cripplerage · 15 hours
Obnoxious how most anti-infantilization activism in many low support-centric autistic communities seems to rely on arguing we don't need support rather than reducing the stigma attatched to needing support.
Simply put, most anti-infantilization autistic activism I see is about how we don't need to be talked to slowly, need 24/7 care, don't need help with going to the toilet, don't need help shopping, etc. because we 'aren't toddlers'.
Which is a bad kind of activism, because, uh, many of us DO need those things. This is a fact. Ignoring it won't make it go away. And saying that only children need those things IS infantilization.
What we SHOULD be arguing is that adults who have medium to high support needs and who need help with or just can't do basic tasks, can't speak or can't speak well, need to have things explained slowly/repeatedly, etc. are still adults and deserve to be respected as such. Having higher support needs isn't childish.
No, people shouldn't assume that all autistics have higher support needs. But autistics with lower support needs also shouldn't erase those who do, when they are ALWAYS the ones most impacted by infantilization.
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cripplerage · 15 hours
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cripplerage · 15 hours
kind of jealous of swifties. wish i could be satisfied with so little
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cripplerage · 17 hours
Emergency: I lost my crochet hook again
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cripplerage · 17 hours
charlie kelly is really the dude ever made. I've never seen another character in any media exude the same weirdness he does. It's not a bad weirdness it's just charlies type of weirdness. he thinks he has seen ghouls.he has bitten santa claus in the neck. he tortured a random guy because he thought it was a leprechaun. he's a musical savant. he looks like a butch lesbian whenever he has a tank top on. he really likes cats. he's somehow a genius at managing the worst bar in philadelphia. he likes magnets. he's the prettiest mf ever. he has been wearing the same green jacket for 18 years straight. he didn't even know pineapples were a thing. he eats stickers all the time. there's a good chance he's covered in grime.he was immediately ready to kill himself when mac's dad was released from prison before considering any other option. he faked his own death with a shitty video where he and his boy best friend do a thelma and louise reference. denim chicken. he has hallucinations. he can't write in english but can both write and speak irish. he is everything to me.
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cripplerage · 18 hours
every holocaust memorial day, i always ask people to keep romani people in their thoughts, but this year i’d like to clear up some misconceptions that i see every year w/ a psa
romani people are not white. we’re south asian (from northern india), and each subgroup has a unique racial makeup of asian/white/etc, in different amounts. this is also why we vary wildly in physical appearance/skintone
we still face oppression. what we face, especially in europe, can still be constituted as attempted genocide, as we’re forced to live in hazardous conditions or to give away our children, be sterilized, etc just for the crime of being roma
the ‘g slur’ isn’t just an american issue. the reason some european roma prefer the slur is because, in many countries, there is no term for roma that isn’t a slur, and it’s either the g slur or the literal translation of the n word. i’m romanian, and if you used the slur in my hometown, you’d get slapped, since we just use ‘roma’.
we live in every continent across the world. some of the largest romani populations exist in south america, predominantly in brazil. they are no more and no less roma than their european counterparts, and they, like romani in asia, africa, etc all face unique challenges and oppression.
we’re the largest ethnic minority in europe, and yet have almost no political power, no land ownership power (in some places, we’re forbidden from owning land entirely), etc. with very few reputable charities- a lot of us reject charity by principle, as well as there being a general lack of education about us- the best thing you can do to help romani people is to just spread information, and help individuals when you can.
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cripplerage · 19 hours
It's kinda funny how many anti ableism posts start with "are you normal about-" as if the idea that normal equals good isn't part of the core problem in ableism of all kinds
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cripplerage · 22 hours
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cripplerage · 22 hours
marcille is NOT an animal crossing cozy gamer girl she is a fucking spreadsheet warrior. maybe she plays stardew valley but she runs that farm like the navy
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cripplerage · 22 hours
Forget getting married on a train, I want to see a train Divorce.
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cripplerage · 23 hours
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I painted a shirt today. Falin's commemorative eaten by a dragon tee is so funny to me and i wanted it badly enough that i had to craft about it.
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cripplerage · 23 hours
OP was literally saying (or so I understand it) that if you treat children this way you would treat disabled people that way, or that your logic would also apply to disabled people. If babies should be banned from airplanes for being loud, should anyone with vocal stims also be banned?
I honestly can't understand how you can expect all families with young children to never, ever fly. My little brother had to fly on an airplane when he was a baby because his medical needs could only be treated at a specific hospital. And sure, maybe you'd claim that they can be an exception, but you'll never know who you would consider an exception or not and there's no reason why you should be the judge anyway so maybe just shut up.
Or here's an idea, maybe people who think babies should be banned from airplanes should never fly. If you both can't co-exist on an airplane, then it makes sense for the person starting the conflict to get off the plane, don't you think?
In the end, if children bother you for sensory reasons and that's why you don't want them to be in the same public spaces as you, there are disabled adults who can and would cause the same sensory issues for you. Adults who are loud, who vocally stim, who have poor boundaries, poor hygiene, who cry in public, etc etc etc. And they're already socially ostracized for all of this.
So actually yeah, it's the bare minimum you can do for the group with the least human rights on the planet to figure out how to accept children as part of your public community without hating them for it, even if you are child-free yourself.
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cripplerage · 24 hours
I must not mock Gen Alpha. Mocking Gen Alpha is the mind killer. Mocking Gen Alpha is the little-death that brings total generational solidarity obliteration. I will engage with Gen Alpha lovingly. I will permit them to be cringe. And when they grow up I will turn my eye to their accomplishments. Where mocking has gone there will be nothing. Only generational solidarity remains
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cripplerage · 24 hours
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cripplerage · 24 hours
taylor swift could explicitly say that she’s only attracted to men and have sex with a man on live television and swifties would still insist that she’s a lesbian icon and that her generic ass discography (which is the musical equivalent to eating plain oatmeal) is the epitome of gay music
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cripplerage · 24 hours
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cripplerage · 24 hours
Poll: if your mom remarries when you’re 26 years old is that guy still your stepdad or is he just your mom’s husband.
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