras, these technologies offer convenience, efficiency, and improved living experiences. However, as our homes become more intelligent and interconnected, addressing the growing privacy concerns surrounding these devices is crucial. This article delves into the potential risks, challenges, and best practices to protect your privacy in the era of smart devices and connected homes, ensuring a secure and private digital environment for you and your family. Let’s begin!
Understanding Smart Devices and Connected Homes
Smart devices encompass a wide range of gadgets that are connected to the internet and can perform tasks autonomously or via user commands. They include smart speakers, fitness trackers, home appliances, and more. Connected homes, on the other hand, refer to the integration of these devices into a network that enables seamless communication and control. While offering immense convenience, this interconnectivity raises important privacy considerations as the devices collect and transmit data.
Data Collection and Privacy Risks
Smart devices constantly collect and transmit data, ranging from personal information to behavioral patterns and even location data. This extensive data collection poses several privacy risks. There have been instances of data breaches where unauthorized individuals gain access to sensitive information, leading to identity theft or financial fraud. Additionally, companies’ misuse of personal data can result in targeted advertising or even manipulation of consumer behavior. According to a survey conducted by Pew Research Center in 2019, 81% of Americans expressed concerns about the security of their personal data when using smart home devices. In order to mitigate these risks effectively, it is essential to be aware of the data being collected and shared by your smart devices.
Privacy Challenges in Connected Homes
Connected homes present unique privacy challenges due to interconnected devices’ sheer volume and complexity. A vulnerability in one device or weak network security can expose the entire system to potential breaches. Furthermore, understanding and controlling each device’s data collection and sharing practices can be daunting for users, leaving them unaware of the extent of information being gathered and how it is being utilized. A survey by CIGI-Ipsos in 2019 found that 63% of respondents globally were worried about not having control over how their personal information was collected and used by smart devices. Maintaining privacy in such an environment requires careful consideration and proactive measures.
Legal and Regulatory Landscape
Privacy laws and regulations are gradually catching up with the advancements in smart technology. However, the rapid pace of innovation often outpaces the ability of regulators to keep up. While some regions have implemented data protection laws like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union, there is a need for comprehensive and updated privacy regulations to safeguard consumer rights and ensure accountability from device manufacturers and service providers. According to a study by ESET in 2020, 47% of respondents were worried about the possibility of their smart home devices being compromised by hackers. Governments and regulatory bodies must work collaboratively to create a robust legal framework addressing the privacy concerns of smart devices and connected homes.
Mitigating Privacy Risks and Best Practices
In order to protect your privacy in a connected home environment, you can take several proactive steps. Start by regularly updating device firmware and software to ensure you have the latest security patches. 
Manufacturers often release updates to fix vulnerabilities and enhance privacy protection. Use strong, unique passwords for each device to prevent unauthorized access. Avoid reusing passwords and enable two-factor authentication whenever possible. Be cautious when granting permissions and access to apps and services. Review privacy policies and terms of service to understand how your data is handled, shared, and stored. Consider using additional security measures like virtual private networks (VPNs) and firewall systems to encrypt your data and protect your network from external threats.
Industry Initiatives and Privacy Standards
Recognizing the significance of privacy, many industry players have taken steps to address these concerns. Various organizations are developing privacy standards and certifications for smart devices, helping consumers make informed choices when selecting devices for their connected homes. Look for devices that adhere to these standards to ensure that privacy protection is prioritized. Some examples of privacy standards include the Privacy Verified Certification from the Internet of Things Security Foundation (IoTSF) and the UL IoT Security Rating.
Future Outlook
As the smart device ecosystem continues to evolve, it is vital to strike a balance between the convenience they offer and the protection of our privacy. Collaboration among manufacturers, regulators, and consumers is essential in establishing robust privacy measures. Manufacturers should prioritize privacy by design, implementing privacy features and controls in their devices from the outset. Regulators must work to enact and update privacy laws that address the unique challenges posed by smart devices and connected homes. By staying aware, educating ourselves, and adopting necessary precautions, we can navigate the era of smart devices and connected homes while safeguarding our privacy.
Being proactive about privacy is critical. By understanding the risks, staying informed, and implementing necessary precautions, we can fully enjoy the benefits of smart devices while maintaining control over our personal information. Together, we can shape a future where privacy remains a fundamental right in our connected lives. With conscious efforts from all stakeholders, we can ensure a secure, private, and trustworthy digital environment for the homes of tomorrow.
