darklay · 3 years
Types of sheep
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Sheep are characterized by their types of different sizes, shapes, colors, and can be classified for their main purpose of producing milk, meat, wool, the type of their outer cover, weaves, or the colors of their faces, as well as their productive or physical characteristics, the following types of sheep:
Sheep soft wool.
Long wool sheep.
Sheep wool and medium meat.
Sheep wool rug.
Sheep hair. Sheep are fat-tailed.
Short-tailed sheep breed, or rat tail.
Sheep breeds instinct of production.
Primitive sheep breeds.
Facts about sheep
What are some facts about sheep:
The number of sheep around the world, more than one billion.
China has the largest percentage of sheep around the world.
The adult female of the sheep is known as the sheep.
The adult male of the sheep is known as the Ram.
The sheep group is called the herd.
Young sheep in age are known as lambs.
The field of view of sheep is 300 degrees, allowing them to see themselves without having to turn around. 
Sheep are considered herbivores.
Sheep's digestive system has four chambers to digest the food eaten.
Sheep prefer to stay close to each other, which facilitates their transition to new pastures. 
She was Dolly the sheep, the first animal to be cloned from a living cell.
Pet sheep are raised for agricultural purposes such as the production of wool and meat.
History of sheep
Sheep were raised as pets from the Middle Stone Age, between the tenth and eighth Thousand Years BC, in Mesopotamia, the southern and eastern continent of Asia.sheep-specific traces dating back 7,000 years have been found in Iran, Iraq and Palestine, and the first woven woolen clothing dates back to 4,000-3,000 years BC.
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darklay · 3 years
Tips for choosing the right puppy to your toddler!
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Mother and father face the quandary of their children's constant demand for pets.
If you decide to buy a puppy, which is higher for your circle of relatives?
And what animal is suitable for different age groups? We help you with that. Dogs and cats accustomed to dealing with humans can behave better when it comes to a child who wants to pamper them Parents often face the urgency of children to acquire a pet. Parents are afraid that the enthusiasm of the child will subside and the responsibility for caring for the animal will pass to them. And if you decide to buy a pet, which is better for your family?
The doctor says every day which animal wants to be fed and fed
Rainer wollhardt, vice president of the International Society for Animal Assisted Therapy. And every family needs to ask themselves if they have the time and space for this." "The most important thing is that the animal's habits and needs fit into the Daily family routine,"he continues. On the other hand, parents also need to decide whether they are ready to take charge of a pet, especially if the children are young. To find out if a child's enthusiasm for a pet is permanent, Wolfhart recommends asking neighbors and friends first to allow your child to help take care of their pets, saying, "it's a good way to test how serious your child is about having a pet." Wolvart is advised to acquire a dog or cat for infants.
Dogs and cats or what?
"Dogs and cats that are accustomed to dealing with humans can behave better when it comes to a child who wants to pamper or carry them,"says Leah Schmitz of the German Association for Animal Protection.
Larger, younger dogs, which are still somewhat wild, are more suitable for older children than a small puppy that is easy to drop. Veterinarian Janine zomer advises acquiring dogs of the "Golden Retriever" or "beachun fries" and"maltepo"quality. And on the other hand, hunting dogs such as "Weimaraner" or "cocker spaniel" as well as "Dalmatians" that do not get tired easily - are not suitable for children.
Experts advise against the acquisition of small pets such as rabbits or guinea pigs (porcupines). "The guinea pig's neighborhood has a reputation for being pampered and uncomplicated, but that's not the case,"says Rainer Wolfhart. For young children, these animals can also become a real test of patience, they do not always like to caress them. And nocturnal animals like the golden hamster are also not good.
Aquarium fish suitable for babies
The corn Parrot and the Canary are relatively easy to care for but they make a lot of mess. According to Schmitz, older children (10 years or more) are good at taking care of small birds. And aquarium fish can be a great thing for babies. The disadvantage of acquiring fish, however, is that it cannot be touched or built a close relationship with it. So the fish remains relevant only for children who enjoy watching and observing.
"Wild animals such as turtles, lizards and snakes should be careful," says Leah Schmitz, because it is very difficult to care for most wild animals in a manner appropriate to their species. It is also important to remember that most reptiles can carry bacteria salmonella, which can cause serious illness. To keep away from salmonella related to reptiles, the Robert Koch Institute advises parents no longer to hold reptiles in houses with kids underneath five years antique.
