darlenejenescuadro · 4 years
The Link between Animal Cruelty and Domestic Violence
There is an established link between cruelty to animals and violence against humans. Research in psychology and criminology shows that people who hurt animals don’t stop with animals—many of them move on to their fellow humans. It is critically important that cruelty towards animals be taken seriously by law enforcement, and by society at large. This is for the sake of the animals and for people who are also at risk.
Ample research backs up finding that there is a direct link between acts of cruelty to animals and violence towards humans, includes; child abuse, domestic violence, elder abuse, and other violent behavior. A study, published in 2013, found that 43% of those who commit school massacres also committed acts of cruelty to animals—generally against cats and dogs. Dr. Harold S. Koplewicz, director of Child Study Center at New York University says, “There is a common theme to all of the shootings of recent years. You have a child who has symptoms of aggression toward his peers, an interest in fire, cruelty to animals, social isolation, and many warning signs that the school has ignored.” Sadly, many of these criminals’ childhood violence went unexamined until it was directed to humans. Children who abuse animals may be repeating a lesson learned at home; they are reacting to anger or frustration with violence. Parents who neglect or abuse animals frequently subject their own children to similar hardships. This finding is in line with other research showing that domestic violence toward pets both correlates with domestic violence toward humans—violent members of the household will threaten to hurt or actually hurt a companion animal as a method of control and a form of emotional violence.
The law must protect animals and punish animal abusers because animals themselves need protection, and because of the link between cruelty to animals and cruelty to humans, violence against humans must be taken seriously under the law. Communities must recognize that abuse to any living being is unacceptable and endangers everyone. Children must be taught to care for and respect animals. Our society must be aware of signs of neglect or abuse in children, and immediately report suspected crimes to authorities. Minor acts of cruelty to animals must not be ignored. Those charged with protecting our society must send a strong message that violence against any creature—human or nonhuman—is unacceptable. 
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darlenejenescuadro · 4 years
Role of New Media in Today’s World
Media plays a major role in today’s society, it is playing an outstanding role in creating and shaping public opinion and strengthening society. The role of a media has to be one way trading and marketing of products and prejudices. Social media has evolved from being cyber world geek buzz to a massive platform for business, entrepreneurs, professionals, and organizations that seek greater recognition and identification at a very economical price.
Society is influenced by the media in so many ways, it helps people to get information about a lot of things at the touch of an app; forming opinions and making judgement regarding various issues. It is the media that keeps people updated and informed about current events and the world that everyone draws something from it. Media is considered the mirror of modern society; infact, it shapes our lives. The importance of Social Media are the following facts; it is easily accessible and it’s the meeting point of today’s internet savvy audience; it opens possibilities of direct access to clients without any third party intervention; social media advertising is cost-friendly. Social Media has no geographical boundaries, you can reach people, prospects, and customers across the globe; basically, anyone who has an online presence can be targeted.
There may be a lot of positive sides to New Media however, social platforms have a control over what news and information we see. Fake news is a big thing in Social Media journalism. Fake news can be as simple as spreading misinformation or as dangerous as smearing hateful propaganda. News happens fast now. Today’s story will be tomorrow’s forgotten story. It is incredibly easy to miss things now because of how quick stories can get turned around and shared. While having so much information at our fingertips is great, it is always worth checking our sources and not taking headlines as truth. With social media as our new news managers, it is up to us to be the new fact checkers for media. In today’s world, the media can be the most powerful entity. It is in the hands of the people to take control of their minds and decide what is correct for this is the ultimate equalizer. It gives a voice and platform to anyone willing to engage.
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darlenejenescuadro · 4 years
The Philippines during the time of COVID-19 crisis
The novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has spread globally since its first report in Wuhan, China. The first case of coronavirus in the Philippines was confirmed on January 30, 2020, in a 38-year old woman who arrived from Wuhan. The Philippines recorded the first death outside China two days later on February 01 2020. On March 09, the government declared a health emergency following the sudden surge of confirmed cases and local transmission. 
The Philippine government conducted contract tracing covering foreigners from China, Hong Kong, and Macau; imposing a travel ban after reports of the first few cases and deaths due to the disease. To control the spread of the virus, the government took several steps by travel restrictions, closure of schools and colleges, as well as training schools of the Philippine National Police. Metro Manila was also declared to be under “community quarantine” and was made even more stringent by extending the quarantine to the whole island of Luzon. The measures for this quarantine included: social distancing; closure of sea, air, and land travel; temporary closure of business establishments; encouraged work-from-home agreements between employer and employee; and prohibition of mass gatherings and non-essential public events. These community-wide interventions are difficult to implement owing to its scale according to disease control experts. However difficult, they are necessary to flatten the curve. This is especially important in a country with: limitations on poor distribution of resources; highly populated urban areas, a health system undergoing changes to provide equitable healthcare.
Moving forward with the response to the COVID-19 outbreak, much more needs to be done to break the continuous surge of the disease. Some of the challenges that the Philippines is continuing to face are the containing transmission of infection, mitigating the impact in high risks communities and confined settings, as well as ensuring the uniform enforcement of non-pharmaceutical interventions that are already in place. WHO recommends that the government adjust public health and social measures; sufficient public healthforce and health system capacities must be in place, outbreak risks in high vulnerability settings must be minimized; preventive measures must be established in workplaces; and communities must be fully engaged. 
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