chrsolbi · 3 years
REWIND > @chrsab > an expensive cocktail bar (or, trying to recapture to winsome sensation of a teenage hangover)
the past is a fickle thing, isn’t that what everyone always says? changing like the tides, ebbing and flowing into ruts  and divots and things that no longer feel right. no longer fit the way that they used to. but it’s never been like that for solbi and sabrina. they have this way where they step over all those years crumpled up in between the then and the now. the gaps of time when they were both too busy to meet, and pick up right where they left off again. things unchanged. their relationship caught in a bottle and preserved. and like this, it never really inches into nostalgic between them. 
even now, as solbi rocks her glass in a lazy, arched circle against the table as she waits for her friend, she isn’t nervous about it. isn’t wondering who is going to slide into the seat opposite her. what they’ll talk about. it’s like stepping into the past and picking up where they left off. perhaps it’s this that makes solbi want to act a little wilder around her her, pulling back on that feeling of reckless youth, expecting the world to fold open for you without consequence.
it really has been a bit too long (and why does she know so many people who are committed to letting the ever-hungry field of medicine swallow them whole), and so when sabrina finally settles opposite her and orders a drink, solbi smiles in a way that rarely happens. it’s genuine, and lights up her eyes. devoid of malicious intent and shiver of her pupils, like she’s planning something sensitive and exploitative behind the opaque curtain of skin and bone. 
“god, it’s really been ages. what have you even been doing?” between conversational bubbles, they drink like they used to (which was a lot). “please don’t let it be boring. is it studying? god, i bet it’s studying.” it rides the end of an overdramatic groan, solbi toppling her head against the shelf of her palm, table resting at her elbow for support. 
“i really don’t get the appeal.” of being a doctor, but this isn’t a secret. “but of course. i support you.” this is said with theatrics, like sabrina might’ve just laid an incredulous plan; jumping countries, cutting off all her hair, and changing her name. solbi even reaches across the table to squeeze at her wrist in weak moral support before all that vodka has her slipping into a peel of laughter. 
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chrsolbi · 3 years
SHUDDER > @noeulchr  > a small get together (or, an excuse to get drunk in someone’s fancy new high-rise)
anger’s a hard thing to get rid of. it’s not a jacket, shrugged off when the humidity creeps up the spine. it settles and it clings with all the suffocation of a down quilt in mid-august. stifling, ever-present. wear it long enough and it starts to melt into the skin, that feeling. a constant simmer, and at that point, how is anyone expected to get rid of it? how is it possible? solbi knew. she knew she was angry. angry in general, and angry in this moment. angry at moments past, too. angry at seeing noeul sitting in the middle of the room, wine glass in hand, like nothing in the world mattered to him. as far as solbi was concerned, he didn’t have the right.
anger has a way of gripping tight, controlling irrational responses. by now though and solbi’s had enough experience with reigning that in. with setting up destructive little games in an effort to jerk people around like wooden-limbed puppets. make them regret whatever slight solbi had decided she’d experienced at their hands. but with noeul? could that even really be counted as a simple transgression? 
what gave him the right to dip out on radio silence, a static uncaring for whatever it was they had been. friends, at least. who did that to a friend that they cared about? (a tricky path to navigate if one wants to come out the other side without solbi being a stitched together mess of offended and seething; noeul didn’t succeed.)
here she is, anger in tow (heavy and shackled tight at the ankles, she drags it with her habitually), but you wouldn’t be able to tell it by her face. solbi smiles as she’s led into the living room, twists her expression up bright. the only thing that serves to give her away is the look in her eyes when she looks a beat too long at noeul. a little heavy. a little sharp. she hopes he feels it in his gut, a knife of a thing, some physical manifestation of guilt. solbi’s never been kind enough to wish people well in situations like this. what’s the point?
drink in eventual hand and she’s settled in on the couch, one chair apart from him. elbow balanced on the arm of it, chin in her palm, and she has a clear shot of his profile. “jung noeul. it’s been a while, huh?” it sounds conversational to everyone else cluttered around them. the reality of it and there’s no real way to take it aside from a dig. immediately shoveling up that unresolved baggage. despite this, solbi grins. this time it doesn’t look so soft, this time it's vicious.
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chrsolbi · 3 years
hey all, i’m rye (21+, s/h) and this is jung solbi. two-faced and shameless about it. is here to provide a wonderful trash landscape to dramatic plots. i don’t have as much prepared as i should because i, like solbi, am also 14% trash. so instead of having a full on plot page for the moment i’ll throw some ideas at the bottom and you can let me know if they ~resonate~ with you. i’m cool with tumblr ims or discord, if you want the latter just tell me! here’s solbi’s about and profile page, but i’ll put whatever passing thought i have floating around in my empty head under the cut in an attempt to be helpful. i also can’t really be on for long today so i might not have time to really get back to everyone, but if you want to plot like this or what have you and i’ll get back to you asap.
got her step-brother disowned because she decided she hated him when their parents got married and she was all of, like, 13. though the plan didn’t come to fruition until her senior year of hs. 
holds a grudge like a motherfucker. clearly.
two-faced, and has a way of adjusting her personality in order to appeal to someone of fit the setting. her parents, for instance, think she’s a sweetheart. her close friends do not.
she was originally meant to go into a career field more straightforward, or prestigious. after the brother debacle she really milked how badly it affected her, and her mother allowed her to to get into music production and composition like she’d wanted. dreams really do come true if you work hard for them, eh?
is into 90′s grunge and early 00′s fashion atm. has a decent social media presence. 
loves horror movies and games.
she doesn’t have the patience for people who describe themselves as nice or naïve while maintaining a serious face.
pretty outgoing, even if she’s not one to overshare about herself to a truthful degree. 
her father jumped to a new country and restarted his life when she was pretty young, despite it, she still idealizes him to a strange degree. 
has a big range of emotions, and if she’s not trying to portray herself a certain way to someone, can come across as a little much.
she’s a little chaotic. like...she does have her own morals at play. but her selfishness really tips the scale there. not to say that she’s unfeeling. she isn’t. but what she wants ranks above all. it’s almost an obsession.
so for plots,,,,,,,,,,,
some friends? gal pals. i feel like there should be three of them that were essentially the heathers. i need two more heathers. they can either still be close or drifted apart and are coming back together now.
someone who was friends with her step-brother who she royally screwed over would be cool. could be someone who believes they ~see through her~ even though nobody shares the opinion. could cause some fun distrust or something. 
anything involving mind games i am on board for.
some on again off again toxic mess seems pretty on brand for her, so like, if you want to invite that on your muse. 
someone else who got the short end of the stick when solbi decided she was pissed at them and held a grudge.
a partner in crime ride or die current day friend would be fun. even if that hadn’t actually been friends during hs. actually, that would make it even more interesting. yes, that. 
some messy ex situation. or like. an almost relationship situation. 
anything dramatic.
keep it real. 
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chrsolbi · 3 years
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chrsolbi · 3 years
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