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charles5436 · 8 months
Telemedicine: The Doctor Will See You Now Without Pants! || Neodrafts
In today’s fast-paced world, we’re all looking for ways to make our lives a little easier. And when it comes to our health, convenience is critical. That’s where telemedicine comes in. This innovative new approach to healthcare allows us to see a doctor without ever leaving our homes. In this article, we’ll look at telemedicine and explore its many benefits and drawbacks. From saving money on co-pays to avoiding exposure to other people’s germs, telemedicine is a game-changer in the world of healthcare.
If you’re like me, you hate going to the doctor’s office. You have to get up early, sit in a waiting room with a bunch of sick people, and then get prodded and poked by a stranger who tells you to “take two of these and call me in the morning.” Ugh.
Thanks to modern technology, we now have telemedicine. That’s right; you can now see a doctor without ever leaving your couch. It’s like Uber for healthcare, except you don’t have to tip.
So, how does telemedicine work, you ask? Well, it’s pretty simple. You just log onto your computer or smartphone and connect with a licensed healthcare provider via video chat. That’s it! No more awkward small talk with the receptionist or wearing a paper gown that’s open in the back.
Now, I know what you’re thinking. “But wait, what if I need a physical exam?” Good question, my skeptical friend. While you can’t get a full-on physical exam through telemedicine (yet), you can still get many other services. For example, you can get a diagnosis, a prescription, or even get referred to a specialist. It’s like having a doctor in your pocket without paying malpractice insurance.
Another great thing about telemedicine is that it’s incredibly convenient. You can see a doctor from anywhere, at any time. If you’re feeling sick in the middle of the night, no problem! Just log onto your telemedicine app and get the help you need.
And let’s not forget about the cost savings. Telemedicine is usually much cheaper than going to a traditional doctor’s office. You don’t have to pay for gas, parking, or any other hidden costs of going to the doctor. Plus, many insurance plans now cover telemedicine, so you can get the care you need without breaking the bank.
Of course, there are a few downsides to telemedicine. For one, it can be hard to build a relationship with your doctor when you’re only seeing them through a computer screen. And while telemedicine is excellent for minor ailments and routine check-ups, it’s not ideal for emergencies or severe medical conditions.
All in all, telemedicine is a game-changer. It’s convenient, cost-effective, and allows you to get the care you need without wearing pants. So the next time you’re feeling under the weather, try telemedicine. Who knows, it might save you a trip to the doctor’s office and a lot of headaches (and co-pays).
Now, I can hear some of you naysayers out there saying, “But what about the personal touch? What about the human connection?” Well, let me tell you, telemedicine has got that covered too. Many telemedicine services offer personalized care and follow-up appointments, so you can still feel like you’re being cared for by a real human being.
And let’s not forget about the added bonus of not having to expose yourself to other people’s germs. We’ve all been there, sitting in a waiting room, trying not to touch anything, and praying that we don’t catch whatever the person next to us has. With telemedicine, you can avoid all of that and stay healthy from the comfort of your own home.
Of course, there are a few potential downsides to telemedicine. For one, you might miss out on some benefits of visiting the doctor’s office, like free lollipops or stickers. And if you’re a hypochondriac, seeing a doctor through video chat might not be the best idea. You might convince yourself that you have a rare tropical disease and start stockpiling surgical masks.
But all in all, telemedicine is a great invention. It’s convenient, cost-effective, and lets us take care of our health without leaving the house—Plus, it’s just plain cool. I mean, we’re living in the future here, people! Who needs flying cars when we’ve got telemedicine?
So, the next time you’re feeling under the weather or just need a quick check-up, try telemedicine. You might be surprised at how easy and effective it is. And who knows, maybe someday soon, we’ll be able to get a complete physical exam without ever having to put on pants.
Telemedicine is a fascinating new development in healthcare that has the potential to revolutionize the way we take care of ourselves. While it may not be for everyone, it offers a convenient and cost-effective option for those seeking medical care. Whether you’re too busy to visit the doctor’s office, live in a remote area, or don’t want to wear pants, telemedicine has got you covered. And who knows, as technology continues to advance, we may see even more exciting developments in the world of telemedicine.
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charles5436 · 8 months
Indian Foot Prints in Digital Applications || NeoDrafts
Indian Foot Prints in Digital Application. The Government of India’s decision of banning applications based in China does not come as a surprising news. The growing anti-China sentiment and Prime Minister of India’s call towards self-sustainability of India as a nation maybe the reasons behind this step. And it cannot come at a more right time, what with the India-China border dispute at the forefront. 
The Government of India has taken its stand. So, how we, the people of the nation can support the cause of a self-sufficient nation. Here we discuss the best Indian alternatives to the existing apps irrespective of their origin. 
