chukeita · 4 years
idaite ate mo naku samayoi tsuzukETAAAAA
nijinda new world !!
do u ever hear an anime op from something you watched a long time ago and you can feel ur middle school self rising from the depths 
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chukeita · 4 years
Levi x Reader Part 1
Love me Black and Blue
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A/N: It’s been a hot minute but voila! Part one!! Good news is, I’m currently on winter break and quite motivated to write. Other good news: Part three is nearly complete and four is already finished :) Going to work on the next part right after posting this. (I write very much out of order if I have scenes pre-planned– I tend to be more inspired to type out certain things that aren’t necesarrily chronoligical haha.) Anyways, Merry Christmas to those of you who celebrate!! Hope you enjoy!! The next part will defs have more romance.
P.S. This gif gives me life. Happy birthday, Heichou!! <3
(Part 2)
“Her. Who’s that?” Lance Corporal Levi questioned, nodding over to a small, (h/c) haired young woman. She was midway through her exam, slashing at titan replicas with speed that nearly surpassed his own. Her touch of finesse when riding her gear caught everyone’s attention, and all present members in camp turned to watch as she tore through the thick napes like it was childsplay. One popped up behind her, and as if she could sense it, she slit through the cardboard cutout, slashing it from top to bottom in the blink of an eye.
Erwin turned to his shorter comrade, who was observing the girl thoughtfully.
“Ah, yes. That one’s a good pick, for sure.” The blonde male noted. “(Y/N) (L/N). Just turned twenty, finished top of her class, and quite compatible with others. Considering having an addition to give you an even numbered squad is so last-minute, that factor will work in your favor.”
“Kill count?” Levi continued, watching as the girl of conversation landed on her feet, blowing a strand of hair from her face. Many individuals came up to her, chattering excitedly at the adept abilities she had just displayed. (Y/N) in turn gave a blinding, closed-eye smile, blushing at the attention.
When on the ground, she looked as unthreatening as they come, and Levi half-wondered if he was looking at the same person. Erwin smirked at his question.
“Thirteen solo, and eighteen in total.”
“Tch. She’s been out of training for three years. Most soldiers in the regiment die before killing that many,” he remarked incredulously. “And she looks more like the head-in-the-clouds type.”
The commander shrugged.
“She started out in the Military Police and was an active soldier on duty during The Fall of Wall Maria. Surprisingly transferred to the Survey Corps immediately after she heard about its occurence.”
The raven said nothing.
“Not sure if that changes your opinion, but it’s your choice, at the end of the day, Levi,” Erwin added, crossing his arms.
Said girl felt eyes burning into her, and shifted her gaze towards the two men. Her electric, seemingly all-knowing eyes met Levi’s, and she tilted her head in question. (Y/N)’s entire being gave an image of gentleness he’d never seen before, which increased the captain’s skepticism further. It didn’t seem as if this girl was hardened by reality like most soldiers. Quite the paradox.
Levi merely grunted in response.
“How curious. Call her over,” he instructed, one hand placed firmly on his hip as he broke their shared eye-contact.
(Y/N) bid goodbye to her group of admirers, jogging over to where her two superiors stood as if expecting to be summoned. She pounded her fist over her heart, another behind her back, expression morphing into one of sobriety.
“Sir!” she exclaimed, voice containing more conviction than Levi expected. It was stern, yet fitting. But she was young. Barely an adult.
“At ease. (Y/N), this is Lance Corporal Levi Ackerman,” Erwin introduced. She peeked at the man in regard once again and went slightly pink, dropping her arms to her sides.
“Yes, sir. I’m well aware.” (Y/N) turned to acknowledge Levi directly. “I’m sure there isn’t a soul out there that doesn’t know what you’ve done for humanity.” Her voice was light yet she didn’t make her awe towards Levi expressive as most people he encountered did. It was obvious enough to anyone with an eye for reading emotion that she was, indeed, exactly that. It was a stimulating first impression.
She was unable to meet his eyes as the compliment spewed out of her mouth, though. Levi tilted his head curiously.
“He would like a word,” Erwin explained, quenching some of (Y/N)’s clear spirit of inquiry. “I’ll be in my office. Come find me when you’re finished.”
