dcmissionaries · 5 years
A Touching Family Reunion
The Order of the Fly, a cult of humans who worship the Prince of Gluttony and Lord of the Flies, Beelzebub, had captured more children and unfortunately several other people who attempted to stop them for their nefarious deeds. Not sure about what these people want, and with Strappon, Mary Janes, a baby demon, and several other Abbey-related people having been captured, many of the Angels (and Demons who resided in the Abbey) were at a loss as to how to proceed. After a meeting within the Abbey garden, it was decided they would attempt to find Beelzebub using Asmodeus and his ability to track his brother's Soul Stones. With that, there was a gap of time where it was just waiting. And waiting. The apprehension settled over the Abbey as people waited to hear from Asmodeus and Duster. Those with missing kin and friends were troubled, to say the least. Then the news came. "Target spotted. We've tracked the Flies into the sewer system under Daten City." Duster's voice was like a beacon of hope through Shades' speaker phone, causing many people to stand around the long table within the meeting room. "That's great!" Undershirt yelled, swinging an arm in an excited gesture hard enough to conk whatever poor sap had sat next to him. "Now all we need to do is travel to the underground and find everyone else." Shades said, "Thanks, Duster." Having found the location of the Flies, it was unanimous that the Angels and Demons would travel down to the depths of the city's own bowels to find their leader and the missing children. They only hoped they would find them in time before the Flies did what they intended... 
was turning from Fall to Winter, but there was another chill settling o ver the ragtag group of Angels and Demons. The group had collected by an abandoned entrance to Daten's underground- the one Duster and Asmodeus had found while searching, suspecting that the Flies had used this to en ter the sewers initially. Their hopes were high that they would find the captives before anything bad happened to them, and hopefuly Hairpin's c hild as well. Duster and Asmodeus stood by the sewer entrance, awaiting the collection of their comrades.
OMEGA:  Father Crucifix arrived with his weapons ready and his Angels of Justi  ce; Boxer the Angels of War, Raincoat the Angel of Death, and Emperor  Crown the Angel of Nobility. "Sir Duster and...Grandmother." Father Cr  ucifix quietly said as he looked at Asmodeus. Though not is the time f  or that! It's time to kick The Flies ass! If has ass?
KURP:  Asmodeus had been flirting with Duster as they waited. The demon drawi  ng circles on Duster's chest but immediately behaved himself as Aviato  rs drew close, getting some distance between the two. He gestured to D  uster to call him as he leaned back on a wall as Aviators greeted them  .  Behind Aviators was Sukajan, his face covered with a mask. He was stil  l getting used to the fact that he could smell.  "Why...a fucking sewer of all places. This shit's unsanitary. Then aga  in, if Resident Evil's anything to go off of..."  "Kin." Asmodeus responded simply, "Glad to see you're punctual."
OMEGA:  "Did you all not get Gas Mask?" Boxer ask as he was wearing a Gas Mask   looking at Sukajan.  "Yeah, we all got Gas Mask even Crown." Raincoat said as she points to   Emperor Crown.  "That is Emperor Crown! I didn't want to come but you mongrels need me  ." Emperor Crown said as he was wearing Gas Mask too.
SAIYAN:  "Really, we're going in there?! That's fucking nasty! Not to mention m  y clothes getting ruined! They were fucking expensive." Tuxedo Jacket  said, holding his nose.  "Yeah well, what did you expect from scum like these guys!" Undershirt   said to T.J., but also looking at Sukajan, folding his arms before lo  oking down at the sewer that they would eventually enter.  Wristband nodded her head in agreement as the angels started to gather   around the sewer entrance. She really didn't want to go in there, but   if it was what needed to be done, then there was no getting around it  .
OSCARK9:  Gloves and Sapphire came to where the other comrades are and they're r  eady to save the children and adults. Yet, they can't believe that the   sewer's their hideout. They made a disgust face for smelling the sten  ch, but regardless, safety is the upmost importance.  "We're here." Gloves said to Duster and Asmodeus. "But man...the stenc  h." He pinch his nose, disgust by the smell.  "Yeah." Sapphire agree with Tuxedo Jacket. "I don't want to get my clo  thes dirty up, especially my high heels."
BRIT:  Duster had clearly been uncomfortable, but also looked completely dead   inside. His eyes were filled with a desolate, emotionless void; His f  ace was stone-like, save for the bags under his eyes from lack of slee  p.  "The sewer smells like death." Was all Duster muttered, quietly.  "God, I've never seen him this depressed..." Cowlneck commented, follo  wing behind 'Aviators' and Sukajan. He rested one hand on his cheek, t  he other holding his elbow, tilting his head with concern. "How awful.   It's really hit him hard. At least we can count on him to focus on th  e task."  "I don't know why you're using a fuckin gas mask. It's not like it mat  ters, the fumes aren't toxic." Blazer pointed out to Boxer. They were  wearing some kind of appropriate clothing for the environment, includi  ng waders and a raincoat.
In the moment that Ball Gown called her friends along the light alliance , Mirror Mask, and Puppy Hood had all reported quickly to the time and p lace to meet everyone for the mission into the sewers. "Now pup, dont be loud, control yourself if you have any questions only ask me, make sure you keep your boots on at all times and i can not stress this enough ke ep your glasses on, your gloves on, and your mask. Keep your mouth away from anything, and stay safe." Ball gown was fussing once again, the who le time Puppy had been rolling his eyes and nodding. "Leave the boy alone Gowns, hes old enough to take care of himself." Mir ror butt in. "Yeah im old enough to not do anything stupid in a sewer! Ive watched IT before!"
OMEGA:  "Where not smelling what you are smelling." Boxer said as he looks at  Blazer. "It almost smells like Roses and Flowers in my Gas Mask." He s  aid as he look taps.  "Yeah though we don't know what the enemy will be throwing at us." Rai  ncoat said as she looks at Blazer too.  "Agree." Emperor Crown said as he agrees with them.
VAULT3:  When Chemise finally approached, it was obvious that she was reluctant   to enter the sewer. Her face was scrunched up in disgust, with one of   her hands covering her nose and mouth. "A sewer? What a shitty locati  on for a hidden base. Ugh, I think I'm going to be sick," she groaned,   before choosing to stand near Blazer.  "I'm just hoping we can find the others and get out as soon as possibl  e." If the situation had not included children she would have firmly o  pted out.
COFFIN:  Assless Chaps huffed as he sharpened his nails. "The sooner we're in t  he sooner we can be out." He fixed the mask over his mouth and nose.  Vampire Collar poked at his hazmat suit, at least his butt looked nice   he guessed. "Death smells rotten, this just smells sour. If anything  I'd prefer a fresh crypt over this nonsense."  Dzilla cracked her knuckles and tied her hair back. "How fitting for f  lies to be attracted to shit." Fox most certainly taught her how to cu  rse.
SAIYAN:  Wristband looked over at Boxer with a raised eyebrow.  "That's not how gasmasks work man, unless you have like, Air freshener  s in your mask or something." she commented.  "Yeah, hopefully there's some way we'll be able to protect them." Tuxe  do Jacket replied to Sapphire.
KURP:  "I mean, I guess they're flies," Sukajan said as he squinted at the en  trance of the sewers.  He began holding his mouth as he tried to get nausea to pass by, but i  t was obviously not working.  Asmodeus quirked a brow at Boxer, "What are you, some plague doctor? G  row up, it's just shit."  Aviators placed a hand on Duster's shoulders as Cowlneck spoke, gently   squeezing it.  "It's probably best we don't mention anything in regards to what happe  ned to him and focus better on the task."
SOUP KITTY:  Diadem had walked all the way over  to the meeting place, by himself.  He was still both super pissed off and super upset. If anyone looked a  t him the wrong way he would probably just dunk their head into sewer  water. He was completely disgusted by this place. If his daughter got  the plauge because of this he for sure was gonna sue someone. and by s  ue he means kill. Ooops. Diadem found his way over to Assless and hugg  ed him like some sort of twink koala.  Summer had decided to show up for once in his life, especially since h  is son was one of the people who got kidnapped. He waved at Asmodeus,  and walked up to dzilla, greeting her.
OMEGA:  "Sewer is filled with a lot of germs, diseases, and many other things.  " Father Crucifix said as he look at his Grandmother/father. "I must k  eep my Angels health and safe." He said as he keep his eyes before loo  king to see Ball Gown. "I'll be back, Angels." Father Crucifix said as   he goes over to his love which is Ball Gown.  "Father Crucifix is right on that. Besides the mask keeps me focus for   fighting." Boxer said as he doesn't want to smell shit.  "Yeah." Raincoat and Emperor Crown said as she looks at Asmodeus in ag  reement.
OWLIE:  "Good day, everyone" Monocle said, he, Polo and Henley Shirt approache  d the group. Cardigan refused to join them.  /"There is now way I'll go into a shithole like that"/ Cardigan said,  who instead went out to see her boyfriend.  Monocle looked distraught. There are bags under his bloodshot eyes and   bruises covered his arms and legs like he's been in a fight. He tugge  d at his Jacket. Shivering at the chilly air. Monocle walked to Vampir  e collar and offered him a small smile.  "How are you, mr. Vampire Collar, how are you holding up?" Monocle sai  d, he felt extremely anxious, he didn't want anything happen to Sneake  rs or any of the kids.  "Fuck that smells bad" Henley remarked as they joined the group.
OSCARK9:  "But..." Gloves jumps into the conversation. "We don't want to set off   the Flies at us, Boxer. Who knows how many's in their, for all I care   right now is to safe all of them without fighting." He said to Boxer,   crossing his arms. "As of now, safety is the upmost importance."
OMEGA:  "Oh hi Bro!" Boxer said as he look at Gloves. "What you think they wan  t to talk? No, they are going to fight and i have never punch a Cultis  t before!" He said as he cracks his knuckles with smile though no one  can see it because of the Mask.
WESLEY:  "Honey that's not how sewer safety works-" Ball Gown started then stop  ped, she stood up straight seeing Father crucifix coming her way. Her  own boots were big and clunky and it was very out of her comfort zone  being in tight overalls and knee-high shit boots.  "I say sewer safety is, in fact, Pennywise and avoiding him." Puppy sm  iled, and Mask chuckled a bit.  "No- In what world-" Tired mom mode activated she remembered why she o  nly had one kid.
SOUP KITTY:  Diadem spotted his grandfather, asmodeus, and pretty much hovered over   to him. "Papa!!!" he squealed. Sure he wanted to die but he loves his   grandfather. He made him wanna die just a little bit less. Plus he no  ticed his cousin there and he was a little jealous for attention. This   is true twink koala migration.  Jong waddled in, with combat boots, he was being a Cool Guide™.
DJDEVIL:  Helmet arrived at the scene, as foolish as ever and eager to swat some   foul cultists, even though his fighting arm was in a cast due to his  recent injuries.  Behind Helmet was Loincloth. Still big, still beefy, and a bit of an u  ncaring twat.  Flat Cap came along and took a big whiff of the sewer's smell. "Aaaaah  , smells like a battleground from the war. Reminds me of the days befo  re I got me brains blown out."
OMEGA:  "Young man, she is just trying to keep you safe and health. Also, Ball   Gown don't worry that is just movie." Father Crucifix said as he Fath  er mode activated for him. He was here to help her out.  "Loin!" Raincoat said as she jumped onto Loincloth's Face like a spide  r monkey hugging his face.
OSCARK9:  "Boxer. My boi, my man, my coolest dude that I ever known..." Gloves s  aid as he gently place his right hand at his left shoulder. "You'll li  terally doom us all! Think about it! If one trigger the alarm, they'll   storm us, take the hostage to the different location, and we'll be ba  ck right where we are and I don't want that happen to all of us. Espec  ially these people here." He point at the others with his right hand.  "All of them want to see their family and friends again and it our job  s is to reunited them once again."
EMI:  Combat Boots took some responsibility for the waddling Jong. It was hi  s duty, after all, as a man of honor such as himself. He kinda owed it   to him, because if not for him, he wouldn't have had a damn clue wher  e everyone else was, arriving at a surprisingly barren Abbey. He hones  tly thought that there was some kind of mass exodus and it worried him   greatly.  Anyway, the two arrived at the sewer, with a cacophony of horrid smell  s only to be known from human waste. Disgusting.  "Oh, what a strange place to hold a meeting." He muttered, letting go  of Jong's hand finally. "Are you... Sure you want to be here?"
OMEGA:  "Alright, you make a point but they will attack first." Boxer said to  gloves as he looks at him. "And when they do attack us, i am going to  punch their faces with my fist." He said as his mind was set on punchi  ng a Cultist today.
VAULT3:  She couldn't help rolling her eyes over the gas mask discussion. "I'll   be honest with you," Chemise eyes were locked on Boxer, "You look stu  pid, and if anything that clunky thing is only going to hinder you in  the long run."  Turning to Blazer with a hand on her hip, she placed a hand on their s  houlder. "You look like a dork, but at least you've got sense enough f  or the both of us." Compared to them, she felt grossly out of place wi  th her signature outfit. But hey, at least she looked good.  For now.
KURP:  Asmodeus looked down at the sudden contact and smiled, petting Diadem'  s head.  "Sweetie! I'm glad you're here. We'll make sure to get them back as so  on as possible."  Suddenly, Sukajan pushed a couple of folks out of his way, going into  a small covered up corner where he simply lost the lunch he had eaten  a few hours prior. The nauseating feeling didn't go away but he felt b  etter if anything.  "Alright, can we just go inside, get everyone out, and call it a day?  I'm not used to having an actual nose and this is murdering my last tw  o brain cells."
WESLEY:  "Ah- Thank you Father, and Pup please just- keep your," she lowered he  r voice for just this word, "fucking boots on, please." Puppy started  to look aroudn and gave out a weak 'uhuh' before going,  "Yeah! I'm gonna go bother that loincloth dude!" He said before he jum  ped and ran off, Mask had already drifted off out of the group and sta  rted pacing. Ball Gown gave out a heavy sigh.  "I'm going to personally kill that boy's parents." She grumbled, looki  ng to the sky.
SAIYAN:  Undershirt looked over at Sukajan and nodded his head.  "I agree, there's no use just sitting around here. It's not like they'  re gonna come to us. We may as well just get it over with." Undershirt   said to him.  "Yeah the suspension is probably the worst part. Once we get inside it   may not be as bad as we think it is" Wristband added, trying to make  it sound not as bad as it probably is down there.  "Fuuuck, I can't believe I'm going to do this. Good bye clothes, you s  erved me well" Tuxedo said.
DJDEVIL:  Loincloth shouted as Raincoat took him by surprise and pulled her off  his face. "Don't......do that....ever." He said with restraint in his  voice as he put Raincoat down.  "I AGREE WITH SER SUKAKJAN!" Helmet exclaimed, pulling out his 'sword'   and one could the bones in his arm crack as he did so. "WE MUST SMITE   THESE HEATHEN WITH HASTE!"
BRIT:  "You're gonna come outta this covered in shit, doll." Blazer said, adj  usting the collar to their shirt. They were wearing something they wer  e willing to throw away afterward, definitely. They looked around the  group, putting their shades onto their head.  Cowlneck furrowed his brow as Sukajan vomitted, but immediately tensed   up at the sound of a very gruff, very familiar voice. He had become s  traighter than he ever had been in his life- even if it was just his p  osture.  "We should head in before we're caught." Duster said, moving away from   Shades' hand and pulling the entrance the rest of the way open. He se  emed unphased by the smell, unlike everyone else.
OSCARK9:  Gloves turn his head at Sukajan. "You and me both." He nod.  Sapphire patted Tuxedo Jacket's back, lightly. "At least we can all su  ffer together."
KURP:  There was a disturbance in the force and there was a new hunk on the b  lock. Gently pushing Diadem to the side, Asmodeus practically slithere  d over to Combat Boots and placed his hands on his shoulders.  "Well, well! I haven't seen you around before," he mused, "New, I pres  ume? And more importantly, are you seeing someone?"  Aviators rolled his eyes as Asmodeus jet over to the new guy.  "Alright, we should start going in. Make sure to stop /flirting/ and b  eing loud, otherwise we're giving away our positions."  "BITE ME!" Asmodeus called out.
COFFIN:  Assless bumped his butt against Diadem's hips. "Hiya baby carrot." His   tail gives the other's bottom a part.  Dzilla waved to Summer and she proceeded to wrap her knuckles.  Vampire turned to Monocle and offered a smile in return. "Honestly not   the best but Jong and I are alive so! I'm honestly worried out of my  mind but yeah. I'm so sorry about Sneakers.."
OMEGA:  "Your Welcome and don't you worry, i have your back love." He said as  he kisses her cheek though blushes from it. "Pup, please put on your b  oots for Miss Ball Gown. You will get sick if you don't do it." He sai  d with a gentle voice like a Father's Voice.  "Okay!" Raincoat said as she gives him a hug with a smile. "I am excit  ed that your on this mission to fight Cultist!" She said as she was ex  cited to shoot Cultist.  Emperor Crown was just waiting for something.
OSCARK9:  Turning their heads at Aviator, Gloves and Sapphire nodded to him and  follows him inside the stinky sewer. They really don't want to be in t  heir, but what choice do they have. Yep, they're gonna have a loooooon  g bath after this mission.
OWLIE:  "Good thing I'm not the one in charge with laundry" Henley said, cover  ing his nose at the horrible smell, and then he frowned "Oh. Wait. I a  m. Fuck"  "Have fun washing our clothes later, Henley" Polo snickered. Henley gr  oaned as he playfully punched Polo's arm.  Monocle sighed as he absent mindedly ran his finger on his engagement  ring, then he looked up to meet Vampire Collar's eyes "Yeah.. I'm just   so worried something might happen to him,"
OMEGA:  "Mono! Polo! My two best friends who are married to each other!" Boxer   said as he goes up to them to give them a giant bear hug. "I missed y  ou guys so much!" He said as he keeps hugging the two marry couple in  his arms.
WESLEY:  Puppy hopped up to Loincloth and smiled at the individual on the groun  d. He hated his boots, they were all heavy and made him walk like a du  ck but that didn't stop him from making friends. I love your outfit Ra  incoat! You make the whole lost kid out in the rain look, look so good  !"  "Ah he will be fine, he is too much of a pretty boy, he would be stupi  d to take off his boots, but he is one to play out in the rain at the  park and come back to his apartment covered in mud and god knows what  else for fun." She sighed and gently took Father Crucifix's hand in he  r own. "Either way I'm going to have to force him out of those clothes   when I drive him back home, he's stubborn today."
SOUP KITTY:  Jong nodded "Ive got some family here so I wanna help, even if staying   outside and keeping watch is all I can do." Jong waddled over to Vamp   and hugged him from behind. "Hey guys"  Diadem turned to look at assless, "Hey!" Diadem looked a little embarr  assed right now.  Summer simply stood quietly, turning his cardigan, and the one he had  under that one, into double peace. Papa summer wasnt fucking around.
EMI:  CB blinked at the interaction. He scratched his chin nervously.  "I... I suppose. Uh..." He sputtered slightly. This blue horned being  wasn't something he recognized. Earth sure was... Strange.  "Anyway, is there something we're supposed to be doing?"
VAULT3:  Chemise shrugged, but had to admit that they were right. "So little fa  ith! I'm as careful as they come, you know." She'd just have to soak f  or a couple hours, and then shower. And soak again for several more.  Like Asmodeus, Chemise too saw the new guy, and waved at him in the mo  st alluring way she could muster. At least there would be something wo  rth looking at during the mission, which brightened her spirits a tad.
OWLIE:  "BoXEr... You're crushing meee..." Monocle wheezed, his body began to  hurt again.  Polo chuckled then patted Boxer's shoulder, gesturing for him to let g  o of Monocle. "We're just engaged yet, Box, we're not yet married"
BRIT:  Cowlneck seemed very, very into the idea of getting into that sewer. H  e rushed past just about everyone (making sure not to knock Duster ove  r on his way in). Either there was something he wanted to get away fro  m, or he was hellbent on saving those people.  Considering it's Cowlneck, the former was far more likely.  "Who lit his ass on fire...?" Blazer asked, watching Cowlneck book it  into the sewers, then looking back to Chemise. "Anyway, let's head in.   If we can find some Flies, we can steal their uniforms."
DJDEVIL:  "Blame the druggie. He payed me in meat." Loincloth said to Raincoat t  hen noticed Pup Hood appoarching, the young adult's very colored attir  e began to hurt his eyes.
COFFIN:  Vampire shook his head. " We'll find him, don't worry. We're going to  find them and make sure their okay.- Hey dear." He turned and hugged h  is fiance.  Assless snickered a little. "I hope you know I've sharpened my claws s  o we're definitely getting them back.~" He pecked the twunks cheek.
OMEGA:  "I understand, i will be taking a long bath when i get home too." Fath  er Crucifix said as he holds Ball Gown's hand.  "I don't think Helmet is on drugs. I think he was head on the head a l  ot of times." Raincoat said as she looked at Loincloth. "Also, thank y  ou!" Raincoat said with a smile as she looks at Pup though she was wea  ring a Gas Mask so he couldn't see it.  "But it still great to see you." Boxer said as he let's go of both the  m with a big smile on his face though they couldn't see it because of  the gas mask.  Emperor Crown was waiting still.
WESLEY:  Pup hood smiled at Loincloth, totally not trying to flirt subtly or an  ything he just wants more than 1 friend. 100%. He looked away and smil  ed back down at Raincoat, "is helmet that dude that yells all the time   in spartan chant or?"
RYAN:  Fib’yuh’luh gagged immediately clearly not used to the smell. “How cou  ld anyone even stand to be around something that reeks of… of… this!”  The throne choked out, emphasizing their point as they wildly gestured   to the sewer before them.  Thigh High simply huffed at the rest of the group, “After living with  13 boys I don’t think I can even process smells anymore...” She said a  s she shrugged her shoulders at the throne as she gently tugged Fib al  ong.  "Besides, if its to save Cheeky, ain't no mountain high enough could s  top me from going after him!" Thigh High declared puffing out her ches  t. "Not even a literal pile of shit."
DJDEVIL:  "Really more Latin than Spartan, but yeah. It's that guy with the cask   on his arm." Loincloth said, pointing at Helmet who was smacking hims  elf in the head with his stick for God knows whatever reason.
KURP:  Asmodeus giggled at Combat Boots' reaction, "Well," he began, "You can   do me. I could go for a little meal-"  Suddenly the man was being choked as he was dragged away by none other   than Luna who had barely made it to the sewers.  "That's the Ophanim we asked to lend his services to us, jackass," Lun  a said as she tossed Asmodeus forward. She smiled at Jong, "Well, I gu  ess we should head in with the rest."  Asmodeus was ready to retort but then saw a Throne come in. He quickly   clammed up, deciding it was better to behave and went into the sewers  .  Aviators quickly grabbed on to Cowlneck, pulling him back as he took t  he lead.  "Easy there, comadre. At least let the guy with the gun walk in front,  " he said as took out something he probably stole from Ashe Overwatch  herself.  "Let's mosey."  Sukajan hung on Cowlneck's back, urging the angel to move, "Come on, l  et's get this over with...."
SAIYAN:  Undershirt watched as Cowlneck ran past the whole group and went into  the sewers. After a moment of shock, Undershirt ran forward too and ju  mped in.  "Wait up damn it!" Undershirt yelled to Cowl as he followed him.  Wristband and a reluctant Tuxedo Jacket followed in after Undershirt.
WESLEY:  Pup put his lips into a hard line before giving a low 'hmm' at the int  eresting spectacle that is Helmet. "interesting, uh, anyway who are yo  u?" He asked, pointing to Loincloth.
OMEGA:  "This is my BBF; Best Big Friend! His name is Loincloth!" Raincoat sai  d as he introduce Loincloth to Puppy Hood.
DJDEVIL:  Helmet just casually rolled into the sewers.  Flat Cap causally followed the others.  "Yeah, sure, whatever. Now let's get going." Loincloth said as he ente  red the sewers.
SOUP KITTY:  Jong held on tightly to vamp's hand and waited to go in.  Diadem marched right on in, not really bothering to wait for anyone. H  e just wanted to get his daughter now thanks.  Summer walked right on in too.
VAULT3:  Chemise nodded, again focusing on the matter at hand. If they could fi  nd uniforms it would prove helpful, but she dreaded that they would st  ink of the sewer as well. Sticking close behind Blazer, she took great   care to not come into contact with their filthy surroundings.  The sounds of mush and water underfoot felt too loud, and Chemise hope  d no Flies would hear their approach. Too much was on the line.
OMEGA:  Emperor Crown decide to follow Asmodeus into the Sewer. He thought it  was time to go hunt the Cult though he didn't want to follow Asmodeus  though he was bored.
OWLIE:  "It smells like Cardigan's room here" Henley remarked as they entered  the sewers. Then he noticed Emperor Crown among the group. Henley clen  ched his fists as he walked ahead him. Polo following behind him. Mono  cle didn't bother catching up with his fiance and walked along with Va  mpire Collar, Jong and Assless Chaps.
EMI:  Finding his out, Combat Boots scooted towards Luna.  "Oh, Luna, there you are. It's good to see you're actually here. So, w  hat's going on?"  He was definitely lost. Nothing of this was in his briefing before he  arrived on Earth, and now they were entering a sewer with all these lo  st Fallen Angels around, a priest that was not Sir Strappon, and... Wh  atever the hell that horny blue beast was in Luna's grasp.
BRIT:  The sewers were just as everyone would imagine them as: dark, damp, an  d super stinky.  Duster seemed taken aback by the catchphrase by Aviators and as a resu  lt had fallen completely silent. This man was dead inside, damn.  Cowlneck had been halted by Aviators, glad to let the man lead on his  own. He was also sort of jumpy, but not in a way where he was scared.  Rather, he kept looking back to make sure he was out of view of someon  e.  "Augh. Fucking disgusting." Blazer said, more in a hushed whisper. The  y were walking cautiously as well, also sort of making sure Chemise wo  uldn't fall into the sewers.
OMEGA:  "Father Crucifix! We are heading in!" Boxer said as he follows the oth  er into the sewer.  "Ball Gown, we should probably go now. Would you like to join me?" Fat  her Crucifix said as he looks at her with a smile. He didn't have his  Gas Mask on yet.  "Sewer Adventure!" Raincoat said as she follows Loincloth and Puppy Ho  od into the Sewers.
COFFIN:  Vampire led the way in with a gulp and he held his baby boy's hand tig  ht. "This is getting a negative yelp review.."  Assless Chaps carried his twink into the sewer before cracking up. "Va  mpire Collar I will skin you."  Dzilla yeeted herself in.
OSCARK9:  Gloves and Sapphire follow the others in the mid section of the group.   Watching their steps and pinching their own noses so the awful smell  won't enter, yet, there mouth's tasting the stench. Yuck! It's like ea  ting a rotten egg on a 4th of July.  "Man...what a drag." Gloves said, quietly. So no one from afar can hea  r him.
WESLEY:  "Of course, dear." Ball gown smiles, and starts to clomp forward. Pupp  y lifted his head and gaze up quickly at the sudden movment and decide  d to ditch the budding friendships and head on in in a rush.
DJDEVIL:  Helmet's ingenuous decision to roll into the sewer caused him to roll  into a pile of muck and shit. He soon popped out of that shit, causing   some of that shit to get on anyone who unlucky enough to be near him.
VAULT3:  "This is place is a nightmare," she muttered, "Are humans always this  unsanitary?" Chemise stifled another groan as she felt a small amount  of water enter her shoe, thankful that they were old and hadn't been w  orn in over a year.
SAIYAN:  "Okay, so I was wrong... It's just as bad as I thought it would be" Wr  istband muttered as she plugged her nose.  "You said it Blazer! This place sucks! How do these people stand using   this!" Tuxedo asked Blazer.  "These flies must not have noses or something! This is nuts!" Undershi  rt said as he looked around the sewer.  He'd never been in one before, but he was fairly certain Wristband had  , due to her past sexual desires.
KURP:  "Right," Luna piped up as Combat Boots addressed her, "So some fanatic  s of Beelzebub took a lot of our own, including Strappon. So we employ  ed the help of his captive brother, Asmodeus over there, to track down   where these fanatics are. And...well... They're in a bunch of sewers.   Who would of thought."  She followed closely behind everyone else as they filed in, trying her   best to not be fazed by the stench.  "Sewers aren't meant to be sanitary," Sukajan said in response to Chem  ise, "We should focus on isolating a few of these flies and taking uni  forms until we're all disguised."  "After we pick up disguises, we move up a level to where they're all a  ctually at. They all live in areas used to maintain the sewers," Asmod  eus said.
WESLEY:  "Mask can you go scout?" Ball gown asked as she followed the group int  o The sewers.
DJDEVIL:  "These uniform wouldn't happen to have shirts, would they?" Loincloth  asked
SOUP KITTY:  diadem got a bit surprised at being carried, he was so ready to just w  altz on in but now hes in the arms of his bigger carrot boy. He rested   his head on assless and enjoyed the ride.  Jong seemed to be nose blind, he just happily walked on in. This boy w  as weird. He did have his weapon summoned and it was slinged over his  shoulder. Jong was a bit bothered by how dark it was, so Jong zipped u  p his hoodie and put the hood on, and then lit his free hand on fire t  o provide some light. He was gonna watch his step, even if he was wear  ing boots.  Summer walked just a little bit further ahead of the twink brigade.
OMEGA:  The Angels along with the Father were following in their respected gro  up.
OSCARK9:  "And I hope they have sunglasses with them." Sapphire said.  "Why would they even need sunglasses within this sewer? Gloves ask her  .  "You know, incase they have bad eye vision with the light. Plus it wou  ld be cool on all of us." She answers.
EMI:  "I see..." Combat Boots mumbled to himself. He knew this faction neede  d help on Earth, but he had no idea it was this bad. He looked up ahea  d of him and saw a familiar man sulking up ahead. He felt his heart le  ap. He knew he should have been focusing on the mission, but...  The Ophanim pushed past Luna and swung his heavy arm over Duster's sho  ulders, almost leaning on him.  "Why the long face, Dusty? Finally get that washingpole stuck up your  ass?"  He couldn't help it.
RYAN:  "I have yet to kill a man yet, but I am willing to-" Fib started befor  e being shushed by Thigh High using her threads to quiet the Throne.  "This is a stealth mission." Thigh High whisper-yelled as she ripped o  ne of her suspenders off and tied it like a bandanna across her forehe  ad.  "The line that distinguishes you and Cheeky gets smaller and smaller e  very day." Fib sighed as she removed Thigh High's threads from her mou  th.
VAULT3:  "Whether they're meant to be or not is debatable," her tone hard to ga  uge, but her face was like an open book. Chemise desperately wanted to   have a smoke for obvious reasons, and another was that they smelled a   hell of a lot better than this sewer.  "So, how exactly are we going to hide the Flies after we nab their sui  ts? If they're seen, we're fucked."
DJDEVIL:  Flat Cap lit up a cigar as he walked through the sewers and heard a li  ttle repeating splashing sound. He turned and saw Helmet rowing along  in the sewer's water in a large wooden box with a glowing lämp attache  d to the front.  "Row row row your boat, Gently down the stream! Merrily merrily merril  y merrily, Life is but a dream." Helmet sang as he rowed.
KURP:  Luna huffs as she was ditched. No manners but she noticed who the guy  went to. She shrugged then noticed that Thigh High was...up to some an  tics of sorts.  "Boss?" She said as she walked up to Thigh High.  Aviators wasn't expecting Combat Boots to make his entrance like so an  d pointed his weapon out of reflex before sighing and moving forward.  "Jesus, give a warning next time," he muttered.  "Simple, we throw their bodies into the sewage water. A just death," A  smodeus said in regards to disposing fly bodies.
WESLEY:  Mirror mask nodded and has gone ahead of the group scouting for anythi  ng suspicious or worthy to announce to the group. He was quiet and usi  ng his hunting skills to his advantage. Pup had started to follow him  since he is faster in agility than mask. If he needed to run and tell  the group something he was there tobrun.
BRIT:  Duster had been skulking along, stealthily dragging ass behind Aviator  s and Sukajan with half a heart. He turned to Combat Boots and blinked   a few times in the dark, his eyes adjusting to see a familiar face.  "What... Combat Boots? What are you doing here?" He asked, some of the   life coming back into his face, "Don't tell me they finally thought y  ou were drinking too much...?"  Blazer was crouched and looking up and down the dark passages. They pu  lled their blazer off an lit their sword for some extra light.  "Yeah, I'm not opposed to drowning this entire fucking cult." They his  sed. The peered over to Thigh High. "Thigh, what are you doing...?"
COFFIN:  Vampire Collar took out his flash light sippy cup and turned it on whi  le taking a sip. "This smells like the guano box." He spat the blood o  ut, "B negative."  Assless held his twink and he yawned. "This makes me miss the mass gra  ves honestly."
SAIYAN:  "Savage as always aren't you, Asmo?" Wristband said as she too looked  around.  "Well, which way do we go?" Tuxedo Jacket said, as he somehow grabbed  onto the side of the sewer pipe, suspending him from the sewage below.  Undershirt noticed that some people were using their weapons to get so  me light shining in the sewer and he decided to help out.  "Let's shine some light on the situation!" He said as his aura explode  d outwards and shone brightly in the dark sewer pipe.
EMI:  CB leaned on his friend more, leaning closer to whisper to him.  "It's a secret." He said quietly and hushed him. "It's good to know yo  u keep better company these days... Anyway, this espionage mission sho  uld be a cakewalk with you around, right, star child?"
OSCARK9:  Gloves turn his head at Asmo, "Dude!" He yell-whisper to him, "I rathe  r choke hold them, let them sleep, and not killed them here within thi  s sewer." He crossing his arms. That's unholy right there."
VAULT3:  Chemise thought the plan was sound, and elegantly removed her outer na  mesake. Having known that hands were likely to be thrown, she had worn   two rather than one, because being nude in a sewer wasn't on her buck  et list.  "If murder our plan, then strangling them with my whip is perfect for  some silent death," she said, as her chemise lit up in a small burst o  f light. "Murder is only fair, Gloves."
DJDEVIL:  Loincloth squinted his eyes from the bright aura Undershirt was radiat  ing and grabbed a nearby blanket was obviously very filthy and draped  it over Undershirt so his aura wasn't fucking blinding him. "Shining l  ike the sun in a damn sewer is sure a hell of a way of turning someone   permanently blind you know. Beside we have enough light."
RYAN:  A giant exclamation point appeared above the spot where Thigh High onc  e stood, now crouched beneath a box. Dramatically standing up and disc  arding the box she looked at Luna and winked, "Kept you waiting, huh?"   She breathily said in a strangely deep voice.  Looking at Blazer she tied her other suspender over their forehead and   cupped their cheek. "Sshh, just let it happen..." As she slowly retre  ated back into her cardboard box.
OMEGA:  "Loincloth is right." Raincoat said as he looks at Undershirt as she s  tands besides Loincloth.
OSCARK9:  Gloves turn his head at Chemise. "Yeah..." He told her. "But not like  this." He shook his head and walk a little faster, but still in the li  ne within the group.
SAIYAN:  Undershirt was feeling mighty proud of himself before he was suddenly  enwrapped by a shitty smelling blanket.  "Hey what the fuck! That's disgusting! How did a blanket end up in the   sewer!?" Undershirt said as he managed to get the nasty blanket off o  f him.  "Jesus man, I never get to have any fun around here anymore.
BRIT:  Duster suddenly looked exhausted beyond belief.  "Yeah, okay, CB." He muttered, turning back face Aviators, "I don't kn  ow why you're here but I guess... It's good. I hope you didn't fall."  If Combat Boots fell, it meant the Apocalypse was coming. At least in  Duster's head.  Blazer blinked slowly at Thigh High. What a day it was. What a time to   be alive.
KURP:  "Murder won't have consequences if it's me, idiot," Asmodeus said to G  loves, "So let me handle it, I already have blood on my hands."  "Babe, that's unsanitary," Luna said as Thigh High went into a box, "W  e're in sewers..."  Aviators sighed at the chaos behind him, being sure that it'll attract   attention. He's a healer but that didn't mean he wasn't willing to sh  oot a man or two.
With all the Fly talk, where exactly where they? A few were stowed away in a room having a card game. It looked like an intense game as cards we re soon thrown with an argument breaking out into a fight. Their squabbl ing stopped as a weird light shown through for a brief second. They all turned to each other with shrugs being exchanged. A few decided to check it out, shining their flashlights. The lights hit the rag-tag team of Angels and Demons, one pointing. "Hey we have intruders!" "Get them!" Another called out. The rest that were in the room stayed put, waiting to see if their assis tance would be needed.
VAULT3:  "Don't pussy out, Gloves. It was apparent from the start that these Fl  ies aren't just going to give everyone back," Chemise said with a roll   of her eyes. His whole holier-than-thou attitude stank about as bad a  s the sewer itself.  Opening her mouth to speak again, she heard voices that didn't belong  to anyone in their group "Shit, we've got company."
BRIT:  Cowlneck grabbed the announcer and dragged the Fly into the corridor h  e'd been hiding in, walking out shortly after in the Fly garb.  "I'm surprised it fits..." He muttered, looking up at the group.
EMI:  Zoning in on one of the guards, Combat Boots ran forward and slammed h  is boot into their helmet with all the force he had. This knocked them   into the wall and he started stomping on them aggressively.  Cowlneck, you should have probably just waited for everyone else to su  it up.
OMEGA:  Boxer charges at them only taking one punch to knock both of the Flies   out. "Time to take down a Cult!" Boxer said as he so excited to fight  .  "Dear be careful with these Cultist!" Father Crucifix said as he gets  ready for battle as well.  Raincoat and Emperor Crown summons her weapon getting ready for Battle  .
COFFIN:  Dzilla blinked at the blanket before looking at the flies. She grabbed   one of them and proceeded to slam them into another fly.  Assless put Diadem down gently before moving his finger towards a flys   belly button. He successfully managed to unzip skin.  Vampire watched a liver flop out and he nodded. "At least he was healt  hy."
SOUP KITTY:  Diadem starterd laughing. It was really a cackle. But even a cackle is   an understatement, it was full on Ojou-sama. Diadem's Ojou-sama laugh   got louder as naruto ran towards the flies' room at a scary speed. A  few seconds later a fly was thrown out of the room full force. The fly   was unconcious and had its outfit yoted. Diadem walked of the room wi  th one of the outfits in hand, still laughing. Had he lost it? maybe.
WESLEY:  "Oh yay!" Puppy exclaimed whipping out his butterfly knife and slashin  g to the nearest fly. He ran forward and gotnout of the way as mirror  took off his mask and it melted into his fighting puppet around his fi  ngers strings clinging as he threw the toy and spiked one in the head.   Ball gown took out her knight of hammers and ran forward in defense.
BRIT:  Cowlneck, having been /mowed over/ by Combat Boots, hit the ground and   lost most of the air in his lungs. He struggled to get himself up and   grabbed the man's foot.  "A-AH FUCK. YOU TWIT!! STOP! PLEASE. I YIELD! I YIELD!"  "CB I think that's Cowlneck." Duster said simply, not making much more   of a move to help his friend.  "Shit, Cowlneck be savage-- Oh. Oh my god. That had to hurt." Blazer m  uttered. "Oof. I think we better fuck up the rest of these scrubs. Dus  ter has it handled."  They stood and rushed at another fly, swinging the blunt side of their   blade to knock them into the wall with enough force to konk them out  the moment their head hit the bricks.  "Shit, these flies are pussies." They said, picking the uniform off th  e now unconscious man.
DJDEVIL:  One of the flies ran up to Loincloth, who was casually approaching the   room and punched him in the abdomen, but didn't seemed to do anything   to the giant. The fly looked up at Loincloth nervously before his sku  ll was practically shattered from being pimpslapped by Loincloth's big  , meaty hand.  Flat Cap just watched this shit go down.  Helmet was just floating away from the action in his boat. Someone hel  p this man.
OSCARK9:  Gloves sigh at the two, "For that, yes A." Then turn to Chemise. "And  you, who ever said I was pussy out?" He summons his holy namesakes gau  ntlets. He runs over to one of the fly and choke hold them. "I've came   this far with my comrades, and I ain't killing no one here." After ho  lding one of them for so long, the fly immediately fainted. "Our missi  on is to safe them and that's that." He said to her.  Sapphire saw one of the fly coming over to her and summon her Glaive a  nd wake the fly on his right side rib and send it to the wall.
KURP:  Asmodeus pinched the bridge of his nose. He dissipated into thin air,  leaving a small dark cloud where he once stood. As more flies joined t  heir comrades after being riled up from the small room they were, a da  rk energy appeared between the two groups.  The energy swirled and out came a large figure in his full orange glor  y.  "Cease this fighting," he said, his voice resonating with the flies as   they dropped everything and bowing to what they assumed to be their L  ord.  "Now," he began, "Strip."  Confused, many flies looked at each other but did as they were told. T  hey can't just risk being disobedient to their master. Mama raised the  m better.  Seeing them fully stripped, the image of Beelzebub contorted back to A  smodeus who raised his hand.  "Alright, fuck them up, I'll be filing my nails," he said, leaning on  a wall and doing exactly that.
VAULT3:  Chemise darted behind a Fly, and used her whip to choke her unlucky ta  rget. She did so only long enough to knock them out - dropping them on  ce they were out cold. Afterwards she unceremoniously stripped the hum  an down to their unmentionables, and found that the uniform was only s  lightly loose.  Hearing the word scrub, she had to cover her mouth to hold in a laugh.   "Blazer, did you seriously just say that? You're officially a huge do  rk now."
OMEGA:  Boxer grabs one of them looking at Cultist with his scary gas mask. "W  here is your God now?" Boxer ask as he punches the Cultist through the   wall of the Sewer. He was enjoying beating these Flies up.  Father Crucifix joins Ball Gown as her double defense protecting her f  rom any Flies coming at her. "I got your back, Dear!" Father Crucifix  said as he smacks a fly across the face with a Bible. His weapon was t  he Lords Holy Book!  Raincoat was sniping The Flies one by one though not killing them. Emp  eror Crown was just bitch smacking each and every Fly that came to him  .
EMI:  CB stopped his boot onslaught suddenly. Oh, what a familiar voice.  "Cowl? What are you doing with this crowd?" He placed his foot down. "  I could have sworn you had more class than that..." He said with a fur  rowed brow.
RYAN:  Somehow, Thigh High pulled a tranq gun from her box and dived onto the   ground before shooting at one of the Flies' head. She fired and then  missed, then she fired and she missed again. This continued for a bit.   Though she missed her target but successfully looked cool while doing   so. -3 Intelligence but she gains +5 Coolness points.  Fib summoned their weapon and tossed their shield. It bounced off a fl  ies' head before hitting the one Thigh High was aiming at, successfull  y knocking them out. Thigh High gave a thumbs up and praised the shot,   "You're pretty good!" Feeling their cheeks heat up as they blushed, t  hey repeated "Pretty good..." Fib gained +7 Friendship points.  Thigh High winked at her companion before slithering away in her box t  o change into the uniform she procured. Fib had to get more than one
OWLIE:  Monocle summoned his axe and knocked an approaching fly unconscious.
COFFIN:  Assless Chaps heard Diadem laugh and his tent was pitched. He didn't e  ven care. He proceeded to choke one and give Diadem a kiss. Ah young l  ove.  Vampire bit into a neck and proceeded to fill his sippy. Vampapa wante  d his juice damn it.  Dzilla just punted one into the wall.
SAIYAN:  "Well that happened." Undershirt said as he saw the flies getting beat  en up by Cowl and a few others.  "Well you know what that means right?" Tuxedo Jacket asked before runn  ing into the room and punching out one of the flies.  Undershirt and Wristband followed and donned on their uniforms.  "Hey, these fit pretty well! I kind of like them!" Wristband said as s  he looked herself over.
WESLEY:  Ball gown smiled and waved atvone fly before taking her hammer into hi  s skull and watching it break open like a pumpkin. One that came up to   her side naked and confused she stabbed with the horn of the horse. S  he glanced to puppy who hummed along slashing and stabbing. Being so a  gile he was mostly just dodging and ducking for mirror to take them by   surprise and rip them limb from limb. "You all seem to have some pent   up anger. Youre quite brutal." Mirror shrugged and puppy laughed at b  all gown before running and jumping over a couple bodies.
BRIT:  "I PUT THE FUCKIN UNIFORM ON, YOU DUMBASS!" Cowlneck yelled, throwing  the helmet at CB's face and hitting him square in the forhead. "I'M WI  TH YOU!!"  Duster caught the helmet before it hit the ground and dropped it on Co  wl, walking past him to the room filled with poor, unfortunate victims   about to meet their untimely comatose states. While also nude.  "I'm contactually obligated to make sure you don't kill any more." He  stated simply to the demons in the room, deadpan, sword summoned, and  shirtless. He rushed in and knocked the remaining flies unconcious wit  h what seemed like one sweeping motion. There weren't many left, anywa  y. Oops.  Blazer affixed a uniform to their body and adjusted it to their liking  . They grinned at Chemise.  "Yeah, okay. I'm the nerd. What's wrong with the word scrub?" They ask  ed, "Anyway, we make these uniforms look pretty fly."  They posed for emphasis.
OWLIE:  "Mono, look~" Polo said as he put on the uniform he took from a fly an  d showed it off to Monocle. Henley was also wearing a uniform, taking  selfies.  Monocle wrinkled his nose as we watched the two dorks and reluctantly  wore a uniform he picked up. He sighed.  "Let's just get this over with. I just wanna see my son again" Monocle   muttered.
SAIYAN:  "That pun was horrible!" Tuxedo Jacket said as he walked over to him,  arms folded.  He was in a much better mood now that he was able to protect his cloth  es, however. But that allowed him to pay attention to other things, li  ke calling people out for bad puns
OSCARK9:  As Gloves and Sapphire was finish knocking out few of the flies, they  grab the uniforms and try them on. It smell bad, but it fits them.  "I say, it may smell bad, but at least we got our uniforms." Gloves sa  id, buttoning them up.  "Yeah." Sapphire agrees. As she put hers on, there was a sunglasses wi  thin the left chest pocket. She smiled widly and show it to Glove. "Oh   Gloves~" She wave the sunglasses to him.  "Well I'll be damn!" He was surprise that one of them has it. Who knew  !
OMEGA:  "God forgive me." Father Crucifix said as he starts to put on the unif  orm.  Boxer puts on the uniform of the fly.  Raincoat hands Puppy Hood and Loincloth a uniform. She starts to put o  n her uniform she got from the Cultist she took out.  "I can't believe i have to wear this..." Emperor Crown said as he look  s at the uniform.
COFFIN:  Vampire Collar slipped the uniform over his suit and he wiggled. "This   looks gross."  Assless Chaps slipped his uniform over his outfit and he cringed in ga  y. "This color is atrocious on me."  Dzilla attempted to put on a uniform and huffed when it was too small.
VAULT3:  "Everything is wrong with it. Like everything," Chemise said with yet  another shrug, grinning at them. She posed dramatically in response, l  ooking at them carefully. They had a point.  The uniforms didn't smell and they didn't look half bad, but wearing c  lothes that were on another person minutes before was kind of gross. "  You're right, so I'll give you that one."
EMI:  "Oh, well how the hell was I supposed to know? You have a... History o  f bad choices." CB said, rubbing his forehead. It shouldn't come as a  surprise that he had a thick skull. He watched Duster go and finish th  e job like it was his God-given purpose. His eyes wandered back to Cow  lneck with the sound of audible beating from the next room, scratching   his chin idly. The tension was thick in the air as the two men made p  rolonged eye contact.
OWLIE:  "Who the fuck wears sunglasses in the dark?" Henley asked as he approa  ched Gloves and Sapphire. Then he turned to Emperor Crown and scowled,   "No one said you should join, Emperor Crap"  Monocle looked down at the uniform and shuddered, it was u g l y.
OMEGA:  "What did you just say Mongrel!" Emperor Crown shouted as he looked at   Henley. "I am Emperor Crown! King of Kings and Ruler of Royalty!" He  shouted as he walks over to him looking ready to punch him or smack hi  m.
SOUP KITTY:  Diadem was too invested in laughing and kicking the fly he had knocked   out.
 Jong carefully waddled over to one of the flies who was still no uncon  scious and politely asked for their uniform. Which he got. Nice. He ju  st waddled back to vamp and let someone else take care of the fly. He  was too gregnat for this. Jong's attention was caught by Crown, and he   waddled over to him "Please no yelly or Im taking you back to the abb  ey."
OSCARK9:  Gloves and Sapphire turn their heads at Henley as he approach them. "I   know right!" Gloves said. "And I'm surprise it has it."  "It was in the left chest pocket as I was putting this shirt on." Sapp  hire answers.
OMEGA:  "That's enough!" Father Crucifix grabbed Diadem shoulder. "We are not  here to kill but to save." He said as he points at Diadem.
OWLIE:  "Yeah yeah, whatever" Henley said, waving him off, "Just wear the fuck  ing uniform and act like you care for once,"  Monocle appeared between the two of them like he always does and said,   "Do you have to argue each time you meet?" Their shit is getting tire  some. Monocle looked at Henley, then to Emperor Crown.  "Henley, c'mon," Polo said, steering Henley Shirt away from Emperor Cr  own
BRIT:  Cowlneck stood and dusted his now-dirty uniform off with a huff, flipp  ing his hair back. He pouted at Combat Boots, the prolonged eye contac  t becoming more apparent with the silence between them. It was /palpab  le./  "Alright, now that we're all gettin the uniforms together we should pr  obably figure out where to next." Blazer said, ignoring TJ's response  to their obviously clever pun on purpose. They flicked their gaze over   to the married couple staring at each other and grimaced, placing the   helmet slowly over their head. Gross. "Any ideas, Bro?"  Duster was attempting to fit a uniform to his person, having trouble i  n the obvious area- his chest. He kept trying to pull it closed, but s  ighed and shoved a helmet onto his head. His chest would remain expose  d.  He walked over and grabbed Diadem, gently pulling him backward from cu  rbstomping the fly.  "Cease." He said.
COFFIN:  Vampire Collar hugged Jong from behind and rubbed his stomach. "My cut  ie.."  Assless broke his own neck to glare at Father Crucifix. "Can you pleas  e proceed to shut the Fuck up??" He kissed his boys cheek.
KURP:  Seeing everyone get into disguise, so did Asmodeus. With a bit of help   from magic, he assumed the form of a fly complete with a change in he  ight. He could use his brother's image but that would make everything  too easy. He lives for the drama.  "Right," Aviators began, putting on a helmet of his own, "We should pr  obably start looking for ladders or stairs that lead up to the next fl  oor. Asmodeus knows where they're holding Strappon and the others so i  f we secure them, we have more muscle to get the kids."
OMEGA:  "Excuse me prince but our mission is to save children not kill a culti  st for fun." Father Crucifix said as he snaps at Assless.  "I don't have to argue with this Mongrel all time. Though he needs to  understand that i am a King." Emperor Crown said as he puts on the uni  form.
COFFIN:  Assless blinks like excuse me. "And your mission is to fuck off and ge  t your facts straight, you hypocritical child beating bigot." He walks   off twunk in hand.  Vampire starts clapping quietly. "You're doing great honey."
EMI:  Finally shaking the dokis off of himself, he grabbed a uniform himself   and chuckled to himself. What a fool he was. It was a tight fit, but  he managed to get it somewhat functional. He joined the rest of the gr  oup with Cowlneck. It reminded him of old times with his buddies.
SOUP KITTY:  Diadem stopped his kicking, and laughing. He looked around a little, a  nd his attention was now on father crucifix. "I think i got a little c  arried away...." Diadem simply stepped away from the group and changed  , he then walked back to assless' side and hugged him. What a messy ga  y.  Jong had a frown on his face. "Hey, thats not really a nice thing to c  all someone? You really need to cool it. Down here you're not anyone's   king, or anyone's boss. Youre just a fallen angel like a lot of us we  re or are. So I suggest to start changing your attitude." He placed a  hand on Emperor Crown's  shoulder as he said this.
OSCARK9:  "Right!" Gloves said to Aviators, "More muscles, the better we all get   out of here."
VAULT3:  Ladders and stairs, stairs and ladders. Simple. "Should we go in pairs  , or should we all ssplit up? I'd say the former is safer," Chemise sa  id, trying to situate her helmet comfortably enough while wearing her  glasses at the same time. Contacts would have been the better option,  but there was no going back at this point.
OMEGA:  Father Crucifix sighs as he goes back to Ball Gown.  "Don't speak to me mongrel, I am King of Kings. My Blood is pure and i  t doesn't matter if i have fallen or not." Emperor Crown said as he lo  oked at Jong. "So, next time approach me by bowing." He said as he de-  summons his weapon put his crown back on.
COFFIN:  Vampire Collar looks at Emperor crown. "Excuse me, do not talk to my h  usband like that you cheep plastic crown wearing pre-madonna hotel bre  ath mint bitch." He flips him off with both well manicured middle fing  ers.
OWLIE:  "You're not-" Monocle sighed and took a deep breath. This man is extre  mely arrogant for him. "That is fucking rude, Emperor Crown, you don't   talk to people like that,"\
RYAN:  Thigh High pulled out a pair of infrared goggles and looked around the   room. Hearing Emperor Crown's statement she frowned as she got up fro  m her crouching walk and tossed a barrel at him.  "Hey why don't you have a seat son, this is is no time to be getting y  our rocks off with that fake dom speech." She began as looked at him w  ith absolute disgust, "Besides, you're no king if you don't respect an  yone or thing. Try: Idiot." Pausing she put her hand on her chin. Fib  put their hand on her shoulder to push her aside.  "Ah, you are motherfucker?" They said, pointing at the delusional king  .
OSCARK9:  "Woof!" Sapphire said, wide eyes at Vampire Collar words.
SOUP KITTY:  Jong's expression changed to polite to resting bitch face. He squeezed   crown's  shoulder and pulled him down until they were eye level "List  en here kiddo, i suggest you dont talk to me like that again. Down her  e, youre a piece of shit just like everyone else. You can act like you  re royalty but honestly no one gives a shit. I suggest you learn how t  o stay in your lane. I better not hear you address anyone else with th  at word, or tone. Especially when they're higher rank than you. Have s  ome motherfucking respect, because its obvious as fuck why you got kic  ked out of heaven."
OMEGA:  "What did you say you Pale Mongrel?" Emperor Crown said as he snaps to  wards Vampire Collar. "I am filled with royal of blood!" He said as he   was getting mad at both Mono and Vamp. "I can speak to all of you Mon  grels any way i want for i am a King! No a Emperor!" Emperor Crown sai  d as he looks at everyone.
COFFIN:  "Bitch the blood in my sippy cup is more royal sit down." Vampire yawn  ed.
KURP:  Hearing the tone out of Emperor Crown miffed Luna. With a sigh and her   arms crossed she approached the angel with a dignified bow, extending   her arms and promptly slapping him upside the head as she straightene  d herself out.  "Usually I don't like striking people but you've gotten on my nerves.  If that doesn't humble you down, we'll have a stern word. That or I ca  n feed you to Asmodeus, that's the easiest alternative I got."  "Yuck!" Asmodeus said in the distance, "That bitch gonna give me a sto  mach virus!"
RYAN:  "You are filled with something alright. But I do not think it is of th  e blood..." Fib'yuh'luh added. Who the fuck raised this heathen??? The   Throne is now distressed in thought as to who could birth an abominat  ion like that.
BRIT:  Cowlneck walked over to CB and adjusted the other man's uniform as if  it was some kind of involuntary action.  "Honey, what are you doing here?" He asked quietly, making sure the cl  asps of his uniform were correct. "Please just tell me you didn't fall   from sin..."  "From the way Luna spoke with him, he seems to have come by request."  Duster commented, "You two can have a reunion later."  "Abd can you /please/ use another word that isn't /mongrel/, you fucki  ng degenerate?" Cowlneck called over. He snorted and shook his head, "  Some children are so /spoiled./"  "Imagine having your head so far up your ass that you make literally e  veryone in the room angry just by opening your damn mouth." Blazer sai  d, walking ahead of the crowd, "Hey, fuckholes! Let's fuckin go! I fou  nd stairs!"
SAIYAN:  Wristband gagged a bit as she heard Luna say what she could do to Asmo  .  "That's too mean, even for Asmo! No one deserves that!" Wristband said   to Luna.
OMEGA:  "How dare you..." Emperor Crown said as he turns to Luna with anger. "  I AM KING! YOU DO NOT STRIKE YOUR KING!" He said as he pokes at Luna's   Chest. "NOW FORGIVE ME BY BOWING, MONGREL!" Emperor Crown shouted at  Luna as he points to ground. He is King and that's what he thinks. He  is more important than everyone in this room.
COFFIN:  Dzilla snapped like she remembered something. "You remind me of the Br  itish generals. Ten seconds before I removed their spines from them an  d used them as whips." Damn sis.  Assless Chaps stretched, "The bigger the Ego the smaller the dick."  Vampire Collar blinked. "Yeah he's so dead."
VAULT3:  "You've got a bad attitude, Crown, a real bad attitude. If I weren't m  ore concerned about the task at hand, I'd introduce you to Seeing Star  s. It's not meant to be," Chemise said, turning on one foot and follow  ing Blazer from a foot behind.
OSCARK9:  Gloves and Sapphire looked at the fight that Emperor Crown creates and   speaking to a Ophamin like that, oh boy. He's asking for it.  "Dude. What have you done?" Gloves said, showing fear within his eyes.  Sapphire step the fuck back and away from the crazy scene.
KURP:  Crossing her arms Luna turned around, her pony tail slapping Emperor C  rown in the face as she proceeded to wear her disguise.  "And I'm the ruler of Atlantis," she said, putting on a helmet.  "Good job, Blazer," Aviators said as he trailed behind them.  "Hey Cowl," Sukajan called out, "You gonna come with or what? "  Asmodeus sighed, "At least someone takes pity on me."  Taking note of some stairs being found, he ran towards Blazer to take  lead.  "Alright everyone," he began, "Just follow me and everything should go   smoothly. If they ask where all of us are going, just say we got call  ed up for their upcoming rally. They'll let us free after that."
EMI:  Combat Boots blushed a little bit and scratched his chin again. Damn b  ad habit.  "Oh, don't worry about me. I just wanted to help out down here. Seems  like you've all had it rough and need a hand. That's all..."  He cleared his throat. "Why don't we continue the mission? We're a lit  tle distracted."  Despite the fires blazing around them, he put his hand on Cowl's mid b  ack and pushed him forward. "I believe they found an entrance, dear. L  et's not keep them waiting."
RYAN:  Thigh High pressed mute on her remote control, hoping to silence the b  uffoon that was Emperor Crown as if she were now Adam Sandler from Cli  ck. Following Blazer's voice, Thigh High moved towards it as she strug  gled to crouch walk up the stairs under her box. "Betrayal.." She whis  pered as she tumbled out of her box like a ragdoll.  Fib'yuh'luh scooped up the angel and put her back on her feet. "You ma  y be the mess, but you are mine. Boss.."  Gasping Thigh High began to shed a tear, removing her bandanna she pla  ced it on Fib's head. "I have taught you well." Immediately she ruins  the moment by unzipping her uniform a tasteful amount all while saluti  ng the Throne.
SOUP KITTY:  Jong walked up next to Luna "...So anyway did i tell you we're having  girls? I think mary is gonna be really excited to know once we actuall  y get him out of here."  Diadem made a disgusted face behind the mask. That was yikes.  Summer was somewhere. Probably.
OMEGA:  Emperor Crown fell silent for a moment and looks down while growling.  "Come on, Crown." Boxer said as he follows everyone.  Emperor Crown follows everyone but from far behind as he mutters to hi  mself.
OWLIE:  "Well, I do hope you improve your attitude, Crown... /Somehow/" Monocl  e said, he looked at Emperor Crown one more time before putting on his   helmet and walked next to Polo and Henley and followed Blazer and the   others to the stairs
OSCARK9:  "Yes, A." Gloves said. "Loud and clear."  Sapphire didn't say anything but nod to Asmo and both follow him with  the rest of the group.
COFFIN:  Vampire Collar followed Luna and Jong close behind. "I honestly can't  wait till I can hold them..I hate seeing Jong struggling, even if it's   cute sometimes."  Assless Chaps followed the group, checking his nails.  Dzilla summoned her weapons and she dragged them behind her. Pyramid w  oman was pissedddd.
SAIYAN:  Undershirt, Wristband and T.J. didn't have an argument as they lined u  p behind Asmo. They really did need to get moving before they started  to turn on each other even more than they already were.  "So explain to me again how you know where we're going, again?" Wristb  and asked Asmo.
KURP:  Asmodeus peered into every hallway he considered, only signalling for  others to follow if the coast was clear.  "I was an undercover unit for a bit. I transformed into various types  of their units to gain access to particular parts of their base. Thank  fully for everyone, I have a great mental map," he explained.  As Luna followed the group, she looked up at Fib'yuh'luh holding Thigh   High. Her face immediately flushed as Thigh High decided to show some   of her...care package. Honestly, how rude to do that without warning.
BRIT:  Cowlneck smiled as he moved forward. His attitude seemed to do a 180 a  nd he was no longer attempting to hide from the other man. He was walk  ing like he knew CB had his eyes on his ass. And he probably did.  In the meantime, Blazer had begun to climb the aforementioned stairs t  hey had spotted, guiding them up with the light of their new flashligh  t.  "This place is definitely gross." Their said definitively, "You think  we can spot Pinky and the rest of the crew?"  They looked back for Asmodeus' confirmation.  "Good we need one of those." Duster stated.  He was back to being dead. At least he didn't have much of a face.
As the Angels ventured forth into the bowels of Daten City's underground , they would only wonder if they would find what they were looking for. Will they find the captured party soon, or will Asmodeus lead them in th e wrong direction entirely? Will their disguises work? Are their clothes going to smell after they leave? This could only be answered once they venture further into the depths.
The Angels continued on in Daten's Sewers, attempting to locate their ca ptive loved ones. Obtaining uniforms of The Order of the Fly (with varyi ng grades of fit, since they didn't seem to have a variety), they hope t o find them soon, and without a hitch.
OSCARK9:  Gloves and Sapphire was following the group within the mid-section. Th  e sewers was still stinking like usual, and their uniforms as well, bu  t they came so far and they're literally not going back until all of t  he group of kids and adults are safe.  Gloves desummons his weapon so other flies won't notice their Angels a  nd so does Sapphire. Yet, she's wearing the flie's sunglasses within t  he sewer. Gloves doesn't know why she's wearing it, but he keeps his m  outh shut.
SAIYAN:  Wristband shot her eyebrows up in surprise at Asmo's response. She did  n't realize he was capable of all of that. What else could he do that  they were unaware about? Looks like she'd need to keep an even closer  eye on him. Who knows what he might do in the future.  "Wow, I didn't expect that from you, although maybe I should have cons  idering what you are and all" Wristband replied.  "Damn, I didn't know he could shapeshift, did you?" Tuxedo Jacket whis  pered to Undershirt, who replied with a shug.
DJDEVIL:  Due to Loincloth's size, there was no way any of the uniforms obtained   were going to fit him, so he had to improvise by just piling jackets  onto himself until his indentity was concealed. "This isn't going to w  ork and you know it." He said as this was clearly not his idea.  "It'll work, big guy. Trust me." Flat Cap said, confident in his total  ly 100% genius idea, "I gotta say tho, black just ain't me color. I'm  more of a dark blue lad.  Helmet continued to float further and further away from the group in h  is box boat until he fell off the edge of the pipe he was floating dow  n. Rest in Pepperoni.
OMEGA:  Father Crucifix was still holding Ball Gown's hand.  "God, i am going to throw up. I can't believe i had to take off my Gas   Mask." Boxer said as he covers his mouth up. He didn't really like sm  ell of the Sewer and he was wondering why Order of the Flies decided a   Sewer was best thing.  "I know how you feel, Boxer." Raincoat said as she covers her nose fro  m the smell of it.  Emperor Crown remind silent as he was in the back muttering to himself  .
BRIT:  "It might work if they're dumb enough. I mean, they were dumb enough t  o join a fuckin cult." Blazer commented at Flat Cap and Loincloth. The  y weren't fond of the uniform, either, but it did the job it was suppo  sed to do.  Duster was making sure everyone made it up the stairs, spotting Helmet  's demise from his position. He walked toward the edge and grabbed ont  o the scruff of Helmet's shirt before he fell into the sewage.  "I don't even know why we bring you..." He muttered, plopping the man  back on the stone.  Cowlneck was still tagging along with the group, glancing at Combat Bo  ots every so often. He wanted to focus on the task at hand, but he was   also worried about how... CLOSE Asmodeus was getting to CB.
RYAN:  Upon seeing Luna's reaction, Thigh High thought about zipping up her s  uit. However, this is war and some sacrifices must be made. Though the  y are in a gross sewer, so she pulled it up one (1) centimetre so she  was only displaying an ample amount of bosom and not all of her glory.
 Fib'yuh'luh just rolled their eyes, what the heck was even happening?  "These flies must have some level of intelligence if they operate with  in a hidden sewer base, not unlike the turtles." They added as they lo  oked to Blazer, Flat Cap, and Loincloth.  "That, or they have a leader that's actually competent." Thigh High sa  id offhandedly.
COFFIN:  Assless Chaps licked a little blood off his finger and he walked along   with the group. "For a cult, their location is dreadful. Honestly of  all Daten's real estate why here??" He mused.  Vampire Collar shook his head. "I doubt they were thinking of that, le  t alone anything else."  Dzilla raised a brow, "They are turtles?" Whomst the fuck?
DJDEVIL:  "I agree with Thigh High. This city is filled with idiots who couldn't   tell their ass from a hole in the ground. A dog has more brains than  some of the people here." Loincloth said as he adjusted a coat that wa  s slipping off.  "Then me plan should work well for yer cynical arse." Flat Cap comment  ed.  "I thank thee for the recuse, Ser Duster!" Helmet said, getting up on  his feet and doing a really stupid looking salute, "Now then, where ar  e the heathens? I am eager for battle!"
SOUP KITTY:  Diadem quietly held assless' hand and walked extremely close.  Jong happily waddled along next to vamp.  Summer walked behind Jong and vamp.
OSCARK9:  Sapphire turn her head at Boxer and Raincoat, "Same here." She said, "  But try to hold it in until we reach the root. Hopefully..." She pinch   her nose, "We get to them soon. This stench kills me."  "Yeah." Gloves said. "The faster we find them, the faster we get out o  f here."
BRIT:  "You're welcome." Duster responded with less vigor than before, walkin  g away from Helmet. "Let's just go. The Flies so far have been taken o  ut, we're headed to find the captives first."  "Turtles." Blazer chuckled, "I'm wondering if their leader is competen  t. They /do/ have some kind of tact since they were able to capture so   many people- especially one of the higher-ranking demons' kids."  They looked around a corner to see if there was anyone around and held   out a hand.  "I think I hear voices."
COFFIN:  Assless looked over to Diadem and gave his hand a squeeze. "Someone wa  s excited back there.~"  Vampire Collar took a sip from his sippy and walked beside Jong. "How'  re you two holding up?"  Dzilla peeped around the corner a little bit before moving back. "Mayb  e it's the children?"
KURP:  Asmodeus huffed, putting both hands down on his hip but didn't face th  e group.  "I'm a Prince of Hell, what did you expect? I may act like some bimbo  but that doesn't mean I'm actually an idiot. You're all lucky I'm unde  r a strict contract..."  His sentence trailed off as Blazer mentioned voices, moving on ahead o  f the Angel and practically dissipating into the air.  Luna was about to comment on Thigh High but clammed up upon seeing Asm  odeus disappear, getting a little on edge and hoping he wasn't trying  anything.
SAIYAN:  Wristband smiled a bit.  "Well you ARE a bimbo for sure. And trust me I know. I still don't lik  e the whole contract situation but it's not like I can go back in time   and change anything." Wristband said as she watched Asmo move on ahea  d.  She quickly followed behind him, trying to not let him out of her sigh  t.  Meanwhile, Undershirt looked over at Blazer after he mentioned hearing   voices.  "I guess that would be a good place to start looking." He said to him.  Meanwhile, Tuxedo Jacket looked over at Thigh High and noticed how...  exposed she was. It was really distracting if he was being honest.  "Jesus man, you think you could show off any more?" he asked her sarca  stically.
OMEGA:  Father Crucifix and his angels continue to follow the others down the  Sewers.
SOUP KITTY:  Diadem squeezed assless' hand back. He felt a bit embarrassed. Admitte  dly he got a bit of joy from kicking the ass of someone who might have   had a hand in taking his daughter from him. "I think if no one had st  opped me I might have killed that guy..." Diadem shuddered a bit "..I'  m sorry."  Jong waddled a long and looked up at Vamp. "I'm doing fine. I'm honest  ly just here for moral support since I can't really do much, but I'm e  xcited to get everyone back." Jong sounded happy.  "I'm doing okay too. I just wanna get Mary out if here." Summer gave a   thumbs up as he said this.
VAULT3:  Chemise remained silent, trying to catch what the voices were saying,  but everyone around her who was talking made it difficult to say the l  east. "Do any of you know what they're saying? It would be worth attem  pting to so that we don't have to knock out every Fly we see if our di  sguises aren't convincing," she said in a low voice. clearly on edge.  The uniforms felt more uncomfortable by the minute, and nothing she di  d helped in the slightest.
RYAN:  Thigh High simply replied to Tuxedo Jacket by unzipping her suit again  . "Challenge accepted."  "I am not going to hold you if you are just going to expose your chest   this whole time." Fib'yuh'luh set the angel and her box down behind t  hem to avoid her antics possibly catching any more attention.
OSCARK9:  Gloves turn his head at Chemise, "Blazer told us that their voices up  ahead. And..." He turn his head and pointed the visible two beans that   isn't their, "Asmo and Wristband went up ahead." He said. "They're fa  st, I tell you what."
SAIYAN:  Tuxedo Jacket wasn't a lust fall, but even he couldn't do anything but   stare a little.  "Damn..." he said before shaking his head.  This wasn't helping them solve the problem at hand, so he would need t  o push this little show aside and start getting to work on trying to f  ind the missing children and adults.
BRIT:  Blazer followed after Asmodeus, halting when they got to a corner and  peered into a room.  "Hey, guys... I think I see... Strappon!" They pointed, turning back t  o the group as they spoke in a whisper.  Duster rushed past Blazer and the rest of the group, into the room whe  re there was one unfortunate fly. He was obviously operating on autopi  lot as he knocked the man completely unconscious. He stood above the F  ly and gestured for people to enter.   In the room, there were cells that contained many of the captive men-   Strappon, Captain Coat, Pauldron and Cheeky. The children and Virgin  Killer were not present.  "D-Duster? God in Heaven, I'm so glad you're here!" Strappon's seemed  to sob. He was unharmed, as with the rest of the group, but Lord was h  e hungry.
COFFIN:  Assless chuckled,"I mean I don't even blame you. Diiiiaaa.~ You beatin  g his ass was one of the hottest things I've ever seen, the last thing   you should be is sorry." He pecked the twunk's cheek.  "Aww.. Well I appreciate it. I just worry about you though, please be  careful for me okay?" Vampire gave Jong's side a poke. "Same goes for  you Summer. We'll get them back for sure."  Dzilla huffed and one of her buttons flew into Tuxedo Jacket's forehea  d. She looked down at her chest. "Can you not? Sorry about that."  Captain Coat was clawing a mark into the wall beside him. He blinked w  hen the gaggle of weird people came in.
SAIYAN:  Wristband and Undershirt rushed in behind Blazer to where the group wa  s being held.  "Holy shit, you guys look horrible!" Undershirt said out loud to every  one there.
OMEGA:  "Brother Strappon! Are you Okay?" Father Crucifix ask as he runs over  to him to see if he was alright.  Father Crucifix's Angels were watching the Father talk to Brother Stra  ppon.
KURP:  Seeing the poor Fly on the ground, Asmodeus shook his head and began s  tripping them, throwing the outfit to one of the captives as he ripped   off the locks to their cells.  Who the fuck needed a lock pick.  His eyes did rest on Captain Coat for a brief  moment but began acting   as a lookout should more Flies come into the area.  "Just make sure to keep your voices down. We're in sewers, voices echo  ."  Sukajan sighed with relief as they reunited with some of them but some  thing didn't feel right.  "It's just men...where are the rest?"  "I think Asmodeus mentioned any women and children would be kept separ  ate from the rest. We will have to maneuver carefully around the base  to get to them," Luna said.
VAULT3:  Chemise rushed to Strappon's side, looking him over to see if he was w  ounded at all, and for a moment she almost felt like her dad. "Are you   hurt at all? If so I can't heal you, but I'll work with what the fly'  s have in here."  "All of you honestly do look like like you trekked through Hell and ba  ck." Her tone was blunt, though her face showed that she was worried i  f anything. Standing up, she moved from person to person, looking them   over.
DJDEVIL:  "THESE HEATHENS SHALL PAY FOR STARVING OU-" Helmet began before Loincl  oth whacked him in the head.  "Are you trying to bring the whole cult down on us?! Fucking idiot." L  oincloth said with his indoor voice unlike the loudmouth crusader.
SOUP KITTY:  Diadem's heart sank a little when he saw that virg and korona werent i  n there. He was more holding on to assless for stability at this point   more than anything else, but if they found the adults then they might   be close to everyone else too.  Jong looked disappointed that this wasn't gonna be a quick mission.  Summer had also rushed over with chemise  "There won't be any need to use what the flies have in here for injuri  es, I have this baby." Summer held up double peace, his cherub weapon.   "If anything we might have to move whoever's injured." Summer smiled  at chemise and how much she seemed to care about everyone. What a nice   girl.
BRIT:  "I bet they're on other levels..." Blazer said, taking another uniform   off of Loincloth to hand to Strappon, "Here, Pinky."  Strappon blinked a few times as Chemise and Father Crucifix looked him   over and sighed.  "I'm alright! We're just shaken, and probably hungry. They didn't real  ly feed us." He said, taking the uniform Blazer had handed him and loo  king it over. "I was a bit surprised, but when I saw Duster take out t  he man that was watching us- and the ill-fitting uniform- I knew it ha  d to be him. You all did a good job getting the uniforms on. Sort of."  Cowlneck walked in with the others, peering out of the room and closin  g the door gently so not to make much of a sound.  "If they're on the other floors, I assume they have more cover than...   These lot." He pointed out.
COFFIN:  Captain Coat stood up and he stretched. "Greeting customs are getting  stranger by the century.." He huffed and caught the uniform. "Nothing  screams welcome to the twenty first century like a kidnapping." His ey  es went to Vampire Collar. "Hello cousin."  Vampire Collar signed and he hugged CC. "Please shut up I'm glad you'r  e okay."  "That makes one of us." Captain blinked and moved away.  Assless rubbed Diadem's back. "There here sweetheart. We just gotta fi  nd them."  Dzilla frowned and shook her head. "We should get going then."
OMEGA:  "That's good to hear you are fine." Father Crucifix said as looks at S  trappon. "Do you remember any other details? Like Women and Children?"   He ask as he looked at him.  "We now have the Strap, everything loo- Where did Boxer go?" Raincoat  ask as Boxer had disappeared.  "I don't know..." Emperor Crown said as he looked around.  Meanwhile, Boxer was looking for the Children and Women to save. So he   was off away from the group.
OSCARK9:  "Well..." Gloves said to Strappon. "Despite the bad stench that they w  ear, at least it's fools proof."  Sapphire looks at Dzilla. "We should. The mens are rescued and now we  gotta save the woman and childrens."
RYAN:  Thigh High ran up into the cell after Asmo had opened it up. Quickly s  he spotted Cheeky tied up on the floor. Reaching into her box she pull  ed out a spare set of glasses for her twin and gently placed them on h  is face. “Sorry to keep you waiting.” She said in her baritone voice.  Blinking wildly now that he could see again, his vision focused on his   sister, “I’ve never been so proud…” He trailed off as she began to un  tie him. “Hold on, did you hit puberty while I was gone? How long has  it been?” Cheeky asked clearly confused as to what was going on as a u  niform was being thrust at him.  “Oh thank the heavens that you found us!” Pauldron sighed as he was le  t out of the cell, stretching out his muscles. “Imprisonment doesn’t a  gree well with these old bones.” He muttered as he took a moment to co  llect himself.  “Have you found out where the others were taken?” Pauldron inquired, a  s he struggled to get a uniform on with Fib'yuh'luh's help  "What an absolute unit..." Cheeky breathed out as he watched his uncle   immediately go back to playing the hero in complete awe.
KURP:  Asmodeus sighed as they noticed that one person was separated from the   group. But there wasn't any time to worry about that. They'd at least   be in the clear, that guy can get caught all he wants. What was more  important to Asmodeus right now was the wall of beef that just walked  out of the cells.  With no hesitation, Asmodeus glued himself to Pauldron, clinging to th  e man's shoulder.  "I know this isn't the best place for this, but would you happen to be   free after this mess gets cleared up? I happen to know a nice place w  here-"  He was immediately cut off as Luna dragged him away by the ear and pus  hed him off.  "Don't mind him," Luna told Pauldron, "He's just looking for someone t  o settle down."  Sukajan was by Thigh High, a hand resting on a hip.  "If there was phone reception, I would recommend you tell your boyfrie  nd that you're fine for the most part," he said to Cheeky.  Aviators meanwhile was staring at Captain Coat, getting a bad case of  whiplash. He could of sworn that was his uncle.
VAULT3:  Chemise shook her head, and removed her helmet for a moment. "We do ne  ed to find the others, but we should catch our breath while we have th  e chance."  Scanning the room revealed nothing of use, or at least she thought so.   Chemise couldn't help but wonder why the others were treated well, bu  t not the men. Maybe the Flies were semi-decent when it came to childr  en, or if there was an ominous reason behind it.  "Did any of you hear anything of use from the jackass Flies? Specifica  lly if it had anything to do with why all of you were taken, preferabl  y."
COFFIN:  Captain turned, feeling Avitors staring at him. "Is there something I  can help you with?" His eyes locked on the cowboi.
DJDEVIL:  Loincloth shook his head and approached Asmodeus. "Think you can cease   your hoing for two seconds and focus?"
KURP:  "I honestly thought you were my uncle..." Aviators said, the embarrass  ment clear in his tone.  Asmodeus shot a glare to Loincloth.  "Yeah I'll stop the day I get dicked down."
COFFIN:  Captain Coat nodded and he adjusted the uniform's collar. "Ahh, no wor  ries then." He turned to Asmo, "Grandpa really?"
BRIT:  "I could hear some of what they had said about their intentions. I bel  ieve they intended to use the children as food, and they made a lot of   awful remarks about Virgin Killer. They might be using her for... Bre  eding. Something about creating another heir." Strappon explained as h  e put the uniform on. He affixed the helmet to his head with some diff  iculty. "Bloody hell-- my head can't be /that/ big!"  "That's fucking disgusting." Blazer grimaced and shifted to look towar  d Cowlneck at the entrance.  "I think one of our own wandered off without warning." Cowlneck said,  turning back to the group, "We'd better move on before /he/ gets dicke  d down."
RYAN:  Fib’yuh’luh raised a brow at the display before them.  Pauldron simply chuckled at Luna’s reprimand, ”It’s quite alright Lady   Luna, I’m used to dealing with these kinds of advances.” The man said   as he waved his hand to show how little it meant to him.  “Though I do not know how well my significant others would approve of  someone of your…. Caliber.”  Cheeky somehow miraculously was able to find reception in the sewers,  but who really wants to know how he knows how to do that. Glancing dow  n at his phone he noticed something peculiar about his twitter. “Oh he  ll no. Is that Thawb? Because he’s dead meat. That fucking gremlin is  not getting away with this.” He announced as he clenched his cellphone   in his hand.  Thigh High simply placed her hand on Cheeky’s shoulder to help calm hi  m down. “Please just call Leon. A text might be faster, you don't know   how long you'll have reception down here”  “Oh he’ll get more than just a text ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).”Cheeky laughed as he  exposed just as much tiddy as his sister before snapping a photo of hi  mself.
COFFIN:  Assless Chaps started to panic, "Oh you've got to be kidding me.." He  started to squeeze Diadem's hand. His heel started to click on the gro  und, as he was kind of freaking out. "Can we please hurry in that case  ??"
OMEGA:  "Oh my..." Father Crucifix said as he was shocked by that information.   "We need to find the Children and Virgin Killer before anything happe  ns." He said as he then turn around to see Raincoat and Emperor Crown  but no Boxer. "Oh Lord...." Father Crucifix said as he face-palms.  Meanwhile, Boxer was still ahead of the group searching for the women  and children. While he plays the role as the Cultist.
KURP:  "What did you expect? " Asmodeus said, turning to Captain Coat, "Princ  e of Lust here, wanting to get dicked down? Perfectly normal."  He crossed his arms and upon hearing Pauldron say he was taken, he kne  w he had to back down.  "Oh, you're taken. Nevermind then, I'm not about butting into that kin  d of stuff."  Sukajan stared at Cheeky in disbelief, "How..."  He was honestly confused as to how an emoji could be pronounced. This  man was a force to be reckoned with.  "Right," Aviators began, "Let's file out in a calm manner. Act like we  're a group that's been ordered to go into a particular part of the ba  se for guarding. I'm sure they'll buy it."
OSCARK9:  Gloves and Sapphire where shock to hear the info from Strappon as to h  ear what'll happen to the Children and V.K. Now that just messed up.  "Right." Gloves said to Cowlneck. "Man..." He face palm himself, "I sp  ecifically say to him that 'he'll doom us all' if he does anything to  trigger the alarm." He said to himself.  Listening to Aviator instruction, Gloves and Sapphire noded to him, di  d as they were told, and play the part as 'guards'.
VAULT3:  "Me too, Asmo. Me too," she replied almost wistfully, but her eyes wid  ened after hearing what that sickening revelation. "Fuck, are you seri  ous? That's.. that's disgusting. We definitely need to go now - there'  s no time to take a breather if what you said is true.  Chemise approached Strappon once more, holding out the helmet she had  been wearing in her hands to him, as it was far too big on her. "Let's   swap. because the Fly I borrowed it from  was pretty big, so this one   will fit you better than it did me."
DJDEVIL:  "Let us be off!" Helmet exclaimed before he was stopped by Loincloth.  "You need one of these before you go anywhere." He said, holding up a  uniform.  "I refuse to be draped in such heretical garments! I have a much bette  r idea!" Helmet said, then walked over to pile of muck and other nasty   shit that happened to be the same color as the uniforms. He scooped s  ome of  it up and smeared it all over himself, practically painting th  e eye design of the cultist helmets on his own with the orange goopy n  astiness he had found. "There! Much better!"
SOUP KITTY:  Diadem was shaking. Not out of fear, but out of pure rage. Despite the   shaking, his tone was completely calm. Infact, it was cheerful "well  let's just go get them then!" Diadem giggled, but there was definitely   something off about it. He definitely had started to lose it again.  Jong walked up next to Diadem and assless, and placed a hand on assles  s' back.  "I know that's really alarming, and trust me I'm scared too.   But we are already here, so we can just get them. Be strong, okay?" J  ong tip toed and whispered at assless "and please try to keep it toget  her for Diadem. He's already very... Unstable. We don't want him doing   something stupid that he might regret, you know how mushy he is."  Summer stood quietly, trying to stay calm.
COFFIN:  "You're right but you shouldn't say it. Do you as they say." Captain C  oat shook his head.  Assless Chaps turned to Jong and he nodded. "I will. I will." He loope  d arms with Diadem, "I'm keeping you on a tight leash Damien, we're go  ing to do this together."  Vampire Collar shuddered. "That's absolutely vile.." He walked out of  the cell room with a small group, waiting for Diadem outside it.  Dzilla followed along after taking the pants of a uniform.
BRIT:  Strappon gladly swapped helmets with Chemise.  "Thanks you, Miss." He said, successfully placing the helmet on his ap  parently large head. "Now, let's follow off with Aviators. I'm positiv  e we'll find them before any of the... Festivities happen."  "That's an awful word." Blazer commented as they walked to the front o  f the group and opened the door again. Cowlneck shrugged and put his h  elmet back on.  "It's called a euphemism, Blazer." He stated.  Duster put his hand on Diadem's shoulder. His face was blank and dead,   but his grip was firm.  "Yes, we will find them. Just remember that there are fates worse than   death, and you're ready to inflict it upon any of these morally grey  Flies." He said.  "Let's go." Blazer said, opting to lead the group out.
With the group resuming their mission, the flies were beginning to move around more frequently through the base. Sometimes in droves, moving fro m hallway to hallway. For what reason is yet to be determined. A small group of flies noticed a lone member walking about sort of lost. One of them gathered it was a new guy and approached their comrade who, in fact, turned out to be Boxer. "Hey new guy, the rally's starting in a bit. If I were you, I would star t hauling ass to the auditorium before the boss personally comes and tea rs you a new one for giving her a bad impression." There was no option for Boxer though as more flies came up behind him an d grabbed his arms as if to guide him, telling him to walk this way rath er than the other.
OMEGA:  "Yes! I am new guy here, my name is Bo-Bob! My name is Bob and Praise  the Lord of Flies!" Boxer said to the Fly Member as he acts like a new  bie cultist. Then he started to be guide him to auditorium by them.  "I hope Boxer is alright..." Raincoat said as she looks down worried a  bout him.  "He will Raincoat, you must have faith." Father Crucifix said as he gi  ves her faith and hope in Boxer.
BRIT:  Blazer's head had snapped in the direction of the other groups of Flie  s.  "Shit, that's right. We should follow our 'brethren.'" They said.  "Of course, you fools!" Came Cowlneck's voice, he stomped in front of  the rest of the Angels, "The rally! How could you get so distracted? A   bunch of idiots you are. Now let's go before the boss flogs us!"  He yanked Aviators along with him as if he was an angry general or som  ething.  "Cowlneck... Is good at acting." Duster said as he followed behind the   rest. He preferred to stay quiet. Less likely to get caught that way.
OSCARK9:  "Yes Sir!" Gloves and Sapphire said, simultaneously. They salute to Co  wlneck with respect and march with the group.
DJDEVIL:  Loincloth followed along, hoping piling these uniforms on him will act  ually fool the Flies.  Flat Cap made sure he was well away from the shit-covered Helmet as he   followed the others.
KURP:  "Zoinks!" Aviators called out as he got snagged, "Listen, we were just   having a friendly game of Uno, you can't just interrupt that captain!  "  "We can continue it later dude," Sukajan called out as he gestured for   Thigh High and Cheeky to follow.  Asmodeus assumed the form of a more feminine looking flie, though one  whose uniform resembled that of a nun with the same mask on. Luna quir  ked a brow at him before she donned her helmet once more.  "Trust me," Asmodeus said, "This will help us get to Virgin Killer and   the kids faster...after the rally."
RYAN:  Thigh High set her box down before saluting at it, "It's been a pleasu  re having you cadet, but now it is time for us to part ways. It's been   an honor." A single tear was shed as Cheeky put a helmet on his siste  r's head, dragging Thigh and following Sukajan's lead.  Pauldron shuddered as he had war flashbacks at the mention of Uno, bef  ore whipping his head around to Aviators, "Something about that voice  is quite familiar..."  Fib'yuh'luh pushed the man forward gently, "We can figure that out lat  er, but now we must participate in the rally of the Flies." They said  softly to avoid suspicion.
COFFIN:  Assless Chaps followed along and he managed to change his voice a bit.   He gave Diadem a tiny hump.  Vampire Collar held Jong's back as he walked with him, Captain walked  beside him. He watched the flies gather and he shook his head.  Dzilla followed along and she looked to Fib'yuh'luh. "I can only guess   what a rally of theirs looks like."
SOUP KITTY:  Jong walked along with the confidence of a model. Head held high and a  ll. He wasn't even waddling anymore; not that he needed to waddle as i  t was entirely a conscious desicion to walk like that. It honestly was   just comfortable to walk that way.  Diadem decided to use his human disguise as it would be easier to hide   his horns on the fly helmet. Admittedly he looked pretty much the sam  e, but just human. The only thing that was diffenrent was his ponytail  , which instead of being a dead anime mom one, was a regular high one.   He used his nails, which were sharper than was necessary, to make a l  ittle hole to pull his ponytail through. This is fashion, bitch. Just  cause you’re in some nasty ass sewers doesn’t mean you can’t be cute.  Summer stayed quiet and followed the group.
OMEGA:  Father Crucifix, Raincoat, and Emperor Crown followed the other to the   Rally.  Boxer or Bob the New Guy was with the Fly Members. "So Brothers, what  is this rally about? Are we going to eat in worship of the Lord of all   things Gluttonous?" Boxer (Bob) ask as he walks with him. "Because i  am very excited for this rally, you talk about." He said as he was pla  ying the Cultist Card.
The Angels followed their self-proclaimed 'fearless leader' into an aban doned auditorium. Who knew they built these underground? Obviously it ha dn't been used for anything else but cult shenanigans for years, because it had obtained an overhaul done by the flies themselves. It really was n't an auditorium at all, but an unused water treatment room that had be en cleared and decorated. In the center-back of the room's there was a makeshift stage. There was a podium off to the side and center-stage there was a deep red spell cir cle that had clearly been used for sacrifices. Off to the other side of the stage there were cages that held the children - Sneakers, Mary Janes and baby Korona (who was being held by Pointe). Armlet was in a cage th at was obviously too small for him and right behind the spell circle. The room was filled with similarly-dressed Fly members, and in a surpris ing number.
COFFIN:  Assless Chaps shifted to hide his long ass horns. He literally was jus  t himself as a human. Assless looked at Diadem in awe, "God damn.." Di  d he just say that out loud? His asshole clenched, Asmo Asmo no papa.  Vampire Collar watched his boy walk normally in shock. Blasphemy. Abso  lute blasphemy.  Captain Coat put his hair in a bun to hide it in his helmet.  Dzilla's proof was just out.  Mary Janes was shaking and holding Sneakers. His teddy had been ripped   a little bit and his hair was a mess, poor baby was sobbing.
OMEGA:  Boxer (Bob) was surprise by number of Cultist. He doesn't think that h  e can punch all of them as much as he wanted. "Oh Shit...i should stay   with the group..." Boxer thought to himself as he looks down though l  ooks up at the Stage. "No time for doubting! I have to save the Kids b  ut how?" He thinks to himself inside his head as he watches.  Father Crucifix, Raincoat, and Emperor Crown were still with the Angel  s.
BRIT:  "Holy shit." Cowlneck muttered under his breath as he entered the room  , "I only pray they aren't all from Daten. Otherwise there's a bigger  issue to attend to."  "Look at those poor kids..." Blazer whispered, "I'm glad we're here, b  ut how are we going to get them out of this with so many flies...?"  "They're human." Strappon whispered back.  The group shifted uneasy as they were basically surrounded by their en  emies.
OSCARK9:  Gloves and Sapphire jaw drop as they see bunch of flies that's everywh  ere within the auditorium. Sadly you can't see their reaction thank to   the masks they're wearing, but they're shock to see this.  Shaken his head, Gloves walk up to Blazer. "We need some kind of distr  action to free the hostage." He whispers.
RYAN:  Thigh High, Fib'yuh'luh, and Pauldron blinked.  Cheeky's eyes widened as he looked at the countless Flies surrounding  them. "Let's hope the message I sent Leon will hold true..." He whispe  red to the group.
With the auditorium filling up and the sacrifices being set in place, on e fly came up to the podium to adjust a microphone. The feedback screech ed, causing many to cover their ears in reflex. Except many flies couldn 't, they had helmets on. The feedback was cut quickly, tapping ensuing t o make sure everything was working. As the technicians were setting everything up, a few flies approached th e group, separating Asmodeus from the rest. There was obvious distress i n the few Angels who knew that was him but Asmodeus gestured that he'd b e fine.
SOUP KITTY:  Diadem's heart was just about beating out of his chest. There she was.   There was korona. He couldn't just rush forward and get her. He had t  o wait.  Pointe looked like as she had walked through a fire. Her clothes were  singed, and she had a thin layer of soot settled on to her clothes. Sh  e was holding korona close to her. The baby was crying. She was trying   her best to soothe the younger kids and korona, but to no avail.  She looked just about ready to start setting shit on fire at this poin  t.  Jong had to make a conscious effort not to gasp. This certainly brough  t back some awful memories. He felt sick.  Summer was grinding his teeth at this point. This was disgusting. Awfu  l. He looked over at Jong, who was not holding on tightly to Vamp. He  knew exactly what was going through his head. He simply placed a hand  on jong's shoulder, it was all he could do for now.
KURP:  Luna was still looking at the direction that Asmodeus was taken in bef  ore she felt pushing on her own back. She didn't have time to worry ab  out him, though, not when all the kids were at risk.  She then noticed how rattled Summer was and then looked down at Jong.  Something was up and all she could offer the two of them was a hand on   the shoulder to assure that everything may be fine. After all, they h  ad a Prince of Hell at their disposal.  Aviators cursed under his breath as he grabbed Sukajan and a few other  s to follow him and take seats.  "I'm glad Hairpin isn't here with us. Or his husband. This would have  been one hell of a slaughter," he whispered.
BRIT:  Cowlneck had instinctively held onto Combat Boots' arm, gritting his t  eeth under the mask he wore. He wasn't sure what they were doing, but  he wanted to take action. The only thing holding him back was his hold   on CB's arm- he was impulsive as hell, and CB was literally his ancho  r.  "I can't stand just... Standing here knowing what they're going to do.  " Blazer growled low, crossing their arms and tapping their foot. They   were not at all ready to stand by and let these kids cry, but they al  l had to wait for /some/ kind of signal.  "Patience." Strappon muttered.  Duster stood silent and still as a statue. If anyone would try to push   him over it would be like shoving a column. He was solid.
EMI:  Combat Boots had been so concentrated on the mission, he was practical  ly zoned out. With Cowlneck clinging to his arm, he snapped out of it.   He stared ahead at the stage, at the younger folks mostly.  "Shouldn't we do something?" He whispered to Cowlneck. He was on the e  dge of jumping into action himself, but he didn't want to compromise t  he children.
OMEGA:  Boxer (Bob) came up with idea though he waited for the Leader of the C  ult to speak before he can do it. This will take up every acting he go  t in him.  Father Crucifix and Raincoat watch in shock as this was going on.  Emperor Crown was Meh on it.
COFFIN:  Assless Chaps gave Diadem's hand a squeeze and he put it to his helmet  . "We'll get them." He cleared his throat.  Vampire Collar rubbed Jong's back and he sighed. "We can say we're pre  pping them for the sacrifice that may or may not be soon?"  Captain Coat thought for a second, "Or we could just kill the lights?"  Dzilla shook her head, "Only some of us will be able to see."
BRIT:  "Pretty sure all of them would see." Duster whispered to Captain Coat  and Dzilla, "The helmets are equipped with night vision."
OSCARK9:  "A signal ay?" Gloves whispers. He let out a quiet sigh and face forwa  rd at the rest of the cultists. "Despite this many cultist and whateve  r the signal is, we're ready for anything to save them all." He stand  straight upwards and walk back to Sapphire.  She was shaken for quite some time, but when Gloves comes back, she wa  s a little ease. Not all, but little.
The technicians finally set up the podium, no more lousy feedback in tha t microphone. They gave an all-clear signal to the back stage. The lights then dimmed and spotlights were focused on the children, with another focused on a tall figure walking on stage. It appeared to be th e leader of the flies themselves. They took to the podium, looking at the crowd that had settled. "Today is truly a joyous occasion for us, the most loyal subjects to our one true Lord. Lord Beelzebub. We retrieved not only his rightful heir but thanks to those Angels, we retrieve another one of his Soul Stones. Today is the day we invoke him and carve our place among his legion to b uild the once beautiful kingdom that was stripped from him eons ago!" The flies erupted into a cheer, they then quieted down as their leader h eld up her hand. "And to welcome him, we will start off with a few.../morsels/," she said , pointing to the rest of the children.
BRIT:  "Shit..." Cowlneck growled, "They really are going to feed children to   that heathen..."  A Fly beside him looked in his direction, and Cowlneck laughed and wav  ed off at him.  "Oh, All Hail Beelzebub!! Lord Beelzebub is our glorious Prince! Hahah  aha!!" He rattled off almost frantically. The Fly looked weirded out a  nd turned back to the stage. Cowlneck clung further to CB with a grima  ce.  "Nice fucking job." Blazer hissed at him.
OMEGA:  (Nevermind)
BRIT:  ...
COFFIN:  Mary Janes held onto Sneakers and Pointe. His teddy bear's eyes were g  lowing. He may or may not have turned it on high.  Captain Coat huffed, "This is why I should have stayed the fuck asleep  ."  Vampire Collar pats Captains back, "Welcome to Daten."  Dzilla clenched her wrist rings.
OMEGA:  Boxer try to do his plan was he was afraid of screwing it up. So, he l  ook down in silents.  Father Crucifix, Raincoat, and Emperor Crown just watch and wait.
EMI:  Combat Boots began tapping his foot anxiously and half-crossing his ar  ms. He didn't mind Cowlneck clinging to his arm like a baby koala, but   he was really hoping their cover was the only thing he didn't blow to  day...  Wow, demonic sacrifice was not on his agenda today. This stasis was dr  iving him nuts. He eyed his comrades around him and hoped for a signal  .
SOUP KITTY:  Pointe was just about tired of all this shit. "This is fucking ridicul  ous, youre gonna FEED us to some asshole? NEWS FLASH YOU MOTHERFUCKERS  , ILL BURN YOU AND THE PLACE DOWN." She was ready to riot. Would she p  ull it off? No. Probably not. But she would try her best.  "Well she sure is lively..." Jong said, a bit surprised at her still h  aving that much energy.  Diadem has holding on for dear life to assless. He was shook.
SAIYAN:  Undershirt, Wristband, and Tuxedo Jacket had been in silence for a goo  d while, but still had been with the group as they had entered the aud  itorium. Now that they were there, they ended up hearing the plan that   the Flies had for the children and it was very unplesent to say the l  east.  "Holy shit, that doesn't sound good! What are we going to do?" Undersh  irt asked Blazer, who was right next to him.
OSCARK9:  By hearing the speech from the leader, Gloves was not please at all fo  r what they about to do with them and Sapphire heart was racing like n  o tomorrow. They wish to moves from this 'act' as guards and go straig  ht to rescuing, but what can they do? They can't even move without the   signal and this is bad news for all.  "Shiiiit!" Gloves thinks to himself, making an unease face within the  mask. "Where's the bloody signal?!" He can't move from his stand, but  he's sweating like crazy from the top of his head, down to his toes.
OMEGA:  Boxer tries to get closer to the Stage. He is Uncle Boxer and he has t  o protect them, so if he gets closer he could quickly react.  "Father, when signal be happening?" Raincoat ask as she looked at Fath  er Crucifix.  "Soon, you must have patience in yourself." Father Crucifix said as he   waits for the signal.  "If we wait any long those kids will be food..." Emperor Crown muttere  d as he looks at the stage.
The leader of the flies began gesturing for grunts to take out the child nearest to the spell circle. Armlet struggled as he stood in the middle , clearly overwhelmed as cheering and chanting began from the crowds. From the spell circle came a black shadow. Many flies quieted down as a tall figure appeared and once again, Beelzebub made his appearance. Ther e were many gasps as they saw their lord in the flesh. He turned to look at the child before him and extended a hand with the full intent of sim ply nabbing him. He was abruptly stopped when a voice called out from the stands. "My, great theatrics! I'm surprised humans can pull off such special eff ects with such meager supplies and-" The figure in the stands, who was also Beelzebub, stopped speaking as he looked at Beelzebub on stage who was wide-eyed. Both figures pointed at each other accusingly, recognizing each other's energy.
KURP:  Aviators looked between the two as this all went down, feeling like hi  s two brain cells couldn't keep up with this shit anymore.
OMEGA:  "What..." Boxer said as he looks at the two Beelzebub's on stage.  "That must be the signal?" Father Crucifix said as he was confuse thou  gh it looked like to be the Signal.  Raincoat and Emperor Crown watch this.
BRIT:  "O-oh God." Strappon said, "That is most definitely not what we expect  ed..."  Cowlneck clung to CB as a sharp gasp escaped him.  "/Now/ what do we do!?" He hissed, looking swiftly between Aviators, S  ukajan, and Blazer.  "You know, I was gonna say something smart but I think I lost it with  the brick I just shat." Blazer replied to Undershirt. Their mouth was  agape.
OSCARK9:  "Well..." Gloves said, "This is a turn for the worst."
RYAN:  Thigh High and Cheeky gasped in unison, "Just like one of my Japanese  animes!!"  Pauldron and Fib are also there.
COFFIN:  Vampire Collar looks at Captain Coat and they facepalm each other. Two   gay vampires.exe has stopped running.  Dzilla looks at Asmo. "Okey."  Assless Chaps gives Diadem a tiny hump as his head rested on top of th  e other's. "I hate them."
DJDEVIL:  "Eeeeeeeeeeeh?!" Flat Cap, Helmet, and Loincloth eeeehed. Theys was th  e cofuseded.
VAULT3:  Chemise's expression was unreadable for obvious reasons, but she posit  ively radiated confusion. Since she was sitting directly behind Blazer  , she put her hand on their shoulder, her arm tense.
SAIYAN:  "Well, this is awkward!" Wristband said, watching the two of them look   at each other.
BRIT:  Thinking quickly, Blazer acted immediately before anyone else reacted  with shitting bricks. They jumped on stage and grabbed onto the cage,  ripping it open.  "Viva la revolución!!" They shouted, taking center stage and raising t  heir sword into the air.  Duster took this as a signal and grappled a Fly beside him and swung i  t into several of the other cultists.  "Now!" Cowlneck yelled, tearing off his husband and beginning to beat  the shit out of a couple other unsuspecting flies.
EMI:  Watching his husband spring into action, Combat Boots followed suit an  d decked the closest Fly to him, pulling out all the stops. He made hi  s way toward the stage as fast as possible. Time to save fucking child  ren.
KURP:  The sudden ruckus made Asmodeus lose his form, revealing himself as he   grabbed the child. Armlet held back as they tried to get off stage bu  t Beelzebub pursued. He quickly turned around as Blazer tried to get o  n stage as well.  "Alright that's enough," He muttered to himself.  Beelzebub confronted Blazer and promptly bodied the angel into the gro  und, creating a crater. Kneeling, he picked up Blazer by their hair.  "I need answers... What is /going on here/." He growled.
SAIYAN:  "HAAAAA!!!" Undershirt and Wristband yelled as their aura lit up brigh  tly before they rushed the stage and started beating the shit outta th  ese Flies. Tuxedo Jacket followed not to far behind and reached the st  age and punched a Fly right in the face.  "Haha! Get swatted nerds!" Tuxedo Jacket yelled as he too, began to pu  nch out these Fly members out.
DJDEVIL:  "YES! BATTLE!" Helmet shouted as he began bonking the Flies around him  .
OSCARK9:  Hearing the signal, Gloves grab the nearest fly that was next to him a  nd start throwing their bodie across the room like it was nothing. "So  rry. But y'all deserve it!" He said, continuing throwing them across t  he room.  One of the fly was coming for Sapphire and she straight up kick them i  n the guts in a fast pace. Breaking little few rips, but she's doing h  er job.
VAULT3:  Summoning her weapon for the second time today, she spun in a graceful   circle, the knots of her whip splitting holes in the uniforms of the  the Flies unlucky enough to be struck.  Chemise saw Blazer being picked up by their hair, and bolted towards t  hem as fast as she could. "Let them go you nasty fuck!" she screamed,  raising her arm up high to strike at the demon with all the force she  could muster.
BRIT:  Duster halted his assault immediately as Blazer's hair was grappled by   the Prince.  "Chemise, stop! He's a Prince, you're only a Fallen!" Cowlneck yelled  to her, trying to pry his way past the Flies to stop the lady from get  ting herself pegged 6 feet into the ground.  Blazer struggled to get their hair free from the grip of Beelzebub, gr  unting all kinds of nasty words.  "Fuck-- Let me go you damn child-eating cocksucker!" They hissed, kick  ing in the air, "HEY SMO DO SOMETHING!"
OMEGA:  "YOU LET GO OF MY FRIEND!" Boxer said as he punches Beelzebub in the f  ace with his weapon. "YOUR FIGHT IS WITH ME, FLY FATHER!" He said as h  e was going to by Blazer sometime to get the kids and get out of there  .  "Angels Attack!" Father Crucifix said as he takes off his uniform and  start fighting Fly Members after Fly Member.  "Hell Yeah!" Raincoat said as she gets out her weapon and starts shoot  ing down some flies. Though not killing them.  Emperor Crown just started bitch slapping each every Fly Member that c  ame up too him.
KURP:  "Well...Blazer did say he wanted to get fisted," Aviators commented as   he knocked out a fly with the butt of his rifle.  "Your concern for your siblings is so touching, hun," Sukajan said as  he looked on in horror.  "I AM DOING SOMETHING," Asmodeus called out as he tried to wrangle the   other children under his possession, keeping flies away with his tail  .  "Child-eating- Excuse me?" There was genuine confusion on Beelzebub's  face. He was about to keep questioning were it not for Boxer but the m  an was unfazed by the hit. He simply grabbed Boxer by the head and tos  sed him back into the stands. That's when he noticed yet another Angel   coming up but there was something different about her.  As Chemise closed in for an attack, Beelzebub let go of Blazer as he c  aught Chemise, sweeping her off her feet and posed with her as if they   were dancing.  "Ma'am, please, if you wanted a date, you could have just asked."
SAIYAN:  "Damn he flung that fucker faaaar" Tuxedo Jacket said as he watched Bo  xer get flung effortlessly by Beelzebub.  Note to self, don't get near that guy.
OSCARK9:  Gloves turn as he saw Boxer punch Beelzebub in the face and in respons  e, throw him back to the stage. "BOXER NO!" He summon his wings and fl  y quickly to help him.  Meanwhile, Sapphire rush to one of the cages and try to open it.
BRIT:  "WHAT THE FUCK!" Blazer shouted as they hit the floor. "Are you-- REAL  LY?"  "Oh, Heavens. He has more romance in him that Asmodeus..." Cowlneck sa  id, throwing a Fly and sighing. He ducked as Boxer whooshed past him a  nd winced as he hit the back wall.
OMEGA:  Boxer was sent flying he was caught by Gloves. "Thanks Buddy! Now i wa  nt you to throw me at him!" Boxer said as he looks at Gloves.  The others were fighting against the Flies.
DJDEVIL:  Flat Cap just chilled in back and smoked a blunt.
OSCARK9:  "Right!" Gloves said, grabing his right arm. "HOLD ON!!!"  As Gloves u  se his strength and with all of his Virtue might he have within him, h  e spund Boxer in a spining top formation at High Speed. With enough sp  eed force, he flung him at Beelzabub hard.
COFFIN:  Vampire Collar yeets over and grabs Korona and Pointe.  He scuttles an  d swings his weapon to fend off a few.  Dzilla swung the blunt end of her axes and threw a few flies. She huff  s and she grabs Mary and Sneakers.  Mary literally clings to her for dear life. "NANA!"  Captain Coat starts to fight a few and knock some out by jabbing their   temples.  Assless proceeds to test eyes out of their sockets. He's saving them f  or later.
EMI:  Combat Boots pulled Cowlneck by his shirt out of the trajectory of the   tossed Boxer, pulling him up against his body.  "You should be more attentive dear."
DJDEVIL:  Loincloth just bopping Flies in the head after taking off the jackets.   "These guys have very weak heads."
SOUP KITTY:  Jong quietly sidestepped to the entrance of the room where he would be   out of the way and with cover. He casually summoned his weapon and st  arted picking off flies by knocking them out.  Pointe took this moment, to start setting shit on fire behind them. Ne  ato.   Diadem got all the courage he could muster and twirled on over to gru  nkle cheeto puff. tapping him on the shoulder. "Do you mind if I cut i  n?"  Summer, who had seemingly been glued to the spot due to the chaos, sna  pped out of it and rushed over to Dzilla to check on the boys. "Oh my  stars are you boys alright? are you hurt? they didnt hurt you did they  ?"
RYAN:  Pauldron immediately ran towards the kids and used his sheer mass to h  elp keep the Flies away from them as he slowly tried to guide them to  the only known exit from the room. "Them having weak heads means that  you angels should take extra precautions when fighting to avoid any un  wanted casualties." He called out to Loincloth.  Fib'yuh'luh summoned their weapon and began helping Pauldron protect t  he kids, using their shield to block any projectiles that might harm t  hem.  Thigh and Cheeky also joined the mix but had their eyes set on collect  ing Blazer and making sure that they were alright.
VAULT3:  Chemise heart almost skipped as she felt strong hands on her, and expe  cted to be tossed away like a ragdoll in an instant. But that, however  , didn't happen. Part of her almost wanted to blush, as it was almost  a romantic sort of situation, though the situation was all to wrong, a  nd that fact cancelled out those feelings entirely.  "Are you seriously coming on to me? After I just tried to attack you?  And after you just manhandled my friend? This is the the most surreal  moment in my whole life," she groaned, attempting to roughly tug herse  lf out of Beelzebub's grip.
BRIT:  Cowlneck had fallen forward onto Combat Boots and looked up at him, ha  nds on the man's chest.  "You're right, but I'm glad you have my back..." He said, a smile form  ed onto his lips. There was definitely some kind of bubbles and shit a  round them. Suddenly, Cowlneck ducked under his arms and jabbed a Fly  that was coming for him, "And I have yours~!"  Duster was bashing heads in again and he turned to look at the two lov  ebirds on the battlefield. His costume had long-since torn off to show   his exposed chest and he stood there with an expression of exhaustion  .  "Hey, /lovebirds/. You should both be paying attention- we have childr  en to save. Reunion later, please." He called over to them.  Blazer stood up again, standing firm.  "Hey, fuckface, let Chemise go! You're like a thousand times her senio  r and that's fuckin nasty!" They yelled at him.
COFFIN:  Dzilla shakes her head, "They're just scared."  Mary Janes wipes his eyes and makes grabby hands, "D-daaad they wanted   to eat meee!!"  Vampire Collar makes his way over to Jong with Pointe and Korona.
DJDEVIL:  "Unwanted casualties? You mean us or the flies?" Loincloth asked as he   bopped another Fly.  Helmet meanwhile was going to town, bonking a Fly with zealous fury un  til their helmet broke. When he was finished bonking, he panted heavil  y before turning to another Fly that was just staring at him, clearly  scared shirtless that they were next.
KURP:  Beelzebub chuckled at Chemise's response, "Ma'am you say that like I k  now anybody here, let alone what's happening here."  He was honestly confused but no one is giving him answers. His head sn  apped as Diadem came up to him yet his expression was actually relaxed  .  "You may," he began, "If I get answers. What is going on here? And why   is there..."  He looked down at the spell circle and noticed the...red liquid on it.   He pinched the bridge of his nose. Of fucking course.  "Oh, I see," he said, releasing Chemise, "Humans are truly vile."  As he stood up, he felt another Angel coming in. He grabbed on to Boxe  r's foot and flung him back, clearly not having the time for this.  "I help the girl scouts /one time/ and suddenly the misconceptions of  me being a child-eater run rampant among society."
OSCARK9:  While Sapphire was freeing come of the people, a fly was coming at her  . Quick thinking, she summons her Glaive and hit it hard in the rib an  d fell to the ground. "BACK OFF YOU FLIES!" She shouted. More coming a  t her and keeps her distance and does the same thing.
OMEGA:  "Bro! Catch Me!" Boxer shouted at Gloves as he was flying again.  Father Crucifix, Raincoat, and Emperor Crown were still kicking ass an  d taking names too.
SOUP KITTY:  Jong made sure to keep the flies off of them, boy were they gonna be u  pset when they got up from their naps. "We should try and stay away fr  om this, pointe? Would you provide some cover?"  Pointe, now on her own two feet, left Korona in Vamp's arms. "Got it b  oss!" She pretty much made a fire circle around them, making sure no f  lies could get in.  "Are you s okay?"  "Peachy." Pointe smirked when she said that. She had her friends with  her so ofc she was fine.  Diadem was a little confused but shook it off. "To make things clear,  these assholes are a cult who worship you. They were gonna try and fee  d you some of our kids. One of them mind you, is your great grand nice  . Im diadem by the way, Asmo's grandson, your grand-nephew. Nice to me  et you. Mind calling off the flies? Im fairly certain they'd listen to   you."
OSCARK9:  "Shit!" Gloves said. As he spread his wings again, he fly in as fast a  s he can and capture him.
OMEGA:  "Throw me again...Gloves..." Boxer said as it looks like he was gettin  g tried out. But he had to keep fighting to save the Children and Virg  in Killer.
VAULT3:  Taking several uneasy steps back, she considered what the Prince said,   her face a little less hard. "What do you mean you don't know? This i  s a cult dedicated to you and you alone," she shouted, pointing a fing  er at him. "And your honeyed words are not going to work on me!"  Seeing Stars was held tightly at her said, and she she took in uneven  breaths. This was too confusing. What the hell.
OSCARK9:  "Boxer..." Gloves said, feeling bad for Boxer being toss at Beelzebub.   "I...can't. You'll be hurt if I do that again and you and I know what  'll happen if you do." As he picks him up, he sat him to the nearest c  hair. "Please rest, we'll get them back."
As the battle raged on, the air throughout the entire auditorium became icy cold. Many of the Flies became very confused or terrified- and witho ut warning the entrance doors bust open. A black mist rushed into the ro om, spreading out over the floor. There was a deep hissing noise that ec hoed off the walls, and some of the mist seemed to swirl like serpents. ""̬̩͘Y̮̮͙̱̭ ̡̙o̸ ̟̞̳͔͔u̵̳̙̭ ͔I̵̞̙̤̝ ̮D̯̲͚̜ ͖̜͡I̵̻̙̠͓ ̨̝̙ͅÓ ̙͉̙͎͢ͅT̩!̞͔ͅ ̙̜!̩̣ ̘G̻̮̼̗̺͓͖i̛̻̯͍͚̱v́e̹̩̞͉̘ ̗̹̹̠͓̮m͎͠e̸͓̯̼̙̖ ͈̱͜B̡̺̝À̞C̫͔̲̺K̳̲ ̘̯M͕͢ Y͇̫̣̹̹͍͟ ̷C͙͈͙̳͠H̼̜͈̦I͙̪̬̻L̩̘͉̞D̪̖͖̲̜̦͢!̧̙̤̰̰̦"̴" Boomed a voice from th e mist as it rose into a large swirling figure. What seemed to be his ha ir swirled about behind him wildly.
RYAN:  "Girl Scouts?" Fib'yuh'luh whipped their head around as the name of th  e enemy fell out of Beelze's mouth.  Tossing their shield in the direction of his head, they called out, "Y  ou absolute bastard, how dare you enable those cretins! They don't nee  d any more power!!" Fib called out to him.  "What tf happened with them?" Cheeky asked Thigh High.  "Fib is just really passionate about little girls not being demonicall  y influenced I guess???" Thigh High replied this was honestly new for  her too.
OMEGA:  "What the hell was that?" Boxer ask Gloves as he looks around to where   the voice is.  "Snake..." Father Crucifix said as he punches the last Fly Member he w  as fighting.  "Something bad is coming..." Raincoat said as she looked around to see   where it was coming from.  Emperor Crown stands his ground.
BRIT:  Blazer turned to look at the clearly eldritch abomination that was com  ing up from the ground.  "Fucking... Shit, another one!?" They growled, "What, we got three of  these bitches here!?"  "God in Heaven..." Cowlneck muttered.
OSCARK9:  "I don't even know!" Gloves replied, and he was in his fighting stance  . "BUT HOLY SHIIIIIT!!!" He shouted, pointed at the big snake.
The eyes of the figure glowed a dangerous green, the hissing around the area becoming louder, tendrils forming from the mist and flailing wildly .
VAULT3:  Eyes wide like saucers, Chemise stood there like a statue, Whether it  was shock or fear, it didn't matter, but her fight or flight instinct  was going off like a siren.  "Oh. Oh God."
COFFIN:  Assless Chaps dropped everything. "LOOK AT THAT BEAUTIFUL FUCKING NOOD  LE."
KURP:  "I would call them off if your lot weren't busting their heads in," Be  elzebub said, gesturing for the small group he was with to look around  .  "But no, I was never aware of these...pigs-"  He noticed the Throne that was speaking to him and began backing up.  "I didn't even know they were here! This isn't my fault, I've been min  ding my business since I got out."  It was obvious that he was actually intimidated by Fib's presence.  Asmodeus ran immediately behind Beelzebub as the shadowy figure approa  ched.  "Oh we're fucked," Asmodeus whispered.  "O-Oh! Leviathan, what's got you riled up?" Beelzebub inquired, lookin  g around in confusion, "What..What child?" He shrugged.
OMEGA:  Boxer was shaking from the green eye figured that had just appeared fr  om out of nowhere.  "Father Crucifix! Who is that!" Raincoat ask as she stares into it's e  yes.  Emperor Crown was surprise by a sight of another Demon Lord.  "My best guess is...Leviathan, Serpent of Envy." Father Crucifix said  as he looks at the large mist snake.
DJDEVIL:  "Okay, this hissin' really killin' me high." Flat Cap said, kicking ba  ck one of the tendrils.
OSCARK9:  As Gloves and Sapphire see the Leviathan, their skin color went from o  riginal, to white bleach. Indicating that they're scared as fuck of th  e Big Leviathan.
The hissing became a crescendo and the figure rushed at Beelzebub and As modeus. The mist ran straight through them, at Armlet was lifted from As mo's arms, sweeping him up and toward the door. Leviathan stopped his movement and looked at the two. "̶̻̻͇N͕̟̯̰̣͘e̳̳x̰͍̫̜̖̰͜͜ͅt͕̙̪͇̲͕͚͜ ̤̭͓̺̻͟t͈̼̦̟̖͇͔̲̠i͎͔̗̮̮̪̕m̱̥e̴̶͖̣ ͕̯͚͠ ̟̪̠y͏̺̬͖͚͍̳o͕̞̩u̷̠̺̭͔̗̼̻̳͘ͅ ̷̴̜͙̠̠̦͍̣w̟̝o҉̡̝̥̩̗͙͟n̷̨̼̺͖̕'͓͡t̨̲̯͓ ̷͖͓̣̥ͅg ̸̜͇͉̻̯̕è̥̜̬̖̳ţ̛̙̝͓͍̲̺̠̠͟ ̢̹̪͢o̢̧̠̳̱̣̣͠f̻̪͔̬͚́͞f̥̟̬͜ ̣͔͙͢w̴̛̬̰͓̥̞̗͡i̬̥͖ t͉̞̮̲̦͔̭̬͟h͏̰̱̭̕ ͚̰͍̣͕a̻̱ ̪̘̝w̰̥̠͘͡ạ̻̞͓r̠͍͎̻̯̲͉͇̕͞͝ņ̸҉͚̦̦̩̫̱͓̪i͙n̵̻̱̰̭ ͙g̢̰̰͖̯̤̘͇̠̘͞.͝҉͎̫.̸̵͔̳̘̗̫.̤͍̖̠̮͚͢"̸̮̹̫͙̲̗ With that, Leviathan and the mist left the sewers entirely with Armlet.
SAIYAN:  Undershirt just looked on at what happened.  "Holy shit, what did I just watch?" Undershirt asked in awe.
OSCARK9:  Seeing the Leviathan took only Armlet and left, Gloves and Sapphire dr  op butts first to the ground and their hearts was rushing like no tomo  rrow, especially Sapphire heart. She can't take the scare that well.
SOPHIE:  Scrunchy blinked
VAULT3:  "Oh. So we're not going to die? I think I've had enough for today, bec  ause I'm feeling a little lightheaded," Chemise said, her face pale li  ke a ghost.
DJDEVIL:  "Well......that happened." Loincloth said, bopping just one more Fly.  It was honesty starting to be fun.
OMEGA:  Father Crucifix, Boxer, Raincoat, and Emperor Crown were all speechles  s by this point.
COFFIN:  Assless pouts and he signs, "Well there goes the big blep. Fuck no one   at AnacondaCon will believe this shit." He signed, "wait..we gotta fi  nd sis."  Vampire Collar nods,"Sounds about right."  Dzilla cradled the two boys and gave them kisses.  Captain Coat looked up at the snake and shrugged. "How quaint, this ha  s turned out to be quite the petting zoo."
BRIT:  "That was... Mildly terrifying, but it stopped the fighting." Cowlneck   said simply, dropping the makeshift weapon he was using and dusting h  is hands off.  Strappon shuddered and ran up to the stage in front of Beelzebub.  "Sir, it's apparent you have nothing to do with the actions of your cu  lt. We'll let you off this time without repercussions as we did Asmode  us." He explained, "So long as you don't wreak havoc on Daten."
RYAN:  Fib walked away from Beelze but pointed at her eyes and then at him be  fore walking away to go find Cheeky and Thigh High.
SOUP KITTY:  Diadem somehow pirouetted himself all the way to where assless was "we   should really really do that. Jong and Vamp have Koro."  Summer was also in on the hugging. Gosh did he miss his boy.  Jong finally gave pointe a hug. "Im so glad you and the other were oka  y."  Pointe hugged Jong back.
KURP:  As Leviathan exited, both Asmodeus and Beelzebub collapsed. Both felt  that they lost several thousand years off their infinite lifespans.  "I think I need a new pair of pants," Asmodeus said.  "Oh, you're disgusting," Beelzebub said with a grimace.  With their main sacrifice gone, the leader of the flies ordered for ev  eryone to retreat and within seconds they were all gone.  Aviators sighed as they all left and noticed that one dropped somethin  g near him. It was the Soul Stone he had found back in Europe. Picking   it up and joining Strappon.  Luna went to look for Thigh High, joining her and Cheeky as she kept h  er eyes trained on Beelzebub. She still remembers her ping pong match  against him and she'll do it again.  Beelzebub kept a steady gaze on Strappon as he approached, slowly stan  ding up, letting his cape cover his body. He scratched his cheek as he   looked back at Asmodeus who slowly waved at his twin.  "I see," he said simply, "So you all took care of my idiot brother. In   your time of need, I will do you a kindness, like you've done with me  . So please, don't be afraid to call upon me."  Beelzebub shrugged, an annoyed expression on his face as Fib gestured  to him. /Thrones/.
COFFIN:  Assless Chaps marched on over to Bell bell and looked up at him, pokin  g a man tiddie. "Um can I have a larrrrggggeee..uh sister please? You  have a pink thing and I want it Bell."  Vampire Collar blinked,"Let us pray for his spleen."  Dzilla picked Summer up too and gave his face kisses. Good parents. Ma  ry knocked the fuck out.  Captain Coat simply stripped.
KURP:  Beelzebub looked down at Assless, huffing some hair out of his face.  "I literally have no idea where she is...I just got here."
SAIYAN:  Undershirt came up to Shady after he'd grabbed the soul stone and gave   him a pat on the back.  "Nice, not too bad for a dead guy! Now that we got this taken care of,   we can all finally go home!" Undershirt said with a laugh.  "And take a fucking shower, I feel so nasty!" Wristband added as she s  hivered in disgust.
COFFIN:  Assless.exe has stopped running, please restart your system and wait f  or updates.
BRIT:  The sound of several screaming Flies in the sewers rang through to the   auditorium before something bright red rushed into the room. Shady wa  s knocked to the ground by the force of the figure shoving him at mach   speed. The figure rushed around the room and to the entrance of the A  uditorium.  "What a touching family reunion that was. Almost threads a hope into y  our rotten knots." Came the voice of the figure, who unveiled their re  d form to be none other than the Absolute.
RYAN:  Cheeky gasped "I couldn't have concocted a better plot twist in my wil  dest dreams!"  Thigh High elbowed him in the gut hoping he would shut his mug for 5 m  inutes.
BRIT:  "Shroud!" Strappon called as he whipped around to the the Absolute sta  nding by the door. He clenched his fists and grit his teeth as if he w  as ready to deck the man.  "What's the deal with shoving my brother over, you fuckhole?" Blazer y  elled.
SOUP KITTY:  Diadem felt his legs lose strength. He stumbled over to assless and he  ld on to him for support. The boy was horrified. He had lost all color   on his face. He was like a baby deer at this point.
OMEGA:  Boxer, Raincoat, and Emperor Crown gets into his fighting stance as th  ey look at Shroud.  "This day gets worst by the minute..." Father Crucifix said to himself   as he looked at Shroud with anger.
OSCARK9:  As things was finally settling down, Gloves and Sapphire was jump scar  e once again by not Leviathan, but none other than Shroud, the Supreme   Absolute.  "Oh god why?" Sapphire said, shivering by this man and unable to stand   up.  Gloves was mid scared by him as he slowly stands up.
KURP:  "Let the man speak, he's right," Luna said to Thigh High. He should sa  y it.  Aviators stood in place once he was pushed off, almost like he went in  to shock.  "I think he shattered me fucking bones..."
VAULT3:  Turning, she crossed her arms, and sighed deeply. Issue after issue, i  t seemed. The problem was was that this 'issue' wasn't nearly as scary   as, say, a Prince, but it still put her on edge.  "That's Shroud? He's a little.. underwhelming, if I'm honest," Chemise   exclaimed, a small smile on her lips. "Very underwhelming."
SAIYAN:  Without warning, a red flash came in and knocked his best friend over  with the force of a truck.  "OH SHIT!" Undershirt yelled as he watched his friend explode.  Well not explode but he was certainly hit with enough force to turn al  l his bones into dust. Poor guy didn't deserve this, not after what he  's been going through recently.  "Oh my god, Shady are you okay?" Wristband asked, coming to attend to  him.
COFFIN:  Assless Chaps held onto Diadem and he moved the twunk behind himself.  "Absolute munchkin really." Captain Coat yawned.  Virgin Killer opened a door groggily, she was in quite the revealing n  ightgown and her hair was messy. She walks to BellBell and she hugs hi  s chest sleepily. "Baaaaabe you said five minutessss.." She pouts befo  re realising everyone was there. "Oh shit hi."
BRIT:  "I just came here to retrieve something." Shroud said, holding a hand  out from behind his back and tossing an orange Soul Stone up and down,   "This is all I needed. I would have loved to have the one that was st  uck in the child of Beelzebub, but it's too much of a bother to obtain   at this thread."  Duster held his weapon, ready to strike if given the opportunity.  "Yeah, he's underwhelming when you don't see what the fucker can do."  Blazer hissed.
KURP:  Beelzebub was absolutely floored being called 'babe'. When did they st  art dating, who authorized this. He simply patted Virgin Killer on the   bag before he noticed Shroud with a Soul Stone of his.  "Why you little brat, that's /mine/!" He boomed. As much as he wanted  to retrieve his Soul Stone, he was frozen with fear, oddly enough. Asm  odeus gave notice, staring at Beelzebub with concern.  Aviators shrugged and winced.  "I don't think I'm okay, dude..."
OMEGA:  "What are you going to do with that Soul Stone, Shroud!" Father Crucif  ix ask as he looked at him.
SAIYAN:  Tuxedo Jacket's eyes narrowed as he saw that the figure that had barge  d into the room was Shroud. Not only that, but he managed to grab the  Soul Stone.  "That bastard! How'd he do that?!" Tuxedo Jacket growled as he watched   Shroud toss around that Soul Stone they had worked so hard to get.  Wristband meanwhile grabbed Shady by his back and tried to sit him up.  "Can you stand?" she asked him with concern.
BRIT:  "Not anymore." Shroud said, his voice still stone-cold and completely  emotionless as always. He held the Soul Stone firmly, opening his coat   and shoving the stone into his body alongside the rest of the glowing   stones along his collarbone.  "I think it fits right here with some o  f your other brothers' stones."  The stones glowed several different colors - blue, green, orange... Th  ere were parts of his arms that glowed red, purple, and gold. It was a  pparent he had stones all over his body.
COFFIN:  "I'm pretty sure that's blue waffles." Assless peeped.  "Shut up dip shit." Virgin groaned and hid her face in the big ol beef  y boy.
OSCARK9:  "What the hell?" Gloves said, shocking as to see Shroud putting the so  ul stone inside his collarbone and made him wide eyes looking at it, n  ot to mention the rest of the stones that he saw.  Sapphire saw it too and she's still unable to stand.
OMEGA:  "This reminds me of a movie i saw..." Boxer said as he look at the Sto  nes.  Raincoat and Emperor Crown looks at Boxer.  "Are those Demon Lords soul stones...?" Father Crucifix ask as he was  now afraid of the power that Shroud now had.
KURP:  Aviators immediately disintegrated as soon as Wristband made contact w  ith him. Rest in literal pieces.  Luna looked over in pure terror, not at Shroud, but what happened to S  hades. She gripped Thigh High's shoulder, mouthing "What the fuck."  Beelzebub's face contorted to that of a beast, gently putting Virgin K  iller in Asmodeus arms. He approached Shroud, "How dare you.... If Luc  ifer ever finds out, you will pay dearly for your treason."
SOUP KITTY:  Diadem stared horrified. "I wanna leave. Please. Can we leave? I don't   think I can handle being in the same room as him."  Jong waddled over to Diadem, along with pointe and korona. "I think th  is little lady belongs to you-hey are you okay?" Jong was very concern  ed
SAIYAN:  Wristband's blood went cold when she say Shady's body turn to dust, th  e sand of his body slipping through her hands like sand.  "No...I...I'm SO SORRY!!" she yelled, starting to cry.
DJDEVIL:  "Mhm mhm mhm. Another one bites the dust. Hey!" Flat cap sang.
KURP:  Sukajan pushed over Flat Cap, "/THAT IS ANYTHING BUT APPROPRIATE RIGHT   NOW/."
RYAN:  Pauldron smacked Flat Cap upside the head, "Hey, uh what the hell is w  rong with you?!"  Thigh and Cheeky just held onto Luna as they too were staring in disbe  lief.
SAIYAN:  Undershirt elbowed Flat Cap hard in the side after hearing him start t  o sing that song.  "Not the time for that!" Undershirt said quietly, but forcefully.
COFFIN:  Assless Chaps held Diadem close to his chest. "Dia we can leave we hav  e Korona and I'm sure Virgin is okay- CAN YOU NOT?"  Virgin Killer curled up in Asmo's arms and she gasped. "Avii..my dude.  ."  Mary woke up, saw that aaand fainted.
DJDEVIL:  Flat Cap fell flat on his ass after being pushed, smacked, and elbowed  . Frankly, he fucking deserved it.
OMEGA:  Boxer was shocked as he saw Shady's body turn to dust."No....No! NO!!!  " Boxer screamed as he charges at Shroud. He was going try and punch h  im in the face.  "Boxer! Stop!" Raincoat shouted at him.  "You Idiot! Your not at his level!" Emperor Crown said as he tries to  chase him.  "BOXER!" Father Crucifix cried out.
OSCARK9:  As Gloves and Sapphire turn their heads at Aviators and seeing him dis  integrated infront of their eyes. "Oh god." Gloves said, shock even mo  re, "Oh GOD!"  Sapphire was in tears at this point and it's sad to see it.  While in sorrow of the fallen friend, Boxer tends to punch Shrouds fac  e. Acting quickly, he flew over before Shroud kills him. "BOXER NO!" H  e shouted.
BRIT:  There was a snort. An echo of emotion finally escaped Shroud's mask. S  uddenly, he began to laugh. The laughter was loud and genuine, mocking  , as Shroud threw his head back.  "I have never heard something so... Horrifying..." Strappon muttered,  "He has /never/ sounded so genuine and emotional..."  Blazer walked over to the Aviatordust and scooped it up.  "He'll be fine, he does this when he's in pain." They said, sifting it   into a mason jar.  The laughter immediately ceased as if he hadn't laughed at all. He sto  od in his place, his eye the only thing really looking up at Beelzebub  .  "Treason is only for the loyal." He stated bluntly, "Frankly, I prefer   to live by my Rule. I will Rule all."  He looked toward everyone, the demons and angels that had collected to   glare at him and Boxer who was rushing at him. There was a snort, and   the Absolute dissipated into a red streak- taking off out the door in   the blink of an eye. He was gone.
KURP:  Beelzebub picked up both his hands, intending to slam them down with t  he ridiculousness that Shroud was spewing.  "You will regret- Huh?"  His hands slammed down as Shroud disappeared but he did catch someone  else under his fists, Boxer.  "Oh, I'm not responsible for that," he said, whipping off his hands.  Luna yanked the jar of dust from Blazer's hands, tears welling up.  "MY BABY." She screamed.  Sukajan was just behind her, silently tearing up, "Okay but that doesn  't mean this isn't emotionally traumatizing," he said to Blazer.
SAIYAN:  Wristband stopped her crying immediately once she heard what Blazer sa  id.  "Wait, are you sure?" she asked with a sniff.  Hopefully that was the case and he would be just fine in the morning..  .or something.  Meanwhile Undershirt and Tuxedo Jacket watched as Shroud disappeared i  nto thin air.  "Man what an asshole! He really gets under my skin." Undershirt said o  ut loud, to anyone that would hear him.
OMEGA:  "No! Come back!" Boxer screamed as he was in pain at the lost of Shady  . He started to punch the ground where Shroud stand all he wanted to w  as punch. "IT'S NOT FAR! WHY DOES HE HAVE TO TAKE EVERYTHING FROM US!"   He shouted as he cries while punching the ground.  Emperor Crown and Raincoat watch as Boxer punches the ground. They cou  ld feel his pain inside him of him.  Father Crucifix went over to Boxer and hugged him which in return Boxe  r hugged back. He comfort his angel as Boxer cried into his shoulder.
EMI:  "...I think I've gotten the gist of your problems..." Combat Boots mut  tered, watching the red streak fly the fuck outta there. So much for t  he familiar...  He looked at Cowlneck.  "Okay, so what now?"
BRIT:  "That's fair." Blazer stated, watching as everyone reacted to Shroud d  isappearing, "He'll be back, we just gotta make sure we hold the candl  e vigil for him."  "I guess we plan Shades' funeral." Cowlneck stated, "Why is everyone b  eing so fucking dramatic? The man's not dead, just dismantled. 'Aviato  rs was hit by a speeding man, Shades was bust to dust, never to return   again.'"  "Cowlneck, the eulogies were your job when we took that trip to Europe  ." Duster pointed out, reassembling with everyone else.  "I hate that man..." Strappon said, affixed to the Disappearance of Ab  solute Shroud.
RYAN:  "I'm tired, scared, horny and I just want to go home," Cheeky announce  d, deciding that he'd had enough antics for the rest of his life. Ok,  maybe he's exaggerating, a week at least.  "Can we please get out of the sewer for the love of God?" He inquired  to the group.
SAIYAN:  "Don't quit your day job there Cowl" Undershirt said as he heard that  awful eulogy.  "Yeah I hate him too" Tuxedo Jacket said in reply to Strappon.
BRIT:  Cowlneck shot an angry look at Undershirt, brow furrowed, and crossed  his arms.  "Fuck you." He snorted.
KURP:  The jar vibrated in Luna's hand who promptly opened it. The ashes ooze  d out and from there, Aviators materialized. His face, flat on the gro  und. He pointed upwards, "Cowlneck please go back to English class, I  beg of you."  "Oh fuck off, Avi," Luna said, a thick Swedish accent popping out of n  owhere as she dropped the jar.
OSCARK9:  "DUDE! YOUR ALIVE!?" Gloves said, surprise. "THIS IS A MIRACLE!" He ra  ise both of his hands in joy.  "But seriously," Sapphire said. "Don't scare us like that! We thought  you where dead man!"  As they see Shroud disappear in a blink of an eye, Sapphire was now sc  ared no more and can move as she please and immediately stand up.
COFFIN:  "He looks like a kid that went nuts with a bedazzling gun." Virgin mum  bled and braided a bit of Asmo's hair. She hopped out of his arms and  pecked Beelzebub's cheek. "We all need a drink."  Assless Chaps nodded. "We can handle this tomorrow..anyone up for kara  oke bar antics on me?"  Vampire raised a hand and Captain Coat shrugged, "Sure." They said in  unison and stared at each other.  Dzilla yawned, "I want to talk the kids home please. I can take Korona   too.."
SAIYAN:  Wristband smiled as she saw Shady ooze out from the jar and reform int  o himself. She quickly ran up and gave him a big hug, although she was   careful to not hug too hard, lest he be turned to dust again.  "Oh man! I'm so glad to see you okay!" Wristband cheered.
RYAN:  "I don't entirely know what's happening right now but uh, I'm keeping  this uniform." Thigh High said as she watched Shad- Aviators' face mat  erialize on the ground.
OMEGA:  Boxer looked at Shady ooze in a confuse look.  Emperor Crown and Raincoat were confuse too.  "What the Lord..." Father Crucifix said as he looked at the Ooze.
SOUP KITTY:  Diadem held korona. He super wasn't letting her go for a long while. "  ...I think I'll just head back to the Abbey with you... I'm not sure I   can handle being outside right now."  Jong patted Diadem on the back "alright Deedee. I'm gonna go with vamp  , you should take pointe back home too."  Pointe smiled "I'm sure my family misses me. So I wanna get back to th  em as soon as I can... And ptj.. I.. I might actually make a stop ther  e after I get home."
BRIT:  "I'm all for karaoke bar antics." Cowlneck laughed in response to the  offer by Assless. He tugged on the arm of Combat Boots, "Why don't we  get you something to drink then, honey?"  Cowl leaned up and pecked CB on the cheek. It was the first obvious di  splay of affection he'd given him.  "Please, I want to go home." Strappon said, turning back to the group.   He heaved a sigh and walked up to Diadem. "We'll go back together. I'  m sure you want a long bath or something. You can use my tub to get aw  ay from everyone for a while. It's got a television, too."  "I told you it was nothing to worry about." Blazer said, yawning and s  tretching, "I'm gonna text my boyfriend and get laid. This shit was ri  diculous."
EMI:  "Oh, a drink is exactly what I need right now." Combat Boots said with   a sigh, patting Cowlneck's hand on his arm. "We should gather Duster  and catch up, huh?"  He looked around at all the others. "...I think there's a lot of work  to do..."
KURP:  "No drink for me, I'm afraid," Beelzebub glowered, still confused as t  o why this woman was being overly affectionate with him. He wasn't com  plaining in the end.  "Asmodeus, come. We have some /serious/ matters to attend to," he call  ed out.  Asmodeus shook his head, "I'm afraid I'm under a curfew. Just ask her,  " he said pointing to Luna. Beelzebub turned to look at her and he shi  vered.  "Hard pass," he said, "Fine, whatever. I'm going now."  With that, he made his exit and disappeared into the ether.  Sukajan helped up Aviators and piped up when Point mentioned PTJ.  "Right. If you want I can give you a ride back to the house. Just so h  e knows you're fine. And after that, I can drop you off at your sister  's."
OMEGA:  "Yeah, let's go back to the Abbey." Father Crucifix said as he takes h  is Angels to the Abbey. He and his angels wanted to relax and take bat  h.
SOUP KITTY:  “Thank you.. I’d really appreciate that.” Diadem gave a weak smile.  “That sounds like a plan. Thank you.” Pointe gave Sukajan a hug.
OSCARK9:  "I need a loooooooong bath." Gloves said as he start headed out with t  he gang. "This day been crazy enough as it is."  "Same. This smell ain't going away if we keep wearing these suits." Sa  pphire said, following the group also.
COFFIN:  Assless Chaps handed Cowlneck a credit card,"Go nuts but I want it bac  k by the end of the night. I'm gonna chill with my boyfriend." He gave   Diadem's cheek two kisses.  Virgin pouts and gives Bellbell a sticky note before he goes. She then   blinked, "Your..what? Dia baby explain."  Vampire Collar hugged Jong from behind. "I'll make us all some tea.."  Captain Coat stretched, "What is this karaoke?"
RYAN:  Sweeping Luna away from the others Thigh High asked, "If you're up to  it, we can go back to my place." She thought for a moment, "Cheeky'll  be with Leon and Pauldron and Fib will be at the Abbey making sure eve  ryone's alright. We could even call up Pumps." She added as she swung  an arm around Luna.  "Plus I have a jacuzzi tub we could hit up first if karaoke interests  you..." Thigh High finished.
KURP:  "That would be nice, yes. Something to de-stress...Today's just been..  .whack," Luna said, wrapping an arm around Thigh High's shoulders.  "Besides, I'm sure Pumps would appreciate knowing that her little sist  er is fine."
SOUP KITTY:  “....I’ll explain later.” Diadem said as he returned one of the kisses
OMEGA:  "This day was pain in the ass..." Emperor Crown said as he walks with  his friend to the Abbey.  "Your not wrong." Raincoat said as she agrees with him.  "I am confuse and in pain..." Boxer said as he emotionally exhausted.  Father Crucifix was quiet for he was worried about the Soul Stones tha  t Shroud had.
The Angels finally left the sewers of Daten, avid on getting clean and n ot-smelly again. Their loved ones had finally been returned, and the str ess of the missing was finally wearing off. Despite this, Shroud had once again dampened the mood of their reunion. Would there ever be a time where they weren't afraid of the Absolute?
0 notes
dcmissionaries · 6 years
DokiDokiCon III + The Fic of Destiny
"Welcome to the annual Otaku Festival of Daten City- DokiDokiCon! This will be our third year running, and boy is it another wonderful sight to see!" The reporter chirped as she walked down the halls of the convention center, "Despite the terrible events of the previous two years, the convention is still going strong! I'm sure they feel safe because our very own Daten Celebrities have attended- maybe some people are coming just to see them in action!"
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The truth was, the Angels had been asked to attend by the convention's very own curator. Due to his terrible luck with ghost attacks every year, he bribed the Angels with free tickets and merchandise if they attended- even going as far as to offer Hollywood-tier costume artists to make their cosplays. Needless to say, Strappon couldn't refuse the offer lest he be hated forever by the resident Anime Enthusiasts. The most pressing matter, of course, was the note that had been slid into his DMs by God: "Story..." Strappon whispered to himself, "What kind of story? Romance? Suspense? God, I wish You would give us more than one word..."
"It's aight, I'm sure we'll be good knowing what we know." Blazer waved their hand dismissively. Their costume had already been made prior in anticipation of the event months in advance, so they were just there for moral support, so they say. "I really hope it's not another 'inconvenient super power' ghost..." Duster sighed. Everyone likely felt this way, considering the circumstances last time in addition to the debacle at the hotsprings. --- Just as Angels surely got their note, so did Demons. Even those who had moved to the Abbey for amnesty got the email for their glorious, murderous Supreme Absolute. "Lost Soul sighted at or near the Convention Center in the center of Daten. Those not attending will be culled. We see all. We know all. Do not disobey." Talk about creepy. 
The air around the convention was filled with excitement and merriment a s thousands of attendees piled in, with plenty more waiting in line to g et their bags and badges checked on the way in. The Angels were lead in with their VIP badges, caught up in the energy o f the convention scene- especially with their fancy costumes.
BRIT:  Strappon walked in behind Blazer and Duster, attempting not to get swa  mped by the fans of their professional-looking Zelda cosplays.  "Remember, we do have a mission to follow-up on..." He said, trying no  t to say it too loud so as to ruin the fun they were obviously about t  o have.  "Relax, Strap. We got this." Blazer said as they posed with their swor  d for a photo. There was a hairflip for emphasis.
KURP:  Luna followed up behind the group, holding a poor cramped up Sukajan w  ho was still recovering from his failed Kinjaz routines. Now he truly  misses his cybernetic body, he played himself.  Out from behind them popped in Hot Pants who was rather excitable to b  e walking around as Toon Link. He was mostly excited to make faces whi  le taking pictures if anything.  In some other nondescript area of the con, there was a Bayonetta cospl  ayer who was in obvious emotional distress, their makeup constantly be  ing cleaned off their face and reapplied by a lovely Jeanne cosplayer.   There was a small pig accompanying the pair.
COFFIN:  Dzilla followed close behind the group, stopping to take pictures. The   giant woman cosplayed the giant woman, Opal. On her shoulder was an e  xtremely excited Mary Janes.  The bean of a boy was dressed up as Sapp  hire.  Foxstole was chilling, sipping a cappuccino in her Tracer cosplay.
SAIYAN:  Undershirt arrived wearing the same damn cosplay outfit that he'd worn   the last two times because he's unoriginal, along with Wristband and  Tuxedo Jacket. TJ didn't really want to get into the whole dressing up   aspect so he wore his usual outfit. Wristband decided to go as Videl,   having her hair styled into two magenta pigtails. The three of them r  an into Blazer and their little group.  "Oh, hey guys, nice choices of cosplay!" he said to Blazer and the res  t.  Meanwhile on the other side of the convention, Bowtie was there, dress  ed as Azula from the best anime //shot.  She accompanied the Bayo and  Jeanne cosplayers in their struggle with makeup.  "Are you two good there?" she asked them.
OMEGA:  Boxer was cosplaying as Kenshiro from Fist of the North Star, he was s  o excited to come to Doki Doki Con! "This is so awesome!" Boxer said a  s he was ready was the Con.  Raincoat was cosplaying as Aqua from Kingdom Hearts, she had worked ve  ry hard on the costume along with the Keyblade too. "I get to finally  try out my Aqua Costume." Raincoat said with a smile on her face as sh  e looked at Boxer.  Emperor Crown was cosplaying as Gilgamesh from Fate Series and Father  Crucifix was cosplaying as Dracula from Castlevania Series. These two  were focus to cosplay by Raincoat and Boxer. "Well, at least this cost  ume doesn't ruin my looks." Emperor Crown chuckles a little with a smi  rk on his face. "I will never until kids and their cosplaying..." Fath  er Crucifix sighs as he follows Boxer and Raincoat.
HITA:  Skipping and jumping and twirling into the entryway, Brooch managed to   somehow get over to where Mister Strappon was standing.  Regardless o  f how fun it was to dress up as the character Lana from Hyrule Warrior  s, she at least took her job seriously.  She squinted out at the crowd  s, eyes darting around to assess what all was happening.  "I just hope we don't wreck the center.  My cousin said her boyfriend  has had to fix it every year since the Con started."  She glanced arou  nd again, hoping to spy others she knew.  She spotted the blue man, Mi  ster Undershirt, and was happy when they made their way over.  Almost.    She squinted at the Tux Man and had a thought, digging into her bag  and pulling out a domino mask, top hat, and cape.  "Wear them."  She shoved them straight at Tuxedo Jacket.  "Wear them n  ow, you can't not cosplay!!  Be Tuxedo Mask!!"  She was definitely not   shoving her magical girl agenda, no.  On the other end of the Con center, a tall person was dressed as an ex  ceptional rendition of the Fierce Deity from Legend of Zelda.  Meander  ing through the halls, VF, the Fierce Deity in question, hummed in its   doubled voice in amusement at the way people were reacting to various   cosplayers.  Humans were so silly, really.
KURP:  "No, we're not good, my kid was taken for crying out loud!" Replied th  e Bayonetta cosplayer, who was actually Hairpin.  "At least my photo shoots are coming out amazing..."
OMEGA:  "I don't know why we have to wear this Brother!" Tank Top said as he w  as cosplaying as Hikaru from Ouran High School. "You just have to wear   this today, Brother." Dress Shirt said as he was cosplaying as Kaoru  from Ouran High School. "But couldn't you find any better costumes..."   Tank Top mutter as he didn't like this costume. "These were the only  twin costumes i could find. Besides, you look cute in that costume." D  ress Shirt chuckles as he looks at his Brother. "W-Whatever." Tank Top   said as he blushes a little from that.
SAIYAN:  Tuxedo Jacket was taken aback by Brooches' sudden appearance as he was   quickly handed a mask and a cape. Normally he would have said no, but   with items he was handed it was better to just accept it.  "UGH! Fine!" he groaned as he put the items on.  "How do I look?" he asked.  Meanwhile, Bowtie frowned a bit at HP's response. Poor guy, he was goi  ng through a lot.  "Oh yeah, I kinda forgot about all that. At least you have the picture  s!" Bowtie said before leaning in a bit.  "Is there anyway I can make this better?" she asked HP.
KURP:  "Yeah, if you got my kid back! We still haven't gotten any leads and t  his is honestly upsetting," he said, wiping away the makeup that had j  ust been reapplied to his face. His husband had his work cut out for h  im, honestly.
BRIT:  "Thanks." Blazer said nonchalantly in reply to Undershirt, "I see you'  re using the same costume as you usually do. You're well-known for it  anyway, so there's no reason to diss your lack of originality."  "Blazer, please..." Duster muttered. He adjusted the hat to his Vaati  cosplay before being asked for another picture and meandering off. He  took Hot Pants' hand so they could pose together.  Amulet, dressed as Jeanne, handed his husband another tissue. He was g  lad they were using magic for some of the makeup, and that his costume   was made of premium red vinyl, otherwise this would be messy for both   of them.  "Honey, we'll find him. Just... Try to enjoy the convention a little."   He said.
COFFIN:  A black hearse rolled up to the entrance. Vampire Collar stepped out f  irst as Thorn. Assless Chaps soon followed as Dusk. Lastly, Jong stepp  ed out as Luna. The Hex boys had made it to DDC. They made their way t  o the group with a trail of Scooby Doo fans close behind.  Mary Janes just climes on Dzilla. Dzilla turned and waved to Foxstole.   Fox yawned,"Ciao D. Nice cosplay, never pegged you as the type."  Dzilla shrugged and tossed Mary in the air. "Do not judge by covers Fo  x. " She caught the giggling boy as she completed the sentence.  Virgin Killer nyoomed down the street on her Harley. She stepped off a  nd took off her helmet. She gave Diadem a kiss on the forehead. The tw  o had gone as Dexter and DeeDee. "You look so cuttte~!" Virgin squeale  d.
KURP:  "How can I enjoy it knowing my baby boy isn't in my arms!"  At this point Hairpin was getting somewhat hysterical, but he did try  to calm himself down, blowing his nose in the tissue hand to him.  "Fine, but. No promises," he said.  Archer gloves literally arrived a few minutes later with some starbuck  s, in full-blown Revali cosplay, catching up with Strappon's group. He   wasn't really appreciative but how could he deny Luna after being sho  wn the kid dressed as Zelda.  "Should we move around? I'm interested in seeing what this 'artist all  ey' is all about."
OSCAR:  Gloves and Sapphire followed the group, and was taken few pictures by  other cosplayers. Gloves was cosplay as Lucario and Sapphire was cospl  ay as Shalour Gym, Korrina. They don't mind getting pictures by other  cosplayers. They like it.  Meanwhile on the other side of the convention, Dress Socks and G-Strin  gs was there, getting pictures by other cosplayers as well. Dress Sock  s cosplaying as Soul from Soul eater and G-Strings was cosplaying as M  aka from soul eater. Both of them are in their human disguises and des  pite Dress Socks hate being in one since it makes him itchy, he don't  want to attract the wrong crowed. So he brought himself some lotion fo  r himself from home and apply to his skin so it won't itch that much.  Overall, they're with the other side with the demons, hellbents, and i  nquisitors.
SOUP KITTY:  Jong had a smile plastered on his face. He was clearly enjoying himsel  f and all the attention they were getting. It reminded him of his burl  esque days. He reached for Vampire Collar's hand and took hold of it.  He was hyped.  Near the entrance, there was a rather peculiar Sucy Manbavaran, who wa  s really just Pointe. What made her so peculiar was the giant glowing  blue sword strapped to her back. She somehow managed to get the sword  past security under the excuse that if you look really closely, it was   clearly lined with pixels. whatever that meant. She was taking pictur  es with other Little Witch Academia cosplayers, and handing them 20% o  ff coupons to an actual real actually legit witch shop.  Diadem smiled sheepishly at Virg's comments. "So do you. We should mee  t up with the others now." He was a bit nervous to be out and about, b  ut he had been convinced to go. He held on to Virgin's arm.
OMEGA:  "Jong! Vampire Collar! Over here you guys!" Boxer called out to them a  s he waved his arm in the air to get their attention.  Raincoat was with Boxer excited for the Con.  Father Crucifix and Emperor Crown were getting a lot of people to come   up to them and take picture of them in their costume.
KURP:  "Boxer, dear!"  A rather sultry voice came from behind him and suddenly the imposing f  igure of Asmodeus had his grubby little hands all over Boxer.  "So who are you supposed to be, huh? Some big tough guy from some post  -apocalyptic universe or something?
OMEGA:  "I am Kenshiro from Fist of the North Star, it is a very classic anime  ." Boxer answered Asmodeus the Demon Lord of Lust.
RYAN:  Pauldron slowly moved through the crowd, dressed as Kaneli from Zelda,   looking very confused as he looked for his Revali. A blushing mess, h  is ease disappearing the second he posed for photos.  Thigh High was currently using him as a human shield to slowly push th  rough the people. Dressed as our Lord and saviour Sonic the Hedgehog i  n her own homemade suit, she was having the time of her life.  “For someone so nervous, you’re fitting in rather well.” She mused at  the old man.  “I used to attract crowds like this all the time when I was younger.”  He pointed out as he turned to look down at the angel.  “But it has been quite some time since I’ve been treated like this…” P  auldron confessed as he tried to black out that one time when everyone   called him a bear on Twitter.
COFFIN:  Vampire Collar held Jong's hand and kissed him. He snaked his arm arou  nd Jong's waist and he smiled.  Assless Chaps moved his arm around Jong too and he smirked, walking to   the group with them. "We look absolutely wonderful."  Virgin Killer took Diadem's arm and walks with him. "Of course babes.  C'mon let loose!" She giggled. "We look bomb."
SAIYAN:  Bowtie patted the poor man in the shoulder. He was really torn up abou  t this, and rightfully so. But she smiled when he took up her offer.  "I'll help you take your mind off of it for a bit, don't worry." She c  onsoled him.  Meanwhile, Undershirt turned to Blazer with an eyeroll.  "Thanks for the backhanded compliment, totally makes me feel better" h  e said to him.  While Undershirt was talking, Wristband noticed that Asmo had made an  appearance. Without saying anything, she walked away from the group an  d wandered to his side. She silently placed a hand on his shoulder.  "Don't think about slinking away anywhere, I'm gonna be watching you l  ike a hawk. So no funny business, okay?" she asked him.
FUJOSHI:  Somewhere in the midst of the chatter, a small, chubby girl was wander  ing and weaving between all the cosplayers with hearts in her eyes. Sh  e was so mystified- everyone was so real!  "Oh, this is so much like I've dreamed! So many kawaii Anime character  s surrounding me- I could just write a fanfiction right now!" She sque  eled, "But I don't know what to do, yet! I should find some muse with  them..."  Fujoshi wandered further into the crowd to find some pretty damn profe  ssional cosplays. She stood back and sat down to watch them talking to   each other from a distance.
SOUP KITTY:  Jong gave a little wave to boxer with his free hand, then nodded with  respect to Asmodeus.  Pointe noticed the group Jong was in, and immediately gravitated over  there. She was now walking beside them. She was bodyguard Sucy Manbava  ran.  Diadem smiled and nodded, as they caught up with their squad. He point  ed at Boxer, and then made the throat cutting sign while mouthing "If  you hurt him you're a dead man."
KURP:  "I would say that's a little too old school for me, but I am partial t  o the JoJo series myself," Asmodeus admitted.  "How about we try and have a nice time today. After all, we're technic  ally still /boyfriends/."  His fun was immediately interrupted by the sudden appearance of Wristb  and. Oh bother, what does she want. He rolled his eyes as she spoke, a  lmost shooing her away.  "Listen, the worst I'll do is go fuck someone behind the con or someth  ing. This is a good opportunity for me to feed. I won't kill anyone, I   promise."  "What do you have in mind?" Hairpin asked. He would be lying if he sai  d he wasn't curious.  Archer looked around as his group began chattering among themselves, t  rying to figure out what venue to hit first when he spotted what seeme  d to be Pauldron. He waved enthusiastically, hoping to get the attenti  on of the man.
TOTALLY NOT DJ:  Meanwhile, just outside the Con, Ruka was on his knees, weeping over h  is ruined Doomguy cosplay with Flat Cap and Vest in their costumes wat  ching over him. "Nice going, Helmet. Ya ruined his costume with your m  eat juices. Now we gotta get him a new one." Flat Cap said to Helmet,  who was rather stupid in his ham costume.
OMEGA:  Boxer was surprise that Asmodeus like Jojo, he thought that he would l  ike Yuri on Ice or Ecchi Anime. But he was getting nervous by Asmodeus   trying to seduce him? Is that it? Well the boy had to get out of ther  e.  "Actually Asmodeus, me and Boxer were going to check out the Art and Anime Figures they have." Raincoat said as he grabs Boxer to her side.  "And i think a demon like you wouldn't be interest in that." She said  as she had found a way to save Boxer.  "Brother Pauldron! It's good to see you here!" Father Crucifix said as   he walked over to Pauldron with a smile showing his fangs.  Emperor Crown was taking more Pictures with Fans of the Fate Series.
SAIYAN:  It was Wristband's turn to roll her eyes this time, as Asmo tried to d  ownplay her concerns.  "That's exactly what I'm concerned about. That's why I'm keeping you i  n my sights for the rest of the con" Wristband said sternly.
OSCAR:  While walking around in the con, Gloves and Sapphire was enjoying gett  ing pictures by other cosplayers. Especially for Sapphire, this is her   first time for her to be in the convention and having the time of her   life. Plus, she can rollerblade around at the convention. Gloves was  also having fun, not only he's in his second favorite cosplay as Lucar  io, but getting hugs by young and old people, with permission of cours  e. While  enjoying, they spotted Archer Gloves from afar and approach  him with smile on their faces. He can't see Gloves smile since he's we  aring a mask, but he's smiling.  "Hey, Archer!" Gloves said, waving to him. "Nice cosplay you got on."  Sapphire was next to him and she's waving as well.  Meanwhile, Dress Socks and G-Strings are walking around in the crowed  of cosplayers at the sight to find the Lost Soul. Yet, nice and kind k  ids walk over to them and ask if they could have a picture with them.  They look at each other and look back at the kids with the kids. Might   as well have fun first while finding the Lost Soul. After all, it's t  heir first time being here.  While taking picture, they all made a cool pose and say the line, "Sou  l Residence!"
EMI:  Finally making his way through the line, Trenchcoat, dressed as Joker  from Persona 5, made is way through the crowds of con-goers while star  ing at his pamphlet, walking passed the giant lion-like statue that wa  s also surrounded by a crowd. There were so many damn people here and  he was starting to get irritated.  Meanwhile, Mong was enjoying his freedom from Hell, and his freedom fr  om clothes since he was cosplaying a strange orange-haired version of  Felicia from Darkstalkers. Man he loved being mostly naked.
RYAN:  Pauldron visibly cringed when he heard many onlookers praise his outfi  t, too many mentioning d*ddy under their breathe.  “You know if you went as Kass, Cheeky could have lent you his accordio  n.” Thigh High remarked as she leaned on his back, completely obscured   by the sheer size of this lad.  “I do not know where this instrument has been, so I do not wish to tou  ch it. Much less, carry it around for a whole day!” He laughed through   his teeth so he could continue to pose for photos. A hand waving in h  is peripheral caused him to turn his head. Immediately he began to try   to walk towards Archer Gloves only to blocked off by more admirers. P  auldron let out a sigh and was about to give up on his pursuit when hi  s companion came to his rescue.  Coming to stand in front of him, Thigh High raised her arms and simply   announced,  “Move, I’m gay!”  “Thigh High, that’s not exactly… helpful?” He began to whisper before  being astonished as the crowd parted before her, not unlike that one b  iblical scene.  “Never underestimate the raw power of our Lord and saviour!” Thigh Hig  h scoffed at the non-believer as she tugged him towards the man of int  erest.
HITA:  Humming the Zelda theme to herself, Brooch began to wander off, her ha  ir still moving as if sentient when people came too close.  She was al  l too happy to pose for pictures, striking poses gleefully.  Her atten  tion was snatched by an exceptional Sonic and it made her sad she didn  't have her Tails costume.  She basically nyoomed to Thigh High, clapp  ing happily at seeing the outfit.  "You make me wish I had my Tails outfit and that Visor was here as Knu  ckles!!  It'd be great!"  So excited she was, she didn't notice her ha  ir lifting like it was in a Ghibli movie.  VF finally spotted people it knew, heading to the grouping of Bowtie,  HP, and Amulet.  While it didn't much care for this sector and it foun  d the absolute to be a few plastic monkeys short of a full barrel, HP  would have made the South-West proud.  It slid a notepad out of its cl  othes, eyebrows furrowing and mouth pulling into a frown at the conver  sation that had been going on.  'Has there been any updates?  Your girl-child keeps pestering it for s  ome reason to aid in the search.'  Its fingers twitched and it wrote a   further note to the group.  'If It can assist, It will do so.'
YARANAIKA:  This was the best convention she'd ever seen!  Hearts in her eyes, Yar  anaika's expert outfitting skills had hidden was she really looked lik  e.  Yes, she still had a bit of a give away but give her a break!!  Sa  ilor Scout ensemble set, she wandered through the halls, hoping for th  e best of the best to inspire her.  If only she could find someone who loved the animes as much as she did  !  If only she could find a partner to bring the most sugoi of love st  ories to life in this place!  With this in mind, the disguised ghost became a bit lost in thought as   she prepared for the story to unfold.
COFFIN:  Vampire Collar yoinked Jong away from Boxer, dipping him into a kiss.  Assless Chaps shook his head and he crossed his arms. "Annnd there the  y go."  Virgin Killer looked at Asmodeus and gave him the Chancla eyes. She ch  illed and took pictures with Diadem.  Fox sat on Dzilla's shoulder and Mary Janes gave her a high five. Mary   looked on at the crouds. "Look at allll these chickens!"
KURP:  "Now, now dear," Asmodeus said to Diadem, "I can take care of myself.  I can take rejection, at least."  No, he honestly couldn't. He was sensitive.  He smiled deviously as Raincoat spoke, wrapping an arm of his with Box  er's, "Actually, considering I hang around many enthusiasts, I acquire  d quite the taste for Japanese related animation so I'd be interested  in coming along with you two. Well, specifically Boxer."  He huffed at Wristband, once again, gesturing her to leave. "Listen, I   prefer some privacy when I'm in the act. At least respect that."  Archer quirked a brow as he was approached by Gloves and Sapphire, wav  ing a bit at them.  "Uh..Who are you?" He asked. He never seen these people in his life, a  s if he could see who was under what he assumed to be a fursuit. Furri  es do not interact.  His attention was refocused on Pauldron who was inching closer. Taking   deep breaths, he also approached Pauldron, looking up to the large ma  n. God, he just knows he's got a big dick, he just knows it.  "I see Lady Luna made a good call, huh? You look rather dapper in that   outfit."  Hairpin took the note he was handed and looked up to VF, shaking his h  ead, "No. Nobody's seen those 'Flies' anywhere since they took Armlet.   Hopefully we get new leads soon...Maybe you could speak to Sash? I kn  ow the two of you were kind of close."
SOUP KITTY:  Jong's eyes widened at suddenly being dipped, but he eventually just c  losed his eyes and let it happen.  Pointe had separated from the group and was reading through some magic  al girl mangas somewhere, clearly starry-eyed because of the chapter s  he was on.  Diadem pat Asmodeus on the back. "Still, cant hurt to have back up, ri  ght?" The boy smiled at his grandad, before adjusting his glasses, whi  ch admittedly were is /actual/ glasses and not just ones for the cospl  ay. He went back to taking pictures with Virg.
SAIYAN:  Wristband laughed a bit at Asmo trying to get out of this situation. A  s if there was any chance that she'd leave him alone for any amount of   time.  "Well that's too bad buddy, I don't want people being sucked dry and d  ying on my watch" Wristband replied.
OMEGA:  "Fine..." Raincoat sigh as she took Boxer and Asmodeus to look at Anim  e Figures and Art.  "Mother, save me." Boxer thought to himself as he thought Asmodeus wou  ld live him alone.  Emperor Crown was starting to love the Pictures.  Meanwhile the Brothers were searching for the Lost Soul. "Where could  that Lost Soul be?" Dress Shirt ask himself as he looked around with h  is Brother. Tank Top was eating some cookies that he bought but was ge  tting some crumbs on his face. Then Dress Short got a idea going over  to his Brother and licking the crumbs off his face. The plan was to lu  re out the Lost Soul with the power of Yaoi and Brotherly Love! Though   Ouran High School Fans were storming at the twins!
COFFIN:  Vampire Collar slowly tilted him back up and he pulled away with a hap  py sigh. "Glad to see I can still surprise you."  Assless stretched and yawned. "Weirdos. I'll meet you dweebs later, ch  ecking on dad boy blue bunny guy." He walked over to Asmo.  Virgin bumped Diadem's hip with her own and she took his hand. "Wanna  go to the r-section and check out a lil surprise~?"  Dzilla walked over to Asmodeus and she patted his shoulder. "Hello Asm  odeus, Wristband. I can watch him if you'd like?"   Mary Janes squeaked and hopped down, hugging the leg of the large dem  on. "Azzy!"
OSCAR:  Gloves was little surprise that he doesn't know him, but I guess it wa  s his cosplay at fault. It did cover his whole entire body after all,  including his head.  "Who am I? Oh right! This mask blocks out my head to everyone to see.  Gives me a sec..." He said. He took off his head with his paws to reve  al Gloves under cosplay Lucario to Archer Gloves.  "Sorry about that. I guess we haven't introduce to you." Gloves said.  "My name's Gloves Stone and this here on my left side is Sapphire, wea  ring her Korrina cosplay." He looks at her.  "Hello." Sapphire said. "Isn't this con wonderful?" She ask. "This is  my first time being here and there's so many people here wearing aweso  me cosplays, including yours." She smiles to Archer Gloves.
SAIYAN:  Meanwhile, Bowtie tried to think of something fun for her and HP to do  .  "Well....maybe we could go out for ice cream? Ice cream always makes m  e feel better" She said to HP.
HITA:  Frowning in deep thought, VF considered its options here.  Tilting its   head, a new note passed to the distraught man.  'It will get in touch with him and grandmother.  The Flies as you call   them sounds familiar.  Almost like something its grandmother ousted s  ome time ago.'  It frowned even harder at the thought.  Actually, it s  ounded very familiar.  What was it about that name?  'A cult It thinks  ?'  Fingers curling, it smiled almost cruelly at the thought of wiping out   a cult.  One of the many things it had yet to let go of was the urge  to purge all cults.  'It will aid you how It can.'
SOUP KITTY:  Jong was blushing, and it was noticeable as heck. He held on for dear  life to Vamp. This truly had swept him off his feet.  Diadem looked a bit confused but agreed. "What is the surprise?" he as  ked. It was almost as if he didn't know the implications of where they   were going. Still, oblivious as ever, he followed happily and innocen  tly.  Pointe had found somewhere to sit, and kept reading her magical girl m  anga. She had managed to save up all her allowance and the money she m  ade from helping around the shop, and was having tons of fun buying al  l the merch that her little heart could desire.
BRIT:  Duster pulled Hot Pants along as they had just exited the merch room w  ith more than enough Doujins, several figures, a body pillow, and too  many stuffed alpacas. Duster was carrying everything, being the talles  t.  "Hots... I think we need to bring some of this merchandise to the car.  " He said, "It's a bit much to carry."  Strappon wandered the con aimlessly, feeling terribly out of place. He   did take pictures of some cool costumes that he liked regardless of w  hether or not he was familiar with the series.
RYAN:  Giggling at Brooch’s sentient hair, Thigh High beamed at the woman bef  ore her.  “We should have called to coordinate, but your Lana looks so good!!!!”   She squealed as she did the ok hand, shaking it for emphasis.”  Pauldron gazed down at Archer Gloves and simply stated: “You dress wel  l.”  Thigh High cackled at the display in front of her before slapping Paul  dron on the back as she pointed at his tree trunk arms,  “This bad boy can fit so many feathers on his “wings”. I ‘m honestly h  ella jealous.”  “Luna has very good tastes when it comes to this sort of scenery! Much   better than Cheeky’s.” Pauldron stammered out as he began to fan hims  elf, was it hot in here or was it just him.  “It’s just you.” Thigh High smirked much to Pauldron's horror he'd act  ually said it aloud, what a fucking pleb. Then she gestured towards Cr  ucifix. Pulling him by the collar to whisper in his ear, she held up a   hand and whispered, “You’ve been so busy being gay you didn’t even no  tice that he’s right beside you!”  “Uhhhh….. Hello there Father Crucifix, long time no see!” The man righ  ted himself up immediately and turned towards the man, holding out his   hand. Pauldron, baby, please get your shit together.
