d-is-here-to-help · 1 year
Hello! Are you still active?
How can I be of assistance?
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d-is-here-to-help · 2 years
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d-is-here-to-help · 2 years
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d-is-here-to-help · 2 years
Please share this post:
GoF*ndMe P*ypal
I’m a black queer woman who got fired couple months ago by new management that were targeting a lot of POCs at work, and I’m on the verge of homelessness as I ran out of my savings and did not receive government assistance yet (the process is taking longer than i was hoping for). My parents are homophobic and refuses to help me since I left their conservative and misogynistic household years ago, and my siblings ghosted for that too. I never came out to them but I think rumors got back to them and ever since they basically disowned me.
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I overdrafted both of my bank account and my venmo to pay for rent to avoid being homeless, and I need help to make it for at least these 2 upcoming months with rent and food until I get government assistance or get employed again.
If it’s possible to donate I have these links below
C*shApp $HByusuf
If you’ve seen this post before, I’ve been struggling for months now and I come back now and then when i can’t need money for transportation or food so please understand im desperately trying to survive and im sincerely sorry for the inconvenience it costs
Update: Apparently tumblr shadowbans don*tion tagged posts, hopefully this stops the constant banning it does
thank you so much for anyone who got far as to read this and share it too!
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d-is-here-to-help · 2 years
How to Self-Soothe After a Difficult Day
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d-is-here-to-help · 2 years
Please fucking lie to your employer. Like they don’t need to know your mental health issues or what drugs you do. Ffs
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d-is-here-to-help · 3 years
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d-is-here-to-help · 3 years
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Alright shitstains listen up because I just found god in a bottle.
If you’re a nerd like me your body’s probably riddled with a few nerd tattoos yeah? Some of ‘em in some pretty obvious places? Maybe you work in a professional environment that frowns upon body ink? Maybe you’re a cosplayer and you have some revealing outfits that you need to cover up for, yeah? Tattoos that you can’t afford that $30 Kat Von D Tattoo cover up because you’re a cheap broke shit?
Story of my life bud.
Now I have a pretty obvious Squad 11 tattoo, because I’m a Bleach nerd and Zaraki Kenpachi is my husband, and honestly it’s difficult to hide it in some of my cosplays because it’s bright and black and right smack dab on my shoulder. Poor planning on my part but hey, squad represent.
You see that glorious miracle up there? That’s Mehron Tattoo Cover. You see those pictures underneath it? Tattoo? What fucking tattoo?! It’s gone!!!! Vamoosed!!! Like I never got the ink in the first place!!!!
This shit is durable, and I mean durable. It’s completely waterproof and that first picture of my tattoo is actually what it looked like after scrubbing at it with two makeup wipes. TWO. It’s not going anywhere
And the best part? 
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I mean it’s not phenomenal but hey at least it’s not just “pale as fuck”.
And you wanna know the second best part?
It’s only 12 bucks on Amazon
Yeah. $12. Not $30. Because $12 is much more reasonable than $30.
As for size reference, that’s how big it is in that third picture right there. It’s honestly the best investment I could have made and everybody should know about it.
Go forth and conquer with your newfound knowledge. You’re all welcome.
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d-is-here-to-help · 3 years
Please read this as my life depends on it��s success.
Hello to everyone reading this.
I’m currently struggling to make ends meet due to some issues. I had to leave my home in 2019 due to domestic problems and since then, I’ve been struggling to stand up on my feet. Things did start to get better at the beginning of last year when I got my first job but it was short lived as I was let go due to the impact of Covid. Things have gotten worse since then. I was in an accident earlier this year which has ensured that I can’t even apply for any jobs, at least for the next 4 months. On top of that, to survive, I had to borrow money from loan sharks which I now have to return. I’m very close to being homeless as well and currently have barely any money to get by.
As such, I will be eternally grateful if you all could help me with donating anything you can towards my cause, so that I can get back on my feet. I need about $4900 to help me keep a roof over my head, pay off the loan sharks and to survive for the next 4 months - until I can start applying for jobs.
Update (1): It’s been nearly a week and I’m devastated that I’m yet to receive a donation. Not that I feel entitled to receive it, just that my calculations were already based on the worst-case scenario. So, yeah, feeling a little down-er than usual.
Not sure if this helps or not, but I’ve created a fundrasing page as that was pretty much the last thing I could do. I plead again to anyone reading this - please consider donating anything you can spare towards my cause.
FYI, if you are reading the fundraising page and wish to donate, please do it via P#yP@l itself as the ’bank transfer’ method will delay me getting the amount by a month and for some reason, I was not able to set up P#yP@l on the page. Have added it in the description though.
Update (2): Looks like the last post has lost traction, something I really can’t afford to happen. I’ve already got about $338 from kind donors but unfortunately, that’s barely 7% of my goal. I’m in desperate need of any help you can provide as I’ve just been given a deadline by my landlord, to come up with at least $950 by the end of the month (arrears due). If not, I’m getting evicted with nowhere to go. Please understand that I am not trying to guilt anyone into donating. I’m just extremely exhausted and under a lot of anxiety and being given deadlines is not helping.
As such, I request everyone reading this to help me reach my goal by reblogging or boosting my post as much as possible. A donation is appreciated even more but only if you’re able to spare any amount without it affecting you and your daily life.
