darylharley · 1 year
Blog # 3
Daryl Harley 
Prof Susi  
Comm – 1400 – 600 
25 March 2023 
Blog 3  
Two trends in the industry right now consist of cancel culture and endorsements. On one hand cancel culture is what people turn to when someone has done something on social media, or had done something and the story made its way social media, and the community collectively “cancels” this person and their brand or whatever it is that they do. On the other hand, there is a lot of endorsements going on throughout social media, with a lot of famous celebrities and influencers being the face of most of it.  
One current case related to social media ethics would be the case of NBA superstar Ja Morant of the Memphis Grizzles. In this case Ja was on Instagram live flashing a gun on camera and was suspended from the team for several games. This act went against not only the Memphis Grizzlies social media ethics, but the entire NBA. Another case of social media ethics would be Kanye West, who just recently lost his deal with Adidas after publicly spreading anti-semitic views and ideas through his twitter Account. 
The ethics for social media I have chosen to speak about is the social media ethics of the NBA. According to NBA.com the basics of their codes of ethics is to conduct business in the most responsible and ethical manner possible. Holding all suppliers, patterners and members of the league to the highest ethical standards possible. 
One brand that comes to mind, when thinking about strong social media ethics would be YouTube. In my experience they are very strict with following their code of ethics, if they feel their code has been breached they are quick to take down any post and/or remove the user from their platform. 
Beyonce is a professional I see on social media that I would say practices strong ethical behavior. She is someone who turns to social media to promote her brand and her artists, and uses her social media platforms to speak on social justices and supports cause that she and hre husband believe in. She does not have a history of using social media inappropriately. For example, on her Instagram page you can find her promoting her brand with a link to her online store in her bio, and her posts consisting of her collaborating with other brands and/or creating content to engage with her audience.  
What I can take away from this would be to not post or engage with any post or users who promote unethical behavior through social media. If I worked for YouTube and someone was not following the codes of ethics, I would work to take down their post and possibly suspend them from the platform. So, on my own I could block or remove these kinds of users from me feed and work to keep unethical behaviors away from my page. 
For my own personal conduct online, I think I should adhere to the concepts of authenticity and responsibility for what I create. Being origanl and being true to what I create and share online. With this in mind I would also refer back to what I previously said about avoiding the users online who go against what I think is ethical or what the sociela media platform might find unethical. 
Concepts that I would avoid would be manipulation and bullying. I strongly disagree with these behaviors and stay away from them, and do not prectice them on my perosnal social media accounts. I disagree with the idea of manipulating your audience with a promise of a donation or using tricks to create a false view of who you are. And the idea of bullying is never OK, not even on social media and staying away from these concepts is something that I believe would make a stronger presence in a way that is more respectable. 
Concepts that I will follow as a practicing social media professional 
Integrity - “Being straightforward, honest and truthful in all professional and business relationships.” 
Objectivity - “Not allowing bias, conflict of interest or the influence of other people to override your professional judgment” 
Professional competence - “An ongoing commitment to your level of professional knowledge and skill” 
Authenticity – “values that represent your organization offline need to be present online as well” ... “being true to yourself and your brand” 
Professional behavior - “avoid any action that could negatively affect the reputation of the profession” 
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darylharley · 1 year
tumblr blog 2 week 4
Daryl Harley 
The nonprofit organization I am going to be talking about is the Global Peace Foundation. I chose this foundation because I strongly believe in trying to achieve world peace and that is their only focus. According to an article on the Global Peace Foundation website this organization is taking the first step towards trying to create a world built on showing love and compassion for everyone. The Global Peace Foundation works to prevent the start of drug and alcohol abuse which is said to be the root of a lot of violent crimes. They work to keep communities healthy and free of hunger and abuse by helping families in need. What I see to be the most important is they work with education and cultural development to inspire a new generation of peace makers.  