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darklay · 3 years
Diseases of cows and methods of treatment
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Cows belong to the family of ruminant mammals, and humans have used them since ancient times to help them in various matters, including; Pulling carts, turning the mill and milling, and in the operations of plowing and watering, in addition to the use of human beings from their meat, milk and skins; However, cows may be exposed to a range of diseases that may negatively affect their performance and performance of their work and may lead to their death, which causes human beings to suffer heavy losses. Therefore, we must know the diseases of cows and methods of treatment.
Cattle diseases and methods of their treatment
Oral mucositis The reason for the infection of cows with this disease is due to scratching the mucous membrane due to teeth that have grown abnormally, or the entry of foreign bodies into their mouths, or because of cutting solid and large feed
Symptoms of this disease are; With thirst, drinking large quantities of water, 1 poor appetite for food, constant drooling, suffering while eating fodder, 2 bad breath for the mouth, and the mucous membrane appears reddish blue
Open the animal's mouth, 3 and opens his mouth to remove any foreign objects stuck in it or food
Prepare for the animal 4 soft and easy to chew; green alfalfa, green herbs
Wash the animal's mouth daily with 5 solution of potassium permanganate by plastic syringe at a ratio of 1000 per 1 using water solution 6 oxygen or bicarbonate
Applied to scratched and infected places solution of iodine and glycerin
Severe rumen swelling 7 in cows This disease occurs as a result of fermentation processes that occur in the rumen and causes the accumulation of gases 8 and one of the most important causes of this disease is the animal eating green fodder wet with rain or dew, 9 of which are; Green alfalfa, cabbage, beetroot, or unripe corn, and swelling increases if the animal drank water immediately after eating the feed, and the cows became bloated if they were fed 1 Decayed feed
Cows suffer from several symptoms when they become bloated, the most important of which are; The animal's left side 2 (the loin area) is swollen, and it stops eating the feed, and notices its difficulty breathing, and the animal 3 refrains from rumination while its mouth remains open, and keeps looking back, and strikes its legs on the 4 stomach
Keep fodder away from the animal
The animal is taken to walk from a low place to 5 high
He pours cold water on his stomach, in case the weather has a high temperature
Cold water is poured on his stomach, this is in case the weather is 5 degrees high
Massage his left side loin area; by holding hands on 7 Rumen for ten minutes
The animal is given by mouth 15 grams iquitol or 10-15 8 grams formalin mixed in the amount of half a liter of water; to reduce the formation of gases and prevent 9 food fermentation
The main cause of this disease is moisture, cold, poor ventilation of the pens, and the animal's breathing of gases (such as ammonia and sulfur), and the symptoms of this disease are: Continuous runny nose 1, and coughing, especially when moving and consuming water, and stops eating feed
Heating the pen 2 and making sure it is well ventilated
A warm bed is placed for calves
The vet attends 3 to provide him with the appropriate prescription and medication
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darklay · 3 years
How the monkey is born
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Birth of the monkey
There is little information regarding reproductive behavior in monkeys, because they are among the animals that give birth at night far from daylight, but the results of recent research on monkey birth conducted by researchers studying reproductive behavior on the golden snub-nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus roxellana) in the Kunlun Mountains in China has shown that the birth process continues for a female monkey for a period of four minutes and ten seconds, and it has also been noted that the mother received assistance during her birth from another, which can be considered a midwife.
Lamb female monkey
The female monkey goes through what is known as the menstrual cycle every month, which makes it possible to mate and get pregnant at any time of the year, except for some species that mate at seasonal times, usually one baby is born at a time, and the mother takes care of it.
The gestation period of a female monkey depends on its type, the gestation period of the rhesus species is 164 days, the gestation period of the baboon species is about 187 days, and the child is considered an adult monkey when he is four or five years old.
Monkey food
Many people think that monkeys eat bananas only, but that is not true, as monkeys are considered carnivores in addition to plants, so most monkeys eat nuts, fruits, seeds, and flowers, in addition to that they eat bird eggs, small lizards, insects, and spiders. .
The monkey habitats
Most of the monkeys live on trees, but there are some of them live in the plains and mountains, while they remain on a constant journey in search of food, and the tribe of monkeys are very cooperative with each other, as they care for and protect the younger monkeys, and they play and have fun together, and the largest and strongest monkey is The leader of the tribe, who mates with a large group of females.