COFFIN:  Vampire Collar picked Jong up and he casually danced around with him i  n his arms.  Virgin plopped by her booth. She smiled and Bob slithered out of her c  leavage. Bob waves to Diadem. "This is the booth for me and Flat's com  pany."
OMEGA:  "Indeed, I see you are cosplaying too. Boxer and Raincoat made me cosp  lay, they thought that i would make a good Dracula." Father Crucifix s  aid as he smiles at his friend. "Though how are you doing?" He ask as  he looked at Pauldron.  Meanwhile Raincoat and Boxer along with Asmodeus were by the Anime Fig  ures. "I wonder if that got a Gundam Figure or Jojo Figure!" Boxer sai  d as he looked at the Figures. "Today, i will find that Aqua Figure!"  Raincoat said as she was looking at the Kingdom Hearts stuff.
SAIYAN:  Wristband turned to Dzilla and smiled a bit at her offer.  "Thanks, but I think I got this. Unless you wanted to help me, then I  have no issues with that." Wristband replied.
TOTALLY NOT DJ:  Ruka walked around the con in his Doomguy costume, looking at all the  stands, merch, and all the goddamn furries everywhere. What he wouldn'  t give for a flamethrower right about now. Distracted by his disgust t  owards the furries, he accidentally bumped into Strappon, falling on h  is ass. "Hey! Watch where you're going, fucker!"  Flat Cap and Vest were just looking through Dark Soul merch at one the   stands, with Vest hissing at the statues of Smough and Ornstein in ba  ck the stand.
KURP:  Seeing that Strappon went on without them, Luna and Sukajan got an ide  a. They let Strappon mosey around the convention floor before approach  ing him, Sukajan swinging Strappon to pose with them as Luna held out  a phone for a selfie-styled picture.  "Say Till Valhalla!" Luna said, trying to impersonate Mercy as best sh  e could.  "Ugh," Asmodeus groaned as Wristband began following his little group.   "It's already in my contract that I can't kill, why keep watch over m  e? Go out and enjoy this convention!"  Archer looked back at Gloves and Sapphire, squinting a bit, "Uh, it's  alright I guess. This isn't something I'm really used to."  At this point he practically stuck himself to Pauldron's side, wrappin  g his arms around Pauldron's as the man was speaking to someone else.  Boy he was getting nervous for no reason.  "Yeah, they're a cult from what little information we scrunched up. Ap  parently a group of people that deeply worship an old demon of lore, B  eelzebub. Everyone thinks Sash is him, but who knows. Any help is appr  eciated, nonetheless," Hairpin said, giving a smile to VF.  He crinkled his nose at Bowtie's silly suggestion, "Honestly, I don't  have the appetite to eat anything right now..."  Hot Pants looked at everything Duster was carrying, arching a brow. "I   mean, if you let me carry something, this wouldn't be a problem but y  eah, let's go back to the car real quick before your arms pop off."
SOUP KITTY:  Jong giggled in delight. The dancing seemed to have attracted some sta  res, but honestly he was having too much fin to care.  "Hey thats pretty cool!" Diadem said. "what do you guys do?" He was ho  nestly clueless, he probably missed the memo.  Pointe was walking around again, and bumped into Thigh High, in the no  n literal sense. "Oh hey! Aren't you friends with my sister?"
SAIYAN:  Wristband just shook her head again, her magenta pig tails swishing ba  ck and forth in front of her.  "Because, Asmo, it's my job. As an angel I gotta make sure no one gets   hurt by demons and ghost and the like" She said to him.
COFFIN:  Dzilla smiled back,"I would love to help you. I would also like to cat  ch up a little with him is all."  Was Mary Janes nibbling on Asmo's leg? Yes. Was he ready to rangle the   bullworm? Yeah.  Virgin chucked and shook her head, "Oh Dia.. We have an adult toy comp  any." Bob wiggled and stuck his sucker to Diadem's hand.  Vampire Collar placed him down after a little bit, laughing some. "I l  ove you darling.~ "
BRIT:  Strappon had probably been knocked foreward by the force of Ruka's ent  ire self, but was swept up by Sukajan. He had not only been accosted b  y a man in full armor, but was now having pictures taken of him.  "I was watching where I was headed!" He shouted to Ruka from Su's heft  y grip. He pouted at the man who was holding him. "And can I help you?  "  Duster was glad Hot Pants offered, because he was now going to carry 8  0% of the items. They were dropped on him.  "Fuck, I'm glad you offered." He said simply, "Carry your own weight."
HITA:  Giggling at the sillines of the people before her, Brooch bounced a bi  t in joy at Thigh High's compliment.  She was happy!  She had a chance   to get it made professionally but her cousin wanted to make it.  Of c  ourse, because of this, the outfit was bulletproof.  Kevlar was appare  ntly a hassle to sew into clothing but it was still there.  "My cousin made it for me!  You haven't met Sleevies yet but she wants   to meet you one day for sure!  We've all just been... looking for Mis  s Bifocals."  She shifted, hair going limp before she bounced back.  "  Anyway!"  She smiled at how silly everyone was being but kept her eye  warily on the floor.  She turned her eyes back to the people in front  of her with a grin.  "What interesitng costumes you all have!"  And with the mention of Beelzebub, it clicked.  Eyes narrowing, it cur  led its lips in annoyance.  'You speak of they that are banned from its home, then.  It thought so  .'  Nodding as it handed off the note, it tilted its head at the demon  s before it.  Eyes alighting on the way that Amulet and Bowtie seemed  to be reacting to this, it inclined its head to the trio.  'It will be   bringing this to its grandmother and the hunting will commence in glo  rious fashion.'
YARANAIKA:  Seeing a girl by herself, Yaranaika wandered over to Pointe and giggle  d at the mangas.  "Hello pretty girl!!  Mind if I sit here with you??"  Her hair seemed  to look slick in the light and almost moved on its own before she sett  led to smile kindly down at Pointe.
OMEGA:  "Boxer! I found one of Kotobukiya Bishoujo!" Raincoat said as she hold  s up one of the figures which was Female Version of the Thor from the  Marvel Universe.  "So Cool! How much is it?" Boxer ask as he looked Raincoat though keep  ing his eyes on the figure.  "Seems to be fifty dollars." Raincoat answer as she holds the figure.  "I'll buy it!" Boxer said as he buys the figure.  Soon the two started to buy some Figures and Artwork of Characters tha  t they like.
OSCAR:  Gloves smiles back to Archer Gloves and wears back his cosplay helmet.   When he does that, he turn too Sapphire and she was looking at someth  ing on her left side. Turning his head at the direction, she was looki  ng at the ice cream stand.  "Wanna get some ice cream?" He ask her. She respond to a yes and went  towards the ice cream stand.  Waving goodbye to the little ones, Dress Socks and G-Strings continue  their search for the Lost Soul.  "Okay." Dress Socks said to G-Strings. "If I where to be a Lost Soul,  where would I be?" He said.  "Probably at the merchandise?" G-Strings guess. "Most people usually g  et cool figures and T-Shirts, so why not?"  "Yeah." Dress Socks said. "Let's start." Like that they're walking tow  ards to different merchandises in the search of the Lost Soul.
SOUP KITTY:  Diadem's face looked as if he had just learned all the secrets of the  universe. "Oooooh" He just nodded his head after that.  "I love you too~" Jong cooed. It was probably super apparent to anyone   who looked at them, that they were super in love. Jong kept an arm ar  ound vamp's neck, and gazed lovingly into his eyes.  "Sure!" Pointe chirped, this person seemed nice enough. "Would you lik  e to read with me?" She asked, offering up a bag filled with a bunch o  f newly bought mangas.
KURP:  Taking some of the merch off Duster, Hot Pants yanked off the more imp  ortant hauls of their little trip, the stuffed alpacas.  "I have no idea how you could see with these obviously obscuring your  vision," he commented.  Upon reading the note that he was handed, a chill went down his spine.   He wasn't even the target and he feels afraid for his life.  "T-thank you," he managed.  "It's us, Strap. You just kind of left us in the dust," Sukajan said a  s his grip loosened, straightening up the former Templer. He looked do  wn at Ruka who had his ass flat on the ground.  "Nice Doom Marine outfit there, dude."  Asmodeus rolled his eyes again.  "Fine, but please don't be in the room when I'm feeding!"
RYAN:  Thigh High sweated nervously before tugging on her collar and averting   her gaze from Pointe's.  "Haha, yeah, friends. Haha"  Pauldron looked down at her and said what we're all thinking,  "Stop laughing, it makes you sound very suspicious!" As he was feeling   way more confident with how close Archer was standing to next to him.  "I'm doing a lot better now that Cheeky is now preoccupied with this,  Leon Leonhart." Pauldron answered Crucifix's questioned.  "Uhm actually you forgot a Leon. There's three (3)." Thigh High correc  ted as she poked her head into the middle of their conversation, holdi  ng up three fingers to emphasize her point.
TOTALLY NOT DJ:  "Thanks, i guess." Ruka said as he got back up on his feet, "That Helm  et fucker got meat juice all over it earlier but I managed to clean mo  st of it off. Afterwards, I puntkicked his ass back to the Abbey."  Flat Cap eventually got tired of staring at Dark Souls merch and left  Vest to go do his own thing, forgetting that Vest was liable to steal  everything in the booth. After some walking, he noticed VK and Diadem  and walked over them. "Oi, Virgy! I see ye got a booth set up, eh?"
KURP:  "Hell yeah I'm three (3) whole Leon!" Leon yelled from the distance. W  here the fuck did he come from.
SAIYAN:  Bowtie's smile fell from her face. She really didn't know what to say  to him right know. His child really was all that was on his mind and t  here was nothing that would be able to change that it would seem.  "Well, I'm sure that he'll turn up soon." Bowtie said, trying her best   to comfort the poor carrot.  Meanwhile back with Asmo and Wristband the two just kept on arguing.  "How about I just turn around while you do it. But if I hear screams o  f pain I will step in and put and end to it" she said sternly.
OMEGA:  "That's great to hear." Father Crucifix said as he smiles showing his  vampire fangs a little. "I wish Ball Gown was here with me. Maybe she  could of been the Bride of Dracula." He chuckles as he looks a Pauldro  n.
COFFIN:  Virgin Killer started to laugh, holding her stomach. She loved him to  bits and pieces. "Yeah, so I figured why not have a lil somethin out."   She shrugged and squeaked when she heard Flatcap. "Heya sweets! Yeah!   I talked to the event management office and they were chill with it."  Vampire Collar kissed his nose and he moved his arms around Jong's hip  s. "Good.~ How're you holding up Dulce?" He rubbed the others sides.  Mary Janes heard feeding and he gasped. He then took his Hello kitty l  unchbox out of his bear. He opened it and it was filled to the brim wi  th dino chicken nuggets. "If you get hungry you can have some of these   with me!" Oh this sweet boy.  Dzilla chuckled and she shook her head.
KURP:  "Her name is /Lisa/, at least have the decency to look up the series y  ou're dressing up as, you," Archer spat, looking at Crucifix almost ac  cusingly.  He tried to hold on to Pauldron's hand, noticing that his tiny ones we  re absolutely dwarfed. Feeling his face flush, he grabbed on to it wit  h both hands. He felt like he was going to die on the spot, Lord help  him.  "So anyways. I've been interested in going to this artist alley they h  ave here. Anyone want to come with?"  "Ew, no!" Asmodeus said, "Just stay outside the room, goodness! Even I   have more decency than that..."  Sighing, he caught up with Boxer, once again wrapping his arms around  him.  "So tell me /Boxxy/, what do you want? You can ask me for anything, I  have unlimited funds for your pleasure! Just point to it and it'll be  your's."  "I hope so too," Hairpin said. It finally seemed like his crying spell   was ending, tugging on Amulet to reapply some of his makeup.  "That's kind of a justified response," Luna said to Ruka, "If you need   any proper repairs on that costume, just ask? I'm sure we got some ma  terials to spruce it up back at the house."
OSCAR:  While walking to different Booths with no sigh of the Lost Soul, Dress   Socks spotted a booth that got his interest. He walks over to it with   G-String with a curious look on her face. As they reach to the booth,   theirs an item that was calling out to him and it was cosplay Inuyash  a Tessaiga Sword. His eyes was glittered and want it so bad.  G-Strings looks at the sword, then back at Dress Socks. "Are you sure  you wanna buy it?" She ask him. "It cost $120.00 to buy it."  "Yes!" Dress Socks answer immediately. "I know that we got...'Cosplay  weapons', but this sword look so cool!" He don't want to blow their co  ver that they have demonic weapons on them. Otherwise, they'll be kick  ed out.  G-Strings sighs and looks at him. "Alright. If you demonic hearts want  s it, then go for it." She said.  With that, Dress Socks immediately bought it and strap it behind his b  ack.  Meanwhile, Gloves and Sapphire are enjoying their Ice cream and sittin  g at the bench. Gloves purchase Vanilla and Chocolate swirl and Sapphi  re purchase Resse Pieces Ice Cream.
SOUP KITTY:  Diadem laughed along with her, he was glad he came.  Jong giggled a bit "I'm doing okay. A lot better than this morning." J  ong stood on his tip toes and planted a kiss on Vamp's cheek. "I had p  retty bad morning sickness." He sighed a little bit. "How about you? A  re you doing okay?" Jong smiled warmly at his fiance.
OMEGA:  "Ummmmmm" Boxer said as he started to sweat nervously as he look at As  modeus. He try to find away out of this before the things go "Sexually   Wrong". "I NEED TO US THE RESTROOM!" He shouted out nervously then ru  nning in the Bathroom.  Raincoat sigh as she wanted to have fun time with her best friend but  can't because of Asmodeus.
TOTALLY NOT DJ:  "Nah, it's fine." Ruka began, "This shit's actual combat armor I bough  t off Ebay so a little meat juice ain't gonna do much to it."  "Fuckin' A!" Flat Cap exclaimed, pumping his fist, "Which reminds me.  I got an idea for a new dildo." He sat in a chair next to VK as he spo  ke.
RYAN:  "I'm so sorry to hear about Bifocals. Is there anything I can do to he  lp?" Thigh High quietly asked. This the third disappearance, and she w  as getting a bit worried. However, before the dread could consume her  she spotted the couple before her.  Thigh High blinked.  She was laughing at Archer's attempts to hold Pauldron's hand that her   laugh became silent and she was rolling on the floor.  "His hands to small for his got dang boyfriend." She croaked out betwe  en breaths.  Pauldron rolled his eyes and began pulling Archer with him. Mostly to  escape Thigh High, partially to ensure Archer doesn't murder someone.  "An artist alley sounds great!."
SAIYAN:  Wristband chuckled at Asmo's decency assertion.  "Oh come on, I could give you some pointers on your technique if you w  anted" she said jokingly to him.  Bowtie could only give a reassuring smile and a pat on HP's back as he   seemed to start getting ahold of himself after what seemed like and e  ternity crying.  "How about we go look around at some of the booths that are here, huh?  " She suggested to HP.
KURP:  "Who the fuck just sells the Doom Marine's armor? Dude, good luck that   you'll live by the next weekend," Sukajan said, adjusting his cosplay  's scarf. He was an avid believer that the Doom Marine actually existe  d.  "Oh shut it!"  It was clear that Asmodeus was flustered. How dare this woman just say   that, in front of his anime merch booth!  "Anyways, at least let me have fun with this Boxer kid. I want to see  how long he'll last before he actually dumps me. After all, we never d  id break up. Wouldn't you like to know how terrible he is to say no?"  "I guess we could go out and look at stuff in the merch room, yeah," H  airpin said, getting up.  It was a good call that Pauldron decided to move on as Archer was actu  ally more than ready to maim a person for his hardships. He simply poi  nted as he was dragged away. He'll get his chance some other day. Righ  t now, the focus was Pauldron.  "Maybe we could find some nice things to take home! Though, my budget'  s limited for today..."
FUJOSHI:  As the convention fun continued, the small woman pattered around to fi  nd a muse. Entering the Dealers' room, she gasped softly as she spotte  d two pristine subjects: an elusive otter and a twink with the cutest  little feet she ever did see. She whipped out her notebook and began w  riting:
As a laugh escaped the young demon's supple lips, it sounded uncharacter istically cherubic. There was something so mesmerizing about the demon, even despite the fact that Flat Cap was an Angel. It was as if something came over him at that very moment... Diadem was undeniably adorable. "You know," The Angel said suddenly, turning toward the cosplay-clad dem on as if nothing he'd said previously mattered, "You're pretty cute in t hat dumb costume." Diadem blushed violently and covered his face with a squeek. How sudden this compliment came from this dashing stranger!
SAIYAN:  "I'm not saying you can't have fun with him, just don't suck him dry u  ntil he disintegrates" Wristband replied to Asmo as she folded her arm  s and leaned against one of the booths.  Bowtie grabbed HP and started walking towards some of the booths to ch  eck out some of the stuff that they were selling.  "Well, what do you think? See anything of interest?" she asked him.
COFFIN:  Vampire Collar rubbed his lower back. "I heard...I'm sorry sweetheart.  " He nuzzles him. "I'm fine dear no worries."  Virgin clapped her hands excitedly,"Ooo! I can't wait~!"  Mary realized that the adult he was clinging to indeed ment sex. He st  arted to eat his chicken nuggets, boy was stressed but fuck was Asmo g  ood transportation.  Virgin Killer blinked "uh..n..nani?"  Assless yeeted himself over to check on his sister.  Dzilla blinked and looked around. "Where is my grand child..?" She sta  rted to panic and search around.
TOTALLY NOT DJ:  "Pfft, I'll be fine. Especially since I got this bad boy along with th  e armor." Ruka said, pulling out a shotgun that looked just like the o  ne Doom Marine uses.  Flat Cap held his mouth after he said that. "Uhhhh....okay, that was f  uckin' weird." He said, confused about what just happened. Yeah, he'd  totally fuck Diadem if he could but he was a demon so why the fuck he  did just call him cute?
SOUP KITTY:  Diadem removed his hands from his face, and blinked slowly. He looked  over at Virg, and then back at Flat Cap with a concerned look on his f  ace. "What... was that..?" He cleared his throat. He looked nervous.
OMEGA:  Emperor Crown was still taking pictures because his Pride was taking o  ver him. The Demon Brothers were still trying to lure the Lost Soul ou  t with Fan-service of Brothers "Loving each other" though Fans of Oura  n were taking pictures and some going crazy over this.  Boxer then came out of the Bathroom slowly thinking that he got that a  ll out of his system.
BRIT:  Strappon felt terrible for not recognizing Luna and Sukajan to begin w  ith and cleared his throat.  "I'm so sorry. I guess I got a little lost in my thoughts." He apologi  zed, turning toward Ruka. He looked the costume up and down, "The armo  r is pretty wild, actually."  Blazer walked out of the bathroom behind Boxer and noticed he looked n  ervous.  "Hey, man. You alright?" They asked, "You're lookin pale."
SOUP KITTY:  Jong looked over at Boxer, a little bit concerned. "Baby? I'll be righ  t back.." He walked over to boxer to see what was wrong. "Hey, are you   doing okay?" Jong was clearly very concerned.  Pointe was still reading her mangas somewhere. Hoping that somehow, th  igh highs could pick up on her thought, which went something like "I k  now you guys are in lesbians with eachother."
RYAN:  Pauldron was about to brag about covering it himself, but then he reme  mbered that he had most of his money on lockdown ever since Cheeky ema  iled that Nigerian Prince and used everyone's info. Pauldron was regre  tting leaving Thigh High behind. She may be intolerable at times but,  she does have deep pockets.  "Mine is too... However, I'm sure we can combine what we've got to get   something nice!" He looked down at Archer and smiled,  "Though I'm sure the time we spend together will be more valuable!" He   said as he squeezed his hands.  "Ha gay!" Thigh High called from her spot on the ground. Pauldron's sh  oulders fell as he sighed. It was beginning to become very clear to Pa  uldron that Thigh High got her personality from his other partner and  not her mother.
OMEGA:  "Asmodeus is acting weird. Our Relationship was fake and stuff but he  still acting like he is my boyfriend." Boxer said to Blazer and Jong a  s he looks at them. "I want to have fun today and be a nerd..." Boxer  said as he look down feeling that this day was sour.
TOTALLY NOT DJ:  Vest was casually trying to sneak out a duffle bag full of Dark Souls,   Monster Hunter, World of Warcraft, and The Witch merch. Pay no attent  ion to this man.
SOUP KITTY:  Jong chuckled a bit and pat boxer on the back. "Maybe it was a little  more real than you thought?" Jong smiled.
YARANAIKA:  Having been reading mangas with Pointe, Yaranaika's eyes locked onto t  he pair that had become, clearly, an OTP.  Squealing in delight, hands   clapping together, the ghost thanks the Shipping Gods for their decis  ion to answer her prayers to give some juicy ship fun.  "This is exciting!  That was cute, cute, cute!"
KURP:  "Are you sure you should be encouraging that? I mean, that kid is an a  ngel." This simply confused Asmodeus. Is she going to watch over him o  r not, make up your mind.  It took him a bit to realize that he had a child in tow. He looked ove  r to where Mary was and blinked.  "Oh, well. Guess he's going to have questions later on."  Luna's face paled, taking the gun real quick as she painted a bright o  range tip on it.  "Sorry if you don't want this confiscated, it's gonna need that orange   tip."  Sukajan patted Strappon, "Don't sweat it, I'm guessing this is your fi  rst proper con experience?"  Hairpin tapped his chin as he looked around the dealer's room.  "It'd be nice if I could find something for Piggles," he said, "I know   Amulet wanted to buy her a new sweater but I doubt people are selling   anything small enough for her."  Archer could feel the heat on his face at the suggestion, "We could! I  'm sure we have enough for something that's of high quality. Or maybe  we could buy some nice stationary, that's always nice."  He was close to fainting as Pauldron went on if it weren't for his mig  hty need to rip his namesakes off to summon his bow.  "Yeah and what of it!" He called back to Thigh High.
FUJOSHI:  Fujoshi giggled wildly as she heard the interaction between the two an  d decided to turn it up a notch.
The squeel Diadem made was the cutest thing Flat Cap had ever heard! And look at that blush- he thought to himself- it only makes his boyish fac e look even cuter! He seemed to flustered. "Mr. Flat Cap, please. I'm a gentleman!" Diadem managed to sputter, batt ing his lashes in a flirtatious manner. His voice was soft and British a s usual. "If you intend to court me, do it correctly." "Correctly, huh? Then how about-" Flat Cap moved closer to Diadem and sw ept him backward in a dip! "A kiss?" A wind blew and Sakura petals scented the air sweetly as their moment wa s held for what seemed like ages in time, but was actually a few moments .
OMEGA:  "If it was real then i would be a Demon and i don't want to be a Demon  ." Boxer said as he look down. "I don't want to end up like my Father.  " He said as he was starting to feel more sour as he talked.
COFFIN:  Vampire Collar nodded, "Be careful love." He checked on his phone to s  ee what everyone else was doing, keeping an eye on the two.  Virgin Killer made a small noise and she raised a brow. "What in the d  ick suck...?" She smelled something fishy.  Assless crossed his arms and looked around. "I'm gonna check on the sp  ooks. Be back." He walked off to go check on Vampire after pecking Dia  dem's cheek.  Dzilla finds Mary on Asmodeus' leg and she sighs. He'd be okay.  The Tracer of the group made her way over to the other overwatch dweeb  s. Foxstole stretched. "Glad to see more people doing this game." She  looked at Luna.  Mary was nugget filled and embarrassed. His face was hidden in Asmo's  leg. He mumbled hello.
BRIT:  "Man, if he's making you uncomfortable, you have the authority to brea  k it off." Blazer explained, giving him a reassuring hand to the shoul  der, "You're not obligated to stay with him, 'specially if you feel li  ke he's using you. It's not healthy. Just tell him: 'I don't think we  should be together anymore.' You don't gotta explain yourself, bro."
SOUP KITTY:  Diadem snapped out of it and planted his feet on the ground making him  self stand up, the nervous look was one of fear now, as he had no idea   what had happened. He started muttering to himself, clearly terrified  . He stepped away from Flat Cap and stood behind Virg.  "What the h*ck   is happening?"  Jong gave boxer a reassuring no homo bro hug. "Just break it off then?  "  Pointe continued to be intrigued by her manga, way too invested in the   story to be paying attention to anything else.
OMEGA:  "But he knows it's all fake! We staged so he could help me get my job  back when he was Gogo!" Boxer said as he stand up and looked at Blazer  s. "Why are Demons drawn to me..." He said as he sat back down and loo  k down.
SOUP KITTY:  Jong rolled his eyes a little. "Just do it anyway. Things might seem o  ne way to you but they may not be like that to other people."
TOTALLY NOT DJ:  Ruka grimaced when Luna placed the orange tip on the gun. "Come on, it  's not like im actually gonna use it. Not yet, anyways." He said as a  smirk appeared on his face.  Flat Cap blinked a few times before coming to his senses as well and l  ooked at his hands. "Okay...I'm actually starting to get a little scar  ed now. And comin' from me, that's sayin' something."
SAIYAN:  "Look, do you want to smash or not?" Wristband said with a glare at As  mo.  Meanwhile Bowtie looked at HP with a raised eyebrow.  "Who the heck is Piggles?" she asked him
COFFIN:  Mary Janes straight up faints. Wasted.  Virgin Killer scoops up Diadem and she chancla glares at Flatcap. "Lip  s off my twink mr."  Assless Chaps and Vampire Collar were watching things, well mostly Vam  pire. Assless was patrolling around him.  Dzilla was trying to get S.U merch for her boy.
BRIT:  "This is Lady Piggles, you uncultured fop." Came Amulet's voice as he  strolled in with a stroller. It contained one (1) tiny piglet in a beh  emoth costume, "And you will address her as such."  "Buddy, just dump the fuck." Blazer pushed a bit, "He seduced Cowlneck  , too, remember? Cowl hasn't spoken a positive word to Asmodeus since  then. Usually he's a catty bitch, but he knows he was wronged, and you   do, too."  They sighed and shook their head.  "And Demons are drawn to you because you fall for it. Some of us are j  ust way too susceptible to their temptations. You wear your sins on yo  ur sleeve a bit." They explained.
FUJOSHI:  The little lady gasped as Virgin Killer scooped Diadem up. She had to  fix this, and quick! She sat on the floor and really let her notebook  have it:
"Hey, Virgin! What's going on?" Diadem asked the tall, scantilly clad la dy with rage in his eyes, "This absolute stud is trying to give me the b est romance of my life!" "I can't keep this going, I know you two are terrible for each other! Wh at about me? I thought we were a thing!" Virgin Killed wept, holding Dia dem crushingly close to her. She seemed so angry about this- the injusti ce was too much for her, but she didn't realize how she was coming betwe en such a beautiful relationship! ((Just like a dumb baka girl to come between two kawaii boys having a re lationship, said Fujoshi as she wrote feverishly)) Flat Cap acted immediately and swept Diadem out of Virgin Killer's obvio usly weak grip. "Don't worry, Di. I'll keep you safe." He said, holding the boy close. D iadem looked like he was going to cry!
OMEGA:  "Alright, Jong and Blazer. Thank you." Boxer said as he hugs the two g  iving them the most strongest hug ever.
TOTALLY NOT DJ:  Flat Cap shook his head and noticed Diadem in his arms once again. He  quickly pushed away, though not hard enough as to knock him over. "OOo  ookay!!! Yeah yeah yeah something's really wrong and I dont like it! I  ....fuck, I need to use the restroom." With said, he quickly made his  way to the nearest bathroom to wash his face. "What the fuckin' hell..  .?" He muttered to himself.
COFFIN:  Virgin Killer blinks and nearly summons her weapon. "Hold the mother f  ucking phone and put it on vibrate, what the fuck!?" Bob yeeted himsel  f out of her cleavage and he stuck a sucker to Diadem's face. "Okay no  w this shits definitely a good damn ghost. I can feel it in my cooch."
 Assless Chaps rushed over to his sister and he hugged Diadem. "Sweet l  orrrd..I leave forrre two minutes..arrre you okay?" Assless looked dow  n and squished Diadem's cheeks.  Vampire Collar quickly moved to Jong and took his hand. "I feel like s  omething might be up."
SOUP KITTY:  And he did start crying. Tears started streaming down his cheeks as he   was pushed away, clearly more confused now than ever. He had bumped r  ight into to Virgin. "I'm so sorry I don't know what's happening a-and  .." he couldn't finish his words now. He was too confused. He came out   here to have a good time and he was honestly feeling so attacked righ  t now. This boy was sensitive beyond belief. Rest in peace Diadem.  Jong wiggled out of the hug "Dude careful, I have buns in the oven." h  e then looked at vamp "Hmm?"
KURP:  Luna looked at Ruka with an exasperated expression. She didn't even wa  nt to know. She instead turned around to see Foxstole, smiling as the  other angel approached her.  "Hey, that's a pretty nice Tracer cosplay you got going on!"  "I do!" Asmodeus began, "But I'm concerned over the fact that you're m  aking an exception, is all. Unless the kid is truly that bad..."  Upon seeing the piglet, Hairpin began to make small kissy noises at it   as he grabbed the piglet and held it in his arms.  "And she's the fairest Lady in the convention. Aren't you?"
SAIYAN:  Bowtie's eyes lit up as she saw the adorable little piglet in a stroll  er. She never really had felt like the way she did when seeing a cute  cat or dog when she saw a pig before but her she was fawning over one.  "Awww! Isn't she adorable?! I didn't know you guys had a pig! How long   have you had her?" she asked, completely ignoring Amulet's orders to  call her by a certain title.  Wristband laughed at Asmo's comment.  "You don't know the half of it" she replied.
OMEGA:  "Oh Sorry, I just like hugging people." Boxer said with a smile as he  feeling better.  Raincoat was watching the Weird Fanfic happening.
COFFIN:  Dzilla  Usain Bolted over to Asmodeus and she scooped up Mary Janes. "  Um what exactly happened and why is he out cold??"  Vampire Collar looked down at Boxer and he cleared his throat a tad. "  I feel like something's going on. I have no clue what but if this is l  ike last year I suggest we keep our guards up." Dadpire has arrived.  Virgin and Assless hug Diadem and they start to purr, trying to calm h  im. "It's okay sweetie." They said in unison.
KURP:  Asmodeus got closer to Wristband, "Do tell. I wasn't really paying att  ention to him under aliases. Had to play the part of some catty actor  and all."  He was caught off guard by Dzilla's entrance and shrugged.  "Guess the kiddie heard things he wasn't supposed to because I didn't  even know he was around until it was too late."
BRIT:  Blazer very well dangled in Boxer's grip, adjusting the sword on their   back to avoid hurting the boy holding him.  "Yer welcome." They said through a smooshed face.  Amulet crossed his arms and rolled his eyes as Bowtie fawned over his  little piglet.
KURP:  "We've had her for a few years now. I'm sure we've had her for at leas  t three years," Hairpin said, "Amulet gifted her to me but truth is, h  e fell smitten with her first."
TOTALLY NOT DJ:  Wanting to explore the con some more and maybe get some merch, if Vest   hasn't stolen already, Ruka walked off and took off the orange tip fr  om the shotgun cause fuck Luna. He eventually ran into Tank Top and Dr  ess Shirt doing some gay shit in front of a bunch of fangirls. "What t  he flying fuck are you sons of bitches doing?" He asked as he approach  ed the brothers.
SAIYAN:  Bowtie was surprised to hear how old the pig was. She thought it was s  till a baby, but it turned out that she was actually much older than t  hat.  "Wow, I didn't think she was that old. I thought she was still a littl  e piglet." She replied to HP.  Meanwhile, Wristband rubbed her temples, thinking of Boxer and his ant  ics that he's pulled in the past.  "Jeez, where do I begin? The dude's been a hassle from day one. He eve  n managed to punch a Seraph in the face. That was pretty amusing to wa  tch. So no one would object to something bad happening to him. It woul  d be karma for sure." Wristband explained.
COFFIN:  Dzilla nodded,"Yeah makes sense." She took him off to go get the print  s signed. Was he limp on her shoulder? Yeah.
YARANAIKA:  It took some time but Yaranaika stood, waving happily at Pointe after  returning her manga.  "I have to go!"  She placed her hands on the girl's face and skipped o  ff.  Unseen to her and probably to Pointe as well, a small tendril of  ghostly energy attached to Pointe's cheek and sank into the skin.  Aft  er she skipped away she began to look for others.  Eyes swirling in he  r joy, she saw her new goal.  Hot Pants and Duster may have been expecting a fun day but she could t  ell this OTP would be amazing!  It just wasn't... sugoi enough.  Yeah!  She clapped her hands together in devious glee as her pigtails almost  looked to be curling.  Skipping over, she giggled in what she deemed t  o be a cute manner but was truly just... mad.  Insane, really.  Like a   Hime laugh.  "Your cosplays are so sugoi!!  Where'd you get 'em?!"
RYAN:  Shaking herself out of her stupor, Thigh High stood up as she was call  ed out by Archer Gloves.  "You're both hella old and yet, you're acting like you're highschool c  rushes it's honestly kinda pathet-"  "Your father told me about your date with Pumps and Luna." Pauldron cu  t in, he's maybe a healer but.....  "And I'm the only reason he hasn't told anyone... Though I don't belie  ve I should be trying to protect you when you're clearly okay with air  ing other people's business."  "No papa." Thigh High dropped her accusatory pointed finger and shook  her fist at the sky. How could you father? Not even the McCree Voice R  eel was enough to shut him up, she should have known that. Hanging her   head in defeat.  "Fine, but don't expect me to part the sea of weebs for you anytime so  on!"
SOPHIE:  Ruffles was making her way down town, walking fast, faces past on the  way to a shitshow. BA DA DA DA DA DA.. DA DA DA DA. After abruptly clo  sing shop upon hearing this con had full sets of the Pokemon mangos, s  he was ready to blow hard earned money on stuff that had already been  uploaded illegally online, that she had red about 4 times prior. She s  lipped through the crowds, and for once nobody seemed to question why  she dressed like a 10 year old from a video game.  She scanned through the seating area in the front of the con and locat  ed her target. Her eyes glint red as a grin swept over her face. Money   in hand, the 23 year old raced over to Pointe. "HI SO-" She started,  jumping in place. "THE MANGAS?" She finished.
OMEGA:  "What is happening with Mr. Banjo?" Boxer ask as he looked over at Fla  tcap and Diadem who were acting weird.  All other character are busy. Maybe. I have to much characters.
SOUP KITTY:  Pointe looked at the girl who had just touched her face, and then over   at Ruffles "oh here-" she said, handing over the full sets she had pi  cked up. She smiled.  Jong was pretty much heart eye emojis for vamp right now. He loved his   Dadpire.  Diadem had calmed down a little. What a horrifying experience that was  . Truly one he'll remember for years.
KURP:  "The Seraph in question?," He inquired, "If it's Dermal, then the guy  deserves it too."  "Yeah. I'm unsure of why she retained this size, but I'm guessing she  must be a different type of micro pig," Hairpin said, setting Piggles  back down on her little stroller.  Archer huffed as he tugged on his namesakes, straightening them out, "  I'm sure yelling has the same effect to get them out of the way," he s  aid.  Hot Pants blinked as some girl suddenly approached them. He was strugg  ling to keep the alpacas within his grip, adjusting himself as he trie  d to find words.  "Uuuuh, we had them custom made by a friend," he said.
SOPHIE:  Ruffles blinked, holding out AT LEAST two hundred dollars in cash. _"W  ill this cover the fees, my fair lady?"_ She uttered, in the very most   seriously serious tone. After all, it was a convention. Shits pricey  there m'dude.
FUJOSHI:  Fujoshi was stunned. These two were not as kawaii as she had first hop  ed. Giving up on this current fandom, she stood and pattered off to fi  nd another possible ship she could write about. Life was too short to  write about a sunken ship.
OMEGA:  "We are trying to lure the Lost Soul out." Dress Shirt said as he look  ed at Ruka. "This wasn't my idea but my Brothers idea. He is fucking B  i after all." Tank Top said as he looked at Ruka too. "So, what the fu  cking is going on with your friend?" He ask as he points over to Flatc  ap.
SOUP KITTY:  Pointe nodded "that should cover it." In reality, pointe had dished ou  t a lot more than that for one set. But she wasn't about to break some  one's dreams like this.
SOPHIE:  Ruffles blinked, glossing over what books were included, she was shock  ed. "Wait-are you sure? Dude this stuff goes for loooaaads more online  , especially if it's collectors edition-" She blinked, taking a seat n  ext to Pointe. She opened her purse and began shoveling out quite a lo  t of 20 dollar bills.  "Honestly just tell me when" She stated, as if the money was water and   the space she was placing the money was a glass, being filled at a re  sturaunt.
BRIT:  Duster snagged a few alpacas away from Hot Pants to keep them from fal  ling over. He turned and quirked a brow at the young woman. She had th  e chaotic air about her... Like one of the Silver Elite. It made visib  ly uncomfortable, but he had to be courteous.  "A few touchups were made by professionals, but my brother helped us m  ake them. Thank you for the... Compliment." He said, moving the cape a   little bit. He wondered if he should cheese the Vaati charm he'd lear  ned about, but he didn't want to get caught up in all this. That was m  ore a Cowlneck thing.
SOUP KITTY:  "holy shit you're good its okay" Pointe just stared wide eyed at the n  ew stack of $20s on her hand. She was mildly shook. A light shookening  .
TOTALLY NOT DJ:  Ruka looked over at Flat Cap as he walked into the bathroom. "Okay fir  st off," he began, turning back to the brothers, "That fucker ain't my   friend. Second of all: How the fuck should I know? And third of all:  What kind of ghost would be attracted by this degenerate shit?" He the  n remembered the incident with Jackalube a while back, "Actually, dont   answer that."  Flat Cap, meanwhile, started washing his face.
OSCAR:  As Gloves and Sapphire was done with their delicious ice cream, they g  o on a walk through the con and look at the different booths.  Meanwhile, Dress Socks and G-Strings was getting a little tired from w  alking and rest on the brown bench. "Man," Dress Socks said. "There's  lots of people in here and it's hard to find the Lost Soul. It's like  finding a Lost Soul in a Hay Stack!" He shouted.  "I know," G-Strings said. "But we need to be patient. Sooner or later,   that Lost Soul will be found. For now, I need to rest."  Dress Socks nod and now watch other Cosplay pass by them.
COFFIN:  Dadpire held Jong close to his hip and he pecked the top of his head.  "Nothing is happening to my husband to be."  Foxstole sat near a booth on her phone, she was bored and people were  loud.  Virgin Killer sighed and she coated her baby carrot boy in kisses.  Assless Chaps sighs,"I'll get you some waterrr." He walked off and bum  ped into Ruka before losing his balance in his heels and falling on to  p of him. "Holy fuck.." He looked down at Ruka. "Oh. Grrreat."
SOPHIE:  Ruffles stopped mid-pouring cash into a minor's hands and blinked.
LAST TIME ON DCM: Doki Doki Con was underway and Angels had been so graciously invited to this year's convention, taking advantage of this as a time to relax and have fun from their busy work schedules. Demons, on the other hand, had been instructed to keep an eye out for a potential Lost Soul but they we re having poor luck in trying to draw it out...for the most part. Abbey-goers, that included both Demons and Angels, began experiencing we ird events where they acted out shitty fic scenes that were probably wri tten by some middle school kid that barely discovered yaoi. Will it be all sakura petals and fun times or turn into something more s inister? Hopefully neither.
SOPHIE:  Ruffles is queer and here.
BRIT:  Strappon had found himself someplace to be with Luna Circlet and Sukaj  an.  Blazer had recovered from the bearhug and went to seek out some of the  ir fellow cosplayers, trying to keep a lookout for odd activity that w  asn't being caused by Asmodeus.
OMEGA:  Boxer head back to re-join Raincoat to continue their convention fun.  Emperor Crown got done taking pictures and join up with Father Crucifi  x.  Tank Top and Dress Shirt stop with their "Brother Love" and started to   search for the Ghost.
TOTALLY NOT DJ:  Ruka dropped his shotgun as Assless bumped and feel on top of him. He  shook his head and looked up at Assless before furrowing his brow. "Ge  t the fuck of me!" He exclaimed, pushing the Hex Boy off.  Flat Cap finally emerged from the bathroom, a large cloud of smoke exi  ting the door as he opened. Motherfucker was smoking weed again.  Helmet finally arrived at the Con, waddling through the entrance in hi  s ham costume that smelled of stinky meat.
KURP:  It was clear to Hot Pants that Duster wasn't feeling like humoring a r  andom patron of the con and nudged him.  "Uh, thank you for the compliments, but we gotta go take care of a few   things right now. Our hands are kind of full, ya know?"  Near the entrace of the con, a  new face was being bombarded by enthus  iastic children, cosplayers, and cosplay enthusiasts alike. Speedo hea  rd about a potential Lost Soul from the work email but he wasn't expec  ting it to be this pact at the convention. He was actually regretting  not making a disguise for the occasion as he could barely move a foot  without being stopped for a photo or two. Oh bother.  Asmodeus spotted Boxer and approached him with open arms, ready to giv  e him a hug.  "Boxxy!" He cooed, "Sweetie. Was your stomach hurting? You certainly t  ook a bit over there. I hope everything's okay."  Luna was busying herself with making quick adjustments to Sukajan's co  splay, eventually moving on to fixing Strappon's shirt as well. Not so   much that Strappon needed it, but it was a force of habit at this poi  nt.  Sukajan looked around, sitting down for a bit in silence before jumpin  g up on his feet.  "We should probably go look for others, see how they're doing and all.   Something doesn't feel right..."
COFFIN:  Mary Janes woke up covered in Steven universe plushies and he nearly f  ainted again. He got up and climbed onto his nana. "THANK YOU THANK YO  U THANK YOU!" Mary screeched as he kissed Dzilla's cheeks.  Dzilla started to chuckle and she pecked his forehead. "Never a proble  m Mary."  Assless Chaps grunted when his ass hit the floor. He rolled his eyes a  nd he got up, dusting himself off. "Was planning on it dick munch."  Foxstole was taking a smoke break.
OWLIE:  "Um, hello guys!" Polo said, smiling and waving at some of the angels  as they approached. He was wearing his Blue Diamond costume and he loo  ked pretty proud about it.  In fact, every member of the Buttondown household was wearing Steven U  niverse-themed costumes. Monocle strutted in his Yellow Diamond costum  e, (Those boots made him feel tall and powerful) and Sneakers in a Rub  y costume followed closely, he was looking around, looking for his boy  friend.  Henley Shirt, dressed as Pink Diamond, was pulling a wagon, in the wag  on was Cardigan, cosplaying as White Diamond, Her headpiece was glowin  g like a lamp and she remained in a single pose while Henley dragged h  er along.
SOUP KITTY:  Jong scrolled through his phone for a bit before looking back up. Noth  ing seemed out of the ordinary yet but if his Dadpire was concerned th  en he would be alert.  Pointe shoved the cash into her wallet and cried internally. She could   get more anime figures now. She would like to not only thank God but  also the Goddess for this newfound fortune.  Diadem regained his composure. He definitely looked like he had been c  rying. Why was he like this. This whole thing was definitely cause for   concern though. "Hey, I'm gonna go meet up with Jong. That was way to  o weird." And with that, the twink was on his way. Blessed be his twin  k nubs, which so quickly carried him all the way to where Jong was. He   promptly let him know what had just happened.  "I'm gonna text Virg and Assless to meet us here. I dont want things t  o get too out of hand and have us all be split up."  Diadem simply nodded at this and stood next to Jong and Vamp, with his   arms crossed. Boy oh boy did he wanna go home.
OMEGA:  Boxer gulps and gives Asmodeus a gentle hug. "My stomach is fine just  need to take a number two, hehe." Boxer chuckles nervously as he looks   at Asmodeus. He would tell Asmodeus something later but not right now  .
EMI:  Mong was spending a lot of time showing off in his cute costume. It wa  s a perfect opportunity to binge, that's for sure, but the uh... Viril  ity of a lot of the men around here was questionable, at the very leas  t. Thankfully there were plenty of berzerkers around.  Why was he there again? Oh, right. Lost Soul or something. He was sure   he would find it by doing his usual duties anyway.
COFFIN:  Mary Janes boyfriend senses tingled and he steered his grandmother ove  r to the diamond authority. He hopped off of the giant woman and he hu  gged Sneakers. "Sneakie!!" Dzilla simply waved to the adults of the gr  oup.  Vampire Collar sent a text to Assless Chaps and he exhaled. He took hi  s sippy cup out of his hair and he started to chug it. He was indeed a   nervous drinker. "I sent Assless a text he should be over soon if he  sees it."  Virgin Killer made her way over to the two Hex boys and her Dexter. "H  ey kiddies. Anyone else getting the feeling some shit might be up?"
TOTALLY NOT DJ:  "Try to watch where you're fucking going next time, leech." Ruka said  as he got up and grabbed the shotgun before walking off. After passing   some booths, he noticed a man in an admittedly really good shark man  cosplay and approached him after a group of people were done taking ph  otos of him. "Gotta say, man. You're killing it with that shark man ge  tup."  Helmet wandered through the con like an idiot, amazed by all the booth  s and merch before noticing Strappon with Luna and Sukajan. "Brother S  trappon, Ser Sukajan, Madam Luna!" He exclaimed, waddling towards the  trio. "What doth thou all thinketh of my cosplay?"
OWLIE:  "This is fucking pointless," Circlet said in distaste as she looked do  wn at her costume, she was cosplaying as Allura from Voltron. She and  Pocket Watch (dressed as HIM from the Power Puff Girls) are walking ar  ound, looking for their comrades.  "Nonsense, Circe" Pocket Watch chuckled as he stopped and took some se  lfies with some cosplayers. He turned to her and grinned, let's just h  ave some fun while doing our job, okay?"  "Mary!" Sneakers said as he ran to catch the bean in a tight embrace.  "Wow... You look pretty"  "/Hello Starlight/~" Cardigan said, still remaining in character, blin  king at Mary Janes and gave him an eerie smile.
KURP:  "Do you want me to give you a few kisses to make you feel better anywa  ys?" Asmodeus asked, once again embracing Boxer, playing with his hair  .  "By the way, my offer still stands. Ever want anything from here, I ca  n get it for you."  "There are some right now," Luna said, pointing over to Polo's little  group. "Hi guys!" She called out, waving to them, "Your outfits are al  l nice, glad you could make it."
SOPHIE:  Ruffles was sitting next to Pointe, after making the young girl consid  erably more wealthy.  She had a gameboy in her hands and it was clear  she had some business to finish. Flipping open the lid on the device,  you could hear very distinct bells followed by what sounded like highl  y bit-compressed trumpets. It was then it became clear that the girl w  as trying to catch the legendary in her game, but not with a master ba  ll. No.  Her eyes had bags under them from the pure repetition she had to endur  e to try and catch a legendary whale in a simple pokeball. She'd spent   hours resetting her game and trying again and again. Her friends sugg  ested she just use a masterball, but no, it wasn't that simple. The ma  sterball was ugly. Who'd use that. Not Ruffles.
COFFIN:  "Trrry to be less of a chode next time." Assless spat before checking  his phone. He looked at his texts and he made his way to complete the  Hexes.  Mary's face paint covered his blush but he was certainly warming up. "  Y-y-you look pretty t-too." He smiled at Cardigan and he waved. "Hiya  White!"
OMEGA:  "You!" Emperor Crown said as he walks over to Henley Shirt. He looked  at him and started to chuckle. "It looks a i don't have to do anything   because you're ridiculous costume has done it for me!" Emperor Crown  laugh as he was being a asshole.  "Polo and Mono good to see you here. Also, great costumes." Father Cru  cifix said as he approach to them with a smile.  "Ummm not at the moment. I just want to have a fun day and be a Nerd."   Boxer said with a nervous smile as he looks at Asmodeus.  Raincoat was looking at the Art of Aqua from Kingdom Hearts.
TOTALLY NOT DJ:  Vest soon came back to the Con after shoving the bag of stolen merch i  n his truck and was now in his Sly Cooper cosplay rather than the Hann  ibal Lecter one Flat Cap forced on him. He looked around for more stuf  f to steal, he noticed PW and Circlet, more specifically PW. "Hey, Poc  ket Watch!" He called out as he approached them, "I love you Him costu  me! Oh, and your costume looks good too, Circlet."
OSCAR:  While walking at different booths, Gloves and Sapphire was looking at  different materials from the stands. Most of them contain some shirts  of different cartoon shows they've watch and some of them was differen  t anime that they never watch. While looking, Sapphire got a glimpse o  f an item that she look at and it was a Poké Ball. She forgot that her   cosplay doesn't contain a Poké Ball and plans on buying it. Luckily,  it was only five dollars to pay for a ball and she pays for it for her  self.  Gloves was with her getting a Poké Ball and he was getting few attenti  ons form other cosplayers. As such, they let them get a picture of him   and wave while saying, "Lucario!"  Meanwhile, Dress Socks and G-Strings was sitting on a brown bench sinc  e they walk for so long, but now they got up and continues to search f  or the Lost Soul again.
SOPHIE:  As Ruffles became more and more agitated by her game, one of the "mock  " pokeballs on her belt fell loose. As it hit the ground, the contents   inside popped out.
OWLIE:  "Thank you, Miss Luna," Polo said, grinning slightly. "Me and Monocle  worked hard to make the costumes, I'm glad it looks good"  "/Hello Starlight/" Cardigan said once again. Henley rolled his eyes,  but then his head turned at the direction of EC's voice. He gritted hi  s teeth. "Piss off, fucker, I'm not in the mood to talk to you, so get   out of my face or you'll get another round of ass kicking"  "No fighting" Monocle said strictly, his heels clacking against the ti  led floor as he approached the two. "Try to stay away as far from each   other, will you?  "Thank you, dear vest~" PW said, smiling widely. Circlet returned the  greeting with a simple wave.
OMEGA:  "My My My what rude little tongue you have." EC said as he was about s  ummon his weapon but was stopped by Mono with said "No Fighting". "Wha  tever, my revenge is complete thanks to your costume." He chuckles as  he looks at him. He was being like a asshole which he was.  Tank Top and Dress Shirt keep their eyes out for the Lost Soul.
SOUP KITTY:  As the pokeball opened, it wasn't a figure that popped out. Instead it   was a girl. An angry one. This particular girl looked like a very dis  gruntled Pikachu. Her eyes darted around the room. She wasn't in Kansa  s anymore. Kansas being the woods where she last remembered being. She   felt her eye twitch. /he/ was close by. Yes. ___He.___  Across the convention, a chill ran down Diadem's spine. "Pinafore is h  ere." He muttered. Now wanting to leave more than before.  Less importantly, Purity Ring had just shown up as Bombshell Wonder Wo  man. She kept getting pulled aside for pictures.  Pointe's jaw dropped at the sight of pinafore freshly out of her pokeb  all. "What the fuck" was all that she could manage to say. What the fu  ck indeed.  Jong just looked at Diadem. He blinked. "What. Isn't she like, in a ga  rbage can somewhere?"
SOPHIE:  Ruffles held Pinafore back by the collar of her shirt, slipping her fi  nger under it and hooking it around. "Hey, bad, we talked about this."   She muttered, searching through her bag. She reached in and pulled ou  t a Pikachu headband and fixed it on the girl's head. It was as if she   had a trainer's bond with her pokemon. Which was strange because this   wasn't a pokemon but instead a raging psychopath hellbent on getting  the love of her life in a Princess Lea costume in a dungeon.  But regardless, she turned to address Pointe's simple, and understanda  ble response. Still holding Pinafore back by the collar of her shirt,  Ruffles simply replied "She uh. Well, she broke into my house a while  back and I hucked this ball at her and it worked so. Yeah. Frankly I'm   rolling with the insanity."
BRIT:  Duster nodded at Hots' suggestion and made a break for the door with q  uick feet. No thanks, no fangirl today. After unloading their merch in  to his car, they made their way back into the con at a different entra  nce.  "I don't want to encounter her again." He said to Hot Pants, after bei  ng pulled aside by a few people for pictures. "I'd rather not deal wit  h the rabid types."  Blazer stared Asmodeus down for a good couple of seconds before approa  ching the group and giving Asmo a rough pat to the back.  "Listen, sugar daddy. Back off a bit. He's clearly crawlin in his skin  ." They said.
SOUP KITTY:  Pinafore made a pouty face. To a stranger, this would seem very very c  ute. She looked at Ruffles "Its not like i can be more than five feet  away from you anyway." She sighed, and opened her locket. It was a pic  ture of Diadem, her true love. Sure she had other loves, but, Diadem?  He was her first. Her first love that is. She started giggling quietly  , which quite frankly, was a bit unsettling the more it went on. And i  t went on for a /while./
COFFIN:  Virgin Killer heard Pinafore and she gripped the sweater in her bag. "  I don't know how Pg a beheading is but she's gonna need more than pare  ntal guidance after I'm done." She fumed.
 Assless Chaps licked his sisters cheek,"Calm down. We should be fine.  She's on bitch watch. We have biggerrr fish to frrrry."  Mary Janes was hugging his boy, showing him all the toys Dzilla had go  t him.  Foxstole stretched and walked over to Pinafore, "You good?" The Tracer   cosplayed rose a brow.
KURP:  Luna sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. Not only was a familiar  face, that she didn't like, there but now the despot of the Abbey as w  ell.  "Listen," she began, getting up and putting herself in between Henley  and Emperor Crown, "We're all here to have a good time. If you're here   to pick fights, then kindly leave this place."  Hot Pants nodded as he posed with Duster while taking pictures, "Somet  hing felt more off about that particular girl, but that could just be  me. You wanna go back and snag more merch?"  Clearly he was ready to blow out his monthly funds.  A small chuckle came out of Asmodeus as he turned around to Blazer, st  ill playing with Boxer's hair.  "What, I'm only fulfilling my role of being a good /boyfriend/. Now, i  f he doesn't want me to be that, /he/ needs to tell me, otherwise I'm  staying where I am. I want to hear it from him, only then I'll stop."
SOPHIE:  Ruffles simply pulled out a spritz bottle and sprayed the maniac. "Bad  . Stop it." She stated, holding the bottle sideways, as if it were a g  un in an edgy Hollywood movie. Even though holding guns sideways is ve  ry inefficient, and the same could be said about a spritz bottle, as g  ravity is not on your side.
TOTALLY NOT DJ:  Helmet slipped a banana peel and mcfucking fell on his back. He tried  to get up but his ham costume made his arms and legs like little nubs  so all he could do was roll around in a circle.  "So, is there any specific you guys are looking for here? I can go get   it if you want." Vest said, as his fake raccoon tail somehow waged wi  th excitement. Listen, this con had lots of stuff he could steal but h  e just didn't know to what to get next after that big haul earlier.  Flat Cap scared a guy in a Courage the Cowardly Dog costume with a big   green spooky mask, just like in the show.
KURP:  "Huh?"  Said shark man turned around to Ruka, trying to process the person tha  t was speaking to him and then looked at himself. He quirked a brow in   confusion.  "Uuuh, thanks I guess? This isn't really a getup. This is how I look,"   he said simply, "Your costume is nice too?"  Sukajan sighed as discourse almost immediately started up before he lo  oked over to the source of a foul smell. Of course, it was Helmet, cov  ered in rotting meat. He saw the man roll around and honestly? He wasn  't really going to help.
OMEGA:  "Fine, besides a Emperor doesn't need to waste his time with fools." E  mperor Crown said as he looks at Henley Shirt then walks over to fans  of the Fate Series. He started to take pictures with them.  Boxer went quiet.  Raincoat is almost done shopping.
HITA:  There was a twitch as VF smelled something tasty.  Following its nose  after politely waving to its superiors, the demon wandered towards a l  arge crowd.  Okay, so the tasty smell was kind of rank but that was fi  ne.  It was hungry, damn it.  It hadn't eaten lunch yet and the though  t of hunting a cult had its stomach rumbling.  Turning its head, it lo  oked over at Helmet and licked its lips a bit.  There it was again!  Hair twisting behind her, Brooch spun in place an  d took a determined stride back to the large group she'd left.  This f  eeling of dread twisting her up had to be nefarious!  How dare this vi  llain she sensed be invisible to her justice seeking gaze?!  So focuse  d she was, she walked right by a creepily smiling Sailor Moon cosplaye  r without noticing her hair curling in disgust.
YARANAIKA:  Yaranaika's eyes twinkled merrily as she viewed those around her.  Wha  t pretty people!  Her eyes locked onto Emperor Crown.  What a big man!    He clearly needed love!  And affection!  Rubbing her hands together  in glee, she began to skip merrily to the man, a pigtail wrapping coyl  y around his leg.  "Hello!  I love your cosplay!!"
FUJOSHI:  The tiny terror found her way to a larger group of cosplayers and near  ly squealed when she saw such a dashing white demon walking around. He   was so handsome! Now, who would he be perfect with?  She scanned the group and settled her bespectacled eyes on the yellow  lady.  She was clearly in a bad mood- she should gift her with this ha  ndsome man!
Yellow Diamond was so done with this crowd! To lower herself to such a l evel and keep company with such fools- even if the beautiful Blue Diamon d was accompanying her. How she wished she could find some company worth y of her presence. The White Demon Prince had caught her eyes, his aqua hair that flowed li ke a waterfall down his back, and those large horns... He was so beautif ul- the most beautiful specimen of another species she had ever seen. The demon turned to face the lovely lemon beauty with interest, catching her eyes with his own cerulean orbs. He threw her a charming smirk to m ake her feel welcome, and it caused her to feel her face flush.
KURP:  Asmodeus snapped out of his near trance-like state, looking around his   surroundings confused. When and how did he get where he was, he remem  bered that he was next to Boxer and Blazer.  "What...Uh..."
OWLIE:  "What the hell...?" Monocle shook his head and locked eyes with Polo,  what is happening to him?  "Are you okay?" Polo asked him. Monocle shrugged, he felt like someone   just assumed his gender, and why the hell is his face red?
TOTALLY NOT DJ:  "Wait, for real?" Ruka asked, taking off his helmet, revealing his dem  on visage, and looked up and down at the shark man. "Oh, you must be o  ne of those siren fucks, like Minishit."
KURP:  Asmodeus squinted at the cosplay group before him. Especially those as   Diamonds.  "My, uh. The Diaminds certainly got smaller than what I remembered....  "  "Mini-who?"  Speedo tilted his head as he spoke, tapping his chin pensively.  "But yes, I'm a Siren. Berzerker-Siren, rather..."
OMEGA:  "Are you okay, Asmodeus?" Boxer ask as he looked at him a little confu  se on what happen.
OWLIE:  Monocle kept looking at the towering (understatement of the year) demo  n before him. Polo began to get concerned over his fiance.
OMEGA:  "Why thank you! Someone finally realize my beauty and grace!" EC said  with a smile filled with pride. He loved when people compliment him. "  But please continue to praise me for i am your Emperor! I come from a  Bloodline of Kings!" He said as he getting some of his sin out.
BRIT:  Duster looked down at the rolling ham in front of him with pity.  "Hots, I think we should help him." He said in a sort of detached tone  .  Blazer watched as Asmodeus vaporized in front of them. Right in front  of their salad. How rude. They blinked.  "Uh. What." They said, looking at Boxer with a perplexed expression, "  Asmo just disappeared."
OMEGA:  "How did that happen?" Boxer ask as he looked at Blazer with confusion  .
TOTALLY NOT DJ:  "Hmmm, you're not inbred, are you?" Ruka asked, raising an eyebrow.  "Keep rolling, rolling, rolling, rolling WHAT?! Keep rolling, rolling,   rolling, rolling!" Helmet sang as he continued to roll.
COFFIN:  Mary Janes watched everything going on and he nibbled a nugget. "The m  itochondria is the powerhouse of the cell."
FUJOSHI:  The giggling once again ensued at their confused expressions and Fujos  hi began to write more:
"Who are you...?" Yellow Diamond asked with a demanding tone. It seemed to waver as the domineering white Prince walked up to her in long stride s. "I should ask you the same question, beautiful. Your eyes shine like dia monds, as does your glistening golden flesh." He spoke, taking her hand and kissing it gently with his plump lips. "Thanks." She spoke, covering one of her cheeks with her hand, "I am mad e of them."
KURP:  Hot Pants made a face as he looked down at Helmet, cringing as the man   sang.  "I think he's fine, babe..."  Speedo's eyes widened with shock and disgust, staring daggers into Ruk  a for such a ridiculous question.  "No," he said simply.  As soon as Asmodeus snapped out of it again, he nearly began crying.  "What the fuck!" He yelled, "Whoever's doing that better stop before I   find you!"
OWLIE:  "EXCUSE ME?" Polo said, he was clearly shooketh, he moved in front of  Monocle and stared daggers at Asmodeus, "He's mine, buddy, back off"  "Ooh, drama~" Cardigan said, finally breaking character as she took he  r phone out and hit record.
KURP:  "Oh don't flatter yourself!" Asmodeus began, "Your guy's cute but he's   too broke for my tastes."  "Asmodeus!" Luna harped, "Don't be rude!"  "What? It's true!" He said.
OSCAR:  As Gloves and Sapphire continues to walk, they spotted Helmet from afa  r and seeing him rolling on the floor wearing a ham suit. They don't k  now why he choose that cosplay but if Gloves remember correctly, this  boy love hams, like, a lot. Plus, it's a little sad to see him rolling   around over and over. So Gloves ask Sapphire to take off his Lucario  paws and walk over to him to help him up.  "Hey there Helmet." Gloves said, looking down. "Let me give you a hand  ." He reach out his right hand to him.
TOTALLY NOT DJ:  "Okay, good. Means you're not as much of a freak as him." Ruka said th  en put the helmet back on. "So, have you had any luck finding the lost   soul at all?"  Helmet stopped rolling as Gloves approached him and offered his hand.  He reached with his nub arm and grabbed his hand. "I thank you for you  r aid, furry man!" He said as he was pulled up.
OSCAR:  Gloves was feeling a little heart stab when Helmet say 'furry man', bu  t at least he knows that this cosplay really took effect on covering h  is whole body, including his face.  "Actually..." He took off his 'Lucario Head' and reveal to Helmet. "It  's Gloves." He said. When he did that, he smell something funky in the   air. He smell around at first, but the smell was coming to Helmet cos  play. "Helmet. Are you wearing actual Ham?" He ask, looking confuse as   fuck.
BRIT:  "Beat us to it, then." Duster said, clearly not concerned. He pushed s  ome of his hair back behind his shoulder. "That's an... Interesting co  stume, Helmet."  "Listen, if I knew how he did it I wouldn't be as concerned. We gotta  find him before shit hits the fan." Blazer stated, turning to look aro  und., "You can stay here and think about why you can't break up with t  his jerk or something."  They ran off. It couldn't be that hard to find a nearly 7-foot tall wh  ite demon.
KURP:  "No," he said, shaking his head, "At least not on the outside. Though  that lion statue gives me some bad vibes..."  "Didn't know Lady Googoo was relevant again," Hots added.
FUJOSHI:  Time for more drama! Fujoshi adjusted her place in the crowd and had a   sit on the floor, giggling madly. People around her began to make sur  e to avoid her, and there was a very clear 5-foot radius around the yo  ung girl who was feverishly writing in a notebook. She would write the   perfect romance! If not for herself, then for everyone around them!
"My darling Diamond." The tall Prince spoke in his charming manner, "It' s apparent that maybe this should be a threesome? Clearly all you diamon ds would like me, the most beautiful Prince of Demons." He flipped his aqua waterfall strands in dramatic fashion and it mesmeri sed the diamonds. Yellow Diamond blushed violently. The Prince took her hand and pulled her roughly into his chest. There was a heat in the air between them! "I believe we should take this... To more private quarters, dear. Unless your friends would like to come!" Surely, this was going to be something so...
FUJOSHI:  Fujoshi stopped writing and covered her face.  "What am I doing! I can't write smut!" She screamed.
OMEGA:  "Okay..." Boxer said as he look down and stay where he was. Though at  least Raincoat was with him.
TOTALLY NOT DJ:  "I am glad you think so, Ser Duster! I made from chunks of ham and oth  er meats at the local butcher!" Helmet said proudly.  "Well, I'll just go shoot it then if it-" Ruka began before hearing th  e scream. He took a deep breath and exhaled. "Okay.....I think I know  where the ghost is.....and I hope i'm fucking wrong. Let's go, Sharkba  it." He then cocked the shotgun and headed the source of the scream. I  s this shotgun gonna be effective against the lost soul. Probably not,   but it's fucking cool.
KURP:  Asmodeus pushed Monocle away in clear disgust. This was anything but c  onsentual and he was actually starting to cry.  "I can hear you!" He yelled, shaking his fist at the ceiling. His voic  e lowered as his frustration grew.  "And when I find whoever it is, I will tear them apart!"  Speedo nodded and began following Ruka but stopped as the nickname was   brought up. He sighed, looking almost defeated and decided to let the   other demon do as he pleased. He just didn't feel like dealing with s  omeone calling him Sharkbait, it was always impossible to get people t  o stop calling him that once it started.  He instead went in the opposite direction, getting stopped occasionall  y for photos.
OWLIE:  "W-what the fuck..." Monocle stammered, seemingly snapped back to his  senses as Asmodeus pushed him away. He hid behind Polo, flustered as f  uck. Polo, who looked murderous as he looked around the vicinity, grow  led aggresively "I'm gonna fucking kill that ghost."
OSCAR:  While Dress Socks and G-Strings was walking, like forever within the c  on, they saw people that was getting a little crowded and bumping into   each other. They try to squeeze out of there and one they did, they p  op from the other side and see that everyone's like at least 5-foot ra  dius away from the person that was sitting on the floor. But this pers  on wasn't ordinary at all, but a Lost Soul. With Grin on their faces,  they summon out their weapons and pointed at her.  "Finally..." Dress Socks said in his Human Soul Disguise. "We finally  found Lost Soul number 3."  "Let's get her!" G-Strings shouted in her Human Maka Disguise.
COFFIN:  Virgin Killer strayed away from the group she was in and decided to go   look for the soul on her own. She summoned cavity and walked with it,   stopping for pictures here and there. She bumped into Speedo and she  squeaked. "Sorry! Are you okay? Pleasetellmeididntfuckupyourcosplay."  She frantically checked him.
SAIYAN:  Wristband had been watching Asmo like a hawk...until he decided to poo  f on her. She gave a bit of a groan of frustration that he managed to  lose her. She quickly ran around for a bit before she bumped into Blaz  er.  "Hey, have you seen Asmo at all? He just poofed on me and I don't want   him causing a ruckus" she said, panting a bit from the sprinting she  was doing.
HITA:  Sidling closer, VF leaned closer to the ham clad Helmet, sniffing in i  nterest.  It leaned closer to tap on the man's shoulder, holding up a  hastily scribbled note.  'Are you going to eat all that?'  VF seemed far more interested in the   man inside of the ham than should be necessary but at least it reigne  d itself it.  Even if it wasn't allowed, technically, to eat humans, i  t also refused to waste all the ham.  In the meantime it was a time for a Brooch Approach™!!!  Brooch's hair   twisted and she began to leap around just like her character would.    She had heard G-Strings yell and like Hell was she letting a demon do  this!  Landing with a sort of inhuman grace she faced off against the  demons and the... tiny... child?  "Miss, I must insist you do desist!  You can't just jam people togethe  r like that!"
YARANAIKA:  Despite the way Yaranaika was clinging to Emperor Crown with her hair,   the crowd began to back away.  What was happening?  Why was her skin  slowly turning black?  The malevolent grin on her face split open and  before their eyes she began to warp.  "I think you'd be so sugoi with a nice lover!!"  It was this moment when the girl twisted from a Senshi into what could   only be called a creepy thing.  "Te...ke...te...ke...."  She twisted her head around, tongue still fir  mly around Emperor Crown as he began to shrink.  Eyes began to grow, h  is muscle mass decreased, and he began to clearly display typical of f  eminine people in yaois.  "Te...ke!  TEKEKEKE!  KAWAII!!"
OSCAR:  Dress Socks and G-Strings was surprise to see Brooch appearance out of   the sky and land gracefully. They don't know her, but they're not let  ting her to protect the Lost Soul. "Well Miss..." G-Strings said. "Sor  ry to burst your bubble, but where here on an important mission and th  at little 'child's' coming with us."  "We don't want to hurt you, but if you going to protect her and interf  ere us..." Dress Socks said as he weird up his Sabers. "When we're goi  ng to have a little problem."  Meanwhile, Gloves was right about the costume and feel a little gross  out of the ham Cosplay. It's meant for eating, not wearing. With a sig  h, he puts on his 'Lucario Helmet and look at Helmet. "Well...at least   you like what you love." He said.  Sapphire didn't say anything, but was making a gross out expression to   Helmet.
OMEGA:  "My Face! What did you do to my beauty and grace!" Emperor Crown said  as he was now Uke-ified. "AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" He screamed as he  looked horrible now.
KURP:  Speedo held out his hands as if trying to asses the lady that just bum  ped into him.  "Huh? Oh no, I'm fine. Are you okay?"  He noticed that she was holding a weapon-looking object and the color  looked oddly like a Demon's. Maybe it actually was. He pointed to it.  "I'm guessing you're also looking for that Lost Soul?"
BRIT:  "Helmet. That's actually disgusting." Duster sighed.  Blazer adjusted their footing before they were ploughed over by Wristb  and and looked at her with slight aggravation before realizing who it  was.  "Yeah, he disappeared but... There's a lot of screaming coming from th  at direction." They said, pointing in the direction of the ghost. Thei  r finger drooped a little.  "Oh."
COFFIN:  Virgin Killer sighed in relief, "M-me? Yeah I'm fine no worries." She  looked over at Cavity. "This old thing? Oh yeah, it's been fucking wit  h the con goers. I take it you are too?" She tilted her pigtailed head  .  Mary Janes ran over to the girl and he say down next to her. He offere  d her a chicken nugget. "Hiya! Mr. Ruka you're gonna scare her if you  use those!"
TOTALLY NOT DJ:  "I was going to, yes! But I am more than willing to share!" Helmet rep  lied to VK after reading the note then turned to Duster. "That, Ser Du  ster is not disgusting. What is disgusting.....is....uhhh......FRENCH  CHEESE!" Someone help this man.  Ruka pushed and shoved people his way through the crow of people, cuss  ing as he did so, before coming to an open area where he saw Brooch, G  -Strings, and Dress Socks. When he heard G-Strings mention a child, he   turned to face the small girl sitting on the floor. So that's the lit  tle shit they're looking for. He approached the girl and loomed over h  er, shotgun in both hands.  Flat Cap had been wandering the con for the few minutes, being stoned  and scaring some folks and eventually came across EC caught in the ton  gue of a ghost, transforming before his eyes. "Yoooooo.....Freaky shit  e right there."
OMEGA:  "What is that idiot doing?" Tank Top ask he points to Ruka who was loo  ming over a small girl. Dress Shirt turn around to look at what Ruka w  as going to do.
FUJOSHI:  Fujo jumped at the accusations by others and adjusted her glasses to l  ook up at Brooch with a small gasp.  "M-miss? I-I'm sorry!! I'm just h-having some fun!" She squeaked and g  ot up, flustered, "I-I gotta go!!"  She turned to run and immediately encountered Ruka. She was shuddering  , but she stopped and puffed out her cheeks in a pout.  "Yara-sensei!!" She screamed to the ghost at the top of her lungs, "S-  Super Henshin Transformation!"  The small form of the Lost Soul was enveloped in a bright light and th  ere was some kind of show going on- but everyone was too blinded to ac  tually see it. It was safe to assume there was a fancy Sailor Moon-esq  ue henshin.  "Now you suckers are gonna get it!" She laughed. Her form had changed  significantly to be a tall slender woman with long twintails, a pair o  f cat ears, and a Senshi outfit.
BRIT:  Duster shook his head at the inference made by Helmet and turned to th  e entrance.  "I want to look at that statue outside. It must be a new addition. Mig  ht be a nice place to hold a photoshoot." He said, nudging Hot Pants.
KURP:  Speedo nodded at Virgin Killer.  "Yeah. It was in the work email at the office. Might as well do what I  'm told considering I just got here. Don't want to lose my job."  He noticed that there was screaming and people running from just behin  d Virgin Killer and pointed in that direction.  "I'm guessing we know where to look..."  Asmodeus was getting ready to maim the Lost Soul, but was promptly sto  pped by Luna by shoving over her prop staff at him as she had summoned   her weapon.  "Take Strappon someone safe, Sukajan and I will keep the perimeter cle  ar!"  "Ugh, fine. Make sure her death is agonizing if anything," Asmodeus sa  id as he took Strappon along.  Hot Pants squinted at the scene that played out before him, squinting  at it as it went on. He looked at Duster, then back at the scene, then   back to Duster with a heavy sigh. Taking his boyfriend's hand, he tug  ged at him to follow.  "Yeah let's just go. I came here to have a nice con experience and I'm   gonna fucking have it so I don't feel like looking at the fucking gho  sts or whatever right now."
JAY:  Ribbon was running drastically late, but to be fair, it was only becau  se she had no idea how to navigate the area around the abbey that they   had taken up residence in. She was clad in a rather well-kept black d  ress suit and skirt, with brown short hair. Definitely just a disguise   and not a dumb cosplay. Especially not a dumb cosplay of a Korean mob  ile dating sim.  In any case, she had finally managed to get to the convention, coffee  in-hand, as she looked around for familiar faces around the entrance.  She couldn't remember any of the Angels she had seen around the abbey.
YARANAIKA:  "Te...ke...?"  Twisting around almost more unnaturally than the way sh  e'd shifted before, Yaranaika's eyes on the side of her head zeroed in   on the mess with her OTP bestie.  She giggled maliciously as she race  d forward.  Imagine an enraged Winston but a Teke-Teke and there's som  ething you never want to see again.  Her tongue lashed out, catching G  loves in its slimy grip.  The slobber covering the poor boy soaked int  o his fursuit and into his skin, shifting him into a grossly vile warp  ing of himself.  "Tekekekeke!!  Coming, Fujo-chan!!"  A large hand reached forward and  grasped Ruka by the leg, tossing him up and then smashing him under a  large, meaty paw.  "How kawaii you are, Fujo-chan!!"  The demon in her   grasp was facing a harsh transformation himself, incapable of fightin  g the change overcoming him.  "Tekeke!  I can't believe you all tried that!"  Picking up Ruka in her   grasp, she threw him at the pair that had confronted her friend initi  ally, allowing him to slam into the floor before Dress Socks and G-Str  ings.  There was an almost sick thud as Ruka hit the floor even as she   dropped Gloves from her tongue's grasp.  "Tekekekeke!!!"
FUJOSHI:  Fujoshi's smile widened as she began to whip around the con, flying wi  th the translucent wings on her back.  "Oh, how sad! Poor little Ruka has been battered to the ground!" She w  hined, "But he will get up and he will find his next Uke sugoi boy!"  She swept down and gave Dress Socks a hard hit to the head.
OMEGA:  "The Ghost!" Father Crucifix said as he gets out his weapon. "Boxer! R  aincoat! Time to fight!" He command as Boxer and Raincoat summoned the  ir weapons. Raincoat took cover and started to shoot at Yaranaika from   a far raining bullets on her. Boxer and Father Crucifix come charging   in at the Ghost sending slashes with a mix of punches.  Dress Shirt grabbed Tank Top's arm and spin him around and around then   sending flying at the Lost Soul with his weapon out. "Time cut you up  ! Sailor Girl!" Tank Top said as he slashes at her with a wild smile o  n his face. Dress Shit summon his weapon and started to fire at her.
COFFIN:  Dzilla runs over with Mary to attack Fujoshi. Mary trips on his dress  and he tumbles over gracefully. Dzilla lands a decent hit with her axe  s.  Foxstole lazily throws her naginata and slashes her cheek. She yawns a  nd grabs her weapon as it returns to her. "Booooring."
TOTALLY NOT DJ:  "Motherfuck...." Ruka grumbled as he got up on his feet then growled w  hen he overheard Fujoshi. "I'm gonna Uke sugoi YOUR FUCKING FACE!" He  shouted, not noticing or caring much about his enlarged body and small  er head then grabbed the shotgun, firing it at Yaranaika as payback fo  r slamming him into the ground even though it didn't effect her before   summoning his chained blades and slashed at Fujoshi as she flew in th  e air.  Flat Cap meanwhile just unloaded his gun at Yaranaika cause he only no  w realized that the ghost wasn't just him being high as a fucking kite  .
OSCAR:  Gloves was surprise to get attack by the ghost and can feel the slim o  nto his skin from her long tongue, eww. "AH SICK!" He said. Without kn  owing, she turn him into a grossly vile and feel so weak and the boy's   upset that the ghost did this to him.  Once release with tears within his mask, he summons his namesakes, run  s over to her and give the ghost a punch at the face. "IT COST $300 DO  LLARS, YOU GHOST!" He shouted, upsettingly.  Sapphire was surprise to see Gloves taken by the ghost and made his co  stume cover in her saliva. How dare she. As she summon her namesake in  to a Glaive, she runs over to the ghost and slash her left arm.  As Dress Sock and G-Strings see Ruka flying by Yaranaika's strength an  d it was coming at them. Both of them got hit and when Dress Socks was   going to stand, Fujoshi hit his head hard. It hurt like hell, but he  was piss now. As his eyes was glowing in gold and growl angrily, he sl  ash Fujoshi with his Sabers at her guts. "DON'T MESS WITH ME!" He shou  ted.  As G-Strings gets up, she throws her Big Shuriken at Fujoshi, but it m  ade a grain on her right arm.
BRIT:  Duster was posing with Hot Pants in front of the large draconic statue  . People were going wild over their costumes, and the fact that Duster   was already a well-known model anyway.  Blazer made their way all the way to the Ghost scene and spun their sw  ord off their back- in classic RPG Hero Fashion. A few pictures were s  napped from frightened, yet intrigued, onlookers.  "Alright, Fucker-- Shit, there's a Lost Soul, too. How the fuck do we  deal with those again??" They asked, very confused suddenly.
FUJOSHI:  Fujoshi screamed from the hit she took and turned to the crowd, much a  ngrier!  "That's it!" She yelled, "I'mma do the dance!"  She summoned a wand that looked definitely like a cosplay prop and beg  an doing a dance. She weaved and spun in a dance only classic RPG Fans   might have been familiar with- seemed like a ripoff, but it was enoug  h to make  any fan cry tears of blood. It was incredibly mesmerizing..  .  To the point where onlookers would be transfixed on it!
EMI:  Nightshirt was minding his own damn business despite the boring battle  s going on. He was sitting on a bench in front of a huge lion statue t  hat seemed to have gotten a lot of attention before the Ghost and Soul   attacked. He scratched his head, seemingly uneffected by all the shit   going on. He looked back at the "statue" that just flicked it's tail  and he blinked.
KURP:  Hot Pants felt a sinister presence beginning to loom by. It almost fel  t like it was his aunt and snapped his head behind him only to see the   statue's tail suddenly move. He turned around completely, getting a s  inking feeling in his stomach.
SAIYAN:  Wristband looked over at all of the screaming that was going on and qu  ickly saw the reason for the panic.  "Oh, so that's what's going on" she said before sighing.  Why couldn't they have anything cool going on that doesn't have ghosts   involved.
OMEGA:  Tank Top dropped his weapon as his eyes started to cry tears of blood.   "MY EYES!" Tank Top shouted as the dance was causing his eyes to blee  d. "I got your Brother!" Dress Shirt said as he sends a Hell of Bullet  s at the Lost Soul.
YARANAIKA:  Screeching violently, Yaranaika spun about, charging at Raincoat.  How   dare she??!!?!  She lifted a hand and slammed onto the ground   Rainc  oat launched into the air and the ghost used her to climb up and into  the rafters, letting drool drip onto the floor.  She hissed down at ev  eryone and then dropped down.  She staggered, slamming the ground with   massive fists and trying to startle the rest.
JAY:  Ribbon's directionless meandering was brought to a halt quickly when s  he heard loud screaming and other various noises from deeper in the co  nvention center. She quickly started to make her way towards all the l  oud noise.  "Geez, guys, already find the ghost?"
BRIT:  Duster heard the minute sounds of something moving behind them and his   head snapped around. His complexion would have paled further had he n  ot been wearing greyish-white makeup.  "The... Statue is moving?" He asked.
OSCAR:  As Dress Socks and G-Strings was about to attack Fujoshi, the light wa  s hitting on them by her and it's hurting their eyes. It hurt so much  that it start tearing in blood. "OWOWOWOWOW!" G-Strings shouted, painf  ully.  Dress Socks was hurting also and his tears starting to bleed also, yet  , his demonic pride won't get the best of him as he throws his right S  aber hard at her left leg.  Gloves and Sapphire was planning on their next attack at Yaranaika, bu  t both of them didn't land a hit as the Ghost slamming the ground, cau  sing the ground to shake and made them fall to the ground.
TOTALLY NOT DJ:  "Gah, fuck!" Ruka shouted, gritting his teeth as he began to tear in b  lood but managed to shrug it off and landed another hit on Fujoshi's a  bdomen.  Flat Cap fell his ass but to managed to keep rooting, tooting, and sho  oting at Yaranaika despite his fall, turning the ghost into swiss chee  se.
KURP:  Hot Pants stared at the statue in silence as he got closer to Duster,  embracing the man's waist.  "Dude, I think it did. I just saw the tail move..."
COFFIN:  Virgin Killer noticed her fiance and she ran over,"Babe! Took ya long  enough!" She kissed her cheek. "Never a dull moment huh?"  Assless Chaps readied his Harlots and he stretched. "This should be fu  n."  Dzilla held up her screaming grandson like Simba. They were both bleed  ing.  Vampire Collar was pretty cool with it, just meant more for his sippy  cup. He's so licking Jong's face. Yummy.  Foxstole wiped her eyes and noped out to the statue.
OMEGA:  "Raincoat! Boxer!" Father Crucifix said as he wipes the blood from his   lip as he look at the Ghost. "Yes Sir!" They said as they looked at h  im. "Time to finish this!" He said as he charges at the Ghost head on  first. He was slashing the Ghost up like no tomorrow. Next was Raincoa  t who came close up to the Ghost unloading every shell on to her. Fina  lly, there was Boxer who could feel the power of the North Star callin  g to him as his ripped off and then...  "ATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATA  TATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATA  TATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATA  TATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATA  T!!!" Boxer shouted as he hits the Ghost in every press-point then tur  n his back and started to walk. Though once he got a few distance away   he turn around and point to her recreating the most iconic moment in  anime history.  __"Omae Wa Mo Shindeiru"__
OSCAR:  As Dress Socks and G-Strings look at Fujoshi with fierce in their tear   bloody eyes, they going to corrupt this ghost once and for all. As G-  Strings took out another Big Shuriken, both of them throw their weapon   at her. Dress Socks Left Saber hit her chest and G-Strings hit her at   the forehead. "BULLS EYE!" Dress Socks and G-Strings said.
JAY:  Ribbon chuckled as Virgin came up to her and smooched her cheek, a war  m smile almost immediately coming to her face. "Aw, good to see you, t  oo! And, yeah, I can't leave you guys alone for five minutes, can I?"  Ribbon summoned Stripper and turned to face the Lost Soul. "Now, what  the hell is going on?"
TOTALLY NOT DJ:  Helmet suddenly sat up in front of Ribbon and turned to face her. "Wha  t is happening.....is Beans!" With that, Helmet laid back down and beg  an rolling while singing Rollin' by Limp Bizkit again before hitting a   booth, causing the whole thing to fall on top of him.
OSCAR:  As Gloves and Sapphire got off the ground, they went over towards Yara  naika and hit the ghost with their namesakes. Gloves punch her face on  ce more while Sapphire thrust her chest with her glaive.
KURP:  Speedo was about to start greeting Ribbon, seeing that Virgin Killer n  ow had a companion before stopping himself as Helmet came in. He didn'  t say anything, he just watched as he felt his soul leave his body. Th  e smell of flesh beginning to give him a headache.  Someone help him.
COFFIN:  Virgin snickered and she gripped Cavity. "Fuck have I missed you.~"  S  he gave it a twirl. "We had two weebs now we got one weeb. Also, I met   a cutie~!" She smirked and pointed to Speedo.  Assless gulped. "Wow that's one hot piece of sushi."
BRIT:  Duster squinted at the statue and pulled his namesake out of his bag,  moving aside a few of the ferrets he had brought with him and turning  it into Blood-Coated. He very carefully extended it to poke the statue  .
JAY:  Ribbon turns her head to nod a short, silent greeting to Speedo, while   beginning to swing her whip around in her hand. Her head turned back  towards the Lost Soul, the demon deciding to boldly leap for her and s  end Stripper right into her face. Unfortunately, she totally missed, a  nd instead jumped right past her.
KURP:  "I'll pretend I didn't hear that..." Speedo muttered as he returned Ri  bbon's gesture before she went off. They had this covered so he felt n  o need to actually participate.  Hot Pants took Duster's bag, making sure the ferrets inside were still   there, stuffing in the few that were wiggling out. He took a step bac  k, moving behind Duster. If this was anything serious, he knew he was  dead, he didn't have a weapon on him.  "Be careful babe..." He said.
FUJOSHI:  Fujoshi had finished her dance, skillfully dodging until she was able  to finish and bow. Of course, it was at that point someone hit her dea  d center and she went tumbling backward.  "You're all so rude!!" She yelled, rushing at as many of them as possi  ble and doing some kind of pirouette spin-kick! Ouch!  She then made a break for it, running out of the convention center to  try and escape. Her threads started to unravel and she turned dramatic  ally toward her opponents.  "Y-You!! You meanies!" She squealed, obviously starting to bawl like a   child.
KURP:  The statue suddenly came to life...because it wasn't a statue to begin   with. The statue was none other than the Teostra that wasn't captured   months prior to this event.  It didn't appreciate being poked by some sharp object and swiped at Du  ster. Not aggressively to attack, but to keep distance between the two  , a warning swipe.  It got up soon after that, its attention being caught by the distresse  d squealing of a spirit. With a roar it lunged towards Fujoshi and cau  ght her between its paws. Without hesitation, it just gulped her down  whole.  Hot Pants looked on in horror as he clutched the bag harder.  "I'm going to stay in the car," he said.  "I knew there was something up with that statue," Speedo said, crossin  g his arms.
YARANAIKA:  Yaranaika made a lot of noise suddenly. It was something like out of a   horror movie.  "TEKETEKE--- N-N-NANIIIIII!?!?!?!" She screamed, twisting and turning  and writhing. In a fit of rage, the ghost went scampering toward Glove  s and Sapphire, making an awful hissing noise.  She stopped suddenly, as if she had hit a glass wall, and exploded in  a powerful scream.  "MY OTP!!!!" She yelled before she blasted into bits.
EMI:  Nightshirt floated behind Teostra, holding his hands over his mouth.  "Oops. My bad." He mumbled. "Welp, that's enough excitement for me tod  ay."  He looked at his ringing phone and disappeared in a puff of fire.
BRIT:  Duster had backed up quickly to avoid getting swat into the air and lo  oked on in mild horror as the dragon devoured the Lost Soul that had b  een slowly becoming a ghost- it caused a mild explosion within Teostra  's mouth, but all that was left was a little smoke.  "God, why... Where did this thing come from?" He asked through gritted   teeth.  "Shit..." Blazer grumbled under their breath.
COFFIN:  Assless Chaps blinked and walked to the Teostra. "That's a big big bab  y."  Virgin stretched and her tail moved about, she leaned on Cavity. "A ve  ry big baby."  Mary Janes yeeted outside and screamed puppy.
OSCAR:  As Gloves and Sapphire see Yaranaika exploded, it made Gloves feel not   weak anymore and was back to normal. Yet now, he's angry than before  for having that slime on his cosplay 'Lucario Suit'. "Aw man! Look at  my cosplay! IT'S RUINED!" He shouted, angrily. "$300 wasted."  Sapphire give light pats to Gloves back for his cosplay being ruined.  "Well...at least we get to live another day." She said. Gloves didn't  say anything, but feeling shame.  When they heard a big pound on the ground, they turn their heads at th  e big Teostra and made them fear from seeing it eat a Lost Soul.  "What the fuck!" Gloves said, shockingly.  As Dress and G-Strings was about to capture the Lost Soul, it was gull  ible up by Teostra and maaaan it's a big one. Both of them immediately   jaw drop at the sight and who knew it can eat Lost Souls.
TOTALLY NOT DJ:  After watching Fujo get mcfucking eaten, Ruka decided he had enough of   cons for one day. He changed his blades back and walked over to Vest  who was hiding in a booth that got wrecked from the fight. "Let's go,  Kleptofuck. I wanna go home." He said, grabbing Vest by the collar of  his shirt and dragging him out the convention center.  "I don't wanna go though. There's still merch I wanna get, plus Pocket   Watch is here!" Vest whined.  "You can suck his dick after you drop me off at the house." Ruka said  as he tossed Vest into the driver's seat and got into the passenger se  at.
KURP:  Before Hot Pants actually left, he called out, "Oi, that's the cat fuc  k we needed to catch a few months back! Stay away, the fire permanentl  y damages Soul Threads!"  As if on cue, Toestra spread its wing and flew a few feet off the grou  nd, breathing its fire to disperse everyone that had gathered around i  t. It then quickly flew off to God knows where. Probably to have anoth  er sit without being poked at, maybe.
OMEGA:  "Fist of the North Star is the Father of all manly anime." Boxer said  as he grab his bag filled with anime figures and arts. He walked back  to his Raincoat and Father Crucifix with a smile on his face.  Dress Shirt picked up Tank Top and started to head out of the conventi  on. "Are we going home?" Tank Top ask as he breathes heavily. "Yes." D  ress Shirt said as he helps his Brother out.
JAY:  Ribbon was left alone by the Lost Soul, who simply ran right out, inst  ead of standing to fight. This left the demon rather confused, and may  be a bit embarrassed, considering she had just been so dramatic about  attacking. She looked back towards Virgin Killer with a nervous smile.
BRIT:  Strappon's struggle to release himself from Asmodeus' tittygrip came t  o fruition as he was finally free. He ran to the Angels as fast as he  possibly could, away from the Demon Prince.  "Oh, thank Heavens. Good job, Angels." He panted, giving them all a th  umbs-up, "Though, I wish we could have repented the Lost Soul peaceful  ly..."  "Yeah. Manly anime." Blazer said, adjusting their costume with a huff  and turning to Boxer. "Too bad you don't have the balls those protags  have to break up with your goddamn abuser. I really suggest you figure   out the words you gotta say, because your life is gonna be hella wors  e if you say nothing."
COFFIN:  Virgin Killer giggled and she hugged Ribbon close to her hip from behi  nd. "Nice going my little cherry.~"
JAY:  Ribbon smiled sheepishly, her face a slightly lighter tinge of red tha  n normal. "Eheheh... I just kinda went on reflexes there, but are we a  ctually even going to bother fighting? Since we, you know. Kinda aren'  t with Hell Corp, at the moment?"
OSCAR:  Hearing Hot Pants warning, Gloves, Sapphire, Dress Socks, and G-String  s was getting away from the Fire from Teostra as fast as possible beca  use in no way in gods hell they want their cosplay to burn. It's too e  xpensive! As they did, they see Teostra escape.  "We need to capture it." Dress Socks and G-Strings said, in sync.  Gloves and Sapphire painted and hear Strappon saying. "Same...here." G  loves said.
SAIYAN:  "Good job guys!" Undershirt said as he hopped down from the top of a m  erchandise stand he was using to watch the fight.  Tuxedo Jacket too came out of the woodworks to gather around with the  rest of the angels.  Wristband finally managed to catch up with Asmo after trying to chase  him down after so long, feelsgoodman!
OMEGA:  "Yeah, i didn't want to say it today but I will say it maybe later or  tomorrow." Boxer said with a smile as he looks at Blazer. "I am just g  lad that i got to do the one "Omae Wa Mo Shindeiru"technique on the Gh  ost!" He said as he looks at Blazer.
KURP:  Asmodeus tailed closely behind Strappon, looking almost offended, "Lis  ten, if you're not into vanilla, you could have just said so. Were you   not taught manners?"  He was holding a sundae of sorts.  "Or you could say you're not into the whole being fed deal. Dear mothe  r of mine, you people are shit at communication..." He said, shaking h  is head. He then turned around and gave his ice cream to Wristband.  "There, I lost my appetite."
COFFIN:  Virgin Killer shrugged and she kissed her shoulder. "I mean, if we don  't need to I don't see why we are. Though the work out is pretty nice.  "  Assless Chaps returned with a funnel cake shaped like a dick. "What ex  actly did I miss herrre?" He poked Asmodeus.
SAIYAN:  "Thanks, I guess" Wristband said as she grabbed the ice cream and bega  n to lick it. It tasted great, even more so because she was so done wi  th this job of babysitting this demon all day. She deserved a treat fo  r sure.
BRIT:  Blazer's mouth formed a tight line at Boxer's response and let out a h  eavy sigh.  "Kids will be kids." They said, "Whatevs."  Strappon shuddered slightly and jabbed an elbow backward into Asmo's g  ut.  "Give me a damn warning, heathen." He hissed.
JAY:  Ribbon nodded and leaned back into Virgin's arms, sighing gently. "Wel  l, that's a relief, at least. I didn't really feel up to fighting with   a ghost or lost soul today. Chilling at the abbey has been... Well, m  aybe more necessary than I thought."
COFFIN:  Virgin kissed at her neck. "I mean, if it'll help the angels out a lit  tle I don't see why not? But yeah, it's..weird."
OMEGA:  "Well then shall we continue on with the Convection guys?" Raincoat as  k as he looked at Boxer, Father Crucifix, and Emperor Crown. "Sure!" B  oxer said as he was excited to continue with a smile on his face. "Tha  t would be lovely." Father Crucifix said with a smile on his face too.   "I guess." Emperor Crown said as cracks his neck.
The Angels were able to continue their con-going antics with significant ly more ease knowing the Ghost had been repented. They were given praise by the congoers and were even awarded with free merchandise! In the distance, there was a dark figure holding the Banshee Threads fro m the  corrupted Fujoshi. He held up the thread as it writhed in his han d and let it go, letting it drift in the wind. "Weakling." He said simply, turning back and leaving wordlessly.
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dcmissionaries · 6 years
Next Stop: Deepest Pit of Hell
"Nephilim; Large primordial ghosts that were once Angels. Billions of years ago, they were sealed away within another dimension in an attempt to protect something... God knows what. Regardless, it's filled with much, much larger ones than the one you encountered." Weskuh't looked up from her clipboard, down at the 'Supreme' Absolute in front of her. Shroud stood still as a stone as she inspected him as if she was trying to figure out why he had asked from his posture alone. The mask made it hard to tell anything, and it didn't help that his voice had no inflection. Torsolette cleared her throat and Weskuh't's eyes shifted to the woman behind him. The human adjusted her position, excited to hear more. "And... These Nephilim are... Where? Where is the dimension?" Torso asked with anticipation. Weskuh't's attention went from the odd pair back to the mothership. "Ask G'oun." 
After several runarounds and asking many of their elders, the Absolute and his retainer had all but given  up. Questioning G'oun led to asking Banbi, who refused to give information to the Absolute even with all his power, who led them to several others in her similar field of expertise. No one seemed to know where this dimension was. "This is a waste of our time, deary. Surely we can find it ourselves." Torsolette suggested, "We don't need these loose threads to pin down the location." "And yet," Shroud began, "We require this knowledge to point us in the correct direction." Torsolette peered over her shoulder at him with a sigh and opened her mouth to speak when there was a knock at Shroud's door. "Enter." Shroud ordered, clasping his hands together on his desk. Mankini's head peeked into the office before it withdrew and he, himself, entered. Hairpin walked behind him. Shroud held his hand up to make them stop. "Lovecraft, remain outside." He said, "What is it, Glasscock." Hairpin pouted and attempted to enter when Torsolette closed the door on him. Mankini cleared his throat and held a clipboard up to read. "The results for attendance have come in and among the missing, there are quite a few talented Ghost Techs that haven't shown up to work in upwards of 2 mont--" "Ghosts. I want to hear about Ghosts." Shroud cut in. Mankini had visibly jumped when interrupted and grimace slightly before turning several pages into the chunky report. Clearing his throat again, he continued. "The Malice we obtained from Shelles Harbor has tested positive for Nephilim threads. It's a minute amount, so there's really nothing we can extract from it." He said. "But with enough of it we could open a dimensional portal where there are more!" Came the muffled voice of Hairpin from behind the door. Shroud stood slowly, nodding to make them continue. Mankini looked over at the door and back at the Absolute. "You know he can't... See you, right?" "That's all I need to know." Shroud said, "We'll be locating and opening a portal into the dimension these Nephilim are held in and slay one of them for ourselves. Good work, Glasscock." Mankini looked flattered and had begun to talk when Torsolette took him by the shoulders and guided him out of the office. He was promptly shoved out with a pleasant "Thank you, dear" and the door was closed immediately behind him. Torsolette turned to Shroud with a large smile, and Shroud's threads seemed to be swirling ominously behind him as he approached the window. "More threads, more power." Shroud mused. That afternoon, an email was sent to all available demons for a scouting mission.
Daten City's Ground Zero, once the flourishing center of the city, now a dusty wasteland of thickly-settled destruction. It's often the base for many supernatural occurrences, including several instances of spiritual tourism. Shroud stood, staring at the remains of the once grand set of buildings. The incredibly large pile of debris was a mixture of metal rods, concre te, and the slightest trace of stains from the putrid expulsion from The Other Gods as a sickening reminder of Corset's failure. "This is where your device is sensing the layline?" He asked, turning to Hairpin. Hairpin was fiddling with aforementioned device, which was making some G od-awful noise. "Uh... Yes, sir. It seems to be setting the radar off quite a bit." Amul et coughed, his mouth covered in a cloth due to the dust storm that was being kicked up in the dry air. "Now we simply wait for more demons to arrive." Shroud said, turning bac k to the debris.
SAIYAN:  Bowtie had arrived soon after Shroud and his posy had showed up on sit  e. She still couldn't get over how awful this place looked. It kind of   grossed her out if she was being honest. She tip toed her way past al  l the debris and possible bodily fluids.  "Bitch disgusting" she muttered as she stood near the Absolute, waitin  g to see who else would arrive and wait on orders from Shroud.
COFFIN:  Assless Chaps and Sneaker Heels walked over to the small group and the  y looked about. Their faces covered by gas masks. They slipped them of  f in unison and waved to their superiors. "Assless Chaps rrreporrrting   forr duty." Sneaker Heels just blinked, "Hi." What a conversationalis  t.
KURP:  Sash and Swing Coat were both looming close by Shroud, the two being d  isgustingly affectionate to the point where Hairpin nearly gagged. Who   let /these/ straights in here. More importantly, he was tired of havi  ng the Ophir hag tag along everywhere.  Good thing he was wearing a mask to hide his expression aside it's act  ual function of not breathing in this miasma.  A taller figure joined them. It was G'oun who was volunteered herself  to make sure these demons didn't accidentally break out any Nephilim f  rom their prison.  "This is why we considered Earth doomed from the start, you Earthlings   always wanted to meddle in what never concerned you and the Empire al  ways had to get you out of trouble all the time," she said to no one i  n particular.  Hairpin merely rolled his eyes as he brought the device to areas where   the noise was most consistent.
OMEGA:  Tank Top and Dress Shirt arrived to location parking their care where  someone wouldn't steal it. "We are here, Brother." Dress Shirt said as   he turns off the car. "I hope this is not fucking boring, Brother" Ta  nk Top said as he hops out of the car. As the two got to where the dem  ons met, Tank Top heard what G'oun said. "Looks like someone is still  a virgin." He whisper to his Brother as he chuckles loudly. "Shut up!"   Dress Shirt sigh as he facepalms from his brother.
DJ:  Ruka eventually arrived, eating a box of fries as he walked towards th  e group. He had gone to a burger place to get lunch since Vest wasn't  able to make his lunches while he was in prison. He seemed unaffected  by all the dust and expulsion in the area. Most likely because he was  already a walking biohazard. "Alright your fuckers, I'm here." He said   with a mouth of fries, "Let's get this over with."
JAY:  Ribbon carefully navigated the rubble and ruin of Ground Zero, clad in   a gas mask of her own, though she detested the way it looked. A strid  e in her step, she quickly found where all the other demons had gather  ed near the center of the city. Once she arrived, she saluted Shroud a  nd stood in position. "Ribbon reporting."
OWLIE:  Circlet dragged a sad-looking sack of shit that is Pocket Watch, well,   who can blame him? His boyfriend was thrown into jail and now he has  no one to tease.  "Come on, PW, it's not like you to sulk around your apartment" Circlet   said, grunting as she finally made it to where the others are standin  g. "Circlet and Pocket Watch. present!"  "Whatever.." Pocket said in an uninterested tone.
OSCARK9:  Dress Socks and G-Strings walked over to the small group of other co-w  orkers and scanning the area with disgust. They never been in a area t  hat has lots of mess and destruction. Though they are impress that the   destruction of this wasteland is large, but really hate walking on th  is turf and smelling the stuff. So with whit mask that cover their mou  ths, they wave to their Surpreme Absolute Shroud as a sign of 'hello'  and join the rest of the co-workers.  "Dress Socks and G-Strings. Ready for action." Dress Socks said.
RYAN:  As Bra and Glasses made their way to the group, the Android's heels ca  ught in the soft dirt making her slam her foot down on a harder surfac  e resulting in a loud click echoing through the surrounding area.  "My apologies, it has been a while since I've left the mansion. I'm st  ill getting used to my legs." Glasses said dismissively as Bra raised  an eyebrow. Quickly straightening her posture she saluted before annou  ncing "Brassiere and Glasses reporting for duty!"  "Hmph, if you ask me it sounds more like you picked up on Grandma's fl  air for dramatics." She muttered readjusting her mask, "But that's jus  t my opinion."
SOUP-KITTY:  Diadem was in what could only be described as a full hazmat suit. He s  oftly walked up next to Bowtie, and smiled removing the helmet of the  suit. Next to him, rather, with her arm locked with his, was Miss Unde  rbust Baudelaire, she was quietly giggling at a comment made by Diadem  , before stopping with him. They both did full ballerina curtsies in f  ront of Shroud, as one does. They then both stood quietly to the side  muttering to themselves. Something about tea probably.
BRIT:  Shroud nodded at the demons in acknowledgement, concentrated on someth  ing or another that wasn't his underlings.  "Doomed is what we aim for." He muttered in G'oun's general direction.  Pahr'eo had been filing her nails, listening to G'oun with intrigue, w  hen the twin demons had approached. She peered over her shoulder at th  em and smiled for a moment, then put her hand over her mouth as she be  gan to giggle.  "Oh, how sad. You little /babies/ think the Empress is a virgin? Jealo  us that she gets more action than you, perhaps." She chortled, keeping   her hand over her mouth in a dainty fashion, "Why don't you pick on s  omeone your own size before you bite off more than you can chew, hmm?  I'm sure there's a park somewhere you can push human toddlers over."  Fundoshi came up beside Ruka and smacked the fries out of his hand.  "Stop eating on the job, we're working." He snorted.
SAIYAN:  Bowtie glanced over at the two Demons, muttering about how the Matriar  ch was a virgin or some shit. Really? How could they be so immature. S  he was going to say something but then Diadem approached her in...what   the hell was he wearing?  "Oh hey, Diadem! How's it going? And why are you wearing that?" She as  ked looking him over.  It looked like he was prepared to go into Chernobyl or some shit.
DJ:  Ruka looked down at the fries that were now all over the ground, cover  ed in the dust and some with the expulsion. He looked at Fundoshi for  a brief moment then, without a word, picked up some the fries and ate  them loudly in front of Fundoshi's face before swallowing. Pretty much   a 'hello and fuck you too.'
SOUP-KITTY:  Diadem looked over at Bowtie and replied "Its going good! Have you met   Miss Baudelaire yet?  She's fairly new and I've been showing her arou  nd."
OMEGA:  "YOU WANT TO GO MOTHERFU-MMMMMMMMMMMMM!" Tank Top was interrupted by D  ress Shirt who covered his mouth. "I am very sorry for my Brother, He  is a child in heart and mind." Dress Shirt said with a nervous smile a  s he looked at Pahr'eo. Then took his Brother to the side for a minute   to talk to him. "That was fucking Inquisitor, you dip shit!" Dress Sh  irt angrily whispers at his Brother. "What the fuck is Inquisitor!" Ta  nk Top ask his Brother as he wanted to slap that weird looking demon.  "Their space demons to make it simple for you." Dress Shirt answer is  Brother quietly. Tank Top looked at his Brother then back at Pahr'eo.  "I'm not impress to be honest." Tank Top said to his brother as he did  n't like the look of "Space Demons".
JAY:  Ribbon looked over towards the demon named Diadem, raising a curious b  row and offering a soft wave to greet him. "Hey, good to a familiar fa  ce."
EMI:  Mong walked up to the two wearing gas masks, sipping a nice hot cider.   He slurped loudly.  "Boy, this place makes me real thirsty. Why are you nerds wearing mask  s?" He asked, lifting his sunglasses. "Looks like my typical Friday ni  ght disaster."  He gave the place a good scan and nodded in agreement with himself. De  finitely a fucking mess.
COFFIN:  Virgin Killer walked over with her gas mask. Well, waddled. She floppe  d her face on Diadem's back. "V-virgin killer reporting for..phew..dut  y!" She stood up straight. "Oh hi babe." She poked Ribbon's boob.  Assless snickered at his pregnant sister's waddling.  Sneaker Heels ju  st crossed her arms all smug and shit.
SAIYAN:  Bowtie noticed the person that was tagging along with Diadem. She smil  ed at the girl and reached out to shake her hand.  "No I haven't met her yet! It's nice to meet you! My name is Bowtie. I  t's very nice to meet you." she said with a smile.  Meanwhile Baul Gag appeared next to Gou'n, ready for any in depth conv  ersation that may befall them.
OWLIE:  "Hello Ruka" Circlet said, she approached him while toting PW with her  , they passed Ribbon and Virgin Killer but PW was not in the mood for  an argument with Ribbon anytime soon. Circlet's face turned from frien  dly to concern to disgust when she saw Ruka pick up fries from the dir  ty ass ground and ate it.
KURP:  G'oun gave the Absolute a sigh before a smile appeared on her face as  she leaned over to Pahr'eo.  "Pahr'eo, darling, don't chase them off so soon! After all, our concie  rges could use a little snack," she giggled while hiding her mouth beh  ind her hand.  Sash noticed the brothers near the Inquisitors and decided to insert h  imself in this conversation. Briefly, that was.  He gave the Inquisitors a rather dignified bow, "Forgive these two roo  kies for their...choice of language...They'll be taken away shortly."  And he did just that, pushing the pair off to the side who were stared   down by Swing Coat.  "Grand," she muttered.
JAY:  Ribbon squeaked when her boob was poked by her girlfriend, the demon r  esponding with a light huff and a prod of Virgin's side. Though she gr  ew a look of concern afterwards. "Hey, babe! ...Are you sure you're fi  ne with being out here?"
OMEGA:  "I need a smoke..." Dress Shirt said as he gets out a cigar and lights   it with his lighter. "Whatever." Tank Top said as he gets out one of  his can Soda's and starts to drink it in front of Swing Coat. The Two  started to do their thing with Swing Coat.
OSCARK9:  As they stand and scanning their comrades, they see few of the comrade  s chatting one another. Then turning their eyes at the familiar co-wor  ker talking to Diadem and Ribbons, it was Virgin Killer.  With light smiles on their faces, well under their masks , they approc  h them.  "Howdy, Virgin Killer." Dress Socks said, happily while waving.  "Hello." G-Strings said, waving also.
RYAN:  Glasses did a double take at Ruka and his fries before looking to Bra,   "Is this standard behavior for demons?"  Bra reeled back, "Do I look like I would know the answer?" Following w  here Glasses was pointing, the human just nodded, "Yeah that's about p  ar for the course."
COFFIN:  Virgin giggled a little at her girlfriend's response. "Yeah yeah I'm f  ine don't worry about me cutie." She winked. Virgin heard her name and   she turned to Dress Socks,"Oh, hiya Dressy. Sup Strings."  Assless Chaps heard Dress Socks and he whistled,"Hello Drrress Socks d  earr."  Sneaker Heels rolled her eyes and played with her managers horns. "You   can play with your boyfriend lattter gosh."  "He's not my taste sweethearrrt." The snake lover hissed.
BRIT:  Fundoshi grimace subtly as Ruka chewed his cum-and-dirt-laden fries op  enly in his face. He put a hand out and pushed him backward slightly b  y the chest.  "You know what? Have fun." He said, "Just don't do it in front of the  Absolute or Empress."  Amulet huffed and walked over to Hairpin, who was struggling to try an  d find the signal.  "It's right here, Hairpin." Amulet pointed out, pulling the device to  one particular crack, "Now let's just split the Damned thing open, ple  ase. Before we start losing track."
KURP:  Not wanting to put up with a couple of rowdy boys, Swing Coat turned t  he other direction and spotted a pair of nice looking girls who seemed   more orderly compared to these two....kids.  "If you boys excuse me..."  Leaving Dress Shirt and Tank Top behind, she approached Glasses and Br  a curious as to why they're here of all things.  "A little lost, are we? Or did someone make you come in their stead?"  She asked.  Hairpin looked up at Amulet in annoyance but it made him a tad suspect  . Rolling his eyes, he looked at the device before slowly looking back   at Shroud, eyeing his zipper pet.  "Uh sir," he called out, "We may need assistance from your dear pet, t  here."
DJ:  Having made his point, Ruka turned to see a disgusted Circlet. "Oh, he  y Circlet and....Pocketwatch?" He said, noticing the sad lump that was   PW, "He's really bummed about Vest being in the slammer, huh?"
OSCARK9:  Dress Socks ears perk up as he hears his name called to him. Turning h  is head to Assless Chaps. With a smile that's bigger before, under his   mask, he waved to him and approach him. Leaving G-String behind with  the two girls.  "Greetings again, Assless Chaps!" Dress Socks said, happily. "I'm happ  y to see a familiar face within this group."  As he sees Assless Chaps again, he saw a new face with Assless Chaps n  ext to him.  "Hello, Miss." He bows to Sneaker Heels. "I've never seen your face ar  ound with us before. I'm guessing you new around here or work with us  already. My name's Dress Socks. Who might you be?" He asked kindly.
OMEGA:  "Try being respectful next time, Brother." Dress Shirt said as he took   a big smoke from his cigar. "Whatever." Tank Top said as he took a si  p of his drinking. They were now waiting for someone to talk to them o  r orders from their Boss.
RYAN:  Bra pointed at herself as if to say 'who me?', while Glasses swatted a  t her before extending her hand to Swing Coat. "Technically speaking w  e're neither, we are willing participants."  "Who wants to know?" Bra asked from behind Glasses as she eyed Swing C  oat suspiciously.
OWLIE:  "Yes, he did," Circlet said as she turned her head towards PW, who is  looking around, his eyes were dull and glazed, which is probably becau  se of the hallucinogenic tea he drank hours ago.  "Anyways, I dragged him out for this mission, he needs to do something   other than sulk," Circlet said to Ruka. Meanwhile, Pocket Watch was m  umbling to himself.  "/I didn't even get to tap his ass,/" Pocket Watch grumbled. This man  has other priorities
BRIT:  Shroud looked away from the scenery he seemed to be mesmerized by. He  looked down at poor little Pincushion, who was pattering around by his   feet, picking her up and tossing her at Hairpin.  "Do what you need to do." He muttered, "Just do it quickly."
DJ:  "Well, I'm no politician or professional lobbyist but I might try to g  et Vest's sentence shorten when this shit's over with." Ruka said, cro  ssing his arms, "I really don't want to eat fast food crap everyday."
KURP:  Catching the zipper pet, Hairpin gave it a good few pats on the head f  or comfort before he lifted her bum to the air which latched on to som  ething. Tugging a bit to make sure the zipper was secured, Hairpin beg  an to stand up as a portal began to zip open. The energy alone began t  o make him feel sick but he had to go through with it. He was one of t  he taller demons and nobody really wanted to fuck with this.  As he was done, the energy pushed him back and he fell over. Sash mere  ly stood next to him with eagerness, deciding to not really help the f  allen carrot.  "I do, who else?" Swing Coat retorted. But as the portal open did she  grip the shoulder of the girl closest to her, excited that she gets to   search for what's basically an eldritch horror.  "Isn't this exciting? I can feel the energy radiating from the portal  alone!"
OSCARK9:  As she sees Dress Socks, talking to Assless Chaps and leaving her alon  e for a bit, she turns back to Virgin Killer.  "It's nice to see you again, Virgin Killer." G-Strings said, bowing. "  I hope this mission will go smoothly for us." She worries a little for   her sake and for all of the co-workers.
COFFIN:  Assless Chaps patted Dress Socks on the back,"Indeed it is. Arre you r  rready forr this?"  Sneaker Heels looked at her nails and then to Dress Socks,"My name's S  neaker Heels. Yeah I'm not new I'm just here because I'm bored."  Virgin smiles,"You and me both kiddo."
BRIT:  Shroud's cape started flying wildly behind him as the portal began to  open, almost like it was twisting with his own anticipation. He grippe  d his mask to keep it in place, but the energy around him was just as  wild as the wind.  Before Fundoshi could be shoved back by the energy, he summoned his we  apon and slammed it into the ground, grabbing at the first person that   might fly past him with the force of the wind and energy.  "Stay behind me!" He ordered, likely to Ruka, Pocket Watch and Circlet   so they didn't go flying out of the area.
OMEGA:  Tank Top and Dress Shirt were still doing their thing because there wa  s nothing to do at the moment.
Circlet immediately went behind Fundoshi while she stared at the opening portal with awe
KURP:  G'oun's expression paled as the portal opened. She hasn't felt this en  ergy in eons and knowing these demons are actually going through with  it made her anxiety rise.  "We should cease this at once!" She called out at Shroud, "You don't k  now what you're going up against! We as Inquisitors couldn't harness t  heir power, what makes you think you can?"
OSCARK9:  "You know I'm ready!" He answers, enthusiastically. Turning to Sneaker   Heels, "Well your in for a treat if you stick with us."  Turning their heads, they see a portal opening and was amaze by it. "T  old ya." Dress Socks said.
RYAN:  Glasses couldn’t have rolled her eyes any harder or they would have fa  llen out of her head. Of fucking course, Bra would lose her cool in fr  ont of the higher ranks. She too was scarred to know grandma was sexua  lly active but have some class!  “Please pay her no mind. She’s having family problems, Bra’s filter is   somewhere else at the moment.” Glasses bowed slightly as she addresse  d Swing Coat. Standing up she pushed her namesake higher on her nose.  Glasses was startled by the sudden attention as both Swing Coat and Br  a had a death grip on her shoulders.  “Y-yeah that energy sure is something else…” She trailed off as the si  ght of Swing Coat’s hands almost gave her heart palpitations.
JAY:  Ribbon rubs the back of her head, listening in on the short conversati  on between G-Strings and Virgin Killer. "Yeah, I hope so too-"  She was interrupted by the portal, a gust of wind kicking up dust and  forcing her to crossed one of her arms over her face to shield her eye  s, while her other arm focused on wrapping itself around her girlfrien  d in a frantic motion.  Peering past her arm, she saw the portal being opened up before them.  "Ugh, shit. Where the hell are we performing recon?"
EMI:  The amazing force caused many people to fly backwards, including Mong,   who's cider slammed into his face as he held down his kilt. He ripped   off his underwear and summoned Snaps, yo-ing his hardest and wrapping   it around the nearest object.  Aka Fundoshi.
DJ:  "WELL ISN'T THIS JUST FUCKING DUCKY?!" Ruka shouted, being wiggled aro  und by the force as he held onto PW while Fud held on to him.
OMEGA:  "Looks like Space Demons think their all high and mighty because they  were the first! HAHAHA!" Tank Top laugh as he knew that Shroud take on   one of them. Dress Shirt sigh as he keep smoking while he watches thi  s. But soon the Brothers were blown away from the force but Tank Top s  ummoned his weapon and plunge it into the ground to hold on along with   holding his Brother.
OSCARK9:  As see sees the wind blowing everyone with strong force of wind, G-Str  ings use her Earth Magic around her feets to keep her steady. Turning  to V.K. and Ribbon, she use her Earth Magic around their feets as well  . Keeping them from falling. "HANG ON!" G-Strings yells.  Dress Socks on the other hand, struggles to stand but he was blown dow  n and hurt his rump.
OWLIE:  "S-shit," Circlet muttered as she summoned her weapon as well and stab  bed the ground with it and tried not to topple over . Pocket Watch hel  d on to her by the shoulders, his long brown hair was whipping Ruka in   the face.
COFFIN:  Sneaker Heels yawned,"Whoooopie." She was a tree in the mud. She looke  d at the portal,"ah memories.."  Virgin Killer squeaked and held onto Ribbon, her tail keeping her anch  ored. "Ohhh great." She prepped her mallet.
SAIYAN:  Baul Gag gave a "hmph" in addition to what G'oun said as Bowtie looked   over at the Portal opening.  "Well holy shit, it worked! That's amazing!" Bowtie said in awe as she   looked on.  She had never seen anything like this before. Even in any spell book s  he had read, nothing on this scale had come up.  Baul Gag over heard Tank Top's comment and gave him a dirty ass look.  Hopefully that will be enough for him to shut up.
BRIT:  Amulet leaned down and pulled Hairpin off the ground with relative eas  e, holding him in place so he and Pincushion didn't fly away, his hand   sturdy on his back.  "The burst should die down enough for us to enter shortly." He said, a  djusting the pair of goggles he'd accquired to fight the dust.  Shroud turned his head to face G'oun calmly as the whirling energy beg  an to die down as Amulet had said.  "I already have." He said, lifting his arm. His hand and arm seemed to   come undone and whirl in a flurry of threads and reform into a claw a  s if to show off. He turned back to the portal, clasping both hands be  hind himself once again. "Now, when can we enter?"
DJ:  Ruka started getting annoyed with PW's hair in his face and let go of  him to move it  away. Of course, this is a big fucking mistake and Ruka was almost blo  wn away before having to grab onto PW's hair.
OWLIE:  Pocket Watch felt a sharp tug in his hair. Normally he'd moan and ask  for more but he's out of his mind right now.
OSCARK9:  As they see the wind dying down, G-Strings desummon her Earth Magic ar  ound her feets, V.K.'s and Ribbons. Turning to her partner, she went t  o Dress Socks to help him up.
COFFIN:  Virgin Killer hugged her girl and kissed her head. "This is a first fo  r me but I'm glad it stopped blowing." Wow. Quality succ said blow is  just too much. Call the cops.  "SAME BITCH." Sneaker Heels yelled.
KURP:  Hairpin held on to dear life as Amulet picked him up, finding that als  o suspect that Amulet wasn't really affected by the sudden force. Putt  ing that out of mind as well, he just made sure that Pincoushing didn'  t leave his grip.  Swing Coat couldn't hang on any longer to Glasses, though thankfully s  he was caught by her dear man, Sash who had done similar to Fundoshi.  Thankfully for poor Pincoushin, the winds had died down as there was n  ow a gentle breeze escaping the portal. She was no longer having her b  ody physics go whack as her textures tried to keep up with her skeleto  n. Someone give her some rest.  G'oun sighed in defeat. As much as she detested the fact that the port  al was opened, she needed to take advantage of this for her own resear  ch. This was going her only opportunity.  "Fine, but at least let the more experienced take the first steps," Sh  e said, putting one hand in before her body seemed to dematerialize as   she kept walking in.
DJ:  When the wind died down, Ruka fell face first into the ground then got   back up on his feet, not bothering to dust himself off. "First off, I  'd just like to say: FUCK! Portals!"
COFFIN:  Assless Chaps shrugged,"That would rrrequirrre it touching you. I don'  t even think it would."  Virgin Killer cracked up. "He has a point."  Sneaker Heels nodded to verify. "Yup yup. You gotta be another level o  f fucked to even attempt that."
SAIYAN:  Baul Gag followed G'oun in right after, as her body too dematerialized   as she walked in. Seeing the two space demons walk in was enough for  Bowtie to take the plunge into the portal as well.
JAY:  Ribbon sighed as the winds finally dissipated, relieved that she was a  ble to keep her footing. She nodded towards G-Strings, "Thank you. I w  ouldn't have been able to keep my footing."  Her attention quickly returned to Virgin Killer, to whom she smiled, i  f the slight movement behind the gas mask was able to be read. "Glad t  hat you are all right, too."
BRIT:  Fundoshi sat up as everyone behind him basically fell to the ground in   an unceremonious thump. He turned back.  "Is everyone alright?" He asked, "No one looks hurt."  Shroud followed right after G'oun.  "Move in." He ordered.
OSCARK9:  While helping her partner up, G-Strings turns her head towards Ribbons   with a smile on her face. "I'm glad to be of help." She told her.  Hearing Shroud orders, G-Strings and Dress Socks follow them into the  portal with the rest of their comrades.
EMI:  Mong lifted his sorry ass off the first and stood shakily.  "Whoooo-ee, that was one hell of a blow, am I right?" He looked around   for a reaction to his shitty joke. He looked back at Fundoshi's deadp  an and frowned.  "Jeez, tough crowd. Lighten up, Tsundoshi."
JAY:  Watching G-Strings head for the portal, Ribbon gave a glance at the op  en portal before returning her sight to Virgin Killer and offered her  a hand. "Need any help to get up there?"
OMEGA:  "We are fine!" Tank Top answered as called out to Fundoshi then dustin  g off. Dress Shirt got up and dusted off his clothes too. Tank Top pul  led his weapon out of the ground and put on his shoulder.
COFFIN:  Virgin Killer patted her lover's butt and hummed despacito. "I'm a tou  gh lollipop." The demoness pecked her gas mask to Ribbon's. "Nah I sho  uld be good, this tum ain't stoppin me. Heheh..watch me freak DD out."   She honked a boob before running and using her Mallet to propel herse  lf right in.  Assless blinked and shook his head."Damn it Virrgin.." He picked up Sn  eaker Heels and jumped on in.
SOUP-KITTY:  Diadem had been completely fine as he is so overly prepared that he ha  d multi-purpose-multi-surface suction cups. He had also been locking a  rms with Underbust who had been giggling at the whole thing. "Virg you   okay?" He tilted his head to the side in concern, he went over and he  ld her hands and and was pretty much inspecting her. Meanwhile, Underb  ust continued her introduction with bowtie. "It's nice ta meet ya lass  ." She gave a giggle before turning her attention to a rather rambunct  ious pair of twins. She then looked back at the small group that had f  ormed around them, and bowed. "It's nice to meet you all too."
JAY:  If it weren't for her already-red skin tone, the blush on her face wou  ld have been obvious as Virgin honked her boobs again, though admitted  ly watching her pregnant girlfriend rush head-first into a mysterious  portal was more than motivation enough for Ribbon to hurry things alon  g herself. She quickly followed behind Assless Chaps and Sneaker Heels  , hopping right into the portal.
OWLIE:  "Let's go," Circlet said as she willed her Bident to turn back into he  r namesake and wore it, then she gestured to Pocket Watch and Ruka to  follow her as she walked into the portal like the others did.  "Uhh.. I just wanna go back to my bed," PW muttered but he followed Ci  rclet.
RYAN:  Glasses simply stared out at those who had fallen due to the pressure  of the portal. She beamed at herself as she patted her legs.  "Never have I ever been more happy to not have an organic body as I am   today." The android exclaimed as she untangled the bandages Bra wrapp  ed around her for leverage before leaning down to scoop up her owner.  Bra slapped Glasses hands away before she stood up haughtily.  "I can at least stand without your help." She hissed while re-wrapping   her sword.  "Do we really have to go in there?" Bra asked as Glasses wordlessly tu  gged her towards the portal.
Stepping inside the portal, the energy of the dimention was oppressive a nd heavy. It was eerily quite aside from whispers coming from seemingly everywhere. The landscape was dim, almost completely black and grey, and there was no sign of life anywhere. The air was completely still, like they had walked into a place where time did not exist, nor life, nor lig ht. Shroud walked forward to stand beside G'oun, seeming to strain to listen to the whispers.
Despite Shroud trying to listen for /whispers/,  something that wanted d irect communication with the outsiders was going to be less than subtle. A deep, booming voice came through, sounding amused as the demons poppe d in. "From the abyss comes light that has strayed far from the Lord. Lambs wh o left their shepherds in selfish pursuits. In this realm, only the true damned walks. Have you come to abandon all ideals? To cast aside your l ight for the truth?" Another voice came in, "To find truth is to lose all sense of self. To a scend beyond our purpose. To find Bofa."
EMI:  Seemingly out of nowhere, a white-haired demon shouted out to the abys  s from directly behind Ribbon.  "What the fuck is bofa?"
COFFIN:  Virgin Killer nods and pecks the hazmat suits cheek..thing..area? "Yea  h I'm good Dee." She snickers as he inspects her and gets the bright i  dea to pat his bottom with her tail. "Stop it ya worry whale."  Sneaker Heels hopped out of Assless' arms. "Thanks cunt." She looked a  round,"What kinda lavender town shit is this?"  "Fuck off." Assless exhaled, "Bofa deez nuts."
COFFIN:  "MY GLANDS." Assless the squished roach screamed.
DJ:  Ruka fell to the ground laughing upon seeing Assless get squished. "Ho  ly fuck, man! That was great! Whoever did that, I like you already!"
KURP:  G'oun hid her face in embarrassment, praying to know who is behind all   of this.  "Think we can leave?" She asked.
SOUP-KITTY:  Diadem let's out the single most girliest scream anyone has ever heard  , and promptly picks up Virgin. He's obviously having a panic attack a  nd is muttering "safety" over and over again.  Underbust is cackling a  t this "that was a good one!" She's literally on the floor ground what  ever, cackling.
OSCARK9:  Dress turn his eyes at the quashing coworker with his eyes widen in sh  ock. "Assless Chaps!" He runs to him to help him up.  G-Strings eyes blink in surprise.
OMEGA:  "Do we go inside the Portal?" Tank Top ask as he looked at the Portal.   "Probably not." Dress Shirt answer his brother as he looks at the Por  tal too. "I wonder, what is on the other side." Tank Top said as he ke  eps looking at it with a grin. "Don't yo-" Dress Shirt interrupted fro  m his Brother going into the Portal.
OWLIE:  "Whoever did that, can you do me next?" Pocket Watch said out of the b  lue  "POCKET WATCH, NO!" Circlet screeched.
"With pleasure," Said the first voice as its hand was descending, only f or it to be grabbed up by the second voice's hand. "NO, STOP THIS. THIS WASN'T PART OF THE PLAN."
RYAN:  "God I wish that was m-." Bra started.  Glasses gave Bra a quick shock from her gloves before she could finish   her sentence.  "You may thank me later."
COFFIN:  Assless Chaps proceeds to hiss. "DON'T,  I HAVE TO SET MY SPINE, FUCKI  NG TOUCH ME." He crawled over and sunk his fangs into Ruka's ankle. He   got up and his spine made horrific pops. "Y'all spirrits can eat my a  ss."  Virgin Killer whined when she saw her brother get squished. "Fuck." Sh  e held onto Diadem and she soothed him.  Sneaker Heels shrugged."Eh."
OMEGA:  "Wow, this is cool." Tank Top said as he looked at the weird place the  y are now in. "Where are we?" Dress Shirt ask as he looked around at t  his strange place.
SAIYAN:  Baul Gag and Bowtie both watched on as people were getting crushed by  hands from the sky and voices that were talking to them. This dimensio  n was very weird. Despite all of that Bowtie still smiled at Underbust  's introduction even though she had already ran off with other people.  "She seems nice!" she thought to herself.  Meanwhile, Baul Gag stood closer to G'oun. She didn't want to get sepa  rated from the group in this place.
DJ:  "OW! YOU FUCK!" Ruka yelled as Assless bit him then proceeded to tackl  e the Scar wannabe while he wasn't looking. This guy liked biting? Wel  l, Ruka was gonna bite off chunks of him.
COFFIN:  Assless fucking moaned. As the two rolled around and spelled "sex" wit  h dust. Assless stopped the fight by putting his ass to Ruka's hips. "  Trrry me."
EMI:  Nightshirt lowered his hands from his mouth and let out a short chuckl  e.  "Ha. Nice." He droned. He looked back at Tank Top and Dress Shirt.  "You twits are late. You can go home now, we're done here."  Mong moved forward, next to Ruka, scratching his head.  "Boy, talk about weird holes. Hey boss! What's next?" He shouted to Sh  roud.
SOUP-KITTY:  Diadem held on to Virg like a very protective dad. Which he was. Under  bust walked up next to the twins with a devilish smirk on her face. "H  ello boys."
BRIT:  Shroud was baffled by the events, especially the ethereal finger that  pegged one of his inferiors into the dirt. He looked around to see if  he could make sense of it all, before turning to the camera and sighin  g.  "We're here for a reason." He explained, gesturing off the cliff they  seemed to be standing on.  Past the edge of mountain, there was darkness and a barren landscape.  But most importantly, there was a prominent amount of large and terrif  ying Nephilim. Every single one of them was a distorted and twisted fi  gure, not one less than the size of a skyscraper.  "We're here to kill one. Maybe more."  Fundoshi had seen just about enough of today. He scrunched his face at   Mong's comment and heaved a heavy sigh. At the Absolute's proclaimati  on, he straightened up.  "My Lord..." He muttered, "This... Is a bit much, don't you think?"
OMEGA:  "Well, this job was quick and boring, Brother." Tank Top said as he st  arts to leave to the strange place. Though Dress Shirt was very intere  st in this place. Tank Top the notice Underbust and waved back to her  with a wink.
SOUP-KITTY:  Underbust imediately locked arms with tank top after the wink. She was   so fast she was basically hovering. "We're gonna kill one of these th  ing, big boy." She winked. Diadem gently placed Virg down on the groun  d, and promptly fainted. God bless his soul.
OSCARK9:  As Dress Socks was about to say something mean to Ruka, he turn his he  ad to the noisy sound and see large and terrifying Nebhilims. His jaw  drop to witness this and turn his face at Assless with terrified expre  ssion. "Assless. Remember that I say "I'm ready for anything", I take  it back." He said, terrified.  G-Strings can't believe her eyes, well left eye, to witness this horri  fied Nebhilims. "Satans fuck." She mutters to herself.
COFFIN:  Virgin Killer hugged her Carrot Baby Daddy and gave him calming platon  ic smooches. "T-this should be fun." She made grabby hands at Ribbon,  she wanted her baby close to her. She squeaked and caught Dia.  Sneaker Heels was so confused. Was this how the gays made more gays? D  o the gays lay eggs? She couldn't tell you.  Assless.exe is brawling.
KURP:  Hairpin practically shook Amulet out of excitement, "Honey, look! Aren  't they beautiful? Please hold me, I'm about to pass out!"  Boy was close to busting a nut.  Sash facepalmed, dragging his hand down his face. Swing Coat patted hi  s free hand in an attempt to comfort him.  "It's fine, dear, this could be a lot worse."
JAY:  Ribbon herself looked almost dumbfounded at the idea. Sure, they had f  ought large things before, but this... She quickly snapped out of it w  ith Virgin making grabby hands at her, being quick to embrace Virgin w  hile she continued watching the Nephilim. "Oh, yes. Very fun."
SAIYAN:  Bowtie casually slid over to Fundoshi after hearing Shroud's declarati  on. She was getting really nervous about Shroud's ambitiousness.  "Dude is he actually serious?" she asked him.
OWLIE:  Circlet once again summoned her Bident, it glowed in her hands as she  grinned gleefully, looking at the Nephilims, "This will be fun,"  "Fun, /sure/," Pocket Watch said disdainfully as he summoned his blade  d pendulum.
KURP:  "Seeing how he's already already harnessed some of their power...poten  tially," G'oun replied to Bowtie.  She would be lying if she wasn't the least bit excited to see Nephilim   still walking about, especially considering that they're extinct ever  ywhere else.
DJ:  "I'M GONNA RIP OUT OF YOUR FUCKING-" Ruka began before noticing the Ne  philim, "Ya know what? Let's call it a draw." He then shoved Assless o  ff him and walked over to the edge of the cliff to get a better look o  f the giant ghosts. "Hmmmm....I bet I could pummel a good few of these   fuckers. Just give the order, Shortstuff." He said, turning to Shroud  . There was an eager grin on his face.
OMEGA:  "Are we going to fight those things?" Dress Shirt ask as he looked at  the Nephilims. "Fight! I love a Fight!" Tank Top said as he came back  and got into his battle stance. "I WANT TO KILL SOMETHING, TODAY!" He  said as he was excited to kill some Nephilims for sport.
EMI:  Mong trotted up the the edge of the cliff like he was sight-seeing, ca  utiously walking past the crazy Absolute. He gave a long whistle. More   like a cat-call, but whatever.  "Those are some big bo- oh, wait, what's that thing down here?" He poi  nted to something in the pile of monsters. He looked over at Ruka next   to him.  He pointed to a white speck in the middle of a group of large, toothy  boys. They were clearly poking at something.  "I'm not crazy, right?"
SAIYAN:  Bowtie whipped her head back towards G'oun and gulped. These guy would   be no joke fighting for sure. Given the size of these things it would   take all of them to fight just one and even then she wasn't sure that   this incompetent group could even win still.  "Oh my god" was all she could say
COFFIN:  Assless Chaps dusts himself off and runs over before Sparta kicking hi  m. "Draw that."  Virgin Killer facepalmed. "Ribbon..I need..to not be related to him."  She shrugged Diadem over her shoulder.
 Sneaker Heels was so proud.
BRIT:  Fundoshi practically clotheslined Tank Top as he attempted to approach   the edge.  "You best keep yourself in check, boy. If you lose your cool against t  hese, you're dead. We can't rush into these things." He said, turning  to the twins. He heard the sound of Assless patter past him and the so  und of Ruka getting punted off the side of the cliff. He sighed.  "It doesn't matter which one we're after, but the ones with prominent  stones are the ones I want." Shroud ordered, "I want those stones."
RYAN:  Bra looked out beyond to the expanse before them. "This is it, this is   where we're gonna die. "  Glasses was just as dumbfounded but she nodded slowly in agreement.
DJ:  "YOOOOOOOOOU FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!!" Ruka screamed as he fell dow  n the cliff. He landed hard at the bottom, causing a hole in the groun  d in the shape of his body. After a moment of silence, Ruka slowly cli  mbed out of the hole. "I'm gonna...tear out...his FUCKING GUTS!!!!"
OMEGA:  Dress Shirt and Tank Top laugh at Ruka's fall as it was funny as hell  to them. "HOPE THE FALL WAS NICE!" Tank Top laughed at Ruka as he was  cracking him up.
COFFIN:  "Fuck yourr colonic." He spat and returned to his sister. "That should   buy us a bit of time."  Virgin Killer huffed. "I'm too pregnant for this shit." She pats Diade  m's back. "Honey wake up we gotta go die. C'mon Apple juice Jr."  Sneaker Heels watched the monsters and smiled. "They look so pretty..I   want eight.."
As Ruka fell, the attention of the Nephilim that were focused on the whi te figure turned. Like ravenous beasts, they ran over each other and cli mbed on top of one another to catch him. One Nephilim was successful abo ve the rest, quickly snatching Ruka as he climbed up from his little hol e and swallowed him. As this was happening, a few of the Nephilim decided to not be involved and began shuffling away as if their life depended on it.
OMEGA:  "Holy Shit, he dead..." Dress Shirt said as he watches that happen bef  ore his eyes. "THAT'S EVEN MORE FUNNY!" Tank Top laughed more at Ruka'  s Death now. "You are a child..." Dress Shirt sigh as he looked at his   Brother. Oh Brother.
OWLIE:  "rUKAA! Fucking Shit" Circlet screamed as she saw Ruka get swallowed w  hole by a Nephilim. She turned her head at the sound of laughter and w  hacked the twins on the head, "This is not funny, you little bitches,"
JAY:  Ribbon gave a chuckle after watching Assless dump that lout Ruka off t  he side of the cliff's edge, barely hiding it with her hand while she  responded to Virgin. "To be fair, Ruka's usually kind of asking for it  ."  The sight of the Nephilim starting to horde the spot where Ruka fell w  as enough to encourage Ribbon to summon her own weapon, finally. "Er..  . Okay, maybe that is a bit much. I hope he's not too dead."
EMI:  The white figure snapped it's head up, clearly shivering, but it saw i  t's moment. It bolted with the Nephilim distracted and ran up the clif  f, all 90 degrees of it, and skid to a stop at the wall of demons. It  stood up straight, clearly about the height of an Inquisitor, towering   over all of the demons and humans before him, his shimmering blue hai  r flowing in a non-existent wind.  It spoke words, clearly not English. Sounded more like Russian. It fel  l down to one knee, looking very tired, and naked.
OSCARK9:  "Yeah!" Dress Socks butt in, yelling at the funny one, "How would you  like it if y'all be in his place?"  G-Strings looks a the eaten Ruka swallow whole. Even though it was a f  rightful sight to see, she smirks happily to see him suffer and chuckl  e quietly.
RYAN:  The scene before them was equal parts funny as terrifying and Bra was  looking pale. Well, paler than usual. She's not feeling so good Mr. Sh  roud.  "I want to go back to the world where my biggest problem was my friend  s piss kink and not here with whatever the hell those abominations are  !" She sighed, surprised she said it aloud but at least said friend wi  ll never hear her admit it.  "It might just be the heat of the moment but, honestly same." Glasses  whispered.
SAIYAN:  Bowtie looked on as the mysterious figure approached and then fell to  the ground. She had never seen such a creature before!  "What the fuck is that thing?" She asked before noticing Baul Gag rush   towards the figure.  Baul Gag grabbed one of the figures arms and hold it down.  "HMPH MUPH!" she called for G'oun to help.
COFFIN:  Assless blinked and waved to it.  Virgin Killer nodded, "Oh trust me I know, I'm just sad I didn't punt  Ruka with him. Or record it." She kissed her brother's cheek.  Sneaker Heels watched the glowey thingie. "And I thought Vampire was w  hite."
SOUP-KITTY:  Diadem softly woke up and realized whe he was. It took every fiber in  his being to not scream again. He stood back up and looked in horror a  s Ruka got swallowed buy a nephilim. "Oh my god.." he was shaking in f  ear now.  Underbust was mildly horrified at what was happening and wal  ked closer to the edge. She looked down at the nephilim, and ran back.   She sprinted towards the edge of the cliff, summoned lil' slugger, an  d jumped off. She did a flip in mid air to show off, and bonked the th  ing hard as fuck on the head. What looked like animated stars and glit  ter appeared when she bonked the thing. Yes she did load the mallet wi  th confetti. Bless her.
OMEGA:  "OUCH!" Tank Top cried out as he rubbed his head. "I think it is funny  ..." He said as he rubs his head and looks at the White Figure "What t  he fuck is he saying?" The Twins say as looks at White Figure. Though  Dress Shirt summon his weapon in case the White Figure attacks.
KURP:  Swing Coat hugged Sash before her attention was diverted to Bra for de  claring that her friend did, in fact, have a piss kink for the world t  o know.  "That's too much information, young lady," she said, obviously repulse  d.  G'oun immediately followed Baul Gag's lead, taking the creature's othe  r hand and patting it as if to comfort him. She hadn't seen this form  in such a long time and wondered how long this guy's been in here  "It's okay! Calm down, everything is alright. Think you can speak to u  s? We're not going to hurt you, promise."  She hoped her words were enough to calm the Primal down. It was a mira  cle his hair hadn't greyed out from pure stress and fear.
The Nephilim wasn't expecting anything to come after it and straight up spat Ruka back up the cliff. It sat in place, dazed and bruised. Other Nephilim pointed and laughed.
COFFIN:  Virgin Killer squeaked as the twink stood on her shoulders. "D-Di-Dia!  " She wobbles before catching him bridal style.  Assless Chaps held his hips, ready to summon. Think a cowboy drawing a   gun, but the cowboy is Scar. He laughed when the Nephilim spat him ou  t. "That was..prriceless.."  Sneaker Heels was laughing her evil ass off.
BRIT:  The panic around them caused Amulet to drop his husband and attempt to   assist G'oun with the feathered creature that seemed to be freaking o  ut.  "If you give me a moment, I'll seal him down with a spell." He said, p  ulling a tome out from his coat. "Maybe it will calm him enough to let   him speak."  "Let him go." Shroud ordered.  Amulet's head snapped to look at the Absolute as if he had just insult  ed him.  "I said let him go. This Angel is not what we're here for. We're here  for the Nephilim." Shroud reinforced. "Besides, restraining him will d  o nothing but cause him further panic."
KURP:  Hairpin glared, annoyed with his husband's gesture. Though it subsided   as he took a good look at the bird man.  "Hey," he began, "Doesn't this thing look /familiar/ to anyone? You kn  ow... Like a certain /missing Seraph/?"
SOUP-KITTY:  Underbust offers her hand to Ruka. "You okay?" Meanwhile, Diadem has t  ears in his eyes. He's scared.
COFFIN:  "Ankle dong?" Virgin Blinked. Nani the Fuck.  Virgin smooches at her b  ean boy.  "You mean Amp..?" Assless said as he blinked. These dumb butches right   here.  Sneaker Heels yawned,"Look at all these chickens.."
EMI:  The feathery creature let out a shocked cry when he was restrained, so  unding more like a beast than a human, and it took a little bit of tim  e to calm down. Slowly, the it's voice turned less chittering and a li  ttle more human, but still in Russian.
OMEGA:  "What are you talking about?" Dress Shirt ask Hairpin as he looked at  Chicken Man. "All I see is a Chicken Man!" Tank Top said as he was rea  dy to cut this Chicken Man up along with the Nephilims.
SAIYAN:  Bowtie looked on in shock as she realized that they were in fact right  ! It really did look like Amp! She wasn't sure how he got here, but no  w that they had him, they could capture him and make him their bitch!  The thought of having the angels' leader made her smile from ear to ea  r.  "Ladies and gentlemen, we got him!" Bowtie said out loud happily.
OSCARK9:  Dress Socks looks at the bird man carefully and with a surprise look,  he turn to Hairpin, "Wait...Isn't this the same color one that we have   fought long ago before that girl explode?!" He ask. "Because this fea  ther man's new to me. Including that accent he's doing."  G-Strings doesn't remember that there was another one like him and it  intrigues her to know more.
COFFIN:  "Soyuz nerushimy respublik svobodnykh." Sneaker Heels faintly sung the   anthem. What a dummy.
DJ:  Ruka sat on the ground, wiping the Nephilim spit off his face. He turn  ed to see Assless laughing and slowly got up, walked past Underbust ov  er to Assless, and was about to chuck that son of a bitch off the clif  f before he heard the creature speaking in Russian. He then walked ove  r the birdman. "Hey, fuckhead. If you're gonna speak Russian, speak it   right!"
SOUP-KITTY:  Diadem's head snapped when he heard the Russian. He tumbles over, stil  l frightened to the chicken. He speaks in Russian now. "Hey there, are   you okay?" He spoke in a soft dad tone.
BRIT:  Amulet shoved Hairpin.  "No, no. Of course not." He said, "What's a Seraph doing here? He coul  d have been here for centuries."  "I'm so glad we have so many Demons that speak Russian." Fundoshi mutt  ered to himself.  "If you don't want him to go anywhere, then seal him. I don't care, ju  st get back to the task at hand." Shroud ordered, gesturing to the gro  up of jeering Nephilim, "Prime targets. Right there. Go."
OMEGA:  "Come on, Brother. We need to do our job." Dress Shirt said to his Bro  ther as he starts to walk towards the Nephilims. "Alright Brother!" Ta  nk Top said as he follows him with his weapon in hand. The Two Brother   started to go after the Nephilims like Shroud said.
COFFIN:  Virgin nearly busts her ass trying to hold Dia before she takes out he  r mallet, protecting her brother. "Not today chicken tit." She looped  arms with Assless Chaps and he took out his harlots. "Hmph." He stuck  out his long tongue.  Sneaker Heels reached into her hair and she took out her throwing kniv  es. "Welp.  If I die it'll make a fuck ton of news." She hopped on the   head of the Nephilim that spat out Ruka before giving it a smooch. No   one laughs at this baby. "C'mon, let's fuck up the ones that laughed  at you." She patted it and held on.  Assless blinked. "I..I'm proud..?"  Virgin Killer turned to Ribbon,"C'mon baby!"
EMI:  "God did not send me an Angel, but pleas have somehow reached the ears   of my enemies. I am, however, grateful to see beings who speak." The  bird-man spoke in much clearer Russian. He struggled slightly in Baul'  s grasp.
KURP:  Sash approached the feral Seraph with caution.  "My, if this is the Seraph, he's certainly let himself go,"  Hairpin was about to reply to Dress Socks, then promptly being shoved  to the side by his husband.  "Could you stop that?" He yelled, getting close to Amulet, grabbing hi  s husband by the collar.  "Keep that up, and you and your pals are gonna have a bad time. Unders  tood, dear?" He said, his voice low.
OWLIE:  "Roger That!" Circlet said, readying her weapon, "C'mon, Pocket Watch,   we gotta kill"  "Huh?" Pocket Watch blinked and stared at bird man for a few moments,  then he looked at her "Oh! Er... Right, after you, then.."
OSCARK9:  Hearing orders from Shroud, Dress Socks summon his demonic Sabers and  with no choice of getting out of this hazardous mess, he summon his de  vilish wings, went on in, and put up his mean expression and get the P  rim Target. "PREPER YOURSELF, YOU NEPHILIME!" He yelled.  G-Strings thinks this is crazy, but with a huff, she summons her demon  ic Wind Shuriken, her devilish wings, and went on in with a yell. "AAA  AHHHH!!!"
RYAN:  "I should have just stayed in bed today." Bra paused her short rant to   glare at Glasses "But, no! You wanted to show up to work today and no  w we're gonna die because of it!"  "You are correct to be upset but may I suggest pointing your weapon at   those creatures and not your caretaker?" Glasses put up her hands def  ensively and slowly pushed the tip of Bra's sword away from herself an  d towards the Nephilim.
DJ:  "Don't be grateful for us yet, fuck face." Ruka began in Russian, "We  can easily toss your ass back in and i'm tempted to do so just for the   kicks. Now who the fuck are you?"
SOUP-KITTY:  Underbust took her mallet and wacked Ruka over the head. "Calm ye self   lad. We don't wanna frighten the poor thing anymore." Diadem got clos  er to the chicken friend still being as soothing as possible.
EMI:  The avian man squawked at Ruka, more because of the grip the tightened   on it. "I do not threaten you, Child, so do not threaten me!" He hiss  ed. "Release me! I want to be out of this wretched place!" He continue  d in Russian.
SAIYAN:  Bowtie just stood there in shock as Ruka and the bird continued to see  m like they were having a conversation.  "Hey I didn't know you could speak bird. Where'd you pick that trick u  p?" She asked Ruka.
BRIT:  Amulet pulled a rope that had seemingly just appeared and a cage fell  over the feral avian man.  "There, that settles in." He said, "He's /bound./ Now can we please ch  ase these damn creatures?"  Shroud turned back to the group of Nephilim that had been alerted to t  heir presence and obvious hosility.  A few of them seemed to back away, the one on the ground getting up an  d scrambling away past the others. The remaining few stood up, ready t  o stand their ground.  Shroud pointed to the ones that ran away.  "Them, the ones who fled. Those are the ones with the stones."
OMEGA:  "ON IT BOSS!" The Twins say as they chase the ones that fled with grin   on their face. It was hunting time, boys!
DJ:  Ruka rubbed his head from Underbust whacking him in the head then turn  ed to Bowtie and gave her a look. "It's not bird, you fucking idiot. I  t's Russian." He said in English then heard overheard Shroud and saw t  he nephilim with stones running away. "We'll finish this discussion la  ter." Ruka said to the bird man in Russian then summoned his weapons a  nd went after the grotesque creatures.
COFFIN:  Virgin Killer headed down the cliff with her brother.  They used their   weapons to slide down safely. Assless and Virgin Both headed towards  the runners.  Sneaker Heels was having the time of her life on one of their heads.
The bunch of Nephilims had split off in an attempt to get away from the Demons. One of the Nephilim tripped when it turned to see if their pursu ers were after them and it made a screeching noise that shook the ground beneath them, hitting the ground with a long and hard rumble. Shroud took no time to take off past his inferiors and grab hold of its leg before it could get up, dragging it immediately backward toward the pursuing demons. It pulled against the tendrils of his cape that almost seemed to suck it in, threads wrapping around its legs. It turned to Shroud with an angry scream and grabbed the Absolute, yanki ng him off his ankle and standing to face the rest of the demons. Shroud was clearly struggling under the crushing grip of the monster that held him. The Nephilim gave a mighty screech as its eyes illuminated the area. It was ready to fight for its life.
KURP:  Hairpin huffed as he sat down next to the cage. May as well keep the b  ird man company.  "I'll stay here," he began, "Keep an eye on our new...friend," he said  , taking out his phone. Amazingly, there's reception.  "I'll also remain," Swing Coat added, "I'm merely human and have too m  uch to risk to go after such things."  Sash nodded at her, giving her forehead a small kiss before he went an  d grabbed both Amulet and Bowtie.  "How about we give the Absolute a hand. We aren't being paid to look p  retty. Not like either of you are."  G'oun turned to Baul Gag, gesturing to start giving chase.  "Just like old times, huh? Just not...as dire as back then."
JAY:  Ribbon sighed. She really didn't like the idea of leading a charge, es  pecially against a threat so big, but the chance to look good in front   of the big boss was quickly becoming too tempting. She shrugged, taki  ng a few sharp breaths before jumping down, trying her best to look gr  aceful in a descent that was a bit faster than she might have expected  , since the cliff was rather... steep. But she managed to land without   breaking her legs, with a less-than-graceful roll at the end.  Nonetheless, she looked up at the Nephilim that Shroud practically del  ivered to them, and immediately struggled to her feet. Once standing,  her stance widened and she began to swing her whip in small circles as   she got ready for a fight.
OSCARK9:  As Dress Socks flew in with his Sabers at the Nephilium's left side, h  e swirls his body in a counter clockwise and use both of his Sabers to   slash it's left side hard.  G-Strings aims at the Nephiliums face with her Wind Shuriken and throw  s it hard at it, but she miss it. "Shit!" She curse.
OMEGA:  Tank Top goes goes in swing his beam katana but sadly missed the Nephi  lim. "DAMN IT!" Tank Top said as he gets back into his stance to try a  nd attack next time.  Dress Shirt fires bullets at the Nephilim but sadly miss like his Brot  her. He looks angry then gets calm and reloads his two giant revolvers  .
SAIYAN:  Baul Gag gave a muffled agreement noise before dashing off with G'oun.   She quickly transformed her namesake into her hunting knife and jumpe  d towards the beast.  "Yep! Just like old times! TAKE THIS YA BITCH!" Baul Gag yelled as she   stabbed it.  Meanwhile Bowtie nodded her head to Sash before she jumped up in the a  ir and threw her ninja star at the Nephilim and hit.
DJ:  Ruka flew in fast at the Nephilim's face. A bit too fast because when  the Nephlilim turned it's head, he flew straight past it and crashed i  nto a large rock.
KURP:  Sash let himself down from the cliff, plunging his blade into the crea  ture.  G'oun went in to slash the Nephilim with her bare hands. If one could  call them that. They were basically talons.
OWLIE:  "Fuck yeah, now this is what I call fun!" Circlet grinned as she leapt   in the air and struck the Nephilim's side with her bident. Meanwhile  PW attempted to hit the Nephilim but failed miserably,
BRIT:  Amulet summoned his weapon and immediately cast Shadow Step on himself  . He moved through the shadows and summoned ice shards, pelting the Ne  philim with them.  "We need to free the Absolute before he gets devoured!" He yelled to t  he other demons, "If he gets killed, we're lunch to these freaks!"  Fundoshi blocked off one or two of the Nephilim's hits and attempted t  o pound his weapon into its kneed, but the Nephilim jerked away.
NEPHILIM:  The Nephilim swooped one of its limbs at the party of demons in an att  empt to hit any of them, batting at them like flies with varying succe  ss.
EMI:  It had been a long time since Mong had tussled and he was pretty damn  excited about it. He picked his weapon off the ground and ran after Fu  ndoshi.  "Hey, bud, lemme show you how it's done!!" He shouted as he totally fu  cking missed and almost hit him.  "Uh... Oops."
COFFIN:  Assless Chaps runs over and proceeds to slash at the Nephilim's legs.  Sneaker Heels throws two of her knives and one comes back around to cu  t her cheek. "Fuck!"  Virgin Killer held her mallet tight. "Oh man.."
RYAN:  Following the others' lead, Bra and Glasses made their way down the cl  iff towards the creature with their weapons raised.  Bra swung her sword a bit too hard and knocked herself off balance, th  at combined with the wind from the Nephilim's attack had her falling u  ngracefully to the ground. "Shit!"  Glasses ran past her, charging her glove as she aimed her fist for the   creature's limb that held the Absolute.
OSCARK9:  Dress Socks saw the incoming attack and flew back from it. "Not today!  " He yells.  G-Strings saw the incoming attack also and flew back quickly. "That wa  s too close!" She said to herself.
JAY:  Ribbon finally got herself into the fight, shaking off the rather roug  h fall she took to get down here in the first place, and easily ignori  ng the light scratching of her foe's attempt at a first strike.  "Ngh! Die!" With all of her might, she leapt forward and swung her whi  p right into the Nephilim, landing a really nice hit and lashing it ac  ross the surface of its body.
SAIYAN:  Bowtie and Baul Gag both attacked the Nephilim again, slashing and cut  ting it.
OMEGA:  Tank Top runs in once more at the Nephilim and aimed for the Nephilim'  s Arms. "Don't worry, Boss! I got you!" Tank Top shouted as he jumps u  p and slashes one of the arms of the Nephilim.  Dress Shirt fires at the eyes of the Nephilim to blind it. "Enjoy bein  g blind for a while." Dress Shirt said with a smirk on his face as he  looks at the Nephilim.
KURP:  G'oun attempted to go strike the Nephilim once more, but she struck an   area that was rather solid, causing her talons to feel all sorts of f  unny. It was such an unpleasant feeling.  Sash scoffed at the Inquisitor's futile attempt and went for the hand,   striking at it but it wasn't enough to free the Absolute.
OSCARK9:  Going in again with Sabers in hands,  Dress Socks flew in a little fas  ter from behind Nephilim's back and Slash the two Sabers simultaneousl  y. "AAAAAHHHHH!!!!!" He roars like a beast. Leaving a big Scar on it.  G-Strings flew down to retrieve her Wind Shuriken, fly up close to the   Nephilim's face, and throws it hard. Making a direct contact in the f  orehead. "Bulls eye!" She said.
COFFIN:  Yellow Heather decides to run over. She jumps up and she slams the Nep  hilim's wrist with her mallet. Virgin isn't Becky, she can smash. "PRE  GNANCY POWER."  Assless ran up it's leg before using his blades to slide down them.  Sneaker Heels threw a knife into it's eye.
DJ:  Ruka emerges from the rubble, clearly pissed and zooms at the Nephilim  's head again, next time landing on the back of it's head and begins h  acking away.
JAY:  Ribbon, emboldened from her previously successful attack, tugs her whi  p back after clearing the Nephilim's body from her first swing. Her ne  xt swing, her whip lands with much less force, and closer down by its  legs, rendering the attack fairly weak in comparison to her first blow  .  Still, Ribbon landed on her feet and hopped back, ready for the Nephil  im's next move.
BRIT:  Fundoshi barely dodged the attack by the Nephilim and turned to Mong w  ith an annoyed expression.  He turned to the beast with his eyes narrowed, prepared his weapon, an  d changed at it full-force, slashing its leg and causing it to flinch.   He turned back to Mong and flipped his hair.  "No, I'll show /you/ how it's done."  Amulet rolled his eyes at the two and began to cast again, but the swi  ng of the Nephilim's blinded fury knocked him backward and sent him tu  mbling.  Shroud struggled under the crushing grip and began to pull himself fre  e from the Nephilim's grip. It finally leg go as Assless cut into it,  dropping the Absolute.
EMI:  Mong's jaw dropped and then he grinned. He reached down and yanked the   scarf off his boot and turned it into another Yo-Yo. He ran at the Ne  philim and swung them around like poys, slashing at the Nephilim's lim  bs. He ran up next to Fundoshi, giving him a look.  "I think I'm done playing around, anyway."
NEPHILIM:  Blinded and furious, the Nephilim hissed at its assailants and summone  d thunder to strike the ground around them. Its eyes glowed furiously.  It began to swing itself around to get any of the demons that had clim  bed onto it off.
RYAN:  Bra picked herself up as Glasses went right back into launching anothe  r attack. Both girls end up missing their target as it had begun thras  hing about and were unfortunately caught in its attack.
OSCARK9:  Reacting quickly, they flew back to dodge the thunder that struck from   the sky. "THIS BEAST CAN USE MAGIC?!" Dress Socks question to himself  , surprisingly.  G-Strings was surprise as well from seeing it's magic. Turning her hea  d at his partner "DRESS SOCKS, STAY FOCUS!" She shouted.
NEPHILIM:  In an attempt to really give it to 'em, the Nephilim began to cast a v  ery powerful thunder spell. However, it misspoke and caused damage to  itself because it bit its own tongue.
KURP:  While demons were fighting something thousands of times bigger than an  ything alive today, Hairpin kept his eyes on the feral avian man. He t  hought of communicating with them, but the Ophir was looming close. En  glish seemed like a bad idea to try and communicate with, so he broke  out his rusty Russian.  "Bird man," he began, "Answer this. You the Seraph? You seem familiar.  "
SAIYAN:  Bowtie and Baul Gag attempted to attack, but it failed.
KURP:  How the turn tables for G'oun and Sash. Sash's sword was now bouncing  off the Nephilim while G'oun tore through an area.
BRIT:  Fundoshi took Mong's eye contact as a signal and nodded, immediately t  aking his vest off and taking a deep breath in. He began to snarl, his   eyes glowing pale gold as he entered his Berzerked state.  Picking up his weapon, he barrelled past Amulet and knocked the caster   over as he continued to try and cast his magic. He swung his blade an  d spun, hacking the Nephilim's leg and causing it to take a knee.  Shroud merely dodged and dusted himself off, officially done playing g  ames.
OSCARK9:  "RIGHT!" Dress Socks said to his partner. "FOLLOW MY LEAD!" He yelled  back.  G-Strings follow Dress Socks as she retrieved her weapon from the grou  nd and as both of them went in like jet airplanes, they use their demo  nic weapons to slash the beast guts.  "AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!" They roared, symutaniously.
EMI:  The bird man chittered at first.  "Your tongue is piss-poor but I appreciate your attempts to communicat  e, Demon. I am wary of revealing my identity to you. The last time I w  as captured by your kind, my colleague and I were pit against your sol  diers." It replied.
DJ:  Ruka managed to hang on to the Nephilim and was about how to pull off  a killer finishing move but got in the face with a stray pebble. Fucki  ng pebbles man.
EMI:  Mong followed Fundoshi in suit and his spiky mane grew more unruly as  his eyes blanked and his began to growl. He ran at the Enemy, swinging   both his weapons with a greater force, like a bladed hurricane, cutti  ng at it's limbs.
OMEGA:  Tank Top rushes at the Nephilim and slashes the knee of the Nephilim t  o make it fall to it's knees. "JUST FALL!" Tank Top shouted as he keep   slashing at the knee of the Nephilim.  Dress Shirt was aiming for the head of the Nephilim. "One, Two, THREE!  " Dress Shirt said as he was filling lead in the Nephilim's Head with  smile on his face.
COFFIN:  Virgin Killer smirked and slammed her mallet onto the creatures foot.  She ran away to a safe distance and caught herself.  Assless Chaps joined in with her and stabbed at its feet. He followed  his sister.  Sneaker Heels aimed for eyes nd certainly got them.
KURP:  Hairpin huffed but he couldn't blame the avian for being difficult.  "It's either this, or the ugly babushka hears us."  "What are you blabbering about?" Swing Coat asked, approaching the two  .  Hairpin sneered as he turned to her, not wanting her to butt in.  "I'm requesting if I can give oral services to make you mind your busi  ness..."  "Ugh, heretics," she said, putting distance between them.  Hairpin turned around, "Did not mean that, of course...if you understa  nd English?"  He groaned, taking out his phone. Everybody has good phone reception i  n this hell hole, so may as well take out a translator. He typed his r  esponse and showed it to the bird man.  "I understand you do not trust us and cannot hold it against you, but  please know our interests are the same. I can help you get back home.  I just need your cooperation to uncover a conspiracy."
JAY:  Ribbon jumped away from the spots on the ground that were pelted with  violent bursts of lightning, managing to just barely avoid them. Her n  ext attack on the monstrous thing would be a lot less ballsy than her  last, too, Ribbon this time opting to whip at it from a distance to de  al a bit of damage, rather than risk getting hit by lightning or throw  n off of the thing.
OMEGA:  Tank Top with all his slashes at the leg of the Nephilim, he manages t  o cut it off. "NEED A LEG!" Tank Top shouted as he kicks the Nephilim  to the ground with a smile.  Dress Shirt keeps on shooting with his guns in hand.
NEPHILIM:  The Nephilim had finally had it. Screeching, it ripped Ruka off of his   back and tossed him off onto the ground. It hissed as Ribbon went tow  ard it, or at anyone.  The ground began to rumble and thunder started to hit the area with mo  re fervor than before, now that it was no longer blinded.
SAIYAN:  Bowtie recovered from being hit and jumped up ready to strike again bu  t missed her Ninja star throw.  Meanwhile Baul Gag twirled the knife in her fingers before stabbing th  e Nephilim in the head.
RYAN:  Glasses and Bra #yeeted the Nephilim's legs.
KURP:  Both G'oun and Sash fell short of their attacks, despite their best ef  forts.
COFFIN:  Virgin Killer shrieked as she was struck. She fell to her knees, panti  ng.  Assless Chaps ran over to her and helped her up. "Fuck arre you okay?"  "Not exactly???"  Sneaker Heels gets rekt by lightning passes out.
EMI:  The bird creature chittered in contemplation before tilting his head t  owards Hairpin.  "If my memory serves me correctly, it was a demon who praises Leviatha  n and his acquaintances who trapped me in this damned hole. I am uncer  tain how much help I can be to you."  He looked around at Swing Coat and then looked to Hairpin again.  "And yes, I do still understand English, I just have trouble rememberi  ng how to speak it..."
OSCARK9:  Dress Socks and G-Strings saw another thunder coming down and tries th  eir to dodge the Nephilim's Thunder. Dress Socks use 'SlipStream' Wind   Magic to fly away fast while G-Strings follows him. But the thunder s  truck them down from the sky, making a electric jolt through out their   bodies.  "AAAAAAHHHHH" They said, painfully.
BRIT:  The area around the demons began to fill with a black mist, the oppres  sive energy filing the area. It caused a few of the onlooking Nephilim   to flee. Shroud stood in the middle of the mist.  Turning his arm into a blade, Shroud started to hack at the Nephilim a  s it attempted to attack him.  Fundoshi snarled as the Nephilim clawed at him and immediately hit bac  k with his blade, giving enough of a strike to cause a recoil.  Amulet growled and blocked a few of the strikes around him.  "I've had it!" He shouted, casting a much stronger Diamond Dust on the   Nephilim, finally successful.
EMI:  Mong, still attempting to show off, managed to miss the bastard Nephil  im and wrapped  one of his Yo-Yos around his legs, tripping him aggres  sively into the Nephilim's swing, which sent him reeling backwards.
JAY:  Ribbon turned away from the fight when she heard Virgin Killer shrieki  ng. Turning back to the Nephilim, she grit her teeth, growling at it m  omentarily. For a moment, she could feel herself starting to allow her   nature as a Berserker rear to the surface, but she stopped herself, i  nstead turning away from the fight to retreat back to Virgin's side.  Still, she kept herself faced to the Nephilim, weapon ready, standing  right in front of Virgin. "You okay? ... I won't let this thing hurt y  ou like that again."
KURP:  Hairpin went back to furiously typing on his phone, showing it to the  bird man once he was finished. He was clearly peeved about something.  "You telling me this was the most helpful. Someone's gonna end up slee  ping on the couch for a week, that's for sure. Regardless, I will try  and help you get back to the Heavenbents. Just know that we are...coll  aborating on something to help you guys out."  He cleared out his previous translation, replying in regards to the in  teraction between him and Swing Coat.  "I mostly said it so you didn't think I was being serious. That woman,   rather thing, is not to be trusted.  English is hard, anyways."
DJ:  Ruka landed on the ground a loud thud and rubbed his head. "Motherfuck  er." He groaned then noticed Fud and Mong have gone berzerk. A wide gr  in appeared on his face. "Oh fuck yea! Imma get in on this shit!" He e  xclaimed before his eyes went blank and his teeth grew sharper than no  rmal. Grabbing his axes, he leaped at the Nephilim and slashing feveri  shly at its chest.
SAIYAN:  Bowtie and Baul Gag both failed. Feelsbadman
OMEGA:  Tank Top jumps up in the air to stab the Nephilim but gets hit by it.  Dress Shirt keep shooting like a cool cowboy.
The battle with the Nephilim raged on for what seemed like forever (thou gh actually being about half an hour or so). Many demons hacked its legs and limbs until it seemed to weaken. Picking itself back up, the Nephilim made a terrible screeching noise an d began to strike the ground with roaring thunder. Demons nearly lost their footing from the rumbling ground, and the beast seemed to have seemingly unlimited power. As the thunder and force was pushing the demons down, the Absolute rushed past them at breakneck spee d.
[[Continued on Forums]]
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dcmissionaries · 6 years
Little Onsen of Horrors
After their eventful evening at Shelles harbor, the Angels had gone back to their usual business of trying to defeat ghosts, thwart Shrouds plans, and take the blame for most of the city's problems. The morale had still been rather on the low side throughout the Abbey and, though many of the Angels were trying to find some way to decently keep themselves busy, it was beginning to show. A few of our heroes had convened in the Rec Room to pass the time while waiting for an ethereal warning from the sky. Jacket and Scrunchy shoved each other as they raced on a Rainbow Racetrack of Pain and Agony. Other Angels looked on with sadistic interest at best, taking sides as the two ruined their friendship slowly on Rainbow Road. The large oak doors at the front of the room bust open as the Templar made his way in, stopping to watch in horror as neither Jacket nor Scrunchy got first place- they were far too busy shaking each other and Shades and Blazer frantically tried to recover their losses and finish the game for them. No dice there. Strappon cleared his throat and got most of their attention. "I'm sure you lot are very tired, and as summer is ending I figured we should take a... Small vacation." He began, "Miss Pleats was very generous and gifted us with some gift certificates to a Japanese bath house here in Daten. It's quite popular." "That's pretty sweet of her!" Jacket chirped, "Never been to one of those before!" "Glad we can afford a fuckin vacation." Blazer said, dropping the controller with more interest on the conversation. "Finally."
Strappon and the Angels arrived at the Bathhouse some time later that week with some renewed vigor. As the party approached the building, they were greeted by a pair of little old ladies.
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"Welcome to our hot spring house, Angels! Please, make yourselves at home!" One of the ladies chirped, far more enthusiastic than her twin sister, "My name is Obi, and my sister here Medallion. We're glad to serve such a wonderful group of people." "Absolutely." Medallion said, though with significantly less enthusiasm. Still, she seemed welcoming. Strappon looked at the Angels with a rare smile. "Let's head on in, chaps." He said. With a vacation ahead of them, nothing should go wrong. ...Right?
As the Angels filed inside the inn's lobby, the twins were working dilig ently to register them to their rooms and handing out keys. Medallion co vered the basic floor plan while Obi described what other amenities the inn had to offer outside of its hot springs. There was a nice little rec room and private springs for fewer people if they so desired to use the m. The day was still young and while the twins were elderly, they certainly did tire out the Angels with activities. After a quick dinner break, An gels split up to either settle into their rooms or take advantage of all the hot springs had to offer.
SOPHIE:  Scrunchy was ready to relax, the week prior had been spent between hel  ping people move personal items and playing Mario Kart with Jacket. De  spite "technically" being able to drive with a permit now, there was n  o way she should be trusted on the road at this point, odds are she wo  uld have thrown a blue shell or two. So this day at the 'spa' was more   than welcome.