“Not a moment after, Commander.”
He nodded in approval and turned heel, striding dutifully back towards the castle where the base of the Scouting Regiment was temporarily settled. Everyone who turned to watch the interaction went along with their business, leaving the camp bustling with activity. Levi’s stare darted back towards the tiny female. He analyzed her for a minute, watching as she grew more flushed and uncomfortable under his piercing gaze.
“I’m recruiting you to my squad,” he told (Y/N), out of the blue. Her eyes widened in surprise and her head snapped up to look back at the stoic soldier. She paused a moment as if waiting for him to correct the statement, or reconsider.
Good. So she wasn’t cocky, either.
“R-really? Me?” she spluttered, body stiff.
“Tch. Are you stupid?” The cold comment caught (Y/N) off guard. His cold reputation preceded itself, yet the words were like a smack in the face. She stared at the ground in embarrassment, suddenly finding interest in the mixed sediment and patches of grass beneath her.
“I just meant–”
“–you’ll meet the others tomorrow. Don’t make me regret choosing you. I don’t like wasting my time on titan fodder.” He cut her off, as if uninterested in what she had to say.
“O-okay. Thank you for the opportunity,” she began.
But by the time the sentence left Levi’s lips, he was gone. (Y/N) facepalmed, willing her racing heart to calm itself. 
She was so self-absorbed with her baffled state that she failed to notice Levi stop, scanning her once more before letting himself disappear out of sight with a slight shake of his head.
Your green cloak fluttered in the wind as air rushed around you, the earth seeming to barely match your pace as you rode the omni-directional mobility gear strapped to your legs. Natural instinct took over, hands and mind working as one. You backflipped and twisted elegantly through the buildings, relishing in a state of weightlessness as your eyes locked onto a target. Shooting out the grappling hooks, you lurched forward and spun around to face the sky, arms reaching towards it. Your eyelids fluttered shut. Quickly launching yourself upwards in the heat of the moment, slashing titans as you passed. The color of the roofs blurred, melting together into a sea of reds and browns and mixing with the blue shades of the upper atmosphere.
“(Y/N)! Watch out!” Eld called, forcing you to snap your eyes open. An irregular titan leapt onto one of the many conjoined houses, both arms outstretched in your direction as it prepared to jump once more, its speed alarmingly fast.
You paused for a moment to inhale deeply, going limp and falling towards the ground. Your hair whipped around like ribbons, framing the whistling sounds that filled the air. These motions were captivating to the eye, every movement calculated yet, outwardly, looked effortless. You relaxed into each one.
Its outstretched fingers grazed your uniform as you fell, and from the corner of your eye you observed Gunther and Petra latch themselves onto it, blades running through titan flesh as they worked as one.
Just as the ground was a mere five inches away, you pulled up with one hook, in a vertical stance once again and pivoting in circles with the grace of a ballerina, finishing the titan off with the last hit to its nape. You let your head fall back, and when a high ledge presented itself, slowed down and tumbled forward. Sunlight perforated through more clearly here, highlighting the soft landing as you touched down on both your feet. It was as if the 3D maneuver gear were your wings— an extension of yourself.
Petra and Gunther stood a few feet away, the steaming human-looking beast slung over the edifice. Gunther was grinning at you in admiration as your strawberry-blonde comrade ran over, clearly exasperated.
“How do you make it look so elegant?” she implored, studying you brush a strand of hair away from your face as if she could decode the simple mannerism into her answer. You brushed yourself off, striding towards the other member of Levi squad.
“Hush up, Petra. Stop selling yourself short,” you scolded. “You make it look that way too; you just have no way of observing yourself to realize.”
Said girl smiled, amazed at your kindness as she stared at her own gear. It was short-lived though, as you all sprung into action once more at an approaching 15 meter.
Despite the banter, you all knew the situation was grim. The announcement given only hours ago replayed in your mind.
“What do you mean, a breach?!” you shrieked, eyes wide as the mess hall scrambled about, preparing their horses and suiting into ODM gear. The piece of bread in your hand fell to the ground as you sprung to your feet, the solemnity in the fellow scouts’ eyes nearly convincing enough to consider the possibility of such a ridiculous statement.