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darklay · 3 years
The most expensive sheep in the world.. Overtakes Ferrari
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Selling the most expensive sheep in the world
A lamb with the name" Double Diamond "(Double jewel) is more expensive than a Ferrari, a Rolex watch or a house for a full family.
A family in Scotland sold a 6-month-old "Texel" sheep for 489 thousand dollars, the price of which is the highest in the world.  
According to the American newspaper "New York Post", the lamb with the name "Double Diamond" (Double jewel) is more expensive than the price of a Ferrari, a Rolex watch or the price of a house for a whole family.
The secret of its high price
The little ram was bred on a wool farm in Cheshire, UK by breeder Charlie Bowden and his family, however, the Texel breed is native to the Dutch island of the same name, an area known for producing lean lamb, as well as super-soft wool for spinning socks.
Apart from his excellent genetic condition, what has helped sell the sheep at that price is the current timing of the mating season; his current owners, a group of sheep breeders in Scotland, plan to use Double Diamond to breed with other prized female lambs.
"For many people this will seem like a high price for sheep," Texel sheep CEO John Yates said of the stunning sale offer. Yates explained that the Texel breed is "the pinnacle of the sheep breeding industry" in the UK, explaining that it accounts for around 30% of all lambs born in the wool-producing country each year.
Smashed exit price "Double Diamond" the previous record, which was recorded at the same auction in Lanarkshire, Scotland in 2009, when it was sold out labeled "Garngour Craftsman" compared to 293 thousand USD.
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darklay · 3 years
Types of Shirazi cats
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It is one of the mammalian animals, belonging to the family of snores, and is characterized by its great ability to hunt and predation, but it does not pose a real danger to humans; due to its small size, it is also characterized by its great ability to see in the dark, and it must be noted that it loves hygiene, so
Types of Shirazi cats
Moonface is the most widespread type of Shirazi cat, and is characterized by many traits, including: wide round eyes, pointed and long ears, abundant hair that fills its body without a neck, a small, slightly raised nose, as well as a square face, and long legs. Himalaya these cats are a combination of Persian and Siamese cats, so they have a distinctive character; they have blue eyes, wide spaced, small ears, pointed and spaced, mouth in The Shape of the letter 8, in addition to their short legs, short tail, relatively small body, thick hair, and the color of their limbs darker than the rest of their body, and it must be Becky face This type of cat has all the previous features of other types of Shirazi cats, but it differs in its indeterminate eye color, and its flat nose at eye level, so it is one of the most expensive types of cats.
Half Becky This type of CAT results from the mating of the Mon-vis and the Peaky-vis, so called the half-Peaky, it is characterized by its nose located below eye level, its round and undifferentiated eyes, and its 8-shaped mouth. Doll face Featuring cats, the states of the Facebook page, which combine the qualities of Monel face and you face, but they approach significantly from The Shape of mortar vis her recipes, but its edges less length of Monel Facebook.
Methods of care for Shirazi cats
Do not neglect cats; abstinence from food and drink can lead to death.
 Pay attention to her psychological state, consider her a member of the family. 
Keep it clean, by washing it with a piece of soap instead of shampoo; to contain more powerful chemicals than shampoo, so as to get rid of germs, also should stay away from the introduction of water into her ear; to avoid killing her. 
See your veterinarian every period, and vaccinate her; to prevent her becoming ill. 
Petting and caressing her; because she tends to play and riot, to draw the attention of her owner to share the play with her.
 Stay away from harming or provoking her; to avoid increasing her aggressiveness. 
Teach her to sleep in her designated place.
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darklay · 3 years
Breeding of municipal chickens
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There are several differences in the color of their feathers, the color of their skin, the color of their earlobes, The Shape of their knowledge and the color of their egg shell, in addition to differences in their quantitative qualities such as their body weight, feed consumption, speed of growth, fertility, the extent of egg production, the size of their eggs and other qualities . Municipal chicken differs from other chickens by its high price and the price of its own products of eggs, feathers, meat and liver compared to other types of chicken such as commercial hybrid chicken, which is distinguished from municipal chicken by high production efficiency, and the reason is that it is relatively rare and that people tend to taste meat and eggs resulting from municipal chicken tastier than he's undergoing an integrated nutrition program to improve genetically and inheritance A new generation produces better qualities and higher quality in terms of meat and egg production .
