Know The Signs of Oral Cancer
http://www.comprehensivedentistry.com/know-signs-oral-cancer/ Every year, April is recognized as Oral Cancer Awareness Month. At our dental office in Bloomingdale, we strive to keep our patients and our neighbors as healthy as possible, so we’d like to join in and help educate our community on the risks of oral cancer, how to identify it, and why it’s best to [ ] The post Know The Signs of Oral Cancer appeared first on Comprehensive Dentistry of Bloomingdale.
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Trouble Getting Numb During Your Dental Visits?
http://www.comprehensivedentistry.com/trouble-getting-numb-dental-visits/ Some of the treatments we offer at our dental office in Bloomingdale require us to administer an anesthetic to first numb the area prior to beginning the procedure. We do everything we can to keep the process easy, comfortable, and totally pain free so that you become nice and numb and don’t feel anything during [ ] The post Trouble Getting Numb During Your Dental Visits? appeared first on Comprehensive Dentistry of Bloomingdale.
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How to Handle Different Types of Dental Emergencies
http://www.comprehensivedentistry.com/handle-different-types-dental-emergencies/ A dental emergency can happen any time, any where and can be anything from a chipped tooth, a toothache, a lost filling, or a tooth that’s totally knocked out. While nobody ever wants to experience a dental emergency, the truth is, they happen. When they do, you should be aware of some ways to handle [ ] The post How to Handle Different Types of Dental Emergencies appeared first on Comprehensive Dentistry of Bloomingdale.
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“What Do I Have to Do to Be a Dentist?”
http://www.comprehensivedentistry.com/what-do-i-have-to-do-to-be-a-dentist/ Considering a career as a dentist? We may be biased, but the team at our dental office in Bloomingdale thinks it’s the best job you could have. Dentists, dental assistants, and dental hygienists are an important part of a total healthcare team, and are crucial to keeping patients healthy. Not only that, but they can [ ] The post “What Do I Have to Do to Be a Dentist?” appeared first on Comprehensive Dentistry of Bloomingdale.
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Fall in Love with Your Smile
http://www.comprehensivedentistry.com/fall-love-smile/ There’s a lot to say about a healthy, beautiful smile. Some people are lucky to have one naturally. Others have to battle against genetics, accidents, or aging. When time, or life itself, takes a toll on your teeth, your confidence can dwindle and it’s common to begin hiding your smile. However, you don’t need to [ ] The post Fall in Love with Your Smile appeared first on Comprehensive Dentistry of Bloomingdale.
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What You Need to Know About Heart Health Month
http://www.comprehensivedentistry.com/need-know-heart-health-month/ Each February, we celebrate National Heart Health Month. Heart Health Month’s purpose is to increase awareness of just how big of a problem heart disease actually is, and educate the population on ways to decrease the risk of developing heart disease. At our dental office in Bloomingdale, we’d like to help. Gum Disease and Heart [ ] The post What You Need to Know About Heart Health Month appeared first on Comprehensive Dentistry of Bloomingdale.
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“What’s Making My Breath Smell?”
http://www.comprehensivedentistry.com/whats-making-breath-smell/ At our dental office in Bloomingdale, we’re here to help all of our patients reach their smile and oral health goals, no matter what they are. One of the more common concerns we hear is how to combat bad breath. We’re more than happy to help get breath kissably fresh, but we’d also like to [ ] The post “What’s Making My Breath Smell?” appeared first on Comprehensive Dentistry of Bloomingdale.
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Top 3 Explanations to Nighttime Tongue Biting
http://www.comprehensivedentistry.com/top-3-explanations-nighttime-tongue-biting/ Many people bite their tongue while talking, chewing, or sneezing. It’s an incredibly common occurrence, although very painful. But did you know that people can bite their tongue in their sleep and not even know it until the next day? At our Bloomingdale dental office, we want our patients to know that nighttime tongue biting [ ] The post Top 3 Explanations to Nighttime Tongue Biting appeared first on Comprehensive Dentistry of Bloomingdale.