OMEGA:  Father Crucifix and Raincoat were in the lobby room talking to each ot  her. "And there is nothing you can do about!" Raincoat said as she loo  ked at Father Crucifix. "I tried everything in my power but what is do  ne is done..." Father Crucifix said as he looked down feeling sad. "Bu  llshit! All of it is Bullshit!" Raincoat said as she got angry at Fath  er Crucifix. "Please calm down, I'm angry to but like i said there is  nothing we can do." He said as he tries put his hand on her shoulder b  ut she started to walk away. "I'm going to take hot bath." She said as   he grabs a towel and walks into the hot springs. Father Crucifix sat  there thinking to himself for now.
RYAN:  "This is the life!" Thigh High dreamily sighed as she stretched her ar  ms above her head. Home life has been hectic lately, what with her aun  t moving in and her girlfriend moving out. Suffice to say, this downti  me is exactly what the angel needed.
BRIT:  Strappon settled into the male side of the hot springs, sliding into t  he water up past his shoulders. There was no one else there when he ha  d entered, so he chose this time to be some alone time to sit in the w  arm water and think about absolutely nothing.  Of course, as wonderful as being alone was, Jacket came barrelling in  past Scrunchie, wearing only a towel, and canonballed into the hot spr  ing. This sprayed _hot steamy water_ all over Strappon and whoever was   on the side.  Jacket popped his head up and gave a sheepish smile to Strappon.
SOPHIE:  Witch hat was still trying to find her footing among the angels of Dat  en, truth be told, less than a week ago she was still in the body of a   demon, so honestly? She didn't truly feel like.. well, whatever this  was, that she 'earned' it. However, she wanted to try and get to know  everyone a bit more at the very least. Without her girlfriend present  she kinda.. tried her best not to break anything. She was ready to hea  d over to the hot springs and take it easy.  Exiting her room with a towel draped around her, she e v e r s o c a r   e f u l l y shut the door behind her. She's not paying for damages. N  ot today. Not after 'Nam. Donny just liked bowling.  She carefully watched her footing and started out towards the 'Woman's  " side of the hot springs. Poor lesbian looked like a chicken in headl  ights.  Scrunchy blinked
SOPHIE:  After collecting herself from what just happened, Scrunchy took a runn  ing stance, akin to something you'd see right out of an action anime.  One leg forward, the other back, fists on the ground, until she flung  herself into a full forced sprint after Jacket, tripping on a rock aro  und the spring and cartwheeling through the air before plunking into t  he water. The splash created was at least worthy of a solid 8.
COFFIN:  Vampire Collar yawned softly, removing the hood of his cloak. He'd be  safe so there was no need to have it on. He made his way to the water  before being splashed with water. The boy now looked a lot like the ri  ng. He exhaled and folded his cloak. He held his towel before sinking  into the water. He was up to his nose. He blinked.              Mary J  anes ran past his grandmother and entered the water. He moved over to  Vamp and patted his pasty pal. Dzilla made her way to the women's sect  ion and the giant woman sunk into the steamy water. She let out a sigh  .          Foxstole entered and huffed. "There goes the privacy. Whaaa  tever."
OMEGA:  Raincoat took off her clothes and got into the Hot Springs with the ot  her girls. "Aaaaah nothing like a nice relaxing hot-springs to make yo  u feel better." Raincoat said with a calm relax smile on her face as s  he enjoys the spring.  Meanwhile, Boxer was in a private hot-springs alone and by himself wit  h no one. After everything that happen he just wanted to be alone. "St  upid Luna...Stupid Strappon...Stupid God!" Boxer said as angrily as he   punches this reflection. "Everything Stupid..." He said as he looked  down as everything was quiet.
KURP:  Shades and Sukajan had retreated into their own room for now, seeming  to have a discussion about something. What it was? Probably nothing se  rious and more pertaining to their hobbies.  Luna had sunk herself in the living area near the dining hall. There,  she let her mind melt away as the tv went on with whatever that channe  l was showing.  Archer was not far from her, making sure his feathers were up to snuff  .  Hot Pants slowly came out of his room. The man was holding a change of   clothes and a towel. There was something off about him, though. He ha  d a limp and he was hella limping towards one of the private springs a  nd quick before someone questioned his funny little walk.  Meanwhile Gogo was still in the lobby, busy with phone calls from what   anyone could assume to be with their manager.
OWLIE:  "Okay kids," Cardigan said as she ushered Henley Shirt, Sneakers and S  uspenders and gave them a cheeky smirk "Since Monocle and Polo's out o  f town, I'm in charge, Mono said something about 'make sure Suspenders   is at least 15 feet away from Sneakers', eh, don't care, just have fu  n" She winked at the blushing Sneakers and went to the female's area.  "C'mon, Sneaks!" Suspenders said as he grabbed the other boy's arm and   led him to the hot springs. Sneakers tried to protest but he was help  lessly dragged along.  "G-good day, sir strappon" Sneakers said as he went into the warm wate  r, an audible sigh escaped his lips. Suspenders came in as well and sa  t next to him.
SAIYAN:  Mesh Top, Wristband, Undershirt and Tuxedo Jacket arrived at the hot s  prings and stepped into their respective hot spring areas. Mesh Top an  d Wristband went in the girls area and Undershirt and Tuxedo Jacket we  nt to the males area. Mesh Top and Wristband went into the changing ro  om and began to take her clothes off.  "This is the life! We get to take our clothes off and relax" Wristband   said as she looked over and already saw that Mesh Top and completely  stripped before Wristband had even finished.  "Damn right!" She said as she grabbed a towel and waited for Wristband   to finish.  Wristband finished taking her clothes off and grabbed her towel. The t  wo of them both didn't bother covering themselves up as they the hoped   into the water and sighed.  Meanwhile, Undershirt and Tuxedo Jacket both were a bit more careful a  nd wrapped a towel around their waists before the slipped into the wat  er and sitting five feet apart because they're not gay.
KURP:  There was a child hiding in the plants. Obi is unable to remove him fr  om there and even Medallion is having trouble. Someone call the author  ities, he seems rabid.
OMEGA:  "I need to get my mind off this." Father Crucifix said to himself as h  e gets up and walks into the hot-springs with everyone. He takes off h  is clothes and puts them away then calmly goes into the hot-springs. "  This is nice." He said as he started to relaxing and letting go of all   the sad thoughts.  Raincoat and Boxer were doing their thing in the hot-spring.
SOPHIE:  Pumps had arrived pretty darn late to this event. She had gotten in a  bit of a mix up earlier concerning who had her laptop after last night  s 'movie night'. However, with her dumbass being the one looking for i  t, checking behind the desk at the family-owned-shop was the last thin  g she'd think of doing. After calming herself down from that fiasco, s  he recalled the angels and some humans were invited to go to this Bath   House. Checking the Address in her phone, she drove over to the place   and locked up her car. After stepping in she gave a small wave to the   twins and looked around the place until her eyes found a familiar fri  end.  The purple haired hooker walked up behind Luna and gently tapped the w  oman's shoulder, leaning her head over to whisper to the friend. _"Hey  , got room for one more?"_ She smiled, eliciting a soft chuckle.
RYAN:  "Hmm.... to get naked or watch to TV? Decisions, decisions..." Thigh H  igh rubbed her chin deep in thought before she was interrupted by a ph  one call. Fib'yuh'luh, being the doll that they are, was supervising t  he bakery so the angel could relax. However nice the gesture, Fib did  have a tendency to call to update Thigh High on every little thing tha  t happened.  "I guess I'll hang out in the lobby for a bit. I wouldn't want to Fib  to worry about me." She said as she plopped down on the couch in the l  iving area. Best to keep her pants on in the likely case her phone rin  gs again.
ROMAN:  With the news of the Abbey-wide vacation to an inn, Jersey had been qu  ick to sign themselves up. Even in all of their Really, the only activ  ity they were truly interested in at this point was the hot springs. T  hey'd always wanted to try one themselves after hearing about it, but  they couldn't go in with their sweater still on, could they? This serv  ed as a source of slight dismay, but also left them pondering. What co  uld they do? They really didn't want to appear shirtless, but dammit t  hey /really/ wanted to go into the hot springs!  Peeking around the corner towards the entrance of the hot springs, one   of their flat sleeves came up to rest in front of their mouth as Jers  ey squinted. Maybe they'd figure something out later, yeah! For now th  ey could just... do something like ping pong, right? Maybe, or who kno  ws? One of the other many inn activities seemed to be a good idea, and   with that they turned away and began their slow shuffle away from the   hot springs.
COFFIN:  Vampire Collar currently had a child mushing his face. The blanched ch  icken nugget of a boy was enjoying himself though. "Mary I know my ski  n is soft but why?"  Mary puffed his cheeks, "They're just so stretchyable uncle bat!" Stre  tchyable.  Was there a giant naked woman exploring? Yes. God help her.
OSCARK9:  Gloves was so happy to be here that he can't wait to relax his tired m  uscles in "The Bath House". Fighting ghosts and demons all day to prot  ecting Daten City can leave a stress to your entire body, but thank th  e lord that all the angels and heavenbents can have a relaxing day. As   he grab a towel, he went to the male side of the hot springs and get  his relaxation on. When he got their, he dip his right toes first in t  he hot spring. "Oh! Hot, hot hot!" He said to himself, pulling his toe  s out of the water quickly. Slowly and slowly putting it back in. Then   his left foot, and slowly putting his whole body, except his head, in   a warm hot water. "Ahhh!~" He said as be begins to relax.  Sapphire was also happy to be here and was amaze to see "The Bath Hous  e" for the first time. It was a sight to see and can't wait to relax i  n the spa. She grab herself a towel and went to the female side of the   hot springs. As she look at the hot springs water's reflection, she s  lowly gets in the hot spring with her left toes, then the right, then  her whole body, beside her head, into the water. "Now this is the life  .~" She said and begins her relaxation in a warm hot bath.
KURP:  Luna didn't even more her body, her eyes shifting in the direction Pum  ps was in. Of course, without moving her head, she was unable to see t  he girl and didn't bother anymore. She was mentally gone after an exha  usting and frustrating week.  Archer stretched before gesturing to Pumps, "She's fine, this is her v  ersion of letting loose."  The boy in the plants suddenly saw a bright...something walk past him.   He noticed it was a kid with features very close to his and wondered  something. With little notice, Haber reached out to Jersey, clawing in  to the kid's namesake. In his attempt to get Jersey to stop moving, he   fell flat on his face on the ground.  Obi sighed as she went in to clean whatever pots fell over.
OMEGA:  Father Crucifix and Raincoat were relaxing in their hot-springs while  Boxer was in a private hot-springs feeling sad and angry at the same t  ime.
BRIT:  Jacket made a strangled noise in response right as Scrunchy's whole bo  dy impacted into his face. The two sunk under the water and Strappon p  ulled himself as far into the side of the spring as he could.  "Jacket! THIS IS THE MALE SIDE!" He stuttered out, trying to keep his  privates under wraps, if you know what I mean. He has a towel, let him   live. He looked beside him at Sneakers and cleared his throat. "Ahem,   hello Sneakers. And... Suspenders was it?"  Jacket finally emerged from the water, holding Scrunchy up in the fash  ion of the "SANCTUARY" scene from Hunchback of Notre Dame. The towel w  rapped around her was pretty stuck there. Huh.  "You okay, Scrunch?" He asked, looking up at her.  Duster followed after Hot Pants. He held his stomach with a sigh.  "I hope settling into a hot bath will get rid of this ill feeling." He   said, "I wonder if I ate too much..."  Cowlneck shoved the door to the male side of the hot spring open. Full  -frontal nudity, he clearly had made his way there shamelessly without   anything to cover himself. A brave man. He then plopped himself into  the water by most of the other men that were trying to keep themselves   at a respectable distance. He sat right beside Father Crucifix, close   enough that their thighs were touching.  "Hey there, mind if I sit here?" He asked, flipping his hair and flash  ing a smile at the other man.
COFFIN:  Mary Janes was chilling and playing Pokemon Go. He was moving through  the water. He looked up from his phone and saw Cowlneck. "DIGLET."
OWLIE:  "Yep, That's me~" Suspenders said, smiling at Strappon before turning  his attention back to Sneakers.  Henley Shirt scowled at the sight of Tuxedo Jacket and decided to sit  as far away from him as possible. Sneakers caught sight of Mary Janes  and he beamed, he waddled through the water to meet his friend. Suspen  ders trailed behind him and seemed to be interested with something in  the water in front of him.  "Mary!" Sneakers said with a grin.  Meanwhile Cardigan was having the time of her life relaxing.
OMEGA:  "I don't mind at all, feel free to set anywhere you like." Father Curc  ifix said as he was in the calm zone. He was enjoying the warm water o  f the hot-springs as he didn't care.  Raincoat was still with the girls enjoying her hot-spring time. She lo  ved the water and this was where she became one with water as she beca  me so relax she started float around the hot-springs. "Paradise~" Rain  coat said with a smile as she floats.  Boxer was being sad and angry in the hot-springs. Someone help this bo  i.
KURP:  In the lobby area, Gogo, having a flip phone for the sake of being dra  matic, closed their phone in frustration. Whatever happened in that co  nversation, it definitely didn't go well. Scoffing, they looked around   and their eyes fell on Dermal who seemed to be minding his own busine  ss since they got here.    "You, get nude. You owe me a little 'service' after losing that bet fr  om a while ago."
SOPHIE:  Witch hat paused at the sight of a familiar face and gently tapped Thi  gh High's arm as she passed by, giving the girl a tiny wave. "Hey--aga  in-how's it going?" Witch hat sputtered out. God she felt out of place  . Plus the only thing keeping her decent was a towel. She was outa her   comfort zone to say the least. "--I uh. Would you mind joining me in  the hot springs?"  Pumps blinked and let out a tiny sigh. She leaned down and gently kiss  ed the top of Luna's head before backing off. Man, she was worried abo  ut this woman, but she figured she'd be best if her friend was left al  one for now.  Stepping back, she fixed the strap of her backpack over  her shoulder and looked around once more. After speaking with a lady b  ehind the desk she was given a key to a room and threw her stuff in th  ere.  For being the resident closet hooker the girl seemed hard pressed on s  taying dressed today. She ended up wandering out by the women's spring  s, but just sitting out by them, instead of in them. She seemed a touc  h lost in thought.  Scrunchy coughed up some water as gracefully as ever, giving a prompt  thumbs up. It was then she remembered once more why she was gay. Almos  t ignoring the entire scene she was causing she nodded towards Jacket,   carefully climbing up and to the edge of the spring. Still concealed  in her towel, though it be soaking now, she slowly realized something.  _"ooooh. this is the.. the guys.."_  _"ooooooooh."_  She looked over at Jacket and blinked, whispering in a somewhat obnoxi  ous manner. _"I; Scronch, took a calculated risk, but man was I bad at   math."_
COFFIN:  Mary Janes was laying in the water. He wiggled around and sung. "You,  you love it how I move you. You love it how I touch you, my one, when  all is said and done,you'll believe God is a vegan."  Vamp just blinked.
KURP:  Hot Pants stopped for a bit, looking up at Duster. He smacked his arm  a little as he opened the door to one of the private springs.  "Well, maybe if you didn't shove food down your gullet as fast, maybe  we wouldn't have these issues. I mean at least if you start getting si  ck, we can ask Shades since he suffers stomach issues too..."
RYAN:  Responding to the familiar voice Thigh nodded her head, "Oh sure let m  e just send out a quick text-" The angel's sentence trailed off as she   did a double take at the woman before her. Quickly dismissing the awk  ward staring session as she winked and pointed finger guns at Witch, "  I guess you look cute no matter what body you're in!"  Please tone it down Thigh High, your gay is showing.
EMI:  The purple-haired diva lifted his shades and shot a glance at Gogo.  "And here I thought this was a vacation. Your memory is better than I  anticipated, Gogo." He sighed, pulling off his shirt in a very showy m  anner and tossing it onto Veil. "Very well."
ROMAN:  The last thing they expected was to feel fingers curl into their jerse  y, jerking them backwards a bit in the process. But when the other eve  ntually went down as they went stock still, Jersey was brought down, u  nfortunately, like a bag of bricks next to him. Dazed for a moment, th  ey sat up and glanced around until they found the boy face down on the   ground. Gawking before Jersey's head slowly tilted, confusion was cle  arly written across their features.. "Uh- Are you okay?" A sleeve came   up, tentative and reaching out slowly as if unsure of patting him.
SAIYAN:  Undershirt gave Cowl neck a nasty look. He was totally breaking the 5  foot gap that all men must adhere to.  "Dude what the...whoa" Undershirt said to Cowl before he suddenly said   before he got dizzy for a moment.  Well that was fucking weird.
SOPHIE:  Witch hat couldn't help but blush a little bit at that last comment, s  he scratched her neck and laughed. The amount of gay tension between t  hese two was immense. You could physically see the gaydar. That's how  tense we talkin.  "ah! Well-thank you. I'm still getting used to this though. It's super   weird being in someone else's party--" She blinked, shaking head. "No  - Body-the girls name was party hat- I-"  She sighed, making sure the angel had gotten a chance to send the text   before holding her hand out to take so they could head towards the ho  t springs. Poor girl was beat red. Something felt a bit off. She could  n't tell if it was the gayness or if it was something she ate at this  point.
KURP:  "You only wish my memory was poor," they said, taking Dermal's shades  to shield their eyes from his chest. They know they wanted him nude bu  t they still feel like being dramatic.  They guided Dermal in the direction of the private springs, pushing as  ide some short stack and a well chiseled man out of the way. Or at lea  st they would of pushed Duster to the side but the man was solid as a  wall. They definitely took advantage of this to get a good feel of his    abs. Anyway, inside, the shades began fogging up with Gogo tossing t  hem behind, a cacophony of noises happening for comedic effect. As the  y began to strip themselves, they suddenly noticed Boxer was in the ro  om.  "OH. HEY, Dear... Didn't notice you took this one. There wasn't anythi  ng saying if it was in use or not."
KURP:  Meanwhile, Luna made a little noise as confirmation that she appreciat  ed the small gesture of affection from Pumps.  Haber slowly got on his knees and shook his head, getting pot dirt out   of his face by shaking it. He froze upon being asked a question and s  tared back in silence for a few moments before slowly nodding. Well, t  he language barrier was definitely going to be a problem.
RYAN:  Thigh High intertwined their fingers cause she ain't got no chill. "It  's cool," she said waving her free hand as if to swat away the tension   itself from the air, "Take it easy, we've got lots of time to talk. I   can't imagine what you're going through but there's no need to push y  ourself too hard, my dude!"
COFFIN:  Dzilla returned to the spring and she sat down in the water. She looke  d around, just naked people. Pretty normal.  Foxstole was chilling on her phone, legs crossed in the water. She cou  ld feel the gay.  Mary Janes was dancing around now around Vampire Collar. "I feel it af  ter munchies. A feeling that I can't fight, my one, it lingers when I'  m done. You'll believe God is a vegan."  Vampire Collar had his face in his hands. His nephew was weird. "God i  s a vegan?"
JAY:  Biretta came bursting through the door of the male's bathhouse, a gush  ing stream of light behind him in his wake. Though her appeared, while   completely hidden by shadows, to be donning his typical, over-the-top   robe, he was in reality clad in a pretty regular (black) bathrobe, co  mpletely undone and revealing his rather skimpy undergarments to the o  ther angels.  "I have arrived!" he bellowed.  He was so, completely extra.
OMEGA:  Boxer was looked down then got jumped by Gogo and the Seraph that made   him a fallen angel. "Oh Hey Gogo." Boxer said calmly as he looked at  them. But he looked at Dermal with anger for what he did to him. "What   is he doing here?" He ask as he looked at Gogo. Boxer didn't want Der  mal around because of what he did to him.  Raincoat was floating around in the hot-springs.
SAIYAN:  Tuxedo Jacket cringed at Birretta's entrance.  "Bro, why do you have to be so flashy with your entrance? We don't nee  d to see that!" He said as he covered his eyes.  He really should have expected it though, with this group. But he'd st  ill hoped that everyone would have minded their manners.
COFFIN:  Mary's doing the worm in the water. Take him home.
SOPHIE:  After being left to her thoughts for a little bit, Pumps collected her  self and undid the ponytail in her hair, propping herself up against t  he side of the woman's hotsprings. She looked around at the lovely con  testants on 'whos boobs float' and cracked a smile. Not because of the   boobs. Mainly cuz she didn't want to come off as dark and mysterious  around a bunch of naked women.  She locked eyes with Dzilla and a few others, waving slightly. "Hey, h  ow are all of you doin?" She asked, trying to start up a conversation.   Who knows, maybe only nude people can talk to eachother here. The wor  ld may never know.  Witch hat nervously pushed a strand of her hair back behind her ear an  d nodded, giving the High Priestess of Eyebrow-games a smile. "Thanks-  - I appreciate it a lot.." She trailed off before leading them back to  wards the hot springs. As the two entered, witch hat did her damn best   to stay covered until the water would do the work for her.  "How's everything been going for you lately by the way?" She asked Thi  gh high.
BRIT:  "It's okay, not like I haven't seen it all before!" Jacket laughed at  Scrunchy.  Cowlneck scoffed at Undershirt and slid over to Crucifix, but upon the   mention of Scrunchy his head snapped to look at the woman with the mo  st deadly glare he could muster.  /"YOU."/ He hissed, getting ready to pull himself out of the water whe  n Jacket snagged his waist.  "SCRUNCHY RUN, I HAVE MOM!" Jacket yelled, "Go to the woman's side, he  'll never go there! There's naked women!!"  Trying to go after her, Cowlneck pulled himself out of the water. Howe  ver, he barely got out of the water when he slipped onto his face with   a wet 'slap'. Jacket let go of him and swam off to another end of the   hot springs.  "Well I'm glad /you/ had your fun." Cowlneck grumbled as he slid back  into the water, "I'll have a word with you later. Right now, I'd rathe  r have a /relaxing day/."  Biretta's entrance made him scowl. He was supposed to be the flashy on  e.
EMI:  Dermal flashed the boy a toothy grin. He loved leaving lasting impress  ions on people.  "Ah, yes. I could ask you the same. I'm simply here to join my friend  here with some nice, relaxing boiled meats."  The Seraph removed his towel and sunk into the water, settling in.
ROMAN:  Watching as he got up with a bit of concern, Jersey pulled their sleev  e back and let it drop to their sleeve. When instead of speaking to an  swer the question, he nodded, they simply tilted their head. Was he pe  rhaps mute? And how curious! They'd rarely seen a human with features  like their own, it had their curiosity piqued now. Realizing they'd be  en staring for a moment, Jersey jerked out of their reverie and quickl  y piped up. "Ah! That's fine, and uh! I'd ask if you know how to sign  but... I can't really return the favor." Casually wiggle one of their  sleeves.
COFFIN:  Dzilla was confused by the copious amounts of tiddies. She looked down   at her dobonhonkeros and she blinked. "Behave breasts." She looked ba  ck up and her eyes met Pumps. Challenge accepted. "I'm quite confused,   but alright. Yourself?"
OMEGA:  "I got this place first, Seraph!" Boxer said angrily as he stand up an  d point at him. "You the hell out of here now." He said in a serious t  one at him. He didn't want this guy in his hot-spring because de-rank  him in front of everyone.  Raincoat and Father Crucifix were still relaxing.
SOPHIE:  Scrunchy bolted back, staring in utter shock. "JIMINY CRICKETS--MAN" S  he fastened the towel around herself and half-ran, half-flew over towa  rds the woman's side. However after a few minutes of standing there am  ong the...calmer side, she got bored. She poked her head over the rock   formation separating the two sides and yelled towards her friend. "SA  Y, AFTER THIS WANNA PLAY SOME MARIO KAR-" she began before losing her  footing and falling back into the woman's side. It was still unclear i  f there was property damage. Girl felt a bit dizzy after that for sure  .  Pumps stared, slightly concerned towards Scrunchy but shook it off. Gi  rl's made of fucking titanium anyways. "I'm alright. Kinda lost in tho  ught about things n stuff. The usual. What has you confused boo?" ~~Wh  at Pumps wouldn't say is that her little gay heart was concerned to hi  gh heaven with Luna's well-fare.~~
OSCARK9:  While Gloves was relaxing in the hot spring and looking at other man f  rom far distance, he notice few was coming in the hot springs and few.  ..well...being LOUD! Gloves didn't say nothing but putting his head mi  d-way under water, making bubbles out of his mouth, and seeing all the   crazy happening infront of him.  Meanwhile, Sapphire was relaxing in the warm water and looking up at t  he ceiling. Dosing her mind elsewhere, when she looks down at the wate  r, she sees Raincoat floating in the water. "Hey, Raincoat!" She said  to her, happily. "How's the hot spring?"
RYAN:  Sinking into the water Thigh High pursed her lips before answering Wit  ch Hat. "It's alright I guess. My family's back in town, I embarrassed   my twin brother on social media, and I broke up with my girlfriend."  She said while counting on her fingers as she listed recent events. Th  igh High paused on that last thought for a little while longer, "I don  't think I'll be seeing Cloak for a while though... But, change is nor  mally for the best." Que a clearly forced smile.  "But enough about my sad existence, what have you been up to? Besides,   you know." Thigh High asked as she will smith posed at Witch Hat's bo  dy.
OWLIE:  "Sneakksss" Suspenders, poking Sneaker's back, then lowering his voice   to a whisper "Wanna go use the private hot springs?"  He was smacked in the head by Sneakers, who frowned at him "Oh _hush_,   Suspenders" His face burned redder than his hair.   Sometimes it's hard to believe that guy is still fifteen.  Henley sat all by himself, which he didn't mind, he's already enjoying   his own company and admiring his reflection at the water.
KURP:  "Now, now, dear," Gogo said, placing a hand on Boxer's shoulder, "He's   a good...friend...of mine. And our superior, no less. Relax a little,   we're all here to hang out and maybe have a little /fun/ if you get w  hat I mean."  "Uh... Am, okay?"  Haber looked down at the ground, trying to find words to work with.  "English is no good? Spanish, mostly."  It had been a bit since either Shades or Sukajan had left their rooms.   It was safe to assume they were having their quality time if it weren  't for Sukajan busting out of his room, nearly giving Obi a heart atta  ck as she was delivering drinks around the building.  "Dear, is everything-" And Sukajan went running to the rest of the Hea  venbents, "Alright..."  She took one look inside the room and simply gasped before closing the   door. Wait until Medallion hears about this.  "GUYS. GUYS HELP. IT'S SHADES!" Sukajan yelled.  This got Luna to snap back into reality, looking alarmed as she turned   to Sukajan. Archer rolled his eyes before looking over the couch hims  elf.  "What. What happened that has you yelling bloody murder, you want us t  o get kicked out?"  "SHADES IS-"  "AN ALPACA!" Shades said, interrupting Sukajan after Shades somehow es  caped his closed room. He was in shambles, tears. He's ruined.  Luna stared in complete disbelief with Archer's mouth agape, unable to   process what he was seeing.
COFFIN:  Foxstole took this opportunity to play a song. In the distance you cou  ld hear, "/Bitch I'm a cow.Bitch I'm a cow. I'm not a cat I don't say  meow./" She smirked.  "Ahh I see.  I'm confused, why are the men separated? What is a bitch?  " Godzilla blinked.
SOPHIE:  PTJ essentially barrel rolled out of one of the restrooms. He was too  dead to process the fact his dad was now an alpacca. Go steal someone  elses fucking groove dude. Kid looked like he ate something that didn'  t agree with him.  Though, despite being completely fucked up, the kid, regardless, came  up behind Shades and pretended to be surprised.
OMEGA:  "Relaxing~" Raincaot said as she floats in the hot-springs for she was   full on sloth at this point. "I love this~" She said as she keeps flo  ating around with a smile on her face.  Boxer looked at Gogo and then looked back at Dermal. "If he says anyth  ing about me i want him out." Boxer said to Gogo as he sets back down  though keep looking at Dermal.  Father Crucifix was still relaxing~
JAY:  Biretta surveyed the group of males after he made his grand entrance,  smirking in spite of himself. He was clearly proud of his boisterous e  ntrance. Maybe today, he would get the recognition he deserved, or so  he thought.  He noticed someone in particular scowling at him while scanning the cr  owd, which piqued his interest. Approaching Cowlneck, he decided to sl  ide himself into the water as well. With absolutely no tact, he direct  ly asked. "Why, hello, there. You do not like my entrance?"
COFFIN:  "Cow!!!" Mary Janes screamed and hugged Shades. Yup. A cow.
SOPHIE:  Witch hat was about ready to give her friend a little shoulder-hug, wh  en a fucking furry came onto the battle field. _She knew it._  Though she was at a complete and total loss for words.  Scrunchy, lying upside down, looked inside the bath house and just bli  nked. "WE'RE DOOMED" she yelled, for effect.  Pumps took off her boot and hucked it at Scrunchy before standing up a  nd leaning over to Dzilla. "Men and women are separated because that's   just how this is, it stems from way back in the day so I can't really   give a just explanation. Also you should download urban dictionary."  Pumps rushed in towards Shades and kneeled down next to the dude. _"Ar  e you fuckin alright man."_
COFFIN:  Dzilla raised a thicc brow. "What is this urban dictionary?? What is a   download?" She came out with more questions and no answers. She would   have to ask Mary Janes.  Vampire Collar sunk into the water. This dad to be was stressed.  Foxstole kinda just laughed.
BRIT:  Duster looked up from the ground to see a pink alpaca barrel down the  hallway with wreckless abandon, followed by the proclaimation that tha  t was, in face, his brother.  "Got im Himmel..." He muttered, "Shades... What--"  He was interrupted by a coughing fit. Speaking was difficult and he wa  s feeling worse.  "You're quite... Flashy." Cowlneck replied to Biretta coldly, flipping   his hair. "I've no interest in a man who would upstage me."  There was screaming, and Cowlneck turned to see a pink Alpaca. Oh.  "Shades-- Is that... Are you...?" Strappon asked, pulling himself out  of the springs to approach him, "What in God's name happened?"
RYAN:  Thigh High blinked.
SOPHIE:  Everyone Blinked
EMI:  Dermal scoffed heavily at Boxer's comment.  "I don't /want/ to talk about you anyway. I like talking about the mos  t important man in my life." He pulled a mirror out of the water and w  inked at his reflection.  "Anyway, just get in here before the water gets too cold. I need someo  ne to keep it warm for me, Gogo."
SAIYAN:  Undershirt and Tuxedo Jacket looked over at Shady who had somehow turn  ed into an Alpaca. This was like something out of a Disney movie or so  mething. It was really hard to believe it was him, but it had Shady's  voice after all.  "Dude, what the fuck happened to you? How is this even possible?" Unde  rshirt asked his friend.  "Dude how are you gonna stream now?" Tuxedo Jacket asked.  Wristband and Mesh Top heard the commotion and both climbed on top of  the rock separating the two sides of the hot spring.  "Well holy shit, would you look at that" Mesh Top said, with a seeming   lack of care in her voice.  "Try to sound a bit more concerned, this is our friend we're looking a  t. At least I think so" Wristband replied.
OWLIE:  "What's with the commotion- oh shit" Henley said as he approached the  screaming group. A towel wrapped around his scrawny ass. "What the hel  l happened to him?"  Sneakers and Suspenders just stood in a corner and stared.
JAY:  Biretta seemed to grin, almost beaming at Cowlneck's response. Whether   Cowlneck meant to or not, he totally validated the angel. But before  he got too excited, he composed himself and relaxed his tensed muscles  .  "Ah, well... Good."  He was quickly interrupted by screaming, though he didn't really pay i  t any mind, only turning away from Cowlneck to think about how great h  is entrance was.
OMEGA:  "What with all the scre-" Father Crucifix was interrupted by a Pink Al  paca. "What the hell is a Pink Alpaca doing here?" He ask as he point  at the Pink Alpaca that is Shade.  "Prideful, i don't know why you haven't fallen yet yourself..." Boxer  muttered as he looked at Dermal. But he soon started to relax in the h  ot-spring letting the anger go.  Raincoat was relaxing and floating then bumped into the giant lady ang  el that is Drillza.
KURP:  With all the ruckus, Haber turned to look only to see a pink alpaca wi  th people proclaiming it was his older brother. He pointed to the dist  ressed animal and urged Jersey to follow.  Shades tore himself from the group, loudly sobbing as he held his hoov  es to his fave.  "I'm ruined!" He wailed, "I can't draw with these! My options are now  limited to acting ans breeding!"  Luna simply fainted, Archer catching her and flapping his free wing to   give her air.  Gogo snorted, "Calm your dick, I'm going- why is there bloody murder?"   They asked as they quickly opened the door to their onsen.  "Lords in Heaven. Dermal. It's My Little Pony in the other room."
RYAN:  Thigh High simply nodded her head. Of all the shit she's seen, was she   truly surprised by this outcome? The answer may shock you.  "What's brackin bruh? How you livin?" Asked Thigh High as if this was  a regular ol Tuesday.
COFFIN:  Dzilla felt the bump and mentally prepared to R.K.O someone. She turne  d quickly and blinked down at the small ant. "Tiny girl do you live?"  She poked her stomach, it was like a /light/ punch.  Vampire Collar got out of the water and made his way over. "That..appe  ars to be an alpaca. Are you sure this place isn't cursed??"
ROMAN:  "Ah I see now! Sorry for assuming." They chuckled nervously, before th  eir attention was quickly drawn away from the situation at hand and di  rected towards a... pink alpaca? I'm sorry, what? Jersey does stand, r  eady to follow, "Do you have any idea whats going on?"
KURP:  Hots looked up at Duster with concern, holding his arm.  "I know your brother is a pressing issue, but you wanna have a sit? Lo  oks like Luna isn't doing too well either..."
EMI:  "Diplomatic immunity." Dermal replied, adjusting his bangs in his refl  ection. "That's nice, Gogo de- Wait. What?"  He stopped his nitpicking and his head snapped to Gogo. "Are you high?   I didn't know we were having that kind of party."
OMEGA:  Boxer raise his eyebrow and looked at Gogo. "What is it?" Boxer ask as   he looked at them kind of curious.  Raincoat giggle as Dizlla poked her belly. "Stop that tickles!" Rainco  at giggle as she floats in the hot-springs with a smile.
BRIT:  "Shades, calm yourself. Please. We'll figure out what happened..." Str  appon assured, petting his soft wool. He seemed to be unwittingly pett  ing Shades, "Why don't we... Clear the area so I can ask you some ques  tions?"  Jacket popped out of the water, shaking his head off.  "Yeah, I'm not feeling too great." He said, rubbing his stomach. He fe  lt queezy, "Oi, time to get some shut-eye, I guess."  Cowlneck simply stood up with a huff, angry that Biretta was no longer   paying him any mind and that Shades was now taking the attention away   from him. Fuck this shit. He stomped off to his room.
SOPHIE:  PTJ sat on the floor where Shades once was and just curled up on his s  ide. _"dad's an alpaca.. mom fucks ghosts.. "_ he muttered, feeling th  e cold embrace of death as he drifted off. Goodbye world.  On the other hand, Pumps just stood up and blinked, taking note of Lun  a fainting and.. well, Shades' midlife crisis. She exhaled. Why couldn  't they just _actually_ relax for once. She wondered over by Luna's si  de and leaned down. However as she wasn't a trained medical  professio  nal she just poked the girls cheek. That's it, smartass.  Witch hat descended into the bubbles of the hotspring, wide eyed. _"we  ll aside from it turning into a crazy town here, I'd say everything's  good. Sorry to hear about your girlfriend thwbobgh"_ She said, her las  t bit cut off via trying to talk underwater. Smart.
SAIYAN:  Undershirt looked around at all of the people starting to stare and mu  rmur about Shady’s condition. He felt like he should get everyone to g  o to their rooms and get some rest before this situation devolved into   madness. Plus, it was getting kind of late. He stood up and got every  one’s attention.  “Okay guys, I think we should go to our rooms for the night. We’ll thi  nk about a way to get Shady back to normal tomorrow. I think it’ll be  easier to come up with a plan when we’re well rested” he said as he wr  apped a towel around his waist and motioned for people to exit through   the doors.
COFFIN:  Dzilla shrugged and gently picked up Raincoat. "We must go inside. It  is not safe out here." She held her on one shoulder and she stormed of  f to get Mary Janes.  "Uh! Nana why are you-?" Mary Janes was picked up. "Nanaaaaa..I was ju  st having fuuuuun." He huffed and started to play candy crush in her a  rms.  Vampire Collar exhales and he slips on his cloak. "Probably the best i  dea...stay safe everyone." He waved and began to head for his room.
OMEGA:  "Alright..." Father Crucifix said as he gets out of the hot-springs an  d gets a towel around him. "I'll be in my room if anyone needs me." He   said as he grabs his clothes and goes to his room. That was strange b  ut relaxing hot-springs.  "No! I want to stay in the springs!" Raincoat said as she was really w  anted to get back to relaxing. Though the giant women was to strong an  d large.
OWLIE:  "You heard him," Cardigan said, sighing as she tugged on her robe, "Co  me along boys,"  Henley, Suspenders and Sneakers nodded and all three followed her and  they went to their separate rooms.
COFFIN:  "Most are going to their rooms. If you wish to go back, make sure you  aren't alone." Dzilla put Raincoat down and took her grandson.
OMEGA:  "Fine..." Raincoat pouted at the giant lady and grabbed her clothes he  ading to her room.
RYAN:  "It was bound to happen sooner or later." Thigh High shrugged. "You wa  nna get outta here? They seem to be trying to get us all out."
OSCARK9:  As Gloves seeing everyone getting out of the hot spring, so did he. He   grab his towel and wrap it around him. He can't believe that Shade tu  rn into an Alpaca that it made his mouth drop. Yet, it was a bad idea  since now he can taste men sweat. "Yuck!" As he got his stuff, got cha  nge, went to his room, and laid on his bed.  Sapphire got out of the pool with the rest of the gang with two towels   covering her top and bottom area, grabbing her stuff, got change, wen  t to her room, and also laid on her bed. She can't believe Shades turn   into a cute pinky Alpaca and wishes that she can hug the men and stay   a little longer in the hot spring, but orders are orders.
JAY:  It was Biretta's turn to scowl when everyone began to leave only a few   minutes after he arrived. Over what, a strange-colored alpaca? Begrud  gingly, Biretta eventually left the water himself, tying his half-soak  ed bathrobe to his waist properly before walking out with the rest of  the angels.
SOPHIE:  Witch hat nodded, grabbing her towel and getting out of the spring and   wrapping herself up. _"Yeah--I think that'd be a good idea.. I'm not  feelin too hot myself."_ She mumbled, gesturing for Thigh High to foll  ow suit.
COFFIN:  Foxstole noped out, no alpaca shenanigans for her.
A few hours had passed since everyone had gone to their rooms. There was a strange feeling in the air, as if things were about to get weird, and there were still unanswered questions. Like "Why is Shades suddenly an Alpaca?" Was this some silly gimmick? Strappon was petting Shades gently as the poor sap had finally stopped b awling his eyes out. It was almost like he hadn't stopped petting him si nce he had begun previously. "It's alright, Shades. We'll figure this out. We just need time to think ." Strappon offered, "Everyone else is sleeping, so it's best you try to get some rest." A loud yell emitted from somewhere in the onsen and what seemed like a f luorescent blue sentient mop came running in.
KURP:  "God I hope so, I can't take care of my baby looking like this! I can'  t draw nor stream under these conditions either."  Sukajan was also petting Shades, hopping the double petting would help   in keeping Shades calm. He was about to speak before there was even m  ore yelling.  "What the absolute fuck is happening?"  Luna had finally come to, Archer having a little beaming smile on his  face as he helped her sit up.  "Lady Luna! I'm so glad you're okay."  "I mean I guess I woke up....but I still don't feel well..."  "Now that you mention it, I don't feel well myself either," Archer res  ponded, holding his abdomen.
SAIYAN:  "AAAAAAAAAH I CAN'T SEE! WHAT'S HAPPENING?!" Undershirt yelled as he r  an through the onsen before running face first into a wall.  Mesh Top was next to emerge, with her pants that seemed to keep fallin  g down. It was as though they had become too big for her. She looked o  ver to a mirror and saw that she did look a quite a bit thinner.  "Great now my pants wont fit and my shirt is falling off! This sucks!  This is gonna make me trip!" Mesh said as she shuffled to Undershirt.  Meanwhile, Wristband came out screaming as well. This seemed to be a r  eally common theme with that.  "WHY ARE MY ARMS LOOKING LIKE NOODLES?" She yelled as she started to f  lail them around, making Johnny Test whip cracking noises constantly.  Lastly, Tuxedo Jacket came out in a panic to the rest of the group, wi  th a very large right arm.  "Okay before anyone asks, no I wasn't jacking it! I woke up like this  I swear!" He yelled, trying to qualm any suspicions that may arise fro  m his condition
KURP:  As the chaos died down from one of the Angels suddenly turning into an   animal out of the blue, Gogo was still glued to Dermal's side. They o  bviously weren't feeling well and questioned why Dermal was just fine.  "Well you certainly do look better to me... For once. I feel like deat  h. Also...Also like I have a bit more-"  Their tongue launched out of their mouth, sticking on to Dermal's side  .  "A bit more tongue," they managed.  As they put their tongue back in, they gave Dermal a cheeky smile, poi  nting to their lips.  "Hey, I have an idea."
SOPHIE:  Scrunchy sighed. Her hair was a mess. She sat up and yawned, with all  the screaming there was  no way she'd get a good night sleep. She went   to brush her teeth and started to raise the brush to her mouth when i  t hit her.  She was a horse, with the head of a horse and the body of a human. And   a pertruding horn. My god she was a unicorn. Still. No sense in havin  g had breath in a fever dream. That's surely what this was.  Meanwhile, Witch hat was a bit more annoyed. She had kept shuffling wi  th the blankets on her bed, trying to stay warm. Finally, annoyed, she   cried out "CAN'T i JUST GET SOME DARN SLE-"  she paused, looking around.  Why was she on the ceiling?  All the while, Pumps was oblivious to this whole fiasco. She, with her   rather expensive noise-canceling headphones, was jamming out to a new   bop she was working on. Sleep was for the weak. It wasn't until the s  creaming got closer to her room that she even realized there was an is  sue. Not having gotten any sleep, she was currently on her 24th hour o  f consciousness. So, in her daze, she got up to check on what was happ  ening and forgot to unplug her headphones, her laptop blasting chiptun  e music at really loud volumes. Honestly if it were any other time she  'd rush to mute it but.. Jesus, this was weird. She went back and mute  d her laptop before walking out into the hall in her kitty-pajamas wit  h cat-eared headphones on. _What the hell was happening?_  PTJ was experiencing his golden years, as he woke up to the stench of  his own fart. Amazing. He shakily reached for the sides of his bed so  he could stand up, carefully limping out into the hallway. _"HWAT IS I  T? WHAT ARE YOU SAYIN? "_ he shouted, before coughing. That was when r  eality hit him. _He was now old enough to get senior discounts at loca  l food places._
EMI:  Dermal blinked in awe, staring the the gears were turning, even after  his little tag-a-long was just knocked into the next room by a flying  tongue. Then it clicked.  "Oh. /Oh./ I think we can adjust."
JAY:  Biretta eventually emerged from his own room, tears streaming down his   face, and his accent making him nearly unintelligible to anyone else.   "Good God, what's with all the noise!?" He cried out, his question se  eming only to make his intense sobbing worse. He must have been crying   for some time, his eyes both looking quite reddened.  With a sniffle, he spoke again, loudly, "I'm sure all of this noise is   what's, what's... M-making me cryyyaaaaaahaahaahaa..." He fell to his   knees, burying his face into his palms to try and wipe the tears off.
COFFIN:  Vampire Collar was running around screaming, his hair was fire. Ghost  rider who?  Dzilla currently had the fists of ~~Ugandan knuckles~~ Popeye. She was   cupping her grandson.  Mary Janes was dancing around, the boy made silver surfer look straigh  t. "I'M SO SHINEY LOOK AT MEEEEE!!! THIS IS GOING ON MY VLOG!!!"  Foxstole was sitting in a corner sobbing. She had layers, ogre layers.
ROMAN:  As they awoke from their slumber through the racket, Jersey lifted a r  uffled sleeve to rub at their eyes only to blanch at the sight. For so  me reason their shirt was... changing color! It was a slow, soft shift   which had them gaping at the sight. Peering down, they found it was t  heir skin as well, and had them pushing off the bed and busting out in  to the hallway, skidding on their feet as Jersey nearly collided with  the wall. "Wha-What's going on!?"
RYAN:  Thigh High sat up as she too was awoken by obnoxious screaming. "What  the actual FUCK is going on that I can't possibly get my beauty sle-"  But the angel was stopped short in her tracks as her face came into co  ntact with the ceiling. Reeling back in pain, she toppled to floor in  an ungraceful mess.  Thigh High screamed as she stared down at her body which wasn't respon  ding like it normally would. "Okay, when I said I wanted legs for days   tHIS ISN'T WHAT I MEANT!!!" The angel's eyes almost popped out of her   head as she saw her legs, which had extended to a ridiculous length o  ver the course of a few hours.
OMEGA:  In Raincoat's Room, she had just got out of the shower and looked into   the mirror. She saw that she was..Invisible!? "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH  HHHHHH!!!" Raincoat screamed as she was now invisible. This was somewh  at freaky and cool nonetheless.  In Boxer's Room, he got up from bed though he felt lightly stiff. "Wha  t the hell..." Boxer said as he looks at his hand and he saw they were  ...Plastic!? "OH GOD! I AM A ACTION FIGURE!" Boxer screamed as he got  freaked out by this and tried to walk out of his room.  In Father Crucifix's Room, he got up from is bed and check outside of  his room. "What is going on?" Father Crucifix ask as he open his door  and looked around.
OWLIE:  "Ahhhhhhhh!" Henley came out of his room , his breathing was loud, as  though he was screaming. Even he felt annoyed with himself for being s  o goddamn noisy.  "Shut the fuck up, Henley Shit!" Cardigan said, still in her robe, she   held her clothes which was encased in a thick sheet of ice. "Why did  I became Elsa in all of a sudden?"  "Rawrrr!" Suspenders said, trying to say something, but only dinosaur  noises came out of his mouth "Rawrr... Rawrrr!" He pointed at Sneakers   who was apparently a gigantic cat with the most deadpanned face of al  l.
KURP:  "There's no adjusting, honey. You /owe/ me," they said as they went in   to grab Dermal.  Luna spoke but there was something wrong. Archer looked down at her. H  er lips were moving but she was unable to speak. He pointed down to he  r and attempted to speak himself but only ended up clucking. He droppe  d Luna, covering his mouth out of pure shock.  Slowly, he uncovered it and tried to speak only to keep clucking. He w  as now hyperventilating.  Luna was trying to comfort the poor Angel but her words weren't simply   coming out. In her frustration, she yelled, but it sounded like her v  oice was going through 20 speakers at once.  "I SAID ARE YOU OKAY-"  She too covered her mouth.  There was a ringing in Sukajan's ears as he tried to clean out his ear  s only to realize that his...ears aren't there anymore. There was a cl  unking noise and as he looked at his hands did he realize that he was  made out of...wood?  "Oh..."  His reaction was underwhelming to say the least.  Shades began to sob again, his face stuffed in Strappon's shoulder.
OSCARK9:  As Gloves woke up from bed from people screaming, it made him mad from   awaking from his 9 hours of beauty rest. "HEY!" Gloves shouted. "QUIT   SCREAMING YO-" As he was trying to finish his sentence, his nose was  starting to wiggle. "Yo-Yo-Yo-YACHOO!" He sneeze loudly. And after tha  t sneeze, he sneeze again, again, and again. Continuously sneezing and   he can't control it. "WHAT-"Choo", IS-"Choo", GO- "Choo", IN- "Choo"  ON- "Choo", HERE- "Choo"!"  Sapphire woke up from people screaming and was mad also, but why does  she feel so wet? Pulling from her cover, her whole body was cover in s  lime and it feels like a frog slim. "AAAHHH!" She scream. Freaking out   for having slim on her skin, she jump out of bed and with that first  step, she immediately slip on a hard floor, hurting her rump. "OW!" Sh  e said, hurting.
BRIT:  Strappon looked around at everyone that was piling into the lounge now   with wreckless abandon. He pet Shades' face gently.  "Everyone, calm down!" He called, standing from Shady's side, "I'm sur  e we can find a cure to this..."  But how?  Just then, Duster came walking in, practically pulling Hot Pants who w  as clearly an elderly man.  "There's something wrong with him!" Came the voice of a child out of D  uster mouth. He snapped his mouth shut and sighed. He sounded like he  was about 10. "And Cowlneck. He's..."  "Right here!" Cowlneck yelled, trying to climb onto Duster's shoulder.   He was... About 4 inches in height. He was a tiny man. "FIX THIS."
JAY:  "I don't understand..." Biretta sniveled, snot dripping from his nose.   He was on all fours, pounding at the floor while his tears stained th  e carpeting. "How could this happen!? Aaaauuugh..."  He curled up in an awkward squatting ball, continuing to bawl.
BUMBLER BEE:  Dirndl had had a wonderfully pleasant time in the springs, silently re  flecting on her place here, reflecting on her sins and wondering why s  he wasn't facing her metaphorical demons... Then, when she felt positi  vely refreshed she had robed up and ended up falling asleep reading. S  he awoke to shouts from the hall, a bit of a grouchy riser from surpri  se naps. In her lovely robe, she opened the door to the cacophony of c  haos, standing there and staring in confusion. her hair was half down  from a ponytail, looking a bit tired and all around disbelieving.  Then she opened her mouth.  "How are the bangs of sound going from me so much after sun stops?!" s  he yelled, holding her ears and stopping. "... When how say me much?"  Rosary would actually show up for something fun! A nun of duty, she wa  sn't above getting friendly with her Abbey dwellers and enjoy an Onsen   as well! Relaxation, time from responsibility... but there was a nigg  ling feeling in her gut about how serene this place was. She had gone  to sleep early, relishing in walking around almost naked and not being   yelled at AGAIN. Footsteps, screaming, wails of despair hit her ears  and her big ruby eyes sprung open. "?!" She ran out, some angels able  to note the little girl running in a robe down the hall; where the hel  l were her parents?  "Strappon! What's going on?!" came a high pitched, infantile sort of v  oice, the same little girl sliding in and holding out her hands. She s  tared at some of the Angels--and the alpaca-- with a serious gaze. "..  . I KNEW IT."
SOPHIE:  Pumps covered her ears and walked around the hall, peeking in on every  one who's door had swung open. She was blissfully aware this couldn't  be a dream since she never went to sleep. She looked at her phone scre  en with a tired expression and considered calling the authorities but  questioned what good that would do. This is Daten after all.  After wondering around in the hallway for a bit she heard Luna's voice   practically match the decibel output of her headphones and she winced  . Finding their door, Pumps gently knocked on it. "Hey--Everyones turn  ed into some fuckin rejected X-Men out here-- Are you guys ok? Can I c  ome In? Do I needa call the authorities?" She stammered, hesitantly.  Scrunchy was useless at this point, she was horsefaced making kissy fa  ces at herself in the mirror.  Witch hat on the other hand was trying to get out of her room. After t  urning her hat into a scythe, she latched it around one of the corner-  walls of her room and flung herself towards the door, spinning the scy  the to break it open. Fuck not causing property damage.
KURP:  Upon hearing Duster's voice, Shades lost it and started laughing. He m  ocked Duster by saying, "No swearing on /my Christiiiiaaan seeerveeeee  r/ ."  "Shades, oh my God," Sukajan said as his eyes landed on Cowlneck. "Her  e," he said, taking Cowlneck from Duster, "I'll take care of him. He's   technically still grounded."  Luna examined Hots who was not really paying any mind to anything that   was happening. He was deaf, probably blind as well, and he was consta  ntly chewing on what we could only assume to be tapioca.
COFFIN:  Mary Janes started running around in a circle. "I CAME OUTTA TWILIGHT  BOI! WEEEEE!!!" He screamed and started break dancing.  Vampire Collar started whipping his hair around,"This is kind of cool.   Mary- Jesus Christ he's naked.." He facepalmed.  Dzilla dragged her hands behind her,"Mary put on your clothes!!"  Foxstole was compelled to sing all stars but she held it in deep.
OMEGA:  Father Crucifix was in his clothing and looked at the Chaos the angels   have turn into. "By the Lord, what the hell happen to you two!" Fathe  r Crucifix said as he runs over to Boxer but not seeing Raincoat. "Whe  re is Rai-AH!" He screamed as something just grabbed his butt. "She in  visible..." Boxer said as he looked at Father Crucifix. "Hehehehehe~"  Raincoat chuckles as she started to like being invisible now. "Oh Moth  er..." Father Crucifix sigh as he didn't know what was going on.
RYAN:  Thigh High unceremoniously began crawling along the floor since it was   too much of a hassle to attempt to move around on her stilt-like legs  . Arriving at the gathering of everyone else, she let out a victorious   whoop before pulling herself into a sitting position, her legs sweepi  ng the floor uncaring of whatever victims lie in their warpath.    "Man am I ever glad that I got these guns to help me out." Thigh High  breathily laughed as she flexed her arms.
SAIYAN:  "Why is this happening to us?!" Wristband asked as she came up to Stra  ppon, causing her noodle arms to whip crack into his face.  "Oops, sorry about that."  Meanwhile, Mesh Top continued to look in the mirror as it felt like he  r pants and clothes were becoming looser and looser. It was almost lik  e she could see herself getting thinner and thinner.  "This is kinda getting scary, I hope we can fix this." She said to her  self.  Tuxedo Jacket used his giant fucking arm to pick Undershirt up. He wal  ked around a bit only to run into Duster and almost stepping on Cowlne  ck.  "Ooof, sorry, I really can't see" he said as he apologized.
VANIR:  "Oh, this is quite wonderful!" Ballgown in her every out of character  simple dress, fashionably late in all of her glory stepped into the in  n and was immediately met with activities to spare her for weeks. This   was a trip that took her out of her comfort zone for sure, she wasn't   keen on taking group trips but seeing as even she needed a break from   the blood and guts scene of being a fallen angel. Coming from a rich  family most of her trips were sided with guards more than friends. "I  could get used to this, despite the change... what on earth is happeni  ng?"
SOPHIE:  PTJ wondered around the halls, confused, before pulling out his phone  and blinking a few times, trying to call "Mom", aka Sukajan, but inste  ad, calling _"Mom",_ a lady whome he, in a better state of mind, hoped   he wouldnt have to ever speak to. As the phone went to voice mail and   he heard his actual mothers voice, he coughed and replied after the t  one in an elderly voice. _"You a bich"_ he wheezed, before hanging up,   and looking around. _"Bingo?!"_ he shouted. That wasn't what he meant   to say. Why'd he say bingo.  Witch hat latched onto one of Thigh high's rather.. long. Legs. "dEAr  gOD WHATEVER YOU DO DON'T LET ME GO PLEASE" She cried, clinging on as  the latter half of her body started to float up into the air as if she   were made of helium.
OWLIE:  "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Henley screamed, wait no, he just took a deep br  eath. Cardigan glared at him and was tempted to freeze his face. "Plea  se tell me we can fix this, I already ruined all of my clothes,"  "Meow...." Sneakers mewled, Suspenders let out an animalistic grunt as   he began petting Sneakers' head, who instinctively began purring. The  n Suspenders felt his face burn red as Sneakers' tail rub itself again  st his leg.  "Uhh... Rawrr...?"
SOUP-KITTY:  Jong very silently strolled in, he looked a little more. Wet. Than usu  al. They say when you're pregnant you start to glow not, that you're s  uddenly made out of entirely H2O. He gently glanced around the room an  d tried to find his Fiance. He was confused as to what was going on. T  here was a wet trail behind him. Someone should probably put a wet flo  or sign there.  Pointe ran around in circles silently flashing and growing more and mo  re anxious. God help her.
OSCARK9:  "Aww-ACHOO!" He sneeze, continuously still. "This-CHOO! Su-CHOO!" Glov  es grabs a tissue infront of him and blow.  "Tell me about it!" Sapphire said, upset. "I couldn't stand for five s  econd without falling on the floor. I mean look at my skins!" She show  s her layer of slim of arms to them while standing. "I'M SLIMY AS A-"  Her legs began to slip and slid like crazy, FRO-O-O-OG!" She fell to t  he floor and her rumps hurt once more. "OW!"  Gloves help Sapphire up while sneezing still. "We-CHOO, Nee-CHOO, A-CH  OO, Cure CHOO!"
SOPHIE:  PTJ was very confused in all of this. He couldn't quite figure out wha  t was what. After essentially ripping off a piece of the wall to use a  s a crutch, he wondered around, knocking on doors. _"I needa pharmacy!  "_ he yelled, fixing his.. well, they weren't his, but he was wearing  some glasses. He coughed and pushed past Pumps, towards Luna.  He fixed his glasses and leaned in. _"Are you a pharmacy?"_
RYAN:  "Never let go Jac- I mean Witch Hat!" Thigh High dramatically yelled a  nd reached towards her companion. "I can offer you a piggyback ride, s  ince that's probably a better option than my stupid gams, right now at   least."
KURP:  Even with the Angels wrapped around their old, wizened fingers, they w  ere far too loud for either Obi or Medallion to keep their mind on tra  ct. It's gotten to the point where Medallion started complaining enoug  h to annoy Obi.  "FINE," Obi said, throwing her hands to the side, "We'll put them in l  ittle vials, ship them off to the office, and deal with them there, HA  PPY?"  Medallion sighed as she rubbed her temples, "It's a lot better than si  mply dealing with their screaming and having them cause more property  damage than necessary."  With a consensus,  the twins gathered up supplies  and started making  their way to the Angels. As they got closer, something else was coming   into view. It was two people macking on each other and this caused bo  th twins to yell out in fear only to realize who it was.  "Oh, it's only you two," Medallion snorted.  "Get a room!" Obi said  "Shut it old hag, go back to doing your jobs," Gogo hissed as they wen  t back to basically sucking the air out of Dermal.
VANIR:  Despite the ruckus, she went on, her eyes scanning her surroundings in   concern and her hands stayed folded in on themselves in order to avoi  d touching anything suspicious. Making her way to the bath house blind  ly, making faces of disgust and heavy doses of avoidance towards anyon  e she saw that was affected. She could tell there was no way that she  could help these people so she felt it was safe to just, not even go n  ear them, mostly for fear of catching something. "Please tell me there   are normal people here..."
OMEGA:  Father Crucifix goes up to Strappon as he need to talk with him. "Brot  her Strappon, what is going on? Do you think this attack by Hellcorp?"   Father Crucifix ask as he looked at him. "Clearly this has be some ki  nd of magic or something like that." He said as he looked at Strappon.  "I'm a Action Figure!" Boxer said as he tries to move but he can't do  it that well. "Where the hell is Gogo!?" He shouted more as he getting   angry. "I'M SO ANGRY!" Boxer said as he does action figure pose but w  ith angry face.  Raincoat was petting Shades because she was invisible.
COFFIN:  Vampire Collar walked up to his fiance. "Notice anything different abo  ut me?" He moves his flaming hair around. "Wow you're really wet. Are  you okay? Hold onto me I don't want you to slip."  Mary Janes wiggled his butt around, "SHINE BRIGHT LIKE A DIAMOND!"  Dzilla flopped her face in her giant hand.  Foxstole broke mirrors.
BRIT:  "Wow, everyone is screaming." Jacket stated. He took a good look aroun  d the room at the freak show that seemed to be made up of his friends  and compatriots.  Strappon pinched the bridge of his nose, massaging it slightly.  "Everyone shut up!" Duster screamed like a little boy throwing a fit.  He sat with a huff next to Hot Pants and opened another convenient cup   of tapioca and handed it to him. Keep him entertained so he doesn't b  reak anything. God he hated old people, they were so funny-looking.  "Thank you Duster." Strappon said, dusting himself off, "Now, if every  one will /remain calm/, we can talk about this. Let's split up and loo  k for some clues as to why this happened. I have a sneaking suspicion  the ladies who run this place have something to do with this."  "I'll pop 'em!" Jacket said, swinging his arm in an air-punch. A vase  fell over behind him, almost falling in him, but he hopped to miss it.  "No, that's elder abuse." Cowlneck yelled from the floor. He was almos  t stepped on, and he kicked Undershirt in response. "You damn ruffian!   Watch where your awful, clumsy feet land! You could have /crushed/ me  !"
BUMBLER BEE:  Rosary slowly calmed down, realizing everyone here was... suddenly tal  ler. "What the fuuuuu..." she said, walking into the room and looking  at Ballgown incredulously before trying to push through the panicking  mass of Heavenly rejects.  Dirndl would walk in behind Ballgown calmly, confused and hair still m  essy. "For how come the letter mixes are hearing so mumble-jumbled?!"  she asked as the room quieted, extending her arms out.
SOPHIE:  Pumps blinked, completely out of her element. She mindlessly drudged t  hrough the hallway, headphones around her neck. 911 was punched in on  her phone but she was so sleep deprived she couldn't commit to calling   the authorities. She suddenly was awoken out of her tired daze by a s ��trobing light-- THE POLICE?  NO!  HER SISTER!  Her sister?  HER SISTER! WHAT THE HECK!  Pumps picked up her younger sister and threw her over her shoulder. _"  You know, I leave for 5 hours to find my laptop, I come here, and ever  yone's a knock off xman. Come on you freaky flashlight, I'm gunna pop  someone for this bullshit. I was about ready to SLEEP."_
SOPHIE:  Witch hat cried, nodding slightly at Thigh High's proposal. "Yeah, pro  bably-" she whimpered, zero-G pushing off of T-Pain's legs and sweepin  g around to her neck where she grabbed on from behind. "You know, any  other time I'd love to float, but now? ffUCK THIS."
SOUP-KITTY:  Jong looked at vamp and softly sighed. "Im literally just water right  now how I even have a corporeal form eludes me." he tried his best to  not get his beloved wet but to no avail. He held on to him regardless,   it would be bad if he slipped on himself. "maybe theres a container y  ou can carry me around in so i don't just, leak everywhere?"  Pointe was caught off guard at this and tried to wiggle out of it but  it was as if someone really had called 9-1-1 cause the girl was strobi  n'. She opted to stay still. The strobing stopped.
SOPHIE:  Pumps held her phone up to Pointe and groaned. "Call the police if you   want, though I doubt that'll do us any good. Also, good morning princ  ess, the earth says help, and uh, Update, your boyfriends in his golde  n years I think. So try not to think about his dick."  Scrunchy casually walked out of the hallway and flipped her beautiful  mane for everyone to see. That's when she realized this wasn't a dream   and she let out a rather confused and scared honk.
OMEGA:  Father Crucifix went to find the Old Ladies so he could talk to them.  Boxer went to go find Gogo to know where they were. Raincoat was still   petting Shades because he was fluffy pink alpaca.
KURP:  While this invisible force was petting him, Shades was eating a nice o  l'big plate of hay depressingly. It's all he could do at the moment as   he was slowly coming to accept that he was now stuck like this. An al  paca who's only good for acting and some other skeezy stuff. And his w  ool. Don't forget his soft wool.  Sukajan gave a thumbs up to Strappon as he got Luna to tag along with  him, Archer sticking close to Luna as if it was his duty or some shit.  "Oh good," Sukajan started, "The self proclaimed body guard, I definit  ely feel much safer."  Archer huffed, crossing his arms at Sukajan's comment before his eyes  widened, pointing to Sukajan's face.  "What..?" Asked Sukajan as he noticed his nose extending. Oh great, he  's Pinochio.  "Fan-fucking-tastic. ALRIGHT, let's just go before those two oba-sans  split."  Hots meanwhile entertained himself with the second cup of tapioca. Del  icious  Haber was confused as he approached Duster, twiddling his hair in betw  een his fingers. He was definitely nervous but he'd rather be nervous  than feeling bad for suddenly ditching the other kid. He wasn't a peop  le person, after all.
COFFIN:  Vampire Collar blinked,"Huh.." He looked around and found a bucket. "W  ill this do darling? It's all I've saddly got nothing else."  Mary Janes was spinning around on the floor, thing his flashlight on h  imself. "I'm so shineeeeeeey Jong lookie!!"
OMEGA:  "Now where are those two?" Father Crucifix ask himself as he was looki  ng around for Obi and Medallion. Father Crucifix didn't know what was  going on but he had his theories. He thought this might be a demon att  ack or maybe a ghost. Either way he was going to find out what is happ  ening.  "Gogo!" Boxer called out as he looked around for them. He was walking  like a action figure which he wasn't liking.  Raincoat was still petting Shades this time under his chin. She was re  ally having a fun time with this.
OSCARK9:  Hearing Strappon orders, Gloves looks for some clues along with Slippe  ry Sapphire and since it's dangerous for her to be walking with no blu  e sandals on, she ask Gloves for assistance. Gloves nod to her and sne  eze at the same time, holding her slimy waist side, both are off to se  arch for clues.
SOPHIE:  PTJ was playing go-fish with a wall, and the wall was winning.
SAIYAN:  Undershirt felt like he was bit by a mosquito as he was kicked by Cowl  neck. To be honest, he really couldn't go anywhere without running int  o something so he decided that it would be best for him to stay put.  Meanwhile, Noodleband ran into Dirndl and Ballgown.  "Oh hey, I didn't know you were here, Dirndl! I would say glad you cou  ld make it but... you know" she said to her as her noodle arms whip cr  acked into Dirndl's face.  "But I say we start looking for those two ladies and see if they know  anything."  Meanwhile, TJ and Mesh walked over to Jong. Mesh Top somehow managed t  o make it over there without tripping more than 5 times.  "Oh hey, you're Jong right? I haven't had much of a chance to talk wit  h you" Tuxedo Jacket said.  "Yeah same here, I wish we could talk under some easier circumstances"   Mesh top said.
SOUP-KITTY:  Jong somehow managed to fit in the bucket? Honestly fuck physics and t  he laws of conservation of matter or whatever the fuck field of scienc  e this is relevant to, hes bucket-husband now. Blessed be.  Pointe meanwhile, shrieked and catched on fire- hades style- and screa  med "PLEASE STOP TALKING ABOUT MY BOYFRIEND'S DICK-" It was in that mo  ment she had noticed PTJ losing against the wall. Holy shit.
KURP:  Gogo nearly sputtered inside of Dermal's mouth as he heard Boxer's voi  ce in the distance. They pushed Dermal away, wiping their mouth on a c  onveniently pulled out napkin.  "That'll have to do for now. Unless you want to make the boy-toy angry  ?" They asked, quirking a brow.
OWLIE:  Sneakers' head perked up as he thought something moved near Mary Janes  ' feet. Fuck, it was a red dot. He began to chase after it, nearly kno  cking Mary Janes over as he tried to catch it.  Cardigan and Suspenders turned to look at Henley, he is both laughing  and screaming at the same time at the top of his lungs, he had a laser   pointer in his hand.  "Stop that!" Cardigan chided, normally she would've joined in but she'  s too pissed, she grabbed the laser pointer and immediately ice spread   around it.
COFFIN:  Vampire Collar held his husband close to his chest. "You're really cut  e in a bucket ya know." He kissed his water boy's head.  Mary Janes screeches as the giant cat knocks him down. "KITTY HI." He  pets his friend.
SOPHIE:  Pumps rolled her eyes and sighed. "Yeah yeah, whatever you say Hades."   She groaned, carying her sister over her shoulder. "So, I'm trying to   think. I figured you guys ate dinner here right? Since you didnt have   dinner before you left for this place last night..  I showed up later   and just sat around when everything went to shit. So. Something in th  e food? I don't know. "  Pumps sighed, walking down the hall and past PTJ. She tapped his back  and firmly stated "ASK IF THEY HAVE ANY 3'S" And the boy nodded, then  promptly yelling Bingo afterwards.  Upon hearing that, Pumps groaned and back-tracked, walking over to PTJ   and lifting him up. "Come on. You come too." She muttered.  "Are we going to go get some werthers originals?" He asked. excited.  Pumps sighed and looked around for Luna. Maybe she could ask her for i  nformation.  PTJ looked towards Pointe and blinked. "H-Hey, Pointe-- Is that you?"  He grumbled. "The f-food here was shit. I told you so. Y-aaaa boi was  right, schmookums." He winked. Before exhaling. _"I don't know what is   happening with my dialect right now."_
EMI:  Dermal gasped for air after his throat was cleared of muscle and he po  litely dabbed the spit from his face. He cleared his throat.  "I could care less who I get angry. I guess we should be more involved   in this plot, then..."
RYAN:  Readjusting Witch Hat, Thigh High began to try and stand up. "Alright  hold on my dude, I'm gonna try to stand up so uh, let me know if I get   too close to the ceiling." She announced as she moved as slowly as po  ssible.  "It's gonna be a long day if I have to crawl the whole way, considerin  g it is the only method of transportation that won't flail my legs aro  und like a skip it game from hell." Thigh High sheepishly laughed.
OMEGA:  Boxer soon found Gogo and saw them with Dermal. "What the hell are you   doing with him?" Boxer ask as he glared at Dermal. Seeing that face o  f his made him want to punch it but he knew that couldn't so he hold i  n the anger.
BUMBLER BEE:  Dirndl smiled in relief. At least Wristband was here. She was smart, s  he was capable...  She had fucking taffy arms.  Dirndl nodded to her friend's words in understanding, shouting out as  she was whipped in the face. "GAH! The skin of my face that is of owni  ng to self! OW!" she said, hunched over a moment before taking a breat  h. This was a weird night. "... Is it right all." she said, putting he  r hands out in front of her.  Rosary had gone to Strappon, still unaware of her own sordid fate. "Th  at two old hags...!" she said, sticking out her lip and pouting under  her dark hair. "What, did I get shrunk or something else out of a 90s  trope?" she shook her hands, laughing calmly.
SOUP-KITTY:  Jong smiled at Vampire Collar and quickly the smile turned into a grim  ace, for he had heard Boxer's voice. He somehow retreated further into   the bucket. "oh god please not today" he whispered.  Pointe silently reached for PTJ's hand, and held it. This was very fre  aky but she still loved him very much. As she did this, she went into  police siren mode and strobed for a hot sec.She quietly smiled at him.
KURP:  "How much more do we need to be involved outside of macking and acting   sketchy?" Gogo asked, pointing to what we could presume to be the aud  ience.  They sighed as they heard Boxer coming in on them. They turned around  to him, not smiling nor anything.  "Listen, Boxer. Dear. There are just some things you can't give me tha  t Dermal can. I'm just doing what I can to survive you could say and D  ermal here owes me," they said, pinching Dermal's cheeks.  "What we have is more of a publicity thing to help you."  As Sukajan and his group moved around, they come across another elderl  y man and Sukajan recognizes this to be PTJ. If he wasn't made of wood  , he would feel his heart sinking.  "What happened to him?" He asked, going in to assess PTJ.
OWLIE:  "Meow..?" Sneakers purred as he rubbed his face against Mary Janes han  d. Suspenders huffed a bit as he watched from the distance.  "Rawr..." He said with a hint of annoyance in his voice. Cardigan chuc  kled.
COFFIN:  Vampire Collar blinks and shoves the bucket in his robe. "Not to fucki  ng day bitch." He saddled away.  Mary Janes was break dancing on the floor but it looked a lot like a s  eizure. He was trying his best. He gave the giant kitty a kiss on the  nose, not knowing it was Sneakers.
SAIYAN:  Wristband looked inquisitively at Dirndl. She wasn't sure what she was   saying if she was being honest. It was like she was saying random wor  ds together. Maybe it was a foreign thing.  "Anyway, you want to help me look for those two?" she asked her.
EMI:  "So no head?" Dermal asked flatly.  "Oh, well whatever. Why are you so..." He gestured to all of Boxer. "I   mean, more than usual, anyway."  Dermal walked into the next room and saw the cacophony of afflicted an  gels doing... Well, Angel things.
OMEGA:  "So, your basically fucking him?" Boxer ask as he point to Dermal. "Li  sten, i want my job back so how about you focus on that." He said as h  e looked at Gogo then at Dermal. "Pride and Lust, wow, you are really  good Seraph. Can't when you get promoted to Fallen Angel." Boxer said  as he looks at him as he watched him go into the room.
SOPHIE:  Pumps looked at Sukajan and sighed. "Hell if I know, boy keeps flippin  g between talking like an old fart and just straight up farting. It's  concerning. Meanwhile my sister here-" She paused, to shake Pointe (wh  o was over her shoulder) "Is a functioning strobe light."  PTJ slowly waved his free hand and smiled. "I bet allll aces at poker  night back at the retirement home sonny-" he coughed, placing his hand   on his back. "Ok. Seriously, this being old is getting old real fast.   I think the food was messed with, I felt like crap after eating. Why  are you-" He coughed, "Whats a whippersnapper like you bein made outa  wood for, ma?"  Pumps exhaled. "Have you seen Luna around by the way? There's so much  chaos going on right now I just-- this is freaky as hell."  PTJ looked very confused.
OWLIE:  Sneakers was shooketh, but he didn't  moved away, in fact, he's actual  ly enjoying it. Meanwhile Suspenders watched Mary Janes kiss Sneakers'   nose and let out a loud roar.  He walked over them and put his arms around Sneakers' furry neck and g  rowled lightly as if he was saying '_He's mine_'
BRIT:  Duster pulled Shady along with a sign and headed in one direction.  "I'll take Shady to see what I can do about calming him down." He said  , petting his fluff, "You go ahead and find the old ladies."  Strappon nodded and turned to see a few other people had gone looking.  "Alright, official split. If anyone else would like to head on with me  , I'll be checking their offices." He said, "There's quite a bit of ch  aos already, so I don't doubt they've hidden themselves."  Jacket ran up to Suspenders and Sneakers, gasping at the sight of a la  rge cat.  "Wow, a cat! Who is this supposed to be??" He asked, looking up and do  wn trying to figure it out. He tapped his chin. "Wow, this is pretty f  ucked up, huh?"
COFFIN:  Mary giggled and continued to kiss the kitty's face.  Mary heard the r  oar and he rised a brow.  "You didn't do that kitty?" Mary saw Suspend  ers and he frowned. "Hey! I wanna kiss the kitty!" He crossed his arms  .  Foxstole floped on the floor. "HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO GET DICK LIKE THIS  ???"
EMI:  "What I do is none of your business, Boner." Dermal said, waving his h  and dismissively. "And whatever Gogo decides to do with you is none of   mine."  He spun around and poked Boxer's nose.  "I may help along the way, so  you might want to change that cute little attitude of yours. You do a  great job at losing your titles, don't you?"
VANIR:  Regretting ever stepping foot in this place she backtracks almost imme  diately. She went to her room, sat down at one of the armchairs provid  ed and headed a great big sigh. "I'm too old for this."
SOPHIE:  Scrunchy, upon seeing Jacket, galloped over to her best friend and spu  ttered, sadly. _"JACKET, I THOUGHT I WAS HAVING A NIGHTMARE, or a real  ly good dream BUT ITS A REAL NIGHTMARE-"_ She cried out, gesturing to  her uni-horn. ___"I MEAN LOOK AT ME, I'M HORNY-"___
JAY:  "Oh god, we're all... All... Fuuuuhuhuhuuucked!" Biretta lamented, per  haps a little too much, considering he had been crying like an infant  child for the last 15 minutes. At the very least, he was able to get b  ack on his feet, tears streaming down his face and staining more and m  ore of his soaking robe.  "I... *Sniff* I'll go with you, venerable... L-leader... Ahuhuuu... I'  m so sorry, I can't... H-help this..." Biretta was physically trying t  o fight the crying, but only managed to snivel and let tears build up  until it was difficult to see. Still, he tried to give Strappon a reas  suring smile.
OWLIE:  "Rawwrr!" Suspended glared at him, then at Jacket, Sneakers looked aro  und, confused at the attention he's getting.  "I feel you sister, no one's gonna want a handjob from me because I mi  ght give them a frostbite" Cardigan said to Fox Stole with an annoyed  sigh.
OSCARK9:  When they turn their heads at Strappon to hear that he's going to thei  r office. "What for us Strappon!" Sapphire said to him. Both of them w  alk to him steady like.  "We-CHOO, right-CHOO, Be-CHOO, Hin-CHOO YO-HOO!" Gloves said, sneezing   hard.  "Blush you, Gloves." She said, feeling bad for him.
KURP:  "If the food's the cause, then the food turned me into Pinochio," Suka  jan said as he pointed behind him.  Luna was there, she waved to Pumps with a little smile. Archer waved a  s well, just behind Luna.  "They can't speak because Luna destroys things with her voice if she r  aises it and bird boy here is finally a chicken."  Archer clucked angrily at Sukajan before shutting himself up.  "WHAT can calm me down, Duster? /Tell me/, what?" He said, walking in  the direction Duster was taking him, if anything he walked around like   he had ants in his wool.  "I can't do anything with these hooves!"  "You see dear?" Gogo said, turning to Boxer, "If you behave, we all be  nefit."
VANIR:  Throwing her head back, she sighed once again then stood to look throu  gh her dresses which were neatly hung in the closet. She chose and ove  r the top bathrobe and left her room once again to avoid any contact f  rom any other heaven-bent or fallen angel along the halls, and when me  t with one she would shield her eyes and walk pass them in order to ru  sh into the hot spring so she can calm her nerves. "This is a nightmar  e, oh boy is this a nightmare."
BUMBLER BEE:  Dirndl pouted to her companion, thinking back to the over seasoned mea  l they'd been served... glaring. "The women of rapid life length! Fuck  !" she stared at her mouth at the word. She had meant to say 'damn it  all.' She nodded. "Myself shall went to the bad person by for you." sh  e said to Wristband, using something new Wristy had taught her; finger   guns.  Rosary tapped her little foot, looking up as Strappon called for a gro  up to go. "Here, I'll go with you, Strappon." she said, hands on her n  onexistent hips and not noticing a damn thing wrong with that. She had   trouble getting to his side, though she was pretty quick for being ba  refoot.
OMEGA:  Boxer was about to punch him but he stopped, he was going to hold his  anger in. "Shut up, you know nothing about me." Boxer said as he point  s back at him. He then turns around and starts to walk away but then t  urn to look at Gogo. "Come on, we are searching for clues." He said as   he walks to away to search for clues.  Father Crucifix was searching for Obi and Medallion.  Raincoat was riding on Shades as she keeps petting him.
COFFIN:  Mary Janes death glared Suspenders. He walks up to Sneakers and he kis  ses his snoot. He walks away flipping the pinkie.  Dzilla sobbed and Foxstole screamed.  Vampire Collar was looking around with his pregnant husband to be.
KURP:  Gogo yawned, tapping Dermal on the shoulder, "Hey, at least pretend to   care for a bit. Gotta keep your quota up."  They giggled at the thought of looking for clues, taking out a compact   mirror from God knows where.  "Clues? No. My mirror needs me."
SOUP-KITTY:  Jong occasionally peeked out of his bucket to help search for clues.  Pointe just stared at her boyfriend and held his hand reassuringly.
BRIT:  Strappon pulled a handkerchief out of his pocket and sighed, handing i  t off to Biretta and then petting his shoulder.  "You should drink something, you're probably going to get dehydrated a  t this point." He said.  He handed another handkerchief to Gloves.  "We have to speak with them. If they're not there, then we need to loo  k, they can't be far."  Strappon just looked around at the group gathering by him, almost inst  inctively grabbing Rosary's hand.  "Alright, let's go."  Jacket backed up a little, raising his hands defensively.  "Whoa, it's okay, Dino-boy! I like cats, it's cool!" He laughed, befor  e seeing a unicorn-headed Scrunchy come running at him. He almost shit   himself, to be honest. "SCRUNCH-??"  "Now, Shades," Duster began, trying to sound as adult as possible whic  h only resulted in him sounding like a child mimicing an authority fig  ure in a mocking tone, "maybe if you relax, you can actually tell us w  hat happened before all this. A bath will do you good to clear your he  ad."  He gingerly pet Raincoat on the head. There was an invisible girl ridi  ng his brother...  Duster headed into the main bath area and was greeted by what looked l  ike an apothecary. There were various bottles of different colors and  sizes all lined up around the edge.
SOPHIE:  Pumps blinked and waved at the two of them, nudging Pointe for her pho  ne back. Once in hand she held it towards Luna. "here, you can type up   stuff and use text to voice? Or if you know ASL, I gotcha covered the  re."  PTJ cracked his knuckles before breaking his hand and sighing. That wa  sn't smart. "Sonny, I got a plan. It takes old people to ___find___ ol  d people. I'll be your personal bloodhound."
EMI:  "You look perfect, darling. Let the peons search for their secrets, we   have careers to fix, don't we?" Dermal hummed, putting his arm around   them and taking a peek into their mirror for himself.
OMEGA:  Raincoat continue riding and petting the pink Alpaca that is Shades.
SOPHIE:  Wherever cuddles was, she was still hot and ready.
OSCARK9:  "Tha-Choo! Yo-OOO!" Gloves said to Strappon as he took the handkerchie  f and glow it.  As they noded to him, they follow Strappon.
OWLIE:  Suspenders rolled his eyes as he watch Mary and Jacket walk away. He p  ulled Sneakers closer to him. At this point Sneakers was too uncomfort  able with the attention, he broke free of Suspender's grasp and began  walking around. Henley was still screaming and Cardigan kept complaini  ng while dragging her hand on the wall, leaving a trail of ice.
KURP:  Gogo huffed, shoving Dermal away and closing their mirror, "Anyway..."
 Shades stared at the apothecary, arching a brow in curiosity. He got c  loser to it, sniffing it a little bit and looking around.  "This...Gives me some Disney movie vibes. You know the one I'm referri  ng to, right?" He would not forgive his mother if Duster had not watch  ed the Emperor's New Groove.  Luna nodded as she grabbed the phone. She texted and put the speak to  talk option.  "Do old people just have a radar for each other?"
COFFIN:  Vampire Collar pet his water boy. He loved his shape of water boy. He  searched more of the storage rooms.  Mary found the kitty and used the light of his phone to make mini make  shift pointers. "Mr or Ms kitty! I have pointers."  Dzilla dragged her hands behind her and teamed up with Foxstole. "This   suuuuucks ass." Fox groaned.
JAY:  Biretta nodded in agreement with Strappon, dabbing at his face with it   to try drying at least some of the tears covering his face. Pulling a   jar of holy water from his robe, he opened the bottle to drink, but q  uickly cried out again.  "Aaack... Aaaahaahaaa... I-I forgot, I filled this with... W-with fuck  ing vodkaaahaahaa... I'll just drink Jong if I'm thirstyyyhee... I gue  ss..."
COFFIN:  "You will dehydrate." Vamp sped walked past Biretta.
OWLIE:  Sneakers heard Mary call him and he bounded after the light, trying to   catch it with his paws, yowling a bit when he can't catch it. Damn th  at light, why can't he catch it?
JAY:  Biretta's crying got notably louder.
SAIYAN:  Wristband just shook her head at Dirndl. It was obvious that this was  her condition that she was given.  "I'll just pretend I understood what you said" she said.
COFFIN:  Mary Janes shined the light on himself and he danced around. God was c  ertainly a vegan. He dooted over to the kitty and he hugged Sneakers.  "Fluffy!"
/LAST TIME ON DCM/: Angels were invited to have a little stay at a local onsen thanks to Mis s Pleats. As Angels were enjoying their stay, many began to feel ill sho rtly after dinner and all Hell broke loose when Shades appeared before e veryone as a pink, talking alpaca. Once Strappon managed to calm everyone and tried to device a plan, more and more Angels appeared with afflictions. In the chaos, he deduced that these afflictions had something to do with the elderly pair of twins an d split up his Heavenbents to search for them. Just who are these twins? Will everyone revert back to their normal selv es? Will Shades have to deal with his hooves? We'll find out today!
OMEGA:  Father Crucifix was looking for those old ladies trying to find out wh  ere they were last time. Boxer was looking for clues but that was hard   for he was plastic and Raincoat was riding Shades the Alpaca as she p  et him. So, Yeah everything was going good.
OSCARK9:  Following Strappon group, Gloves was holding Sapphire's waist line so  she wouldn't fall to the floor and constantly sneezing the other direc  tion, away from others from his cold. He looks like a sick dog that ha  d a bad flu on a 4th of July and he really hate this affliction so muc  h and if this keeps up, he might blow others away by his sneeze while  getting a bloody nose. Luckily, he doesn't have bloody nose, just clea  r snots, but lets not jinx it. Continuously walking, he pulls out the  handkerchief from his left pocket that Strappon gave him and blow his  nose into it. Not to hard, but letting some of the snots out. ("God gi  ve me strength.") He thinks to himself.  Sapphire looks at Gloves and feels bad for the poor guy being sick wit  h this affliction. Keeping steady, she patted his back with her slimy  hand with her right hand. Even though it's stupid to touch others with   her slimy hand, she letting him know that he's doing a good job keepi  ng her steady.  Gloves felt the slime as she pet his back and it did made shiver a lit  tle, but regardless, he gave her a light smile in return.
VANIR:  Stepping into the inn, Mirror Mask was met with Ballgown, who had call  ed Yeezy, who had called Mirror. He had a reason he refused to come al  l this way for a vacation, he hated going out of his comfort zone more   than Ballgown did. Though the problem sounded much more serious when  he heard that it was Ballgown who needed him. She usually can keep eve  rything under control herself. He kept it in mind to give her his numb  er after this was worked out.  "Oh, gosh! Mirror Mask! Please help everyone has gone crazy, and I'm a  ctually starting to think I might be hallucinating, it's insane here!"   She was obviously stressed to no end, and she was met with a simple n  od of the man's head. His head swiveled carefully over the area and al  lowed her to lead him to the heart of the problem.
OWLIE:  Sneakers purred, he rubbed his head against his friend as he felt Mary   Janes hugged him.  Cardigan was already tired of everything, she was cold, everything she   touch freezes, she can't even dress properly. _Fuck, this sucks ass_  She thought as she walked around the halls.  Henley tried to hold his breath in order to stop his loud, screaming b  reathing. His face became a bit blue as he held it in for a few second  s before gasping for air and resumed screaming.
SAIYAN:  Mesh Top kept looking around for the two old ladies that ran the shop,   all of the while trying to keep her pants up, which wasn't going very   well. Eventually she just got frustrated from having to deal with the  m that she just kicked them off.  "There, that's better, I do hope we can get this fixed" she said walki  ng back to Strappon.  She was just too lazy to keep looking, so she just sat down on the flo  or next to him. She was sure that someone would be able to find them.
BUMBLER BEE:  Dirndl slumped as Wristband gave her such cruel words. "I am to speaki  ng of my sorry. A pair of we shall found the elderly double children!"   she said, her tone changing to one of determination. She took her hai  r full down, hair golden like a daffodil framed a pure face, fire in g  reen eyes. At least she was still pretty...  Rosary had begun to walk when... STRAPPON GRABBED HER HAND. She stared  , little mouth smiling giddily as she felt it. "Ohoho!" she said, laug  hing at the turn of events. "Afraid to lose me, Sir Strappon?" she ask  ed teasingly, her giggle high pitched and definitely the sound a happy   child. She coughed lightly; serious stuff. She could wait for Strappo  n's confession! "Where do you think they would be hiding?"
COFFIN:  Mary Janes giggled and he smooched his friends cheek. "C'mon kitty, we  're gonna find these old ladies and show em who's boss!" He squeaked.  The disco ball boy lead the way, using his teddy as a flashlight where   they needed it.  Vampire Collar was trying really hard not to accidentally boil his lov  er.  He kept the bucket close to his hips.  Foxstole and Dzilla were looking together, well, Fox was sitting on Dz  illa's massive hands while she dragged the angel. "You are no help ugl  y woman."
SAIYAN:  Wristband smiled. Even though Dirndl was talking like a person just le  arning English, she was able understand her enough.  "Yeah! And when we find them, I'm gonna whip them into submission! Now   let's go searching!" she said before marching onward.
VANIR:  Ballgown did her best to track down Strapon to inform him that Mirror  Mask was here to help with hunting down the culprit of this mess. Once   she found him she informed him of why Mirror was there in the first p  lace. He wasn't even in his normal attire, just in his mask and a tank   top with sweatpants, he was definitely here on short notice to help h  is fellow angels out.  "So sorry to stop you at this moment Strapon but I brought someone of  use to hopefully make this go a little faster!"
OWLIE:  Sneakers followed Mary while an agitated-looking Suspenders trailed be  hind them.  Henley decided to tag along Gloves and Sapphire Necklace. His screams/  breaths echoed throughout the halls. Cardigan went with Dzilla and Fox   Stole, she giggled at Dzilla's statement.  "Come on now, Dzilla, she's not ugly, in fact she looks..." Cardigan t  hought of other words "...Exotic?"
BRIT:  Strappon looked down at Sister Rosary with a curious expression.  "I'm going straight to their office first. There's a chance they'll be   there, of course." He explained. He nodded at Ballgown and Mirror Mas  k, "Thank you for your assistance. We need more... Less afflicted eyes  ."  Gloves sneezed again, causing Strappon to flinch. He picked up a box o  f tissues nearby and handed them to him, then watched as Wristband beg  an to storm off.  "Let's head to the office."  He guided them to the main office and knocked firmly on the door, wait  ing for the response.  "Excuse me, madams!" He called, "We would like to have a word with you  . This is incredibly important."  In the meantime, Duster had approached the strange bottles by the bath   and tried to see if he could read the labels. Of course, they were no  t labeled at all. Of course. Cowlneck hopped off his shoulder to see i  f he could find any use for them.  "Maybe we can try throwing a few of these in to see if they work?" He  asked, still sounding very much like a child, "Can't make you any wors  e. If anything, you'll change color, or into something with thumbs."  "Come on! At least one of these should say 'DRINK ME' so I could get b  igger!" Cowlneck whined.
COFFIN:  Mary held his teddy on his shoulder, it's glowing eyes stared at Suspe  nders. Creepy.  Dzilla kept walking and searching. She turned to Cardigan, "I will put   it more gently. She looks like the rotted cheese of a goat." She nodd  ed, accurate statement.  Foxstole huffed and crossed her arms, "Says the one with yaoi hands on   steroids." She laid on her hands.
VANIR:  Mirror Mask nodded and left a gentle touch to Ballgowns shoulder as a  signal to just go to her room and wait it out. She understood and took   no time in arguing, shuffling off to the rooms. He followed Strapon w  ithout question, and stood behind him patiently, listening and waiting  .
SOPHIE:  PTJ was lost, in plain sight the old man boy was lost. He seemed insis  tent on yelling bingo while looking at an uno card he found in his poc  ket to double check that it was, in fact, _"a bingo"._ He had slipped  away from Pumps for what seemed like a single minute before becoming h  opelessly lost again.
OSCARK9:  Gloves and Sapphire turn their heads towards Henley as he approach to  them. Even though Henley voice went up to eleven, Gloves is still happ  y to see him join the group. "Well-Choo, come-Choo!" Gloves said, snee  zing in the other direction. His head turn towards Strappon as he gave   him a box of tissues, "Tha-choo, yo-OOO!" He said to Strappon, receiv  ing the box, pull two tissues out, and blowing into it. Again, not too   hard and trying to prevent bloody nose.  Sapphire wave to Henley to as a sign of a 'Hello' with a light smile o  n her face.
OMEGA:  Father Crucifix was still looking around for the ladies soon finding h  imself with Strappon Group and seeing Ballgown. "Miss Ballgown, it is  good to see you again." Father Crucifix said to her with a smile on hi  s face.  Boxer was looking for Clues and Raincoat was still petting and riding  Shades the Alpaca.
BUMBLER BEE:  The little Sister nodded, smiling confidently. Straight, concise, to t  he point! She thought, glad to have her hand held. Whatever they did t  o her made it so hard to walk at a grown man's pace! "Good, I like thi  s plan!  We'll show them what fo-" she stopped to let Strappon speak o  ut sternly, and... knock. Rosary blinked.  No. No freakin' way. She stared blankly at the door, then Strappon, th  en the door. "I'm going to say they're probably not in there. If they  are they're senile and even more stupid than I thought. Here, I'm gonn  a break it down!" she said excitedly, lifting her foot and hopping for  ward in an attempt to kick it down!  Strappon felt the little hand exit his and Sister Rosary land flat on  the floor with a >thud!< and groan of discomfort after her foot feebly   hit the wood.  Dirndl nodded to Wristband's statement, cracking her knuckles and grin  ning. "And so! How far to place looking in the beginning?" she asked,  wondering where to search first.
KURP:  "Drinking won't fix everything, Cowlneck," Shades huffed as he looked  at his reflection in the water.  There wasn't anything to lose... Well, more than he already lost. What   could possibly go wrong? Duster's probably right. At least he may tur  n into something with thumbs so he can play games and draw. He walked  into the water and lied down.  "Alright, well. Hit me."  Sukajan was in deep thought before he snapped back into reality, reali  zing he somehow lost his boy. Or. His boy had disappeared all of a sud  den. He was freaking out. He held up his finger to Pumps as he went of  f to find PTJ.  Luna came in closer to Pumps, considering she did have the other's pho  ne, and considering she'd stick with Pumps she tried to shoo off Arche  r. He's a nice kid and all, but insufferable.  Archer got the memo and huffed a cluck, crossing his arms as he stompe  d off. Fine, he'll look for the old ugly oba-sans by himself and he'll   be the hero of the day. It didn't take long until he bumped into Tuxe  do Jacket who he clucked at loudly for just being in his way.
OWLIE:  Henley Shirt just gave Sapphire a small smile and, waved back meekly.  Cardigan snorted and burst out laughing, stopping for a split second a  s she almost clapped Dzilla in the back.  Suspenders averted his eyes and began sweating nervously as he saw Mar  y's teddy bear bore its creepy eyes at him.
SAIYAN:  TJ just jumped back at the clucking madman that was Archer.  "Boy what the fuck?! Why are you clucking at me?!" he yelled.  Meanwhile, Wristband stopped her march and tapped her chin. She though  t about where to start their search and eventually just came up with t  he idea to start looking in every room that this place had.  "I guess we start our search here" She said as she whipped her arm tow  ards the closest door to them, hoping that Dirndl would open it for he  r.
SOPHIE:  Pumps pat Luna's shoulder rather gently and tried to be re-assuring. "  Hey, some of the best time spent together is in silence." She smiled,  holding out her hand to the angel. "Though, when all this is said and  done I'd really love to hear your voice again~" She winked with a smal  l laugh. She had only seen those 2 old hags once, when she was getting   the keys to her room. So she had to wrack her brain just to make sure   she was looking for _them_ and say.. well, not PTJ or his brother.  PTJ held up his uno card for all to see, his Duel Disk displaying the  rest of his hand proudly. It was one thing to question why the boy was   an old man suddenly, and where those eyeglasses he had got came from-  -or even how that one wall was beating him at go fish but.. This was s  omething else.  He fixed his dentures in his mouth with his tongue as any old hunk of  man might before going in for the sloppy, and expelled the small amoun  t of air from his lungs to proudly shout ___"BINGO, DANGNABBIT!"___
COFFIN:  Dzilla started laughing, her laugh was loud and full. She kicked open  a door and started to look about the room.  "You coulda asked me to open it ya moose!" Foxstole snapped before sha  king her head. She got up and started to look around. "Hmm..any hidden   passages?" She started tapping her foot about to check.  Mary Jane's teddy turned it's head and hugged its owner. Mothers love  was weird. "Hmmm..where would two old ladies hide their bath stuff..oo  ! By the springs!"  He started to make his way there. Has he forgotten   he was naked? Yup.  Vampire Collar was already checking the water. He figured the chemistr  y minor would help him some.
BRIT:  There was the sound of moving furnature on the other side of the door,   like someone had been statled.  "Uh, nice try, Sister." Strappon said, clearing his throat. "Someone h  as to be in there..."  He puffed out his chest and put on his game face.  "Madams! Please, if you let us in now we won't cause you any more trou  ble! I don't wish to contact the authorities!" He called in, his voice   stern.  "If you think drinking doesn't solve your problems, you should address   my husband." Cowlneck snorted, grabbing a bottle, "Take this, heathen  ."  He tossed it in as hard as he could before Duster could stop him. He w  as helpless to the little man.
VANIR:  "I can open the door." It was more like a dull 'please let me kick dow  n the door' more than a suggestion or a question. Mirror Mask was prac  tically shaking with annoyance at how tedious this seemed.
KURP:  Archer let out a low chirp as he pointed to his throat, hoping the guy   would understand that his voice is literally fucked. Maybe he'd belie  ve him if he started speaking, which he did. Actual chicken noises cam  e out of his mouth as he spoke and once more crossed his arms in frust  ration. Hopefully that answers the guy's questions.  Luna smiled with a slight blush at Pump's words and began texting on t  he phone.  /"That's kind of you to say. Maybe when this all blows over, we could  do some karaoke?"/  As Sukajan looked for his wizened child, he noticed Strappon and co. a  t the office door. He was about to address them as Obi walked up behin  d them and gasped before running away. Sukajan pointed in her directio  n, calling out,  "There she goes, get her before she runs away!"  As the flask hit the water, he poofed. The dust settled and Shades pic  ked up his hands to his face to see two hands with thumbs. He had hand  s! Oh, joyous day! But his relief would not last to long as he turned  around to a mirror just behind him. He was. He was an old world monkey  .  "Oh fuck off..."
VANIR:  "Oh! UH, hello Father, its good to see you again as well. Despite the  current stress put upon us at the moment." Ballgown stopped suddenly,  smiling, her hair a mess and her self confidence going down a bit just   for the sheer purpouse that her dress has come undone in the back and   her slip on shoes have started to unstrap in her panic.
OWLIE:  Sneakers looked at the Teddy, weird. He brought one of his paws up and   tried to swat the teddy bear off Mary.  "Uh, I don't think so," Cardigan replied, looking around, then she tri  pped and accidentally touched the floor, and instantly the floor was e  ncased with ice like a skating rink.
SAIYAN:  Tuxedo Jacket finally got it that, yes this was in fact the illness he   was afflicted with.  "Well damn dude! That sucks! And I thought I had it bad. At least I ca  n still talk. Anyway, any idea where those two ladies are?" he asked A  rcher.
BRIT:  "That would not... be necessary, Mister Mask." Strappon said, "We must   be firm, but polite."  Then he heard Sukajan address Obi and whipped around. He sputtered a l  ittle.  "Okay, that's out the window!" He called, pointing after Obi, "Break d  own the door and chase the old woman!"
SOPHIE:  PTJ dropped his duel deck and brought out his war trumpet and gave it  a.. a very wholehearted... but weak doot-doot to indicate it was rabbi  t season. That's how these things worked. In a raspy, lack luster voic  e he shouted "cHARGE!", before .."running" in the complete opposite di  rection of Obi.
VANIR:  Mirror didnt waste time in kicking down the door in one blow, he didnt   have his boots on but his sneakers did just find to send it flying. "  Its open."
OMEGA:  "I understand today has been Chaotic if one might put it." Father Cruc  ifix said with a smile back as he looked at her. "THE OLD WOMEN IS GET  TING AWAY!" He called out as he runs after Obi.  Raincoat fell off of Shades because he turn into a Monkey now.  Boxer was still looking for clues until he heard people shouting that  the Old Lady was getting away. "Action Time!" Boxer said as he tries t  o run.
VANIR:  "oh jee- god da- fuck." Ballgown strapped her shoe back on, tied her d  ress on tight and launched herself after the woman, keeping her eyes l  ocked on the target.
OSCARK9:  Ears perk up, Gloves turn towards to Obi running away and made a sicke  ning angry expression. "OH NO YOU-CHOO!" Gloves shouted. Summoning his   angelic wings, he flew after the lady.  Quick thinking, she also summons her angelic wings and follow Gloves.  "GET BACK HERE!" Sapphire shouted at Obi.
SOPHIE:  Pumps nodded in response to what Luna had typed out, "I think that'd b  e nice. You know, like.. Maybe an _actual_ break from all this chaos.  Cuz honestly dear, you _kinda need one."_ She whispered that last part  , with a somewhat saddened laugh. To say she was worried about Luna's  mental well-being was the understatement of the year.  Upon hearing alert of one of the two (2) old hags escaping, Pumps kind  ly gestured forward and laughed. "Ladies first?"
COFFIN:  Mary Janes felt the pull of his bear and he nearly hissed. He turned t  o Sneakers, "Noooo. Touching her is gonna make her zap! Be careful kit  ty!" He ruffled his hair. The bear just blinked and chilled.  "You probably could not find it easily. This is a bath house, not a Bo  nd movie." Dzilla looked down at Fox.  Foxstole proceeded to bust her ass on the floor. "Fuuuck a duck!" She  huffed and pretty much looked like Banbi trying to get up.  Dzilla sits on her hands and lets it happen.  Vampire took a blood break with his hubby.
BRIT:  Duster stared blankly at the monkey that was now Shady. Cowlneck was n  ow laughing harder than he ever had in his life, tears in his eyes.  "Okay. So, let's try throwing things in." He said, "I don't wanna tell   people I'm related to a monkey."  He picked up another bottle and tossed it in, fingers crossed.  As the door to the office flew off its hinges, Medallion was present t  rying to pack what seemed like an obscene amount of objects into a sui  tcase. She turned around and made some sort of strangled scream. She t  hrew the suitcase at them and whizzed past them on... A broom.
VANIR:  Mirror mask took out his sphynx, the weapon of his choice since a chil  d, a puppet master he is. He threw the cat forward, attempting to catc  h the witch before she got too far from him, and for extra messure ran   after her.
BUMBLER BEE:  Rosary sat up and rubbed her head, looking up at Strappon as the Dad v  oice intensified. She sighed out softly, standing up and having to adj  ust her balance. She turned just as Sukajan addressed the old broad! “  Ah! Let’s go! Wait up you old spinster!” She shouted in a cracking voi  ce, picking up her robe and bolting!
SOUP-KITTY:  Jong rose out of the bucket just enough to plant a kiss on his hubby's   cheek before purposefully splashing himself on the flying on lady. he   was now on her as he is water and therefore makes things wet. God Ble  ss. "Being on a lady whos on a flying broom is kinda lit" He said. You   go you funky little pregnant pile of water.  Pointe's "where is PTJ" radar and the screaming of bingo led her to hi  m. She took his hand and led him in the right direction.
SAIYAN:  Mesh Top heard the commotion of what was going on, but couldn't summon   the will power to move. Undershirt was blind, so he too just stood by   and waited.  Meanwhile, Wristband and Tuxedo Jacket both heard the commotion going  on.  "What the hell? Let's see what's going on" TJ said as he ran as best a  s he could off towards the source of the sound.  "Hey! That sounds like they found them! Come on Dirndl!" she said as s  he flailed off to the sound,
OWLIE:  Henley heard Sukajan and he immediately dashed after Obi, screaming. S  neakers just looked at Mary with big eyes but he did not attempt to to  uch the bear. Cardigan noticed the commotion and exited the room. ther  e she saw the angels chasing the old hag.
SOPHIE:  Witch hat, where ever she was, could see someone _else._ was on a broo  m. ___First of all how dare they. Second of all how dare they. Third o  f all, if that broom doesn't have a name, they're not real witches.___  Despite not fully being able to control her floating, she was using he  r broom-scythe and wings to propel herself forward, and as if it were  a match of Quidditch; she was soon flying next to Medallion.  "Say! Lovely flying weather we're having hUH?" She asked, squinting he  r eyes. This person was someone she'd like to know, her name was Horto  n and she sees a hoe.  Meanwhile, PTJ gently pat Pointe's hand and smiled. _"Aw, there you ar  e sweetie. Thank you, I keep getting lost. Grandpa here needs his beng  ay."_
OMEGA:  Boxer the Action Figure and Raincoat the Invisible Girl run after the  old lady that is dashing along with Father Crucifix. "WITCH!" Father C  rucifix shouted as he points at the old ladies.
COFFIN:  Vampire Collar,"You're such an adorab- JONG NO." Vampire Collar procee  ded to run after his Fiji water boy. "BABY OFF THE FLYING OLD WOMAN."  He grabbed the bucket. Witches? A panicking Vampire? What was this Hal  loween?  Mary Janes heard the screams and he fist pumped the air. "Let's go!" H  e ran towards the noise and saw the woman. He grabs his phone and he T   poses, flashing his light on himself. It was definitely blinding. He  wiggled around to move the light.  Dzilla started to run and drag Foxstole. "TO BATTLE!!!"
SOPHIE:  Witch hat blinked upon hearing the first half of her name and turned t  owards Crucifix and she pointed at herself, mouthing, but not saying t  he words, _"Who, Me?"_ , despite being in the middle of a rather impor  tant chase.
OMEGA:  "No them!" Father Crucifix answer as he points to the Old Ladies.
BUMBLER BEE:  Dirndl nodded to her companion, going to open the door to help the spa  ghetti woman; when she heard the commotion too! She growled under her  breath, following at a safe distance behind Wristy in a flat out run!  “End the going, mal-meaning aged woman!” She ordered, frowning.
KURP:  Archer couldn't even had a cluck in edgewise before TJ ran off to go a  fter the old lady. Oh no, this guy wasn't going to take his spot light  . Running after TJ, he saw one of the old biddies, Obi, run past them.   He nearly lunged at her before covering his ears from Henley's...scre  am breathing? God only knows.  Luna smiled at Pumps, nodding. Though it seems that the old ladies wer  e of priority right now. With little hesitation, she took off her name  sake and launched her summoned lance at Medallion who just whizzed pas  t them. If these were the Olympics, she would of gotten gold from both   her form and throw, but it wasn't enough to land the hit on the old h  ag.  Once again, Shades poofed and it seemed like he was gone until he walk  ed a little forward from the water. Turns out he's now a turtle.
OWLIE:  Sneakers hissed as he chased Medallion. Henley ran faster, his scream  breaths are getting louder and louder as the adrenaline kicked in.
SOUP-KITTY:  Pointe's head snapped around 180 degrees when she heard "witch" being  shouted "I HEARD YOU WAS TALKIN SHIT, AND DIDN T THINK THAT I WOULD HE  AR IT- oh he meant the old ladies." Her strobelight body was strobing  to the beat of hollaback girl.
BRIT:  "Well, shit." Duster whispered, grabbing another bottle. Before he cou  ld throw it in, Cowlneck kicked two in at once.  "Faster, damn you! We should find something quicker!" He yelled, "If w  e find the one that makes him bigger, I'll benefit from it, too!"  Medallion, now wet with pregnant sentient water and being pursued by a   witch, screeched to a stop and rammed through the crowd again in the  opposite direction.  "Take that, you fools!" She cackled. Suddenly, the bright child caused   her to become slightly blind and she veered down another hallway scre  aming.
SOPHIE:  Somewhere deep in the void, Flatcap blinked.
COFFIN:  "HECK YEAH I DID THAT!!" Mary Janes ran after the witch," C'MON CLUB K  IDS GUY AND MR KITTY!!"  Vampire Collar terminator ran after the old lady. No body takes his fi  ance and his kids. His flaming hair lit the way. "VINO ÎNAPOI AICI!!!"  Dzilla screamed and chased after the group.  Foxstole ran and threw her heels at the old lady's broom ,"TAKE MY GUC  CI BITCHLET"
OWLIE:  Suspenders roared like a goddamn T-rex as he, Sneakers that giant cat  and Mary the gay tin man chased the witch
SOUP-KITTY:  Jong, taking things into his own hands for the sake of being helpful,  decided to try and shock the old lady into stopping. So he did what wa  ter does, and he covered her face so it was pretty much submerged in w  ater.  Pointe had PTJ sit in a corner with her. Cant risk him getting hurt! S  he- as the kids say- protecc.
OMEGA:  Father Crucifix, Boxer, and Raincoat were still chasing the Witches.
OSCARK9:  Gloves and Sapphire were still chasing Obi in mid-air and MAN SHE'S FA  ST!
SOPHIE:  Pumps blinked, still giving Luna a golfclap in appreciation of such an   amazing toss. That form.. Simply stunning, awe inspiring. But alas, a  ppreciating the giant woman's body would have to wait. She stared as t  he 'Witch'.. _what a waste of the word on such a prune. Her mom was mo  re of a witch with just her pinkie toe than this lady was in her entir  e being. Whatever the fuck that meant._  --SHE STARED AS THE WITCH, Ch  anged directions before heading down a hall nearby.  Witch hat, almost struck by Luna's weapon, had swiftly changed directi  ons, grabbing it on the way back while flying after that darned hag. A  s she passed by Luna, she came to a quick stop, trying to keep herself   at a reasonable... Floating height, handing the weapon back to her fr  iend. "Here ya go!" She whispered before darting off after the WANNA-B  E.  Well that was.. convenient. "Ok think, uh-" Pumps mumbled, whirling up   some air beneath her feat and letting a tiny fist pump escape from he  r excitement. YAAS BITCH SHE WAS FLOATIN. She repeated the action and  raised Luna with her before remembering the fact that angels, in fact,   have wings. Oh well. She felt cool.  Deciding against verbal confirmation since only one of them could supp  ly that at the moment, Pumps nodded off towards the old ladies and gri  nned, lunging herself forward through the hallway with her wind-based  magic.  She had slid off her headphones from around her neck and started to sp  in them around like a lasso to the side, prepping to YEET em at SOME O  LD FOLK. Shit only costed 8 dollars at least, She could get a new pair   sometime later.
SOPHIE:  PTJ quietly pulled out a bag of Werthers Originals from his pocket and   held some out to Pointe before grimacing. _"Where the hell did these  come from."_
SAIYAN:  With the chase a foot, both Tuxedo Jacket and Wristband chased the wit  ches around the complex.  "Come one Dirndl! We gotta catch them!" Wristband said as she ran afte  r them.
COFFIN:  Mary Janes ran after the wicked witch of the wet. "COME BACK HERE W-__  WITH MY BROTHER__" Someone's disco balls dropped.  Vampire Collar kept up his speed and he took out his lycans. The boy w  as not fucking around.  Dzilla clicked curses in her native tongue as her hands slammed into t  hings behind her.  Foxstole took out her weapon. /Not in her swamp./
KURP:  Sukajan had been giving chase to Obi himself who had acquire a broom o  f her own to zoom around the onsen. At this point he'd given up, remem  bering that he's yet to locate PTJ on his own.  Luna had just noticed what Pumps was trying to achieve, giving the oth  er a small smile before she grabbed Pump's waist and summoned her wing  s. Using the wind magic as a thruster of sorts, she sped past Witch Ha  t and locked on to Medallion, readying her lance.  As that was happening, Obi was cackling as she left her chases in the  dust. She was looking behind her, not where she was going and because  of it, she intercepted with and slammed into her twin, Medallion. The  force caused the two to fuse, spinning around a little as they now app  eared as a singular entity. A shapely, younger woman with huge bodonke  rs. I'm talking some huge, humongous hungolomghononoloughongous.  The sudden transformation cause Luna to hit breaks on her wings, crash  ing into some furniture just out of shot.  The first flask went into the tub and Shades, this time, turned into a   bird who felt compelled to fight his own reflection. He was about to  throw down until the second flask went in which made him grow bigger.  Now this was a predicament.
BRIT:  Duster immediately threw another flask into the water to stop Shades'  growth.  "No, no property damage!" He yelled, "NO."  Cowlneck screamed as the vial hit the water before he had time to reac  t.  "YOU FOOL. THAT WOULD HAVE FIXED ME!" He screeched.  "That would have made you more of a problem." Duster said offhandedly.  Strappon skid to a stop to see the fusion with mouth agape.  "S-sister, do you... See this?" He asked to the nearest person to him,   Rosary.
OMEGA:  Boxer and Father Crucifix stopped as they looked at the women with hug  e bodonkers. Raincoat who was invisible keep running at the Witch and  jumped at her to grapple them. "I GOTCHA YOU!" Raincoat shouted as tri  es to hold her down.
COFFIN:  /Dzilla throws a fucking sofa./  Mary Janes screams,"NANA NOT THE SOFA COME ON!!"  Foxstole taps out and pants, she just uses her wings to get closer.  Vampire Collar was fucking ghost rider and he hopped onto the couch fl  inging seven foot woman. Name a better duo, he'll wait.
OSCARK9:  Gloves and Sapphire hit their breaks mid-air to see the two old ladies   fuse into one shapely, younger woman with huge bodonkers. It made the  ir jaw drop, and Gloves snot turn from once a clear snot, into a red t  hick blood.
SAIYAN:  Wristband and Tuxedo Jacket both arrived together and saw that the two   old ladies from before had somehow fused together into one younger wo  man.  "Okay this has to be some sort of fetish" Wristband said as she watche  d bewildered at what had just transpired.  "That makes no sense how could she be younger?" TJ said
SOUP-KITTY:  Jong was caught in the middle of this fusion and was kinda confused. S  till, he's keeping up them drowning efforts. Those tiddies didnt matte  r to him, even if they were big. He had a pair of his own, the only di  fference being he didnt want to have them, but thats besides the point  . Jong was tired of tiddy. "Yo what the fuc k? this is just a cheap ta  ctic to make weak old ladies stronger." He went back to trying to stop   the fusion by drowning.  Pointe took a candy and placed a kiss gently on top of PTJ's head. She   then decided to pull out her starfury, set it on fire, and charged at   the fusion. she strobed the whole way there.
COFFIN:  Mary Janes proceeded to punch the powdered milk sack.
OWLIE:  "What the fuck?" Cardigan said, she stopped next to Sneakers the giant   cat. Suspenders just grunted and rolled his eye. Henley let out a hig  h pitched scream as he stopped running, looking at the fusion.
KURP:  Shades vision was blurred as he transformed into another animal. As hi  s vision focused, he saw the vague shape of his first form and nearly  cheered before realizing that he wasn't exactly the same.  "YEAH I'M BACK TO- Wait. NO I'M NOT! I'm a llama!"  "What's the fucking difference?" Cowlneck asked, more or less a little   /salty/ that his only cure was used up.  "This."  Shades spat at Cowlneck, basically plastering the small man to the wal  l of the shelf.  Off in another part of the building, Gogo finally resurfaced looking m  ore refreshed and peppier than they were in the morning.  "I do say, I gotta thank you for the meal, dear."
SOPHIE:  You know, despite the current situation with . well. Some massive bado  nkarahoogaloogs being forged out of two old women. Pumps was dealing w  ith a badonker problem of her own. After the rather abrupt crash, she  found her head wedged in between her friend's... serious honkers. Not  that she would have minded, but to her dismay, 1) they were still in t  he middle of a fight against some tit lady, and 2) Well, they weren't  quite at a point in their friendship where this would be acceptable. P  umps simply raised her hand in the air and gave a thumbs up to indicat  e she was alive at least, though not for long if she had to stay in th  is position. _2 chicks, chillin in a bath house, 1 milometer apart and   they're not gay. Yet._
BRIT:  Despite the blatant attempt to suffocate her, the fusion shook the wat  erboy and The Invisible Girl off in a struggle. She saw all the people   around her and grimaced.  "Shit, let's get out of here!" She said, making her way out of the are  a as fast as possible.  "After... Them!" Strappon demanded, "Whatever just happened! Don't let   them get away!"  The fusion lady went jetting into the nearest way out- which happened  to be the bath house.  Duster looked up from his concentrated furrow to see a large woman wit  h enormous... tracts of land. He screamed, and it was the least manly  thing he'd done in his life. He sounded like a little girl. The scream   shocked the fusion lady, causing them to scream, too.
OSCARK9:  Snapping back into reality, Gloves and Sapphire chase after the fusion   woman once again in mid-air.
SAIYAN:  Tuxedo Jacket looked as the woman ran off to the bath house.  "YOU WONT GET AWAY FROM ME! Come on Archer!" Tuxedo yelled as he ran o  ff after the witch again.  "Yeah let's go Dirndl!" Wristband yelled, following TJ's lead.
EMI:  Elsewhere, Dermal and Gogo emerged from a closet, one looking satisfie  d and licking their lips and the other limping.  "Well, I'm up for a good soak now that we got that out of our system..  ." Dermal managed to say, rubbing his behind gently. The two entered t  he bathhouse only to be greeted by a banshee-like scream and a large o  ld woman with humongous bazongongalas drooping down to her toes.  Dermal then looked only more exhausted. "I hate Angels."
OMEGA:  Boxer and Father Crucifix shake their heads and run after the fusion.  Raincoat ran after the lady too.
SOPHIE:  Witch hat blinked. Those were some serious bohongalogadonkeramungos. A  fter collecting herself, she tightened her grip on her broom and soare  d after the fusion.  ___"HEY--UHM"___ she paused, keeping pace next to the giant woman. ___  "I'd understand if there was a misunderstanding but mam..s.. I'm real  sick and tired of floaTING?"___ She blurted out, using her wings to pu  sh herself back down. Lord she was out in the open. Next thing you kno  w she'd be in the stratosphere if she wasn't careful.
COFFIN:  Vampire Collar tried to skid to a stop but momentum said fuck your chi  cken strips so he ran right into the wall.  Mary Janes screamed like the little man he was and it was horrifying.  He turned on his teddy tazer and dipped her into the water. "I AM PIKA  BOO!!" Pray for this boy.  Dzilla screamed and managed to throw on of her axes. Foxstole held a f  ew an started to throw them too.
SOUP-KITTY:  Jong, being fucking pissed that he was shooken off, darted off directl  y into more water. He was done with this bullshit. Suddenly all the wa  ter from the bathouse had become part of his body, and there he was, a   big ol water boy. You know he had to do it to em. He stood in front o  f the fusion, he looked kinda angry tbh. He noticed mary dipping the t  eddy tazer in water. "HEY MARY DO YOU THINK YOU CAN LIKE, TURN THAT TA  ZER ON AND THROW IT INSIDE ME?"  Pointe threw Starfury at the fusion's butt.
KURP:  Luna gasped as she got up, not really paying any mind to the poor sap  between her own cleavage. Sitting up Pumps, she tore off her heels and   caught up with the rest of the group.  Shades screamed as well mostly because others were also screaming. Hap  pens when your anxiety is through the roof. In his panic, Shades went  in and grabbed a vial of his own and threw it at the screaming lady.  As the vial came into contact with them, their shapely form poofed, un  fusing them and turning them into a pair of flamingos. Well. They're t  echnically still a pair of tits. Their sudden form shift helped them a  void Starfury.  With this, they ran out of the room, past dumbfounded Heavenbents. Or  that would of been the case if they actually weren't running around in   circles from utter confusion.
KURP:  Also Archer's basically being choked as he's being dragged around Tuxe  do Jacket.
BRIT:  The idea struck Duster to continue to throw vials at the two old birds  . He began throwing them with wreckless abandon, each one that made co  ntact with them turned them into a different form.  "Everyone, start throwing these at them!" He called, "Block them off!"  "S-stop that!! Those are not toys!" Medallion squawked, skidding to a  stop and barely evading being caught by Strappon who had lept to hold  her down, "They were hard to make!!"
COFFIN:  "JEAN THONG DE'NIM YOU ARE NOT FRYING OUR CHILDREN." Vampire Collar ye  lled as he peeled himself from the wall.  Mary Janes shrugs," OKEY DOKEY SMOKEY!" He turns on the tazer and he t  hrow it into his brother.  Vamp's soul /leaves./  Dzilla stared up at Jong and blinked. "Huh."
OMEGA:  Boxer, Raincoat, and Father Crucifix started to throw vials at them.
SOUP-KITTY:  Jong literally grabs the gosh darned flamingos and hopefully stuns the  m.
SOPHIE:  Pumps slowly stood to her feet, still a bit dazed from how much tit sh  e just experienced in the past minute. Stumbling around, she picked up   a couple vials and carefully hucked them at the two twins. Lord knows   she didnt want any of this getting on her. She was PURE.  Meanwhile, witch hat simply waved at JONGO.
SAIYAN:  Tuxedo Jacket and Wristband didn't waste any time. Wristband whipped a   bunch at them, while Tuxedo Jacket used his giant fucking hand to gra  b like 50 at once and just chucked them at the lady.  "Take this you old hags turned hot!" He yelled at them.
KURP:  "They also costed us a fortune, STOP IT!!" Obi shrieked as she went fr  om a flamingo to a cat with two small horns protruding from her head.  "Oh  no!" She squeaked before covering her mouth quickly, "Wait, is th  at /my voice/? AAAAAAAAAAAAAA."  She was pelted with more potions which turned her into different other   animals before she simply flopped to the ground as a tired, horned pi  glet.
OWLIE:  "Then fucking fix us, you hags," Cardigan said, she chucked a frozen s  olid vial at one of the ladies. Sneakers hissed at Medallion, his claw  s were exposed. Henley must've been the only one left screaming, not t  hat he can help it.
OSCARK9:  Gloves and Sapphire snap their heads at Duster to hear his voice. Nodd  ing and turn quickly towards some vases, they began to throw at the tw  o old woman with no holding back.  "YEAH!" They say, agreeing with Cardigan.
BRIT:  Medallion screeched as she was hit by another vial and turned into a k  iwi as she was grappled by Jong. Jong would then be hit by the same vi  al and also be turned into a kiwi.  She managed to patter away, evading many of the potions as she was now   quite small. She cackled loudly as she sped past the Heavenebents who   tried to capture her.
SOUP-KITTY:  Jong is now a kiwi. Pointe picked up starfury and chiffon- I mean jong  , and put him on her head. There was now a strobelight teen with a kiw  i on her head waving a big sword trying to catch another kiwi. Jong cr  ies.
SOPHIE:  Scrunchy, A horse headed freak, wasn't quite feeling right. Not knowin  g where she herself even was, she watched a kiwi bird totter past her.   Without thinking twice, she reached in her pocket and pulled out a sc  runchy, turning it into a slingshot and taking aim. In the back of her   head she wanted to believe this was wrong but.. _it felt so right._
COFFIN:  Vampire Collar was currently passed out on the ground, his hair was pr  obably lighting things on fire. Probably. Mary done yeeted his soul.  Mary Janes ran up to Pointe, unintentionally spreading the strobe ligh  ts. "Jong!!" He grabbed his teddy and he ran at the lady screaming.  Dzilla was just proud of her boy.  Fox wanted death.
BRIT:  Scrunchy's aim was awful, but somehow. /Somehow/ it hit the kiwi-Medal  lion and caused her to fly into the air. She was then pelted with seve  ral potions midair, and flopped to the ground as a large snake.  The snake frantically attempted to slither away, but was suddenly pile  d on by Jacket, who had been behind Scrunchy, and wrassled into submis  sion. Tied into a knot.  "GREAT LEVIATHAN, UNHAND ME YOU GRUBBY CHILD!" Came the voice of not M  edallion, but another rather familiar demon voice.
BRIT:  "Wow, either you added some years on you... Or you ain't no old lady."   Jacket said, holding the now knotted snake away from himself. The kno  t just hung limp and tired with a heavy sigh.  "That voice is familiar." Duster said, turning to Shades, "Isn't that  your friend's husband?"
OMEGA:  "Leviathan..." Father Crucifix said as he stopped throwing vials at th  e witches. "Their Demons or Witches that worship the Snake of Envy!" H  e said as he points at them. Boxer and Raincoat look at the watches ke  eping their eyes on them.
SOPHIE:  Scrunchy stared at the snake and slowly raised her slingshot again, in   case they were bout to start shit.
SAIYAN:  Undershirt and Mesh Top managed to find their way to where the two old   ladies were tied up, while Tuxedo Jacket and Wristband panted a bit a  t the exertion it took to chase these two down.  "Jesus, that took so much effort" Tuxedo Jacket said as he wiped the s  weat from his brow with his giant hand.
OSCARK9:  Gloves and Sapphire flew down with the rest of the dang while summonin  g their holy namesakes out.
OWLIE:  "Calm the hell down, preacher man" Cardigan said, eyeing the snake. Sn  eakers curled up in a corner and took a nap. Henley was still screamin  g and Suspenders looked at the other angels and heavenbent humans with   confusion,
COFFIN:  Mary Janes looked at Father Crucifix like /bitch/, "You just made that   up my dude snakes are cool." He cranked up his teddy and sat next to  Sneakers.  Vampire Collar came to and he walked over to Pointe. He took his fianc  e and he blinked, did he nearly pee himself? Maybe. Was he scared? Nah  . Upset? Maybe.  Dzilla cracks her giant knuckles.
KURP:  The pig-Obi snapped as soon as she heard Medallion's voice shift, "YOU   IDIOT, YOU BLEW OUR COVER-" She, or rather he, shut his yap up as soo  n as his actual voice came back.  Luna came in to apprehend the piglet, sitting him up in her arms to wh  ich he tried to wiggle out of before tiring himself.  But now he had the high ground from his snake friend.  "This is why mom doesn't fuCKING LOVE YOU."  Shades stared at the snake, then slowly approached him.  "Oh hi, Amulet. How's your sex life?"
SAIYAN:  Undershirt moved in a way that conveyed surprise because, let's favce  it, he wasn't able to see anything but blue hair.  "Wait you know this guy?" He asked Shady.
OMEGA:  "Leviathan is one of the Angels that fallen from Grace. Read the Bible   sometimes." Father Crucifix said as he looked at Mary. "Also, snakes  aren't cool." He said as he looks back at the demons getting his Holy  Water ready.
KURP:  "He's my friend's husband. A, uh, rather colorful individual," he said  .  "I take it the kids are good? Job doing okay? Going out often with you  r husband?"
COFFIN:  Mary blinks, "The only thing I read is people." Said the gay tin man.
BRIT:  "What a rude little piglet." Amulet hissed at the other demon. He look  ed at Shades with the least amused face a snake could muster.  Duster took him from Jacket before he could hurt himself, his grip was   bone-breakingly strong. It made Amulet scrunch up further into more o  f a hanging ball of scales. His face was barely sticking out.  "Putmedown." He said quickly.
EMI:  "She doesn't love any of us." Dermal replied flatly. He walked over to   the group, attempting to conceal his limp, finally deciding to be soc  ial.  "Well, at least we found out why this whole thing turned into a shit s  how. I'm glad I lost my appetite yesterday."
OMEGA:  "Shade, why are you talking to the enemy?" Father Crucifix ask as he l  ooked at Shade and walked up to the demons. "Now then, tell us how to  turn the angel back or get splash with Holy Water." He said as he got  his flash of holy water out ready to splash.
SOUP-KITTY:  Jong hops up and starts pecking crucifix's head angrily with each angr  y peck the words "cease" could be heard.  Pointe patted Vamp on the back "dont worry so much, Jong seems to be o  kay. I mean, look at that dork." Pointe pointed at Jong.
BRIT:  "Holy water doesn't effect us, you daft idiot." Amulet snorted, "If yo  u're so against demons maybe you shouldn't be accepting passes from si  nners."  Strappon sighed deeply, approaching the set of demons among his Angels   with his hands on his hips.  "Well, that explains everything." He said, "Now reverse these terrible   effects or we'll find better uses for these forms of yours."  "Anything's a dildo if you're brave enough!" Jacket chirped.
SOPHIE:  Scrunchy stared at Jacket and simply placed hands over her unicorn hor  n in fear.
SAIYAN:  Mesh Top looked at the pig and couldn't help herself from drooling a b  it. It had been a long while since she's eaten and pork sounded really   good right now.  "Hey, how about we have a pig roast tonight? Sound good to anyone else  ?" she asked the crowd.
OWLIE:  "Well shit, even I'm not that brave," Cardigan muttered.
COFFIN:  Lava boy exhaled, "I can't help it...god that's really cute.." He shoo  k his head and pet the small fluff ball he called a fiance. "I recall  my cousin lost a small piglet in his anal cavity." Vamp stated matter-  of-factly.  Mary blinked, "What's a dildo?" He turned to kitty.  Dzilla blonked. "What is do dil?"  Foxstole started losing her shit.
OSCARK9:  "I'll use my-Choo! Pyroman-Choo! For-Choo! That-CHOO!" Gloves said, sn  eezing bloody snots as he ignit his gauntlets on fire. "Hold him down!  "
KURP:  Mesh Top's words clearly distressed the piglet who started squealing a  nd wiggling around in Luna's arm. She had an iron grip on him, clearly   not letting go.  "Okay, okay! FINE. We'll revert you pathetic lot back. Just promise th  at nothing will befall us."  "Yeah, you better," said Gogo, coming into the room, "This tongue is n  ice and all, but I keep biting myself a bit too much."
OWLIE:  Sneakers just slept through the clamoring of the angels and heavenbent  s, he purred softly and brushed his tail against Mary Janes.
COFFIN:  Mary Janes shrugged and shut off his teddy. He plopped against the gia  nt cat boy and hugged him close. He was out.
BRIT:  "Also as payment, we will enjoy the rest of this vacation here /undist  urbed/." Strappon snorted, "Miss Pleats spent the money to send us her  e, it's not fair she would have to pay for this."  "Please, for the love of God, just turn us back." Duster pleaded, "I'v  e almost crushed by ex-boyfriend twice."  "Okay! FINE." Amulet hissed.  Duster set him down and Amulet managed to change himself back to... Hi  mself. He shook off and smoothed his hair back. He moved his hands in  some way and the room was shrouded in a thick mist.  When the mist cleared, everyone had resumed their normal forms! No wei  rd forms, no strange voices, just normal!  But Amulet and Sash had disappeared.
SOPHIE:  Witch hat abruptly fell from the ceiling.
OMEGA:  "Yay! I'm no longer a Action Figure!" Boxer cheered as he wasn't plast  ic anymore. "Awwww I'm not invisible anymore." Raincoat cried as she l  iked being invisible for the part of this vacation.
OWLIE:  Sneakers woke up from his nap and found Mary Janes hugging him, which  would normally not bother him but the boy was nAKED.  "Uhh... M-Mary?" Sneakers said, blushing as he poked the other boy's f  ace.  "Oh.. Fuck, my throat hurts," Henley said, his voice hoarse.  "Oh thank god," Cardigan said, sighing with relief.
SOUP-KITTY:  Jong who had been standing on Father Crucifix's head, landed on him p  much. He was a full sized boy again. And not chiffon. Lit. But ouch.  Pointe stopped being the captain of the elderly police strobe light un  it. She quickly ran to find PTJ after excusing herself.
OSCARK9:  Gloves bloody nose ain't running no more and Sapphire once slimy skin  ain't slimy no more, especially no falling down. Both of them was smil  ing brightly at each other, "YAHOO! WE'RE BACK!" Gloves said, feeling  energies and healthy again.
OMEGA:  "ARGH!" Father Crucifix cried out as Jong was now on his Head. "GET OF  F MY HEAD!" He shouted at Jong as he was on his head.
SOPHIE:  Well. He at least didn't look completely like an old geezer but his mi  nd was clear again. Though he looked more like a man in their mid 50's  . Hey just sighed to himself and mumbled, _"There goes that senior cit  izen discount at the movies."_
SAIYAN:  Mesh Top felt her figure fill back out to her normal size. She smiled  as she began to run her hands over her curves to make sure it was real  ly happening.  "Haha! I'm back to normal!" Mesh Top said with uncharacteristic excite  ment in her voice.  Wristband and Tuxedo Jacket both smiled as they felt their arms go bac  k to normal and Undershirt sighed in relief as he felt his hair recede   and stand back up in his normal spikes.
KURP:  Luna noticed that the piglet was now gone from her hands, "That wasn't   a very smooth disappearing act," she said, happy her voice was now...  normal, "The guy literally yanked the pig out of my hands..."  Shades was dazed as he clung behind Cowlneck, using him as cover. The  man was naked as well.  Archer was practically yelling now that his voice was back, cursing at   Tuxedo Jacket for the 'horrible' treatment.  Sukajan had appeared tardy to the party, but he was fine as well despi  te not being in the room. Perhaps Amulet did him a solid considering S  hades knows where the demon lived. He saw that Shades was back to norm  al, but lacked clothes. Oh bother.  Kindly shoving Cowlneck to the side, Sukajan wrapped his namesake arou  nd Shades' waist to cover his privates.  "We're not staying here, we're going home, okay?"  To which Shades nodded as he was escorted back to his room.  Haberdasher finally came out of hiding. He was okay.
COFFIN:  Mary Janes woke up to the pokes and he blinked slowly. "Huh..? Sneaky  why are you poking me? Where did the cat-" He sits up and sees that he  's naked. He screeches and he uses the teddy to cover himself. His fac  e was beet red at this point. "ohmygodohmygod"  Vampire Collar sighed happily as his hair was no longer flaming. He ki  cked father aside and hugged his preg baby. "Imsohappyyourenotabird."  Foxstole looked at herself in the mirror,"I'M FUCKABLE AGAIN!!!"  Dzilla looks at her hands and shrugs.
SOUP-KITTY:  Jong stood up, his legs very wobbly as he wasnt really used to walking   again entirely, but he held on for dear life to Vamp. He buried his f  ace in his fiance's neck, and spoke softly. "Im sorry.."
OMEGA:  "That's Alright." Father Crucifix said as he dust himself off and got  up from the ground.
BRIT:  "That's debatable!" Jacket yelled over to Fox Stole. Rude.  He turned to Scrunchy and immediately mooshed her face with his hands.  "Hey! You got a baby face again!" He said, rubbing her cheeks more.  Cowlneck was hugging himself. He was so happy to be normal-sized, and  was then shoved by Sukajan.  "Fuck you." He snorted, "I'm going to enjoy myself while I'm still her  e."  He stormed over to the bath and stopped himself.  "WAIT THIS WATER IS CONTAMINATED." He announced.  "Well... I guess we'll have to have a relaxing day at the Abbey, then.   Let's get some rest and maybe we can compile a party there." Strappon   laughed, "Sleep would be an excellent idea right now."
OWLIE:  "Uh... I'm the cat, Mary," Sneakers said sheepishly. Suspenders ran up   to them and help both of them stand up.
SOUP-KITTY:  "not at you." Jong snapped. his head turning all the way around like a  n owl, clearly pissed that the intimate moment with his beloved was in  terrupted. Jong hissed audibly.
OMEGA:  "Rude..." Father Crucifix muttered as he walks over to Raincoat and Bo  xer. "I'm glad you too are back to normal." He said as he hugs them. B  oxer and Raincoat hug back as they smile.
KURP:  From the wreckage of the room where Luna and Pumps crash landed, Leon  "Leon" Leonhart sprang out. His breathing was labored and was bent on  finding the Angels. He opened the door to the bath house and pointed a  t them.  "/YOU/."  He said, in a strained, yet gruff voice.  "THE FUCK DID YOU GUYS /DO/. THIS PLACE IS RUINED! I WAS ENJOYING MY V  ACATION."
COFFIN:  Vampire Collar pet Jong's hair, he was happy his baby was alright. Vam  pire Collar stared daggers at Crucifix. "/Sufla pe un pula si mor/" He   kissed his baby.  Mary Janes hid his face,"Oh my god I was kissing you." He stood and he  ld the bear against him.  Foxsole blinked. "Okay he's cute."  Dzilla just shrugged, "Meh."
SOPHIE:  Scrunchy laughed, hugging her best friend and giving him a tiny kiss o  n the cheek. "What a relief!" She sighed, before double taking. _"What   changed about you anyways?"_  Pumps just looked back, wide eyed, to see a man under where she and Lu  na had been a brief time earlier.  "Aw shit-hey man I'm sorry-"
BRIT:  "You know, I just don't know." Jacket sighed, "Ah, well. Wish I had a  horse ass. Then we coulda make a whole unicorn!"  "Simple." Duster said. He put his hand over his mouth, surprised by hi  s once-again adult voice. "Well, I guess everything is back to normal.   Thank God."
KURP:  "DON'T. TOUCH." Leon yelled out as Pumps tried to talk to him.
OMEGA:  Father Crucifix was having his family hug with Boxer and Raincoat.
OWLIE:  "Yeah, you did," Suspenders huffed, Sneakers just gave his friend a so  ft smile, even though his face was red with embarrassment. Cardigan fi  shed her phone out of the pocket of her robe and grimaced when she saw   she had 15 missed calls from Monocle. Shit.
COFFIN:  Mary Janes raised a puppy brow. "And who the neck are you?" He squinte  d.
OSCARK9:  Gloves turn to the angry Leon, "If I could say a few words as a Virtue   Angel, I would like to state that we got Sid-effect by the old maiden  s, which turns out they where  witches, then in actuality, they were d  emons in disguise. We stop them in a cause of large property damage, t  he demons turns our Sid-effects back to normal, gone, and we're going  back at the abbey." Gloves said. "We're sorry if your vacation's ruin,   but if you like, you can come to our Abbey for another relaxation par  ty?" He question him. "I'll start a BBQ."
SOPHIE:  Pumps just placed a hand on Gloves' shoulder and pulled him back. "Hey  -man-maybe we shouldnt poke the bear ay?" she blinked, after already b  eing snapped at.
KURP:  Leon stared angrily at Gloves, shoving the guy as he walked between bo  th him and Pumps. "I'm booking out."
OWLIE:  "I'm Suspenders," He said, grinning at Mary Janes, putting an arm arou  nd Sneakers' shoulders "I'm Sneakers' boyfriend."  "No you're not," Sneakers said flatly  "_Not yet~_" Suspenders replied
OSCARK9:  Gloves turns to Pumps with a curious look, "I'm just trying to be nice  ." He told her. Waiting for a response, Leon shove him and Pumps and i  t made him frown as he left. "Aww."
SOPHIE:  Pumps just firmly pat Gloves' shoulder. And that's what disappointment   feels like right there. Welcome to the club.
OMEGA:  Boxer gets out of the hug and hugs Sneakers. "HERE IS UNCLE BOXER!" Bo  xer said as he hugs Sneakers with a big smile on his face. Raincoat an  d Father Crucifix chuckle as they saw Boxer do that.
SOUP-KITTY:  Pointe couldnt find ptj, and walks up to raincoat, pulls her close, di  ps her and kisses her passionately. She then drops her. "Nope still no  t gay."
COFFIN:  Mary Janes cracks up,"You? Seriously? That's cute. I know Sneakers has   way better taste." He stuck out his tongue.
OMEGA:  Raincoat was surprise by the passionate kiss then she was on the groun  d. "You alright..." Father Crucifix ask as he looked at her. "I think  i might be Bisexual." Raincoat said as she blushes on the ground.
OWLIE:  "_Íosa Críost_...!" Sneakers yelped at the sudden contact from Boxer.  Suspenders glared at Mary Janes, for once he's at loss for words.
OMEGA:  "I missed you little guy!" Boxer said as he hugs Sneakers tighter to t  he point he was squeezing air out of him. Strong Hug.
SOUP-KITTY:  Summer shows up, a day late, with starbucks. "Did I miss anything?"
Thanks to the work of the Angels, the Onsen was returned to normal and b ack in running order by the end of the night. They were invited to stay, but ultimately ended up crashing back at the Abbey and having a big par ty the next day. There may or may not have been a pig roast. And so, the Angels have finally had a restful couple of days. However, s omething sinister hangs in the air as their reputation continued to be s landered on television and the string of missing persons coming to light more and more every day. Will the Angels get to have another restful day?
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dcmissionaries · 6 years
...Of the Dead III: Revelations
After the catastrophic events that took place on the off-shore Lethocs base, the Angels' struggle to accomplish their sacred duty was getting increasingly difficult. The public began expressing their lack of trust in them and blamed them for outrageous rumors that held no merit. Many speculated that, not only are they protecting a potential serial killer, but that Angels are their accomplices in blowing up the base they were locked up in. Catching wind of these rumors, the Ophirs acted upon them only adding fire to the flame. They validated the public's worst fears and the slandering soon made it impossible for Angels to leave the Abbey at all because of protesters. This was diminishing what little morale the former Templar had and he had no one to confide in, wanting to spare others of burdening them with his insecurities. The Seraph was of no help, either. He was far more concerned with his image and upkeep, thinking the situation more as a mere inconvenience. It was beginning to grate on Strappon with old suspicions resurfacing concerning the Seraph. As his hope dwindled, Strappon occupied most of his free time by keeping up to date with current events. He felt like there may be an answer by just watching the news, an opportunity to fix everything and make it go back to the way it was. An opportunity that didn't endanger everybody's lives like their little trip to Europe. During his contemplation did such an opportunity arise. A week had passed after the Lethocs base was assaulted and the news had turned its attention to a new scandal. The story was over an Ophir that went missing. At first, Strappon thought (and hoped) it was the old hag that one of the regulars kept calling Zombie Hands. He was never a man to think ill of others, but that woman shook him to his core. His outlook changed when the missing Ophir was shown. "We bring you this emergency broadcast: An Ophir has recently gone missing. Pleats Ophir, daughter of the astute Swing Coat Ophir, was last seen by the outskirts of Daten City. Rumors have surfaced stating that she was seen entering prohibited territory once overseen by Lethocs before its closing, on of the Grimm District's towns, Shelles Harbor. We are taking this lead with a grain of salt as the thought of a normal girl getting past security seems unlikely, but we'll keep you informed as to her fate."
Shelles Harbor...that sounded familiar. If he remembered correctly, Strappon heard that name being tossed around by former Lethocs personnel like the late Commander and how it was infested with...zombies... Oh. Upon the realization did Strappon's stress began building up. How is city personnel going to clean up the infestation effectively to look for this girl? Especially now considering that zombies are now immune to human weapons and with Lethocs gone, city officials have no means of defending themselves. The search for the girl will be a disaster story ready to be covered and Strappon felt that he and his Angels needed to be there and help out. At first, he went about it as civilized as possible. He tried to gain permissions from the city to have access to the infestation zone but was denied when officials realized his association with the Angels. He then turned to less honest methods through bribery, but even the security outside the zone's perimeter didn't budge. He was starting to feel frantic. Seeing Strappon's current state of mind, Hot Pants felt pity for the man and tried to think of a few ways to get him and the Angels in. For a fact, he knew security wouldn't even let him in if he donned the Lethocs uniform. The uniform held no significance anymore, his authority was gone and this made him doubt his other options. That was until he recognized a familiar face. As Hot Pants became acquainted with the perimeter to lead a simple break-in, he came across a former coworker that definitely took a fancy to him. The guy was being a huge flirt with Hot Pants and while it was off-putting at first, he got the idea to use this to his advantage. He was going to pretend and reciprocate this guy's advances much to Duster's dismay. Despite being vocal about going that route, Hot Pants went and secured entry into Shelles Harbor through seduction...if he could even call it that. Their next plan was clear, they were to strike under the cover of darkness. 
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Even though the Heavenbents have prior experience in dealing with the zombie epidemic ever since Romero and Carpen Town, will they be prepared enough with a zombie threat they never encountered before?
The grungy ruins of the harbor city almost seemed to have an energy of t
heir own, and boy was it oppressive. As the crew of Angels and Leon "Leon" Leonhart mosied into Shelles Harbo r, the atmosphere was akin to some sort of survival horror video game. T here was nothing seen around, only vague sounds and some environmental s cuffling, a low, inaudible rumble almost from the depths of the earth, a nd a mist from the nearby body of water. The smell was salty and heavy, like a damp basement, and the chill from the air settled on them like ra in. Strappon walked forward without fear in his eyes, his face stone-cold ev en with his hair sticking to his face slightly from the dampness in the air. There was no rain, no storm, but the mist was enough to make it awf ully humid. "It's dark, but we'll be able to work our way through. We remember what the girl looks like, right?" He asked, turning to the group. There was d etermination in his eyes.
BRIT:  "Burned into my brain!" Jacket replied with an enthusiastic swing of h  is arm and his trademark grin.  Cowlneck snorted, taking his sunglasses off and flipping his hair out  of his face.  "Just find the girl so we can get the hell out of here, it's disgustin  g and the air is making my hair frizz. There's not enough product in t  he world to keep this mosture from ruining my hard work." He griped.  Duster was inordinately close to Hot Pants, nearly in his clothes and  practically clipping through him. His eyes were fixated on Leon, watch  ing his moves. Anytime he would come anywhere near Hot Pants, he shift  ed in a way that would suggest he was ready to strike.
TORIBIRDSEED:  The day for Collier was just starting, as he had only woken up a few h  ours ago to hear the news of the missing Ophir and some thing or other   about locations, He didint really bother to think too much of it. He  decided that he would drop by and see what all the fuss was about, as  he figured that the other angels and humans would probably be at the s  cene before him. Stretching his wings he took off. He had missed work  that day, and as such had to hope that his subordinates could handle m  anaging things on their own, if not he would have to scold them when h  e got back.  Without an escort, Collier soon saw where the others had congested to,   and he swooped in graceful landing with a jog and swooping his hair b  ackwards with his hand before stopping. He put his hand on his shoulde  r, stretching it gently as he look around, his eyes gently piercing th  rough people to look behind them, and than into their eyes. Not litera  lly of course, he just had that look about him. Yawning he spoke up.  “So what's going on this time? You angels fuck something up again.” As   always he was speaking to nobody in particular. It was just his way o  f getting attention, somebody was sure to answer him. He didn't unders  tand the full grasp of the situation he had got himself into, and was  particularly uninterested in being cooperative with the other angels,  especially not Strapon. He had a particularly strong distaste for doin  g anything Strapon would tell him to do, perhaps that's why he was whe  re he was no in life. Regardless, he was just going to do his own thin  g. To hell if anybody was gonna stop him.  Licking his lips he waited to see what would happen next.  Along with the others who had arrived, Cloak was one of a few humans w  ho often went out of his way to see to it that things went well. His c  reepiness and gross behavior aside, he was somebody who was quite fond   of making sure that plans were followed. Not that he knew what the pl  an was. Cloak had been in the middle of some research when he found ou  t people were going out, and so he had decided that he would do the sa  me, leaving his research partner behind for however long this took. Mu  mbling to himself he spoke gently, his voice shaky as always.  “Uuhh… I really hope we find a ghost or this is gonna be a waste… Uuuh  .”  He wasn't too interested unless a ghost was involved, and came with on  ly the hope of finding one he had not seen before in his head. That wa  s his sole motivation when doing anything, ghosts… it was all that he  thought about in his day to day life, and it was the focus of his enti  re world view. He considered them to be something spectacular, as well   as utterly disgusting. Perhaps he related to that somewhat. Walking s  lowly he scratched his head before grabbing his hair and pulling it ba  ck into a ponytail, sick of it being in his face for once. He fixed hi  s rather tall collar and smiled.  “Would somebody care to tell me why exactly we are even here? I mean…  If one would not mind… I simply was not paying attention.”  That was usual for him.  Finally, there was Goggles. Goggles was loud, obnoxious, and never got   along with angels too well, not being able to control her emotions ma  de things rather difficult for her, as many people, especially those w  ith virtue, did not like her rather straight to the point way of think  ing. Her day was already going bad in her eyes, as she approached the  area that many of the others were finding themselves. Cracking her knu  ckles and takling to herself.  “Fucking peice of shit fucking asshole motherfucker-”  Something along those lines. She had a few encounters with people on h  er way here, and she was particularly pissed off. Today was not a good   day for her. Her eyes had the very definition of fury in them, and sh  e honestly just wanted to go home. She started to question why she eve  n came out to this place, perhaps she was bored. Or maybe part of her  actually wanted to, but after the day she had been having, that was no   more. Hands behind her back she spoke up to herself once again, after   her swearing had subsided.  “Can anybody tell me why the fuck I'm here… before I snap all y’all’s  necks? I fucking hate this stupid bullshit, who the fuck convinced me  that this was a good idea. Huh?” She pointed at one of the higher up a  ngels, nobody in particular.  “Was it you tough guy!? You wanna fucking throw down?”
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "Indeed Brother Strappon" Father Crucifix said as he looked at him wit  h a determine face. Raincoat had her weapon out and was filling it up  with bullets though she looked at Boxer who looked tried a bit. "Boxer  , you okay?" Raincoat said as she looks at kind of worried for her fri  end. Boxer looked at her with a tried like smile. "I'm fine, Rain. Jus  t my run took a lot out of me..." Boxer chuckled a little though it wa  s a weak chuckle. "Boxer, you know you can stay home, Father Crucifix  would understand" She said as she was worried for as she tries to put  a hand on his shoulder. "Like i said, I'm Fine" He said as he looked a  t her with no smile but with a straight face. "Okay..." Raincoat said  as she still worries but continues to get her weapon ready.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Headphones was fanning himself with a much too fancy fan with lace and   jewels as he walked with the click of his heels. Sighing,  "While I like a sauna this is just a bit much."  Surprisingly, he didn't mind the fishy smell from the harbor. In fact,   it reminded him of the time he fell asleep in a tide pool. It might a  lso be that Headphone's sense of smell was either so damaged or backwa  rd that he enjoyed really any smell. He raised his eyebrow,  "You're asking a man without his left eye to see something. Good j o b  ."  He gave a sarcastic slow clap as he widened the only functioning eye h  e has to stare in the fog to exemplify his point.  Knittens was in the same boat, itching at the patches on his right arm  . It's been several days and his home life had been stressful. Not tha  t anything happened it was just a very strange series of events that d  idn't really make sense. Honestly, he did want to get out of the house   even if it meant this insanity. Stretching his neck,  "Shouldn't we try getting flashlights or something to at least see?"
DJ:  "My mind is a steel trap, Brother Strappon!" Helmet exclaimed, eager t  o recuse the damsel in distress like a true knight.  Loincloth was adjusting the strap to his plaudron. It had been a long  time since he wore this armor. Hell, he didn't think he was never goin  g to have to wear it again since he fell from heaven. But here he was,   attempting to rescue some likely dead woman in a zombie-infested harb  or with a bunch of other angels. He could only hope it this venture do  esn't go to complete shit.
SOUP-KITTY:  Jong was in a particularly enthusiastic mood that day, he had once aga  in gone alone into town and done some shopping, all on his own. Which  was a big achievement considering how much his dads loved to baby him.   Still, he managed to slip away. Mostly by using his wings which were  admittedly underdeveloped as he had never been allowed or taught to us  e them. With that though, the boy had picked up his wheelchair and flo  wn off for the day, only placing the chair back down when he was far e  nough away. But now he was in the middle of zooming over to the meetin  g place, wheeling himself as fast as possible, which was probably way  too fast a speed for a wheelchair, and he wasn’t alone. There was a gi  rl who was slightly taller than him, sitting on his lap, holding on fo  r dear life. He saw the group of familiar people in the distance, and  came to a screeching halt, which sent the poor girl flying out of his  lap.  Pointe Shoes was stuck in a peculiar situation. Peculiar being an ange  l, who she had only really had interactions with on twitter, wheeling  her off to lord knows where. She held on as tight as she could. The wh  ole situation was extremely uncomfortable considering she had a sword  that was bigger than she was strapped to her back. When the chair came   to a halt, she flew out of there as if she had been a Frisbee that wa  s tossed into traffic never to be seen again. Except the traffic in th  is particular situation was an unsuspecting Goggles. As pointe was fly  ing through the air and into Goggles it almost looked as if she had be  en T-posing.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  As Raincoat was reloading her Weapon, she see her best big friend; Loi  ncloth! "Loin!" She called out as she runs to him and hops on his back  . "It's good to see you again, Big Buddy" Raincoat said as she smiles  at him. "You here to kill some, Zombies? Word of advice aim for the he  ad" She whisper as she smiles at him. Father Crucifix saw Helmet came  and he smile as he walk to him. "Ah, Brother Helmet. It's nice to see  you again." Father Crucifix said with hands behind his back as he appr  oaches him though extends hand out for a shake. "Hope you are ready to   smite the living dead?" Father Crucifix said with a chuckle as he loo  ks at him with a smile. Meanwhile Boxer was by himself looking at down   at the ground closing eyes but keeping himself awake.
EMI:  Dermal shot a very short, disinterested look at Goggles, who was point  ing and yelling some garbage at him. He walked up behind Cowlneck and  flicked his hair as well, his usual "tail" following him around (hint:   it's Veil.)  "Then you should do your best, right? Don't want these other Angels ou  tshining my star, after all." He said with a smile, lightly patting hi  s shoulder.
KRO:  "It's okay, we'll get a hair treatment that makes you bald so you don'  t /have/ to deal with hair," said Sukajan, following closely behind Co  wlneck.  "Wigs are easier to maintain, anyways. You know it's true."  Hot Pants slung his pulse rifle over his shoulder and stretched, takin  g in the smell of the atmosphere. He ended up hacking up a lung from t  he rancid smell. He tried, he was just trying to feel nostalgic after  losing his job. But what he didn't appreciate was how close Duster was  . Every five seconds he was pushing his boyfriend away.  "Babe, it's humid as all hell. At least give me some space or I'm not  showering when we get home so you deal with this stank ass smell."  Leon was a little mesmerized by Hot Pants before snapping back into re  ality, a dreadful feeling pulling him back in. It felt like someone wa  s ready to murder him but he couldn't put his finger on who. Shrugging   it off, he opened the fence door and gesturing for everybody to come  through, only to stop Knittens on his tracks.  "Flash light? That's probably not a good idea. We're still on the peri  meter and this operation is /not/ authorized by the city. What we're a  ll doing here is illegal, but you're our best bet to find this girl re  gardless if she's alive or not regardless of what the city thinks of y  ou all..."  Spur came up behind Knittens and went in to pat Leon on the shoulder.  "The guards around the perimeter are the least of our worries. You cou  ld say they're...taking a little nap."  "Nap...?" There was concern in Leon's voice. He squinted at the myster  y person before coming to the realization that they either knocked out   the security or killed them. He hoped for the former.  "Yes, nap," Spur reaffirmed, "We still gotta act quick, they won't sta  y down the entire night."  Oh thank fuck, Leon thought. They didn't kill them.  Archer, meanwhile, was mourning his feathers which were being affected   by whatever was causing the air to feel oppressive.  "Tch, they're losing...oil? Fuck."  Guess he's staying grounded.
OWLIE:  Monocle stood alongside with Polo among the other angels. Monocle shiv  ered as he adjusted his scarf, looking around in worry. Sneakers would  've come but he's out sick and Cardigan's taking care of him and Henle  y doesn't want to.
DJ:  “Ready and eager!” Helmet said, pulling out his stick, “I shall send t  his vile undead back into their grave!”  Loincloth was caught off guard and was about to rip whatever hopped on  to his back apart before he realized it was only Raincoat and relaxed.   “Raincoat, I’m over 900 years old. I’ve fought plenty of zombies in m  y day.”
TORIBIRDSEED:  Goggles looked at the other who was flying at her, nearly about to hit   her. She was not about that life, her day was already going bad as is  . Before the other could hit her Goggles stepped backwards and ducked,   letting the other fly past them before speaking up in her usual loud  tone of voice.  “Hey! Watch where the fuck youre going asshat! You want to fucking die  !? I'll fucking kill ya!”  She was probably serious too. Grabbing her goggles in her hands and cr  ushing them as it turned into her weapon. Pointing it at the other, ki  nd of. Everything was always blurry to goggles so she was more pointin  g it at Pointe number 2.  “I'll fucking blow you the fuck up!”
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens pursed his lips at the stranger, obviously very uncomfortable   that a stranger talked to him. He became very defensive recently but  he nodded slowly. It made sense that they wanted to lay low. He still  muttered,  "Yeah, but it'll be like look for a needle in a haystack."  He shrugged, usually, things worked out and he was just here for the r  ide. At the same time, he didn't want to admit the aspect they're look  ing for a dead girl was disturbing. Gulping, he just hoped that she wa  s still moving. Knittens flinched at the sight of the stranger coming  from behind but immediately relaxed. The suit the person was wearing v  aguely reminded him of his mother, in fact, he started feeling nostalg  ia from seeing Spur. It was barely similar, most likely the colors but   it made him realize how long it had been since the last time he's eve  n spoken to his mom. Stuffing his hands in his pockets, he shuffled fo  rward, keeping his head down. He didn't feel like talking anymore.  Headphones sighs as he tied his long hair into a messy bun just to exp  erience some sort of cooling. It was like adding 5 pounds of hair on h  is head but it was worth it for the tiny breeze on the back of his nec  k. Of course, it looked like he had a white fluffy creature on the top   of his head and his head was being tilted back because of it. But wor  ht it.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "Glad to hear that" Father Crucifix said with a smile on his face."Int  eresting fact to know, Buddy" Raincoat said with a giggle as she looks   at him with a smile. "This is my first time slaying Zombies!" She sai  d as she was excited to headshot some Zombies. "It looks like you got  some good gear for the Mission" Raincoat said as she pokes at his new  armor he had on.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Vampire Collar was on the ground watching the two forms fly around on  the air. He was currently under his umbrella applying globs of sunbloc  k to his skin to keep it nice and safe. He was not fucking with the su  n.     Another rather tall individual walked close by, she knew no one   so this would be fun. Dzilla tied up her long hair in a bun and she l  ooked around, wow, only one person as tall as her. Well close enough.  She walked over to Loincloth and she picked him up,"Hello."
BRIT:  "I'm glad we're ready, then." Strappon said, looking around at the Ang  els once again before nodding succinctly. "We can move on, then. Now t  hat this... Nice, mysterious man has incapacitated our barrier."  "I appreciate it." Cowlneck said, flashing a smirk at Dermal. He whipp  ed his head around to glare at Sukajan, "Rude. You don't like my hair?   You make me bald, I tear what's left of your skin off."  Blazer approached the group, sipping a latte. How did they get in? Who   fuckin knows.  "Oh, hey. It's the stud." They said, pointing toward Spurs. "Let's get   moving."
SOUP-KITTY:  Pointe T posed right into the ground. She soon got back on her feet an  d glared back at Goggles who seemed to want to throw the fuck down. Sh  e unsheathed Starfury and pointed the massive sword at Goggles, before   looking back over at Jong who seemed concerned at the whole thing. "L  isten here Captain cum waffle, you're lucky wheelchair kid is here or  else your ass would have been on fire by now. I have better shit to do   than to fight with shitty wanna be shounen protagonist." Pointe put t  he sword back in its holding unit, and walked over to Jong, ignoring G  oggles. "Okay wheelchair kid. I'm guessing you wanted me to help you w  ith this? If something happens to me i just want you to know that my s  isters ___WILL___ fuck you up."  Jong simply nodded at the whole encounter and started to wheel himself   along with the crowd.
TORIBIRDSEED:  Goggles was not about this life, not at all. Stomping her foot she yel  led.  “Cum...CUM WAFFle? YOU WANNA GO YOU FUCKING PIG SLUT?”  She shot a round off from her grenade launcher into the distance, a la  rge explosion going off as usual. “I'll end your fucking life! And you  r sisters you hear me!?”  She stomped around some more before Collier flew over and put a hand o  n Goggles  shoulders, smiling at Pointe. “My appologies. My friend is  not the type to take well to insults. He guided her away to calm down  before flying back over. “Would you like to become a prostitite?” He w  as getting straight to the point wasn't he.
SOUP-KITTY:  Pointe was clearly not pleased at this whole thing " I WASN'T TALKING  TO YOU YOU SNOT NOSED COCK GOBLIN" Pointe turned back to Collier and s  miled, "Sorry mister, a self respecting young woman such as myself wou  ld never become a prostitute while it's illegal. If there were unions  for this and I was of age then maybe, but its a career choice I would  have to talk over with someone. Thank you for your offer."  Jong shook his head. This was dumb.
DJ:  "Right! Let us go then. FOR GOD AND GLORY!" Helmet cried out as he ran   headlong into certain death, as per usual.  "Not really new. I stopped wearing this armor centuires ago when I beg  an learning mag-WOAH, WHAT THE HELL?!" Loincloth exclaimed as he was l  ifted up into the air and just stared at Dzilla. Not only was this wom  an taller than him, she could also lift him up effortlessly. To say he   was surprised would be an understatement. "Uhhhhh....Hi there."
OWLIE:  "Let's move then," Monocle said, looking around the the place as he wa  lked, he approached in Boxer and gave him a gentle punch on the should  er. "Heya Box," He said, his voice dipping in a bit of excitement.  Polo walked near Raincoat and Loincloth and flashed them both with a g  rin. "Hi, Raincoat, hi, Loincloth," Polo said, then stared up at Dzill  a with awe, "Ooh, hey there, tall and pretty stranger~"
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "You have very unique spirit, Helmet" Father Crucifix said as he pats  on the back with a smile on his face. Raincoat looked at new angel tha  t appeared before her and Loincloth. "Hello there new person" Raincoat   said as she waved to Dzilla. Then she saw Polo coming, man looks like   a big welcoming party was coming along. "Hey Polo!" She said as she w  aved to him with a smile on her face.  As Boxer was seating alone he felt a little punch on his shoulder and  he turn around to see Mono. "Hey Mono" Boxer said as he gave him a gen  tle hug which was strange. Boxer usually excited and full of energy bu  t he looks like he is all tried out. This was strange.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Vampire Collar binked before leaning down,"Darling why does it smell l  ike dead people here?" He licked his little lovers cheek.    Dzilla ch  uckled and put him down,"My apologies, it has just been a while since  I have seen someone my size." She hears Polo and her cheeks redden. Sh  e turns to him,"H-hello there." She almost shrunk at the attention, sh  e waved to Boxer.
KRO:  Spur held up a hand, about to address Strappon that he didn't need the   praise until he heard Blazer's voice.  No, let's not get distracted by their beauty, there's a little girl to   find. That was more important at the moment.  Spur walked past Leon who was running after him.  "Uh, sir! Hold on-"  Leon stopped in his tracts as Spur turned around. There was something  menacing about it.  "It's fine, I know my way around. Could say I worked here for a while.   I believe these Zombies can be repented through holy weapons, so thos  e with firearms better shoot them before they get close. It's imperati  ve that they /do not/ get close to you."  Hots quirked a brow as he listened in on Spur. This guy must have work  ed for Lethocs before it was shut down if he knew this much, but it co  uld be the spy as well. Who knows. He can't exactly prosecute right no  w, not with who they have to rescue.  Sukajan fitted a helmet as Cowlneck spoke, looking directly at the man  .  "Sure, you can do that if you don't mind punching in the helmet's glas  s."
OWLIE:  Monocle was surprised at the gentle hug, strange, but he shrugged it o  ff. Meanwhile Polo was bouncing about, smiling at Dzilla, "You're soo  tall," He said, "You should've seen my boyfriend, he's so-" He stopped   himself before he can say short with Monocle within earshot. He reall  y don't want Mono ignoring him. Again.
DJ:  "R-Right." Loincloth said, still taking in how tall (and strong) this  woman was before turning his attention to Raincoat. "Can you please ge  t off my back now?"
SOPHIE:  After receiving a text from her sister about some rather creepy people  , Pumps had sprung into action, hopping on her bicycle and PUMPIN THOS  E THIGHS AMIRITE. Not really up to date on current events she just wen  t to the address Pointe had texted her on her phone. Upon ariving she  brought her bike to a screeching hault and took off her helmet.  "WHICH ONE OF YOU'S CREEPIN ON MY BABY SISTER" she shouted, seemingly  towards no one. Guess they left. She got up and sighed, placing the he  lmet on her sister's head. "Use this for protection-" she mumbled, fol  ding her arms. "Anyways, the heck's going on here sis? Sorry I was a b  it late. _I can't believe you swore._ "
BRIT:  Blazer watched Hot Spur closely, their lips sort of pouted. Something  about him was so familiar... But they had to concentrate on getting ev  eryone motivated.  "Alright, folks. Nice to meet you, glad you could come, let's get movi  ng, already." They said, waving everyone down, "Hot Stuff is going to  guide us in, let's not disappoint."  Duster was still practically up Hot Pants' ass. He starting moving for  ward with the group, basically dragging Hot Pants with him.  "I guess we have more to lose sticking around here with Jacket out in  the open." Cowlneck commented almost apathetically.  "Don't worry, I got a disguise!" Jacket said, putting a paper bag over   his head.  Cowlneck stared at him for a good solid minute before moving on.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "So, how are you doing?" Boxer ask Monocle as he looked at him with a  tried smile. "I'm doing great, starting to run for my hobby and stuff"   He said as he looked at the ground as he yawned a bit. he looked like   he was going to sleep anytime soon though he did notice Vampire Colla  r wave to him and he wave back. Raincoat looked at Loincloth with her  puppy dog eyes. "But i like back, it gives me the advantage to shot th  ings. The High Ground is the best ground" Raincoat said with her puppy   dog eyes and puppy dog giggle as she looks at Loincloth.
SOUP-KITTY:  Jong blushed a little at his boyfriend licking his cheek, but he was u  sed to it. He chuckled a little, before pulling the other one onto his   lap for a kiss. “Something about zombies babe.” Jong was so happy to  have his boyfriend there. But also a little concerned because the boy  wanted to do a protecc. “We should be really careful here, okay? I don  ’t want you to get hurt by zombies. I also don’t wanna get hurt by Zom  bies. Lets both not get hurt by zombies.”  Pointe practically jumped out of her skin when she heard her sister’s  voice. She loved her dearly but god was she good at catching her off g  uard. “something about Zombies. I really have no idea what’s up.” I ki  nda got dragged out here by a wheelchair kid who seems to be making ou  t with his vampire boyfriend?” Pointe locked arms with her sister. She   was glad to not be there alone.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Dzilla giggles and she covers her mouth. "I have been made aware my de  ar." She turns to Mono and she looks back at Polo,"Awww..you're both r  ather small." Vampire wiggled and whispered,"That guy saw my junk when   he broke in and it scares me." He squeaked and chilled in his lap,"I  promise I'll keep you safe. You're not being a meal on wheels today. M  aybe when we go home though.." He kissed him happily.
SOPHIE:  Pumps loves her sister dearly, but she can't seem to fathom the inform  ation her sister had just given her. "Oh, so you're telling me a cripp  led individual _kidnapped_ you and now there's _zombies_ "  She looked around and tapped her foot for a moment, pulling out some k  neepads and shoulderpads from her backpack, shoving them towards Point  e.  "Put this on for protection, if the zombies get you at least you'll ha  ve your shins and wenis..es.." Why was her sense of humor so morbid?
OWLIE:  Monocle smiled warmly at Boxer, "I'm mostly doing okay, that guy's shi  t of a brother just ruined my garden." He pointed at Polo and sighed,  remembering when he and Henley argued about Polo and things quickly tu  rned physical. Polo shrugged and smiled, grinning at Dzilla's statemen  t "Yeah, pretty much, I'm still taller than him though,"
DJ:  Loincloth quickly shut his eyes as he had grown wise to Raincoat's pup  py eyes. "If you want a vantage point, climb up a building or somethin  g. I need my back to be unburdened of any unnecessary weight if we end   up fighting a horde of those zombies." He said as he picked up Rainco  at and placed her down beside him.  "OI!" Flat Cap yelled out as he ran towards the group, "Oh shite...oh  fuck...sorry i'm late. I was smoking a blunt and....then i remember we   were....heading to....the harbor...and shite...." What he wouldn't gi  ve to have a car or even a bike.
KRO:  Archer cupped his ears when Pumps began shouting, holding a finger in  fron of his lips and shushing her.  "We probably shouldn't make too much noise if we're in a zombie infest  ed zone. Now come on before you all fall behind."  He gestured for them to follow, then summoned his bow, drawing the str  ing which summoned arrows.  "Luckily for everybody, I'm an amazing shot, so we should be safe."  His tone was so matter-of-fact. In before he ends up cowering consider  ing he can't fly.  Hots tried to dig his heels into the ground to get Duster to stop but  instead he just ran a distance and tried to keep it that way. Leon saw   how much they were both straying and grabbed on to Hots' arm.  "Hey, I don't know what's going on, but seperating is probably not bes  t right now. I heard the zombies do weird things to you just getting c  lose to them..."  "Yeah, I know what they do. We worked for the same organization, you k  now," Hots said, retreiving his arm back from Leon. What, did this guy   think he was a damsel?  "If you don't mind me asking, what /do/ they do?" Sukajan asked Leon.  Leon turned around to answer before he was caught off by an odd noise  and Hots yelling.  Two zombies had appeared out of nowhere, circling the human who was co  vering his eyes or acting as if there was too much light in them. Inst  inctively, Spur drew his rifle, shooting the heads off both zombies, a  llowing Hots to have his vision back.  "They blind you," Spur said, "We don't know why, but being in close pr  oximity to them blinds you with light."  "And I still fell for it like a damn fOOL!" Hots yelled. He was visibl  y upset.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "I'm sorry to hear that Mono, i could come over and help you out fixin  g your Garden" Boxer said very calmly as he looked at Mono with still  a tried smile. He was so tried but he need to stay up for this Mission  , he wasn't going to miss this one.  "Alright Loin, i'll take you advice sense your 900 years old" Raincoat   said as he gentle punches his side because he couldn't reach his shou  lder. Though it hit a little because of the armor. "Ouch! My Hand!" Sh  e said as she waved her hand to let pain go away. "Man, that's some to  ugh Armor, Loin" Raincoat said as she puts hand behind her head with a   calm look.