Indian applications have always been overshadowed by apps from other countries for the lack of global outreach. But Desi apps, as we refer to them, are not in lag in quality nor in user experience;
1.ShareChat: The Indian app that gives the same glee as Tik-tok but in no way is a copycat, Sharechat is much more. A no-english app which is available in more than 10 Indian languages, we can share jokes, GIF, audio, quotes and videos. With the risk of data security associated with tik-tok, Sharechat is the best alternative.
2.Epicweb Browser: With UC Browser accused of data privacy issues and now the ban, epic web browser can be seen as best internet browser of indian origin. An in built virus protection gives this browser a cutting edge over other browsers.
3.ShareAll: Inappropriate content and concerns over data privacy have always been a matter of extreme sensitivity with the Shareit app. Like its alternative Shareit, ShareAll supports transfer of any files even without internet access or cables.
4.JioMeet and Say Namaste: Zoom, the chines group calling or meeting app gained extensive popularity during the times of the corona crisis, but has been accused of slack in data privacy. Re-routing call through a china based server added an authenticity to this accusation. To protect ourselves from this breach of security, Jio has come up with Jiomeet. And Say Namaste has all the requirement to hold important conferences. 
5.Hike: This is a messenger app, similar to whatsapp with the better feature of permitting communication even through SMS. A great concept that is slowly catering to the cultural and class diversity in India.
The above are but some apps that are already gaining popularity with the millennials. As we have ascertained, the made in India applications have more connect culturally to the people of India. All they lack is the global unification and understandably so, since their aim has been to cater Indian audience. With the concerns in data privacy and security over the market dominated by Chinese applications, the potential of “Desi apps” have to be realized and embraced by the society.
Employment, advancement as well as increase in GDP can be achieved all at once with this one step. Instead of being swept up in the tide of mass acknowledgment of apps made popular by sheer advertisement and numbers, let’s check out the more authentic and democratic apps that are susceptible to questioning at any breach of privacy and security. 
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charles5436 · 8 months
Chinese Smartphone Giant Vivo Is Latest to Splurge on Tech Tower || NeoDrafts
China’s No. 2 smartphone company Vivo Mobile Communications Co. has broken ground at a high-rise building in Shenzhen to house its potential headquarters, reflecting the boom in the country’s booming technology market. Scheduled for completion in 2025, the 32-story gadget manufacturer will house 5,800 employees. It was planned by NBBJ, the designers behind Samsung’s Silicon Valley facility and Seattle’s Amazon Spheres.
The new building will feature Vivo’s flagship store, indoor gardens on all floors, and also a spiral exterior with self-shaped glass, according to the architectural firm.
Vivo joins with Tencent Holdings Ltd. and ByteDance Ltd. in investing a great deal on new office space. A lot of it in the booming technology hub of Shenzhen. It will contribute to the mega-building boom at a time when economic uncertainty is causing many companies to cut back. WeChat developer Tencent is constructing an adjacent campus roughly the size of Midtown Manhattan on reclaimed land in Qianhai Bay. It costs the company $1.2 billion.
Cost for New Buildings:
Vivo paid 1.3 billion yuan ($182 million) for the location of its new headquarters. ByteDance, owner of TikTok, recently invested 1.1 billion yuan on the property in the city’s downtown district. It is according to the local land authorities. Also Kuaishou, a YouTube-like video network backed by Tencent, is investing 3 billion yuan based on its fledgeling e-commerce business in Chengdu, complete with live-streaming studios for hawking products.
Some economists claim that building booms signify an overheated economy that precedes a crash. Yet NBBJ, which also built campuses for Google’s Alphabet Inc. and Ant Group’s associated Alibaba Group Holding Ltd., claims that China’s tech giants have outgrown their old digs. They are now merely finding space to lead a possible wave of future global expansion. Vivo, which began life during Android’s growth ten years ago, has gradually developed into a pioneer at home and throughout Asia and Europe. Alongside compadres Huawei Technologies Co. and Xiaomi Corp. The production encapsulates the way Chinese names have started to wave abroad.
“What we’ve seen right now is part of the natural life cycle of these businesses, where they’ve outgrown their current facilities and need new ones to operationally sustain their increasing global scope,” said NBBJ partner Robert Mankin, who is responsible for the Vivo project. “It’s very uncommon for businesses in the U.S. to build their headquarters building, and you still see it in Asia.”
Tencent Growth Plans:
The tech sector boom fits with China’s trillion-dollar initiative to boost the economy and lay the groundwork for networking and data centering for next-generation Internet technology. As far as offices are concerned, Tencent has among its peers the most ambitious growth plans. Dubbed Net City, the latest initiative involves solar panels, automated sensor arrays, flood control mangroves and also a pedestrian-friendly transit system. This will take about seven years to finish.