Municipal chicken facts :
 the weight of the municipal chicken ranges from 900 to 1200 grams when it matures any age from 16 weeks to 18 weeks ,and then its weight begins to increase gradually as it ages, until it reaches the weight of 1300 grams to 1650 grams and certainly that the weight of the male is greater than the weight of the female, the male
 the municipal chicken begins to produce eggs at the age of 16 to 18 weeks and this age is relatively small, but it is better to delay the production of eggs until the age of the chicken is 20 weeks, so that the egg channel is complete, and so that a small egg is not produced .
 the female chicken abaldi lays approximately 160 eggs to 200 eggs per year while the female chicken hybrid lays 60 eggs to 100 eggs under normal conditions and lays 300 eggs to 320 eggs per year under intensive care such as air-conditioned homes .
 the weight of the egg produced by the municipal chicken is from 40 grams to 55 grams , and the weight of the egg is 55 grams if produced under intensive conditions, and commercial chicken the weight of its egg may reach 60 grams or more .
 municipal chickens have the ability to adapt to their breeding in special and difficult environmental conditions and to produce large in these special conditions . 6: the municipal chicken, although placed under special conditions, is still characterized by a range of wild qualities such as its frequent lying and its limited ability to fly . People always prefer eggs and meat from municipal chicken, although it is more expensive than eggs and meat from commercial chicken .
There are many different types of chicken, especially the municipal chicken, as they differ in their qualities in terms of color and shape, in addition to the difference in the color of the egg shell also, as the municipal chicken also differs in terms of price in addition to the prices of its products of eggs and feathers etc., as there is another type of chicken, which the taste of its products.
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darklay · 3 years
Raising chickens
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Livestock is one of the most important elements of power in the economy of countries, and individuals use animal husbandry to achieve self-sufficiency of this breed or even profit from it. Of this wealth chicken and egg production, which is an important food containing animal proteins (12%), carbohydrates, cholesterol, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin A and B, iron is a protein mass needed by the body to build muscle, and calcium to build bones, as people rely on chicken eggs to get these important elements. There are three types of chicken that produce eggs: white chicken that produces white eggs, brown chicken that produces eggs of a pale brown color, and black chicken that produces eggs of a dark brown color. Historical overview Chicken domestication began around 1400 BC.M in China of the red type, it is believed that the Red Chicken descended from other currently known species. But it was not until the beginning of the twentieth century that the world Poultry Association was founded in America to spread awareness and information about poultry, and the industry began to develop in all countries of the world rapidly due to the introduction of technologies and devices that facilitate the profession. Stages of breeding chickens The breeding program starts from one day to 18 months and is divided into three sections: incubation period: from the first hatching day up to 8 weeks. incubation period: starts from 9 weeks until the pre-spawning period (18-20 weeks). egg production period: starts from Week 21 until the end of production and lasts until Week 80. Dwelling When raising hens need a place to leave, this place is called Amber, blackcurrant and chicken is a very big place contains thousands of chickens, featuring coats, which explains where to eat them chicken, the way a place that put the money to them. The most important thing to pay attention to is to take care of the cleanliness of the amber, so it must be cleaned constantly, preferably its floor is easy to clean, and the Amber is cleaned weekly because of the many chicken droppings, and is washed with soap and water, and then sprayed insecticides to disinfect all its corners; as the chicken The floor is made of concrete with a thickness of 10 cm to prevent moisture and facilitate the process of cleaning the place. The place is disinfected with phnic or alizol, and then left to ventilate until the smell of the disinfectant is gone. The dwelling must be equipped with proper heating, lighting, ventilation fans, and electrical connections must be safe and away from the floor. The stripes and the dependents are placed in a suitable number for the amount of chicken and in an easy place to use, and the amber must be disinfected a week before placing food and drink in it. The floor of the dwelling can also be covered with soft and rough sawdust, hay or straw with a thickness of (5-8) cm in winter, and(3-5) cm in summer. Lighting The first three days of life, the