cindertoashes · 5 years
Bc i’m never on here anymore, if you want to write pls hit me up on discord. Pm me for my tag if you want it.
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cindertoashes · 6 years
((Hey this is a little self-promo but w/e. If you’re into rvb, I have an Agent York sideblog I’m reviving over @yorkitbaby and ofc he’s got a destiny verse. So if thats your jam check him out))
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cindertoashes · 6 years
He really should be trying to make better interpersonal connections. He tsks, slides his helmet on. The locks hiss as they close. The wound in his side twinges a little and he rests his hand there just a moment. 
“‘f you’re ‘mplyin’ ‘m juss a showpiece, well, think ya’d find me sharper ‘n ya think babydoll. An’,” and again, his index fingers frame his statement, “ain’ some one trick pony either. ‘m sure ya read up ‘n me ‘fore ya came here ‘n I know whatcha saw. So, we can cooperate without’cha lookin’ down your nose a’ me ‘n I’ll be happy ta give ya th’ intel ‘ve been gatherin’ f’r th’ pass three weeks. Or,” and he fusses with the fastenings on his gloves as he talks, “ya c’n keep tha’ gaze down your fuckin’ visor ‘n I’ll still be glad ta tell ya wha’ I know ‘cause ‘m juss a spoonful ‘a fuckin sugar. Alrigh’ sweetums?”
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cindertoashes · 6 years
*   taken  from  monologues  at  the  beginning   &   end  of  episodes . 
‘  did  you  say  it ?  ’
‘  i  love  you .   i  don’t  ever  want  to  live  without  you .   you’ve  changed  my  life .  ’
‘  i  don’t  ever  want  to  live  without  you .  ’
‘  you’ve  changed  my  life .  ’
‘  drink  it  in  ‘cause  this  is  it .   it  might  all  be  gone  tomorrow .  ’
‘  it’s  not  so  important  that  it’s  happy  ever  after  –  just  that  it’s  happy right  now .  ’
‘  see ,   once  in  a  while ,   once  in  a  blue  moon ,   people  will  surprise  you .  ’
‘  once  in  awhile ,   people  may  even  take  your  breath  away .  ’
‘  at  some  point  you  have  to  make  a  decision .  ’
‘  boundaries  don’t  keep  other  people  out ,   they  fence  you  in .  ’
‘  life  is  messy ,   that’s  how  we’re  made .  ’
‘  you  can  waste  your  life  drawing  lines  or  you  can  live  your  life  crossing  them .  ’
‘  a  the  end  of  the  day ,   the  fact  that  we  have  the  courage  to  still  be  standing  is  reason  enough  to  celebrate .  ’
‘  no  matter  how  much  we  hurt  them ,   the  people  that  are  still  with  you  at  the  end  of  the  day ,   those  are  the  ones  worth  keeping .  ’
‘  sometimes  close  can  be  too  close ,   but  sometimes  that  invasion  of  personal  space ,   it  can  be  exactly  what  you  need .  ’
‘  change ,   we  don’t  like  it .   we  fear  it ,   but  we  can’t  stop  it  from  coming .  ’
‘  we  either  adapt  to  change  or  we  get  left  behind .  ’
‘  it  hurts  to  grow .   anybody  who  tells  you  it  doesn’t  is  lying .   ’
‘  sometimes  the  more  things  change ,   the  more  they  stay  the  same .  ’
‘  don’t  wonder  why  people  go  crazy .   wonder  why  they  don’t .   in  face  of  what  we  lose  in  a  day ,   in  an  instant ,   wonder  what  the  hell  it  is  that  makes  us  hold  it  together .  ’
‘  no  matter  how  thick - skinned  we  try  to  be ,   there’s  millions  of  electrified  nerve  endings  in  there ,   open   &   exposed   &   feeling  way  too  much .  ’
‘  try  as  we  might  to  keep  from  feeling  pain ,   sometimes  it’s  just  unavoidable .  ’
‘  sometimes  that’s  the  only  thing  left ,   just  feeling .  ’
‘  nothing’s  easy  about  starting  over .   nothing  at  all .  ’
‘  your  life  is  a  gift .   accept  it .   no  matter  how  screwed  up  or  painful  it  seems  to  be .  ’
‘  some  things  are  going  to  work  out  as  if  they  were  destined  to  happen ,   as  if  they  were  just  meant  to  be .  ’
‘  the  body  doesn’t  know  the  difference  between  nerves   &   excitement ,  panic   &   doubt ,   the  beginning   &   the  end .   the  boy  just  tells  you  to  get  the  hell  out .  ’
‘  you’re  supposed  to  trust  your  gut ,   right ?   when  your  body  says  run   .   .   .   run .  ’
‘  failure  is  inevitable ,   unavoidable ,   but  failure  should  never  get  the  last  word .  ’
‘  just  because  we  can  live  without  something  doesn’t  mean  we  have  to .  ’
‘  maybe  love  is  unlimited  if  we’re  just  brave  enough  to  decide  love  is  limitless .  ’
‘  maybe  there’s  enough  happy  for  everyone .  ’
‘  shout  your  answers .   make  yourself  heard .   whatever  it  takes ,   just  find  your  voice .  ’