SOUP-KITTY:  Pointe sighed in disappointment but complied. She knew better than to  argue with her sister on safety precautions, even /if/ she was gonna e  nd up with burnt plastic. In that moment she noticed a stanger walking   over to them and essentially shooshing them for safety. "Well, I gues  s thats what we're doing here. You can blame the wheelchair boy whoms'  d've kidnapped me."  Jong waved at Flat Cap. Despite the coke in the sugar bowl debacle he  was glad he was at least taking the drugs out of the abbey. "hey dude  maybe be a little more careful with the shouting. You wouldn't wanna g  et any attention drawn to yourself."
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Dzilla smiled and nodded,"I will give you the credit where it is due.  What are your names?" She smells the weed. "Why..the.."   Vampire Coll  ar's practically visibly boiled. He kept close to Jong and he started  hissing. He was like a cat, not having any of it.
SOPHIE:  Pumps blinked and took the cue to lower her voice, nodding along. I me  an, nobody said there'd be medusa-zombies lurking about. "Man if only  Papa Pantaloni was here he'd have himself a field day if you know what   I mean" She said, nudging her sister.  With that said, Pumps had no idea what she meant.  She fished around in her bag and pulled out an entire wooden chair, pl  acing it down on the ground, before picking up her bicycle, folding it   up and shoving it in her bag as if it were paper. Gosh, you'd think h  er bag belonged to Hermione Granger with how much stuff she could fit  in it and utterly defy the laws of physics.  She sat down in the chair and pulled out one of her daggers, spinning  it around on her finger. "Say, how'd that date go with  you and that b  oy.. uhh.. PBJ?"  _She meant PTJ but the point was made._
BRIT:  Duster held his hand out helplessly to stop Hot Pants but he was too l  ate. What a dumbass. Why was he trying to kill this kid, he was easily   going to get himself murdered. He sighed. He wanted to kill him to pu  t him out of his misery. But not now.  Soon.  But not now.  "Oh, hey Jong!" Jacket chirped, taking his bag off his head, "Ready fo  r some cool shenanigans? I haven't seen people much since I was at tha  t mulitary base. Mom took my phone away."  He looked at the newer people crowded around the wheelchair with awe.  "Hey, we should head in before the feds find me!" He said, thumbing to  ward the crowd that had headed toward the... Zombies.  "What a dumb fuck." Cowlneck said, crossing his arms as he watched Hot   Pants get blinded.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Headphones spotted Knittens moping and sighs, not in his house. Walkin  g over, the beanpole slides right in and with his caterpillar eyes bro  ws, wiggles them as he cheerfully sings,  "If you're gonna be sad then use that sadness productively."  Headphones that's not how you cheer anyone up.  Knittens sighs as the old family friend slid next to himas he retorts,  "Like how mint cruncher?"  The angel spun around the kid as he hums,  "You could use it for exercise, or cry naturally as an actor, weaponiz  e it somehow. I don't know but don't just sit down and elt your own em  otions beat you up."  Knittens glared at him as he drawls out,  "thaaaaaaaaaaanks."
DJ:  "Yea, that's why i wear it." Loincloth said then turned to Dzilla to a  nswer her question, "I'm Loincloth. Now let's get going and find Pleat  s, or what's left of her." He then proceeded to go and begin searching   for the possibly-dead Ophir.  Flat simply nodded in acknowledgement to Jong's statement. He was too  busy catching his breath after that long run to the harbor.
SOPHIE:  PTJ was rather bored this fine evening and found himself on a scooter  riding around town when he noticed a bunch of people crowded around in   one area. He looked to see if he could find any familiar faces among  the crowd and instead of seeing, you know, his brother for example, hi  s eyes landed upon the girl who used to sit next to him in history cla  ss. He walked on over to the two sisters and smiled, waving ever so sl  ightly.  "H-Hey-what's goin' on guys?" He asked.  Pumps couldn't help but smile and side eye her sister. Ohohoho. A boy.   _A boyfriend? Maybe? Yes? Who knew. But as an older sister it was her   job-no, her DUTY, to be a shit head._
BRIT:  Strappon shuddered at what Loincloth has said. 'What's left of her?' H  e began moving forward quicker.  "I'd rather find her before she meets a terrible end. She's not that w  eak." He said. He seemed to catch himself, clearing his throat, "At le  ast, that's what I assume."  Blazer quirked a brow at Strappon's addressing of Pleated Skirt. Did h  e... Nah, they must be hearing things.  "Hey, quick dragging your asses!" Blazer called to the further people,   "We're in a zombie town. You get bit, you get hit! That means you, to  o, PTJ!"  As they moved forward, they began encountering more of the shambling,  light-bearing beings in their wake. It was best to proceed with cautio  n from that point on. In the distance, there was a body of water that  was pitch-black at a glance.
OWLIE:  "I'm Polo Buttondown," Polo said, aswering Dzilla then pointed to Mono  cle, who was talking to Boxer, "That guy's name is Monocle, he's my wo  nderful and moody boyfriend," then he walked next to Loincloth, "Be po  sitive Loincloth, we'll find her, safe and sound,"  Monocle twisted his clutching around his finger as he began to search  around the zombie infested town. He slipped his namesake off and summo  ned Eyesore.
SOUP-KITTY:  Jong smiled at Jacket, it had been a while since he had seen him. “Hey  ! This time around I /am/ ready.” Jong laughed a little, he was glad t  o see him. “I think it’d be a great idea to start going inside.” Jong  started to wheel himself alongside Jacket.  Pointe looked over at PTJ who had just gotten there. “Hey! What are yo  u doing here?” Pointe smiled, she was clearly excited to have him ther  e, so much so that she didn’t really notice her sister side eyeing her  . Pointe unsheathed Starfury and held it almost resting on her shoulde  r with one hand, which was impressive as the sword was almost 6’ tall.   C’mon! let’s not split up. She grabbed PTJ by the hand and started to   walk more into the town, she didn’t really know what the hell she was   doing but she was excited to have a friend there. “Sis hurry up! Don’  t fall behind!”
OWLIE:  *clutch ring
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "Sorry to say this, Father. But Loincloth got a point" Raincoat said a  s he looked at Strappon with a chill look. "These are Zombies and well   Zombies are Zombies, it's all about survival" She pointed out as she  looked at him. "He not trying to be negative or anything, he just poin  ting out something" Raincoat said as she was beside him. Meanwhile Box  er was just setting by himself in daze as everything around felt like  silent. He was all alone as he wasn't paying any attention.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  A small bean bikes all the way there. Panting he hops off his bike and   he runs over to Knittens. Mary Janes gives him a little hug,"Made it.  ."               Dzilla raises a brow at the small child. She was gett  ing a small feeling in her gut but she shook her head. It was nothing.   She turns to Loin, Mono and Polo "It is nice to meet you all, my name   is Dzilla." She waves and walks close to the little group. Vampire Co  llar chilled on Jong's lap and hugged him close, kissing the top of hi  s head. He waves to Jacket.
KRO:  Hots huffed, stuffing  his face into Duster's chest to muffle his scre  aming before realizing they're both sweaty messes. With disgust writte  n all over his face, Hots seperates from Duster, wiping his face clean  .  "Anyway, from what I remember reading, these zombies have supernatural   agility, so they can sneak up on you without you knowing until it's t  oo late. You'd only know they're close until you're blinded," Hots sai  d.  Sukajan heard PTJ's name being mentioned and he scanned the area for v  isual of the child. His neck snapped and quickly grabbed both of PTJ's   hands, his helmet retreating to show his face. He was ready to voice  his concerns but noticed he was next to an equally young girl. He arch  ed his brows in confusion. Now he wasn't sure if he should call the ki  d out to make him go back home or not.  "Uuuh.. Just. Stay close... I guess," he said, keeping pace with every  one else.  Spur kept an eye out for any potential zombies. It was quieter than us  ual and that put them on edge. Usually, you'd see multitudes of them w  alking the street. Were they smart and planned an ambush? No, that cou  ldn't be it. Their attention was caught by a distant body of water. Th  ey tapped Strappon's shoulder, pointing to it.  "If you don't mind, could we make a little detour to the water? I've h  eard rumors that Demons have been interested in the water here for som  e reason and I think it would benefit us to know why. I know the girl  is of high priority, but we could take out two birds with one stone."
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens chokes out in shock as he felt something wrap around him and  he was so ready to punch whatever it was. But before he could, he noti  ced it was Mary Janes. Refraining he sighed,  "Jesus mary you scared the shit out of me."  Cursing without thinking, he covered his mouth, ears turning red. He w  as embarrassed about his loss of composure as well as saying a swear.  He was never supposed to do that without getting his mouth cleaned wit  h soap.  Headphones just lost his mind. It was the mixture of horror and hilari  ty of the surreal situation. He wheezed hard, being brought to his kne  es as he tried to breathe or choke out any words but he was speechless  . He hasn't heard Knittens cursed once, it was like hearing hello kitt  y say "Fuck".
SOPHIE:  PTJ blew a raspberry towards blazer and mumbled _'at least I have good   taste in emo music'_ he ranted before being tugged along by Pointe. "  H-Hey hold up I don't got my baseba-"  Pump's exhaled, standing up and packing her chair back into her bag an  d holding PTJ's baseball bat out to him. "You left it at our shop"  PTJ just stared in confusion, trying to triangulate just how in gods n  ame a 4 foot baseball bat came out of a 2 and a half foot tall backpac  k. He took his bat and stared confused at pumps before turning back fo  rward and walking alongside Pointe. _He squeezed Pointe's hand ever so   gently as they drudged forward into the unknown, god knows this was "  slightly" worrisome.  _"First I find out mom fucks ghosts then zombies, what's next"_ he exh  aled to himself.  CREEPING OVER HIS SHOULDER, PUMPS WHISPERED _"What's wrong with fuckin  ' ghosts?"_ and PTJ silently screamed, his voice failed him. He turned   his head to look to Pumps, wide eyed. _"Nothing"_ he whispered, squee  zing Pointe's hand a BIT TIGHER.  Pumps patted him on the head and laughed "I'm just pulling your leg. C  ome on, don't be so stressed out!" She laughed, ruffling his hair.  Just as she was patting his head, Sukajan had appeared, grabbing PTJ's   hands.  "Uh-- yeah-" He mumbled, looking up at Sukajan.  _"I'm sorry if I shoulda stayed home-"_ he mumbled, dragging his baseb  all bat aside himself.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary let's go and his cheeks go red. "S-sorry. I didn't mean to." He h  olds his teddy close and its eyes kinda just stare into Knittens' soul  s. Creepy. Mary saw Headphones fall out and he covered his face. Two s  econds in and he was already a mess. Yup. Knittens was totally Aggrett  suko.
SOUP-KITTY:  Summer somehow gravitated to the exact spot where headphones is becaus  e he's a needy gay bitch. He takes off his sunglasses to reveal his re  gular glasses, and takes a sip of a Starbucks green tea frapp. He snak  es his arm around his man's waist, pulling him close. "Hi there love,  I missed you. And was bored. What are we doing?"  Jong just kept wheeling along the town, he summoned his weapon, which  he Totally Has Always Had Its Totally Always Been A Cool Lazer Harpoon   Gun For Sure, and he held it with one hand. before fluttering his win  gs and getting up, basically hovering along because His Legs Aint Work  . "babe can you take care of the chair for me?"  Pointe just kinda went along with everything, and made sure to squeeze   PTJ's hand back in a reassuring way. This whole thing was definitely  creepy, and there was definitely something...wrong... with the atmosph  ere. but she needed to be brave.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Headphones grabbed Summer's hair, pulling him close, his frantic eyes  searching for god as he wheezed,  "He said shit, holy shit he said shit."  He clamored for Summer for both emotional and physical support as he s  tared into the sky. He was ready to be raptured God.  Knittens stared back at Mary's teddy and honestly? He was kinda ready  to fight it. Throw down with a stuffed toy because no one gives him a  dirty look. He's already ashamed of himself he doesn't need soemthing  telling him mentally that he should be ashamed. He coughs, trying to c  hange the subject,  "W-What's up, why're you here?"
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Vampire Collar nods and he wheels it. "I mean, you can sit in it and I   can push you. I promise its fine." He messed with his namesake a litt  le bit. Poor beans. Mothers Love blinks at Knittens and continues to j  udge without a conscious. Its eye lights look up at Mary. "N-nothing m  uch i..I I'm wanted to face a fear..therapy isn't really helping so..c  losest thing right? ...how about you?" He rubbed the back of his neck  a little.
SOPHIE:  PTJ, who had been engaged in a very in depth twitter conversation in t  he past minute or so, looked over to Pumps with wide eyes. Pumps just  laughed nervously, pulling out her daggers just in case anything came  up out of nowhere. Why they gotta kink shame her like this.
DJ:  Helmet began searching high and low for Pleats all by his lonesome lik  e the foolhardy man that he was, his head popping out of barrels, wind  ows, the sides of buildings, and even under the docks.  "I'm just being realistic here. The odds of a human surviving alone in   a zombie-infested harbor without any weapons that can harm them, i wo  uld assume, is unlikely." Loincloth as he walked beside Polo.  After he regain his breath, Flat Cap went to catch with the others the  n overheard Spurs. Curious, he walked up to them. "So what, ya want on  e of us to swim down there and a peek?"
BRIT:  "If the water looks suspicious, it makes sense to examine it. Maybe we   could figure out what's causing these zombies to exist." Strappon rep  lied to Spurs, examining the area quietly, "We'll have to rush past th  em..."  Jacket gave Jong an energetic thumbs-up. He was happy they were all to  gether! It was just a matter of keeping out of sight of the zombies.  Of course, Jacket was not the master of stealth with his red-ass jacke  t, as he explored the area around Jong's wheelchair, almost like an or  bit, one of them began speeding toward him.  "OH FUCK. SORRY, I'LL LEAD IT AWAY!" He called to Jong as he immediate  ly began running the opposite direction. He zoomed past Strappon, Blaz  er, Spurs, and just about everyone else that had been observing quietl  y. Straight toward the water.  "I wouldn't suggest swimming." Strappon added, as Jacket went speeding   past them. He seemed to collect a zombie conga line.  There was their distraction.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Dzilla kept hearing the word. "What is a..som..zombie.?" She looked ar  ound and summoned her War Bringers. The two large axes chilled in her  hands as she looked about. She'd keep an eye on Mary as well.
OWLIE:  "Lovely," Monocle muttered to himself, frowning after hearing Loinclot  h say those words, He narrowed his eyes at Jacket. Polo turned to look   at Dzilla, "They're this undead thingies that can turn you into one o  f them if they bit ya," He tried to explain, "At least, that's what I  think they do,"
SOUP-KITTY:  Summer gently kissed Headphone's forehead while quietly chuckling. "I  can see why that would be really funny" Summer held on to headphones.  the man is clearly in love. Its kinda cute.  Jong looked over at vamp and smiled. "I can be a little more useful li  ke this." Jong keeps fluttering his little humming bird like wings and   hovering along. Jong just looked at Jacket who zoomed away wide eyed.   "Rest in peace Jacket, will be missed." Jong hovered just a little cl  oser to his boyfriend for safety.  Pointe sighed. She didnt condone the ghost fuckin.
EMI:  "...What an idiot..." Dermal commented, slightly irritated.  Out of the sky, like a lightning bolt from Heaven, came a bright blue  boomerang, landing like a dead weight just a hair away from Jacket, bu  t missing the first Zombie in the line. Right behind it landed the rav  en-haired Trenchcoat, probably only visible (practically glowing) by h  is pastey complexion.  "HEY JACKASS, where the FUCK are you going?!" He shouted. "It's about  time I found you!"
OMEGAPSYCHO:  Father Crucifix was beside Brother Strappon though keeping his guard i  n case any Zombies came at them. Raincoat was beside looking Loincloth   because he was her best big buddy and he was cool. Though Boxer on th  e other hand he was way behind the group like all the way in back. He  was just so tried and so sleepy. 'I'm so tried...my must keep going.."   Boxer said as he slowly walks behind the group.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens gasped as he pointed at Mary Jane's teddy bear,  "DUDE IT BLINKED??"  Sighing as he heard why Mary Janes was here, he patted on his back sup  portively but kept a really good eye on that teddy bear as he comforte  d,  "Hey listen, if it gets really bad, then we should leave as soon as we   can alright?"  Headphones kept wheezing, why did his boyfriend forsake him. Why could  n't he understand the level of shattering this was for him. Feigning b  etrayal, he slwoly leaned over to Summer's drink and took a sip as he  whines,  "Why don't you undesrtand me?"  He was just being a shit for the sake of being a shit as he almost tri  ed climbing his boyfriend. This man is 5'10", he shouldn't being climb  ing anyone.
KRO:  Sukajan sighed, "I would have preferred you stayed home. Ghosts are on  e thing, but zombies?"  He cut himself off before he could finish his thought.  "Just make sure to stay with them, me, or your brother. He's...somewhe  re."  "Swim?" Hots said, looking quizzically at Flat Cap.  "Swimming in that is the last thing you want to do. Shit's infected. L  ast time something organic fell in there, it melted-"  Hots stared at Jacket, Spurs bumping into him. Leon screamed, hiding b  ehind Strappon.  "My time to shine!" Archer called out but his thunder was stolen immed  iately as Spurs dispatched the line of zombies. Good to know they were  n't actually that bright.  "The water is contaminated with something, anything living dies within   seconds of contact. Who knows what it'll do to Immortals so I just do  n't recommend taking a dip unless you have a death wish," Spurs replie  d to Flat Cap.  "Besides," he continued, "Like I said, Demons have taken an interest i  n that body of water. It'd be nice to know why..."  Archer huffed, lowering his bow, "Show off."
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Vampire Collar raises a finger as if to ask about Jacket but slowly pu  ts it down as he sees the nyooming conga line. He takes out his byoogo  ng and he just hugs his bean close. "Sure you don't want to go on my b  ack?" Dzilla just casually stabs one to see what the fuck it is. She b  acks away slowly before clicking the equivalent of fuck. Jeezums.    M  ary Janes looked at his bear and it looked away just in time. "Nahhhh.  " Mary Janes let out a squeak at the back pat and he shivered a little  . Oh boy. "G-got it..thank you..w..wait you'd go with me..?"
BRIT:  In awe, Jacket stared at Trenchcoat for a moment before shaking his he  ad, pulling himself off the ground and dusting himself off. The zombie  s piled up behind Duel Belter.  "Where the fuck were you when I was being chased by the feds!?" Jacket   yelled at Trench, "That woulda come super in handy!"  Strappon came out of his hiding spot, brushing sand off his pants.  "Well, we're free to examine the water for now." He pointed out, "The  Angels can take care of the zombies, I feel the need to see what this  is before continuing on, myself."  Duster peered over at Leon after he slammed into his boyfriend and all   but yanked him away from the other man.
SOPHIE:  PTJ was anxious, he looked around frantically, whispering "Poncho's he  re?" He blinked-before realizing, no, his _biological_ brother. Right.   With all that was going on and his stress at an all time high he made   a very, very poor choice and called out rather loudly for his brother  .  "HEY HOTS- WHERE YA AT-" He hollered, before attracting the attention  of some zomb zombs. Oh good fucking god. He quickly let go of Pointe's   hand and waved his arms, almost following jacket's poor example. "HEY   LOOK AT ME NOT THEM-" attracting the attention of countless zombies,  now chasing after him. He ran up next to Jacket.  "H-hey dude w-what's up?" he cried. God, this poor dumb kid.
SOUP-KITTY:  Pointe looked visibly shook. What the hell just happened. She started  running after him, holding her sword with both hands and taking swings   at some of the Zombies. Thank fuck shes a mercer. "pLEASE STOP SHOUTI  - /oh fuck mE/ " Pointe stood in place swinging her sword and avoiding   zombies as best as she could "fUCK"
SOUP-KITTY:  Jong softly shook his head "I'm okay for now." He then noiced the girl   he had brought here shouting. "Rest in peace glasses girl. Will be mi  ssed."  Summer picked up headphones and carried him around bridal style, letti  ng him have the rest of the drink.
DJ:  "Well, how the fuck we supposed to what's down there if we can't swim  the shite?" Flat Cap asked crossing his arms.  Helmet meanwhile was going full whack-a-hole with some zombies that ke  pt popping out of holes in the dock.  Loincloth was just casual searching for the girl, picking off any zomb  ies that weren't attracted by Jacket's ruckus.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  Raincoat was helping Loincloth search for the Girl, so was Father Cruc  ifix. "Guys...Wait up..." Boxer tried to call out but he was tried out  .
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Vampire Collar watches them get chased,"Should I jump in to help or do   you think they got it?" He raises a perfectly shaped brow. Yeah he to  ok pride in them. Dzilla was casually inspecting the zombies, slicing  many like deli meat. "So that is what they are..they're very smelly.."
OWLIE:  Polo slipped his namesake, morphing it into his weapon as he stabbed a   zombie through the gut. He turned his head and saw Monocle having way   too much fun attacking the zombies, he sliced a zombie's head clean t  hen chopped off another zombie's legs. He noticed Polo staring and fla  shed him a wide grin before hacking the zombies in his wake.  "God, I love him," Polo muttered, then snapped out of his thoughts, tu  rning to Dzilla, chuckling, "I know, right?"
SOPHIE:  "PoINTE DON'T FOLLOW-" He turned to see her getting her own crowd of z  ombies chasing after her. In an attempt to be valiant, he hit one comi  ng up behind Pointe with his baseball bat, right upside the head. When   he got the attention of the zombie he realized he done goofed. He did  n't have a mercer weapon on him and he had no magic to use.  That was when said zombie went rag-dolling into the air and Pumps spru  ng into action, leaping over to her sister and her friend. One could s  ay Pumps was one with the wind, in that she practiced wind-based magic  .  She held out one of her twin daggers to PTJ and whispered. _"It's shor  t range but effective, be careful for fucks sake you guys."_ she said,   knocking back a small crowd of the zombies chasing after the two of t  hem with wind and repenting those close enough to her.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Dzilla places a severed head on a fence post, angling it much like an  artist with a painting. "There we are.. They're smelly but fun to shre  ad. They remind me of the queen's men" she smiled nostalgically.
EMI:  "How about not getting myself into LEGAL TROUBLE." Trenchcoat hissed,  turning Dual Belter back into his coat and pulling it on roughly. He a  ctually took a good look around them.  "Looks like you found some friends, though." He said, as a group of zo  mbies approached around them. "You really attract trouble, you moron."
BRIT:  Suddenly there was chaos around him, and Jacket was very confused. He  turned to PTJ with a shitton of question marks forming above his head.  "Bro, are you good?" He asked, "You gonna be aight?"  He looked back at Trenchcoat and laughed. So damn innocent. Or was he?  "Well, we can kick these guys' asses! Just, uh, don't get close I gues  s! Let's wreck 'em!"  Cowlneck was having a grand old time tossing things at these zombies c  onsidering he couldn't use his damn //magic// like he wanted to. He wa  s pissed, but it was effective.  "Just do you damn business with the water so we can get the fuck out o  f this monster nest!" He yelled at them.  Blazer held their hands up defensively, but followed Spurs away from C  owlneck.  "Once we figure what this is, we might find it easier to get past thes  e shitbag, ya feel?"
OMEGAPSYCHO:  Father Crucifix starts to slash at Zombies while Raincoat was putting  Holy Bullets into their head. "Headshot, Headshot, Headshot" She repea  ted as she gets a Headshot on the Zombies from left to right. "Loin, d  id you see those Headshots. I'm the best Sniper in all of Heaven" Rain  coat said with a smile as she keeps shooting Zombies in the head. Mean  while Boxer was punching some Zombies though he was wildly punching th  em he was in his defense stance as just punch them as they came toward  s. "Guys...Help..." Boxer tried to call out as he keeps punching the Z  ombies trying to back them off.
SOPHIE:  PTJ hesitated, going through Pumps bag and finding some duct tape in i  t, securing the dagger onto the end of his baseball bat as Pumps kept  the zombies at bay with her magic.  The blinding feeling they kept experiencing was enough to make PTJ wan  na be sick. He handed his stupid elongated dagger to Pumps. She took n  ote of what he was doing and slid off her back pack for him, handing h  im her other dagger as well.  "Kiddo, pull out my lance" She responded, playing a game of fencing wi  th these ghosts.  As PTJ questioned his sanity and shuffled around this girls bag, he di  d indeed find a lance, pulling it out, he took the spare dagger and ta  ped it onto the end of the long pole.  "Yea bro I'm gucci!" He hollered back at jacket, jousting zombies left   and right.
KRO:  Leon practically yelled out his little lungs as Duster yanked him away  , thinking he was a zombie. He sighed in relief as he saw that it was  simply an Angel but the more oppressive, lingering aura still bothered   him.  "Phew! You gave me a good scare there, buddy."  Hot Pants hand to pry Duster's hands off Leon, looking at his boyfrien  d like he was going to chastise the man. Before he could, though, he h  eard PTJ's voice calling out. Both his and Sukajan's heads turned to t  he child now being chased around by zombies.  Sukajan was about to jump into action to off a few, but was quickly re  strained by Hots.  "Before you lunge in, I'll cover you with my gun. You're gonna be blin  ded trying to slice and dice them."  Nodding, Sukajan went in and sliced a few in his wake as Hots dispatch  ed the rest.  "Hopefully," Spur said as he approached the water. Archer peeked over  the dock himself, shooting zombies coming out of pipes as they slowly  climbed out.  "Interesting," he murmmured, "Malice? I thought this was only a Europe  an thing."  "Apparently not," Spur responded, "That must mean a Hell's Gate is ope  ned somewhere nearby, though."
SOPHIE:  This was it. Her moment to shine. She missed the trip to Europe and sh  e wasn't about to miss this. Sure she was missing her shift at her cou  sins bar but Zombies? Who could pass up Zombies. Scrunchy steadied her   aim, closing one eye and letting her slingshot fire right through a z  ombie that was giving Boxer some trouble. She sniped through a few oth  ers and sauntered in as if nothing had happened. Here she was, 2 years   late with starbucks.
SOUP-KITTY:  Jong sighed a little "Babe, I dont think itd be very helpful. Im prett  y sure only immortal weapons work on them." Jong peered through the sc  ope and started picking off zombies one by one from a safe distance. h  e protecc.  Pointe kept swinging Starfury around with deadly pressition. She was o  n fire. Literally. as her hands were starting to engulf her sword in f  lames. She was clearly having some sort of emotion on this or else tha  t wouldn't be happening. But now there were extra dead charred zombies  . She was panting and mildly sweaty now. Her glasses had fogged over a   little.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "Thank you!" Boxer called out to the person who saved him as he keep p  unching the Zombies that were still coming at him. He was getting so t  ried, why was he tried he had energy why wasn't he using it!? Boxer th  ought in his mind as he keep punching the Zombies not holding back.
DJ:  Loincloth clearly forgot about the whole 'zombie will blind you' thing   and ended up getting blinded by one of the zombies. Thankfully, Rainc  oat sniped the zombie that blinded him and rubbed his eyes before givi  ng her a thumbs up. Girl wasn't a bad shot. He then noticed more zombi  es coming at him. Knowing fighting close range wasn't the smartest ide  a, he grabbed a nearby barrel and tossed it at them Donkey Kong style.  Helmet, whether he remembered what he was supposed to be doing or was  just done playing whack-a-mole, went to searching for the girl. This t  ime in one of the warehouses. "Pleats Ophir? Are thou hidden amongest  these boxes?!"  "Malice? Fuck's that and what does it have to do with a Hell's Gate?"  Flat Cap asked, seeing as how his previous question was utterly ignore  d.
SOPHIE:  As they fought back to back, PTJ, Pumps and Pointe, they had to fight  through the blindness just to stay in one piece. And that's when it ha  ppened. PTJ turned his head over to try and check on his friend, Point  e, and that's when he felt his lips touch hers for a brief moment. In  that moment, everything stopped, including his heart.  Like actually he might need CPR.  But not really. He stood there in shock, Pumps had just caught a glimp  se of what had happened but chose not to say anything, instead she kep  t the closer zombies at bay with her wind to allow these two to.. _hav  e a moment_ if you will.  Scrunchy gave a small salute and shot at various zombies in the area,  until one seemed to come up out of nowhere to rush her. In the heat of   the moment she slammed her frappe into the zombies face, confusing it  , then shooting it with her slingshot. That was close.  But she did however mourn the loss of her double choco chip frappe. It   was a sad day indeed.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "I got you back buddy" Raincoat said as she was shouting at the Zombie  s that were coming at Loincloth. She then spotted explosive barrels an  d she got a smart idea. "Loincloth! I think those Barrels need a bit o  f fire Power!" She shouted as she points to the explosive barrels. "Yo  u Throw and I will shot!" Raincoat said as she keeps shooting at Zombi  es waiting for Loincloth to throw the Barrels. Meanwhile Father Crucif  ix was holding off the Zombies that were coming after Strappon these Z  ombies lay a hand on his Templar Brother in arms.
SOUP-KITTY:  Pointe froze for a moment. She didn't realize what has happening until   it finally hit her. She felt her sword start to drop out of her hands   but for a moment that didnt matter. She kinda just forgot her surroun  dings and let it happen. Her heart felt as if it were that of a hummin  g bird, and she closed her eyes. Her feet were visibly starting to cat  ch on fire too.
OWLIE:  Monocle flew upwards and gathered water particles in the air, once he'  s gathered enough water he willed it to freeze into a pointed icicle.  with a jab, the icicle launched and impaled three zombies at once. Mea  nwhile, Polo fell back to avoid getting blinded.
BRIT:  Duster was filled with enough rage that he was about ready to toss Leo  n into the abyss behind them. But he stopped himself.  "Heyyy, Scrunch-a-much! What's cookin'?!" Jacket called over to Scrunc  hy, waving at her. A zombie had begun to approach him, but he flung hi  s namesake off and threw Dual Pride at it, catching it as it miraculou  sly came back. "Oi, Trench. We gotta get outta here."  "I'd love to know what this has to do with Hell's Gate, also." Strappo  n said, referencing Flat Cap as Spurs explained some of the are to the  m, far from the chaos within the hoard of zombies, "Is this another Eu  ropean problem cropping up here? Last time we dealt with that, everyon  e got their arses handed to them."
SOPHIE:  Pumps sighed, blasting Pointe's feet with a strong enough wind to put  the fire out before it even spread. PTJ still couldn't quite take in w  hat had just happened, his face was red as all hell. As he looked towa  rds Pointe, he noticed a zombie coming up behind her, and he embraced  her, taking her sword from her hands and rotating them around so he wa  s now on the side Pointe was once on. He turned out towards the zombie   and sliced it in two with Pointe's sword, before returning to his emb  race with the girl. His hand wrapped around her back ever so gently, h  e held the sword out to the side for her to take back.  _"S-Sorry about that"_ he whispered, laughing softly.  Pumps couldn't help but be a bit awe'd but in the meantime she was fli  nging back ghosts so that these two could carry on you know. AS IF THE  Y WEREN'T SURROUNDED BY MONSTERS ABOUT READY TO TRY AND EAT THEM. ITS  NOT LIKE THIS WAS A DIRE SITUATION. NOOOO.  Scrunchy waved back at Jacket, holding up her empty Starbucks cup and  frowning. She knew better than to go yelling at least.
EMI:  Trenchcoat rubbed his eyes as he kept kicking the shit out of the thin  gs. He couldn't fucking see, so his legs were just flailing with surpr  ising accuracy and force.  "WHAT? I can't see you!"  In the meantime, on the other side of a warehouse, a small group of de  mons approached the viscus water. Mankini held a napkin over his nose.  "Ugh, I dread this task..." He groaned. "Let's try to make it quick th  is time..."  He shot a warning look at HP. "So hurry UP."
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Vampire Collar pouts,"But mine are all blessed. Though I will listen t  o you." He kissed his baby's cheek. He was glad the other could protec  c. Twas hawt. The giant woman was currently at the end of a conga line   of zombies. Dzilla was chasing them with her axes taking them down on  e by one. If they could scream they would. Mary James was spilling wat  er on the ground in a circle around himself. He lets his teddy poke it   and it paralazes the zombies by giving them spasms. He sneaks out fro  m their legs to join his brother of sorts, Jong. "Hi mister Vampire hi   mister Jong." He chirped. The boy tried.
DJ:  Loincloth looked over at the explosive barrels and nodded to Raincoat  then grabbed one of the barrels and threw it at a group of zombies.  Unforunately for Helmet, his shout caused quite a few zombies to come  crawling out of the woodwork in the warehouse and began surround him.  Even Helmet knew that was probably not a good idea, but it mattered no  t. With the zeal of 100 crusaders, he began swinging his stick around  like an absolute madman, bonking and thwacking any zombie dumb enough  to get close to this idiot, which in this case was all of them. "I SHA  LL SMACKTH ALL OF THY BOOTIES WITH UTMOST ZEAL AND HOLY FURY!" Good go  ing Helmet, now even more zombies are coming into the warehouse.
KRO:  "No, it's not like that," Spurs said, "Malice in Europe's been around  since a historic event. It resulted from a gate being left open. Accor  ding to sources, there's a small Hell's Gate here in this town."
  They shook their head slightly, "If this was link to European affairs  , this town would of been wiped off the map a long time ago."
  Hots tapped his chin in suspicion as he rejoined the small group Spur   was in. This guy knew too much but it would compromise their search o  f the girl if he called out Spur to be the spy that took down Lethocs.
  Archer rested a hand on his hip as he looked back at the water.   "Thankfully that isn't the case..."
  "Don't rush the boy," Swing Coat said, coming up behind both Hairpin  and Mankini, "Keep complaining and I'm not afraid to report back to Sh  roud that you /tripped/ into the water."
  Hairpin simply glanced at the two as he lowered a tube to collect a w  ater sample, "It /would/ be a shame if we suddenly lost one of our bes  t ghost technicians."
  Swing Coat smiled as Hairpin played along.
SOUP-KITTY:  Pointe was clearly blushing the whole situation. It was her first kiss   after all. She didn't really expect it to have been like that, but sh  e wasn't complaining either. She was a bit surprised at the hug but th  en quickly realized what was happening. When PTJ handed her sword back   to her, she put her arm around him and spun around, almost as if they   were dancing, to get a zombie that was coming up behind him.She smile  d at him and focused "We're still surrounded by zombies, so we can tal  k about this later." She giggled a little, and in an act of bravery, k  issed his cheek before turning to face the other direction. "you got m  y back, right?"  Jong leaned over and kissed vamp on the cheek. "They also seem to make   people blind if they get too close to them. Better safe than sorry..  Oh hey Mary."
OWLIE:  "Nicely done," Monocle commented as he landed next to Polo and Dzilla,   He sent a sphere of water to push back some of the zombies, Polo grin  ned as he sliced one zombie in half, then leaped back and threw the ne  arest thing he could find- a rock the size of a baseball. It lodged in  to a zombie's face before crumpling and falling down.
BRIT:  "Trench, you have a //fucking boomerang!//" Jacket said to Trench as h  e threw his weapon once again, "Can't you swing that shit around? It's   long!"  Blazer had been watching Spurs with unwavering interest and they walke  d closer to him as he explained further what he had meant. They got aw  fully close.  "Oh, you're studly, have a nice voice, //and// you're smart. You got q  uite a package there, papi."  Strappon looked up from his contemplation at Spurs, then tilted slight  ly to one side to try to see behind him. He squinted.  "Are those... Demons?" He asked, pointing behind Spurs.  "Looks like them." Cowlneck said, fixing his hair in a compact he had  on his person. He snapped it shut, "They're taking what seems to be wa  ter samples."
OMEGAPSYCHO:  As Loincloth thrown the explosive barrels, Raincoat took the shoot, ai  med, and fired at the barrel causing a great explosion! "Hell Yes!" Ra  incoat said as she smiles and keeps shooting at the explosive barrels  that Loincloth thrown. Soon the Zombies were cleared on Loincloths and   Raincoat side. "Loin! We should go help the others out with their Zom  bie problem!" Raincoat called out to him.  Meanwhile Father Crucifix got done with his Zombies probably. "Hell Ga  te!?" Father Crucifix said as he was shocked to hear that. "How do we  close or is there one?" He ask as he looked at Brother Strappon wantin  g a answer to this. If there was a Hell Gate then they would be Demons   nearby.  Boxer keeps fighting the Horde that he was having trouble with though  he could hold them off anymore, so he ran away. He separated himself f  rom the group who knows where he was going but he was tried out from a  ll of those punches. "Need to rest..." Boxer said as he keeps breathin  g heavily as he runs from the Horde that was going after him.
EMI:  Trenchcoat stumbled backward just in time for Jacket's weapon to miss  him. He turned to behind him, which was actually really not where Jack  et was.  "IT'S HEAVY! DO you not SEE these terrible vegetables attached to my s  houlders!? As far as I'm concerned, I HAVE no weapon! You... You CLOD!  !" He shouted right into a confused zombie's face. The zombie, though  it had no visible face, ran away crying.  Mankini squinted at the human disdainfully, but held his nose and turn  ed his heel back to watch HP, holding up a clipboard.  "Keep up that attitude, Glasses McBookworm, and I'm sure the Absolute  wouldn't mind us coming back with YOU as the sample. Precious resource  , after all." He tried to figure out how to hold a pen and his handker  chief at the same time.
DJ:  Loincloth nodded to Raincoat and went off to clear off more zombies. I  f he had his magic, this shit would be a lot easier.  Flat Cap looked over at the demons as well. "Samples?" He then looked  down back at the water. "Wait....Puttin' all what Spurs said together  with this Malice shite that i can only assume is what's infectin' the  water, wouldn't it be logical to assume that the Hell Gate's....in the   water?"
SOPHIE:  PTJ nodded, turning to face outwards as well. He kicked the lance up a  nd into his hand and shyly smirked. _"I got your back."_  Of course, this was his first kiss too. Needless to say he was sorta f  labbergasted about it taking place in the middle of a fight for their  lives but I mean. Maybe next time it'll be under better conditions. As   they fought side by side, PTJ could feel his kokoro go doki doki.  "S-So like. Maybe after we get out of this-Wanna go to the movies?"  graceful as ever you funky little gladion expy.  Scrunchy meanwhile was off in wonderland, gracefully walking among the   zombies as if she were one, but maintaining a decent radius.  She walked on over next to Strappon and placed an arm around his shoul  der and leaned into the conversation.  _"Hey. The heck's happening."_ She whispered, squinting and looking at   everyone with confusion.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary gives Jong a hug and he smiles. "You're doing awesome by the way!  " He pewpewed.  Vampire Collar smiles a little bit at the kiss and he  ruffles Mary Janes' fluff. "Ahh I see I see. Hmm. Maybe if I just clos  e my eyes? Bad idea but an idea no less." Dzilla held her axes near he  r and she smirked,"And the same to you both."  The giant was flattered  . Dzilla raised her brow at the demon thing they were fine right?
SOUP-KITTY:  Pointe's face was red at this point, and her sword was just completely   engulfed in flames. "I-I'd like that." She was feeling herself get a  little tired, but she had to have PTJ's back. So she kept at it, she e  ven threw off her blazer.  Jong smiled at Mary. "I think its best if we hang back, unless you're  cool with being bait. Which would require you attracting a bunch of th  e zombies to you so i can pick them off. You can get ones that get too   close, but try keeping a safe distance, okay?" Jong was concerned and   really didnt want this to backfire.
KRO:  Spur shook their head again, "No, it's not in the water. Malice is an  energy that can corrupt its surroundings. Just that it coagulates when   it comes in contact with the water," they explained.
  "You'll know where the gate is, that's where most of the zombies are.  "
  if it
SOPHIE:  Pumps looked back at the two lovebirds and doubletook.  _"Hey, guys if you needa take a bit, I can handle this-"_  She said, and in that moment she found herself caught off guard by a z  ombie. She grabbed it by the wrists, ignoring the blinding light in he  r eyes, she yelled through the pain __"THE FUCK DID YOU JUST DO TO ME  YOU LIL SHIT? ILL HAVE YOU KNOW I GRADUATED TOP OF MY CLASS"__ she bel  ted, kicking them back, regaining her vision and ripping her dagger of  f the baseball bat and throwing it right at the zombie. __"IN THE NAVY   SEALS"__ she panted, exhaling and looking around. Fucking hell she ha  d to be dramatic. That's what she got for taking theater.  She exhaled. "Backpack, second pocket from the left, near the top, my  wallet, I have a few 20's in there, go see jurrassic world or some shi  t, I don't know" she continued.  PTJ just stared in awe but shook his head. "We're not leaving you!"  Pumps sighed. Kids these days.
KRO:  Spur shook their head again, "No, I can tell you for certain it's not  in the water. Malice is simply an energy that radiates from gates, jus  t that when it comes into contact with water that it coagulates," they   explained.  "You'll know where an open gate is. It's always covered in ghosts or w  hatever it ends up corrupting."  They stiffened as Blazer came closer. If it was possible to see their  face, it would be beet red about now.  "Uh, well... You're quite beautiful as well..!"  They didn't exactly know how to respond but Hots rolled his eyes at th  e fact that there were people flirting in a zombie infested town of al  l places.  Spur's head snapped behind them as soon as Strappon pointed out Demons  . Holy shit, those were Demons.  Hairpin stared back at Mankini with an offended expression. As he brou  ght the tube back, it looked like he was almost going to dump all of t  he water on the man but decided against it.  "You throw me in the water and my father, who's an Absolute, mind you,   will personally see to your punishment."  "Boys, boys," Swing Coat said, "Please no fighting or else I'll throw  you /both/ in."
BRIT:  "Oh, hey! That's pretty great, Trench! Use your pent-up emotions to sc  are them away!" Jacket cheered him on from behind him.  "Why don't we ask them, then?" Cowlneck sneered, "Instead of making as  sumptions."  "We're looking for a missing girl, she happens to be in the viscinity,   or so it's said. As far as we're concerned, these demons are up to no   good." Strappon explained to Scrunchy.  His gaze was locked on Swing Coat with absolute intensity, and without   another word he stormed forward toward the demons.  "Hey! Demons!" Strappon called at them. He was aware Swing Coat was th  ere, but he wasn't about to refer to her as a human.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary Jane's gulps, last time he was chased by zombies, they happened t  o be his parents. "U-uh sure!" The bean hated to disappoint. He takes  out his phone and he runs around playing the gummy bears song. "IM A T  ASTY TEEN PLEASE COME HERE AND NIBBLE. HAVE I MENTIONED I'M GAY?" Smh.   Vampire shakes his head, "Same honestly."
SOPHIE:  Scrunchy wrinkled her nose and looked at the rest of the gang. "A miss  ing girl?" She blinked, looking around as Strap stormed off. _"I hate  coming in late to parties.."_ she sighed, subtly contemplating if this   was just some kinda cover up. I mean. Demons were there. The whole Le  thocs thing and now this. It didn't bode well with her.
OWLIE:  Monocle snapped his head at the Strappon's direction. Demons? Well fuc  k. He turned his attention back to the zombies, releasing three more i  cy spikes their way. Polo picked up a crate and lobbed it towards an i  ncoming group of zombies.  "What the hell are you doing, kid?" Polo called out as he saw Mary Jan  es ran around, playing a song on his phone, and zombies at his heels.  Either the kid was stupid or brave. maybe both.
SOUP-KITTY:  Jong facepalmed "I didnt mean you-fUCK!" Jong didn't have time to dwel  l on this, he refused let someone get hurt. "Babe, watch my back." and   with that, he flew up a little higher and started sniping zombies tha  t got too close to Mary.  Pointe shook her head "Yeet. We're not leaving you." And she went back   to kicking zombie ass.
DJ:  "Really? Huh." Damn, Flat Cap thought he was really on to something bu  t whatever. The more ya know.  Loincloth continued throwing barrels at zombies. Fuck all these barrel  s.  Helmet meanwhile was spinning around with his dic--I MEAN, stick out,  whacking half a dozen zombies at a time. "TASTE ME, THOTS!"
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "I knew it and she here..." Father Crucifix said as he glared at Swing   Coat remembering what she did to those innocent people. The Demons he  re just made him angry. "What are you doing here, Witch!" He shouted a  t Swing Coat wanting to know what was her business for being here.  Meanwhile Raincoat was helping Loincloth clean some Zombies, they make   a great team. Loincloth's Strength and Her sharp eyes. She smiles as  she keeps shooting at Zombies from left to right at the head.  Boxer didn't know where he was, he had just realizes that he separated   him from the group. Damn it...
KRO:  Swing Coat shot Strappon a glare, not even letting Hairpin speak when  he opened his mouth.  "What are /you/ doing here. This area's restricted. Nobody aside autho  rized personnel's allowed inside unless..."  It was then that she saw Leon coming up behind Strappon. She gritted h  er teeth as she lunged toward the man, grabbing him by the collar and  suspending him in the air.  "Unless /someone/ snuck you in."  Leon was picked up so fast that he couldn't even scream, just kinda st  are at Swing Coat in pure terror. Seeing the poor man in distress, Hot  s ran up to Swing Coat, pulling on her namesake.  "Ay auntie. Cut the kid slack, I asked him to get us all inside to loo  k for my niece, okay? Not like you're making an effort to look for her  ."  Swing Coat stared at Hot Pants before releasing Leon, letting him fall   flat on his ass.  "Fine. I'll let you all go on that account. I am a busy woman after al  l."  "What's she doing here? She's one of our research partners," Hairpin r  esponded to Crucifix, "And what it is, well that's classified informat  ion."
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "This is because the Hell Gate isn't, well we will close that Gate up  before it causes anymore chaos, Demon" Father Crucifix said as he glar  ed at Hairpin.
KRO:  /LAST TIME ON DCM:/  Soon after the fall of Lethocs, a missing person report was broadcaste  d regarding a young Ophir girl. Strappon saw this as an opportunity to   repair the reputation of his Angels and jumped into action. At least,   that's the reason he was trying to convince himself with.  Despite his efforts to gain entry into a zombie infested town, it was  Hot Pants who gained the Angels entry thanks to his quick smooth talki  ng of a certain security guard. On their look for the young Ophir, the  y encountered a new breed of zombie, one that blinded their prey based   on proximity. Keeping that threat in mind, they go deeper into the ha  rbor until their attention is caught by the neighboring body of water.   Inspecting it, they come to find that Demons (plus Swing Coat) was th  ere as well. Seeing as they have nothing to lose, Strappon directly co  nfronts Demons.
TORIBIRDSEED:  Collier had zoned out, he had decided that things got boring really fa  st and kept questioning why he even followed angels anywhere. But with   time he decided to join back with the rest of everybody, flying back  in and running a hand through his hair as the wind caught it as always  .Landing next to the group of angels he spoke gently.  “What I miss? Can somebody fill me in?” He stretched his arm as he spo  ke, unsure if fighting was happening or what.  Along with him slithered Cloak, chewing at his nails and looking aroun  d frantically. He had gotten lost and just finally made his way back t  o everybody. He wasn't having a panic attack anymore so… that was nice  .  Taking a deep breath he looked around for something to do.
DJ:  Flat Cap transformed his namesake to New High as Strappon went to conf  ront the demons and Miss Zombie Hands, knowing that things could get a   bit intense.  Loincloth continued throwing barrels at zombies. It was starting to be   pretty fun until a zombie some-fucking-how dodged a barrel and it hit   Collier instead.  Whether they were scared of the guy or just didn't want to get bonked  in the head again, the massive group of zombies once surrounding Helme  t left the warehouse in droves. "That is right, you breathless bonesac  ks! Flee before the holy fury of Helmet and his sword, LINCINIUS!" He  exclaimed with righteous.....righteousness.
SAIYAN:  Tuxedo Jacket arrived late to the situation. He took too long getting  ready and ended up missing the convoy. Which meant that he had to walk   the whole damn way there. And walking that far in dress shoes was wor  se than walking on hot coals. He could already feel the blisters formi  ng on his heels and his feet were really starting to hurt.  “This…. sucks….” he said between breaths.  This was the hardest he’d physically worked in his entire life. But fi  nally, after an eternity he made it to where the rest of the angels ha  d converged. He stumbled over to the group and face planted onto the g  round.  “Never…. again!” he yelled as his face was still in the dirt.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  Raincoat was shooting the Barrels that Loincloth thrown causing a lot  of explosion that would clear out a lot of Zombies. "Keep going, Loin!  " Raincoat said as she keeps shooting at the barrels along with shooti  ng some Zombies head. As she slowly was feeling lazy but having fun an  d being more active.  Boxer was lose, he didn't know where he was...
BRIT:  "Too busy to go find your daughter?" Strappon snapped at Swing Coat, t  rying to keep his composure, "Funny, you didn't seem too busy the last   time she went missing. You were fairly quick to try and find her, pre  ss coverage and everything."  Cowlneck scoffed at Father Crucifix and flipped his hair.  "You want to close it so bad, take a fucking swim." He said, jerking h  is thumb toward the dark water, "I bet you'd melt if you walked close  to the water. His holiness isn't strong enough, methinks."  As Collier likely hit the floor, a weapon that seemed completely unfit   to be tossed like a boomerang whooshed past his head.  "Watch out, we're in the middle of a zombie infestation!" Jacket yelle  d to him, "You almost got yote by that zombie!"  He looked around and sighed. There were so many, and people like Boxer   were walking around as if they were in a crowd at a con.
OSCARK9:  Seeing one of the zombies burnt from afar for any eyes to see, Gloves  use his __Fire Orb__ magic to burn them and Sapphire was with him with   her Glaive out. They where warn from hearing Hot Spur advice that if  one of the zombies get too close to them, they'll go blind. For safe s  tance and far away from the zombies as possible, Gloves use his __Pyro  mancy Magic__ to burn them.  "Stay close, Sapphire." Gloves said as he lunch another __Fire Orb__ a  t it.  "Okay!" Sapphire said as she squeeze her Glaive.  She can't believe that she's fighting actual zombies. Sure, she saw zo  mbies that's in halloween costume, but not like this. They hope that t  hey can find the Ophir girl A.S.A.P! Otherwise, they'll be goners with   the dead.
TORIBIRDSEED:  Oof, Collier just got hit in the head with a barrel… the zombies were  a thing too. Holding his head he squinted at Loincloth… what a brute o  f a man is all he could think. Fixing his glasses he rested his elbow  on his arm and scoffed at him. “Watch where you’re throwing things you   mongrel…”  He was clearly mad but apparently not mad enough to not do a seductive   pose, considering that was all he did in his spare time.  Slipping his hands into his pockets Collier was not in the mood to fig  ht a zombie and get his nails dirty. So he just dodged and weaved arou  nd them as he waited for his answers as to what was meant to be done h  ere.  And than another weapon went by his head, and he looked at whoever thr  ew that, sighing and crossing his arms.  “You think i'm going to waste my time killing these disgusting creatur  es… and risk my beautiful nails? No thanks.” He wasn't about that life   at all.  Cloak in the meantime had stabbed a zombie and was now on top of it, h  olding it down, looking in it's mouth… licking it… just doing gerneal  unsanitary things that Cloak does. Smiling he looked up around at his  surroundings, speaking ot himself.  “Ah this is so wonderfully disgusting… they are so… occultic… I mean i  t's not often you get to sSEE a zombie”  He quivered, his eyes shaking as he looked down at the creature. “I'll   half to take this one home with me!” He smiled nodding. “Is that what   you want? It is isnt it?” He was domesticating it.
EMI:  When Crucifix mentioned a "Hell Gate", Mankini's head snapped in his d  irection.  "Wait... A Hell's Gate? Here? " Mankini flipped through his clipboard  and looked over his notes. "Oh, that would make sense. What useful inf  ormation... Definitely a possibility. We would have never known."  Trenchcoat literally stopped Jacket by gently placing his hand on his  sternum. He looked at him, deadass.  "Did you just... say 'Yote?' You fucking??? TrOGLODITE???"
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "Do you got a better idea Angel?" Father Crucifix ask as he looked at  Cowlneck with a glare. "This is a Hell Gate! You think it is nothing b  ut it is something to us Humans!" He said as he was getting angry thou  gh slowly calms down. "It's important we close it or more people will  turn into the Undead" Father Crucifix said calmly as he looked back at   the Demons.
SAIYAN:  “It’s fucking yeeted” Tuxedo Jacket said as his face was still in the  ground.  He slowly pushed himself off of the ground and on to his knees. He loo  ked down at his clothes and saw that his clothes were all dirty.  "Guess that’s what I get for trying to look nice and being late” he sa  id with a sigh as he stood back up.  He took the time to brush off as much of the dirt as he could off his  nice clothes and tried as much as he could to get the rest of the dirt   off of his face and hair. All of that work, down the drain.
TORIBIRDSEED:  Collier was filing his nails as he summoned his wings and flew into th  e air, essentially standing in mid air. “Honestly why do we care exact  ly if people turn to zombie freaks? Just let em suffer no big deal… le  ss gum on my shoe.”  He clearly stepped in some gum recently.  Holding his hand infront of his face he sort of just.. .sat down in mi  d air, above the fight and watched everybody below do the hard work. H  e was about ready to swoop in and claim some kills if not for the fact   that he figured he would get messy. So he didint. He had no real reas  on to fight so he simply watched, and if people got overwhelmed by the   creatures he laughed at them and clapped, cheering on the zombies.  Cloak was now blind and laying down on top of a zombie super confused…   somebody please help him.
KRO:  Swing Coat furrowed her brow in annoyance to Strappon's response. Her  hands lunged for him, ready to wrangle his neck but restrained herself  . Instead she caressed the man's cheeks, forcing a smile.  "Looks like you haven't lost your wit since we last met, /little man/.  "  Her attention turned to the Demons behind her who seemed interested in   the mention of a Hell's gate. Hairpin ran up to Mankini, leaving the  tube unattended, to take the clipboard and rummage through the documen  ts.  "That explains why the water's so fucking rank..." Hairpin muttered.  Within seconds, both Demons surrounded Father Crucifix showing keen in  terest in what the human had to say.  "Tell us," Hairpin began, "Since you know of this gate, care to tell u  s where it is?"  "NO, HE'S FORBIDDEN TO SPEAK NOW," Hots called out, dragging Crucifix  away from the two Demons. He gave Crucifix a glare.  "Keep your mouth shut next time."
OSCARK9:  Seeing zombies getting dissipate one after another by Gloves __Fire Or  bs__, Gloves and Sapphire saw more zombies coming out of their hiding.   While seeing more and more of them, Sapphire saw Cloak laying down an  d was about to be bitten by the zombies. Risking it, Sapphire summon h  er wings and flew over to him and jab her Glaive into the zombies' bra  in.  Sapphire look down at Cloak and help him up. "Are you okay?" She ask.  Gloves did turn around for a brief second to see that she help one of  it comrades. Smiling, he face back at the zombies and keep using its _  _Fire Orbs__.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  Father Crucifix tries to say something but keeps his mouth shut and li  stens to Hot just giving him a nod like "I will keep my mouth shut" wi  thout speaking at all. He just stand beside Hot Pants as he stays quie  t.
DJ:  "Man, for a former templar, he sure likes to flap them gums." Flat Cap   commented then turned back to the demons, "So now, now that ya bastar  ds know what's here, are ye gonna leave now and let us find the girl o  r we are gonna have with you and those nasty lookin' hands of yer's?"  "Sorry about that!" Loincloth said as Collier went up in the air then  noticed he was out of barrels. Damn. Maybe there was something else ar  ound here he could throw at the zombies.  With the zombies gone, Helmet began searching for Pleats once more in  the warehouse. "MADAM  PLEATS, ARE THOU HERE?! IF SO, PLEASE CLAP!"
BRIT:  Strappon stood completely still, his expression unwavering as Swing Co  at caressed his face. His eyes were locked on her with the same intens  ity as before.  "Why are you collecting this gunk? What are you using it for?" He aske  d pointedly.  "Can someone please get the weird guy off the zombie? He's gonna get z  ombified, holy shit." Jacket grumbled before turning to Tuxedo Jacket  and Trenchcoat, "Hey! I don't fucking care what the past tense of YEET   is, just do shit other than correct me!"  He was pouting, he wanted to get shit done, and there were demons over   there arguing with their leader. The fuck was even going on???  He turned back to Collier with the same pout on his face.  "Uh, we're supposed to be protecting humans. That's /kinda/ our job, b  roski." He called over to him.  Cowlneck's face turned to a grimace as Crucifix had spoken.  "Augh. They didn't know? This is Northern standard, the pools of malic  e. Hell gates are generally the cause of these."
Somewhere in the distance by where Helmet was calling, there was a clap or two in response.
SAIYAN:  Tuxedo was taken a back a bit by Jacket’s sudden mood shift. He really   hadn’t been around Jacket all that much, but from what he usually dis  played, he thought he was always happy and stupid.  “Jesus what’s gotten into you man?” he said before looking out at the  group of zombies.  “But fine, have it your way” he said getting into his fighting stance.  He walked all this way here and he sure as hell didn’t want it all to  be for nothing. Especially now that his clothes had gotten dirty!
EMI:  Mankini's face dropped from his toothy grin to a bored, unamused look.
 "Oh. Of course. We'll... 'Interview' the holy man later on then." He c  licked his pen closed, turning back around to their other research, an  noyed. He noticed the abandoned vial and his eye twitched. He pushed H  P toward it aggressively.  "Don't forget that, it's important."  Trenchcoat scoffed at Tuxedo Jacket. "Looks like you're in great shape  , buddy."
KRO:  "What we're doing here is none of your business. It's.../classified/ i  nformation anyways," Swing Coat said.  She gestured to the group, as if shooing them away.  "Now leave us. We're not doing anything that will compromise your miss  ion. Just make sure she doesn't miss dinner."  Hairpin nearly hissed as Mankini pushed him, grabbing the vial and han  ding it, uncleaned mind you, to him.  "You heard the lady," Leon said, "If we stay around here, it'll attrac  t zombies but that'll be the least of our worries with /them/ around."
 Hots nodded, tugging at Duster to get  his attention, "Babe stop clipp  ing inside of me, we gotta move out."  Archer had left the group as soon as he was made aware of Demons. As h  e wandered, he found Helmet when he was asking for a sign of the girl  and getting a response back. Tapping his chin, he approached Helmet.  "The clap is certainly hopeful, but be vigilant in case it's a zombie  being a smartass," he said.
SAIYAN:  Tuxedo turned his head to Trenchcoat and relaxed into a normal standin  g position.  “Yeah, I know, and it totally made me late to get a ride. I had to wal  k over her, so yeah not worth at all. Next time I’m bringing a change  of clothes” he said to him.  He really regretted not doing that. Maybe he would even dress casually  …no that wouldn’t work at all.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "Loin!" Raincoat shouted to get his attention and she points to some r  uin cars. "Those look like something to throw" She said as she goes ba  ck to shooting at Zombies in the head with a smile on her face.
JAY:  Biretta grunted as his vision slowly regained focus. He was rudely awo  ken by the yelling of one of his compatriots, and given that the voice   sounded like it was screaming through a tin can, Biretta guessed it h  ad to have been Helment, the rather loud fellow he saw around the abbe  y a few times.  Biretta sat up, forgetting when exactly he snuck away from the group t  o take a nap in an open crate in a warehouse, but it must've been hour  s ago. It was also quickly apparent that he had no idea what Helmet wa  s yelling about. "Y-Yes, I am here! I am awake!"
BRIT:  "I dunno man, I'm just having a hard time, I guess." Jacket sighed, "I  'm really fucking hungry."  There was a bit of a whine in that. What a baby.  Strappon made a motion to stop Swing Coat from leaving, but stopped hi  mself and groaned under his breath. He turned to the group that pooled   behind him.  "Let them leave. We'll get our answers again at some point, let's just   find Miss Pleats." He said, giving a definitive nod.  "You seem awfully concerned for this girl." Cowlneck said, looking in  a compact seemingly more concerned about his greying hair than the los  t child, "Almost as if you have a personal motive."  Strappon scoffed and walked past him, almost bumping him as he walked  by.  "Where did Blazer go?" He asked suddenly, "And the masked man, Spurs?"  Duster shrugged as he stepped a little away from Hot Pants. He took a  peer around only to notice Blazer and Spurs walking out of one of the  buildings... Together.  "Oh, Strap." Blazer said, fixing their hair and clothes a bit, "We did  n't find anything over there. Must have had fun talking to those demon  s. Anyway, let's head over that way, I heard clapping."  They pointed in the direction of where Helmet had disappeared to.
DJ:  "Uhhh....that might be a bit too big to throw around in a habor." Loin  cloth said noticed a chain anchor attach to one of the boats. That'll  work. He grabbed the anchor and pulled until thw whole chain was rippe  d out of the boat and began swinging it at zombies. Thanks to the chai  n, he wouldn't have to get too close them as he swung.  Holy shit, someone actually clapped. To Helmet, that was no suprise, b  ut God's Will that there would be claps. He heard Archer's voice and t  urned to face him. "Fear not, odd-looking birdman! For I am always vig  ilaint!" With that, he then ran off with the speed of ham. After runni  ng some distance through the warehouse, he stopped and called out once   more. "Madam Pleats, I require more claps to determine thou location!  " There was a brief moment of silence before heard Biretta and saw him   in one of the open crates. The guy looked a bit....demony to him and  he had his 'sword' ready to bonk him in the head. "Who are thou? Speak   quickly before I smite you!"
TORIBIRDSEED:  Jacket hovered down and looked at Jacket dead in the eye, his glasses  reflecting the sun at the other. “Listen here, you don't tell me what  my job is! My job is managing my business! I do help humans! I help so  me relieve stress, and I help others get off the streets, it's a win w  in.” He than  rips his collar off and summons his weapons, two brass k  nuckles with knifes coming off of them. “I aint gonna play nicie with  every human though, why should I!” He smiled and than punched one of t  he zombies approaching in the face, before shaking his hand in disgust  . “But fine… i'll kill a few disgusting heaps of flesh if it _amuses y  ou_”  Cracking his neck he turned to some of the zombies and licked his lips  . “Shame I don't have any rope.”  Cloak was now vomiting bubbles onto the zombie… hes fine.
TORIBIRDSEED:  Collier hovered down and look at Jacket..*
JAY:  Biretta found himself still half-asleep and couldn't process exactly w  hat Helmet was saying. Instead replying with a bit of a drone to start  . Helmet's demand to speak quickly was quickly overwhelming the older  man.  "Uuh... I'm the, uh, the new one. Er..." Closing his eyes in frustrati  on before he snapped his fingers a few times. "B... Biretta! You're- *  Yaaawn* You're Helmet, right?"
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "GO LOIN!" Raincoat said as she jumps around and cheers but then reali  zes what she was doing and blushes. As Zombies started to surround but   as she saw, Raincoat jumped in the air and pose with a smile on her f  ace as she sends down a storm of bullets. When she jumps back down she   blows the barrel that had smoke coming out of it. Raincoat was a Dead  ly Shot.  Father Crucifix ran to go find Helmet and Boxer still lose...
SAIYAN:  Tuxedo rolled his eyes a bit at Jacket but he took pity on the guy a l  ittle bit. Something suddenly came over him and he felt something that   he had never felt in his entire life. Was this…compassion? It felt re  ally weird to him. He sighed.  “How about after this I’ll buy you something to eat…or whatever” he sa  id to Jacket.  He wasn’t gay or anything, he was just trying to be nice or whatever.
BRIT:  Jacket made a face at Collier's immediate reaction.  "Bro, what the actual fuck." He said, "Buddy, pal, amigo. You wanna go   back to Heaven, right? It's literally way better than Earth. Sure, th  ere's a few rules, but it's just trying to keep us being nice people."
 He didn't know why he had to lecture another Angel, he wasn't even sur  e if he was going to listen to him. He was wanted for manslaughter, fo  r God's sake. He shook the sour look off his face and beamed at Tuxedo   Jacket.  "Aw man, that would be radical!" He piped up, "You're the fucking bomb  . I wish my boyfriend would do that."  He turned to see the rest of the group's leaving the viscinity and til  ted his head.  "Uh, hey guys. The group's headed off without us. We're here to find a   girl, not to fight the neverending wave of zombies." He called to his   companions in the area, pointing toward the rest of them.
KRO:  Sukajan squinted at Blazer as they walked back towards the group, grow  ing suspect of the pair as Spur walked out just a bit behind Blazer cl  utching his chest. Sukajan rolled his eyes, shaking his head slightly.  "Right, let's go before we're surrounded."  The group caught up with Archer once Demons left the vacinity, seeing  how Helmet sped off into the distance, where he filled in everybody as   to what happened.  "Apparently mister knight heard a clap in response. I'm thinking it's  just a zombie trying to lure him in, so I wouldn't take the clap as an   method of finding the girl," he said.  Hots thought for a moment, his first initial thought being that zombie  s weren't that smart, but then again... He did see one running off cry  ing after someone else called it a clod.  Spur tried to keep Crucifix from running off but gave up. If the man w  as on a suicide mission, that's his prerogative. The girl was more imp  ortant.  "Anyway... There should be a safe zone somewhere around here. It's pro  bably where the girl's holed up."  Leon piped up, his eyes full of enthusiasm because he knew where that  was! He can be helpful too!  "Right! That's in the middle of the town but. While it's a safe /zone/  , it is surrounded by the obvious danger. Kind of like that."  Archer turned around to where Leon pointed at and blinked.  "Fog walls, huh? So those are here too?"
OSCARK9:  Sapphire take two steps back a was a little disgust of the vomit that  Cloak did at the zombie, but at least he's not bitten. Looking where C  loak stance, few more zombies are coming their way. "We should get out   of this area and return to our group." She said to Cloak.  Turning to Gloves, "Gloves!" She shouted. "We're moving back to our gr  oup! It's not safe here!"  Meanwhile, Gloves continues to burn the undead with __FIRE!__ While he   was doing that, he heard Sapphire voice. Probably not the best move t  o shout, but what choice to they have to make. "Okay!" He shouted back  . Now Gloves, Sapphire, and Cloak are moving back as fast as possible  while Gloves use __Flamethrower__ to make a path for all of them.
TORIBIRDSEED:  Collier squinted at Jacket. And unsummoned his weapons his hands now g  ross and dirty. Walking up to the other he just kinda… wipes his hands   on the others namesake and smiles. “Earth is plenty fine for me, I ha  ve no desire to go back to heaven… Ive been fallen for 120 years you t  hink I'm gonna change that now?” He scoffs and turns around. “Lead the   way, I don't know where i'm going.”  Cloak was now… very angry… who would kill such a wonderful creature. H  e stood up and looked at Saphire, and than back down at the Zombie.  “LOOK What you DID!” He coughed and choked as he spoke. “Why WOULd you   KILL IT!?”  He was scratching at his neck and pulling at his hair, his eyes wide a  nd bloodshot. “I Was perfectly fine where I Was! I was making real pro  gress! I could have had it tamed in another hour!! You imbecile!”  He held his stomach before puking again and spitting to the side. “Why   does nobody understand my work!” He started talking to himself mumbli  ng as he walked away with the rest of the group.
SAIYAN:  Tuxedo looked at Jacket inquisitively.  “Boyfriend? You have a boyfriend? Who is he?” He asked him.  He felt like it was probably common knowledge but since he was around  Jacket much but still he was trying to make conversation and he was in   fact a bit curious about it too. His train of thought was broken by S  pur suggesting that the group begin to move towards the safe area wher  e the girl was.  “I guess that’s our queue to start moving then, huh?” he said to Jacke  t.
OWLIE:  "No offense, I don't think you could. I would've bitten your ass and t  urn you into a zombie," Monocle said bluntly as he walked over to Cloa  k, then decapitated a few more zombies on his path, Polo happily trail  ing behind him as they regrouped with the others.
DJ:  Flat Cap had a bad feeling about the leaving the demons to do whatever   the fuck they were doing, especially now that they know there's a Hel  l Gate around here, but Pleats had to come first. He then saw Polo and   ran to him. "Eeeeey, Polo. My main minty man, how ya doin'?"  Loincloth turned to Jacket and nodded after he had whacked another zom  bie in the water then went to regroup with the others.  The new one. New to what? The Abbey or prehaps.....HELL'S FORCES?! Jus  t be safe, Helmet gripped his sword tightly and swung at Biretta's hea  d. "YES I AM!"
OSCARK9:  Sapphire turn his head at Cloak and was a little angry at him. She was   about tell him about the zombie bitten, but surprisingly, Monocle was   their at the right place at the right time.  "I agree with Monocle." Sapphire said to Cloak. "It's our job to prote  ct you people and we'll be damn if one of those zombies bitten you."  Turning to Monocle with a slight smile, "Also! Hey, Monocle!" She said  , happily.
BRIT:  Jacket wiped the whatever off his jacket, giving Collier another kind  of pout before flagging everyone down to follow him.  "Hey, guys, we're headed this way!" He called to the rest of them. "Le  t's head to a full regroup!"  Jacket lead those who would follow him to the rest of the group, mostl  y hoping people would follow him on their own volition. He didn't real  ly want to have to collect stragglers, because this place was pretty d  angerous- he was worried there would be people already taken by the un  dead.  They found everyone where they had all been standing and staring at...   A fog wall?  "What the fresh hell is that thing?" He asked as he walked up beside S  trappon, hands stuffed into his pockets.  "A safe zone, seemingly." Strappon answered simply, "I certainly hope  miss Pleats is here."
OWLIE:  "Eyyy, Flat Cap," Polo grinned as Flat Cap approached him. "Doing grea  t, I've been taking out Monocle more often cause his pissed that Sneak  ers' is hanging out with that kid."  "I don't like that kid, he's a smartass," Monocle said, rolling his ey  es, then turned to Sapphire's direction and gave her a little wave, "H  ello Sapphire,"
TORIBIRDSEED:  Cloak looked at Monocle and squints. “Don't doubt me… i'll feed you to   a ghost.” he said, his tongue slithering. “I know what i'm doing..” H  olding his hands together he reached into his cloak and pulled out his   spear, as it unfolded into a towering weapon. “Even creatures like th  is are tameable… you just have to know how.” He than heard the somethi  ng or other about them protecting them and Cloak got even more upset.  “Protect… me? I am Cloak! Harbinger of Darkness, and professional occu  ltic researcher! I do not need protection from you from these… petty c  reatures of darkness!”  He than walked over to a zombie and… shoved his hand int it's mouth, l  eft it there for a bout a second while pushing on it's neck with his o  ther hand and shoving it to the ground, and than tearing out it's tong  ue. “They will not bite if you do not let it… imbecile.”  After that he followed the rest of the group to the fog wall. And…. tr  ied to just walk in. “A wall of fog is nothing.”  Collier followed as well, swooping down while on the phone and checkin  g his watch, talking to himself.  “What do you mean theirs a fire?... Well put the god damn thing out??   Okay well thats just idotic… listen it's my day off… deal with it ple  ase.” He hung up the phone.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "Wait for me!" Raincoat said as she runs to Loincloth following where  he was going. She was carrying her rifle though as she runs she shoots   at some Zombies for fun. "I LOVE BEING A ZOMBIE HUNTER!" She cheered  as she follows Loincloth with a smile on her face.  "Sir Helmet!" Father Crucifix called out as he keeps running with the  group to find Helmet. He just hopes that Demons don't get there first.  Boxer is still lose very lose...
JAY:  SMAAAASH!!  Before Biretta even had the chance to answer, he was slumped over, sec  urely unconcious in the crate he had been sleeping in all this time. H  is last vision being of Helmet's namesake and the echoing shout coming   from it, screaming "YES I AM!"
EMI:  Trenchcoat squinted at Jacket before following him.  Arriving at the fog wall, he stood next to the group.  "So... we just gonna stare at it?"  He watched at his brunette partner walked up next to some of the zombi  es, and he stared into the void with them. You almost couldn't tell th  e difference between Jacket and the zombies. Same face, devoid of inte  lligence and thought. He couldn't even try to mask his tired and irrit  ated expression.
OSCARK9:  Listening to Strappons' voice, they follow him and all of the Angels a  nd Heavenbents. Gather in one spot, Gloves and Sapphire stare at a fog   wall and was curious like the rest of the group
TORIBIRDSEED:  Cloak walks into the fog wall and... hits it... and falls onto his ass  .
SAIYAN:  "This is like some hunger games level shit right here. It's like there  's a force field here or something" Tuxedo Jacket said out loud.  He was trying to figure out a way to get past it. He put his hand to h  is chin and tried to analyze the fog wall. There had to be something t  hey were missing.  "There's gotta be some sort of trick to it" he said continuing to thin  k.
BRIT:  "H-huh?? Well, it's just a fog wall, right? Why can't we walk in? Do w  e have to destroy the enemies in the area?" Jacket asked as he backed  away from it and shrugged, "That's how it works in games."  Duster blinked and crossed his arms, staring at it at a safe distance  from the zombies.  "It is a bit out-of-the ordinary, even for a place like this. If it's  'safe,' then how would one get in or out?"  "Ah, a mystery." Cowlneck commented with a snort, "Have we /tried/ wal  king through it?"  Strappon watched as Cloak ran straight into the wall.  "Now we did." He answered simply, obtaining a grimace from Cowlneck.  "Try hittin that shit." Blazer answered, pulling their namesake off an  d swinging straight for it. The sword went straight through the fog as   if nothing was there. They furrowed their brow. "The actual fuck?"
DJ:  Flat Cap chuckled. "Well, can't say that isn't a normal thing for a pa  rent to do when their kid finds that potential special someone."  "Eh, they're good practice. Only wish these ones didn't blind people.  Just be careful and don't get cocky." Loincloth said as he watched Rai  ncoat shoot at the zombie before he caught up with the others and saw  Blazer hitting the fog wall. "Having trouble here?"  Biretta was knocked out, but he did not poof or bleed foul demon blood   when struck with his holy weapon, so in Helmet's mind, he passed the  test. He noticed Father Crucfix and waved to him. "Greetings, Brother  Crucfix! Have thou come to aid me in the search for Madam Pleats?"
KRO:  The fog wall made ripples as Blazer swung their sword through it, tiny   whispers coming from it. Suddenly, it began to bubble before arms wen  t in and grabbed Loincloth, dragging the large Angel in and onto the o  therside. He was fine aside from the pontential heart attack he may ge  t from the sudden dragging.  "You literally have to tell the wall you're walking through, you dunce  s..." Archer scoffed as he reached out to the wall and gaining entry a  s well. The small hands from before guiding Archer inside.  "Guess we better teach these Westeners a few things if European anomol  ies are popping up," he said as he was going through the fog.  Leon sniffed a little as he saw the two that had already crossed over,   hesitantly reaching out before being dragged through Spur and Sukajan   followed as well.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "Oh Helmet...That's not a Demon that's a Angel" Father Crucifix said a  s he goes over to Biretta and help him up. "Brother Helmet, next time  wait for me or Brother Strappon before you attack" He said as he looke  d at then looked back at Biretta. "You Okay?" Father Crucifix ask the  angel as he looked at him.  "Don't worry i won't get cocky!" Raincoat said as she keeps shooting a  t the Zombies getting lots and lots of headshots.
OWLIE:  "S-special someone?" Monocle squawked, he looked at Flat Cap with disb  elief, "He's only 13!"  Polo laughed, earning him a glare from Monocle. They saw the others ge  t the to other side of the fog wall and decided to follow.
BRIT:  "Well, yeah. We can't fuckin pass through but our weapons can. It's a  hot load, lemme tell you." Blazer scoffed, tapping their shoulder with   their sword with a scrunched-up grimace-pout. They were done with thi  s mission already, even if they got fuckin laid. They wanted to find t  he poor chick already. She must be terrified.  Then Loincloth was literally sucked in and they dropped their sword.  "And then there's /this/ asshole!" They yelled, gesturing at the wall.   "Alright, fuck this. Let's go, open fuckin sesame."  They walked toward the fog wall and let the void take them.  Jacket blinked as he watched other people walking into the wall and ga  sped.  "That's absolutely fucking rightchous!" He yelled, "I'm comin in!"  He ran towards it, bumped right into the wall, then was dragged in by  the misty hands.  "It would be lovely if Norther Angels would share this lore with us /b  efore/ they treat us like we're idiots for not knowing." Strappon sigh  ed, turning to look at the rest of the group, "Let's head in and hope  we can find Miss Pleats."  "Lead the way." Cowlneck said simply.
TORIBIRDSEED:  Cloak and Collier both walk through the wall via being pulled in.  Cloak thinks this way is cooler.
OSCARK9:  Gloves and Sapphire eyes widen to see that Loincloth has been taken in   by bunch of arms and drag him to the other side.  "HOLY SHIT!" They shout, simultaneously.  As they saw others going into the fog, so did they.
SAIYAN:  TJ just looked in awe at what Archer had just done. It was almost as i  f the barrier wasn’t there for him. It just seemed really stupid!  “So, wait! You literally must tell a wall that you’re going in and it  will let you? Why is that a thing?” he said slightly angry and annoyed  .  Of all things that would work, it would be that. Deciding not to quest  ion it anymore, he walked up to the wall.  “I’m coming in!” he said before effortlessly walking through the other   side.
EMI:  Trenchcoat walked up to the wall and bumped into it. He kept walking i  nto it, feet moving but not going anywhere. Eventually, he was noclipp  ed past it.  Dermal, who was indeed with the group, pet Veil's head.  "You can stay here and look out."  She attempted to argue, but he placed a finger over her lips and hushe  d. His eyes gazed at the body of water in the distance again before he   turned around and walked casually towards the wall.  He bumped into it. He blinked and attempted to enter again. No budge.  The seraph, irritated, tried once again, pushing much harder.  No go. In fact, he felt like it pushed him back.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  Raincoat jumps into Fog. "CANON BALL!" Raincoat shouted as she went in  to the Fog with excitement.
KRO:  Considering it was a safe zone, what lied beyond the fog wall was a le  ss dank, yet ruined town. Leon walked ahead of everybody else, scannin  g the area.  "Now if I was a young, rich girl...where would I be..."  "That's one way to put it," Hots commented. Yeah he totally also walke  d into the wall like everyone else did and wasn't skimmed over.  Archer looked back at Strappon, almost offended.  "Well, /now/ you all know. It's how we keep some ghosts locked up back   in Europe, after all."  "You can sass each other as ��much as you want, but keep your voices do  wn," Spur said, pointing at the distance, "Just because it's a safe zo  ne, it doesn't mean there aren't other things inside the walls."
DJ:  "Oh shi-" Was all Loincloth could say before he got sucked into the wa  ll. When he got out the otherside, he fell on his chest and got back u  p on his feet. "Damn, fog wall. I didn't even tell it I was going thro  ugh. Guess it just wanted be funny." He mumbled to himself.  "13 is when hormornes start kickin' in and the kid's body begins to wa  nna date and fuck. Don't be suprised when they start holdin' hands and   wantin' alone time together." Flat Cap said before turning to the wal  l. "Open them legs, ya foggy beauty!" With that, he proceeded through  the wall.  "He's an Angel?" Helmet asked, both suprised and confused, "But those  eyes looked so....unnatural."
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "I can't explain it but it's for accessory or something like that, Bro  ther" Father Crucifix said as he looked at the Angel then looked at hi  m. "Where are the others?" He asked as he looked around for Brother St  rappon.
BRIT:  Strappon looked around at the environment, seeing a few of the zombies   here and there. He crossed his arms at the chill in the air- it was m  uch cloder in here than it was outside. The air was at least a little  more on the dry side.  "Miss Pleats is a curious girl." He said in reply to Leon, "I mean, sh  e's an Ophir. She can't be stupid."  Cowlneck squinted at the Templar.  "You keep talking like you know her." He said suspiciously, but seemed   to be distracted by someone's lack of presence, "Where did Dermal go.  ..?"  "Didn't you hear him? Shut the fuck up, guys!" Blazer hissed, "We've s  till got undead dickwads wandering."  It was a harsh librarian shush that followed afterward.  "Where do we go... Now?" Jacket asked as he watched Trenchcoat get pus  hed in by the seemingly sentient fog.
KRO:  Going off from Cowlneck's initially train of thought, Leon also looked   suspiciously at the Templar.  "Yeah, you have such familiarty when it comes to her..."  "Whatever that entails, we'll have to leave it for another time," Suka  jan said, "But tell us, where do you think she'd hide when confronted  with a zombie infestation?"
EMI:  Now pissed, Dermal backed up and ran for the fog wall with a vicious m  ight. The wall opened up and he came barreling through the group of An  gels. The momentum had him tripping, until his foot caught something s  ticking out of the ground a little distance away from the other Angels   and he landed flat on his chin, sliding a bit.  The seraph simply groaned and glared back at the wall.  "Stupid... Cloud of... Garbage..."
DJ:  "A locked room, maybe?" Loincloth suggested as he observed the area.  Helmet looked around and the fog wall. "Prehaps through that fog." He  said then approached the wall and walked straight through it. When he  reached the other side, he looked around the area for a brief moment.  "Please clap!" He exclaimed, clapping his hands twice, obviously not k  nowing he had to keep his voice down. Not that he really would've.
BRIT:  "It's a personal matter." Strappon answered their prying shortly, turn  ing to see Dermal slide into view. He had been about to answer, but wa  tched as a latch had switched and a door opened on the ground out of n  owhere.  "Oh, Dermal. Thanks for sliding in." Jacket called over to the Seraph.  "That's... Dumbly convenient." Cowlneck pointed out, flipping his hair   in annoyance.  In response to Helmet's clapping, there was a clap coming from the und  erground way that had opened. Strappon ran straight for the entrance.  "She must be in here!" He called over to everyone, "She's smart enough   to know these dumb undead don't clap."
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "Wait up Brother Helmet..." Father Crucifix sighs as he picks up Biret  ta in Bridal-Style mode and walks in the fog wall while doing a Clap.  "Now where is the others?" He ask himself as he looked around holding  Biretta in his arms.
BRIT:  "If you wanna be saved from zombies, clap your hands!" Jacket began si  nging, there was a clap in response from the tunnel below, "If you wan  na be saved from zombies clap your hands!"  There was another set of claps in reponse. Cowlneck snagged Jacket by  the shoulder with concern.  "Jacket no-"  "If you wanna be saved from zombies and you're scared they're gonna fi  nd you- If you wanna be saved from zombies, clap your hands--!"
JAY:  Slowly begins to stir from his extended nap, so gratefully granted to  him by the loud crusader of the abbey. Biretta's mind is quickly confu  sed by his dangling limbs, but he quickly realized he was floating thr  ough the air. Before he was fully aware of what was happening, he let  out a yelp and squirmed out Crucifix's arms.  Well, next thing he knew, his face kind of, sort of, clapped against t  he floor.  "Gggh..." he gurgled, holding his now-bruised head. "Fffuck!"
KRO:  Before Jacket could finish his little skit, there were two slow claps  coming behind the Heavenbents. It was a zombie that had been staring a  t the group for a while. Its hands were extended over it.  While the moment was comical, given the comment from the Templar, this   was a signal.  Zombies started to rise through debris and others were tearing through   the fog wall.  With this scene unfolding, Leon simply yelled "RUN!" and pushed those  surrounding the latch away as he went inside it first.
BRIT:  Jacket looked up and his grin disappeared into a face of sheer horror  as he realized just /what/ he had done.  "Bitches, RUN LIKE YOUR ASS ON FIRE." Blazer yelled, pushing other mem  bers of the group into the open tunnel as if they were herding sheep.  Strappon assisted in dragging other people down to get them away from  the encrouching zombies. He was literally shoving Loincloth and Archer  , as well as a slew of other Angels. Cowlneck simply side-stepped and  entered as his own pace.
KRO:  "Shit!" Hots spat, taking out his pulse rifle.  Spur took out his weapon as well and both began to shoot as the rest w  ere being herded in.  "We'll hold them off!" Spur said, popping the head off one that came i  n too close for comfort, "Just find the girl."
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "Are you okay?" Father Crucifix ask Biretta then seeing people run. He   grabbed Biretta and carrying him Bridal Style once again.  Raincoat run too
OSCARK9:  As Gloves and Sapphire went into the fog and on the other side with th  e rest of the group, they saw that Loincloth was alright and no harm c  ome to him. Except some dirt that got to him, but alright. Relieve, th  ey scan the area of the ruin town and was little uncomfortable and it  made Sapphire spins shivers. Is it the fog or the environment? Maybe b  oth.  Listening to Strappon, both of them rush over and enter as well, findi  ng the Ophir with claps, and __MAN__ They have company behind their ba  cks.  "LIKE YOU HAVE TO TELL US TWICE!" Gloves yelled. Both of the Angels ar  e running like theirs no tomorrow and they're not turning back at all.
 "SHIT, SHIT, SHIT, SHIT, SHIT!" Sapphire cures, repeatedly.
JAY:  Biretta found himself once again being unable to properly respond befo  re he's picked up and carried, Father Crucifix following along with th  e mass of other angels fleeing from the zombie menace that was closing   in on them.  Holding his namesake tight to his head, he looked up at the male carry  ing him about. "Wh... What is even happening!? Did the mission just go   horribly wrong or something?"
OWLIE:  "Well fuck," Monocle said, grabbing his boyfriend with his free hand w  hile he's running as fast as his legs could. "We're going to die," He  took his phone and dialed Cardigan's number.  "Hey Cardigan, if I died, tell Sneakers I love him and tell him to sto  p hanging out with that kid." He dropped the line before Cardigan coul  d even respond. and stuffed the phone back into his pocket and dragged   Polo along the other angels.
TORIBIRDSEED:  Cloak was not going to run, why would he when he was so fond of these  occultic creatures. Smiling he whipped out his sythe and swung it arro  und.  "Why run? Ill die happily in their arms!"  He was absoloutly insane it seemed. He took a deep breath and laughed  a little, coughing up ink as he did, he clearly enjoyed this.  Collier on the other hand was less willing to stay and he... simply sh  ot up into the air with his wings and waved at the others. "You all ca  n enjoy dying but I have people that need me so... I aint about that l  ife."  Hes going to stay in the air for now.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "Nope! Mission is still going but we are running from a Zombie horde!"   Father Crucifix quickly said as he old guy he was strong and fast. "D  on't worry, i got you" He said as he keeps running with Biretta in his   arms.  Raincoat keeps running while shooting Zombies in the Head.
EMI:  Trenchcoat shrieked like a 5-year-old and ran. He ran fast and far int  o the tunnel, not even considering stopping.  Dermal lifted his torso off the ground and rubbed his chin, looking ag  itatedly back at the- well, it was the group of Angels. Now it was zom  bies, and they were disgustingly close to him. He stood his ass up and   dusted himself off as a few of them were shot by his comrad's bullets  , seemingly more concerned about the staining on his outfit.
DJ:  “HOOOOly shite!” Flat Cap yelled before he made a break for the latch.   These were risks and odds even he wasn’t willing to take.  Loincloth meanwhile, was a tad bit surprised when Strappon was able to   muster the strength to push not only him, but other angels as well in  to the underground way.  “I shall aid thee in the defense!” Helmet said as he slid in front of  Spurs and Hots and began whacking at zombies. Brave or foolish? You de  cide, folks.
KRO:  As Hots kept a steady pace of downing zombies, he saw Cloak not even b  udging.  "FUCK'S SAKE," he growled in frustration as he grabbed Cloak by the co  llar and dragged the man down into the tunnel.  "You're on your own for now, guy!" He called to Spur as he shoved Cloa  k downstairs.  Seeing Hots exit stage left and Helmet coming in for the substitution,   it's probably best they just lock the door.  Still, he was surprised the guy wasn't being affected by the zombies'  ability.  He then looked up at Collier, "Are you gonna leave or what? The door n  eeds to be shut."
TORIBIRDSEED:  Cloak did not appreciate getting dragged, and he nearly dropped his sp  ear. As the other was pulling him along he grabbed his weapon with bot  h hands and began to swing it at Hots. "Let go of me mortal scum!" He  was clearly in his own world at this point.  However soon enough he was in the tunnel and... figured that it would  be a pain to go back up so he just sort of... followed along.  Collier looked down at the dirty earth below and winced. "I didint par  ticularly want to no."  He than looked at the hoard of zombies before sighing. "But its better   than that I suppose." And he flew in. He wasnt going to touch the gro  und though... hovering lightly above the ground.
BRIT:  Strappon turned to make sure the rest of the group was able to get the  mselves down into the tunnel. He watched as the rest of them piled in  and looked up at Spurs from below.  "Don't get yourself killed, chap!" He called up, "Take Helmet and get  yourself in here before they swarm!"  "Please get your ass down here, I need that in my life!" Blazer called   up like the desperate, dirty ho that they were.
EMI:  Leaping like a fucking majestic gazelle over some of the other Angels  and parkouring off of walls, Trenchcoat booked it as far in as possibl  e. Literally. He slammed right into a door at the end of the hall.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  Raincoat and Father Crucifix holding Biretta keep running from the Hor  de of the Zombies.
KRO:  "Right!" Spur responded as he grabbed Helmet by the collar of his shir  t and pulled him down. He quickly grabbed the open latch and closed it   shut but not before wondering about another Angel who was just outsid  e. He shook his head, he couldn't think about them now. If they're dea  d, they're dead.  He locked the latch just in time as there was now countless hands tryi  ng to pry it open, but the door seemed sturdy enough... For now at lea  st.  "There..." he said, a bit winded, "We should move. Don't know how long   that'll keep them out."  Not wanting to waste any time, he took the lead or rather, he went up  to where Trenchcoat crashed.  "Oh good, you found us a door," he said as he began to open it.
BRIT:  There was a scream from the room behind the door at the end of the hal  lway. Then there was complete silence.  Strappon walked down the hall and checked on the present Angels to see   if they were already.  "Anyone hurt?" He asked, pulling his gloves on to ready his healing po  wers, "I know we're about to enter another area. We're not sure if the  re's even anything on the other side of the door, but if you're ailing   speak now or forever hold your peace."  Jacket poked his head out from the group to see Trenchcoat.  "Geez, like a sack a' bricks." He muttered.
TORIBIRDSEED:  Collier spoke up and titled his head, he never was fond of strappon bu  t now he was just annoyed. "This aint a fucking marriage pinky..." He  shoved his hands in his pockets and scoffed at the other, cearly unimp  ressed as usual. "Nobodies fuckin' hurt, except maybe that guys feelin  gs." He pointed at Cloak, who currently was on all fours vomiting on t  he ground.  "Aaah! I could have had so many zombie slaves! It would have been wond  erful! I could have become the occultic lord I always dreamt of being!  "  He puked some more and slammed his face into the ground a few times, c  learly upset.
JAY:  Once they were safe, Biretta once again let himself down from Father C  rucifix's arms, albeit a little more carefully this time. After dustin  g off his dark cloak, he nodded towards Crucifix, "Thank you, I apprec  iate the aid and the update.  Looking around, Biretta's stoic face scanned the crowd carefully. He w  as silent for a little while, before speaking.  "I'm not convinced that the situation here's under control."
OSCARK9:  Gloves and Sapphire breath heavily for running like crazy maniacs and  look at Strappon with exhausting eyes and sweating a little.  "I'm good...Stra...ppon." Gloves said in his tiring voice.  "Same...here." Sapphire said in her tiring voice.
DJ:  I'm fine." Flat Cap said, sitting against the wall, "Just a bit winded  ."  "You could've become zombie chow more than anything else, boy." Loincl  oth said, standing over the puking ink boy.  Helmet sat on his butt, wishing he could whack just one more foul zomb  ie.
OWLIE:  "Yeah... We're good," Polo said, panting and wiping the sweat off his  forehead as he gave Strappon a thumbs up. Monocle rested an arm agains  t Polo's shoulder, looking tired, but he managed to nod.
BRIT:  "Bro..." Jacket said in the most sincerely worried voice at Cloak, "Br  o, it's okay. You'll figure something out. Maybe we can find you some  nice little ghosts like that there Mr. Petter all those years ago?"  He gave Cloak a couple soft pats to the back. Gingerly.  "Unfortunately, I can't recover people's energy." Strappon said with a   sigh, "But we can sit here for a moment to catch our breath."
TORIBIRDSEED:  Cloak puked like a lot more when Jacket patted his back before looking   up at him with a horribly disgusting ink covered face... whell mostly   his lower jaw and lip.  "RealLLY?" He had tears in his eyes as he held the others cheeks with  sparkles in his eyes. "That... Sounds wonderful."
KRO:  The scream that was followed by silence actually happened to be Spur h  aving one entire crowbar denting his helmet. He didn't say anything, s  taying silent from the pure shock. He tried to get it off but it appea  red to be stuck...very stuck.  He was having difficulty trying to get it off and Archer took this opp  rotunity to show off his strength, but he too failed.  Sukajan snorted as he pushed Archer aside. He had cybernetic strength  on his side, how hard could this be? Extremely so, even he couldn't ge  t it off. Hots rallied the two and then the three of them tried to yan  k it off the helmet but their combined strength still wasn't enough.  "What the fUCK!?" Hots yelled. This was ridiculous.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "You can say that..." Father Crucifix said as he looked at Biretta bre  athing heavily as he looked at the Angel. "My name is Father Crucifix  and the man that hit was Brother Helmet, I'm sorry that he did that to   you" He said as he calms down and dust himself off.  "Loincloth, you okay?" Raincoat ask as she goes over to him worried ab  out her big buddy. "Don't worry! I got a few headshots at the Horde!"  She said with a smile as she looked up at him.
BRIT:  Strappon looked up from his actions of healing, whipping his head to s  ee what the commotion was.  "Holy shit, Spurs." Blazer whispered. "You can take the fucking lumps.  "  Standing in the doorway, there was a girl who seemed to understand wha  t was finally going on around her.  "O-oh! I'm so terribly sorry!" The girl spouted, pattering over to sna  g the crowbar off Spurs' helmet with relative ease. "It's just that I'  ve been hiding out here for so long that I've grown a tad paranoid. I  had a fellow drop in here about an hour ago looking quite winded, but  that was the only sign of life I've seen now for days. And now...There  's... So many of you..."  She looked around at the motley crew of Angels around her.  "I'm... Um. I'm Pleated Skirt." She cleared her throat and curtsied.
JAY:  "I figured the one that attacked me was Helmet. He's loud enough to be   quite distinguishable." Biretta gave a slight chuckle, though he had  to rub his head under his namesake, where he had received the blow fro  m his compatriot.  After taking care of that, he extended his gloved hand to Crucifix's a  nd too caught up in his greeting to notice the entrance of the mission  's goal. "I am Biretta. Former Cardinal of Naples. It's good to meet y  ou."
OMEGAPSYCHO:  Boxer was beside her and waves with a weak smile. "Hey Guys, look at w  ho i found..." Boxer said with a weak smile as he looks at everyone. W  hen Boxer go lose he found Pleated Skirt and Protected her until they  found his Angel friend, he also explain to her what is going as well.  "Well, She found me" He said with a smile as he scratched his head.  "He believes he is a Crusader" Father Crucifix whisper to Biretta as h  e didn't want Helmet to hear it. "Wait Cardinal? I know see it! It's H  onor to meet" He said with a smile as he shakes his hand.
DJ:  "I'm good." Loincloth responded to Raincoat then heard Hots yell and w  ent to investigate. Upon seeing Spurs, Hots, and Archer trying to pull   out the crowbar, his first thought was how stupid they look trying to   pull it out and decided to help out. "Move." He said, pushing Hots an  d Archer aside before grabbing the crowbar with his big, meaty hand an  d pulled hard.
KRO:  Hots eyes welled up with tears as he saw that Pleats was okay, going i  n for a hug.  Spur sighed, feeling the dent on his helmet. He wanted to see how bad  the damage was, but couldn't risk showing his identity. He already sho  wed one person too many today.  "You're telling me," he told Blazer.
BRIT:  At the mere mention of her name, Strappon shoved past Hot Pants and gr  abbed Pleats' shoulders, giving her a serious look over before hugging   her.  "Miss Pleats, I'm so glad you're alive. I was so worried about you!" H  e managed, his voice cracking slightly.  Pleats pat his back with a soft laugh.  "Oh, Father Strap, it's alright! I roughed it out very well, actually!   Perhaps I could have gone without needing to eat spiders and other su  ch pests, but I've done well for myself. Boxer did well to keep me in  high spirits!" She explained, breathing better whe Strappon let his ir  on grip loosen. "Oh, my. I've grown quite a bit since we last saw each   other in person. It seems we're the same... Height."  "Whoa, Strap found a lady friend." Jacket pointed out.  "He's gay, dummy." Blazer said, giving Jacket a small shove.
TORIBIRDSEED:  Collier looked at the newcomer and a devilish smile crept onto his fac  e. "Ah!" He hovered over to the other and smiled, extending his hand t  o the other. "A pleasure to meet your aquanitance madam, I do not know   much about you but I must say you are quite striking!" He smiled and  leaned backward in the air sort of as if he were lounging in a hammock  . "I would like to offer you the chance of a lifetime! The chance to w  ork at one of my fine establishments! Perhaps you have heard of them,  many of them go by the name "The Collar Club" here in Daten, Others go   by various other names, but that is the most common... there are a fe  w around."  Yes he was trying to recruit her into his buisness. Stop him please.  "However if you are comfortable living your boring life as is... That  is fine as well." At least he was nice about it.
JAY:  "To think, a mere 900 years or so ago and I'm sure Helmet and I would  have gotten along famously." Biretta smirked at the quip, but then smi  rked even wider at the recognition he got from Crucifix. "Of course, o  f course. I cannot thank you enough for your help today."  He turned his attention back to the revelation of Pleats, who he vague  ly remembered they were supposed to be looking for. Squinting, he smil  ed, as if confirming to himself that indeed, they had found her. "Ah,  good, guess that's been sorted out."
EMI:  Trenchcoat stood up wearily until he was shoved roughly by Strappon an  d any other Angel that entered the room. He stood back up and Collier  roughly aside.  "You're in the way, weirdo."  His eyes met the gorgeous wonder in front of him, and he felt his hear  t flutter and color flush to his visage.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "Group Hug!" Boxer said as he hugs Pleats and Hots. "I did Father Stra  ppon, i even told her what's been happening too" He said as he looked  over at Strappon with a smile. "Fun thing, i was like her Guardian Ang  el" Boxer said calmly as he keep hugging the two then fall asleep on P  leats.  Raincoat smiled as she gives Loincloth a hug.
DJ:  "I hate to intrerupt this touching moment but" Loincloth began, tossin  g the crowbar aside before Raincoat came in for a hug, "Now that we've   found her, how are we going to get out of here? Our only exit's block  ed by all the zombies."  Flat Cap was smoking some weed.  Helmet watched the latch, listening the sound of zombies trying to pry   it open.
OWLIE:  "Yay! Mission accomplished" Polo said happily, clapping his arms like  a kid. Monocle nodded in agreement, "I would like to know that as well  ,"
KRO:  Hots felt offended that Strappon denied him getting hugs from Pleats b  ut he was ready to eviscerate Collier. But let's not do that in front  of the girl. Instead he tried to calm himself with breathing exercises   before just leaning on Pleats.  "Ya mum said she wanted you back before today's dinner, by the way-"  He wasn't expecting the hug from Boxer and he shoved the Angel away.  "Oi mate, we didn't ask."
OSCARK9:  As they regain some energy, they're breathing normally and wave at Ple  ated Skirt with their own right hands.  "Nice to meet you, Pleated Skirt." Gloves said with a smile. "I'm Glov  es Stone, Virtue of Diligence. This here is my good friend, Sapphire N  ecklace."  "Pleasure to meet you." Sapphire said, smiling also.  "We're so happy that you're okay, no harm come to you, and well done p  rotecting her and keeping her in high spirit, Boxer." Gloves smile at  them.  Sapphire listen to Loincloth and Monocle voices, "Same here,"
OSCARK9:  "How can we get out of here." Sapphire said to them.
OSCARK9:  *"How can we get out of here?"
TORIBIRDSEED:  Collier looked at Trenchcoat and crossed his arms, still not wanting t  o touch the ground. "In the- says you! Im simply offering the lovley l  ady a buisness opportunity! She doenst have to take it!" Flapping his  wings once he pushed up his glasses and reached into his pocket pullin  g out his phone. He was gonna go make some phone calls and get updates   on that fire. Looks like he cant take a day off after all.  Cloak was sitting in a corner brooding
KRO:  "There's gotta be some other way out of here," Sukajan said in respons  e to Loincloth.  "Better yet. /Where/ are we?"
OMEGAPSYCHO:  Boxer jolt up and as he heard that they were trapped. "I have a plan!"   Boxer said as he holds up a finger and grabs his phone from his Pocke  t. Boxer went into the Lab and grabbed a bunch of Speakers, as he look  ed at Strappon with a serious look. "When the Music starts you guys ru  n as fast as you can" He said as he starts to make Armor made out of S  peakers. He goes over to Pleats and hugs. "Thank you" Boxer said as he   goes one of the exit and plays...  Thriller by Michael Jackson  "I AM A HERO!" Boxer said as he runs down the hallways trying to get a  ll the Zombies to hear the Music as he used himself as bait to save ev  eryone.  Raincoat and Crucifix just facepalm as they watch him leave.
BRIT:  Pleats laughed at the welcoming party, everyone was so happy to see he  r.  "I'm quite flattered to hear all of you are so happy to find me!" She  said, starting to play with her hair a little. She perked up at the me  ntion of an exit, "Oh, there's plenty of ways out. That was one of sev  eral entrances. I just chose not to leave for a myriad of reasons."  She gave the group a sheepish smile.  "This place seemed safe... Why was that?" Strappon asked, "I would exp  ect this place to have been swarmed."  "Oh, this is an active laboratory." Pleats explained, "I can't quite e  xplain it myself, but if we go back into the lab I can show you all wh  y I've holed up in here."  She scuttered toward the labs again, Strappon in tow.  "Is he gonna explain why he's so chummy with her?" Cowlneck asked with   little interest.
KRO:  "A lab, huh?" Spur muttered to himself.  That was an interesting development, but it made sense as to why the o  utside was relatively safe compared to the rest of the town.  Poor Leon was just confused. Was any of this normal? Is this how Calif  ornia just is? Man, he needed a new job. Or maybe move back home where   the only thing he dealt with was Mothman back in good ol'West Virgini  a.  He followed closely behind Hots who was following both Pleats and Stra  ppon, pondering the same thing Cowlneck was asking. Guess he had a few   questions to ask his aunt later on.
EMI:  Trenchcoat simply followed the crowd. Well, more followed Pleats. He w  as absolutely twitter-patted. She was so sweet and cute and raw as fuc  k and he needed to protect her.
DJ:  Loincloth followed the crowd, wondering what could be in the lab that  was keeping the zombies away. Was it a repellent of some kind or somet  hing else?  Helmet and Flat Cap followed as well eventually, though Flat Cap was a   bit stoned.
BRIT:  Jacket followed after Trenchcoat with a curious expression, sighing an  d stepping on his coat so he couldn't walk any further.  "Hey, bub. I thought you were /my/ boyfriend?" He asked, "What's the d  ealio?"  In the labs, there were clear signs Pleats had been there a while. Mor  e interestingly, there were signs that everything had been used fairly   recently, albiet a few days ago at best. Pleats lead them further int  o the labs where she rummaged through her bags.  She pulled out a large, glowing white orb and held it in her hands, ho  lding it up for everyone to see.  "I found this here orb sitting in the middle of the labs. It seems it'  s what's been producing the mist, I think." She explained, "I haven't  looked much into it, really. I'm not that well-versed in the ethereal.  "
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "Should i go get him?" Raincoat ask Father Crucifix as she looked at t  he Exit he went down.  "I got the boy" Father Crucifix said as he goes down the Hallway and d  rags Boxer back as he fell asleep halfway in the Hallway. Father Cruci  fix slapped him across the face and pointed to Pleat.  Boxer nodded and went to Pleat Side again as Father Crucifix told hims   silently, He also took off that stupid Armor he made and put his phon  e back in his pocket.
KRO:  Spur was close to removing his helmet in pure awe but stopped himself  before his hands touched the bottom of it. Right.  "They did say there was a treasure in this town keeping an area safe s  oon after it feel to the Malice. Maybe this is it?"  "Yeah, I've heard about this- You know too much for someone who's new  in town..." Hots said, squinting at the man.  "I have my sources," Spur responded.  "May I?" He asked Pleats, holding his hands out.
OWLIE:  Polo began looking around the labs in awe then looked at the glowing o  rb on Pleat's hands "Ooh, pretty," Polo's eyes lit up with interest as   he attempted to touch the orb. Monocle sighed and swatted his boyfrie  nd's arm, grabbing Polo's hand and holding it with his.
DJ:  Flat Cap was looking around the lab, observing the equipment and any w  ritten notes that he could see as he smoked his joint.  Helmet was staring at the orb. It looked pretty and he wanted it.  Loincloth was just watching this shit from the sidelines.
BRIT:  Pleats saw everyone trying to touch the orb and giggled.  "I suppose it is rather mesmerizing." She said, handing it off to Spur  s, "It doesn't seem to be toxic to humans, but I wonder if it has anyt  hing to do with the strange zombie-like creatures."  "It would be a fair explanation." Cowlneck offered, peering at his ref  lection in one of the monitors, "Not sure how, but considering it's no  t human tech..."  "Oh, how wonderful. Something that's foreign to the Northern Sect." St  rappon answered sarcastically.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "You know you didn't need to slap him..." Raincoat said as she looked  at Father Crucifix.  "It was a wake up slap, back in my Templar Day if we didn't wake up we   got slap" Father Crucifix said as he looked at Raincoat.  "You and that Old Day stuff, you know the past is the past" Raincoat s  aid as she goes over to Loincloth to help him out.
EMI:  Trenchcoat's coat tails tugged and he blinked. He looked back at Jacke  t.  "So what, I can't look?!" He snapped. He stopped and blinked again. Th  e gears were turning.  "WAIT. WAIT WHAT. NO." He shrieked. He spun around to look at the pret  ty orb, trying to hide his blazing red face.
OWLIE:  Monocle strode over to Father Crucifix and Raincoat, his eyes narrowed   and a hand on his hip, "Yeah, I agree with miss Raincoat here, I don'  t think that's appropriate Father Crucifix, You don't need to slap him  ,"
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "Well..." Father Crucifix was about to say something then he realize h  is fault. "Your right, it's Boxer has been acting weird lately and i j  ust want to help him..." Father Crucifix said as he looked at Monocle  then at Boxer who was with Pleats.
OWLIE:  "Well, you're helping him plenty," Monocle said sarcastically, meanwhi  le Polo just kept staring at the the orb.
DJ:  "Okay, so maybe we assume this thing is some kind of zombie repellent.   So let's head to the nearest exit and test it. If it is a repellent,  great. If not, we'll just fight our way out and study this thing back  at the Abbey." Loincloth said, crossing his arms.
KRO:  As pretty as the orb was and everything else that was irrelevant to Le  on, he figured his task was done and he was ready to go home and sleep   for a week.  "Hate to break it to you all, but we gotta move before those zombies o  ut there break the other exit open. I don't really feel keen on testin  g out if this orb is a repellent. We've had too many close calls tonig  ht."  "Right, of course," Spur said, putting the orb under his arm.  "Miss Ophir, care to lead the way?" Spur asked, handing the orb back t  o Pleats.
BRIT:  "Unfortunately, Miss Pleats, we have to return you to your home." Stra  ppon explained, almost sorrowfully.  Pleated Skirt made a face, then sighed, nodding her head.  "You're right. It was foolish for me to run away again, but the things   mother says about Angels, and the way my family has treated you all..  . It's not fair! I wanted to help you." She said giving a slight stomp  . She wiped a tear away from the corner of her eye and put on a smile,   "Sadly, it reminds me of the first time we met... When you helped me  and kept me safe for a time."  "It's a fond memory." Strappon said, rubbing Pleats' shoulder. "And we  'll likely have many more. You're free to visit the Abbey any time you   please. Hopefully, your mother won't be able to stop you this time. B  ut you have to stop running away."  Pleats gave a tough nod, giving another sigh and looking around at eve  ryone and offering them a sweet smile.  "Let's all get out of here, then! I'll lead everyone to the way out, b  ut I hope we can plough through those horrible monsters." She said.  "Heck, yeah!" Jacket said, swinging his arm enthusiastically, "Many mo  re memories, right? And lots of busting heads!"  "Jacket, you're still a wanted man." Cowlneck reminded him, causing th  e boy to droop.  "Well, everyone. Let's head out of here." Strappon said, gesturing for   everyone to follow.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  Father Crucifix nod as he follows Hot Pants.  Boxer stays beside Pleats to keep her safe and protected even though s  he healed him and keep him safe.  Raincoat reloads her Rifle ready to shoot some Zombies heads.
JAY:  Biretta remained relatively silent while observing the revealed labora  tory, though when the odd ball of light was brought out, he found hims  elf quite fixated on it through the entire conversation.  He snapped out of being lost in thought with the command to head out,  following his first order for the night and following along to leave t  his awful place.
DJ:  "Finally." Loincloth said, rolling his eyes as he followed Pleats.  Flat Cap finished his joint and tossed away the butt. "Right behind ye  , Strap." He said, readying his weapon ready.  Helmet followed the orb more than anyone else as he was still transfix  ed in it's beauty. One could see drool drip out of his namesake.
OWLIE:  Polo tore his gaze away from the orb. He held Monocle's hand as they q  uietly followed Pleats and Strappon, Polo looked at him and said, "Wan  na go get tea after this?"  Monocle blinked, and then he gave Polo a small smile smile. He's fucki  ng tired but he won't refuse tea, "Of course,"
OSCARK9:  With a nod, Gloves and Sapphire follow with the rest of the group and  __man__they're gonna fight more of the zombies outside.  Squeezing their namesakes tightly, they're ready to rumble again.
OSCARK9:  *__man__
And so, having found Pleated Skirt, the Angels and Heavenbents made thei r way out of the laboratory to find many of the zombies had just... disa ppeared. Dermal sat in a lawn chair as Veil served him iced tea. He lowered his s unglasses. "Oh, you made it out. Look at that." He said simply, getting up and stre tching. "Good, this place is awful. Let's get out of here." As the rest of the group fully emerged, Leon's phone rang and he answere d with a less than enthusiasic expression. "What? They're waking up? And... There's a sudden increase in activity? Huh. Okay. Alright." He said, hanging up. He turned to the group and dro pped his phone on the ground. "We're fucked. And I quit." Strappon sputtered for a second. "Y-You can't just /quit/ how the hell are we getting out of here??" He m anaged to yell. "It's your /job/!" "Not anymore." Leon laughed, turning and walking out, "This is how you l eave, Pinky." Bereft and beside himself with rage, Strappon pulled at his hair for a s econd before looking up to the sky for help. And help was recieved. Above them, a large white UFO lowered itself to a few feet above the cre w. A light shone down, and in it appeared Ovr'kot with a welcoming smile . "Greetings, Earthlings! We recieved a call that you may require some ass istence to come back home. Need a lift?" He asked, clasping his hands to gether. Leon looked upon the spaceman with awe. He tossed off his shirt and ran into the distance, sputtering something about forums. "Yes, thank you..." Strappon sighed, giving the Original a genuine, but tired, smile. "Though, I'm not sure how Dermal got my number. Oh, well." The Original laughed as they were all beamed up into the Angelic Spacecraft and carte d back to the Abbey.
0 notes
dcmissionaries · 6 years
Visions of Imminent Despair
The effects of Top Coat's slandering in regards to Angels were not hard to miss. Many humans became vocal to the issue on whether or not Angels were effective in their job and have turned to alternatives like Lethocs for their ghost issues. The severity of the situation made Lethocs take pity on the city's Angels and started giving them handouts. Covert missions to keep their identities anonymous. Out of pride (well...respect for themselves) some Angels refused these missions. Preferring to put up with the criticisms of mortals and fulfill their sacred duty. Strappon sighed as he reclined back onto his chair, unsure of how to go about repairing the image of his Angels. It felt like a battle he couldn't even win, especially considering that Top Coat already had the media on his side. The young Templar let himself deeper into this train of thought and was brought back to reality by a sudden strike of lightning. A piece of parchment appeared where the lightning had struck, Strappon thinking it odd that it was an actual piece of writing material. Usually, God sent him pieces of toilet paper with one word messages crudely written on with red lipstick. He inspected the piece of parchment, raising a brow at the message. "Don't...Give up, Skeleton?"
That didn't sound right. Was there a high ranking Angel bored out of their mind that they hijacked the communication system between him and God? That sounded more possible but similar messages kept popping up as days passed. Strappon eventually became fed up with the constant string of messages that he consulted his high ranking Angels, hoping to get some closure. Undershirt and Wristband were perplexed by the messages like Strappon, thinking whoever wrote it had a unique sense of humor. "Looks like someone has a lot of time during their shift," Undershirt commented as he flipped the piece of parchment he held. Shades and Bifocals, on the other hand, recognized the style of the message. Shades himself grinning as he went through various messages. "Sounds like someone knows about your troubles. They're trying to cheer you up," he said. Strappon looked up from his small pile, confused. He went in and grabbed another piece of paper, forcing himself to see how this person was trying to make him feel better. "How...so?" "Yeah," Wristband said, "I fail to see how calling someone a skeleton could cheer someone up." "Cause it's a little Northerner humor," Bifocals explained, "Something we picked up from ancient ghosts who leave...peculiar messages for people wanting to snoop around dangerous places." "Us as Northerners turned it into an inside joke. It's innocent fun for the most part but there are serious messages strewn about actual dangerous places." Hearing about the Northern culture was interesting for Strappon but before they can keep their conversation going, several pieces of parchment were struck in the middle of the group. They began picking out pieces, reading them aloud. One read "Visions of imminent despair." Another read "Be wary of lizard." And another as "Revenge." "Someone's really trying to get our attention..." Shades muttered. As they all looked through the new pile, one final piece of parchment floated down on to Undershirt's hair which Strappon retrieved. It read one word. "Iceland," Strappon read, "...That's the most straightfoward message so far. Guess we know where to go." The Templar paused for a moment, with the Angels turning to him. "It's strange," He began, "We've never had tasks outside of the city given to us before but at this point... I'll take anything to gain the public's trust in us back." Days passed since then, the Angels finding themselves in the country of Iceland. They were being guided by a trail of messages that lead them into a remote valley. The plains within felt oddly tranquil and it didn't take long for them to spot something out in the distance. It looked like an expansive...farm? Maybe a ranch? It seemed to be thriving with a bunch of Drakes as well? While most stood confused, questioning why something like this was out in the middle of nowhere, Luna took the lead and guided them into the property. Many noted how excited she was and it only made Strappon more curious as to who they'll meet. Coming out of a small house, a man about Luna's stature approached them, receiving the Ophanim with a hug and warm smile. "I see my messages made it to their intended recipient," he said as he turned back to the group. "Pleasure to meet you lot," he continued, "I am Haircuff and I'll be your client for the day. I'm terribly sorry for having to drag you all the way out here. Northern Angels are a tad too busy to listen to my request so I turned to look for foreign Angels. You lot seem to have a pretty good track record according to dear Luna here." Luna looked at Haircuff with a raised brow. She ignored the cute little comment at the end regarding her, being more concerned with the lack of help from Northern forces. "Wonder what's got them all preoccupied," she muttered to herself. Regardless, she wasn't prying any further. "I see," Strappon said, "Well if that's the case, what can we help you with?" Haircuff could see the eagerness in Strappon's eyes. While he admired the kid's gusto, he didn't know whether to feel bad for what's to come or have a good giggle. "There's a problem ghost that has been terrorizing a few towns," he began, "Reports have said that it's turned these towns to crystal and that many residents have gone missing after evacuation. Because local forces haven't been able to assess the situation, we want you to investigate the root cause and repent it." Hearing this, Strappon found it odd that Angels were ignoring humans. Though, he wasn't a man of conspiracy theories and simply left it at that. Northern Angels probably had their reasons, one of them maybe being that they're far too busy with other stuff. "Very well," he said, "We'll get to the bottom of this, you can count on us. We'll just need time to prepare, this is uncharted territory for us." "With pleasure," Haircuff said, pointing to the small house he exited from, "In there you'll find an Angel by the name of Vāl. She'll help device a plan and properly stock you up with anything you need in your upcoming battle." Taking it into account, Strappon nodded. Thanking Haircuff, he gestured his Angels to follow. A few remained behind, however, most notably Angels who were Northerners themselves. They practically circled Haircuff, some grinning and others with looks of concern on their faces. "Ay, good job sending these children to their doom. They've got no proper experience with these things," Bifocals commented. "Don't know, this could be a good training exercise for them. It can help prepare them for tougher enemies in the future," Shades said. Duster came up behind Shades saying, "He's right. Us as Northerners know how to clean up more properly when it comes to ghosts. They can learn a thing or two from dealing with Northern ghosts." Haircuff had a cheeky smile on his face as the Angels conversed, "You lot can't blame me. At the end of the day, I am part Demon. You can say it's within my nature to be a little bit cruel." "Oh, you're absolutely terrible," Luna said, gently bumping Haircuff on his shoulder who let out a hearty laugh. Cowlneck, meanwhile, took out his phone and began jotting down a few notes, "Okay so I'm now marking down things for my afternoon. Write a few eulogies by 3. Some wills at 4. Both with alarm reminders... Alright, I'm set." These particular Angels certainly know something. Hopefully this doesn't end poorly for Western Angels.
Once Angels finished stocking up for their eventual fight, they were gui ded by small Lost Souls to their first destination. The town was crystal lized and abandoned, save for a few humans who were unfortunately turned to statues. The sight was unnerving. There wasn't any time to mourn for them, though. Strappon looked around the desolate streets before noticing a few glowing pieces of runs on the floor. Gliding his hand over it, the text revealed a message that read, "Visions of imminent despair." Like they haven't read that one before. Unsure of where to begin, Strappon signaled for his Angels to split up a nd find more messages. "There may be a clue or two around town that could help us. Something le ft by these people before they met their demise. Once you find something of note, come to me or a higher ranking Angel so we can move forward."
KRO:  With that said, Shades and Luna kept to the openess of the streets whe  re plenty of messages were popping in and out.  Shades picked up one with the message reading, "Stones, here!"  He huffed, "That's real helpful."  Luna tried her luck, but the message was more of a quip than anything.  "Listen carefully...but hole-Okay now that's just unnecessary."
JAY:  Biretta was excited to be on his first mission as an angel, if a littl  e unnerved at the idea of fighting some kind of ghost by the end of it  . Regardless, he steeled himself and began his own search. He eyed one   of the many messages that were popping in and out, though this one in   particular seemed particularly old.  "Hurrah for women! and then Try tight spot"  Biretta's face didn't seem all that amused.
HITA:  Bifocals wasn't quite paying attention, more meandering around playing   Jewel Crush on her phone.  Her fingers tapped away before turning to  look at the screen in consternation.  She questioned why her luck wasn  't holding for this level but ignored the annoyance.  A huff and there   was a small piece of paper before her.  "Drop it like it's hot"  Yep.  She sure was home, wasn't she?
BRIT:  Haircuff stood by the rest of the Angels with a sort of complacent smi  le on his face, watching them without much reaction. Cowlneck hung by  him with Jacket and Duster as Strappon gave them his orders.  "Hm. This is going to be interesting trying to find the Ghost." Cowlne  ck observed, tapping his chin.  "Who the hell loses a ghost?" Jacket asked, "Whatevs, let's find this  shit!"  He pumped his fist and went running off into the town.  "Oh, no. Jacket, please." Cowl sighed. He looked almost tiredly at Dus  ter, who shrugged.  "He's your child." Duster said simply.  The two walked off into the town as well, moving more toward Shades an  d Luna to see what they were up to.  "These are the least effective notes." Duster said, picking up another   that was close by. "Beware the tumbleweed of fortune."  "Tumbleweed? Are you..." Cowlneck snorted, reaching around by Shades.  He seemed to be reaching for Shade's ass, but when he looked, he reach  ed for a note instead. "Don't grab it, caress it, respect it. Hm. They   know."  Meanwhile off in the distance, Jacket was moving around some rubble. H  e peered into a house and looked down, picking up a note.  "Oh, hey." Jacket said.
NOTE:  Jacket's note reads: Beware Glass Dragons.
TORIBIRDSEED:  Collier descended slowly from the skies before landing with a little p  oof as he hit the ground. He had been given the information he  needed   and began looking, why was he helping the angels again you ask? Mostl  y because he was bored, and because he had nothing better to do, and i  t was always a good place to scout for new employees. Holding his hand  s on his hips he looked around and decided to investigate a message.  “Gay”  He just blinked before putting it back on the ground and looked back a  t the other angels with the most disappointed look on his face he had  ever had. He spoke up gently.  “I diidnt come out here to get told things I already know”  He huffed and took off his jacket and somehow managed to slip off the  one piece he  was wearing under his clothes, going shirtless, he was s  weating for whatever reason. Collier had trouble with his own body tem  perature from time to time, getting too hot in warm  weather, and too  cold in cold weather, he wasn't too sure what the cause of this was bu  t it was something that's for sure. It gets worse when it's cold and h  e starts overheating, which was what was going on right now.  Slicking   his hair back with his free hand he paused and looked around for more   messages.  “Does anybody got any idea what were even looking for, for all I know  my business could be up in flames, or my people could be getting arres  ted, why did I come with you all.”  Meanwhile, Cloak was not veyr interested in searching for messages, he   had one thing on his mind, ghosts. Licking his lips with his long ton  gue and wearing a slightly warmer variation on his cloak, this one hav  ing a little puffy hood on it, he slithered along behind the group. An  d spoke up to himself, ranting.  “I  have never had the chance to investigate outside of daten, perhaps   ghost species out here have developed differently, perhaps we will di  scover something new, it's entirely possible…” This went on and on and   on, he wasn't shutting up any time soon.  Holding his scythe in hand he was using it to keep his balance and was   also licking it every now and again, as the ink that constantly oozed   out of it got colder, it got thicker, and it was new to him. Why was  he like this.
SAIYAN:  Undershirt looked around and ended up at a bakery. A note was flying i  n the wind and he grabbed it out of the air and read it.  "The cake is a lie...what the fuck?" he said as he tossed it back in t  he wind with a huff.  This was gonna be a very difficult time if this was going to be how th  ey were going to go about it. People were going to have to be extremel  y lucky to find anything of use.  Meanwhile, Wristband ended up near the red light district. This always   happens to her, somehow. At this point she played it up to just fate.   As she looked around for any clue and saw one laying on the ground. S  he picked it up and read it.  "Slippery when wet" she read before rolling her eyes before throwing i  t in the trash.  Meanwhile Tuxedo Jacket was moping around as usual. The only plus side   to any of this was that he was in a cool new place. But really that w  as a very small plus side. His inner monologue was cut short by a piec  e of paper in his face. When he pulled it off it was just a crip walki  ng snoopdog...that was moving in loop.  "THIS ISN'T HELPFUL AT ALL!" he yelled.
HITA:  Walking forward, everyone around her clearly having little to no clue  either, she closed out of Jewel Crush, annoyed at the level she couldn  't beat.  Frowning, she opened up the battery eater itself, Blazing Si  gil Warriors, and began once more to work through stages on Lunatic di  fficulty.  A piece of paper slapped her in the face featuring a dickbutt drawing.    "is u the fuck who" it read.  Probably not.  She needed to give this to a person who would appreciat  e it.
SOUP-KITTY:  Summer was wheeling Jong around pretty close to the starting area, but   the look on Jong’s face was displeased. Chiffon was resting gently on   his lap. For such a big floofy bird she sure was light. Summer notice  d a note on the ground, and went over to pick it up. Jong however, dec  ided he wanted to go off on his own. Headphones would kill him if he s  aw him doing this. Still, Jong nyoomed off. After he was a decent dist  ance away, he started to look around. There was a note, almost out of  view.  “Chiffon,” He said, softly patting the pink bird on the head, “Fetch p  lease.”  Summer meanwhile stared intensely at the note, as if it were going to  give him long lost secrets to the universe.  Chiffon hopped back over to Jong, squeaking with every bounce. She han  ded Jong the note, and he looked at it as chiffon took her place back  in Jong’s lap.
KRO:  Shades glanced behind him, seeing Cowlneck a little too close for comf  ort. He looked back at the small pile of messages he was crouching ove  r, gesturing his hand to get Cowlneck's attention. He definitely heard   the message the other Angel got.  "You may spank it," Shades began, "/Once./"  Then he moved away a little, grabbing Cowlneck's phone from his back p  ocket to store it in a less...precarious spot.  He picked up a new message, his reading, "Beware horse."  Someone has something against horses.  Luna kept picking up useless messages, her new one reading, "Try tongu  e."  Grand.
DJDEVIL:  Flat Cap tossed away his cigar before beginning his search with Helmet  , who was clenching his buttcheeks as he walked for some reason. Flat  Cap grabbed a note that was flowing through the air while Helmet tripp  ed and fell face-first into the ground before he noticed a note next t  o him and grabbed it.
OWLIE:  "Were at least 1,442 kilometers away from Ireland, and it feels weird,   going back to Europe," Sneakers said, tugging at his scarf, he stood  between Monocle and Polo, his gaze was on the ground, "After all this  time.."  Monocle and Polo exchanged glances, they knew this was going to happen  , Monocle thought it would be best if Sneakers stayed back in Daten, b  ut yet Sneakers was insistent to come with them, Cardigan looked at th  e young magician and broke the silence.  "Pipe up, Sneaks!" She beamed, holding her thumbs up. "Don't worry , y  ou've got yout mom , dad, and your fun Aunt, and... Where the hell is  Henley Shit?"  "He...stayed back," Polo sighed, rubbing his forehead, "Apparently he'  s too important for this mission,"  Cardigan snorted, "That little shit always thinks he's too imprtant, h  e's a pride fall,"  "Anyways, let's just look for clues," Monocle huffed, the group walked   forward, he stopped in front of an abandoned shop, he leaned down to  pick up a note.  Polo and Sneakers looked around as well, each picking up a piece of pa  per.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Vampire Collar was searching around, his long black fur coat trailed b  ehind him. A small white bat squeaked in the boy's man cleavage.  Vamp  ire found today was a great excuse to cosplay in Selene's winter outfi  t. She was badass. He saw a small nyooming think and he did a quiet sn  eak. Meanwhile, Mary Janes was holding a note and flipping it in his h  ands. He didn't understand it. "Beware Semen." What the heck was a sem  en? Why were they at sea? Why were they men? The boy had questions and   he lacked answers. He runs over to Sneakers,"Sneaky! What does semen  mean?"
NOTE:  Jong's note reads: Be wary of the approach, not all is as it seems
JAY:  Biretta eyed a few of the messages, but the first one was dumb enough  that he wasn't exactly confident he'd find anything useful. Of course,   the second he thought that to himself, he stumbled upon a note that s  eemed pretty damn important. He glanced up from it to one of his super  iors. The first person to catch his eye was Strappon.  "Uh, I believe I found something of interest, here!"
DJDEVIL:  Flat Cap's note read: 'Drugs are bad, m'kay?'  "Ah, get fucked." He said, tossing the note ahead and looked for anoth  er.  Helmet's note just said 'Honeyed Hams and Kallia Kams.'
SOUP-KITTY:  Jong wheeled himself over to where Shades was, and he held up chiffon  in front of him. Chiffon had the helpful note in her mouth and was exc  itedly making small squeaks, proud that she was being so helpful. Jong   shyly looked up, and didn’t say a word. In that moment though, Jong g  ot hit in the face with another note that was floating in the wind. It   was a drawing of the lenny face. Sweet.  Summer meanwhile, was frantically looking for Jong, instead he found M  ary Janes. “Hi there kiddo, have you seen Jong around? I can’t find hi  m.” In this moment He noticed another note on the floor. It said “Worl  d’s okayest Dad”
SAIYAN:  Undershirt, Wristband and Tuxedo Jacket continued to look around in th  eir respective areas. None of them were finding anything that seemed t  o be useful. They were all just useless memes like “Do you ever feel l  ike a bag in the wind?” and “Dab on them haters”. It was just really f  rustrating for them all. Tuxedo Jacket would have been rolling on the  ground at this point if it weren’t for the fact that he was wearing ni  ce clothes.  “This just sucks” Tuxedo Jacket said as he crumpled up his paper that  he found.
NOTE:  Biretta's note reads: A crystal cave is what you seek but perish all w  ho seem too weak.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary Janes crawls onto Summers back and he looks around like a lemur.  He spots Vampire and Jong. He looks down over his head,"It looks like  he's okay, he's got a pet for protection." Mary pokes papas nose. Vamp  ire Collar was just about to say hi to Jong before a note slapped his  face. He takes it off and he raises a brow. He brings it over to Strap  pon because it looked sort of useful.
OWLIE:  Monocle read the note in his hand, it read, "Foaming in the mouth," cu  te. He rolled his eyes as he crumpled the paper and threw it behind hi  s back. Then he walked a bit further before picking up another piece o  f paper.. Then he looked around for Strappon or any other High-ranking   angel, he saw Shades and he decided to go to him.  "Uh... I believe I found something important,"  Polo picked up another paper, as he read this, he felt that this note  is significant, unlike the first one, so he went to Strappon and hande  d him the note.  Sneakers read the note, "Books are for nerds," He threw it away, scoff  ing. Then he heard Mary Janes, who aked him a rather... odd question,  "Uh... Semen?" Sneakers said, his face burning up, he at Mary Janes as   if he suddenly grew a second head. Cardigan's ears perked up at Mary'  s question, she sidled up to them, smiling as she casually put her han  d on her waist,  "Trust me kid, you don't wanna know,"
BRIT:  "Shades, friend, please." Cowlneck snorted, "I'm trying to work, here.  "  He pushed Shades aside and peered around the area, making his way towa  rd another note. He reached down and picked it up.  "Distribute your gains with heavy grains." He read. His squinted at th  e paper, "What the fuck does this mean? Is this supposed to help?"  He threw the paper and decided to look around at everyone else for a b  it. This was going to take a good while.  Duster chuckled at the exchange and pushed Luna a little.  "You're getting the best ones, it seems." He joked.  He walked toward a statue and examined it, noticing a note in its had.  "I found another one." He called over.  Jacket walked around picking up and hoarding a bunch of papers. He spo  tted a new Angel, wearing some weird robes, and ran up to him.  "Oh, hey! You're new!" He said to Biretta, "I'm Jacket, what's your na  me? Oh, you got a new note? Neato!"  He reached into the pile of notes he was holding in his arms.  "I've got a few!"
HITA:  As she moved towards Strappon, she was struck in the face again by a n  ote.  Huffing, she looked down and continued over to the group.  Her f  eet were steady even as she played her game, fingers tapping away at t  he rhythm portion of the game.  Damn Taku teams.  Best teams, honestly  .  Okay, well, three Takus and her wife, Olivia.  "I have a note for you to look at, Short and Sweet," this said to Stra  ppon with the air of someone who didn't care.
NOTE:  Vampire's note read: Destroy illusions with great caution.
NOTE:  Duster's note read: Caves of wonder.
NOTE:  Bifocals' note read: Careful, some things are more dangerous than they   appear.
NOTE:  Monocle's note read: Don't rush head in, there is great danger.  Polo's note read: Beauty is only skin deep, this skin cuts like knives   when the facade drops.  Bifocal's note read: Careful, some things are more dangerous than they   appear.
NOTE:  Jacket's note read: Sharp death ahead
JAY:  Biretta looked at the brown-haired fellow that greeted him, a bit surp  rised to be approached by one of the others. "Greetings, Jacket. My na  me is Biretta, pleasure to make your acquaintance." He gave a slight b  ow with his head, "I suppose we should take these notes over to Strapp  on, yes?"
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Headphones just woke up, god knows how he teleported here. Literally,  he had no idea where he was or what everyone was even doing. He just g  ot up, stretched a bit, and adjusted his purple scarf with a bow. Now,   where was his son exactly was the real question. He tapped his foot i  mpatiently as he glanced around, Jong nowhere to be found. Well, looks   like the bitch he has to chew out is himself right now so it's time f  or the roast of oneself to begin. Before he would wreck himself mental  ly, he noticed a little slip of paper. Sighing,  "Well great now it's blue's clues..."  Picking it up, he began to read it, squinting his closed eyes. Good jo  b.  Knittens was away from the main group, needing a minute to himself. He   put out the lit cigarette and coughed out smoke. It's been a really r  ough time for him and it seems this was the only way to get some sembl  ance of both reality and peace. He's been very anti-social the whole t  ime, staying quiet and trying to not look at anyone's eyes. Leaning ag  ainst a wall from everyone else, he noticed a note and picked it up, r  eading,  "Don't smoke kids."  Knittens groaned, even paper was shaming him now, grumbling as he crum  bled it up,  "Thanks, mint cruncher, I already know that. Why do you think I'm here  ?"
DJDEVIL:  Flat Cap eventually found a note and picked it up. Hopefully this one  wasn't gonna mock him for his passions.  Seeing that the note was utterly useless, Helmet tosses it away and go  t up to go looking before another flew right into the eye-slits of his   namesakes, blinding the poor man. "The wind has blinded me!" He excla  imed, running around in a panic.
NOTE:  Headphones' note read: Always check for hidden bounties when fate tips   the scales in your favor.  Flat Cap's note read: Traverse the paths of crystal caverns and in the   spires find your answers.  Helmet's note read: Do not allow your friends to go alone against this   foe.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Vampire Collar was pretty confused but it seemed like pretty good advi  ce. He held it over his chest and his bat took it with its lil fingie.   Mary Janes gently papped his friends cheeks, he was a weird red boy.   Mary looks up at Cardigan,"A-ah! Okay ms. Thank you for warning me!"  He smiled up at her.  Mary sees Kittens and oh boy. Here he goes again  . Shield his small gay heart. He trots over and he smiles,"Hiya Knitty  !" Mary smelled smoke and his face twisted,"uh, whatcha doin?"
KRO:  Shades simply rolled his eyes at Cowlneck. He wasn't having much luck  on his end and decided to give up for now. He noticed both Jong and Mo  nocle approach him, taking their notes and reading them.  "Oh hey, good job you two! Guess we better prepare ourselves for a doo  zy."  Luna gently pushed Duster in response, blushing.  "Do you kiss you mother with that mouth-" She cut herself off upon rea  lization, pushing Duster even further.  "Whatever! Go find something else young man!"
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  The wild Vampire Collar sees the majestic twink on wheels and he scoop  s in for the kill. He takes the bean. "H-hi there Jong, you look a lit  tle tired. Mind if I wheel you..?"
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knitetns coughed, hacking up a lung, and a much more gruff voice came  out than expected,  "Nothing, found a useless wad of paper."  Stuffing it his pocket, he planned to find a garbage later to throw it   out. He wasn't that far gone. He held his chest, steadying himself. H  e was shocked when he heard Mary Janes' voice and in a forced high pit  ched tone everyone was used to, added,  "Blanked a bit, sort of forgot why we're here, yeah?"  Certain things definitely changed in the child's face, as in he didn't   look like a child anymore. In fact, he hit a major growth spurt since   everyone last saw him, nearing 5'9" already. He chuckles softly,  "Been a while since I saw you."  Headphones cocked his eyebrow, was he suppose to be looting a dungeon  now? Looking around, he shrugged. Well if he gets lucky, he'll find a  treasure chest or something. He calls out a bit worried,  "Jong? Jong where are you?"  It was obviously the more stricter parental tone, not something that's   usually heard from him. He never took such an authoritative tone and  it even kind of surprised him. Stuffing the paper in his pocket, he sc  ratched his head. What were they even doing here now? Besides, how in  the lrod's name is he suppose to know that fortune is smiling on him?  Right now, he had no idea was happening. Finding Strppon and the rest,   he twirled a piece of his hair before finding his son again. Gasping,   he almost pushed Vampire Collar out of the way and kneels down to see   if Jong was okay without him. Asking frantically,  "Did anyone hurt you? Did anyone touch you? Are you okay? Oh i'm so so  rry I lost track of where I was, are you okay?"
DJDEVIL:  "Heh, this seems helpful. Oi Shades!" He exclaimed, waving to Shady as   he walked towards him. "Got something for ye. Somethin' about caverns   and shite."  Helmet, unable to see where he was going, ran in completely random dir  ections, bumping into buildings before he ended up crashing into Strap  pon like a complete fool. Then again, when isn't he a fool?
BRIT:  Duster stared at the note. He wasn't really sure if this was... Useful  .  "Something to do with caves, crystals, and dragons." Cowlneck stated,  connecting the dots as he continued forward. He stopped before he bump  ed into a state with an 'excuse me' before realizing it was someone wh  o'd been turned to stone. He took the note from off the statue's head  in a huff and read it over.  Duster chuckled and moved on, walking toward another shiny note.  "Fatty ahead." He read, before looking up and seeing a mirror, "Wow."  "Oh wow, you're one of them proper types, huh?" Jacket chuckled, reach  ing out and putting Biretta's hat on his own head, "Yeah! Let's take t  he notes to Strappo!"  He turned and made his way toward Strappon, fishing a note from the pi  led to read it.  "Hurray for skeleton?" He read, "The fuck?"  He was just gonna keep going with Biretta's hat on his head.
SOUP-KITTY:  Jong sat perfectly still, as if rigor mortis had set in and he was per  manently stuck holding chiffon up like it was the lion king. Vampire h  ad wheeled him off, his face was as red as a tomato from embarrassment  . Chiffon swallowed the note for safe keeping, and she kept making sma  ll squeaks. Jong currently was thinking of what a dork he was. He star  ted muttering to himself “what were you thinking sitting there and not   saying anything. GOD could you be more stupid.” Jong clearly wasn’t p  aying attention at anything happening around him.  Summer followed Mary around to where Knittens was, the kid was taller  now. He smiled at him but something seemed off. “Hey kid, it’s been a  while.”
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Vampire hisses a little bit, the commotion lifted his sleeve and it hu  rt like a bitch for light to touch it. He sees Headphones and he recog  nizes him from the hospital. Ahh that makes sense.Vampire sees Chiffon   and he dies a little bit, she was so pudgie.  Vampire Collar squeaked   and his bat hopped onto Jong's head. "Cerebella..come back to mommy."   Yes he was mommy. Cerebella rolls around on his head and he facepalms  ,"Darling I am so sorry."  Mary Janes nods a little bit and he clears  his throat. "Y-yEah, oh jeez.." His voice cracked. Oh puberty. He rubs   the back of his neck and he giggles,"It has been, you chANged. I swea  r you look c-cooler somehow."
OWLIE:  Sneakers followed Mary Janes, Sneakers grinned and waved at Knittens,  though he looked down to see another piece of paper, he picked it up g  ingerly at read the contents, he beamed as he ran up to Polo and Monoc  le, who each found some seemingly important notes themselves.  "Goodie!" Polo said, ruffling Sneaker's hair. "Let's give this to Sir  Strappon, shall we?"
KRO:  Luna took a small peek at Duster's note and snorted, hurting herself i  n her attempt to stifle her laughter.  "Looks like your boyfriend's calling your eating habits through messag  es. You should probably listen to that."
NOTE:  Cowlneck's Note reads: Stone cold like a cave.
NOTE:  Mono's Note reads: Go to the cavern's end of the crystal caves, seek y  our answers and remain brave.
BRIT:  "Oh, boy. Another hint that this thing is in a cave." Cowlneck said, w  alking back toward Strappon, "I give up. Someone else find a good note  , these things aren't useful."  Haircuff chuckled as Cowlneck pouted beside him.  "Giving up already, Red Bird?" He asked, leaning on his staff with a s  ort of cheeky smile, "I can lead you back to hang around the baby drag  ons. They'd love to chase you around."  Cowl snorted again.  Haircuff gave another short laugh and turned back to the set of Angels   approaching him and Strappon.  "I see you've collected a good set of notes." He said, looking over th  em and handing them to Strappon. He pocketed one. "I'll keep this one  for later."  "Do we have sufficient proof as to where the Crystal Caves are, then?"   Duster asked as he and Luna approached again.  Haircuff turned, humming a bit as he put his hand over his eyes as if  to shade them from the sun. He picked up his staff and pointed in the  direction of a mountain.  "It's right over there. You could have asked, you know." He said, "I k  new where it flew."
JAY:  Biretta was left rather surprised by the playful seizing of his namesa  ke, the older male taking a snatch to get it back from Jacket before h  e wandered off, only managing to miss the first time. He nabbed it the   second, walking alongside Jacket and giving him a disapproving look w  hile placing it back on his head, once again hiding away most of his r  ather dark hair. His look quickly shifted to a playful smile, though,  and he lightly punched Jacket's arm. "I see angels in America like to  mess around, eh?"
SAIYAN:  Undershirt, Wristband and Tuxedo Jacket decided to meet with the rest  of the group to see if there was anything that anyone else had found t  hat was useful in their search. The three of them rounded the corner a  nd saw Strappon and some other angels near by.  "Hey, you got anything good?" Undershirt asked Strappon because lord k  nows he didn't.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens scratched his forehead, grumbling,  "Wish I hadn't."  He forced a small grin as he waves to both Summer and Sneakers but it  didn't feel right. Well they were just the same but he didn't feel rig  ht. Everything was the same except for him and he felt so out pof plac  e. But he shrugged it off, joking,  "Puberty hitting you like a truck too I see."  He stumbled a bit forward, he isn't used to his legs being so long sti  ll.  Headphones sighs, well at least he looked okay physically. Taking the  wheelchair and looking around, he asked Vampire Collar,  "What are we doing here exactly anyways?"  He tilted his head, unsure of their main objective. He showed the note   talking about the hidden bounties when most fortunate to Vampire Coll  ar, unsure of what it means.
SOUP-KITTY:  Summer patted Mary on the head when he heard the voice cracks. He was  a proud dad. He was concerned for Knittens though. The boy seemed to h  ave gone through some stuff, and he reeked of cigarette smoke.  Jong finally put his arms down slowly, and held chiffon. He looked ove  r at Vampire Collar and spoke up “Hey are you okay?” He then turned hi  s attention to Headphones. “Sorry… I was just spacing out.”  Jong sigh  ed a little, and then he notices the little friend on his head. He rea  ches up and softly boops the little bat.
KRO:  Shades turned to Flat Cap, taking his note and reading through it. He  was about to comment as he saw the rest of the group rejoining. Shades   gestured for Flat Cap to follow as he joined the rest of the group, s  quinting at Haircuff not to suspect him of anything, but more to make  sure the man wasn't revealing too much of the surprise his peers have  in store.  Luna then clapped her hands in the air, getting everybody's attention.   She seemed a little eager. Maybe too eager.  "Alright so we know where our target is. Haircuff and I will be your g  uides to these caves. Don't want any of you getting accidentally getti  ng skewered by those spires on the way up."  The trek to the cave certainly wasn't a cakewalk. The distance and alt  itude wore Shades out fast to the point that Luna had to give him a pi  ggyback ride. Actually, the man looked like he conked out on her back.   Not like Luna minded, this reminded her of when she first cared for S  hades. It wasn't long before they were met by the foreboding entrace t  o the cave.  Luna woke Shades up, kneeling down for him to get down. As the other A  ngel woke himself up, she pointed in the direction of the cave while s  he looked at Haircuff.  "You've been keeping tabs on whether it has exited and entered right?  Is it still in here?"
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary Janes he laughed a little and he nods,"Yup. For some reason I hav  e to shave my legs now." He watched Knittens be a smol bamby. Vampire  looks down at his hand,"Eh, I'll be alright don't worry." The bat star  ted to squeak before it clung to his finger and began sucking the teet   like appendage. "Aww..she's hungry. " He reaches into his pocket and  he pulls out a small bottle, he hands it to the bat and she snatches i  t. Starting to suck it while clinging to Jong's hand.  Vampire shrugge  d,"From what I can tell, we're looking for clues to find a ghost..? Or   someone..not sure but if the note can be read using Gandolfs voice, i  t's most likely useful."  He thinks for a second."Hmm...it looks like  it may be trying to spur us to continue the search..? I'm not sure tho  ugh."
BRIT:  The party was a little winded (save for Duster and Cowlneck, who seeme  d used to climbing these mountains). Jacket was huffing quite a bit an  d leaned on his knees for support, holding up a finger for them to wai  t for his response.  "I thought I raised you better." Cowlneck chuckled, "Combat and I grew   up around the mountains in the North."  "It's alright. You city types aren't used to large mountains with cold   temperatures." Haircuff chuckled. He turned back to Luna, "Ah, yes. I  t should still be within the cave. I assume it's resting after it's re  lentless onslaught."  "Hoooo, boy. Sounds like we're in for a ride!" Jacket said, seeming to   have recovered quickly, "We got this in the bag! Easy Heavens."  He winked at the rest of them for emphasis and spotted Jong, scratchin  g his cheek.  "Well, //some// of us might have difficulty." He pointed out, "But we  can help!"  "Mmm." Duster responded, seeming to be texting, "We can only hope you'  re prepared."  "I'm always prepared! Lubed right up!" Jacket argued.  Cowlneck choked on air.
DJDEVIL:  The journey had worn Flat Cap out and needed to regain some energy. So   he reached into his pocket and pulled a bag of cocaine with a label t  hat read 'Kenny's Fresh Organic Meth'. He opened the bag and stuck his   face in the bag, snorting the contents. "OH YEAH!" He exclaimed, rein  vigorated by the drugs. "Alright, ya cunts ready 'cause i'm ready! Let  's fucking go, man! Wooh!"  Helmet meanwhile recovered rather easily and when started getting read  y to head in, he drew out his sword. "Let us begin then! DEUS VULT!" H  e yelled as he ran head long into the cave. Most likely straight into  his death.
BRIT:  "Well, you can go into the cave, now." Strappon replied to Undershirt,   watching Helmet run head-long into the cave, "So I suppose we found s  omething good if that answers you question."  He pointed ahead to the cave.  "Let's go!" Jacket said, pumping his fists into the air and running af  ter Helmet, pushing Jong before anyone else could, "Let's go, buddy!"
JAY:  Biretta was a admittedly tired by the time they made it to the cave, a  nd it didn't help that a few of the others were so loud about charging   into the cave. He almost wanted to call out to them to get them to st  op, but by the time he lifted his hand up the two of them were already   in the cave. Instead he huffed and crossed his arms, waiting around f  or more people to enter the cave first. He wasn't going to die again t  oday.
OWLIE:  Monocle grumbled, he's definitely not used to trekking mountains, Polo   on the other hand, was a bit tired, but is more eager to enter the ca  ve than him.  Cardigan sat atop a rock and said, "You guys have fun, I'm fucking sta  ying here,"  Monocle rolled his eyes, he wiped the sweat from his forehead. Then he   glanced at Polo, who looked at him with a grin.  "Let's gooo!" Polo said cheerfully, marching into the cave with Mono i  n tow.  "Ooh, this is actually exciting," Sneakers said, walking next to Mary  Janes, bradishing the handle of his staff-spear.
SAIYAN:  Undershirt nodded his head as he turned and motioned for the other two   angels to follow him. The three of them flew off towards the cave ent  rance and arrived there in no time. Once they landed, they met up with   Luna and Shady.  “Hey bud, sorry we’re late, we had to come from all the way across tow  n to get here” Undershirt said as he pointed behind him.  “So this is where it’s supposed to be then?” T.J, asked out loud.
SOUP-KITTY:  Jong was caught by surprise at suddenly getting pushed. Before he coul  d realize what happened he was already being wheeled into this weird a  ss cave. Jong quietly held on to chiffon, and grabbed the little baby  bat and placed it inside his turtleneck shirt. He was a responsible da  d to Vamp’s children after all.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Headphones was ahead of the group, keeping an eye on Jong but left him   to have some alone time with Vampire Collar. As attached as he was, h  e was in good hands. But for now, he was leaping from stalactite to st  alactite, swinging his grappinghook to each and swinging around the ce  iling like a crazy person. Eventaully when he reached everyone else, h  e lowered down upside down and slowly began to turn as he asked upside   down,  "So we're suppose to find something then, yeah?"  Knittens nods, unsure of why Mary Janes was even shaving his legs but  listen, he won't pry. Walking towards the cave, he gulped, feeling ant  sy and began to itch his wrist,  "Knowing our track record, we're gonna see some sort of beast appear i  n here in a few seconds."  He wasn't feeling to confident in his luck anymore and he'd rather not   take a chance. But seeing everyone run into there, it seems like he h  ad no choice. Jokingly he chuckles,  "Maybe there's some sort of secret treasure inside?"
BRIT:  Cowlneck pulled out a book, seeming to have jotted a few things down a  nd smiled.  "/My friend, do you fly away now to a word that abhors you and I?/"  Duster made a point to roll his eyes as Cowlneck spoke.  "/All that awaits you is a somber morrow, no matter where the winds ma  y blow./" Cowlneck finished, walking casually and turning to the rest  of them again, closing his book. He gestured into the cave, looking po  intedly at the Western Angels that hadn't entered the cave as of yet.  "If you do not stop for death, it will kindly stop for you."  "Morbid." Haircuff said, "I await your return with baited breath, frie  nds."  He smiled and waved them off.
KRO:  Shades yawned, covering his mouth with his jacket as Undershirt approa  ched him. He waved dismissively at Undershirt.  "Hey man, no worries. We barely made it here too, but it seems like Co  wlneck's gonna need to work on those wills and eulogies soon as a few  already went inside."  A few meaning Jacket and the unfortunate sap he took with him.  The ruckus Flat Cap was making made Shades scrunch up his nose and wow  . That man was just there, doing that. On his /good Christian server/,   too. He stomped in Flat Cap's direction, smacking the drug out of the   Angel's hands. He probably shouldn't have done that, but seriously. I  n front of your superiors? That wasn't very smart.  Luna nodded at Haircuff. She crossed her arms as she turned back to th  e others. Seeing as Haircuff was sending them off, she went over to Du  ster and leaned on him.  "This is going to be exciting, isn't it?"
DJDEVIL:  Flat Cap just gave Shady a look when he smacked the bag out of his han  ds. "The fuck was that for, man?! Ya wasted perfectly good meth! And e  xpensive too." He said, looking the bag. This was like the drug equiva  lent of slapping away someone's Gatorade after a long jog on a hot day  . The fucking cunt.  As Helmet ran through the cave, he zipped his head around looking for  signs of the ghost, at the point turning around and running backwards  before bumping hard into a stalagmite.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary Janes giggled,"I know right?" He was happy to chill with his budd  ies. Mary turner on his teddy's eye lights and they shined like someth  ing out of a horror movie. Mary turned to Knittens,"Yeah, so? Last tim  e I checked you used to war cry with me at em. We should be fine!" He  giggles. Vampire on the other hand was looking about, he wore his clea  r glow in the dark lenses to accentuate his eyes. He walked carefully  and he watched everyone lead. He hopped to god no one flashed a flashl  ight on him. He watches Jong and the babies and he melts. What a good  dad.
KRO:  Crossing his arms, Shades shook his head as he saw Flat Cap being upse  t about his drugs.  "Pal, you're doing drugs in front of a bunch of high ranks, what did y  ou think was going to happen?"  He signed as he looked back to the entrace of the cave and gestured to   get other's attention.  "Alright, well. That dragon isn't going to pop up on it's own the long  er we stand here. Let's head on in and make sure those who went inside   are safe."
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens raised his eyebrow at Mary Jane's teddy and patted it's head,   sticking out his tongue,  "Yeah and I use to believe that Santa was real. But, I never asked whe  re you got a teddy taser from though."  He walked into the mouth of the cave, peering in. It was quiet, seemin  gly safe. Knittens felt a lump form in his stomach, he didn't want to  get caught up in Angel's troubles anymore. He asked softly,  "Why do we always get up in these situations?"
BRIT:  Jacket continued to scoot through the caves, looking around in wonderm  ent and amaze at the crystals. He had slowed down significantly as oth  ers were rather far behind them.  "I wonder where Helmet went." He pondered, "But anyway, we're lookin f  or a dragon ghost, right? Let's look for some hella bunches of crystal  ."  He stopped rolling Jong and peered at him to check on him.  "You alright?" He asked.
SOUP-KITTY:  Jong Looked up at Jacket, and gave a small smile. “Yeah! I’m doing oka  y.” Jong looked around at the cave. It was really quite pretty, if not   a little strange. Chiffon hopped off of Jong’s lap, making squeaks th  at echoed through the cave, she hopped in circles around Jacket. “So i  t’s a dragon ghost?” Jong had only seen a handful of ghosts. He didn’t   know they came in dragon.  Summer placed a hand on Knitten’s shoulder as they walked on. “You kno  w kiddo, we can always stay outside if you like. You shouldn’t do thin  gs you aren’t comfortable doing, especially when you aren’t doing okay  .” Summer gave his best dad smile, and held Mary’s hand so they wouldn  ’t get separated if they went deeper in the cave.
ARCHDUKE:  As the Angels trickled into the cave, their commotion echoed. It seeme  d to be a peaceful cave and nobody could blame the group for suspectin  g Haircuff of lying. As they went about their business, the ground lig  htly shook and an odd dragging noise was heard in the far distance. So  mething's coming.  There was a pause in activity before the shaking and dragging noises p  icked up again. It appeared the ghost had hit a wall. It was blind, cu  t it some slack.  It wasn't long until the ghost came into view, heading to the exit of  the cave. It was a large, lumbering looking dragon that didn't seem to   take into account the intruders.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary Janes crawled onto father mountain and he rested his arms on he d  ad's head. This is true protecc position. Mary waved to Knittens. Vamp  ire Collar is casually walking beside Jong's wheelchair. He blinks and   looks around,"I can see something ahead."
KRO:  Luna spotted the ghost, pulling Shades off to the side and pointed at  it.  Shades nodded, keeping closer to her side as they walked further into  the cave. It was a pretty ghost, he'll give it that.
SAIYAN:  Undershirt and the gang held up three fingers, Hunger Games style as a   whistling could be heard coming from the entrance of the cave. It cou  ld totally have been the wind, but it made for a good effect. Undershi  rt watched Shady and Luna walk deeper in the cave and they all followe  d suit.  “So, you think what we’re looking for is in here then?” Undershirt sai  d almost tripping on a stalagmite like a dumb.
/Last time on DCM:/ Angels were called out of country by a mysterious messenger who turned o ut to be Haircuff, an eccentric man who cares for Drakes. He tips Angels off on where they should search first and come across an abandoned town turned to stone. There, everyone searched for any message that could he lp them find out something about the ghost or it's location. After a bri ef search, it seemed that Haircuff withheld information about it's where abouts. Then again, nobody asked where it went. Pointing them in the rig ht direction, they're now exploring a crystal cave where it was last see n.
KRO:  Luna grabbed Undershirt, pulling him from the stalagmite and shushing  him. She pointed to the lumbering ghost in the cave.  "Does that answer your question?" She whispered to Undershirt.
SAIYAN:  Undershirt looked at the dragon with an open mouth. How the fuck did h  e manage to miss it.
SAIYAN:  "What the fuck...." he started before the ground shook again and he ne  arly lost his balance.  "What is wrong with this guy? Is it actually blind?" Wristband said as   she regained her balance.  "Heh, well if that's the case, then this should be easy! I can't belie  ve they had to call us in to deal with a blind ghost but whatever!" He   said as he transformed his namesake into his weapon.  He charged forth towards the dragon, dodging past all of the different   rock formations in his way before he finally reached where the ghost  was.  "Bet you won't see this one coming!" he yelled as he swing his pickaxe   at the ghost.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Headphones stared at the abomination real quickly and looked for the n  orthern angel really quickly 'cause this bloodborne dark souls motherf  ucker was not in his jurisdiction, naaaah. Seeing only the western ang  els around he just says agape,  "Bitch, we're suppose to fight this mother fucker?"  He stared at everyone, about to throw such a fit but knowing he had to   be there for Jong he just buckled the fuck up and summoned his weapon  . He whistles to Vampire COllar to catch his attention,  "Okay baby boy you don't needa fight you hear me? You wheel him around   to have him fight, understand? I swear to lord."  He was about to lose his mind, swinging his weapon around about to kil  l a bitch and it might not be the ghost.  Knittens pursed his lips, motioning to the ghost saying,  "So, what did I tell ya?"
JAY:  Biretta had been skulking close to the back of the group into the cave  , fingers pressed together as he scanned the inside of the cave and ke  pt a slow pace with the rest of the group. Of course, once the ghost s  howed up, he was pretty bewildered at its size, stopping dead in his t  racks.  "Jesus fuck," he finally managed to mutter. His hand went to his names  ake and twirled it into his weapon, taking a tight hold of it.
DJDEVIL:  Flat Cap let out a whistle upon seeing the ghost, impressed by it's si  ze. "Big fucker, ain't it?" He said quietly, obivously not wanting to  attract the ghost just yet, then turned to Shady, "So what's the plan?   Set up a trap or somethin' sneaky like that or just go in guns blazin  '?" He then saw Undershirt and Tuxedo run out and attack the ghost. "G  un blazin' it is!" He said, transforming his namesake and opened fire  at the ghost.  Helmet fell on his ass after hitting the stalagmite. He rubbed his bac  k before he began to feel the shaking and noticed the large ghost. "Th  e beast has shown itself!" He exclaimed, standing up and picked up his   sword before running towards it and whacking at it's legs. "Taste the   might of my newly-upgraded sword, beast!" He yelled as he whacked at  the ghost.
BRIT:  "Oh yeah, Ghosts come in all kinds of forms and shit." Jacket explaine  d to Jong, "This one seems kinda dumb. Easy."  He smiled down at the other boy in the wheelchair and gave him a thumb  s-up.  "We can tag-team him if ya want!"  Cowlneck hung back by Shades and Duster. The two watched as Tuxedo Jac  ket went charging for the ghost. Duster shook his head, and Cowlneck s  eemed to suddenly find his manicure more interesting.  "/Here lies Tuxedo Jacket. Charged into battle with nary a care, impal  ed by a dragon's horn, now he's stuck there./" He said, "A good eulogy  , I think."  "Cowlneck, please." Duster sighed, "He's not alone."  "I have a duty to uphold, Dusty." Cowl replied and flashed a cheeky sm  irk at Duster. "As for Helmet, he was squashed by its feet. Flattened  by a dragon, his death he did meet."  "These are awful." Duster snorted.
ARCHDUKE:  The dragon kept dragging itself, even as the barrage of Angels unloade  d their strength on it. It didn't seem bothered by anything but in act  uality, it was getting peeved by the constant worry of it accidentally   stepping on someone. It may have destroyed towns but squishing someth  ing with your bare feet never felt good.  The ghost suddenly stopped, the ground shaking as it began to lean on  one side and rolled on to the small group of Angels that have gathered   around it. After one roll, it shook the dirt off its back and kept on   with its business of trying to find the exit.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Vampire Collar blinked. Holy shit this was a Dragon age baby right the  re. That's a huge blep. Vamp turned his head to Headphones and looked  at him like he had a third nipple on his forehead. "I-I know. But-! Jo  ng is in a wheelchair? I am so not risking him getting hurt. B-but if  he needs to fight fine." The boy was worried to say the least, but he  did as the other said. He nyoomed right on into battle with his twunk  on wheels. Mary Janes looks at the drake and he looks at the imaginary   camera. Yes, this was the office. " just why. Why can it never be a s  tray donkey."
KRO:  As Shades tried to keep his balance from the shaking ground, he looked   at Duster.  "Listen, he's gotta improve his poetry somehow."
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens took Mary janes shoulder quietly whispering,  "Ogres have layers but I'm not ready for this fight."  He cracked his knuckles, ready to dodge and start running when need be   because he's watched enough God of War 4 to know that this will bruta  l.  Headphones snapped his fingers, touching up his eye shadow before he g  ets brutally fucked. He gotta look pretty before he's put 6 feet under  ground beaten into a pulp. He's gonna be a pretty pulp okay. Sliding d  own closer he just stared at it, squatted and whispered motioning to i  t,  "Boy."
SAIYAN:  Tuxedo Jacket looked on in horror as this dragon started to death roll   like a crocodile towards him. Unable to get out of the way in time he   was crushed under the weight of the dragon ghost. He laid there, on t  he cave floor, completely embedded with in it as the weight had driven   him into the rock.  "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" T.J. screamed as the shock wore off and the  pain set in. He was also very angry that the dragon just straight up t  ossed him aside.  Meanwhile, Undershirt and Wristband winced as they saw what had happen  ed to him. It was not a pretty sight at all.  "Now why'd he have to go off and do that? When will that boy ever lear  n?" Wristband said as she shook her head.
DJDEVIL:  Helmet was buried in the dirt with only his head sticking out. That's  what you get for charging at the giant dragon ghost like an idiot. At  least he wasn't a pancake.  "Holy shite!" Flat Cap said after the ghost squished everyone around i  t, "OI! Are you guys still alive?!"
SOUP-KITTY:  Jong was getting real tired of being dragged around, and now they want  ed him to fight THAT? “Oh fuck no y’all can McFuckin throw down I’m go  nna go look for pretty shit in the cave.” Jong held the wheels with hi  s hands, causing them to stop, and before anyone could say anything, J  ong rolled back into the cave where Jacket was, he grabbed Chiffon and   he kept rolling deeper into the cave, finally stopping in a seemingly   safe corner. He was gonna sit there and sit there quietly.  Summer meanwhile, was amazed at the dragon. “I’ve never seen a crocodi  le that big.” He had the biggest smile on his face. What a fuckin dork  .
KRO:  Shades burst out in laughter, Luna quickly covering his mouth as she t  ried to stifle her own.  "SHH-SHHH, s-shut!" She managed in between her giggles, "It's gonna pi  ck up on your noise."  It seemed like the Angels were in need of aid, but the one time they n  eeded it, Shades was not complying. He was having his giggle.
BRIT:  "Oh, I need to change Tuxedo's eulogy. He was also flattened." Cowlnec  k stated, "/My friends, the fates are cruel. There are no dreams, no h  onor remains. The arrow has left the bow of the Goddess/."  For emphasis, he gave them the "father, son, holy ghost" gesture. Dust  er made a point to look away and snort.  Jacket skidded and turned back to Jong.  "Aww, how're you gonna get back to Heaven if you don't fight?" He aske  d, "Well, I guess you can fight when you get all better."  He turned and put on his best game face, yanking his pants up and runn  ing straight for the ghost with Dual Pride mounted to his arm, ready t  o let it rip.  "So, why are you all standing around?" Strappon asked the Angels as th  ey stood and watched the rest of the fallens get steamrolled, "They're   getting their arses handed to them, lads. This is hardly the time for   you lot to develop a sadistic streak."
ARCHDUKE:  As Jacket advanced, he was promptly squished by the ghost as it walked   in the direction of some laughter. Good night sweet prince.
JAY:  Biretta snapped into a mode of fighting after Strappon prompted more a  ngels to attack the dragon. Sighing, he began a slow jogging approach  to the beast, opting to spring off of his feet once close enough to be  gin a series of dodge-rolling around its feet, trying to avoid getting   squashed. Hopefully invincibility frames applied to real life.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Headphones just held up both of his hands with his mouth open, mumblin  g,  "Okay okay okay I see how it is and my only response? Naaah bitch."  Seeing Summer, he quickly slides up next to him, wrapping his arms aro  und his shoulder before unleashing the deepest gruffest voice he ever  could manage in order to emphasize the amount of upsetness in his soul  ,  "Now listen here with your Steve Irwin ass, you in all of God's name b  etter not die and leave me with a little baby boy to raise all on my o  wn or I will hunt you down in where ever dead angels go, alright?"  He nudged Summer to crocodile wrestle it cause he didn't want to deal  with this, not today. Walking over to Jong he reached into his purse,  "Honey do you want a granola bar? I have a chocolate chip in here."  Knittens noticed that it wasn't really actively attacking and said,  "I think it's like a naked overgrown mole rat, maybe it'll respond to  light? We can try luring it out."
ARCHDUKE:  The ghost stopped in its tracks, confused by rolling of the Angel. It  was surprisingly entertained for a bit too long as it tried to keep pa  ce with the Angel, trying to keep it in its line of sight or.... lack  there of.  Realization soon hit it and it simply pushed, or launched, Biretta int  o a wall, continuing its march to the exit of the cave.
KRO:  Wiping tears from his eyes, Shades turned his attention to Strappon. T  he man was clearly not having it but it didn't seem like Shades taking   it anymore serious.  "You know, there's a reason we're not really intervening," he began, "  Northern ghosts have gimmicks to them. They gotta find what that is fo  r this one. They'll be fine, but we're still having our laugh watching   them trying to figure it out."  As he continued to wipe his eyes clean, Luna was frantically trying to   get his attention by tugging on the sleeves of his shirt.  "Uh. We need to move," she said, seeing the ghost advancing, "It heard   us."
DJDEVIL:  Helmet dug himself out of the dirt, somehow, and ran in front of the g  host. "I think rolling on me will stop me from slaying you?" He began,   "Prepare thyself, hellspawn! For I will now unleash upon thee the fur  y of a crusader! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM......PENS!!!" He shouted, doing  a rather silly-pose. Literrally nothing happened. Helmet was very conf  used by this. "Wait....It wasn't hampens? What was it then? One moment   please." Helmet said then turned around to try and remember what was  the word. Hinjim? No. Yenben? No no, surely not. Hank Hill?  As this went on, Flat Cap just motioned his hand around his chest to m  ake the cross sign. This lad was a goner.
SAIYAN:  Undershirt and Wristband heard Strappon's words loud and clear. They b  oth nodded their heads at him in confirmation before nodding their hea  ds at each other. They both launched themselves at the ghosts,  "Let's see how he handles the both of us!" Undershirt said as he and W  ristband transformed their namesakes.  Once they both reached the dragon, they struck at it at the same time.   Undershirt jumped up and hit it with his flail from above, while Wris  tband ran around and slashed at it's legs and feet.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  "Did you just.." He just got shreked. Wow. Mary takes out his galaxy p  urple 3ds and he records the fight. "Day whatever, they're still weird  os and I'm still pretty gay."  Vamp literally goes flying because of t  he speedy stop. He flus into a wall and he moans before peeling off of   it cartoon style.  "O w w w." He gets up and he makes his way to go f  ind Jong. Why was he getting light headed? Why was he getting wet? Who   tf knew. He makes it to Jong and he flops down. Oooh see that makes s  ense. The bean stabbed himself with one of his Lycans. Ouchy. "Hi..sor  ry,"
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens looked at Mary Janes with such a grin, that it proved this bo  y was a sinner. Shreking his own friend. At least not all of Knittens  was gone into the void, he was still a shit lord at heart. Looking ove  r Mary Jane's shoulder he asked casually,  "You're gay too?"  A lot of men in Knitten's life was very much gay, or at least bisexual  .
ARCHDUKE:  Undershirt and Wristband's attacks bounced off the ghost. It roared, l  aunching them back in the direction they came from.
SOUP-KITTY:  Jong held Chiffon tightly. The boy was scared as fuck and he really di  dn’t wanna fight that huge fucking thing. “I don’t want a granola bar.   I just wanna sit here quietly. Please.” He was clearly getting upset  at this point. When Vampire Collar made his way over to him Jong quiet  ly reached for his hand, pulled it close to his face and gently placed   a kiss on it. “I’m sorry. I just don’t wanna be out there.” Jong let  go of his hand and went back to being quiet.  There’s no way Summer could say no to Headphones. He patted Mary on th  e head one last time. “Hey kiddo, be good. You too Knittens.” And with   that he quietly made his way closer to the dragon, always staying a s  afe distance away as to not get crushed or thrown back. He wasn’t enti  rely sure how to really attack this thing, so he was going to observe  it instead. “Crikey… how’re we supposed deal with that..” He sighed an  d kept observing the ghost from a safe distance.
BRIT:  Wristband went rushing toward the Angels' sides they had left, and Dus  ter immediately caught her. Undershirt when rushing past him and onto  Strappon, knocking them both over and into the ground. All while screa  ming.  "Rest in peace." Cowlneck said, placing a hand on his chest, "Undershi  rt will be missed. Miss Wristband will live on in your stead."  "What the bloody hell is going on?" Strappon managed to groan from und  er Undershirt.  Jacket pulled himself out of the crater, hand shakily gripping the gro  und.  "Oooooohhhhhgggg." He groaned, "Son of a biiiitch."