sauce is very important, and need special care, so you must provide illumination up for 23 hours a day site to learn the nature of the place and get used to the darkness gradually; so don't be surprised darkness the gun in one area causing throttling her. The chicks need less lighting, ranging from (8-9) hours. Ventilation Breeding chickens in homes depends on natural ventilation, where the numbers of chickens are small. For large numbers, the ceiling should be 4 meters high with wide openings 60 cm wide with a suitable cover to prevent the ingress of rain and sunlight. Amber must be well ventilated in order to prevent moisture, so that the place where the chicken sleeps does not become wet, which leads to rotting and the formation of harmful insects. Nutrition It is recommended to feed chicks on soft ready-made feed coming from reputable feed mills. And each stage has its own type of feed, so be aware of the type of food provided to the chicken variety. Natural food residues or vegetables can also be placed for chicken such as: cucumber, lettuce, parsley, coriander, radish, zucchini, spinach, potatoes, eggplant, okra, beans, rice. They can also be fed with the inner viscera of fish, or chicken, sparrows, and meat fat. Vaccinations Be aware of the presence of a schedule of immunizations for the Prevention of diseases. This table is taken from a veterinarian accredited by the Ministry of Agriculture, and from diseases that can affect chickens: Newcastle disease, bronchitis, smallpox, and bird diphtheria. Bleaching What matters in the chicken breeding process is the egg production capacity, i.e. how many eggs a chicken lays per year, where the chicken egg production is approximately 300 eggs per year. Egg production in chickens begins when the chicken is six months old or more, and when eating healthy food on a daily basis, the chicken can produce eggs daily, or produce it day by day at the rate of one or two eggs, sometimes up to three eggs. What distinguishes the chicken from other birds is that it eggs without the help of the male, that is, it does not need daily pollination from the rooster, it is only pollinated once, after which the chicken lays eggs on a daily basis depending on its diet. In the wards care educator productivity eggs, they feed by day, and collects the eggs from the chicken, so don't hatch, it is reported that the chicken which does not give the eggs a chicken patients are excluded from Amber. The breeding of chickens at home is characterized by small numbers of chickens to fill the Daily need, and the wards are adopted for the egg trade.
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darklay · 3 years
Types of chicken
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The best dual-purpose chicken varieties
The best types of chicken that can be raised for eggs and meat also come in: Rhode Island Red chicken: it is a dark red feathered chicken, weighing about 3 kg, and is considered a dual-purpose chicken, but is often used to obtain eggs that are brown in color.
 it is available in different colors and produces brown eggs, weighing up to about three kilograms. Amirocana is an easy-to-control chicken species, available in several colors, adapted to all climates, and produces green eggs.
 it is a large-sized chicken ideal for breeding in areas with a cold climate, weighing approximately 3.63 kg, and producing brown eggs.
Plymouth Rock chicken
Chicken New Hampshire
Asian Brahma chicken
The most famous types of laying and meat chickens
There are many types of chickens that can be raised to obtain eggs, but the most famous is the white leghorn chicken, a breed of Mediterranean poultry that is characterized by its fast reaching maturity, and the Cornish chicken hybrid resulting from the hybridization of Cornish chicken with BlackRock chicken is one of the best types of broiler chicken, characterized by its
Other types of chicken
There are some different types of chicken :
Ancona chickens
Andalusian chickens
Chickens Appenzell Bearded Hen
Chicken Galina Mapuche
Aseel chicken
Astralorp Chicken
Baheij Chicken
Chicken Barnefelder
Buckeye chicken
Catalana Chicken
Cushion Chicken
Delaware Chicken
Dominic Chicken
Dorking chicken
Dutch bantam chicken
Chicken Favirols
Friesland Chicken
Crimping chicken
The Golden Park Chicken
Hamburg chicken
Dutch chicken
Java chicken
Giant Jersey Chicken
Green jungle chicken
Lamona chicken
Chicken Langshan
Leghorn chicken
Malawian chickens
Chicken Modern Game
The hens are bare neck
Chicken Old English Game
Polish chicken
Chickens are red-crested
Russian Orlov Chicken
Sprite Chicken
Shamo Chicken
Silk chicken
Silver Park Chicken
Sultan Chicken
Sussex chicken
Sumatra Chicken
White-faced black Spanish chicken
Yokohama Chicken
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darklay · 3 years
Black Panther: rare animal captured by camera lens in Kenya
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Recent years have seen the Black Panther appear everywhere, but it is rare for this animal-named after the famous American film Black Panther - to be spotted in the African wild.
