cyanion · 4 years
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Something he's not telling them
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cyanion · 4 years
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“I hate this one.”
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cyanion · 4 years
i was gonna do some more stuff over here but im really not feeling it, sorry! i’ll be offering to write on rue....
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cyanion · 4 years
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“Just because I’M (TECHNICALLY) DEAD doesn’t mean I wanna be experimented on. C’mon, man–” The blonde’s eyes roll, but she HUMORS him. “…I’ll still DO IT. Because I TRUST YOU. But if I somehow come outta all of this dead for a SECOND TIME… Well, guess I’ll just have t’ drag ya down with me.” An EMPTY THREAT if there ever was one. | @nightxobserver​ / @cyanion​ 
“It shouldn’t, but -- let’s hope it doesn’t come to that. I’ll keep things... simple, for the time being.” 
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Varian rubs the back of his head, but still --  “Anyway, since you’re such a unique case, it should be interesting. Come on.” He gestures.
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cyanion · 4 years
@cyanion​ because com’n we need this
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      “OUT of my way.” She doesn’t pay him attention, brushing past him. The same mark as on his father’s hand BRANDED on the crook of her neck.
                       “is QUIRIN here?” She says suddenly, turning to face him. “I have come for HIM.”
“Um -- you’re looking for my dad?” He can’t lie, there’s more than a little intrigue to the girl. Yet, something about this concerns him. Greatly.
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“Look, I’ll tell you where he is -- If you tell me, in great detail, what you need him for.” He’s not able to lose him again, after all.
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cyanion · 4 years
[@cyanion​ to be fair im still writing. not writing what im supposed to be tho. ]
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           Alice smiles, her feet BARE as she comes running down to the stable.
“Varian!” She chimes, tugging her sleeves a bit LOWER to hide the bruises. “Are you done yet?” She grins, fully aware that her feelings weren’t RETURNED. They never were. But that was FINE, she had him in some way or another and that was MORE than enough.
“Oh, Alice!” That was always something to look forward to, really. No matter what his father said -- he couldn’t stop him from being friends with the girl, at the very least.
Though, the other things he did prevent were very, very difficult. 
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“I’m just about done. Let me just finish up!”
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cyanion · 4 years
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Max sketches vari and alice in cute emojis 
@nightxobserver​ said: Varian 5 
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cyanion · 4 years
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Have some self indulgent smoochies- I know I've used this base before but idc- now that I can do stuff without Thick As All Heck linework I think this is one of my new faves, even without shading or bg
Also somewhere along the way the image quality Got Rekt. Probably discord but oh well.
Also Aprons and Goggles are hard so i just,,, Didn't
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cyanion · 4 years
I’ve mentioned this before, but I really like how Varian is such a nice balance between Rapunzel and Cassandra’s characters. All 3 of them have some stuff in common, such as issues with their dads, animal companions, and having to learn how friendship works. Having to learn how to be a good friend to somebody else because they lack that experience.
There are parts of Varian’s character that are unique to him, but what’s interesting is that he does have these traits found in Rapunzel or Cassandra that sort of oppose each other but exist in him simultaneously. Varian is wildly creative like Rapunzel for instance, but he puts his creativity towards science, something more practical and rooted in reality, which is how Cassandra approaches things.
He’s a skilled illustrator like Rapunzel, but he draws technical drawings and diagrams, which again is more practical like Cassandra. He likes helping people like Rapunzel does, but it’s usually out of an ambitious drive for validation, to prove himself, which is Cassandra’s motivation. He’s excitable like Rapunzel, but sarcastic like Cassandra. He often does not think things through like Rapunzel, but he’s also cautious like Cassandra.
He has a nocturnal pet like Cassandra, but his pet has no practical use/is out of pure friendship like Rapunzel’s pet. His dad is hard to please like Cassandra’s dad, but his dad also keeps secrets like Rapunzel’s dad.
He knows what it’s like to feel ignored, unfairly treated, betrayed, and he’s let bitterness lead him down the wrong path before like Cassandra is, but he’s willing to open up about his feelings, willing to forgive and trust again like Rapunzel is. He understands both sides. He‘s been on both sides. He is both sides.