According to the local government, Tencent currently has 38,000 employees in Shenzhen. Also with headcount projected to more than double in seven years. ByteDance said it plans to create 40,000 new job opportunities this year.  They also leased new offices in Hong Kong and purchased a Beijing shopping plaza to turn it into a workspace. Oppo, the cross-town competitor of Vivo, is also building new HQ in Shenzhen. The building, designed by Zaha Hadid Architects, will include a 20-story architectural lobby, an art gallery, restaurants and also shops. The building is scheduled to be completed by 2025.
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charles5436 · 8 months
Apple Set to Launch a 5.4-inch Phone This Year || NeoDrafts
Apple is all set to launch a 5.4-inch iPhone this year. Apple may be working on a new sleek iPhone. The phone would come with a 5.4-inch display, far smaller than the current iPhone 11 model.
Links to the portable 5.4-inch iPhone have been found in the new iOS 14 beta update. In addition to the easy-to-carry iPhone, the beta version also confirms the availability of the Display Zoom feature. This helps users to zoom in on smaller iPhone models without disturbing the experience of the app.
For example, Display Zoom enables the 5.8-inch iPhone 11 Pro interface on the larger 6.5-inch iPhone 11 Pro Max. As the name suggests, it enlarges text, keys and icons.
Display Zoom Feature:
The iOS 14 beta three developers introduces the Display Zoom feature. Including a new, smaller display of 960 x 2,079 pixels that is designed to zoom in on iPhone X. And newer 5.8-inch iPhone versions, but fits precisely on a 5.4-inch screen, 9to5Mac says.
The function adjusts the entire device interface to the size of what’s on the smaller iPhone model to give some magnification. It wasn’t accessible for the iPhone X, iPhone XS, and iPhone 11 Pro. However, it was a piece of the iPhone XS Max and iPhone 11 Pro Max so far.
The new report is pretty much in line with what Apple analyst Ming-Chi Kuo expected last year. Kuo said Apple would announce a sleek 5.4-inch iPhone with OLED screen and 5 G connectivity in 2020. Earlier this year, he added that the phone would start mass production in September, just before the official launch of the iPhone 12 series.
Or, of course, it wouldn’t be prudent to speculate on the production of the 5.4-inch iPhone model (aka iPhone 12) only by taking a cue from the Display Zoom extension. Nonetheless, recent rumours indicated the introduction of the latest iteration in the next sequence to be released this year.
Apple iPhone 12 Pro edition:
The Apple iPhone 12 Pro edition is expected to feature a 6.1-inch Samsung OLED Super Retina XDR 10-bit colour depth display.
It will have 6 GB of RAM and will also be available in three capacity variants – 128 GB, 256 GB and 512 GB. The phone is supposed to have a stainless steel frame, a new A14 chip, and a triple camera with a LiDAR sensor on the rear.
Another recent change in the Apple iPhone 12 series is that the new iPhones do not feature a bundled charger or a wired Apple EarPod in the phone box. It is said to be done to minimize costs as well as to reduce e-Waste by extending the shelf life of previous iPhone chargers that people in the community are already using.
So far we know that the entry-level iPhone 12 is supposed to come with a 2.227mAh battery. Besides, reports say that both LTE and 5G models will be available with a base LTE version starting at $549. It expects to feature a dual-camera configuration like the iPhone 11. Also a flat-frame like the rest of the iPhone 12 series.
The iPhone 12 lineup is supposed to use Semco and Sunny Optical lenses. It offers better performance and enhanced autofocus performance. According to the same report, the first iPhones with periscope telephoto sensors are scheduled to launch in 2022. The iPhone 12 series will be released on 8 September.
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charles5436 · 8 months
The OnePlus Nord: Everything You Need to Know About Its Features, Design, and More || NEoDrafts
Mobile phones have become the de facto best friends of everyone in these tough quarantine times. Becoming so intimate with the mobiles that they begin to seem boring is an unexpected aftermath. With many models and upgrades in the market, it is not difficult to rectify such situations. All You Need to Know About OnePlus Nord, Features, Design and Many More
Out of all the available brands and models, OnePlus NORD surely sweeps the top spot in the hearts of the people. Eager to fulfil the tagline of OnePlus “Value for Money”, OnePlus released NORD in an affordable price range. Let’s dive into the specifications and features of this unarguably the best smartphone of 2020.
OnePlus Nord Background:
Exclusive for the mid-tier smartphone section, OnePlus has launched NORD on July 21st. Available exclusively with Amazon and the company’s own website, NORD aims to go on sale from August 4th. Also, with its a high-end variant set to hit the market in September. Keeping in mind the global economic crisis and staying true to the company’s concept, the launch of OnePlus NORD will bring the best of both worlds.