Wildlife photographer Will Burrard Lucas has been able to spot a black tiger in Africa, amid claims that this is the first time a black-skinned Tiger has been spotted on the continent in a hundred years.
Cheetahs are heading towards extinction more quickly The Panthers are losing 75 percent of their historic territory. This type of reticent animal has very few images.
Photographer Will had heard rumours of a Black Panther-a blanket designation for a large black spotted or black spotted leopard, based on where it came from (its home) in the world - in Kenya's Laikipia wild camp. After tracking the tiger through the bush with the help of a guide named Steve, photographer Will settled on where to set up the camera.
"I used to set up cameras and not take any picture because it's pure speculation - you don't know if the animal you're trying to spot is going to pass in the range that the cameras highlighted,"says will.
Photographer Will and guide Steve were not sure if the trail they were tracking was for a Black Panther or an ordinary spotted tiger.
"I never lost hope, and after the first two nights the cameras didn't take pictures of this tiger, and I was starting to think I'd be lucky to get a picture of an ordinary spotted tiger, let alone this Black Tiger,"says will. And on the fourth night, I was lucky. "I didn't believe at first glance that I was able to make it happen, it was extraordinary,"he adds.
"The photos taken via manner of these cameras, followed with the aid of a flash, commonly show the animal pretty genuinely, but the darkness of the tiger with the darkness of the night time made me barely notice those eyes staring through the image,"will continues.
"As long as we used to hear about black tigers living in this area, the stories were devoid of high-quality images confirming this presence,"says Nicholas belfold, senior researcher at a tiger conservation program in Laikipia county.
"These images are unanimously the first confirmed images in nearly a hundred years of a Black Panther in Africa, and this region is the only known Black Panther-endemic place in all of Africa,"he adds.
Belfold and his team emphasize that the word "confirmed" here means that the images are clear and complete with the details needed to see the Tiger's distinctive look.
The Kenyan Daily Nation had taken pictures of a similar animal in 2013, although belfold claims the tiger was not wild and was brought to Kenya from America when he was a cub. Photographer will left his cameras in the Bush in Kenya, only to return in a few weeks to see what she had taken - but the time to get more pictures had passed.
"At this time he is often kicked out of his area by a bigger and stronger male and goes looking for a new place - so we are in a race against time to get more pictures,"says will.
How to be bornblack Tiger?
It's easy to think that black Tigers are a stand-alone animal species, but that's not the case according to photographer will.
"The genetic material that makes these tigers black is called 'melanism' or blackening of the skin, which is similar to albinism (bleaching of the skin and hair) but inversely,"says will.
He adds: "The Black Panther is basically a big cat melanistic. The large draft-skinned wild cat in Africa and Asia is usually called a 'black leopard'. And in South America the black-skinned Spotted Cheetah is called a black Cheetah."
Photographer will captured a spotted leopard with his camera lens. This Spotted Cheetah can be the father of a black Cheetah. Black Cheetahs are not needed to produce a black cheetah, but parents must carry the genetic recessive trait that causes blackening of the skin or melanism.
Weil says that it is difficult to say how many cheetahs are in East Africa, because of their reticence in appearance "not to mention a very rare species, the black Cheetah. There are probably only a handful of black Cheetahs in East Africa."
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darklay · 3 years
Meet Simba the Singaporean cub who was born from the semen of a dead lion
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Singapore Zoo is celebrating the arrival of the first lion cub born by artificial insemination.
The cub Simba, unfortunately, will never be able to meet his father, Mufasa, because the lion father did not survive after the procedure of taking sperm from him.
Simba is the only son of the late father Mufasa, as his aggression and being stabbed in age did not have the opportunity to mate successfully.
The zoo, instead of trying to marry him, decided to preserve his breed by a rarely used process. Mofasa's semen was collected, according to a park spokesman, by what the zoo described as"electric ejaculation" in order to be used for artificial insemination. The frail Mufasa, who lived until he was 20, six to 10 years older than his siblings, had to be killed in a euthanasia.
Mufasa was not only an aging animal, but also atrophy.
The zoo told the BBC that the action taken to mitigate it was "euthanasia for Mufasa on humanitarian grounds".
"accumulating semen while Mufasa become beneath anesthesia, that is a secondary, however vital procedure, to ensure the continuation of his lineage after his death,"she brought.
Simba seems already poised to continue his father's dynasty: he is flourishing, and he is only three months old.
