cxtra · 2 years
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— Henry Miller, A Literate Passion: Letters of Anaïs Nin & Henry Miller, 1932-1953
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cxtra · 3 years
PARKED | STARTERS send a prompt or send ✉ for a random starter. triggers apply.
it’s like pulling teeth, trying to get anything out of you.
i’m so sorry, did i give you a fright?
i won’t say a thing. my lips are sealed and all that.
you don’t approve.
all it needed was a good cleaning and a bit of a nudge to spring back into life.
do you talk at all?
i’m sorry. i should’ve told you.
you know, you’ve nothing to fear from me.
i probably have too much time on my hands.
it’s like a city of fireworks that have all exploded at once.
and in a second, your life can change.
well? will you fucking answer me?
i’m going for a walk. i’ll see you later.
in the middle of the journey of life, i was in a dark wood, for i had lost the true path.
you do know what you’re doing? just asking.
made it in life, me.
i trusted you!
have you ever seen a leaf fall off a tree?
just because somebody blames you or pushes you away, doesn’t mean you should give up.
that sound familiar? ringing any bells?
we’ll get you sorted, all in good time.
you’ve done too much to me. there’s no more to give.
i don’t think i like where this is going.
what was all that mumbo-jumbo on the phone about?
have you ever been in the papers?
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cxtra · 3 years
"Your life is far more precious than mine."
@tsurugixbuster says: “ your life is far more precious than mine. ”
( misc prompts for your feels )
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{ ❁ } "--Don't be silly," she immediately counters, the gentle shove to his shoulder soon to follow only a continuation of her expression. Her entire life had been spent feeling alienated. Though it were in times like these-- with those she felt most comfortable with--- where she desired to feel the most normal. Human. Not like some delicate thing to be coddled.
"I believe your life is just as valuable as mine, Zack. And I'd very much like to keep you around."
She smiles, the rush of air blown through her nostrils just good natured enough to hint towards laughter. "But, if you absolutely insist that my life -is- more 'precious' than your own...will you be the one to protect it? After all, an existence so valuable should only be guarded by the best Midgar has to offer, right?"
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cxtra · 3 years
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A True Hero Isn't Measured
By the Size of His Strength
But by the Strength of His Heart.
A roleplay for Zack Fair from Final Fantasy 7
Penned by Magnus Alexander
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cxtra · 3 years
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cxtra · 3 years
hello I am here making a random appearance bc I miss this so much
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cxtra · 3 years
misc prompts for your feels
“ unique just means alone. ” “ i’m not afraid to die, just wish i could live a little first. ” “ i know i’m a monster, but you look at me like i’m a man. ” “ there’s nothing i wouldn’t do to keep you safe. ” “ we all have sins to pay penance for. ” “ don’t look at me like i’m a hero. you’ll only disappoint yourself. ” “ sometimes when you look at me it’s like…it’s like you’re staring straight past my flesh and into my soul. ” “ you make me want to live. ” “ i know i don’t deserve forgiveness, but i like the idea that some people think i might. ” “ i trust you with my life. ” “ you’re more like family to me than my own blood. ” “ i’ve never had any sort of family before. ” “ your life is far more precious than mine. ” “ i don’t care what happens to me. as long as you’re safe. ” “ i need you to live…cause if you’re gone then, i don’t know what the point of it all is anymore. ” “ i know i’m not the person you want, but i’m here. ” “ i love you, and i know you may never feel the same. but i’m okay with that. ” “ i couldn’t say no to you even if i wanted to. ” “ you’re worth more than this. ” “ why do you walk around as if you’re somehow less valuable than the rest of the world? ” “ please, let me help you. ” “ just let me do this for you. ” “ you do have something to live for. you have me. ” “ you’ll always have me. ” “ i see you. i know you feel so invisible all the time, but you’re not. not to me. ” “ it’s okay to be angry, you’re allowed to be upset about what happened to you. ” “ don’t you realize you deserve more than this? ” “ you’re not a machine or— or some thing. you’re a person, and i’m sorry anyone ever made you feel otherwise. ” “ please, just hold on a little longer. i can’t lose you too. ” “ this scar..what happened? ” “ if you won’t do it for yourself, then do it for me. ” “ you’re bleeding— how long have you been hiding this?! ” “ sometimes i realize one day i could die, i could just disappear and the world would be none the wiser. there’d be no one to miss me and that terrifies me more than death itself. ”  “ i’m not sure i know who i’m supposed to be anymore. ” “ my mind is so loud and i’m afraid it’ll never be quiet again. ” “ when i’m in a crowd i just want to melt away and yet, when i’m alone it’s somehow worse. ” “ loneliness is a poison and i’ve been drinking it for so long, i don’t there there’s an anecdote to save my soul. ” “ i don’t care if the world knows my name, i just want you to remember me. ” “ you deserve more than i could ever give you. ” “ i love you. i know that’s not enough, but i do. ” “ you’re safe with me, you always will be. ” “ you make me feel safe. like i’m allowed to be anything i want. ” “ i’d do anything to be the person you love again. ” “ i’ve got you, you’re safe. ” “ just rest, i’m here. ” “ you can stay with me tonight. ”
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cxtra · 3 years
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●○●○●○ f a m i l y●○●○●○
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cxtra · 3 years
feel  free  to  change  any  pronouns  or  subjects  (or  reverse).      tw  for  blood,  death  and  physical  violence  mention.