Playing in the affordable price ranges of ₹24,999 to ₹30,000 for all the NORD variants, OnePlus smartphone seems to have returned to its roots. Also, the likes of such quality mobiles at reasonable prices had been the youth of OnePlus as a brand.
Specification of OnePlus NORD:
Available in head-turning colors of Blue Marble and Grey Onyx adds to the aesthetics of this smartphone.
With 6.44 inches AMOLED display with resolution 1800X2400 pixels and 90Hz refresh rate, OnePlus ensured that there was no compromise with quality with respect to the price. And an option of tuning the refresh rate down to 60Hz is also available to save battery life. No stopping you on awesome games and an endless movie marathon.
OnePlus boasts of 6 cameras, 4 rear and 2 front. 48MP main camera + 8MP ultra-wide + 2MP macro + 5MP depth sensor. 32MP Sony IMX616 primary sensor + 8MP secondary sensor for the front cameras. Super slow motion, Time-lapse and a 4K video recording can satisfy every amateur photographer’s needs.
Updated software to suit today’s fast-paced generation, OxygenOS10.5 based on Android 10 is the best offered at this price range. Powered by Qualcomm Snapdragon 765G 5G processor with Adreno, everything on the mobile becomes faster and efficient.
Going along with the trend, NORD supports face unlock and fingerprint scanner. This sensitive equipment is protected by strong Gorilla Glass 5 on the front and back.
Do not get disappointed with no micro SD slot for with The OnePlus Nord the base model of 6GB RAM/64GB storage variant, the 8GB RAM/128GB storage and 12GB RAM/256GB storage variants remove this necessity of separate storage space.
With a 4115 mAh battery (non-removable), and fast charging 30W guaranteeing 70% charge in 30 minutes, it is the best deal available at the mid-price range.
What Is Unique in OnePlus NORD?
The number of variants with the quality and features at the given price range is a feat worth mentioning. The focus on user experience rather than the specifications is a welcome shift in the series of OnePlus smartphone launches. And the OnePlus NORD surely packs a punch in its performance.
Another scarcely mentioned advantage of NORD is that its thermal footprint is well in control even if the phone usage is pushed to the limits. This means you do not have to scald your hand when excessive usage of the smartphone is unavoidable. The better selfie cameras and filter options are definitely an upgrade from OnePlus’s previous models. The photographer’s soul in you will assuredly be super satisfied.
In conclusion, with OnePlus NORD, you get more than you expected and at a reasonable price range. And also with OnePlus as a brand that continuously strives for perfection, new upgrade in the software are available frequently. To sum up, this makes the NORD smartphone stand the test of time and usage for years to come.
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charles5436 · 8 months
Samsung Considers Dropping Bixby as Google Offers New Mobile Apps Deal || NeoDrafts
According to a news article, Google and Samsung are thinking about an arrangement to see the Korean technology giant replacing the Bixby voice assistant with Google. Moreover, Samsung will no longer fund its Galaxy Apps Store. The two companies are currently negotiating the exact financial conditions and the agreement will be completed by the end of the week according to close sources.
Samsung released a statement to Bloomberg expressing its commitment to providing its own offerings. It is also “working closely with Google and other partners to deliver the best possible experience to customers.”
Samsung is the largest smartphone company in the world and by far the leading American Android maker. During its phones, Samsung has constantly tried to create a self-contained mobile ecosystem on Android. It includes a Bixby voice assistant and a Galaxy app store. Google services are still available for Google’s own on Samsung’s phones. However, Samsung has now reached dedicated buttons on their hardware. It makes Bixby the most customer-friendly choice.
For years Google has tried to get its personal companies to drop Samsung. To give Google greater prominence in search, help, and play store applications based on a previously-related individual. The big hunt, which uses Samsung’s phone and hundreds of other companies’. Android apps produce a portion of Google’s advertising revenue that appeared on their smartphones as an opportunity.
Bloomberg Reports:
Google and Samsung have questioned Android customizations of the smartphone manufacturers before, and Samsung officially decided to remove some of its modifications in TouchWiz in 2014. While it sounds like Google might not still be pleased with what has been happening since then, this time Samsung takes some persuasion. They haven’t revealed the potential terms. But as Bloomberg reports, the Google Search Provider in the Safari browser is a multi-billion dollar agreement with Apple.
But, despite years of crumbling and timid consumer curiosity, Samsung has struggled for advertising its personal applications. From which it can actually accrue all income.
The strategy has been questioned for the past few months. But with the novel coronavirus pandemic and the downturn in telephone upgrades, gross sales have been affected. Exact monetary specifics could not be determined under agreements between companies. Yet Google phrases Samsung extra profitably as it withdraws from its app development on the basis of a bid used for discussions.