Simba, whose name was inspired by the classic Disney film The Lion King, was born last October, but the zoo has so far waited to announce the news.
Simba had some feeding problems due to his mother, Kayla, having an inflammation of the glands. This eventually led to Simba being bottle-fed, but he maintained a close relationship with his mother.
Singapore Zoo's wildlife health care and Research Centre said he "grows into a healthy and curious young lion," with a special fondness for playing with the ball.
Added Status: "started Simba enjoys eating small amounts of raw meat with milk, and most of the day playing with enriched by his guards to implement its growth".
The genes of father Mufasa, transferred to Simba, will be highly valuable in contributing to the genetic diversity and preservation of African black populations."
The International Union for conservation of Nature (IUCN) classifies these species of lions as endangered species.
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darklay · 3 years
How does the United States use drones to follow and care for livestock?
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Cows seem unfazed by the approach of drones, but research in this regard continues
For many ranchers in the U.S. State of Kentucky, 5 p.m. is not the end of the working day, but the beginning of another job. But providing feed, checking for water in reservoirs, locating the herd, and assessing the health of each cow are mainly difficult tasks, and become more difficult after sunset, and sick or newly born cows make it more complicated because they usually tend to drift and hide in secluded places. Therefore, it is time to hire the services of drones. A team of researchers at the University of Kentucky is conducting a test to see the feasibility of using drones and how useful they are for small herds of cattle. "The idea is to make it easier for ranchers to do their second job, which provides them with additional income, by automating part of the tasks and helping to monitor their livestock on the pasture without having to be there all the time,"says Jesse Hogg, a professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Kentucky. Livestock farming is the "most important agricultural industry" in the United States, and its participation in the country's economy is 6 66 billion, according to the US Department of Agriculture. But it faces challenges due to climate change, labour shortages and land development and construction. However, the use of smart technology that makes livestock farming more efficient can contribute to overcoming many of these difficulties.
The ability to monitor pastures and locate livestock accurately and quickly, and to ensure their health and safety, can save a lot of time for busy ranchers, which has important economic implications. Every year, more than 2.5 million cows are spent in the United States for health reasons, costing the livestock industry about دولار 1.5 billion. Sick livestock also eat and move less, and this hinders the growth of young, affects their ability to reproduce, and reduces their value over time.
Hogg and his team received a three-year grant of approximately 9 900,000 from the U.S. Department of Agriculture's National Institute for food and agriculture in February 2018 to pursue their research on the drone project. It is hoped that these multidisciplinary efforts will solve many of the problems experienced by livestock breeders, such as patrolling pastures to locate cattle, and monitoring them healthily by following up on certain indicators such as weight or signs of diseases such as pink eye.
For this to be possible, the team has to find a way to identify and track specific cows on their own, which is why Hogg is considering a new technique to allow facial recognition of cows. The team is testing computer algorithms to make this idea work: current facial recognition technology is designed to identify the faces of humans, not cows. While certain features in a cow's face can serve as their own imprint, something as simple as contamination of the face with some dirt can impede the efficiency of the program.
Says Hugo: "you will catch a group of UAVs many images of cattle, and from different angles in batch, we can compile the images to obtain three-dimensional model allows to estimate the size of the cow and its weight, and total weight gain or loss. The planes also capture videos to monitor cows ' activity levels."
Ear tags (rings placed in the ears of some cattle) cannot be relied upon, as they can fall off, but the team considers them as a backup. The other option is to identify each cow by electromagnetic waves, but it is an expensive solution and may require drones to approach the animals beyond the permitted distance. Current regulations on the operation of these aircraft require that the person operating the aircraft be able to see the aircraft's routing lines, but the technology being worked on by the University of Kentucky team will allow these aircraft to operate independently, flying one observation aircraft over the field, identifying which of the existing objects are cows, and then transferring their positions to a number of "working"aircraft.
These "working" aircraft are equipped with cameras that collect images and data as they fly. The plan is for planes to analyze the information they collect, and send alerts directly to cow breeders when they find something that warrants intervention, such as the discovery of a sick cow or a crumbling fence.
To ensure that this system is safe for livestock (strange scenes or unusual noises can cause cows to become stressed and distract from grazing), researchers study the animals ' physiological and behavioral responses to the presence of drones by testing different flight patterns and altitudes within the University's 1,484-acre (6-square-kilometer) farm. The goal is to capture images of the highest quality without disturbing the livestock, so the team uses heart rate monitors and GPS-based collars to measure the animals ' responses to those aircraft depending on their location.