‘  the  thing  people  forget  is  how  good  it  can  feel  when  you  finally  set  secrets  free .  ’
‘  once  your  secrets  are  out  in  the  open ,   you  don’t  have  to  hide  behind  them  anymore .  ’
‘  for  the  most  part  we  have  the  same  problems  we  had  when  we  were  fifteen .  ’
‘  you  don’t  have  to  be  tough  every  minute  of  every  day .  ’
‘  we  all  think  we’re  going  to  be  great   &   we  feel  a  little  bit  robbed  when  our  expectations  aren’t  meant .  ’
‘  sometimes  our  expectations  sell  us  short .  ’
‘  sometimes  the  expected  simply  pales in  comparison  to  the  unexpected .  ’
‘  too  often  the  thing  you  want  most  is  the  one  thing  you  can’t  have .  ’
‘  desire  leaves  us  heartbroken .   it  wears  us  out .   desire  can  wreck  your  life .  ’
‘  heaven ,   hell ,   limbo .   no  one  really  knows  where  we’re  going  or  what’s  waiting  for  us  when  we  get  there .  ’
‘  if  this  was  your  last  day  on  earth ,   how  would  you  wanna  spend  it ?  ’
‘  here’s  the  truth  about  the  truth   :   it  hurts .   so  we  lie .  ’
‘  lying  is  bad .   or  so  we’re  told  consistently  from  birth .  ’
‘  whatever .   the  fact  is ,   lying  is  a  necessity .  ’
‘  we  lie  to  ourselves  because  the  truth   .   .   .   the  truth  freaking  hurts .  ’
‘  it’s  a  little  bit  horrifying  just  how  quickly  everything  can  fall  to  crap .  ’
‘  sometimes  it  takes  a  huge  loss  to  remind  you  of  what  you  care  about  the  most .  ’
‘  after  a  loss ,   you  find  yourself  becoming  stronger  as  a  result .   wiser ,   better  equipped  to  deal  with  the  next  big  disaster  that  comes  along .   sometimes   .   .   .   but  not  always .  ’
‘  at  the  end  of  the  day ,   faith  is  a  funny  thing .   it  turns  up  when  you don’t  really  expect  it .  ’
‘  the  body  is  a  slave  to  its  impulses .  ’
‘  the  thing  that  makes  us  human  is  what  we  can  control .  ’
‘  we  can  try  to  let  go  of  what  was .  ’
‘  ask  most  people  what  they  want  out  of  life   &   the  answer’s  simple   :   to  be  happy .  ’
‘  the  want  to  be  happy ,   that  just  keeps  us  from  ever  getting  there .  ’
‘  the  more  we  try  to  will  ourselves  to  states  of  bliss ,   the  more  confused  we  get  to  the  point  where  we  don’t  recognize  ourselves .  ’
‘  instead ,   we  just  keep  smiling ,   trying  like  hell  to  be  the  happy  people  we  wish  we  were .  ’
‘  we’re  human ,   life  changes  us .  ’
‘  for  better  or  for  worse ,   find  a  way  to  become  more  than  your  biology .  ’
‘  finding  the  way  back  to  ourselves  can  be  difficult   ;   there’s  no  compass ,   no  map .  ’
‘  adapt  or  die .   as  many  times  as  we’ve  heard  it ,   the  lesson  doesn’t  get  easier .  ’
‘  problem  is ,   we’re  human .  ’
‘  problem  is ,   we’re  human .   we  want  more  than  just  to  survive   –   we  want  love .  ’
‘  fight  like  hell  to  get  those  things .   anything  else  feels  like  death .  ’
‘  pain   .   .   .   you  just  have  to  ride  it  out ,   hope  it  goes  away  on  its  own ,   hope  the  wound  that  caused  it  heals .  ’
‘  there  are  no  solutions ,   no  easy  answers .  ’
‘  just  breathe  deep   &   wait  for  it  to  subside .  ’
‘  most  of  the  time  pain  can  be  managed ,   but  sometimes  the  pain  gets  you  when  you  least  expect  it .  ’
‘  pain   .   .   .   you  just  have  to  fight  through  because  the  truth  is  you  can’t  outrun  it   &   life  always  makes  more .  ’
‘  sometimes  even  the  best  of  us  make  rash  decisions   –   bad  decisions .  ’
‘  but  still ,   something  inside  us  decides  to  do  a  crazy  thing   –   a  thing  we  know  will  probably  turn  around   &   bite  us  in  the  ass .   yet  we  do  it  anyway .  ’
‘  what  i’m  saying  is  we  reap  what  we  sow .   what  goes  around  comes  around .  ’
‘  it’s  karma   &   any  way  you  slice  it   .   .   .   karma  sucks.  ’
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cindertoashes · 6 years
(( Heyyy this is a plotting call. You should like it and we can talk about, you know, plots and stuff ))
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cindertoashes · 6 years
((starter for @hxrticane bc hell yeah))
Someone’s in his nest. Someone he doesn’t know. Someone that could potentially have six arms and chitter and scurry and would be more than willing to stick a shock blade in him. His eyes snap open and he turns his head slow to see who it was. He sighs audibly in relief. Just a warlock. 