Google has also demonstrated its attempts to boost the user interface with main mobile partners, such as Samsung. But does not seek to drive the manufacturer out of its own app shop and digital wizard.
The news comes as Google unites other tech companies in seeking to convince US lawmakers that they should not misuse their influence. Another turning point in this case. The Play Store and the compulsory Google service on Android phones were checked against Samsung’s case. That the Android platform allows strong competition. The contract with this company could weaken Google’s claim. On Tuesday, Bloomberg first announced that the companies were discussing a brand new agreement.
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charles5436 · 8 months
Google Letting You Play Stadia on 4G/5G Networks with Latest Mobile Experiment || NeoDrafts
has been restricted to WiFi networks since it began last year because of the heavy data use from cloud-based streaming games. Google today unveiled a new Stadia trial. It lets you play games on mobile phones over 4G and 5G cellular networks.
Now you can play games with your Android phone via 4G and 5G connections on Google’s Stadia cloud gaming service. Although today you’ve to opt for an “experiment.”
One can download a number of games to compatible devices such as Ios. The Online gaming network Google runs the game on its own network. The player has limited hardware specifications, but you do need a decent link and a lot of data to play games. Stadia is not limited to handheld games-you can play AAA titles that are typically reserved for high-end computers or consoles such as PlayStation 4.
You must use the Stadia software on your phone to activate the feature. In the upper right corner, tap Experiments, then use Mobile Data, to access a Setup screen. Google described the mechanism in the blog post.
Everything you need to know about Stadia:
A user must be able to play games on a mobile internet network using 4 G or 5 G technology. Google has not even said anything about the quality of the stream that will be given. It’s probably less than Google’s output on WiFi because cellular plans are typically tight.
You can also access Stadia with compatible streamers such as Chromecast on your TV. Google’s gaming platform allows you to purchase games individually or to subscribe to a variety of titles in its catalogue for unlimited access.
Google, however, did not explain how much data a game could collect in Stadia. In addition, it is unclear at which resolution 4G or 5G networks will play the games.
The new Stadia beta was performed live on Tuesday and were available for consumers. U.S. search engine giant added a range of supporting apps in its Stadia game-streaming network to OnePlus 5, 6 and 7 series of smartphones.
The OnePlus 8, 8 Pro and other Android smartphones such as Google’s Pixel 2 series, 3, 4 series, Galaxy S8, S9 and S10 series supports the game streaming service.
Google Announcement:
Google announced the next round of free games for Stadia Pro subscribers in other Stadia news today. All will have free access to Strange Brigade, Kona, Metro 2033 Redux and Just Shapes & Beats beginning on August 1. Rock of ages III will arrive at Stadia Pro on August 14.
Finally, Stadia Pro members can only demand Zombie Army 4 for a few more days: free Dead War. Until August 1 you must demand it, and if you do, as long as you are a Stadia Pro member, you will continue to have free access to it.
During the course of summer, Google also worked to complete this list. Stadia can be a good alternative to spending big on new hardware with a new generation of consoles, including PlayStation 5 and the Xbox Series X on the horizon. If mobile gaming does not monopolize too many details, it can also make it more versatile for consoles to play.
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charles5436 · 8 months
Microsoft In Talks To Acquire TikTok's US Ops As Trump Wants Ban: Report || NeoDrafts
“Microsoft has begun talks to buy the entity (TikTok)“, reported Fox Business News on Friday. The news breaks among the developing feud between the US and China. US President Donald Trump earlier told reporters that he was considering a TikTok ban in the US. The US President holds the authority to do so under the International Emergency Economic Powers Act. With this purchase, Microsoft would own TikTok’s US operations.
TikTok is the news for its privacy concerns due to its alleged ties with the Chinese Government. Concerns over possible censorship on the platform to appease the Chinese Government have also surfaced.
While TikTok has repeatedly denied any relationship with the Government, its parent company, ByteDance is based in China, which has made it hard to believe that the company is not involved with the Government. China is notorious for having a stronghold on all the major companies under its sovereignty, including Alibaba, Tencent, and Baidu.
Everything You Need to Know about TikTok:
President Trump’s ban also follows the recent ban by India of over 100 Chinese apps, citing security and privacy concerns. The ban on Chinese apps followed an escalation in border disputes between India and China. There were an estimated 120 million active TikTok users in India at the time of the ban.
ByteDance TikTok is famous for its short videos. The platform is especially popular among teenagers.
The purchase has been under scrutiny ever since it was made by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States. “About 70% of the equity capital ByteDance has raised from outside investors has come from the United States”, reported Reuters.
