darladavis ¡ 2 years
Maybe he should have kept talking about himself for a little while longer. It could have kept whatever news that Darla wanted to say waiting a little longer, and maybe that was exactly what the both of them needed. Yet, he already asked Darla about how she’s been in return, which mean the ball was in her court now and if she wanted to tell him what she had called him over to the park for, than he’ll have to hear it. That didn’t make the anticipation of what Darla had to say not there, Finn unknowingly holding his breath as he stared at her when she began talking again. At her admission of going to counseling, he at first was a little confused, but a proud smile immediately replaced it as it didn’t matter if he knew why Darla needed to go there, the fact that she was getting whatever helped that she felt she needed was enough for him to be happy for her. “You didn’t have t-to tell me.” Finn reassured, smiling warmly at Darla to show that he didn’t mind not knowing about it. He figured a part to why she was going to counseling was because of her ex-boyfriend, but not knowing the full story behind it, the silver haired male didn’t want to assume. She then continued, Finn patiently waiting as she did so, only for him to fall into confusion when she told him that they couldn’t be friends anymore. “Why?” He asked. “Have I…… H-Have I done something that hindered your mental health?”·
    “No, it’s nothing you’ve done,” Darla assured him, feeling very much like this was a break-up even though they had never been going out. It’s not you, it’s me—only it was true, not just an age-old excuse meant to spare his feelings. Of course, she did want to protect his feelings as much as possible, and not put the blame for her mental state on him; what was he supposed to have done differently anyway, not be so sweet, cute and likable? “I mean, you didn’t do anything besides be yourself,” she explained, shaking her head. “It’s my own fault that I started having feelings for you. You’ve been a really good friend, Finn, but it’s hard for me to separate that from...wanting more. And—and with my history with Nico...it’s just best for both of us that I take a step back and don’t see you for a while. I don’t want to chase you away, the way I did him. If you could just remember our friendship as a positive thing, that would make me really happy.”
     She was trying. Darla wanted to be the kind of person who could live a normal life, have normal friendships and maybe someday fall in love with somebody without becoming a monster in the process. It was painful to take the steps that would lead her down this road of recovery, but it was necessary—and with the courage granted her by several weeks of dedicated therapy and the knowledge that she still had friends around who cared about her, she could manage to let go of the one she felt she loved to ensure that she would never hurt him.
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darladavis ¡ 2 years
With the way Darla hadn’t automatically given him a response, Finn was right to be worried. There were many reasons he should be, but the lack of a quick response from one of his most energetic friends was a big reason for him to be, which in return, had only put him more on the edge. But he patiently waited, and once she finally had told him where she wanted to meet, he gave her his okay and that was it for the rest of the phone call. It wasn’t long for Finn to make it to the park, and once he got there, he found Darla already waiting for him. “Hey…..” He waved back, watching as a smile appeared on her face. It caused Finn to smile too, both in response to Darla smiling but also because it gave him some hope that maybe nothing was actually wrong. He didn’t want to be too hasty about it though, not when he still didn’t know what she wanted them to talk about. “It’s no p-problem. I would’ve came no matter what.” Finn reassured, looking at Darla earnestly. She didn’t go straight into what she had to say, but somehow, he was fine with that. “I’ve been okay,……been kinda busy too, you k-know with it being the start of the new year and all….. How about y-you?”·
     The way he looked at her mad her heart melt, and she considered that she might just forget about telling him everything that was happening and go on like nothing was wrong. She wished he would keep talking about himself instead of asking about her, because Darla had to confess the truth as much as she was dreading it. “Actually...” she started, shifting her gaze down to her hands in her laps, because it was only going to be harder to say what she needed to if she was looking at his well-loved face. “I’ve been going to counseling. I haven’t told you about any of this—actually, I didn’t admit to myself that there was a problem until recently. My mental health isn’t exactly stellar,” she explained, easing into the bigger story. Reliving everything that had happened with Nico (everything she had done, really) wasn’t going to help at this point, but she had to give Finn enough details so that he understand where she was coming from when she told him she couldn’t see him anymore—for his sake and her own. After revealing that much, she concluded, “So I don’t think we can be friends right now, at least until I get better.”
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darladavis ¡ 2 years
Did the girl on the floor really think that Sharpay completely forgot who she was because she was being a nicer person? Did she really seem that horrible back in high school?  “No, of course I know who you are. Darla Davis.” It was then that Sharpay realized that she hadn’t uttered the girl’s name since she was probably seventeen. 
“I … I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to bump into you, really. I was just, um, turning the corner, you know, I don’t know why they put these damn mirrors in such an awkward place.” Sharpay offered a small, apologetic smile. It wasn’t a sorry for bullying you throughout our entire childhood, but it was something. It seemed that maybe the store wasn’t the best place for a long-winded apology, nor was she sure any place ever would be.
