cleverasthcdevil · 3 months
I'd like to take a moment to apologize for not having been around the past little while or gotten around to posting something sooner. Between work, people visiting, holidays, travel, and then being sick and in pain on and off due to multiple cervical and lumbar injuries I just haven't had time or the energy. I see a surgeon and a pain care specialist on Monday so hopefully that will lead to some solutions that will bring me back on here very soon. In the meantime, you can find me on discord.
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cleverasthcdevil · 5 months
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"i'd offer you some leftovers but i'm afraid the guests have nothing left to give." they were a little bone dry by now if you caught his drift.
|| open starter
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cleverasthcdevil · 5 months
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brown hues follow the person in front of hers movements, knowing well enough what they were looking for as it was their turn to pay for the drink they had ordered. "you can put their drink on my tab." she told the barista as she ordered herself a peppermint hot cocoa with a shot of espresso. some of it was their money after all since she had cleaned them out of their cash moments ago. now she was simply playing the role of the good samaritan.
|| open starter
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cleverasthcdevil · 5 months
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"i'll be on my best behavior. scout's honor." not that he had ever been one in his life, but he always found it amusing that people used that as a system of being held to a higher power. what was wrong with simply holding yourself accountable to your own words. if you didn't, then what meaning did anything you say have.
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𖤐 ⸻ A HAND RAISES IN A PLAYFUL DEFENSIVE LIKE MANNER . " no pretending is coming from me. red happens to be one of the better colors on me . " davina chuckled . " that's still debatable. and very well depends on just how much trouble you decide to give . "
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cleverasthcdevil · 5 months
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"you know it's only polite to bring a gift whenever you decide to show up uninvited." it seemed there was no point in having a front door when people just kept coming in and making themselves at home.
|| @the-last-doppelganger liked for a smol starter
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cleverasthcdevil · 5 months
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"boys are fun but girls do it better."
|| @scribedheart liked for a smol starter
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cleverasthcdevil · 5 months
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"davina claire, are you proposing to me?"
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                 '    I   want   you   for   worse   or   for   better    ,    I   would   wait   forever   and   ever    .    '
@cleverasthcdevil . liked for a random Taylor Swift One Liner .
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cleverasthcdevil · 5 months
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cleverasthcdevil · 5 months
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cleverasthcdevil · 5 months
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all her life she had felt lonely. like a disconnect from nearly everyone else around her. she had her twin brother, and the garret. he had raised them like they were his own two kids. yet despite knowing how much he loved them, there was still this gap between them that she hadn't understood until this year. harlan was always able to fit in wherever he pleased, make friends with whoever he wanted, whenever the mood struck him. her? she could tell you nearly everyone's name and some even became faces she sketched in her notebook. an observer of their lives from a distance but never a part of them. it only deepened the well of loneliness that she felt.
all it took was the arrival of a wildfire that brought with it a beast. a repressed memory of her killing her horse in self-defense back to resurface. the revelation that the man who she saw as her father had made silver bullets and kept them nearby in case he ever needed to kill them. how was she meant to deal with that? it was a thought she kept puzzling over again and again as she sketched a new drawing in her notebook. garret had reached out to someone by the name of dr. deaton and now she was being sent to stay with some family called the hales. a plane journey and a train ride later and her head lifts to look out the window, wondering if she'll know by looking as to who it is that's coming to pick her up. the train comes to a slow and she grabs her belongings, stepping off minutes later to look around the station.
|| @flamefallen
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cleverasthcdevil · 5 months
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only some seem to be distracted by the commotion, the rest go on about their lives as if this is a normal occurrence. for many of them, it probably was. this town didn't see to be a stranger to visits by pirates. though it was easy enough to say that his crew wasn't like any other pirates out there. that wasn't to say they were easy pickings. the size of their bounties and how many of them had them was proof enough of that. he pushed the thought of his own bounty poster out of his mind for now. every time he thought about it, it sent him spiraling into a state of depression. he knows where there is one, there will be more. yet he isn't in the slightest bit worried. in one sweeping powerhouse kick, he knocks the second to the ground before looking around to see that there weren't any more nearby. "are you alright, m'lady?" turning around and offering his hand to her to help her up.
IT'S A RARE DAY SHE'S ALLOWED OFF THE SHIP. Generally, Malvado wanted her always kept under his watchful eye, knowing that whilst she remains on the Xibalba, the variables were in his control. She was under it control. Completely. It's only when she had been on what he deemed her absolute best behaviour that he would allow her to accompany the crew on errands as they docked, reminding her every time that it is by his good graces that he lets her have this sliver of freedom. Boasting that it was a kindness that she should be grateful for. Kisa is well aware that it's a manipulation as much as any punishment of his.
It's an opportunity though, and one she refuses to pass up. So, she plays the part of obedient servant and gains her single day of pseudo-freedom, waiting until an opportune moment - a crowd within the markets that is dense enough to offer confusion - to attempt to run. Not that she gets far before one of the crew members catches her, grabbing a fistful of her hair and tugging her back towards him before a swift backhand sends her to the ground. Eyes clench shut and arms are raised to protect herself from a second strike, one that never lands. Instead, when she opens her eyes, she's staring at the back of a suited, blonde man holding stance in front of her.
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"Watch out!" is the warning called out once she finds her voice again once she spots the second crew member rushing him from behind.
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cleverasthcdevil · 5 months
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cleverasthcdevil · 5 months
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"come now pet, don't be like that."
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❝ I am not in the mood to do anything today and you can't make me.❞
open post.
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cleverasthcdevil · 5 months
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"that's because i'm one of a kind, love." the last one of his name as far as he was aware. his interest piqued at the mention of her being a herectic. "well there's a name i'm quite familiar with."
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"Well, to be fair, it's not like I heard the name Castle before." She replied back.
"I'm also known as the first Heretic, although they thought Valerie was the first." She said
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cleverasthcdevil · 5 months
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cleverasthcdevil · 5 months
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he walks into the salvatore boarding house without knocking, making himself at home by pouring himself a drink and setting up for a game of pool. when somebody walked in, he didn't even lift his head, knowing who it was. "care to join me for a game?"
|| @salvatoreseer liked for a smol starter
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cleverasthcdevil · 5 months
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she gives him a pointed look to say that he knew exactly what she meant. still, her features soften to a look that only belongs to him. "you'll just have to take me with you next time then." she says as if it's the simplest thing in the world but it was when there was nothing that she would let stop her from being by the side of someone she loved.
“I need you to know, whatever happens, wherever you go, you’re not gonna do it alone.” { from Freya }
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      "i think you're forgetting where i go all the time." lopsided smile, amusement in his eyes that's coupled with affection reserved for her alone. of course he knew she was there for him but who would he be if he didn't make a joke of it? he wouldn't be that surprised if she tries to go with him one day simply to make sure he came back.
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