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Headphones sighed, then proceeded to roll up his sleeves and pick up J  ong, wheelchair and all. Listen, for your son, you lift. Grunting he a  sks,  "You wanna go out? It's okay we can just wait outside for Summer to de  al with it. He can deal with it."  He looks to Summer Cardigan with pursed lips. He was obviously very co  ncerned with Jong's well being and if he had to, he'll cary a 35-pound   chair with his son.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary Janes turned bright red and he gave Knittens a thumbs up. He was  dying internally. Why did he have to have ears? "Y u p. Y e rp." Crawl  ing in his skin. He squeaked at dad and he patted Summers stomach. Fuc  king heck. "I'll try?" Vampire Collar propped himself up on the wall o  f the cave and he took out his sippy cup. Gosh darn it. It freaking br  oke and got blood on him. He nods to his small bean and he holds Jong'  s hand. He was gonna do a comfort.
ARCHDUKE:  The ghost's senses were getting overstimulated. It could feel a pair o  f people off in a corner, some other guy in the distance. The ones it  already rolled were moving around, and then the ones at the entrance w  ere making a commotion.  The crystals in the cave suddenly lit up, with one shinning brighter t  han the others. The ground began shaking as it reared up, its front cl  aws getting off the ground. Without warning, it stomped, the ground br  eaking underneath its strength and sending out its crystal breath. Eve  ryone that was inside the cave at the time blacked out. Once it finish  ed lashing out, it ran back into the cave, bumping into spires as it t  ried to make its way deeper.
KRO:  The roar caused the others outside to flinch, but thanks to Duster's f  orce-field, they were spared by most of the effects of the ghost's att  acks. Before either Shades or Luna could make any more witty quips abo  ut their Western coworkers, they turned around to see everybody in the   cave conked out. Worried for their safety, especially those who were  human, Luna rushed into the cave to attend to them. She began ordering   the others to pick up the rest and get them to safety. This was the p  rice to pay for being careless.
SAIYAN:  Wristband and Undershirt both yelled in surprise as they seemed to jus  t bounce off of the dragon like it was made of rubber. While Wristband   was caught gracefully in the arms of a man, Undershirt's fall was bro  ken by a man, but it wasn't very graceful at all.  "Dude, you okay there?" Undershirt asked Strap as he got off of him.  Meanwhile Wristband thanked Duster for the nice catch as she was set b  ack on her own two feet.
BRIT:  As the Angels awoke, they would find themselves in what seemed like a  small encampment up in the mountains. They were all in some kind of co  ts made of furs and bedding (even Jong, whose cot was noticeably more  comfortable).  Haircuff stood close to the collection of cots, leaning on his staff w  ith a complacent smile on his face. It was /almost/ mocking.  "Well, that was fun, wasn't it?" He said, "I bet you all had a jolly t  ime with that one."  Jacket sat up and looked around at everyone before holding his head.  "Yooo, what happened? Did we get knocked out?" He asked.  "Hmmm, close enough to it." Cowlneck said from his place beside Jacket  . He was sitting on a pack with his legs crossed casually. He also had   a grin on his face.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Headphones struggled to carry jong out of the cave and it was much too   late to keep going. Suddenly he heard a loud roar and he just fainted  . Losing his grip on the chair and falling down, his wrist shattering  under the wheel. Well not shatter, it did fracture though. Beginning t  o wake up, Heapdhones sat up in a fuzzy cot and he was fuming. But he  flinched, clenching his fist, noticing that it was treated. He wanted  to scream and bitch so much especially with the safety of his son but  he bit his tongue. He needed to cool it before he just immediately exp  loded. But it was as clear as day, he was very mad and no one should r  eally talk to him right now. Gritted teeth, he stood up and he looked  around for Jong, not wanting to call out if he was still asleep.  Knittens woke up in a place he didn't recognize and his breathing quic  kened rapidly as he looked around in a franzy. He didn't recognize his   surroundings it was too reminsicnent of his kidnapping. Looking like  he was about to scream in fear, he was shaking, sweating, his throat w  as dry and tears were brimming in his eyes. Clenching the wall, he beg  an to gag violently and forced himself onto the floor, shaking. He wan  ted to go home, he wanted to wake up in his home. Not in a place he di  dn't know.
SOUP-KITTY:  Jong’s eyes fluttered open, he was a bit confused as to what had happe  ned and really couldn’t remember anything past Headphones picking up h  is wheelchair. Where was his wheelchair? Jong slowly turned his head,  summer was sitting on the ground next to him, with a worried look on h  is face. He had a sleeping chiffon on his lap. Jong reached over and b  ooped him on the head. “I’m alive.” He said quietly. Summer looked at  him and smiled, and gently started patting his head.  “Are you feeling okay? Does anything hurt?”  Before Jong could answer, their attention was turned to Knittens who w  as clearly freaking out. Jong pointed in the direction Knittens was in  , and Summer nodded his head, placing chiffon gently next to Jong. He  made his way over to Knittens, gently placing a hand on his back. “hey   kiddo, it’s okay, you’re alright.” Summer didn’t quite know what was  up with the kid, but he wanted to help.
SAIYAN:  Tuxedo Jacket blinked for a moment before he tried to sit up. He got t  o about halfway before a sharp pain from his head made him groan in pa  in.  "Aah, damn it!" he said before pushing himself all the way up into a s  itting position and looked around.  "What the...where are we? Is this hell? Because I don't think this is  heaven" he said as he noticed that all of the angels were here with hi  m.  "Did we really all get sent to hell together? Is this my punishment?"  he asked slightly louder than he should have.  Meanwhile Undershirt and Wristband sat outside and thought about what  had transpired out there. It was still kind of a shock at how easily t  hat ghost shrugged off their attacks, especially when they were attack  ing together. It just didn't make much sense to them.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary Janes sat up and looked about,"Huh..so heaven has fuzzy cots..coo  l." He heard gagging and he saw Knittens flipping his shit.  He didn't   get out of his cot but he did manage to scoot all the way over and pe  t him. Vampire Collars eyes shot open and he quickly at up Dracula sty  le. His baby. He looks over and sees Jong, he was okay. He then lets o  ut a shreak and he looks around frantically. Cerebella was nowhere in  sight. He started to run around searching for his baby bat.
DJDEVIL:  Helmet sat up and rubbed his head. It felt squishier for some reason t  hen he realized his namesake was gone. Someone must've took it off whi  le he was recovering. He looked around frantically before he saw it ne  xt to him and quickly put it on. Much better.  "Fuckin' hell." Flat Cap said as he woke up. "Me head feels like I wen  t a bad trip and I now got a fuckin' hangover."
KRO:  It had been a few hours since the dragon knocked the rest of the Heave  nbent inside of the cave and Luna was making her rounds through the sm  all encampment. She made a small opening in the tent where a few of th  em were and she was about to go on her little routine before pausing,  noticing that some folks started to become lucid. It was hard to ignor  e the distressed child. She squinted as Tuxedo Jacket came to, quietin  g him as she helped Summer with Knittens.  "Shh, it's okay young one. All is well. You and your friends are all s  af-"  Luna covered her ears quickly. Looks like someone else also woke up.  "__QUIET!__" She yelled, "Forgive me, but there's a distressed child."  She turned her attention back to Knittens, her tone soft, "If you wish   for something to calm you, we have Drake hatchlings that would love t  o play with you."  Meanwhile, Shades was outside being covered in said chicks. Man, he wa  s a /chick magnet/.
SAIYAN:  Undershirt and Wristband was snapped out of their trances and watch as   Shady was being walked on by drake chicks. This dude I swear.  "Hey, you good bro?" Undershirt asked Shady from his sitting position.
KRO:  Shades pushed aside one of the chicks, trying to keep Undershirt in hi  s sights.  "Yeah man," he began, "these chicks can't get enough of me."
SAIYAN:  Wristband shook her head and Shady's display.  "That's the first time that's happened to you, huh?" she said to him.
BRIT:  "Now that people are waking up, care to explain why you didn't /assist   them/?" Strappon asked as he walked further into the tent, obviously  a little more than peeved that these Angels had traumatized their unde  rlings.  "I'll explain." Haircuff started, putting a finger up to Strappon's li  ps before he could start to raise Cain. "I assume you're all aware tha  t your attacks did very little, if anything at all, to the ghost. Your   Angels from this Northern Sector are more used to the behemoths we de  al with on the daily. You see, it's far more than just rushing into ba  ttle."  He turned to the Angels, planting his staff into the ground.  "Strategy is very important when it comes to large ghosts. Sometimes,  you need to assess the ghosts before you attack."
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Spit was drooling out of his mouth as he throat clenched, hard to brea  the he looked around in distress as he kicked away from everyone. He c  ouldn't even recognize their faces, it was just shapes in his mind. Bu  t that's not what mattered. Heart beating out of his chest, he scratch  ed against the floor dragging himself towards outside. He needed to go   outside. Outside meant he was freed, outside meant that he was safe.  Under his breathe he kept repeating,  "I don't know anything about a debt... Please just let me go home. I j  ust wanna go home. I don't know... Please, I wanna go home."  Finally Knittnes curled into a ball, forcing himself to breathe. He wa  s trying hard to calm himself down, lungs burning as he struggled to p  ick himself up. He choked out,  "Where am I?"  Headphone's neck snapped in the direction of Knittens and he quickly s  cooped up the kid, knowing exactly what happened. He really shouldn't  have gone along with them without the two guardians he has. Muttering,
 "He needs to go outside, he thinks he's kidnapped again."  Carrying the kid outside, headphones grunted as he lowered him down. H  e wasn't that strong and he really couldn't carry a child that was as  tall as he was and almost twice as heavy. Knittens semed to have stabi  lized as he took some footing, being able to stand. Holding himself, h  e tried to walk off by himself to god knows where.
DJDEVIL:  Flat Cap noticed Haircuff and squinted his eyes as he explained. "Well  , would've been reeeeeal great to know that our weapons are shite agai  nst that ting earlier, lad." He said as he got out of his cot, though  a little too quickly and lost balance for a moment before recovering.  Helmet meanwhile began trying to remember the word to activate his Hen  shin. It was on tip of his tongue but he just couldn't figure it out.
SAIYAN:  "Wait so we're not in hell?" Tuxedo Jacket asked as he continued to li  sten to his words.  Though the more he did, the angrier he got. There was no way that he s  houldn't have been able to beat that ghost himself. Just the thought o  f that made him sick. Maybe he needed to actually swallow his pride an  d actually accept help from other people. He hopped out of bed and tur  ned to look Hair Cuff.  "So what the hell do we do now?" he asked, trying his best to be coope  rative for once in his god damn life.  Hearing some commotion, Wristband and Undershirt entered the tent too  see Hair Cuff giving a speech.
KRO:  There was guilt written on Luna's face as Knittens was carried out. Sh  e's gotten real careless since coming to the West, she should have nev  er left or lied to stay there. She breathed in, trying to keep her com  posure as Haircuff walked in.  "Let me have this moment, I rarely get the opportunity to make puns,"  Shades said to Wristband. Hearing the commotion in the tent, he got up   and waded through the sea of drake chicks that may or may not have im  printed on him. Good Lord.  He entered the tent as Haircuff began explaining things and as Knitten  s was being let out. Geeze, they're up to an uproarious start. Turning   his attention back to Haircuff, he caught the man explaining the ghos  t and poked his shoulder, holding up a finger.  "If I may," he said.  Shades didn't speak right away, trying to choose his words carefully.  No doubt there were people who were upset and he didn't feel like push  ing their buttons any further.  "I hoped you all learned a lesson in not treating the presence of ghos  ts seriously," he began, "It's what costed us many great people here i  n the North. Take it from me who lost platoons of Angels due to my ine  xperience and societal pressures."  He paused, trying to make sure he doesn't go on personal tangents. He'  s never had anyone to talk to about things that gnawed at him, he wasn  't about to unload that on these people.  "Northern ghosts are nothing like ghosts back home. These things are u  sually ancient, more malevolent than what you know. The best analogy I   can give you all, as much as we use it as a joke back home, is that t  hey're like the Dark Souls of ghosts. You have to be more methodical w  ith them, find out their weaknesses and strengths before rushing in. I  t's a group effort, we all have to be on the same page before going in   for a kill."
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary Janes plays with the chicks and soon enough he has three on him.  Two on his shoulders and on on his head. In the opposite corner Vampir  e Collar was being a worried parent. He..well the mound of chicks slow  ly inched towards Jong before stopping. Cute things liked him and it m  ade the mama worry more. The chick mound wiggled about before laying f  lat. These babies were heavy.
BRIT:  "It wasn't entirely my idea. I wanted to help you all with your experi  ences. Shades and Miss Luna Circlet had told me you needed a little he  lp with what may come." Haircuff said in reference to Flat Cap. There  was a glint of mischief in those demon eyes of his, "Regardless, what  Shades tells you all is true. And if Norther Ghosts are anything, they   are indeed a taste of the Nephilim's power."  "But we faced a Nephilim, right?" Jacket asked, crossing his arms, "I  thought we already figured that out?"  "We could do literally nothing to it." Duster corrected, "Same for thi  s ghost. But that doesn't mean we can't beat it."  Strappon sighed as he listened. He was concerned for the Angels and th  eir freak-outs. This wasn't good at all.  "I suppose you have a point." He said, "So what you're saying as there  's a way to defeat this ghost, we just have to find it."
SOUP-KITTY:  Summer sighed in concern. Poor Knittens. He wished he could help more.   But he then directed his attention at Shades. He felt more than a lit  tle angry at how irresponsible the higher ups were being, especially b  ecause the younger kids could have gotten seriously hurt. “You know ma  te, it could have been real useful to let us in on the whole story ins  tead of letting us rush in blindly. The kids could have been seriously   injured. I’m all for us getting more experience and learning how to d  eal with these things, but look at the state Knittens is in.” He moved   back over to where Jong was, clearly he was an upset dad. He patted J  ong in the head again, who seemed to have gone back to sleep. He was p  robably a feeling overwhelmed. “I shouldn’t have insisted on you going  ” he muttered, feeling more than a little guilty at being unable to he  lp his child.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Headphones watched Knittens sit by himself a bit far off from the rest  , keeping an eye on him as he sighs. Really now, this was just a mess.   Massaging his temples he walks over to Summer Cardigan, showed his wr  ist and asked bluntly,  "Mind healing this?"  He just shrugs, muttering,  "I guess it was our fault, kids shouldn't be facing against ghosts at  all."  He looked at the ground in shame, biting his bottom lip. While he ofte  n acted like a confident beam of sassiness, this was the chink in the  armor. He felt awful at his lack of action or his lack of attention on   the situation. But at the same time, fac it. He wasn't trained to fig  ht but it was his job.  Knittens was sitting away from everyone and with shakey hands he pulle  d out his pack of cigarettes but he didn't light one up and smoke them  . He stared at it, knowing he needed to stop but he just couldn't. He  didn't know how else to calm himself down. Despite being on edge, he s  hoved the pack back into his pocket. He wanted to stop. Sitting alone,   he waited for everything to get sorted and he looked into the sky wit  h dull eyes.
DJDEVIL:  "Well, If I were a betting man, which i am," Flat Cap began as he pick  ed up his namesake, "I'd say we'll find the fucker's weakness somewher  e back in that cave." He placed his namesake on his head with a confid  ent smirk on his face.  "Jentan, maybe? No, that's not right either. Kenjon?" Helmet mumbled t  o himself as smoke started coming out of his helmet. Boy was thinking  real hard.
KRO:  Shades nodded at Strappon, "Precisely. None of these ghosts are withou  t their weaknesses. It shouldn't be difficult to snoop out what makes  this one in particular tick."  Summer's comments made him raise a brow. He truly did feel bad that ch  ildren were being endangered, but at this point he had already entered   a commanding state. Something that had little empathy for the sake of   getting a mission done.  "Then next time be more observant and considerate of who's on your tea  m. No one said anything about keeping children out of the fight nor br  ought it to a higher rank's attention. You cannot expect your commande  rs to keep track of everything, we're not robots. Our jobs are to make   sure you know your objective for you to stick to."  "Well," Luna said, responding to Flat Cap's comment, "There was /somet  hing/ of note that happened in that cave."  A few Drake chicks took notice of Knittens. Many began surrounding him   and a few bumped into his legs and arm. They were curious and hungry  for attention.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary Janes walks over to Knittens and he hugs his side. His buddy wasn  't alright and it sucked to see him that way. Mary rested his head on  the other's shoulder,"You shouldn't have to be alone Knitty.." He'd pu  t his embarrassment asside to at least try to do some good. He put a c  hick on top of his head, "Insta cute." He blepped.  Vampire Collar man  aged to crawl out of the chick cluster to properly pet them.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens lowered his gaze when he heard the soft peeping of the chicks   as well as feeling one on his head. Chuckling, he scooped up a whole  lot and dumped them on top of Mary Janes, like a small drake gaterade  dump. His laughter stopped short as he was reminded about his old hous  e and all the similar little birds that would surroundd him. He didn't   want to admit it, whether it be his own stubborness or just to make t  hings easier on his family; he missed his home with his cousin. Things   were easy, simple, things were happy there. He wanted to go back. Sig  hing, he knew he was never going to go back, and for good reason. He j  ust pet the little hick and shrugged,  "It's 'kay, lately I've been wanting just to stay quiet. Attracts too  much attention being loud..."  He blepped back, obviously wanting to joke around with his old friend,   but everything just didn't feel right anymore. Getting a more serious   tone, he asked Mary Janes,  "Do you still think we should be helping out the angels?"
BRIT:  "I'm sure you all can figure it out." Haircuff stated, giving them a m  ore cheerful smile, "I'll heal you all. I'm sure it's more than just y  our bodies that need healing at this time."  He walked toward the middle of the tent and held his staff.  "If you'll let me, of course. I know people are often not fond of thos  e born of demons."  Cowlneck raised a brow from his seat by Jacket, and Jacket seemed to g  ive the man his full attention.  "How ya gonna heal us all at once?" He asked, "You'll tire yourself ou  t."  "Of course I wouldn't. Healing is my profession." Haircuff corrected,  tapping the bottom of his staff against the ground.  "Do your best, then. Once healed, we can get ourselves up, dust off, a  nd figure this out together." Strappon said, slightly more wary than J  acket.  "Oh don't worry, I like the way the man heals." Cowl said with a smirk  , "His voice is soothing."
SOUP-KITTY:  Summer wrapped an arm around Headphones, pulling him into a hug. He sp  oke softly “I’m pretty useless right now. If I tried to heal you, you’  d probably just get more hurt.” Summer was painfully aware that this h  ad been his fault too. It hadn’t been the first time that day that he  didn’t pay enough attention to Jong, and while he was mostly unharmed,   he had been the one insisting on him tagging along. It was foolish at   best. Summer pulled back from the hug a little, and gave Headphones a   kiss on the cheek. He felt like shit but maybe it was better to stay  and fight instead of becoming a pile of useless mush. He did have Jong   and Headphones counting on him. Mary too.  He took a deep breath and  composed himself. He gently nudged Headphones before saying “That guy  seems to be able to help.”
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Headphones grabbed Summer's face with a stern hand and breathed out,  "Don't give me that shit, hurting is the literal antonym of healing. N  ow heal my wrist or I'll be stuck in a cast. I don't care if he's a he  aler, you're a healer and if you're not gonna heal me, what are you?"  Narrowed eyes that are pretty closed and a grumpy tone, he was obvious  ly trying to hype up Summer from a rut in his own way. Tapping his foo  t, he cocked his eyebrow up,  "Unless you think I should fight with a broken wrist."
BRIT:  With permission granted, Haircuff nodded and took in a breath. He then   began to sing softly, and it was like a wind of relief spread over th  e party of Angels. As his singing became more prominent, it was appare  nt the healing effect had also increased, healing all their wounds. It   was a very pretty song, with a soothing and pleasant melody. After a  few verses, the song came to an end and Haircuff let out a breath.  "I'll never get over the fact that a half demon is better at healing t  han the rest of us." Duster muttered as the song ended.  Jacket's face was that of excitement and awe.  "THAT WAS AWESOME." He yelled, making Cowlneck jump.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary Janes felt like something was off about..well everything includin  g the mission itself.  Why was he here? He could just be with mom. He  snapped out of it when the chicks rained on him. He held them and gave   their heads . "I can understand that. " He nods and he tilted his hea  d. He caught that there was definitely something in the air. "As a who  le...? It..I...I dunno...it kinda feels weird? Is it wrong to think th  at..?" He looked up at Knittens.  Cerebella crawled out of Jong's shir  t. The bean was nice and warm. Vampire sighed when he saw his bean was   okay. He moved over and curled up next to Jong. Might as well take a  bat nap.
KRO:  Seeing that Haircuff took care of the healing, Luna walked out to see  the two kids with a bunch of chicks. She clasped her hands together as   she approached Knittens and Mary Janes.  "Anything hurt? Couldn't help but notice the two of you being out of t  he tent."
DJDEVIL:  "Damn, when you say you're good, you're REALLY fucking good." Flat Cap   said as he felt his headache and other pains go away, "I feel great!  Though, not entirely healed. But it's something that magic can't fix.  I'm gonna go and take care of that now. See ya lads back at the cave."   With that, he walked out the tent and went looking for a nice spot to   'heal' his particular aliment.  Helmet was too entrenched in his own thoughts to notice Haircuff's bea  utiful singing. His loss.
SAIYAN:  Tuxedo Jacket blinked as all of the pain that he had was suddenly lift  ed from his body. He smiled as he shook his arms and legs out to make  sure that he was in perfect condition. Which it turned out he was. He  smiled and then turned to Haircuff.  "You know, for a pretty shitty singer, you do good work there" He said   to hair cuff with a slight smile. What had gotten in to him today? Wa  s his brush with that ghost really enough to change him that much? Was   this like what happened with Scrooge?
KRO:  Shades opened his mouth as Flat Cap walked out but he stopped, sighing  . He didn't know why he still bothered in this position. Didn't feel l  ike anyone really took him seriously, probably never have to begin wit  h.  He tried to push those thoughts aside, the mission was important. If s  omeone had that little regard for their well being, so be it.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens looked down and shook his head,  "I don't think it's weird... I think it's pretty natural."  Shrugging it off when he heard a woman's voice asking themif they were   okay, he gave a small grin, showing his knocked out tooth as he repli  es,  "I'm just fine, nothing's really hurt. I just... needed some air."  Taking a large scoop of chck in his arms again he asks,  "What kinds of little animals are these? They're really fun!"  Obviously he was just trying to act like a normal child instead, not w  anting to stay on the serious topic.  Headphones felt his wrist bone reform and heal completely, he stretche  d and rotated his wirst. He sighed looking at Summer and stayed quiet,   standing next to Jong. He was looking off, distracted in his own mind  . He didn't want Summer to be in a depressed rut like he was going to  be but he didn't know how to cheer him up or convince him that it was  going to be okay, and honestly, he didn't want to try right now. Every  thing was so much and feeling overwhelmed, he just wanted to heed orde  rs so they could all go home already.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary Janes went along with it too. "Nothing's hurt honestly, but thank   you! Also, these little things are really really awesome." He nuzzled   a chick, he wanted to push what he was thinking away but it was almos  t staring him in the face. What would it mean for him? His friends..?  His mothers? Would they think differently of him..? He shook his head  at the little chick and it hopped onto his head. It paced around up th  ere before plopping down.
BRIT:  "Now that that's settled, let's head back into the cave and see what w  e can do to rid of this ghost." Strappon said, trying to get the pep b  ack into the other Angels. There was a clear drop in morale overall, a  nd he felt he needed to really get them up and going.  "Sir Strappon's right, we need to head into the cave and kick some dra  gon ass." Cowlneck said as he stood, dusting off his butt and giving t  hem a coy smile, "Let's not dwell. You all have plenty of talent, this   was just a learning experience."  "Wow, where'd you learn to be nice, mom?" Jacket joked.  "Darling, please, the adults are trying to get the other adults moving   again." Cowl commented without turning to Jacket.  Jacket pouted.
BRIT:  Haircuff laughed and hit Tuxedo Jacket in the knee with his staff.  "Thank you for the backhanded compliment. Don't you know to treat your   elders with more respect than that?" He chuckled, "Goodness, what are   they teaching kids these days?"  "It was a compliment." Duster said, "Or... Was it actually an insult?"  "Don't hurt yourself, Dusty." Cowlneck said, making his way toward the   front of the tent, "Let's get moving before the old man knocks out ou  r kneecaps."
KRO:  Luna sighed of relief. Still, there was a nagging feeling that all was  n't what it seemed but she too was going to play along. Everybody was  already getting worn out.  "Those are Dracolisle chicks. Haircuff said they hatched just a few ho  urs ago," she explained.  She noticed a few Angels beginning to exit the tent, walking up to Cow  lneck.  "So, what's the verdict? Everybody's going back in or did they leave i  t for us?"  She was hoping for the former, not wanting to strain the Angels any fu  rther.  Shades, meanwhile, became quieter. He started fiddling with his hands  more or even picking at the skin near his nails. A nasty habit, sure,  but it's the only thing that kept him entertained at the moment. He wa  s beginning to have his doubts as old memories resurfaced and was even   tempted to let someone else assume his role. He sighed, he couldn't s  how weakness right now. Not when everybody was already irritated and t  ired.
SAIYAN:  Tuxedo Jacket winced a bit as he felt his knee get hit. That mother fu  cker! He was lucky he was in such a good mood otherwise he'd wipe the  floor with him. The only thing that kept him composed was that he woul  d never have to see him again after this was all over.  "Whatever man." he said as he stood back up straight.  Meanwhile, Undershirt looked over at Shady with a slight bit of concer  n. He looked like he was being bothered by something.  "Hey, you alright, man? You don't look that good" Undershirt said to h  im with some concern in his voice.  "Yeah, he's right. Do you wanna sit down for a second?" Wristband aske  d, placing a caring hand on his shoulder.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Walking near Luna, Knittens smiled as he sets them down, nudging them  to their home. He smilse,  "They remind me of my cousin's pets, although they're a lot better beh  aved."  He looked to Mary Janes, and patted his shoulder comfortingly. He got  too edgy again and he didn't want his friend to start  questioning his   life like he was. He mumbled,  "I think we're gonna be fine."  Looking forward he thanks Luna quietly,  "Thanks for checking in on us, too. Are we gonna go back into that cav  e again?"  Headphones walked with the others, a bit upset but he was ready just t  o get everything over with. But obviously he focussed more attention o  n Jong, mothering over him in order to distract from his own flaws.
DJDEVIL:  Helmet's brain was in overdrive at this point, but it eventually came  to him. The word. The word he forgot. The word he was trying to rememb  er and remember once more. "I REMEMEBER!!!" He shouted with glee, prac  tically hopping off his cot and bolted out the tent, heading straight  for the cave. "I REMEMEBER I REMEMEBER I REMEMEBER I REMEMEBER I REMEM  EBER I REMEMEBER I REMEMEBER I REMEMEBER!!!"
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary Janes removes the small chick from his head and he gently pushes  it towards the other babies. He was going to think  about what was bro  ught up before. Mary didn't want the other to feel bad about provoking   some thought in him. He got up and dusted himself off before stretchi  ng, he nodded to Knittens and smiled at Luna. " The chicks are really  adorable and really soft. I wish I had a pet like that." He giggled be  fore watching the angels leave the tent. "So back we go huh? Ready Kni  tty?"
KRO:  Luna turned back to Knittens, looking to the side as she thought of so  mething to say. It probably wasn't a good idea to let these kids back  there, not after how Knittens reacted the second he woke up.  "I think it's best if you two stay here. Last thing I want is for anyt  hing to happen to the both of you. This isn't to undermime you, but ta  king you along won't bode well for anyone-"  She was caught off guard as Helmet zoomed past her. Someone's energeti  c.  Shades stiffened at Wristband's touch. He was starting to feel worse n  ow that someone was asking about him.  "I'll be fine," he said simply, "We should go. Everybody probably want  s to get this over with. The sooner, the better."  His speech was rushed as well, he probably stammered his own words in  the process.  As two of the group already went off back into the cave, the rest foll  owed suit. There had to be something that allowed them to damage the d  ragon, if at least once.  Luna tried to get her bearings of when she was last here, trying to re  member where that glow came from.  "I remember something deep in the cave. Something...lustrous. Very bri  ght. It felt ominous too..."
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens shook his head, it was like the attitude he had in a hockey g  ame. Just because he slammed into the wall doesn’t mean he’s going on  bench quite yet. He reassures her,  “I’ll be fine! Sleep’s really my problem, but I’m fine right now I swe  ar. Besides I think we all need to help each other out right now.”  He nods to Mary Janes, going back to his previous fighting spirit. He  just wants everything to go back to how it was. He quietly adds,  “I still have faith you guys won’t let us get to scratched up.”  seeing Helmet run past them, he was reinvigorated with a spirit he had  n’t felt in a long time and jogging ahead he waves to Mary Janes with  a big grin to catch up. It felt nice just to relax and be silly like t  his again.
SAIYAN:  Undershirt raised an eyebrow at Shady as the group of angels reached t  he cave.  "You're not gonna pull a Stocking on us and tell us you're a demon are   you?" he said jokingly to the man. Though with the way he was acting  he wouldn't quite rule that out.  Meanwhile, Tuxedo Jacket looked around the cave for a moment to see if   he could spot the dragon, or really any sign of it at all. But with t  he limited light it was difficult to see much of anything beyond gener  al shapes and some features that were very close to you.  "Alright, where is this fucker? I'm ready for round 2!" he yelled, hop  ing maybe he could coax it out that way.
KRO:  Shades didn't make much of a peep on their way back to the cave. He st  ared at Undershirt at the suggestion of him being a potential Demon. H  e simply shrugged. He was unsure of what to say in general, feeling li  ke talking was gonna sour the mood in general.  Luna sighed. As much as she appreciated Knitten's gusto, she didn't wa  nt to come back to Daten and have Angels get in trouble for the mere c  oncept of letting minors fight their battles. She hoped they understoo  d that.  "I'm not sure. At least stay in the back line if you insist, but I'd r  ather if you two refrained from engaging the ghost. You could help us  figure out what we need to look for to weaken it, though."
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary Janes held his bear tight and he tied it around his waist. That w  as definitely the same dork he fell for. He shook his head and gave hi  s cheeks a slap. No homo..maybe homo..yes...yes homo. And there go his   cheeks. "C-comINg!" His voice cracked and he jogged after him. It rem  inded him of when they were smaller. Meanwhile back at the tent, a tal  l goth spooned a small boy. There they go again. The two were surround  ed by chicks, all curling up near them. They wanted that body heat.
HITA:  It seemed it was finally time to put up her phone, sadly.  Bifocals' h  ands were quick to pull out a secondary piece of her namesake even if  she didn't want to deal with this crap.  She left the North for a reas  on.  Well, aside from grief and depression and needing a change from w  here her beloved had died.  The ghosts here were another reason.  Pesk  y things though they were.  Still, she walked up to Shades and Undershirt, twirling her glasses in   her hand even as she grimaced.  Best to act the part of an interested   Ophanim, she supposed.  "If you aren't feeling well, kid, you can always hang back and advise  other people, you know.  No harm in that."  She didn't touch Shades bu  t her gaze took in his hands and flicked sharply to Undershirt.  "Of c  ourse, if this brat's the issue we can always leave him in the cave wh  en we leave!"
DJDEVIL:  Flat Cap eventually arrived at the cave with the others and was drugge  d out of his fucking mind. His eyes were bloodshot and his hands were  a little shaky. In his point of view, everything was all blurry and co  lorful. He looked at the other angels and saw only strange, colorful s  hapes. Whatever he took, it was fucking strong.  Helmet meanwhile was zipping around the cave like crazy, trying to fin  d the dragon. Boy was eager to di-I mean, stand triumphant against the   dragon.
[Continued on Forums]
0 notes
dcmissionaries · 6 years
Drowned in Sorrow
The usual weather in Daten City was dry, but the drought had been abnormally terrible. Weather reports detailing the dry weather were all over the news. There wasn't a single channel that hadn't mentioned it in the past couple of days. It was one hell of a drought, too- there was no water on tap. Its onset had been so sudden that many people were wondering if this was truly the end of the world. Strappon stared at the note that he'd gotten earlier that day, wondering what God was actually trying to tell him. "Thirst." What did thirst have to do with any of this? Everyone was thirsty. California was running out of funds trying to ship water in from nearby states, and the ocean's water took time to purify. His head picked up from its place on the desk, just slightly, to look at the Angel standing in front. "There's only so much bottled water we have left." He muttered to Shades. "I'm confident we're on death's doorstep." "Lighten up, Pinky." Shades chuckled in jest, "What's the word?" "Thirst." Strappon answered, face back into seemingly trying to suck the water out of his desk calendar through his skin. There was none, but at least it was cool. There was a knock at the door before Wristband came waltzing in. "Hey, there's some guy in a white suit here to see you." She said, thumbing back at the door. There stood a man, indeed in a white suit, and a few other stiffs on either side of him that were seemingly bodyguards. They approached his office and the man in white had an incredibly noticeable limp. Strappon sat up completely and walked to meet him halfway.
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"Good afternoon, Sir." The man said in a courteous manner, "I believe I have some information about this drought that may be of use to you, and I have a request." The man extended his hand to the Templar and shot him a short, charming and almost apologetic smile. Strappon took his hand with caution and was surprised by his grip. "My name is Top Coat Ophir, owner of Ophir Fashion Company." Strappon blinked and looked over at Shades and Wristband. "You mean the owner of the biggest fabric company in the world? Nice taste." Wristband commented, "Your clothing lines are phenominal." "Your father recently passed away. It was all over the news, sorry to hear that." Shades mentioned, "That's gotta be tough to have to take over so suddenly." Top Coat nodded in an almost solemn manner, but stood tall with his head held high. "It's the path I chose as the vice president. It is my family's company." He explained, "Regardless, my father's passing has quite a bit to do with this drought." The Angels and Strappon regarded him with intrigue, Strappon giving him a more direct look now. "You don't mean it's his ghost do you?" He asked, a bit surprised that a seemingly normal human would have the knowledge as to what makes a ghost and- well, it does make sense that this would be the work of a ghost, now doesn't it? "He died choking on water. His spirit showed itself in his office not days after his funeral, sucked all our water coolers dry, and made a mess of the building. We hadn't even finished our grieving, yet." Top Coat sighed, a somber tone in his voice, "But this is my request. Please, if you can, send my father's spirit to the great beyond so he may rest in peace. I would also like for our involvement to be anonymous- if people believe the " Taken aback by the request Strappon was almost at a loss for words. He felt for this man, actually. "Don't worry, we'll put your old man to rest!" Shades said, giving Top Coat a genuine smile. "Don't even need to pay us!" "The compensation is that we can provide some of the water we've stockpiled so your force can be happy and hydrated." Top Coat offered, "And my payment is that my father can rest." Strappon turned to the Angels and gave them a firm nod. "Then we'll set out to find this ghost." He said, more confidence in his voice, "Assemble the Angels, we're going on an important quest."
DROWNED IN SORROW Strappon and his Angels have been approached by the recently-appointed President of the Ophir Fashion Company about the drought plaguing Daten City, as he seemed to have more in-depth information about the culprit- The Ghost of his Late father! --------
With the heat bearing down on everyone in the city, there was very few people out and about. It was as dry as a wasteland- no water fountains, no drink vendors, no ice, and too much heat. Water was expensive as hell like they were either pulling it from the purest of springs deep in the mountains or they were peeing in bottles and trying to use that condensation to make a quick buck. It was hot, and everyone and their mother was fucking thirsty.
As the Angels pulled into the heart of the city, Top Coat was there to greet them and let them into the gate of the office park. Before them was an enormous, beautiful office building that had been known for decades as the Ophir Office of Operations. On the top floor, there was a very obvious broken window, and the fountains that decorated the front garden area had clearly not been running due to the drought. It was still pretty, but not as glamorous as it had been when there was, you know, water. The plants were suffering, not having been watered for a while, either.
"Welcome to my establishment, ladies and gentlemen." Top Coat said, giving them a short bow and flashing a coy smile, "This is where it started, as I said previously. You can look around, I'm sure there's some information around the grounds as to his whereabouts. I doubt he returned to the building."
BRIT:  "I doubt he even returned here." Strappon commented, turning back to  the Angels that had followed him.
 Top Coat adjusted his standing position a little, standing straighter,  and nodded in agreement. He tapped his chin in thought.
 "You could split up, I suppose." He offered, "I don't know how you  operate. Just try not to get in the way of my employees if you do  enter the building. If he does go there, I'm afraid he'd take whatever  water we have stockpiled for my workforce."
 He grimaced at the thought and cleared his throat. Strappon looked  back in acknowledgment.
 "Alright, then. Let's get this going."
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Vampire Collar closed his parasol, he put on a shit ton of illegal  sunblock and he was ready to go. The sparkly vampire looks for someone  to join. This was high school all over again. Great. On the other end  of the goth spectrum, Mary Janes was chilling with his teddy. He was  waiting for his fellow Creampuff boys to arrive. He had one sweet  squad.
HITA:  Almost appearing from nowhere came a blue and gold blur.  A twirl in  place and a a dramatic pose revealed the figure to be none other than  Brooch with an ambient background spontaneously showing up behind her.
 "There's nothing to fear, a heroine appears!"  With that, she bolted  forward with glee into the office space ahead of her.  Brooch's feet  skid into the office space, eyes wide and sparkling as she took in the  office of the place where she bought her bolts of fabric from.  Bouncing to explain her joy, she swept her eyes around.  Not only did  she get to confront a ghost but she also got to meet the people behind  why her clothes were so durable.
 The question of where this girl came from was quickly answered as  Bifocals strolled up, her boss' motorcycle keys swinging on her index  finger.  She seemed content to ignore the workers of the company as  she clamped a hand onto Brooch's shoulder.
 "Be respectful and don't interrupt their work.  But also keep an eye  on the more unruly angels for me, will you?"  The woman's voice seemed  to trail off as she meandered over to Strappon and shoved the keys  into her pocket.  "Anywhere in particular you want us to go or is it a  free-for-all as per usual?"  Blue eyes took in the man standing beside  the priest with a critical eye.
 As she did so, Brooch pulled out her Eyes of Eden and waited for the  other angels and heaven sent to arrive.  Her cousin was always telling  her that soldiers don't go solo.  Considering the woman lost both her  legs and an arm to combat protecting her squad and the whole group was  still alive, Brooch assumed that had to be true.  Still, she waved at  Bifocals anyway as she eagerly anticipated who she might work with  that day.
KRO:  Shades had pulled up just shortly after Strappon arrived. It was quite  a sight to see an Ophir building, but it felt just as posh when he  went up to Heaven for work. He kept his door opened as the others got  off. Luna hopped off, going to Shades' side to fix his hair, his  shirt, his jacket. She was just babbying him, don't mind her.
 Hot Pants also came out but he was bickering with someone in one of  the back seats. In the vehicle, Cowlneck had been carpooling along  with Jacket and the two were still going on the argument of Hot Pants  being related to the Ophirs.
 "LOOK," he said, "There's the snob over there, he'll confirm we're  related. Just you wait."
 He ran up ahead to Top Coat, pointing back to Cowlneck.  "Ay, princess. Confirm to him that we're actually related."
SAIYAN:  Tuxedo Jacket arrived on the scene. The sun and heat were unbearable,  especially for someone like him, who was dressed in like 3 layers. To  top it all off, there was no water anywhere!  “What the fuck!! Why is it so fucking hot?! I’m gonna die!” T.J.  said as he wiped the sweat off of his forehead.  “Speak for yourself! I’m the one dying over here!” Mesh Top said  as she struggled along behind.
 She had many layers of clothes, combined with her heavier physic made  her even hotter than she otherwise might be. She would have been. She  would have much rather have stayed behind in her airconditioned room,  and just did nothing, but she was somehow talked into coming along.
 “I just hope that we can find whatever the cause of this is and get  home” she said, panting and fanning herself.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Headphones walked with everyone else, but what set him apart was the  pure fact he was wearing next to nothing. Literally. All he had on  were tiny short that could count as panties and sandals as he tried to  tug the several foot rat tail of hair. He wanted to die, the heat was  killing him, judging from the fact that he was literally soaked with  sweat. Fanning himself, he groans,  “If I’m getting a heat stroke then I hope I go to mega heaven.”  Knittens meanwhile, you could say was the literal physical  representation of a sauna. Several layers of clothes with mittens,  more like he’s sweat all fluids away. But he has to stay strong,  stay strong for mother. Besides that, he’s been a bit paranoid,  looking around and staying with the group. After what has happened,  he’s been thoroughly shaken. But luckily, the psychiatrist has been  helping him through a lot and he’s been slowly real associating with  society. You could see the sheet of sweat on his face as he used his  hockey sick as a walking cane asking Headphones,  “Why did my sister have to get you as a baby sitter?”  “To be fair, she had no options.” Headphones answered.
Gloves and Sapphire Necklace nodes at Strappon and follows him and the rest of their comrades inside the building. Hell, they're not gonna stand outside for any longer. It's making them melt just for being out their. Following inside, they take a good whiff of Cool Acs and exhale.
"Now this is what I call "A cool paradise". Sapphire said, happily.
"I agree." Gloves said, "But we're all here on a mission, so keep your eyes peel".
With a nod from Sapphire, they wonder inside and not to disturb the other co-workers.
OSCARK9:  Gloves and Sapphire Necklace nodes at Strappon and follows him and the  rest of their comrades inside the building. Hell, they're not gonna  stand outside for any longer. It's making them melt just for being out  their. Following inside, they take a good whiff of Cool Acs and  exhale.
 "Now this is what I call "A cool paradise". Sapphire said, happily.
 "I agree." Gloves said, "But we're all here on a mission, so keep your  eyes peel".
 With a nod from Sapphire, they wonder inside and not to disturb the  other co-workers.
OWLIE:  Monocle was back to his grumpy self, due to the lack of water, he's  pretty much had gone into a coffee and tea withdrawal. He, Polo,  Sneakers, and Henley Shirt piled out of the cab they rode to get here.
 They spotted Strappon, As usual, Polo waved at his fellow angels,  Sneakers readied his newly made staff. Draíocht. Monocle remained  quiet as he is freaking pissed at everything right now, and Henley  Shirt started acting like a douche.
 "Aww," Henley mocked, pokinh Monocle's cheeks, "Someone's grumpy  because they didn't have tea--" He was grabbed Henley by the collar  and threw him like a ragdoll. Henley landed at Tuxedo Jacket's feet.
 "Now," Monocle said, "Let's kill the fucker who stole all the water,"
DJDEVIL:  Flat Cap stood among the group of the angels, sweating like a pig and  fanning himself with his namesake. He wore nothing but his underwear  and shoes as the dark colors on his normal clothes would just make him  even sweatier. "I's be fuckin' meltin' over 'ere!" He groaned, Let's  get this shite over with so I can bury meself in a crate full o' ice."
 Helmet was there sweating as well next to Strappon, shirtless but he  at least wore pants. The searing heat from the sun made his namesake  so hot that it'd burn anyone who tried touching it. He was unusually  quiet today tho. Most likely because he was more focused on not dying  from heat stroke.
ROMAN:  Hanging around the Abbey every so often should've given them ample  time to get used to the gaggles of other angels and heavenly humans  that frequented said place. And yet, Jersey still found themselves  rather antsy around those that did show up, glancing at the various  people at the office.
 When Strappon spoke, Jersey reflexively straightened up and looked  ahead, shifting every now and then as they listened. Having already  heard through word of mouth, and the obvious drought that plagued  Daten.
 Speaking of it, the heat that bore down on the back of their neck was  unbearable, even more-so with the thick sweater that they wore. They  would move to wipe the sweat that formed from their brow, but Jersey  had a feeling that the rub of their sweater's sleeve would be a bit  more than just uncomfortable.
 The arrival of even more people had snapped them out of their daze  over the distaste of today's current situation. Reeling back as  someone blasted past not too far from them, Jersey sighed into their  raised sleeve.
 What a drag.
 But pitching in was good, it made for the whole ordeal to go over  faster, and they could only hope it was a free-for-all as the woman  spoke of. Taking a moment to shuffle towards a less populated area,  but still a good few feet away, as Jersey awaited confirmation. Ah, if  they were all going to be going in teams, they really didn't know who  they'd go with...
SOUP-KITTY:  Summer had shown up there with Jong. It was odd seeing them together,  but also almost fitting. Jong seemed to have been feeling a bit upset  that day, so Summer had invited him out to take his mind off of it.  They looked around the crowd, and man oh man was it hot. Summer had to  take off his cardigans as soon as he stepped outside. This is what he  gets for double layering. Surprisingly though, after taking off the  cardigans he seemed pretty normal. Just a regular day for him. He  spotted Mary and dragged Jong along to where he was. “Hello there!  You doing alright today?” The dad seemed happy and bubbly as ever.
 Jong meanwhile, was melting. He was wearing his usual outfit but it  seems he’s gotten into the habit of ditching the Gucci flip flops  recently. Good. He was pretty much being dragged along by Summer, who  he’d gotten to know pretty well recently. And since he hadn’t seen  headphones around yet, this was the next best thing. He was now  standing next to Summer as he talked to Mary. Jong gave a half smile  and stayed quiet. He spotted Headphones though, and instantly ran  towards him. Which was a bad decision since holy fuck it was hot. He  felt a little bad for leaving summer behind but he seemed pretty  happy. Jong made it over to Headphones, panting, almost passing out on  the spot. He was definitely woozy.
TORIBIRD:  The day was a nice day in Colliers eyes, he loved the heat, and he  made enough money that a water bottle or two was not an issue.  Stretching his arms as he arrived on the scene he flipped his hair  before sliding his hand back through it and adjusting his glasses. He  looked around at the scenery of where he was and honestly still didn't  know why he kept coming out on these angel meet and greets. The heat  really didn't bother the angel either, he was wearing a one piece  underneath his jacket, and had taken off the jacket for the occasion,  letting his muscles out for all to see. Along with him as always came  a small entourage of cute boys that he had escort him everywhere,  perhaps to make people ask questions, or maybe just to show off.  Waving the boys off he walked up to the small group gathering around  the buildings entrance. He was here to market himself more so than  anything, and maybe make a few recruitments. He was sure there was  some staff that could be convinced to quit in favor of his line of  work.
 On the other side of things was probably the worst person to have  around a building like this. Goggles. Goggles was basically half blind  with her lazy eye and her hair covering it. Not to mention her  summoned weapon in hand already, a large grenade launcher with enough  destructive force to ruin a building in less than a minute. She really  shouldn't be here at all. Flipping her hair a little she spat on the  ground before speaking up gently.
 “God fucking shit ass dicks piss…. It's fucking hot as satan's  balls… Let's just get this BULLSHIT over with before I fucking sweat  a new pool for this  f i n e  e s t a b l i s h m e nt.”
 She seemed angry, and salty about something or other. When was she not  really, she was talking to nobody in particular, it seemed habitual  for her to talk to herself. Though probably because she wanted  attention. Goggles had no friends, and that was for good reason, her  bad mouth made it hard for her to actually meet anybody.
 Finally, the OG of heavenbent goths came slithering up to the  building, a trail of ink being left behind him as she shuffled on in.  Cloak was writing various notes in his book as usual, ink dripping  down his chin clearly from eating something he shouldn't have, a trail  of ball point pens broken open at the entrance speaking volumes as to  what this boy ate. It was soon after he arrived however he saw  somebody he had not met before. Shuffling over the the individual  Cloak spoke up in his twinky voice. It would be a cute voice if not  for the fact the inside of his mouth looked all black, and his voice  was a little grungy, similar to that of somebody who smoked too much  weed and was too relaxed for his own good. Knowing Cloak that's  probably exactly what he did. Speaking up he smiled grossly.
 “Hello, I have not met you before, may I ask your name? Do you like  ghosts?”
 He rubbed his cheek as he spoke, clearly being awkward and slightly  embarrassed introducing himself. Oh wait, he realized he hadn't done  that yet.
 “Ah… sorry…  my name is Cloak… last names do not matter as  this is pretty casual. I am as far as I know one of the few heavenbent  humans associated with the Daten City Abbey who does direct research  on ghosts… which I suppose is usually frowned upon but I have not  been told off or cast down yet so I shall continue.”
 Every time he said Ghosts his voiced cracked, it was kinda weird  honestly, but there was no reason to point it out to him as nothing  would change that, and it's hardly the strangest speech impediment he  has.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Vampire Collar fans himself with his favorite black lace fan. He  exhaled quietly, this was going to be a long long day. Fuck water  though, he had an ice cold thermos of good old carbonated O Neg. He  sips it and he sighs happily, putting his parasol's veil back on.  "This should be enough..." Pray for this boy. Mary Jane sees Knittens  walking with his his coat on and his mini mom instincts kick in. This  kid was gonna pass the fuck out. He waves to him and he waves to  Sneakers with Mothers Love. He smiles when he sees Summer,"Hiya! I'm  okay sorta, outside of the whole water thing. How about you  Mr.Summer?" He tilts his head and he rocks on his heels.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Headphones waves weakly before trying to pick Jog up but once feeling  the burning skin, retracted and hissed. He loved Jong but at the same  time the boy felt like a water boiler. Motioning for Jong, he breathes  out dryly,  “Okay so we’re in agreement that we’re gonna die in this  heat?”  Taking Jong’s hand he pats the boy’s back and gave a smile that  looked more like weak pursed lips. For the first time his tan lines  could be noticed, because on his chest there were marks of hearts  where his nip nops were, implying he was wearing heart shaped pasties  when he tanned. He motioned,  “Alright so any ideas of how to beat the heat because my panties are  soaked and not in the way I want.”
 Knittens waves to Mary Hanes but stayed still like a statue, he  wasn’t moving any time soon. It took all of his energy just to wave,  he didn’t want to move his legs. He calls out instead of walking to  Mary Janes like a normal person,  “How are you? Because I think my feet are frying from the burning  pavement!”
SAIYAN:  Tuxedo Jacket was walking along when he felt someone land at his feet.  Turning around he saw Henley on the ground. Oh great, him. Tuxedo  Jacket rolled his eyes. This guy was the last one he wanted to see.  The only plus side was that he was on the ground, where he belonged.
 “Oh god, why are you here?” Tuxedo asked as he put his face into  his palm.
 He really didn’t like the guy. HE though he was the best! Could you  believe that?  Mesh Top looked down at the dude on the ground. It looked like Tuxedo  didn’t like the guy, but she really had no idea who he was. The way  he was lying inspired her to mentally jot some notes down for a poem  she could write later. But first she needed to make sure this guy was  all right.
 “Yo, dude, are you all right?” Mesh Top asked Henley.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  Father Crucifix and his Angels; Boxer and Raincoat were running like  hell to the building. "I can't believe, i'm late!" Father Crucifix  said as he runs faster and faster. "Can we get another drink? I'm  thirsty" Raincoat said as she was sweating and running. "NO! You had  two slushies already!" Father Crucifix shouted at Raincoat as he was  running and sweating. For Boxer he was fine sense he was wearing much  clothes on this hot day but not for Raincoat and Father Crucifix they  were sweating like pigs. As they got to the building with the Ghost  inside they all came in running at once which was a bad idea. They all  tripped and rolled like a ball to Strappon but they stop right in  front of him. "Father Crucifix and his angels...reporting for duty..."  Father Crucifix said very tried as he was breathing heavily on the  ground with Raincoat and Boxer.
OWLIE:  "I am fine," Henley said, minding to thank Mesh Top, rather than being  rude, then he shot Tuxudeo Jacket a dirty look and glared at Monocle,  who gave him the finger.
 Polo sighed, he grabbed Monocle's hand and intertwined his fingers  with his. Polo smiled at him and said, "Please calm down," Monocle  nodded.
 "Dad," Sneakers said, Polo suddenly felt all fuzzy inside, being  Sneakers calling dad is new to him, and yet he like it. "I'm gonna go  to Mary Janes,"
 "O-okay," He said, smiling uncontrollably, Sneakers headed towards  Mary Jane's direction.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary waddles in place, god damn leg rub,"I'm okay! Though I think I  might be dying! Also, sorry about your feet! I can give you a piggy  back ride though!" He wanted his fellow bean to be okay damn it.  Frijole Friendship is key. Mary wiggles his arms to stay cool,  "Sneakers! What's up? And Ooo! Cool stick thingy!" The bean beamed  happily.  Meanwhile in Transylvania land, Vampire Collar waved to  Boxer. He'd speak but that's work and he doesn't yell for anyone. His  creepy red eyes glowed in the shade.
OWLIE:  "Oh!" Sneakers said as he happily presented his weapon "This is my  staff-spear named, Draíocht, it helps me channel my magic better than  tomes," Then he looked at Summer Cardigan, he's seen him with Mary  Janes multiple times but he did not knew him, he tugged at his friend,  "Uhmm, who is this?"
BRIT:  Cowlneck huffed and got out of the car, basically slamming the door  behind him. He walked around the car and leaned on it, snorting some  of the hair out of his face. His eyes scanned the crowd of Angels with  interest before going back to Hot Pants. He crossed his arms and  tilted his head up almost defiantly.
 "Who are you, again?" Top Coat asked, staring blankly at Hot Pants.
 Strappon was almost unnerved by the sudden appearence of the firey  ginger man. After a brief pause, Top Coat gave a short snicker at Hot  Pants' obviously angry reaction.
 "We're headed to find a ghost, so it's either we try to look around  these grounds or head off into the immediate area. According to Mr.  Top Coat Ophir, the ghost was spotted close to here earlier today."  Strappon explained to Bifocals and those who had recently appeared.
 "I wouldn't believe you if you swore on the bible." Cowlneck snorted  as he approached, grabbing Hots by the arms and pulling him back,  lifting him off the ground, "Sorry for the trouble, sir. I'll take  this lunatic back to his hold. It was a pleasure to meet you."
 There was a smirk on his face that, when he turned, was met  immediately with Duster's fine chest. Flat into it. Duster simply took  Hot Pants from his grasp with a less-than-amused expression on his  visage.
 "Stop fucking around. This ghost is the cause of the drought and  literally none of us have showered in days. Humans are /dying/, Cowl."  He said, placing Hot Pants back onto the ground.
 Cowlneck scoffed and turned to find something else to occupy himself  with. Maybe hunting the ghost. He wanted to get acquianted with the  people of the Abbey, anyway. Moving toward the best-dressed man  around, he adjusted his hair and made a b-line to Tuxedo Jacket. It  was in no time he was right in front of him.
 "You're a little overdressed for this weather, are you not?" He  pointed out, "You must be incredibly tolerant."
ROMAN:  Really, Jersey had already met someone who could be considered  unconventional, or strange even with their appearance. Vampire Collar  had been cool though, and the fact that he seemed to ooze ink from  between his lips only made them more interested. Peering at him  curiously, they offered a soft smile before turning towards Cloak to  face him fully.
 "Oh, well, I'm Jersey! Hello!" Their voice was gentle, and could even  be considered sweet were it not for how softly they spoke. Both  sleeves raising, the front half of them drooped in front where their  forearms would be, and Jersey tilted their head curiously at the  question asked of them. Did they like ghosts..?
 "Well, they're certainly interesting from a knowledge-standpoint, I  always feel like there's something more to it..." Looking a bit  embarrassed suddenly, they glanced away, "Ah, sorry about that. But  um, nice to meet you Cloak!"
 "You're a Heavenbent? That's pretty cool, I don't see many." The name  explained the fact that he was swathed in black cloth which had to be  stifling on such a hot day, but then again... maybe some just suffered  for the sake of aesthetic. They couldn't help but admire any with that  strength of will. "You research ghosts? I don't think you'd get cast  out for that, people are always in pursuit of knowledge."
 Whether it's for the purpose of better fighting methods, or otherwise,  to learn was always something at the forefront of anyone's mind  whether they knew it or not. "Hey! Did you maybe wanna pair up for the  assignment? That's what you're here for, right?"
SOUP-KITTY:  Summer Smiled at Mary, and Mary’s friends, one who looked like he  could get heat stroke at any minute. He patted Mary on the head. Oh  there was Headphones. Summer felt his face get hot, which was probably  because his face had turned as red as a tomato. Oh god he’s so gay.  That answers the question of where Jong had run off to. He stood in  place, with his hand on Mary’s head, not really sure about what he  should do. His thoughts were interrupted however, and he looked at  Sneakers. Regaining his composure, he spoke up. “Hey there! I’m  Summer, nice to meet you.” He gave the warmest dadliest smile he  could.
 Jong was still panting, and he wasn’t really paying much attention  to what Headphones was saying. His head was spinning too much. He held  on to Headphones’ arm. Why did it have to be so hot.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Headphones held Jong as he started to go down as well. He looked to  the sky and the sun before whispering,  “At least I die with my son.”  He was ready to accept death. He poke Jong asking,  “Do you think there’s like a… ultra heaven? Do ultra angel  Fallon’s go to heaven then they fall to Earth?”
 Knittens shook his head copying Mary Janes by playing hot potato with  his feet,  “Nah I think I’ll die closer to the sun! Is that Sneakers? Hey  Sneakers! Sorry I don’t think I can walk over I might see God.”
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary Janes eyes light up, you could pretty much see little stars of  wonder in his eyes,"That's so awesome!" He tilts his head before  jumping a little,"Oh! Sneakers meet my kinda sorta Dad Mr. Summer." He  wiggled. Having a dad kinda made him feel cool. He had to protect  Binyeo and Summer just the same, no matter their alignment.    "Knittens you're too young to go see her you silly goose! Maybe  later!" Oh this poor kid.  Vampire Collar looks at his thermos,  "..is..this a partner..?" He mumbled to himself. He noticed Sweater  and Cloak so he decided to silently walk over. "Hello you two.."
DJDEVIL:  As Flat Cap fanned himself, he heard Google's soft voice and turned  his head to face her. "I know how ya feel. I'd rather be at home,  snorting coke, banging hookers and maybe gambling at the casino.  Name's Flat Cap, btw." Flat Cap said with a slight smile even though  he was melting like an ice cube.
 Helmet continued to stand in the searing heat between Strappon and  Bifocals, hunched forward, dead silent and his naked back practically  sizzling. This man is dying.
SAIYAN:  Tuxedo growled angrily as he was given the finger. He returned the  favor with both of his middle fingers.
 “Better watch yourself” he thought to himself angrily before a man  suddenly appeared in front of him.
 T.J. laughed a bit and smiled cockily as he heard Cowlneck talk.
 “Of course, I’m very tolerant. Also, I don’t have anything else  to wear. If you don’t have nice clothes on all the time, then  what’s the point?” T.J. said as he rubbed his nose tauntingly.
 Meanwhile Mesh Top looked on, as literal steam was rising off her.  Someone get her some help please.
HITA:  Tilting her head and turning to Top Coat once more, she gave him a  once over.  Not bad fashion.  Nodding, she brushed invisible dirt off  her shoulders and whipped her braid over her shoulder to her back.  Thousands of years of training had led to an extreme tolerance to  severe weather.  Her eyes darted over the crowd and landed on  Cowlneck, eyes narrowing in suspicion.  He looked familiar to someone  she could have sworn she had seen before she fell.
 "So business as usual, then?  Right."  She waved at Strappon, making  her way over to Cowlneck and Tuxedo Jacket.  "I'll keep an eye out!"  This said louder than before so she could wander over.  Bifocals was  relatively sure she'd seen the other angel around as well.
 Waving at Bifocals, Brooch basically nyoomed over to Gloves and  Sapphire as the only other people she could see.  She bounced in place  and her hair swayed behind her in her joy.
 "HI!  I'm Brooch Symphonia!  Are you going to explore the building?  I  was going to too!  My cousin said I should stick with allies so I  don't die!"  Weapons swinging gently behind her, Brooch giggled.  "Can  I join you?"  She scuffed her feet and  grinned at the pair in front  of her.
 Back to Bifocals though, she snickered at TJ's reply even as her  attention was grabbed by Mesh Top.  Oh dear.  She changed direction  quickly but kept her distance slightly to keep body heat away from  her.
 "Miss, you know there's water right?  The company is supplying us with  it."  She waved in the general direction she was directed to in the  beginning.  "Do you need me to grab you some, miss?"
KRO:  Hot Pants was close to shaking Top Coat.  "Why you little shit- I can see now why Swing Coat likes to fuck with  you the most-"
 He was interrupted by Cowlneck suddenly picking him up, gripping on to  Top Coat's namesake and basically tearing it off as he was passed  around like a bag of potatos. Being put down, he did some breathing  exercises to calm himself down. It took him a while to realize that he  had, indeed, taken off his cousin's namesake off and promptly put it  back on. Even took the effort to put it back on all nicely.
 "Anyways, did he really choke on water? I feel like auntie's fucking  with me..."
 Luna was now applying makeup on Shades. He can't just go off to hunt a  ghost without looking his best, but it looked like it'll have to wait.  Shades spotted a certain Angel with a dangerous looking weapon and it  didn't take long for him to remember who it was. It was none other  than Goggles. You know, that one chick that blew up the Abbey kitchen  and gave Strappon a heart attack.
 "Excuse me, mom," and Shades rushed off with half a makeup job done to  confiscate Goggle's namesake.
 "Whoa! Hey! Let's not like. Do this yo. Don't think I didn't forget  the last time you held this. Blew up an entire fucking kitchen."
 His ear was promptly pulled as Luna caught up with him.  "Young man, I didn't finish applying eye shadow to your other eye..."
TORIBIRD:  Collier looked around before spotting Father Crucifix and his gang  arriving a little behind schedule. Adjusting the swimsuit tight attire  he had on he put his hands behind his back and walked over with more  grace than he had ever walked before. Whatever he was doing, it was  probably not good. He soon found himself standing directly in front of  the other, and smiled, his eyes virtually glowing through his glasses.  He bowed and put his hand other his stomach.
 “A pleasure to meet you, You seem like the type to have wealth to  your name, if I’m not mistaken by you rather over the top attire.”
 He paused, putting a hand to his lip and raising his head back up,  taking another step forward. He was quite tall, and very slender,  Collier despite his attire was quite formal it seemed when he wanted  to be.
 “I would like to perhaps offer you a spot at my quite exclusive  establishment, we do not let just anybody in, but you seem like the  type to have money.”
 He made a money motion with his hands. A smirk forming on his face as  his eyes narrowed, honestly it was hard to imagine that this man was  an angel with how he acted.
 “How would you feel about perhaps a tour of my establishment near by  here after we are done here? For a price of course.”
 He than lowered his hand to his side, waiting for a response.
 Cloak looked over Jersey with interest as they spoke, the other  seeming nice. Adjusting his black cloak he flipped his hair back to  reveal his other eye a little, which was a bright yellow to contrast  his other green eye. His eye twitched as he spoke up.
 “A-Ah… I see… y-yes ghosts are… quite amazing yes? IM so glad  you… also SEE… how great they are… from a knowledge standpoint.  Their forms, convulsions and all, make me quiver in excitement… not  to mention the way some of the speak… it's so wonderful. Just the  other day I had the privilege to find myself braindead at the hands of  a Lost Soul… and to see it be corrupted into a ghost… I am so  privileged.”
 He was drooling everywhere as he spoke, but soon calmed down..
 “Well my research of ghosts can be described as… unconventional,  most frown upon it or often ask me to… ahem… “chill out” as  they would say.”
 He put his hands behind his back.
 “But hmmm… I suppose I wouldn't mind teaming up with you, so long  as you are alright with me… I must warn you, I can… come off as  quite disturbing to some… my behaviors are quite…  uncontrollable.”
 Goggles eye squinted and twitched as she looked at Shades, up at him  more like, but she was looking at him. Without hesitation she fucking,  stomped on his foot as the mom looking one pulled on his ear.
 “You mocking me or some shit ya fucking degenerate male peice of  shit!”
 She took her namesake and shoved it under his chin.
 “Whats stoppin me from fucking blowing yer god damn head off right  now you fucking pube?! HUH?!! Thats right, your a pube… thats what  your hair reminds me of so thats what you are now!”
SAIYAN:  Mesh Top turned to look at Bifocals with a rare look of excitement in  here eyes. The only time she would get this excited if there was some  new candy she wanted to try.
 “Wait really? They have water here? Please! Where is it?” She  asked grabbing onto Bifocals’ shirt.
 Why didn’t anyone tell her this before? She could have saved herself  from all this suffering. But that wouldn’t help her from sweat,  running makup and chub rub. God she was already starting to feel it.  She wished she could have brought deodorant for it, or Vaseline.
SOUP-KITTY:  Summer’s hair pulled a studio Ghibli when he heard Mary call him  dad. That made him really happy. He looked over at where Jong and  Headphones were, and noticed that they were both clearly not okay.  Summer bent down to about eye level, and patted Mary on the head.  “Hey kiddo, I’m gonna go over there where your friend is, as it  seems Jong and Headphones are quite literally melting into the  ground.” He then turned to sneakers and smiled again. “If you two  need anything, that’s where I’ll be.” He then ran over to where  Jong, Headphones, and Knittens were. He picked up Jong and carried him  with one arm, kinda like how you’d do to a baby, and he used his  other arm to put around Headphones’ waist. These two were going to  die if they didn’t get into some shade soon. He then turned to  Knittens. “Hey kiddo, you should take off some layers, it’s really  very dangerous to be dressed like this while it’s so hot.”
 Jong was still melting, but he was glad he didn’t have to use his  own feet to stand. He let Summer do all the walking as he tried to  stay still as possible. He wished he could take off his binder, He was  feeling like he was getting constricted. But he couldn’t since he  didn’t have anything else to wear. He just kinda cried softly and  accepted his fate.
OSCARK9:  Gloves and Sapphire turn their heads at Brooch, "Nice to meet you  Brooch." Gloves said to her with a smile on his face, " My names  Gloves and his is my friend Sapphire." He pointed with his left thump.
 "Nice to meet you, Brooch." Sapphire smile to her while waving. "Sure  you can join us! The more the merrier!" She giggles, happily.
OWLIE:  "Knittens!" Sneakers said, waving at his friend, the boy is a bundle  of happiness now, "you doin good, buddy?"
 Polo noticed Flat Cap and he broke into a grin. "Eyy Flat Cap!" He  only met the man a week ago, but he treats him like a family friend,  that's how mushy Polo is.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens shook his head, shaking,  “For mother I must stay strong.”  He stared at the ground, clenching his fists as he tries to get to a  state of mind where he reaches peace and nothing can hurt him. It look  more like he was trying to win a staring contest with the floor than  anything. He managed to walk over to Sneakers and Mary Janes, planting  heavily,  “Any ideas of desert biome survival because I sure feel like  ascending.”  Headphone’s bones just disappeared as he fell into Summer like  jelly. His feet were dragged as Summer held him and he peeked to Jong.  Smiling, he pulled out a small bag from his own hair, handing it to  Jong. It was a back up outfit. If you become a dad, you dad right.  Then he fainted from the heat boiling his brain.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary Janes smiles and he nods,"Okay Mr.Summer! Be careful! Knittens  take off some layers please! You're gonna bake like a potato! Everyone  knows god likes a raw potato!" The more you know. "But please don't  die." He wiggled, he had a pretend hula hoop. "I'm alright Sneaks! I'm  reaching backed potato status but it's all good. How about you?"  Wiggle wiggle.   He claps when Knittens makes it over,"There ya go  buddy!" A bab. Vamp gave his thermos a swig and he flinched, when he  went to put it down it coated his mouth in blood. He uses his pierced  tongue to lap up whatever got on him. He sinks into his veil with  embarrassment. Thermos was his partner and she was being saucy again.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  Father Crucifix and his angels got up from the ground started to dust  themselves off. But then Father Crucifix spotted Collier coming  towards him. He listen to what the Fallen Angels had to say but he was  to tried to hear it all. "Sure, I'll be interesting young man. But  please excuse me i'm going to get a drink of water" Father Crucifix  said as he walks over to the vending machines and buys a bottle of  water, drinking down like nothing. Boxer walk over to Gloves and  Sapphire. "Surprise Bear Hug!" Boxer said as he surprise both Gloves  and Sapphire with very strong hug. "How are you guys!" Boxer ask with  big smile on his face as he was glad to see them. Raincoat was  relaxing on the chairs that were in the building because she was tried  and lazy.
OWLIE:  "I'm fine, sweaty and awkward, but fine," Sneakers said,  assuring  Mary Janes
DJDEVIL:  Flat Cap squinted his eyes as he was completely ignored by Goggles.  "Fuckin' rude cunt..." He mumbled before he heard Polo's voice and  grinned. "Eeeeeey, Polo! How's it goin', ya gorgeous bastard?" He said  heartily as he walked up to Polo to hug him. His half naked body  reeked of sweat.
SOUP-KITTY:  Summer sighed at his crush just fainting on him. He was half dying  inside out of pure joy but he was also extremely concerned. He managed  to somehow pick him up too, and now he was carrying two half dead  twinks. He walked back over to where Mary Janes, Sneakers, and  Knittens were at, since he didn’t want to leave them alone. He bent  down so Jong didn’t have to make too many sudden movements while  getting down, and he handed him one of his cardigans so he can cover  himself while he changed. He then adjusted the way he was carrying  Headphones, who he was now giving a piggy back ride to.
 Jong still felt a little woozy, but he managed to stand. He used the  cardigan Summer had given him to cover up as he changed into the shirt  headphones had brought for him. He was the luckiest boy ever to have  such a thoughtful dad. He wouldn’t call him dad to his face though.  That’s embarrassing. Hess not there yet. Jong handed the cardigan  back to Summer. He was already feeling better but it was best to stay  nearby since he could probably just pass out.
OSCARK9:  Without knowing, they suddenly get a surprise hug from behind. But who  exactly? They turn their heads at the person and its none other then  their friend Boxer. "Holy-Oh! Hi Boxer!" Gloves said, almost cursing.  "Were doing fine, except for this drought we're having."
 "Also," Sapphire added on. "We're going to explore this building with  Brooch." She pointed at her with her left finger. "Wanna come for the  ride?" Sapphire ask him.
 "By the way," Gloves looks at Brooch and introduce his friend with a  smile. "Brooch this is Boxer." Turning his head at Boxer, "Boxer. This  is Brooch."
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens nods, sorry Mom but he’s a weak boy, and pulled off his  shirt and hoodie. He let his hands sweat although, gotta keep to your  own brand. Tying his shit Thad hoodie around his waist he groans,  “Didn’t make it better one bit. You guys have water? My sister and  I have been living off old V8 and I’m dying for something that  isn’t tomato juice.”  Wiping the sweat from his brow, he huffs feeling the sun beat down on  his skin. At least he was getting outside, his sister refused to even  get out from the fridge.
 Headphones was ready to see God again but his soul wasn’t rising so  he started in the state of wanting to die because at least Heaven had  an AC. He weakly coughs,  “Why the Mcfuck are we even here?”
OWLIE:  "Nice to  see you too," Polo said, then he turned to Strappon and Top  Coat, "Uhh, can I get a bottle of water? Monocle's not doing well,"  Monocle was seeing dark spots already, the heat was frying his brain.
 Sneakers pointed at Top Coat, "We can ask for water from him,"
BRIT:  "You don't just ask someone if it's true their father died, Hots."  Duster said bluntly, arms crossed. Distasteful.
 "Yes, it's true." Top Coat responded, his head lowering slightly with  a shake, resting a hand on his heart, "Father's life ended awfully  abrupt. Something caused him a shock and he wasn't able to recover. He  drowned in his own spit, basically. It was so traumatic we had to give  leave to several of his staff- some of them permanent."
 "Just make sure everyone's safe, I guess." Strappon called back to  Bifocals. He was always going to worry, considering the circumstances.  He turned to make his move to find the ghost and... Oh God, was Helmet  okay...?
 He poked at Helmet briefly. Was he alive???
 Cowlneck looked him over, moving a bit closed to TJ with a chuckle.  "You're right about that." He purred, "Suppose if you have nothing  else to wear, why not nothing at all?"
 He was way too close to the other Angel, hands on his arms seemingly  observing his suit's construction, but his eyes flicked back up to his  face.
HITA:  Blinking and jerking back, Bifocals stared at Mesh Top as if she grew  another head.  Still, a cute girl wanting help?  What kind of lesbian  would she be if she didn't help?  Not that she was interested in women  other than Ingenue but the point still stood.  With a smirk, the woman  went and retrieved a water from the staff, snickering at the  situation.
 "No need to worry your pretty little head about it," she said as she  handed the water to Mesh Top.  "I'm here to help after all."
 Brooch meanwhile was faced with a pair of people and a sudden  interloper!!  Well, not really an interloper, but it was fun to think  of it.  She spun in place in her glee over meeting new people then her  hands went beneath her chin as she smiled wide and actually sparkled.
 "Hi Boxer!!  I hope we all can be good friends!  Are you ready to hunt  a ghost?!"  Her excitement seemed to legitimately make the sparkles  intensify the more excited she got.  "I'm SUPER ready!  And then we  can be heroes and save the day and be friends and get water!!!"
 Girl, calm yo ass down.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "Sure!" Boxer said with a smile on his face as he hugs his friends.  Then he looks at Brooch a new face that he never meet and smile at  her. "Hello Brooch, I'm Boxer the Heavenly Berserker and the one who  will defeat God!" Boxer said with a smile on his face filled with  dreams and determination. Meanwhile Father Crucifix was drinking a lot  of Water that employees were giving out, he was a old man he needs  water! Raincoat was still being lazy and just relaxing in the chair.
KRO:  Shades looked at Goggles like a scolded child, lowering her weapon a  tad.  "What did my hair did to you...?"
 Luna, on the other hand, didn't take kindly to the gesture. She took  the weapon from Goggles and set it off to the side, harshly pulling on  Goggle's ears.  "Children, behave. Let's not try and murder each other when we have a  far more important task at hand. You know, like. A ghost running  amok?"
 She then gestured to Strappon who was actually a small distance from  them.  "Besides we're right in front of him, we don't need to expose him to  this squabbling. Understood?"
 Her attentioned turned to a nearby foul-mouthed man. Letting go of her  hooligans' ears, she turned to Flat Cap with a smile. She put on her  best costumer voice on for this too.  "Excuse me, but is there anything any of us can help you with?"
 Hot Pants turned to Duster, holding up a finger to respond but was  interrupted by Top Coat. He stared at his cousin in confusion. This  was not who he knew growing up.  "Uhm, hello?"
 He grabbed Top Coat's head, inspecting an eye.  "Where is my heartless cousin and what did you do to him?"
ROMAN:  Sleeves drooping as they peered up, Jersey nodded at their question.  "They are! They'll catch my interest in a conversation, that's for  sure." Despite the topic at hand, they remained rather jovial in their  tone, with a tentative kind of curiosity.
 "Ahhh... how cool," Came their first thought out loud at the reveal of  Cloak's eye, although soft and seemingly more of an observation than  anything. "Yeah, some of them do speak pretty interestingly, don't  they? Have you ever wondered if factors of their previous life, or  even their death determines whether or not they speak?"
 "Take for example someone who was mute by choice, do you think they  could speak whilst a ghost as opposed to someone who was physically  mute?" They held up a sleeve again, this time like a finger one would  hold up in an inquisitive manner. "Brain dead? How'd that happen?"
 When Cloak agreed, Jersey grinned up at him. "Awesome! And don't worry  about that, I've met all kinds of people, I don't mind if you've got  quirks. Makes people interesting, y'know?" Shrug. "Shall we go?"
SOUP-KITTY:  Summer gently shushed Headphones, before saying “We’re here to  solve the water crisis. Now rest up, you’re not doing too well.”  He turned to Sneakers, “So that’s the person in charge of the  water? Would you kids mind walking over with me? And keep an eye on  Jong as he might fall over.”
 Jong sighed. It was way too hot for him. He looked at Mary Janes  before grabbing on to his arm. “I hope you don’t mind it if I walk  like this for a bit.” This boy was going to topple over if he  didn’t have some support, and summer had his hands full.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary Janes shakes his head,"I've been licking the sweating walls, does  that count?" He looks up at Jong,"Don't worry about it! Umm here!"He  gently places Jong on his back and the small bean walks over with his  group.He was a stronk frijole and he would show it every chance he  got.  "You okay up there?" Vampire exhaled softly,"..Guess it is you  and I thermos.." He walked over in the general direction of the  groups. Bat boy-0 World- 102.
TORIBIRD:  Collier watched the other walk and, seemingly buy water despite there  not being any water anywhere to be find for anybody of lower class.  That aside he follows the other with his arms behind his back,  speaking up gently.
 “Wait you actually want to go? I assumed a holy man like yourself  would… nevermind… if you wish to visit my establishment I will  happily take you there later.”
 He was, shocked honestly, he didn't expect a priest to agree to going  to a brothel without any questions, he was purposefully not saying  what his establishment was but if he was going to actually pay for a  tour of it Collier wasn't going to say no to that. This guy was fucked  up.
 Holding his hand to his chest he smiled and spoke up again to Father  Crucifix.
 “I should introduce myself, my name is Collier, i have been fallen  for about one hundred years now, and am known for my business in the  underground of Daten City, I am quite successful to say the least. I  am glad you have accepted to a tour and possibly partaking in my  business despite not knowing what it is I do.”
 Goggles was about to fucking pull the trigger on piglet… piglet  being Shades. But she had her ear pulled and weapon taken away soon  before she could.
 Ah but than they turned away and went off to scold somebody else.  Stretching her arm and shooting a mean glare at Shades she spoke up  again.
 “What the fuck does Strapon care if I fucking beat your degenerate  ass up, he doesnt seem to give a shit about my sins every other time  ive done something unless it's blowing up his fucking abbey.”
 She crosses her arms and grabs Shades jaw with her hand
 “Im going to stick with you god it fish breath?! A Pube like you  doesn't get to say no to me!”
 She let go of him and took her foot off of his and turned around,  sticking her nose up, summoning her weapon from a distance and going  to pick up her goggles, putting them on before returning to the  degenerate male.
 Cloak took noticed of the other commenting on their eye, and they  covered it with a hand.
 “Ah yes, I see you’ve taken notice of the eye of cerberus that has  found itself onto my face.”
 What cloak wont say is that it's just a contact lense he puts on in  the morning, but he honestly believes it has power.
 He than smiles grossly at the other.
 “That is such a wonderful question! I believe that a ghost muteness  depends heavily on the personality of their human form! Take the  possession ghost that we encountered days ago, I believe that it's  human form was not mute, but perhaps shy! And that lead to it being  unable to speak! That is just my theory however.”
 He than turns and looks at the building.
 “I suppose we can enter whenever we wish so, yes, we shall go.”
  He than started slithering to the building.
SAIYAN:  Mesh Top smiled as she grabbed the water from Bifocals and proceeded  to chug the entire bottle of water in like 3 seconds. Removing the top  of the bottle from her mouth, she let out a satisfied sigh.
 “Oh my god, that feels so much better! Thank you so much! I just  wish I would have known about this sooner” she said with a smile.
 She Bifocals up and down as her demeanor returned to normal. She  realized she never caught the person’s name.
 “Oh uh, by the way, I’m Mesh Top” she said to her.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens nods, about to lead the charge for water but couldn’t move.  It seemed his Sneakers were starting to weld with the pavement. He  knew that these shoes were too cheap. He struggles to get his feet off  the ground,  “Love to but the ground won’t let go of my shoes??”
 Headphones was experiencing fever dreams as he snores, nuzzling into  Summer’s back. Even though he looks like a thot, he still cuddle.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "I would glad visit your establishment" Father Crucifix said as he  keep drinking water not really listening but only half listening.  He  was surprise at the introduce and listen to it but then one word stand  out. "Wait did you just say Underground Business and also you have  been a Fallen Angel for hundred years!?" He said very surprise as he  spits his water out. Raincoat and Boxer were still doing their thing  with their people or chair.
SAIYAN:  Tudexo Jacket started to feel uncomfortable as Cowlneck made some  sexual advances. Why did this keep happening to him? First Collier and  now him. He pushed him back a bit.
 “Bro I love pussy! And as much as I’d love to get out of these  clothes I’d rather do that in private” He said, folding his arms  and getting very annoyed.
DJDEVIL:  Flat Cap let go of Polo when he was finished hugging him before  hearing a woman's voice behind him. He turned around and saw the most  radiant visage his druggie eyes had ever gazed upon. His jaw dropped  slightly at the beauty of this lady. He knelt down and stuffed his  namesake in his underwear before holding up her hand like a man would  with a princess', seemingly indifferent to the burning sensation on  his knee from the hot concrete.  "Ye can help me by telling ya name, lass. Mine's Flat Cap."
 Helmet leaned a bit as Strappon poked him before completely falling  onto his side, his namesake hitting the ground with a clank. He did  not say a single word as he fell.
HITA:  "Pleasure to meet you, Miss Mesh Top, my name is Bifocals Stormcloak.  But please, just Bifocals is fine," she said with a wink.  She held a  hand out to the woman, seemingly intending to shake it.  "Resident  diligent Ophanim, at your service, Miss."  She turned her head towards  Strappon briefly before returning her gaze to the goth before her.
 Better now than never.
 "Now, it seem we have two choices.  We can either explore around  outside or travel indoors.  Regardless of which you choose, I'm  willing to assist you."
ROMAN:  "Oh?" Jersey quirked a brow at Cloak's statement, forced upon him?  They hadn't heard much about something like that, but then again...  Humans were always incredibly weird, and as much as they liked to help  them, getting personally involved was pretty rare.
 What Jersey doesn't know won't kill them. With this, at least.
 Nodding along as Cloak spoke, they took note his supposed theory.  "Yeah, that definitely makes sense! Do you think of them are ever  coherent enough to be in control of themselves? Or even remember their  past, for that matter?" They coughed lightly into their sleeve out of  awkwardness, "Sorry, I tend to... babble a lot, when a topic piques my  interest."
 Following him inside, Jersey simply let their sleeves fall limp at  their sides, swinging lightly with their movements like actual  clothing for once. "Do you think the ghost would actually return here?  I mean, there isn't much water, but if this is where it died... well,  who's to say?"
BRIT:  Duster nudged Hot Pants in the ribs.
 "I'm very much myself, /cousin/. But please, mind your hands." Top  Coat said, taking Hot Pants' hand off him. He looked around at the  very sad and wilting crowd of Angels and cleared his throat.
 "Everyone, if you head into the building," he began, "You may all help  yourselves to some water before you head into the city. It's not much,  but at least I can offer you some sort of payment for your services."
 His bodyguards gestured to the doors, which opened with a cool  sensation to those who had been close to them. Despite the fact that  there were already a few people who had wandered in, it was now openly  offered to them.
 Strappon picked Helmet up and dragged him, putting his namesake under  his head.
 "Maybe if I splash him with water he'll come to. Poor Lad." He said,  stopping by Top Coat for a moment, "Thank you, sir. We appreciate your  generosity."
 Cowlneck was easy to move backward, taking the rejection well with a  shrug.
 "Ah, another straight man. Seemingly less common these days, but I'll  take it. The offer's still up if you change your mind," He chuckled,  "Though, /that/ doesn't happen as often, either."
 He flicked TJ's nose as he walked off, completely disinterested. He  was, however, very interested in getting a water. That would be  /lovely/.
 "Alright everyone." Strappon called, "After we get drinks, we'll  explore the city for some clues!"
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary Janes thinks for a sec before reaching into his teddy. He pulled  out a pair of sneakers,"I don't really know your size but you can see  if they fit?" He handed them to Kittens and he readjusted Jong as he  walked. "I'll wait for ya bud."  Vamp sulked about inside on his own,  he was okay without the water. He looks around for someone to join but  he didn't quite know how to interact. "U-um..." He held the handle of  his parasol tight.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "Whatever!" Raincoat said as she keep relaxing in the Chair. Boxer  let's go of Sapphire and Gloves and points over to a employee with  Water. "To Water!" Boxer said with heroic voice and smile on his face  as he then goes over to employee and get a wate.
KRO:  Shades, who had quite the delayed reaction to his foot getting stomped  on, kept staring at Goggles. He waited until she finished her little  rant and crossed his arms.
 "Well he didn't care because you suddenly disappeared for a few years.  How were we supposed to care for you when you up and left?"  He was simply grateful that she never blew anything up during that  time.
 "Anyways, I'd rather you stick with me anyways. Aside obvious  reasons."
 Luna quickly withdrew her hand and looked around. A paranoid look  replaced her forced smile. Seeing the coast was clear of...something,  she looked back to Flat Cap and bowed.  "Forgive me but I'm contractually obligated to only be in physical  contact with select people. Obviously you're not in that list."
 She cleared her throat. Seeing that Shades and Goggles made up for  now, she ushered them to follow her inside for a few drinks.
 Hot Pants pointed at Top Coat, looking at Duster with a rather  dramatic pout.  "This is not my cousin."
 Luna then quickly came, tapping Duster on the shoulder to gesture him  inside and picked up Hot Pants herself. Let's go little man.
 "This is not my cousin, this is an impostor or a clone!" Hot Pants  yelled as he was carried off.
TORIBIRD:  Cloak smiled to the other and nodded along.
 “Ah, well see Ghosts are aware of their existance as such, so I  beleive it is safe to say they know they are ghosts and can remember  their past. Lost Souls from what we can tell do not know they have  died, and as such, think they are still human… it is lovley to think  about.”
 As he enters the building he needs to get something to drink. Asking  an employee about that he manages to get himself a nice glass of  water. Drinking it down nicley he let out a sigh.
 “Nice…” He turns back to jersy “It's tough to say, as ghosts  are unpredictable, so we wont know until we look and such.”
 Collier was fucking cofused as hell as to how Father Crucifix got any  water considering there was none around anywhere, it's a drought after  all, but he let that slide and spoke up again.
 “Yes, I am fallen, and have been for a while, I enjoy my freedom.  And I am quite involved in the underground businesses of Daten City.  But we can leave that for later, you will find out plenty upon touring  my establishment.”
 He ran a hand through his hair.
 “So long as you do not mind illegal businesses you should get along  well with my employees, many of them have come to me out of difficulty  at home, rejection from families, and other things of the sort. They  find comfort in my line of work, and I make sure all my employees are  treated with dignity and respect. I give them a better life so to  speak.”
 He sighs and turns to look at strapon in the distance.
 “Though some of you cannot understand it, as I do embody multiple  sins, it is hard for you priests to see the good in my work. When it  is clouded by evil. It's like you’ve never heard of necessary  evil.”
 Goggles was fuming. She had been quite angry for the last little bit  and was having a hard time staying calm and relaxed. Who did this man  think he was.
 She kicked his fucking shins and punched his gut lightly.
 “Don't talk down to me BOY, i'll fucking destroy you.”
 She fliped her hair before walking off hitting her side into his  shoulder, grabbing his arm and dragging him with her.
SAIYAN:  Tuxedo Jacket huffed at Cowlneck as his nose got flicked. He huffed  and turned around after hearing Strappon give his orders to search the  city after everyone gets a drink.
 “Yo! Who wants to give me a water?” he called out to anyone that  would hear him.  Meanwhile, Mesh Top quickly mulled the decision on where to go. She  went over to a near by trash can and put the empty water bottle in the  recycling bin. #Savetheenvironment and all that. She turned around to  face Bifocals yet again.
 “I say we stay inside, I’m not ready to go back out there, it’s  way too hot” she said as she wiped the sweat off her face yet again.
OSCARK9:  With a nod, Gloves and Sapphire follow Boxer and they also get some  water.
SOUP-KITTY:  Summer’s face is now in a perpetual state of being as red as a  tomato. He could feel Headphones nuzzling into him every so often and  it was enough to make his heart beat faster. He was still trying his  best to just make sure Headphones was still alive though, but they  really needed to get somewhere the sun wasn’t directly hitting them.  And it was as if God had heard his thoughts, because they were being  allowed into the building. He looked over at the kids before deciding  they’d be okay on their own. “I’m gonna bring this one inside to  see if water helps him feel better. Are you okay with that, Jong?”
 Jong looked up, and smiled at Summer. “Just take care of Headphones,  okay? He’s my d… Friend. He’s a very close friend and I want him  to be okay.” Jong was a little embarrassed now at what he had almost  said. He didn’t wanna be weird. Jong was holding on to Mary, once  again happy that he didn’t have to use his feet. Hashtag blessed.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens slipped out of his sneakers before trying them on. They were  a bit big but he’s a growing boy, it’ll be okay. He narrowed his  eyes,  “Mary Janes why are there Sneakers in your teddy bear?”  Why indeed. He’ll give the right one back but he’s saving the left  on for his shoe ball. All his friends are missing heir left shoe  because his boy has been hot glueing shoes into a ball. Hearing the  news of water he ran into the building, new shoes new boy. Shouting,  “Hurry before we all become human jerky!”  Headphones kicked his little feet, hearing about being allowed outs of  the God forsaken sun and weakly cheered,  “Yay.”
OMEGAPSYCHO:  Father Crucifix then thinks to himself "What have i gotten myself  into". Then drinks another cup of water and thinks to what he just  done. "Oh Mother! Please forgive me!" Father Crucifix prayed to God as  he drinks water. Raincoat was chilling and relaxing as she did her  energy was returning. Boxer was drinking water and getting hydrated.
DJDEVIL:  The hearts in Flat Cap's eyes shattered, along with the one in his  chest, upon hearing Luna's words. Contractually....obligated? By  fucking who? He slumped his head in disapointment as Luna went off  before looking back up and shrugged. "Can't get'em all, I guess." He  said to himself before his nerves kicked back in and his face  contorted as he began to feel the small fire on his knee. He shouted  in pain as he hopped onto his feet and patted down his flaming knee.  When the fire was out, he panted for a bit then noticed everyone was  heading into the building and followed suit to get a drink.
 One could see Helmet's hot, sweaty soul coming out of his ass as he  was dragged inside by Strappon.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary Janes waddled over with Jong on his back,"I took em with me just  in case I needed to run , it's weird running with tiny heels." He  shrugged and got a bottle of water for Jong and for himself. He opens  a bottle for Jong and he holds it over his shoulder,"Here ya go  buddy!"
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Vampire Collar walked over to Flat Cap, he was gonna make an attempt  damn it. If only his therapist could see him now. "..U-um hi  there...my name is..v-vampire collar..what's yours..?" Gotta use them  sentence stems from the Google.
OWLIE:  Monocle sighed with relief as he gulped down water, feels good to be  hydrated and not dry as a raisin. Shit you never appreciate until  you're in a city-wide drought. "Thank you," He told Strappon and Top  coat,
SOUP-KITTY:  Summer grabbed about three water bottles and sat down on the floor  with Headphones, making sure to place Headphones on his lap. He then  started helping him drink some water. This poor guy was so dehydrated.  For a moment he seemed to forget how hard his heart had been beating  before, and he smiled. Man, Headphones is so cute. He couldn’t help  but brush Headphones’ hair out of his face. He also couldn’t help  it when he gently placed a hand on Headphones’ cheek. God he was so  fucking gay. But also he was really glad that Headphones was going to  be okay.
 Jong takes the water bottle, and gets off of Mary’s back. It’s not  the first time he’s been this dehydrated, he literally spent about  two weeks homeless, so he knows how it be. He knows that pacing  yourself is key here. So that’s what he did. Sure he was thirsty as  fuck, but, if he chugged the whole thing he’d just be even  thirstier. After a few minutes if slowly pacing himself with the  water, he sighed. He felt a million times better already. He turned to  Mary. “Thanks.”  he said softly.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Headphones inhaled the water, literally breathed in water like he was  a fish. He was thirsty and not in the usual way. Regaining enough  strength to open one eye he noticed what Summer was doing and blushes  softly before cradling Summer’s face closely. Lingering near his  face, Headphones whispered softly,  “Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay.”  He sat up, feeling hydrated and ready to square up. Headphones kicked  his leggy out,  “I have risen.”  Knittens was too busy both chugging and pouring water on his head to  cool off, He only took a bottle but he made that bottle count. Back to  a functioning level and drenched, he looked around pumped,  “Alright! Let’s go hunting!”
As everyone filed in and settled into the building, they were administered complimentary bottles of water (with the Ophir Fashion Company logo of course) and some other refreshments courtesy of Top Coat.
Strappon observed everyone quietly, making sure everyone (especially Helmet) was hydrated, while a few of his comrades helped him.
There was a sudden rumbling under the floor, causing Top Coat to jerk his head up from the paperwork he'd been handed by one of his workers. He seemed inconvenienced- that was, until his doors were broken in.
"WHERE IS IT? I SMELL IT- I SMELL WATER!" Came the booming voice of the fat ghost before them. The drool leaking from his mouth was obvious, dribbling down his chin. He looked just as thirsty as everyone else. "YOU HAVE IT ALL?! YOU LITTLE SHIT!"
(( OOC: We will continue tomorrow! ))
(( OOC: Or Sunday, not sure yet! ))
BRIT:  Strappon whipped around to see the Ghost had smashed through the glass  doors at the front of the building.
 "Bloody hell." He coughed on his water.
 "That thing is huuuuuuge!" Jacket commented from his position  somewhere in the crowd of Angels.
 Cowlneck looked the ghost up and down with a face of obvious disgust.  "So these are... The type of ghosts you all deal with usually?" He  asked, tilting his head to Duster.
 Duster stared blankly at the ghost. Jacket was right, it was huge.
 Strappon turned back to Top Coat, wondering if he should comfort the  man or stay where he was. Top Coat was in shock, it was apparent on  his face. Had he really seen this ghost before? It had likely been  brief, but Strappon could understand it had to be heartbreaking to see  a loved one so corrupted.
 "Angels, get the ghost!" He called.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary Janes flashy his pearly whites,"You're welcome! Um I actually  don't think we've introduced." He giggles and he bows a little,"My  name's Mary Janes and it's a pleasure to meet you!" He held his teddy  in front of him with pride,"you can hug em if ya want." If picking up  strangers was a skill, he was great at it. He sees the ghost and he  lets out a war cry, screech, yell, T H I N G.     Vampire Collar on the other hand wasn't so great at it. He gulps and  he speed walks over to two familiar faces, his heels clacked against  the ground,"U-um..Jersy? Cloak? I believe we m..most certainly have  company of the undead sort." He reached into his pigtail drills to  pull out a few of his Lycans, a set of bright silver shurikens.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  Boxer summons his namesake and let's go of Gloves and Sapphire. "Angel  Musketeers! ALL FOR ONE AND ONE FOR ALL!" Boxer shouts as he charges  at Thirst King and sending a fury of blows to his way. "Do we have to  fight?" Raincoat said lazily and in a chill way. "Yes, we do!" Father  Crucifix said to her as he gets her up to fight. "Damn it.." Raincoat  said as she summon her namesake and started to fire at Thirst King.  Father Crucifix got his weapons out and activate the Holy Weapon.  "Drink this you Ghost!" Father Crucifix said as he starts slashing at  Thirst King. TIME TO FIGHT!
THIRST KING:  Thirst King made some sort of booming, defiant laughter.
 "You think you can defeat me, huh!? LIKELY STORY. You little shits are  gonna pay for taking my water! It's /mine/!" He boomed, water starting  to swirl around them all.
 The water from the bottles burst out and got sucked into the ghost,  inflating him like a balloon. Kinda. Well, he got bigger.
 "Take this!" He shouted, spitting out water like bullets and littering  the crowd.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Headphones stood up and with a smirk, yawns,  "Finally a ghost comes to us. easy, just a little swing-"  Twirling his grappling hook, he threw it aiming for the ghost. And it  only went 2 feet. Clanking on the ground, headphones stared at his  weapon than at his hand. Hissing at his own wrist,  "What the hell is this weak sauce, left hand? You come with your  fisticuffs only to fail me? You disgrace."  He literally slapped his own hand with his other hand before  retrieving his grappling hook in shame. His own hand has shamed him.  But talk shit get hit, and he done fucked up. Getting shot several  times, he fell back in a daze, and if he was currently let's say a  character in a dice combat system, took both enemy's damage at 11. But  that's just crazy talk.
 Knittens tosses up a puck from his pocket, even if it was a bit  dented. Aiming and hitting the hockey puck, he hits the ghost with a  loud smack. Cheering,  "Still hitting goals even if it's boiling hot!"  And with that, he quickly scurried to retrieve the puck. He only  brought one.
TORIBIRD:  Goggles saw the ghost and fucking punched Shady in the jaw  reflexively. Her hand hurt now, how dare you Shades. Summoning her  weapon she had a crazed look in her eye, it had been a long time since  she got to go wild with her weapon, and she had the ghost locked in  her blurry sights.
 “Sorry pube, but I aint gonna let you tell me what to do!”
 With that, she let out a flurry of grenades at the ghost, two missed  him completley just bareley scratching by him and blowing up somewhere  behind the ghost, but the third one hit them in the foot. That was  something at least.
 Hopping around a little she seemed excited, explosions were a love of  hers, she couldn't be happier with the results of her mayhem.
 “Ooooh im so happppyyyy! Everything's coming up explodey!”
 Collier watched as everything sort of went wild and looked at father  crucifix telling his firends to fight, and shrugged.
 “I'll talk to ya later I guess priest boy.”
 But he was fallen, and out of practice when it came to combat.  Summoning his weapon Collier was gonna lunge at the ghost, but he  tripped over his feet and landed face first in the ground. Before he  could react to whatever the ghost was doing, he felt pain. A whater  bullet hit him in the back of the head as he tried to get up for 11  damage. He felt his face go right back into the floor.
 After waiting a second he stood up and pulled out a pocket mirror to  look at his face, and he saw a bloody nose, and a chipped tooth.
 “Y-YOU FUCK! You scratched my perfect face! You whore! I'll have you  executed! You dare do this to me! You ruined my perfection!!”
 Cloak was looking back and forth between what the other two people  around him were doing and what the ghost was doing. He started to foam  at the mouth. Taking a few steps forward he began to speak loudly to  the ghost before him.
 He holds his stomach before vomiting on the floor.
 “Please give me the gift of witnessing your strength first hand! I  want you to hurt me ghost! PLEASE!”
 And before he knew it a fucking water bullet smacked him in the face  for 11 damage. Nice.
DJDEVIL:  Flat Cap didn't have time to react to what was happening as he was  pelted with water bullets and knocked into the ground on his back.  "Son of a.....fuckin..." He groaned in pain. His hlaf-naked body was  stinging all over.
 Helmet didn't fare well either. He
HITA:  Was it being dragged along?  Or too many sparkles?  Whatever it was,  Brooch did her standard attack, with her Eyes of Eden whirling before  falling flat on her face and questioning her life choices.  This was  her life now.  As she did so, Bifocals placed her face into her hands  and questioned what she did to deserve this?  This thought continued  as Brooch stayed on the ground while being battered by this nasty  ghost's spit.
 "I can't believe this is my life right now."  This said by Bifocals as  she stomped forward to go help the girl up.  Regardless of the water  battering her side, she kept moving.  "I could have stayed in heaven.  I could have never fallen and never had to deal with this.  This is my  life and I regret it."  So grumbling, she picked the errant magical  girl up off the ground with a sigh.  "Brooch, please try to, I don't  know, not fall flat on your face this time?  Sleeveless Jacket  actually scares me and I like having all my limbs."
 "Sorry," mumbled Brooch.  She rubbed at her face before her entire  demeanor switched to a more determined one.  "Bring it on, Mister King  Man!!"
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Vampire Collar facepalms and he dashes over to grab his shuriken. It  was his first try after all. He whinces when he sees Cloak get the  shit smacked out of him. Bb no plz. "A-are you okay?" He waddled over.
  Mary Janes was hit by a shard of the door."RUUDE. JEEZUMS AT LEAST  TAKE ME OUT FOR A HAPPY MEAL FIRST. " He gets up and dusts himself  off. Jeezums indeed.
OWLIE:  Monocle sneered as he gripped his weapon tightly, so this is the  fucker that stole all the water? He's gonna have a fun time killing  him. Polo readied his weapon as well. Henley took a step back. Fucking  hell, this ghost is HUGE.
 "Oh look," Henley Shirt said arrogantly, his namesake morphing into  Optimus, his rifle, "A big target," He began shooting the ghost, a few  bullets found their mark while the rest bounced off the ghost.
 Polo leapt up and slashed at the ghost while Monocle flew towards the  ghost at high speed and punched the ghost, though the ghost seemed to  hardly notice, Sneakers willed a ball of glass, stones, and concrete,  to shape a sphere, and with a shout, the sphere exploded into shards  as it pelted the ghost with the high-velocity shard barrage. then  Sneakers was knocked down as he was hit with the water 'bullets'
 "Sneakers!" Monocle yelled as he flew towards the young magician's  side, helping him up, "Are you okay?"
 "Yes, thanks mom," Sneakers said, groaning slightly.
OSCARK9:  "ALL FOR ONE AND ONE FOR ALL!!!" Gloves and Sapphire said,  simultaneously. They summon their namesakes and charges at the ghost.  When Gloves tries to roast the ghost with his gauntlets fire magic  Flamethrower, the Thirst King's water bullet went right through the  fire and hitting Gloves hard. "Ahhh!" He said as the water bullet hit  his body.
 "Gloves!" Sapphire shouted. She look at the ghost with anger in her  eyes for him hurting Gloves. "Your gonna get it!" She yells at him.  "Ahhhh!" As she was yelling, she runs straight for him, dodge some of  his water bullets, flies up to him, and slash at the Thirst Kings  abdomen with all of her might.
KRO:  Shades whined as Goggles did more than...manhandle him. It was  outright lashing, actually but this was better than the time he was  nearly beaten to a pulp by Boxer that one time. Huffing, he didn't  fight Goggles as they went in. In fact, he found it kind of endearing  she was dragging him inside.
 Luna set down Hot Pants, but didn't let go of  his shirt collar. She  knew the guy would want to go after his alleged cousin and they didn't  need to disturb him any further. Not when he's in mourning or  whatever. She was about to ask an employee for a few bottles of water  before the ghost broke into the building.  Shades cupped his face as Goggles hit him out of reflex. This chick  was just bent on murdering him at this point but whatever.
 Some of the ghost's attack fired off in Shades' direction who froze by  the time he realized what was happening.  Luna dove in to try and fend off the ghost, but only managed to take  the hit for Shades. Hot Pants tried to shoot it, but his rifle was out  of ammo. He didn't even load, the dumbass.
KRO:  Thanks to his blunder, Hot Pants just took a face full of pressurized  water to the face, falling on his ass.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  As Boxer was about to hit the Thirst King, he saw the employees of the  building evacuating and the water like bullets were heading towards  them. He spring into action, dashing towards them and using himself as  shield to help the people."Go now- ARGH!" Boxer was about to say until  the Water Bullets started to hit him from his back but he keep  standing to protect the people. Father Crucifix missed but he was so  to hitting the Ghost. "Damn it, must be getting rusty" Father Crucifix  said as he gets into a fighting stance. Meanwhile Raincoat was  shooting the hell out of Thirst King, she was going to fill him up  with angelic lead.
BRIT:  "Wow, that's repulsive." Cowlneck commented, pulling his jacket and  namesake. He threw his coat to Jacket, who transformed it into another  armblade. Cowl was thankfully not shirtless, as he had a tanktop under  his cowlneck. He swung his sword out as it was summoned, smirking  toward Duster.
 Duster, in response, summoned his weapon in a similar fashion,  exchanging a playful glance at his friend. His smile was more haughty,  and he gave him a bit of a scoff.
 The two rushed at Thirst King at the same time, like it was a race.  Jumping off a the pillars that lined the walls, they both slashed at  the ghost. Their blades had crossed somewhere along the lines and they  both landed across the room from each other.
 "You had to do that, didn't you? You're such a show-off!" Cowlneck  yelled at Duster.
 "You're the one trying to show off. Because of it, you got in my way.  I would have done a lot more damage if your blade hadn't crossed  mine." Duster scoffed, flipping his hair out of his face. "Please  focus on the Ghost and not me. We have better things to worry about."
 The two then got pelted with water as Thirst King retaliated. Cowlneck  spat it out.
 "Augh, disgusting."
 Meanwhile, Jacket made a b-line straight for the King and spun himself  like a top, hitting the ghost several times before landing. He  continued spinning out the door, where off-screen you could hear the  sound of glass breaking. He ran back in with leaves and twigs in his  hair.
SOUP-KITTY:  Summer was fucking shook at Headphones calling him gay. Maybe a little  but he’s not gonna say it out loud, okay? B-baka. Shaking that  cringe off, he stood up and ooops there was the ghost. He unstuck his  two cardigans since he’s a double-layering asshole, which fits  considering he summons double peace. There was a reason he named them  that. He managed to avoid getting hit, and noticed headphones. Why has  his crush so dopey. Jong and Mary got hit too. Heck. He rushed over to  Headphones since the kids seem okay. “Are you doing alright?” He  was mad, tried to go pew pew at the ghost, and missed. The dad is sad  now.
 Jong, In the middle of trying to introduce himself, had the ghost just  McFuckin hit him, which made him trip a little. Ouchie. He looked over  at Headphones but he seemed to be shook af too. Now he was mad. No one  should be allowed to hit Dadphones. He pulled out two spare McJongs  from his McPockets to summon sun and moon. He then proceeded to throw  moon. It hit! Woo-hoo!
THIRST KING:  Getting pelted with hits, Thirst King made some sort of awful gurgling  noise. He spat water out, deflating a bit (but not a hell of a lot) in  an attempt to get people away from him. The water swirled around the  room rapidly as he tried to suck the water back up.
 "You wretched angels! How dare you do this to me! You're in my way!"  He shouted, pulling a mid-air temper-tantrum. He wiggled back upright  and shot himself off into the building and across the room. He was  causing a lot of water to make the floor slick, it was raining,  basically. Gross. Ghost rain.
 Thirst King shot himself up the grand staircase to the next floor.
 "I'll get the rest of the water in this building, then I'll be home  free to take the entire ocean as my own! ALL THE WATER WILL BE MINE!"  He laughed.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Vampire Collar is tired as shit, he hasn't had his blood bath and he  lost his sippy. He throws his shurikens half heartedly and actually  hits the ghost. Pray for him.   Mary Janes on the other hand gets rekt. He turns off his teddy so he  literally doesn't shock himself to death. Welp. Hand to hand with a  ghost sounds fun, lets try it! He gets up and he shakes his head,  letting his hair fluff up. "I'M GONNA KICK YOU."  He huffs and sloshes  over.
OWLIE:  "You fucker, I'm gonna make you pay for hitting my son," Monocle  snarled, his mom mode activating, as he flew up, and used Eyesore to  slash the ghost, but to no avail. "What the--" Monocle said,
 Sneakers tried the same spell, but it cost low damages this time.  Henley kept shooting, but he kept missing, Monocle flew next to him  and laughed, "Looks like someone's having a hard time to shoot  properly, no wonder you don't have a girlfriend,"
 Fucking hell, gloating while in battle. Real mature.
 Henley rolled his eyes and flipped Monocle off, "Fuck off, Monocrap,  it's not like you're doing any damage either,"
 "We'll see, Henley Shit."
TORIBIRD:  Goggles was high on energy, Tossing her weapon into the air she  cracked her knuckles before summoning her wings to catch it mid air.  Before she could do anything else however her vision was getting  worse, her eye was acting up and her hair was in the way. So she was  firing blind at this point, and hit nowhere near her mark. Firing off  a grenade near a wall and causing some more property damage. She  actually didint know where the ghost went so she had to get some help  at this point.
 “D-Did I hit it!? I cant tell…” She was just confused at this  point. Shaking her head and closing her one eye she could make out  that she did not in fact hit it.
 She flew down and landed besides shades.
 “Sorry about the damage to the building… Wh-where did the ghost  go?”
 It seems missing her mark snapped her out of her energy high.
 Collier flipped his hair and bit his lip, he was upset, but not angry  anymore. Taking a few deep breaths he twirled his namesakes around  before going in for a stab at the ghost, but missing by an inch. He  sighed, and bit his weapons blade in his mouth before greasing his  hair back and fixing the ponytail he had going on in the back. He  watched the ghost run up the stairs and followed, he had no business  down here when that ghost messed up his face so badly.
 Cloak smiled brightly and summoned his weapon via his cloak, as it  unravled into a huge scythe behind him he spoke up to Vamp.
 “I am doing amazing! Couldn't be better!”
 Cloak spun his weapon around and stabbed it harshly into the ground  before standing on it, he bounced a few times on the weapon’s pole,  before speaking loudly to the ghost before it left.
 “My greatest appologies Sir. Ghost, but this is how things must be,  And I want to see how your flesh moves under my blade!”
 He hopped off his weapon and pulled it out from the ground before  delivering a light slash to the ghost as it went up the stairs. It  wasn't much, but it was something. He than slid back over to where  vampire collar was.
 “So lovley.”
  Seeing the ghost rain now however cloak got on his knees and began  scooping it up, putting it into little jars, and even tasting it  directly off the floor. He was… kinda being gross.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Headphones got his panties out a twist, literally, and stood back on  his heels. Marching over and hurling his grappling hook into the ghost  with a huff. His wrist might not get use all the time cause of his  tic-tac privates but it won't fail him twice. He sticks his tongue out  at Summer Cardigan,  "What do you think cupcake?"  He's being a shit because he's mad he missed before. Chasing the ghost  like a crazy fangirl after a celebrity, he literally Naruto runs up  the stairs. What a guy.   Knittens retrieved his puck but slid on the water. Like a slip and  slide, he was sliding across the room and straight into the wall.  Slamming into the wall head first he sunk, aching skull and dazed eyes  as he weakly mumbles,  "My dad is Godzilla..."  He was obviously seeing stars fly around his head.
BRIT:  Top Coat ducked as the ghost flew past him and up the stairs. His body  guards tried to guide him out of the room, but the slick floor made it  awfully inconvenient. They were holding him up, and he was pushing  them away.
 "I can move myself." He hissed, "Get the employees out of here! I'm  headed up to my office."
 Top Coat made his way toward the elevator. It was a slow process,  because the water on the tile was too slippery for him to move  quickly. He ducked the damage caused by Goggles and seemed to freeze  in place as the wall was blasted.
 Duster and Cowlneck went running up the stairs after the ghost,  bumbing into each other on the way up. Cowlneck pushed Duster.
 "Out of my way! I need to catch the ghost!" He yelled, shoving past  him. Duster pulled him back by the strap of his tank top.
 "You're headed the wrong way enitrely. He went this way." Duster  snapped, pointing up the west wing. Cowl scoffed.
 "I'm headed east, so do whatever you wish. I know which way he went!"  Cowlneck snapped back. He looked like he was about to punch Duster.
 Jacket sighed harshly and ran between them and up the stairs to track  the ghost down.
 "Later! I'm gonna get shit done!"
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "HEY GHOST" Boxer said as he runs up to the Ghost with his fist ready  to swing. "HAVE SOME PUNCH!" He said as he punches Thirst King in the  face with right hook. "That's it Boxer! Now let me rinse that punch  down for you!" Raincoat said with smile as she fires bullets right at  him. Father Crucifix then jumps in the air too with his blades glowing  white. "Taste the Power of God!" Father Crucifix said as he slashing  as him.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Vampire Collar's cheeks turned bright violet, well that was hot. He  gulps,"How did you fit that..n..nevermind."  He reaches into his  nonexistent cleavage and he pulls out a rather long vial. "Uh..you can  use this if you'd like.." He placed it down and he held his bow,  ringing it out into the vial. "This is pretty cool..I've never really  seen one before..he looks squishy..like a phone squishy...I..I like  it.."   Mary Janes rings out his shirt amd he slips it on. He sneezes and he  lets out a war screech. He sounded like a little birdy.
KRO:  Shades' face paled as he saw what Goggles had done. This definitely  was going to get them in trouble with the Ophirs, of all people to not  be in your favor.  He was about to chastise Goggles had it not been for Luna pulling  Shades to follow her.
 "We can't let him get away, let's go!"
 Shades nodded and flew after Luna, the two speeding past both Duster  and Cowlneck. Luna immediately spotted the ghost. A ring on her finger  flashed brightly as she held up her hand. The gesture immediately  stopped King Thirst in his tracks. Luna then slammed her hand down  with the ghost then slamming into the floor, effectively stunning him.
 "Shades, now!"
 "On it!" He called out, taking out Lion-Hearted and took aim at him.  Sadly, the hit seem to bounce off the voluptuous form of the ghost.  The bullet, going into the roof of the floor they are currently on.
 "Uh... Is that normal?"
 Luna only offered a shrug, she was just as confused.
 Hot Pants decided to give up on the fight altogether. There were two  Ophanims on the scene, they'll dispatch the ghost quick. His current  concern was Top Coat. He saw the guy get grazed by the ghost and rant  up to him, carrying him off just after the explosion that Goggles had  caused.  "That was close, huh. Need to be somewhere? I can take you there."
 He helped Top Coat up, guiding him to the elevator. At least, he  assumed that's where the guy was going.
DJDEVIL:  "Aight ya fat....piece o' shite..." Flat Cap began as he got up onto  his feet, "Ya like bullets? Well, GET READY TO TASTE MINE! Flat Cap  shouted as he pulled his namsake out of his underpants, transforming  it into New High before he ran the staircase after the ghost and  proceed to unload a full clip ino the fat fucker.
 Helmet, somehow and for some odd fucking reason, was holding on the  ghost's cape as it flew up the staircase. Without a word, he  unsheathed his 'sword' and started whacking the foul beast's legs.
SOUP-KITTY:  Summer blushed, he was glad Headphones was still kicking. He felt a  little more confident though, since nothing was more embarrassing than  getting called out, plus he had kids to look after. This dad doesn’t  fuck around. “Of course I did.” Summer chuckles and maintains eye  contact with headphones for little, before aiming at the ghost. He  shoots and it manages to hit this time, sweet. Headphones is Naruto  running though, and oh fuck there goes Knittens. Summer did a daddy  run for the children. He picked up Knittens who probably had a  concussion now, and then ran towards Mary, picking him up as he ran  by. Jong seemed to be running up the stairs behind Headphones, so he  headed towards there too with Knittens and Mary under his arms.
 Jong didn’t get hit this time, but he also didn’t hit the ghost.  He ran to retrieve sun and moon, and then dashed up the stairs with  Headphones. Ghost water was hella fuckin nasty and he was glad to be  out of it.
HITA:  Readying herself for the next hit, Brooch was almost dismayed to see  the ghost up and leave before she felt hands around her waist and  raising her over a strong shoulder.  A grin spread over her face as  Bifocals all but launched her across the room and towards the  staircase.  Using what she deemed to be a very sleek moveset, she used  her hair to move quickly to the second floor where the ghost was at.
 And because being Doc Oc with your hair is normal, Bifocals had  decided to merely follow sedately.  Worried though she was, she drew  out her weapon without any intention to use it.  Mostly, she needed a  way to vault over desks easily.  She checked over her charge as she  settled in to watch the fight.
 "I could be playing Be-Joule right now but instead my life is a real  life dark comedy driven soap opera.  We've got tragic backstories, bad  puns, and I'm here and not working."  Snorting, Bifocals' eyes caught  sight of Luna and gestured for Brooch to hold.  Her charge stilled at  her order and watched with wide eyes at Luna's display of magic.
 Seeing the ghost go down, Bifocals' hand gestured for Brooch to hit  the thing with her best shot.  Her best shot just so happened to be  two massive metal stars slamming with unnatural force into the weird  squishy flesh of the ghost.  She was quick to jump away with a twirl  and land smoothly but her hair lashed about behind her in her  excitement to finish this.
OSCARK9:  Gloves slowly got up from the ground and look at the ghost with anger  in his red and green eyes. "Not if we stop you!" He shouted at him.  Summoning his wings, he flies up to the ghost, dodge his attacks,  punch him in the face, and finish off with a Fire-Kick.
 When Gloves finish his attack, Sapphire was still in the air, dodge  his attacks, and slash the ghost once more at the right arm, it wasn't  strong, but still lands a hit.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Headphones Naruto ran too much he done fell back down the stairs,  tumbling down like a weed. Falling down the stairs, he knocks into  Jong, and his soul threads wrapped around Jong's entire body like a  hair cocoon as he fell. It was an instinct, keep the boy safe.  Groaning as he reached the base of the stairs he splashes into the  water and just bubbles in sadness.  Knittens scratches his head, a throbbing pain in his head as he comes  to, wiggling in Summer's arms to get free. Landing on his two feet, he  gave a thumbs up to Summer Cardigan, thanking him for picking him up  before taking out his lucky hockey puck. The very same that knocked  out his tooth. Hitting straight for the ghost, he successfully knocked  it in it's skull. Pay back for making him slam into the wall.
THIRST KING:  "NO!" King Thirst screamed, wriggling around under the grip of Luna's  spell. He spat water out, but he was pinned to the ground. "YOU BITCH  LET ME GO! DON'T YOU WANT ME TO LIVE MY DREAM?"
 He sounded pathetic, honestly.
 Top Coat was making his way with Hot Pants helping him (begreudgingly)  but it was obvious the elevator wasn't working.
 "Shit, the building's on lockdown." He said, pulling himself out of  Hot Pants' grip, "If you want to help, then help me up the stairs."
 The two moved quickly up the stairs, Top Coat clearly not taking Hot  Pants' advances to help him well. They made it to the second floor,  where he hadn't realized the ghost was pinned.
 "YOU. YOU ROTTEN KID!" He screamed, and Top Coat froze.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary Janes quite literally quacks when Summer picks him up and he  waves to Knittens,"Hiya Knittie! Hiya Dad!" He smiled. Oh how family  made him happy. He was gonna wanna kick the ghosts ass anyway though.  He grabbed his teddy while Summer ran.   Vampire Collar Tosses an empty vial at the ghost,"U-um yeah! T-take  that!"   Mary Janes holds onto Summer for dear life.
OWLIE:  "Water we waiting for?" Polo said, proud of his joke "Let's repent  this guy!" He flew up then sliced the ghost downwards, Sneakers run  the bladed end of his staff through the ghost.
 Meanwhile Monocle yelled as he hacked his weapon into the ghost's  torso, then Henley Shirt fired bullet after bullet, most of it now hit  the ghost.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "Boxer, Raincoat, Attack all together!" Father Crucifix command and  Boxer and Raincoat nod their heads." Father Crucifix said as he attack  the Ghost that was pinned with Holy Slashes. Boxer send fury of blows  at the Ghost stomach shouting "ORA" over and over. Raincoat join Boxer  and shouted "Dakka" over and over as she shot.
BRIT:  Cowlneck ran up after Jacket and nearly tripped of Hot Pants as he  hadn't seen him at first.
 "Ah, shortstack! Get out of my way, will you?" He grumbled, "Trying to  work here. Oh, you're helping the President."
 He looked up to see the ghost pinned, furrowing his brow at the harsh  words being yelled at Top Coat. How rude.
 "That's no way for a father to talk to his son!" Jacket yelled  pointing straight at the Ghost, "I will punish you for your terrible  betrayal!"
 He ran up to the ghost and deadass tripped, slid down the hall, and  bounced off the ghost. He spun in the air and managed to land on him,  bouncing again and sliding back to Cowlneck's feet. Cowlneck shook his  head.
 "How dare you!" Top Coat yelled at King Thirst, "I never did anything  to you!"  He may have been a little hurt by the man's words. He seemed awfully  apprehensive.
OSCARK9:  "We're not rotten!" He yells at the Thirst King. "We're Angels!"  Gloves raise both of his arms at the ghost and summon his Flamethrower  and burning the ghost alive in close range.
 "Repent you ghost!" Sapphire shouted as she thrust her Glaive hard  into the Thirst King's abdomen.
THIRST KING:  "/YOU'RE/ THE REASON I DIED IN THE FIRST PLACE YOU LITTLE ASSHOLE!  UNGRATEFUL LITTLE SHIT!" King Thirst spat. He coughed up a lot of  water, continuing to struggled as Jacket bounced off his gut. Twice.  "WILL YOU STOP THAT SHIT?"
 He looked like a turtle that had been flipped upside-down. He made all  kinds of weird noises as he was littered with punches and bullets.
 "No, that's not true!" Top Coat yelled, frustrated. He growled and  yanked his arm out from Hot Pants' grip, again.
 "YES YOU DID! IF YOU HADN'T TAKEN THE COMPANY OUT FROM UNDER ME, I  WOULD STILL BE ALIVE!" The ghost screamed at him. He took more blows  from the Angels, taking the stab from Sapphire's glaive. He managed to  roll onto his stomache.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Vampire Collar watches the final blow get delivered to the ghost in  awe. "Woah..." He'd never really seen such strength before. He walks  over and he pokes the ghost before moving away. "Huh..just like I  thought.." \ Mary Janes was currently laughing his small ass off. He  was on his back holding his stomach, "HE'S A SQUIRTLE HOLY POOP!"
KRO:  Hot Pants stared wide-eyed at Top Coat. He had every reason to believe  that ghost, but then again, his uncle was a rather...theatrical man.  He'd rather hear it out of Top Coat.   "Oi! Instead of sticking around, we should really go. Besides..."
  He pulled in Top Coat, picking him up bridal-style.   "I have questions. Don't worry, I have a legal warrant."
  "That's enough out of you!" Luna said and she drove her now summoned  lance into the ghost. She was tired and wanted to prevent any more  property damage.   Shades took her pinning the ghost as his cue to for a follow up  attack but he may have acted a bit too slow.
SOUP-KITTY:  Summer was about to attack, when he just sneezed. He sneezed so hard  that he dropped Mary, and tumbled down the stairs behind him. He  landed right on Headphones anime girl style, pretty much sitting on  him. How he managed to do that I don’t know, but god finds a way. He  was blushing his little dad face off.  Jong was also at the bottom of the stairs, free of the hair cocoon he  was in. He managed to not break anything important but he was  definitely hurt. “Oh, hi Summer. Nice to see you landing on my  McFucking dad.” He tried to push Summer off of Headphones who was  clearly not okay. They weren’t even paying attention to the ghost  anymore.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Headphones baby goat screamed, clearly wincing in pain as he was sat  upon. This boy was all skin and bones, don't apply pressure to his  body. Plus he had so little fat in his body that he had little to no  cushioning, so falling hurt a lot more. Wincing as he struggled to get  Summer off of him he heard jong call him dad. That's what made him  wheeze and tear up. Getting choked up as he sniffs,  "Dad? I'm... dad?"  He was so shook, he was acknowledged. Beginning to cry in that really  ugly way, like mucus running down the nose and choked cries with taers  running down the face, he just laid there like the hots mess he was,  baby goat screaming.
 Duster rushed past all of the and jabbed his sword straight into  Thirst King's back. There was the sound of a deflating ballon, water  starting to leak from the holes all over the ghost.
 "That's enough, you heard the lady." He said, twisting his blade in  his back.
 "YOU... ARE THE WORST SON!" Thirst King said, his voice sounding more  drowned out than before.
BRIT:  There was rumbling, a lot of rumbling. The ghost exploded, and out of  him rushed /all of the water/ that he had sucked up. Daten City was  now flooded with water.
 A lot of it had magically moved itself to where it needed to be, since  it had been taken by a supernatural force, anyhow. But it had to snake  it's way through the city. It was like life was flourishing again,  but... Everything was also now incredibly waterlogged.
 Strappon popped out of his hiding spot and made a short victory dance.
 "Good job, Angels!" He called, "The ghost is dead!"
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "What do we do with Top Coat?" Father Crucifix ask Strappon as he  didn't feel that this was Victory when he heard the Ghost. "WE WIN!  ANGEL MUSKETEERS!" Boxer shouted with a big smile on his face.  Raincoat yawned she wanted to go home and take bath or shower and just  be lazy. "So, can we go home?" Raincoat ask as she was tied out.
HITA:  Clapping excitedly, Brooch began to bounce up and down in place even  as she whipped her hair around to dry it.  Spinning in place, she  hopped and skipped over to Bifocals who, somehow, was dry.  Eyebrow  raised at the girl's enthusiasm, the Ophanim shook her head and began  to make her way back to Strappon.
 Brooch lingered behind and slammed bodily into Hot Pants and Top Coat  with a big grin and sparkles seeming to pour from the abyss.
 "You two are all right, right?  Are you okay?!  That was awesome!"
SOUP-KITTY:  Jong was McFucking shooketh. He had just called Headphones dad. He  gave a glare at Headphones before saying “sh-shut up.” He had  stopped pushing summer. The ghost also seemed to have been defeated so  that’s good, but he was still very embarrassed.  All Summer could do was smile at the whole situation. It was sweet,  and to top it all off, they seemed to have won. He got off of  Headphones, sat on the ground, and pulled him onto his lap, giving him  a kiss. Might as well, you know? If he’s gay then so is Headphones.  Time to embrace it.  Jong was shook at this stood up and walked away.  “Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay.”  They were gay indeed. But they were winning gays, so, y'know.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary Janes screeches when he falls and he rolls all the way down the  steps, hitting his head. The smol bean blacks out, he had his teddy  tho so it was all good. Kinda?   Vampire Collar got sprayed in the face with water and his eyeliner  ran down his face. "um..whoops..." That felt so weird to say. His  dress quite literally slips off of him with a loud slorp. He blushes  and he pulls it back up, holding it onto himself. "D-damn it.."
BRIT:  "Are you kidding me?" Top Coat asked, wiggling and kicking himself out  from under Brooch. He stomped (as best he could) up to Strappon,  grabbing him by his lapels.
 "You! You all ruined my company! Look around you, my fucking  headquarters is /flooded/!" He hissed, shaking Strappon a little.
 Strappon tried to stop him, grasping at his hands. It was a violent  shake, actually. He was pretty strong for a crippled man.
 "S-sir, please calm yourself. We can recover it all, I'm sure you have  backups." Strappon said, finally prying the man's hands away from his  collar.
 "/Stop joking./ It's going to cost me billions of dollars to recover  my losses! I have to repair my building, pay all of my employees  leave, /recover all of my destroyed documents and fabric/! You Angels  are a joke!" He growled, shoving Strappon backward. His security  rushed to his side and he shooed them away.
 "That sounds like the regrets of a guilty man." Cowlneck commented,  pushing Strappon before he fell backward. Duster and Jacket walked up  to stand beside the Templar.
OWLIE:  "We did it!" Monocle cheered as he plucked Polo and Sneakers out of  the water using his magic. he looked down at Henley Shirt floating in  the water, heh. Maybe later, he thought.
 Then he landed in front of Strappon and the others, after hearing Top  Coat. He frowned, crossing his arms "How ungrateful, we helped him and  that's how he treated us,"
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Headphones was the very definition of shook: adjective informal;  emotionally or physically disturbed. His eyes were wide, cheeks  flaring red as he was being kissed. Heart beating fast, eyes watering  up, he just melted into the kiss. For the first time in a long while,  he felt wanted. Just like the last man he had feelings for, a certain  human hybrid. Wrapping his arm around Summer's shoulders, he pulled  the man closer. Even if he was going to get hurt again he just wanted  to have this one happy moment. Pulling away with a flushed face, he  stared at Summer Cardigan, confused. He didn't think he would be able  to have feelings for another man but look whose here being the very  definition of gay with him. Headphones hugged him, smiling genuinely  before hearing the commotion upstairs as well as Jong leaving. He  calls after Jong, walking after him,  "Pot calling the kettle black! Come back here sport!"  He looked back to Summer Cardigan and extended his hair out like it  was his hand to hold.  Knittens joined with Headphones, needing a ride home.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "That's no way to talk like that young man!" Father Crucifix said as  he stand by Strappon "We helped you with your Ghost problem and you  should be thanking us instead of insulting us, Young Man" He said that  in a serious voice. Boxer and Raincoat stand with Strappon and Father  Crucifix. "We're not jokes! We're Heroes!" Boxer said as he had his  arms cross. "Yeah Asshole!" Raincoat said as she wasn't happy with  this guys tone.
BRIT:  "I asked you to /help me/, not ruin my company!" Top Coat hissed,  "Does this help? Do you ruin everything around you so you can get what  you want? How does that make you /any better/ than the Ghost?"
 He gestured dramatically to the surroundings. His entire company was  flooded. You could see documents soaked and floating around the floor.  They were standing in at least three inches of water, too. There was a  wall that had been blasted out.
 "You have destroyed everything my father and my family have worked  for." He growled, trying to keep himself calm. "To say I should be  grateful is /disrespectful./"
 Strappon seemed to have let the gravity of the situation hit him. He  looked at Top Coat with a sincere expression of guilt.
 "Sir, I'm sorry. We had no idea that the ghost would do this..." He  said.
 "Fuck you. Leave the premises or I /will/ have you all escorted out by  police." He demanded, his face turning into a cold and blank  expression. "I will not stand to have you in my sight any longer."
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Vampire Collar sees the small child at the bottom of the steps and he  walks over before picking him up in his arms. He looks around for a  bit,"Oh..oh dear..who does um..this little fellow...belong to?" He  exhaled and he walks out with him. "Well this isn't great..."
SOUP-KITTY:  Jong laughed, this was actually really cute. We walked back over to  Headphones and Summer, at least the attention was off of him now.  “yeah yeah, I know, I’m gay too hahah.” He kinda loved this.
 Summer gently caressed Headphone’s cheek, before noticing Vampire  Collar carrying a knocked out Mary. Oh shit. Summer got up, picking up  Jong and Headphones, and running out the door. He caught up to Vampire  Collar and placed down his two gays. “Hey, I’ll be taking him off  your hands now.” Summer looked very concerned for the poor kid. But  the whole running out thing was just in time too since it seemed that  they were all being kicked out.
KRO:  Before Hot Pants could speak to defuse the situation, a shrilled  shriek could be heard in the distance. Someone was mourning the loss  of their lab and Hot Pants immediately knew knew who it was. His face  paled, trying to push the Angels and Heavenbents back.   "Hey unless you all feel like being 6 feet under, I recommend you  just leave. Worst case scenario, I just get choked. I'll be fine  though," he reassured.
BRIT:  Cowlneck bit his lip, seeming to be hit with the realization Strappon  had. He looked at Jacket, who exchanged a look of concern.
 "We should get outta here." Jacket said, stuffing his hands in his  pockets. He kicked a bit of water, furrowing his brow. He felt bad,  but it's not like they could say anything about this.
 "It's best we leave, yes." Cowlneck replied, putting a hand on  Jacket's shoulder.
 Strappon looked around at the Angels and Heavenbents, then back at Top  Coat. Top had been glaring him down for a hot minute. He gave him a  nod and made his way toward the door with the Angels and Heavenbents  in tow.
 "Out of respect, we should leave." Strappon ordered, "He's being  awfully merciful, and I'd rather take advantage of that. We have a  city to clean up."
 He wasn't looking forward to it, but the community service afterward  would make up for some of the losses.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  When Father Crucifix said that he wasn't having any of this. "Now you  listen here, young man!" Father Crucifix said as he stepped up in  front of Top Coat and poked his chest. "You said nothing about  protecting your company! You said get rid of the Ghost and so we did!"  Father Crucifix said as he wasn't going have any of his Templar  Brother talk down like this. "If you say anything like that to my  Brother at arms, so help me God i will slap you until there is no sin  in you boy" Father Crucifix said as he glared at him in the eye. You  made the Father pissed and he isn't taking this. For Boxer and  Raincoat they were watching this.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Vampire Collar turned to Summer and he tilted his head,"Oh, um sure."  He gently handed Mary over to Summer . he placed his teddy on the  little ones stomach. "It looks like he hit his head..there's no  bleeding though.." He turns to the loud commotion and he exhaled.  "This shouldn't end well.."
HITA:  As Father Crucifix spoke, a tattooed hand wrapped almost too tightly  around the human's throat.  Heat licked out from the fingers, a  warning of magic to come as Bifocals easily moved the foolish priest  from being in front of Top Coat.  A hiss, a shock crackling around her  braid and dangerously close to the water was the warning he had from  Bifocals.
 "You will hold your damn fool tongue, boy.  This child has faced more  adversity than you ever will and you had better be glad that he is  showing you what leniency he can.  You have no right to speak to  others that way, nor will I allow this flagrant disregard of basic and  common decency."  She dragged Crucifix through the waters, waiting for  Brooch to begin herding Boxer and Raincoat out.  She did stop,  however, eyes flicking back to Top Coat.
 "My apologies, sir.  If you need assistance in building, Steel  Solutions will help you cost free."  Snorting, she let go of the  priest's throat and pushed him to the exit.  "Now get yourself  somewhere else.  Now."
(( OOC: The RP is ending! Please make your final posts! :0 ))
OWLIE:  Monocle sighed, he felt the guilt creep in as well, it's true, they  wrecked the place,he would help if he could, but he can't, at least,  now he can't, he looked at Strappon sullenly, then bowed formally,  then he beckoned Polo and Sneakers and they went out of the building.  Henley hot at their heels, running after them.
SOUP-KITTY:  Summer carried his smolest bean, like you do with a sleeping baby.  He’s strong dad who carries his babies with one arm, he made sure to  put the teddy under his free arm, and he then took hold of  Headphones’ hand.  “So…. How does Ice Cream sound?” He looked  over at Knittens “You have permission to go too right?” He smiled.  He was a happy dad and everything felt right for once.
 Jong took the teddy from under Summer’s arm and held it, gotta help  a dude out. “Ice cream sounds good actually.” He followed along  next to Dadphones. This had been an eventful day for them, and it  seemed that Headphones and Summer were getting together. Fucking  finally. Took them long enough. Maybe this was gonna be his new dad.  Jong smiled at the thought of having a functional family for once.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  Boxer saw Bifocals grab Father Crucifix neck. "Hey! You let go of his  neck!" Boxer said as he got anger. When Father Crucifix was being  almost choked he was having hard time breathing but when Bifocal let  go, he breath heavily. Boxer and Raincoat ran over to him to see if he  was alright, Boxer want to go to Bifocal and punch her in the face.  "No Boxer, Let's just go" Father Crucifix said as he breathes heavily.  Raincoat help Father Crucifix get out the building while Boxer was  walking behind he made a crack in the wall for pay back. "Enjoy repair  that" Boxer mutter as he heads out of the Building with Father  Crucifix and Raincoat.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Headphones struck a pose, whining,  "It sounds like why isn't in my hands right now, let go  alreaaaaadddyyyy."  Truly though, he was scrapbooking the fuck out out of today.  Knittens scratches his head, shrugging,  "My older sis won't mind, she's too busy working. Ice cream sounds  really good actually! Thanks!"  And off into the horizon, they went for ice cream.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Vampire Collar monster mashes the fuck out in his hearse.
As everyone filed out of the building, Top Coat turned to one of his security guards, pulling him down by his tie.
"I want you to contact the press. I will make /sure/ the Angels don't do this to anyone else." He hissed, letting go of his intimidated employee. The man went on his way, and Top Coat turned to look over his flooded building. He lost everything.  He needed to spend so much money to rebuild his empire. The Angels were going to pay for this, but not with money.
The days following the incident with Thirst King, lots of community service was needed to repair the city. It wasn't on the same level of The Other Gods for sure, but there was a lot of water everywhere. At least the abnormal drought was over.
The most obvious result of the incident was the flack Angels were getting via the media. It seemed like suddenly the Angels had a critical eye on them. All the News Channels hosted debates about the effectiveness of their fighting, what their real goals were, and how this was truly helping the city.
Strappon shut the television off, slumping back on his sofa. What were they going to do, now?
0 notes
dcmissionaries · 6 years
Mind Over Media
The static of the television was mesmerizing to some, and an annoyance to others. It was awful- one storm and it seemed like the whole Abbey was without proper television network! Overshirt gave another hefty karate chop to the cable box, and the blip they had gave them a solid connection for about 10 minutes. Everyone in the rec room groaned collectively. "Man, this bones." Jacket whined, "Ultraman's gonna be on in like 20 minutes!" "We're not watching Ultraman, bro. We're watching the news." Shades chastised, "Then after that there's a game we're prepared to watch." It seemed like no one could agree on what they were going to watch on one television and Ovy whistled in interruption. "Guys! There's, like, four televisions in here." He said, gesturing to the rest of the TVs in the Rec Room, "There's also, I dunno, a whole bunch of stuff we can do that isn't just watching TV! We've got pool tables, board games, about eight decks of cards-" "Yeah, but TV's mindless entertainment. We all have shows we like to watch and space out for a while." Undershirt pointed out as he shoved Jacket off the couch and took the remote, trying to flick through channels again as if it hadn't been done a million times before that point. "Man, this blows." Strappon walked into the room with several papers in hand and looked up at the Angels crowded around the television set, sighing. He held up the paper. "I'm having the cable bloke come in and inspect the wires. They said there won't be anyone here for another couple of hours since we have a large complex. Sorry." He said, clearly not enthused about the idea of not having a television to keep these crazy immortals occupied. "What else could go wrong, today?" Wristband whined, taking the remote from her brother and throwing it onto the entertainment center in rage. As if on cue, a bolt of lightening came jetting through the ceiling as if there wasn't a roof over their heads and onto the bill Strappon had in his hand. He'd barely let go of it as the paper struck the ground and everyone crowded from the entertainment center to the note Strappon had now picked up from the ground. "Televised, how appropriate." Strappon said, holding the note up, "She certainly does have a sense of humor." The doors opened again to reveal another guest in the Rec Room as Dermal came strolling in. "Time to get up, lazy bones. Looks like we have a ghost to find." He said, holding up a paper.
If Hell Corp was good at one thing, it was communication. Well, at least between Employees. It was questionable from the get-go whether or not the higher ranks were telling everyone everything, but they were at least great at assignments. Fundoshi had finished emailing Tempters their work for the day and had decided on a break in the upper Lounge where many of the Lords had generally settled during break time. The big-screen TV was the best feature in this, and many of the demons were occupied with watching the news from the surface for research. Fundoshi sat on one of the leather sofas to look over Jokki's report from the last Lost Soul sighting for errors, knowing full well the Absolute would want to read it... Whenever he got back. "Mind control, how gouache." Mankini sighed and gestured to the television. Fundoshi tried to ignore him, especially when Mong laughed. "I mean, you gotta give 'em credit." Mong said, sitting next to Fundoshi and giving him a nudge to the ribs, "Some ghost is loose on the city, isn't that funny. Wonder who set it loose?" The screen blipped out and suddenly there was a full view of Torsolette's glorious titties. Then her beautiful face. "Hello, darlings. It seems there's a Lost Soul loose on the city. Mind sending someone to corrupt it for me and fetch the Banshee thread for me? Thanks, loves!" She said before abruptly changing the channel back to where it was. Fundoshi didn't know what was more unsettling: her unerring sense of timing, the grotesque screaming in the background, or the amount of emails he now had to send to the rest of the demons with details on the mission.
MIND OVER MEDIA There's a lot of people stumbling around like idiots in the Little Tokyo district of Daten City- more than usual! This is obviously the work of a Ghost! Or as Torsolette seemed to state, a Lost Soul! What could it be after?
Colors, lights, and all kinds of strange sounds eminated from the District: Little Tokyo's psuedo-Akibahara was filled with all the fixings of Japan's otaku district without the actual Japan. The loud, booming music from the arcades and stores was enough to give the normal passerby a headache and intoxicate any and all Japanophiles in the area- was was both Heaven and Hell. Fitting for Daten City.
The district's streets had many people crowding in despite the current threat of becoming a brainless asshat. Maybe it was because they didn't have brains to begin with, but regardless there were lots of humans clogging the streets and buzzing about. The store vendors didn't seem to pay any mind to the occasional mindless human just slunking by in their stupor. It was hard to tell who truly was the zombie.
BRIT:  Strappon looked around at the area with a distinct distaste. He wasn't  fond of this kind of media, mostly due to its reputation and general  fanbase, but he'd tolerated it enough not to openly show his disgust.  It was likely just the hentai he wasn't very fond of... So sinful. And  kind of disgusting.
 Jacket was absolutely entralled with one of the booths that was  selling Ultraman merch, that kind of vintage stuff was hard to come  by! He was actually inspecting for bootlegs, because he had refined  taste... Not really, but he /did/ have standards.
 "This is the place it seems to be centralizing. Can't say I'm shocked,  but it's possible it's a hoax from the look of these people." Strappon  said, adjusting his shirt in his discomfort. People around here  crowded way too easily.
DJDEVIL:  Helmet stared mindlessly at the one of TVs on a glass display. All the  colors, tiny chubby people waddling around, and simplistic emotes they  made each other fascinated him. This 'anime' seemed familiar to him,  like he had such things before yet more.....sinful, but also  pleasurable.
KRO:  Shades had broken off from Strappon on several occasions. It wasn't  every day that he came into this part of Daten and he was going to  take advantage of the situation by buying some cute stationary. An  unnecessary amount of stationary at that. Sukafu made sure to stay  outside of the store Shades was browsing through, mostly to make sure  his fiance didn't lose Strappon. At some point did Shades return to  Strappon holding what seemed like two full bags of stationary.
 Sukafu had been texting on his phone as he followed Strap, only  looking up to make sure he didn't bump into others.
 "This place always felt a little off but not like this..." Sukafu  commented, "We should still keep an eye out."
CRACKEMWALNUT:  Fascinator just stared at the booths as he kept walking, looking more  dead than alive. His hair was a mess, his bun barely a bun, it looked  more like a tangled ponytail. Usually, whenever he'd visit here, he  felt so excited to see if a new dating sim or visual novel came out,  or to cry over the fact the Gal Gun 2 was coming out next month. Maybe  even get some new psoters. But today, he didn't feel any of that. He  didn't feel happy at all. In fact, he felt just so empty inside.  First, he didn't enjoy his pancake breakfast, and now he wasn't  enjoying one of the areas he called his second home. Well, it use to  be, when he was an idol, he use to hear either one of his songs or an  ad with him in it, regular shit. But right now, it felt so foreign to  him. A low voice chuckled above the noise in his head,  "Don't get so alarmed, I'm correcting you. Back straight."  Adjusting his posture, he shuffled along, keeping his eyes down. He'd  really rather be at home, he wanted to keep on with his research.  Knittens, meanwhile, was shouting for Fascinator to keep up. He was  growing concerned about his cousin's behavior, found him sleeping in  the basement today with all the chairs in the house in his room.  Alarming as all hell. So why not a change of scenery? It took a lot of  effort but he managed to drag him out. Well, maybe it was also to head  to a shop to spemnd money on a new game too. Along with Binyeo who  wanted to explore Daten a tiny bit more. She was still very new. The  group of threee walked to togethre, Knittens and Binyeo mostly  talking, laughing and chuckling as they continued on, Fascinator was  too lost in his own thoughts. Binyeo tapped her bottom lip,  "Do people just gather like that?"  "Is there a streaker in the middle of the crowd? Cause that's the  answer if there is."  Binyeo raied her eye brow at the young boy, what the hell was a  streaker? Asking,  "Streaker? Never mind, but no, it seems they're just a horde.  Worrisome, I don't think fighting would be wise in this skirt..."  She adjusted her shorter skirt, don't judge it's the weekend and she's  been looking out for some 'entertainment'.
JAY:  Ribbon was a bit more than overwhelmed by the crowd and flashing  lights of Little Tokyo. Admittedly, she had never been to Japan, but  this place still made her feel a little homesick in her gut. She  clenched her eyes shut and shook her head, returning her attention to  looking through the crowd for the target they were ordered to find.
 The demon sneered some at the sheer amount of braindead-looking people  shuffling about in the streets. "Cretins," she muttered. Working in  such a large crowd was almost as bad as working in a pig pen, as far  as she was concerned.
OWLIEE:  Sneakers grimaced at the bright lights of the city, all this colors,  crowds and noise was too much for him, he quietly opened his  leather-bound book and began to read.
 Monocle, Polo, and Henley Shirt walked took a ride together to that  side of town, Monocle just got home from Heaven and he is pretty tired  of pretty much everything, Polo wanted him to stay home and rest but  Mono insisted to help, plus Henley Shirt tagged along just to annoy  him,
 Henley looked around the humans with mockery and said, "These humans  are easily distracted, I bet they'll get along with Po--"
 "Shut it, /Henley Shit/," Monocle said, quite harshly, sipping from  his coffee, he really felt sorry for Polo for having to deal with this  shithead while he was gone.
 "Don't tell me what to do, /Monocrap/" Henley retorted,
 "You guys..." Polo sighed.
 They reached Strappon and the other angels, Polo greeted them hello,  Monocle remained silent, and Henley looked around like he owned the  fucking place.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  Father Crucifix and his Angels; Boxer and Raincoat were with Strappon  and Jacket. Raincoat and Boxer were watching Anime on the TV in the  shops windows while Father Crucifix goes up to Strappon. "So, Brother  Strappon what are we doing at this Place?" Father Crucifix ask  Strappon as he look around the area. But when Boxer see Monocle come  to the group, he rushes to him and gives his Best Friend a Bear Hug.  "MONO!" Boxer said as hugs him tighter. "I miss you so much buddy!"  Boxer said as he was very happy to see Monocle again. Raincoat was  still watching Anime.
TORIBIRDSEED:  Collier apparently was growing much much more fond of going on outings  like these with the other angels, sure he had a business to run but he  had time to take days off as well. Walking around with his hands  behind his back he spoke up to nobody in particular, his french accent  prevelant in his voice.
 “Ah magnifique, une ville plus beau que la lune sur une journée  estivale”
 He sighed, before looking around at the humans walking around
 “I do believe many of these men frequent my establishments, funny  how the lowly anime virgins also partake in purchasing my escorts, not  surprising really.”
 He sighed, and before long another angel boomed through the skies,  landing next to the other, another angel with no intentions on  changing, they seemed to croud together. The lovley yet loud Goggles  found herself looking over the city with a disguested look on her  face.
 “AGH! What a bunch of pathetic little virgins! Heres hoping they  don't get in my fucking way like always.”
 Goggles hated anime to some degree, but also loved it in others, it  was a complicated relationship. Bother her and Collier spotted strapon  and gave him a wink and some finger guns at the same time, clearly  knowing that each of them was probably the type of angel he would hate  the most. A multi sin fallen angel who runs a large ring of brothels  in Daten, and a angry explosion angel who has blown up the abby on  occasion, theres no way he can like them. Each of them were now just  looking out for anything strange going on, not too sure what exactly  to look for.
 Finally, where there were ghosts, or anything similar, there was  Cloak, a wonderful little slime boy ready to cause some trouble, or  look for it. Slithering along the ground he looked frantically from  side to side, speaking up just like all others who came, just talking  to nobody in particular. He seemed to be mumbling something or other  about how he hates this type of culture, and cant stand the whole  obsession with anime and all that, he wanted to leave faster than  ever, but he knew that this was probably a chance to learn a little  something about ghosts. So it looked like he would be staying for now.
OWLIEE:  "Same here, chap," Monocle said, he patted Boxer's back, carefully not  spilling his coffee on Boxer.
 "Yo Strappon!" Henley called out to the human, "What the hell are we  doing here, anyways, I'm too important to be wasted in such mission,"
 "No one asked you to come, Henley," Monocle said, Henley rolled his  eyes at him.
 Polo looked apologetically at Strappon and said, "Please forgive my  brother, he has uh... /issues/,"
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Virgin Killer walked out if the local sex shop, a large smile on her  face. Assless Chaps wasn't too far behind with all of the bags of  stuff she bought with her widow money.  Oh this poor man. Vampire  Collar was walking with his parasol in street. His skin shined with  his spf 4000, he was one pale bean. Mary Janes was chilling with  Knittens and Binyeo, casually sucking on a huge lollipop.
TORIBIRDSEED:  Angels and heavenbents aside, Etch had made his way over to the  location given to him by the higher ups right on time, he didint like  being late. The boy loved going anywhere that reminded him of home, so  this knock off akihabara was something he was all for. Nervously  wandering around he was hoping hed have somebody to stay close to.  Holding his arm gently with his hand he kicked the dirt a little and  waited to see if any of the higher ups were coming, he needed people  to impress.
 Stretching a little, shirtless as always, the buffest demon boy around  finally made his way to the given location. He let out a sigh in his  low voice and looked around at all the lights, it wasn't something he  was too fond of to say the least, he much prefered not having to deal  with loud things. He was a simple man, with simple needs. Not to  mention his boyfriend wasn't here at the moment, and he was feeling  rather alone without him. Arms crossed the boy spoke up.
 “What we here for again? I wasn't listening… I just tagged along  cause I thought it would be interesting to see a place like this but  now that im here… it's fucking awful.”
 Along with Etch Chokki was a little behind, she was in a big puffy  coat with thick glasses on, her hair in a ponytail and a mask covering  the lower half of her face, clearly trying to keep her identity  secret.
 “Fucking perma-virgins are ruthless, I cant be seen here or I might  start a public group masterbation session… like god I know im like,  hot and shit but like, im tottaly not down for that ya feel?”
 Her hair was a dead give away, she just hopped that all her fans were  NEETs and wouldnt be outside at this ungodly time of day.
DJDEVIL:  Ruka walked down the streets with a bottle in hand, singing in  complete gibberish and barely able to keep balance. He had one too  many bottles of saké and was off his rocker.
BRIT:  Strappon gave Shades a look of confusion and looked down at the bags.  "Oh, Shades... Why...?" He asked, almost sympathetically. "You have a  problem."
 He went back to observing the rest of the Angels, sighing at Collier  and Goggles' /actual/ fingerguns in his direction, when he was rudely  interrupted by Henley. Who was this scrub?
 "Well, we're looking for a /ghost/. If you intend to work your way up  to Heaven in any manner, I suggest you follow your brother and  Monocle, considering they're more successful than you are." He  commented, seeming to brush him off, "If you're too important for this  mission, then I suggest you make yourself useful. If you're important,  you /must/ be an expert at Ghost Hunting, yes? Go on, then. Show us  how it's done."
 He made a shooing motion for emphasis. He /hated/ Pride falls.
 Sweater latched onto Ribbon's arm with a sort of 'nya' sound and  wiggled her butt. Her zipperpet flailed around helplessly at the  all-too-cute butt wiggles.
 "You~" She said, pulling Ribbon along, "Let's find the ghost  together-nya?"
 "We're finding a ghost, if you had payed attention, Father." Duster  explained trying to keep close to the group but getting pulled away by  people wanting his picture. He knew he looked like Sephiroth, but  /damn/ these people never got a clue. It was... Hard considering his  wardrobe was also similar. He just tried his best to plug Shady's  streams. Get his brother fame, not him. He didn't want this. And  still, he was tagged in every photo on Instagram and Twitter to the  point that he /knew/ Cowlneck was stalking him from Social Media  alone. And he knew he was /seething/.
CRACKEMWALNUT:  Binyeo picked up Mary Janes and held him on her shoulders. She asks,  "Anything you want little plum while we're out?"  Knittens scratched his head watching them, he knew Fascinator told him  that she adopted kids like every day but already her best friend was  his half-cousin (?). It was hard to tell but apparently technically in  the family tree since one of his other cousins that are a half-brother  to Fasci was also her adopted son, that makes it so that technically  Mary Janes was Fascinator's non-blood brother? Or something like that?  They really couldn't tell, Fascinator insisting they not think about  it any longer. He chuckles,  "So mary Janes, how's the new apartment with Binyeo? Plus you got  brothers right?"  Binyeo was grinning ear to ear of her new little boy, carrying him  easily through the crowd. After all, with her children, she could  forget about the crushing loneliness she feels nearly every day.  Looking around a bit lost,  "Where should we head, it seems like everyone has a destination except  me!"  "How about home?"  Fascinator asked, grumbling as he crosses his arms, Binyeo stomped her  foot,  "Now, you change your tone young man! You barely go outside anyway!"  The human male shrugged as he kicked the dirt like a child throwing a  tantrum,  "Can't I be upset?"  "No."  Binyeo turned back around as she considered where to go, or even who  to go to! Thena gain she was surrounded with ehr children at this  point, maybe that's enough.
KRO:  Jokki had been wandering around mindlessly, hoping to get some leads  on this ghost but her search was in vain. Absolutely nothing was  showing up on the ghost tracker Hairpin had given her and she was sure  this was all some cruel joke and that the folks in this part of Daten  were truly /that/ braindead.  Looking around, she spotted a familiar figure. It was Ribbon and Jokki  practically stuck herself to the other Demon.
 "Any luck finding anything, dear?" She asked Ribbon.
 "/Issues/ is right."  A voice called out, in reply to Polo. It was none other than Archer,  who was dragged on to the scene. Once again did he feel his ego and  presence threatened by some kid who thought he was hot shit.
 "Honestly if you lot just wanted this little issue to be fixed, you  would have called on me to take care of it. I would have repented it  in record time."
 "Maybe that's why you can't keep a date," Sukafu muttered.
 "I beg /your/ pardon?" Archer spat. He didn't appreciate such a vile  comment being made. He huffed, crossing his arms. /Humans/.
 Meanwhile Hot Pants was not far behind Duster. He had been shooing  away a few girls that attempted to, yet again, take a picture with his  boyfriend. Damn, can't a guy catch a nice night out with his man?  Apprently not.  After driving away some girls, he quickly wrapped his arms around  Duster's waist, making it very clear he didn't want this man bothered.
 Shades looked down at his bags, trying to justify his need for this  much stationary but there wasn't any excuse. This is his life now.  Without a word he handed one bag to Strappon.  "Here," he said, "Happy birthday."
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary Janes shakes his head and kisses Binyeo's cheek,"No mummy! Thank  you though." He smiled and waved down to Knittens. He turns to  Fasci,"It's awesome! It doesn't smell like moms! And I'm not alone!"  Oh this bean. Vampire Collar walked over to the group and looked for  anyone familiar. Virgin Killer spots Sweater and she waves,"Hiya  cutie!"
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "So, how was heaven? i heard your learning Magic and Stuff up there"  Boxer said as he let go of him but she smiling. Boxer was really glad  that Monocle was back. "Also, you change change your clothes? I like  Red Clothes you had on" Boxer said as he somewhat comment on his new  outfit. Raincoat was still watching the Anime on the TV because there  wasn't that much to do. When Duster said that, he looked at him.  "Thank you, Angel" Father Crucifix said as he stay by Strappon side  being like a Bodyguard to him.  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Meanwhile in a dark alleyway, two demons that almost look the same  were talking. "Remember the plan, Brother" Demon with long white hair  said as he smokes a cigarette. "I got your Bro!" Demon with spike  white hair said. They were smiling in the shadows getting ready for  the moment when it comes.
TORIBIRDSEED:  Collier took offense to the mention about pride falls, and walked  over, putting his hand around the others shoulder and fixing his  glasses before speaking up in his usaul gentle french tone.
 “Oh petit gataux, there isnt anything wrong with a little pride, or  lust, or greed, those are normal ways of being, trying to fake  something your not only gets you so far. Look at me baby, im more  sucessful than most angels and im stuck down here.”
 He smirked at the other and rubbed their shoulder as he talked,  running a hand down their cheek with his free hand as he spoke,  clearly just trying to get under the others skin.
 Goggles watched from the background and nodded to what the other was  saying.
 “YEah! GO Collier! STick it to the man! Hes a big fuck face  anyways!”
 She seemed a little to happy about this, like she had some pent up  rage towards Strappon in some way, probably because he wont let her  blow up stuff around the abby. Summoning her weapon already she looked  around with rage still in her eyes… why did she have to be angry all  the time.
 Speaking of gross heaven aligned people, Cloak now found himself  sitting on the ground and was scribbling into his notebook notes about  the city, all the while he was eating what looked like, pen ink, like  that was actually pen ink, it said it on the jar, he was just downing  jars of ink, somebody please stop him hes going to die.  Etch continued to wander back and forth before he spotted some higher  up demons here, ah good, that meant he was in the right place. He  looked around frantically, unsure what to do he spoke up hoping to get  instructions.
 “S-So.. what a-a-a-re we doing here… I-I mean, I know what were  doing here but… Wh-what are orders?”
 Chokki was on her phone, texting away at this point, her only job  being to watch the boy and make sure he doesnt get kidnapped by a  pervert. Shes mostly there to make sure Mankini doesnt show up, if he  does, shes taking him home.
CRACKEMWALNUT:  Binyeo awes as she pats his little leg. A good plum. Nevermind the  fact that she actually needs a bigger house considering the fact she  has 3 kids now. She was glad Mary janes liked his new brothers,  despite the fact she doesn't want their behavior influencing him.  Knittens pouted, attempting to climb up Binyeo,  "No fair, I deserve to be just as tall!!"  She got distracted as she tsks Knittens, her clothes getting wrinkled  from his antics. Which allowed Fascinator to just fall into the void,  otherwise wander off. His mind was buzzing, becoming confused and  dizzy as he goes in a random direction. Lights blurring as he looks  around, noise too loud in his head as the dream from last night  flashed in his head. it was all a bit too much for him as he wanders  off in the city. You could say he's having a bit of a breakdown as he  slumps over and tries to regain his sense by banging his head against  a street light. Good luck there, buddy.
JAY:  Ribbon's attention was quickly knocked away from the search when she  felt someone clamp onto her arm. Her initial reaction would be to tug  it back, but it was in a vicegrip and wouldn't budge. Looking down,  Ribbon relaxed as she found it was just another demon, and of higher  rank at that. She smiled down at the excited girl.
 "That sounds good to me. Probably a bit safer to look in pairs anyway,  right?"
 Then a familiar voice rang out, and Ribbon turned to find Jokki as  well. She felt quite popular all of a sudden. "Ah, none yet, but I did  find a comrade." She lifted her arm to present Sweater to Jokki.  "Everyone here looks braindead enough without a ghost helping them  along. How about you?"
OWLIEE:  "yeah," Polo said quietly at Archer's remark
 "Whatever!" Henley said, turning his head behind the human. clearly he  was humiliated but he did not let it show.
 Sneakers wanted to go to his friends but he saw they're with a demon  Binyeo, he trembled with fear.
 "Anyways, Box, yeah, I have been learning magic, and I don't really  think much of my clothes," Lies.
 "Well I think he's cute," Polo commented, Monocle swatted his arm.  It's too early for flirting.
DJDEVIL:  Helmet continued to stare at the color-barfing TV screen. One could  see drool drip out of his namesake. So many pretty colors.
 As Ruka walked down the street, he noticed three demons chatting. With  a drunken smiles, he ran over to them. "FRIENDS! How are y'all doing  this fine fucking day, huh? huh? Aaaah, i know you all are." He said  before taking a sip of sake before turning to Jokki. He stared at her  for a few moments before placing his free hand on her cheek. "Your  face is so soft."
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "Alright, i'm glad to see you again Mono. I miss you buddy maybe after  this we can have a Match, i want to see how strong you are!" Boxer  said as he cracks his knuckles with big smile on his Face. Raincoat  then went up to the group of Angels that Boxer was talking to. "Oh  it's you again" Raincoat said very chill as she pointed to Polo.  Finally, Raincoat did something. Father Crucifix was keeping a eye out  for demons and guarding Strappon while watching his Angels. "Seem  Peaceful, Brother. What do think?" Father Crucifix ask Strappon as he  look at him.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  Meanwhile in the Alleyway, the Two Demons started to walk out of it  and put away their namesake weapons. As they walk out they enter in  their Human Disguise form. "Alright, Brother let's focus on the  Mission at hand" Long White Hair Demon said as he smoke. "I know Bro,  but i wonder how much Angel Wings sell in the Black-market" Spike  White Hair Demon said with grin as he was feeling the rush of  fighting.  "Will find out soon, Brother" Long Hair Demon said with  chuckle.
BRIT:  Duster pet Hot Pants' head, ruffling his spikes a little with a sigh.  He regarded Father Crucifix with a bit of suspicion. You'd think the  man knew who he was from the fact that he took out a Nephilim's arm on  his own.
 "Shades... You have a problem." He re-iterated as his brother had  handed Strappon an /entire bag/ of cute stationary. At least let him  pick from it, first. He looked down at Hot Pants as the man put his  arm around his waist tighter and gave him a /rare/ smile. Boy he was  cute, sometimes. Especially when he was jealous.
 Strappon took the stationary and blinked a few times, clearing his  throat.  "I'm never going to use this..." He said, peering into the bag.
 Then he was being accosted by Collier. His face turned red and he  shoved the other man off him with quite a bit of force.
 "P-please restrain yourself, sir." He stuttered, readjusting his  outfit and crossing his arms tightly to himself. "And do /not/ touch  me again. Please."
 He huffed and walked quickly past him. He was going to just find this  ghost and get out of here.
 Sweater nya'd a few more times and rubbed her face into Ribbon's arm,  then looked up all cute-like at Jokki.  "We should peek around in the stores while we're here~" She suggested.  She stopped and sniffed before holding her nose. "Ewww! He smells.  Ny-uck!"
 She stuck her tongue out at Ruka.
JAY:  Ribbon raised a brow at the new, loud demon showing up. "You wanna  quiet down? Finding a ghost is difficult enough as it is withou-"  Ribbon paused and sniffed the air after Sweater's comment, before  glaring at Ruka while he felt Jokki's face. "...Are you drunk on the  job? I'm about 99% certain that's against company policy. And, stop  doing that to Jokki."
 Her free arm seemed to be gently patting Sweater on the head.
KRO:  Jokki couldn't help but blush as Ruka felt her face. She didn't  exactly like being touched without consent unless it was either  Fundoshi or Mong, but then again...She doesn't get complimented that  often.
 "We can let it slide," Jokki said as she took off Ruka's hand from her  face, "At this point we just need to make sure he doesn't fall in a  dumpster and choke on bile."
 Though, mentioning stores... Jokki tapped her chin as she looked down  at Sweater with a smile, "Perhaps we /could/ do a little shopping. You  know. Spoil ourselves? I'll make sure the drunk doesn't hurt himself."
 Shades shrugged at Duster with a sheepish smile, "Listen, it was all  on sale and I don't come here as often."
 Sukafu put his phone away, taking the remaining back of stationary  from his hand. He was shaking his head as he pointed at Duster.  "No, I aggree with your brother. I mean it /is/ really cute I'll but  babe, this is excessive."
 Shades wanted a new family, how dare they judge him for his love of  cute stationary.
 Hot Pants huffed as Duster ruffled up his hair, enjoying every second  of that genuine smile. He was about to speak if it wasn't for Archer  just sort of pushing himself in the middle of the group.
 "Okay so are we going to stand here like tourists or are we going to  look for this ghost? I have an appointment with a.../friend/ later on  and I don't want to disappoint her with my tardiness."
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Vampire Collar sips from his coffin sippy cup, don't ask. He walked  over to Cloak,"Hello under the table friend." His cheek twitched a  little bit. Lord.  Mary Janes held his hand down for Knitten's to  climb mountmum.  Virgin Killer sighed happily as the hentai she voiced  in played on one of the large tv's. Assless Chaps was having none of  it. Blood boy on the other hand was chilling with Ink boy.
DJDEVIL:  "Hurt myself?" Ruka asked raising an eyebrow, "I'll have you know that  I *hic* am right as rain, no matter how *hic* wasted I am." Ruka  continued he took a few steps back to show off right-as-rain he was,  only to slip and fall on his back.
 "Okay, maybe not. But I'm all for shopping and spending money on shit  on i don't need! Maybe we all can hit up a bar along the way!" Ruka  said as he got back up on his fee
JAY:  Ribbon wasn't sure about just up and shopping on the job, but if one  of the bosses agreed with it, she was all for it. Plus, she certainly  had the money to spend.
 "Sounds like a great idea to me. It'd look more natural to disguise  ourselves among the shoppers anyway." Ribbon concurred. "Though I'd  suggest skipping the bar part." She looked to Jokki for some kinda  direction, though. "Maybe it'd be best if you lead the way. I've never  been to this part of town. I'm not even really sure what's being sold  around here."
CRACKEMWALNUT:  Knittens managed to take a place on her other shoulder, Binyeo  grunting as he took his place. Carrying both boys on her shoulders,  she started to lean forward from the extra weight. Falling forward  onto the ground, Knittens was launched off as she landed face first  onto the ground. Listen as strong as she was, she was shorter than  both of these kids, only 5 feet tall and a 1/2 of an inch as well as  wearing heels. Mom down, I repeat, mother down. Groaning she attempted  to stand back up, but her heel had broken from the weight and she  ended up tripping again. She tried, she really did. From the ground,  she groans,  "Someone mind helping a fallen lady?"  Knittens banged his head on the cement, getting disorientated as he  laid on the side walk as well.  Fascinator, in his disorientated high, managed to walk his confused  butt over to the congregated zombie crowd and just started blending  in. In his state, he looked just like one, and he didn't question shit  he just wanted to be on of the crowd.
TORIBIRDSEED:  Collier smiled at the other before letting go, he of course was  purposfully making the other uncomfortable, he wasn't too fond of what  he called “god lovers” and so he didint bother appologising  seriously.
 “Oh im so so sorry Strapon darlin’, Il neeeever do it again”
 He flips his hair and laughs a little before shuffling his hands into  his pockets, waiting for something interesting to happen.
 Goggles was still just lounging around, impatient really, and not too  interested in waiting for stuff to come to her, she flies off and  lands on top of a tall building.
 Looking at Vampire Cloak smiles and nods.
 “Hello… Can I help you at all?”
 He seemed like he was pretty damn focused on whatever he was writing,  if the other looked at his book it would become obvious that he was  just, drawing pictures of the location.
 Etch on the other hand was busy just, being unsure what to do, hes  kind of useless when hes not getting orders, and for the most part  doesnt know what exactly he should be doing, but hes hoping he can  figure it out. Looking around he spotted Flannel, and decided this was  an opportunity.
 “Y-you! Whats you’re rank.”
 Flannel spoke up in response
 “Temptar, what you want squirt?”
 After taking a few breaths Etch figured this was a chance to figure  out what to do from somebody more confidant. He pointed at him.  “D-Don't just, do nothing! F-figure out what youre supposed to be  doing and… d-d-do it!”
 He was just going to now follow this person around hope they figure  something out, Flannel shrugs and moves closer to Jokki and the  others, hoping to listen in on the converstaion and learn a bit before  asking.
EMOJINI MINIONS:  Almost on queue to some people not knowing what should be happening, a  bright green light could be seen approaching from one of the dark  alleyways that surrounded the colourful streets. And before long, a  group of what looked like five or so people stumbled out of the alley.  Each one of them had a green box hovering around their heads, and they  were simple wandering around. Each one seemed to have a phone in their  hand, or pocket.
 For now, these people were harmless, but they were clearly the so  called brainwashed humans that were causing trouble. As these  brainwashed humans entered, a lot of the crowds seemed to die down, as  they clearly didn't want to be around the other.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary Janes squeaks and falls down as mother mountain tumbles. He lands  on his feet, the bean took gymnastics after school. Finally payed off.  He rushed over to Binyeo and he helps her up, "Mommy your shoe!" He  rushes to Knittens and he holds the others head, petting his hair.  "A-are you okay ? O-Oh my goodness."  This lil bean boy. Vampire's  cheek twitches and he rocks on his heels, "N-no I just figured I would  say hello...you seemed quite cool...Would you mind if I sat with you?"  He tilts his creepy head, his pigtails gently bounced with the motion.   Virgin and Assless look about the group and Assless opens a tiny  portal to send the bags to her place. "Now that that's overrr  with..what arrre we doing?" He questioned his sis. "I have no idea  onii chan~!"
BRIT:  Duster was about to shove Archer away. Too close, buddy, he doesn't  care how good you smell. Back off a little.
 "Let's try to find where these zombie people are." He said, pulling  Hot Pants along with him.
 "Stinky, stinky man." Sweater commented, holding Ribbon protectively,  "Let's ditch him! I know a maid cafe here with really good food!"
 "I don't believe you." Strappon muttered at Collier. He felt molested,  even if that's not what happened. He changed the subject, looking over  at Crucifix again, "I don't believe any of this is peaceful. Much of  this crowd is unsettling."
 Seeing the crowds disperse from the strange group of people, Duster  quirked a brow and pointed.
 "Do you... See that? That's not typical behavior. Especially in these  parts."
JAY:  Catching a glimpse of what looked like a green flash, Ribbon noticed  some humans that looked very suspicious stumble out of an alleyway. It  was obvious enough that the crowd of people began moving away from  them.
 She looked back to Sweater, glancing between her and the strange  people. "We may have to save that for later - I think we've found what  we're looking for over there."
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "You can say that, Brother Strappon" Father Crucifix said as he look  at the crowd of people. Boxer and Raincoat were doing their thing.  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------  The two demon brothers were walking around, looking around the place  seeing only Anime and Hentai. "My, this is very sinful Brother" Long  White Hair Demon said as he looks around with a smirk. "Yeah Bro, no  wonder the Ghost or Whatever we are looking is here" Spike White Hair  Demon said as he look around with his hands in his pocket acting all  like a Bad Boy.
