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We have to move. Her mother told her.
Why? She asked.
Your father’s job is relocating him. We will be moving to Nashville at the end of the month.
I don’t want to move.
Well, you can stay here.
And be that far away from the two of you. I will move with you. At least it will get me away from my terrible job.
This is my two weeks’ notice. She told her boss.
What has made you decide to leave? Her boss asked.
My father’s job is relocating him and I have decided to move also so I can be close to my parents.
Well, I hate to see you go. I hope everything works out.
Thank you. Could you do one thing and not tell anyone I’m leaving. She asked.
Sure. But can I ask why. Her boss asked.
I just think it would be easier.
It was her last day of work and she knew that she had to tell the one person at work that meant everything to her that she is leaving.
Can you meet me in my office before we leave today? She asked him.
Yeah, sure. He said. What’s up? We’ll talk later. She said.
So what did you what to talk about? He asked as he flopped down in a chair in her office.
She took a deep breath and turned to face him.
Today is my last day. She said.
What! Why? He asked.
My dad got relocated for work and I’m moving with him and my mom. Wow. I understand wanting to stay close to your family. But I hate to see you go. He frowned.
I hate leaving, but I think it will be the best for me in the long run.
Well, I can’t let you leave without doing one thing first.
What’s that? She asked.
This. He put one hand on her back and pulled her close. His other hand he placed on her cheek before pressing his lips to hers.
After a few minutes, he slightly pulled away. They looked into each other’s eyes.
I’ve wanted to kiss you for the longest time. He whispered.
I’ve wanted to kiss you too. She replied blushing.
He pulled her closer to him. He kissed her collarbone, neck, cheek, and forehead before kissing her lips one more time.
I’m gonna miss you. He quietly said. I’m gonna miss you too. She replied breathlessly.
The next two weeks were hectic. Between the packing up of the old house and the unpacking of the new house. She barely had time to breath, but she couldn’t stop thinking about him and the kiss they shared. Late one night, she finally got the time to text him.
Her: Hey. How are you doing? How is work?
Him: Hey stranger. I thought you forgot about me. I’m fine. Work sucks without you. How are you?
Her: I’m good. I didn’t forget about you. I’ve just been real busy.
They talk for hours.
Her: Is it really 2a.m.?
Him: Yeah. I guess it is.
Her: I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have kept you up this late. You have to go to work in a few hours.
Him: It’s perfectly fine. I can handle a day at work tired if it means that I got to talk to you.
Him: I miss you.
Her: I miss you too.
Her: Can I ask you to do something kind of stupid and old-school?
Him: Nothing you ask me could be stupid. What do mean by old-school?
Her: Will you write me a letter?
Him: A letter?
Her: Yeah. You know with a pen and paper. Put it in an envelope with a stamp and mail it.
Him: I know what a letter is.
Him: I’ll write you as many letters as you want.
A few days later.
You got something in the mail. Her mom told her as she handed her a brown envelope.
She looked at the return address and saw that it was from him. She opens the envelope and poured the contents out onto the table. There were dozens of numbered envelopes and one that said open first. She opened the first one.
It read:
A letter for every day and every moment that I’ve missed you.
She proceeded to open all the letters. Some contained full pages, some had random thoughts, some were cute little quotes that made him think of her, but others contained pictures of him (these were her favorite ones). She spent the next day and a half compiling letters of her own for him.
The back and forth of letters continued for months.
Until one week when nothing came. All she could think was…. Maybe he’s been busy, maybe he got bored with the whole thing, or worst he found someone else.
She hadn’t gotten anything or heard from him in two weeks.
Still nothing? Her mom asked.
Not a word. She frowned.
Maybe he’s working on something really special.
Yeah. Maybe.
Ding… Dong….
I’ll go get the door. Her mom said as she kissed the top of her head.
Her mom returned a minute later. The door is for you.
She got up and went to answer the door.
There he stood holding a large envelope.
Thought I would deliver this one myself. He said with a smile.
Your here. She grinned.
I thought… She started.
You thought what? He asked.
That maybe you had forgotten about me and moved on. She replied.
I’d never forget about you. Not in a million years. He said.
She showed him around the house before they both sat down on the couch. She opened the envelope he brought. It contained one sheet of paper that read. I’m your gift this week. They sat and talked for hours. He joined her and her parents for dinner.