Eld snapped his fingers in front of your face, regaining your attention.
“I mean exactly what I said,” he replied, hurriedly. “We’re on damage control. They’re calling it the armored titan; it supposedly smashed through the wall after the colossal appeared.”
Petra, from her spot standing next to you, gripped your wrist harshly. Confused, you gazed back at her, her doe-eyes blown wide.
“The cadets are all out there,” she whispered, the words barely audible above the noise the other soldiers were making. You suddenly felt nauseous.
You waved as Oluo, Eld, and Levi landed next to you, blood staining their uniforms.  
“Captain! What’s the call?” You asked, jogging up to him. He ignored you and scanned for injuries, along with the other two of his squad a ways behind. The area was becoming overwhelming to contain, and information was difficult to spread, so everyone was a on edge.
Levi brushed his bangs from his eyes.
“All of the citizens have been evacuated, but a lot of the cadets are unable to head back over the wall.”
“They’ve run out of gas, apparently,” Oluo elaborated, frowning. You looked at Humanity’s Strongest, confusion flickering in your expression as your disciplined mind urged you to remain calm.
“Isn’t there a bunker with refills available, towards the center of the city?” you inquired. Levi nodded, but his demeanor was pessimistic.
“Titans are surrounding it, preventing those inside from leaving and the rest from loading up on what they need. The Commander says retreating is our best option at this point.”
It seemed that under the orders of their commanding officer, the rest of Squad Levi were willing to reluctantly comply. Your heart sank at the ease of their submission, and you looked around at the hellish invasion in front of you. The whole thing seemed an impossible nightmare.
Back down at the meter attached to your gear, you realized you were starting to run low on fuel as well. Eld, watching as the short girl in front of him deflate, took a step towards your crestfallen stature as the anger built up.  
“We can’t just leave them!” you argued, practically snarling at the ridiculousness of the idea. The Captain held his arm out, halting Oluo from getting any closer and glaring at anyone who attempted to comfort you. His stare was intimidating, boring into your skull as if communicating a thousand things at once.
“As an elite squad member, this shouldn’t have to be explained to you,” he reminded. “You’re relatively new to this branch, I understand, so let me provide this simple, life-saving lesson.”
You looked at everyone in disbelief, searching for backup, amazed to find that no one shared the same opinion or was willing to think of another alternative. Instead, they all seemed to shrink under Levi’s change of tone.
Humanity’s Strongest motioned to the rest of the members.
“Meet us on top of Wall Rose.”
They nodded and zipped away, grim with the weighing guilt of leaving. Your gaze shifted to the ground as they tried to catch your eye, but you were unable to meet any of their glances. 
You were in for it, for sure.
As soon as they were gone, Levi reached out and gripped the color of your shirt, harshly dragging you forward. His normally expressionless blue-gray orbs were seething, flames practically exploding inside of them. But you refused to flinch.
“You may think you understand the military, but here, especially in the field, it’s a whole different game. You do as you’re instructed, when you’re instructed, no questions asked. Quite simple, isn’t it?”
The Captain watched as your face filled with reverie. He raised an eyebrow. You were aware that he was about to speak, and felt uncomfortable underneath his scrutiny. 
His fist balled up your shirt and rendered you useless, but that was the least of your concern.
Letting people go when you had the ability to do something, even if it was in vain, had to be the most heart-wrenching part of this job.
“Look at me, (L/N).”
Slowly, you complied. His appearance and command were both brisk and cold, yet not unusual for you to hear.
“One more round of scouting for survivors,” Levi started, releasing his hold. “and then we go back. If you take too long, I’ll drag you over the wall myself. That’s a direct order.”
“Yes, sir.”
Just as you were about to turn away, you felt something warm stroke your cheek, and as your downcast orbs flickered to search for its source, the realization dawned. The raven brushed the back of his knuckles against your soft skin for a short instant, but the impression was ever-lasting. The fire in his eyes was gone.
“Fifteen minutes,” he contributed, a short display of sympathy revealing itself before he flew off. Your heartbeat thundered in your ears. 