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“Why is My Mouth So Dry?”
http://www.comprehensivedentistry.com/why-is-my-mouth-so-dry/ We’ve all experienced it at one time or another. The dry, cracked lips, the bad breath, the sticky tongue, and every other uncomfortable sensation we get when our mouths are dry. Sometimes, it’s short-lived and goes away quickly. No big deal. However, it’s those times when dry mouth is chronic when our dental office in [ ] The post “Why is My Mouth So Dry?” appeared first on Comprehensive Dentistry of Bloomingdale.
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Fact or Fiction: Oil Pulling is Good For Oral Health
http://www.comprehensivedentistry.com/fact-fiction-oil-pulling-good-oral-health/ You may have heard of this alternative form of oral health care called oil pulling. Within the past couple of years, it’s become an increasingly popular way to boost oral health and the appearance of teeth. But does it actually do all the things it claims it can? Our dental office in Bloomingdale is here [ ] The post Fact or Fiction: Oil Pulling is Good For Oral Health appeared first on Comprehensive Dentistry of Bloomingdale.
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5 Reasons Your Dentist is So Happy to See You!
http://www.comprehensivedentistry.com/5-reasons-dentist-happy-see/ When we come to the office each day, it’s always with one goal in mind: to help patients and their smiles feel and look great. It’s important to take the time to make sure patients never feel uncomfortable or rushed, and we go out of our way to make sure they feel at ease. At [ ] The post 5 Reasons Your Dentist is So Happy to See You! appeared first on Comprehensive Dentistry of Bloomingdale.
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4 Foods For Denture-Wearers to Avoid
http://www.comprehensivedentistry.com/4-foods-denture-wearers-avoid/ Patients living with dentures are faced with a new set of menu challenges. Unfortunately, some foods just are no longer compatible. While having dentures is a great way to restore a natural, healthy look, they aren’t able provide the same stable durability and function of regular teeth. At our dental office in Bloomingdale, we want our [ ] The post 4 Foods For Denture-Wearers to Avoid appeared first on Comprehensive Dentistry of Bloomingdale.
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Is Your Toothbrush Scary?
http://www.comprehensivedentistry.com/is-your-toothbrush-scary/ We’ve all seen one before. The frayed, worn-out toothbrush with bristles stretching and poking out every which way. Our dental office in Bloomingdale knows that sometimes we forget, and we use our toothbrushes until they reach the point of no return. But did you know that this can be bad for your oral, and even [ ] The post Is Your Toothbrush Scary? appeared first on Comprehensive Dentistry of Bloomingdale.
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It’s All About The Straw
http://www.comprehensivedentistry.com/its-all-about-the-straw/ When we’re on the go, it’s easy to grab a beverage from the nearest fast food restaurant or convenience store. My dental office in Bloomingdale wants to talk about an important, handy accessory that commonly comes with these to-go drinks the straw. How Can Straws Help Teeth? It might seem strange that a bendable [ ] The post It’s All About The Straw appeared first on Comprehensive Dentistry of Bloomingdale.
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Common Dental Problems for People Over 50
http://www.comprehensivedentistry.com/common-dental-problems-people-50/ There’s a common misconception that as we age, it’s inevitable that we’ll also lose our teeth. At our Bloomingdale dental office, we’d like to squash that belief and give our older patients some good news. Research from the American Dental Association (ADA) concludes that Americans are keeping their teeth longer than ever before. While that’s [ ] The post Common Dental Problems for People Over 50 appeared first on Comprehensive Dentistry of Bloomingdale.
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Gluten Sensitivity & Oral Health
http://www.comprehensivedentistry.com/gluten-sensitivity-oral-health/ Many people choose to eat a gluten-free diet, but there are some individuals who don’t have a choice. Those with celiac disease or a gluten sensitivity become seriously ill when gluten is consumed, so they avoid it as much as possible. Predominantly, celiac disease affects the gastrointestinal tract, but at our Bloomingdale dental office, we [ ] The post Gluten Sensitivity & Oral Health appeared first on Comprehensive Dentistry of Bloomingdale.
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What to do About a Toothache
http://www.comprehensivedentistry.com/what-to-do-about-a-toothache/ There’s nothing quite like the discomfort of a toothache. While the pain could be because of something small like a cavity, it could also be something serious like gum disease or infection. Whatever the reason may be, it’s important to call our dental office in Bloomingdale as soon as possible so we can determine what’s [ ] The post What to do About a Toothache appeared first on Comprehensive Dentistry of Bloomingdale.
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