When I first looked at the foundation's social media pages, I noticed immediately that none of their pages were verified on Instagram, YouTube, or Twitter. While all their pages on these platforms have more than a few thousand followers, I can say from personal experience that having your account verified can be beneficial to growing your account. An easy way to tell if an account is verified is to look for a checkmark next to the account name, and this checkmark means that the account you are looking at is the official account of what you are searching for. This can direct all users straight to the main page and not leave them searching through other accounts, imposter accounts or fake pages. This can help increase the traffic on their page so they will see an increase in their click-thru rate and maybe even their conversion rate. 
The Instagram account for this foundation has 959 posts and 3336 followers. Most of their posts have anywhere from 30 to 70 likes each and have very few comments, if any at all. It is easy to see here that there is not a lot of interaction or traffic coming through this page. With low traffic, or low click–thru rate, it can be hard for the foundation to see any conversion rate. They are a nonprofit of course so this would mean very little donations. An idea to get this up would be to go and see what was interacted with the most and do more that and make more content similar to that idea.  
Next, I looked at the Twitter page for the Global Peace Foundation and found that this page has more followers than their Instagram page. Their Twitter has 8,932 followers and they have 9000 tweets, so we can see that they are a lot more active on their Twitter than their Instagram account. Their tweets reach anywhere from 100 to 400 views but have very little interaction. Again, they can go to what had the best and most interaction and try to make similar content to attract the same and new followers to their pages. 
Making use of this advanced metrics idea for both platforms could increase the click-through rates and the conversion rates for both accounts. By simply recreating similar ideas with new posts these pages can grow to get more recognition and interaction. 
Another idea, that is straight from the book, but I think is the best way to attract attention to a brand, would be sponsored ads. To star in the ad, they could have someone who is somewhat high profile to attract more attention. They could then run this ad on popular pages station, such as in the book they explain the Jeep commercial with Bill Murray that was ran during the super bowl and was viewed more than 100 million times across all of Jeeps social media platforms. 
With a lot of possible ways to improve these metrics, I have suggested a few that I think could be the most beneficial. By running an ad with a popular, familiar, face the organization can gain a lot of recognition by people seeing a person with high status working with them. Once they are getting a higher click-thru rate they can look at what posts are being interacted with the most and recreate them with new ideas to keep the click-thru rate high and possibly increase conversion rate to see more donations to help the organization achieve it main goal, which is to work towards a world of peace. 
Here are the links to their social media pages that I used as a reference for this post. 
And here is the link to their website. 
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darylharley · 1 year
I can say that I agree with the definition from the book about what social media is, to a certain point. The book describes social media as, “new communication technology tools allow individual users and organizations to engage with, reach, persuade, and target key audiences more effectively across multiple platforms” (Freberg 773). I would describe social media as a place where people can connect with one another from all over the world, it is a place to create and share content. I also see social media as a place to seek inspiration from a number of influencers and celebrealities. Social media can even be a source of income for certain people, if they use it the right way. For myself I use social media for entertainment and to keep up with recent news or trends. I would call myself a passive scroller, looking but only interacting with very few posts and not ever really making any posts of my own. I would say I post just about as much as everyone who uses social media to stay in touch with what is happening in the world. One strength I feel I have with understanding social media is how to interact and when to be active. The book says that using social media in a way that is not personal can lead others to perceive you as a robot, or a fake account. I would say the main challenge I face with social media is not understanding some users over usage and over sharing on social media platforms. I say I am a passive scroller so there are a lot of times where I see people who can share just parts of their life that I would think would be better if it were kept off social media platforms. Although there are also people who share a lot of parts of their life on social media and they can be the ones who are seen as influencers, so I guess I don’t understand what it is that makes a social media user become an influencer. One thing I am expecting to learn in this class is how to use social media more to my advantage. My goals after finishing school are to go into a career in the music industry, which I know can have a lot to do with social media. From finding new artists to promoting and advertising new releases or new openings, there is a lot that can be done on social media. I think what I know now is a good start, but I am sure there is a lot to learn about social media and how to use it properly and advantageously. When I first signed up for this class I wasn’t sure what to expect to get out of it, but after going through this first week I feel I am going to get everything I am looking to out of this class as far as getting a better understanding of the use of social media. 
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