Hello People
Hello, People irl call me Kitty so just call me kitty lol. But this post is just to tell you about what I'm gonna post and some personal stuff about me. So, I like anime. Legit in pretty much addicted 😂. But I also love video games! I am a female (hint the icon). And yea! My posts are primarily going to be Fanfics. Uhhm...And by fanfics I mean children better run becuz its most definetally 18+. Maybe 20+ if I go too far tho.....But yea! And also please don't mind the way I type....Its just I text all the time and its gotten me into a tiny habit. But yea! I hope when I do write fanfiction that you like them! (Also my first fanfiction might not be 18+...And the fanfiction will be DangerousFellows so yea)
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