Michael Sama, a professor of Biological Systems Engineering at the University of Kentucky, describes the results of the tests as "highly promising." "We can get closer than I expected, we can be 20 or 30 feet away without it affecting the cows in any way,"he adds. Over time, the animals also seem to be acclimating to the presence of aircraft flying at these altitudes, but when the planes fall below 8 to 12 feet, they force the cows to move, which can be used to collect and drive them, another aspect the team has begun to study.
Researchers need in order to accomplish this ambitious work to a lot of data that is difficult to collect them. "You can't go online and ask to search for 'a million images of cows', so we have to create this data set,"says Sama. To create this illustrated guide, the researchers collected images of the faces of several cows, and installed dozens of cameras on a university farm that can capture up to 100 images of each cow passing by."We can take pictures of livestock from all directions at once,"explains Hogg. "It helps us Program the algorithm that will reconstruct a three-dimensional model of the cow from a relatively few image set,"he adds.
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darklay · 3 years
Robot for massaging, feeding and milking cows on German farms
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What used to be science fiction is now a reality where you no longer need to "run behind the cows" to look after them, you can take care of hundreds of cows using a robot .. So what can a robot do? Workers in the field of raising cows today can rely on a robot that does all the previous farmer used to do himself to take care of his cows, as the robot, or self-propelled machines, can feed the cows, move them, clean them and monitor their health and the quality of their milk, thus alleviating many of the burdens on the farms.
There is no need to count the number of times the cows are milked, as the robot takes over this and refuses to re-milking one cow more than once to not harm it, in addition to doing other activities in the barn. As soon as the cow stands at one of the massage poles with two rotating brushes, the cow massage process begins immediately.
The farmer is only required to provide food, consisting of corn, grass, dried grass, straw and green fodder, where the robot pulls the feed with its arm and mixes it into a container, then the container moves towards the cows to feed.
The cattle farm owned by German Hartmut oxh, in Frankenberg in the northern German state of Hessen, has become one of the "newest" farms in the state, according to the German Farmers ' Union.
Having owned 20 cows and only one machine to milk them 32 years ago, oxh now has about 200 cows that he can take care of with the help of his son and only one trainee thanks to the robot. "we no longer have to run behind the cows,"says oxh, 54.
But the spokesman for the Farmers ' Union, Bernd Weber, points to what he called "unknown aspects of the development" as massive investments, often several million, are needed, as well as "the need for high-speed internet in rural areas in order to make new technologies available".
"There is a danger that breeders are not in the barn, but in front of the computer, which makes them stay away from following the animals,"warns German Association for animal protection's livestock expert Freja Verts.
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darklay · 3 years
Cows communicate and express their feelings, and scientists are scrambling to understand their language
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It seems that the "grace" of communication is not only the preserve of man. A recent study finds that cows also have the ability to communicate with each other and express several emotions depending on something special they have.
The animal world has always intrigued many of us, especially since some of these creatures may live with us under one roof (dogs, cats, birds)...), Or is an important food source for many people around the world, with some animal meat and products included in most of our daily meals.
It seems that some of these creatures also possess some communicative skills, which man has long believed to be a monopoly on him alone, a recent study has found that cows use their khawarah (cow voice), in order to tell some of them how they feel and communicate among themselves, according to the British newspaper "The Independent". The study, released by the Australian University of Sydney, noted that animals have unique acoustic properties, changing their voice layer according to their emotional state, and added that cows use sound to help them communicate with their peers, and also express enthusiasm, attachment or distress, among others.
Study supervisor Alexandra Green said: "cows are social animals...This is the first time we have been able to analyze her voice for conclusive evidence regarding this trait," she added. Even without looking at the herd, I can identify the cow, which makes a noise based on its voice," she said.
According to the British Daily Mail, the results were based on a study by experts from the University of Sydney, who created a program called" Google Translate for cows", in order to get a better idea of what cows say when they choose.
The same source continued that the experts used a microphone and also analyzed the sound layer of Holstein cows or the Frisian cow (a breed of cows from Europe). Experts noted that each cow keeps its own Bellows and uses it in certain situations, which helps to communicate with them, as well as express their feelings.
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