     At first, Darla had thought Sharpay was saying sorry for the way she’d treated her in the past, but obviously that was much too much to expect. Instead she was apologizing for a little accident that could have been either of their faults—no hint at the history that lingered between them. Darla shrugged it off, replying, “No problem,” and still wondering if she should be prepared for something heinous, like a remark about how her hair would clash with the clothing they were browsing.
     It seemed like the blonde was trying to be polite which was honestly a weird look on her, and Darla wasn’t quite sure how she was supposed to take it. It was plainly awkward to be standing in front of someone she had nothing to say to, so she made to excuse herself before things could turn south. “Um, anyway...Thanks for the hand. Have a nice day?”
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darladavis ¡ 2 years
Dewey wasn’t sure why he hadn’t seen Darla around in awhile, but it was nice to finally see her again and to hang out as if no time had passed. Being able to have fun with Darla and let loose without judgement was one of his favorite things about the redhead. And, she made the best playlists out of anyone he knew. “Hell yeah! Let’s dew it! Adventure is my middle name!” He replied excitedly, pumped up from the playlist they just had blasting. “Well, actually, my middle name’s Dingus, but I’ve considered changing it,” he admitted with a smile. “Have a destination in mind? Or should we just go for a drive and see where the roads take us?”
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     Darla laughed at Dewey’s name pun, used to his idiosyncrasies at this point and just finding them charming. When he told her his real middle name, it took everything she had not to laugh out loud again, this time knowing it wasn’t a joke. It was enough that she didn’t mock him outright; she couldn’t resist the temptation to tease him a little. “No way,” she said, leaking excitement in her voice. “Mine, too!” Lest her take her seriously for more than a second, she quickly added, “Nah, it’s not. It’s Dawn. But it’s so cool that we both have triple-D initials, isn’t it? Anyway, I don’t care where we go, let’s just do something spontaneous and fun.”
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darladavis ¡ 2 years
Due to personal reasons I will be loving you with my whole heart
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darladavis ¡ 2 years
Finn was worried. He hasn’t seen or spoken to Darla since the night of the ball, and no matter how many times he tried to call her or message her to see if she wanted to hang out, he never received a response. Which wasn’t like her. Darla always responded quickly whenever he contacted her or she would do so first, and seeing how they both had a great time at the ball, Finn couldn’t understand why since then she’s been ignoring him. Did he do something at the ball that made her upset? But if he did, she would’ve told him about it, wouldn’t she? The thought of their kiss at midnight had came to mind, the silver haired male wondering if maybe she hadn’t been okay with them two kissing on the lips that night. Or maybe it was because of the other kiss. Finn hadn’t mentioned to Darla that he ended up kissing someone else not long after they had theirs, and at the time he didn’t think it was important enough for him to do so. And it still wasn’t even now, yet when he finally got a response from his redheaded friend, Finn found himself feeling even more confused. “O-Okay? Where do you want to m-meet up?” 
    Finn asked where she wanted to meet up and Darla frowned, not because she didn’t want to see him, but because it would only make all of this so much harder. Perhaps it was better if they didn’t meet up in person at all, but at the same time she couldn’t bear to break up with him over the phone—not that they were actually together, but a friendship break-up was just as hard as that of an actual relationship, and Finn in particular deserved better than to have this news broken over mobile. So she told him to meet her at the park and headed out, waiting until he arrived, at which point the sight of him automatically brought a smile to her face before she tamed it down and greeted him with a small wave. “Hi, Finn. Thanks for coming on such short notice. It’s important for me to tell you this...How have you been?” She was stalling, not wanting to rush into goodbye now that he was actually here in front of her.
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darladavis ¡ 2 years
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ABIGAIL COWEN via Instagram story
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darladavis ¡ 2 years
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darladavis ¡ 2 years
[text] Lose my number, asshole. - nico
[text] Fine, but only because my therapist told me to stop contacting you for my own mental health [text] but if you REALLY hated me, wouldn’t you just block my number instead of answering?
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darladavis ¡ 2 years
[text] I know you may not feel like you are, but you are loved. And important. Please don’t forget that.
[text] ILYSM Webby! You’re the best <3 [text] IDK how you knew it, but I really needed to hear this right now
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darladavis ¡ 2 years
part 2: [text] How the hell did you get my number, stalker? - nico
[text] Why do you keep CHANGING your number? [text] It’s not as easy to find them as you think
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darladavis ¡ 2 years
“Watch it,” Sharpay snapped as the person bumped into her at the store, looking up from gathering her things to see none other than Darla Davis, the girl she knew she wasn’t very nice to when they were younger. Ryan had always given her shit for it, but Darla was an easy target, with that horrible headgear on her for most of their childhood life. 
It was an admittedly horrible thing that she’d done, the way she’d treated Darla when they were younger, but Sharpay was on this quest to be better, or something like that. So, when the girl bumped into her, as all of the memories of being horrible rushed through her head, Sharpay collected herself, stood up, and gave her best version of a smile as she held out her hand for the girl on the floor. “Sorry, didn’t see you there. Are you…okay? Need a hand?”
