comtesse-d-edessa · 3 years
Everyone is replaceable. Not me tho yall be safe
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comtesse-d-edessa · 3 years
it’s really amazing how mad you can make people just by saying 'disabled people deserve to live'. like nobody would come right out and say they support eugenics themselves but once someone else says something against it, the mask comes off. "there’s a reason why we think disability is suffering!!1!!" woah what a terrible take omg i don’t know how these people survive
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comtesse-d-edessa · 3 years
this post is getting a lot of attention again and lots of people are talking about reconciling being pro-choice with agreeing with this, and so here's a reminder: you cannot. if you think disabled children should be aborted because there should be less of them, you believe in eugenics. have a nice life
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comtesse-d-edessa · 3 years
people be like "oh so killing disabled people because there should be less disabled people in the world is EUGENICS now? smh what has the world come to"
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comtesse-d-edessa · 3 years
why not for patients with mental illness?
refuting euthanasia and PAS is just as important to being pro-life as refuting abortion. it needs to be talked about more.
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comtesse-d-edessa · 3 years
It’s never a compliment that a man wants a woman sexually. It just means he has an itch and he needs someone to scratch it. It’s a compliment to want to have a man to lay down his life and bring out the best in a woman and love her with all that he is. that’s a compliment. anybody can want to have an orgasm, but who’s really ready to give her their life?
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comtesse-d-edessa · 3 years
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this is the sound a cat makes when it throws up 
Articles I can use against truscum
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comtesse-d-edessa · 3 years
Hi I’m bug I’m 21, black/iranian, and I’m 2 months pregnant. I want to keep my baby, I just need some funds to pay for doctors appointments until I move states and can get Medicare, and funds for baby supplies. I am also trying to collect as much as I can because I will have a safe house in a few months I just need the gas and rental to move my stuff 5 hours away. And since I am moving states
I’m struggling with unstable housing and abuse. I will have a secure place to stay in a state Over 3 months from now. Any donations will help me prepare and escape a unsafe situation. Please boost if you can thank you.
venmo: @bugabooluv
cashapp: $bugabooluv
I will regularly update and thank you. Please don’t mention ab/rtion I don’t like strangers telling me I should kill my baby thank you. Everyone’s choice is different pease respect that.
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(Picture is ultrasound from 01/28/2021 and my GA that day was 10 weeks 6 days)
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comtesse-d-edessa · 3 years
I feel like judging IVF is really easy for someone who’s not in that situation of needing it. I had part of my ovarian issue and some unfertilised eggs frozen prior to chemotherapy, as there’s a good chance I won’t be able to conceive naturally after treatment. I understand being opposed to sperm banks and egg donation/surrogacy, but not IVF for married couples
IVF requires the commodification of children and directly contributes to the death of countless unborn babies every year. And not to mention the cost of it all too -- people get into serious debt because of a predatory industry, and the implications of treating fertility and children as things to control directly affects society in a negative way. That’s not something I will ever apologize for speaking about, though I know that it’s a sore topic for people who feel it is their only chance to conceive.
If you want to learn about or discuss IVF with people who may get you better, you can check out CatholicSistas here: https://www.catholicsistas.com/category/respect-life-2/assisted-reproductive-technologies/. The entries are written by people who have experienced the harsh reality of infertility, ART, and/or the societal repercussions thereof, and I feel are the most appropriate people to discuss it along with medical and theological professionals. And this is not a challenge, just an invitation -- struggling with cancer and then infertility is hard enough on mental health as is and whether you add on that burden with discourse is up to you.
Otherwise, I wish you wellness and health. it is a blessing to be here.
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comtesse-d-edessa · 3 years
If you think a zygote/embryo/fetus is:
a parasite
not alive
not human
a part of the mother's body like an extra organ
a clump of cells equal to skin cells or cancer
tresspassing with malicious intent
anything other than a unique human individual in the earliest stages of the human life cycle, created when a male and female engaged in sexual reproduction--
you are not educated enough to be in the abortion debate.
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comtesse-d-edessa · 3 years
Pray for women that have had abortions.
Even if you disagree with them, and even if their attitude about it is flippant, it is something they can never take back. They are mothers that no longer have a child, and that is a loss I can’t even imagine.
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comtesse-d-edessa · 3 years
When the titles of popular porn videos are the same as titles of articles describing vicious rapes/murders/kidnappings you know porn is irredeemably evil
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comtesse-d-edessa · 3 years
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The reason these people want all opposing viewpoints silenced is because they are suffering. They hear people telling them what they already know deep down inside… that they are sinners, that there is a judgment that awaits them. 