CRACKEMWALNUT:  Binyeo mangaed to catch her balance again with Mary Jane's help,  having to break her other heel to walk again. She sighs,  "Shoes are nothing, but happened to little Knit?"  Knittens waves off the worry, rubbing his head,  "I-I'm fine-OW!"  Biyneo then proceeded to pinch his cheek and almost lift the kid by  it, obviously very annoyed. She scolds,  "What did I tell you?"  "N-Not to climb up!"  "And you did it anyway. If you can'tbeahve yourself then I won't take  you out again!"  "Sorry sorry sorry!!"  Mother wasn't very merciful. But she let him down noticing the crowds  suddenly clearing out. She could see some other demons around as well.  At least she wasn't alone. Nudging Mary Janes and Knittens closer to  her, she got ready for any trouble going on.  Fascinator meanwhile, managed to regain his sense as he realized what  was happening. He looked around for any familiar faces, but no one was  around. He decided to take a chance and tap a guy's shoulder, oddly  with a green box. He just assumed it was some sort of fashion.
TORIBIRDSEED:  Collier smirked as Strappon spoke and laughed a little more, before  waving a little at him, his attention being drawn to the dead men  walking.
 “Ah, that seems to be what we are here for.”
 Etch was also interested in these weird box people, and just as Fasci  did, he got a little closer to them, but not too close, he was a  scared little bean baby, and didint want to anger them or anything.  Holding his hands on his hips he looked hoping something might happen.
 Flannel saw the small higher ranked demon leave him and sighed, what a  pain honestly.
 Assume all my other chars are just watching the weird box boys too.
KRO:  Jokki considered Sweater's suggestion, it honestly didn't sound that  bad. However it was going to be put on hold from what Ribbon pointed  out.
 "I believe you're right," she said.
 Hot Pants simply glared at Archer for interrupting him, but it  probably wasn't worth punching him over it. What if he's brittle and  delicate like Shades? That'd be depressing.  He held on to Duster's hand as he began to walk but squinted his eyes  as a strange group of people began walking about.
 "I'd...say so. Or they just got out of a fight club..."
 "That's one hell of a fight club," Sukafu commented, "That's  definitely not normal at all regardless of what part of Daten you're  in."
 "We should probably investigate them, but something tells me that'll  end up horribly," Shades said.  He was a little apprehensive of his own suggestion, but what other  alternative do they have at the moment? Not much, that's for sure.
DJDEVIL:  "Good!" Ruka exclaimed, "let's *hic* get to it then!" He ran  drunkardly towards the strange humans and grabbed one of them. "Oi,  Boxhead! We're looking a for a lost *hic* soul! Have you *hic* seen  it? And don't lie to me or i'll get real *hic* nasty!" He exclaimed  before he felt a grumble in his stomach and belched in the human's  face.
EMOJINI MINIONS:  Upon being tapped on the shoulder the green box around the mans head  flickered, and he looked at Fasci, his eyes were blank, and white, and  he looked rather souless at the moment. The brainwashed man spoke up,  and as he did, all of the other four people who also had green boxes  floating around their head spoke up in sync with him.
 “W H E RE?!”
 Thats all that was said by them before they went back to doing their  own thing. Some of them started to enter stores and search through  them, destroying them and ripping through all the items. Others were  banging on TV screens in what seemed like an attempt to use them, who  knows really. From the alley way more and more of the brainwashed  people started flooding out, who knows why, but by the time that was  done and over with probably about 15 or so mindless bodies were  walking around making a mess of things, no wonder everybody left.
 The brainless man that Ruka held started speaking up too, and just  like before, every other brainwashed human in the area was doing the  same thing, speaking up in sync with him.
 That was all they were saying it seems. This one didn't like getting  grabbed it seemed but they currently werent fighting back.
CRACKEMWALNUT:  Fascinator put up his hands, and started walking away. That was the  expression of a guy who was in a cult and it was going great.  Continously walking backwards, he started shaking his head and talking  out loud,  "Nope. Not dealing with that. Not in my house. The time is go-o'clock.  Gonna leave that alone. Not gonan touch that. Nu-uh."  Continuously backing backward, passing the angels, he pointed in the  direction he was looking,  "Believe that's what you're looking for because certainly not me,  nope."  Then turning around and buying cute stickers to take his mind off of  it. He had a sheet of cat bug capoo ones, and boiii he was putting  these in his songbook alright. If only he had a use for his song book.  Binyeo flinched at the loud crashes but raised her eyebrow, another  horde? Looks like these ruffians are looking for something, but  whatever it was, it was a ahzard with all this glass. She tsked,  "Be careful, there's broken glass. C'mon lets head to higher ground to  avoid this hazard."
BRIT:  Duster kept his distance from them, eyes scanning over the hectic  group of boxheaded men. He frowned more.
 "If this is anything like the set of zombies we'd dealt with earlier  on, I want no part of this." He said, clutching the collar of his  coat. He narrowed his eyes as they stumbled along and reacted like  nothing when a /drunkard/ was shaking them.
 "Lord, they're multiplying." Strappon muttered as he watched the  minions in horror, "We really need to do something. They're destroying  property. It's likely valuable considering the price tags on  everything here."
 Sweater gasped as she watched the minions destroy the store. She  understood what it was like to desire such items, but look at the mess  they were making! And for what?
 "Nyoooo! That's so rude!" She squeeked, grabbing onto one of the  minions and pulling them back, "Don't you dare ruin those glorious Go!  Princess Precure figures! The detail on Flora's hair alone is too  glorious!"
 She shook them relentlessly.
 "I think we have more problems. There are weird /humans/ trying to  apprehend the zombies." Duster pointed out.
DJDEVIL:  "Ya don't have to scream out your struggling thoughts, man! Just tell  me where the lost soul and I'll let...you..go...well, shit." Ruka said  as he noticed more humans pouring out of the alley and causing havoc.
 Helmet snapped back into reality when the brainwashed human began  messing the TV he was watching and blinked a few times before he  realized what happening. "OOOOOOH NOOOOO!" He screamed as he held his  head, "I WAS WATCHING THAT, YOU SWINE!" Helmet pulled out his sword  and ran into the store then proceeded to layeth the whackdown on the  brainwashed humans. No one interrupts his favorite show.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary Janes was peacefully watching reruns of Teletubies when one of  the tv's was smashed. His brain switches to the memories of the  zombies. He sees the zombies and slowly grabs the microphone from the  cashier's station. "H-h-h-Houston...we have z-z-zombies. T-this is  Mary Janes P-pinkie saying Heck to the Hecking Heck darn no. T-thank  you that will be all." He slowly dabs and he faints. Brave boy.  Vampire Collar was just sipping from his sippy cup of not to fucking  day. Virgin Killer was currently on the shoulders of a zombie fixing  her lipstick. Assless was chasing after her.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "Brother Strappon, i don't think we are looking for a Ghost but a Lost  Soul. Look at the Color of Boxes on the Peoples Head" Father Crucifix  said as he notice on the Color of the Boxes. "If there is a Lost Soul  then that means there are Demons nearby" Father Crucifix said as he  got serious knowing that Demons will be here. Raincoat and Boxer are  just on pause at the moment.  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Meanwhile the Demon Brothers notice the Box People and stay away from  them. "Brother, don't touch the Box People" Long Hair Demon said to  his Brother as he avoids them. "You don't have to tell me twice, Bro"  Spike Hair Demon said as he avoids the people too.
CRACKEMWALNUT:  Binyeo felt lost. Her child just dabbed. What should she even do? She  tried to raise him right the last few days, she swears. Scopping him  up to avoid getting injured she grabbed Knittens and began to walk  throught the destruction. Moreover, using her legs to kick away  anything getting to close to comfort. Yoga gave her some really  flexibility, raising her leg to her head easily and kicking people's  faces instead of slapping them. Accidentally she kicked a human right  behind Ruka. Whoopsie daisy, no more kickies. Clicking her heeless  heels she greets quite more calmer than she was with a good boy in her  arms with Knittens clinging to her side,  "Hello there, are you alright? Had something over your shoulder."  Using her ankle to motion to the human. She then waved to the poeple  near them with her ankle as well. Who needs arms?  Fascinator watched the stores start getting wrecked and gulped,  running in and saving a single figurine of Marina. The beautiful  octoling from Splatoon 2, the beautiful idol. Not on his watch was her  glory going to be besmirched.
(( OOC: http://dcmissionaries.boards.net/thread/211/lost-soul-emojini Battle Thread! Defend yourselves, folks! ))
EMOJINI MINIONS:  The brain dead humans all stop moving, each standing attention, for a  short period of time, All of them exit and any who are not engaged  with another person, demon, human, or angel, line up outside on the  street. However, for the three that were being shaked or attacked,  They retaliate.
 “STOP!” All the minions speak at once together
 The minion Ruka was holding didn't really do much, he just sort of  stumbled and tried to fight back before falling on it's back. It  didn't seem like it was particularly strong at all.
 The one attacking Helmet on the other hand seemed more able to fight,  standing straight up, it moved and slammed it's arm against Helmet, it  wasn't a very hard hit, but it still would have felt somewhat painful.
 The one attacking sweater missed as well, and fell on it's face.
SOUP-KITTY:  Diadem was rollerblading down the street at full speed. Flannel had  sent him a text that kind of confused him, and when he tried to reply  his phone stopped working. “Great” he thought. But now he was  almost there. He could see his boyfriend standing around.  “Flannel~” He shouted, it was a mix of concern and pure joy. Just  as he was a few feet away from Flannel, he jumped up and closed his  eyes, hoping he could catch him.
 Pinafore wasn’t far behind either, She saw Diadem leave the house so  suddenly that she just had to follow him along, after all, it was a  wife’s job to keep her husband safe, right? Well, technically  fiancé, as they weren’t married yet. Pinafore’s eye twitched when  she heard Diadem call out Flannel’s name. Why couldn’t he call out  HER name? It doesn’t matter. She was willing to put up with this,  after all, she loved Diadem. Flannel was no threat to her.
 Jong ran out of the nearby stores, he was wearing a different outfit  than usual, some sneakers and some mom jeans. He had learned from last  time some bullshit happened, and boy was he glad he was prepared. Shit  was turning weird. He ran and ran until he made it to a seemingly  quiet street corner, panting.
 Zippy dragged his twin along the street where there had previously  been a commotion. He was extremely curious about what was going on  with these people who were lined up, so naturally, he pulled his  brother along until they were closer. Letting go of pullover’s hand,  he reached up to one of the faces of these weirdos, and poked it. It  was amusing to watch these people just not really do anything. He  giggled and looked over at his brother. “What do you think these  people are on?”
DJDEVIL:  "Nice try, Boxhead. But now you're really *hic* testing my patience."  Ruka said with a smirk as he placed his foot on the human's head.  "Look, I'm drunk and i'm more *hic* reasonable when I am. So stop with  creepy shit and tell me where the lost soul is and I won't stomp out  your brains. Demon's promise." Like the promise of a demon worth much  to begin with.
 Helmet held his chest with his free hand. "Lord above, that smarts!  But not above to stop me from smiting you for the deadly sin of  interrupting my show!" He exclaimed then held his sword in both hands.
BRIT:  Strappon gave Father Crucifix a concerned look.  "Another Lost Soul..." He said, looking back at the people with boxes  on their heads, "Well, it's a good assumption to say the least.  Still... Where /is/ the Lost Soul?"
 Sweater screamed as the human swung at her, using her  bakeneko-unicorn-chimera reflexes to dodge quickly. She also wasted no  time in retaliation and yanked her sweater off, jabbing straight down  onto the person and stabbing several times with her lance. All while  continuing to scream. God, someone stop her before she actually kills  a man??
 Duster jumped back in seeing Sweater begin to stab the shit out of  someone. Oh. That was a demon. Great. He summoned Blood-Covered  immediately.
TORIBIRDSEED:  Flannel smiled brightly when his boyfriend came running, picking him  up and hugging him as soon as he could. “Hey babe, you didint reply  to my text are you okay?” He gave the other a small kiss, as he  hadnt gotten to in the last however many hours it's been since their  last one.Putting the other down he looked at the mindslaves and sighed  “Man this is all kinds of weird, im not messing with this at all  thanks, not yet at least.
 Meanwhile Etch continued to stand still, he was basically just T  posing waiting for an opportunity to do something.
 Pullover was dragged along niceley behind his brother, his usual blank  stare expression on his face but a smile popping on it ever now and  again. Holding his brothers hand as they entered the area every other  person was in. However, when Zippy let go of his hand Pullover felt  almost naked, what the heckie. He made a whiney noise and huffed  before calming down and speaking up.
 “Probably meth or something… thats what people on meth look like I  bet.” He poked the braindead person too.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Vampire Collar walks over the now bleeding individual and he sticks  his finger in one of the wounds. He gives it a lick and he sighs.  "What a shame, you're O positive...ironic because you're in..quite the  negative position.." He blinks and sips from his Coffin sippy. He  walks off, unfazed by the smol bakeneko-unicorn-chimera.  Sippy succ  sip. Virgin Killer hops off the zombie and she stretches,"Poor thing  got drool on my panties...welp.." She bends over and slips of the  panties, flinging them over her shoulder. Assless blinks and  facepalms. "Please tell me you didn't just rrrride one of them..?"  Virgin snickers,"I won't."
EMOJINI MINIONS:  The mindlsave that Sweater was attacking reached 0 health in no time,  and with the sound of his phone displaying loud static, the box around  his head vanished, and he was a normal man now getting stabbed in the  stomach by a crazed demon lady. He started yelling. He also didint  like getting fingered by a femboy
 He was flailing around and just hoping she would, she might not  though, who knows.
 The ones fighting Helmet and Ruka stood still and waited for them to  make the first move.
CRACKEMWALNUT:  You heard of spidey senses, now there are mommy senses. Binyeo’s  neck almost snapped, she could tell her other sons were nearby and she  wasn’t okay with that. Securing Mary Jane on her back, picking up  Knittens who whined,  “W-Wait I was gonna fight!!”  Binyeo was having none of it as she ran through the crowd, sliding in  sight of her twin boys. She jumped, slamming in front of them as she  huffed,  “Why are two- Get away from my sons!”  Binyeo slapped the minion away from Pullover and Zippy, even thought  it wasn’t doing shit. Poor guy.  Fascinator just was watching from the sidelines, confused. Before  Binyeo shouted,  “Get your lazy ass over and protect your adoptive brothers!!”  “They’re not-Ugh…”  Fascinator sighs as he walks over and checks over the two kids,  nothing wrong with them. He withdrew his machete from his leg sheathe.
 Headphones walked out concerned from the book store, still holding an  issue of just very not safe for anyone vol.6. Walking to Jong he asks  worried,  “Did he’ll freeze over?”
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "That's a Good Question but their might be clues around us" Father  Crucifix said as he then saw sweater about to kill a Human Man. Only  one creature could be this Merciless. "THE DEMONS ARE HERE!" Father  Crucifix shouted as he got out his weapons and charge at Sweater. He  kicks Sweater away from the Box Minion, it was his duty and he wasn't  going to watch some man die today. "You Demons have no mercy, Good  thing i show no mercy to your kind" Father Crucifix said as he had his  weapons out.  ----------------------------------------------  Meanwhile the Demon Brothers were avoiding the Box People by pushing  them away. "Get away from me!" Spike Hair Demon said as he pushes one  of them. Long Hair Demon was doing the same thing as his Brother.
DJDEVIL:  "Not gonna talk, huh? Alright then. I tried to be reasonable" Ruka  said he removed his foot from the human's head then took a few steps  and as the human started to get up, he ran towards the human and  delivered an almost perfect punt kick to the human's head. Not bad for  a man with more alcohol in his body than the ordinary can ingest  before succumbing to alcohol poisoning.  
 With a crusader battle cry, Helmet swung his sword repeatedly at the  human, but the attacks seemed to do little damage to him.
SOUP-KITTY:  Diadem felt relief wash over him, seeing as Flannel was okay. “I’m  alright, my phone just stopped working for no reason. I missed you.”  Diadem looked around, and saw what Flannel was talking about. “That  is really weird, kind of creepy actually. And the drooling  is…unsanitary.” Diadem cringed at the thought of how many germs  they were being exposed to. He was noticeably uncomfortable.
 Meanwhile, pinafore kept running, and she kept running when she saw  the kiss. She was in shock, and was trying to justify the whole  situation in her mind. It had been a few days since she last slept, so  all you would see is an insane girl running faster than the Usain Bolt  down the street, cackling. This however, didn’t end up too well, as  she crashed directly into Tank Top, sending them both tumbling down  the street. This gave Pinafore a few cuts and bruises, but her  attention was now on this strange guy. She had decided that Diadem was  allowed to kiss the best man of their wedding. Nothing weird about  that. Just two bros enveloped in a tender embrace kissing. Clearly NOT  gay. But this guy got in her way. So she was pissed off.
 Zippy was glad their mom had slapped the meth guy away. He was bored  of him anyway. He took hold of Pullovers hand, as they both said "Hey  mom" In unison. He knew it freaked her out, but hey, what can ya do?
 Jong was happy to see headphones, and almost started crying as he  hugged Headphones. "Those box guys are creepy I don't like them" Jong  whined.
EMOJINI MINIONS:  THe minion that Ruka was attacking health reached low enough that the  box around his head fizzled into nothingness as his soul returned to  his eyes. A TV nearby displayed static for a moment before switching  back to normal, and he fell on his back.
 “FUck what… what the fuck!”
 Upon seeing a demon in front of him however, he stood up holding his  chin and yelled.
 “G-GET away from me!”
 He than ran off
 The minion that Helmet was fighting kept getting hit, but wasn't  phased much, this one was a rather muscular guy it seemed. He was just  drooling everywhere as he got lightly knocked around.
JAY:  Ribbon had been watching Sweater from behind, seeing no reason to  engage one of the brainwashed humans herself since she wasn't  attacked. It wasn't until the human came to and started screaming in  horrible pain did Ribbon's interest get piqued, though it was  short-lived once an angel interrupted Sweater's gloriously bloody  display and drew his weapon. Ribbon got her own weapon ready, standing  alongside Sweater.
 "Didn't realize angels would show up! Again."
KRO:  Jokki couldn't exactly blame Sweater for her reaction, these humans  did look rather creepy. She shot a glance to the human who was yelling  Demons.  Of course it was a holy man, they always want to be these righteous  individuals in the eyes of God. Not wanting to cause a bigger  commotion by scaring other humans with the presence of Immortals, she  power-walked next to Father Crucifix and sat him down on a nearby  bench.
 "Listen, we may be on opposing sides, but I do want you to alarm the  crowd more than they already are. Let's focus more on the ghost than  on each other, why don't we? We can gut each other then"
 With that she went back on her side of the street. There, that should  cause some order while these braindead humans were being dealt with.
TORIBIRDSEED:  Flannel gently spoke up to Diadem “Don't worry, i'll make sure you  stay clean” He than picks the other up with one arm and puts them on  their bicep, flexing to make a chair sort of thing. “But yeah, I  don't really want to engage them, but if you want to go to head, they  seem like easy targets.”
 Pullover looked at Binyeo and smiled after speaking in unison with his  twin, clacking his feet against the ground. “Thank you for  protecting us mother.” He than leaned in closer to Zippy. Pullover  was very much attatched to his brother, and didint like being out with  him and NOT holding his hand, that was almost unheard of.
 Etch was clipping into a wall while T posing, looks like his textures  were glitching.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  The flying panties landed on one of the minions faces. Virgin Killer  takes this time to just laugh her ass off, legs high in the air.  Assless didnt get paid enough for this. Well he didn't get paid at all  but thats besides the point. "Darrrling. Pull yourrrself  togetherrrr.." please.  Mary Janes wakes up and Koalas onto his mum.  Here we go again. Vampire Collar took his time to refuel on some good  old fashioned o neg. Good shit.
DJDEVIL:  Ruka just stood there perplexed as he watched the human run off.  "Okay, that was weird." He said plainly as he another sip from his  sake bottle.
 "A tough one, are you? Well, we'll see how tough you are when I  unleash my Big Tack!" Helmet exclaimed, holding his sword in a weird  position.
BRIT:  Strappon tried to stop Crucifix, but it obviously didn't work.  "Damn this man, trying to take on Immortals! Father, what did I bloody  /tell/ you!?" He yelled after him. He turned to Shades and thumbed  toward the priest, "He never bloody listens."
 Sweater was kicked backward by Crucifix and she kind of tumbled  backward and landed softly on her rump. She whined and kicked her  little feet on the ground. She was an adult, she swears. She stood up  and huffed, dusting her skirt off and stomping once.
 "How rude to kick a cute lady such as me!" She huffed. She was about  to ready her weapon when she saw Jokki put her stomp on and stood back  up, her zipperpet swaying under her skirt like a cat tail. "Ohhh  nya-nya! She's got it."
 She looked down at the person and scratched her cheek.
 "Oops... Looks like he's okay meow!"
 Duster's eyes wandered from the scene before him with Father Crucifix  to Ribbon who had braced herself and scoffed. Piece of cake.
 "You intend on challenging me?" He asked her, his tone continuing to  stay calm.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  Father Crucifix listen to Jokki but glared at her as he listen, dust  himself when she let go and look at Strappon. "I know you don't want  me fighting Immortals like last time in the Graveyard, Brother  Strappon. But i will not let Demon kill a human in front of my very  eyes! Even in Gods eyes!" Father Crucifix said seriously at Strappon  as he wasn't regretting his choice at the matter, last time he did but  not this. "As Templar, it is my duty to protect the people and protect  i shall" Father Crucifix said as he stand his ground in front of him.  --------------------------------------------------------   Meanwhile as the two Brothers were pushing the Box People away one of  them got bump into someone sending him and he tumbling down the  streets. His eyes were close but he felt something on his face and as  he touches it, it felt round and soft like a peach. "Wait a minute..."  He said as he squeezes it again. "THIS IS A ASS!" He shouted as he  blushes now seeing her panties and everything. "Also, not bad of a ass  though i more of a Boob guy" He said with smirk as Pinafore ass was  still on his face.
SOUP-KITTY:  Pinafore Screamed when this weirdo touched her butt. She was saving  herself for Diadem. She scrambled to her feet, stepping on his face in  the process. When she was on her feet, she was even more pissed off.  She promptly stepped on him over and over, shouting "Perv". She was  way too angry, how fucking dare he? She called out to Diadem, but he  never came. Does she have to do all the work around here?
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Virgin Killer casually cartwheels over to Crucifix and latches onto  his face with her legs, slamming him into the ground. She stands and  dusts herself off. She then walks off to cat wife and pecks her cheek.  "Where did he hurt you love?" She says as she stares  dildo daggers at  the priest. Mary Janes gasps and covers his eyes. Vampire succs.
CRACKEMWALNUT:  Binyeo cries out for her children holding them covering their faces  with kids,  "Little sweet devils, did they hurt you? My poor babies...!!"  Letting go of them from the crushing hug she lowers Mary Janes and  Knittens down as he regained consciousness as she raised her hand,  "You leave them alone, do you hear me? They want nothing to do with  you!"  She harshly slapped the poor minion, her talon-like nails scratching  their face. Unfortunately, the force chipped one of her nails. She  just got them done. Fascinator gulped, flinching the loud slap. He had  to even hold her back from absolutely killing the poor controlled guy.
JAY:  Seeing that Jokki had interjected with Crucifix, Ribbon lowered her  own weapon, even after Duster scoffed at her. She placed a hand on her  hip and retorted. "I'm just defending my comrades. You guys attacked  us! Why can't angels just mind their own business?"
DJDEVIL:  Holding his sword in the same strange position, Helmet began spinning  around rapidly as he slowly moved towards the minion.  "BIIIIIIIG....TACK!!!" He shouted as his sword slammed into the side  of  the minion's head.
 Ruka chugged the bottle of sake until it was completely empty and  checked to be sure it was. "Empty. Well, fuck." He said as he dropped  the bottle and let out another loud, booze-smelling belch.
SOUP-KITTY:  Diadem was glad flannel had sat him on his arm. He got a nice view of  the chaos from up here. He even saw when pinafore crashed into one of  the new guys. Ouch. He did ignore her cries for help though, he wanted  to stay as far as he could from her, but he still laughed.  Diadem  placed his little twink hand on Flannel’s head, and pet him. He had  the best boyfriend.
 Jong was clearly in some form of distress, because right after the hug  he started to climb up headphones. He couldn’t really deal with  these freaky mcfuckin assholes who were standing around, especially  when they had been wrecking shit not too long ago. Jong made it to  headphone’s shoulders and sat there. He was now safety.
 Summer had arrived little late to the party, he finally felt okay  enough to go outside for once. He was wearing his usual green  cardigan, but carried an extra once just in case someone got cold.  He’s definitely on some dad-level bullshit. He walked down the  street and spotted what seemed to be Jong climbing on top of…  Headphones. Summer turned red, as he saw the guy he had a crush on.  Boy was he cute. He had to stop for a minute to catch his breath. God,  why was he so weird about this? Probably because he was in the closet.  Who knows.
 Zippy laughed as their mother just, beat the heck out of this guy. He  thought he was going to have to fight someone for touching their mom.  Although the look on his brother’s face, as well as their connected  thoughts, painted a different picture. He put his arm around his  brother, and gave the biggest smile he could. Why did Pullover have to  be so cute? To be fair, they both were. They’re identical.
KRO:  "If he doesn't listen, then let him have his death wish. As long as  it's not /us/," Shades said.
 It was a shame he didn't bring a spare namesake, as per usual. He  didn't exactly feel like blinding shooting some poor sap.
 Hot Pants tugged at Duster's sleeve, pointing at the dead-brain  humans.  "I think we should ignore Demons for now, I'm concerned for these  humans and I feel like getting to the source of this."
SAIYAN:  Tuxedo looked down at the chaos from atop a building. He stood on top  of an antenna, with his arms folded and the wind blowing his hair and  jacket. He’d been there for a little while, watching and waiting for  a good time to swoop in and save everyone. He decided to take his time  getting there. He was busy in his personal time that consisted of  laying in his bed and thinking about how awesome he was. But even that  gets boring after a while, believe it or not. So, he decided to show  up and “help”. He spotted a one of those box people things and  decided that now would be a good time to strike. He jumped off the  building and landed full force onto it’s face. He hopped off and  spun around.
 “Jesus, it’s know fun when your opponent isn’t aware of their  surroundings” He said to it.
EMOJINI MINIONS:  The mindslave that Binyeo attacked had decided that retaliation was in  order, the minions were under strict conditions to fight back, but  Binyeo had now met one of them. The minion very quickly retaliated  from the hit, and went in for a grab, but Bineyo was a tuff bih, and  had knocked him backwards with her scratching. Upon hitting the ground  the box around the individual vanished and they returned to normal. A  screen far up on a high rise building made static and than returned to  normal.
 The man stood up and looked around, looking up at Binyeo and was  confused as to wear exactly he was. Shaking his head he looked at his  phone.
 “SHIT IM late!”
 He than left in a hurry.
 The Minion that sweater was fighting stood up as well, he looked hurt  and disorientated.
 “God… what happened… I was watching YouTube and than just…  blacked out…”
 He shook his head looking around confused.
 Finally, the mind slave fighting Helmet was resilient, but took the  hit helmet delivered with some strength, as it fell onto it's back,  but stood back up, fine as ever. THat was until TJ came out of nowhere  and hit the minion down, it fell and hit the floor, it's box  dissipating, and the man just layed there, groaning in pain as the  ground under him cracked.
 Minions Remaining - 11
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary Janes hugs Knittens and he hides his face, "Oh my goodness did  that lady just..oh jeez..."  He gives the minion a gentle pap before  hiding behind his mum. "I-I'm sorry m-mister." Poor bb. Vampire Collar  waved his hand infront of one of the minions and tilted his head, his  neck popping a few times. "So they're being mind controlled...How  interesting..I've never seen hypnotism this...good."  VC Stap. Assless  Chaps looks about confused. "Did you just.." Virgin just nods and  pulls a lolli out of her hoely hoke, giving it a lick. "Yes."
CRACKEMWALNUT:  Binyeo huffed watching the rude man leave as she held both her twins,  before patting Mary Janes head. She tried to calm him down,  "Oh, sweetie... It's okay, your mother is here, I won't let anything  happen to you."  More like, you don't really get a choice at this point. Knittens  scratched his head, he didn't quite connect the dots on that because  Fascinator was covering his eyes. Fascinator was still covering  knitten's eyes as he asks,  "What? What happened?"  Binyeo turned her attention to her twins once more as she placed a  hand on her hip, narrowing her eyes,  "What are two doing here?"  Oh fuck.  Headphones grunted as Jong climbed up but stood still, allowing the  kid to climb aboard. He was concerned about the poor guy, looking at  this shit storm. Deciding just to be on the outskirts of chaos he  noticed Summer in the background checking him out. Now, he didn't know  the guy too well, just being a recent fall but he shakes his butt  flirtatiously. That was sort of his greeting to all falls.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "Stop you, Crazy Bitch!" Tank Top shouted as he cover himself  protecting his face and crotch mostly his crotch. Dress Shirt run to  his Brother to help him. "Brother! I'm coming!" Dress Shirt said as he  runs towards them. "Well can you hurry up! This Bitch is Crazy!" Tank  Top said as he still getting kicked. Soon his Brother made it and grab  Pinafore from behind to make her stop kicking. "Get off my Brother!"  Dress Shirt said as he was trying to get her away from him. "You tell  her, Bro!" Tank Top said as he started to slowly get up.
DJDEVIL:  Helmet sheathed his sword and walked over the unconscious man towards  Tuxedo. "I thank thee for thou aid, stranger! Though I had it all  under control myself." He said.
TORIBIRDSEED:  Etch was unsure what he wanted to be doing, he was T posing for the  most part but wanted to see if he could get some instruction, he was  sort of just wandering about looking for opportunity to be useful,  being a aspiring high ranking demon meant he had to prove himself  worthy. Looking around he spotted Jokki, and walked up to her a little  shyly tugging on her coat and speaking up.
 “Excuse me, miss, I-I-I’d like to introduce myself… um.. My name  is E- I mean.. W-waist Belt, m-my rank is Minor Lord, but uh.. Call me  Etch please… um… Im trying to become high in rank so I can become  both strong and, independent, and… stuff, and thought I should…  Introduce myself… um… so Hi.”
 Meanwhile Flannel was walking around with Diadem on his arm sort of  looking around not sure what was going on, nor caring, he spoke up to  Diadem.
 “Hey, if you want to go and do someting later im free all day, these  zombie freaks are a pain in teh ass and so is this ghost thing too.”
 Meanwhile, Pullover was snuggling up to his brother, spoke up in sync  with the other. “Im here because he’s here.” He pointed as his  brother, and smiled to his mom, she was pretty and he honestly looked  up to her. “But also because you’re here, we wanted to see you,  and maybe go shopping or something… family outings are fun.”
 Collier was sort of just, watching everything happen, he than spotted  Tuxedo Jacket and smirked. He wandered over to him and put an arm  around his shoulder “Hey sweet cheeks, how ya been, havent seen you  in a while, you still gonna decline my buisness proposal?”
OWLIEE:  "Hey!" Monocle yelled at Tuxedo Jacket, "Mind giving us a hand? That's  sure to come in handy,"
 Meanwhile Henley is now laughing at the chaos and Polo and Sneakers  just remained silent.
SOUP-KITTY:  Pinafore was suddenly filled with the rage of all Yanderes past. It  was as if some spirit had possessed her. She jabbed her elbow into  Dress Shirt’s stomach, making him let go, before turning to look at  both the twins. She slapped Tank Top across the face, and turned to  dress shirt. “Maybe instead of calling ME crazy, you should look at  what the fuck this asshole was doing. He GRABBED my BUTT. HOW DARE HE  TOUCH A LADY LIKE THIS WITHOUT PERMISSION, AN ENGAGED ONE NO LESS.”  She knew what battles to fight. Two against one didn’t make much  logical sense. Playing the damsel will have to do. Plus she had bigger  fish to fry.  Diadem continued to pet his boyfriend’s head, and replied “We  could do anything really. But I don’t mind being here if you’re  here.” Diadem looked around, and saw the whole ordeal with pinafore  progress. She was so annoying to deal with, but he felt strangely  responsible for her, despite her being so weird. Diadem pointed in  pinafore’s direction and said “Maybe we could go and help her? She  seems to be in a weird situation with those two. It’d be really bad  if she got hurt.”
 Jong was sitting comfortably now, and he saw summer freaking out, and  occasionally looking up. Was he coughing now? Oh geez. Baby gays are  so adorable. Jong waved at summer, and shouted “hey”.
 Summer was p much choking on his own spit after seeing wat headphones  did. He was freaking out. “Why does he have to see me when I’m  like this” he thought, still having a coughing fit.
OSCARK9:  Gloves and Sapphire came to the sight where all of their comrades are  and they where very late on foot. Due to the incident on Gloves Green  Kawasaki Motorcycle twice, he's not risking it for the third time in  the row. Not today karma, not today. When they show up, they 're tired  from walking from the Abbey to their destination and they look so  confuse as to what they've miss so far. Gloves saw Strappon and walk  up to him with Sapphire along. "So sorry for being late, Strappon!"  Gloves said, "We were gonna show up on my bike, but I decided that  it's best to...leave...it...behind?" Now looking confuse, he saw a guy  that has a glowing box around it's head and look so zombified. "What  the hell did we miss?"
 Meanwhile, Dress Socks and G-Strings came in the scene from afar and  they where very late also and saw some of their allies being attack by  some of the people with boxes on their heads and look so zombified.  "Looks like the citizens finally lost their minds." Dress Socks said  to G-Strings.
 "Yes they did." G-Strings said, "But were on a look out for a ghost.  So keep your eyes peel and don't let them get you." With a nod from  Dress Socks, they go in and keeping their guards up incase one of the  zombified citizens start attacking them.
CRACKEMWALNUT:  Headphones watched as Summer started choking on air, calling out along  with Jong,  "You wanna come over or are ya gonna keep looking? Cause take a  picture."  He stuck out his tongue as he leashes Jong with his hair, safely  ensuring that he's attached.  Binyeo sighs, she loves her children she does but not when they try to  hurt themselves. Sighing,  "That's a sweet sentiment... But at such a bad time!Just stay close,  there's broken glass everywhere."  Fascinator noticed the commotion going on with Pinafore with Tanktop  and stepped in, a bitt worried. Despite his own problems, it's  concerning to hear Pervert being shouted in the streets. Stepping in,  he asks,  "Everything fine here? Cause uh... It doesn't seem fine."
OMEGAPSYCHO:  Dress Shirt got jab in the gut by Pinafore elbow and Tank Top got slap  in the face. "Ouch!" They both said at the same time. "Well, i'm not  the one who crash into me! How about you watch where you going next  time!" Tank Top said as he rub his cheek and was about to smack a  bitch but Dress Shirt stop him. "Mission! Stay Focus!" Dress Shirt  said to his brother. "Fine..." Tank Top said as he full gets up. "Now,  let's go and not waste are time with this Girl" Dress Shirt said as he  started to walk back, Tank Top followed him. They were just going to  ignore Pinafore and focus the Mission they had.
SAIYAN:  Tuxedo Jacket gave a quick laugh at Helmet’s comment.
 “Sure you did bud…” he started before he felt arms around him.
 He groaned as he heard Collier talk to him.
 “Get your arms off me and don’t call me Sweet cheeks” he said as  he swatted his hand away.
 He then glanced over at Monocle and smiled a bit.
 “Of course, you’ve come to the best after all! Are there any  others around here?” He asked them.
OWLIEE:  Pocketwatch stared at the blinking lights of the city, then back at  the chaos, god if it weren't for the ghost, he wouldn't have come, he  loved to see the lost soul corrupted, Circlet followed behind him,
 "Hurry up, Circe," PW said, Looking at the people with glowing boxes  with interest, "blimey! This ghost is really interesting"
 "Pocketwatch, do we really have to be here," Circlet said impatiently,
 "Come now," PW said, before turning he saw there, in the distance, a  young man with distinctive eyes.
 Blue and Red
 "Could it be?" Pocketwatch whispered to himself. He saw Ruka, he went  near him and said, "Fellow demon, you see that man over there, with  the human Strappon, do you know him?" He asked Ruka, pointing at  Monocle's direction.
 Meanwhile Henley's ears perked at Tuxedo Jacket's statement, who does  this guy think he is?
 "Excuse me," He interrpted "Not to burst your bubble but, /I'm/ the  best around here,"
 "Shut up," Monocle told Henley as Polo dragged him off, "The other  angels are here as well, "
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary Janes looks down at his phone and realizes his phone was  glitching. He sighs and puts it down. "Well I expected that..poop.."  He puts it away. Mary sees Sneakers and he waves him over,"Hey  Sneaks!" Vampire Collar roamed about, writing in his diary for the  day. He takes another sip and he sits down, his parasol above his  head.  Fuck the sun, not literally. Virgin Killer blows a kiss to  Binyeo and she loops arms with Assless. Assless on the other hand was  certainly checking out that fine Dress Shirt booty.
OSCARK9:  As Dress Socks and G-Strings keep their guards up and shoving the  mindless people away from them, He saw Circlet from afar with another  co-worker. "Hey Circlet!" He shouted while waving with his right hand.  "How's it going? Also, who's your friend?" He question her.
EMOJINI:  The lost soul could feel as his minions slowly left him, one after  another, and began to worry, fear struck into it's mind. Loud static  took over the TV screens surrounding the angels, demons, and humans,  each one fizzing and popping. Soon, one of the the screens went dark,  and a face appeared on it, than it moved to another, and other,  zipping around before stopping on one overlooking everybody.
 The face changed shape as it looked over everybody
 \ᇂ_ᇂ\  (-_- )ノ  o(≧o≦)o
 It didn't seem like this one could make much noise aside from the  sound of the emoticon changing. The face than changed once again, and  turned itself into a spiral, spinning rapidly on the screen, a wave of  confusion being shot outward towards all who gazed at it. And unless  you look away on time, any human would succumb to his brainwashing.
BRIT:  "We are minding our own business, considering our business /is  ghosts/." Duster retorted at Ribbon. He was in a more offensive mood  today, ready to wreck this demon. Hot Pants tugged at his sleeve and  he looked down at him. "You're right, these demons are a waste of our  time. We need to find out what's going on with these humans. It seems  bashing them up helped..."
 His eyes scanned the area for anomalies.
 Strappon interally sighed for a million years as Crucifix stood on his  soap box again. He reached up and grabbed him by his collar, yanking  him down to eye level.  "Crucifix. Please." He began, inhaling deeply, "Stop. You are /not/ a  hero. You are /not/ the leader. You listen to me, or I will not 'help  you' with your goal to remake the Templars. The old Templar Order is  /dead/. Now please, if you will, /concentrate on the task at hand  without getting bloody killed./"
 He let him go as if it was a mic drop and turned back to the Angels,  snorting.
CRACKEMWALNUT:  Binyeo whistles to Virgin Killer, winking and catching her kiss. She  likes. But damn, all of her kids were here, including the big one. Oh,  she needed a nanny, she has to go out take care of herself too.  Snapping her fingers she grabs Fascinator and pats his head,  "You're babysitting the 3 kids, good luck!"  She then sauntered off to Virgin Killer, making new friends is a good  thing! She smiles,  "My name is Binyeo, and I'd absolutely love to know your's."  Fascinator just sat there, offended. He just got 4 kids dumped on him.  He looked around, really offended. What the fuck. What the fuuuck.  Rude. Real rude. What has he done to be responsible for 4 kids who are  Satan. All 4 are different parts of Satan. Knittens smiled cruelly  looking at Fasci. Never take the last oreo. Fasci was about to call  her out on it but then the TV screen flipped on. At first, he just  stared at the faces, relating on a spiritual level. Then, his mind  just went blank. At least his head was clear for once.  Knittens followed, staring before falling under control and watching  the screen like a zombie.
SAIYAN:  Tuxedo Jacket turned to look at the man claiming to be better than  him. He looked him over for a moment and then laughed.
 “Please, don’t kid yourself! You are nowhere as good looking as I  am, and you’re not as well dressed. If you want my help, then just  say so. Be honored I’m even considering helping you” He said to  Henely.
OWLIEE:  "Hey," Pocketwatch grabbed Dress Socks, he's pretty much grabbing  everyone now, trying to confirm his suspicions "Do you know that man's  name?"
 He pointed at Monocle.
 "WHAT THE HELL? WHY WOULD I BE HONO--" Polo dragged him further away  from Tuxedo Jacket now.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  Father Crucifix listen to Strappon, all he did was save a Human from  being killed but he get scolded for his action! He grips his fist but  he sighs. "I'm sorry, Brother Strappon..." Father Crucifix said to him  looking at him in the eyes. Then he looks at the TV's and see what  going on. "I know where the Lost Soul is-" He stop as he was being  Mind Control. Boxer and Raincoat notice this and turn to Father  Crucifix. "FATHER CRUCIFIX!" They shouted as they rush over to him.  "Boxer, what do we do?" Raincoat ask as she started to get worried.  Boxer think quickly and look at the Television and everything was  broadcasting it. "Destory the Screens!" Boxer said as he ripped a Stop  Sign out and started smashing all the Television and Screens that were  broadcasting the Brainwashing. Raincoat join in summoning her namesake  and started shooting at Screens. This is causing a LOT of Property  Damage.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Vampire Collar moves to go talk to Cloak before his eyes slowly roll  to the back of his head. Well fuck. They were white on that side.  Scary Vampire Time Bois.   Virgin Killer smirks and licks her lips.  She bows and she winks,"The name's Virgin Killer my darling, it's an  absolute pleasure.~" She purred. Oh my.  Mary Janes eyes roll up and  he crosses his arms. Its time for Rowdyruff Boys. Assless drools.
EMOJINI:  Cloak, Fasci, Knittens, Mary Janes, Vampire Collar, Father Crucifix  Sufaku, Zippy and Pinafore have all been brainwashed.
 With his new minions corrupted and controlled, the poor lost soul on  the screen’s face disappeared and was replaced with a pixel sprite  of Emojini dancing. This would remain there for now.
 All brainwashed individuals would hear their minds go blank, like a  lightswitch turning off, and than, words filling their head, those  words were simple.
 All brainwashed humans are now required to fight anybody they wish,  but combat is a requirement from them, they are all on full attack,  and will behave with no mercy, and no concern for their own lives.
 The 11 Minions who Emojini had explored before had left to probably  protect his body.
OSCARK9:  Dress Socks looks over to the area where Strappon was standing, but  doesn't know the guy at all. "No, I don't know that man's name." He  answer. "But I keep seeing him with a bunch of angels whenever we find  a ghost. That's all I know. Also, can you please unhand me?" He ask  him.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary Janes cranks up his teddy tazer, his hair fluffing with the  static. His body twitches as makes his way towards Fasci. Vampire  Collar lets his Lycans fall into his hands, the shurikens shining  brightly in the light. His parasol falls to the ground. He throws  several at Boxer. Oh boy. Virgin Killer sits back and watches.
OWLIEE:  "Oh sorry!" PW said, embarrassed, "Just got curious,"
 Circlet grimaced and looked away, he knew Monocle was Pocketwatch's  brother, was afraid to tell him.
EMOJINI:  Cloak stands up looks at shady and falls
CRACKEMWALNUT:  Fascinator and knittens pulled out their respective weapons, but Fasci  legit has a machete. Fucking watch out. Both of them nodded as they  both chose their respective targets.  Knittens decided to target, tossing a hockey puck from his pocket and  aiming it straight at them. Taking the shot at Virgin Killer, but  missing around 5 feet. Listen he's basically a zombie, his game wasn't  strong.    Fascinator would've attacked someone but he just got fucking tazed and  fell down spazzing out. Don't taze him bro.
OSCARK9:  "It's alright." Dress Socks said. "Say, I haven't seen you around so  you must be new. Well... To me that is." He rub his head back with his  right hand while chuckle a little. "Allow me to introduce myself. My  name's Dress Socks, and this is my partner, G-Strings."
 "Nice to meet you." She wave at him. "Who might you be?" She ask him.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  Father Crucifix was now brainwash and the closes target was Strappon.  Inside Father Crucifix tried to take back control but he couldn't. He  charges at Strappon with his weapons slashing and cutting at him with  fast swings of his weapon. Boxer gets hit by several of Vampire  Collar's attacks hitting a lot. "AH!" Boxer shouted as he gets cut up  and stop destroying the Television. Raincoat stop to she didn't know  what to do at this point.  ------------------------------------------------------------------------  Meanwhile the Demon Brother were defending themselves against  Fascinator. "This is one hell of a day Bro!" Tank Top said as he was  defending. "Indeed, Brother" Dress Shirt said as he was defending with  his Brother.
OWLIEE:  "I'm Pocketwatch Oslow, nice to meet you" Pocket said, then out of the  blue, he said, "/I used to be an angel,/" he likes to see the other  demons reactions whenever he says that.
 Circlet was legit sweating now, PW looked at her, she seemed to be  hiding something.
KRO:  Jokki looked down at the smaller Demon, becoming absolutely smitten  with the child at first glance. They were so gosh darn cute!
 "Waist Belt, huh? You may refer to me as Jokki, but unfortunately this  doesn't seem like... the best time for formalities."
 She looked on at the scene again, noticing that some other humans were  coming under the inlfuence of the ghost.
 "But stay close to me, if your afraid right now. I'll keep you safe."
 Archer looked on confused at the screen as the emojis. Well that's  new.
 Sukafu blanked out, his phone dropped to the ground. Shades picked it  up and attempted to give it back but his fiance just had this blank,  dead stare.  "You...okay, babe?"
 He tapped Sukafu's shoulder but the man simply lunged at the templar  on command.
 "BABE, NO!"  Shades only tried to reach out- emphasis on try. Sukafu can literally  murder him and he wasn't taking any chances.
 Hot Pants had been smooshing his face into Duster's rock hard abs- I  mean, was being protected by his beautiful boyfriend.  "What's going? I was being gay and suddenly everybody's ganging up on  the priest."
 Oh right, Strappon probably needs help. He aimed his rifle at  Crucifix, firing off a small barrage of rockets from it.
 "Sorry for not reacting fast enough, Strap!" He called out.
EMOJINI:  Father Crucifix is cured of Brainwashing with 3 HP left
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Virgin Killer screams and hides behind her brother,"Fuck no! Bippity  boppity back up little nugget!"  She growls . Mary Janes starts  swinging his teddy, cranking it to the max.  Vampire's skin begins to  sizzle in the sun, he was sweating.  He cracks his bones and walks  over. Assless chaps guards his sister. Vampire Collar throws a few  lycans at Cloak. He blew a kiss to him and ran over, his hand bleeding  a little.
OSCARK9:  "Nice to meet yo-what?" Dress Socks said, surprisingly. G-Strings  right eyebrow raise in a surprise that he was once and angel. She turn  over to Circlet. "Miss? Are you okay? You don't look so hot." She ask  her.
OSCARK9:  Gloves and Sapphire was surprise that the ghost made all of them  become mindless zombies and attacking each other. Gloves saw Strappon  get attack by Crucifix and he was mad and want to attack, but he don't  want to hurt his comrades. But in a shock, Hot Paints shot small  bragged of rockets and hurt Crucifix. Gloves and Sapphire turn their  heads and help Stappon up. "Sir, are you okay?" Sapphire ask him.
BRIT:  Strappon's head whipped upward as the screens staticed further. This  also alarmed Duster, even though his boyfriend's face was nustled  between his sweet bara tiddies.
 The Templar turned to look around and was suddenly whacked to the  ground by Crucifix's weapon. He dodged a few of his blows as he  started to roll away, getting immediately stopped by Sukafu's foot  with a curbstomp to his gut.
 "Wh-what's going on!?" Strappon asked, absolutely terrified at this  point. Why were people doing this to him suddenly?
 Sukafu snatched him up by the collar of his jacket and punched him in  the face, knocking him back to the ground. Strappon looked up at  Duster and Hot Pants as he landed by them and scrambled backward.
 "O-oh, thank you, Hot Pants..." He said, shaken up.
 Duster blinked and looked down at Strappon, then back at Sukafu and  Shades.
 "Why aren't you... What happened to your fiance??" He asked, taking  his coat off.
 Sweater gasped at the sudden change in demeanor of the humans,  shuffling up to Jokki and Etch.
 "Hey! Why don't we try to find the Lost Soul, nya?" She asked, tapping  her chin. Her 'tail' was swishing deviously.
SOUP-KITTY:  Zippy’s arm dropped from around his brother. It was as if everything  was going blank, and he had one purpose in life. Previously it had  been to be with his brother forever, as they were completely  inseparable, but now it was to protect this entity. Zip Up’s body  went still for a moment. And out of nowhere, he pushed his brother to  the ground. It made sense. He had to protect this voice, whatever it  was. And it made sense to go after the nearest target.
 Nothing really changed about pinafore, except she was now going full  yandere for this voice in her head. Almost as if a tracker had been  planted, Pinafore b-lined to where diadem and flannel were. Full speed  again. This time, her target was Flannel.
 Jong looked over the seemingly crazed group of people, and spotted  fasci on the ground. He knew he was a little binch, but this was just  really funny. He laughed a little, still uncomfortable at all the  fighting. He patted headphones on the head and said “Should we go  try to figure out what’s going on now?”
 Summer was a little more calm now, but shit clearly was hitting the  fan. At least he was a trained doctor, so if anything happened, he  could do his best to help. He started looking around, trying to see  what was really causing all these people to suddenly fight, but we  knew he wouldn’t get far on his own. After all, he really didn’t  like fighting.
OWLIEE:  "Yeah, I'm fine," Circlet lied, Pocketwatch raised an eyebrow,
 Meanwhile, Monocle rushed into Strappon's side, Eyesore gleamed purple  in his hands, "Sir Strappon, are you okay?"
 Meanwhile Polo appeared right by Father Crucifix, his weapon ready  just in case, he poked the man's backside, "Father Crucifix...?"
OMEGAPSYCHO:  Father Crucifix got hit by the Rockets that Hot Pants fired at him  with. It hurt, it hurt a lot and Father Crucifix was on the ground but  he was cured of his mind Control. "I'm fine...Polo...i need you to get  Boxer and Raincoat to stop..." Father Crucifix said weakly but he had  to tell Strappon. "I need to tell Brother Strappon..." Father Crucifix  said as he get up and slowly walks over to Strappon but he wasn't  doing so good. " Brother Strappon! I may know where the Lost Soul is  hiding!" He shouts out hoping he could hear as he coughs blood. Boxer  started to fight Vampire Collar and Raincoat join him.
TORIBIRDSEED:  Cloak flops on the ground rolling closer to shady, he is now at his  feet and is nibbling his leg with his teeth
CRACKEMWALNUT:  Binyeo just appeared, from nowhere with Sweater, Jokki and Ribbon. It  was the same manuever of when someone's unknown spouse walks in. Just  instant disappear. She muses,  "Well let's quickly, before my kids start killing eachother. Seeing as  how it was flashing in the screens, how about investigating that?"  Fascinator dusted himselff from getting tased, ddin't hurt as much as  expected. Walking over to Dress Shirt, he just punched the dude. This  man has a machete and he chooses to punch someone.  Knittens sighs, deciding to take a direct approach and slap shot  Virgin Killer's face, with success.  Heapdhones tilted his head,  "Looks like humans getting mind controlled, so we gotta locate a  source now. Any ideas, Jong?"
TORIBIRDSEED:  Pullover did a physical eye emoji at his brother pinning him down on  the ground.
 “W-Woah, uh… in public… oh wait no you looked weird… like not  bad but like the meth boys”
 He held his hands over his chest and rolled over and sat on his  brother, hoping that was enough to keep him on the ground.
OSCARK9:  "Alright." G-Strings said. She decided to drop the question on Circlet  before she becomes worse. "If anything, let us know."
 While G-Strings talking to PW and Circlet, he turn his head back on  the chaos and it made him grin widely to see all of them fighting.  "Ah~ You got to love the sight of chaos." He said to himself. He look  back on the two, "You know, where on a mission to find this Lost Soul.  So why not we all pay up and Corrupt that ghost." He said to them,  "What do you two say?"
OMEGAPSYCHO:  Dress Shirt gets deck in the face by Fasci. "Son of Bitch! My Nose!"  Dress Shirt said as he hold his nose. "I got this Bro!" Tank Top said  as he tried to kick Fasci in the Gut but miss. "Damn it!" Tank Top  said when he missed Fasci.
OSCARK9:  *Pair
TORIBIRDSEED:  Etch was beaming as Jokki spoke, she was, so cool and nice, another  demon who was not mean. He spoke up gently.
 “Don't worry I-I can handle myself but… yeah things seem to be  rather… scary aaa.”
 He holds his hands close to his chest and shuffles a little, he didint  like doing nothing, so he just, stood with attention, taking what  Jokki told him to do as an order, he seemed rather nervous and too  formal.
KRO:  After tossing Strappon, Sukafu turned his attention to Shades whose  face paled at the gesture.  Shades turned to Duster, clearly distressed by what was going on.
 "Do you really think I'm going up against my /cybernetically enhanced/  fiance who can clearly snap me like a twig? I think the fuck /not/."
 Suddenly Sukafu snapped to look over to Duster. He brandished his  sword and charged towards him.
 "Fuck- Babe, take care oh him! I need to reload my gun, this isn't an  FPS shooter with infinite ammo or something!" Hot Pants said.
 Feeling pretty useless for not attempting to stop his fiance, his  thoughts were interrupted as a rather pale and inky human came up to  try something before they...fell.
 "You...okay buddy?"
 "Well, don't try to overwhelm himself," Jokki said to Etch.
 She nodded at Sweater, gesturing for the two to follow.
 "Let's go while Angels are preoccupied..."
JAY:  Ribbon was standing there in a stupor for some reason, before noticing  that the whole damn crew was leaving. Oops. She snapped out of it and  followed along behind Jokki as well. "Whoops, sorry, got lost in  thought for a second there. I'll cover our flank- Oh, hey!"
 Ribbon looked over to Etch, giving him a firm pat on his back, "Long  time no see, kid! Glad to see you still around."
OWLIEE:  "You three go ahead, I have business to do," PW waved them off, he  wants to do this alone, plus his curiousity about that man was not  satiated, he summoned his weapon and slung it over his shoulder.
 "YOu heard the man, let's go," Circlet said,
TORIBIRDSEED:  Collier was kinda just sitting around fanning himself, it seemed like  he had called two escorts to gently massage his shoulders as he  chilled out. He was kinda just... doing his thing
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Virgin Killer grunts and jumps away from Knittens,"I seriously don't  wanna beat your ass kid!" She transforms Candy Store, holding it  tightly. Fuck no.  Vampire Collar plops onto Cloaks back and casually  starts licking the inky individual. Its ...somewhat effective.
OSCARK9:  As such, Dress Socks and G-Strings wave back at Pocketwatch and begins  searching for the Lost Soul.
SOUP-KITTY:  Zip Up didn’t respond. He just stared blankly at the boy sitting on  top of him. This wont do. He had to protecc. And to protecc he attacc.  So he planted his feet on the ground, still on his back, and flipped  pullover over his head. As his brother was on the ground, got up, then  stared at him, ready to kick. He swung his leg back, and aimed for the  boy’s stomach. He kicked hard. He had done a protecc. Good boy.
 Jong looked around. “It’s probably an antenna or something. Since  the TV is being weird. Or maybe an electrical tower.”
 Summer nervously made his way to where Headphones and Jong were. He  stood there quietly without saying anything. He feels safe. What a  gay.
 Pinafore kept running straight for the gays. She was ready to claw at  Flannel when she got to him. There was no way in hell he was gonna  touch this precious voice in her head. She jumped straight at him.
 Despite the responsibility he felt for Pinafore, there was no way in  hell Diadem was gonna let her attack his boyfriend. That was the line  for him. Flannel usually took care of it, but he knew he didn’t  wanna get involved in these shenanigans. So as soon as pinafore was  close enough, he jumped right off his very comfortable spot on  flannel’s arm, and launched himself right at pinafore, promptly  kicking her in the face, with all the grace of a ballerina, and the  power of a really pissed off twink.
TORIBIRDSEED:  Pull over felt the other kick him, and than felt himself start to cry,  and now he was crying, woops.
 He was genuinyl really upset now, and he felt really bad, he didint  understand what was going on, he got off of Zippy and looked at him  all huffy “A-Are you okay??”
OMEGAPSYCHO:  After Boxer and Raincoat took down Vampire Collar, they saw that  Duster might need some back up. "Raincoat! It's time for a Combine  attack!" Boxer said with smile on his face as he summons his namesake.  "Got it!" Raincoat said as she get on his back. Boxer charge at Sukafu  trying to uppercut him in the face if he did it would seen him flying  into the air. Raincoat then rapid fires at Sukafu in the sky with her  tongue stick out. "COMBINE ATTACK: CLOSE CORNER SHOT!" Boxer and  Raincoat shouted out their team attack name. Father Crucifix was still  trying to get Strappon attention.
TORIBIRDSEED:  Collier huffed and puffed and crossed his arms, before grabbing the  others face and licking up the others neck to his ear. Smiling  brightly he poked the others chest.
 “If you say so sweet cheeks.”
 He started backing away knowing full well that the other would  probably be getting mad.
TORIBIRDSEED:  Meanwhile Cloak is getting licked and is drooling on the ground…  this is acceptable.
CRACKEMWALNUT:  If anyone could see Binyeo, you'd see a woman literally jump on a  building, using a wall as a platform to push off of and just nyoom.  Nyoom far. Her shoes scraping against the ground as she launches  herself to Pullover. Taking Pullover in her arms, she grits her teeth.  She didn't want to have hurt Zippy, but this wasn't her first time  taking on one of her sons. Holding her ground, she hisses,  "Zippy you stop this, now."  She lowered her stance, ready to take some damage.  Fascinator finally got the idea to use his machete, but he leaped too  far forward and just knocked into Dress Shirt, falling back a bit  dazed.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  Dress Shirt was going to pull out his guns but Fascinator knocked him  over causing him to fall on his ass. Tank Top tries to kick him again  but misses and kicks the wall. "Damn it all to hell!" Tank Top shouted  in anger and frustration.
SAIYAN:  TJ felt so violated as he was LICKED ON THE NECK. He shuddered. This  was so wrong. There were boundaries that were clearly crossed. Even  for someone who was as important as him, this was too much.
 “Why are you like this?” he asked him.
BRIT:  Strappon looked up at Monocle like he was a blessing. Bless the Angel.  "Monocle, you're back!" He gasped, "I'm so glad."
 He stood up and dodged a few stray hits.
 Duster turned swiftly to Sukafu and immediately blocked the hit. They  clashed swords for a bit before he was shoved backward. Oh, shit, he  was cybernetically enhanced.  "Shit." He scoffed before blocking more hits. Sukafu cut his arm a  couple times as he tried to keep up. The fucker was fast.
 Sweater nya'd after Jokki, hooking arms with Ribbon and Etch as they  went. She looked around with mistified eyes at the humans as they  passed them.
 Strappon turned around to see Duster and Sukafu matching blows. He had  to do something...  He snorted and whistled over to Sukafu and people behind him got a  good shot of the Templar's boxers- and his ass.
 "Hey, you!" He called over to him, the tip of his shotgun glinted,  "Take this!"
 Then a few thrusts and he was hoping he didn't hit any vitals.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary Janes paps Knittens with his tazer and he trudged off to find a  new papping pal. Dweeb. Vampire Collar proceeds to nibble as he bakes  in the sun. Virgin Killer rubs her face and she watches Knittens flop  on the ground. " I did..not do that..."
CRACKEMWALNUT:  Binyeo grabbed the knife aimed at her, struggling as she flicked his  forehead. She was dishing out weak sauce, she may have trained both of  her previous sons but that doesn't mean she's just gonna grab a can of  whoop ass out fo the blue.  Fascinator's butter fingers cause his machete, taking both hits from  Dress Shirt and Tank Top. This is what happens when you never played  sports in school.  Knittens fell to the ground getting tased, spazzing and twitching from  the electrical current coursing through his body.
EMOJINI:  Sukafu is cured of the brainwashing at 3 HP
SOUP-KITTY:  Zip Up didn’t respond. He just moved closer and closer, until he was  finally standing over his brother again. He swung his leg back once  more, and got ready to kick again. But Pullover was picked up. He’d  have to finish that later. Binyeo was his target now. He pulled out  his knife, and got ready to swing at her. He had to protect the voice.  That’s all that mattered. He ran at Binyeo, knife in hand and  attempted to cut her. Attempted being the key word here. Instead, his  mother flicked his forehead, and he dropped the knife. Ouchie. That  kinda hurt like a little bit, I guess? Whatever, he was just gonna  keep trying to hit her anyway. He took a few steps back, pulling away  from his mom. He just stared at her blankly for a few minutes.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Virgin Killer gently grabs Knittens and pulls him against her chest,  she proceeds to give the bean a noogie. "Listen here kiddo I'm not  having you whip my ass. Not-to-freakin day." Yee. Mary Janes waddles  over to Strappon with his Teddy. So not creepy.
DJDEVIL:  Ruka laid on one of the benches fast asleep as all the fighting was  going on. All the sake finally did him in and he was out cold.
 Helmet meanwhile sat in the TV store, watching anime on one of the  unsmashed TVs. "I like this show." He said in a sorta cute tone as he  rocked from side to side.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "Damn it...." Father Crucifix said weakly as Strappon was to busy. He  notice the Demons were already searching for the Lost Soul, there was  only one option left. At least, this isn't attacking Demons as he  grabs his weapons using them as he support. He opens his phone and use  Siri. "Siri, where is the nearest Studio in Daten City" He said to his  phone as he began to follow the direction of the Map on his Phone.  Boxer and Raincoat were smiling for curing Sukafu but Boxer notice  something. "Where is Father Crucifix?" Boxer said to everyone that was  round him.  ------------------------------------------------------  Meanwhile the Demon Brother were attacking Fasci with full power.  Dress Shirt was shooting him with his namesake and Tank Top was  slashing at him with his namesake.
KRO:  Sukafu snapped to Boxer, deflecting his attack. Despite being  brain-dead, he wasn't expecting to be blind-sided by Raincoat. He  finally fell to the ground from Strappon's gunfire. As he came to, he  felt a sting of pain on his side. Whatever injury he had was  superfacial, thankfully, but he was confused as all Hell.  Shades ran up to Sukafu's side, holding his hand.
 "Aside getting shot, you okay? You just...started acting weird,"  Shades said.
 Sukafu looked up at Shades confused and alarmed, "I got shot!? Okay...  I'm actually not surprised..."
 Hot Pants assessed Duster real quick, deciding his injuries weren't as  bad as poor Sukafu's. He went up to the pair, healing Sukafu's wound  and began phoning in his sister.
 "I swear, you better not tell my sister 'I need healing' because she  won't even try and fix your suit."
 "Yeah that's fair," said Sukafu.
CRACKEMWALNUT:  Fascaintor was a dumb for trying 2 against 1, but atleast he dies in  peace. In his one moment of clarity, he stuggles to take out his phone  and text his boyfriend,  "Currently dying, see you in hell. Text you when I come back."  That was his final action before just taking a street nap. Looks like  he'll need to go to the hospital. Again.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  Tank Top and Dress Shirt look at Fascaintor who on the Streets  napping. "You got the First Aid Kit?" Dress Shirt ask Tank Top.  "Always, Bro" Tank Top said as he hold it up. The Two start fixing him  up but the rest the Hospital would have to do. Dress Shirt takes his  Phone and texts the guy he text saying "We got your Friend or Whatever  you call him, he is napping at the moment come pick up, this is from  the Demon Brother Tank Top and Dress Shirt". "What do we do now?" Tank  Top ask his brother. "You go with the Group of Demons to find the Lost  Soul, i'll take of this Guy" Dress Shirt said as he puts Fascaintor on  his back. Tank Top went to Jokki Group to follow them.
SOUP-KITTY:  Pinafore was sent tumbling down the street. Knocked out, but still  under brainwashing control.
 Diadem walks over to her, and picks her up. He now carries her around  on piggy back. Why him. He probably kicked her too hard, he’s gonna  have to apologize to her later.
 Jong decides there’s no use sitting around on headphone’s  shoulders, so he makes him let him down. As soon as he touches the  ground, he sprints off towards the TV with whatever the fuck it is  dancing on it. He pulls out his two spare Jongs from his pockets,  having learned from last time, and summons his weapons. He proceeds to  throw sun and moon at the dancing screen repeatedly. This was gonna  take a while. He was trying to catch its attention, but maybe he  needed to talk to it. “HEY, DANCEY PANTS, WHAT THE MCFUCK IS UP?”
EMOJINI:  凸(¬‿¬)凸
CRACKEMWALNUT:  Binyeo takes Zip Up's ear and pinches it, lifting him off the ground  by his ear. She was still a mom before anything, so mom attacks are  key. Her heart was breaking bad from the blank expression but she had  to protect Pull Over from his brother's sudden actions.  Fascinator didn't watch his life flash before his eyes, it happened  too many times to happen gain. But a flash forward, seeing a glimpse  of the future. And. Yeah. No. Not gonna go through that. Accepting his  fate of dying much more quickly because honestly being a human seemed  to be a really bad idea. Barely lucid, he could the familiar voice  haunting him panicking. Fascinator though was content with  transforming into a demon because holy shit. If not, he's in for a  wild ride he doesn't want. Feeling himself getting bandaged up and  picked up, he just mumbles,  "Trust me, you're doing me a really big favor by just letting me die.  It's fine, I'll be fine. Just uh, leave me there."  His own body seemed to disagree going limp and refusing to struggle  with being put on someone's back. But suddenly, like his mind was  being turned off he stopped responding for a few seconds before waking  up again. Coming back to reality, he hissed at his injuries, no clue  where he was or what just happened. He just looked around confused,  "W-What happened?"  Headphones was so proud.
EMOJINI:  Fascinator's brainwashing has been cured at 0 HP
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "You attack me and i attack you back" Dress Shirt said as lights a  cigarette. "At this point you need to go to a Hospital" He said as he  stops a Taxi and Throws Fasci in there. "Take him to a Hospital" Dress  Shirt said as he gives him the money. The Taxi leaves for the  Hospital. "Welp, time go follow my Brother" Dress Shirt said as he  took a smoke and followed his Brother.  ---------------------------------------------------------------  Meanwhile Father Crucifix was still heading to the Studio believing  the broadcasting must be coming from there. "I must get there before  the Demons do..." Father Crucifix said as he keeps going, he got  heart.
Whenever Father crucifix gets there, he will find out that there is no Lost Soul there, its just a bunch of confused workers, asking him to leave.
SOUP-KITTY:  Diadem takes pinafore into an empty shop nearby, and lays her down on  the counter. He now sits on the floor waiting around to see what  happens. He feels bad that he left Flannel’s side all of a sudden  but he couldn’t trust that pinafore was gonna stay asleep the whole  time. She might try to hurt someone else, and that’s not okay.
 Jong grows frustrated at the stupid screen, and throws a tantrum right  then and there. This doesn’t end for a while. What a baby.
 Zippy is still just staring at his mom, even though she keeps  attacking him. He’s really bad at being a minion. Bad Zippy.
 Summer grows too flustered and decides to go sit down somewhere where  he can’t be bothered. At least he got to stand next to headphones.  What a successful day of being gay. Maybe he’ll try again later.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  Father Crucifix gets there soon and doesn't see the Lost Soul only  Worker telling to leave. "Shit..." Father Crucifix said as he leaves  the Studio and gets into a Taxi to go back to the Angels. When he gets  back there he stumbles out of the Taxi and the Taxi drives off. "No  worries guys! I found him!" Boxer said as he goes over to him. "Help  Me..." Father Crucifix said as he was on the ground. "Okay, Father"  Boxer said as he picks him up and takes him over to Strappon. "Hey  Father Strappon, can you heal Father Crucifix?" Boxer ask Strappon as  Father Crucifix was badly injured. "I was wrong the Lost Soul is not a  Studios..." Father Crucifix said as he was filled with shame.
OSCARK9:  As Gloves and Sapphire sees all the action that's inflicting one  another, they know that it's the work of a ghost making the minds go  mindless, but it makes them feel sour on the inside to see them fight  each other. Gloves didn't say anything but made an anger face while he  clinches his fist.
 Sapphire Necklace on the other hand, wasn't having it. She hate seeing  her friends being mind control by the ghost and it makes her upset to  witness all of this. She turns her head at Gloves with a angry  expression "Gloves!” She said to him, "I don't wanna stand here and  see them mindless and attacking our friends! I wanna help them come  back to their sentence!” She quickly looks at one of her comrades  and look at Mary Janes from afar. “I’m gonna help that poor  boy.” She said as she runs at him, “In the name of __LOVE__!”  When she got close to him, she give him a slap on the right cheek of  his face with her right hand. It wasn’t strong, but it did hurt  him.

 Gloves didn’t stop her and just saw her attack Mary Janes with her  slap, he knows it’s wrong to fight, but her heart is on a right  place.
OSCARK9:  *she gave him a slap on the left cheek of his face with her right  hand.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary Janes wobbles backwards and his eye twitches. He stops over and  he throws a pebble at her in retaliation. Good bean. Vampire Collar  slithers over to Binyeo and he bites the ever loving fuck out of her  shoulder. So much for a nom. More CHOMP.  He latched on much like a  leech. Succ succ indeed.
DJDEVIL:  Ruka rolled over on his side as his slept on the bench, dreaming  dreams that only Ruka would dream.
 Helmet's pocket dimension ass remained firmly on the ground as he  watched his anime.
TORIBIRDSEED:  Etch had been watching what was going on for the time being, and he  had been thinking of ways to cure these humans from their  brainwashing. Looking up at the screen that Emojini’s pixel sprite  was sitting, he thought for a moment, before summoning his weapon, and  spearing it at the monitor. The monitor cracked on impact and went  black. He flew up and grabbed his weapon before landing gently on the  ground once again next to Jokki.
All Humans are free of Brainwashing
EMOJINI:  Emojini felt his heart break when he lost contact with all of his  minions, not just one or two, but all of them, why were they  abandoning him, werent they his friends? A loud technological sound  could be heard as a face appeared on the monitors above the people, it  shot back and forth between the actual screens, before appearing near  the top of a rather large sky rise. Above it, stood a green glowing  creature. It's head a TV box, with floating headphone like devices to  his right and left. Four hands floated elegantly around the lost soul  in perfect symitry, spinning in a circle around it's body. Various  wires and tubs all strabbed into it's liquid body, but somehow still  had cracks in it where the tubes inserted themselves. The lost soul  could not speak up, but it seemed sorrowful.
 。゚( ゚இ‸இ゚)゚。
 The kaomoji on it's face changed between crying ones as it looked over  everybody.
 ˚‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )‧º·˚
 Shoving his hands forward, all four in perfect symatry, the buildings  and ground cracked, and glass shattered around all on the ground,  however no harm would come to anybody. Emojini hopped from the  building landing on the ground, slowing down just before touching it,  and made loud technological beeps, similar to crying.
 All his minions were gone, and now that Etch knew how to stop his  large scale brainwashing, he only had one other option, he extended  his hand forward and pulled it backwards as if he was pulling at the  air. The ground under Hot Pants specifically would slip from under him  and move, dragging Hot Pants directly to Emojini, before he stood  directly infront of him. Emojini than used his other three hands to  grab the boy’s head, and stare directly into his eyes, a spiral  forming on his screen. In less than a second, before anybody could do  anything, Hot Pants was under the Lost Souls control. Emojini than  pointed his hands forward and Hots moved under full influence from the  ghost.
BRIT:  Strappon had turned away from Emojini as he pulled his spiral eye  trick and turned back to see in horror that Hot Pants was... Well,  overtaken. He looked around at the other Angels and the demons and  frowned. This wasn't good at all.
 "Hot Pants!" Duster yelled as his boyfriend was yanked from his grasp.  He grimaced at the Lost Soul, his pupils narrowing with rage. "Tch.  Figures this would get more complicated the moment the ghost showed  its face."
 "Not really his face." Jacket said, standing beside Duster with his  hands in his pockets, "But this is pretty close, huh?"
 He shot a cheeky grin at Duster, who gave him a glare.
 "Concentrate on the Lost Soul, please." Strappon ordered to the  Angels, "Take him out so he can't use Hot Pants!"
 Duster turned back to Hot Pants and chuckled darkly. As if this thing  thought he wouldn't stab his own boyfriend.
 Sweater looked upon the Lost Soul with awe. She was ready to kick its  ass.
EMOJINI:  Emojini looked at Strapon and made an angry face.
 He than pointed his four hands at him and Hots pulled out his gun,  lucky for Strapon he missed, but only for now.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "Damnit...We can't let the Demons get to the Lost Soul..." Father  Crucifix said as he tries to get up but fails too. "You can't fight  Father! Stay down!" Boxer said as he was worried. "Yeah, chill and-"  Raincoat was interrupted by Father Crucifix. "I will not let those  Damned Demons win! I never let them win!" He shouted at Raincoat as he  started to get on Boxer back then get out his Cross. "Boxer, Raincoat,  you hold off the Demons and i will repent Lost Soul!" Father Crucifix  command both of them. "GOT IT!" They shouted and they charged at the  Demons head on. Raincoat started firing at Sweater and Boxer meanwhile  was getting Father Crucifix closer to the Lost Soul. "LOST SOUL!  REPENT!" Father Crucifix shouted as he holds his Cross out while on  Boxer back.  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  When the Demon Brothers saw the Lost Soul it was time to attack.  "Brother, Attack from behind" Dress Shirt said with smile as he  started to fire at the Lost Soul with his Guns. "GOT IT, BRO!" Tank  Top said as he Charged at the Lost Soul with his Namesake trying to  slash it.
JAY:  Ribbon looked to Sweater with a ready expression, her weapon once  again primed for battle. Seeing that Sweater looked as ready as anyone  to start beating on this Lost Soul, she figured she didn't even really  have to communicate anything, instead just looking back at the strange  being with a determined glare before charging to join in the attack.
BRIT:  Strappon barely missed the hit and trust a few shots in Hot Pants'  direction, but he had swerved out of the way. He grit his teeth,  having already been injured already. This was going to be harder than  he thought. The point was to repent Lost Souls peacefully, right? How  they hell would he do that if this thing was hellbent on attacking  them?
 "What is it you're looking for!?" He shouted at EmojiNi.
 Duster's eye glinted as he saw an opening and he ran straight at Hot  Pants, seeming to disappear and reappear right in front of him. He  skewered Hot Pants and threw him into the air like he was nothing.
 "Now's not the time to play nice." He said simply, his wing appearing.
 Jacket stood a ways behind them, quite put off by the disregard for  Hot Pants' life and a little bit freaked out.
 "Whoa, I can't believe mom and dad /dated/ this psycho." He said to  himself in disbelief. He turned to look around, hoping for some sign  of what to do to repent the Lost Soul. Maybe it was looking for cool  box sets?
 He turned to look at Father Crucifix.
 "Hey, uh, Father. You can't repent a Lost Soul with a weapon." He  pointed out, "We gotta find a way to help him pass on. You're a  preist, you gotta know some way to help that?"
 Sweater wiggled her ass and grinned at Ribbon, pointing her Javelin at  EmojiNi.
 "Let's corrupt him!" He said, "He's cute! Maybe we can use him around  the office, nya?"
 She charged EmojiNi, going much faster than she had initially seemed  able to, and bounced off the midair Hot Pants to stab at the Lost  Soul.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary Janes snaps out of it and he looks up at the lost soul. He gets  excited and yells, "IT'S BMO!!" Oh save this adventure time loving  boy. He bounces up and down. "I GOTTA PET THEM!" He rushes over and  falls on a bit of debris. "MY KNEEEE!" Virgin Killer glares at Father  Crucifix and she readies her mallet,"LEAVE THAT BEAN ALONE YOU DAMN  ASSHOLE." She runs over and she swings at him.  She misses by a hair  and she grunts. "C'mere you holy peice a shit!" She's damn stonk.  Vampire Collar stares at the lost soul and he doodles it with his  quill pen."Huh..so they are real...so..there is an afterlife...how  wonderful.."
OSCARK9:  Sapphire saw the pebbles flying at her. In quick reaction, she summons  her Glaive and deflect the pebbles and sending them off back at Mary  Janes. "Sorry!" She said to him.
 When Gloves and Sapphire saw the screen of the ghost face. Not only it  look sad, but all of the glass windows shattered all around and what's  even worse that Hot Pants been mind control. "Well shit!" Both of them  said in sync. Both of then heard what Strappons orders, but Gloves,  he's going to stop Hot Pants. "Sorry Strappon." He said, quietly. "But  I must snap him out of it." As such, he runs over to Hot Pants while  summons his holy gauntlets and gave him two quick punch in the pretty  bois face. "Sorry." He said to Hot Pants.
 Meanwhile on the search for the ghost, Dress Socks and G-Strings saw  the ghost from the top of the tower and land on the ground like it was  nothing. "There it is!"Dress Socks shouted. "Let's get it!" G-Strings  said as both summon their demonic weapons and run over to the Lost  Soul. When they did, Dress Socks summon his Templet Blade wind magic  at it, but it reflected. G-Strings throws her Wind Demon Shuriken at  the ghost and it lands a hit.
OSCARK9:  *In the abdomen.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "I'm sorry, i'm not feeling so well to think right now!" Father  Crucifix said as he puts his cross back then closes his eyes and  thinks. Lost Soul couldn't speak but it was telling us something but  what was it. Then he got it! "Boxer, i need you to be my Shield!"  Father Crucifix said to Boxer. "Got it, Father!" Boxer said as he  disengage from the fight with Hot Pants and becomes Father Crucifix  shield. Father Crucifix keep his distance from EmojiNi but looked at  him. "I understand you!" Father Crucifix shouted at EmojiNi. "You want  Friends? Well, i'll be your Friend and you will never be alone!" He  said with smile but still in pain. "So, please let us stop this  fighting..." He said as he fell on his knees for he was weak. (Only at  3 HP)  ----------------------------------------------------------------  Meanwhile the Demon Brothers keep attack the Lost Soul behind. Dress  Shirt did a quick reload and Tank Top keep slashing like a wild  animal.
EMOJINI:  Emojini took the few hits that were dealt to him with ease, but did  grimace a little after each hit. Not being able to hurt humans  directly he relied on his minion the most. His hands spinning around  his body, Emojini lifted the ground from under him and Hots, and  yanked the human off of Dusters weapon with his telekinesis, putting  Hots on a floating rock that he was keeping in the air, allowing the  minion to rain havoc down below. Well he would have, if he wasn't  brain dead and shitty at aiming his gun.
 Looking at Strapon as bullets rained down at any who tried to get  close to Hots or Emojini, the lost soul could hear the other speak to  him, but was just angry, and could not talk back. Why was this stupid  human trying to stop him from getting what he wants.
 That was all he had to say about that.
 The lost soul turned to Father Crucifix and tilted it's head, before  flicking the air and the ground from under the priest would send him  backwards before slowly stopping, not doing any damage to him. He  didn't care about friends, he just wanted THAT. But what was that, hmm  maybe it has something to do with what his minions were doing earlier.  They sure did leave a  mess in the stores, mostly the video stores,  with film and movie DVD’s everywhere, what a pain to clean up.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  Father Crucifix blinked. "Okay maybe befriending the Lost Soul wasn't  going to work..." Father Crucifix said to himself as he think. Third  time was a charm. Then he remember the minions in the Video Store,  that's when he knew the Lost Soul was looking for something. "That's  it!" Father Crucifix said as he got up and walk to the Video Store. He  starts to look through all the DVD's and Films that Video Store had.  "Come on! What was Lost Soul looking for in this Video Store!" He said  as he goes over to the front desk. "Sir! What's the most Popular Flim  in this Store! Answer me quick!" Father Crucifix said as he was in a  rush. Boxer saw this as sign to get out of Defense Mode and into  Attack mode but defends himself from the rockets coming at him.  Raincoat was still firing at Sweater keeping her away from the Lost  Soul.  -----------------------------------------------------------------  The Demon Brothers were giving it all they got, Dress Shirt was firing  rapidly at the Lost Soul and Tank Top was slashing and hacking. "This  is fun!" Tank Top shouted as he keep on attack the Lost Soul.
OSCARK9:  Gloves saw Hot Pants coming at him and quickly switching his stance  from Attack Stands, to Defend Stance and dodging his attacks with  quick reflex.
 G-Strings concentrate her Earth Magic into her hands, summons her  Golem's Caestus, and runs over to the Lost soul to give it a punch.  But she keep missing one after another. "Hold still you!" He said,  angerly.
 While she does that, Dress Socks came close from behind and slash the  Lost Soul's back, but only to gave it a quick scratch.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Vampire Collar low key wanted to see if a lost soul could actually be  hurt so he threw a Lycan. Well Shit, who woulda thought. Mary Janes  also wants to Blep the soul so he pets it with Mothers Love. PET WITH  LOVE. Virgin Killer manages to hit Raincoats toe. "AYE BITCH."
BRIT:  Strappon scoffed at the response, turning back to the task at hand. He  was sure Duster would stop before he killed Hot Pants.
 At least he hoped.
 He stared at Jacket, he had begun rummaging through the DVD boxes and  examining them.  "Huh, I wonder what kind of show he was looking for?" He asked,  looking up at Crucifix as the man split from the group yet again. He  pouted.
 Sweater had felt some pain, getting shot a few times before realizing  she was getting /shot at/. She landed on a shorter building and made  some sort of a screeching noise.
 "Hey, you rude Angel! I'm a mythical creature, you can't just shoot at  me!" She screamed. She stomped and turned back to EmojiNi, "I'm  determined!"
 Duster readied his weapon again, jumping up several buildings in an  attempt to reach him.
 "Hot Pants is my puppet, you foolish soul." He said, slashing Hot  Pants a few more times to get him back down.
EMOJINI:  Emojini takes more and more hits, hes getting annoyed, and was  watching as everybody tries and figures out what to do about him. He  just wants to be able to rest, after all the years, who knows how many  years since he could finish what he wanted to. He shakes off this  thought and Brings Hot pants back into the air, trying to keep him  from fucking dying. Hot pants than unleashes another rain of bullets,  with Emojini now correcting his aim more, he was doing much better at  shooting.
DJDEVIL:  When the anime was over, the TV screen shuts down and the DVD pops out  of the VCR. "That was a most excellent show!" Helmet exclaimed,  quickly getting onto his feet, "I wonder what other interesting  cartoons are stored here." He continued as he looked around and picked  up another DVD. "Hmmmm...This one looks good!" He said before walking  back to the TV, placing the DVD inside, and sat down to watch.
 Ruka groaned as Hot Pants fired his incredibly fucking loud gun. Man's  trying to sleep here. He took out a couple of earplugs and placed them  in his ears. Much better.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "Yeah, right and i'm a Princess" Raincoat said to Sweater as she shots  her with ever last Bullet she got. "Here is hell!" She said as she  ignore Virgin Killer stomp at her toes it hurt but she needs to focus.  Though for Virgin Killer she was going to get a face full of Punch as  Boxer rushes up to her and tires to punch Virgin Killer. Father  Crucifix sigh and went back to rummaging through the DVD's there had  to be something here.  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Demon Brother were using there Assassin skills to take down the Lost  Soul. Dress Shirt was smiling and smoking as he fired at Lost Soul.  Tank Top was still Slashing and Hacking at the Lost with all his  might.
OWLIEE:  Polo appeared next to Jacket, and help him rummage through the boxes,  "Uh, what are we looking for?"
 Monocle on the other hand, just stood near Strappon, awaiting orders,
 Meanwhile Pocketwatch narrowed his eyes on Ruka, he went over the  sleeping demon, shaking Ruka's shoulderm, he said "Hey, I believe  you're here to corrupt the demon, not sleep, let's go,"
OWLIEE:  *ghost
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Virgin Killer grunts and smirks, "What kinda shit punch was that!?"  She laughs and kicks him in the face. "C'mon bitchlet~!" Assless wakes  up from his beauty nap and he pokes Boxer with his Hopeless Harlots.  "Aye cunt. Don't kick my Sis." He places his sleep mask over his eyes.  He sits up when he hears shots,"And I'm awake now. Great." You screwed  with his sleep. How dare you Hot Pants. Vampire sips his sippy cup in  the corner while putting Neosporin on his burns.  The poor bacon.  Mary Janes waves to the ghost and he looks around for his mommy. "Mom!  Mom you there!?"
OSCARK9:  Gloves saw the bullets coming at him and tries to dodge them and goes  in to attack, but he didn't dodge all of them and got hurt by the  bullets all around on his body and it hurts like a mother fucker!  "Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit!" He said, repeatedly.
 Sapphire saw Gloves got shot by the bullets and its coming after her  next. With quick reaction, she defleting all the bullets and sending  them back like she did with Mary Janes.  _____________________________________________
 Dress Socks was impress that this Lost Soul is standing his ground,  but this Lost Soul can't defend forever. He concentrate his wind magic  to his Sabers again and gave it a strong slash of Tempest Blade Magic  in front of the Lost Soul. "G-Strings" He shouted. "Now!"
 "Right!" G-Strings runs quickly behind the ghost and punch the Lost  Soul's back with her Golem's Caestus. It wasn't hard, but it did a  good damage to the Lost Soul. "Feel the corruption!" She tells the  ghost with a grin on her face.
OWLIEE:  Circlet attacked after G-Strings and Dress Socks, she gripped her  weapon as she leapt into the air and slashed he bident through the  Lost Soul, it only seemed to scratch it.
 Sneakers went next to Mary, "What are you doing?"
 Henley saw his reflection in a nearby store window and began checking  himself out
DJDEVIL:  Ruka couldn't hear anything PW was saying, but being shook was enough  to irritate him. With his eyes still closed, he slapped away PW's  hand. "Fuck off." He grumbled then proceeded to point at himself, "Got  hangover, need sleep. Touch me again, I kill you." He continued as he  lowered his arm back down.
 Helmet's face was glued to the TV as this was some good shit.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary Janes pouts, "I'm lookin for mama. She's a demon lady, very  pretty, extremely sweet. Have you seen her?"
BRIT:  Jacket was trying to frantically find what was possibly the worst  needle-in-haystack DVD Boxset ever. He was calling out the names of  the titles in an attempt to get /some/ response. He was getting  frustrated, pulling his hair a little.  "DUDE, WHICH IS IT?!" He yelled.
 Strappon gasped and got littered with bullets, dodging as many as he  could. Boy, that fuckin hurt.
 Duster dodged the bullets. His wing burst from his back and he shot  into the air after Hot Pants like a missile of pain. He buried his  sword straight into Hots down to the hilt.
 Sweater screamed as she was hit with more bullets, screaming in rage  and barelling towards EmojiNi.
EMOJINI:  Hot pants was pelting bullet after bullet into the ground, but most  were missing, however he did do something at least, When Gloves tried  to attack him he aimed right at the other and shot a good 18 damage  worth of bullets into the other, before trying to attack Gloves as  well, but missing and getting hit. Recovering at this, he also shoots  Sweater and Strapon with the same amount of damage, good job.
 Emojini was getting weaker, and was getting more and more confused.  Why wouldn't they let him do anything, he just wanted IT, of course  Tori can't tell you what that is, but maybe you’re close. He shoots  his eyes at the old school anime that Helmet put on the tv though, he  quickly hops down from his perch and glares at the screen, oddly  fixated, now ignoring others attacks as he kept getting hit. That  clearly wasn't what was needed to repent him, but it was a step in the  right direction, that show definitely had some sort of meaning to this  ghost. As the lost soul was staring at the show, words could almost be  heard from the ghost, but they were inaudible for now. However, it was  too late, although they had almost found out what this Soul wanted,  Circlet hit the him, and his facial expression changed.
 ( ̄へ ̄)  ( 〇□〇)  (((φ(◎ロ◎;)φ)))  !!Σ(゚Д゚;≡≡≡≡≡ヾ(;゚д゚)/  ( (≪●≫) )Д( (≪●≫) )
 The hit was enough to corrupt this poor lost soul, and Emojini sank  down into a puddle, his tubes and gloves falling flat, and the TV  screen going off. Before the colour of green and white slowly shifted.  The white goo body turned to a deep black, his greens turned to reds  and oranges, and the once Lost Soul slid across the ground, as it  cracked under it, before it rose back up from it's puddle. A third  pair of hands shot out from it's inky boddy, and the pipes grew in  numbers. It was much taller now too, and looked a lot scarier, more  sinister.
 The black screen flickers on.
 🤔  😈  Technological chirps that sounded like laughing filled the city  streets as the earth under Emojini cracked and crumbled, and he  released Hot Pants from his brainwashing as he lifted himself into the  air, dropping the soldier down to the ground. The demons were  successful.
OWLIEE:  Sneakers shook his head, "No, sorry,"
 Pocketwatch rolled his dual-colored eyes and regrouped with Circlet,  Dress Socks, and G-Strings.
 Monocle saw the ghost and gasped. It was now corrupted.
KRO:  Being freed from the control of the ghost, Hot Pants was greeted by  sharp, piercing pains around his body. Apparently they were literal as  well since what he saw was Duster and the hilt of his sword going  directly into his abdomen. His gaze slowly went up to Duster's face as  he grabbed the man's hands. He had a sly smile on his face, as if the  washing pole through his body wasn't an issue.
 "Motherfucker, where are my three nickels?" He asked before prying the  sword out of Duster's hands and falling on his side, his breathing  labored.
 Shades was towing Sukafu who was limping from the pain. The two were  staring at Duster, their faces suggested they were concerned.
 "Jesus shit, you definitely aren't afraid of murdering your own  boyfriend. You...definitely have issues.." Shades said.  He went to pick up Hot Pants' phone, calling his sister. The phone  practically came alive as the person on the other end of the line was  yelling. He hung up, the mood being all kinds of weird now that he's  aware what lengths Duster is willing to go at for...Something.
 Sukafu in the meantime kneeled down to Hot Pants, trying to apply some  sort of pressure on his wounds.
 "I got this kid, you two should be concerned about the Demons. Seems  they beat us to the ghost..."
BRIT:  Strappon whipped around as he heard the sinister chirps come from  EmojiNi, a horrified expression washing over his face.
 "BULLOCKS." He shouted, seeing EmojiNi unravel and change in color.  Maybe someone could hear Torsolette laughing in the distance, Strappon  certainly felt he did.
 Duster stood there, more fixated on his shishkebabed boyfriend than he  was the ghost. He blinked a few times, however, when Hot Pants awoke.
 "Oh, you're back." He said simply, letting him pry his hands off the  hilt of his sword, "I owe you nothing. This had reasoning. You were  mind controlled."
 "I think I found it!" Jacket yelled before watching the ghost  disintegrate before him, "Ahhhhh, fuck."
OSCARK9:  "Woohoo!" G-Strings cheers in excitement. "We finally corrupt the Lost  Soul!" She gaze at it with sparkles in her eyes."Look at it! I looks  __FANTASTIC!!!__"
 Dress Socks giggles as his partner reaction towards the ghost. It  makes him happy to see not only the corruption to the ghost, but  seeing her partner smile. He turns his head at Circlet and walks over  to her and pats her back in a job well done, "Congrats on corrupting  it, Circlet." He said with a smile on his face, "You earn it!"  __________________________________________
 While Sapphire runs over to Gloves to give him comfort, they saw the  Lost Soul transform from a Lost Soul to a Regular Ghost with evilness  on its face. "Well shit!" Gloves said while Sapphire remains quiet and  shaken a little from its evil face.
OWLIEE:  Pocket's eyes sparkled as he observed the ghost, "Oh my, It's  absolutely stunning," He said while unintentionally moaned with  delight.
 Circlet beamed, she's gonna brag to her husband about this later.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "No..." Father Crucifix said as saw the Demons be successful. Boxer  and Raincoat looked in shocked and sad for they had lost this Battle.  "Damn it..." They said angrily and also sad. But Father Crucifix was  mad than all hell. "NO! I WILL NOT ALLOW THIS!" Father Crucifix  shouted as he was not going to let these Demons Win. He stomps towards  the Demons with weapons in hand until Raincoat and Boxer stop Father  Crucifix. "Get out of my way!" Father Crucifix said as he tried to get  through them but he was too weak. "Father! Please don't do this we  lose!" Boxer said trying to make think about this. "NO, I WILL NOT LET  THE DEMONS WIN! THEY ARE HOLLOWED MONSTER THAT FILL THEIR SOULS WITH  MURDER AND SIN! THEY HAVE NO RIGHT TO LIVE IN THIS WORD!" Father  Crucifix shouted at the two angels in front, he clearly had a problem  with Demons like it was very clear. "Father, please listen to us"  Raincoat said holding his hand. Father Crucifix breath heavily as he  look around him, he didn't know what to do.  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Demon Brothers laugh at the Angels as they complete there Mission.  "Alright Brother, Let's go home" Dress Shirt said as he walks away.  "Got it , Bro" Tank Top said as he started to follow his Brother from  behind with smile on his face because he was still happy.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Virgin Killer and Assless look at the Ghost and smile. They speak in  unison,"A Job Well Done~!" Vampire Collar smells blood and he speed  walks to Hot Pants and he rips a bit of his dress. He takes out his  Vaseline and places it into the wounds to stop the bleeding and help  everything clot. He ties the fabric tight to his wounded limbs. He  takes the bow off of his waist and he ties it tight to his abdomen.  "This should catch some of the blood..and keep him awake for long  enough..." He whispered and slithered off. Creepy lolli. Mary Janes  stares at the ghost and gulps,"Bad BMO.."
KRO:  Hot Pants pointed at Duster, his arm having a hard time staying up but  Sukafu politely kept it up for him.  "Thanks.." he uttered, before turning his attention back to Duster,  "But you still...stabbed m-me. Fork up those 15 cents."
 Sukafu himself was ready to rip apart Hot Pants' jacket if it wasn't  for Vampire Collar coming in to save the day.
 "Thank you," he said, "We'll keep him up long enough for some medics  to arrive..."  But Vampire Collar was gone. That certainly was...weird, but it's  better than leaving this guy bleed to death.
 "I hope you're ready to get your ass beat by his sister, dude," Shades  commented as he went up to Duster. He figured Duster didn't really  care but he was afraid of the guy's sister regardless.
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dcmissionaries · 6 years
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It's been two weeks, and the Absolute of Hell Corp has gone missing after an incredibly out-of-character outburst. In the meantime, Torsolette has busied herself with something in the Ghost Labs.
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dcmissionaries · 6 years
Absolute Sportsmanship
ABSOLUTE SPORTSMANSHIP The Angels finally caught up with the now revealed Nephilim, only to be stopped by a platoon of Lethocs units. Despite their attempts to sway Lethocs in their favor, Shroud intervened and reaffirmed that he will knot allow them on federal property.
Where we last left our story, Angels and Demons stood separated by a shitton of Lethocs and a police barrier. While the Mayor stands, smug and covered in an awfully chic scarf, the thread of not finding the Nephilim looms over them.
Strappon grimaced further at the Mayor of Daten as he stood a fair ways behind the barrier, his usual consort Amulet standing beside him with a clipboard and a similarly smug expression. Except his expression was visible.
With Hot Pants where he was, Duster was even more tense the longer the silence grew. He was torn between staring him down in a glare or not even looking at him. For now, he'll just narrow his eyes at him.
"What are we gonna do now?" Jacket asked, clasping his hands behind his head in an out-of-place casualty only an anime protagonist would have.
THESTARSTWILIGHT:  Camisole stood alone at the entrance to Ground Zero. She stood there  rubbing her arms for warmth, deeply regretting not bringing a jacket  or something. Though it probably wasn't that cold. Legit, Cami takes  showers so hot they slightly burn. Unless it's 80 degrees or more  outside she's not satisfied.
 Anyhow, the fallen angel was alone at the entrance pissed she had to  come. _Stupid Dermal forced me to come here. Like I want to listen to  him._ __"Hello!? Is anyone there?__" she screamed. "__I came to help!  Are you fucking happy!__" There was no reply. Looks like she would  have to start in alone. She stomped on through the ruins, too annoyed  and impulsive to realize the danger she could be in. And probably  would be in. It's Camisole after all.
DJDEVIL:  Ruka leaned against Panty Raid, a rum bottle in hand and his usual  'Fuck off or I'll rip your balls off' expression across his face. He  and the truck were covered in dirt and grime from searching Ground  Zero for the Nephilim. As he looked through the group of Angel and  humans, he took special notice a few familiar, not to mention hated,  faces and clenched his bottle tightly before taking a big swig.  Vest was there as well, fiddling around with Panty Raid's engine,  making sure it was ready for the next search attempt. He too was  dirty, though not as much as Ruka, and wore a tank top under his  namesake, some old work pants, and boots as he didn't want to get his  good clothes dirty from searching the ruins and possibly torn up by  the Nephilim should they find it. He would honestly rather be shopping  but Ruka wanted to take the truck with him for this assignment and  knew damn well that he would get it totaled like last time despite  just having it all fixed up. Due to the fact he was fired from Hell  Corp, he technically wasn't allowed here, but he wasn't gonna let his  baby get wrecked again, especially after he spent so much money on the  repairs.
SOUP-KITTY:  Diadem stood off to the side, not really wanting to step anywhere.  "Everything's so....filthy." he thought. He lightly kicked the ground  where he stood. He wish he'd brought his cleaning supplies. He could  probably have the place spotless by the end of the day.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  The Creampuff boys were huddled together in a corner, Mary Janes sat  beside his senpai.  Their tiny bonds were growing. Mary sat with the  gang and watched everything from the comfort of a bush.
KRO:  Hot Pants sighed as the Mayor showed up, looking back to Duster,  "Listen, our Commander didn't know who the mayor is. If he did, we  wouldn't be here. Besides I'm the only Captain here in Daten that can  lead troops."
 This was frustrating, he didn't feel like he needed to explain his  presence but this is Duster.
 Hairpin appeared a distance away from everyone, his hair ruffled up  with debris in it and his clothes dirtied and tattered. He was  obviously doing fieldwork compared to everybody else.
TORIBIRDSEED:  A little late to the party, A large car drove up the the scene that  many were gathered at, and out along with loud bustling music came out  two individuals. The first was a rather small freckled face girl with  short white hair, wearing a white oversized sweater, and a skirt.  Along with *her* came out the oh so famous Chokki, a world renowned  jpop idol who had been staying in Daten now for the last while. With a  click to her step Chokki marched along those who had arrived before  her, her hair acting like a cape for her. She had it in a ponytail not  wanting it to touch the dirty ground below her, and she wore her extra  high platforms  to keep her elevated. Along with her the small girly  looking one awkwardly shuffled along with her. To most this would seem  like any other human, however to some who knew, this was one of  Etch’s human disguises. A cute idol looking japanese girl, why a  girl you ask? Well you can thank Maxi for that one, and Chokki doesn't  like being followed by men.Chokki soon spoke up in her usual queen  like voice, her japanese accent prevalent “Can somebody fill me in  on what I missed, your queen does not like waiting, and it would be a  privilege to speak to me regardless, me and my… associate need  information.” She gently motioned to Etch.
 On the other side of things, Collier was still just chilling around,  he hadn't been too interested in the happenings of his fellow angels,  he had been fallen for so long for a reason. He ended up distracting  himself for a few hours by discussing business on the phone but aside  from this he didn't have much to do, it was his day off and he wasn't  at home, how sad. A sort of late arrival as well, a loud boom could be  heard in the distance before a fallen angel shot down from the sky  landing with grace, but force. Standing up and flipping the hair  covering her one eye, the magnificent, usually angry and loud Goggles  had arrived to join the frey, standing next to the disgruntled  business angel Collier. Sighing she spoke up in a loud, angry tone.  “Why the FUCK did nobody tell me this shit was going on huh?! You  all trying to screw me over! I'll kill ya! Don't need to remind ya I  can deck half of ya if I wanted!” She spat on the ground and looked  pretty pissed off. Collier just ran a hand down his face.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "I can't believe this is happening!" Boxer shouted in anger as the  Nephilim was long gone by now. "HEY BUBBY!" He shouts at Hot Pants  very angrily. "We're the Angels of Abbey! We are here to kick evil  ass! You just can't do that!" Boxer yelled at Hot Pants as he was  getting WRATHFUL. Then Boxer was hit in the head with a Bible by  Father Crucifix. "BOXER!" Father Crucifix said angrily at the angel.  "We must respect the Law even if the Law is keeping us from Gods work"  Father Crucifix said as he looks at Shroud. "But But But!" Boxer tried  to say. "THAT'S A ORDER!" Father Crucifix said as he look Boxer with  his yellow eyes. "Fine..." Boxer grunted as he stand down."Though i  have one thing to say to our 'Mayor' of Daten City" Father Crucifix  said as he get to distance to the Mayor and opens his bible.  "Zechariah 13:2. And on that day, declares the Lord of hosts, I will  cut off the names of the idols from the land, so that they shall be  remembered no more. And also I will remove from the land the prophets  and the spirit of uncleanness!" He shouted at the Mayor then closed  his bible and walk back to Boxer and the Angels.
SAIYAN:  Undershirt took a moment to look around. His eyes settled on a really  short looking fellow, with a bunch of people standing behind them.  That was weird looking. Something didn’t seem right, but then again,  this whole adventure had been a trip.
 Wristband shared her brother’s sentiment. Something was off here for  sure.
 Bowtie appeared behind HP. It looked like one of those dolls that go  inside of each other, the way she kind of appeared. She looked at the  crowd that gathered before them.
 “Damn, looks like everyone showed up” she said, slightly taken  aback.
 There was more of them than she was expecting for sure.
THESTARSTWILIGHT:  Camisole somehow caught up to everyone, albeit with a few new  scratches and bruises. Goggles shouting and the car pulling up were  dead give aways.
 Turning around to Goggles she quickly responded "Not being told is  still better than being forced to come here." The desolate environment  didn't help make her any less pessimistic that coming was a terrible,  terrible idea. "Who are you anyway?" She asked the purple haired  blaster.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens decided that he should call Fascinator to pick him up, after  all, it was a bit too much trouble right now. The phone started  ringing, a faint ringtone of that butterfly song from DDR resounds off  in the distance.  Fasciantor popped in one of the alleyways and shouts,  "CAN'T I HAVE 3 SECONDS TO MYSELF?!"  He stuffed the sheets of illegal substances in a plastic bag into his  back pocket, walking over to the troupe of boys. Listen, a rave is  coming up and he wants to be prepared. Sighing annoyed,  "I try to buy myself a little something and y'all start losing your  shit."  nittens raised his eyebrow,  "... You said you were sober."  "... I promised nothing."  Fascinator clears his throat, refusing to look at anyone in the face.  Shrugging off the topic, he asks,  "So why're yall here- Fuck are those the cops?"  Immediately, he grabs Knitten's wrist and starts walking the opposite  direction. He's been to jail, he doesn't wanna go back. He doesn't  need more prison tattoos. Praying that no one would recognize him as  he walks away from this business, whispering hastily,  "Knittens I told you when you see the police you walk away and hide  your tracks."  Headphones fan himself as he looks around. Well, someone gotta do  something. Asking outloud to anyone,  "So that's it huh? Day off?"  Jeokori was a sore thumb as he silently gazes off into the distance.  It seems like something was happening. Writing onto a notebook and  holding out to anyone that would answer,  "Why have we summoned here again?"
OSCARK9:  Dress Socks drove from work to Ground Zero on his Dodge Viper SRT 10  ACR with G-String for a ride. When they got out of the car, they were  wearing their human disguises. While walking towards the group, Dress  Socks was wearing in his human disguise as a human teenager with black  hair, white skin, and red eyes. While G-Strings was wearing as a  teenager, with black hair, and blue eyes. Seeing that this would be  the best disguise for them to be in, it would be best to stay safe and  play along. When they got there, they observe the rest of the Angels  on the other side. Of course it make them unsettling, but a job is a  job.
 Gloves and Sapphire was still on the other side along with the rest of  the Angels and still holding their weapon, but they decided to  desummoned them and put them away. Otherwise, they get shot in the  head or get a ticket by the pops..
TORIBIRDSEED:  Goggles looked at camisole with her usual angry eye, considering one  was covered and took a few steps closer to her “You trying to pick a  fight with me! I'll decide whats better and whats worse for myself!  Understand me toots!?” She crossed her arms and flipped her head to  the side, not wanting to look at the other anymore “Whatever, I  don't care, Not like it makes a difference because im here now!”  Goggles was one of the many fallen angels who had no intentions of  going back up to heaven, speaking of wrathful in all caps, that was  basically her, she was angry often, and liked to pick fights that she  couldn't win. She often caused problems for other people, and not to  mention her vision sucks which made her weapon a disaster for her to  have. Sighing, she spoke up again “Whatever, I'll figure out whats  going on on my own, and if I gotta i'll beat somebodies ass to do  that.” Collier was still standing next to Goggles and spoke up too  “I came here because I wanted to and yet I am still regretting it…  what a shame, I could be having fun right now.”
 Chokki had spotted Fascinator from a distance, a wicked smile creeping  on her face, she said nothing, but if he saw her too, she would have  gave him a wink from where she was standing, otherwise she winked to  nobody. Etch was almost crying from all the noise.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Virgin Killer wore her highest platform heels, she already knew the  deal with this place. Hell she frequented it. She removes a bright  green lollipop from her bountiful boobies and she gives it quite the  sensual lick. She sighs happily and she stretches, moaning in the  process. A half naked guy places a few hundred dollar bills in her  cleavage and she trips him into a puddle. She uses him as a stepping  stone and she walks over.
SOUP-KITTY:  Jong looks up at headphones and shrugs. "Maybe we can go home now?" He  already knew Headphones was gonna say no, but it was worth a try  anyway. Jong decided to put his weapons away, and just as quickly as  they got summoned, they were being shoved away in his pockets, back in  their magnificent jongy form.                                                               Diadem was unsure of why he was there, and more  people kept showing up, so it must have been pretty serious. He tied  his dark hair up into a bun, to keep it out of the way, and quickly  pulled out a pair of latex gloves. He was NOT going to be getting his  hands dirty today. He walked closer to the crowd, and stood quietly,  trying to get an idea of what exactly they were supposed to do. It was  his first assignment and he wasn't going to fuck it up. He had to make  his babushka proud.
PLUTOPLAGUE:  Mirror Mask, missing in the first half of this search, was again  standing off to the side. He himself lone through the first half of  this event, still trying to make himself useful but to no use at all.  His heals had sunk into the filth beneath him, seeing this was not the  right fashion choice for this outing.
 Ball Gown had also been invited and willingly came along, but in the  end of it she ended up hating this, as her dress was also a terrible  choice for this outing. Her beautiful wavy, light lavender gown was  dusted and looked like she had been kidnapped for a good three days.  She wasn't that upset, seeing as she was a mother and knew all of the  small secrets to getting rid of stains.
 Tails had veered over to his mother, his rather striking disguise  hiding the fact he wasn't either an angel or a heavenbent. Taking a  risk here and there just to see his mother and chat. Just like the  other two, he had become very dirty and a poor choice of clothes for  this exhibition.
 As for Yeezy, also hanging around the small group. "HEEEY YOU ALL LOOK  SO UPSET! ITS SO FIN HERE THOUGH! YOU GOTTA GET A LITTLE DIRTY ONCE IN  AWHILE!" Wasnt one to be very very out of trend, but even she could  make a dirty camo outfit look good. She was having a blast, showing  off her stomach with a crop top and her guns (almost quite literally)  with a tight long sleeve undershirt.
 What a big group of opposites, though they seem comfortable and  content around each other while the world went on around them.  Enjoying the time they have before parting ways.
EMI:  Mankini emerged from the same direction as Hairpin, but far cleaner.  He smoothed his hair down more, looking at himself in the mirror. It  was a long while since he'd been on the surface and it was about time  he crawled out of the hole he was in.
 Deciding to finally meet with the rest of the Angels he was supposed  to be watching, Dermal arrived almost the same way as Mankini did, but  he had someone else adjusting his hair.
 "What did I miss?" He asked, walking up beside Strappon. He put the  mirror down and noticed the large amount of people in front of them.  "Not much, I guess."
THESTARSTWILIGHT:  Responding in a slightly less sarcastic tone Cami simply said "I'm not  looking for a fight. At least not yet. I just wanted a conversation,  but fine if you want to be I'll just go."
 She continued to stare around and finally realized there were demons  in disguise staring her down. "Oh shit. Who are they?" Camisole was  not around last time to see the demons in the park. The disguises  didn't help her realize these were, in fact, demons. Granted, she'd  seen some of them through Twitter and even vaguely recognized Fasci  from his profile. But this was her first time seeing them in person.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary pouts when he sees his senpai getting dragged away. Oh. Hellllll  no. The little goth boy power walked over and gently tapped  Headphones. Mary, somehow, manages to pick up Knittens bridal style  and carry him back to Sneakers. He hides him in the bushes and Mary  hides behind a dumpster.
TORIBIRDSEED:  Clicking her tongue Goggles looked at the other once again “Good,  glad  you aren't, I ain't in the mood to fight… or something.” She  seemed like she wasn't expecting that answer from the other. Goggles  honestly couldn't see far enough to see the crowd of disguised demons  so that wasn't happening. Collier on the other hand had not had many  encounters with the other species first hand, He was pretty sure he  had some demons recruited at his “night club” chain but he  couldn't be certain. Putting his hands in his short pockets he fixed  his hair before going off somewhere to relax until things pickup, not  much to do there.
 Etch took note of Mankini entrance, that was the meanie pants who  scared him during the coliseum fight, it reminded him more however of  the nicer demon who was big and wore a mask, that was a good memory if  you ignore the scary one. Puffing his cheeks out and fixing his skirt  which he wanted to take off more than anything, He hid close behind  Chokki, and decided to stare at the ground. Chokki on the other hand  was annoyed she wasn't being given any attention, clicking her tongue  she looked pretty angry, no attention means nobody here knows about  her, what a shame, shed have to tweet about her location for attention  if things kept going on like this.Flipping her hair and smacking Etch  in the face Chokki crouched down, her shoes keeping her elevated off  the ground and began using her phone, probably tweeting, but who knows  with her.
KRO:  Hot Pants raised his brow at the Angel yelling angry at him. What the  fuck was this guy's damage.
 "Listen, /bubby/. As I said, I'm only doing my job. I can't do shit to  let you guys through..."
 Shades left the side of his barrier and back into the group of Angels.  More like to the side of Dermal, debating on whether or not to update  the guy.  "Well sir, you almost missed the military playing Duck Hunt. That and  we lost the Nephilim's tracks."
BRIT:  Strappon stared almost tiredly at Dermal.  "We're chasing a Nephilim. Maybe you know something about them?" He  asked, "Regardless, we need to get to it and the Absolute Mayor is  getting in the way."  He gestured rudely in the direction of Shroud, who was minding his  business observing some notes on Amulet's clipboard.
 Shroud had looked up momentarily as Father Crucifix recited the Bible  before literally turning away to look at the clipboard again.
 "Boy what an ass." Jacket huffed.
 Duster snorted, trying to keep himself calm.  "You have to let us in. If you let your _leader_ know who the Mayor  is, maybe we would be able to do something."
 Sweater poked her head out from behind some rubble and bounded toward  Virgin Killer.  "Sweet~! I didn't know they had candy!" She said, glancing at the  lollipop with wide eyes, "I brought snacks, but Shroud-sama said nya-t  to put them out..."  She seemed sad that no one wanted her refreshments.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens kept a straight face as he dragged into the bush and just  questioned life at this point. Like why? Did Mary janes not know his  guardian?  Fascinator watched as Knittens got dragged away and got into mom mode.  Who in the mcfuckin' mcmuffin is trying to get Knittens involved with  the police? Straightening his posture as he walks over, taking  Knitten's wrist as he drags him over to Mary Janes as he asks,  "What are you boys doing here? There are drug dealers around here, I  should know! Even worse, the police. Now- OH no wait it's just Hot  Pants."  He waves to Hot Pants, but then he saw everyone else and just looked  around like someone just punched him. What now? He crouches down and  asks,  "Alright, someone wanna explain to me what's going on? Do I needa get  a smoke grenade or?"  Jeokori watched Etch get hit in the face and the tall alien crouches  down to check on him. Reaching out in a friendly gesture as he writes,  "Are you okay?"
KRO:  Hot Pants waved back at Fascinator. He's on duty but his mom didn't  raise him to be rude when others greeted him.  He signed heavily, looking up at Duster.  "I'll get the other captains that are here in Daten to fill him in.  He'd be more than happy to drop relations with the mayor but  ultimately our director has the final say."
 He crossed his arms feeling defeated before perking up.  "But given that it's a stupid-ass decision to keep relations, he'll  elect to ignore whatever the director says."
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Virgin blinks. Who was this precious cupid? Why was she coming over to  her? What is this chest feeling? Virgin removes another tiddie pop and  she holds the bright green sucker out to her. "That sounds awful! Who  could refuse snacks from such a cutie?"
SAIYAN:  Undershirt looked over at Shady. He was busy yelling at the red twink  it would seem, and talking about duck hunt. He hated that game, the  dog still haunts his dreams to this day. He shook his head and pushed  those thoughts out of his mind.
 “Yo, I love how we get stopped by a barbed wire fence. You think we  can just fly over this or is it restricted airspace?” He asked him,  folding his arms.
 Something was going to have to give, be it their will or the fence or  something else.
TORIBIRDSEED:  Etch was not used to being approached by people he didint know, this  one was tall however, just like the nice demon, so maybe this one was  nice too. That was etch’s train of thought, demons who are nice are  usually tall, this one was an alien though but same thing. Looking him  over once he nodded and smiled “Um… yeah im okay” This was the  first real time that anybody was hearing his disguised voice, it was  girly, but still sounded like a boy, but definatly wasn't what Etch  sounded like. Chokki looked down at him and the alien a little  suprised anybody even talked to Etch, she thought he was a loner.  “Good job sport, making some tall friends, you need em.” She had a  soft spot for Etch but didint care much about him regardless, her  personality didint change. Etch was still in awe at how tall this  person was, wow, it was amazing, hed never seen anybody reach so high.  “Wooow.” He couldn't help but speak up.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary watches Fasc and hissed when Knittens got dragged away. He looks  up at the adult and he hugs Knittens."We're hunting ghosts mr. Me,  Knittens and Sneakers are the Creampuff boys." -
DJDEVIL:  "Ya almost done, Kleptofuck?" Ruka asked, turning his head to Vest.  "No, for the fourth time." Vest answered, looking over at Ruka, "How  about you go and do something other than bugging me, will ya?" He  continued before resuming his fiddling. Ruka scoffed and looked for  someone to talk with or maybe torture. He decided to talk to/torture a  certain carrot boy. "Hey Four Eyes!" He exclaimed, walking up to  Hairpin and roughly wrapping his arm around Hairpin, "Any luck on  finding the Nephilam or whatever the fuck is called?"
SOUP-KITTY:  Diadem made his way over to etch, and without a word, he picked him up  and started to walk away back to where he was standing. This big  haired chick was clearly a bully, and it's one of the only other  things that he couldn't stand aside from germs. He looked back and  shouted some words in Russian. Something about "leave kids alone"  Diadem was angry. He even went past that tall dude when he picked up  the small girl.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  Father Crucifix sighs as his wisdom wasn't heard by a Demon like  Shroud. "What do we do now, Father Crucifix?" Boxer ask him as he was  standing down but itching for a Fight. "Brother Strappon order, until  then we stand down and wait" Father Crucifix response to Boxer as he  claps his hands together about to do a pray. "What are you doing?"  Boxer ask as look at Father Crucifix praying. "I'm praying to God"  Father Crucifix said as he started to pray. "Our Mother in heaven,  hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done, on earth  as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us  our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And do not bring us  to the time of trial, but rescue us from the evil one. Ahem" Father  Crucifix prayed as he to God while Boxer was picking his nose. Father  Crucifix then uncapped his hands and stand by Boxer waiting for  Strappon Orders. Boxer was wants to Punch something but that was him.
THESTARSTWILIGHT:  Looking around, rubbing her arms for warmth once again, Camisole  responded to Undershirt "Lovely plan, but I think there are some  people blocking us. Whoever they are." She groaned not knowing what to  do right now. "What the hell's going on. Can someone tell me  ___please___?"
KRO:  "Well, do you prefer bullet holes in your body or talking to the feds  without getting arrested?"  Shades had a point.
 "It's restricted airspace too, I just checked."
 Hairpin wasn't expecting the sudden physical contact of Ruka and  nearly squeaked. He was appreciating his personal space being invaded  by anybody that wasn't his husband and as an act of mercy from having  Ruka being mutilated at the hands of Amulet, he removed Ruka's arms  away.  "No need to worry about the Nephilim. It can't run far, or at least  I'm not allowing it to. It'll be caught before these Angels think  about getting a federal permit to investigate."
KRO:  *wasn't appreciating oops
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Jeokori nods as he stands back up, being about double Etch's size. He  writes down another question, dipping his claws in an ink bottle and  writing down like it was a quill,  "Why are we here? That and Angel's presence being also curious."  He raised his eyebrow at Chokki, he felt like he should know who she  was but at the same time she was an insginificant human, so he doubts  that she made that much f an impression on him. WAtching Diadem then  proceed to start beef with her, he just smiles at Etch and gives a  friendly handshake. Well as friendly as claw extending out can be.
 Fascinator raised his eye brow. Okay, listen he was 50% sure Knittens  was straight, lasttime he talked to hima bout it it sailed over his  head. Nodding, it makes sense, Knittens would do that after school. He  usually didn't get hurt, hell if anything Fascinator got hurt just  trying to make sure he was okay. But he choked at the name. BOY. He  looks at Knittens,  "That name is only a little better than Buttercream gang, and that's  still just... Lord."  He sighs, defeated. What in the heckies was he even going to say to  them? Explain gay porn plots? Not why he watches that.
 Headphones shrug at Jong's question, honestly, he was considering it.  He really did wanna blow this popsicle stand. He sighs,  "Hoenstly we should head out to the Abby, not like we can do anything  with the Lethocs soldiers."
PLUTOPLAGUE:  Ballgown and Tails were chatting quietly, laughing here and there  between secrets only a mother and son could keep. Whether the chat be  about the past or the future it was obvious how close they were when  they were alive. Tails rarely got to see his mom since he found out  about her still being alive in some way, since he was a demon and her  an angel there was no way he could get any time to actually see her  without being called out.
 Yeezy started to chat with Mirror Mask, though it was very very  one-sided, Mirror Mask was still listening and has even been told  about Yeezys first time in a club and every embarrassing story  overshared because she thought no one was listening, Mirror Mask now  had her entire life story cut into his mind.
EMI:  Mong peeked out from behind Father Crucifix and squinted.  "You're starin' down at a real frothy battle here and you decide to  read a stupid book?"  Why were humans so fucking boring in the West? He leaned on Boxer's  head. "Too bad, you got some nice looks, Daddy." He said with a wink.
TORIBIRDSEED:  Etch looked at Jekori and reads his note before shrugging. “I don't  know yo… im just a boy.” Etch was jsut picked up, woh. Chokki  almost protested before getting one look at the demon who was carrying  him, paused, and nodded. “A bottom.” She turned back and crouched  down to use her phone again, nothing a bottom could do to Etch. She  looked up and Jekori for a moment, looking him over, and than spoke up  “What you want tall ass, want my autograph or somethin?” Alas,  Etch was being carried under this demons arm, and he squirmed for a  bit but like grabbing a cat on the back of thier neck, just kinda  accepted this, he didint say anything though and he was mostly worried  that his skirt was too short and that he was flashing the entire world  right now. He may be disguised but he didnt get rid of his wang.  Regardless he spoke up eventually “Thanks… um… for something.”
 Oh and goggles and Collier were now chatting about the finer things in  life like hookers and booze.
SAIYAN:  Bowtie took a moment to look HP over. The dude voluntarily went into a  pile of debris. The boy was awfully filthy and who knows how much shit  he inhaled.
 “You sure you’re okay after that? We don’t want our resident  carrot to expire on us” she said to him.
 She cared about him, she really did, but she also loved giving him  shit too. She kids because she cares.
 Undershirt meanwhile, looked at Cami. She did have a point.
 “I know just as much as you do. I’m sure we’re going to get an  answer soon thought” he said with a smile.
 He then turned back to Shady as he was told that the air space was in  fact restricted.
 “Well there goes that plan. Well, now what? I guess we just wait for  them to let us in?” He asked him.
 He wasn’t really sure what the next step was for them. He hoped some  divine intervention would happen where the whole base would like, blow  up or something and then they can get in that way.
BRIT:  "Yeah, we were chasing that big fuckin ghost thing that showed up last  time. Turns out it's a Nephilim and it's gonna fuck us up if we don't  get rid of it." Jacket explained, nudging Camisol. He started at her a  moment. "You, uh, wanna borrow my jacket, lady?"  She looked cold, so he took it off and offered it to her.
 Sweater wiggled her butt and snagged the lolipop, popping it right  into her mouth and making contented "nyas."  "Thank you- nya!" She said, "Say, what's your name, pretty lady?"  She bat her eyelashes for emphasis.
 "Hey, Mayor!" Strappon called over to Shroud again, who regarded him  with very little attention. It didn't look like he was looking at  Strappon, either. More like in his direction. Who the fuck was he  looking at? Pay fucking attention, asshole. "Why don't we wager."
 Strappon was not a gambling man, but he felt he had some good stakes.
OSCARK9:  While they're waiting for orders to be heard by Shroud, G-Strings  gives out a quiet sigh of boredom. She turns her head at Dress Socks  with an expressionless look on her face "You know, Dress Socks?" She  finally speaks, "If we ever going to find that Nephilim, I would like  to get a little analysis of it." She said.
 "I know you do, G-Strings." He said, "But who knows how far it is or  how smart it is for a Nephilim. We never encounter in first hand.  Either way, we got to keep our guards up before it gets one of us or  our ally."
OMEGAPSYCHO:  Father Crucifix looked at Mong who was leaning on Boxer head. "It's  not a stupid book, it is the Bible and The Bible is the Word of God"  Father Crucifix said to Mong kind of pissed that he called his book  "Stupid" but he was calm and cool. "Please, don't call me Daddy"  Father Crucifix said look at Mong. "Who are you?" Boxer ask Mong not  knowing him but at this point he was bored and didn't care.
THESTARSTWILIGHT:  Cami eyed Jacket for a second, bewildered by his optimism. "Oh, it's  you again. Just keep the jacket, you're gonna need it in case shit  goes down. Especially if some weird ass nee-feel-um is around."  Despite her tone she was thankful that this kid offered her his  namesake and answered her questions.
  "So, that ghost thing is still round huh? Figures."
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary pouts and he crosses his arms, her personally loved the name.  Power puff was taken and he liked milk puns. "I like that name.." He  poked his teddy. " I like this group..I like my teddy and I like  Knittens." He said matter-of-factly. What a sweetie. Virgin Killer  giggled as the other wiggled her butt."No problem sugar.~"  She bowed  and kissed her hand. "The name's Virgin Killer. What's yours?" She  stood and rested her hands on her hips.
EMI:  "Who am I? Play your cards right, and I could be your ticket to a good  time~" Mong cooed, leaning closer to Crucifix. "You got some pretty  peepers there, like oceans of fire and brimstone. Reminds me o'  home..."
DJDEVIL:  "It fucking better because i wanna fight something and soon. And I  don't care much for where my fist lands." Ruka said, pounding his  fists together.
 Vest's long ears perked up at the sound of word 'wager.' He  immediately dropped his wrench and ran over to Strappon. "I heard  wager!" He exclaimed. Oh, how he loved a good gamble.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Jeokori sighs disappointed as he relinquished all social interactions  with Etc. Didn’t even tell him his name. Now he didn’t exactly  know what Chokki just said to him, he couldn’t exactly hear her very  well from his altitude. But he didn’t know that he didn’t like her  tone. Looking down at her, he gave a short snarl of annoyance. He  doesn’t care for most life forms of this planet, so to him this was  just more of a pet peeve. But that’s when he hears the word Nephilim  being tossed around like a common word. He was filled with  apprehension as he looks around, ears twitching as he tried to see if  it was near by. His fingers contorted to ensure that he could use his  claws to save his life. Due to the fact he couldn’t talk, it just  looked like he was freaking out for no reason. You could a low growl  permeate from his throat, he was really on edge. Look out, alien  starting to lose his shit. He grabbed Chokki, lifting her into the air  around 5 feet off the ground as he panics,  “Why are you acting like this any of your weakling ghosts?”
 Fascinator sighs, feeling a bit sorry. After all, not like these kids  know what the connotation was. Sighing,  “Sorry sorry, I’m just on edge. But listen, I’m Knitten’s  guardian, I’m responsible for him. So it’s my job to make sure  he’s safe. Understand why I’m trying to get him outta here?”  He motions to cluster fuck going on.
 Knittens scratches his head as he admits softly,  “Sorry Mary I gotta agree with Fasci, it’s not my cup of tea. But  what about something with Pocky?”  He grins, after all he loved that snack with a passion.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "Okay..." Boxer said was confuse and i didn't know he was flirting  with him. "Well, Thank you. I have my mothers eyes and my fathers good  looks" Father Crucifix said a little prideful about it but not to  much. "Ummmm, so what are you doing here?" Boxer ask Mong again  starting to get all detective to get some answer out him.
KRO:  Hot Pants squints at Strappon. Why would a holy man bet? Was Strappon  ok? Maybe. He doesn't know, he's lethargic.
 Putting a whistle in his mouth, he blew into it and gestured for all  troops to be at ease. Everybody resumed as  normal, some troops  looking back at their computers while others propping up the  barricades that were pushed over. Then there were the poor saps that  had to dismantle the catapult over yonder. They were suffering because  they were debating on whose pants to steal to give this odd human.
 Hot Pants turned back to the Angels, catching their attention with a  few quick whistles, "Alright, you guys are allowed to walk around this  stronghold."  He put his helmet back on and muttered, "Cause I feel like shit's  about to go down..."  He walked over to Fascinator's small group, overhearing the man  voicing his concerns.
 "Hey dude? You could put your kid in one of our jeeps or let him hang  out with some of our scientists over there."
KRO:  Hairpin rolled his eyes at Ruka. Typical of low ranks. He smiled at  Bowtie, feeling a little special that she was genuinely worried for  him.
 "Listen, I know I can't really hold my own most of the time, but I'm  made of tougher shit than that. I'll live."
SOUP-KITTY:  Diadem placed the little girl down gently. "Are you okay? Was that  girl bothering you too much?" Diadem looked extremely concerned.                                                           Jong looked up, it  seems they were being let in? He was still frightened, and took hold  of headphones's hand again. If shit went down Headphones could  probably get them out of there fast, right? He didn't question it too  much, because the more he did the more concerned he got with the whole  idea. Either way, he was waiting for headphones to start moving  forward.
TORIBIRDSEED:  Chokki squeaked when she was lifted off the ground, her hair waving  around a bit, she looked at the alien. “I Aint Actin like shit big  boy! Do you fucking know who I am! I am Chokki! World renound Idol and  queen to all who follow me!” She didint seem to mind the fact she  was being picked up rather that he picked her up without knowing who  she was. She crossed her arms and legs “I'll fucking order your  death if you don't drop me this instant you clown!” She clenched her  teeth and was pointing fingers at the other, taking her glasses off to  make sure there other could see her eyes, which were a deep shade of  red, constrasting her blue and purple outfit. “I don't care what you  are, compared to you I am a god, The world trembled before the name  Chokki!” She pauses, and thinks about this a little more “Unless I  mean your looking for fun, in which case im free” Now shes jsut  being two faced. Etch spoke up to Diadem politely “Oh um… thats my  chaperone, she takes me outside and stuff when Maxi Skirt thinks ive  been in my room for too long… Shes famous!”
 Collier and Goggles both got up and were happy to say they could now  wander. Goggles quickly summoned her weapon and began walking around  alone, hoping somebody might join her or piss her off. Collier was  less interested and was just looking for somebody to offer a job to or  something.
BRIT:  Jacket chuckled and scratched his cheek sheepishly.  "Welcome, babe." He said, giving her a thumbs up.  He looked around at Duster and the others who had been standing around  awkwardly. Duster seemed to be adjusting uncomfortably, but Strappon  stood with a steely resolve. He looked back and leaned in at Camisole.  "You know, I think that guy with the scarf is staring at everybody.  It's like I can feel his _eyes_ on us all. Staring into our very  souls."  He shuddered for emphasis.
 Shroud turned to Strappon and handed the clipboard back to Amulet, who  regarded the Angels with annoyance.  "Wager. Like you have anything we'd be interested in." The Mayor said,  adjusting his scarf a bit, "But I suppose I can humor you. What is  it?"
 Strappon stood tall and crossed his arms.  "We play a game. Your choice." He said, holding one finger up, "If we  win, you let us in to track down our target. If you win, we leave you  alone. _Forever._"
EMI:  "Get lost, kid. The adults are talkin here." Mong bumped Boxer away  with his hip. "So, how about you and I forget about this place and I  take you to our own personal Heaven, eh?"  He purred, drawing circles on his chest and pressing his body up  against the priest.
OSCARK9:  Hearing what Hot Pants say to the rest of the Angels, Gloves and  Sapphire was at ease, but not too ease. Since the Nephilim is still  out there, they keep close to the Angels and the Lethocs. On the  bright side, they won't be shoot or get a ticket.
THESTARSTWILIGHT:  "No shit Sherlock" Cami said to Jacket as she stepped back from him.  Shroud really wasn't good at making himself seem less suspicious.  "Also, don't touch me again. I _do not_ do physical contact."
SOUP-KITTY:  Diadem's concerned face turned apologetic. "Oh. Oh h*CK. I'm so so  sorry I  didnt know she was watching over you I just thought she was  being really rude and. I'm an idiot." Diadem spoke almost too fast to  keep up, it didn't help that he had an accent. He promptly held etch's  hand and started walking back, apologizing the whole way there.  "What's your name anyway?" He asked. Confused as to why a child was  there in the first place.
BRIT:  Sweater all but squeeled at the kiss on her hand, wiggling a little  more.  "Nya-nya! My name's Sweater! Nice to meet you Virgin Killer~" She  replied. "Hey, hey! Looks like the Angels just made a wager-nya."
 "MONG." Fundoshi called from behind the lines, his voice loud enough  to cause birds to fly away, "Get your slut ass over here, we're  _working._"  He was fucking pissed.  "Stop flirting with _servants of God._"
 Jacket backed off from Cami and cleared his throat.  "Oh, oh sorry." He said, waving his hands defensively, "I've got  friends like that!"
SAIYAN:  A voice rang out and told the guards to stand down. Finally, something  gave as the angels were allowed to enter.  “Jesus, finally” Undershirt said as they now wandered around the  base.  He and his sister took a moment to look around at the place. Looked  pretty sweet if he was being honest. I guess the tax dollars were  going to good use.  Meanwhile Bowtie laughed to herself at HP’s comments.
 “Yeah I guess you’re right. You kind of have to be with the  threats and other stuff you deal with every day. You know I’m just  looking out for you. Lord knows someone has to do it” She said,  continuing to laugh.
OWLIE:  A game? Sneakers thought. They want to wager it with a game?  Regardless, if it means they won't be peppered by bullets, then so be  it.
 Monocle and Polo stared at each other in confusion.
 Circlet, in her disguise, observed the people around her, as per  usual, they are annoying as fuck.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary frowns and he nods. He toys with his shorts a little bit,"It's  okay.." He gives the other a little smile. "Um..if you want to we  can..but what do you play with pocky?" He raised a brow.      Virgin  smirked and raised a brow. "Oh really now? Well its good to know I  won't fuck up my nails.~"
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Jeokori just blinked. He was just being screamed at, he didn’t ask  for this. Noticing that the barricade was opening, he flung her. Yeah  just flick of the wrist flings. He really doesn’t care like, at all.  He just made sure that she wouldn’t die. He was the first to start  walking through, eyes sharpened.  Headphones noticed that the gates were opening, and thus picked up  Jong. Maybe it’ll make him feel safer. He tries to soothe Jong,  “Listen the worse case scenario you get brain damage.”  Wow. He sucks at that.  Fascinator sighs,  “Thanks Hot Pants, you’re a-“  Knittens knew what was happening and grabbed Mary Janes, bolting past  the barricade. He wanted to be apart of the action not stuck  somewhere. He shouts,  “RUUUUUN!!”  Fascinator’s looks like was going to faint, and stumbled a bit when  he asked,  “Okay, so I’m not high and he actually went in didn’t he?”
THESTARSTWILIGHT:  Turning away from Jacket for a second, she shouted over to Strappon  "__What on Earth are you doing?__ You don't go around making bets like  that! Especially if I'm involved. That's a sure fire way to lose!"
 She then realized Jacket was probably waiting for a response. "Oh  right. Thanks I guess. I'd say we should team for the whatever this  game is but that'd be a disservice to... well pretty much anyone I  teamed with."
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "Hey!" Boxer said angrily as looks at Mong. Father Crucifix didn't  know what to do, he has never been flirted or be hit on before in his  life. "Well, you see i'm a Virgin so i don't think this old man is  good in the bed..." Father Crucifix said as he was sweating a little  and when he look at Fundoshi when he called Mong. Oh Thank, God he was  save this pure guy. "AH! Your a Virgin" Boxer laugh a little at Father  Crucifix then get BIBLE CHOP in the head. "Your a Virgin too, Fool"  Father Crucifix said as Boxer had big bump on his head and face in the  ground.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary squeaked when the other started running. He looks back at  Sneakers and he waves a little bit while being carried. "SNEAKERS  C'MON BRO!" This was definatly exciting.
OSCARK9:  Both over heard what Strappon said to the Absolut on a wager and it  made them grin widely. "It sound like a crazy wager." He said,  crossing his arms. "I like it."
OWLIE:  Polo suddenly reappeared next to Jacket and Camisole, "You know, one  shouldn't be pessimistic, being positive will make you do things  better--" He was interrupted by Monocle who pulled him by the ear.
 Sneakers saw Mary, he nodded and decided to followed suit.
BRIT:  Amulet laughed at Strappon's offer, a hearty and mocking laughter.
 "Fine by me." Shroud said simply. Amulet nearly choked on his laugh  and started coughing.
 "WHAT!?" He spat.
 "I said fine." Shroud repeated before crossing his arms, "The notion  of you leaving us alone is far too good to pass up. We have work to  do, finding these ghosts."
 "Then choose a sport." Strappon said. He was smug.
 Shroud looked around at the demons around him, then at the Angels. He  pointed to Jacket.
 "You." He said. "You pick something."
 Jacket blinked and looked around at everyone else. He then grinned  widely and put his hands on his hips.  "Kickball!" He said proudly.
 Strappon wilted a little, but remained calm. Well, it was a sport. He  guessed.
DJDEVIL:  Helmet sniffled as he watched his mighty roman catapult get torn down.  He worked so hard on it's construction and to see dismantled broke his  holy heart. "Woe is me!" He exclaimed, falling onto his knees.
 Vest's eyes widened at this bet. "Hot damn, partner! That's one hell  of a wager. And a reckless one at that. The kind an old friend of mine  would make." He commented, leaning against the barrier.
 Ruka, already bored with this nerd, decided to find someone else to  talk to/torture. He spotted Criclet and walked over her. "Well, don't  you look like a ray of sunshine?" He said sarcastically taking another  sip from his bottle.
KRO:  Shades grabbed on to Strappon's shoulder, turning the priest around,  "I think you may wanna rethink our part of that wager..."
 Letting Demons get away with stuff? That was concerning and he was  wondering if Hot Pants shaking the guy ended up doing some damage.
 Hot Pants looked in the direction the kids ran off and and shrugged.  "They'll be fine. Not like they'll get their hands on weaponry when  it's either locked up or in the hands of our personnel."
OWLIE:  "Uh, yea, especially you have to deal with the likes of them," Circlet  said pointing to Monocle and Polo.
 "What's that for?" Polo complained, Monocle remained quiet, a deadly  look in his eye, as he pointed to Ruka and Vest with Circlet.
 "Oh... /That/",said Polo, hatred mixing in his voice.
THESTARSTWILIGHT:  "Why shouldn't I be pessimistic?" Camisole began to rant, her face  getting all red, "Everything I try ends in disaster, I'm always caught  in a disaster, I fell from a stupid disaster, and I am a disaster. If  you could give a face to bad luck, I'd be that fucking face. In this  game my sandals going to fly off and hit someone or I break my ankle  or something else stupid because that's how it always goes."
EMI:  Mong flinched at the all-too-familiar shout from behind him. His hand  slipped onto Father Crucifix's cross and he let out a yelp as it  burned him. He quickly withdrew and shook his hand.
 "Ooouf... What fuckin' a bone-kill..." He whined. "I AM WORKIN'" He  shouted back at Fundoshi. Just because Fundoshi had a different  definition for "working" doesn't mean he wasn't. Jeez.
SOUP-KITTY:  Despite the brain damage comment, Jong felt pretty safe. What was  concerning was the mention of kickball. What the fuck was a kickball?  The only balls he knew of were attached to someone else. Being  homeschooled had caught up with him once more. Maybe he can flirt his  way out of this one? Or maybe he'd be allowed to sit it out. Who knows  at this point. He sighed.       Diadem brought the little girl back to  the loud one, who had been flung somewhere. He apologized again, and  then walked away as fast as he could.
OSCARK9:  While both of the disguse demons are grining in joy of the wager.  Gloves notice that the Lethocs tore the catapult down and seeing  Helment on his knees. In time of need, he walks over to him and giving  him little comfort. "I'm sorry for your lost, sir." He said while  patting his back. "Don't worry, you can always make a another one back  at the Abbey." He smiles a little. (Hopefully the higher ups can let  him.) He thought to himself.
 While Sapphire from afar was seeing him giving Helment comfort. It  still make her blush to see him pantless.
BRIT:  Jacket seemed proud of himself as he looked between Cami and Polo.  "You guys ready for some sports?" He asked, excited. He blinked as  Polo regarded the demons beyond the barrier. "We can kick their  asses!"
 Shroud turned to his demons calmly, his gaze remaining on the Angels  for longer before turning to them completely.
 "Let's set the place up for some kickball, then." He said. Fundoshi  gave a look of confusion before moving off to set up a makeshift field  for them, with slats of debris as bases and a mound for the middle.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "WHAT!?" Father Crucifix shouted as he heard all of that Gambling on  everything in a Game of Children which is Kickball. "YAY!" Boxer  shouted in joy as they were going to play a children game you would  play at School. Boxer runs over to Strappon and raises his hand like  child would do. "PICK ME! I GOT A GOOD KICK!" Boxer said very  excitedly as he know wants to play Kickball. Father Crucifix faceplams  as he watches Boxer being a Child.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Too late Hot Pants, Fascinator’s was on the ground hyperventilating.  He was panicking, first he heard whispers about a rampaging thing and  now he’s lost the kid he was suppose to protect. His family would  annex him if anything happened to Knittens. This was one of his worst  fears coming into reality. Looking like a dying man he whispers,  “Feed my pets when I’m gone Hot Pants.”
 Headphones quieted his eyes,  “Was that the game where you kick each other in the nuts until  someone backs down cause I can win that.”  He clicked his pointy heels to emphasize that.
 Knittens was panting,  - [ ] “We can totally find this ghost, right? Then we can show  everyone that we’re nothing to trifle with, yeah?”  - [ ] Slowing down to stop to catch his breath, he looks around to see  that they were still with the crowd but lost sight of Fascinator.
SAIYAN:  Undershirt and Wristband looked inquisitively at Shroud. Kickball?  What the hell?
 “Well no matter what it is, I’ll definitely win for sure!”  Undershirt said out loud.
 “Yeah there’s no way we can lose!” Wristband confirmed.  Even Bowtie was confused. She couldn’t really believe that he said  that.
 “Uh, sir, with all due respect, don’t you think this is a  little…childish?” she asked him as politely as she could.
OWLIE:  "Shit." Monocle said, flashbacking to his good old days in heaven.  Kickball was not pretty for him, especilly if it was mixed with  bullies.
 Polo seemed very excited though. He kept bouncing about, ready to  play.
DJDEVIL:  Ruka looked to where Circlet pointed and his expression became more  pissed off. "I feel you. Especially when it comes to the goofy-eyed  fucker. I was close to getting some vengeance but i got fucked over by  his boyfriend and that old fuck over here." He said with a slight  growl, pointing towards Father Crucifix.
 "Alrighty, let's get started then!" Vest said as he went over to help  Fundoshi set up.
 Meanwhile, tears were pouring Helmet's namesake over the death of his  catapult.
SOUP-KITTY:  Diadem made his way over to Bowtie, standing quietly behind her. He  had wasted enough time on his anti-bullying crusade, which clearly was  just a big misunderstanding. He overheard that they were playing  kickball? He stayed quiet and listened, not that he could say anything  anyway, the higher-ups were talking. It was better to just shut up and  ask questions later.
THESTARSTWILIGHT:  Looked like Cami didn't have an option to play or not as Jacket pretty  much was gonna force her to whether she liked it or not. "Why did I  even bother to come..." she muttered. At the very least, she took off  her high platform sandals so they wouldn't trip her or fly off. This  left her standing in ash and broken glass, but honestly she'd rather  be injured than ruin the game more than she already would. Her tiny, 5  foot stature was left in all it's glory without anything propping her.  up
  "So, what order we doing and who's starting? If we're gonna do this  might as well get this over with.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary rubs Knitten's back and he nods. He pats Sneakers shoulder and he  perks up. " We can kick that Nephi-somethin-something's butt. And  we'll look awesome doing it! But let's rest a little bit, cause you  guys need it."
KRO:  Hairpin went to his husband's side, patting the man on his back.  "Listen, I know your gag reflex is terrible, but don't die on me."
 Hot Pants was shit at consoling other people. He didn't know what to  do and called on a unit to help Fascinator up on his feet.  "Listen dude, they're gonna be fine. This place isn't too big."
 Seeing Fundoshi set up the court, he tossed his weapon to yet another  unit and instructed them to store it away.
 "I'll be right back, I gotta help out and make some bleachers."  He removed his helmet once more and blew on his whistle to gather  other soldiers. They quickly constructed a small set of bleachers and  some units were already sitting on in anticipation for the game. Some  were even betting.
BRIT:  "It was the wager." Shroud explained to Bowtie, "Would you rather play  a sport with rules or deal with a bunch of roudy Angels screaming at  us from behind a barrier all day?"
 Fundoshi looked at the array of Demons and Angels with disdain. He had  confidence, so long as they picked the right team.
 Jacket pumped his fist into the air and turned to Polo, Monocle, and  Cami.  "Hey, hey! Let's help everyone pick teams! C'mon, Sir Strap! We gotta  come up with a team of six and a name, right?"
 Strappon turned to his Angels and gestured them in.  "Alright, Angels. We've got to prove ourselves." He said, "We only  have one chance at this, but I believe we can do this. After all, you  chaps have stupid luck, correct?"
SAIYAN:  Bowtie waited for Shroud’s response as a new twink made an  appearance next to her.
 “Oh hey there, are you new? I don’t recognize you. My name’s  Bowtie, what’s yours?” She asked the newbie.  Suddenly Shroud spoke his words and Bowtie stepped back a bit. For  someone so short he could be intimidating and commanding for sure.
 “Yes sir, you’re right! I’m sorry for doubting you” she said,  trying to portray how sorry she really was.
OWLIE:  "That's sound's great, Sneakers admitted, running around is great, but  really not his style, he began to reach for his book, but he suddenly  reminded himself that he has no book right now.
 Hearing Strappon, Polo cheered, "Yeah!"
 Monocle narrowed his eyes, "What? Polo, slow down--"
 "Slow down?" Polo said, thinking it was a time to make a stupid joke,  "That's not what you said last nigh--" He was punched in the arm. He  groaned in pain.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "YEAH!" Boxer shouted to Strappon response. Father Crucifix step up  before the Angels and clear his voice. "Angels! I think we should all  hold hands and pray to God!" Father Crucifix call out hoping to get  everyone attention. "Also, praying helps out get all the negativity  out" Father Crucifix pointed out. Boxer just wanted to play Kickball.
THESTARSTWILIGHT:  Upon hearing the teams would be 6v6, Cami regretted taking her shoes  off. "Wait, so I might _not_ have to play? Thank God." Then again,  nobody knew who was being picked yet nor who was picking. _What if  it's the demons picking?_ she thought to herself. She might not hate  demons that much, but it was still a competition and they would pick  whoever would be the absolute worst to pick.
DJDEVIL:  After about another a few minutes of crying, Helmet wiped his namesake  and stood up. "You're right, Ser Gloves. I can always build another.  Now, let's resume our hunt! DEUS VULT!" He exclaimed, pulling out his  sword before noticing the kickball game being set up. "Ummm, did I  miss something?" he asked, confused.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Virgin Killer snickers,"Kick ball huh? I have no balls so this should  be absolutely marvellous~!" She cracked her knuckles and crunched down  on the lollipop in her mouth, shattering it. "Ooo..wonder if we're  allowed to cheerlead.." A smirk grew on the neon hoe's face. Mary on  the other hand was a little less excited. He knew this would get his  clothes dirty real quick and running were needles are perfectly hidden  wasn't his cup of tea. "Where do you guys think it's going?"
OSCARK9:  "Well... he said that we're going to be in 6 v 6 of kickball." He  answers Helment question, "We should go and be with the rest of the  groups, before they start without us." He stands up and walk with the  rest of the Angels.
 Sapphire was with the group and fist pump her right fist in the air  and yells, "Yeah! Let's kick some ass!" She said, cheerfully.
BRIT:  "We're not going to pray." Strappon said to Father Crucifix, "We don't  need to. We're going against Demons. I know God is on our side because  She gave me this idea."
 He reached into his pocket to reveal a piece of paper that simply said  'compete.' He had a big grin about that- his trump card.
 Jacket jumped around for joy a little.  "I cant't believe I had such a good idea!"
 "It'll... Work." Strappon sighed.
 Duster leaned in to the group more.  "Sports. Of course its sports. Demons like order." He grumbled, "We  have to have some sort of strategy."
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Fascinator sniffed, nodding as he stands up. Wiping the I’m going to  die tears from his eyes he tried to smile,  “I hope so… Why does he have to be the spawn of Satan?”  He looks at the upcoming game of kickball and asks,  “… When did is this turn into middle school? Cause I don’t wanna  go back into puberty. It was awful, and that’s all aim willing to  talk about🇧🇷🇨🇼  He sits onto the bleachers before starting to bet with the other  soldiers. He’s got 30 bucks on demons, better fucking win. He was  more just gonna cheer people on, but also hope that he isn’t losing  30 bucks. He  asks Hot Pants,  “You bettin?”  Actin like he doesn’t have a gambling problem.
 Knittens began coughing violently, chest burning. He couldn’t stop  as he kept trying to breath. Almost choking on air, he tried hard just  to focus on moving air into his lungs.  “N-Not sure-“  He was interrupted as he bent over, in pain.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary starts to panic and he opens up his teddy bear, rummaging through  it. He takes out his black inhaler and he hands it. "K-kn-knittens  this might help."
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "Oh, i did not know that..." Father Crucifix said as he goes back into  line. Boxer was excited and really now want to play kickball. "FATHER  STRAPPON! PICK ME!" Boxer shouted as he raises his hand like child and  jumping around too. "Boxer, please calm down" Father Crucifix said as  he takes drink of rum from his flask. "But i want to play Kickball!"  Boxer whined for he wanted something to do. "Then let Brother Strappon  choose" Father Crucifix calmly said as he waits for Strappon to pick.  "Fine..." He sighs as  he waits for Strappon to choose.
SOUP-KITTY:  "My name's Diadem. And I guess I'm new, I just moved here from Russia  and somehow ended up in this job?" Diadem smiled at Bowtie.
BRIT:  "Nah nah, I'm Team Captain!" Jacket said, "And I _know_ who I'm gonna  pick!"
 He looked around at the rest of the Angels with a face of  consideration, his grin was too big to hide.
 "Okay! I pick Cami, Gloves, Undershirt, Polo aaaaaand..." He looked  around for one more person, pointing at Jong "You over yonder with the  short shorts!"  He seemed proud of himself.
 Strappon looked over at Shades and Undershirt, restless and tired.  Well, he couldn't _disagree._
 Meanwhile on the other side of the field, the Demons had assembled in  a more orderly fashion as Fundoshi and Shroud looked them over.
 "Okay, out of all of you, I will choose those who I feel are most fit  for this." He said, looking at the list of participants, "Out of this  crew that showed today, I pick..."
 He sighed.
 "Mong, Rukavitsa, Sweater, and Circlet." He started, "And since we're  short, I'm going to have to pick Hairpin and Mankini."
 Shroud adjusted his scarf subtly, but there was some sort of  indication that's how Hairpin ended up on the team.
THESTARSTWILIGHT:  As Jacket started to pick Camisole immediately started to shake her  head. _Don't you dare. Don't you dare. Don't you dare._
 "I pick Cami..."
 "FUCK" she yelled out, slamming her foot to the ground so hard the  thump could be heard by anyone. Hopefully there wasn't any glass  there, otherwise it would be jammed in harder "Jacket... why? What did  I just tell you about not picking me?" She looked like she was gonna  cry tears of pure rage and confusion.
OWLIE:  "Oh Yes!" Polo said, delighted he was picked.
 "Oh," Monocle suddenly sighed with relief, at least he wwasn't picked  for that dreadful game. He smiled at Polo and kissed him on the cheek,  "Good luck, Pols,"
 Circlet scoffed and yelled, "Ha! Gaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy!"
 Sneakers cheered, "Good luck Angels!"
KRO:  Lethocs units passing buy stopped at the scene of children on the  ground. This was certainly out of the ordinary but one kid looked like  he was having a medical emergency. As more adults gathered around,  some field medics finally came in and took Knittens to get checked at.  A cadet stayed behind with Mary Janes, consoling the child and  reaffirming that everything will be fine.
 Hairpin squinted at Fundoshi, like his entire ancestry had been  offended. Sighing, he reached for his arm and popped it off and threw  it a distance away.  "Oh would you look at that, some ghost influenced me to throw my very  /valuable/ arm into the rubble. But hey I tag in my kid, he's good.  Armlet, sweetheart!"
 All of a sudden a mound of dirt had a hole through it as a small child  plowed through it.  "I'm here!" he yelled.
EMI:  Mong, now on the correct side of the field, grinned ear to ear and  saluted at Fundoshi.  "I won't let you down, buddy! I'm an expert with ball-games! It's on  my resume!"
 Mankini had been silent this whole time just actually working. He  stopped what his pencil snapped when his name was called.  "Wait, what!? Now is /hardly/ the time for games! Angels are /blessed  with good luck/, you moron!" He snapped.
SAIYAN:  Bowtie was kind of surprised at where Diadem was from. He did have the  accent for sure.
 “Jeez man, you came all the way over here? I mean I can see why, the  weather is much nicer but man that’s a trek.” She said to him.
 “Hell yeah boys! Let’s go!” Undershirt said happily as he heard  his name be called!
 There was no way they could lose now. It was a big mistake to allow  him to compete. At least that’s what he thought.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Virgin scowled when she heard the name Gloves. Fucker burned her gucci  purse. She holds the edge of her sweater and she grinds her teeth,  mumbling cuss words. "Stupid god damn cock juggling thunder cunt!"  Woah. Mary was sniffling and crying, poor baby. He hugs the cadet and  quietly wishes the angels good luck.
SOUP-KITTY:  Jong looked surprised, why would they want him to play? This seemed  like a whole lot of trouble to go through. "I guess this is what I'm  doing now." Jong was let go by headphones, and started walking over to  where the team was assembled. With one last glance back, he smiled and  waved at headphones. Today is definitely a long day.
OSCARK9:  With a surprise on Gloves face for Jacket picking him, it made him  grin widely in joyment. "Alright!" He said as he gives Jacket a thumps  up. "I won't let you and our team down!" He looks at the other teams  that was pick out. "Y'ALL! STAY DETERMINED!" He yells with joyment.
 Sapphire was sad that she didn't pick, but it best to cheer them on  from afar. "Good luck, Gloves!" He said, happily.
 He turns his head to her and gave her a thumps up.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "OH COME ON!" Boxer shouts as he wasn't picked. "I'M STRONG AND FAST!"  He shouted more as he was getting angry like child would. Poor Boxer.  "Boxer, please calm do-" Father Crucifix was about to say until Boxer  punch a wall making it cracked. "BOXER!" Father Crucifix shouted as  Boxer did that. "IT'S NOT FAIR! IT'S NOT FAIR! IT'S NOT FAIR!" Boxer  repented as he punches the wall. Father Crucifix grab the young mans  ear. "You are acting like a Child! This is not how Angels act!" Father  Crucifix scold Boxer for what he did which kind of calm down Boxer.  "Are you done?" Father Crucifix said as he look at him with serious  eyes. "Yes..." Boxer said looking down now sad that he didn't get to  play. "Would you Father want you to act like that?" Father Crucifix  ask him again. "No..." Boxer replied. "Then Stop this foolish  behavior!" Father Crucifix said as he let go of his ear. "I'm sorry,  Father..." Boxer said sadly as he rubs his ear. "I forgive because you  still learning to become a Adult and to control your anger" Father  Crucifix said as he set down and watches the game.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens reaches out, but his throat was so agitated that when he bent  over again to hack out his lungs, a bit of vomit cane up. Tears  streamed out of his eyes as he tried to control his breathing but no  luck. He was holding his throat as he coughed uncontrollably. Every so  often he was able to suck in a breath but that was gone by the next  coughing fit. He was gripping the ground as he knelt down. Then was  taken away by the medics, where Fascinator noticed the commotion.  Noticing that Knittens was in pain, he pulled out the boy’s inhaler.  Telling them who he was and the situation, he used the medication onto  his cousin and the coughing seemed to cease. Breathing hard Knittens  was brought to get further evaluation. Fascinator followed suite to  make sure he was okay, but they assured him that he’ll be fine and  they’ll get him once they make sure everything was okay. Fascinator  slumped down into the bleachers as he began to violently berate  himself for not being there. He even started to tear up.
 Headphones cheered on for Jong,  “I’ll be cheering for you on the side lines you’ll do great!  Kick those fuckers in the nuts!”  Headphones that’s not how the game works. He waves back and claps,  grinning from the bleachers.
BRIT:  Shroud watched the Angels and Demons assemble with much more interest  than he had in the past. He had his eyes locked on /someone/, but no  one was sure who. Amulet seemed a little nervous about that fact.
 "Sir, don't you think we should concentrate on finding the Nephilim?"  He whispered to Shroud, who simply waved him off.
 "I want to see this for myself." He said, "I'm interested in someone,  here."
 Amulet clutched his clipboard and bit his lip slightly. Something  wasn't good. He glanced over at Bowtie for a moment.
 Fundoshi stared at Hairpin deadass.  "You'll offer your own son." He said, like he was in disbelief.
 Jacket simply laughed at Cami's reaction.
 "You'll do fine! Now get in there and make us proud!" He said, doing  some Sidon-esque motion, "We're heroes! We'll save the world with our  skills! Right? Never give up!"
 He posed. Ultraman style.
EMI:  "Savage." Mong whispered.
 Mankini clicked his pen agressively, being ignored. He wrote a while  report on the things that the Demon Sisters' failures and now it  seemed he needed to start reporting for /theirs/.
SAIYAN:  Bowtie excused herself from Diadem as her eyes locked with Amulet's  for a moment and then saw what was happening down below.
 “Excuse me one moment!” She said as she slid herself over to  Amulet.
 “So…This could get pretty ugly” she said as she glanced at  Shroud and then back to Amulet.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary wipes his eyes and notices Fascinator slumped on the bleachers.  He moves away from the cadet and over to the distraught adult. He sits  next to Fasci and he rubs his back, resting his fluffy haired head on   the others shoulder. "M..mr.Fascinator..? He's gonna be okay..he's a  tough cookie..I know that for sure.." Mary looked at Sneakers and  motioned for him to sit with them.
DJDEVIL:  Vest sighed with relief when his name didn't get picked and sat on the  bleachers.
 Helmet did as well, holding up a large sign that said "DEUS VULT" on  it.
 "Alright, let's knock birdbrains into the fucking dirt!!!" Ruka  exclaimed with a sharp tooth grin and made his way to the home base  and readied himself to kick. The perpetually gleeful and frankly  annoying angel pitches the ball, he kicks it, then bolts like a viper  to first base.
OWLIE:  Sneakers moved to the bleachers and sat down with Mary and Fascinator.  He tried to say something but no words came out of his mouth, so he  just intently watched the angels and demons.
KRO:  Hairpin threw up his hand as he went to retrieve his arm, "Don't worry  about the kid! He's a bloodthirsty little shit anyways, he'll live."
 Armlet crossed his arms, offended that Fundoshi doesn't trust him.  "Wow, you're a rude old man. You see me train with your girlfriend, I  can handle myself."
HITA:  Seemingly popping up out of nowhere, Tiara gazed at the field over  HP's shoulder, curious about the situation.  Did Meema really just tag  in her blind brother?  Was she gonna have to smack her Meema?  Probably not.
 "So is Mister No-Face Grumpyguts McGee being weird and making us play  sports like school says?  Can I dump a barrel of hot sauce on him?  Doesn't he know school is bad?"  Coming from a home schooled child  with a fondness for dragons that could barely read, she was pretty  sure she was right.  Either way, she waved at Armlet enthusiastically.   "Good LUCK ARMLET!!!!"
OMEGAPSYCHO:  Boxer was looking down still sad that he didn't play, Father Crucifix  pats him on the back. "It's Okay, sometimes people don't get to be the  star of the spotlight" Father Crucifix said as he pats Boxer. "I know  but..." Boxer said as he was about to tear up. "Hey, how about you  cheer on your friends? They need all the help they can get" Father  Crucifix said to try to find another way for Boxer to cheer up.  "Alright!" Boxer said as he feels a little better and focus on  cheering his friends on. "GO! EVERYONE! YOU CAN KICK THESE DEMONS  ASS!" Boxer cheered for his friends as he finally forgot about wanting  to be pick. Father Crucifix smiles as he get out his flask and takes a  drink of his rum, he was doing a great job of being Boxer care taker.
BRIT:  Amulet lowered his voice further.  "You're not kidding. We need to distract him somehow." He whispered,  his eyes flicking to the clearly concentrated Absolute. His gaze  locked on the field.
 Jacket screamed as his ball was kicked away.  "Damn it, oh well, first one!" He called over to the rest of them.  "Get him! Stop him from tagging base, Cami!"
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Call it genetics or whatever, but like Knittens, Fascinator has a  knack for always trying to cheer people up. He started to laugh,  grinning,  “Ofcourse! I knew Knittens ever since he was born! He fell down a  flight of stairs as a baby and he was fine! Thick skull. I was there  when he lost his tooth at his hockey championship, and he kept playing  even when he was bleeding from his mouth! He’s gonna… He’s gonna  be fine.”  It seems he said the last part for himself as he leans back to watch  the game. He cheers,  “C’mon demons I want to win a bet!!!”
 Headphones whistles,  “YOU LOOK LIKE A 10/10 JONG KNOCK EM DEAD!”  He made an okay sign as he cheers on the boy. He didn’t know why but  he felt a little attached to Jong, and not even by his hair now.
THESTARSTWILIGHT:  By some miracle Camisole actually managed to catch the ball. "What.  What." She just stood there with the ball in her hands dumb founded.  ".... I. Just. _How_?" She immediately stopped once she realized who  she got out. "Guess I'm not dead now huh?"
 She tossed the ball back to Jacket, only to hit him square in the  face. "Must have been a flook" she muttered.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary giggles a little bit and rubs the back of his neck, "Holy cow I  had no idea he was that tough. You sure he's not half rubber boy?" He  kids and he turns to Sneakers, "You alright..? You seem really quite."  He squishes the other kid's cheeks around with his hands. "Say you're  a guppy, Sneaks."
DJDEVIL:  Ruka stopped dead in his tracks when he saw Cami catch the ball and he  was not happy about that. He gave her a long and very scary death  stare before turning around and walking back to the bleachers. The  first fucking kick and he got out. Ruka was fucking fuming.
BRIT:  Jacket was hit in the face, but he merely stumbled a little. Ball made  an extremely distressed noise and uncurled, stumbling.  "Oi, good arm!" He called to Cami.
 He then rolled his shoulder with a wide grin as Mong approached the  plate.  "Gonna wreck your shit, spikey!" He called over to him. He picked up  Pincushion- er, I mean the ball, and tossed it as hard as he could at  Mong.
KRO:  Hairpin pet Tiara calm as she climbed all over him.  "There will be a time and place for that but today is not that day."
 Either way he grabbed his arm from a pile of rubble and sensed a  disturbance in the force. All of a sudden he was back in the field and  became the referee.  "YOU'RE OUT!" He called out. Rest in pieces Ruka.
EMI:  Mong got up to plate and readied his stance. He eyed Jacket like a  madman until he pitched.  Immediately, he slammed his foot into the poor "ball" and kicked it  straight up into the air, giving the field a pretty good view of under  his kilt, and then kicked it right back into Jacket's face.
 Mong blinked.  "Oh, uh... He caught it..."
OSCARK9:  "ALRIGHT!" He said as runs over to the 2nd base and covering it for  the team, not actually covering it, just standing next to it.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "GO JACKET, GO GLOVES, AND GO POLO!" Boxer cheered them on, he was  like a mad fan at Football Game which made Father Crucifix chuckles as  he was enjoying the game. "How you feeling now?" Father Crucifix ask  Boxer with small smile on his face. "I'm feeling good!" Boxer said  with smile. "That's Good to hear"
OMEGAPSYCHO:  *Father Crucifix said with smile on his face but go the chills when  Mong got on the Plate.
BRIT:  Shroud had hardened his stare at the field. The grip on his hands had  tightened immensely.
 Jacket had to pry Pincushion off his face this time, as she had clung  to him so hard he actually fell over. He managed to yank her off.  "Man, I'm sorry little ball but you gotta co-operate!" He said as he  tucked the poor thing back into a ball form. He looked up to see  Sweater donning the plate with the cutest fierce face she could  muster.
 "Nya-nya! I won't let anyone down!" She called to the demons in the  stands with a wave before giving Jacket her game face.
 Jacket grinned and spun his arm around to wind up the toss, throwing  the ball hard.
 Sweater kicked the ball as hard as she could and broke out into a run,  taking off toward first base with as much vigor as she could.
THESTARSTWILIGHT:  Camisole, upon seeing Sweater move, dashed towards the ball. It had  hit the ground already, but she picked it up and tagged Sweater before  she made it to 1st base. She had managed to step in some broken glass  and was inspecting it, dropping the ball to the ground.
 "I'll deal with this in the morning". She simply pulled out a bandange  from her shorts pockets and slapped it on her foot. Pincushion ran  back to Jacket for the next play.
DJDEVIL:  Vest watched as the game went on, but then he felt a sudden jolt  through his body then an itch. It was The Urge. The Urge To Shop. Why  here? Why now? Because habits are a bitch to break. Dashing his eyes  left and right, he looked for something to steal.
 Helmet blasted crusader music from a boombox he had for some reason as  the demons struck out. "GOD IS WITH US, BROTHERS AND SISTERS!" He  shouted, waving the sign around like a madman.
SAIYAN:  Bowtie nodded her head at Amulet. Amulet had the right idea for sure  but how?
 “Yeah probably, but how?” she asked him. “He’s very fixated on  this right now, and I don’t wanna get in his bad side.”
 They were stuck in bad situation.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Virgin killer whistled as Sweater ran. Her tail moved about excitedly.  "Go Sweater!" She watches cami step on the glass and she smirked,  licking her lips.  "What a pretty shade.." Virgin gripped the  bleachers and cheered. "Bleed baby bleed!"
Suddenly a giant finger pops out of the ground, without warning either.
THESTARSTWILIGHT:  "__Of fucking course, the one time I do something good it has to go  wrong.__" Camisole immediately put her shoes back on and took out her  weapon just in case. Who knew what this was? Whatever it is though, it  doesn't look happy.
OWLIE:  "What the--" Polo said, looking up the sky.
 "/uh, a bhuíochas, buille faoi thuairim mé.../" Sneakers replied to  Mary through squished cheeks, not realizing he slipped into his irish  mode.
EMI:  Mankini dropped his clipboard, along with his jaw.
 Mong, in the meantime, shouted from the top of the finger.  "Wooooooooaaaah. What the fuuuuuuuuuck."
 Dermal slowly lowered his sunglasses.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "What the..." Boxer said as he saw the giant finger pop out of the  ground, without warning. "Looks like the game is cut short" Father  Crucifix said as he got out his weapon. "Alright! It's fighting time!"  Boxer said with grin as he summon his weapon. They were ready to fight  now!
OSCARK9:  While Gloves protecting on the second base and Sapphire cheering them  on, Dress Socks and G-Strings are at the bench with the rest of its  co-workers cheering their side.
 Suddenly, a big finger pop out of the ground. "What the actual fuck?!"  Dress Sock said in shock.
SOUP-KITTY:  Jong looked at the giant finger, surprised. Then he looked over to  where headphones was sitting. Then back to the finger, then back to  headphones. Jong breathed in, and closed his eyes. "Why me." he  thought to himself. What a long day indeed.
HITA:  Eyes narrowing at the sudden appearance, Tiara put her hands on her  hips.  Well, that was just rude!
 "Do you think that's the middle finger?  Because if so, we need to  tell it it's rude.  If not, it might be pointing at something."  This  said to Hairpin as she huffed in annoyance.
DJDEVIL:  "Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...............?" Was all Ruka could  say.
 Vest blinked and his urge was replaced with a feeling of 'WTAF"
 Helmet slowly turned off his boombox as he stared at the finger
SAIYAN:  Bowtie just stared down at the finger and then back to Amulet.
 “Well, I guess that’s one way to do it” She said to him.
 Meanwhile Undershirt jumped back in surprise as he heard something pop  out of the ground. He quickly spun around to see a finger sticking out  of the ground.
 “I thought we were done with the zombie episode” He yelled as he  looked at the finger sticking out of the ground.
 There must be no more room in hell.
 “Is that a fucking finger?” Wristband said as she squinted from  the sidelines, trying to see if her eyes were deceiving her.
 “Yep, that’s a fucking finger all right.”
KRO:  Shades had been sitting on the bleachers, watching the game before he  just fell over from the vibrations of /something/ breaching the  ground.
 "What the absolute /fuck/ is that!?"
 Many Lethocs units began running around in a panic and Hot Pants was  having difficulty keeping them in line.
 HP kept staring, unsure of what to make of it.  "Is that..."  He snapped back into focus at Tiara's question, rubbing his chin.  "Uh, that's a good question."
 Gogo finally decided to join the shenanigans taking place, coming up  behind Dermal with with some Starbucks.
 "Hey good looking, what's cooking...."  The looked up at the scene.
 "Oh. Well, I'm gonna take my end of the world nap then, ciao!"  And there they went.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  "Must. Resist. Urge. To. Putitinmybody. M u s T. Resist." Virgin fans  herself. "Why is it so hot in here all of the sudden. Mary on the  other hand, looked at Sneakers and blinked. "Teach me..what ever it is  that you just said..please.." This boy was so easily amazed. Fuck the  finger this boy wasn't speaking English and it was cool.
BRIT:  Jacket screamed as the earth was suddenly shook, but turned and  immediately donned his weapon.  "YOOOO THE FUCK? WE'RE GONNA FUCK YOU UP!" He called. He ran straight  for the finger, but was immediately flicked away and into the stands.
 Shroud immediately stood from his place, clearly unsettled by the  sudden appearence of the rogue enormous finger. Amulet, as if he  wasn't pale enough, turned much paler.
 And then, out of Left Field, Duster came and from his blade erupted a  flurry of slashes. It cut the enormous finger off of whatever it was  attached to before it was able to cause any more damage, and there  were several long tremors and a very loud groan before the earth stood  still.
 This left everyone involved staring in awe as the remnants of finger  decayed into dust, falling apart into whisps of soul threads and...  well, dust.
 Jacket gasped.
 "Fucking radical!" He cheered.
OWLIE:  "I uhh..." Sneakers stammered, he realized he just spoke his native  tongue, "/Ahh tá sé an-chasta/-- I mean it's very complicated, but I  would teach you another time if you'd like,"
 Monocle summoneed his weapon once more, alarmed.
THESTARSTWILIGHT:  "Well then," Cami said completely flabbergasted, "I don't know about  you but I say this is the perfect opportunity to get the fuck out of  here." _Where does a giant finger even come from?_ she pondered. She  wasn't too sure about normal ghosts, so what __this__ was, it was  completely out of her knowledge.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "ANGELS! GET READY IT'S TIME FOR A FIGHT!" Father Crucifix said as he  was battle ready for anything. "I'M ALWAYS READY FATHER!" Boxer  shouted as he was excited to punch something today.