So he had been right. You were not yet broken by hopelessness, even after years of being a soldier. You still aspired to do the undoable. The male sighed, realizing your Military Police roots were incomparable to the brutal reality checks the Scouting Regiment provided daily. You’d just have to learn the hard way, then.
But he would be lying if he said such passion wasn’t… refreshing.
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chukeita · 5 years
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Please reblog/like if you are using or saving it. -Credit @ veehyuk on twitter
Thank you
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chukeita · 5 years
YG Treasure 13: Treasure and Magnum Q&A
Q. Tell us about ‘YG TREASURE BOX’ in detail. 7 members of ‘TREASURE’ were selected, and 6 people were additionally announced as a new group. What were the selection criteria and when will they make debut?
A. As we were going through ‘YG TREASURE BOX’, the program with the greatest number of trainees of 28 among all survival programs launched by YG to select members of BIGBANG, WINNER, and iKON, the most frustrating fact was that I can’t get every promising trainee into the little boat, despite the acknowledgement of their potential.
That is why I selected 13 final members by getting another boat.
The reason why YG uses its own survival programs as a tradition is because,
I only meet trainees of YG once a month through monthly evaluations, 
and it is not easy for me to grasp the trainees’ individual charms, strengths, and tendencies since the events take place for me to evaluate their vocals and dance. 
Therefore, I felt the need of an opportunity to look at them the way the fans view them, 
as they will be with YG for more than 10 years from now. 
A well-served meal needs a combination of food that go well together and less side dishes that overlap with each other. Like a soccer team that doesn’t send out 11 strikers for a game, the selection criteria of ‘YG TREASURE BOX’ was to select members that fit each position appropriately and to achieve balance and harmony within the team. 
Q. Will both teams make debut this year? 
A. This may shock the fans, but the first combination I wanted was with 13 members. 
To be precise, I plan to make the 13 selected members make debut as a team of 13, with the name ‘TREASURE 13’. 
The reason why I divided them into two teams rather than selecting them as ‘TREASURE 13’ is because
Based on my previous experience when forming iKON, when a team is formed with over 7 members,
the parts and roles each member will take within a song reduces significantly, so they will have to come down the stage after performing only a few bars, which is a clear drawback and limitation.
Therefore, I plan to put emphasis on each individual’s capabilities through the group activities of ‘TREASURE 13’ along with the two teams’ separate acts.
The biggest benefit received by the 7 members who were selected first is that they earned the name ‘TREASURE’,
and although the teams started in two separate boats, they are heading towards the same destination.   
 Q. What is the team name of the group composed of 6 additional members?
A. It’s ‘MAGNUM’.
BLACKPINK has previously mentioned that it was their team name candidate during a TV show, and since it has been known that YG registered a trademark on the name, the fans have been anticipating that it will be the official name. 
The reason and meaning of ‘MAGNUM’ as a team name is that
people often use the phrase ‘drunk on music’, ‘’drunk on alcohol’, and ‘drunk on the vibe’, and the 1.5-liter double sized bottle of luxury wine is called ‘magnum’.
I used this as the team name with the hope that the entire globe will be drunk on the team’s music.
Since magnum is also used as a term for firearms,
I’ve registered trademark on the team name after thinking that it would fit a male group rather than a female group. 
 Q. When will ‘TREASURE 13’ make debut?
A. ‘TREASURE 13’ is expected to make their first debut between May and July,
and we plan to let ‘TREASURE 13’ grow fast through aggressive and consistent releases of new songs. After the successful debut of ‘TREASURE 13’, ‘TREASURE’ and ‘MAGNUM’ will act as two separate teams.
Q. Will there be any promotion plans prior to their debut? 
A. The phrase used by announcer Jang Sungkyu the most during ‘YG TREASURE BOX’ was,
“Open the treasure box’.
We will use that phrase as a program title
and broadcast a show containing the debut preparation process and the fun daily lives of the 13 members.
We will use web-based platforms such as VLIVE and YouTube to make it easier for global fans to access the show as ‘YG TREASURE BOX’ did, 
and will additionally use various platforms including TV broadcasting. 