This woman knows that what she is doing is evil. Being confronted with that reality causes her discomfort, cognitive dissonance. She probably thinks that if no one is there to tell her that what she’s doing is evil, the cognitive discomfort will go away, that it wont actually be evil. But it won’t go away.
Pray for your enemies because they are suffering. 
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comtesse-d-edessa · 3 years
I have a super niche conspiracy theory that I need to hash through but I can’t figure it out publicly unless I wanna look like this
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comtesse-d-edessa · 3 years
"A former manager of an abortion clinic told me that she was instructed to use dish washing liquid to clean their instruments when their sanitizer broke down so they wouldn’t have to close while it was repaired. Inspection reports in multiple states have found clinics not properly sanitizing their instruments.
A patient who came to me for complications from a late-term abortion said she was kept in a cold room overnight without a blanket during an induction abortion. She was forced to give birth in a toilet the next morning, only to watch her still living baby drown.
As a gynecologist on call in the emergency room, I personally treated women experiencing severe complications, including life-threatening hemorrhage and infection from abortions, because no one at the abortion clinic had admitting privileges. No abortion clinic personnel ever called to give me information on a patient they were sending to the ER. This is not a safe way to practice medicine."
-Dr. Kathi Aultman is a member of AAPLOG. This account appeared in her @USAToday op-ed published on the anniversary of Roe v. Wade in January 2020.
The back alley abortion appeal is meaningless, considering how unsafe legal abortion is already, and how hard pro-abortion advocates fight against safety standards. No procedure that kills an innocent human being as it’s purpose will be safe to anyone.
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comtesse-d-edessa · 3 years
Hey so obvs IVF is not Catholic but is adoption of frozen embryos that were made from IVF? I’m not married but I do wonder how and if a Catholic couple could approach that unique angle of an adoption process
So there is actually a huge current debate concerning what to do with the embryos that would otherwise be “discarded” aka left to die from neglect. One side of theologians say that it’s best to let them die naturally because IVF would be immoral even if it was to save the life of an unborn baby, while the other side says that those children have a right to life and using IVF to save their lives, and for that reason primarily, would not be an issue. I have not peeked into that debate for a few years now, so idk what arguments or wording has changed.
AS FOR MY OPINION: I would say that, if a couple were thinking of adopting and decided to take somone’s “leftovers” just so that they would have a kid. then it would be wrong and no different than doing full blown IVF. However, if someone were willing to volunteer themselves as a gestating parent to prevent them from dying, whether or not they ended up adopting the baby, would be different; in that case, the person’s sole objective is to give the baby a chance at life to prevent immediate neglect and death.
If anyone has something to add or correct, feel free to do so.
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comtesse-d-edessa · 3 years
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Found this little gem on Facebook. Other than the blatant disrespect of our development and all the lovely dehumanization, this is chalk full of down-right lies. Apparently this is an extremely magnified photo of a 5 week old embryo. This is what the creator of this image says is the true ‘face’ of abortion. This makes no sense though, this is not the after math of an abortion this is what the unborn looks like before an abortion, before they can be torn to pieces and separated from their mother and thrown away like garbage. Also, notice how they put the word face in quotes, applying that if a humans face doesn’t look like the “typical” or “normal” face, it’s not really a face. This is just an underdeveloped face, that’s all. One day this growing, developing person might have bright blue eyes, or maybe deep shades of brown, a button nose, or a slender nose, perhaps thin shapely lips, or pouty lips, who knows? We all looked like this at one point though, everyone you’ve ever loved, admired, shared laughs with, hugged, and smiled at looked just like this at one point in their life. So, yes, I find this extremely insulting. The person who made this says that pro-life people think once a women gets pregnant she should “lose her rights as a citizen and as an autonomous human being”. This is obviously a huge load of crap. Nobody loses rights once they become pregnant and an unborn baby doesn’t “gain” more rights, they receive equal rights for being a human being, just like their mother. Since this photo tries so hard to dehumanize a 5 week old embryo let’s learn some fun facts about their development, you know, all the interesting stuff about them! At 5 weeks arm buds and feet are forming, with webbing in-between the toes and fingers, within a week they’ll begin to move them. A 5 week old embryos heart is beating twice as fast as its mother, the heart is beginning to divide into 2 chambers. Their tongue and vocal chords are already beginning to form. See, as a person who values human life at every stage, from conception to death, it doesn’t matter what someone looks like. You could be missing both eyes, your nose, your mouth, teeth, tongue, ears, etc and I’d still defend your right to life. There’s something wrong with your movement when you have to use such dehumanizing language to justify it. Every time someone has used dehumanization to justify the killing of human life they’ve been on the wrong side of history.
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