I am thankful to all of the people who have helped by reblogging my posts. I’m especially grateful to those who have donated.
Update (3): So, my account got terminated and with it, all the traction I was getting from my previous posts. No idea what happened or what I did wrong. Support team weren’t particularly helpful with their vague explanation - “for spam or using your blog with the primary purpose of affiliate marketing”. If you have an idea of why this happened, let me know.
I’ve, of course, asked for a second chance but from what I’ve read online, that seems unlikely or likely with a long delay (something I can’t afford).
As such, I’d appreciate it if you all could do the same as you’ve been doing all this while since my life is now at the hands of kind people like yourselves.
Goal: 464.80/4900
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d-is-here-to-help · 3 years
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Hi guys! This is my friend Melissa’s retired autism service dog, Grace! She’s needing help to get surgery!
Please consider donating to this sweet dog and her owner/best friend Melissa! They both deserve the world!🖤
Sharing this post also helps tremendously! Thanks humans!🖤🖤
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d-is-here-to-help · 3 years
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April is Autism Acceptance Month. Whatever you do this month, do NOT support Autism Speaks and do NOT "light it up blue".
Listen to Autistic people and amplify Autistic voices. Support Autism organizations that are led by Autistic people, such as the Autistic Self Advocacy Network (@autisticadvocacy) and the Autistic Women and Nonbinary Network (@awn-network).
(Image description 1: an image with a red background, white text in the center says "April is Autism Acceptance Month" with smaller text above that says "#REDINSTEAD" and below that says "Celebrate neurodiversity.")
(Image description 2: an image with a gold background, black text in the center says "April is Autistic Pride Month" with smaller text above that says "#LIGHTITUPGOLD" and below that says "Celebrate neurodiversity.")
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d-is-here-to-help · 3 years
Having dysphoria as a trans person doesn’t mean you have to be dysphoric about everything.
You could have dysphoria about your pronouns and not your name. You could want top surgery and prefer to use the bathroom of your agab. You could dislike your voice and prefer to dress in a way that traditionally aligns with your agab.
You‘re not less trans for not being dysphoric about the things other trans people are dysphoric about. Your feelings are yours and any changes you do or don’t want to make are entirely up to you.
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d-is-here-to-help · 3 years
Help me afford new push rims
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d-is-here-to-help · 3 years
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Click here to download the brushset!
Type in 0 to download for free, tips are very much appreciated but not required! Hope you all enjoy these brushes! Please share them with friends if you like them!
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d-is-here-to-help · 3 years
Hey please read
I’m trying to save up for a service dog and if you see this if you could at least share (it’s okay if not don’t feel pressured to do anything) any support would really help thank you 
ps its under my old name 
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d-is-here-to-help · 3 years
the ~Give A Bitch A Break Fundraiser~ for Remy & Arlo
homeless, disabled, unemployed and living in a car…during a pandemic
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Many of you know that our beloved dogblrian @arlo-venn has been homeless for a number of months. Her car, where she and Arlo live, is at risk of being repossessed in March if she can’t get caught up on payments.
I’m running a fundraiser through my Etsy shop to hopefully help her out; you can purchase Arlo artwork in the form of prints (5x7" or 8x10") or stickers (~3x3") and all profits will go to Remy.
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Additionally, effective today (Feb. 24, 2021) 25% of all other sticker purchases will go to Remy as well.
As an added bonus, I’m hosting a hoodie giveaway (open internationally) for those who participate in the fundraiser; 1 entry = purchase of any 3 stickers in the shop. You can totally double- or triple-up on entries by purchasing multiples of 3 stickers (2 entries would be 6 stickers, etc. *The 2nds Grab Bags count as 1 sticker purchase.)
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If you’d rather donate directly to Remy, her personal information is below. Those who send me proof of a direct donation of $5 USD or more (beginning today, Feb. 24) will receive a 20% off coupon for my entire shop - and yes, you can combine that with your benefit purchases and giveaway entries above!
CashApp: $remywolfe PayPal: [email protected] or paypal.me/wolfstephollow FB Pay: Remy Wolfe (facebook.com/issueghost)  ApplePay: 4805199559
Because I have no idea how to plan for anything ever, I need to wait to post this to Instagram until March 1st, but I wanted to give you guys a jump start and give Remy the opportunity for some immediate relief before then. Your coupon won’t expire any time soon - so if I were you, to take full advantage, I would:
1. Send Remy a minimum of $5 USD + proof to me and then
2. Use your 20% coupon to purchase an Arlo print and/or sticker, plus any two other stickers to qualify for the hoodie giveaway.
I release 10 new stickers on March 1st - so if you wish to hang onto your coupon until then, totally cool! Or, you know, just buy More when the time comes 8) The important thing is that Remy starts getting some funding ASAP.
Feel free to message or comment with any questions - and please SHARE throughout dogblr! THANK YOU!
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d-is-here-to-help · 3 years
i made a discord server (and tumblr group chat) for depression recovery and support!!
if you’re suffering with any form of depression and looking for a positive space to share progress and accomplishments, message me for either the discord server link or the tumblr group chat!
disclaimer: this is NOT a place to be negative and triggering. you don’t have to be happy all the time but you can remain positive and seek help in a healthier way.
please reblog to help get the server started! i wanna build a positive space for those of us who need it :)
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