clintonmadrid · 4 years
My safe haven.
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We study hard for a better future. Having a decent job, a work that we always wanted are some of reason why we always want to learn new things. Though some people chooses to stay and work here, some people wants to move to another country; to learn different cultures, be happy and have their dream life. But nothing feels like home, A safe haven. A place we will always come back to wherever we are now or in the future.
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They say a safe haven is a place of refuge or security, well maybe it is. It could be a place, a song, a memory for someone; a memory of someone, we don't know. We all have differences, the way we see things, our beliefs; it's not always the same way as others' view things in life, though some people are like us. As if we met them in our life a long time ago and we are connected to each other. Maybe because a safe haven is like a feeling too. Yes, My safe haven is anything or something that makes me feel nostalgic. It could be the sound of someone I love calling my name. It could be a house where i'm with my family, a home. A basketball court where me and my brothers can play together and have fun talking about the memories we had. It can also be a song my mom and I can sing together; a song that reminds me of my family. A gloomy weather, being at the beach, eating pansit batil patung or beef pares, going to cornfields; places that reminds me how my life always has been. A simple life i always dreamed of; to have a very humble family. Never did i feel ashamed having a life like mine and a family that is always with me on times i feel everything else fails, no matter how life gets hard. It was always a priviledge to grow up being friends with simple people. Nostalgia, ultra! I will always choose to come back home. There's no place like home, the feeling will always be different.
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clintonmadrid · 4 years
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Cinematic Photo Shoot 0.7 | Gold © BEI WOLFGANG
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clintonmadrid · 4 years
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Shrinking Violet
I grew up as a person who believed that I'm not good at things I absolutely love to do. My hobby was to degrade myself, my physical appearance and abilities. I do that in order for me to feel less upset when people give their judgements about me. Whenever I want to try and do something, I don't really ask for help even if I don't know how to start. Or if i'm just really curious to know what something is all about. I discover how it works by myself, little by little. I believe, being shy is one of the effects of my thoughts of being a weakling. I am surrounded by talented people. My relatives are good in sports, cooking, running a business, singing or dancing, sometimes both. And some lucky enough to be good at everything. There are also some relatives that are only good at pulling others down, judging and degrading them. But I'm not one of them.
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I admire my great grandparents; mamang and papang, mom and dad. I swear, they are all good looking. I'm not saying this to brag or anything, but I'm sure my father's brothers and sister are talented enough to be artists. That also goes to my mom, dad and my cousins. It's a good thing I have my family who always believes in me. They believe that I can do better, without making someone else feel inferior. They taught me that being kind to others is an astounding way to spend a life and give back to the Almighty. I am also grateful because I am close to my aunts and uncles (my dad's siblings). They helped and are still helping us to be better. When I say better, I mean at everything. Starting from the smallest thing up to the biggest. Because of them, I started to believe in my physical ability and started building my confidence.It is through their guidance that made me the man I am now. I have been taught that despite of other people's religion, ethnicity, race and even sexual orientation, it is not moral to judge them. To be honest, I respect people a lot. Especially those whom I know comes from a different ethnicity as mine. We will never know what hardships others had to face, what battles they have to win just to be themselves. We have our own challenges, our ups and downs in life. I stand with people who are bullied and who are experiencing criticism because of their race, gender or their physical appearance and abilities. I may be not strong as I look, but I can fight for what I know and believe is right. I only fear God and my parents. I don't have time to deal with people who are arrogant and disrespectful. But if they choose to be in my way or in the way of people that I respect and love, I am ready to fight. My father once told me, "Awan serbim nga tau nu pangas ka" (You are useless when you're arrogant.) I have respect for people who, in return respects me and the people I truly care about. But if someone is being arrogant and degrading other people is labeled as their hobby, then I can't respect them. I know that it's how they live their life but I know that it is not moral. I believe that it's truly a shame if someone continues to live like that. I know God made a way for me to share a part of who I truly am.
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This blog can serve as an eye opener for other people and the youth after my generation, to always remind them to be kind. Our purpose is to spread love and positivity, even in the simplest and smallest ways and to stand up for our rights and for others as well. Aight, Peace!
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clintonmadrid · 4 years
“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” - Gandhi
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clintonmadrid · 4 years
“Stand up for what you believe, even if you are standing alone.” - Sophie Scholl
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clintonmadrid · 4 years
“Lets dedicate ourselves to what the ancient greeks wrote so many years ago, to tame the savageness of man and make gentle the life of this world. Let us dedicate ourselves to that.” - Robert F. Kennedy.
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clintonmadrid · 4 years
“Do not be sorry. Be better.” -Kratos
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clintonmadrid · 5 years
Fvcking life
People would & will always choose other people or other things rather than bein' w meeee
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clintonmadrid · 5 years
No improvements yet???
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clintonmadrid · 5 years
“We fell in love, despite our differences, and once we did, something rare and beautiful was created. For me, love like that has only happened once, and that’s why every minute we spent together has been seared in my memory. I’ll never forget a single moment of it.”
— Nicholas Sparks, The Notebook (via books-n-quotes)
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clintonmadrid · 5 years
“Sometimes you are going to miss a person who was an almost to you. And feel sad because there is no name for that feeling. You just feel it in a way that makes you tired to your very bones.”
— Nikita Gill, Almost Feelings (via books-n-quotes)
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clintonmadrid · 6 years
“Sometimes it’s the sad person who makes you happy while you’re alone at a library and they suddenly smile and strike a conversation with you. While you’re in line at a coffee shop and you’re short five scents, and they suddenly smile and give you their change. While you’re mourning on a park bench and you see their cute poodle and they suddenly smile and give you their name, and you become close friends until they suddenly disappear not knowing after all this time that they were saying goodbye to this world.”
— Juansen Dizon, Depression Isn’t Always Obvious
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clintonmadrid · 6 years
“But I don’t hate anybody. I have a tenderness for the world…”
— Tennessee Williams, Notebooks (via books-n-quotes)
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clintonmadrid · 6 years
“Some people go through life searching and never find their soul mates. They never do. You and I did, we just happened to have them for a shorter period of time than we hoped for. It’s sad, but it’s life.”
— Cecelia Ahern, P.S. I Love You
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clintonmadrid · 6 years
God, i don't wanna die yet
love, me
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clintonmadrid · 6 years
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clintonmadrid · 6 years
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