SOUP-KITTY:  Diadem was in awe at what had just happened, although he wasn't  entirely sure. But it was definitely not worth moving away from home  for. That was the sickest shit he's ever seen. And not in the cool  way. He immediately pulled out a hospital face mask and started to  hyperventilate. I was a mistake to go outside today.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Headphones shrugged, unsure of what’s even happening and readied his  hair into a lasso to just snatch Jong outta there. Well, shit the  apocalypse will swallow this Earth. But when it was suddenly destroyed  he rushed on over to peer into the hole that was the finger’s final  resting place.
 Fascinator looked to the boys worried as his fingers twitched. He was  ready to unsheathe his machete if needed but wasn’t sure what even  happening.
BRIT:  Duster ran up to the dusty, whispy mess that was left of the finger  and blinked.  "What just happened? I acted on instinct." He said, "Did I kill  something?"
 Strappon picked up a bit of the threads and looked around.  "Was that... A Nephilim?"
 Fundoshi picked up bits of the dusty threads as well.  "It seems like this /was/ a piece of those Ghosts from Lore." He  explained, looking back at the rest of the demons.
 Jacket finally made it back to the rest of the group.  "Holy shit that was awful moves on my part!" He laughed, "Man, I wish  I could be as cool as you, Dust!"  He laughed at himself.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary nodded a little bit and ge clapped, "That sounds awesome. Right  now we gotta stay safe." Virgin Killer was practically naked, her hair  covered her tatas and her black lace thong covered what it needed to.  She rests her mallet on her shoulder. "Well this just feels like an  anonymous random dick pic..shocking but unsatisfying."
SAIYAN:  “Well that was fast” Wristband said she watched the explosion die  off.
 Meanwhile Undershirt was coughing up a lung from the dust that the  finger gave off from the explosion.
 “Nice reflexes man!” he managed to say. “Though give a brother  some warning, damn.”
 After regaining his breath he brushed himself off.
 Bowtie was immediately filled with dread as their hope for a  distraction literally blew up in their faces.
DJDEVIL:  Vest let out a hand and some of the soul threads feel into it. He  rubbed it and his face turned pale. "Oh dear god......Please don't  tell me there isn't more." He said with fear in his voice.
 "Lore? The fuck is that?" Ruka asked Fundoshi, crossing his arms.
SOUP-KITTY:  Jong walked over to where headphones was,clearly concerned for what is  going to happen next. "I think we should get off the field because  where there's a finger, there a hand, and trust me getting fisted  isn't fun."
BRIT:  Suddenly, there was an extremely loud shriek from behind the group fo  Angels and Demons. It was one of those long wails one might hear from  someone absolutely stricken with grief.
 Shroud was on the ground, holding and shaking his head like he was in  some sort of pain. His screaming was absolutely genuine.
 "No... No no no no! How could... How could this be...?" He managed to  mutter. There were tears dripping out from under the mask, streaming  down his face. His voice was crackling.
KRO:  Once the tremors calmed down, there was ruckus coming from a bunch of  Lethocs units surrounding a large glass container being wheeled in.  Inside was the Nephilim everybody was chasing. It was squirming  around, pounding and kicking the glass to no avail.
 Hot Pants had ran up to Shades and helped him up, but the two of them  were staring in awe.  Hairpin looked like a child in a candy shop as he ran up to the  container and plastered his face on it.
 "It's beautiful..." he murmured.
 Hot Pants rolled his eyes at Hairpin as he came up for inspection.  "Well, there you have it. As promised, we captured your...thingy. But  this is the end of our relations with you all, understood- Who the  fuck is screaming?"
SAIYAN:  "Oh fuck man...." Bowtie said as she slowly started backing up. "GAME  OVER MAN, GAME OVER!"
EMI:  Torsolette, hearing his crieds, came running in and knelt next to  Shroud.
 "Darling, Shroud... Everything is alright, shhhh..." She pat his back  and wrapped her arms around him. "What happened? Who is mommy gonna  have to tear apart?"
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "Boxer, something not right..." Father Crucifix said as he takes a  step back. "What do you mean, Father?" Boxer ask as he look at Father  Crucifix. "It feels like a...Storm or something..." Father Crucifix  said as he takes another step back. Boxer then notice Shroud crying  and started to film it on his phone. "This is going to be great story  for everyone at Heaven!" Boxer said as he was filming the Absolute  crying like a baby.
THESTARSTWILIGHT:  "What do you mean, you captured them?" She started going toward Hot  Pants. "You captured the ghost, the reason we all went through this  bullshit and didn't tell anyone? I'm just..."
 Camisole stopped completely burnt out. She paused then calmly spoke -  "I'm done. Fuck you all. I'm going home."
DJDEVIL:  That shriek was Vest's que to fucking bolt. Practically leaping off  from the bleachers, he ran to his truck, slammed the hood, dove into  the driver's seat and turned to the key to start the truck. "Come on,  dammit. Start!" He said.
  Ruka noticed Shroud crying and was genuinely surprised by this.  "Shroud? crying? Shroud is crying? Shroud is crying. Shroud is fucking  crying." He said.
 Helmet held his sword firmly in his hands when he heard the shriek.
KRO:  Hot Pants raised a brow at Camisole, "What the fuck are you on about?  We barely caught this thing while you were all playing kickball. We  were asked to do this!"
OSCARK9:  Gloves, Sapphire, Dress Socks, and G-Strings are surprise that the  ghost have been capture. "Whoa! That's awesome that you guys capture  it!" Sapphire said, happily while Gloves claps for the Lethocs.
 Dress Socks and G-Strings mouths was drop in shock.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary takes pictures of the creature in the box, he records Shroud  crying and he texts it to Knittens. "Huh! Who would have thought  demons could cry.." Virgin killer gets her sweater back on and she  plops back on the bleachers. "Well this blowed."
EMI:  Dermal strode over to Boxer and Father Crucifix and snatched the phone  out of his hand.
 "Sorry, boy, but we don't need to be getting into any trouble with the  law." He said before simply and easily crushing the phone. "No hard  feelings."
BRIT:  Amulet looked around hastily and ran up to Shroud, he was clearly  shook.
 "My Lord, Absolute Shroud-- Please. You have to calm down." He  pleaded, his hands barely close to the sobbing man. It's like he  didn't want to touch him.
 Shroud screamed again, his head thrashing. His scream sounded much  angrier.
 "No! No... How could I be anything like.. Like /THAT?!/" He screamed,  "/How could I be like that/?!"
 He shoved Torsolette off him and stood, turning wildly to his demons.
 "/YOU./ YOU KNEW, DIDN'T YOU?!" He hissed, addressing the demons that  had been consoling him, "YOU KNEW I WAS A CLONE OF /THAT/!?"
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Fascinator stared the ghost with surprise as he tapped the glass. This  is why he’s banned from the aquarium. He supports Hot Pants,  “Yeah… You guys did have permission to run around and find it.”
 Headphones takes a selfie with Jog with the ghost, wanting to capture  the memory.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "HEY MY PHONE YOU BASTERD!" Boxer shouted at Dermal as he charges at  him. "BOXER NO!" Father Crucifix shouted as he tried to stop him.  "THIS IS FOR MY PHONE!!!" Boxer shouted as he send a flurry of punches  at Dermal like Berserker raging. That Phone was a gift from his  mother!
SOUP-KITTY:  Diadem is shook at the whole thing. In Russia, this never happens. He  pulls out a small flask containing vodka, and tries to offer it to the  hissing and very shouty Shroud. If he was gonna die, then nothing  mattered. He couldn't help but feel bad for him though. "hey.... so I  know you're kinda like, everyone's boss but uhhhh. here?" Diadem was  for sure gonna get punched in the face.
 Jong smiles at the selfie, but still urges headphones to get off the  field.
OWLIE:  "Boxer, stop!" Monocle warned, the Seraph stared him down once and he  didn't want Boxer to suffer a worse fate, especially because Boxer  ascended.
DJDEVIL:  Ruka raised an eyebrow at this accusation. "I think Mr.  Hide-His-Face-All-The-Time's finally cracked. Guess of even the most  orderly and powerful demons are as likely as anyone else to snap." He  said with a chuckle.
OSCARK9:  Dress Socks and G-Strings turn their heads to the Absolute and they  were even more shock!
 "WHAT!" Both of them yells at the same time, shockenly, "YOU'RE A  CLONE!" They questions.
EMI:  Torsolette immediately stood back up and back to Shroud.  "Deary, it's going to be alright. You're.. You're just upset. Let's  just go 'ave a cup of tea and sit you in the dark... You'll be fine!"  She cooed nervously, rubbing his back again.
 Dermal caught every single punch Boxer threw at him and pushed him  with enough force to slam him into the ground, with a small crater.
 "Oh, child. I hope you didn't like your rank... Because I'm demoting  you right here and right now for assaulting me." He said with a smile,  his purple eye glowing ominously.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Virgin smirks,"Ooooh little angel just got owned.~"
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Headphones looks at the picture on his phone,  "Going in the scrapbook- What the fuck?"  He just realzied what was happening as he stares at the whole  situation. He just holds up his hands and backs away. Not what he  wants to get involved in this. Time to watch an Angel fall from Earth  itself. He winced at the slam down, shit man that was the wrong move.  Just. Ouch.
OWLIE:  Monocle gulped. "Damn,"
 Polo blinked, what the hell just happened?
EMI:  Dermal casually plucked Boxer's halo from above his head.
 "Dear Boxer, Angel of "Wrath". I hereby demote you to Fallen Angel."  He said calmly before crushing his halo in his hand. Veil held her  hands over her mouth, looking both shocked and amused.
BRIT:  Strappon watched the scene that, concern washing over him. He wasn't  at all sorry for Shroud, but there was so much going on. And on top of  that, Boxer just punched Dermal.
 "Dermal, wait--!" He called over to him, "Stop, he's still a kid!"
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "...." Boxer was silent now.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Headphones covers Jong's eyes, he didn't need to see this. He hung his  head low for the fellow angel, averting his eyes as he bit his bottom  lip. He didn't even know what to say.
 Fascinator pulled off his namesake for condolences for the poor guy.  He might be on the opposite sides but still, that doesn't mean he  couldn't offer him some sympathy.
BRIT:  The Absolute was breathing heavily, his scarf was dissheveled and his  voice sounded less like one of an Absolute Ruler and more like a  teenager throwing a temper tantrum. He looked around at his  surroundings, suddenly hyper-aware of the eyes that were on him. So  many people could see him, see the flaws, see him so _vulnerable_ that  he had to leave.
 He shoved the vodka away from himself that had been offered by Diadem  and shoved Torsolette away from himself. He took the oppotunity  present where the Angels had been distracted and immediately took off  running, leaving his mask on the ground and disappearing.
SAIYAN:  Undershirt and Wristband watched in awe as Boxer just attacked Dermal.  That was something completely out of the blue, and it was a bit of a  shock at first.
 “Fuck him up!” Undershirt said to Dermal after the display was  finished.
 He knew what was going to come out of this. God rest his soul.
 “Holy shit, when was the last time this happened?” She asked  Shady.
OSCARK9:  Now, with a shock on Gloves and Sapphire faces towards Boxer and  Dermal demoting him. They feel scared of Dermal powers and runs over  to Boxer in need. (I didn't even know that Angels can demot others.)  Gloves said in his mind.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Virgin killer picks up the mask. "Well shit..ms. Torsolette?" She  walks over and hands it to her. "Should we go off to find him..?"
EMI:  Torsolette ran after him, making sure to also cover his tracks so they  weren't followed.
BRIT:  Amulet watched Shroud run off, then turned back to the scene between  Dermal and Boxer. His eyes had likely met Dermal's for a moment.
 "Oh, dear." He muttered with very little emotion. "Quite a scene these  children create. How unfortunate."
 He looked over at Bowtie in a nonchalant manner. It's almost like  nothing had happened - or had everything happened according to plan?
DJDEVIL:  As shit went down on in the field, Vest was finally able to start the  truck and quickly slammed on the gas pedal and the truck zoomed  through the barrier.
 Ruka's ear twitched from the sound of screeching tires and quickly  turned his head to see Panty Raid zooms off in the distance. Did Vest  just....ditch him...WITH THE TRUCK?! His expression became one of pure  rage as he clenched his fists and teeth. He was gonna kill Vest when  he got home.
SOUP-KITTY:  Jong tried to sneak a peek despite Headphones covering his eyes. He  frowned at the poor guy. He was just a bit excitable, it happens to  the best of us. Jong sighed.
 Diadem watched as shroud ran, and looked at the mask that was left  behind. He could help but feel dread come over him, so he downed the  whole flask of Vodka, hoping to shake off the feeling. This couldn't  be good.
BRIT:  Jacket ran up to Boxer, where he had been before who knows, but what  mattered was that he was beside Boxer now, right?  He placed a hand on Boxer's shoulder and glared at Dermal.  "Yooo... Couldn't you have tried to do this in private?" He asked,  "That's totally not fair!"
OWLIE:  "What the fuck happened?" Polo asked, walking next to Monocle, who  shook his head. He observed the other angels.
 "Not now," Monocle said quietly.
 Meanwhile Circlet started guffawing, "Fuck, that's some comedy gold!"
THESTARSTWILIGHT:  Camisole, as she was trying to go home, heard the commotion from  Boxer's sudden actions. She watched on, knowing he had it coming. She  kinda smirked at first because it was Dermal who forced her to be here  in the first place. But ya, as much as she hated being told what to  do, even Cami could admit you shouldn't punch your superiors.
 _What if I make the same mistake?_ While yes, she too was a wraith  fall, it was more so from violent acts towards herself and property  damage than hurting other people. Honestly, as much as she couldn't  stand everyone at times she was scared what might happen if she had no  control. _It'll happen. Whether I want it to or not it probably will._
 Cami suddenly felt ashamed and guilty, as if was the one who punched a  Seraphim. She just stood there. Not saying a word. Not doing anything.  Just. Standing there.
EMI:  Dermal closed his eyes and smiled, then walked over Boxer.  "If you have nothing to say for yourself, we should be done here." He  sounded satisfied.
 Mong sat up from his place on the ground and looked up at Duster.  There were sparkles and shines all over the air. He felt like he was  Blessed that day, but in a way that wouldn't burn him.
KRO:  Shades froze at Wristband's question. The man actually looked like he  was about to cry but he kept himself composed.
 "Uh. The uh...Last time that happened was around six years ago with  me. Except it wasn't by the hands of a Seraph more-so that God herself  demoted me."
 He stood there in silence.  "Good times. Reason I'm mega depressed."  He shrugged and left it at that.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  Boxer was...was...was..ANGRY!!! "I WORK FUCKING HARD FOR THAT RANK!  YOU MOTHERFUCKER!" Boxer shouted in her face very Wrathful. Sense he  wasn't Angel didn't need to control his rage anymore but the worst  thing is that he didn't get to see his Mother.  "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" He screamed and cried  as he now somewhat out of control with his emotion now. "Oh Lord!  Boxer!" Father Crucifix said as he goes over to his Angel and holds  him. "It's okay! we will get all of the Heaven Coins and New Phone  back! Please calm down" He said as he holds him tightly. "I'M SO  ANGRY!!!" Boxer shouted as his mouth was foaming up looking like wild  animal. Father Crucifix hold him close then looks over at Dermal with  angry look. "HOW COULD YOU! HE ONLY A CHILD! HE DIDN'T KNOW YOU!"  Father Crucifix shouted at Dermal. "GOD WOULD NEVER CHOICE YOU TO BE  HER ANGEL! YOU NOTHING MORE LIKE THE DEMONS!" Father Crucifix shouted  at him holding Boxer. Father Crucifix remember that Boxer told him he  was going to see his Mother after this mission but now never is going  to get too.
OSCARK9:  While Dress Sock and G-Strings saw the Absolute running away, Dress  Socks notice that he drop his mask on the ground. He walked over to it  and picks it up. Once he picks it up, he observes it and it was very  detail and shiny. It made him happy to see it in close hand, but  frowns for his Absolute.
 "Absolute..." He mutter to himself. "Even if your our clone, you're  still an Absolute to us."
SAIYAN:  Bowtie shrugged at Amulet. This day had definitely been very weird.  She then looked over at Diadem and saw the Vodka shot.
 "Hey, if you're still offering, can I take that?" Bowtie said to him.
 Meanwhile, Wristband just felt like a dick. She had no idea that had  happened to him before.
 "Oh shit man, sorry I had no idea. You want me to buy you a drink or  anything?" She asked him.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Virgin killer stared at the mask in her hands. She raises a brow and  she takes out a peice of hair from it. "Uh..I dunno if this is the  absolutes..or just random but.." She blinks. "What the fuck is  Kentucky fried angel screaming about now?" She watches them scream.
SOUP-KITTY:  Diadem, who already had downed most of the shot gave, Bowtie a thumbs  up and pulled another flask out seemingly from out of nowhere. He  tossed it over at her. She looked like she needed it.
HITA:  Tiara meandered over to the screaming men, curious at the commotion.  What was all this nonsense?  Why were the men yelling so much?  It's  kind of concerning.
 "So, quick question, why are you two screaming like baby dolls needing  their heads twisted off?"  This was said to Boxer and Father Crucifix,  head tilted before she whipped around to look at all the pretty people  around her.  Her eyes narrowed on Dermal, however.  "Are YOU A  PRINCESS?!!!?!!????!
OWLIE:  "I haven't heard this much screaming since my Birth," Monocle joked...  Not really.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Headphones pats Jong's back,  "Let's give him some space..."  He takes Jong back, giving Boxer some space and turn him around. A lot  fo them were fallen, so seeing this was certainly discouraging for  even ranking up anymore. He purses his lips,  "You okay?"
 Fascinator sighs,  "That's a lot of drama to happen for one day..."  His bangs were let out and the fluttered in the wind a he glances to  the newly fallen angel and then away. He didn't know how it was for  Angels, but this was probably a stab in the heart. Watching the  outburst, he grits his teeth. Cut throat in heaven huh? He was glad  that Knittens wasn't here, he didn't know how he would explin this to  him.
BRIT:  Duster just looked down at Mong and scoffed, walking over to the  commotion he had been watching from afar.
 Strappon grabbed Father Crucifix by the arm.  "Father, please. Letting your emotions take over will be your  undoing." He hissed, "Get ahold of yourself. It was... Only right, I  suppose."
 "We have the Nephilim. We can make our way back to Hell Corp, now."  Fundoshi called to the Demons, "Let's get out of here before another  Angel falls before us. It's embarassing to see them cry."
EMI:  Dermal stopped in his steps for a moment and glanced casually back at  Father Crucifix and Boxer.  "You clearly don't know how cruel your God can be, then."
SAIYAN:  Bowtie smiled at her new friend, and grabbed the flask. She opened the  cap and downed the whole damn thing. That's not how you do it, but  whatever, she didn't care. She was an emotional wreck but was trying  to keep calm on the inside.
 "Thanks, Diadem, I really needed that" She said as she tossed the  flask back to him.
KRO:  As if there wasn't already enough screaming, the captured Nephilim  began to screech and hiss as it pounded on the glass. Hot Pants  approached Fundoshi, handing the man a tablet of sorts and ordered a  few of his units to follow Fundoshi's instructions.
 "Alright, so before it becomes more of a circus show, just take this  damn thing and leave. It's loud, my head's hurting, and I'm already  working over-time. I'd be extra careful if I were you, don't think I  didn't see your exposed Soul Stone."
SOUP-KITTY:  Jong looked up at Headphones and gave a weak smile. He nodded his head  and looked down at his feet. It was lietrally days ago that he too had  fallen. So he knew how much it hurt. But there seemed to be hope here.  Even as dire as it may look. He reached for Headphone's hand, not  really wanting to feel as alone as he had felt. It was comforting to  have someone be genuinely nice to you and not want anything in return.
 Diadem caught the flask and put them both away. He gave a big smile.  It had been an exhausting day for everyone it seemed. He let his hair  fall back down to a ponytail. and pulled the mask over his mouth and  nose once again. The air was still filthy.
BRIT:  Fundoshi had reached back to touch his Soul Stone in a bit of a shock  and cleared his throat.  "Tahnk you. You're free to go, now." He said before turning to the  rest of his crew and motioning them to leave.
OSCARK9:  With a smile on Dress Socks and G-Strings face and gave a nod to  Fundoshi, they walk away from the scene with a mask in hand. It even  made G-Strings happy that they capture it and going to analysis it.
 While Glove and Sapphire try to keep Boxer down, but was a no go.  (Poor, Boxer.) Gloves said in his mind.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  Father Crucifix went silent as he heard that from Dermal then felt  Strappon grab and say that which snap him back to reality. "I'm sorry,  Brother Strappon. I forgot the most important lesson" He apologize as  he calm down and takes a moment to say the "Hail Mary Prayer". "Hail  Mary, full of grace.Our Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among  women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother  of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen."  Father Crucifix prayed as then look at Boxer who was on the ground  with his eyes blank and foaming more at the mouth like a dog with  rabies. Boxer was having some kind of Wrathful Seizure from all the  rage he was hiding inside him, all he could say was "ANGER!". Anyone  who tried to talk to him couldn't, he need some help. Poor Boxer....
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Fascinator shrugs, at least he knows God is the old testament god.  Walking back to check on Knittens, he decides it was time to go home.  Knittens was fine, cleaned up and alert. He waved to Fasci, and they  both got up to leave. As Fascinator thanked the medics and they were  walking to the car, he couldn't help but worry. After all, with  cruelty on both sides, he'd rather have Knittens live in a cruelty he  knew about. Sighing, he asks wearily,  "... You wanna go to another school Knittens?"  "Huh? Uhm... I dunno, why?"  "Just... Think about it. After all, that catholic school might not be  the best for your future."  Knittens laughed,  "Fasci, you're acting funny!"  Fascinator averts his eyes and nods as they drive back home.
 Headphones holds Jong's hand and rubbed it, trying to comfort him. He  purses his lips,  "I know it ain't easy for you. It isn't easy for all of us. But we can  get through this, okay? We're gonna be okay."  He hugged Jong, trying to comfort him.
SOUP-KITTY:  Jong felt his face get hot, tears started streaming down his face.  "Can we just leave now?" He didn't realize how much the whole ordeal  had drained him mentally. He felt stupid for even crying. He hugged  headphones back hoping that he would just pick him up and leave  already.
EMI:  Nightshirt walked up next to Amulet and stared at the Nephilim.  "Oh, it's over...."  He stood for a moment.
 "...I'm going back to bed then." He mumbled, shuffling back where he  came from.
As the dust settled over the emptied landscape, a very light growl had erupted from the ground. There was no sign of the Absolute and the heavy feeling that settled over the Angels after their comrade was demoted left them shaken.
The Demons, without their Absolute, took orders from Fundoshi as the Primal Emmination had to clean up the mess that had been made. Search parties were sent out fruitlessly to find Shroud, and Torsolette had returned with no answers, only a feverish desire to "get working" on the Nephilim.
Has Daten City been abandoned by another Absolute, or will Shroud return? What will the Angels do, now, about the Nephilim that had emerged from the ground?
In the wake of the eruption, the city suddenly began to experience an extreme rise of ghost and Lost Soul activity...
(( OOC: Thanks for RPing guys! See ya next time! ))
0 notes
dcmissionaries · 6 years
Absolute Territory
After the events of the day previous, the Angels had gone home feeling not only a hollow point in their stomachs for asking the Demons for some sort of help. On top of it all, they had lost an Angel to some unknown, incredibly ambiguous Ghost that seemed to have a taste for stones. Which was weird. It left the Angel Leaders with a feeling of dread. It had been days since the event, and though the activity had ceased with the Angel Ghost eradicated, an even bigger threat had presented itself. Shades and Undershirt watched Strappon pace back and forth in his living quarters for a good couple of minutes after he called them there. The Angels watched him stop for a moment, open his mouth as if to say something, then shake his head and continue pacing. Finally, Undershirt spoke up. "Look, Strap, I know this is a hell of a decision, but what's the damage if we head back?" He asked, tapping his foot impatiently as he was slouched back on the couch. "We're not able to get any information from just sitting here." Shades added. Strappon stopped and turned to the two. The expression on his face was something of defeat and discontent for sure. "You're right." He finally said, "I know if we don't go to investigate now, we'll never find anything on our own. No one seems to know what that thing was, so it's best to go back, but armed and prepared for something much worse." The two nodded and were finally glad the man stopped pacing a hole into his carpet. Though from the marks, it was obvious that was a common practice. It was too late to save the carpet, now. "We'll head there, and if we can find a way to defeat it on our own, all will be well. We won't have to rely on the Demons' knowledge or anything of that sort." Strappon finished, pounding the side of his fist into one hand with a short nod, "I don't want to rely on them for their knowledge. On top of that, if we get there first, we can stick it to the Demons." He smiled at the two and they nodded with agreement. "Good, now let's get our asses out there and kick some Ghost butt." Shades said, giving Strappon a thumbs-up. Despite the Angelic enthusiasm to re-enter the Ground Zero of Daten, another threat lurks among the midst of the rubble, waiting...
ABSOLUTE TERRITORY Angels continue their search for the mysterious ghost that devoured an Angel's Soul Stone, but they have a few obstacles to weave through before finding it. --------
The atmosphere of Ground Zero was even worse than before as it seemed even more desolate and eerie with the overcast day that was cast over it. As Strappon and the Angel Crew pulled up to the area, the ominous feeling had left the Templar almost intimidated.
Almost, if Jacket hadn't already jumped out of Tee's truck beaming like it was a sunny day in July. The twinkle in his eye was only matched by the automatic headlights on Strappon's Benz. He was like a shining beacon of hope if he hadn't already been regarded as an idiot.
Strappon looked over the group of Angels that had followed him.
"This is it. Last time we were here, we backed down. However, Duster and Shades said they had seen the same Ghost here again, so we best get in there before it finds its way back into the city." He said with a gesture to the area.
DJDEVIL:  Helmet stood dutifully as Strappon debriefed the group, gripping the  hilt of his 'sword' in it's scabbard. However, there was something  different about Helmet today. Was it his helmet? No. His shirt,  perhaps? Couldn't be.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary! Didn't have a little lamb but he had a bike for sure. The baby  bat peddled as fast as he could, mothers love tailing behind him in  the wind. His feet barely touched the peddles but her was zooming.  Mart Janes comes to a screeching stop and he gets off his  bike,panting.
TORIBIRDSEED:  Collier was something of a unique angel, one satisfied with his fallen  status, and was somebody that for the long time spent most of his time  away from angels. Being the brothel owner he was, he did not like  other angles much, but alas, he decided that he would join in on this  event at the very least. Flying on in, Collier landed gracefully with  a smirk on his face, slicking back his hair he chuckled a little “Ah  oui, what a wonderful day out, I cannot wait to get things started.”  Collier had been entered by two male fallen angels at his side who  soon flew off with a wave of his hand. He was quite the interesting  individual to say the least.
 On the other hand, there were those who were the opposite of beautiful  and luxurious. Cloak was one of them, he was disgusting, and liked to  vomit a lot. Slithering on up to the scene he heald his scythe with  him, a massive weapon that towers over the boy. He figured that  wherever angels are, ghosts might be
OSCARK9:  Gloves drove down with Sapphire Necklace from the Abbey to Ground Zero  on his new green kawasaki motorcycle. The previous bike that he own  was long gone from West Hollywood. He still miss it as of today, but  with the new bike that he got, with the help of father Strappon and  Jacket, he'll make sure that this one will be treated right.
 When they got to the area with the rest of the Angels, they got off  the motorcycle and look at the area.
 It was bad as Gloves remembers. Sapphire was still new, but in her  reaction to Ground Zero, she really doesn't like the atmosphere.
 The two look at Strappon and heard what he said to the other Angels.  "Understood." He said, giving him a nod while Sapphire nods as well.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  Boxer and Crucifix were walking from side to each other thought Father  Crucifix was keeping his eyes on his Angel; Boxer. "You better behave  this time" Father Crucifix said as he cover his mouth with  handkerchief because he didn't want to smell the sin of this district.  "I understood, Father" Boxer said not caring for what he said. "I'm  serious Boxer, if you do not control yourself something bad might  happen to you. You might fall again and never see your mother"  Crucifix said as he stop to look at Boxer taking off his glasses and  looking at him dead in the eye. Boxer look down at the thought of  never seeing his mother. "I know it's hard to control your anger but  you must for you, your mother, and for me. Now then i want you to go  to Strappon and apologies for your behavior on that Mission" Crucifix  said to Boxer. "But Father!" Boxer whined as he didn't like to  apologies. "No But's or would like a another Bible lesson?" Crucifix  said as he got his bible out. "Fine!" Boxer walks over to Strappon and  taps on the shoulder to get his attention. "I'm sorry Father, i was  angry at teaming up with the Demons. Please forgive for my action it  wouldn't happen again" Boxer apologies in somewhat of a nice way as  Father Crucifix watches him.
KRO:  Shades was looking over at the debris. He felt a little uneasy being  around the area, still. Especially since it still smelled like  absolute garbage.
 "God, we really need to get the city to clean this place up. Whenever  the northern winds come in, it just brings in this awful smell with  it."  He was clearly still traumatized from when he first came in Daten,  just after the Anarchy sisters wasted The Other Gods. He remembers the  smell vividly.
 "Anyways, we'll stay grouped up. Those with Soul Stones are advised to  stay in the middle of the crowd. Duster and I have confirmed that it's  actively looking for Soul Stones to ingest so you have been warned."
SOUP-KITTY:  Jong stood quietly in the back, not quite paying attention. He was  bored. He would have much rather been back in bed, but in the chaos he  somehow got dragged along, and he wasn't quite sure how. He gave a  little sigh as he looked around the growing crowd. He really just  wanted to sleep.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Headphones was on his tiny Vespa going vroom vroom as he parked it  quietly. Suddenly everyone was heading the fuck out and he was left  sitting there in his best heels all confused. It was gonna be a night  on the town where he was going to some sort of gay establishment,  unsure of what but it was called Men squared. He had to go. But it  looks like this took up more presidence than expected. Watching an  angel being flown in by other angels, he shrugs. At least he'll be  able to stave off boredom, then again he did bring some entertainment  in his pocket. He slides over to Collier sighing,  "So, you always delivered by flight or?"  Knittens dribbled an empty can with his hockey stick as he shoots. The  can fly in the air as it knocked straight into Mary Jane's side.  Knittens panics as he runs over,  "Fiddlesticks I'ms orry man! Didn't see you there. You okay?"  He always seems to aim for his friends and family, the hockey puck  even turned on him and punch him square in the jaw. He still was  waiting to get his tooth gap fixed. Why was he here? Well, good  question. Catholic school let out, so obviously, he would just end up  in the sin district, no nuns to stop him anyways.
SAIYAN:  Undershirt and Wristband stepped out of Strappon’s car. Here they  were, back at it again with the bull shit. At least this time there  was a lead on the whereabouts of the ghost again. It seemed like it  had been keeping a low profile for a while. But it recently had shown  itself, hence them being there. The two of them stretched. The ride  had been enough to make their muscles stiff. Undershirt sighed and  turn to his sister.
 “So, what do you think? Think we’ll get the ghost this time?” He  asked his sister.
 Wristband simply shrugged, which caused Undershirt to turn to Shady.
 “What do you think? Did you find anything that might lead us to  places it may be? Like behavior patterns and stuff?” he asked.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary jumps and turns around, striking a karate pose. "HIIIY- Oh! H-hey  Knittens, I'm fine no worries. Nice shot by the way..been practicing?"  He rubs his side and he smiles Knittens.
BRIT:  Strappon nodded at Boxer.  "It's fine. You still have a lot to learn." He said, "For now, I'd  rather concentrate on finding this ghost and figuring out what's going  on. It's appreciated, though."  He turned back to the wreckage.
 "It's gonna be sweet! We're totally gonna kick this ghost's ass!"  Jacket said with more enthusiasm than was needed.
OWLIE:  Sneakers waited patiently alongside Strappon and the other Angels, his  nose was already stuck in a book. It was a beautiful day, but he  really rather stay indoors.  
 Monocle and Polo was walking towards the group of Angels, Monocle took  a deep breath and cracked his knuckles, the past week was a bore,  though he was glad he waqs finally able to remove the blasted cast off  his arm.  Polo on the other hand, smiled and waved towards the angels.
 "Maidin mhaith!" Sneakers exclaimed, greeting the pair as they  arrived.
 "'Morning Sneaks," Polo said, ruffling the young boy's hair, Monocle  waved at Boxer, "Hey dude! How ya doin?"
KRO:  "Oh, we can easily find the ghost," Shades explained, "Only if..."
 His sentence trailed off as he loomed over Undershirt.
 "Only if you're willing to be bait. It does like Soul Stones for a  snack."
DJDEVIL:  Wait a minute! Of course, Helmet's not wearing pants today for some  odd fucking reason. But that wouldn't stop him from serving the lord!  "Let us hunt this foul fiend! Et pro gloria Dei!" He shouted before  taking off into the ruins with righteous zeal, having completely  ignored Shady's instructions to stick together.
KUMA:  Em was present, feeling a bit disappointed, as he had canceled a date  to be present for this. The person hadn't paid too much, so it wasn't  so bad, but he lost an excuse to dress up. He was dressed unusually  casual, and sighed to himself.  "Well, maybe I'll be able to really help out this time," he verbally  assured himself.
 Bow Barrettes and Pasties had recently arrived, standing together.  Pasties had really just bummed a ride off her and BB was too polite to  decline. The pink haired angel was tapping on her phone, not bothering  to look up.
 "Tell me when the ghost gets here, okay? I'll take care of  everything!" she spoke with confidence.
SAIYAN:  Undershirt looked at him with a raised eybrow. It took him a split  second to put together what he meant because it just seemed so  childish, but…
 “Don’t even think about it! Me dying is more of a loss to the  Abbey than you dying! Use Wristband, she likes being eaten” he said  as he pointed back behind him to Wristband.
 “HEY! I DO NOT!” Wristband yelled, face matching the color of her  hair.
SOUP-KITTY:  Jong notices a particular pair of weirdos and makes his way over to  them. Upon closer inspection, he notices that one of them is wearing a  particularly tacky outfit. who in their right mind wears a cropped  vest? OVER a swimsuit? On the other hand, the other weirdo is wearing  a really nice pair of heels. Jong approaches them, and holds the arm  of the high heels wearing one. "Hey mister~" Jong says, in his most  seductive tone "I'm reeeeally bored~ do you maybe wanna get out of  here?" Jong winks.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "Okay, Father" Boxer said as he head back to Father Crucifix. "See was  that hard?" Father Crucifix said to Boxer as he puts on his  sunglasses. "No..." Boxer said as he then notice Monocle waving to  him. "Friends of yours?" Father Crucifix ask Boxer as he look at him.  "Yeah, They are" Boxer response to Father Crucifix as he waves back at  Monocle. "Well, come on then! Let's go meet them" Father Crucifix said  as he walks over to Polo, Monocle, and Sneakers, Boxer follows him  from behind. "Hello there Fallen Angels and Humans" He said as he  greets them with small smile as Boxer was behind him.
TORIBIRDSEED:  Collier spoke up gently, his voice deep and sensual a smile creeping  across his face at the other boy
 “Ah no, not particularly often, today was just a day of fun for me,  and the boys wanted to escort me here.” Honestly most probably  wouldn't have been able to tell that they were boys at first.
 Collier looked the other over gently, unsure even if this one was a  boy or not, he spoke up gently to them, running a hand behind is own  ear. “Say, are you a boy deary? You’d think after all these years  of working with femboys I’d be able to tell but it never gets any  easier.”
 He puts his hands in his pockets and smiles.
 Collier’s attention is drawn to Jong now “Ah a pleasure to meet  you too, you don't meet very many people like you around”
OSCARK9:  While Gloves and Sapphire was walking in the group, they turn their  heads towards Helment and was surprise he's not wearing pants.
 "Oh my!" He said, surprisingly while his eyebrows raise.
 Sapphire face was totally red that she covering her face with her  hands.
KRO:  "Being eaten out and being eaten ain't the same thing, ya ditz."  Shades laughed, patting Undershirt on the back.
 "But seriously, stick close to a bunch of people. You're in danger  just being here."
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens smiles,  "Thanks! I just got outta hockey practice. Well... Sorta snuck out  when McClaney got in the nuts. You should've seen his face, it looked  like he saw the face of God."  School let out hours ago, but becaue the late bus system sucks melons,  he jst about got back into the city, or really the most recognizable  parts. He snickers,  "But Nah, how're you, my man? Feeling okay? Not crunching any mints?"  Headphones chuckles feeling flattered that he looked like a girl but  he reassures Collier,  "Yeah, I got a dick. Barely exists but y'know, easier for the thong."  He narrows his eyes at Jong more narrow than lines. Like, the most  Brock eyes possibly. He couldn't even see. He was closing his eyes.  But he felt the light of God shine down on him because of THIS CHILD.  IS OFFERING. UNHOLY THINGS????? NOT IN HIS HOUSE. NOT UNDER THE LORDS  ROOF. NOT TODAY. He picks Jong up easily, while whispering,  "Not in God's neighborhood."  Then harnessing Jogn to him with his long soul thread securely, he  used it like a leash as he repeats,  "Not in god's house. You're too young."
OWLIE:  Polo perked up as he saw Father Crucifix.
 "Father Crucifix!" Polo said as he and Boxer made their way to them.  Polo shook his hand "I can't thank you enough for your help,"
 Monocle stared at Polo, since when did he met the Human?
 Sneakers drifted from the conversation and sat down to read. This boy  needs more friends
SOUP-KITTY:  Jong is left speechless. Everything happened so fast that it took a  few seconds to register what had happened. "DUDE. Why'd you- How?  WHAT?" Jong tried to wiggle his way out, but it was useless. He was  stuck there. "Can you please let me go?"
BRIT:  Without waiting for everyone else Jacket ran ahead.
 "Catch you later, guys! I'm going to find that ghost!" He yelled to  the group of ill-prepared Angels.
 Duster had hung back behind Shades, observing the area, when he  spotted Jacket running off.
 "We lost an idiot." He pointed out, nudging Shades and Undershirt and  pointing as Jacket all but disappeared into the rubble.
 "Oh, Lord." Strappon sighed.
KUMA:  BB glanced over towards Pasties. Her more caring personality just made  her worry about the other angel.
 "Don't you want to go talk with the others? We should at least group  up, right?" she asked.
 "Bow, you're really sweet, but I have a full combo right now and if  anything breaks that, I'll probably die!" Pasties responded.
 Em stared as Jacket went off. Should he.. help? Maybe? He was  indecisive and just stood there.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary giggles,"I swear you're something else. Must've hurt if he looked  like that! Guy ghosts beware."  He didn't go to school today because  ew. No. "I've been way better but I'm doing my best. How've you been?"  He starts walking with his bike, following the others.
SAIYAN:  Wristband huffed as she turned away from her brother.
 “See?! I only like being eaten OUT. Not being vored” she said.
 There would be none of that in this house. It’s bad enough someone  touched the spaghet.  Undershirt meanwhile, laughed at Shady. He made it sound like we were  helpless children.
 “Please, we’re Ophanim, we can take care of ourselves. We’re not  helpless” Undershirt said.
TORIBIRDSEED:  Collier was not used to this kinky shit being so public, did this man  just leash the other “Wow… kinky” collier was remided why he  doesnt come to these sort of things, and alas, the twinky angel boys  that got him, took him away. Cloak died btw, hes like, gone.
DJDEVIL:  After running about roughly 50 yards into the ruins like the reckless  warrior of god that he is, he stopped to catch a breather then zipped  his head around, looking for potential hiding spots this ghost could  be in. "Could thou be in here?!" He exclaimed, lifting up a nearby  chunk of rubble, "Or here?!" he continued, looking through a broken  window.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "It's Good to see you too, Fallen Angel" Father Crucifix said as he  shake Polo hand then let go after the shaking. "Sorry about not  introducing myself, My name is Father Crucifix former Templar of the  Order" He introduce himself to Monocle and Sneakers. "I see, you all  made friends with my angel Boxer" Father Crucifix said with a small  smile on his face. "Hey Guys..." Boxer said to Monocle, Polo, and  Sneakers from behind Father Crucifix. "So, How are all you? Hope you  doing good after that Demon attack us a few days ago" Father Crucifix  said as he was holding his bible.
SOUP-KITTY:  Jong stared in awe at the flying twinks. "PLEASE TAKE ME WITH YOU!" He  shouted, but it was too late.
KRO:  Lost a what? Oh. Shades nearly panicked as he saw Jacket run off, and  chased after him.
 "Hey now! I don't think you wanna rush in. That thing isn't even a  ghost..."  He grabbed at Jacket's collar, keeping him in place.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Headphones pinched Jong's cheek as he scolds,  "You're much too young to be offering that shit, understand boy? Now I  gotta baby sit ya, and make sure you don't start sucking dick."  He rolls his eyes at Collier and flips him off as he watches Collier  fucking ascend. Headphones lets him down, but the ahri was like those  leash bagpacks, He can sense when dick was gonna be touched by this  young one. He asks with a huff,  "Now what's your name and how old are you?"  He starts dragging Jong off with the others, grumbling a bit.
 Knittens followed Mary Janes as he shrugs,  "Pretty good! Hit two guys with the bible and didn't get caught."  He flashes a grin as he jokes,  "'Cause if I did get caught the nuns would've held me over a cliff."  He starts to dribble a pebble like a hockey puck as he contiued on as  he adds,  "So whad'ya think is happening? After all, I didn't hear anything on  the news besides something about a clebrity thrownig wine in another's  face."
PLUTO/VANIR:  Mirror Mask, or MM for short, had a habit of nothing but keeping quiet  and watching. If anything he won’t do anything until told to. This  entire time he watches quietly behind the reflective mask, watching  everyone run around like the circus act they are. The wait was  bearable but the people he has been set to be around has him  uncomfortable. The clicking of his heals were loud and honestly made  him cringe as he stepped into his own secluded spot. He refuses to  move until a more intelegent person in this group of people goes  ahead.
SAIYAN:  Undershirt looked at Duster and then looked back at Jacket as he was  wondering off, before glancing at Shady then back at Duster…then  look at your mom, then back to me.  “But Shady’s right here” Undershirt said sarcastically as he  watched Shady go retrieve the actual idiot from doing something dumb  probably.
 Why did he end up joining them at the worst times? Someone would need  to babysit his ass for sure.
SOUP-KITTY:  Jong made a pouty face at headphones as he kept tugging at the  makeshift backpack leash. "Well, I might as well tell you since I'm  clearly gonna be stuck with you. I'm Jong. Jong De'Nim. Yeah yeah its  a stupid name. I know. And I recently turned 18. How about you? If I'm  gonna introduce myself then so are you."
OSCARK9:  Gloves turn her head at the blushing angel, "Hey. Are you alright?"
 While her blushing face faded a little, she uncover her face and  looked at him. "I just saw a man wearing no pants! But...I'll be  alright." She answered.
BRIT:  "What the hell are you talkin' about? It's not _that_ big!" Jacket  pointed out, trying to wiggle himself free from Shady's grip. For bird  bones he seemed to have a hell of a grip on him.
 "That 'Ghost' is so much more dangerous than the ones we've faced."  Duster reinforced Shade's words with a more stern tone.
OWLIE:  "Finally got of that Hospital," Polo said, "Monocle was confined for a  week, he told me he can take care of himself but I wanted to be there  for him, you know, he's important to me whatnot,"
 Monocle stood next to Sneakers. "Why not make some friends?"
 SNeakers shrugged, "Eh, maybe later," and he went back to his reading.  Monocle sighed and grabbed the book from Sneaker's hands.
 "Big brother Monocle!" Sneakers protested, but he knew there's no  reasoning with Monocle. He went back to his feet and grumnbled as he  made way towards Knittens and Mary Janes.
 "Uh... Haigh..." he said awkwardly, "I-I'm Sneakers, nice to... meet  you,"
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  "Oh my God, Knittens!" He nudges the others shoulder. "I'm surprised,  hey maybe we should do pranks sometime together." He shrugs. "I have  no idea, it's most likely that ghost from before. The one that ate  that angels stone..thing..rock..thing?"
KUMA:  Em kind of moved over to Headphones. He recognized him, so it'd be  better than just standing around alone. He tried to just ignore the  whole, twink flying through the air thing.
 "Hey... Headphones, it's nice seeing you again," he said.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Headphones flicked his forehead,  "No tugging this is my hair. But I'm Headphones. No last name. I've  herd worst, there's someone named Fascinator. I'm.. 26?"  He tried doing the math in his head but he couldn't fgiure out how old  he was. All he remembers was that miley cyrus was popular so fuck that  doesn't help. Noticing Em, he tugs Jong the fuck over as he waves,  "Em!! It's been so long, it's a pleasure! How have you been? Don't  mind this little punk kid, he tried to hoe."  He motioned to Jong as he clicks his pretty boy heels, looking all  proud of himself.
 Knittens makes an 'o' face as he snickers, "Definitely, we can prank  my cousin any time. One time I put an air horn near him, and he  literally jumped out the window. Like we had to get a new window pane  and everything!" He walks down as he looks around with a calm face.  He's a teenager he barely remembers what happened yesteday after 5  hours of making sure that his reign in fighting games stays secured.  He looks over to Sneakers and grins,  "Nice to meet ya Sneaks! Name's Knittens, this is Mary Janes. Haven't  seen you around, you new?"
KRO:  "Yeah, it's not big but it don't mean it'll mess you up good."
 Speaking of the devil, or ghost, it spotted the large crowd of people  mingling about, just outside its territory. It caught whiff of a few  Soul Stones and it didn't wanna waste this opportunity. Only problem  is that they're all surrounded by Soul Thread Angels and that's a  problem. It'll just have to split them up.
 Seeing two outliers right off the bat, it start getting to work. The  ghost moved about the debris, just out of sight and positioned itself  just behind Shades and Jacket. It lunged, going between the two men  before scampering off, hoping it'll give chase.
 "There it is!" Shades yelled, taking out Lionhearted. But the ghost  didn't engage, which was...odd.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary bursts out laughing,"Oh man we really need to then. You're  freakin awesome." He turns to Sneakers and he waves,"Hiya Sneaks."  Mary moved a little closer to senpai.
SOUP-KITTY:  Jong looked at Em, mouthing "help me". But his attention was quickly  drawn to the commotion. Jong saw the ghost scampering away, which  immediately made him  jump, holding on to headphone's arm. "What the  FUCK was THAT?"
KUMA:  "I've been, doing alright! Work has been kind of slow," Em spoke in a  friendly tone to hide how tired he seemed. He waved at Jong as well,  ignoring the clear cry for help.  "If we have similar jobs I could always help you, starting out is  always hard..." his voice trailed off and he also jumped at the  mention of the ghost.
 "What was what?!"
 Pasties looked up from her phone and then looked back.
 "Who just yelled?! You broke my combo!"
BRIT:  "YO, FOLLOW THAT SHIT!" Jacket yelled at the Shades as it rushed past  them, breaking free at last, "Get that Ghost, damn it!"
 He took off after it and broke into one hell of a run.
 Duster saw something red dart past him, then noticing it was Jacket  not long after. He looked at Shades, then Undershirt, before taking  off after him without much word. He probably nearly knocked a few  people over trying to keep up with the rambunctious teen.
OSCARK9:  Both of them heard the scream and immediately turn their head quickly.  "Oh shit! Come on!" Gloves said as he runs and summon his gauntlets,  while Sapphire runs and also summons her glaive and follow the ghost.
 "Get back here!" Sapphire yells.
OWLIE:  "Uh... Yeah, been here for just a few months," Sneakers replied.
 Monocle summoned Eyesore as he saw the Ghost. "Welp, killing time,"
 Polo turned and saw the ghost, he also summoned his gladius, Flannel  and proceeded to chase after it with Monocle.
DJDEVIL:  Helmet searched high and low but every possible hiding spot he could  think of proves fruitless. Slightly annoyed, he sat a giant piece  rubble. "There has to be some way I could draw the beast out." He said  to himself, picking up a small rock, Then something caught his eye, a  slightly paint bucket hanging off a bent metal pipe of a wrecked  building. On the bucket was a piece of tape with the words "Shiny blue  paint" on it. He stared at the bucket then back at the rock. Then the  bucket again. Finally it clicked. He remembered Shady saying that  ghost eats soul stones and soul stones are blues, if he recalled  correctly. With a clever smile, not at anyone would be able to see it,  he got up and grabbed the bucket then proceeding to open the bucket  and dump the paint all over himself. When the bucket was emptied, he  dropped it then picked up a piece of glass if it he was blue enough.  "Perfect!" He exclaimed, "Hopefully the beast will take notice and try  to eat me!"
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "Well, it's good to hear that he doing fine" Father Crucifix said to  Polo with small smile as Boxer was still behind but when he heard  Jacket said "YO, FOLLOW THAT SHIT!" that's when it was time for action  and time for to kick some ass! "IT'S FIGHTING TIME! Boxer shouted as  he follows Jacket. "BOXER! Urgh i can never stop that boy from a  fight" Father Crucifix said as he got out his weapon ready for battle.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Headphones nods but ripped his namesake off as he snapped his neck to  the sounds, and sure enough in the distance was a running ghost.  Basically grabbing Jong, and rushing him towards the ghost as he  shouts,  "C'mon! You're an angel aren't you? Ghost Huntning is our jobs, so get  ready. Em, stay behind me, don't get hurt!"  Headphone's head was getting clear, getting more focused on repenting  as the days go on. It just felt like that was the best course of  action. Perhaps it was longing for his home? Nah, still hated his  family. Maybe he wanted to feel like he wasn't such a shit? Most  likely not. But whatever it was, Headphones was starting to be more of  an angel, surprisingly.
 Knittens nods as he pats Sneakers back,  "I hear ya, but I-"  Getting cut off by shouthing he grabs Mary Jaes and Seakers with hsi  weapon, while chasing after the fleeing ghost. He was at the back o  the chasing party, huffing and panting as he tried to take a good look  at their foe. He looks at the two other kids,  "C'mon ice cream puffers! Get ready for a scrap!"
SAIYAN:  Undershirt and Wristband jumped as the ghost appeared out of the  debris pile. They quickly turned around just in time to watch the  ghost run off into the distance.
 “Well shit, here we go again. Let’s go!” Undershirt yelled as  his aura exploded outwards and flew into the sky at high speed after  it.
 Wristband sighed as she watched him fly away now. It didn’t seem  like he remember that a direct attack didn’t work but, it wasn’t  like she had a better idea.
 “Fine…” she said before her aura appeared and flew after him.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary grabs his bike and lets the two hop on to it. One hand on the  handles of the bike, the other swinging his tazer bear, he let out a  war cry..screech..thing! Mary stops the bike and he swings his bear.  "LETS WHIP SOME CREAM!"
KUMA:  Bow Barrettes gently patted Pasties' shoulder.
 "I think the ghost is here, so that means it's time for you to impress  everyone, right?" she asked with a smile. She had learned how to  placate Pasties and actually get her attention.
 "Oh! Of course, time to show everybody up!" Pasties said, putting her  phone back in her pocket.
 Em had no problem being protected by Headphones. One day he'd figure  out how to actually fight Ghosts, but probably not today.
 "I'll stay safe, thank you."
SOUP-KITTY:  Jong pulled out a spare jong out of his pocket, summoning moon. "Dude  put me down or my Guccis are gonna fly off." Jong started lightly  punching headphones to see if that would make him put it down, but it  didn't seem to work. Well, he was glad that at least he didn't have to  walk.
OWLIE:  "Oh..." Sneakers grabbed the book on the asphalt before going with  Mary Janes and Knittens. He brandished the leather-bound book like a  club. The ghost better be ready for some hard knowledge.
KRO:  Shades stood there staring at Jacket, rubbing his wrist. The child  nearly tore off his arms. Seeing Duster run after the kid, Shades also  kept up.
 The ghost rubbed its hands once it hid from the group. Yes, all  according to keikaku (keikaku means plan). Seeing everybody scatter,  it went on to higher ground to see if there were some lone stragglers.  Lo and behold, there was...One oddly blue thing walking around.  Curious about the scene, it pounced from its perch on to Helmet. It  picked up the man by the collar of his shirt. It wasn't doing much  other than staring at him, tilting its head much like a bird's. After  a bit, it tore off Helmet's namesake.
 It...didn't know what it was expecting, but it was clear that this  creature didn't have what it wanted. It simply put the human's  namesake back on and sat the man on the ground, walking off  disinterested. Well. It was more disappointed.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  Boxer was following Jacket and Father Crucifix was following Boxer who  was following Jacket! "HEY JACKET! WAIT FOR ME!" Boxer shouts out as  he runs. "BOXER! WAIT FOR ME YOUNG MAN!" Father Crucifix said as he  follows his Angel.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens shouts,  "REMEMBER THE ALAMO!"  He wasn't in texas, what was he even saying? It seems they could never  get in time as the ghost attacked Helmet, Knittens almost has to stop  the bike entirely just so Mary jnes could down to turn. Panting he  tilts his head,  "It's not... Attacking?"  Headphones arrives on scene and he looks down at Jong's flip flops.  Fucking. Gucci flip flops with stripped socks? He breathed in deeply.  Shame on this child. Just. Boy Where are his parents? Who let him  dress like this? Headphones kept a tight grip on Jong as he winces,  "Careful I bruise like banana. And not that's not a dick joke."  He stops and looks at the ghost, lowering his guard as he watched it  leave Helmet alone. He wasn't sure why it was doing this. Was it  confused? Peaceful? He looked around to Em asking, "What the fuck?"
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary looked about, the group was out of sight, leaving him with his  trio. He holds his bear and he looks back at them, his hair a puff  ball from the static."You guys, it might be curious..? Maybe we can  lead it to the group if we pretend to be lost?"
DJDEVIL:  Helmet barely had time to react when the ghost grabbed him and tore  off his namesake. "HEY, GIVE THAT BACK!" He protested. When the ghost  did give it back and sat him down, he simply stared the ghost as  walked off, a bit surprised by what happened, before shaking his head  and pulling his sword. "HEY! I DIRTIED MYSELF TO BRING YOU HERE AND I  SHALL NOT LET YOU LEAVE! NOW EAT ME OR FIGHT ME!" He shouted angrily.
OWLIE:  "That might work," Sneakers said, his eyebrows furrowed, he held the  book tightly, "We just have to find a way for it's attention is drawn  to us,"
SOUP-KITTY:  Jong stared nervously at the ghost which seemed to be walking away.  "Hey, maybe we shouldn't get too close to it without the others? That  thing is really freaking me the fuck out, aaaand now the blue dude is  shouting. Can we leave?"
BRIT:  Strappon followed after the rest of the group, trying to keep up with  the Angels.
 "What the hell!" Jacket shouted after it as he was homing in on the  Ghost. He was barrelling ass. Duster wasn't far behind Jacket.
KUMA:  Pasties caught up with everyone, motivated by getting all the  attention and showing up everyone else. BB was making sure to keep up  with her, amused by her change in tone but not wanting her to get too  injured.
 "Hey! Ghost! Over here!! I can totally give you a real challenge!" she  said while zipping up her sweater.
KRO:  The ghost turned to look at Helmet and hissed as if annoyed with the  human. It had no more business with you, leave it alone.  It snapped its head to turn in another direction, feeling strong  energy readings flying right at it. Of course it was the only two  Angels with Soul Stones flying right at it. But hey, free food. It  wasn't gonna start complaining.
 It grabbed the two of them out of the air, holding them up by the  hands where their Soul Stones were located. Hello naughty children,  it's dinner time.
SOUP-KITTY:  Jong stared alarmed at Pasties. "She clearly has a death wish and I  suuuuper want no part of that. Headphones can you just let me leave? I  Really dont want that thing near me."
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary thinks for a little bit before getting an idea, he reaches into  his pocket before grabbing his moms hair locket. He looks at the soul  threads and he gulps. "Maybe my moms..hair? It seems to like it  considering it nommed that mean ladies hair."
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "Your not getting away Ghost!" Boxer shouted as he was chasing the  Ghost. Father Crucifix trying to catch up the Group of Angels, he can  understand angels are faster than humans. He goes to Strappon to see  if he can help. "Brother Strappon, you alright?" Father Crucifix  called out to him as he was still running after the Ghost but making  sure that he was still in some distance with Strappon.
SAIYAN:  Undershirt and Wristband were within striking distance when they were  grabbed by the ghost. They two of them screamed as they were being  crushed in the hands of the ghost. Undershirt was surprised, he  wasn’t expecting the ghost to be this fast.
 “Damn it! I wasn’t expecting such fast reflexes” Undershirt said  as he was being literally turned to dust.
 “FUCK WE’RE GONNA DIE! THIS WAS A HORRIBLE IDEA!” Wristband  screamed in horror.
 Someone, anyone, save my glowy boys from death and vore.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Headphones keeps a tight grip on Jong and instructs,  "Listen you gotta get used to this shit, Id id. Get ready to get some  bruises."  He lifts Jong, about to throw him at the ghost but decided to wait as  he watched others fly to it. And now it holding soul stone angel up.  Fuck. Setting Jong down, Headphones slides over and swung his weapon,  trying to grab the angels and yank them out of danger.  Knittens raised his eyebrow at Mary Janes, asking,  "Why... Do you have that? Like do you always have that?"  He shakes his head,  "Never mind don't wanna know but I don't know that lady's hair was all  shiny. It reminds me of certain types of hair I've seen before but I  don't remember."  He watches as the ghost lifts the angels up and he gasps in shock. He  basically tried throwing his hockey stick at the ghost in fear. He  didn't need other people to die.
OWLIE:  "Woah dude," he said, surprised, "Are you sure, isn't it important to  you? I mean, it's your Mother's after all.." Sneakers asked Mary  Janes.
 Monocle and Polo finally caught up and they saw Undershirt and  Wristband in the hands of the ghost.
 "What the hell hppened?" Monocle yelled.
OSCARK9:  While Gloves and Sapphire was chasing the ghost, they saw the ghost  jump in the air and grab the two Angels. "Shit! This is bad!"
 With their holy weapons out, they charge in there with rages on their  faces.
 "The hell your eating our friends!" Sapphire yells at it.
 "AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!" Gloves screams at it and attacks it.
SOUP-KITTY:  Jong shrieks at headphones "DUDE IF YOURE GOING TO THROW ME AT LEAST  LET ME SUMMON SUN TOO and also hold my flip flops. But it really seems  like we should do something." Jong sighs and takes off the jong he was  wearing, puts his shorts back on and summons Sun. "Not a word about  what you just saw, okay?" Jong really didnt want to get involved. But  he'd feel REALLY bad if someone died and he could have done something  about it.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary shakes his head. "It's a Victorian hair locket, they used em to  mourn their dead. I made it when I burried my mum." He says as he  takes a small strand from the segment. He pockets the locket and he  turns to Sneakers. "Of course it is, my moms made sacrifices for me  all the time, might as well try too. And I'd never use all of it."  He  sees the ghost grab someone and he gulps. "Braveboyimabraveboy"
BRIT:  Duster spotted Undershirt and Wristband getting snatched out of the  air and immediately ran ahead, launched himself off of Jacket's head,  and summoned Blood-covered to slash the Ghost's arms. In one pass, his  blade passed through the arms and completely shucked them off from its  elbows to free the twins.
 He landed behind the Ghost and turned to see if he had been accurate  enough.
 Jacket skidded to a stop and stared with a very clearly excited and  shocked face.
DJDEVIL:  "Hiss at me, will you?" He snorted then let out a latin battlecry  before joining Gloves and Sapphire int their, swinging at the the  beast's sides with his sword.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Headphones averts his eyes as he suggests,  "Carry two around in each pocket."  He lowered Jong once Duster sliced off its arm as he retracts his  grappling hood. He sighs,  "Good Id idn't have to do anything. Keep your weapons out. And gucci  flip flops??? Like boy."  Knittens watched Duster severe it's arm and lowers Mary Jane's hair  lock down as he pats his back, honestly at least they didn't have to  do anything. Retrieving his hockey stick, he tilts his head,  "Was that it?"  He pats Sneakers and Mary Janes on the back as he lowers his guard,  relieved that no one got hurt this time. Joking,  "Ground-Zero ain't as bad as I thought!"
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary holds his bear by the arm and he looks around. "I have a feeling  a ghost that smart isn't going down that easy.." He holds Knittens  hand and he turns to Sneakers. "What do you think Sneaks?"
TORIBIRDSEED:  Hey look, Collier is back, who knows why exactly but he was back. He  probably had his reasons but for the most part he was looking for  something interesting until he saw a fucking ghost. Well he was having  none of that so he simply kinda stood there staring at it, kinda just  confused as to waht to do about it. He was in no mood to actually  fight the thing. CLoak was still around but he was jsut orgasming  because of the fact a ghost was even there.
KRO:  Humans trying to catch its attention, others trying to engage in  fighting it, and then there's this guy with no pants thinking he has a  right to get pissy for not being eaten. It hissed, whipping its tail  at Pasties as it backed up trying to take Wristband and Undershirt  somewhere.  Dinner was cancelled though, as the Angel from the day before severed  its arms. How rude.
 It jumped back to get some breathing room, beginning to screech as it  regenerated its arms back as if nothing had cut them off at all.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  Boxer then jumps at the Ghost and tries to punch it in the face! "HERE  COMES THE PAIN TRAIN!!!" Boxer shouted as he reels back his fist and  throws at the Ghost. Father Crucifix stops and goes over to Strappon,  he breathes heavily for a minute. "Brother Strappon, i will ask you  again. Are you alright you seem shock?" Father Crucifix ask as he  breathes heavily for he was in his 30's.
OWLIE:  Sneakers cursed under his breath. The ghost was tough, plus he doubted  that whatever attack the three of them made would do more than just  piss the ghost off, Sneakers rubbed his temples.
OWLIE:  "I suggest we attack? We may distract it so the angels can attack it  better,"
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary shrugs and starts swinging his bear. "Alrighty. Hey Knittens? You  think you could just that fire hydrant?" He tilts his head and sets  his bear to full charge.
KUMA:  Pasties jumped back from the tail swing. She was still clearly  frustrated she didn't have the ghost's total attention. She drew her  knives and looked around. She'd have to think of some actual plan for  this.
SOUP-KITTY:  Jong stares in shock at the ghost as it's arms grow back. "What the  fuck is this thing? Ghost aren't supposed to do that, are they?" Jong  steps back until he's behind Headphones. "What the fuck are we  supposed to do now? Do you still want to throw me?"
TORIBIRDSEED:  Claok exited from the shadows, he had been reather quiet recently and  had not had anytghing to say, but had been fauning over the ghost fro  the distance for a while. With one loud shout he began to speak  however, to the ghost, and any who were listening. The boy was foaming  at the mouth “ANOTHER MAGnigicANT BEATs! A GHost with REgenerative  Properties! ANd Such BEauty! OH How I live for such beauty in this  world!” He holds his arms over his stomach “IT MAKES ME SIck! THs  Sin ANd HAtred IFEEL FOr these BEings! YEs hOW SENSUAL THEY ARE!”  Wow was he actually just admitting to the fact that he wants to fuck  ghosts, yeah probably.
 Collier on the other hand was sort of at a loss for what to do, he was  looking for that one who looked like they whore themselves off as a  hobby specifically to offer a position at his brothel which he can  assure would pay more than what he does normally, but regardless the  ghost was a problem, he was in no mood to fight it however. After 100  years you kinda get sick of them. “Oh sacre bleu… this is not what  i returned for.” He spots Jong and headphones and approaches  “Interesting creatures no? They all come in unique shapes and  sizes… though I am not in the mood to get my ass pounded in by a  ghost today, so i'll be passing up the chance to fight it.
SAIYAN:  Undershirt and Wristband landed on the ground with a heavy thud. The  two of then groaned in pain as the two of them laid there for a bit to  regain the strength to stand.
 “Ah fuck! That hurt!” Undershirt said with a cough as he tried to  regain his breath.
 The force of the hands knocked the wind out of him and he was  struggling to get it back. Wristband wasn’t faring much better. She  too was out of breath, groaning as she tried and failed to get on her  feet multiple times. Eventually she accepted the fact that she  wasn’t going anywhere for a bit and just waited for a but to get the  energy to stand.
 “Just give us a bit” Wristband sputtered
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens raised his eyebrow,  "I dunno... I don't think it can be attacked. The angel weapon didn't  leave a scratch on it"  He gave an annoyed look at Sneakers. Because of his strict rearing in  school, cursing became taboo and he would get all kinds of annoyed  that he can't do this but others can'ts he clears his throat,  "C'mon man if I can come up with alternations for curses so ca you."  Looking at the fire hydrant, he gawks at Mary Janes,  "Mary. My hockey stick is made of wood. How can I bust up a fire  hydrant? If we had a wrench I could loosen the nuts and get the water  to release."
 Headphones shakes his head,  "Listen if he didn't make a dent in that thing, us twinks ain't gonna  do shit, baby. But it don't seem interested in us, at least."  He glances at Collier, like he was a bit tardy to the mcuckin' party  He made a note that the ghost was going after soul stones and that it  would make sense that their motives would be the same considering the  last time. He rolled his eyes,  "I'm into necrophilia so same here. But... It's going after soul  stones.. It ate one already."  Deep in thought, he hypothesized,  "... I don't think our weapons are going to do shit to it, like the  broken angel's spirit before."
OWLIE:  Sneakers readied his book and prayed to god for guidance.
 Meanwhile like a madman, Monocle screamed as he attempted to attack  the ghost. Polo followed suit.
BRIT:  "I'm fine, get the fucking Ghost!" Strappon snapped at Crucifix,  pointing at it, "It's trying to _eat our Angels_!"
 Duster whipped around and began to slash for it again, but only to  parry its moves.
 "Our blows won't work on it!" Duster called to the rest of the Angels,  "This isn't an ordinary ghost! We believe it may be a Nephilim!"
 Strappon spotted Wristband and Undershirt and ran to their side,  pulling his gloves on and using his magic to alleviate their wounds.
 "A Nephilim? What on Earth is that?"
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  "Hmm..maybe we can get the ghost to hit it?" Mary turns to Knittens.  "This might not be a good idea but..I might slap it with my bear." He  hears Duster and he raises a brow. "A Nephi-who now?"
DJDEVIL:  Helmet blinked with surprise as the ghost's arm grows back. "Tis like  a lizard!" He exclaimed but then heard the sound of a certain  ghostophile. He turned his head and looked at Cloak with bit of  disgust. 'How the Lord's name is that heretic on our side?' he thought  to himself.
SOUP-KITTY:  Jong looks at Collier, and instinctively hold on to headphones' hand.  "I didn't know they could do that. I really just wanted to stay in bed  but instead I got dragged out here. And duuude, really? Necrophilia?  What the fuck?"
OSCARK9:  As they save the two from not being eaten, they witness that ghost  regenerates its arms.
 "What the what?!" Gloves said, surprisingly.
 "Shit!" She said, angrily, while gripping her glaive tightly.
 Both of them heard what Duster said and thinking at the same time,  (What the hell's a Nephilim!)
KUMA:  Em glanced over at Cloak. He'd never seen someone so strange before  and also so... excited? He walked over to him and tapped him on the  shoulder.  "Uh, are you... doing okay over there?"
 "I can take it no matter what it is!" Pasties said.
 BB put her hand on her shoulder, "Let's listen to everyone first  though, okay?"
OWLIE:  Nephilim? Sneakers heard of it before... "The Nephilim were on the  earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in  to the daughters of men, and they bore children to them. Those were  the mighty men who were of old, men of renown. Genisis 6:4" He quoted.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary blinks,"Did the daughters have doors..? How does someone come in  another person?"
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "Wait...Nephilim..." Father Crucifix said as he get out his bible and  flips through it. "Here it is!" Father Crucifix said as he clears his  voice. "The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also  afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of man and  they bore children to them. These were the mighty men who were of old,  the men of renown, Genesis 6:4!" Father Crucifix shouted out to all  the Angels and Heavenbent to hear his words of God. "Basically, what  the Boy said..." Father Crucifix sigh as his thunder was stolen from  him. Boxer was still punching the Ghost.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Heapdhones shoots Jong a glare,  "Vampires are dead so it counts."  Headphones squeezes his hands for reassurance, poor kid. Got thrown  into this like he did. Well, like him, he'll eventually get use to  this bull shit because it doesn't leave you. Like Headphones tried to  live a normal life but naaaaaaah. He cursed,  "A fucking what-now? Lost souls ghosts and now this? Great. Perfect."
 Knittens nods in agreement, Sneakers was right on the dot. Bible class  finally comes in handy, too bad he was too busy checking phone than  reading the words of God. With mary's question, he flushed a bit as he  responds,  "Welll... Fascinator told it's like... Something with babies and a  cabbage field??"
TORIBIRDSEED:  Cloak creeks a smile onto his face “OKay?! Ive never been better! Oh  I just cannot express my joy every time  Isee a ghost!” HE holds his  head, running a hand down his face “Please do not worry, I simply  love ghosts!”
 Collier looks at Jong “Ah yes, I was actually looking for you but  now seems like a bad time, I was going to offer you a job but alas, it  seems we are all going to die because of a ghost… how pitiful, what  a tragic end to my management at my establishment.”
OWLIE:  "I, uh..." Sneakers blushed and looked away, remembering when Polo  gave him 'the talk' "I dunno.."
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary he nods,"Hey! My mom told me about that! She said my cabbage was  bright pink!" He smiled and rocked on his heels.
KUMA:  "Oh..." Em responded. Just someone with weird interests then. He was  used to that considering his line of work. Was he aware how weird it  seemed outwardly though? Getting that excited with only visuals...  "This must be uh, pretty fun for you then?"
SOUP-KITTY:  Jong looked at Collier puzzled. "A....Job?" Jong looks up at  headphones, clearly confused by the offer. "and anyway i don't think  that thing wants us to die? It just seems kinda...Hungry?"
KRO:  It was beginning to get surrounded. The ghost, or Nephilim? Ghost for  simplicity's sake. Either way, the ghost was having none of this. It  wasn't worth it to fight all these Soul Thread-based Angels to get the  stones out of those two idiots. It croaked at the group of Angels as  it ran off once more.
 Shades finally caught up with everybody else, Jacket in tow.  "Hey guys, what did we miss? We kinda got lost on the way."
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "Wait, why does the Nephilim look like a Ghost?" Father Crucifix ask  himself this as he thinks. "Nephilim are a child of a Angel and  Human...." He said as he keeps thinking about it while Boxer was still  punching the Ghost Nephilim or whatever it is?
KUMA:  "Oh no way! You're mine!" Pasties called back towards the ghost. Screw  plans, she was so skilled everything would have to work out. She ran  after it, making attempts to jump and grab it's leg or possibly even  tackle it to the ground. She could already imagine how impressed  everyone would be!
 "Oh dear," BB said with a sigh.
SAIYAN:  Undershirt and Wristband sighed as the smooth healing power of Gold  Bond Body Spray…I MEAN HEALING MAGIC washed over them both. In no  time at all, the two were on their feet checking themselves out to  make sure that they were in fact okay.
 “Wow, thanks Strap! Looks like you’re useful after all!”  Undershirt said with a laugh.
 Wristband nodded her head in agreement.
 “Yeah, when did you learn to do that stuff?” She asked him.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  "Off topic, lets concentrate before we die... Pretty sure it had  something to do with a stork and RNA..."  Knittens was never given the proper 'talk' before, just scientific  definitions and half assed excuses because a ertain guardian can't  bring himself to explain something that he never had without dying a  bit inside. He asks,  "But why is Nephilim here?"  He watched it run and he whistled for the Calvary to keep on its trail  but its like it disappeared.
 Headphones galres at Collier, picking him up as well as he repeats his  point,  "No hoeing in God's house. Yeah I think it's targeting Soul Stones so  all of us are safe..."  Sighing, he keeps Jong on hisside away from Collier and he calls out  to Shady,  "Nothing much, Undershirt and Wristband almost died and people are  thinking this is a Nephilim. You know. Normal shit."
OSCARK9:  Both of them heard what Father Crucifix said about Nephilim, it really  helps out alot.
 "Thanks man with a cool black fedora!" He shouted.
  Turning their heads at it, the ghost's running away once more. "Damn  it! It's getting away again!" He said, angrily.
BRIT:  "No, a Nephilim is a type of Ghost that the Thrones and Inquisitors  had to deal with way back when." Duster explained, "We consulted  Ovr'koht about this and found this may be the case. Mother said  something similar, an ancient sort of malicious spirit."
 Then the Ghost fucking left. Well, they'd have to pursue it once  again. He was about to take off when Shades showed his face with  Jacket being dragged like a toddler.
 "I wanna chase the fucking ghost!" He whined at Shady, kicking more.
 Strappon whacked Undershirt over the side of his head and stood again.  "I leave the Ghosts to you, dunce." He snorted.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary shrugs and stretches, his teddy touches his side and he screams  and flales on the ground for a good minute. He gets up,twitching and  he shuts his teddy off. "O-o-o-oh m-m-maybe it s-s-smelt the s-s-soul  stuff."
KRO:  Shades ignored Jacket's tantrum as he gave a thumbs up for Collier. He  snapped his fingers, remembering something.  "Oh! I...guess we forgot to mention that this thing is a Nephilim,  huh?"  That would of been useful information five minutes ago, thanks Shades.
 "Apparently they like eating Soul Stones, so that's also a thing."  Again, would of been useful to know when they got there.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "HEY COME BACK HERE!" Boxer shouted as he tries to chase after it.  "BOXER!" Father Crucifix shouted angrily as he follows Boxer. "That  Boy and his fights..." Father Crucifix muttered as he follows his  angel who was going after the Nephilim.
BRIT:  "I learned healing magic when I decided to be more useful for you all.  I can't fight, but I can assist." Strappon answered Wristband, holding  out his hand to show her his gloves, "It was some time after Father  Handcuffs' death."
 "Yeah ya shoulda told us this shit before!" Jacket yelled, still being  held by the scruff of his jacket.
DJDEVIL:  Helmet wanted to resume chase with the ghost, but his swinging left  him out of breath. "Since you both know more about these Nephilim than  we do? How do we slay it?" He asked Duster and Shades as he walked  over to them, "Clearly, not by any conventional means, since it can  regenerate."
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens knelt down to Mary's side as he shouts,  "DUDE YOU JUST TAZED YOURSELF WHAT IN THE FRAHITO?!"  Making sure no one was touching to make that the electric current  din't taacel to someon else he checks over Mary Janes,  "Any burns? Can you stand?"  He takes his phone ou, ready to call the ambulance.  Headphones walked over to Shady with Jong tangled in his hair,  grinning,  "At least we're matching then, two little shits being carried."  He was being a little mean, but he was being nice by carrying Jong on  his back as they pursued slowly to where the Ghost was. He sighs,  "So what's your sin?
OWLIE:  Monocle sighed as he held his weapon. Polo on the other hand reverted  it back into his namesake. They have no clue what's going on.  Apparently the ghost was a Nephilim, and it fucking retreated.
 He looked over at Sneakers' direction and smiled.
 "Are you okay?" Sneakers asked Mary, The guy just tazed himself.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary blinks and looks at Knittens,"I-I'm okay. It's o-on high. I'm  j-just a lil j-j-jittery." He twitches again. He wobbles over to  Knittens and kisses his cheek before giving Sneakers a thumbs up.  "M-m'okay. Just g-gimme a sec. I-its happened before."
KUMA:  Pasties had faceplanted a few times, but brushed the scratches off  like they were nothing. Nothing would stop her, she was very motivated  and in the lead compared to some of the other angels. She'd brag about  it if anyone complimented her, but she was actually pretty fast.  
 "Just.. a little.. more!" she said, getting even closer to the ghost.
SAIYAN:  “OW!!” Undershirt said as he was beaten over the head.
 That was so unnecessary! Why you have to be mad? It’s only a joke.  Either way, Wristband didn’t seem to be too concerned over  brother’s pain and was instead focused on Strappon’s new healing  abilities.
 “Ah that makes sense” she said to him before waiting for a moment.  “RIP father Hamcaps…”
 “Anyway, what’s all this commotion about?” She asked she noticed  some excitement from the group of Angels.
SOUP-KITTY:  Jong laughed at the question. Laughter is how he dealt with painful  memories. "Would you believe me if i told you it was Lust and Greed?"  Jong gave a big smile, clearly fake. He was still upset about the  whole ordeal, and hated that his parents didn't cover for him.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens squints his eyes, confused. Was mary janes French all of a  sudden? Knittens didn't really feel anything from the kiss, it was  more a reaction like someone just poked your belly button. Just,  random. He ignores it, obviously confused as he pats Mary Jane's back,  That's how you get brain dmamage ya hear? I don't need you going back  to the cabbage field."  He motions for them to follow the ghost but offers to help Mary Janes  walk by leaning his wieght on him.
 Headphones ooked over concenered at Jong, not all falls were so happy.  Patting his head he smiles,  "Me too, sloth on top of that. Don't worry I don't judge. Listen...  We're all guilty here."  He lifts him up, to show his more sympathetic sile as he offers,  "Wanna talk about it? Got nothing to do anyways."
SOUP-KITTY:  Jong looks away for a bit, and speaks quietly. "I mean, what is there  to say? I clearly did something shitty and got kicked out for it. The  best part is that everyone back home knows, and despite how many  people were involved I magically was the only one who got kicked out.  Funny enough, getting kicked out was what started this whole thing.  But that's a long story for another day. Right now we're ghostbusters  or something." Jong was upset now. Why did Headphones have to ask  about this? It didn't matter anyway. Jong sighed, and then smiled.  "Any sign of where the ghost went?"
KRO:  Shades tapped a finger on his chin, trying to recall information,  still holding on to Jacket.  "Ovr'kot told us that the way they dealt with Nephilim back in the  hayday was to destroy their Soul Stone. Problem is, this Nephilim  doesn't seem to have one so that poses a problem."
 Shades chuckles at Headphones, waving hello a bit, "Well, I know the  kid's mom personally and I don't want that guy yelling at me for  Jacket getting injured."  He already deals enough with Cowlneck.
 The Nephilim started to slow down. It was both impressed and annoyed  with this child coming after it. Eventually stopping to inspect her,  picking her up by a leg. Who's sassy lost child is this.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary giggles a little bit, his cheeks flushed deep red. He nods as the  other speaks and he sighs. He takes Knittens up on the offer and he  walks with him. "Sorry you're always carrying me."
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "SPECIAL TECHNIQUE!" Boxer shouted as the Nephilim slow down he jump  at the Nephilim. "FLYING DROP KICK!!!" He shouted as he does a flying  drop kick. "Oh lord..." Father Crucifix said as he faceplams thinking  that Boxer going to mess up.
KUMA:  Pasties was getting even closer but was caught off guard by the  Nephilim actually stopping. She yelled out when it grabbed her by the  leg.
 "Hey! You can't do this! This is kind of supposed to go the other  way!"
 Then Pasties looked down at everyone else.
 "Guys, your really important ally is being taken away!"
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Headphones chuckles sadly, vaguely remembering how despite his parents  and brother neglected him they were innocent in the eyes of the Lord,  he sighs,  "I know how you ya feel man. I probably did something wrong, but no  one would listen. Not even my family... "  He pats Jong's back,  giving a bit fo support for the kid. He offers a  olive branch of peace,  "I now we're strangers, but we're in the same boat as fallens. So  don't be scared if you need help okay? I'm not exactly the best but  I'm not gonna turn a blind eye."  He shakes his head as he points to far off figures.
 Knittens chastisizes Mary Janes gently,  "Well just don't taze yourself my man."  Walking both of them towards the action but made sure to stay in the  back so that they wouldn't get hurt. He motions for Sneakers,  "C'mon you're apart of the team man!"
DJDEVIL:  "I see...." Helmet said as he began to think again, trying to come up  with a way to defeat the ghost. He thinked harder, and harder, and  harder until smoke started coming out of the holes in his namesake.  His brain was working at full power, until he got it. "I GOT IT! I GOT  A PLAN ON HOW TO DEFEAT THE BEAST!" He shouted with excitement as the  smoke from his helmet cleared.
BRIT:  "We can't just let it get away. Some of the Angels -- well, one of  them- is still chasing it alone." Strappon pointed out, switching  gears back to the chase, "We need to get it before we can't find it  again."
 Duster nodded in agreement to Strappon.  "It's likely caught her by now." He said, turning and taking off in  the direction of the ghost.
 Jacket screamed a little.  "You let _HIM_ go?! BUT NOT ME?? Please don't tell mom, just let me go  I'll be good!" He griped.
OWLIE:  "Oh shit!" Monocle said as he turned. He saw Pasties dangling by the  leg, carried by the Nephilim.
 "Oh," Sneakers' eyes lit up. He actually felt happy. He smiled, "I'd  be honored,"
OSCARK9:  Gloves and Sapphire stares as the ghost takes the friend of our ally  by the leg. They took 5 steps back incase it did something drastic.
OSCARK9:  *With worry for it ally, they took 5 steps back incase it did  something drastic.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary chuckles and sighs,"I won't I won't. C'mon Sneakers!" He smiled  and walked with the two. "I'm not gonna stand back though, I wanna hit  it at least once." He gains his barrings and he starts walking towards  it. "You with me guys..?" He turned to them.
SOUP-KITTY:  Jong felt himself give a genuine smile. They managed to catch up and  were surprised to see a dangling pasties. "I think now would be a good  time to help maybe?"
OWLIE:  "Yep," Sneakers said to Mary, once again lifting the leather book that  looked like it's too heavy, he definitely pumped up by now.
KRO:  This Nephilim should get an award for the number of Angels it was  picking up with lightning reflexes. So it grabbed Boxer as well before  flinging him into a pile of rubble. Listen, it's investigating one  loud kid, it doesn't have time for two. There wasn't much to  investigate, she didn't have a Soul Stone as far as it could tell. It  simply set her down and continued on its way past what seemed to be  military barricades. There was some screaming and even gun-fire before  everything became quite. Or just, no guns firing, just people yelling  from shock.
 "You really want your mom bringing you back to life to shame you for  your shit life choices? I don't think so," Shades replied.  He kept dragging Jacket, running after Duster to make sure Pasties was  okay. Which she was, thank God, but the more pressing matter was the  sound of guns. There were humans here? That's definitely not good.  Finally letting go of Jacket, Shades motioned for everybody to follow  behind him as he found the barricades and police lines.
 "I guess the feds are here. We should be careful to announce our  presence while checking in and make sure they're okay. They could...  Shoot us."
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "BOXER!" Father Crucifix shouted as he saw Boxer get snatch by the  Nephilim. "Let go of me!" Boxer shouted as he was being carried away  by the Nephilim. "Don't worry Boxer, i'm coming!" Father Crucifix  shouted as he runs after the Nephilim.
BRIT:  Duster stared at the barricades and the humans, turning to Shades with  a slight look of disdain.
 "What are humans doing so deep into this territory?" He asked,  gesturing to the police and federal agents.
 Jacket shook himself off as he was finally free at last! However, the  presence of cops made him a tad nervous.  "Yooo, is this area 52 or something? People gettin shot and shit?" He  asked, crossing his arms like an impatient child.
KUMA:  Pasties blinked in confusion. Oh. It just put her done? That was kind  of disappointing.
 She scoffed in the direction of it as it flew off, "I guess I was too  tough for you, huh?"
 Though she was upset with herself, she could have taken the time to  actually investigate the Nephilim, but hey, that could be everybody  else's fault.
 Em caught up to everyone, breathing heavily.
 "H-hey everybody... what's going on?"
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens, sighs, supporting Mary Janes. He was going to shout on the  count of three but then the police came and guns were fired. Hushing  the two others he motions to the police and to keep quiet. If anything  they were a bunch of heaven bent kids, they would be fine. Hopefully.  Keeping behind Shady, he watches around worried. They were getting  pretty deep into Ground Zero by now. He mumbles,  "I don't need the police shooting us, I've seen what happens to people  when they get shot."  Headphones was about to throw Jong until the ghsot decided to fuck off  once more and continue its rampage. Annnd then the police. Fuck, he  didn't need another night in jail. Nudging Jong,  "Listen, best behavior I dont wanna get handcuffed. but it looks like  shit's happening."  Gulping he looks at the police barricade, standing in front of Em to  protect him and asks in a low voice,  "SO what're we gonna do?"
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary runs at the Nephilim and he tosses his teddy at it, at the  highest voltage. The teddy squeaks when it hits him. "HEY CHICKEN  BUTT."
DJDEVIL:  Overrun with excitement about his plan, Helmet began to gather rubble,  broken wood, and strands of rope and strong strings. "I'll need  this...this could work  too...yes...yes....no...yes...ye-No....Yeeesss!" He said as he  gathered the junk for his plan.
OWLIE:  Sneakers threw the heavy book towards the Nephilim's head. As it  reached impact the book tore apart and it rained paper. Oh well, he  can always buy another one. RIP War and Peace.
SOUP-KITTY:  Jong was nervous. There were police around and he had had a very bad  experience with them. He held on to Headphones' arm again, clearly  scared at the whole situation. "I think the best thing is to keep our  heads down for now. I really hate this more than the ghost."
BRIT:  "We're trying to repent the Nephilim so it doesn't eat anymore Angel  Soul Stones. We just keep losing it." Strappon said before he took off  after the rest of them. "We should keep up, you two are prime targets  and I can't do much to protect you."
 He observed the area where the Angels were all standing around outside  of the police barriers and approached Shades.  "Shades, what's going on? Do I need to talk to the humans?" He asked,  looking over the area. Some of the uniforms weren't as familiar to  him.
OSCARK9:  Gloves and Sapphire was relief that their ally is put down without no  harm. Over heard what Shade said to all Angels, they walk back behind  with the rest of the angels. Better save then sorry.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary quickly runs over and picks up his bear. He punches the  Nephilim's butt,"BOCK BoCK BoCK." This..this boy was doing the chicken  dance. At the..the freakin Nephilim.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  When the Nephilim threw Boxer he landed in the Garbage in a alleyway.  "Ouch..." Boxer said as stars were spinning around his head. "Boxer!  Thank Goodness your alright" Father Crucifix said as he came to him  then help him out of the Garbage. "NOW FOLLOW THAT NEPHILIM!" Father  Crucifix shouted and pointed to the Nephilim. "YES FATHER!" Boxer said  with wild grin as he chase the Nephilim along side Father Crucifix.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  But soon they were blocked by the Police. GHOST BLOCKED!
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Headphones brushes Jong's hair, trying to comfort and calm him down.  He whispers,  "Listen, we're just doin our job. They can't arrest us."  He coughs as he tries to pass through without trouble, not looking  directly at their faces He did't need this. He whispers to Jong,  "Worst comes to worst, I'll get you a head start, alright?"
 Knittens pulled back mary Janes, motioning to the police around them.  He didn't need his friend to be shot either. He sighs, rubbing his  temples as he drags Mary Janes back. He scolds,  "Listen, you should't risk getting into juvenile detention. We needa  talk to the police, tell 'em we don't knows anything, okay?"
KRO:  Shades looked back at the police or...whatever they were. The uniforms  did seem a little familiar, like he's seen them in the slums he  visits.  "Yeah, probably. We'll have to enter with our hands up if we don't  want to get shot..."
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary looks around and hides behind Knittens."Imsorryimsorryimsorry."  He hugs his back and he nods. "I-I don't wanna lie..b-but okay!" Mary  looks around. "S-Sneakers? You t-there..?"
SAIYAN:  Undershirt clenched his fists and powered up his aura.
 “Prime target? We’ll see about that. Come on, Wristband, let’s  go get this Nefilim and show him what we’re made of” He said as he  dashed off to meet up with the other angels.
 Wristband sighed, but followed her brother’s lead. The two of them  quickly arrived at the military base where all of the angels were  gathered. The two landed on either side of Shady at the exact same  time.
 “Hey bud, miss us?” Undershirt said with a smile.
OWLIE:  "Uh huh," Sneakers took a step back. He went from excited into a ball  of nervousness real quick
BRIT:  Strappon adjusted his clothes and hair and straightened out his  posture with a nod at Shades.  "I'l talk to them, then." He stated, almost slyike. He must have had a  plan.
 He walked up to the edge of the barrier and flagged them down.  "Excuse me, sirs! I would like to speak with whoever has sent you  here," He asked, "We're trying to get to that enormous creature that  just passed by and we would be grateful if you let us pass. We're only  trying to help the city."
 Duster and Jacket stood beside each other and watched as Strappon had  approached them. Duster with his brow raised and arms crossed, Jacket  with his hands in his pockets and his brow furrowed. What the fuck,  Strap. At least he sounded smooth.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "Father! What's going on!?" Boxer ask as he was confuse why would the  Police stop them from defeating the Nephilim. "I don't know, Boxer.  Let me try to talk with the Police" Father Crucifix said as he puts  away his weapons and raises his hands, slowly going to the police.  "Don't Shot i'm unarmed! What is the meaning of this? Why are you  blocking us from doing Gods Work?" Father Crucifix called out to the  Police that were blocking them.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary walks over and he hugs the both of them. "We're gonna be okay  guys.."
DJDEVIL:  Once Helmet gathered the materials he needed, he placed them all in a  large pile and began constructing the object of his totally fool-proof  plan. He laid down the foundations, built up the core pieces, tied  some knots, and all the other construction jargon until it was  complete: A GREAT ROMAN CATAPULT!
OWLIE:  "Let's hope so," Sneakers mumbled. Hell, trying to be optimistic is  hard.
OSCARK9:  With a nod from the two, they lower their holy weapons and stare at  Strappon talking to the police.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens clenches his fists and he sighs,  "All we gotta do is stay quiet, they wont' do anything to kids. Worse  thing that'll happen is that they'll try to ticket us or something."  Knitten sounded like he was all to familiar with this situation,  police would come his house every other month, it was just how his  house works. He's seen how to avoid trouble, and only once or twice  they got a warrant. He sighs,  "Trust me, if anything I learned how to get outta trouble."
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary nods," We should be okay..hopefully..I trust those angels.." He  holds onto his teddy, he sees that Sneakers is more nervous than he  probably is. So he hands him the bear.
KRO:  "Oh hey, well-" Shades was cut off as someone in a power suit of sorts  ran up to Strappon, grabbing him rather harshly by the collar of his  shirt and shaking him.
 "What the living fuck are you doing here!? This area's on lockdown,  nobody else is allowed here!"  Shades ran up to the two, separating them.
 "Whoa there, no fighting. What would Shakira think?"  A good, honest question.
 The guy in the power suit removed his helmet, revealing himself to be  Hot Pants.
 "Okay, one. You got me there. Two, GET OUT! AND FOR THE LOVE OF FUCK,  get that man some pants!"  He pointed over to Helmet who was being apprehended by two Lethocs  units.
 "Sir please...you can't do that on federal property..."
 "Sir please, you don't have any pants.."
OWLIE:  Sneakers was a bit unnerved that Mary was handing him the bear, he was  already aware of its tazing capablilities, but he did not wish to  offend his friend so he accepted. Squeezing the bear gently. /It was  soft./ Sneakers noted
BRIT:  Duster snapped out of his confusion at the sound of Hot Pants' voice  and immediately kicked a barrier over.  "Hot Pants, what are _YOU_ doing here?" He questioned, absolutely  pissed. "Correction, what are you doing here and on the _other side_  of the barricade?"
 He was clearly mad. Oh yeah. His hair was _almost_ doing that thing  that happens in Miyazaki movies. You the one.
 Strappon held onto Hot Pants' hands for dear life so he didn't get  shook to death. Way to scramble his brains, he was in a mode, there,  buddy.
DJDEVIL:  Helmet looked at the catapult with pride. It was a mighty siege engine  and he couldn't wait to test it out. At least until he was apprehended  by the Lethoc officers. "Hu-what?! Hey, release me, damn you! And i  would be wearing pants if they weren't stolen!"
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens blinked when he saw Hot Pants. Nani the Fritta? He somewhat  recognized him, thinking he saw him before. He pats the two guy's  back,  "I think we'll be fine, they'll probably escort us out if anythin."  He was more trying to keep out of sight, unsure if the Lethocs unit  would recognize him, if he think he knows him form somewhere then  somethings not good. He smiles,  "C'mon! We're gonna be fine guys! Perk up!"
KUMA:  "If your area is under lockdown, you guys are doing a bad job at  keeping it that way," Pasties said, walking in, totally ignoring the  barricade. She had returned her knives into actual pasties and  unzipped her top. "For actual, effective security, you should get  someone who's really skilled! Like me!"
 She glanced around, "So what's even going on here?"
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "What!?" Father Crucifix said as he was now confused as hell as he  goes up to Strappon. "Brother Strappon, do you know this man?" He ask  as Strappon as he looks at Strappon then Hot Pants. "Ummmm, can we go  punch the Nephilim now?" Boxer ask someone as he really want to punch  the Nephilim.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary jumps at the sudden pat on the back and he exhales."True  true..why does..that guy look..familiar..?" He turns to Knittens.  "O-okay! Um so..do you guys just..wanna hide here till something  happens?" He said with a brow raised.
SOUP-KITTY:  Jong made Headphones stop walking. "Hey so, who is that?" Jong points  in the general direction of where Hot Pants was, clearly unamused by  the stress that he had gone through for what now seemed like no  reason.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knitten nods, deciding to sit down on the curb and watching the adults  bicker about.
 Headphones look up and raise his eyebrow. He does seem familiar. Where  has he seen him? He mumbles,  "Pants somethin'. Think he's a friend's of mine's workout partner.  He's making good progress, even though he sent me a picture of him  eating a 6x6 In and out burger while frying mac and cheese..."  Seriously how did he even stay thin? He pats his back,  "SInce e got some time to kill, wanna talk?"
KRO:  Hot Pants snapped back at Duster, straight up yelling at this point,  "I told you that I was at work, I'm still at work! You can't get upset  at me doing my job!"
 Two young cadets came over to pry Strappon of their captain's hands.  "Captain, calm down, we don't need another dead man on federal  property."
 With Strappon pulled away, his full attention was on Duster.  "ANYWAYS. We're all kinda jumpy after that fucking /thing/ came in  running through the premise so NO. None of you are allowed to go in  here. The commander already gave us orders to track it down on behalf  of the city. You all get your asses out of here before another captain  decides to drop by with arrest warrants."
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  "Ahhh..I think that's hot pants..from what I can hear. Annnd sure!  Maybe a game of twenty questions? It's quiet enough to not get us in  trouble I think."
SOUP-KITTY:  "I think we should be trying to figure out how to get in but.. They  still do look pretty scary."
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens chuckles  "Does Ground Zero cause a 20 question crave? But yeah sounds good.  I'll go first. What do you wanna be when you grow up?"  He holds his phone, ready to call his family wif things get too  heated. He loves to help but there's a fine line when he doesn't wanna  interfere.
 Headphones shakes his head,  "Listen those guys have guns so they're in charge. But as much as I  wanna blow this off... People are gonna be in danger with that thing  running around."  He glances to the barricade and sighs, there's nothing much they could  do. Despite Headphone's creativity, such as using a giant dildo for a  table leg when one would be too short and kept making the table  uneven. But he's drawing a blank here. Unless parental battering rams  were sold out here like candy. He mumbles,  "Seems like Angels are old news now."
BRIT:  "Are you kidding me?" Duster near growled, "Hot Pants, we're _chasing_  that fucking thing."  His fists we clenched, his face was still pretty steely calm, but we  has very clearly still angry.
 "You're knot allowed to come onto this property because we're in  control. You'll need authorization from Hell Corp." Came a very  familiar voice, that same annoyingly calm monotone that made every  Angel cringe. "I get the notion you're knot very fond of that."
 Behind the barrier stood the Mayor and his posse of disguised demons.  They seemed to be observing the area as well.
 Strappon clenched the barrier he had been leaning on.
 "What? What do you mean-- You're _actually_ the mayor?" He spat,  shocked and also probably offended.
 "Wow, he's pretty short." Jacket commented.
 Shroud turned to them completely, his arms clasped behind his back.
 "We're knot letting you in."
KRO:  Shades nearly jumped a barrier to get at Shroud, being stopped by  another Lethocs unit and it wasn't much of a struggle. Shades just  gave up after a bit of pushing. He still wanted his meeting, dammit.
 Hot Pants huffed as he started walking away from the Angels, "Alright,  you heard the guy. Scram before you're all in deep legal trouble."
What a twist! The Demons have control of the inner city's Ground Zero. What will they do to solve this dilemma? Will they actually catch the Nephilim before it disappears? Find out tomorrow!
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dcmissionaries · 6 years
Tumblr media
Deadly Premonition
Strappon awoke in a cold sweat, feeling the need to vomit. That dream... Who was that voice, why was Ampallang in it... And what did it all mean?
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dcmissionaries · 6 years
Unlikely Allies
With the new year here, Angels began or gave up on their new year's resolution. Daten had become strangely quiet, which unsettled Strappon as that usually meant that Demons were plotting something. Or perhaps they finally got paid vacation from their tyrant leader, it's difficult to tell. So far, the year has given Angels small game for ghost hunting. Ghosts even their competitors at Lethocs repented in their stead. The only thing spicing stuff up was the occasional rant about how these humans were making it difficult to return to Heaven. Others had to cut their celebrations and resolutions short. Western Angels, with the help of Thrones, had picked up strange energy readings in Daten. Thrones became concerned about Inquisitors picking this up and collaborated with their descendants to investigate effective immediately. An Angel was picked out for scoutting and her mission was simple: check out what's causing these strange energy readings and report back before the end of the week. That never happened, their last communication with the Angel being when she arrived on Earth's surface. Around the time this Angel disappeared, Strappon was told about a strange ghost sighted by the outskirts of Hell's Gate's remnants, or Ground Zero as it's formally known nowadays. Even Lethocs members indulged the priest on the details, describing something that looked like a ghost but didn't act like one. Strappon was reluctant but ultimately ordered his highest ranking Angels to investigate the mystery ghost. When this led the Angels to Ground Zero he cut the investigation short, adamant about not losing them a second time as the area was a literal Hellscape. Action to pursue the ghost was only taken because it caused large scale destruction around West Hollywood, making residents urge the Angels to get rid of it. 
UNLIKELY ALLIES Residents of West Hollywood have urged Angels to take care of a problem ghost. But this is clearly something they've never handled before.
BRIT:  The hustle and bustle of the Downtown area of Daten City's Hollywood  District was teeming with activity for midday marketing. Even despite  the strange happenings within West Hollywood, there was a lot of  civilians present, which made Strappon extremely uncomfortable.
 With such strange happenings, how in the world would they be able to  weed out something supernatural? Strappon was really hoping there  weren't going to be too many casualties, not like last time.
 On top of that, he really wasn't comfortable being so close to West  Hollywood. It was the _district of SIN._ He was so seriously afraid of  being accosted by a group of homosexuals on a shopping spree. He  really hoped Angels would show up soon.
 "I could have sworn I told everyone to be here fairly early." He  finally said, leaning against his car and contemplating getting back  into it for safety and comfort. He looked over at the Angels he had  with him.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "Yaaah-hoo-hoo-hoo-hooey!!!" Someone shouted as he landed next to  Strappon face first. The Guy was Boxer now a full time Angel! "Boxer,  Reporting for kicking Demon and Ghost ass, Sir!" He shouted as he  stand up quickly.
THESTARSTWILIGHT:  "Did you expect anyone would _actually listen_?" Camisole responded.  She was unsure of why she even came - it's not like she knew how to  deal with ghosts or wanted to be here. "So are we going over or not?"
EMI:  Dermal flicked his hair flippantly out of his face and sighed  dramatically.
 "You can never rely on Fallens, much, can you?" He scoffed, looking  into the handmirror that Veil so graciously and loyally pulled out for  him. He adjusted his bangs more, seemingly completely unbothered by  the atmosphere. "Sometimes too fast, but always slow."
 He winked, which Veil thought was aimed at herself and giggled  bashfully.  "Oh, Dermy! You're so charming!~"  Dermal simply gave her a confused look.
KRO:  "Feels kind of weird to be at this part of the city, huh?"  Shades strolled up next to Strappon, having followed close behind in  his own car.
 "We should scout the area and bail as fast as possible, honestly..."  He wasn't worried for getting ogled at like the priest, more like  being recognized by rival gangs. Last thing he wants is getting caught  up in silly feuds his boys got into.
SAIYAN:  The trio of angels arrived on the scene. Undershirt was thankful that  Shady offred to give them a ride. The last thing he wanted was to  share a car with him. Undershirt sniffed the air as he got out of the  car. He knew that scent all too well...
 "Jesus, it smells like your room out here, sis" Undershirt jabbed at  his sister as he started walking towards Strappon and the rest that  was around him.
 Wristband followed her brother out of Shady's car with a stretch.
 "Oh fuck off, you know I always used Fabreze in my room all the time"  she said as she cracked her neck and followed her brother, before  taking a look around.
 "So what the fuck are we doing here again?" She asked as she got to  Strappon and the rest.
THEWISEOWLBOY:  Monocle and Polo walked through the busy streets of West Hollywood  Distict. Steering through people walking by.
 As usual, Monocle is a grump, glaring at people and yelling to those  who bumped against him. Polo was a ray of sunshine, holding a cup of  hot chocolate in hand.
 "Monocle and Polo, present," Monocle said dully as he reached Strappon  and the group of angels.
 Polo quickly noticed Camisole and said, "Ooh, you're a new face,  what's your name? I'm Polo"
GAMER-GODDESS:  "It is like a bunch of teeny tiny ants~" Fib'yuh'luh sung as they  skipped towards Strappon and the rest, ponytail flapping wildly behind  them.
 "Yea I should probably take you on a tour through Daten one of these  days..." Thigh High stretched her arms in front of herself as she  followed the throne.  "Oi, be careful with that thing would ya! You  could probably injure someone with it, like me"  Thigh High called  from beneath the floof as she was whipped by the ponytail for the  umpteenth time as Fib'yuh'luh turned their head.
TORIBIRDSEED:  Cloak was always somebody to kinda go with the flow of things, not  wanting to miss a moment of action in his life, and always looking for  a chance at finding a wonderful occultic specimen to examine. Things  had been rather slow for the most part and he hasn't seen a ghost in a  good while, so when he had the opportunity to go and slither on over  to somewhere near west hollywood, he made sure to take that  opportunity full on. He had gotten ready rather quickly, not wanting  to miss out on anything and had snaked his way over to the location  that everybody would be meeting. Upon arrival Cloak carried with him  his usual attitude, he looked snakey and creepy, and like he hadn't  slept in years, though that was just makeup. However the fact he was  deathly pale was not. Upon arriving the boy monologues to himself like  usual.
 “AH, what a horrible day! HOw… Lovely..”
 the pitch of his voice fluctuate a lot when he spoke, often going  quite high on certain words and low on others, sort of adding to his  creepy demeanor. Cloak took a deep breath, taking in the surroundings  though his sense of smell
 “Aaaaaaaa~~.... The wonderful smell of decay and sin… how…  eromatic… A city like this is surely to be FULL of occultic  individuals for me to interact with… just thinking of all the  opportunity… HAH~!”
 He was drooling… gross.
THESTARSTWILIGHT:  "Camisole. Cami. Whatever. I just wanna get out of here as soon as I  can." Despite nothing happening, Cami was already exhausted. Just the  thought of the approaching danger was enough to drain her of energy.  Even worse, she was surrounded by people. A mistake could happen at  any second now
BUMBLERBEE:  Dirndl would be dropped off by Rosary, who wore her habit... and oddly  enough, still chose to drive a candy apple red moped.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary Janes recognizes the angels on his way from school so Mary  decides not to hop on the bus. He walks over in his pink and grey  uniform, waving to the group. He gently boops Strappon, "Sir? Why are  you guys all here? Did you guys have a trip to or something?" Mary  asked as he looked up at the taller individual.
OSCARK9:  Gloves and Sapphire showed up on Gloves's green kawasaki motorcycle  and they where 5 minutes late. Gloves told her to hurry up while he  was outside of the Abbey, but she was looking for her necklace inside  her messy room. When she found it inside the bathroom, she run outside  with her helment and both drove to where the others are.
 "Sorry for the lateness, Strappon." Gloves said. "but hey we'r-"
 "Present!" Sapphire said, finishing his sentence.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Headphones was busy strutting down the street in his new outfit to  really care nor remember why he went here in the first place. He loved  this part of the city. Today, as the tradition he made ever since he  plummeted to the ground was cross-dressing day, and he had on a cute  blouse with plenty of bows, a ruffled skirt, kneehigh socks, and  pumps. All in pastels of shades of purple or white. His hair was tied  in pigtails, and he felt amazing. Headphones had fallen in love with  his choices today and bought them with somebody else's credit card.  Heaven knows who but it's their fault; never lose your credit card  because someone might take it. He's just letting them understand the  consequences.  He was almost deaf with the loud music in his ears from  his namesake, heels clicking on the sidewalk as he swayed his hips.  Maybe he'll head to that shop with those risque films. Headphones had  the shopping bag full of his old clothes to bring home when he noticed  a few angels up ahead. Oh dear, right when he got a new outfit. Oh  well, a job's a job. He strolled to the back of the group, pushing on  headphone ear to the side to hear the commotion of town.  Knittens scratched his head nervously, looks like he lost Fascinator  again. Really, you let him outof your sight for one minute and poof.  Gone. Probably headed to somewhere that sells food. Oh well, he knows  where home was. Or atleast he hoped. Knittens gulped, hoping that he  didn't have to put out missing posters. Again. He noticed a  congregating group to the side and knew what this meant. well, at  least there's some excitement. He walked up towards Cloak, someone he  sort of knew...? And slapped him on the back with a curt, "What's  happening?"
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "I can't wait to kick some Ghost....What are we doing here?" Boxer ask  as he never seen the district of SIN. "Why is so bright and filled  with men wearing weird clothing" He ask again now very confuse someone  help him.
BUMBLERBEE:  “Glad we could grab you that second set of clothes before you got  the message. Go on.” Rosary waved, looking up seriously at the area  before them. Dirndl nodded in thanks, meeting the group and being  unphased by faces. She nodded her head to Dermal and Strappon, taking  a breath. “This is no place for any angel, or human for that  matter.” She murmured to herself, fixing the golden blonde bangs  that threatened to fall in front of her eyes.
DJDEVIL:  Helmet ran up to the group, completely out of breath. "Forgive me,  brother Strappon. I was in the middle of prayer when i realized what  time it was. It will not happen again!" He said, taking deep breaths  with every word he spoke."O Domine bonum....."
THEWISEOWLBOY:  "Aw. Don't be a grump like Mono here, it drains you," Polo told  Camisole, then turned his head, "Hey Dirndl!"
EMI:  There was the sudden sound of gunshots and a few bullets ricochet off  of Strappon's Benz, somehow weaving in between the Angels there (maybe  hitting one of two). There was some yelling, more gunshots, then a  group of identically dressed thugs running for their life past the  group.
 Tee and a few of his gang ran out of an alley, Tee wailing off a few  shots.  "AND DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT COMIN BACK TO MY TURF, YOU MUGHEADS!" He  shouted.  Tattoo scoffed and crossed him arms. "Fuckin' Cowards."  Tee turned and looked at the probably shaken group of collegues.
 "Oh shit, what are you dudes doin here?"
BRIT:  Strappon looked around at the Angels that were collecting around him  and sighed.
 "Ask and ye shall recieve." He said quietly, glancing at Shades and  giving him a very weary smile."I guess my prayers were answered _this  time._ Funny how they're not met when all I ask for is a swift end."
 "That's dark, yo." Blazer said succinctly, adjusting their glasses.  "Lame."
HITA:  As if summoned by the sounds of angels, but really what was just a  matter of coincidence, Bifocals emerged from a construction site not  far from where Strappon and Shady were parked.  On the lot her company  was building on.  Which was illegal.  Fucking humans.  Sighing, she  continued her path forward to the stack of concrete 'slabs' she was  piling up.  Mind you, they were massive beams used in construction but  still.
 Still, she dusted her hands off, a cloud of dust coming from her  hands.  Assuming it was something important, she hollered behind her  to her boss and crew, explaining the situation a bit.  Well.  As much  as 'BULLSHIT ANGEL SHIT' could explain a situation.  That in mind, she  sauntered over to Shady and waved somewhat cheerily.
 "So, whatever this is, you all need to get off my construction site  though I'd appreciate an explanation too, you know."  She cocked her  hip to the side, braid thrown over her shoulder and glasses perched at  the end of her nose.  "Like, why does no one think to call the person  who works here usually?"  Bifocals shrugged and pat Shady on the  shoulder.  Her attention was caught by Strappon's comment however.  "Death is boring.  You'd be kicked out of Heaven in a moment simply to  reign in these idiots."
TORIBIRDSEED:  The slap on the back caught cloak off guard, and he clutched his  scythe close to his body jumping forward and letting out a disgusting  curdle from his throat as a reaction. He quickly turned around wiping  drool from his mouth, he had honestly forgotten this kid existed. He  spoke up with a soft, slightly deep tone of voice.
 “What's… happening...um..”
 He took a moment to think a little before he spoke up with a grandeur  performance in mind, letting his scythe hang to the side a little. He  didn't exactly understand the question but he figured he go with it  anyways, not wanting to disappoint the other in any way.
 “Nothing is happening~... I am.. Waiting for that myself…. But…  I look forward to today… I expect… sublime things....”
 Breathing in slowly cloaks eye twitched as he looked at the other, one  of his eyes slowly drifting away before he blinked and spoke up, as  his eyes returned to normal.
 “What about you… Why are you here? Are you… Also.. LOOking… TO  EXPERIence… THIs city… SUCH as I Am…”
 His breathing was quite heavy and it looked like he was almost foaming  at the mouth, as his grip tightened around his scythe, but he calms  himself down quickly, taking a deep breath. His entire head now  twitching as he waited for the other to speak.
THESTARSTWILIGHT:  "Standing out in the middle of a slum, at 7 o' clock on a Saturday for  fun." She sarcastically remarked to Tee. "I want sleep, but _no_ let's  all go hunt ghosts". Cami was now leaned up against a wall,  simultaneously tired and bored out of her wits.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "What do i Punch! I need to Punch something or someone!" Boxer said as  he was panicking a little not knowing what to Punch. "Oh Hey Mono and  Polo!" Boxer greeted them with smile as calm down and stop panicking.
DJDEVIL:  "To hunt....the servants of hell....is to serve the lord, young one."  Helmet said to Camisole, still trying to catch his breath.
OSCARK9:  Sapphire look at the surrounding with a little disgusting face. "Man  do they always live like this?" He question, pitching her nose.
 "Probably." He answers. While Gloves was looking around with the  others, he spotted Boxer from afar. With a Gloves walk over while  Sapphire follows. "Hey Boxer!" He wave to him.
THEWISEOWLBOY:  "Yo," Monocle said, waving at Boxer before grabbing the cup of  chocolate from Polo's hands and gulping it down. He needs all the  sugar he can get to stay sane if they're going to do this.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary looked around for a familiar face in the mini crowd of holy  dweebs. He noticed Knittens in the distance and his little heart  jumped. "..senpai.." Mary James whispered to himself in what would  seem to be astonishment. With cheeks flaming, Mary made his way over  to peep but a simple greeting. "H-hey Knittens!" The small bean said.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "Also, Hey Gloves! Come over here!" Boxer said as he waved to him as  he was walking towards Mono and Polo. "How are you doing Buddy!" He  said as he gives Mono a big hug.
SAIYAN:  Undershirt looked over at Strappon. Such a poor broken man. Someone  needs to put him out of his misery.
 "I'm sure that can be arranged" Undershirt said to him with a smile on  his face. T.J. would probably have no qualms about doing it. The  thought made him laugh a bit.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens didn't react to the scythe-wielding, he's been through 5  family gatherings and most ended with someone slamming a weapon on the  dinner table to end an argument. He's sort of numb to this. Knittens  noted the time prepared to call the ambulance if this guy started  shaking on the ground, standard procedure really at home. He pointed  at the ends of his mouth and said,  "You... Uh... Got something there. Need a napkin? I have one in my  pocket. But, nah I just lost my older cousin, saw everyone here and-"  He heard the familiar call and he turned around to find an old friend.  He blinked in surprise, Knittens didn't realize how tall he'd grown  and that he was a bit taller than Mary. Well isn't that swell? He  smiled and waved, greeting, "Mary Janes! Been a while! You know what's  going on?"
GAMER-GODDESS:  As they looked amongst the swarm, Fib'yuh'luh saw Camisole and  immediately gravitated towards the young angel. Extending their hand  "Hello there, I have not seen you around before. My name is  Fib'yuh'luh, what is yours?" Fib'yuh'luh smiles cheerfully down at  her.
BUMBLERBEE:  Dirndl would take off the loose fitting dress she wore. It was odd...  she seemed far bulkier than normal. Something she was quick to  correct, and reveal the green and brown fabric she was so used to  wearing. Outer, loose garment was twisted around just as Polo spoke.  She smiled calmly. “Hallo to you, Herr Polo—und Herr Monocle as  well...!” She spoke kindly, even as arm swung the dirndl down  fluidly, dissipating into the blue and white blade; her sweet Vergiss  Mir Nicht, so sturdy and even in her hands. She smiled a bit more,  before taking a breath.
MLLERMANDA:  Gauges had his hands into his pockets as he hastily walks over towards  the Angels, enjoying their presence.  “Oh boy, a new day! A new day  for an adventure!” He clapped his hands together as he observes the  others that were in the area. However, he takes out a checkered  bandana from his pocket and wraps it around his neck. As then he  covers his mouth with it so he'll look cooler and places his hands  into his pockets.
THESTARSTWILIGHT:  "I guess while I'm here I might as well get to know everyone". Cami  thought _What else is there for me to do? I'm going to be here for who  knows how long. I don't want a repeat of high school where I spent  lunch alone looking at memes all day. Might as well know someone._
 "So who is everyone
(( OOC: Oh my gosh I messed up ))
(( OOC: Please don't use OOC chat if you're not a mod. If it's a mistake it's fine, don't worry about. ))
OSCARK9:  "I'm doing fine, Boxer!" He said, giving him a thump up. "Also, I like  to introduce you too my old friend since 6th grade, Sapphire  Necklace." He presents her with open arms.
 "It's a pleasant to meet you, sir." She said with a smile on her face.  "And to other Gloves friends as well."
THEWISEOWLBOY:  "I'm doing great, thanks Boxer," Monocle said as he accepted the hug.  He heard Dirndl greeted him, and he nodded at her direction. Meanwhile  Polo was already bouncing about. So many friends have gathered around,  he was excited.
 Probably too excited. Somebody calm the guy down.
THESTARSTWILIGHT:  "Fib'yuh'luh? Oh uh, it's Cami" she quickly responded. She probably  wasn't expecting anyone would pay attention to her, despite whining  about not wanting to be there. Funny how that works.
 She looked again over at Fib'yuh'luh and noticed something off.  "Wow... what... are you?" Camisole had never seen any angel like her  before and was thus very confused. After the brief moment of shock,  she turned back to a blank expression trying to hide the situation.  "Great job Cami, you just insulted someone Day 1" she muttered to  herself.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary looked up at the other. Woah. Were did the extra Knittens come  from? Well nevermind that. "I was actually going to ask you myself, I  have no clue what's going on honestly." Mary said with a pout.
KRO:  "Craving death happens, what can you do."  Children, now it's not time for this type of depressive humor.
 But on to the more pressing issue.  "Alright everybody, I'm gonna fill you in, so gather around!"
 He waved his hand so the Angels can huddle up. Make it seem like  they're going to do community work or something.
 "Alright, so West Hollywood got attacked by a mystery ghost. Now I say  mystery ghost because it happens to look kind of like one, but isn't.  And it's funny that this ghost showed up around the time an Archangel  disappeared. Which could be something regarding Demons trying  something to get rid of us. But that's just a theory. Our primary job  is to look for this Archangel, but we also have a ghost situation with  us, and this is more immediate. It was last seen around these parts so  I wish all of you luck in trying to locate it."
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "Gloves and Gloves Friend it's nice to see you!" Boxer said as he  let's go of Mono and hugs Gloves and Sapphire. He was so excited to  see all his friends in on big place.
BRIT:  "It's strange that this all happened at once, yes." Strappon said,  tapping his chin, "They must be connected somehow. We should split up  into groups to try and see what we can find."  He looked around at the group of Angels, thinking of how to separate  the groups.
 "Yeah! Maybe we can interview some peeps." Jacket chimed in, suddenly  in the group circle. He just wants to be included. "Interview, divide,  and conquer!"  He pumped his fist for emphasis. He was feelin it.
OSCARK9:  Gloves and Sapphire accepted a hug from Boxer. His hug was strong, but  both of them was happy to see him. "Nice to see you too!" Gloves said,  happily.
GAMER-GODDESS:  Fib'yuh'luh giggled at Camisole, "Do not worry friend, I am used to  receiving this question." They said as they gestured to themself. "I  am a throne, but do not be alarmed I mean you no harm." Fib assured as  she placed an arm around Cami "I look forward to working with you!"
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Headphones shrugged, seems everyone had a friend to talk to, how sad  for him. Well, he wasn't exactly a pro at making friends. He peered  around and sighed defeatedly, giving up before he tried. What he  wouldn't do to see someone he knew. Then again, he could always window  shop for a new pair of knickers. Headphones shrugs as he catches a few  shady figures in the alleys in the corner of his eyes. They'd better  decide on a course of action or they might get mugged. Well to look on  the bright side, at least he didn't have a credit card. Hearing the  news, he shrugs. Maybe they just got lost. Or mugged. Either one could  work. But a Ghost seems much more of a priority. Summoning his weapon,  he slug it on a street light and climbed his way up the grapple hook  to get an aerial view. Everyone don't look up.  Knittens chuckled but got cut off as he heard the news, an archangel,  and a ghost? Today's gonna be busy. He looked to Cloak and Mary janes  and asked,  "You guys wanna be a group? It'll be easier to spot someone with more  eyes. Plus, if we run into a ghost we'll be safer."
OMEGAPSYCHO:  Wait! We fighting a Archangel!" Boxer said with smile as he gets out  his punch list and marks "Archangel". "I can't wait to punch a  Archangel in the face with bare hands" He said as he cracks his  knuckles.
TORIBIRDSEED:  Cloak attempted to look down at his mouth but instead just eneded up  leaning forward and almost falling, he swung himself back up, leaning  backwards and looking up at the sky before slowly standing himself  back up straight, and than falling back into a slouch. His movements  were always this exaggerated, it was sort of just part of who he was.
 “Why would I need a napkin… im fine…”
 He wiped his mouth with his sleeve which leve a big black smear across  his face, which he promptly licked up with his tongue which was…  kinda grossly long. What the fuck was even on his cloak anyways to  make it do that, not to mention his scythe was also dripping some sort  of black liquid all over, probably best not to ask.
 Cloak decided that his scythe was not needed at the moment before  promptly folding it up somehow and dropping it into his cloak from the  neck hole, as it disappeared into the void, who knows how tha worked.  He promptly cracked his knuckles, and wrists just by opening and  closing his hands a few times and looking at the other, smaller  individual who had also approached, a feeling of disgust burrowing up  inside his stomach. He put his hands on his cheeks and vomited on the  ground.
 “AH… children… why must they invade every space I exist in…  why can they not… exist.”
 He wiped his mouth again and crouched down on the ground, now feeling  very sick… why is he like this. Taking a deep breath he looked up at  the other two with tired, dead eyes, and spoke up at the mention of  being a group.
 “It would be wrong of me as a responsible… ADult… to let you two  go on your own in a horrible place like this… so… I will watch  over you…” He puked again but continued to speak “I WILL GEt T O  TEAch You The wayS OF t hte Occult.”
DJDEVIL:  After a few more deep breaths, Helmet finally regained his energy.  "Okay, I'm ready!" He exclaimed, pulling out his 'sword'. "GIVE ME A  DIRECTION AND I SHALL HUNT AND SLAY FOUL THIS BEAST! DEUS VULT!
THEWISEOWLBOY:  "Actually we're finding the archangel, Box," Monocle said as he  transformed his namesake into his double-bladed axe, Eyesore
BRIT:  "How the fuck did you ascend...?" Jacket asked, looking over at Boxer  with furrowed brows.
 Blazer simply whapped Boxer upside the head and kicked him in the  knee.  "Yo, dude. That's fucking weird." They said, scuffing off their heel.
SAIYAN:  Wristband looked at Jacket with a raised eyebrow. He sure acted like  an idiot sometimes...okay a lot of the time.
 "Jacket, I don't think that's how that works" Wristband said before  swiftly dodging a flurry of bullets.
 Meanwhile Undershirt merely side stepped the gang that ran by the  group. There was no way in hell that he was gonna get involved with  that. Thank god Strappon's car was bullet proof. He then turned to  look at Shade's.
 "So we gotta find this ghost then, huh? Sounds fun. I've been bored  lately. Training on dummies can only be fun for so long." he said to  him as limbered himself up.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "I can still punch it alri- AH! MY KNEE!" Boxer shouted as holds his  knee. "Why the hell did you do that for!" He shouted at Blaze getting  angry at him.
SAIYAN:  **Archangel not ghost I'm tired forgive me lol
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens blinked. Cloak is an adult? Well... Could've fooled him. He  cringed at the drool on his sleeve, well remind him not to shake hands  or touch the cloak. Ever. He watched as he puked and sweated. Should  call an ambulance, he backed away and grabbed the pocket Bible he  keeps. Holding it in front of him he replies, "I'm not curious in the  occult, Scientology, or anything else. I'm good I have a religion,  thanks."
THESTARSTWILIGHT:  "Grouping?" Camisole wasn't too happy to hear that, but knew she'd  have no chance alone. Guess she would have to look around to see who  she could join. Everyone else knew someone to join with, but she was  alone.
 At that point she turned to Fib'yuh'luh "Hey so I know like nobody.  And I have no choice but to group so... uh..." Those years without  interaction left Cami feeling very awkward trying to befriend someone  else. Inner thoughts swarmed of how this would go wrong. Finally she  meeked out "... wanna group?"
BRIT:  "You're being a fucking moron, bro." Blazer said with a shrug, dusting  off their blazer shoulder, "Why would you fight your own damn kin,  asshole?"
 They crossed their arms and shifted weight on their hips.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  "Neck yeah! I think we'd be more safe that way actually." Mary  exclaimed, happy to be joining his senpai once again."What's an  occult? Is it a blanket?" The poor boy blinked, pretty confused.
KRO:  Shades quickly apprehended Blazer by pulling them by the ear, harshly.
 "Thought I told you to cut your shit, pendeja."
 He was having none of it from Blazer, especially considering that they  finally ascended rank.
OSCARK9:  Gloves pulled Sapphire back a little with a worry look. "Eh? What are  you doing?" She ask him.
 "Trust me, Sapphire. If you know him better then me, he can be anger  easily." He answers her.
DJDEVIL:  "THE OCCULT IS THE WORK OF SATAN!" Helmet shouted upon hearing the  word 'occult' and ran up towards Mary. "DO NOT FALL FOR IT'S ALLURE!"
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens pats the head of Mary as he considered if Cloak was possessed  or really really sick. He whispered to Mary, "It's a thing you don't  need." Strong Catholic roots are showing. He learned the occult  quickly because well... Most of his family was demons who interested  in that stuff, he didn't have a choice. But he quietly whispered,  "Christ compels you" Just t be sure if he is possessed. He looked at  the next crazy person coming in screaming and he again eld his bible  like a defense mechanism.
BRIT:  "Ow, shit! Bro, what the fuck?" Blazer whined, trying to swat the  motherhood that is Shades away.
 "Ladies, please." Strappon grumbled, "We need to concentrate if we're  going to locate the lost Archangel."  He was standing with his arms crossed, tapping his foot.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "I didn't know it was search mission!" Boxer shouted at Blazer and got  up. "and if you do that again i' going to punch that Pretty Face off"  He said as he looks angry and serious.
THEWISEOWLBOY:  "Can you guys calm down," Monocle said, rubbing his temples, "It's  getting way too crazy here,"
TORIBIRDSEED:  Cloaks body visibly twitched, like all of it, at once, he cocked his  head to the side and crawled forward a little, on all fours before  slowly slithering upwards, towering up above the other and looking  down on them.
 “AAhhH! Don't worry I too believe in a god.. However… I believe he  can coexist with occult.. If ghosts are anything to prove of that.”
 He then spins around extending his hands outwards and leaning  backwards, staring up into the sky. He had a gross smile on his face  and his eyes were quite wide open, pupils dialated and shaking.
 “Ghosts are exquisite creatures, with disgusting properties, I  cannot help but take interest in their nature… and if they exist, is  it not safe to say that there are other occult phenomena in this  world. He cocks his head backwards, letting his arms hang down looking  at Knittens backwards and upside down. “Trust me on this oNE” He  spit up ink on that last word.
 Cloak smiled at the small one trying to exorcise him, and twisted and  turned his body until it was straightened back out. “I am not  obsessed, I believe in your god, angels are proof enough for me…”  He reached into his cloak and pulled out a black, ink covered bible of  his own, the pages were all stained “This is proof of that I  believe.”
GAMER-GODDESS:  Clapping their hands together, Fib'yuh'luh was ecstatic, another  friend. "Yes of course, as long as you do not mind if my friend Thigh  High joins." Fib'yuh'luh gestured to her. Thigh High being anti-social  as ever was probably checking her social media. Her head perked up as  she heard her name being called.
 "WHat? Oh yeah no problem." Thigh High waved her hand dismissively as  she walked over to the pair.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "He kick me first!" Boxer said pointing at Blazer
BUMBLERBEE:  Dirndl tilted her head as she overheard Monocle. An archangel...? She  looked, smiling and chuckling to Polo. He was quite energetic. “Ah  Polo, you’ll need to save all that energy if we have to fight.”  The gentle words were not an order, but certainly a decent suggestion.  Even if she seemed a bit excited herself. She gently stroked over the  blade of her weapon, with caring palms so light sweet sword of heaven  would dare not slip and cut its Mistress.
BRIT:  "I'm not a 'he' you fucking prick!" Blazer growled, trying to break  themself free. "Damn, let me go, Bro!"
 Strappon rubbed his temples as well along with monocle.  "This is how it _always_ is, Monocle." He grumbled a bit, "We'll herd  them eventually."
 Even t u a l l y.
THESTARSTWILIGHT:  Camisole sighed a breath of relief. At least she wouldn't be alone.  "Sure, whatever. Right now we need to get going. The sooner we start,  the sooner I can get sleep." The only problem now was figuring out  where to look. She had barely been in Daten City, let alone Earth.
 "So where to?"
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Seeing how he coughed up ink, he assumed he just poisoned himself.  Better than eating a Tide pod. Sighing, he puts it away but denied  reading the ink covered bible. He might've vomited all over it seeing  how he coughed some up. He answers, "I'm good, I'll just accept it."  He 's just very concerned if he just met an escaped insane person.  Might have. He turns to Mary saying, "Actually I think we're just fine  on our own. No need for adult supervision." He doesn't want any body  fluids on his shirt or shoes.
OSCARK9:  Hearing what Strappon said, both of them were surprised that they're  going to find an Archangel. "Oh we're looking for our kin? That's  sounds fun!" Sapphire said, smiling. She loves to have fun and if she  knows one thing, is to find a lost object.
 "Yeah..." He worried a little. "We can be lost pretty easily, we got  to stick together incase one of us get hurt."
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary hid behind Knittens after he heard the others yelling."Uh! Okay!  If you say so sen..seennsitive topic I guess?"  Dear god ge was close.  Mary gulped.  He noticed Cloak expelling liquid so he kinda had to  ask. "Um..Cloak are you...in pregnant?"
DJDEVIL:  "God? Coexisting with the occult?! This heresy makes my ears BLEED!"  Helmet exclaimed, the eyeholes in his helmet widening with shock.
THEWISEOWLBOY:  "Ah, don't worry Dirndl, It takes a lot to drain me," Polo said,  puffing his chest like a proud bird.
 Monocle nodded, agreeing with Strappon.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  "Is the occult a poison blanket?" Mary blinked. "Am I close??"
KRO:  Shades held Blazer in an embrace, "If I let go, you're going to end up  a murderer. I don't feel like having you be a Demon."
BUMBLERBEE:  Dirndl chuckled, holding her hand to her grinning mouth. “That’s  good...! We’ll need as much energy as possible like that, I feel.”  head turned, and jovial manner slowly waned. Something about being  here made her on edge. The lithe little fraulein hoped no one came up  behind her.                                          Getting her blade  out of someone’s eye socket would be a bit problematic. Probably.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  "Close enough. Let's uh... Get on with our work for Heaven. Maybe we  should talk to people if they've seen anything..." He trailed off,  pulling Mary Janes away from the two crazies because frankly, it's  better to walk away than to engage. He's so done after being woken up  5 times in a row one night. He asks the other boy feigning a smile to  make it seem like everything was normal, "Should we look for the ghost  or the missing person?"
BRIT:  Blazer just kind of slumped into Shades' chest with nearly no  resistence.  "You're going to smudge my face." They said simply, "Unless you want  to put it back on, it'll take me hours to get this on fleek again."
GAMER-GODDESS:  "Uhh......" Thigh High trailed off as she looked around, "Well, if we  just start by checking around the blocks we should find some clues."  She placed her hand on her chin as she looked at Cami. "I hope you're  not too tired to do some scouting."
TORIBIRDSEED:  Cloak visible seized up as he heard mary jane speak and couldn't help  but…. Stand… actually confused, what did this child mean by in  pregnant… did he mean ‘are you pregnant’... or… something  else. Oh god.. Was this child plotting something. Cloak put his hands  over his head and stared at the ground, his entire body visibly  twitching with every thought that went through his head… was this  child an occultic experiment that was trying to adapt to human  society… were they some kind of monster, unknown to him… perhaps a  doppelganger, or a shapeshifter, he couldn't be sure… he had no way  of knowing.
 “I.. I am not pregnant… I am… a boy.” He assumed the child  simply made a mistake but remained suspicious.
 Cloak cocked his head and slithered behind the two children, simply  letting them lead the way, that's what adults should do right, let  kids have fun, he had no idea… he didn't care either he wanted to  see the ghost but he couldn't just… leave them there…. Or could  he… perhaps he could just get them lost somewhere and go off looking  for the ghost and then come back later… but that might lose them…  but in his defense they weren't technically his responsibility  right...right?
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  "Wait...on our own? Like just us two?" Mary blinked slowly as his  cheeks started to flush. Holy. Moly. "U-um! Maybe t-the person? I feel  like we have a better chance with that..? And what if they're in  danger and..I'm..rambling aren't I?" Way to keep your cool. You're one  step closer to senpai. Literally, keep up lil duder.
THEWISEOWLBOY:  "Now that settled," Monocle said calmly, hefting his axe over his  shoulders, "Who wants to team up with me? we can search the alleys  back there,"
 "I would," Polo said, "But I don't want to get mugged,"
OMEGAPSYCHO:  Boxer goes to set down on the side walk to calm down and think about  things. "Remember save your anger for a Ghost or Demon" Boxer said to  himself calm as he starts doing breathing techniques that quickly calm  him down.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  "Well..." Knittens looked back at the crowd and gulped. He frankly  just wants to hang around a normal person just to get his bearings  straight and understand the world. All he wants. But he knew that  Cloak was following them and sweated, well there was no going back. He  nods and grins,  "Sure! I hope they're okay. You're doing fine, c'mon  let's start asking people!" He looked around at the crowd of people  and sighed a bit. This part of town was always the hardest to  fundraise in so, it' looks like intel gathering would be difficult  too.
THESTARSTWILIGHT:  "Nah, I'm just tired of waiting." As soon as she said that, Camisole  started to wander off to go find some clues, weapon out. Thankfully  there was no mishap getting out Summerset. Now would not be the good  time to forget a bra.
 Cami was feeling a rare bit of confidence before hitting a crack and  falling to the ground. "Shit! Not now!" Frustrated, she got up and  dusted herself off. "Does someone else wanna lead before I end up  getting lost?"
KRO:  "I don't think you'd want me to do your makeup. I'm too much of a  perfectionist."
 He released Blazer, trusting them that they won't shake the man in a  more than violent manner.  Looking through his phone to review mission documents, he snapped his  fingers.
 "Would you guys want to get into search teams? That way we can cover  more ground to try and find this Archangel. For anybody interested,  she goes by Shawl and is kind of a short-stack...don't tell her I said  that. She's hard to miss with the way she dresses and speaks."
EMI:  "Oh, a lost Archangel?" Tee piped up, gimping up to Strappon and his  group. He tucked his gun back away in his belt. "Didn't we see one o'  those pass through here a couple days ago?"
 Tattoo snapped. "Oi, that broad! Yeah, Shawlly showed up lookin' for  some weird energy readin' or some shit. I thought she was tryin' to  get back together or somethin' and I told her to piss off." The  redhead said, waving his hand.
 "Then I found out she was actually doing work and wasn't interested  and told her to fuck off again. Either way, she headed towards Daten  City Central Park or some shit."  He stopped for a moment.
 "Oi... You said she disappeared?" Tattoo almost looked guilty now.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  "So? My mom was a boy but here I am!" He states matter-of-factly and  continues walking away with senpai. Holy poop. He's holding your hand.  Act. Normal. "..yes." Mary clears his throat and shakes his head. "I  mean sure! I know a lotta people around here so it shouldn't be that  bad. My school's actually near here!"
DJDEVIL:  Helmet turned his head and watched as Cloak, Knittens, and Mary just  walked away. He was being completely ignored. "Hey, i'm not finished  rambling about the dangers of Satan!" He exclaimed and proceeded to  follow the trio.
OSCARK9:  Sapphire nods and walk next to him. While both are about to prepared  take off, Gloves looks over where Boxer is at the side walk and he  thought we could use an extra hand to help finding it faster. Gloves  walk over to him with a smile on his face, "Hey, Boxer! Wanna pair up  with us?" He ask him. "There's a spot for one more."
GAMER-GODDESS:  "What does she look like, if you do not mind me asking? More details  would make searching easier." Fib'yuh'luh asks Shady.
 "Oh shit, are you alright my dude?" Thigh High turns her attention to  Cami's little scene.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  Boxer looks at them and gives them a smile. "Sure" Boxer said calmly  as he walks to them, he has really change at controlling his anger.  "Though, i'm going to be team leader" He said with a proud smudge  smile on his face.
TORIBIRDSEED:  Cloak followed the two promptly, speaking up to give his thoughts on  what they should do.
 “If you are looking for the archangel, it is best to learn where  they last where… knowing the angels… they are either somewhere  holy, or somewhere corrupted with sin… the latter if they were  trying to purify it or… SOmething.”
 That was just his theory however, he had no way of knowing if that was  actually the case, regardless he figured he would take this  opportunity to look for other occult phenomena. He took out another  book from his cloak, as well as a fountain pen, and began scribbling  notes of the city down. He was sure there would be something of  interest here regardless of what went on. He made sure to keep some  distance between him and the two he was following, not wanting to  disturb them in any way but also being cautious in case this was a  trap of some kind… who knows really.
 “It would be best to avoid staying with the group, we are more  likely to find something if we split up… but I don't think you two  will want to… go through the alley’s of this terrible…  disgusting… lustful place.”
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens piped up, "Really now? I forgot to ask where you went to  school. Mine's out of town, private schools are always faraway." He  tapped his foot as he suggests, "Maybe somewhere less crowded I don't  think people will want to talk to us while shopping." He sighed  quietly at the fact he heard the dangers of Satan. He gets that every  day at school and church, he sort of sick of it. Maybe he'll ask Fasci  about and see the other side of things. Knittens calls back to Helmet  bored,  "If I heard it one I've heard 100 times, I know Satan is dangerous.  Get a new act."  Someone is salty. Maybe it's the book report due Monday  He nods with Cloak, his mother never liked him being in this part of  town for a reason. Knittens wanted to ask around but everyone he made  a peep to kept moving, they were in a congested area. He doesn't  really blame them.
THESTARSTWILIGHT:  "Ya, it happens. A lot. You might want to stand back a good five feet  from me. Easier to avoid disaster that way" she snarked. She looked  down to see her knee was injured.  "It's nothing - at least it's not bleeding." At this point Cami was so  used to random cuts and bruises a scraped knee was nothing.
THEWISEOWLBOY:  "Oh. Right," Monocle said, acknowledging Cloak's statement. "Where to,  then?"
BRIT:  "Some people are born to be Leaders. Boxer, you were not born to  lead." Strappon said, putting his hand on his shoulder, "I'd feel more  comfortable having the higher ranks lead. We can't let the blind lead  the blind."
 Jacket snorted and sat on the curb.  "Damn, I wanted to lead a team, too!"
 "No, you're a fucking idiot." Blazer said simply, examining their  nails.
KRO:  That's not an expression he usually saw from Tattoo, Shades kinda  tensed up.
 "Apparently," he began, "She's been missing for a few days now. Lost  communication with her after reaching the city."
 He glanced at Fib'yuh'luh, turning to them, "Right. She has red hair,  tied at the bottom, somewhat wears her shawl as more of a sash, going  across in one direction. Dunno why, but ah well. Her garb is similar  to those of Northern Angels if you're familiar with Caplet."
BUMBLERBEE:  Dirndl listened for a time, sighing a moment. Stealthy and  ultra-observant She was not. Bright green hues turned to the young  blond man she stood near. “Mugged? What is... ‘mugged?’” She  asked seriously, a single eyebrow raising. Strange times.
OSCARK9:  "Alright!" Gloves said while both of them are chuckling a little.
 "Looks like we're The Three Musketeers, Huh?" He question while  chuckling some more.
 "Yep!" He answered.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary James blinks. "It's not the prettiest but there's still people  here..jeez...I bet people think we're gross too!" He pouts. "And I  doubt calling the place names is gonna get anyone to talk to us  guys.." Mary cuts through an alleyway. "I know I few shady places, my  mom's used to hunt around here so there should be some kinda leads!"  Mary piped up as the others followed, gently guiding Knittens. Gosh  darn it. No more alone time with senpai.
THEWISEOWLBOY:  "Mugged, you know, when some random heathen comes up to you with a  knife or gun, demanding you to give them your money," Polo explained  to Dirndl,
GAMER-GODDESS:  "Yes, of course, I am familiar with Caplet. They have very pretty  hair!" Fib'yuh'luh nodded at Shady.
 "Alright, so now that we know what we're looking for, we can start  checking out the locals." Thigh High stated as she took lead of the  trio.
TORIBIRDSEED:  He heard monocle speak up but wasn't sure what to say, he bit his  tongue and clenched his book.
 “Y-y-y-you don't need me to decide where you go right? I…  Am not  your leader yeah?!” He coughed up some ink and scratched his neck  profusely.  Taking a breath Cloak calmed down and than turned back to Knittens, a  smile on his face. “You cannot get people's attention with an  attitude like that, you must use more… excitement in your voice, you  must… force attention to be drawn to you… the same as a preacher  would…” Cloak put his book a way and smiled before pulling his  scythe back out and approaching a few people walking, trying to get  them to talk by force, which was clearly probably not the best thing  to be doing. It wasn't long before he gave up though, as he didn't  like exerting himself much, he was soon laying on the ground with his  head buried in his arms… he looked like a slug.
 He spoke up again with a soft tone of voice. “These people wont know  anything either… they are the sinners of this world, I would  personally try to simply look on your own… no point in asking people  like this for help about something they probably don't even believe  in.”
BUMBLERBEE:  Dirndl looked on, eyebrows raised incredulously. She looked down at  her weapon, before shrugging. “Is it a—a slang? Frau Rosary has  told me these are words that mean different things in other languages.  When I was a little girl, we called them thieves, and would slice  their hands off for it.” She shrugged once more, chuckling.
SAIYAN:  Undershirt nodded to Shady.
 "Sounds good to me. I'm sure we'd be able to find clues much faster  that way!" he said before turning to Bifocals.
 "Hey, you want to work together? I'm sure it'll be easier that way" he  said to her with a smile.
 Meanwhile Wristband looked around for anyone who'd want to team up  with her. After a few moments of scanning the crowd, she saw Dirndl in  the crowd. Strolling on over to her, she tapped her on the shoulder to  get her attention.
 "Yo, Dirndl, you wanna team up and figure out what the fuck is going  on?" she asked.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "Hell Yeah! One for all and All for one!" Boxer shouted out the quote  the Three Musketeers always say.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Headphones didn't see anything on the street light and were jumping  from vantage points with his grappling hooks. One of the many uses  besides fighting. He didn't really care that someone could potentially  look up his skirt at any time. Hopefully, it's a nice show. His skirt  was flipping and the cold air wasn't welcome but the good for the sake  of heaven he supposes. Plus a little bit of exercise won't kill him.  Knittens gulped as he got dragged through the alley, his mother always  told him to stay away from them. He didn't want to end up like Batman.  But he did ask surprised, "Your mom's a ghost hunter too?" What a  coincidence. He looked back at Cloak worried that being a slug could  cause him to slither over broken glass. He calls out, "Careful! There  might be broken glass."
OSCARK9:  "__One for all and All for one!__" Both said in synch.
OSCARK9:  **sync
BRIT:  "Okay, so I'll take the Three Musketeers and a few others, then."  Strappon said pointing to Boxer and his two companions, "Seeing how he  wants to lead. Your pick, Shades, Dermal and Undershirt."
 "I wanna be part of that team!" Jacket hollered.
 "Who's next, then?" Strappon asked as he ignored Jacket.
DJDEVIL:  As Helmet walked through the alley, he smelled a foul smell."This  place has the stench of the Devil's sweaty pits." He stated, pinching  the golden part of his helmet as if it were his nose.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  "Oh! Yeah there's definatly broken glass over here. I think I saw some  needles yesterday but I couldn't find any doctors!" Mary turns to  Knittens and he nods. "Yeah! They used to hunt while I was in school."  He looks at the slugman. "Mr Cloak? I don't think you wanna audition  for a slug part right now.."
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "Wait, I'm the Leader of the Party?" Boxer ask Strappon starting to  get very excited hearing that.
HITA:  Bifocals tilted her head in regards to all the information given.  An  archangel missing.  Interesting.  Looking over at Undershirt, she  shrugged.  Not like she had any complaints about working with another  Ophanim even if he was... young.  And brash.  But he had blue hair and  therefore he was a lot better than 99.999% of people.  Studies had  proven as much, clearly.
 "All right.  I mean, we could always lead the idiots but let's face  it, I hate these morons almost as much as I question my brother's  decision to legally marry a couch."  Once more she pat her hands  together and watched dust billow out from her gloves.  "Especially  since Mister Pink forgot I'm high ranked too."  Not that she really  cared.
THESTARSTWILIGHT:  It felt much safer being with other people. Normally Cami would want  to be alone, but when exploring back alleys being with other people  was best. Looking around the streets, she saw old dilapidated  buildings, fading neon signs, torn papers,.. all the cliches of the  worst parts of town. But then she realized how quiet it was. There  were one or two passing civilians but the streets were mostly barren.
 "Not much interrogating to be done here. That or their dead."
BRIT:  "No, I'm leading. That's _why_ I'm leading. You can't lead." Strappon  pointed, hands on hips.
 "But who am I gonna be part of?" Jacket asked, hopping a little in  front of Strappon who made a point to look in the other direction.
TORIBIRDSEED:  He spoke up again with a soft tone of voice. “These people wont know  anything either… they are the sinners of this world, I would  personally try to simply look on your own… no point in asking people  like this for help about something they probably don't even believe  in.”  Cloak smiled at the thought “broken glass to end my suffering… i  love the thought… you think well child.” He than eyes the other  child. “Being a slug would be a blessing… they can live their  lives with ease… and all the slimy mucus from their body…  delightful.”
 He stood up slowly in a smooth motion from laying down to standing, it  was like he had no legs. He simply followed the other two with a bored  expression on his face, he really wasn't finding anything interesting.  He was dragging his scythe along with him as well, it was making a  gross metallic ring as it dragged across the alley way. Cloak  slithered along silently aside from the ringing of his scythe, and  began to chew on his cheek… it was something he did out of  boredom… he didn't really know how he got caught up watching over  these two kids but it was sort of becoming a pain. He decided to speak  up again, before spitting out some blood from his cheek.
 “I wonder… perhaps this angel is simply hiding away because they  have fallen to the temptations of sin… how hilarious would that be  if all this was simply to find out that another angel wished to join  the ranks of humans… i mean… I suppose it's possible… at least  in my eyes… I am truthfully much more interested in finding the  ghost… i cant wait to see… it's… Form… aANd… LEARn How IT  functions… Ah My body is shaking just thinking abou it...”
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  "Cool! My mom use to be too! I don't think she's one now though."  Knittens watched the shady figures around with concern but replied to  Cloak with certainty, "I'm sure they didn't fall! Nothing's better  than heaven." His voice trailed off to doubt but he shook his head,  and grips his hockey stick. A ghost encounter was fun when he was  first around but... Now a days, they always seem more and more  dangerous. Maybe he's growing up. He swearts as he remarks to lift  Cloak's spirits, "Maybe they'll be a really rare ghost."
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "Awww, Alright..." Boxer sadly said as he look down and followed  Strappon but still like the Three Musketeers thing. "Musketeers!" He  shouted as he follows Strappon from behind with a proud smile.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  "Thats really cool! I think she gives you your bravery Knittens." Smol  swoon. Mary blinks and pokes where he thinks cloaks stomach is. "I  think you would be an awesome slug. Just not right now. You have the  slug potential, just believe in your ink covered self. " Tum pat. He  continues on his way to the place with the shiny metal poles. "Do you  think the ghost would be in here?"
SAIYAN:  "Awesome, if anyone else wants to tag along with us then that's fine  by me" Undershirt said to Bifocals.
GAMER-GODDESS:  "Well dead people wouldn't really be anything new. I mean, we are in  Daten after all." Thigh High mused as she pretended to scope out the  scene. To be quite honest she was just checking her self out in the  reflection of the broken glass. She finally got her wings symmetrical  and she was feeling really proud of herself today.
DJDEVIL:  "Ghosts will hide anywhere that gives them elements of surprise on  their victims, Mary. Such is their foul way." Helmet said with a bit  of disdain.
BUMBLERBEE:  Dirndl shaprly turned her head around, taking a sharp breath in while  eyes focused. RED HAIR HOLY-- Oh, Scheiße, it's Wristband okay.  Bavarian lovely would sigh and smile, the grip on the seac relaxed.  "Frau Wristband, I am glad to see you. No one has paired with you yet?  Why so?" she asked, finding the angel with the newly updated color  palette quite nice and amicable.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens blushed a bit, flattered. After all, his mother was the  bravest woman he knew. Not the most dangerous, that went to his aunt.  But definitely brave! He looks the poles curiously, after all, it  looked more like a cage or a prison in an alleyway. He shrugs as he  backs up a little. If he's thrown around he might get impaled by a  piece of glass. Knittens rolls his eyes at Helmet, he sounded like his  preacher and it was getting old. He asks Cloak, "You know lots about  ghosts, what's your expertise say?"
TORIBIRDSEED:  Cloaks entire body literally spasms at the mention of a rare ghost,  and he began to foam at the mouth, having the compose himself he  crouched down, hands over his mouth as his eyes shook violently. He  spoke up.
 “A… A rare ghost… Ohhh I have no records of one yet… I ahve  never… seen one with my own two eyes… Just thinking of it… it  makes me want to PUKE… I LOVE THE THought… AHHHHHAhahaha!”
 Well his spirits were certainly lifted thats for sure, he picked his  scythe back up and was breathing very heavily, he had to keep in mind  these were children he was with, not somebody he could really talk to  without a filter. Taking a deep breath he cocked his head, cracking  his neck and composed himself again.
 “S-sorry.. I lost myself for a second there...a rare ghost would  be… good research material.”
 He smiled at the thought of being a slug further… slug potential.  Cloak than spoke up to the mention of where the ghost would be.
 “A ghost will be where sin is found, they usually cause trouble for  others in their own unique ways… it's what makes them all so  unique… we must first find out what is happening in this city, and  than perhaps we can trace it back to a ghost… For example… if the  city is having a crisis involving their economy… a casino would be  good to look at, h-however...if we are lucky.. The ghost will COMe TO  Us..”
THESTARSTWILIGHT:  Cami looked annoyed as she saw Thigh High flaunting in her reflection.  "What are you doing? We have shit to do right now. We can't just stay  back and go on about 'look how great I am' or we're gonna get killed."  She continued on, looking through the windows on some of the  buildings. Most of the curtains were drawn. _What the fuck is going  on?_ she thought to herself, _Is there_ ___anyone___ _home?_
KRO:  Shades eventually put his phone away after getting frustrated at it.  He totally didn't open up a gacha game after reading off the  description of their target's appearance. No sir.
 "Well, I was thinking of kind of sticking with the Seraph. You know,  help him get used to the city and how to help us out."
 He hasn't seen the Seraph do much outside looking at his mirror. Was  this guy really a Humility Seraph? How embarrassing. Almost makes him  wish that Seraphs had a rating system cause this man would be a 1/5.
 "That is if the Seraph wants to go with little ol'me, that is."
SAIYAN:  Wristband smiled at Dirndl.
 "Yep! It's me! And I'm not sure. Maybe I'm not hot enough anymore with  my new hair color." Wristband faked sadness as she spun around to show  Dirndl her new look.
 "What do you think of it?" she asked, facing her once again.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "So, where are we going Strappon to find the Archangel?" Boxer ask  Strappon as he was following him from behind. "Also, if the Archangel  attacks can i punch it because i really like to Punch new things like  Demons, Ghost, and etc" Boxer said with excitement wanting to Punch.  He is very punch happy.
THEWISEOWLBOY:  "I guess it's just you and me then Pols," Monocle said curtly, to be  fair, two is better that a trio, at least in his opinion. He began  looking around the buildings
 "Curiouser, and curiouser..." Monocle tapped his finger against his  weapon, "Where to look..."
OSCARK9:  "Follow up question, Strappon. What does this Archangel ghost look  like." Sapphire ask.
 Gloves shrugs and wonder the same thing.
GAMER-GODDESS:  "Technically, we're already dead." Thigh High quipped as Fib'yuh'luh  picked her up.
 "Camisole is correct Thigh High. Gawking at yourself will not help us  find this Shawl." Fib'yuh'luh lectured, dusting her off before setting  the angel down. "We must give this task our undivided attention if we  wish to get any leads."
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary's little heart almost skipped a small beat at the others blush.  Complements! Complements will win senpai. "Wait..don't like angels  have virtues and stuff? Maybe if we knew its virtue it would be easier  to find what it would target?" He tilts his head. "Mr Cloak I have  gummy vitamins if you need them..cause you make a lotta liquid and I'm  not sure if that's a good puke or an I need an ambulance puke." Smol  blinking confused boy. He takes out a teddy bear head shaped case and  he holds it out to the slug Tom Cruise.
EMI:  Dermal was on his cell phone most of the time this was happening, so  he just barely got what was going on. He dropped it back in his  pocket.  "Great, I choose you," Dermal started by pointing to Veil.  "You," His finger landed on Shades next.  "You," He spun his finger and pointed at Polo.  "And hmm.. I guess you..." He waved his hand disinterestedly at Cami  with a sigh.
 "Alright, that's done. And we're headed in this direction. Let's go."  Dermal said without any room for argument.  Veil followed without question, just running to catch up with him.
THEWISEOWLBOY:  Polo shrugged and followed suit, he turned to Monocle and mouthed  'sorry'
 "...WHAT?" Monocle yelled, losing his composure, He began to yell at  Dermal, not caring if he was a seraph, "You can't just pick my  boyfriend and not pick me!"
BRIT:  "Shades described the Archangel. She's got red hair, and her shawl is  tied diagonally around her." Strappon answered as he stopped and  turned to the rest of the group. "Shades, I'll head into the West  Hollywood district to investigate. You can pick another route!"
 He turned back to his set, and gestured.  "Simply put, gents, we're looking for an Angel that seems lost."
 Jacket pouted and crossed his arms, turning back to the others.  "What other groups are there?"
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens considered what Mary Janes said and suggested, "Well with  luck, Cloak might be right and the ghost will come to us. I think they  do. But I don't know I don't think the virtues are super zoned in." He  tilted his head in thought, he forgets how angels work often. He just  doesn't interact with them often, they just don't like talking to him  or really humans. He was in thought and mumbled, "Well Daten is full  of problems to that doesn't help. Too bad we didn't much detail of  it." Jeez he was shopping with his guardian and he gets sucked into  this. He suggests, "Maybe the angel is in disguise to find the ghost,  y'know? Incognito?" Finding either angel or ghost seemed impossible  really.
HITA:  Bifocals wrapped an arm around Jacket's shoulders seemingly from  nowhere, spreading dust all over his shoulder.  Oops.
 "Hey kid, you can come with us.  You're spunky."  She nodded over at  Undershirt and finally peeled off her gloves and tossed them onto the  concrete pile.  Her knuckles cracked as she stretched her fingers out.   "Right uh... other kid.  Lord in Heaven, I don't remember so many  names."  She had more important things to do.  Like work.  She had a  job.  Oops.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "Alright! Let's go find this Archangel and save her or punch her in  the face, Musketeers!" Boxer shouted to get everyone pumped up for  this search and maybe punch something adventure.
OSCARK9:  "Ah, okay." Sapphire said.
 "That's good to know, Strappon" He said, happily. " It'll be hard, but  if we can find her red hair with a shawl on in this city, we'll be  golden." He said as he did a 'Ok' sign with his right hand.
THEWISEOWLBOY:  Monocle grumbled,"fine,"
TORIBIRDSEED:  Cloak squirmed around, this was taking longer than he thought, he  didint know the ghost would be so hidden, he was hoping that it would  just pop out as he got there but alas, no luck. Scratching his neck a  lot he squirmed around in spot and looked around frantically.
 “It cant be this hard to find a ghost…” He mutterd impatiently,  holding his sythe close to his body.
 Slithering around he began looking just about everywhere, under every  crevice, in alley ways, around people, he figred the more he looked  the sooner he would find this ghost. He was really hoping for some  sort of new ghost that he had not seen before so perhaps he was a  little overly excited.
KRO:  Shades looked almost offended as he got picked but didn't argue  against it. Something about the way he did it rubbed him the wrong  way.
 He gave a thumbs up to Strappon, "I'll just make sure the Seraph  doesn't get lost. Good luck with your group!"
 He ran after the Seraph, trying to keep pace after catching up. "So  any location you got in mind, sir?"
 That's even if Dermal knew where he was going. Shades wasn't even sure  Dermal actually knew where to go in town. He's /never seen/ this guy  leave the Abbey come to think of it.
BUMBLERBEE:  Dirndl blushed a soft pink as Wristband spoke and twirled. She showed  off that pinky/red hair, almost a raspberry... She rubbed the back of  her head and smiled. "Nein, nein! It looks nice. It is a big  difference though! Your little pink piece is changed too!" she laughed  sweetly, one hand on her hip. "For now, Frau Wristband, lass uns  gehen!"
DJDEVIL:  "That is a good possibility, Ser Knittens." Helmet stated, placing a  hand on his chin, "Or Perhaps, the ghost.....IS BENEATH OUR VERY  FEET!" He continued and started to dig through the ground with his  'sword."
THEWISEOWLBOY:  "So... Uh, Dermal sir, where are we headed?" Polo asked Dermal  nervously, his gladius in tow.
SAIYAN:  Wristband smiled at the compliment.
 "I'm glad you think so! I thought it was a good look for me! And yeah!  LASS AND GAHO" Wristband yelled, not even knowing what Dirndle had  said to her. She wasn't good with foreign languages. Hell even English  was hard sometimes.
EMI:  Dermal gave Monocle a dead-ass deathglare, letting his cold darkened  eyes settle on the boy's soul. Surprising it didn't shatter his  monocle.  "You question someone above your rank?"  Snapping back to normal, he turned back to Shady with a cold smile.
 "We're going to follow the energy the Archangel was. It's a good place  to start. You have access to that equipment, don't you, Shady-boy?"
THESTARSTWILIGHT:  "Nothing... nothing... more nothing... __Where are the people in this  town?!__" This was too much for Cami. While it had only been around a  half hour, her impatience made it feel like days. This was getting  ridiculous. "How are we supposed to interrogate anything? Nothing is  here! We might as well be digging a hole because that's just as  useful!" She'd lost track of what street they were at. For all she  knew, they were lost.
THEWISEOWLBOY:  Monocle took a step back, aghast, he decided it would be best to keep  his mouth shut for now.
 Meanwhile Polo walked meekly behind Dermal and Shades, feeling like a  fish out of water.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  "Knittens? I think he's just as stumped as we are here." Mary  stretches. " Hmm..maybe if we had some kind of bait for it.." He  realises he's holding the others hand still and his face goes bright  red. "I-i-I'm sorry!"
OMEGAPSYCHO:  Boxer was looking around for the Archangel. "Archangel! Where are  you!" He shouted as he was looking around. "We just want to help you!"  Boxer said as he cracks his knuckle.
GAMER-GODDESS:  "Perhaps if we follow superiors, we will find a lead faster than we  can split up?" Fib'yuh'luh offered, "After all, we do not want to be  ambushed when it is just the three of us."
 "Yeah if I've learned anything from horror movies, its that we  probably don't want to be separated from the crowd!" Thigh High added.
KRO:  Shades stopped dead in his tracks in surprise, "...I. I thought you  already had access to the exact location. You have talked to the  council, haven't you?"
 It was worrisome to hear that from him to say the least, but Shades  figured that Dermal would just make him that one overworked secretary.  The one that takes out stuff revelant to the situation. Oh joy.
 He began to walk again, trying to look for the coordinates on his  phone.  "Anyways, yeah. I have the exact location... uh."  Oh that's not good.
BUMBLERBEE:  The Bavarian beauty looked at the angel, blinking rapidly. "..." it  was best to just nod and walk along with her chosen partner, tensing a  moment as they began to move. "Frau Wristband, I do not like this  area. Is there something we should look for?" her questions felt  valid, her back straight and tight.
 God above, this place sucks.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens was about to say something to Helmet but deicded it was best  to lett him do whatever he wanted. He nods to Mary and wonders what  kind of bait ghosts like. Do they even eat? Probably not, all the  ghosts in movies don't need to eat. Maybe something from their past?  But they don't know who tht ghost is. Plus that angel is high ranking,  they would be hard to find because then high angels would always be in  danger, right Ugh... He was starting to get a headache. Knittens  didn't even notice that Mary Janes was holding his hand, nor did he  really care. He had a friend in school that leans on his shoulders, it  realy isn't weird. He raises his eye brow, "For? Youd din't do  anything. Calm down Mary, it's fine."
BRIT:  Before disappearing into West Hollywood, Strappon reached down and  picked Bucket up by the back of his shirt.  "Okay, I'm not leaving you alone, chap." He said as he dragged him  away from the hole he was digging.
 He waved Boxer, Sapphire Necklace and Gloves to follow him.  "Let's go, before it becomes nighttime and we have to deal with the  unsavory folk." He said with a small groan.
THESTARSTWILIGHT:  "Like that'll help with this shit. There's something wrong here. This  might be a dead end town, but even dead end towns ain't this empty."  Beyond her anger, it was clear that Camisole was starting to panic  that they might run into something. The group was right - they were in  the perfect position to be trapped. And given her luck, they probably  would be.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "Alright, Priest Strappon!" Boxer said as he follows him from behind  cracking his neck a little. "I'm really itching for a fight..." He  said to himself as he follows Strappon.
OSCARK9:  Gloves and Sapphire nods to Strappon and follows him from behind.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary looks up at him shyly,"Are you sure? I just wanted to um..make  sure I didn't make you feel awkward holding it.." He looks down and  takes it back. "I feel safer if I hold it.." Smoove moves. But he  isn't lying.
DJDEVIL:  "Awwww. But i was starting to really like that hole. It was a very  holy hole." Helmet whined.
GAMER-GODDESS:  Gasping, Thigh High huddled the trio together, "Oh oh! we should take  a selfie." She squeals as she pulls out her phone, angling it just  right to accommodate for Fib'yuh'luh's height "Everybody say 'ghost  chow'!"
 Blinded by the flash, Fib let out a sigh of annoyance. "I would  appreciate it if you did not scare away my new companion with your  poor attempts at comedy."
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens chuckles as he holds Mary Jane's hand, squeezing it to  reassure that everything is fine. After all, no need to panic. He  watched as Strappon drag Helmet away and leaving them behind. Should  he be worried that he was leaving children in an alley way alone? Nah,  it's probably fine. He asks Mary Janes, "Should we keep going in the  alley ways and check for ghosts or follow Strappon?"
TORIBIRDSEED:  Cloak was now trying to scale a building by drilling his sythe into  the wall and pulling himself up… and itwas working, he figured that  he would be able to get a clue or two if he tried to get a vantage  point. Cloak stared at the other two children who were being left  behind and sighed yelling down to them as he drooled.
 “Im going to get a vantage point… and see if  Ican see something  from higher up… Unless I fall which is… very likley… im kinda  scared of hights…”
 He continued to scale the building using pipes from the alley and  bricks as a way to help him up… it was… slowly becoming less and  less effective… the sythe helped though.
SAIYAN:  Wristband turned to Dirndl with a shrug.
 "All I know is that she's an archangel with red hair and a shawl. I'm  sure the shawl should be enough to make her stand out from the crowd.  We also gotta find this ghost that's been creeping around the area"  Wristband said as she kinda led them towards the red light district.  Who knows, maybe the archangel was horny?
THESTARSTWILIGHT:  The result of Thigh High's photo was... interesting to say the least.  The pissed off expression on Cami's face was pretty evident, as was  Fib's surprise. As soon as the light was done flashing, Camisole  pulled away from Thigh High's grasp. "Don't. Touch me." She backed  away in defiance, distancing herself from miss photo bomb. "Don't  thinking of posting that either. Let's just find the others." At this  point she was resisting the urge to punch something.
BRIT:  As Strappon continued to lead his little ragtag circus, he felt less  and less at ease within the confines of the terrible, stinky,  sex-district. How could an angel get lost in this sullen pit of Hell?  How far did those on Earth stray from God's light?
 "Alright, so we're finding an Archangel or a Ghost. Have you lot seen  anything, yet?"
 Jacket jumped up and down because he was actually picked for a group.  "Awesome, thanks Gram!" He said to Bifocals. She looked old. He  figured she was old. Plus that meant he was with the Blue Crew.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Headphones spotted a black inky mass climbing a wall and looked down  and called out, "Need help?" He lowered his hook down to Cloak, his  skirt unable to hide anything. Well, at least he found someone to hang  out with. Despite them climbing a wall, with a scythe. He's seen  weirder in Daten. Headphones watched everyone being rounded up and  shrugs, may as well stay a rogue.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary's cheeks go pink and he smiles to himself. Literally the best day  ever. "U-um I think we should stay here..? It would be kinda rude to  leave...cloak..by himself.." Mary paused and watched the other scale  the building. "Huh...maybe he can warn us if anything?"
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "Nothing just Guys and Girls dress in weird clothing" Boxer answer to  Strappon.
THEWISEOWLBOY:  Monocle snorted. 'Gram', Bifocal's going to kill Jacket.
OSCARK9:  "I got nothing at my end." Gloves answers.
 "I found a stray black cat." She answers as she pick her up. "May we  keep her?" She question to Strappon.
TORIBIRDSEED:  Looking up the skirt on accident cloaks eyes narrowed…
 “Hmmmmmmmmmmm”  They narrowed more…
 Yep that was a wang alright. Shrugging that asside cloak too hold of  the hook and climed himself up, putting the sythe away into his cloak  he spoke up to the other.
 “Thank you for the help… I probably would have fallen and died if  not for your assistance so I kinda thank you.” Only kind of because  he wouldnt have minded that but he put that asside for now. He was  still squinting at the other, his nose scrunched up and internally  still “Hmmmm”-ing.
BUMBLERBEE:  Dirndl nodded, taking the information in. "Shawl. Red hair. Alright."  she breathed, an unsure look in those wide green eyes. "I have...  never fought another angel. Let alone one of higher rank. Not... in  this way." she spoke slowly, taking in her surroundings.
DJDEVIL:  Helmet looked around the district a brief moment as Strappon dragged  him. "I too see no sign of the archangel or ghost. Now, Brother  Strappon, could please let me go so I may return to my hole?" Helmet  said, holding his sword in his lap.
SAIYAN:  Undershirt looked over the two Angels with him. Seemed like a pretty  balanced team, an idiot and two super smart people to balance it out.
 "Well guys, I say we start with....GoGo Boys" he said looking at a  random sign on the side of the building.
 Undershirt had no idea what this place was, but he was sure to find  out the hard way. If only Wristband was here, she'd have been able to  warn him not to go there.
HITA:  Gram?  Well, she'd been called worse, honestly.  Rolling her eyes,  Bifocals ruffled Jacket's hair and smirked.
 "Not wrong.  Almost 5,000 years old and all that."  Really, the kid is  over 4,500 years younger than her.  Most people were younger than her  actually.  Her head snapped up at Undershirt's comment, eyes narrowing  in amusement.  She pulled Jacket along with her as she walked behind  the other Ophanim.  "Didn't know you were into that, Blue Boy."
SAIYAN:  Undershirt blinked.
 "Into what?" he asked
THEWISEOWLBOY:  "Gay shit," Monocle said bluntly,
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Headphones lifted him up with a grunt before pulling him up, noticing  the squinting eyes. Rude. At least ask for his name before judging  him. He replies nonchalantly,  "No problem. Uh... You're staring. If you aren't sure if I'm a boy,  yes I have a penis."  He spins around, showing off his outfit proudly. He asked,  "But what do you think of my outfit? Cute?"  He needs confirmation.  Knittens nods as looks up at Cloak, it would be an understatement to  say that he was mildly impressed. He cheers on, "C'mon Cloak, you can  do it!" He notices someone on top of the building, but couldn't really  see who it was. Seems like his eyes were getting worse. Might be that  he hates carrots. He answers, "I think he found himself another group.  We should still help out! Let's exploring the alley!"
OMEGAPSYCHO:  Boxer keeps looking for the Archangel trying to see if he could find  her. "Hey, i got idea" Boxer said to Strappon hoping he will listen to  him and here his idea.
SAIYAN:  Wristband glanced and Dirndl.
 "Well, neither have I, but I'm higher rank the angel and I don't see  any reason why we would fight her. That ghost I can take care of  easily" Wristband said, because she knew her mun was a dice roll god.
BRIT:  Strappon stopped moving and looked around at his crew with a very grim  frown.  "No, I can't care for a cat at the moment. This isn't looking  fantastic." He sighed. He looked at the man he had been dragging and  turned his helmet backward, "No, I'm talking. Also, it's not  underground. Pay attention."
 He dropped him nonetheless and tapped his finger to his chin. He  didn't want to remain in this shady area any longer than he had to.
 "I wonder if there's a way to draw her out... I listen to your idea,  Boxer, but I don't promise that we'll use it."
 "I didn't know you liked butt stuff!" Jacket said to Undershirt,  almost in awe. "But I don't think that's gonna help!"
GAMER-GODDESS:  Huffing Thigh High put her phone away, "What's with all the drama?  Y'all are no fun. Sour attitudes won't lead us to Shawl either y'know.  I'm just trying to lighten the mood." She said raising her hands as if  to surrender.
 "Forget it, let us move on to another location. Staying here and  upsetting one another will not yield and results." Fib'yuh'luh said as  she began to move in the opposite direction.
EMI:  Dermal strod up to Shades and flicked his nose, giving him a dark  expression as well. "So it seems you're questinging my authority as  well. You Angels are so... Untrained. They don't make them like they  used to."
 The purple-haired Seraph gave him a hard stare, enough to make Veil  start to tremble at the tension, when she waved it off.  "Fellas, please! We have a lady do find, don't we?" She said with a  flutter of her eyelashes. "I mean, who KNOWS what could have happened  to her, right?" She said with a nervous laugh.
 "R-Right?" She turned to Polo for validation, but it was hardly  needed, because Dermal broke his staredown with a smug shrug.  "It was your project, after all. You should know more than anyone.  Time is ticking..."
SAIYAN:  Undershirt laughed at Jacket.
 "I'm not, but who knows, she might be. Wristband used to do it all the  time" He shrugged, trying to play off his lack of knowledge as  casually as possible.
