daniel-04-valeart · 6 years
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patton used kindness and it was accidentally super effective, idea from this text post
Keep reading
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daniel-04-valeart · 6 years
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sooo…even though something like this probably won’t happen in Sonic Forces, i kinda like a lot “this theory” about Infinite so.. yeah there is a comic thing.. XD
sorry if the grammar is bad? :3
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daniel-04-valeart · 6 years
Plot Twist: The other side actually had no Chao Garden either and Shadow was being lied to.
i can imagine his reaction when he finds out
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lol the world is saved! XD
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daniel-04-valeart · 6 years
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lol that’s why.. XD
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daniel-04-valeart · 6 years
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i just realized that since in Sonic Forces there are Rabbits, Bears and Wolves disponible to create, the Witchcarters are kinda possible to re-create XD
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daniel-04-valeart · 6 years
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silly comic about two heroes howling! (because Sonic used to be half wolf on Sonic Unleashed lol) XD
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daniel-04-valeart · 6 years
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XD ok, i just… lol  ^<^
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daniel-04-valeart · 6 years
Sonic Forces talk: I have been wondering..
Infinite is a Jackal, Jackals are related to dogs, canines in general have an excellent smell sense, and people when scared or anxious produce adrenaline, with that they release some stress related hormones.… something canines can feel the scent… and is not just the smell what helps them to identify if someone is scared, the movements and actions also can lead them to think that the person is scared..
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and while i know.. Sonic  was smelly for running all the way there.. and a snake did just eat him for a moment and we don’t know how long he has been without a shower. XD  but i just wonder if Infinite was not kidding about smelling fear…. i mean.. did he really though Sonic was afraid just by smelling?
and is not something he talks about only once he said something similar to the custom hero, whom their fear was very evident
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so while i’m not saying Sonic was terrified.. of course he was not..XD maybe he was a bit uneasy with that guy around and also he needed a shower lol.
i’m just wondering if Infinite was actually able to identify when someone is scared by the smell plus body language just like dogs do :)
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daniel-04-valeart · 6 years
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i was just messing around with these XD hehe
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daniel-04-valeart · 6 years
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Soup Sonics and other thing :D
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daniel-04-valeart · 6 years
How about just a general body thing? I always seem to struggle with sonic legs connecting to waists for some reason
hi! umm.. well i often draw the chest first, after i drew the head of course, then i draw a line that starts from the chest and/or back for the legs, then i draw a separation as the crotch, sometimes i also draw that first before the legs but anyways..
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this also can help, like if Sonic was a manikin… so the pelvis(on green) would look like he’s wearing some sort of underpants.. that way is more easy to connect the waist with chest and legs with his hip
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here’s some poses
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hope that helped! :)
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daniel-04-valeart · 6 years
Hello! I hope this isn’t too much to ask but...How do you draw wolf muzzles? I’ve been having a hard time with them ^^’
hiya! well it depends of what type of Sega wolf you want to draw.. we have 3 types of Sega wolves
the sega Sonic type is based on the game’s source of Wolves design.. such as Fockewulf the wolf from Tails skypatrol and Sonic’s werehog form on Sonic Unleashed, which is Sonic the hedgehog becoming half wolf (werehog do howls like a wolf in some winning animations and the name werehog is clearly a reference to the werewolf XD) due to dark GAIA energy inside him.. then on Sonic Forces SEGA decided to use Werehog’s muzzle for the wolf character.. i supose is a reference to that and a design choice but it is a thing..
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the archie Sonic type is the most traditional one and the one that tries to emulate the actual animal the most…
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well here’s some other wolves as examples….i know.. Wolfy looks nothing like a wolf, i actually though he was a fox until i knew his name.. but i appreciate the diversity of shapes in this show XD he’s a bit fatty that’s why his cheeks are larger and  then we have Sleet who is like a way more goofy and bizarre version of Fockewulf but that’s cool because it still looks very unique..although here in this image i made him look a bit more sega-ish because you know he didn’t look much like a Sonic character in the original…. ^_^;
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so depending on which one you want to draw.. here’s the thing:
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3) is if you want to go with Archie Sonic style and of course add the nose you like on any of these XD
hope that was of use!
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daniel-04-valeart · 6 years
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Marco: Do you kiss your mother with that mouth!!
Leo: Deberia lavarte la boca con jabon jovencito!! [I should wash your mouth with soap young man]
Have you ever heard someone that is pure and innocent swearing and it feels like there is something wrong with the universe because that should not be possible? That’s what Leo and Marco felt the first time they heard Miguel swearing over a snaped guitar cord.
Look I need more of these guys, my sweet mexican children deserve more love.
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daniel-04-valeart · 6 years
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Marco you have no right to judge.
I remember someone asking for a double date with Marco/Star and Leo/Teodora but I cannot find the ask anymore :’D
Anyway here it is.
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daniel-04-valeart · 6 years
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“Lo que sea por mis fans~”
“Te dije que se le subiria a la cabeza”
“Crei que estabas bromeando!”
A few weeks back someone asked for more Leo on his Charro Negro suit, and the first thing in my mind was “If people keep asking about this boy he will get way over himself” so I had to draw it.
Do not ask why Miguel is in Ernesto’s suit, I have had this sketch for a while and I cannot remember exactly what I was thinking about that.
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daniel-04-valeart · 6 years
When someone despises Tom as being a monster
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(Tom trying to hide his tears of joy)
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daniel-04-valeart · 6 years
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