darkinrambles · 9 months
A friend of mine has opened commissions! She's got lovely art, writing, and voice acting! There's a seven slot limit of how many commissions she'll take on
@peanutbettercupcake has her writing
@peanutbuttercap has edit sets, and some older art
@julery-box is where they post their recent miscellaneous art
Their wages are based on the minimum in their state, so 15 dollars per hour.
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darkinrambles · 3 years
Reblog if you: have no intention of using Post+ to put your content behind a paywall,  and  have no intention to pay to unlock any content hidden by Post+ either
I wanna see something.
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darkinrambles · 4 years
As a kin, i can explain this
For me, it means that in a past life, i was that character [plays into the multiverse theory]. Some have multiple kins, some have one.
I am a lolthkin, i believe i was her in a past life, i also have memory pieces of her life.
Im not good at explaining it, but if it still sounds interesting, i suggest googling it
*Ben drowned kinnie noises*
Ok fr question tho
What is kinning exactly?? I feel like I kinda know what it is, but I dont??? Its v interesting to me tho
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darkinrambles · 4 years
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Hopping on this bandwagon, it’s a Spidersona/D&D crossover! This drow kicks butt in the name of Lolth, and is the hero the Underdark deserves ~
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darkinrambles · 4 years
Ideas for Drow Lore
Ideas for drow if you don’t like the whole cannibalistic, sadistic man-eating stuff that the Drow lore has going on. There is so much you can do, it’s your story and setting, go ham with it. And please note that you don’t need to do any idea if you don’t feel it. It’s your Story and your Setting.
Drow roman empire? For those who want to go traditional with backstabbing and political machinations. The idea is that you have a lot of ambitious people sitting in charge who would do their thing, without tainting the whole population evil. Also, if you would like to keep the matriarchy within the empire.
Desert dweller drow. They live in caves under the surface protected from the unrelenting sun. They largely work as spies and assassins due to them being the self-sufficient type and due to their affinity to illusion magic. The darker skin tone helps with surviving in the desert sun.
Many thanks to @we-are-knight for letting me use this concept.
Have the dark skin color as a blessing from the goddess to let them hide better in the darkness, rather than a curse. That would also remove some of the racism that is present in current drow.
Also, for fs sake, don’t make every drow hostile. Allow the party to make some trade with rough and shady but neutral shop owners who care more about money than killing them.
And please don’t make every Drow abusive towards everyone. Backstabbing is fine, but take a look at the overall well being of the society you create. If everyone treats everyone abusive then the society had no chance of generating means of good living. No markets, no schools, no powerful individuals. Society would just not work.
Do something with lolth, vhaeraun, and eilistraee. For example imagine her as some kind of ruthless helicopter mother, who got twisted by outside forces. Or make her angry and vengeful and maybe make just the society a matriarchy where men are at a disadvantage but not because of the resentment of a deity.
Make Vhaeraun instead of a ruthless angry boy, a son that truly cares for his mother and tries to bring her back from the place where she is.
Edit: Heads up, I took something out that I got told that is still actually pointing on the racism in Drow lore. I apologize I didn’t see it as that bad, but since my goal is to reduce it it’s still unacceptible. I’m still learning, so when I fuck up, please tell me kindly and I can work on an alternative or take it out. :)
Took something else out, since a friend pointed me to it.
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darkinrambles · 4 years
if your bones are wet then you’re alive, but if they’re dry then you’re dead
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darkinrambles · 4 years
whatever man... Im outta here
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darkinrambles · 4 years
She is so beautiful 😍
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darkinrambles · 4 years
I was about to say Drows would have killed him for being handicapped, but this is so lovely. I love him
So, I had a thought. Actually, I’ve had a lot of thoughts. And they would not leave me alone. So here we are.
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darkinrambles · 5 years
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so these were in my stash probably should’ve left them there huh
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darkinrambles · 5 years
If this post get to 200,000 notes by my 18th birthday (November 3rd 2020) I'll get my profile pic tattoo...
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I'll get that little guy tattoo
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darkinrambles · 5 years
i straight up need anything lolth related foods, i'm not a huge health nut so anything is good, thank you.
Server Link greets the Drow, happy to be of service. “Right this way, please! Thank you for your patience.”They lead you to a nice table, and set down a menu of meals with fish and different mushrooms in front of the guest.“In my research, I found that Drow would eat meals comprised of different types of fungi and animals such as fish, so I tried to find you four recipes that revolved around those two ingredients. Our first one for you is a zesty tilapia with mushrooms. This recipe only takes about 45 minutes and a minimal amount of ingredients.” “We also have this garlic butter fish recipe that takes about 20 minutes to prepare. It can be served by itself or with pasta for a more well-rounded meal if you’d like!” They pointed at said recipe, and laughed a little as they went to flip to the next page - these meals reminded them of their favorite meals, and now they could feel a rumble in their tummy! Whoops.“Next up, we have a white mushroom pizza which, I must say, looks heavenly if I do say so myself.” Server Link nodded as they visualized it, trying not to get too distracted by the thought of good food.“And last, but not least, there is a quick Cream of Mushroom soup! It only takes 30 minutes, but makes 6 servings worth!” They happily exclaimed, smile large as they stepped back to allow some room between them and the guest.“I hope this sufficed! If you need anything else, please let me know! Thank you again for a patience, and have a wonderful rest of your stay here with us!”
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darkinrambles · 5 years
Everyone that reblogs this post by July 5th 2019 will get two moodboards based on their blog’s theme
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darkinrambles · 5 years
Beauty incarnate
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Nyakim Gatwech at the 2018 Emmys
Designer: laviebyck
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darkinrambles · 5 years
I love spiders and welcome them into my loving embrace~
I just read your car spider post (even though it’s probably been out a while) and then continued to look up huntsman spiders... Where do you live?? (I’m sure you’ve answered this before, sorry) You’ve had one jump out at you while driving? also... I love you and your work!! 🖤
It’s quite alright Darling, I live in Australia, and they are absolutely everywhere here. Though they aren’t the worst kind of spider you can find, they are still a rather nasty surprise.
This is an example of your average huntsman spider.
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They can fold themselves into very small spaces, and they enjoy jumping at you if you get too close. I doubt that I need to explain why it’s nerve-racking to have a spider the size of a dinner plate launch itself directly at your face in the middle of the night.
I’ve found them in helmets, behind door handles, pressed in between the space between the car door and the car itself, behind sun visors, in letter boxes, etc…
And yes, I’ve had them jump out of hiding whilst driving, or crawl across the the window, from the inside.
Never a particularly pleasant experience.
And thank you Darling! I’m glad you enjoy it here 🖤🖤🖤
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darkinrambles · 5 years
Pretty sure this is a drow named bat
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Tal'ngai Dha'run, Rare Australian Bat 
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darkinrambles · 5 years
This pleases me very much, well done child.
You’ve always heard that dark elves are cruel and emotionless creatures, who view everyone else beneath them, and thrive off the pain of others. However, viewing the tall attractive armoured dark elf before you, and watching them stammer apologies and cover their flustered face, after having accidentally come across you skinny dipping, you cant help but think its all a huge pile of bullshit. 
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