‘  is  it  complete?  ’
‘  who  are  you?  ’
‘  who  is  this?  ’
‘  why  are  you  bleeding?  ’
‘  what  would  i  do  without  you?  ’
‘  do  you  feel  alright?  ’
‘  what’s  your  name?  ’
‘  why  do  you  hate  me?  ’
‘  do  you  want  something  to  eat?  ’
‘  aren’t  you  supposed  to  be  someone  important?  ’
‘  did  you  read  it  yet?  ’
‘  can  you  help  me?  ’
‘  why  do  you  act  so  weirdly?  ’
‘  what  do  i  do  with  someone  like  you?  ’
‘  you  awake?  ’
‘  can’t  you  tell  left  from  right?  ’
‘  how  dare  you?  ’
‘  can  i  have  a  word?  ’
‘  why  didn’t  you  fight  back?  ’
‘  can  you  stop  interupting  me?  ’
‘  why  are  you  here?  ’
‘  what  happened?  ’
‘  haven’t  you  said  enough?  ’
‘  why  are  you  still  ___?  ’
‘  why  don’t  you  shut  up  and  be  quiet?  ’
‘  what  did  you  dream  of?  ’
‘  why  are  you  yelling?  ’
‘  how  could  you  say  that?  ’
‘  is  that  mine?  ’
‘  why  did  you  turn  out  this  way?  ’
‘  are  you  talking  to  me?  ’
‘  why  won’t  he  date  me?  ’
‘  why  did  you  hit  him?  ’
‘  why  are  you  crying  yourself  to  sleep?  ’ 
‘  are  you  serious?  ’
‘  who  did  this?  ’
‘  will  i  regret  this?  ’
‘  do  you  promise?  ’
‘  is  that  mine?  ’
‘  am  i  dead?  ’
‘  can  you  stop  moving?  ’
‘  is  he  looking  at  me?  ’
‘  does  it  hurt?  ’
‘  how  did  that  happen?  ’
‘  what’s  the  weather  for  tomorrow?  ’
‘  are  you  in  love  with  me  yet?  ’
‘  is  it  that  important?  ’
‘  want  some?  ’
‘  was  that  an  accident?  ’
‘  what’s  the  deal  with  you?  ’
‘  who  do  you  think  you  are?  ’
‘  can  i  ask  you  something?  ’
‘  why  don’t  you  leave  then?  ’
‘  how  could  you?  ’
‘  is  this  all  you  can  do?  ’
‘  why  is  this  here?  ’
‘  how  did  you  get  in  here?  ’
‘  is  it  freezing  to  you?  ’
‘  what  are  you  making  tdday?  ’
‘  are  you  lost?  ’
‘  has  it  been  that  long?  ’
‘  how  could  you?  ’
11K notes · View notes
cxtra · 3 years
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cxtra · 3 years
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cxtra · 3 years
Guilty As Charged- MUN EDITION
Have you ever stalked another blog? If so, why? (I.E: Quality of their writing? The MUN just seemed like a nice person? etc.)
Have you ever sent a hate anon to any of your mutuals?
Have you ever started drama?
Were you ever roped into drama that you didn’t want to be part of?
Have you ever checked your mutual’s blogs, even if you know they’re offline, and liked their old ic/ooc posts?
Do you have favourite blogs?
Do you have favourite threads?
Do you have favourite ships?
Have you ever promised drafts but ended up secretly lurking on your dashboard instead?
Have you ever sent yourself anons?
Have you ever let your drafts build up?
Have you ever sent anon love/compliments to your mutuals?
Have you ever been jealous over a ship a mutual of yours and another mun have with their muses?
Have you ever stalked the ship of another mun?
Have you ever been intimidated by somebody based solely on their writing alone?
Have you ever been late on replying to ooc messages/dm’s?
Have you ever deleted a sent ask?
Have you ever gotten so invested in a thread?
Have you ever turned interactions with another muse away for reasons?
Have you ever followed a blog solely because you like the FC they’re using?
