d19126044-blog 5 years
I am currently a full time student in TU Dublin Access Foundation Programme. Studying chemistry, biology, and math as my core modules and other selective modules.
Being a parent and having worked as a healthcare assistant after obtaining my Fetac level 5 major award, I know what it takes to be committed to a course. For this reasons, I have decided to pursue my dream in healthcare related courses like Nursing, Clinical measurement science, pharmacy or radiography. I feel connected to these causes because they all relates to caring, diagnosis, analytical reasoning and problem solving to better human health.
I am seen by my colleague as empathetic, caring, enthusiastic, analytical and problem solving which can relate to any of the courses me above.
Having access to further my education right from my current program is a dream and if given the opportunity to study any of the mentioned courses above, I will be grateful and this opportunity will help me me acquire the skills needed to impact lives positively.
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d19126044-blog 5 years
What are the factors I need to consider when making decisions in the future.
Our future is very important, and should be handled with outermost care. What we do today determines what we get tomorrow which is the future. For it's importance,i have some factors which must be considered in planning it well.
Firstly, the importance of my decision, the effects of my goal on me and my loved ones, which should be weighed. The urgency of my decision is also a massive factor because time wasted can not be regained, so making use of the opportunity I have is vital. Making sure my goal is realistic and achievable, knowing how to achieve my goal and what is required of me to get there. Doing thorough research on my future goal, and knowing exactly what I am getting myself into. knowing how sustainable and satisfactory it would be afterwards, to avoid regrets.
Having the money but not enjoying what I do to get it is a mistake. I need to be well informed to plan well because the decisions I make today regarding my future will surely affect it either negatively or positively. All that I need is happy and satisfactory future.
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d19126044-blog 5 years
The best ways for me to deal with conflict in the future.
As we know conflict is neither 'good' not 'bad'. But how we handle it matters a lot. There is a saying that goes, it can't be good until it gets' worst, meaning that sometimes conflicts bring about positive change. While some conflicts brings unending anguish.
In future I will handle conflicts, but I have to deal with self or internal conflict , making sure I am in the right mind to help solve other people's problems. I need to assess the bone of contention and establish the facts logically. This basically might bring a 'win 'win resolution. I would be honest, and never side for anyone. Conflict between people some tomes needs negotiation in fairness at the same time reasoning and sympathizing with people involved.
Also establishing what is the benefits or less importance of winning means to people involved, which might bring the idea of negotiation.letting go for another if what they are fighting for is of less importance to another for peace to reign.
If the conflict is still unresolved due to disagreement of letting go, then I will make acceptable alternative provision, because there is no problem without a solution.
Let Peace reign supreme!!
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d19126044-blog 5 years
What I have learned about myself in group work.
I have learned that working with people helps me understand myself better. Knowing my strengths and weaknesses.
Interpersonal skills is very important for me to thrive in a group. There are other qualities I found in myself which are helpful in my group eg, being a good listener, patient, forgiving, compliant or being obedient to set out rules etc. I can also be seen as outspoken sometimes. I like speaking my mind more especially if I am not in agreement with a particular idea. I query to find out what it is all about and how it is going to benefit the group, and I do this in a respectful way. Respect in a group is a great deal for me. If I am bringing a good idea to the table but in a rude way, no matter how creative it might be my group members might not listen to that because of the way it is being presented to the group. I can be patient in some situation that I believe speaking my mind in a group will make matters worse, Analyzing situations is helpful. In a group offenses are bound to happen and forgiving makes a group stronger and more functional so I forgive when it calls for it.
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d19126044-blog 5 years
What I Have Learned From Gardiner's Theory Of Intelligence.
From Gardiner's theory I have learned that there are right types of intelligence. Intelligence is in different forms and everyone is intelligent in one way or the other. Some people may be intelligent in multiple ways.
There are contributory factors to intelligence or the type one posseses.
1. Your environment,
2. Your upbringing,
3. Accessibility of material needed to develop your mind and reasoning.
Also how frequent one practices in an area of intelligence can make one outstanding in that aspect of intelligence.
What ever interests you, and you are willing to learn and practice over and over you can acquire that knowledge.
Some intelligence are better acquired while one is still young while some others are had to develop at old age, eg musical intelligence.
Some one might be canal linguistically intelligent and not so in others. It down not make one fool, just that one area or the other is undeveloped.
From Gardner's theory of intelligence, I have examined myself and know me better. This will help me make better choices in future.
Knowing where my intelligence lies in career wise will help me do exceptionally well in that profession for I have known myself and might develop quest for acquiring other forms of intelligence in Future.
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d19126044-blog 5 years
What are the connections between diet, sleep, stress, learning and memory function?.
Diet, sleep, stress learning and memory formation are all interconnected.
When my body is deprived of one it affects the whole system, I can not concentrate in class when I am hungry or thirsty or eating all the wrong stuff like processes food that has reduced nutrients which my body needs to function well.
When I am sleep deprived, it still has the same effects on me which are poor concentration , poor retention of information and then stress sets in because I feel my purpose in collage is not being achieved.
Just stressed out!!.
So far, I have been able to maintain a healthy nutritional intake , one which is consist of all the six classes of food .example given, protein, from meat and poultry, carbohydrate from potatoes, vitamins from green leafy vegetables, fat and oil from nuts and avocado, minerals and. All in their right proportion.
My sleep pattern is not particularly great at the moment due to numerous house chores. I need to be more effective with my time management, this will greatly affect my sleep pattern because managing my time properly will give me ample opportunity to finish my tasks on time, and go to bed at a fixed time regularly. Improved sleep pattern will increase the amount of hours I sleep each night, I believe if I get my sleep pattern right in addition to healthy diet ,I will be stress free, my learning and memory formation equally optimised which amounts to healthy living.
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