Aside from Microsoft, investors of TikTok’s parent company ByteDance, which includes Sequoia Capital, and General Atlantic, have also shown interest in taking over the company valuing it at $50 Billion.
This value is about 50 times its projected 2020 revenue. By comparison, Snap inc., the parent company of Snapchat, Spectacles, and Bitmoji has an expected value of about $33 Billion.
The WSJ reported that “A deal could be completed by Monday, according to people familiar with the matter, and the talks involve representatives from Microsoft, Bytedance and the White House. Talks are fluid, and a deal may not come together.”
It should be noted that Donald Trump himself has dissuaded the idea of TikTok being purchased by a non-Chinese entity over a TikTok Ban. However, banning a platform, that is soaring in its popularity and has over 65 – 80 Million users in the US alone, is an unpopular decision.
Other Competitors:
Facebook and Alphabet (Parent company of Google), could have been the potential candidates for this purchase. But given the regulatory scrutiny, they’re under, it seems unlikely. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, at a congressional hearing this week, did loosely refer to TikTok as a threat from China and its plan to address it.
With this purchase, Microsoft would become a major competitor in the Social Media space. Microsoft will compete with the likes of Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Microsoft already has LinkedIn as a platform for business professionals to connect in. However, Microsoft’s spotty record with social media is akin to that of Google’s. It recently shut down Mixer, a live video game streaming platform. Lunch of Mixer was to compete with Twitch and Facebook Live, and Youtube Gaming.
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charles5436 · 8 months
Microsoft In Talks To Acquire TikTok's US Ops As Trump Wants Ban: Report || NeoDrafts
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charles5436 · 8 months
The Apple iPhone 12 Is Here- Launch And Other Details Revealed || NeoDrafts
Apple iPhone 12 will have a late launch, Apple confirmed. In September, Apple usually shows off its new mobile. Now, the latest revelation may provide a more definite time frame.
Apple will be able to unveil the iPhone 12 during the week of October 12 event. According to a tweet from the mobile leaker and the Front Page Tech host Jon Prosser. Preorders for the new iPhone will start that week, as well as devices beginning to ship the week of October 19.
As per his claims on the micro-blogging platform – Twitter, the launch event will take place during the week of October 12. However, according to him, the iPhone 12 will be available for preorder in the same week as the release. Prosser goes on to say that these events are now “in the framework” but could change as we approach them. Apple has reported that the latest 2020 iPhones will not be released in September, although Cupertino-based companies usually do so.
Apple did not respond immediately to a request for comments.
Prosser also said that the expected Apple Watch 6 could be revealed next to the new iPad in September, ahead of the new iPhones. Apple Watch 6 is speculated to feature SpO2 monitoring, the ability to monitor oxygen saturation in the blood, and more detailed sleep monitoring.
Prosser also set the dates for the next launches of Apple Watch and iPad. Prosser also said Apple would publish information about its forthcoming iPad and Apple Watch.
Other releases that Apple is preparing this year include the new iMac, AirPods Lab, HomePod 2 and HomePod Mini. However, the news that Apple is planning two different activities can not be dismissed. The mid-tier “iPhone 12” models will be unveiled in the first month. The top-tier “Pro” devices will be released in November.
Qualcomm, which offered Apple a 5 G processor for the new iPhone, stated earlier that there are possibilities of a delay in the global flagship phone launch.  One of the causes is the downturn in earnings ventures for the 4th quarter of the year. However, we suggest treating this information with a pinch of salt and pepper.
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charles5436 · 8 months
Apple Fixes The “Green Tint” Issue Along With Other Updates || NeoDrafts
Apple company is well known for its user experience, sophistication and class. But they faced people’s criticism with the famous “Green Tint” problem that surfaced with the iPhone11, iPod touch and iPad.
These updates may be the last of the updates of the iPhone 11 series. Apple has another good news with the preparation of launching of iOS 14 and iPadOS 14 for the new generation. This last but not least of the updates of the iOS 13 series is iOS 13.6.1.
What Can The Users Look Forward To With Ios 13.6.1?
This new update was launched as a solution to the most complained issue of iPhone 11 users. Apple received concerns regarding the unusual green tint observed by most of the iPhone 11 users when they use their mobiles in Night shift or a dark room.
Apple management derived the cause of this to be a thermal management problem after the download of the previous update version iOS 13.4.1. Apart from addressing this issue, Apple, with this new software update also solved the matter of the ceasing the automatic downloading of unnecessary data files when the system storage becomes limited.
This also fixes the issue where Exposure Notifications can be disabled when the user prefers to do so. Also, this update features the automatic update download when a Wi-Fi network is available. This update comes with much-needed support for digital keys in the health app under the new category “Symptoms”.