He drops from the hammock he’d secreted himself away in and stands slow, “Hate ta break your hear’ darlin’ bu’ this spo’s taken. Doin’ some scoutin’ f’r th’ Vanguard. Yanno how it is.”
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cindertoashes · 6 years
He stands from the wall he put his back to, dusts his thighs off, tucks his helmet under his arm. There’s not too much that could hurt him here. He took care of the Fallen raiding party last night and the Psion scouts the other morning. Everything in a good few kilometers should be mostly harmless. 
Cinder drops the grin to a more reasonable closed-mouth smile, “Yeah ‘m Cinder. So, been ou’ here a few months. Summi’s trail wen’ cold somewhere ‘round here a week ago ‘til lass nigh’ when Phil picked up arc Light signatures two klicks north. Now,” and he bends to pull a thrown knife out of the floorboards, “ ‘f I was ‘n overachiever, which I ain’, ‘d’ve gone affer him by now. However,” and he frames the next sentence with his index fingers, “my order were ta wai’ f’r you. Seems ya muss be hot stuff then, Seraph.”
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cindertoashes · 6 years
hurt meme.
“ i got you. it’s gonna be okay, you’re going to be okay.”
“i feel like everyone’s miles away from me.”
“my mind is a dark place. you don’t want to be there.”
“i know this hurts, but you have to stay awake.”
“don’t close your eyes, please don’t close your eyes!”
“i just want to be numb, i don’t want to feel anything.”
“please don’t do this, don’t act like you care.”
“you don’t care, nobody cares, just leave.”
“you’re my friend, of course i fucking care.”
“i can’t give up on you, so please don’t give up on yourself.”
“i love you so much, i forgot what hating myself felt like.”
“i fucked up, why do you not care?”
“i can’t walk, just go on without me.”
“you have broken ribs, take it easy.”
“i have no idea how to do cpr.”
“whose blood is that?”
“apply pressure to the wound, don’t let go.”
“don’t you dare fucking let go!” 
“what the hell happened to you?” 
“are they dead? did you kill them?” 
“do you know what you’ve done?” 
“you’re either with me or against me.” 
“who the hell did this to you?” 
“are you alright? you hit your head pretty hard…” 
“i can’t see!! what’s happening to me?” 
“when was the last time you ate?” 
“what do you mean you’re fine? you are not fine!” 
 “i’m fine, it’s just a flesh wound, i’ll be okay.” 
“for how long? how long were you bottling this up?“ 
“there’s so much blood, you won’t last.” 
“are you… throwing up in there?” 
“why aren’t you eating?” 
“just breathe… you’re okay, i promise, just breathe.” 
“i can’t breathe, i can’t –” 
"i woke up, & you were gone.” 
“just tell me something, was it really worth it?” 
"it’s okay to hurt & breakdown. you don’t have to be strong all the time.”
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cindertoashes · 6 years
playing like, all of destiny except the crubicle is funny because then youre this athletic bastard who hates sports and kills gods
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cindertoashes · 6 years
Cinder has appeared! What to do?
Hold Hands
Caress Cheek
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cindertoashes · 6 years
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;; color palette taken from here.
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cindertoashes · 6 years
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(( sup it’s Gamma back at it again with my boi cinder. Idk what’s going on in this community rn but I’m comin back tm. So like or reblog this if you’d like to thread or whatever. ))
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cindertoashes · 6 years
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(( sup it’s Gamma back at it again with my boi cinder. Idk what’s going on in this community rn but I’m comin back tm. So like or reblog this if you’d like to thread or whatever. ))
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cindertoashes · 6 years
(( Cinder is a little spoon. Hold the boi. ))
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cindertoashes · 6 years
“It’s raining. It’s an autumn rain, early autumn at that. There’s a chill to it, not enough for it to be unpleasant, but it’s still there.”
— “Rainfall”
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cindertoashes · 6 years
Sexual Sunday! Send my muse ♒ and a nsfw/sexual question and they have to answer it - whether they want to or not.
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cindertoashes · 6 years
Cinder sits alone in the crumbling steeple somewhere in the EDZ. He thinks it’s old Berlin, maybe Leipzig. It doesn’t matter to him. He was only told to follow the traces of a certain Summit-6, a rogue Striker who sold his own Fireteam to the Red Legion. Disgusting really. He wasn’t the one that ran the recovery mission for them but apparently they all made it back safe. It’s a small miracle in the aftermath of the war. 
He sighs, leans back, slides a fresh clip into his sidearm then holsters it at his thigh. There’s only four more of them in the pouch at his hip. If he hadn’t been ambushed by those vandals last night he’d have more. As he leans back, his side twinges. The painkillers are still bubbling in his blood, dulling the sting of it but it hit deep. Phil did what he could. All he had to do was let it heal the rest of the way now.
Footsteps up the old wooden stairs to the steeple, creaking and cracking. He stops. Listens. Light steps with heavy soles. Tricky to do. Must be a hunter. He looks up and flashes a grin. He knows what she’s here for. 
 “Hey there dollface. You th’ one ‘m s’posed ta meet?”
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