 Q. Is the fan-cub name for ‘TREASURE 13’ decided?
A. We plan to unite the fan club names of the three teams into one. 
The fan club name will be ‘TREASURE MAKER’, the phrase which has been used during the show a lot. Since the success and growth of ‘TREASURE 13’ will involve the fans’ participation,
I think the name has appropriate meaning.
Q. Are there any differentiated strategies or differences of ‘TREASURE 13’ compared to previously launched groups?
A. Considering BIGBANG as YG’s first generation boy idol group,
WINNER and iKON can be categorized as the second generation, and ‘TREASURE 13’ can be categorized as the third.
The common factor shared by their senior groups is that they are ‘artist-type idols’ or ‘self-producing idols’, teams with all members participating in the composing and writing of their own songs.
In the case of ‘TREASURE 13’, we will not encourage the members’ participation on the writing and composing of their own songs and will use YG’s specialized production method.
The artists participating in the writing and composing of their own songs is a huge strength,
but when the members are too busy due to their schedules or the songs don’t come out very well,
their break period gets longer, which is a clear weakness.
As TEDDY is responsible for all of BLACKPINK’s music while the producers of The Black Label participate, the music for ‘TREASURE 13’ will be prepared and constructed by the 30 music producers who are signed to YG, The Black Label, and recently established YGX with speed.  
Please show love and support along with keen attention to the successful debut and growth of ‘TREASURE 13’.
Take from http://www.yg-life.com/?lang=en
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chukeita · 5 years
imagine asahi performing crazy love
this must be crazy love 😐
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chukeita · 5 years
on the contrary, they're descending from heaven, here to bless us. i love this OT13.
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chukeita · 5 years
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did i do this right—
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chukeita · 5 years
okAY, in this phase of mixed emotions I‘m just gonna say it: CHOI HYUNSUK WILL HAVE THE BEST AIRPORT FASHION
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chukeita · 5 years
keita is jealous
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dodam hanging out in each other’s diary cams for anon ♡
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chukeita · 5 years
hyunsuk is getting hate???? are y’all on crack??? he literally won a survival show and was supposed to debut already if anyone deserves to be a part of this group it’s him? seriously i’m wondering if you antis are on crack cause you sound delusional rn
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chukeita · 5 years
YG: “I don’t want to lose a chance on someone who will be big one day.”
Also YG: *doesn’t debut Jihoon, Seunghun, Doyoung Or Mashiho*
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chukeita · 5 years
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yoonbin x performances
thank you for being our treasure, we’ll always support you ♡
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chukeita · 5 years
+ either hyunsuk or haruto
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Am I the only one that’s excited for this line-up more than the actual final line-up?
also jihoon’s outfit is everything.
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chukeita · 5 years
silver boys
this is so bittersweet.
three out of seven made it. but only three from all eleven silver boys debuted. i’m so proud of yedam, junkyu and hyunsuk but i can’t help but feel upset.
jihoon, byounggon, seunghun and doyoung didn’t make it. dodam was separated. gonsuk was separated. 2hoon were brought back only to not make it.
we also got our fandom name, mate. meet at the end. it’s such a bittersweet name as well. but one day, they’ll all be onstage together. just not in one team.
there are rumors that doyoung is in maroo entertainment and that seunghun was looking into zico’s company.
but at least we got updates from all silver boys. seunghun went to the beach with his mum, doyoung will join SOPA with yedam. junkyu went out with hyunsuk, gonsuk went to lunch. jihoon was spotted out, noa and midam on instagram, woong in mxm’s video and raesung with his brother.
i feel regretful that we weren’t able to make their dream of debuting together. i feel regretful knowing that yedam has such a kind heart and isn’t able to debut with all of his best friends.
i feel angry because yg robbed byounggon of a debut twice. because team a were the only team to all make it. because silver boys were used to get clout. because after years of training it was wasted in a survival show made so yg could pick his favourites.
but i’m so proud of yedam, junkyu and hyunsuk. and i’ll support all silver boys. because they will always meet at the end
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chukeita · 5 years
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mashiho x performances
thank you for being our treasure, we’ll always support you ♡
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