Have you ever unfollowed a blog? What were the reasons?
Have you ever blocked somebody? What were the reasons?
Have you ever mentioned another muse in a thread despite them not being in the thread?
Have you ever not read the rules on somebody’s blog?
Were you ever supposed to do something productive but instead spent all that time doing replies on Tumblr?
Have you ever faked a story on an ooc post?
Do an influx of ooc posts on a blog annoy you?
Do you have a group of tumblr friends that you consider as close friends?
Have you ever forgotten to write up a promised starter for somebody?
Have you forgotten to reply to a starter or ask meme?
Have you ever deleted unfinished threads?
Do you find yourself practicing favouritism with certain blogs/muns/threads?
Have you ever fallen asleep while replying to threads?
Have you ever cried because of a thread?
Have you ever found yourself unconsciously doing the facial expressions that your muse is doing while you write?
Have you ever thought about deleting your blog? Why?
Have you ever written a thread by just ‘winging it’?
Have you ever broken any of your own rules?
WILD CARD (Ask anything you want!)
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cxtra · 3 years
“sometimes when you look at me it’s like…it’s like you’re staring straight past my flesh and into my soul.”
misc prompts for your feels | accepting.
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{ ❀ } -- she paused in perplexity, brows furrowed. the typical lack of frill and candidness with, frankly, everything he did was something she’d grown quite fond of. however, the honesty and vulnerability with which he spoke at this very moment jarred her. and so, for what may be the first time and forever, the cetra’s rendered speechless-- even if only for a fleeting moment.
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“don’t be silly,” she chimes, breaking the silence, reaching over to give his shoulder a playful shove. “as much as i wish they could, my eyes can’t see -that- far.”
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cxtra · 4 years
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This is a onetime gig. When it’s done, we’re done.
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cxtra · 4 years
misc prompts for your feels
“ unique just means alone. ” “ i’m not afraid to die, just wish i could live a little first. ” “ i know i’m a monster, but you look at me like i’m a man. ” “ there’s nothing i wouldn’t do to keep you safe. ” “ we all have sins to pay penance for. ” “ don’t look at me like i’m a hero. you’ll only disappoint yourself. ” “ sometimes when you look at me it’s like…it’s like you’re staring straight past my flesh and into my soul. ” “ you make me want to live. ” “ i know i don’t deserve forgiveness, but i like the idea that some people think i might. ” “ i trust you with my life. ” “ you’re more like family to me than my own blood. ” “ i’ve never had any sort of family before. ” “ your life is far more precious than mine. ” “ i don’t care what happens to me. as long as you’re safe. ” “ i need you to live…cause if you’re gone then, i don’t know what the point of it all is anymore. ” “ i know i’m not the person you want, but i’m here. ” “ i love you, and i know you may never feel the same. but i’m okay with that. ” “ i couldn’t say no to you even if i wanted to. ” “ you’re worth more than this. ” “ why do you walk around as if you’re somehow less valuable than the rest of the world? ” “ please, let me help you. ” “ just let me do this for you. ” “ you do have something to live for. you have me. ” “ you’ll always have me. ” “ i see you. i know you feel so invisible all the time, but you’re not. not to me. ” “ it’s okay to be angry, you’re allowed to be upset about what happened to you. ” “ don’t you realize you deserve more than this? ” “ you’re not a machine or— or some thing. you’re a person, and i’m sorry anyone ever made you feel otherwise. ” “ please, just hold on a little longer. i can’t lose you too. ” “ this scar..what happened? ” “ if you won’t do it for yourself, then do it for me. ” “ you’re bleeding— how long have you been hiding this?! ” “ sometimes i realize one day i could die, i could just disappear and the world would be none the wiser. there’d be no one to miss me and that terrifies me more than death itself. ”  “ i’m not sure i know who i’m supposed to be anymore. ” “ my mind is so loud and i’m afraid it’ll never be quiet again. ” “ when i’m in a crowd i just want to melt away and yet, when i’m alone it’s somehow worse. ” “ loneliness is a poison and i’ve been drinking it for so long, i don’t there there’s an anecdote to save my soul. ” “ i don’t care if the world knows my name, i just want you to remember me. ” “ you deserve more than i could ever give you. ” “ i love you. i know that’s not enough, but i do. ” “ you’re safe with me, you always will be. ” “ you make me feel safe. like i’m allowed to be anything i want. ” “ i’d do anything to be the person you love again. ” “ i’ve got you, you’re safe. ” “ just rest, i’m here. ” “ you can stay with me tonight. ”
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cxtra · 4 years
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Where are we?
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cxtra · 4 years
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This is a onetime gig. When it’s done, we’re done.
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