If these updates make you feel happy, then this happiness even extends to the iPad device of Apple. The update for the iPad is focused on reconstructing the problem where the data files are automatically deleted when the system storage becomes low and also some bug fixes.
Where Can You Find The Update?
This system update is in regards to the previous update and is available with at the same place as those previous ones. Just go to settings> General> Software Update to find this new version of the system software modification.
What Devices Is The New Software Update Available For?
Available for iPhone, iPad Touch and iPad models which are compatible with the iOS 13 and iPadOS 13. Before updating, one should make sure the device has sufficient battery life and Wi-Fi connection. Download this version seen as iOS 13.6.1 and enjoy the new features and fixes that come along.
A summary of all that encompasses the iOS 13.6.1 software update
The thermal management issue causing the green hue on the latest iPhone and iPad models is the primary reason for the launch of this version.
Unknown bug fixes that improve the efficiency of the phone.
Also the storage issues in both iPhone and iPad that stops the download of unneeded data files on low storage.
The mobile version of the update also has a much necessary update that supports digital keys.
With such useful and enthusiastic updates, this version may be the last of the iOS 13 series. For the new iOS 14 series is on the waitlist of eroding the market. Enjoy this new update and prepare for the new OS series launch. Apple stands up to its image of a high quality and sophisticated computer software and electronics company.
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charles5436 · 8 months
Samsung Galaxy Note 20 Ultra: All you need to know before you buy || NeoDrafts
In all the downpour of bad news, the release of Samsung Galaxy Note 20 Ultra has been an uplifting snippet of information of the year 2020. In this article, let us learn how this version of Samsung note is upgraded and is the best technological choice available right now.
Physical Features
Coming out bold and unapologetic with a big frame and as significant upgrades, Samsung Galaxy Note 20 Ultra aims to reach the pinnacle of all Android phones. With a 6.9-inch huge screen and addition of stylus to the previous version of Note, one can call this Samsung is instead a mix of tablet and phone for those who enjoy the big screen.
Samsung Galaxy Note 20 Ultra promotes it’s incredible camera literally in the face. With the huge bump behind the phone hosting the three rear cameras, a laser focus sensor and a flashlight, the camera certainly lives up to the name. This feature instead makes the phone look exotic.
And the flawless finish of the phone with the rounded corners and urban cuts is undoubtedly pleasing to the eyes. The matted finish of the rear of the phone is definitely the highlight of the phone’s exterior and will make you stand apart from the crowd. The Bronze color is the icing of the cake.
A Summary of the Specs of this Well-Embodied Note Are:
Storage: 128GB, 512GB expandable via microSD
Battery: 4,500mAh
Processor: Qualcomm Snapdragon 865+
Display: 6.9-inch, 3088 x 1440 AMOLED, HDR10+ certified, 120Hz variable refresh rate
Front camera: 10-megapixel, f/2.2, 1.22μm
Rear ultrawide camera: 12-megapixel, f/2.2, 120-degree FOV, 1.4μm
Rear telephoto camera: 12-megapixel, f/3.0, 20-degree FOV, 5X optical zoom, 50X digital zoom, 1.0μm
And Rear main camera: 108-megapixel, f/1.8, 1.33-inch sensor size, 79-degree FOV, 0.8μm (at 12-megapixels), laser autofocus.
Apart from these fantastic specifications, Samsung Galaxy Note 20 Ultra brags about Wireless charging and reverse charging. On-screen fingerprint sensor, stereo speaker with Dolby, UWB radio and water-resistance are some other amazing features.
Special Features of Samsung Galaxy Note 20 Ultra At A Glance
The S pen stylus is the feature worth mentioning. The tangibility of the stylus where the virtual ink literally flows from the tip, which reduced the latency of the S pen. And the Samsung and Microsoft collaboration has turned immensely useful with this version of Samsung Note.
On top of all the reminders and tasks syncing both ways with this mobile, Microsoft Xbox Game Pass Ultimate service on the relatively large screen for mobile is a great experience. The camera feature of the Samsung Note 20 Ultra is on par with the best phones out in the market. The ultrawide camera is the best of a lot of Samsung Galaxy Note 20 Ultra.
The Zoom feature of the telephoto nicknamed “Space Zoom” that combines the optical Zoom and digital Zoom to achieve 50X. But the actual strength lies at 10X where it gives better picture quality than most phones.
After going through all these features, the ball is still in your court. But it is definitely a recommended mobile for those who desire the experience of both mobile and a tablet. The stylus of the mobile is a great convenience and best feature that rather not be missed.
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