Do you have a hotel room? Her mother asked.
No, ma’am. I don’t. He replied.
Well, you can stay here for the night if you like.
Thank you. I was hoping that she might go out of town with me this weekend.
I would like that very much. She smiled.
The next morning they left for a nearby tourist town.
I’ve never been here before. He told her.
Oh. I’ve been here several times. They got a number of distilleries right on the main road. Your gonna love it.
As long as I’m with you I know I’ll enjoy anything.
They checked into a hotel right on the main road within walking distance of the restaurants and distilleries. They walked side by side both avoiding any kind of physical contact. All the while both wanting to touch the other even if it was to just hold hands. They went to all of distilleries and then ate dinner. On the way back to hotel she said to him.
I bet you can’t finish a whole bottle of moonshine.
I bet I can. He retorted.
Prove it. In fact why don’t we make this a true bet? If I finish a whole bottle you have to get a tattoo of our boss’s name on your chest.
Ok. If I win you have to get a tattoo of my favorite sports team.
Deal. They said at the same time. Well, looks like you’re getting a tattoo she said.
I can’t believe you finished that bottle so quick. He sighed.
What can I say? I like moonshine. Now it’s time for you to get that tattoo.
They walked the few blocks to the tattoo shop.
What can I do for the two of you? Asked to shop owner.
I lost a bet so I’m here to get a tattoo. He told the owner.
And what were you thinking of for the tattoo?
He turns to look at you.
I’m not gonna make you get the tattoo we talked about, but you do have to get a tattoo. She told him.
Any tattoo. He asked.
Then I want your lips on my chest. He told her.
What? Are you crazy?
Yeah. Crazy for you.
If that’s what you want.
It is.
She watched for a few minutes as the tattoo artist worked on putting a copy of her lips on his chest. She then sat down in a chair of her own. What are you doing? He asked.
I figured why should you be the only one to get a tattoo. She smiled. What are you getting?
Well, not your favorite sports team that’s for sure. I’m getting a clover with a ladybug.
Wow. It got cool after the sun went down. She said rubbing her arms as they stepped out of the tattoo shop. Come here. He said pulling her beside him.
They walked back to their hotel.
I think I’m gonna take a quick shower. She told him.
Ok. I’ll take one when you’re finished.
Showers taken they both sat on the couch watching an old movie.
She couldn’t help but feel like he was watching her.
What? She asked.
Why are you staring at me? She asked.
Because you’re beautiful. He grinned. No. I’m not. She said turning her face away from him.
Yes. You are. He said placing a hand on her cheek and turning her face towards him.
She relaxed at the touch of his hand.
He slid closer to her and leaned in for a kiss.
Just before their lips touched she pulled away.
What’s wrong? He asked.
Nothing is wrong. I thought you might like to go to the bedroom. She said.
I would like that. Is that what you want? He asked.
She paused a minute before answering.
Yes. It’s what I want. She replied. The night was more than they both could have ever wanted. They planned on using the rest of the weekend taking in the sights of the town, but they spent most of it in bed together.
I wish you didn’t have to leave. She told him.
I wish I didn’t either, but we’ll see each other again soon. Plus we’ll still write each other. He said pulling her into a hug.
He was right. They did continue to write each other. Both receiving a package every week. Then one day a single letter with no return address arrived priority mail.
It was from his mom.
It read:
This was the only way I knew how to contact you. My son was in an accident. He is unconscious in the hospital. I know you mean a lot to him. He talks about you constantly. I think it would do him some good if you could come see him.
She was in tears when she finished the letter.
What’s wrong? Her mom asked.
He was in an accident. I have to go see him.
OK. I’ll go with you. Her mom said giving her a hug. The whole trip there she was on pins and needles worrying how bad his condition was.
She took a deep breath and tried to calm herself before entering his hospital room. She broke down when she saw him lying there with tubes and wires attached to him. Hey, you. She said sitting down in the chair next to his bed and taking his hand.
You need to wake up now. You need to come back to us. There are a lot of people that need you and are counting on you.
I need you.
Our baby needs you.
That’s right. We’re gonna have a baby.
So… you need to come back to us. She whispered before lightly kissing his lips.
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I hate myself for hurting you
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You’re wasting your time
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