chronicleness · 1 month
nothing new under the sun but the low sugar rebound effect is SO frustrating. I woke up at 41, started cramming candy in my mouth while my sugars kept dropping, like "please just go up, come on, go up" and then 20 minutes later we're at 173 and soaring. "look ma we're going up! isn't this what you wanted??" no!!!
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chronicleness · 1 month
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chronicleness · 2 months
Hi I'm almost out of insulin AND my omnipods (insulin pump)...please help me 😭
I have I think like $40 on a credit card that i can use for part of it so I'm just trying to raise the $110 remainder
Pp: corypheus
Plz dont tag
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chronicleness · 3 months
anyway here's to disabled people who are not healing. disabled people who are not recovering, ever. people with disabilities that only get worse and worse over time. people who cannot access treatment for their disabilities or whose disabilities simply aren't treatable. people who know they'll only get more and more disabled as time goes on. people who know their disability will kill them sooner or later. you are seen, you are important, you are not dead weight, and you deserve support.
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chronicleness · 3 months
maybe in apology for all the curses bestowed on me, some god or other decided i could have a break today and my insulin only cost $20 at the pharmacy (???) never in my LIFE has it been this cheap. last time it was over $100. no idea what's up but love this, more of this pls
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chronicleness · 3 months
I think hydrocortisone is doing something weird to my sleep like I've had dreams every night constantly for the last several months since I started taking it. if I wake up I'm still half-dreaming, and sometimes they're odd and mundane and sometimes nightmares. never used to be like this and it's not horrific but I don't think I'm sleeping well. my brain is just never fully quiet now
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chronicleness · 4 months
Like this is a whole different rant but the way people talk about diabetes in general makes me so pissed off. Diabetes isn't a moral failing. Diabetes isn't something people can "deserve to have". No you can't say only people with type 1 deserve sympathy, what the fuck is wrong with you etc. No you can't get diabetes from eating too much sugar. Stop implying people with type 2 should die
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chronicleness · 4 months
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If you want to help diabetics in Gaza, please donate or boost
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chronicleness · 4 months
Too many world diabetes day posts simply explaining who Frederick Banting is
Not enough world diabetes day posts talking about how he punched people over the insulin patent and distribution because when he said "insulin does not belong to me, it belongs to the world" he was ready to fight for that shit
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chronicleness · 4 months
fun things to call your fast acting insulin shot that will sometimes make your mom mad:
• shooting up
• pregaming
• daily dose of dr banting’s juice
• coming down from a high
• doing my bastard son’s work (pancreas)
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chronicleness · 5 months
I think all diabetics forever should get warm fuzzy blankets after their diagnosis bc I never felt more cold than when I have really low hypos and the whole day I'll be freezing even after my blood sugar has stabilized again
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chronicleness · 5 months
to the disabled person who needs to hear this:
you don't have to earn or "deserve": resting, sleeping, taking your medications (including OTC meds, cannabis, creams, etc.), using your mobility aids, eating, declining to go to an event, choosing to stay home, having a self care/lazy day, or taking care of yourself in any other capacity. you can be good to yourself today.
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chronicleness · 5 months
help me not starve for my birthday 🥺🥺
i have another longer post but nothing is coming in so im making a shorter post. my 26th birthday is in a few days, and id love to be able to afford groceries and not be sick in bed or worse bc i haven't been able to eat! im diabetic, and am already playing it fast and loose given that i am out of my insulin and have no insurance or dr to prescribe more, so skipping meals is kind of really dangerous? but i dont have any other choice. please please PLEASE if u see this post and can spare it, chip in. i cant afford a hospital visit without insurance and id like to spend my birthday thinking about happy things, not a potential ER bill because i got too sick.
direct contributions here | ko-fi | amazon registry (in case anyone wants to buy me a gift 🤞🏼)
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(id in alt text)
(edit i added our registry if folks wanna get me smth instead of donating money, pls reblog this version!!! )
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chronicleness · 6 months
as a t1 diabetic, every time i eat something i dont particularly like to prevent my blood sugar from dropping, i feel like im in mother nature foraging for whatever foods are available to survive
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chronicleness · 7 months
god I really wish people weren't so fucking judgmental and cruel towards diabetic people who still eat a lot of sugar. partially because it's not their business, and because how much they clearly don't understand how diabetes works.
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chronicleness · 7 months
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chronicleness · 7 months
can't believe accidentally skipping a dose of medication would,,, have Effects on me?? the audacity
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