Even his design is kind of a mix between them. Varian has black, unruly hair like Cassandra and sun-kissed, freckled skin like Rapunzel. He’s a mix of the sun and the moon. It’s really interesting.
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cyanion · 4 years
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all’s not lost,   don’t be so blind    /    i refuse  . . .
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cyanion · 4 years
[ @cyanion​ cause you enjoy pain  ]
“Whatcha doin?”
           The mark was on her ANKLE, easily hidden with a sock or tights–half a moon and a star. She would never tell him. She SAW his matching mark plenty of times, but she made SURE he never saw hers. 
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After all, she was his BEST friend. He was her’s. She was in LOVE with him. He didn’t FEEL anything for her.
                  Who ever said soulmates were meant to be was a LIAR.
“Baking!” Though that much was obvious. It was a small hobby of his -- baking is a science after all. His best friend -- Alice -- she’d joined him because he’d wanted the company, honestly. It was always nice to have her around.
Well, it was nice, in that sense, that ‘neither of them had soulmates’.
“I’m using a butter cake recipe.” He smiled. “See here?” A gesture to the paper with it on it -- Aaaand he starts mixing. These times are always fun.
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“We can share it later -- When it’s done, of course.”
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cyanion · 4 years
                                   ‘ do you forgive yourself? ‘ 
                                                        no. next question. 
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cyanion · 4 years
soulmate aus
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2. People are born with the knowledge of their soulmate’s first name.
His soulmate’s name was Alice. Like all others, he’d known the name of his soulmate from birth.
‘Alice’ was his best friend’s name, too. It wasn’t exactly an uncommon name, after all. Then again, who said soulmates couldn’t be platonic? He didn’t have romantic feelings for her – that much was clear. Maybe there was another Alice who was his soulmate, in the romantic sense. Maybe he’d find that he didn’t need romance after all. Maybe it was something else – they’d be friends for life. Soulmates didn’t have to be romantic, did they? Wasn’t that just a stereotype – one that had perpetuated a millennia?
He’d never asked her who her soulmate was. Honestly, there was a bit of fear – if it had been his name she’d known from birth, maybe he’d feel a bit pressured into pursuing her in a way he didn’t feel – despite his own feelings. And he didn’t want to hurt hers.
Still, neither of them really knew who the other’s was, necessarily – they’d known each other since they were little kids, after all. And, well, they’d made a promise –
“Don’t tell me who your soulmate is. Ever. It doesn’t matter, ‘cuz we’re gonna be friends forever.”
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Sometimes, though, he’d wonder –Was it their souls that would be bound for eternity?
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cyanion · 4 years
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uhhhh someone encouraged me to draw this (gimme money in exchange for art on ko-fi)
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cyanion · 4 years
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||..hey hi this just in– emma has adopted another misunderstood teenager, story @ 11 PLEASE LIKE OR REBLOG – DO NOT REPOST MY ART
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cyanion · 4 years
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         Did she KNOW that? It’s not like it was OBVIOUS all the time, but did it have to be? Yes. No, of course NOT.
               Her hands RUN through her bangs and she stands–placing her forehead against the door. “Sorry,” She says after a moment of silence. “I’m just TIRED of this. of US.” Alice runs her hands through her hair again. 
                  “Come back tomorrow, I’ll be BETTER then.” 
A wince. Yeah, that, uh, definitely was not about the banana bread. And it hurts, more than a little. 
Still, it’s not as though he could blame her for feeling that way. He curls up a little bit. The words slipped out of his mouth without thinking -- “Yeah, I’m tired of me too.”
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He pauses, taking a moment to realize that he’d said it out loud -- “S--sorry. I just...-- It’s not your fault, you know.” A dry laugh.
“... If you wanted to stop hanging around me, I’d understand, I think. You deserve -- someone who can give you what you want. What you need. Someone better than me. Someone who would be a better friend -- and who would be able to love you back.”
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cyanion · 4 years
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Fly me to the moon                                                   And let me play among the stars
Let me know what Spring is like                                                                      On Jupiter and Mars
You are all I worship                                                         All I long for and adore
In other words, please be true                                                                          In other words, 
                                                   I love you
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