     If there was anything more shocking than Sharpay Evans being nice to her, Darla had yet to see it. The smile, the offer of a hand-up, and even the apology when it was obvious that Darla had been the one to bump into her—this was surreal. It had to be fake; the blonde was faking for sure and she was about to pull the swiftest turn-around possible. Maybe she’d drop her on her arse and laugh at her for being so gullible.
     She didn’t have enough time to debate within her head, unless she wanted to stay on the floor all day, so she grabbed the other girl’s hand and allowed her to help her up. And nothing happened. “You don’t know who I am, do you?” Darla asked, dusting her hands off on her pants. She couldn’t tell which was worse—her former bully still holding something against her, or the thought that after all she’d put her through in the past, she didn’t even remember her now.
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darladavis ¡ 2 years
     Darla had been avoiding Finn ever since the new year started. They’d had a magical night at the ball, culminating in a fairy-tale kiss at midnight, and she felt her heart falling deeper and deeper, caught in the fantasies she was so easily swept up by. Until she saw him kiss someone else. By all appearances it was a friendly kiss, not a make-out session in the middle of a crowd, but all at once Darla felt something that she knew all too well—something that scared her. She put on a fake smile, blessing the ease with which it came to her after so much practice, until her date escorted her home for the night. Then she’d ignored his calls and messages for the next few weeks. It had taken that long for her to come to the decision that she inevitably had to make. "We have to talk.”
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darladavis ¡ 2 years
    Darla was a summer baby through and through, which in her case meant she couldn’t handle cold weather as well as some people. But apparently for certain people, they ran so hot that being shirtless in winter didn’t even bother them. Every minute spent around Olaf Snowden was another surprise, but not a bad one at all; she was glad that he had approached her to talk one day and just hadn’t stopped, easily considering him a friend now. Even if his physique being on show was somewhat of a distraction—and she had to be careful to keep her eyes ‘up here’ while they were hanging out. “I have a question! So...what kind of music do you like?” she asked, already in the mind to craft a unique mix-tape for her new friend the way she did for everyone close to her.
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darladavis ¡ 2 years
     It had been too long since Darla had seen the other Duck brother. As her official best friend, Huey was naturally her favorite, of course, but that didn’t mean she cared for Dewey any less. And especially after having spilled everything about her history with Nico to Huey and being not-so-lightly encouraged by him to seek counseling, she was grateful for his care but emotionally worn-out by the company of someone who knew her too well by now. She needed the closeness of another good friend who wasn’t aware of what a mess she had long been hiding inside her head; she needed to get back to a place in life where she felt—and could be—normal. Screaming along to a playlist of their favorite songs was the best way to do that, and she was buzzing with hyper energy when they reached the end of the final track. “Let’s go somewhere,” she said suddenly. “Like an adventure!”
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darladavis ¡ 2 years
     Life had been easy-swimming since Darla had gotten her braces out, the summer between middle and high school having marked a turning point in her young life. She was never popular, even when she came back from break with a perfect smile, because all the kids she’d gone to school with for years still remembered her as brace-face—but at least those old nicknames lost all their power when she lost the mouth full of metal. Only a few especially cruel kids still teased her after that, finding other things such as her hair color or freckles to pick on, but she had a tougher skin to deal with it by that point. And a few friends to help her handle the rest.
     One person Darla hadn’t seen in a few years, but recognized immediately as one of the taunting voices that plagued her subconscious every time she looked in a mirror...was Sharpay Evans. The very Sharpay standing not a couple feet away browsing clothes from the same store. Randomly meeting her former bully out in the world like this was like being unceremoniously tossed in piranha-inhabited waters. She tried to skirt around the clothing rack and avoid being scented, failing when she tripped and bumped into the blonde.
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darladavis ¡ 2 years
    The presence of an old friend made Darla positively beam, and she returned the hug Cubby bestowed on her with much excitement and probably excessive squeezing. Seeing him was such a surprise considering how long it had been since they’d hung out, but she was more than happy to catch up now. “Thanks! You’re not too shabby yourself,” she replied to his compliment, agreeing that this crowd did look spectacular. From the last town event being a costume party in the woods, to this being an upscale ball in a fancy hotel, there was a big change. Darla shook her head as he inquired as to her date status for the night. “You can absolutely steal a dance—he won’t mind! But will yours?” She quirked an eyebrow playfully. Whether he was here with a hot date of his own or not, they were going to enjoy a dance together.
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the moment cubby spotted the familiar redhead in the crowd, he was quick to make his way over, a smile easily taking over his face. the event as a whole made the boy realize how long it had been since he’d seen a lot of those he held dear. maybe he played too much video games this past year? or he was just super busy with work….maybe that should be one of his new year’s resolutions, to spend time with them all more, but it didn’t matter in the moment because he was here now, where a lot of them seemed to be as well! he pulls his friend into a hug, smiling happily at her once pulling away. “hey! you look great! everyone looks so good tonight, don’t you think? are you here with anyone? and if the answer is yes, would they be okay with it if i stole you away for a dance tonight?” // @darladavis​
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