citingmysources · 2 years
Gender Statistics and Violence
Is Tumblr one of the last social media sites to let users post lists of sources without flagging it as spam or OfFeNsiVe? Let’s find out.
Background: Some guy in a YouTube video titled "Children Roast Polyamorous Women" by Think Before You Sleep, claimed that feminism, women getting rights, and the abolishment of forced gender roles is why the divorce rate is high and that marriages are "ruined". I commented saying that it might actually be because men are statistically more likely to abuse, cheat, abandon, etc. User Polydopamine replied t my comment: "Procure the statistics that men are more likely to abuse, cheat, and abandon. I can procure actual studies that confirm that domestic violence is 50-50, and in some cases (like Australia), women are leading in domestic abuse and that women initiate over 80% of divorce fillings. How is doubling the workforce good for the economy, when wages are slashed in half with the doubling of the supply? Genuinely interested. How come homeownership has plummeted, median household income has plummeted against inflation and normalized PPP, and single-parent households have quadrupled, leading to an increase in teen incarceration, and decreased educational outcomes for the children involved? I am sure you are not just parroting feminist drivel and you can provide me with sources and citations, right? Surely."
I tried to link him my sources but YouTube kept auto-removing them. I tried just listing the links, I tried taking out the "." in the links and replacing them with "(dot)", I tried making a Carrd with the sources, I tried using PasteBin, I tried just using the text sources without the links, and everything gets butchered! It all either gets automatically removed within a second, flagged as spam, or doesn’t let me publish it at all!! 
So, Polydopamine, here are my sources for you:
More likely to cheat: “Infidelity Statistics For 2020. Do Women Or Men Cheat More?” no author. Published January 4, 2021; “MEN ARE 16% MORE LIKELY THAN WOMEN TO BELIEVE CHEATING IS ACCEPTABLE, STUDY FINDS” by Moya Lothian-McLean on November 20, 2019; “Who Cheats More? The Demographics of Infidelity in America” by Wendy Wang on January 10, 2018; “Straying Spouses: How Common is Cheating in the US?” no author on December 1, 2017; “Infidelity in heterosexual couples: demographic, interpersonal, and personality-related predictors of extradyadic sex” by Kristen P Mark et al in October 2011; “Infidelity in Dating Relationships: Gender-Specific Correlates of Face-to-Face and Online Extradyadic Involvement” by Alexandra Martins et al, January 2016.
More likely to abandon: “Men more likely than women to leave partner with cancer” by Belinda Goldsmith, nov 2009; “Men Leave: Separation And Divorce Far More Common When The Wife Is The Patient” No author, November 2009; “Single Moms vs Single Dads” no author or date; “Men much more likely to leave behind family for a good job” by Peter Moore on June 30, 2014; “Chapter 1. Living Arrangements and Father Involvement” by Gretchen Livingston et al on June 15, 2011.
More likely to murder: “Number of murder offenders in the U.S. 2020, by gender” statista research department, October 7, 2021; “The Scope of the Problem: Intimate Partner Homicide Statistics” No author or date; “GLOBAL STUDY ON HOMICIDE 2013” by UNODC in 2014; “Hunting Humans: An Encyclopedia of Modern Serial Killers” by M Newton in 1990; “A parent killing a child happens more often than we think” by Doug Criss on July 7, 2017.
More likely to abuse: “National Statistics Domestic Violence Fact Sheet” no author or date; “Gender Differences in Child Maltreatment: Child Sexual and Physical Abuse” by Mary I. Sanchez-Rodriguez in April 2021; “STATISTICS Male versus Female: who is more likely to perpetrate child abuse” by Liznotes, no date; “Male Perpetrators of Child Maltreatment: Findings from NCANDS” no author, December 31, 2004; “The ‘Cinderella effect’: Elevated mistreatment of stepchildren in comparison to those living with genetic parents” by Martin Daly et al, no date; “Shaken Baby Syndrome” by the Mayo Clinic, last updated February 23, 2022.
More likely to rape/molest: “Gender Differences in Child Maltreatment: Child Sexual and Physical Abuse” by Mary I. Sanchez-Rodriguez in April 2021; “Sexualized Violence Statistics” by North Coast Rape Crisis Team, no date; “An Analysis of Data on Rape and Sexual Assault” by Lawrence A. Greenfield, January 1997; “Child Sexual Abuse Facts” by YWCA, September 2017; “Young men 'download illegal porn’” by Kim Griggs;
More likely to abduct: “40+ Horrific & Chilling Kidnapping Statistics [2022]” by SafeAtLast, Jan 10, 2022; “Who Is Most Likely To Kidnap A Child?” By Techy10, no date.
But yeah, men being more likely to be violent, abusive, cheaty, and scummy than women is totally woman’s faults!!!! Men are violent because it’s unfair that women get to be seen as human beings and have human rights!!!1!1!1!!
Edit: I tried to tell him to go here for the sources by saying “tumblr period com slash citingmysources but YouTube even removed that!!! So I tried to edit my original comment and said “tumm blur” instead but then YouTube removed that comment! I reposted my comment but idk if Polydopamine will ever see it. Or it may just get removed again! Why has YouTube started sucking so bad :( I just wanna have a debate and cite my sources wtf
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