 He really wasn't sure how good of a job he was doing, but he hopped it  was good enough.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary claps and giggles." You got this Cloak! Hi mystery person!" He  calls and he waves. "I think he did too! So I guess we can continue  our search. Should I lead?" Mary asked, giving Knittens hand a small  squeeze.
OSCARK9:  "Aww. Sorry girl." She said, feeling down. She puts the black cat  down, she meows at her, and releasing it in the city.
 "So yeah, what's your idea?" Gloves ask him.
THEWISEOWLBOY:  "Y-yeah, sure..." Polo said quietly, nodding his head.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "Well, what Star Wars taught me is that when Anakin and Obi-Wan fought  is that Obi-Wan had the high ground which gave him the advantage"  Boxer explain in a geeky way. "So, if we have the high ground then we  could get a better view and advantage point on the Angel Ghost" He  said with smile and that was the less but still smartest idea he has  ever had.
DJDEVIL:  Helmet let out a huff and crossed his arms. "No fun." He mumbled.
TORIBIRDSEED:  Cloak unsquinted his eyes and smiled at the other “Oh I know your a  boy… im just… surpsied”
 He thought for a moment before nodding to the other. “Yes your  outfit is cute… and it suits you so it's fine” He coughed up some  ink and wiped his mouth. And then took a deep breath and stopped  hmmmm-ing internally, accepting his gayness. The tired boy didintn  really ever think of that stuff though nor would he any time soon, he  was more interested in the ghost at hand probably. Speaking of cute  however, contrary to popular beliefe although he is gross as shit,  Cloak is quite cute, he puts a lot of effort into his edgy makeup in  the morning, just don't look under the cloak, youll  be biting more  than you can chew.
 “Have you had any luck in finding this ghost… I… IWant to…  Inspect it as soon as I can.
THESTARSTWILIGHT:  Cami tried to calm down for a few seconds - not that it worked very  well. She was still pretty ticked. "Fine..." she huffed through grated  teeth. She would leave the group, but getting lost was probably worse.  _Just try to focus. Ignore this crap and just focus._ It completely  slipped her mind that finding more people would not be the best for  her already steaming issues.
HITA:  Arms wrapping around both Undershirt and Jacket's shoulders, guiding  them into the building with a wide grin.  Less to be a brat to Jacket  but more to annoy Undershirt.
 "You have a point, don't you, Blue?  C'mon, you, me, and Fluff here  better get this show on the road."  Walking into the building made her  grin widely.  Who knew she'd have a reason to taunt her fellow  Ophanim?  She relished this challenge, honestly.  That and she enjoyed  taunting anyone in general.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens chuckles and puts on a posh accent jokingly, "After you  milday." He waves to whoever it was and turns back to the dark  alleyway a bit more confident.  Headphones laughs a bit how many people have told him they're  surprised. He took a closer look at Cloak and notices that despite  coughing up something inky, he was pretty cute. He knew how to apply  makeup, had a cute face, he would be a great friend. He winks, "Thanks  so much, you look great too. I like the eye liner. And no, afraid not,  just normal Daten. Unless you want to see that guy dressed like elmo  tweeking out?"
BRIT:  Strappon stood silent for a moment.
 "Okay, but are you suggesting we go via the... Tops of buildings? We  can't fly, you know." He pointed out, "Also, I don't know what you  mean by Angel Ghost. They're not the same thing, They're two separate  entities."  He gestured in two separate sides.
 "Oh boy! A studio! I wonder what kind of movies they shoot in here!"  Jacket chirped, not seeming to mind the nickname.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "Yeah, i mean go to top of a building. I climb up the tallest one if  you want me to?" Boxer ask permission.
KRO:  Shades led out a sigh as he rolled his eyes once Dermal turned away.  Guess the council didn't tell Dermal about Shades' tendancy to always  question authority, something that he got from his father.
 "I think the Seraph is more concerned for the ghost, rather than the  Angel," he said, giving Veil a quick glance.
 "Anyways, the energy readings are coming from an area we typically  avoid called Ground Zero. Or like. Hell's Gate. It's not too deep in  the area but if that's the case, I discourage even getting close."
SAIYAN:  "I think they like to shoot Broke Back Mountain here" Undershirt said  to Jacket as the three of them walked along the dirty, trash covered  streets.
 "Damn this place could use a good clean up" Undershirt thought to  himself.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary giggles and he walks along side Knittens. "Hmmmm do you wanna  play a question game while we look for the ghost and the missing  angel?"
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens nods and asks, "What are the rules? Like 20 questions?" He  was excited to play, after all despite hanging out with Mary Janes he  really doesn't know much about him. He didn't really asked, mostly  ecuse they really didn't have the time. Everytime they hung out it  seemed like a ghost was around the corner.
TORIBIRDSEED:  Cloak actually laughed, holy shit, a genuine laugh from cloak, what is  this the second coming of christ? “Elmo tweeking out sounds  hilarious.” He commented before looking over the city with his hand  over his eyes, not too sure what he was even looking for.
 He was mostly doing this to hide the fact he was embarased at being  called attractive in any way, which wasn't a common thing, most people  don't tend to find edgy emo goth boys like him attractive at all. But  he should say thanks at least.
 “Thank you by the way… I work hard on the eyeliner, most people  think it's ‘extra’ but I think it reflects my personality better  to look dead and tired all the time… kinda goes with how I act…”
 This was meta.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary nods excitedly. "Mhm! I just forgot the name of the game for a  second. Wanna go first?" He smiled, it felt more like hide and go seek  with a ghost than tag. He was glad they weren't waiting to be it. Mary  wanted to know more about his little senpai.
DJDEVIL:  Helmet stared into the pitch darkness of the inside of his helmet.  There was something...calming about it. It made him a bit tired.  Before anyone knew it, Helmet fell fasr asleep.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  "Yeah look at that elmo over there." He points to the costumed mascot  before nodding along and pats his back. He congratulates, "It does  match your overall look, it makes your eyes pop a lot. Personally I  don't thin it'll work for me, I barely open my eyes." Headphones loves  really any kind of look, it's a way of expression so there really  wasn't a wrong answer. Besides with the scythe, it looks pretty  complete.He chuckles at the comment of being dead inside and nods, he  knows how that feels. It reminds him of the vague memories of his  childhood. He could barely remember his past but he does remember  being miserable. He reassures, "You're lovely, don't worry."  Headphones watches the busy city bored, it seems like there's not a  single ghost. Maybe it was a false alarm.  Knittens hums in thought as he asks, "Do you have any hobbies?" He  wasn't sure what the other even liked to do, they never really  mentioned any hobbies before. It would be useful to know so he knew  what kind of gifts he would like for his birthday.
THESTARSTWILIGHT:  There was an awkward silence after the fight. The group continued to  walk, to try to find a way to get back with the others but they  couldn't manage to reach anyone. "Does anyone know where we are?"  While she wasn't happy Cami was much less angered than before. "Thigh  High, why don't you just text to see where everyone is? It's better  than walking around aimlessly."
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary smiles and he nods," I do actually, I like to sew. So I make my  own clothes and stuff!  What do you like to do? Ya know your hobbies?"  He wanted to make the other a sweater someday, though he'd probably be  to shy to give it to Knittens.
(( OOC: Okay, everyone! We're cutting it off for the night! We will continue the RP on Sunday! Make your final posts now and we'll continue where we left off then. ))
BUMBLERBEE:  Dirndl nodded once, growing increasingly concerned with their  surroundings. "Frau Wristband, the ghost and archangel could be  anywhere, yes?" she asked, keeping her sword lowered to the ground.  "What could either possibly want here? It does not smell very nice  when we pass some doorways." her eyes would be averted, while a few  low catcalls sounded out for the pure maiden and her sensually  confident companion.
LAST TIME ON DRAGON BALL Z- I mean in DCM: Angels were contacted by West Heaven's council to seek out a missing Archangel by the name of Shawl. At the same time, West Hollywood residents are urging Angels to dispose of a ghost that caused great property damage a few hours prior. Which event will Angels prioritize? It should be a given considering the area with property damage, but we'll see!
SAIYAN:  Wristband laughed at Dirndl. She was either super naïve or super  innocent. Either way, it caused Wristband to laugh a little.
 "Oh come on, you know! Sex and all that stuff! Trust me, I know this  place like the back of my hand and I know all of the best hangouts  around here. If she's wants to have a good time, I'm sure we can  locate her. Just stick close though, some people can't take no for an  answer." she said as she grabbed Dirndl's hand, just to make sure she  wouldn't get snatched up.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  Boxer was waiting for his Permission to climb a tall building and the  high advantage point. Now Boxer want to climb Buildings like King Kong  from the Movies though he need a women and the building in New York to  do that. He was just stand still with a blank look as he thinks  himself as King Kong.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens blinked in surprise, he wasn't expecting sewing. Then again  plenty of his family members take up the hobby, his uhhh... Second  cousin? His family was so big now, he didn't know the terms to call  your cousin's cousin.  They weren't technically related though. But he  knew the demon knitted like there was no tomorrow. He shrugs and  chirps, "Hockey! I love hockey. And looking through my telescope!  Oooor... Snowboarding. I like playing shooters too." He trailed off as  he considered what else he liked to do, it was hard to think of them  now. It was like those school questions asking to describe your own  personality, it's hard to think of it because it's yourself. He adds,  "My turn! What's your favorite sport? Mine's pretty obvious though."
KUMA:  Bow Barrettes noticed Boxer just standing around with a blank  expression. She walked over to him and tapped his shoulder.  "Are you feeling okay?"  She did have her more natural instinct to take care of people, and  it'd be pretty bad if he was getting sick on a mission or something  like that.
TORIBIRDSEED:  Cloak had been searching fruitlessly for some time, scavanging through  the city as much as he could, in hopes that he would find a ghost,  without having any luck it was begining to take tole on his  motivation, as well as his mental stability. Holding his head his  pupils shook and he looked around looking for any clues of a ghost  nearby, he was just hoping to find something, a clue, anything really.  He had been with headphones but things were not quite working out for  him, his calmness flashing away in an instant.
 “HAHHhh… This ghost is… Quite… Bothersome…”
 His voice was higher than usual and quite shaky, and he could feel his  head pounding, as he drifted into a fit of stress over a single ghost.  This was just how he was though, the chance to see the ghost is so  close but he isn't anywhere near finding it, causing a lot of struggle  for the boy. He turned to Headphones, falsely composing himself.  “If you were this ghost, where would you hide? I really am quite…  interested in seeing it… I’d love to learn why it was such a  bothersome ghost to find from it's own mouth… assuming it has one”
DJDEVIL:  "Foul demon, i shall...slay thee." Helmet said in his sleep, holding  up his sword in front of him and swinging it about lazily.
BRIT:  Strappon looked around at his ragtag crew once again and sighed.  "No, you cannot clib a building with the intent to find the ghost.  That's not going to help nearly as much as you think it will." He  snorted. "It would be best to continue searching on foot, because the  buildings are so close together. If the Angel is short, you won't see  her well. The ghost is causing property damage, so one would assume  it's on foot. People aren't looking in the sky."
 Flawless logic.
 "Also, hello, Miss Barrettes." He greeted with a short wave. He simply  stared for a moment at the sleeping buckethead before turning back  around.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "Alright..." Boxer said sadly as he look down. His thought of being  King Kong was now gone but then Punching came back! "Now i want to  Punch something in face!" He said getting the urge to fight and kick  some ass but there was no ass to kick for now.
OSCARK9:  Gloves and Sapphire was still with Strappon and still searching for  the Archangel. Both of them hope that she's alright in this West  Hollywood. Not only that it stinks a little, but it makes them  uncomfortable. Gloves wants to find her asap before somebody takes his  green kawasaki motorcycle. It's the only the transportation that he  have and God knows that he don't want to walk all the way back at the  Abby and Sapphire wants to go back to her room before it gets dark.  She's not the outdoor type if it gets dark, she hates it.
GAMER-GODDESS:  Fingers moving at sonic speed, Thigh High types something into her  phone before triumphantly hitting the send button. "There! All done.  In the meantime, if we just keep walking I'm sure well find something  in no time." She said marching along down the road.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Headphones just watched Cloak, mildly intrigued by the shaky  movements. He didn't care really at all about the ghost, heavens were  nice to buy stuff and he wasn't looking to go back to Heaven anytime  soon. So he was more relaxed about this whole ghost on the loose  situation, but this was fun. Cloak reminds him of a certain someone  and it's so much fun engaging people like this. He tapped his finger  on his lip coyly as he hums, "Hmmm... Destruction follows ghosts. Look  for people in trouble we usually find a ghost chomping on someone,  dear." He winks at Cloak and smiles politely, may as well see where  this goes. Of course, he wasn't actually serious in his flirting, he  never is.
KUMA:  "Hello," Barrettes said. She gave a wave herself. "Pasties was also  with me, but I think we got separated. I'm sure she'll turn up."
 Meanwhile, Pasties wasn't too far behind, but her self-importance had  led her to take her time. She wanted to enjoy the city.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary smiles,"Once you go pro ya gotta teach me some stuff!" He nods as  he listens to the other,"Huh! That's really cool! Maybe I can teach ya  how to roller skate? If ya don't know how." Mary thinks for a bit.  Does swimming count? If you don't swim you die..so its kinda like  breathing? Uh. "Swimming! If you count that. Umm do you speak a second  language?"
BRIT:  Jacket peered at his phone for a moment before following after his  group again. When he took his eyes off his phone, the look on his face  became a mixture of disgust and awe.
 "Are those... Posters of children? Like, not little people posing as  kids?" He asked.
THESTARSTWILIGHT:  As the gang was trying to find the ghost, or at least some company,  something was making strange noises behind some trash cans. Like it  was trying to slink on by, but failing miserably.
 "What is it now", Cami groaned before realizing that it could be the  ghost. She slowly approached, weapon in hand to see what was causing  the noise. _It's gonna be something stupid like a hobo. Watch it be a  hobo._
 A shadow jumped out with huge claws and horns! - Oh wait no, it's just  the cat Sapphire found earlier. The false scare was still enough for  Cami to scream in panic. "Of fucking course. It's the damn cat." She  sighed, wondering if they would ever find anything of importance.
EMI:  Dermal had halted his movement for a moment.
 "How close to this 'Ground Zero' are we talking?" The higher-ranked  angel asked with a darker tone. "There are many things there that we  do not wish to encounter, but that may be exactly what we're looking  for..."
 At this point, Dermal seemed to be talking to himself more than his  traveling party. He bit his thumb a bit, a long pause signalling his  deep thought.  Veil shuffled closer to Shades and wrapped her arms around one of his  and leaned her cheek on his shoulder.
 "Well, let's head in that direction, then. No time to waste, right?"
OMEGAPSYCHO:  Boxer keeps searching for the Archangel looking through Alleyways and  other places that was in the District of SIN. "Man, this Archangel is  good at hiding..." Boxer said as he look in a Garbage Can. "Hey  Everyone! Have you found anything!" He shouted out to Helmet, Bow  Barrette, Gloves, and Sapphire.
HITA:  "If they shot that here I'd be disappointed."  This said as Bifocals  looked about curiously.  Whatever the hell they were looking for was  probably not here.  Unless this lady was into boys.  Young ones.  She  turned her attention to Jacket immediately however and tugged him away  from the posters.  "Jacket, this is what my former holy watcher calls  a Den of Sin.  You don't need to pay attention to that nasty stuff.  Let's get searching."
 So saying, she dragged both Undershirt and Jacket behind her to the  nearest stairwell.
TORIBIRDSEED:  Cloak shivered, he can't believe he had forgot a simple fact like  that, destruction follows ghosts everywhere they go, so of course he  should be going to where the town is in a situation of distress.  Clawing at his own neck Cloak smiled at the other with his bright  eyes, his body convulsing. Cloak took his scythe back out for the  whateverest time of the day and gestured to the other.
 “Follow me if you want but I will be looking for the ghost, perhaps  local news will be reporting on it or something else of the sorts.”  He had no phone to check this but he figured he could get better luck  in more public, and highly congested areas. He began to scaled down  the building that he had just climbed, not wanting to be up there any  longer as there was no ghost in sight from the view of the city. Once  on the ground he slithered around looking at person after person,  looking for any signs that a ghost was nearby but truly he wasn't  having much luck, he was just hoping for something and that he didn't  get stopped because of his scythe.
DJDEVIL:  After a few moments of sleep-swinging, Helmet slowly got up on his  feet. "You shall not escape me, demon spawn!" He exclaimed before  sleeping-run into a building. He backed-up from the building, dazed.  "Your attacks are strong, but my faith IS STRONGER!" He shouted before  to bash at the building wall with his 'sword'.
OSCARK9:  Gloves turn his hear at Boxer from bushes. "Nothin man! Just someone  testing tubes and a lost watch!" He answer.
 Sapphire Necklace turn her head at a empty playground. "Nothin on my  end either! Excpt this $5.00 I found!" She answer.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens chuckles, "I already know, don't worry. Street hockey is my  alternative in this sunny hell." He stretches as he heads deeper into  the alley, and it seems it was getting less threatening. Knittens  nods, that would make sense even though swimming sort of boring to  watch. He answers, "You look like you have a swimmer's body. I can  speak a bit of Korean, my ma taught me. But my cousin tells me I have  a really bad American accent. I can read it. It's a really easy  language. Russian's a lot harder."
 Headphones watched him go around like a snake and clapped, he was  impressed. He spots Pasties walking around and he excitedly waves down  while calling out, "Pasties! Are you checking out the city too?" He  jumps down to follow Cloak and greet the lovely angel. He loved her  sense of fashion. He skirt and shirt flew up as he landed swiftly, and  he patted both down. It's the price of looking cute. He waves as he  asks, "Have you seen anything fun? Also, lookie! New outfit!"
BRIT:  Jacket was dragged along, just kinda letting himself be carried.
 "Okay, so we gonna seach this building?" He asked, tilting his head  back to look at her.
 "Well, I'm sure Pasties can care for herself if she was intent on  staying behind. In any case, we're looking for a red-headed Archangel  or a ghost that's causing property damage. It may even be one of  those... Lost Souls?" Strappon explained to Bow Barrettes. He gestured  to the general direction they were headed in, "We're having quite a  deal of difficulty at the moment, but there's got to be something."
 He paused, looking over at Helmet once again.  "I should do something about _that_ as well, I suppose."
KRO:  "The energy is thought to originate somewhere close to the edge of it,  just North East of our current location. It's IN it, but just far out  enough to where I'm sure no monsters reside..."
 Then again, no one was sure of what existed in the vacinity, not even  Demons have done sweeps to confirm anything.
 Veil's gesture caught him off guard and he politely pried her arms off  him. Sorry ma'am, he's gay.  "Uh, right. We should be on high alert since ghosts tend to be  numerous the closer we get."
 He quickly left the woman's side, directing Dermal to their  destination.
GAMER-GODDESS:  Fib'yuh'luh shrieked as well startled by Camisole, jumping into Thigh  High's arms. Catching the throne as if it were the most natural thing,  the angel points towards the cat "Maybe we can use it like a dog and  have it sniff out the others?"
 Fib just glared at Thigh High,"Do you have any idea what exactly a cat  would be capable of? Even I know that idea is illogical."
 "Listen if there ever were a good time for a great idea, it would be  now." The angel shrugged, rolling her eyes.
KUMA:  Pasties was brought out of her self-absorption by Headphones' voice.  She had been getting a few catcalls and strangers were calling out to  her, but she ignored them. (Loved the attention though. She expected  it) If someone knew her name, they were probably important. "Oh yeah I  am! That one girl... Bow she brought me here, but I just got  distracted honestly. That outfit of yours look great. I really should  do everyone a favor and pick up some new clothes while I'm here too."
 "Yes, she's very capable," Barrettes responded. She turned her head to  look where Strappon gestured. In such a big city, it would hard to  locate just one target. "I'll do my best to try and find our target!"
SAIYAN:  Undershirt shrugged at Jacket as he was being dragged along as well.  He hopped none of his clothes would get torn from all of this.
 "May as well, I mean this is our job right? She could be anywhere"  Undershirt said, looking at Bifocals for confirmation.
BUMBLERBEE:  Dirndl stared openly at Wristband. What in the world had she done in a  place like this?! The young angel sighed, deciding to trust her  companion's judgement while her own embarrassment died down slowly.  "I... I wouldn't know about any of this, but I―" hold the fucking  phone. Don't take no for an answer?! Dirndl instantly pressed tight to  Wristband's side, teeth gritting hard. This was beginning to feel more  uncomfortable...!
TORIBIRDSEED:  Now although Cloak was looking for a ghost that was causing  destruction, he wasn't having any luck finding anything of the sorts,  he was looking for places that should have a lot of people but don't,  busy city areas that seem barren, it should be obvious when he sees  it, but for now he jsut had to keep looking, unsure if he would come  across anything by looking in these areas. However seeing the new  angel that he had not talked to before he decided that a few notes  were in order, and perhaps others would have luck with the ghost while  he did. He slithered over to the two of them, pasties specifically,  and had taken out a book and pen as he did.  He spoke softly “Hello angel… I am Cloak... local occultic  researcher and ghost enthusiast… who might you be?” He needed  names to get information.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary giggles,"Why thank you! My moms used to say that a lot when I was  really little." His eyes light up and he smiled. "Accent or not, you  should be proud," He giggles and paused, looking ahead. "I can imagine  Russian is pretty difficult. I know a bit of Japanese and enough  Spanish to get around myself. Hey Knittens? Do you think anyone else  is close by?" He raised a puppy brow.
THESTARSTWILIGHT:  After the not-so-terrifying cat run on past, Cami started to think  about the possible options. "We're looking for an arch angel right?  They'd probably want to stay as far away from this hell hole as they  possibly could. Maybe she took refuge in one of the nearby areas."
KUMA:  Pasties glanced over at Cloak, while most people would probably be  surprised, her look was rather calm. She noticed the notebook and pen  in their hands.  "I'm Pasties, of course! Could anyone else be as striking as me? Let  me guess, you've heard about me and want an autograph?"
DJDEVIL:  As Helmet continued to swing at the building, he also began to  side-step and duck, as if he were dodging something, though it more  like a drunk person trying to keep his balance. "Thou are as....slow  as a slug, now taste......my ultimate attack!" He said before letting  out a lazy war-cry and, with the might his sleep body could muster,  swung at the building with a somewhat mighty blow, but barely causing  a crack in the building.
SAIYAN:  Wristband looked inquisitively at her old fashioned friend. There was  no way she hadn't heard about sex before, or strip clubs!
 "Geez girl, you gotta fucking live a LITTLE bit" She said to her as  she continued to scan the area for any sign of the angel.
 "When we get home, I'm gonna have to fill you in on what goes on  around here" she said.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Headphones giggles at the compliment as he nods, "Yeah, I'm sure we  can find something perfect. I'd love to help!" He motions over to the  shops but the windows didn't show anything promising. He watched Cloak  slither over and waved; it seems like he found a group. Hopefully he  can continue his little spree. He needed some new lingerie anyways.  Maybe he'll try the pasty look.  Knittens looked around, unsure and he sighs, "No... And I don't know  how far we got in this alley." He looked behind him, the walls of the  buildings seems to become a maze. He gulped as he tried to reassure  Mary Janes, "We'll be okay I think. But that's cool you Japanese!" He  chuckled nervously, his forced grin hiding his concern.
OSCARK9:  Gloves was surprise that Sapphire found a $5.00 on a search mission.  "Lucky." He said to himself, pouting a little. "How's your end,  Boxer!" He shouted.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  Boxer was still Searching but was getting really bored of and hungry.  "Man, i wonder if there is a McDonald around here" Boxer said as he  look around and saw one which made him drool a little. He then sneaks  pass Strappon and go into the McDonald. "Hello, can i get a Large  Coke, Large Fries, and Burger" Boxer said his order and waited couple  of minutes then when he got it he sneak back into the group and  started to eat. "Nothing at the Moment!" He said to Oscar with Food is  mouth as he was eating his Burger.
TORIBIRDSEED:  Cloak winced at the thought of an autograph corrupting his books  organization and reeled back a little.
 “An Autograph.. No of course not… im sure you are popular given  your….*look*... but I am more interested in other information.”
 He began scribbling in his book, mostly writing her name, and getting  general information on her that he could gather. Once he finished this  he shot his eyes around where they were, not too sure if perhaps  something was going on and he was missing it but he couldn't entirely  tell. Taking a long sigh in he cocked his head backwards and slithered  away for a moment, looking down an alleyway or two, writing down notes  on another page he had, realizing he had not taken notes on the city  yet. He took a few before sliding back over, and continuing his  conversation.  “If you must know...I’m gathering information on you for my  research, you are an angel, and as far as i'm concerned that means you  are other than human, and therefore occult.”
 He was getting tired of the unsuccessful ghost hunting it seems.
GAMER-GODDESS:  "Alrighty then, lead the way Cami~" Thigh High sang, readjusted her  grip on Fib'yuh'luh.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary looks around and he squeezes the others hand,"Knittens don't  worry! We're pretty cool so we'll be okay. Zombies remember?" He  smiled. "You think we can find Slug Casanova?" He said as he held up  his phone, a small pink dot blinked on the screen. He placed a tiny  tracker on Cloak when he patted his tum. "My moms left all their  goodies so I gotta a few new things."
KUMA:  "Well, I know I look great, but it's not just my looks. I have a  charming personality and I'm a strong fighter!" If Pasties was allowed  to continue, she'd probably ramble on about herself for a while.  Though she was a bit confused when Cloak left to look down an  alleyway.
 "Would you want to take a picture of me too? They say those are worth  a thousand words." Pasties struck a pose and it was clear she didn't  care too much about Cloak's occult research.
THESTARSTWILIGHT:  "Wait - WHAT?" She was surprised anyone expected her to lead. " I  don't know where to go. I've barely been here! I'm not good with  this." _Or anything really_ Camisole thought to herself. Then again,  they were just as lost when Thigh High was leading. Maybe she could  try to lead.
 "I mean... Sure. What the hell. We're lost as it is, might as well  head..." She scanned the area "... that way." She pointed left towards  a set of abandoned apartment buildings.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Headphones nudges Cloak as he chirps, "Patience is a virtue, hon'.  Think about it, a treasure isn't easy to fin. Don't give up." He  spotted some new makeup that catches his eye and almost got  sidetracked before realizing he should probably be a median in this  conversation. He suggests, "Perhaps we should go cast our net farther  and look for broken buildings and the such." Headphones awed at the  pose and proceeded to jokingly take a few pictures commenting like a  magazine photographer.  Knittens nods as he takes a deep breath. Right, they'll be fine. He  was about to continue on their way but he chuckles at the nick name,  it was pretty fitting. Well as far as he knew. He awed at the phone  and congratulated, "Smart idea Mary! But dang, that's pretty cool. My  mom would have my head if she found out I touched her stuff. That  reminds me... We never gave each other our phone numbers." He fished  his phone out of his pocket, it wasn't anything fancy but it had a  charm dangling off of it.
EMI:  After a lot of walking, some complaining, and attempting to no-clip  through buildings various times, Dermal adventured with his small  meandering crew about a mile from their destination. Dermal took a  seat, hovering in the air and crossed his legs, flipping his hair.  Veil took this as a sign to hold up his mirror so he could adjust his  makeup.
 "Alright, we're close enough. Start your search then, I'll keep  looking over here."  He sighed adjusting his hair a bit before looking at Shady. Not giving  him a moment to complain, he followed up quickly.  "Because you have that device thingy and we would just be walking  around behind you anyway, now go."
BUMBLERBEE:  "I lived when I was alive... thank you very much Frau Wristband!" she  spoke softly, sword gripped tightly in her hand. She blew a breath out  slowly. They were here to do a job, there wasn't time to get so  flustered.
TORIBIRDSEED:  Cloak began to write down as Pasties spoke, glad she was willing to  comply with his behaviour. He had no need for a picture however as he  showed her the book, and on the far left page next to her name was a  rather well drawn picture he had drawn of her in that short amount of  time.
 “No need… I don't have technology on me anyways, it interferes  with other things like my occultic intuition.”  He crouched down and stared at the ground for a few moments before  standing back up and twisting to look at Headphones.  “I do not possess many virtues, and something tells me neither do  you in many regards, but you are right. It will be more satisfying now  when we finally do get a look at the thing.” he paused for a moment  before twitching “Ohhh… just thinking of this ghost is actually  quite… enthralling… quite the tease really… I mean… it's  making us all run around looking for it while… it freely causes  havoc… and just when we think we have something it turns out to be  nothing… AAHhhh! So Lovely! I cannot wait…” As he spoke  extravagantly something had been oozing out of his mouth, though who  knows what, it was probably vomit.
ARCHANGEL SHAWL:  It seemed like peace was returning to West Hollywood but it would only  be temporary relief for the residents. A shriek reverberated through  the district before another corner of a building collapsed in on  itself. The unfortunate building was none other than GoGo Boys. Took  her long enough to appear.
 The ghost looked on to the nearby Angels, staring them down for a few  good seconds before disappearing into thin air before reappearing. She  latched on to Undershirt, shrieking into his face.  She then threw Undershirt off into the distance, hissing as she put  distance between her and the rest of the Angels.
BUMBLERBEE:  ***Dirndl began to stand taller, keeping an eye out for anything  unusual in this area. You know, aside from the actual area itself.  "What do you mean? I know as much as I need to, do you not think?"  asked the fallen, still holding onto Wristband's hand.
KUMA:  "Oh wow!" Pasties leaned in to look at the drawing of herself. "That's  pretty cute! Of course, since it's so accurate!" When Cloak got...  excited about the ghosts, Pasties kind of looked back at Headphones  with a bit a confusion. She quickly jumped back from the liquid  leaking from the mouth.  "Geez... you okay over there?"
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary snickers and bows,"I try I try. Heh my mom's are a little too far  away for their chanclas to catch me." He points to the sky and he  blinks a bit, woah. Did he just say. His number. Holy Mollie on a  Rollie Pollie. "You're right! " He opens his contacts and gives the  other his phone, it held a small cat squishie on the back ."Aww! I  like your charm." He chirped.
THESTARSTWILIGHT:  Camisole heard the scream coming from the other direction. _That has  to be the ghost._ She dashed on over to where the noise was coming  from, nearly abandoning her group in the process. "We need to hurry!  It could be destroying things right now!" She wasn't going to wait  around now that they finally had a lead.
OSCARK9:  While Gloves was looking at the the empty Alleyway, his phone was  ringing like crazy. He pulls it out of his left pocket and see that a  ghost is near by. "Hey guys!" He shouted. "My Phone Ghost Tracker is  acting crazy! There's a ghost near by!"
 Sapphire listen to Gloves and it made her surprise also. "What? A  Ghost near by!?" She ask.
 "Yes!" He answerd.
SAIYAN:  Undershirt heard a loud explosion. Before he could react, he was  grabbed by the ghost and thrown into the distance.
 "HOLY SHIT!" He yelled as he managed to stop himself in the air.
 His eyes narrowed at the ghost as it hissed at him.
 "Heh, no one get's a cheep shot on me and get's away with it! HA!" he  yelled, his angel wings and halo flashing for a moment as his blue  aura grew brighter.
 He dashed towards the ghost as fast as he could, transforming his  namesake into his flail, and built momentum up as he neared her.
 "YOU'RE MINE!!" He screamed as he swung his flail down at the ghost.
 Meanwhile, Wristband was about to answer her friend when she heard a  loud commotion going on nearby.
 "Welp! Looks like we found it! Let's go get it!" she said to Dirndl as  she rushed off to the scene of the ghost.
BRIT:  Jacket was immediately shocked by the appearence of the ghost,  standing stunned. When she picked up and threw Undershirt, his first  reaction was to scream in a moment of terror. This thing was more  terrifying in person. He jumped into Bifocals' arms immediately a la  Shaggy.
 Strappon's head whipped around when Gloves mentioned the Ghost.  "Where is it? How far?" He asked him, approaching him in a little jog.
GAMER-GODDESS:  "Onward, we must hurry to avoid any unnecessary damage!" Fib'yuh'luh  commanded as Thigh High started in the direction of the commotion
TORIBIRDSEED:  Cloak looked up at the angel with shaky eyes, not really understanding  “W-what do  you mean am I okay? Of course I am! How could I not  be?!”
 He had a smile on his face as he wiped away the liquid that found  itself on his face. Taking a breath, he looked over the other two  again. And spoke up softly.
 “Sorry… I suppose I should control myself a little. After all…  most people consider bodily fluids like that to be gross… though  they aren't… im very clean.”
 He wasn't really sure what he was talking about, he never usually  apologise to people for his actions but he felt obliged to infront of  an angel to some degree. He felt kind of awkward. Shrugging he looked  around and decided that he needed to find that ghost, it could be  active and he couldn't know for sure if it was.
 “Other groups might have information on the Ghost… I want to go  look… do you wish to join me?” He motioned to the two of them.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Headphones sarcastically gasped, “Me? I’m a saint!” He snickered  at the pure juxtaposition of him and the word saint and relaxes. He  answers slyly, “A climax is better with foreplay, sweet pea.” He  was about to make another lewd comment but then he heard a loud  shriek. Well right on time. He bit the inside of his cheek, fighting  ghosts wasn’t on his schedule mostly because he doesn’t want  amnesia again, he’s still seeing the doctor. Headphones motions to  the direction of the chaos, “After you.”  Knittens blushes violently as he looked at the charm, and stuttered,  “Thanks it was a present from uh... a really good friend.” It was  a present for his birthday from the girl in his hockey team. He always  got nervous mentioning her. Knittens didn’t know why either, she was  his coolest friend. He still couldn’t believe that she gave it to  him. He shook his head to snap out of it, “I hear about that, do  they hurt as much as I’ve heard?”
OSCARK9:  "Not far. It's at the GoGo Boys." He answer to Strappon. "Come on!" He  run to the destination, leading the way.
 Sapphire follow Gloves.
DJDEVIL:  As Strappon and the others discussed the ghost's location, Helmet  continued to swing at the building, the crack becoming bigger and  bigger with each swing.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "Something happening! Alright!" Boxer said as he finishes eating and  follows Strappon and the Others.
KUMA:  "I only ask since most people don't do what you were doing with your  mouth, but it's not that big of a deal," Pasties was already not super  concerned about it. Though it finally seemed like the action was  starting, and Pasties was ready to show off in that regard.  "Of course, you two can come with me. Just promise not to get in my  way. I can't baby sit you either!" Pasties zipped her jacket up,  allowing her to get her weapons out without being completely topless.
BRIT:  Strappon followed after Gloves and Sapphire, grabbing hold of Helmet  (turning his helmet the correct way) and dragging him along with them.  "Lead the way!" He called to the Angel ahead, "If we spot the  Archangel on the way, we'll split up. For now, let's get that ghost."
THESTARSTWILIGHT:  Somehow the group managed to get closer to where the ghost was causing  havoc. Cami could hear the screams of not just the ghost, but  Undershirt and Jacket as well. As mush as she wanted to continue  though, she had become out of breath from running. "We- we're alm  almost- there-" Maybe running over wasn't such a good idea. Afterall,  they were much farther off from the ghost site then the other groups  were. Despite being fatigued, Cami still tried to move forward.  Stopping now would only make things worse.
EMI:  With the sound of a fellow gang member shrieking (and another ungodly  sound), Tee and his ragtag group ran toward Jacket's location, Tee  just lobbing off bullets willy-nilly.
 Toesocks and Tattoo skided to a stop and grabbed Tee before he ran any  further, effectively actually clothes-lining him, but they weren't too  concerned about that. Trenchcoat facepalmed at the sight of his  partner in Bifocal's arms.
 "Oi! That's the broad! What's up with you, Shawlly? You on the rag or  somethin?!" Tattoo shouted.
DJDEVIL:  As he was dragged along, Helmet's awoke from his sleepsade.  "Wha....what is going on?" Helmet said before noticing he was being  dragged again by Strappon. "Was I in the hole again?" he asked.
OSCARK9:  "Right!" He said to Strappon.
 Sapphire was a little nervous. She had never fought a ghost in her  life, but now, she's getting a taste of it in battle and see what it  looks like.
HITA:  Sighing, Bifocals followed the general trajection of Undershirt with  Jacket in her arms.  War was easier to deal with than these people  sometimes.  She heard Undershirt talking, annoyed at the fact that she  had to actually navigate debris.  This building was poorly made.
 "Well, Fluff, that thing looks like something fun to deal with."  So  saying, she took to jogging, then running, then jumping over what was  left of the rubble and landing a mere few feet from Undershirt.  She  put Jacket down and flicked out a spare set of bifocals to transform  it into a weapon.  "Get ready, Fluff."
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary he giggles,"Daww that's really sweet!" He nods and sighs happily.  Senpai has crush. Gosh darn it. He nods vigorously,"The chancla is a  torture worse than anything in hell. They just don't tell you that in  the bible cause its that bad."
KRO:  Shades sighed. There seemed to be a waver in his voice, indicating  that he was more than reluctant to enter the area. Nobody knows what  the fuck is in there and he doesn't have a fancy military gun.
 "Of cooouuurse," he said flatly, "That's all they used me for  anyways..."  His voice went into a murmur as he kept speaking, remembering the  twilight days of being in Northern Heaven's army.
 The device guided the small group into weird and uncomfortable paths  and it wouldn't be a stretch to assume they had to stop every so often  so that Dermal could fix his hair.  Eventually they found the origin point of the energy reading. It was  in a small clearing which didn't add up at all.
 "That's weird... You have any ideas, Seraph?"
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "I can't wait to Punch something!" Boxer shouted as he cracks his  knuckles and summons his weapon. He then gets to were Gloves is and  looks at him. 'Man, can't wait to fight some Ghost or Demons! What  about you, Gloves?" He said with big smile as he was getting pump up  that something was happening.
BUMBLERBEE:  Dirndl's head whipped over to the sound of the commotion, eyes  widening at the loud cries she heard. There...!  
 Aaaaand Wristband had taken off. Dirndl followed suit, beginning to  close the gap. "I'm right behind you!" called the fallen, her bangs  blowing back in the air. They headed straight for the commotion;  towards the sound of the others who seemed to be there as well.
OSCARK9:  "I'm ready for anything and if there's a ghost, there's a fight!" He  answers to Boxer while running in a fast pace.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  “Can’t speak for him, I’ll be fine. I needed to something for  Heaven anyways.” Headphones yawns as he girls his grappling hook and  saunters over to where the screams were echoing. There he saw angels  crashing into each other and he gritted his teeth. Looks like this one  doesn’t play nice. He backs up,not willing to get thrown but heaven  knows where the ghosts were. Looks like everyone was already fighting.  He shouts to the others, “Alright, where is this thing?”  Knittens laughs but before he could say anything he heard screaming.  Well that’s all sorts of bad. He stares at the path behind them and  asks, “You think that’s the ghost?” The lay ghost caused so much  damage to the city, so it was terrifying that this one was causing  even more.
BRIT:  "Sweet!" Jacket said, summoning his weapon and seemingly forgetting he  was terrified, "Looks more like a Lost Soul to me! Wait a minute...  This one looks different from 'ol Kuchisake-Shoujo!"
 For emphasis, he squinted his eyes and leaned forward to try and get a  better idea of details, despite having 20/20 vision.
 Strappon had arrived at the scene with the rest of the Angels he was  with to see the rubble, debris, and chaos that came with the former  two details. He looked around to try and spot the Ghost.
 "We're here, right? Where's the Ghost?" He asked.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "Great Answer, Bro!" Boxer said as he pats on the back a little hard  on back while running. Gloves could feel that Boxer was letting out  his strength little early out when he pat his back.
TORIBIRDSEED:  Cloak slithered to where the ghost was, a smile creeping over his face  as he got closer, haering it's sounds.
 “Oh… OH Yes… Finally… It's coming..”
 It wasn't until the ghost came into his view that the smile on his  face got much larger, and tears began to roll down his eyes.
 “O-OOHh… IT'S…  BEautiful… LOOK AT IT'S FORM… IT'S BODY… I  think im gfoing to vomit..”
 And he did, a lot, he puked in front of himself and wiped his mouth  again, a smile on his face.
 QUickly he took out his notebook and began drawing and writing while  talking allowed partially what he was writing.
 “A large ghost… white and blue… majestic looking… it seems  rare… looks strong… seems to use voice as weapon of sorts.”
 He put the book away for now, he could now memorize and write later,  so he took out his weapon.
 “OH SWEET GHost… PLEAse… SHow me what you can do… ATtack me…  BErate me… Devour me if you must!... I BEG OF YOU!” He was foaming  at the mouth.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary he squeaks at the scream,"That can only mean one thing! C'mon  Knittens its not too far!" He starts running towards the corner with  him to where the noise was coming from. "The trackers dot is  right  about h-...here oh jeez he's foaming."
EMI:  Dermal scanned the area quickly with his eyes, his purple eye seeming  a little brighter than usual. His eyes shifted to a narrow alleyway  that he noticed some shifting shadows. He smirked.
 "Perhaps there's a good start." He said, pointing towards his  discovery. "I can almost feel the strange activity from there."
ARCHANGEL SHAWL:  Undershirt's attack had no effect on the ghost, being easily deflected  by a swipe of a tentacle arm. She followed up the counter with a magic  beam that exploded upon contact with him.
 Her attention on Undershirt didn't last too long, hear head  practically snapping at the sound of Tattoo's voice. Once again she  disappeared into thin air, closing distance between the two and  grabbing him, holding him up in the air. She blasted his face with  magic, letting go as soon as the blast exploded.
 She began groaning and making other noises once she released Tattoo,  as if trying to speak but eventually became frustrated and shrieked  again, the sound creating a shock wave that caved in nearby walls and  cracked the streets. It's clear that she's in distress.
KRO:  "Oh fuck that," Shades said, turning to Dermal.
 "That's some horror game shit. I'm not going there unless you come  with me."  He's LPed many a horror game, you're going to need to try a little  harder than that.
OSCARK9:  "It said it's right here." He answer. Looking around. While he some  more he heard someone screaming. "Someone in distress! Which means  it's this way!" He said, leading away again.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "What the hell are you!" Boxer said as he saw the Archangel Shawl. "No  matter, i'm going to punch you into next week for what you did to my  friends!" He said as he charges at the Archangel Shawl like a raging  bull. "Listen up whatever! I'M THE ANGEL THAT WILL DEFEAT GOD!" He  shouts at the Archangel Shawl as charges at her.
TORIBIRDSEED:  It looks like the ghost wasn't taking much interest in him, he was  disappointed, the ghosts always seemed occupied with angels, he had  never seen one without an angel around and it made research  difficult… how was he supposed to know how much it huRT.
 The shockwave from the scream was a nice surprise however, He felt a  jolt go through his body and  dropped to his knees “EXCELLENT!”
 He began to slither closer and closer, looking at the Ghosts finer  details, trying to get a good look at the texture of it's skin, seeing  it's finer movements. Anybody who saw him would probably think hes  crazy… which he was. His face was red and he was breathing heavily  as well.
DJDEVIL:  "The ghost lays yonder?! Lead the way, Ser Gloves!" Helmet exclaimed,  pulling himself out of Strappon's grip and followed Gloves, 'sword' in  hand.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens cringed, “Ewww.” His eyes widen at the ghost and he  tackles Mary Janes out of the way of the street cracking, just in case  the ground was too unstable. He pants as he panics, “How are we  suppose to get even close? It’ll destroy the ground under us!” He  was silently praying for everyone nearby.  Headphones curses as he swings his hook at the ghost, but he stopped  mid swing as he realized that this ghost certainly looks quite a lot  like a throne. Maybe it was just a confused alien? He screams at  Cloak, “GET OUT OF THE WAY OR YOULL DIE!@
SAIYAN:  Undershirt was swiped aside by the tentacle with ease and then his  face was exploded with magic bombs. The explosions knocked him to the  ground after the tentacle knocked him off balance.
 "Jesus Christ" he said as he coughed, trying to regain his breath.
 He took a moment to collect himself before shakily standing up again.
 "Well shit! I was not expecting that. I guess I'll have to come up  with a new plan" he said before he noticed Boxer charging at the  ghost.
 "Oh my god...is he serious?" he said to himself. There was no way this  could go well.
BRIT:  "No, stop! Cease!" Strappon called after the Angels and the human that  rushed blindly for the Ghost. She looked so different from even the  Lost Soul they had encountered, what the hell was going on?
 "When isn't he serious about this stupid 'Defeatin God' BS?" Jacket  called over to Undershirt. He turned and spotted his comrades,  specifically Trenchcoat. "Oh, hey Trench!"
EMI:  Tattoo had little time to react before his face was roasted like a  grilled sausage. He landed on the ground and groaned a little,  coughing up some smoke.
 "This is why we.. Broke up..." He grumbled wobbly.
 Trenchcoat raised a finger to speak and then closed his mouth. You  know what, no. We wasn't going to deal with this shit today. He turned  his heel and scooted in the opposite direction.
 Dermal gave a snide chuckle and shook his head.  "Oh, they really don't make them like they used to..." He walked up to  Shades and pinched his cheek.  "Fine, mommy will be right here, don't you worry."
OSCARK9:  While they reach the destination thanks to the scream, the saw the  ghost in first hand and both of them was surprise. "That's a Glost?!"  Sapphire said, pointing at it.
 "Yes and man she's not looking so good!" He answered.
GAMER-GODDESS:  Noticing Undershirt sliding in front of them, Thigh High glanced  around before seeing the creature and Boxer charging towards it,"Oh  heck yea! We have finally found some other people. Nice job" Thigh  High laughed, patting Camisole lightly on the back.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary didn't even register what happened till he was on the ground,  "O-oh! Right! We gotta get above it!" He said and he looked at the  fire escape, starting to climb up a nearby building. "Knittens call my  number so if you see anything from below I can get it!" He yelled from  half way up the building. "Wish me luck!"
TORIBIRDSEED:  Cloak turns to headphones yelling back
 “Thats fine! Injury for the sake of research is all part of my job!  Though I guess it's not a job… BUT I DIGRESS!”
 He turns back to the ghost, he wants to touch it but he was a little  hesitant, he didn't want to scare the thing. He didn't care much about  breaking bones or anything like that, he jsut wanted to get some  research or something in so that he could get information on this  ghosts behaviour. IT was definitely something unique, and Cloak wasn't  going to let it slip away from his grasp.
DJDEVIL:  "Then i shall end it's suffering!" Helmet replied to Gloves before  charging at the ghost and swung at it with his 'sword', "Sit tibi  deus, miserere, turpi bestia!!!"
ARCHANGEL SHAWL:  Tattoo's snide comment bothered the ghost. Apparent that, despite her  deteriorating state, still retains her memories. She was about to go  after Tattoo again until being engaged by Boxer.
 She quickly wrapped her tentacle arms around his and threw him away  before darting off to who knows where.
BRIT:  "Wait, follow her!" Strappon called to the rest of the Angels,  gesturing, "Don't let her get away! I don't know what's going on, but  that Ghost doesn't seem right!"  He took off after her, hoping to make contact before the more  aggressive Angels did.
 "I don't know what's going on either, but I'm excited!" Jacket called  back to him, "We should follow Sir Pinky before he gets himself  seriously hurt. Is it just me or is he gettin bold?"
THESTARSTWILIGHT:  Cami had finally regained her breath "What the hell is that thing? Is  that what a ghost looks like?" Not like she'd ever seen one before. It  was so strange, almost angelic. She completely ignored the praise she  was given for the bad situation of the ghost in front of them - pretty  typical behavior for Camisole.
 She tried to rush up to attack the ghost like so many others, but  unfortunately it flew away. "You've got to be kidding me. We were  right there!" She swung her flail at the ground in frustration, the  pavement cracking underneath. At least that made her feal slightly  better
DJDEVIL:  "Wait for me, Brother Strappon!" Helmet exclaimed as he followed after  Strappon.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Headphones slaps his forehead as he swings his grappling hook at  Cloak, the rope wrapping around him before yanking the kid back next  to him. He scowls, “You can’t research while you’re dead. This  ghost ain’t normal. And it didn’t look like anyone’s hits were  landing. Headphones barks, “Look, wait a second. Let’s think of a  plan first.”  Knittens shouts, “I don’t think we should split up! This one  isn’t normal Mary!” He was too late as he watched Mary Janes  heading up, pursing his lips he calls out, “Good luck! Be  careful!” He ran over towards Strappon and the others, gripping his  hockey stick and taking out a puck. This thing took out his tooth,  it’ll do something.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Boxer screamed as he was threw then  hit a buildings wall face first then falls on the Ground.  "I'm...Okay..." He said as he puts a thumbs up and slowly get right  back then starts to run after the Shawl. "YOU BACK HERE!" Boxer  shouted as run after the Shawl.
OSCARK9:  Gloves and Sapphire Necklace summons there namesakes and follow  Strappon order and follow the ghost. "Your not getting away!" Gloves  said while running.
TORIBIRDSEED:  Cloak was already on the idea of following the ghost, not wanting to  let it get away from his grasp he quickly darted after it, scythe in  hand, ready to provoke it if he had to, however he much prefers  pacifism. However, his sprint was halted by a hook around his heg as  he got yanked back to headphones side. Now normally he wouldnt mind  getting sweeped off his feet but now was not the time.
 “A plan? I don't need a plan?! I just need to get close enough to  touch it and than provoke it and i'll have plenty of information to  use. I don't care if it kills me in the process.”
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary darted a top the buildings after the ghost, his tazer teddy  crackling behind him. He hopped down from fire escape to fire escape  till he caught up with Strappon. Mary calls Knittens," You alright?  I'm with the group."
KRO:  Shades was actually creeped out by Dermal's gesture. The man already  looked an awful lot like his mother and it didn't help that he's  acting like her. He withdrew from the Seraph almost immediately.
 "I uh. On second thought I'll go ahead, just be sure to stick  behind... a good distance."
 Shades had to physically force himself to not dart off into the  alleyway. Eventually he reached the end of the alleyway but there  wasn't anything around.
 "What gives? There's nothing here, Seraph-"  He realized he was alone the entire time as he turned back.
 "Fuck, this is where I die, I suppose."
GAMER-GODDESS:  "What on Earth was that thing? It looked like, like me." Fib'yuh'luh  thought aloud as they slowly got back to they slowly got back to their  feet.
 Rubbing her chin Thigh High added,"I didn't get a good look at it  either, but a ghost's a ghost, we should be on guard if it chooses to  attack again." She lazily took off her namesake before wincing at the  sight of her tan. "Man, I should really get this evened out soon..."
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Headphones again slapped his forehead, "You know there should be a new  word for your kind of stupid." Headphones groaned at the stress  building up, should he let this kid die? He acts like he wants to, he  should really oblige. But the angel on his shoulder kept screaming  that if he falls any more he'll fall through the Earth and be  somewhere in China. Angel's duties is to proabbly protect these  death-happy people. He asks, "And then what? You're gonna tell God you  wanted to fondle a ghost when you die?" He kept a tight grip on his  weapon and dragged Cloak by his foot towards the others, someone get  the straight jacket.    Knittens freaked out when his phone suddenly started buzzing but  picked up before he missed the call. He replied, "Yeah I'm almost  there! Nearby. Keep safe." He wasn't paying attention to his  surroundings as he ran across over to the group, unsure of where the  ghost would even be. Knittens looks like a prime target with his  bright colored hair, silent prayers.
THESTARSTWILIGHT:  Cami was back to running off towards where everyone else was heading  without saying a word. Being so short really stinks when you need to  get around. She was probably going to run out of breath _again_ and  miss the ghost ___again___ but it's not like there was a better  option.
EMI:  There was long spaces of dead silence in the alley, with only the  occassional sounds of rocks moving and can bumping. When Shades  reached the dead end of the alley, which was surprisingly dark and  that was definately the sound of fucking cats in the distance, he no  longer felt alone.
 When the Angel turned, crawling out from the shadows were what was  dozens of sickly, meowing alley cats. Upon inspection, these were  actually Ghosts. The Ghosts came from every gap, effectively cornering  Shady.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "Yo Jacket! Can i throw you at that thing?" Boxer ask Jacket a look at  him. If he throws Jacket maybe he could catch the 'Whatever it is  Angel' or slow down the Shawl so they could catch up to her.
BUMBLERBEE:  Dirndl would skid to a halt as she and Wristband arrived. She had  heard the commotion and stood there, staring at the group.
 And the archangel. Dirndl stared openly, shocked. This was something  quite new.
BRIT:  Strappon slowed to a stop, trying to catch his breath. The ghost had  been lost to the crowd or in the great distance of like a mile that  they travelled.  "We lost her, again!" He groaned, turning to the group of Angels  behind him. He took another look around their environment.
HITA:  There was a moment of reprieve as Bifocals ceased chasing the people  chasing the angel (because Lord knew she didn't want to chase that  thing right now).  She briefly rested a hand on Jacket's head before  slamming her spear into the ground.  Well, time to be a terrible  person.  Slowly, she began to clap, loud and echoing around with the  force of the impact between her hands.
 "Wow, it's almost like you didn't hit her at all."  Snorting, she  dusted her hands on her pants.  "But hey, don't feel bad.  You only  did slightly worse than my brother and I did on our first training  mission when we were children."
THESTARSTWILIGHT:  When trying to stop, Cami ran straight into Jacket. "_uhf..._" At  least she didn't fall this time.
 "Wait, why is everyone just standing here? Don't tell me you lost the  ghost." She turned around to the person she had just bumped into.  "Please tell me it's not gone."
DJDEVIL:  "Filius bitch. It possesses the speed of the Devil." Helmet said,  falling on his butt, as he too was out of breath. "We'd need to trap  it somehow or we'll never catch it."
KRO:  Obviously scared out of his mind, Shades pressed his back to the wall.  He could attempt to climb or fly, but what good would that do. They're  ghosts AND cats, they'll easily catch up to him.
 "Mister Mittens, is that you?" He asked, as if the ghosts will  magically stop in their tracks.
 Seeing the cats still inch foward, he drew his weapon Lionhearted,  pointing it at the ghosts.
 "Back off you little shits, I got a gun!"
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary  spotted Knittens brightly colored locks and he made his way  through the mini crowd. He gives the others hand a squeeze. "Knittens  I'm back! From what it looks like she might've gone underground? Cause  I don't see her in the streets and I didn't see her enter anything?  Just maybe though."
OSCARK9:  "Damn it!" Gloves said as he catch his breath and kick the dirt.
 "She's too fast!" Sapphire said, breathing heavily. "We can't catch  her in this pace. She's way too fast! She probably faster then Sonic  the Hedgehog himself!"
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "Damn it! The Thing got away!" Boxer shouted in anger. "That Thing or  whatever it is going to pain for hurting my friends!" He shouted again  in anger as punches a buildings wall making a big crack.
BRIT:  "Bifocals is right, your weapons did absolutely no damage to the  Ghost." Strappon rephrased, shaking his head in thought and crossing  his arms. "What on Earth would that mean?"
 Jacket, being the solid wall he was, only bumped forward slightly when  Cami ran into him.  "Whoops! Watch yoursel-- Oh hey! You're new!" He pointed out, "Yeah,  we lost the Ghost. Anyway, I'm Jacket! Who're you?"
 Now's not the time for introductions, but his parents taught him to be  polite. Or was that Ultraman? It was probably in one of the shows he  watched, his parents were never there.
SAIYAN:  Undershirt dusted himself off before turning to Bifocals.
 "You don't think I know that!" he said to her.
 This ghost was gonna be tricky to fight it seemed.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens nods as he looks around, "I don't know, if anything it might  be in the alleyways, sneaking around. Either way, we gotta watch each  other's back." This ghost isn't at all something like a normal Tuesday  morning, overhearing Strappon he stopped dead in his tracks. A ghost  that can't be repented? So in other words, Daten is done and then  we're all doomed. There's no way that the ghost was indestructible,  after all, there had to be soemthing that hurts it. He asked, "You  heard that right? What're we gonna do?"
DJDEVIL:  "Prehaps our weapons are simply not strong enough, or maybe this ghost  requires a.......different kind of weapon in order to slay it." Helmet  said as he got up on his feet and sheathed his sword.
EMI:  Dermal floated high in the air above the alleyway, crossing his legs.  He observed the poor Angel get ripped apart by the claws and teeth of  the ferocious Ghosts below. It was one hell of a racket though.
 He floated down and landed just outside the entrance, flicking his  hair out of his face and turned to leave.
TORIBIRDSEED:  Cloak ran his hand over his face and shivered, he needed to control  himself to some degree, or he wasn't gonna hear the end of it from  headphones here. He sighed and brushed himself off before taking his  scythe in hand, his ink dripping onto the ground. “Find, we’ll do  it your way… but if I lose out on reaserch material because of you  i'll be a little annoyed.” His breathing had slowed down now that  the ghost wasn't in sight. However he was gonna comment on the ghost  sex part.
 “A-Also… who the fuck said anything about me fondle it… Cause…  I-I Don't!”
THESTARSTWILIGHT:  "Cami. Listen Jacket, do you have any idea where that bitch went?" It  went from nothing happening, to so much happening Camisole could  hardly keep up.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary nods,"Right! And..wait what? How are we gonna repent it if that  thing is gosh deadpool?" He blinked and looked down at his teddy,  bopping its nose to disable it. "In all honesty I have no clue, what  can kill an..a blue ghost..that kinda looks like one of those angel  aliens..?"
SAIYAN:  "And it's gone" Wristband said to Dirndl as the ghost disappeared once  again.
GAMER-GODDESS:  Re-joining the cluster of heavenbents and angels, "Sup nerds, got any  new details on this ghost? If we can even call it that." Thigh High  asked, sticking her sword into the ground to avoid accidentally  maiming somebody.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Headphones rolled his eyes, "I don't claim to know everyone's  fetishes, just most. But let's face it honey: People don't drool over  touching something unless it isn't for pure reasons." He motions over  to everyone else, relieved he isn't gonna watch some numb nut die. But  he lightened up, "Next time, you can do whatever. Looks like it's  retreated for now."  Knitens nods as he suggests, "Maybe it isn't a ghost at all. Either  way, our weapons won't do anything either." He gulped, and looked  behind his back every few minutes. He pipes up, "Maybe there's like  two of them where we can attack one like in video games?"
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "So, What do we do now? Keep Searching?" Boxer ask Strappon as he was  dusting himself off from when the Shawl threw him. "Also, does anyone  know what that thing is? It's like a Ghost but Blue and White is it  some kind of Pure Ghost?" Boxer was now asking a lot of questiong  because he somewhat confuse on what that was.
KRO:  Shades lost all fear in these ghost cats after catching Dermal last  second.
 "HEY!" He yelled out. "HEY YOU."
 He barrelled through the horde of ghost cats, even grabbing one on the  way.
 "A fews cats aren't gonna chip your nails you know!"  He threw a cat at Dermal, who stepped to the side in a smooth fashion,  making the cat land square on Veil's face.
BRIT:  "I think you may be onto something, Helmet." Strappon agreed, tilting  his head in thought.
 "I don't know who _this bitch_ is, but the ghost went somewhere else!"  Jacket said to Cami calmly.
 "You there! Father!" Someone called from the distance and approached  the group, "That ghost lady! She went that way!"  The helpful, nameless citizen pointed in the direction of the ghost.  "She went toward the park, she's causing all kinds of havoc!"
 Thank you, faceless person.
 Strappon nodded and gestured to the Angels.  "Let's head to the Park before she destroys more property!"
OSCARK9:  "Too the Park!" Gloves shouted, following Strappon.
 Sapphire follows from behind.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "Alright! Action is back!" Boxer shouted excited as he starts running  to the Park. "Last one there is a rotten egg!" He shouted to everyone  with smile for action as he was running to the park to fight the  Shawl. "This time i will win" He said to himself as he runs.
THESTARSTWILIGHT:  She turned over to Jacket "You know what I meant." Much like everyone  else, Cami headed towards the Park. Or well she would, if she had any  clue where it was. At first she headed down a completely different  street before realizing everyone else went another direction. "Must be  a shitty park if it's in this place".
DJDEVIL:  "ONWARDS, BROTHERS AND SISTERS! DEUS VULT!" Helmet shouted as he began  to make his way to the park.
 Meanwhile in the park, a giant tattooed hobo sat in a chair on the  porch of his little hut under the bridge. "Ah, such a nice and quiet  day. Sun shining, birds singing. Nothing could ruin this day."  Loincloth said with a calm smile.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary blinks," Hey I think you're right! I think that's kinda the only  thing that makes sense..it looked pretty upset actually." He hears  Strappon and he looks in the direction of the park. "Alright! To the  park we go. You gonna be okay Knit?"
SAIYAN:  "Well, I guess we're heading to the park then" Undershirt said to  himself, before turning to his sister and Dirndl.
 "Yo, we're going to the park guys!" he called out.
 Wristband nodded her head and turned to Dirndl.
 "You heard him let's go!" Wristband said to her pal. She followed her  brother and the rest of the masses as they headed towards their  destination.
EMI:  Dermal halted mid-step and turned around, as if he didn't expect  Shades to survive that onslaught. He turned on his heel.
 "First of all, my name is not "Hey" or "Hey You", it is Dermal."  He dodged the feline projectile. When it collided with poor Veil, she  tried aggressively to rip it off, spinning and rolling around until  she rolled into the alley, where she was then pounced on by it's alley  allies.
 "Second of all, congratulations. We discovered nothing. Let's move on,  then?"
TORIBIRDSEED:  Cloak spins his scythe around himself a few times and begins to  slither to the park, not wanting to waste any time “Tell you what  girly” He motioned to headphones “You can just pull me out of  there if it gets to intense how bout that? But for the sake of  research… I need to provoke it.” He quickly began making his way  to the park, leaving an ink trail behind him.  Upon arrival he looked at the ghost with shaking eyes, and smiled  brightly, before preaching to it again.
 “Oh how you are beautiful! I cannot tell you how much you FASCINATe  me!” He points his scythe at the ghost a smile on his face “I do  apologize if I have to hurt you in any way.”
GAMER-GODDESS:  "I hope we are not too late to prevent any casualties." Fib sighed as  she followed the others.
 "Hey, cheer up! I'm sure it'll be fine. Practically the entire Abbey  is here, we have this under control in time." Thigh High offered her  two cents in hopes of easing the throne's nerves. "So come on, step it  up! You're gonna have to move faster than that if you wanna get there  in time." She teased.
BUMBLERBEE:  Things are a lot simpler when you just want to punch
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens nods, "Yeah, I'll be fine." He walks to the park cautiously,  he didn't know what it could be capable of. Lord almighty things were  getting intense. He asked Mary Janes, "Where do you think it came  from?"  Headphones rolled his eyes at the nickname, but he supposes he didn't  really give his name. He shrugs unable to give any shit, "Sure, your  funeral. I know someone that embalms." He follows behind as he returns  his namesake to normal, knowing it wouldn't do much at this point. He  yawns, "Show 'em hell."
KRO:  "Yeah, sure Stephanie." Shades retorted.
 "We're moving on to not any deeper into this literal Hell hole. I'm  going back to either look for the mystery ghost or this missing  Archangel."  He began walking out of Ground Zero, putting his namesake back on and  checking his phone.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  Boxer keep running and running, he wanted to be the one who got there  first to give that Ghost Angel a Knuckle Sandwich. "HERE I COME GHOST  ANGEL!" Boxer shouted as he runs towards the Park at fast speeds.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary sighs in relief and he continues onwards. He wanted to make sure  the other was safe.  "I think it might've been an angel? Cause we've  seen what people turn into when they die..so if we haven't seen it  before and if its white and blue, then its gotta be holy?" He  shrugs,"Not sure... You?"
BRIT:  Strappon led the Angels right to the park, taking a few moments to  assess the area.  "Now... Where could she have gone?" He asked more to himself.
 He looked up at the sky in wonder as to why God hadn't given him any  sort of direction. Was this not foretold? Foretold... It just reminded  him of his dream. Maybe it had a connection? Where the hell was  _Ampallang_ anyway? His vacation was taking quite some time...
 "Well, there's still a lotta people in the park. Maybe she hasn't hurt  anybody, yet?" Jacket suggested.
BUMBLERBEE:  Things were much simpler with a ghost. You could slash and stab a  ghost. Send it away. But this was much different. How were they going  to handle this? Undershirt's words came to her, and she nodded. "Yes!"  she called with a thumbs up, turning toWristband and nodding again.
 They followed the rest of the group to the park, walking quickly to  hurry.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "We should get these Innocent people out of the Park before they get  hurt, Father" Boxer said to him because he didn't want innocent people  to get hurt by this Ghost Angel. If that would happen he would get sad  and angry something that he didn't want because it makes him to lose  force. "Ain't i right?" Boxer ask him again hoping he would listen.
BRIT:  "You there! Angels!" Someone called from the distance and approached  Dermal and Shades, "That ghost lady! She went that way!"  The helpful, nameless citizen pointed in the direction of the ghost.  "She went toward the park, she's causing all kinds of havoc!"
 Thank you, faceless person, once again.
DJDEVIL:  "I agree with Boxer. If we're going to fight the creature here, we  must clear out the civilians as quickly as possible." Helmet said with  a nod. "Does anyone here have a megaphone?"
EMI:  Dermal and Shady exchanged glances before silently heading in that  direction. Veil followed, leaving an empty alleyway of Ghost cat bits  behind.
THESTARSTWILIGHT:  Camisole thought to herself _That sure is one helpful random person.  Wait a minute..._ "What if _you're_ the ghost? You seem to be  following us quite a lot". She lifted up her flail, ready to strike at  any second in case she was right and was about to be ambushed.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "Yeah Hel- Wait a minute haven't we seen that Guy before..." Boxer  said as he now focus on the Nameless Person. He then starts to walk  over to him to get a closer look at the person who gave us the  direction. "How did you get here so fast?" He ask the Nameless  Citizen.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens shakes his head, "Can't be. Even the greena dn wite ones  aren't friendly...  But I don't know." He tugs Mary janes over to the  faceless citizen who was very concerned about the havoc. It seems that  the ghost was getting farthr and they're getting closer. He jumpd in  front of Camisole starting to ready her weapon exlaiming, "Hey you  shouldn't start threatening citizens, how would you like it a ghost  starts wrecking the city then you see people who take care of ghosts!  They're just being helpful." Don't worry faceless person.  Headphones isn't paying attention and lost track of what he is  supposed to be doing.
OSCARK9:  Glove and Sapphire got to the park with the rest of the Angels.  "Finally! We made it!" Sapphire said.
 "Yeah. We fi-" Before Gloves about to finish his comment, his mind  made a quick white shock from his head and made a shocking expression  and made a long gasp. A looong gasp.
 "Hm? What's wrong?" She questions Gloves.
 "I forgot to bring my green kawasaki motorcycle and left it back at  West Hollywood! That's what wrong!" He yells his answers back. "Ohhhh!  She'll pay for this!" His gauntlet ignite in flames and showing his  anger. Sapphire step back a little.
BRIT:  Not seeing much more to the lead, and certainly not seeing havoc and  destruction, Strappon turned back to the Angels.  "They're going to think we're crazy if she's not here. You're right,  however. Let's clear the area in a _calm_ and _civil_ manner." He said  succinctly to make himself incredibly clear. He didn't want anyone to  misunderstand him, "If we cause panic, the Ghost can and will be  alerted to us."
 He stopped and looked at Boxer and Cami.  "Uh, what are you doing? What are you talking about with Nameless  person?" He said as the two seemed to be going after some random  citizen, "Can you please leave the citizens alone?"
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary stared at the citizen as he walked over with Knittens. "You seem  like a distraction.." He watched them and he looked around,"What if  the ghost is getting farther..and this person..they might not be who  they say they are? Its not like we haven't been tricked before.." He  turns to Knittens, "Seems fishy right?"
KRO:  Having caught whiff of the activities around town, Archer tried to  locate the rest of the Abbey residents. He was being tipped off on  where strange occurrings have gone down and soared all the way to  Daten's Central Park.
 He landed near the Angels, straightening out his wings before the  feathers started resembling a sleeve. A rather shaggy sleeve at that.
 "I came as soon as I got the news. About Shawl..." His voice wavered,  shaking his head to regain composure.
 "Unfortunate as to what happened to her, truly. Alas, I outlasted  her."
 He was getting off track, and he knew it. Considering he had important  information regarding her.
 "Anyways, I came to warn you about her. She's a ghost, yes, but not  the type you're used to. From what locals have been telling me, her  energy's being jettisoned from her Soul Stone, meaning something broke  it."
 Cue dramatic music.
 "Unfortunately, Angelic attacks will have no effect on her since she's  technically still an Angel and we can't get near her long enough to  rip the stone from her body to break it."  He cringed a little, actually feeling bad about the thought of the  action.
 "Only Demons can affect her at this point. They can neutralize her  volatile energy before she goes Nova. Or explode, causing massive  amounts of damage."
THESTARSTWILIGHT:  Cami lowered her weapon - not because of the civilian but because  there was a kid in her way.  "How would you know their a random civilian? What if they're planning  something? It's called, 'Testing to see if that's a ghost because then  it would react'. I wouldn't actually hurt an innocent person, thank  you very much."
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "But this Person said the same thing that the other person did,  Father" Boxer answer him still keeping his eye on the Nameless Person.  "I don't know but something not feeling right" He said as he keeps  feeling that something not right with this, why would someone say the  same thing but a little different. "Hey Answer, my question Nameless  Person" Boxer said wanting to know.
OSCARK9:  Gloves and Sapphire heard orders from Strappon and help clear the  area. Gloves still boils from the inside, but try to hold on to it for  battle, while Sapphire helps also and move little kids away from the  park.
BRIT:  Strappon blinked for a moment.  "Pardon me, but did you just say she will _explode_?" He asked,  flabbergasted. "I... But she's a... She's going to die? As in..."  It took him some time to comprehend the information.
 "Whoa! I did that!" Jacket stated, "I blew up! Actually, that's what  killed me."  GG, Jacket.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens insists, "You guys are going crazy. This is a normal person.  C'mon we're wasting time." He shoos them away before dragging Mary  Janes along with him before hearing the announcement. Now that makes  sense. But demons? Wouldn't they really help Angels out right? Well  then again, who knows. Weirder things happen. But angels can't die.  They're already dead. Is there a second heaven? He blinks in shock and  disbelief. Where they go then afterwards?
DJDEVIL:  "Wait...you're not suggesting we...ask the demon for help, are you?"  Helmet asked Archer. "If that's the case, why in God's name would they  even want to help us? Demons loves the kind of chaos creatures like  Shawl cause.
THESTARSTWILIGHT:  Upon hearing about what the ghost actually was Cami backed away from  the civilian. "So I'm guessing it can't disguise itself as random  people then." Can normal ghosts even do that? How was she to know.  It's what they were said to do in all the stories.
 "Well, time to go get some demons. Unless you want toasted city for  breakfast." She put her weapon away, turning it back into her  namesake. "Does this mean after we get the demons we can go home?"
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "HELL NO!" Boxer shouted at the Knittens for suggesting that. "The  Demons hurt us! Don't your remember the Zombies and Father Handcuff!"  He shouted more, Boxer was really angry at her suggesting that. "Those  Demons will just hurts use more! So, no we shouldn't ask them for  help!" Boxer shouted he was getting to angry someone needs to calm him  down.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary nods to himself,"Yup! I had a feeling." He pauses. "Wait. Demons?  The horned..hellbirthed..colorful things that are evil? Um.. How would  they help us?? And why would they bother?" Mary blinked, confused.  "Wait will they die..?"
OSCARK9:  While both of them comes back to the group and hear the news about  Shawl, they where surprise. It literally made Sapphire jaw drop.
 "Jesus! If she's going to explode, I don't want anyone to get hurt."  She said.
 "It won't effect us." He said. "But everyone else?...Pretty much!" He  said.
KRO:  Thanking the random citizen, Shades wasted no time to head over to the  park. He wanted in on that hot tea.
 "No matter the outcome, she will /cease/ to exist. Too much of her  energy has already left her Stone. Usually these ghosts only  last...Hmm. Not even 5 hours? But considering who she was in life, an  important figure in our society, she gained longevity to cause some  damage."
 He sighed, "It's a mercy kill at this point."
 Admittedly, Archer was confused as to why everybody questioned the aid  of Demons.
 "What's so wrong about asking Demons for help? We do that back home in  Europe. There's no shame in asking them when we can't do it."
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens shakes his head, "That's not imporant, we have to save  people. We gotta get demon's on our side for a little bit." He also  adds, "Demons aren't really... evil. Some are. Not all. Like how some  angels are jerks." He nosd along with Archer, it does make sense. He  use to think demons is only evil but after coming here, he knows that  that can't be. So they just need a deal!
THESTARSTWILIGHT:  "Boxer, what better option do we have? It's either ask them for help  or the city blows up. Plain and simple." There wasn't any point in  arguing this - at least not to Camisole anyway. Plus getting demons to  do the work means she can finally be done with this trek.
OSCARK9:  Gloves walk over to Boxer with his hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry,  Boxer. But it's the only way." He said, sighing a little. "If we don't  act now, all live as we know it will be blown to pits."
OSCARK9:  *bits
BRIT:  "Mercy, indeed." Strappon replied with thinly veiled sadness in his  voice. He tightened the fit on his gloves idly as he thought, "We will  do what we must, then. It's unfortunate that this happened, but this  is miss Shawl's time of need. No doubt she accomplished much in life."
 "Yeah, but how do we get in contact with these guys?" Jacket asked,  scratching his head. He shrugged and turned around, deciding to wander  off. "I'm gonna find a payphone, I guess."
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary huffs," But..how are we supposed to tell the jerk demons from the  good ones? We aren't supposed to talk to them..or can we?" He tiltef  his head, "What would we have that they might want..? Maybe um..maybe  cake?"
BUMBLERBEE:  Dirndl looked up as Archer descended, listening to the words he spoke.  About the Archangel  and asking the demons for aid. She frowned and  looked to Wristband. "Would it truly be better to kill her? Is  there... nothing we can do? I know we aren't able to hurt her with  weapons, however..." she looked off, sighing. "Whatever we must do, we  must act quickly."
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "You all insane..." Boxer said look down and getting real pissed off  by this suggestion. "You forgot Father Handcuff and all those innocent  people that were turn into Zombies..." He said as he made a fist.  "DON'T YOU REMEMBER THE PAIN THEY CAUSE US! THEY ONLY HURT US!" Boxer  shouts at everyone hoping that they would listen to him. "We can take  this Angel Ghost but Teamwork, Skills, and only us with no Demon help"  He said finally looking up and Boxer looked very serious.
DJDEVIL:  Helmet sighed. As much he detested the idea, it was the only option  they had. "Very well, we'll ask the foul hellspawn for aid, but i  doubt they'll take us seriously, let alone help us." Helmet said  before turning his head to look out into the park.
KRO:  Archer raised a brow at Boxer.
THESTARSTWILIGHT:  Camisole glared over at Boxer "The only one who's insane is you, you  arrogant fool. You know you can't do anything yet you still try. Give  up. I did it a long time ago." She lied down in defeat, too tired to  continue. This had been a very stressful Friday.
SAIYAN:  Wristband nodded her head at Dirndl.
 "Yeah I feel you...but it's our job. Plus I don't like calling on the  demons but we gotta do what we gotta do man" Wristband said.
 "Jesus, calling on the Demons for help? We've never helped the Demons  before" Undershirt said. Little did he know....
TORIBIRDSEED:  Cloak rose from what looked like a pile of trash but was infact just  him "I support this idea of calling on demons for help, I do not have  any good information on them."
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  "Fasci would do it for cake..." Knittens sighs out loud, knowing his  cousin too well. He tries to calm him down, "Well most of my family  are demons, they're really nice! So maybe somehow we can convince them  to help us? I don't know. Somehow we gotta convince them that a  destroyed city is not what they want." Knittens considered on calling  his older cousin for help but then realized, he would need to fight  it. The idea was immediately scrapped.
BRIT:  "Ask and you shall recieve, thimble-minded fools."
 The monotone, powerful voice came from a short distance away from the  group. Shroud stood with his hands clasped behind his back, flanked by  Torsolette and Amulet. As his cape seemed to flutter in its own wind,  he lifted his head a little as if to look down upon them.
 "What would you all need from us that we could provide you? Certainly,  we cannot give you the intelligence you sew desire."
(( OOC: Okay, everyone! This is the end of the RP! No more posts after this line. :o ))
The park was quiet, other than the usual twittering of its feathered residents- the birds, not the Angels. The demons stood adjascent to the group of Angels and Humans, the radio silence from their sudden appearence making the entire atmosphere kind of awkward.
Strappon turned to where Shroud and his cohorts stood, surprised at the sudden presence without actually being summoned. He crossed his arms and adjusted his pose to be far more haughty than he had been.
"So you showed your-- Er, well, you showed up. Unnanounced. I can't say I'm shocked." He said, his voice barely hiding his annoyance.
"Not shocked? Neither am I, since you Angels like to poke your noses into our business." Shroud replied with barely a hint of much emotion.
Strappon replied with a short snort before looking over at the other Angels. Please keep your distance.
KRO:  Archer was quick to move Strappon out of the way, bowing in a  dignified fashion to Shroud.
 "Ah, you must be the reigning Emporer or...whatever they call Demon  leaders outside the North. It's a pleasure to meet you sir."
 He kept a hand on his chest as he straightened himself out.
 "We were wondering if you'd be so generous to help us out with a small  predicament in repenting a little nuisance."
DJDEVIL:  Helmet held his sword handle tightly when he saw the demons, ready to  unsheathe it and strike at them should they try anything.
 As Loincloth leaned back his chair, he heard a grumble from his  stomach. 'Lunchtime.' He thought to himself. He then got up from his  chair and went searching for food. As Loincloth began searching, he  spotted a very plump raccoon out of the corner of his eye, nibbling on  a half-eaten corn dog near a tree. His mouth began to water, thinking  about how he would cook the meat. He began to sneak up on the raccoon,  careful not make any loud movements or sounds that would scare it off.
 Ruka stood next to Amulet, twin axes in hands. "Looks like the  entirety of the city's birdbrain brigade and their human fucknuggets  came out to play today. Just say the word Shroud, and i'll gut them  like the piggies they are." Ruka said with a bloodthirsty look on his  face. He was extra sober today and really wanted to fight, or better  yet, kill something.
THEWISEOWLBOY:  Monocle scanned the demons that arrived, it was really irritating for  him that they needed them this time.
 He saw Circlet the psychopath, some other demons he really didn't care  about, and then Rukavitsa... His eyes glowed with mixed anger and  insanity when he saw the demon. He suddenly wanted to smash his weapon  through Ruka, but he reminded himself that they're not here to fight  them. Sighing, he willed his weapon back into a monocle and wore it.
 Meanwhile, Polo, now astounded with the demon's arrival, walked by  Monocle's side. He eyed Circlet and gave his counterpart a dirty  glare.
 Circlet noticed and gave him the middle finger.
OSCARK9:  Gloves and Sapphire turn their heads around quickly and was surprise  to see the mysterious figures appear out of nowhere. With a little  worry look in Sapphire eyes, she was behind Gloves back for  protection. Gloves was worry also, but he don't want others allies to  know. So he makes an angry grin on his face, while putting up his  guard.
 Meanwhile, Dress Socks was along with the other demons with his right  Saber out, while doing his smirk at his allies.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Virgin Killer walked out of a door in the nearby alleyway, dusting off  her hands as she blew a pink gum bubble. She walks over to the other  demons and she sighs, resting her hands on her hips. With a smile she  waves to the angels. "So that's what the opposite end of the spectrum  looks like."
JAY:  Ribbon stood among the group of demons, her eyes scanning over both  her compatriots and the angels, trying to memorize a few faces while  she was out of the office for once. It might have been a little  obvious that she was unused to everyone at this point, because despite  being in the middle of the group, she was keeping to herself and  fairly quiet despite herself. When one of the other demons commented  on the angels, she turned her head to listen, but mostly she was  interested in what their boss would order they do.
BUMBLERBEE:  Dirndl could only... stare. Brow was slightly furrowed, though whether  it was concern or irritation was anyone's guess. "Nnnnh." she grumbled  under her breath, uneasy at teaming up with these Demons. She did not  move, or shrink under the gaze of Shroud; even behind his mask she  felt his sternness. Torsolette and Amulet that flanked his side, both  exuding dominance. Dirndl took a deep and slow breath. This wasn't for  their comfort, but to ensure the Archangel was properly taken care of.  Lean muscle tightened, shoulders squared under their eyes as the new  group stared at Strappon and his band. She did not falter, nor did she  shrink.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Headphones waved, may as well be polite in tension that could be cut  with a knife. He seems to be blind to the awkward silence. Demons  always seemed to have surveillance all over the city, so honestly, a  loose ghost would be under their attention. But oddly, they never  really interrupted a repentance before. Hopefully, no one loses a leg  in this interaction, it felt like everyone was glaring daggers at each  other.  Jeokori was along for the ride, he just saw demons heading out and  followed. Ofcourse, he isn't going to pipe up and ask. He's just more  interested in this outing. He sipped his cucumber water (which, yes he  does enjoy) quietly as he stuck out like a sore thumb. Clicking his  tongue he just watched the tension chuckling, he's amused at the  animosity honestly. Not like he's any better, but it's still funny.  Fascinator was somewhere in an alleyway, totally not doing illegal  activities. That money he got from some person probably in the Chinese  mob he's currently stuffing into his hidden wallet? Totally not  illegal. He swears. He didn't spend all of last night stuffing trash  bags into the ground. Scratching the back of his head, he walked out  to be normal like a normal person in a normal city. Noooormal. Well  unfortunately for him, he walked into an immortal high noon showdown.  Why does this keep happening? He looked around wildly, confused and  very frightened t the sudden aspect of being caught in a fight. His  health care can't take any more bills.  Knittens glanced at the demons and smiled before noticing the  atmosphere and slowly going back to neutral face to fit in.
KRO:  Shades finally made it to the park after being tipped off, leaving the  Seraph behind cause fuck that guy. He became alarmed upon seeing  demons, heading over to Undershirt quick.
 "Yo. So what's going on. Did I miss a party or something?"  He was a little nervous to see both groups within close proximity of  each other as tensions are usually high.
 Sash flanked Amulet, resting on the side of the Demon's shoulder. He  eyed the Angels as if they were morsels.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary Janes looked around at the demons in awe, he'd never seen real  ones before. Just the cheapy cheapy Halloween demons, the ones with  the sequin horns and all that."Knittens?Are they real?" Virgin Killer  looked about the angels and she pouted, "For a group of beings talked  about so much they aren't as impressive as I thought they'd be...and  why does everyone look like their waiting to find out who the father  is..?" The bright pink demon lady pondered as she blew a bubble. What  a lucky bubble.
SAIYAN:  Wristband looked over at Dirndl. She could understand her sentiment  about teaming up with the Demons, but the angels clearly needed help.
 "Don't worry, my dude. We've got this under control. Just stick by my  side okay" She said to her.
 Undershirt meanwhile was jolted out of his thoughts by Shady.
 "I don't know man, it looks like the Nintendo Switch launch with the  way people are staring dumbfounded" He said to Shades.
 Bowtie appeared next to Sash. Looking down at all of these angels.
 "Look at this, the angels are below us, just as they should be, right  Sash?" Bowtie said with glowing eyes and an evil smile.
BRIT:  Shroud would have risen a brow if you could see it. However, the eye  on his helmet seemed to size the birdman Archer up quiet a bit before  fixating itself on his face.
 "I am, indeed, the ruler of the Western Sector." He answered to  Archer, rasing his chin in his direction in some sort of almighty  defiance.
 "Best to keep yourself back, fledgeling. We're chomping at the bit,  but we seem to have an advantage." Amulet answered Ruka with a very  slight flick of his hair. He shot an annoyed look over to Sash. Stop  being tall.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens looked at Mary Janes with wide eyes and answers, "Well I hope  so, or we're surprisingly having similar hallucinations." He looked  back to the demons and tried to see if he found anyone he recognized.  His eyes landed on Fascinator easily, he's sort of draws the eye with  the ridiculous thing that is his namesake. He slapped his forehead,  what in the world was he doing there? He whisper-yelled, "Fasci! Fasci  get over here!"  Fascinator look over to Knittens and shook his head, he wasn't exactly  Mr. Holy. Actually literal demon blood runs through his veins. But in  hindsight, he can't exactly fit in with the demons with his cream pale  ass, he's just out of place in this picture. Fascinator realized that  this was most likely the day he died and just tried to blend into the  building behind him. Become a plant. Plant no do harm. Plant no get  hurt. Please believe.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  Though for Boxer he didn't keep his distance with all his angry he  face Shroud standing proud and brave."Hold on just one god dam  minute!" Boxer shouts out before anyone can react to Shroud's  appearance. Boxer was calming down focusing all his Wrath in his words  and not his fist for his words will have a bigger effect then anything  else. "I have something to say and you better listen up and that  include you, Father. I may be a fool who wants to defeat God because  i'm not just the idiot who wants to punch stuff but i realize  something..." He said with serious tone and had serious face he wasn't  going to take this lightly not one bit. "We have lost faith not in God  but in our Selves" Boxer said as look at Strappon in the eye. "You all  no longer believe in yourselves and no longer have the determination  in your eyes, all you have is just...just...just have nothing but the  Goal of doing anything to get over with that is defeat" Boxer said  hoping the angels would listen to his words for not how stupid they  are but for how they can bring their faith in their selves back.  "There is a Quote and i think you all know this quote; Believe in me  that Believes in you, i know you all think it's a stupid quote from a  popular anime but it isn't! This quote is more than just anything  because if you rephrase it..." He said as took a deep breath."Believe  in you that Believes in all of us!" He shouts with ferocity. "We don't  need the demons help because if we believe in ourselves we can do  anything! We could take a Army of Ghost if we only believe! All you  have given that up and think about winning!i was like that once until  i realize that when i was losing but my Faith in myself grew with my  friends and myself! So, Please Strappon for the love of God! Do you  believe in yourself? Do you Believe in us! DOESN'T ANYONE HAVE FAITH  IN WHAT THEY CAN DO!!!" Boxer cried out to the heavens and to everyone  as tears start to fall down his cheeks. "I know what i say is just  words but they are more than that, they are hope to bring you all back  to senses but i guess it's not my choice" He said as look at the sky  then look at Strappon. "Father, it's up to you. Do you have faith in  yourself and us or Do you want to give that all up just to win?" Boxer  said as he look at him blank look and hoping that he takes his words  serious.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary Janes blinked and he rubbed his eyes. "You know that one?" Holy  carp he was even cooler than he imagined..sooo..dreamy.."W-wait  you're? Why are you c-calling him over!?" He hid behind Knittens. Oh  hell no, not today mini satan. While the little dude panicked, VK was  watching them. Holy carp look at how cute they aaarre... She was a  sucker for love, no pun intended. That was it, she had to pinch his  cheeks damn it. VK inched over, slowly using a bit of her magic into a  disguise. She shifted into Mary Janes just to mess with them. VK poked  Mary and he screeched falling backwards.
KRO:  Sash shot a shit-eating grin at Amulet. That's what happens when you  pick on the short one, shorty.
 "If you ask me, Angels are just good for being on a platter ready to  eat."  Whether he was joking or not, we just don't know. He was probably 100%  serious.
 "Dude, you don't even know." Shades replied.  He was there at the Switch launch. It was absolute chaos.
 Archer smiled. He was already hating Shroud's guts but he had to gain  the man's favor if he was to get them to help. Good thing he's dealt  with this before.
 "Ah, good! So then I'm speaking to the right man-"
 Archer stopped, turning around and cringing at Boxer. He felt the  embarrassment rise up within him.
 "ANYWAYS. So, your Imperial Majesty. Can we count on you to help us  with a little ghost problem?"
DJDEVIL:  "Excuse me, but i was talking Shroud, not you ya green-haired,  cross-dressing piece of fuck!" Ruka retorted.
 When Loincloth got close enough to the raccoon, he pounced at the  raccoon. But the raccoon, fat as it was, was surprising quick and  dodged Loincloth, causing the big man to crash face-first into the  tree. He rolled over onto his back and held his face, cussing under  his breath from the pain. He then removed his hands from his face, sat  up, and looked around for the raccoon. It was gone. He sighed but  heard shouting from the distance and decided to investigated. He  peered through a large bush, though it wasn't big enough to hide his  massive black mane. and saw demons as well as the angels by the look  of them. 'What the hell?' he thought to himself.
BUMBLERBEE:  Dirndl smiled a moment to her friend, nodding. "Of course, mein  Freund. We do what we must." she spoke softly, before green eyes  glanced over to Boxer. She turned an ashen color in the face, turning  to look back at Wristband in confusion. What a... talk, she thought to  herself, those soft peach lips pursed.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Headphones cringed at the overly passionate speech. This isn't the  Academy Awards. Chill. Where did any of that come from? He looked at  the demons and shrugged his shoulders, he didn't know and he isn't  going to be associated with this. Christ, why's everyone so antsy? He  just backed away from all of this insnity and sort stood in his own  little bubble. He knows crazy and knows crazy is assumed.  Knittens just tried to ignore the outburst as he assured Mary Janes,  "That's my guardian, Fascinator. He's not... Well, not a full demon.  He looks like a regular human, don't worry!" He tried waving him over  but no luck.  Fascinator's anxiety was cut short in the fact he just starred at the  Angels so confused, what was even any of that? He just sinks down to  sit and start nibbling on some trail mix he found in his pocket in  order to calm himself down. Oo a yogurt pellet!
THEWISEOWLBOY:  Monocle eyes bore onto the demons with such animosity, he absent  mindedly grabbed Polo's arm and squeezed it hard. Polo yelped.
 "M-Monocle! Calm down.." Polo said as he struggled to free himself  from Monocle's grip.
 Circlet yawned at Boxer's 'speech' and twirled her weapon around.  "This is taking too long, I wanna kill something already,"
SAIYAN:  "I'm glad I wasn't there, especially after the stories you told me. Do  you still have foot print on your back?" Undershirt asked him with a  cocky smile. He really did love giving him a hard time. NOT THAT KIND  OF HARD TIME YOU PERVES. THERE WILL BE NO UNDERSHADES FANFICTION!
 Wristband nodded back to Dirndl, confirming what she said to her  friend earlier. Dirndl is a sweet cinnamon roll that must be  protected....before Wristband corrupts her.
OSCARK9:  Dress Socks, Gloves, and Sapphire turn their heads at Boxer. Gloves  and Sapphire heard what he said and feels down for him. "Boxer." He  said, quietly. Sapphire made a frown face for Boxer.
 Dress Socks rolls his eyes the other way with a little sigh. When he  did, he spotted Circlet and heard what she said. "Same here." He turn  to the higher ups. "When can we do it, Higher ups?" He questions them.
BRIT:  Strappon and Shroud stood stood silently staring at Boxer. Strappon's  brow furrowed at the speech and its dramatics.
 "You're quite the dramatic one, aren't you. I don't see what your  problem is with our work, it was beautiful." Shroud stated to Boxer,  nary an emotion yet again. He turned back to Archer and his eye  squinted slightly.
 "Help _you_ out with a ghost problem?" Amulet asked, disdain apparent,  "We _cause_ the ghost problems. It's our magnum opus."  He swung his arms out to make it obvious that this was dumb.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Virgin Killer snickered as she stood next to Knittens,"Awww your  friend is precious when he's scared shitless!" She giggles as she  shifted back into her normal self,"He'd make a cute pet too." She  purred to herself. Mary was holding Knittens side, shaking in his  namesake."D-did you n-n-not s-see she was j-j-just..h-holy mother  of.."
DJDEVIL:  "Wait, are you saying you......caused that monstrosity?" Helmet asked  Amulet, holding his 'sword' even more tightly. "Because if so, I shall  thee where you stand!"
 "Yap yap yap! Blah blah blah! I'm getting real tired of all this  fucking chitchat! If we're gonna fight, LET'S DO IT NOW! I got my eye  on a certain angel who I would love to chop into pieces." Ruka said,  turning his gaze over to Monocle.
BRIT:  "Pardon? What monstrocity, it's a lovely day." Amulet said, tilting  his head.
 Fundoshi, who was standing behind Shroud ever so slightly, held his  arm out to keep Ruka from charging.  "Stay your blade." He said sternly.
KRO:  Shades opened his mouth, ready to retort to Undershirt but then  heard  Amulet. He figures they forgot about their little /incident/ back in  the day. He approached the Demons, his hands clasped together.
 "Well, you kind of owe us a favor. I'm sure this mayor wasn't here for  it, but you guys remembered when a ghost locked you in your own  offices and one of our Angels busted you all out?"
 He prepared himself to pull out an actual receipt to prove the event.  They paid Caplet for it, don't test him.
 Archer raised a brow, looking at the demons. He was trying his best to  not snicker, that was honestly kind of funny.  Sash on the other hand stepped away from Amulet, completely  embarrassed. It was a wild day.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens held Mary Janes like the boy was dying. He tried to calm him  down, "Demons have disguises to blend in a on Earth, it's alright  calmd owbn. She won't hurt us... Atleast I hope." He added the last  tidbit under his breth as he waves nervously to the demoness. Today  was going sour.  Headphones yawns at the weapons being drawn and say for anyone who  cares to hear, "We should probably  handle that ghost? It's probably  killing people? Just saying."  Jeokori sat next to Fasci, eating a little bit of trail mix now and  then; talking about the weather, their days, the next episodes of the  show they liked, stuff like that. That two would probably be the odd  ones out if it wasn't for everythings else that was happening.
SAIYAN:  Undershirt quickly turned back to look at Shady.
 "When the fuck did that happen?" Undershirt asked with a raised  eyebrow, as he heard Shady speak about the demons owing them one.
BRIT:  Amulet blinked for a moment before remembering the incident. His mouth  drew a straight line across his face and he turned it away, covering  it with his hand a little.  "Oh, shit." He muttered.
 Shroud looked between his underlings for answers, but no one seemed to  be speaking up.  "Sew this incident..." He started, "I wasn't told about this."
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary was attempting not to scream, so he made small peeps to let out  some of that pressurized holy shit. " She had me down t-to my  freckles..m-my sprinkle s-spots man." He gulped and he waves to the  scary lady.  Virgin killer giggled to herself and she waved them off.  "Aww~! What flattery. I take the extra measure just to get the little  things right!" Woah they noticed, she'd treat herself to some ice  cream later for the little win. "Nah you and your little lover should  be fine!" Mary's cheeks grew red and she snickered. "Cuuute. So you  two half pints know why we're here orr.?"
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "Father Handcuff...Those innocent people..." Boxer said quietly to  himself as look down. Everyone ignored him, Everyone thought he was  being a loser for his speech he give. No one cares. which made  him...._WRATHFUL_  See everyone get along with demons made him angry, seeing Archer bow  and respect Shroud  their enemy was making him angry. just talking to  these demons that hurt him and the angels was making him so again that  his eyes started to turn pure white and his mouth started to foam up.  He almost look like Berserker Raging. He Mind was cover with the  things that he hated and it made more angry.  "Shroud...Demons...Angry..." He struggled to say as he want to rip  them apart piece by piece. Someone needs to give him a Chill Pill fast  before he screws this up.
JAY:  She couldn't help herself, Ribbon had to hold back a chuckle at this  revelation. She had no idea the higher-ups could get themselves into  something like that, but the blunder sounds like it was quite funny.  If only she had seen it.
 Still, she narrowed her eyes at angels like boxer, who looked like  they were on the verge of starting a fight. Ribbon might have been  quiet, but her body language was tense, and her hands were ready to  grab her weapon if she needed to defend the boss, or any of her other  comrades.
DJDEVIL:  Ruka began to laugh when he heard Shades and saw the receipt. "You  guys seriously got locked in by a ghost?! Oh my sides!" Ruka exclaimed  before falling to the ground in laughter.
 Helmet chuckled a bit as well from hearing this. "That is quite  embarrassing." He said.
 Loincloth continued to watch the angels and demons as they conversed,  trying to figure out what it was they were after.
KRO:  "Must be that pride you all have..." Shades muttered, "UH. It was  years ago, so I don't blame if any of your guys forgot about it.  Basically what happened from what I was told: a ghost broke out of  containment and locked all Demons within the office. They called in an  Angel to help them and said they owed us."
 "If I recall, it cut the power too.." Sash added, clearly not helping  the Demons' image right now.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Headphones sighs, this was the second time he had to be someone’s  baby sitter. Upsetting. Twirling his grappling hook, he aims at Boxer.  Lucky Hit flew through the air, the rope wrapping around Boxer’s  waist several times before tightening and securing him. Bending his  knees, he held his weapon tightly, ready to restrain the angry angel.  God, what is happening?  Knittens gulps as he repays the information, “There’s... an angel  who had their soul stone broken and now they’re a ghost.”
EMI:  As if the tension were absolutely nothing, Mong came out of the  closest Starfucks and sipped at his cold, sparkly iced latte. He took  an audible sip and stopped when he saw the group.
 "Heeeeeeeey, looks like a party!" He shouted, tossing the latte and  running over with a large, toothy grin. He was almost ready to yank  off his underwear and start swinging.
BRIT:  Strappon turned to Boxer, sighing quietly. He glanced back at Shroud  and Archer for a moment before walking over to Boxer. He put his hand  on the taller man's shoulder.
 "Look, Boxer. Your speech was incredible, but it made a lot of  assumptions about our side. I haven't lost faith, no one has. If I  didn't believe in myself, I wouldn't have learned magic on my own." He  held up his hands to show the gloves he now wore, "I remember Father  Hancuffs. But if we dwell on this forever, we won't be able to move on  and be successful. We're avenging those hunters that died. But now is  not that time. Right now... We actually need the Demons' help."
 He looked back at the group of Demons, whose eyes clearly glinted with  malice. Amulet simply squinted his eyes at the two conversating men.
 "I see." Shroud said simply, "If that's all it is, I'll tie up the  freyed edges with this favor. That is, as long as it clears the dept."
SAIYAN:  "Why have you never told me this? This seems like some important  information you know" Undershirt said to his friend. "I thought we  were fam!"
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Virgin Killer cracked up a little  and she shook her head. "What an  ironic way to go, hunt ghosts and then boop, you die and you're the  one being hunted. I dunno why you guys seem so upset though, you do  this all the time." She shrugs. " But hey think of it this way.  Karma's a sick bitch and we're kinda just puttin her down? Kinda for  their own good really."
OMEGAPSYCHO:  Boxer look at Strappon then put his head down. "I...Didn't...Dwell..."  Boxer struggled to say as he was fighting the anger inside him. "I use  that pain and the people that had lost there lives to fight Ghost and  Demons" He said as he look at Strappon crying. "But fighting with them  makes that pain and those mean nothing, Father..." Boxer cries as he  was looking down all his anger was going away as his tears go down his  cheek. "It's not right...It's not right...It's not right..." He  repeats as he looks down crying letting all the anger out.  "Father...Mother..." Boxer said as he was crying out to them hoping  they would comfort him agin like when he would cry as small child.
THEWISEOWLBOY:  Monocle patted Boxer's back, the poor guy, though he quietly  disapproved of him crying in front of the enemy, growing up being  bullied and cast out, the best way you can fight something is to keep  your chin up.
 "There, there, Box," he said soothingly. Comforting his friend.
OSCARK9:  Gloves and Sapphire waled over to Boxer and giving him a pate on the  back and giving him comfort.
 Dress Socks was chuckling at the back of the group and he's chuckling  not for Boxer tears, he's chuckles for the higher-ups being help by  Angels. Don't want higher-ups to know his chuckle, he covers his mouth  with his left hand.
OSCARK9:  *walked
DJDEVIL:  Ruka eventually stopped laughing and looked up at Mong. "Nah, it ain't  a party until someone dies. This is just a good ole' fashion  shitfest." Ruka said as he got up.
 As Loincloth watched, the raccoon he failed to found him hiding in the  bush. It grinned mischievously and decided to get a little payback by  biting Loincloth right in the ass. Loincloth let out a loud roar in  pain as he quickly stood up, causing the bush he was hiding to be  pulled out of the ground with him.
KRO:  Shades was speechless for a few moments, impressed with how  cooperative Shroud was being.
 "Thanks. The Angel who helped out, Caplet, will be happy to know that  you've remembered their kindness."
 His attention was brought to Undershirt questioning their fam-ness,  pointing at him accusingly.
 "You thought we were fam," he said, approaching him, "But we aren't  fam any more, man."
 The audacity, right in front of Demons too.
 Archer rolled his eyes at the other scene happening by. Only he was  allowed to be a drama queen, and this guy was crossing that line. But  his presence felt even more threatened with the arrival of another  Demon. How dare he throw away a perfectly good latte.
THEWISEOWLBOY:  Circlet rolled her eyes at the drama the angels are showing. "BOO!  Let's just get to killing the damn thing!"
BRIT:  There was an incredibly audible THUMP as anyone who would bear witness  would see Mong go flying into the stratosphere. Fundoshi stood  redhanded with his claymore out, having hit Mong with the blunt side.  His eyes were completely shadowed out with was left of his pride.
 "What is it you need us to do, then?" Shroud asked, adjusting his mask  in an almost glasses-like fashion. The eye fixated itself of Shades,  then Archer again.
SAIYAN:  Undershirt's heart audibly shattered at such treachery.
 "How...how could you..." Undershirt stuttered as he stared off into  eternity for a moment before shaking his head.
 "Wait Caplet was in on this too? Why does no one tell me these thing  man?" He asked.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  That's when his angry snapped at Shade being mean to Undershirt. "Shut  up! He our Fam! Hell i consider him as my Fam!" Boxer shouted at Shade  angry that he was being friendly to the Demons.
THEWISEOWLBOY:  "Everybody calm down," Monocle said, adjusting his nameaske on his  face, "We still have a ghost to hunt," He looked at Boxer, "Take it  easy Box, they're helping us this time,"
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Headphones sighed in relief, at least it’s just a melodrama now.  Well now, they just sit back now right? Go home? After all, now it’s  in the demon’s hands right? Not like anyone was really giving a crap  about his presence. He shrugs heading over to Fascinator and sitting  down next to him and partaking in some trail mix.  Fascinator munched quietly, it seemed like  the old crew was resembled  not by choice.    Looks like they’re their own company now. Well it  wasn’t like Fascinator was expecting much, all of his friends  probably moved on due to the fact he hadn’t interacted with them in  months. To die alone and unloved is a sad fate but one he owns.  Jeokori is wondering why the grain mixture is making his mouth so dry.
DJDEVIL:  Ruka simply stared at Fundoshi, eyes widened by what he did. "I'm  guessing you don't like that guy very much, huh?" Ruka said with a  slight chuckle.
 "Indeed." Helmet agreed. "I despise this as much as you do, Ser Boxer,  but we have no choice." Helmet said.
 "GET IT OFF, GET IT OFF, GET OFF!" Loincloth shouted as he ran towards  the group his hair, bush leaves, and the raccoon flowing through the  wind.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Virgin killer rested against the wall of a building and she reached  into her cleavage. She pulls out a long strip of condoms and she opens  one up, making balloon animals, mainly snakes or worms but a few  rosters here and there.  She sees Loincloth struggling so she flicks a  condom at the raccoons head. The little thing lets go and runs after  her. With a sigh Killer takes the lolly out of her bra and she sticks  it into the little beasts mouth when it tries to bite her. It waddles  off sucking the lollipop. "You alright there bush boy?"
EMI:  Dermal stuck out his foot and tripped Loincloth as he ran past. He  flicked his hair and put his hand on his hip.
 "Well, now that our debt is being settled, shall we do a little Ghost  hunting? Make yourselves useful for once?" He gestured to the demons.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "This is just pissing me- Can you untie me!" Boxer ask Headphones as  he was trying to get out of this grappling hook then Boxer thought of  idea.--After the fight over he'll back stab Shroud when his guard  down!-- He then acts calm and shake his head to wipe the tears away  before the Demons saw him cry. "I'm Calm now" He said act calm but he  was really not calm he was angry as hell but he need to play it cool.
KRO:  "It's a joke, Boxer," Shades said. Or was it?  "But I'm surprised Caplet didn't tell you, it was funny."  He began to walk back to Angels, giving Archer the sign to explain the  situation since he was already talking to Shroud.
 "Yes," Archer began, "Long story short, there's a corrupted Angel  running amok causing property damage. Us Angels can't do anything  against it for obvious reasons and we can't stay close enough to it to  tear out its Soul Stone. Traditionally, this task falls to Demons, so  we need you all to dispose of it before it goes Nova."
ARCHANGEL SHAWL:  Speak of the Devil. As the ghost was finally brought up to the Demons,  she made her presence known by blowing up more property. People  shrieked and ran, trying to get away from her, as she set her eyes on  the group of Demons. At this point she was running on autopilot and  attacked the Demons, focusing her attack on Shroud.
TORIBIRDSEED:  The loud clacking of heels on pavement could be heard as a huge limo  had rode up to the scene where everybody was, what had exited was what  could only be described as a punk lolita girl with more hair than  nessasary. With her was a tired looking demon boy who had no purpose  being there, he looked very uncomfy.
 “God fuck, who the fuck put me on babysitting duty again? Why the  fuck did I agree to it?”
 Etch poked his fingers together and awkwardly spoke up.
 “Y-your the one that offered the r-r-r-ride… s-sorry.”
 Clearly there was more to this than meets the eye. However, the piece  was short lived as a fucking ghost attacked as soon as they had  arrived, Etch felt his heart race… jeez this was too much already,  he wanted to cry, and so he did actually. He was crying now in the  fetal position on the gross dirty ground. Chokki was laughing at him.
DJDEVIL:  Loincloth landed flat on his face once more after being tripped, the  bush leaves whooshing off his body when he landed. He rubbed his sore  bottom before looking up at the angels and demons. "Ummm....how do ya  do?" He said with a nervous chuckle.
 "IT"S HERE!!!" Ruka and Helmet shouted in unison as they readied their  weapons.
EMI:  Without a blink, Torsolette pulled out Darned and quickly perried the  blow, her heels clicking on the ground as she stood in front of  Shroud, poised for battle.
 "Not today, deary. Such a sad day for you."
SAIYAN:  Undershirt looked at Boxer and then to Shady. He was confused for a  moment, before standing up straight again,
 "It was? I MEAN IT WAS!" Undershirt said as he rubbed his eyes. He  wasn't crying, he just needed a Claritin.
 Once he was composed enough he turned to Shady again.
 "Yeah I don't know either, it would seem like something that she'd  tell me about" he said with a hand on his chin.
JAY:  Ribbon had been keeping her eyes trained on the group of Angels, but  found her attention torn away by the large boom further away. By the  time she turned to face the new threat, it was already moving towards  the group, towards their leader. Immediately, Ribbon slipped her  ribbons off of her legs, twirling them together into her chain whip.  Her grip was closer to the end than normal, to compensate for the  closed space the group was in. and tried to step into something of a  battle line with the other Demons to defend.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  "I'm gonna take the liberty to say I'm doing better than you. Nice  uh..mud mask I guess." VK spotted the crying demon and she rushed  over, stepping on Loincloth in the process. "Oh you poor thing." She  moves her head to dodge a bit of shrapnel. "What's wrong?" Virgin  killer gently pets Etch's hair.
OSCARK9:  Gloves, Sapphire, and Dress Socks whipped there heads to the loud  explosion that Shawl created.
 Dress Socks was surprise to see this ghost and it made him chuckle to  see she creating havoc. "Finally some action!" He raise up his right  Saber, showing that he's ready for a fight.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Headphones raised his eyebrow, and sighs, "Fine. If you can be chill."  He easily unraveled his weapon without even going to Boxer and pulled  it to him again. He was content in leaning against the wall and  important decisions were being made.  Fascinator was content eting trail mix but then noticed the limo and  the familiar voice. Oh no. No no. He's had enough of her attitude  today, what was she even doing here? This wasn' exactly a great place  to be seen as an idol. He also noticed Etch well... Crying on the  ground. He groans as he just tries to pretend that Chokki wasn't  there. His neck almost snapped when the ghost appeared, charging. He  glances to Knittens and unsheathes his machete from his pants leg.  Yes, he has a sheath underneath his pants leg for his machete, you  enevr know when you need it.  Jeokori is now left to his own thoughts. First thought: Why was the  Earth sky blue? Wait, no time! Looks like a fight was brewing. He  summoned his weapon with a more excited resting bitch face.
ARCHANGEL SHAWL:  The ghost skid across the ground, keeping her gaze locked on  Torsolette. She nearly shot the Demons with her magic but was  intercepted by Archer who aimed her hand at the ground. The two stared  at each other, Archer hoping she'd remembered him but all Shawl did  was lug him to the side. So much for that cheesy anime shit of getting  her back.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  Boxer then gets into his Boxer stance and summon his weapon when he  did that his Boxing Gloves ignite in flames as he activated 'Fire  Weapon'. "I'm sorry Ghost Angel but thank you for trying to weaken  Shroud" Boxer said as he charges at the Shawl hoping to get a hit. He  wasn't fight for the Angels or Demons, Boxer was fighting for himself!
BRIT:  Shroud hadn't even flinched as Shawl was shot backward. He simpled  shifted his weird after the parry was made.
 "Sew this is the loose thread, correct? Well. Consider it done, then."  He said, his tone remaining an icy calm. It was if a nuke hadn't just  shot straight for him moments ago. Then again, with all the demons  rushing to aid him, it was obvious he didn't need to worry. "Hem the  ends for me, would you, my liege?"
 He merely looked back at the rest of the demons, his eye glinting  dangerously.
BRIT:  *Shroud hadn't even flinched as Shawl was shot backward. He simply  shifted his weight after the parry was made.
TORIBIRDSEED:  Chokkis face lit up with a gross smile when she saw Fasci, a yes, her  rival idol here in daten, she wouldnt mind having a bit of fun, and so  she simply abandoned Etch where he was to cry by himself and meet up  with this boy, a laugh echoing as she approached.
 “OOoohoho… look who we have here.” She spoke up with her  condescending tone, before lowering her glasses and looking over them  “If it isnt the definition of washed up himself.” She snickerd to  herself after saying that and flipped her hair to the side, ignoring  the ghost as if it was common occurrence for her. “Whats a person  like yourself doing in a place like this? Trying to get thost  fanservice points with the boys? UUUUpupupuku…So disgraceful  Fascinator”
 Meanwhile Etch was fucking sobbing, and just wanted somebody to hold  him, the ghost was scaring him to death but he felt obligated as a  demon to fight as thats the whole reason he took the ride with Chokki  to come here. Brandishing his weapon he sobbed uncontrollably shaky  and scared.
DJDEVIL:  "Time to die, ya big blue...blue....umm....Ah, fuck it! JUST DIE!"  Ruka said, before charging headlong at Shawl.
JAY:  Ribbon rolled her eyes as Boxer went to fight the demon, knowing full  well it would be an ineffective tactic. Slowly, she began to swing  Stripper parallel to herself in order to start swinging it at a wider  diameter. With the others assaulting the Ghost, Ribbon opted for a  slow-paced, disciplined approach towards the fight, and began taking  steps toward Shawl.
THEWISEOWLBOY:  "Finally, killing time," Circlet laughed like a fucking maniac as she  charged towards the ghost with her comrades.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Fascinator felt every fiber of his just hacking in disgust. He forced  a smile, like he was trying his best to smile. He never felt his face  want to frown so hard in his life. He hissed back, "And yet I'm still  waiting for you to outsell me. Hi." Oh shit. "Sorry Chokki, your  fanfiction is still fiction. I could say the same for you, sucking  your manager off here?" Fascinator is a mad boy.  Jeokori just waited for a good time to strike. That and he's sort of  still thinking about that sky thing.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Virgin killer lets down her hair and she summons Candy Store. She  holds her large mallet over her shoulder and she looks down at her  conveniently placed hair. She turns to the sobbing demon next to her  and she stands next to him, "I got ya okay? C'mon this should be a  peice of gross cake!" She purred. Mary Janes held Mothers Love close,  the small bear's electricity causing his hair to fluff up in all  directions. Like a lilac disco ball. "Ready Knittens?"
KRO:  Archer caught himself before hitting the ground. Death before his  beautiful hair gets messed up. He quickly stepped back, he wasn't  gonna get his hair messied over a fight he can't win.
(( OOC: Attack thread! http://dcmissionaries.boards.net/thread/194/event-archangel-shawl ))
OMEGAPSYCHO:  Boxer goes into Guard Mode protecting himself from the Angels Attack  as he watches Shroud closes making sure after this fight the "Deal"  will be off and he finishes him off with one good punch from behind  the back.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens drags Mary Janes to the side reminding him, "Remember our  holy weapons can't affect this ghost, we'll have to trust the demons.  So let's watch the show." He walks back to about a safe distance and  waves to Fasci, wishing him luck. He'll need it.
TORIBIRDSEED:  Chokki bit her tongue, wow, what a rude boy. She wasn't having any of  this. Putting her glasses back on she smirked “I wouldn't touch my  manager with a ten foot pole… not because he's gross or anything,  but I don't wanna touch anything you've already used up… ya feel  me?” She snickered to herself and flipped her hair back. Hoping she  could get under his skin “Besides im not here because I want to be,  im on demon sitting duty fam, it's pretty lit.” She pointed at the  crying mess that was Etch “I think he's got himself handled though.
JAY:  With the others fighting off the ghost, Ribbon took the opportunity to  swing. Her grip loosened on the whip just enough to increase its arch  and come down to slam into the ghost... Only, seems she undershot,  instead slamming the whip into the ground in front of the enemy.  Though it was a surprising miss to Ribbon, she quickly regained her  awareness and tugged the whip back towards her to start winding her  next attack up. Seems she was out of practice.
OSCARK9:  Dress Socks heard the order from Shoud and it made him smirk widly on  his face. "Yes sir!" He said, growling. As he quickly runs at Shawl  with glowing golden eyes, he summons his wind magic to his right Saber  and sends off a strong Tempest Blade Magic at her abdomen in a  horozontal line. __"TASTE MY MAGIC!!!__ He yells at her.
THEWISEOWLBOY:  Circlet screamed like a madwoman possesed and attemped to stab the  ghost, but it did little damage and her weapon bounced off easily.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary nods and exhales,"I hope they can do it" He holds his bear.
SAIYAN:  Bowtie sighed out loud.
 "Guess we're doing this huh?" She asked everyone with a shrug before  pulling out her Ninja Star.
 She sprinted towards the ghost as fast as he legs could carry her, and  jumped gracefully up in the air before taking aim.
 "All right ghosty! TAKE THIS!" She yelled as she threw her Ninja Star.
OSCARK9:  Gloves and Sapphire Necklace step back in a mid far distance and see  the fight between Demons and Shawl. They feel bad for Shawl, but it  better to not have her blow up Daten City.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Fascinator's face literally twitched, it was a bit of a sore spot.  Afer all, he is about to be a wizard on the internet wen he turns 30.  He snaps back, "As punching bag when I broke his nose. But that was  years ago. Besides even you should now I stopped relying on managers."  He glances to Etch and almost bursted out laughing. Chooki's fame was  causing him a bit of stress for his job but that was something that  lifts his spirits Not because Etch was crying, he felt bad for him,  but just watching Choki trying to make that into a good situation made  him die of laughter. He was suppressing his laughter and sarcastically  responds, "Wow, you're doing a GREAT job." He notices the ghost again  and realizes, oh yeah he has to babysit a kid too. Well, time to fight  to make sure he doesn't die. He swung his machete, aiming for the  ghost's shoulder.  Jeokori, unfortunately, was distracted by a shiny coin across the  street, enthralled by the object he just ran past the ghost, pushing  her out of the way.
TORIBIRDSEED:  Etch on the other hand was not handeld, weapon in hand he decided he  had to fight. And so he did. Letting out a small yell he approached  and swung his weapon with more force than he had expected from  himself.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Virgin killer runs towards the ghost with her mallet and she jumps up  ready to swing down for the shot, she misses and hits the ground,  creating a sizable crater.
DJDEVIL:  Ruka slashed at Shawl with beastly speed, but Shawl was faster,  dodging every one of his attacks. "HOLD THIS, YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" Ruka  shouted in anger and annoyance.
 Loincloth sat in the grass, watching the demons fight Shawl. He wanted  to fight the ghost, but he knew very well that his weapon wouldn't  have any effect. All he could was sit and watch. On the bright side,  maybe this thing will kill some of them.
 Helmet sat next to Loincloth, humming as he polished his 'sword'.
TORIBIRDSEED:  Chokki raised an eyebrow and laughed to herself “Oh yeah, I forgot  your a perma-virgin” She laughed to herself with a smug look on her  face, “Well I don't know that but you certainly look the type.”  She than looked back at Etch, a lack of care in her eyes “I never  said I was going to be good at it, the kids doing fine, not like I  care either way, all he does is cry.” She put her hands on his hips  and than turned to Fasci once more. “Oh and there's nothing wrong  with me having a manger, hes only there to make sure my live shit gets  done and all that, talks to people so I don't have to waste my breath  on common peasants, that sort of thing. A queen shouldn't have to talk  to the normies that infest her audience.”
ARCHANGEL SHAWL:  The ghost began by dodging a few hits, specifically the lashes of  Ribbon's whip and it only went downhill from there. Screaming, she  attempted to whip around herself to distance the demons. This didn't  prove well for her as she still took hits from a variety of weapons-  letting out a deafening scream when Fascinator sliced her shoulder.
 Despite taking a lot of hits, Shawl merely screamed and continued her  onslaught.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Virgin Killer buffs and she cracks her knuckles,"M'kay, not as easy as  I though. Fair enough." She raises her mallet from the rubble and she  runs towards Shawl.
JAY:  Ribbon had a better idea of how far she'd have to swing; this time she  wouldn't miss. While she wound up her next attack, she waited for  other demons to be clear of Shawl's front. Once she had an opening,  she swiped diagonally at the ghost's torso, gritting her teeth in  anticipation.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  He covers his ears, the screech was ear bleeding. He remarks, "Wow it  sounds like you when you sing." Hearing her whole schpeel, he was just  110% made of the dead sea, nothing but liquid salt. This fucking  child. Fascinator was so near done, his fingers are touching on the  scale of how done and salty he is. He needs his birds, his boyfriend,  a blanket, or he will riot. Why does the world like supporting an  asshole? It seemed he was seething with rage, he didn't even bother  with the ghost. Fascinator forgot to attack the ghost. Good job. He  hisses back, "Personally, I love spending time with my fans because  they make us who we are as idols." The self made idol was just very  upset, his work is filled with people like this and now he has to deal  with it afterward. Lovely.
THEWISEOWLBOY:  Circlet tries to hit again, but to no avail. At this rate, she's was  almost done with this shit, it hurt her pride.Big time.
OSCARK9:  Dress Socks runs to her again to try to slash her, but her speed was  to great that he miss his attack. "Damn it!" He said, angrily.
SAIYAN:  Bowtie took aim once again as she summoned up another Ninja Star. This  was definitely the weirdest thing she ever done, but at least now this  would even up the score with the Angels. She took aim again and let  another star fly.
DJDEVIL:  Again Ruka charged and again missed with every single swing. He bared  in teeth as his frustration grew more and more.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Virgin killer makes it towards her and she smashes her mallet down on  Shawls head as hard as she can. Heh wack a ghost. She gracefully lands  and she moves away.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  Boxer was getting his Distance away from the Demons fighting but makes  sure that he gets to Shrouds blind spots so he doesn't see him coming.
TORIBIRDSEED:  Chokki fucking, burst out laughing at the mention of the fans an all  that. “Make us who we are? Bitch please, I fucking make myself who I  am, my fans understand that. Most of them are masochistic freaks  anyways and like when I talk down on them. It's my whole shtick” She  put her hands behind her head and could see the salt in her rival. And  decided to comment on the singing “That's hardly an insult coming  from somebody who sounds like if nails on a chalkboard and a  screeching bird had an abortion, and than it learnt to sing.” She  chuckled to herself and flipped her hair and  turned away from him  “Sorry I just realized I cant be seen associating with common  peasants like you,  so I cant look at you while I talk, it hurts my  eyes too much.”
 Etch in the meantime was, just trying his best, taking another swing  at the ghost with as much force as he could muster which, wasn't a  lot.
ARCHANGEL SHAWL:  In an attempt to thwart her enemies, (former) Archangel Shawl summoned  her weapon and conjured a wind cutter. The frenzied attempt to keep  everyone away was met with an extremely scattered spell, which was  even further frenzied by the attacks on her body.
 She screamed more, frustrated that she was being so helplessly  attacked and began to move quickly around the area. The wind cutters  she was letting off were causing damage to the surrounding park.
SAIYAN:  Bowtie watched as the ghost flailed around. It was honestly sad, this  ghost was gonna be super easy to take out. She took out yet another  ninja star and threw it with her full force.
 "That should do the trick" She said as the star flew towards it's  target
JAY:  Ribbon was getting absolutely exhilarated, especially after lashing  Shawl's torso with Stripper. It took even less time for her to wind up  her next attack. Going back to her original tactic, Ribbon loosened  her grip on the whip and let it slide down her hand, grabbing it a  little later than her first swing and arcing it towards Shawl's head  this time.
 Ribbon growled through her attack, "Rrrg... Die!"
THEWISEOWLBOY:  Polo watched the demons fight the ghost intently, he and Monocle were  already sitting down the asphalt, Monocle was so bored out of his mind  that he fell asleep, his head resting on Polo's shoulder.
 Meanwhile Circlet, frustrated, began hacking away at the ghost's back,  not caring if it made any significant damage.
 "JUST. FUCKING. DIE. ALREADY!" Circlet screeched.
DJDEVIL:  Ruka smirked at Shawl's pathetic attempt. "Guess your magic is as shit  as you are ugly!" He exclaimed before charging once more at Shawl as  she, using the back blades of his axes to latch onto Shawl's back.  "Gotcha, bitch!
OSCARK9:  Dress Socks took the attack from Shawl and it only graze him a little.  It did however, mess up his suit and he wasn't please at all. "Why  you..." He said in his angry tone. He runs at her again, but this  time, from behind, he slashes over, and over, and over with no  __mercy.__ __"AAAHHHHH!!!"__ He roars. While doing that, he slice some  of Shawls hair off.
OSCARK9:  * __"AAAHHHHH!!!"__
ARCHANGEL SHAWL:  The ghost caused a larger array of damage with a more frenzied attack;  Gushes of water began spurting out of the ground and she slammed her  spear into it, high-pressure water blasting the demons backward. She  screamed in frustration, pulling at her hair as more attacks littered  her body.
EMI:  There was the faintest sound heard from the sky. Was it a bird? A  plane? Another fallen angel?  No. No it was just Mong, decending from orbit above the Throne-set  speed limit. Slow down, buddy, you don't have a license to fly that  thing.
 Mong shrieked as he busted through clouds on his way down, trying to  stop himself. He had a mercifully soft landing, slamming ass-first  into the screaming Shawl.  Her fragile bird-bones shattered under the weight of dat ass.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Virgin Killer huffs as her hair is soaked and clinging to her topless  torso. She holds her mallet over her shoulder and she blows a bubble-  wait nope that's a condom. She takes aim and flings it at Shawl like a  kid with a sling shot.
ARCHANGEL SHAWL:  Shawl didn't have any more time to react before her body disintegrated  with the sheer megaton weight and gravity of the demon falling from  the _stratosphere._
KRO:  "Well... That's a finale if I ever saw one," Archer commented. That's  one way to offer a mercy kill to a dear friend.
JAY:  Ribbon tugged her whip back for the final time, smirking at the sight  of another demon obliterating their opponent. She felt plenty  satisfied about the outcome, and [i]damn[/i] it felt great to fight  again, even if she was barely starting to break a sweat.
SAIYAN:  "What the fuck just happened?" Undershirt asked as he  watched...whatever the hell that was.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  Boxer watch sadly the Shawl die a shameful but now he need to focus on  his sneak attack on Shroud. He makes sure that he behind Shroud and  walks slowly towards him getting ready to finally finish this Cycle of  Pain.
TORIBIRDSEED:  Etch got overwhelmed and is now crying in a corner
SAIYAN:  Bowtie looked at the events that unfolded in bewilderment as well.
 "Did...the ghost just get destroyed from a sub orbital face sit?"
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Virgin Killer hits Boxer with the flat of her mallet. "Back off  Kentucky fried angel."
DJDEVIL:  Ruka landed flat on his back after being launched off Shawl by the  water blast. "Son of a bitch..." Ruka groaned. He got back up on his  feet, ready to go again but then saw that Shawl got gone and instead  saw Mong. "No....No nonono NO NO NO! Don't tell me you killed that  thing with your fucking ass!" Ruka shouted as he approached Mong,  clearly pissed.
OSCARK9:  Dress Socks, Gloves, and Sapphire blink in sync for the outcome of  Shawls death.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Fasciantor's veins were popping his head, his rage was reachin new  levels of rage. Turns out there is a point where a man can get so mad  that he experiences tranquility. Literally, all the anger and upset  facial features left form his face. Fascinator was in a place that  none could reach, his mind didn't seem to react to apin inflicted onto  him. He just looked at her, nothing. He wasn't even salty anymore. He  has surpassed salt. He has become pepper. Fascinator looked at his  hands as if he was on acid, confused on why he just feels nothing. He  didn't even feel scared. What is this? He again looked at Chokki, with  nothing in his eyes. Fascinator was now gone apparently. Well great.  Knittens was in awe of the fact someone just fell from space, Jesus  lord that an attack. runs over to Fascinator, excitedly  congratulation, "Yod did good Fasci! You didn't get hurt!" But when he  looked at his cousin, his cousins wasn't the one who looked back.  Fascinator didn't smile like he used to and he just plainly states, "I  don't feel anything."  Well this is a new problem.  Jeokori was lovingly shining his new coin named Geroge. George was a  good dime.  Headphones was home, he left.
THEWISEOWLBOY:  "Wow," Polo said, looking at the demons, "That is one ASStounding way  to go,"
 Circlet shot him a disgusted look.
 Monocle woke up and punched him in the arm.
BRIT:  Shroud simply clapped at the display as Strappon and his Angel crew  stood in awe.
 "It seems so." Amulet replied almost unamused, "Though I have to say,  that man's got distance, or at least Fundoshi has one hell of a slug.  Man should be in a baseball team."
 As the shock wore off, Fundoshi swiftly moved toward Mong. He reached  his hand out to his comrade.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  "More like stratAssphere."Virgin Killer mumbled.
EMI:  Tee and his gang came running in with their usual weapons, obviously  late to the party.
 "Oi! Everyone alright?" Tee shouted as Tattoo went running past him.
 "Oooouf, what a welcome. What did I miss?" Mong shook his head and  rubbed his lower back. Seeing the nice gesture from his good friend,  he lit up.  "Hey buddy, thanks for the lift!"
BRIT:  Fundoshi grabbed onto his hand and pulled him up a little too far,  literally yanking him off the ground and swinging him into the nearest  building.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "You won't Stop me!" Boxer said as he throws sand in Virgin Killer  eyes to blind her for couple of seconds then continues to walk towards  Shroud. "This for all the People you hurt and killed, Shroud" He said  as he keep walking towards. "This is your end" He whisper as he  attempts to sneak attack Shroud from behind.
THEWISEOWLBOY:  "Box!" Monocle said sternly, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, "Quit  it,"
DJDEVIL:  "HEY, I WAS GONNA DO THAT! THAT MOTHER FUCKER STOLE MY GLORY!" Ruka  shouted, punching Fundoshi's arm.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  "Oh you fucking cunt munch!" Virgin Killer charges over and she swings  her mallet, slamming Boxer into a nearby wall. "So that's why we don't  like you."
EMI:  Torsolette shot behind Shroud and took a couple of slices at the  unintelligent Angel rushing for him. She then kicked him down and  stepped on his head with her heel digging into his skull.
 "Alright, truce is over now, then~" She said with a sadistic chuckle.
JAY:  Overhearing some crying, Ribbon turned to a blue-haired demon that was  away from everyone else and in tears. Hey, she remembered this boy!  She thinks she remembers his name being Etch. Approaching him, she  gently tapped him on the shoulder. "Hey, kid. Fancy meeting you out  here."
THEWISEOWLBOY:  Monocle summoned his weapon, "That's it," he snarled, he just woke up  and he is cranky as hell, and these people are creating noise.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "ARGH!" Boxer coughs blood when he got killed and then when she digs  her hell into his skull he scream a bit because it hurt a little. "I  ALMOST HAD YOU! I WOULD OF FINALLY FINISH YOUR PAIN!" Boxer shouts at  Shroud making sure he listen.
THEWISEOWLBOY:  "Boxer," Monocle said, this time, he used every ounce of intimidation  he could fit in his small body, "STOP. You're noisy, they're noisy,  plus you don't have a chance against that hellbent chick anyways,"
 "Ahhh forgive him," Polo said, "He's just like this when he wakes up."
DJDEVIL:  Loincloth stood up. "Welp, no reason to be sitting anymore.  Now....where's that raccoon?" Loincloth said as he stepped over a  sleeping Helmet. He didn't care if the Angels and Demons started  fighting each other, as long as they left him out of it.
BRIT:  Fundoshi, uneffected by the punch, simply looked at Ruka.  "It's alright, he's my childhood... Comrade." He said with hesitation.  He looked down where his friend once sat and bent down, picking up the  cracked gem on the ground.
 "BOXER. STOP." Strappon called over to the Angel and immediately  stomped over to the ruckus, "Please, Miss Torsolette, let him go.  We're in a _truce_!"
 "I believe we're even, actually." Shroud said simply as he walked up  beside Torsolette. His eye gleamed down at the Angel, "We no longer  owe you any depts."
OMEGAPSYCHO:  Boxer attempts to spit his angel blood on his face with smile on his  facing knowing that Angel Fluid hurts demons like hell.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Virgin killer lets Candy store shift back and she sighs, rubbing at  her eyes. "I fuckin winged my eyeliner today and everything..little  bitch bird." She rings out her hair a bit.
DJDEVIL:  "If that's how you treat your friends, I'd love to see what you do to  your enemies." Ruka said, crossing his arms.
SAIYAN:  Wristband appeared next to Boxer, her aura glowing slightly brighter  than normal. She folded her arms and looked at him with her eyes  glowing.
 "You better simmer the fuck down before your head pops off like a  champagne cork" her eyes narrowed.
 She hopped that would knock some sense into him. She was starting to  get annoyed with his antics. She didn't want him to risk doing  anything stupid.
EMI:  Torsolette tapped her blade against her cheek, coyly shooting a look  at Strappon with a sick little smile. She put some pressure on her leg  and sighed.
 "Well, that's a good thing, I suppose. Don't like things all uneven  now, right? Like hemming raw edges..."
 Tattoo pushed and punched at the people in his way, whether it Angel  or Demon or Human, and snatched the gem out of Fundoshi's hand very  aggressively.  "Oh, Shawlly!" He said with a sniff. "What's happened to you?! I never  wanted THIS of all things..."
 He held the gem preciously in his hands, petting it.
KRO:  "SHAWLY?"  Archer looked offended at the absurd nickname that Tattoo gave her and  plowed through folks to snatch the gem from his hands.
 "You don't deserve to hold her in this state, not after how you've  treated her!"  He glided his finger over the gem's crack, almost tearing up.
 "She wouldn't have wanted you to see her like this..."
THEWISEOWLBOY:  "This was new," Monocle said, observing Tattoo, well, he didn't know  the guy, but from what he heard, Tattoo was a very, VERY angry dude,  well... He's not so angry right now.
DJDEVIL:  Ruka rubbed his chin after being punched by Tattoo and growled before  grabbing him and holding him in the sleeper hold. "Who the fuck said  you could punch me, you motherfucker?!" he snarled.
BRIT:  Strappon clenched his fists and tightened his jaw, adjusting his  position to be more stern.
 Fundoshi was quite flabbergasted at the removal of the gem and the  sudden punch fest.  "Oh, Satan. Please, calm yourself. The Angel is clearly crushed." He  said, putting his hand on Ruka's shoulder.
EMI:  Tattoo flipped Ruka onto the ground in front of him and slugged Archer  with all his force, stepping on Ruka's face.
 "Like you fucking KNOW ME, PUNK??" He snapped, summoning his weapon  and catching Shawl's remains with his functional hand.
KRO:  "I know very well that you didn't deserve her!"  Archer kicked Tattoo over, attempting to get the gem back.
 "Now give her here so that proper burial arrangements can be made!"
EMI:  Falling backward, Tattoo attempted to grab the gem, but with the wrong  hand, so it ended up literally batting it in another direction with  the blunt side of his sword.  He looked horrified.
SAIYAN:  Undershirt watched the back and forth with this gem, his eyes  following the movement of it as he folded his arms.
 "What the fuck is this, hot potato?" He asked.
BRIT:  The spit made no contact with his mask. In fact, Torsolette's leg  seemed to intercept it. Shroud simply made no verbal response.
 "Lesson learned, Angel. You're pincusions, tools for the movement or  the future we intend to sew into the tapestry that is our world." He  said , raising his hands up and a small shrug, "You angels have not a  notion as to what we're planning. But this was not our pattern."
 Amulet caught the gem as it flew into the air and held it up in  triumph.  "Ha! GOT IT." He called.
DJDEVIL:  Ruka laughed he saw Tattoo hit the gem with his blade-arm. "You  fucking idiot! That's what you get for punching me!" He said as he  laughed.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "You won't get away with this, we will stop you..." Boxer said to  Shroud with a angrily look.
KRO:  A shrilled shriek came out of Archer as the gem went flying. Pushing  Tattoo out of the way, he ran for Amulet but froze. His face became  pale and tried to point behind Amulet.
 Shades tried to look away from the scene in embarrassment but when  Archer froze, he couldn't help but look over in the same direction.
 "What the absolute fuck-"
 Amulet was suddenly on the ground, a beak-like structure yanking the  gem out of his hand. The creature then took it out of its mouth,  inspecting it before munching on it. A loud crunch was heard as it  devoured the rest of the Soul Stone.
 Archer's stomach sank as he fell back in disbelief.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Virgin killer blinked.
BRIT:  Amulet screamed as he was shoved to the ground- it sounded awfully...  Shrill for an adult male.
 Strappon whipped around and immediately paled at the sight of the  strange ghost... It looked much like the one from his dream. Sort of?  It had the same feel to it...
 Shroud also whipped around to see the Beast, and he felt a chill down  his spine. It seemed, at long last....
JAY:  Seeing the Etch wasn't responding to her greeting, Ribbon turned her  attention back to the scene being made over the Soul Stone. She wasn't  exactly sure what was happening, but looked just in time to see the  Soul Stone being eaten. Who knows what that meant, but it probably  wouldn't be anything good.
DJDEVIL:  Ruka laughed even harder that the sight of the ghost eating soul  stone. "It's just funny as fuck thing after the other! God, i haven't  laughed this hard in years!" He said, holding his side.
SAIYAN:  "Um...what the fuck is that thing?" Wristband said as the beast  suddenly appeared in front of everyone.
 "Oh god, tell me I'm not seeing things?" Undershirt asked Shady as he  rubbed his eyes, just to make sure his eyes weren't playing tricks on  him.
THEWISEOWLBOY:  "What the fuck...?" Monocle and Polo both said at once.
EMI:  The sickening crunch seemed to run like a wave through everyone as  they started to slowly realize what the noise was.
 Mong pulled himself out of the wall, stumbling backwards and bumping  into a very tall something. He used it to steady himself and tried  shaking the dizzy out of his head.
 "What a fuckin' migrane... Thank's br...o..." He looked up at the  less-than-friendly looking beast. Not today.  He ran his ass over to Fundoshi and stood next to him.
OSCARK9:  Gloves and Sapphire was shock to see a big ghost come out of the  ground and devour the gem. Gloves jaw drop while Sapphire...well  pucking to the nearest bush.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "What the hell is that thing..." Boxer said still on the ground  looking at the Ghost kind of freak out by it appearing out somewhere.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens jerked back but Fasci just stared on. The young boy could  barely spit out a what and instead, "W-W-Wh..." Wherever Fascinator  ascended to, he would be shocked. Jeokori growls, readying to defend  himself after seeing what it had done.
EMI:  Torsolette whipped around and she looked almost smitten by the sight  of the beast. She ran up to Shroud and squeezed him like he was a soft  plushie, making god-awful fangirl-shrieking. His head could have just  popped the fuck off.
 "Shroud, baby LOOK! LOOK AT IT! It's so beautiful, I'm going to DIE  RIGHT HERE!"
SAIYAN:  Wristband looked over at Torsolette with a raised eyebrow.
 "Wish I could cum that intensely" Wristband mumbled to herself, before  looking back at whatever that thing was.
BRIT:  "I...." Strappon began, unable to say anything at all. What... What  was this thing?
 "That... Ghost just ate a soul stone." Fundoshi pointed out, standing  his ground and holding Unleashed very, very tight.
 "Yes. It's quite thrilling." Shroud said as he was being squeezed and  wiggled around like a precious stuffed animal. The struggle was  awfully apparent in his monotone.
DJDEVIL:  Ruka wiped a tear from his eye as he calmed down and got up on his  feet. "Yeah....so what?" Ruka asked.
BRIT:  Amulet made some sort of gurgling noise as the weight of the ghost  continued to sit on his body.
KRO:  The beast recoiled at the sudden noise, looking defensive as it backed  up slowly, relieving Amulet of being a chair. It got curious, though,  deciding to approach Torsolette and taking a good sniff of her hair.
 After inspecting it, it sunk its beak into her hair, attempting to get  a mouthful of it as dessert.
THEWISEOWLBOY:  "Oh god," Polo grimaced, the ghost just fucking ate a soul stone.  Kinda made him glad he didn't have one stuck to his body. He watched  in horror as it try to omnomnom on Torsolette's hair.
EMI:  Torsolette's shrieks of joy were replaced with nervous laughter.
 "O-Oi! Stop that, dear, we haven't even had our first date!" She  grunted, trying to pull her hair away unsuccessfully.
 She yanked and looked at Shroud like she got bubblegum stuck in her  hair and needed her mom to help her.  "S... Shroud..."
DJDEVIL:  "Hungry little shit, ain't it?" He said as he sat up.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  Boxer gets up and gets into boxing stances as his Boxing Gloves light  into flames. "Alright Ghost!" Boxer shouted as he slam his fist  together. "I'M GOING TO UNLEASH ALL MY WRATH ON YOU SO BE READY  BECAUSE I'M ABOUT TO KICK YOUR ASS!" He said with smile on his face  ready to fight.
BRIT:  Shroud immediately grabbed onto its beak and shoved it away from  Torsolette's hair, shoving it a good few meters backward.
 "That's certainly an interesting development." He almost growled. It's  almost like they were in danger or something.
THEWISEOWLBOY:  "Boxer, please," Monocle said, dully "there's a good time for a fight,  and right now is not one of them,"
DJDEVIL:  Loincloth searched through all the trees, bushes, and trashcans he saw  in attempt to find the raccoon, getting hungrier by the minute. "Where  are you, you plump delicious bastard?" He said to himself as he dumped  out another trashcan.
THEWISEOWLBOY:  Polo appeared next to Loincloth, curious of what the gigantic angel  was doing, "Whatcha doin'?"
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "What!" Boxer said as he looked at Mono. "But Mono, We can take this  Ghost on! With Teamwork and Believing!" Boxer said because he was suck  of all this and he just wants a normal fight.
DJDEVIL:  Loincloth whipped his head at Polo, surprised that he had followed  him, but didn't have time to ask why. He was really hungry and wanted  eat now. "Looking for that damn raccoon that bit my ass earlier. I'm  hungry and that little shit will give me a full meal, unlike pigeons  and rats." Loincloth said, dropping the trashcan.
THEWISEOWLBOY:  "I know," Monocle said, "But I'm tired, I'm pretty sure that everyone  is tired too,"
The ghost made an awkward croak of sorts once it was pushed off. It clearly didn't appreciate being interrupted in its meal but decided the struggle to actively take down prey was too costly of its energy. Instead it fled, with leaders of their respective groups ordered to pursue it.
They gave quite a chase as everybody began passing delapitated, disfigured buildings. But no one paid any mind to those details as they attempted to corner the beast. It stopped momentarily, looking back at its pursuers and hissed before jumping a fence, disappearing into the ruined remains of skyscrapers.
Seeing as they cannot move any further, Strappon realized where they were. This had to be Daten's old mayor's district, or Ground Zero as it's formally known now. Still adamant about avoiding the area, Strappon ordered his group to return home but Shroud stayed a bit. Almost as if he was doing some real estate inspection (who knows he could be getting a free real estate deal).
As Shroud and Torsolette left the area, a few tall and looming figures stood on either side of the wreckage. They knew what this would mean for the future of this City, or even this world.
(( OOC: No more posts after this point. Thanks for the RP, everyone! ))
0 notes
dcmissionaries · 6 years
A Ghost Among Us
With relative ease, a small strike team recovered both priests and high-ranking Angels from Demon clutches. Everybody rejoiced as they returned to the Abbey, many emotional and relieved to see loved ones unscathed. Some showed a little too much love, but can you blame them? That day, the Abbey residents called for a celebratory dinner party. As the night progressed, Father Handcuffs broke off from the crowd for some privacy. He sat on a bench just outside the mess hall, taking out a picture depicting two young girls that looked no older than ten. As the priest looked at the picture with a sense of longing, a surprise guest appeared. It appeared to be an old acquaintance who, under a mask, looked at the priest quizzically. "I thought you'd be up for a few drinks rather than having a brooding session," she said as she reclined on a nearby pillar, crossing her arms, "Or perhaps...you're afraid to get everybody else sick? That's understandable." Handcuffs stared at the woman with disbelief, sighing heavily in resignation. Seems like she caught on way too fast, "It's that obvious, huh?" "They're not good at hiding their handiwork," she began, "And you know it. But it looks like it was willingly... Why did you let them?" Staring at the floor, the priest sighed, choking up as he tried to explain, "They bargained with me. Decided to give myself up in order to keep the others safe. Especially for the young lad. Unlike me, that priest has much more to live for." That was an unsatisfactory response. The woman broke her stare and looked ahead of her. She appeared to be in deep thought or blankly staring. It was difficult to tell with that mask of her's. She broke an awkward silence with a soft sigh.
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With the conversation being left at that, everything pretty much returned to normal for the next week or so. Angels were scrapping by for Heavens while Strappon focused on his work. While attending some important duties regarding the fate of Janice after her boyfriend Richard dumped her in the week's new soap episode- I mean, guiding the Angels, he received an invitation from Father Handcuffs. He was inviting the young Templar for some sport that involved hunting small ghosts which was a pass time of Handcuffs at the peak of the Templar order. Their outing was riveting to say the least. They spent a good chunk of the morning and early afternoon repenting ghosts and arguing which Angel should get a bonus of Heavens with what they collected, but something was starting to feel off.
A GHOST AMONG US The Angels are celebrating the return of their leaders with much-needed relaxation and food! Strap had gone off with Father Handcuffs for some sport. The aftermath of their previous strife ways heavy on his companion's heart, but what else could go wrong
The Abbey today was filled with more life than it had been for weeks. There were decorations and all sorts of refreshments and baked good, there was loud music plaring through the boomboxes situated in a couple corners of the mess hall and the rec room. There was just a lot of loud and over-the-top celebration for the return of their higher-ranked fellows. It was probably because there wasn't a lot of partying in the Abbey, usually.
With everyone strewn about in the Rec Room, many of the Angels were having fun partying and chatting about what had happened while the leaders were gone.
BRIT:  Jacket and Overshirt finished setting up the tables with the snacks  (Ovy making damn sure Jacket didn't eat most of the sweets on the way  over to the table), the latter offering a smile to the rest of the  Angels. He hoped Strappon would return to the Abbey soon so he could  break out the cake and stuff some in his face.
 Jacket adjusted some of the breads and stole a loaf before looking  over the rest of them. Boy, today was great.
DJDEVIL:  Helmet stared at one of the boomboxes. The sight of it awed him. There  were no instruments, no musicians, nothing. Just sounds. He placed one  hand on the box and felt the vibrations coming from it. "What strange  magics allow sound to pour from this box? Are there tiny men inside?"  He asked curiously.
KRO:  Both Shades and Sukafu burst into the room with their own platters of  food. It was over the top, to an extent. This looks like its fit for a  party banquet. At least a high-end one. They set their plates down for  Ovy to organize and told him that he can help himself  right away if  he wished to.
 Hot Pants walked in shortly behind them. He didn't look the type to  bring something himself, but he ended up making an old recipe his mum  taught him. It smelled great, to say the least, but he was nervous as  it's been a long time since he's taken the time to actually cook it.  After setting it up on the table, he kinda stuck himself next to  Shades and Sukafu for the sake of just being around someone. Man, he  hasn't seen the place this as lively as it is. Then again, he doesn't  visit the Abbey often.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens had come from hockey practice earlier, as evident by the  fresh bruises and helmet hair. He was staying clear of the desserts.  He was sick of sugar after his cousin's baking episode in order to  make someone a gift or something. He could barely breathe after he  tried the 10th flavor of filling for cream puffs. But Knittens was  delighted to see that there was a party instead of the regular church  stuff. He'll pray to the Lord and ask for a sign if his father is in  heaven later. He looked around for anyone that he knew enough to talk  with.  Headphone was twirling a strand of hair, still in his fuzzy pajamas.  It was a lazy Sunday, he wasn't getting out of his pjs. He was laying  on the floor towards the corner, oblivious to everything because his  eyes were glued to his phone as well as wearing noise-canceling  headphones. He was watching the season finale of... Something. It was  a carrot and tomato with faces battling pandas, you figure it out.
EMI:  Dermal stood at a distance from the crowd as they set up, Veil having  not left his side since he got back, gushing over him. He sucked off  his long drag, needing it from witnessing the mess that was Hell Corp.  That Absolute was still sitting in his mind. There was something about  him that didn't sit quite right.  He hated him. He also was starting to hate how much Veil was dotting  over him.
 Tee commanded his rag-tag gang to do various things around the Abbey,  mostly just telling them not the fuck up or drop shit and often  sending a bullet reeling in the direction of the poor Fallen that  didn't follow such "simple instructions".
GAMER-GODDESS:  Still dressed in her work uniform, Thigh High nearly burst into the  room "Sorry I'm late, work has been a nightmare" she said, head  bouncing lightly as she bobbed it to the music. Smiling she looked  around the room at the large display in front of her.
 "But on the plus side I brought _croissants_" she announced with a  poor French accent while she set her platter with the rest of the  spread.
OSCARK9:  Gloves was standing at the baked good section and picking out some of  the delicious goodies at the party. Looking all the decorations, music  playing, and seeing all of the Angels and Heavenbents having a good  time. For him, he's going to have a great feast on his plate,  especially sweets. "Look at all this sweets," He said to himself, "I'm  going to have a good time." He said while he pick out the pink  doughnut with sprinkles and biting out of it. "Mmmmmm. Doughnut."
BUMBLER BEE:  Dirndl hummed to herself as she carried a piping hot dish. It was  wonderful to see everyone back again together! Her green skirt swayed,  and she entered the room with her ceramic dish that smelled of  potatoes and beef. With the odd wave to others such as Shades, Jacket,  and even young Knittens before finding the buffet to set her own dish  down. Oh dear, she thought with a short pout. Did she make enough?
KOTORI:  Angels and all the such had been gathering in the abbey for quite some  time now. As it was his home, Cloak of course made his way to where  everybody was gathering, a dark aura sort of just… coming from him,  but nobody ever really commented on this as he was usually a pretty  nice person. The awkward ghost fanatic shuffled his way in, it never  looked like he was walking, he looked more like he simply, snaked  around, like he was just sliding forward, who knows what was under  that thing. Cloaks general appearance was a dark one, he wore a yellow  contact in his right eye that he called his “all seeing eye” and  his cloak had a few decorative occult type decorations on it that  honestly could mean anything. There were plenty of stray strings and  threads coming off of his cloak as well, connecting parts of it to  other parts of it that probably don't need to be, and some of them  were simply floating in the air aimlessly, which was weird considering  the lack of wind but he never thought of it that way. Entering the  Abbey Cloak looked around aimlessly, his tired eyes scanning those  around the room and he gave a smile before shifting off into a corner  somewhere before squatting down and opening up a book that had been  hidden in his Cloak, it was black, even the pages were black, and was  written in white ink of some sort… weirdo… also edgy.
 On the other hand, the complete opposite really, was Munjayeol, Jayeol  as always was his stupid self, and quite enjoyed get togethers like  the one that was going on right now. Marching into the Abbey proudly  Jayeol let out a general hello to all in the form of “Arrival!”,  mostly just to announce his presence, before skipping to some off  place in the room to simply probably eat dirt or something… who  knows what that boy did.
SAIYAN:  Undershirt arrived in the rec room and noticed the large crowd around.  He didn't really expect this big of a turn out from the Abbeys  residents. It was nice to see really. It made him feel like the people  actually gave a shit about him. He looked around the room and managed  to spot Shades. The two of them hadn't talked much since they got  freed. Which was reasonable considering they had been in such close  quarters for so long. He'd also finally gotten the bejeweled song out  of his head. Thank god for that. He pushed himself through the crowd  and waved to Shades.
 "Hey man! How have you been since we got settled back into the Abbey?"  he asked him.
 Wristband, Mesh Top and T.J. arrived not too long after. It was nice  that a sense of normalcy had returned to the Abbey after the missing  angels had returned safe and sound. The three of them looked around  and noticed the huge crowd as well. It was weird to see this place so  lively. Normally this place is pretty quiet, but today it was alive.
 Mesh took a look over at the food table. Everything looked so good to  her. She'd have to make her way over there.
 Wristband and T.J. scanned the crowd to see if there was any familiar  faces in the crowd but it was hard considering the sheer amount of  people.
KRO:  Gogo boots walked out of the shadows with rather baggy clothes on.  They looked sleep deprived, maybe stayed up all night working on their  latest album. The smell of food was both great but disgusting at the  same time. Their metabolism must still be asleep if that was the case.  As they scanned the room, they noticed Dermal brooding in the corner  with his girlfriend. They approached Dermal, completely ignoring Veil,  as they wrapped their arms around Dermal's neck.
 "Hey," they started, "No smoking zone. There are people eating and  you're gonna make them lose their appetite."  They yanked the drag off his hand, but didn't throw it. He didn't want  to actually get killed and they were inside a room. It'd be rude.
 Shades smiled at Undershirt, waving a bit, "Hey dude! Nothing much  really, just kinda turned 33 in the last few days and got engaged, so  yeah."  That sounds like stuff that kinda matters, Shades.
 "How have you been, though?" He asks in response.
SAIYAN:  Undershirt smiled back at Shades. He looked pretty good for 33 he had  to admit. He went up and patted him on the back.
 "Congrats on the engagement bud! Never knew you had it in you!" he  laughed.
 "I've been good though. Finally got that damned bejeweled song out of  my head, but I'm still trying to get rid of seeing the orange gem  every time I close my eyes. But other than that things are going  smoothly, especially with Caplet" he finished.
 Meanwhile Mesh was busy perusing the choices of food.
OWLIE:  Monocle just arrived with Polo at the gates of the Abbey, they heard  the other angels were having some sort of celebration, so the went  there. Monocle looked around, slightly grumpy, he just got up. Polo on  the other hand, bounced around like he drank a litter of coffee, eager  to socialize
DJDEVIL:  Helmet placed another hand on the boombox and began to shake it. "What  is your secret, box?! I demand to know how your are able to produce  music without human hands! If you do not, I shall smite you with the  wrath of a thousand crusaders!" He shouted.
KRO:  Sukafu held on to Shades' arm, getting in on the conversation between  the two, "I didn't think he had it in him either! But he's pretty  decent, didn't pop his jaw off."
 He snickered, thinking he was being all clever, but Shades raised a  brow.
 "Honey, I know it hurts to tell you the truth but your penis doesn't  function."  Sukafu fell dead silent and looked down at the floor, analyzing all  his life choices up until now.
 "You didn't have to snatch my wig like that..." Sukafu said. Shades  erupted in laughter and went back to pay attention to Undershirt.
 "But hey, that's great, dude. Glad that's a thing for you. Aaaand,  your bejeweled issue as well."
BUMBLER BEE:  Sister Rosary would smile as she entered the room. In her habit. With  a clipboard. Keep things professional, she told herself, something  comforting for Strappon when he returned. She had carefully applied  her sultry makeup and red lips as always, and smiled at the room. Food  on the table and not wolfed down, wonderful. Everyone seeming content,  great! Rosary looked up as Polo and Monocle came in, nodding her head.  "Welcome boys, welcome! So glad to see everyone together!" she spoke  in a warm way, though not overly chipper. After, she checked off a box  on her list, chuckling happily.
SAIYAN:  She took a little of everything, she wanted to try it all.
 Meanwhile Wristband managed to spot Dirndl in the crowd. Quickly  ditching Tuxedo Jacket, Wristband made her way over to her.
 "Hey Dirndl! Wow that smells amazing! Did you make it yourself?"  Wristband asked her after she noticed the dish she brought.
 "Well shit, THANKS FOR LEAVING ME!" Tuxedo yelled at Wristband as she  walked away.
 The only thing he could do now was see if he could find someone he  knew.
 Meanwhile Undershirt laughed before his face grew red at the penis  joke.
 "HEY! IT'S FULLY FUNCTIONAL I'LL HAVE YOU KNOW!" He yelled, maybe a  bit too loud.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary James walks into the Abby quietly, they made sugar cookies in the  shapes of halos for everyone. He walks around , through the legs of  many tall adults to go find a place to put them. He didn't really know  anyone too well so he hoped the cookies would be a good introduction  and a tiny little pick-me-up for himself.
EMI:  Dermal's eye twitched slightly.  "Thanks for the warm 'welcome back'." He said in a falsely sweet tone.  "It's either this or a stiff drink to erase the sin I witnessed. Pick  your poison."
 Veil huffed at Gogo.  "Let the man have some liberty, he's been through soooo much." She  hummed, leaning up against him, blushing and fluttering her eyelashes.  Dermal's mouth twitched.  "On second thought, I think a drink is better. Would you?"
 And Veil was off, running to fetch some good quality alcohol.  She ran so fast in those heels and nearly ran over another lady who  was entering the Abbey.
 Obi readjusted her top and entered the Abbey with a smile. It'd been  so damn long since she's been there, but it seems nothing had changed.  At all.
OWLIE:  Monocle noticed a woman greeting them, he and Polo headed towards the  woman. "Thank you, Sister Rosary, Me and Pol--" He turned but Polo is  gone, he is there on the buffet table with Dirndl, "Hey Dirndl," Polo  said,
BRIT:  Overshirt smiled and waved at Dirndl and approached her with one of  those weird lil jogs.  "Hey! How's everything going?" He asked her, helping her set up her  dish, "You look a little distressed."  He put his hands on his hips and tilted his head in question.
 "Yep, we got cross-ants! And all sorts of sweets and bagels and  stuff." Jacket called to Thigh-High. He stopped waving and directed  his attention for a few moments to Helmet, staring at him. "Uh, also I  guess we're also hosting the nuthouse. That or it's live  entertainment."
 Duster tailed close behind Hot Pants, ready to dig in to the dish he  had prepared. He loved his cooking, and he'd be a gluttony fall if he  had met Hot Pants before he fell. Well, probably.  He crossed his arms at the comments about Sukafu's non-existent dick  and just gave him the "father-son-holy spirit" action. Pray for the  man's dignity.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens was sitting on top of Headphone's back both of them casually  talking. Snippets can be heard above the music,  "Yeah so like I'm saying, 5. He could fit 5 pool balls."  "Seriously? Isn't that a health issue?"  "For him, I think existence is a health issue."  "Oooo buuuurn. Someone's growing up."  "But yeah, I think he swallowed one..."  Headphones jerked up, looking at Knittens shocked. His mouth agape and  worried as he exclaims,  "When was a party going on?! I'm in my pjs..."  Knittens slowly face palmed in disappointment, who was the child here?  'Cause he really didn't think it was him right now.
KRO:  Gogo grabbed an ashtray literally out of the ether and put out the  drag, making sure not to dent it. How polite of them.  "I think you losing your dinner through alcohol is better than  exposing everybody to second-hand smoking."
 Gee, what were they, Dermal's mom? Well, only to annoy him.
 Hot Pants covered his mouth at Duster's gesture, nudging him a little.  "I can't believe your future brother-in-law got murdered in front of  you."
 Hearing that comment, Sukafu scoffed, "I'll say. So much for all this  LOVE and AFFECTION."
KOTORI:  Cloak simply sat idly in the corner, still nothing to do, he really  wasn't a fan of big get togethers but something so close to home for  him was something he figured hed attend, after all it was all he  really could do at the moment. Standing himself up he snaked his way  through the crowd in hopes to find something to do however because  simply reading was not very entertaining. Standing himself at the food  table however he eyed everything he could probably snack on, mouth  probably watering, clearly interested in what was available. However  he wasn't exactly sure what he could even eat, he didn’t want to  over do it cause he would just get a stomach ache if he did, but it  all looked quite nice.
 Meanwhile Jayeol was simply wandering around eyeing people down, who  knows what he was doing.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  Boxing comes into the rec room in a rush. he was late to the party  because his alarm clock was broken. "I'm Late-" He was cut off when he  was actually trip and started to roll. "Ah!" Boxer scream as he was  rolling right into the wall then BAM! The Fallen Wrath hit the wall,  he cartoon like swirly eye and birds circling his head. "I see pretty  birdies" Boxer said all confuse.
SAIYAN:  Undershirt calmed down a bit and regained his composure.
 "Sorry about that. But thanks Shadey. I'm hoping by the end of the  week I'll be totally back to normal" he finished.
GAMER-GODDESS:  Looking up from her platter at Jacket with slight concern, "Y'know I  would've brought more if I knew how many people would show up" She  sighed as she brushed off her apron "Well I actually I would've  brought more if I had more hands, I didn't plan on it just being  myself today"
BUMBLER BEE:  Dirndl would look up with a smile as Wristband first came up. “Ah,  miss Wristband! I made a cottage pie…” responded the Fraulein,  taking lid to reveal browned mashed potatoes that smelled faintly like  black pepper and mostly pure butter. It was then she noticed Polo,  those fair cheeks turning a pink like a pig’s belly. “Ah, Hallo…  Herr Polo.” always the polite kräutchen. It was then even Overshirt  came by, and she giggled. Her dish was quite large at 2.5 quarts.  “Herr Wristband! Danke schön, but I am alright… even if I fear I  did not make enough.” those flushed cheeks grew darker-- a sight  Wristband was quite well accustomed to from the greenclad angel.
 Rosary stood off to the side of  the door with Monocle,  laughing.  “It’s alright. Dear… I know someone with hotpants when I see  them.” though she more joked about that, bosoms shaking with self  induced mirth.
DJDEVIL:  After a few seconds of shaking of the boombox, Helmet stopped. "You  will not speak? Very well!" He exclaimed then taking a few step back  and pulling out Lucinius. "Prepare to be smited! DEUS VULT!" He  shouted before he began whacking the boombox with righteous crusader  fury.
OWLIE:  Monocle rolled his eyes when he saw Polo on the other side of the  room. He thanked Sister Rosary and walked away. Then saw someone  rushed in the rec room and hit the wall, and that person turned out to  be Boxer. He rushed over to give him a hand. "Hey there, Box," He  greeted his friend
EMI:  A bullet came out of left field and smashed into the back of Helmet's  helm to halt his crusades.  "HEY! Leave those tunes alone, freak!" Tee shouted.  Yeah, he wasn't part of his crew, but no one else seemed to be  stopping him...
OMEGAPSYCHO:  Boxer shaked his head and look at person. "Mono!" Boxer shouted as got  quickly and gave Mono a big huge. "I miss you buddy" He said as he hug  Mono very tightly. "How are you?" Boxer said as he let go of him. "I  been doing great, training to defeat God and other cool stuff" He said  with a smile.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary Janes saw Boxing bust his ass and he proceeded to rush over,  laughing a little bit. He places the cookies on a nearby table and he  holds out his hand for the other. "Are you okay mister? You look like  you fell pretty hard there!" Mary don't pet the birds. Mary do- and  he's petting the birdies. Someone help this child.
OSCARK9:  While Gloves finish off his pink sprinkle doughnut, he heard smashing  sounds in the room, it spook him a little. He turn his head to see who  it is and it was somebody that he never meet. He got up from his seat  and run over to Helment. "Dude. Why are you smashing the boombox?" He  question him.
OWLIE:  "Yeahhhh"Monocle squeeked. He is a small guy and he's being crushed by  a giant. When Boxer let go, he took a deep breath and smiled at his  friend, it has been a while since they got in touch,."You know,  starting riots and fights, and hey! I got a job now."
SAIYAN:  Wristband took in the aroma. It definitely looked and smelled great.  She turned back to her in approval.
 "Wow Drindl, I never didn't know you could bake!" Wristband praised  her. She couldn't wait to try it.
 Wristband then noticed the blush that creeped up on Drindl's cheeks at  Polo's arrival. How cute!
KOTORI:  Cloak had eventually procured himself a small plate of snacks that he  began eating as soon as he got it, honestly he didn't even eat most of  it, a lot of it was just stashed away in his clothes for later… who  knows what he has under there. Best not ask. Regardless he was now  quite bored, everybody was simply socializing around him and doing  whatever it is that they do but truthfully Cloak didn't know anybody  and really didn’t want to approach a random stranger (and their mun  is too scared to approach people too), so he simply stood in the  middle of the room and pulled out his book again, simply reading the  pages he had read 500 times over now. Truthfully the book was simply  about ghosts and ghost hunting, but really he had no real interest in  anything in it, he just liked the occasional picture. However if  questioned hed prob say it was some weird ancient scripture or  something. Really he was not the easiest person to talk to.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "Great to hear man!" Boxer smiled a Mono proud of him getting a job.  But when he heard Mary Janes, he turn to her and look at her. "I'm  fine Miss, I'm Boxer the Champion of Daten City!" He said with a smile  and filling himself with pride. He then turns back to Mono and ask "So  what it is your Job?". Boxer was little curious.
DJDEVIL:  When the bullet hit Helmet's helm, it vibrated like a bell. Helmet  grabbed his helm to stop it then turned to Tee. "You dare interrupt my  righteous crusading?! You insolent cur!" He shouted, completely  ignoring Gloves. "And who are you calling 'freak'?! I am a servant of  the Lord himself!" He continued.
OWLIE:  "Hey Dirndl, are you okay? Your face is red," Polo said, concerned.
 Meanwhile, Monocle replied to boxer: "Well, I got a job at the nearest  school from our home as a high school teacher. I have to admit it's  kinda boring, but at least it pays,"
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens pats Headphone's head as he ditches him promptly, as is  normal of their relationship. Sliding over to Cloak he waves, and  greets,  "Ayyy, you're a new face. What's your name?"  Headphones decided to get up, stretch and mingle. Well, if he could.  He was in purple fuzzy pajamas, and it didn't cover much. But it looks  like he's alone for now.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary's cheeks turn bright red, oh no he didn't. " I HAVE A DICK OKAY!"  Flustered, he waffles off to go find someone else. It's the eighth  time in one day someone thought he was a girl.  He proceeds to look at  the snacks at the snack table. His small tummy rumbles but he's too  damn shy. (I feel ya bro) Meet people and get foodie? Or hide under  the table? The answer should be obvious. He can count the gum under  the table to kill time.
EMI:  "You're literally at a God Convention, buddy." Tee said, with a  deadpan. "Like everyone here is a servant of the Lord. You fit right  it. Congrats."  He pointed at the kitchen.  "Hoe about making yourself less useless and getting more paperwear and  plasticwear?"
 Obi placed a try down on the table. There weren't a lot of familiar  faces around, but so many good looking men. Goodness.  She at least noticed Overshirt and Tee.
BRIT:  Duster gave a snort as he was nudged, barely concealing his  mischevious smirk.  "Well, Shades chose to marry him, Sukafu's choice to propose." He  chuckled, nudging Hot Pants back.
 "I guess it's fine!" Jacket laughed, "First come, first serve!"  He adjusted his jacket and tilted his head to look around at everyone  else again. There was a lot going on! So many people! Where was the  boss? And by Boss he meant not Tee, but Strappon.
KOTORI:  Cloak raised an eyebrow at the boy who had just approached him before  crouching down to his height before sliding his book he had away into  his cloak, along with where he keeps probably a bunch of other unknown  things.
 “Greetings child… you are… small.”
 What an excelent way to point out the obvious, he than stood up before  the boy and smiled down on him, though he still somehow looked  horribly tired like, jesus boy what are those eyebags, please tell me  that aint eyeliner (it is).
 “I am Cloak... the… dar-... no… um… the uh…hmm.. Shit this  is harder than I thought hold on.”
 He proceeded to turn around and thought for a moment… like a long  moment, like way too long totally killing the mood of the conversation  before turning back.
 “I am Cloak, the Shadowwalker…. No shit that sounds so lame im  sorry...  uh… yeah im Claok uh… fuck.. Sorry.”
OSCARK9:  Gloves look over the broken Boom Box that the men created and it was a  mess. "Rest in peace, you Boom Box." He said quietly so no one can  hear him. He look over to the dude that smash the boom box. "I gotta  say, I'm impress that you got good strength, but why the Boom box!?"  He question him with a sad look on his face.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  Boxeer look at Mono and blinked. "Highschool Teacher?" Boxer said kind  of surprise because he thought Mono would get a cool job, maybe Mono  will be the cool teacher boxer thought. Then when he heard out "I HAVE  A DICK",he turn around and look at her. "Sorry, i didn't know Miss- i  mean man" He said with a Nervous smile to Mary Jane. Boxer then turn  back to Mono. "Well, i .proud of you Mono and i will get us some  Victory Punch!" Boxer said with a smile as he walk over to Punch Bowl  and got two punch drinks for Mono and Boxer.
EMI:  Veil returned with a couple bottles of fine alcohol, shoving Cloak  around to get a bottle and poured one for Dermal. She was a woman on a  mission.
 Dermal watched in vague amusement.  "There's worse things that are a hazard Angels can die from." He said,  flipping his hair. "Like themselves."
KRO:  As if Gogo entering the scene in their pajamas wasn't bad enough,  another Abbey resident had to dress himself all nice to go downstairs  from his dorm to yell at people to lower the speaker's volume. It's  only noon thirty, people are trying to sleep.
 As he entered the rec room, he held up a finger, ready to shout into  the crowd until he saw a particularly stunning sight. It was Obi and  he could feel his face flush. Should he make a move, should he not. He  didn't want to come off as some creep, that'd be terrible. He decided  to kinda recede into the crowd and calculate his moves. Boy, he's  overthinking this.
 "I was referring more to the humans present, Angels are kinda hopeless  either way." But you're an Angel too, Gogo.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary was on a mission, a mission to be as low key as possible. Would  he succeed? Probably not. I mean a tiny hand poking out from under a  table to get a snack is totally normal. He was just gonna play pretend  till someone joined him. Or found him at least.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens was immediately on the defensive,  "You calling me short? I'll have you know, I'm taller than my uncle  and some of my cousins!"  He doesn't like being called a small, ever. Tilting his head a bit, is  expression turn to worry as he saw the poor state the other was in.  Hopefully he won't fall asleep on him. As Cloak stumbled around  thinking, his mind began to wander. Like, if he was ever gonna see his  mom this year at all. Honestly he wasn't sure if she was still alive.  The letters stopped. Then he saw small hands poking around the table  and he crouched down. He knew there was gnomes in here from the day he  moved to Daten, and he'll find them. He motioned for Cloak, missing  his name as he whispers,  "I think there are gnomes under here."
KRO:  Sukafu shoots Duster a small glare. He's right there, asshole. Hot  Pants notices this and waves at Sukafu with a cheeky smile.
 "Alright, let's stop the teasing. But hey, I'm glad you can make it  guys." Shades said.
Strappon was running for his life. It was getting very, very dark already and he had been running for god knows how long.
DJDEVIL:  "I do not take orders from you, cur." Helmet said, walking towards  Tee. "Nor would I. I mean, seriously, look at yourself! You look more  ridiculous than a warthog in a tuxedo!" he continued, pointing at  Tee's clothes.
KOTORI:  Did somebody just fucking… shove him, wow rood, though he really  didint know what to do about that, or how to utilize this as an  opportunity to speak to somebody considering their mun is bad at that  and doesnt wanna bother anybody. He simply let it go before turning  back to the small child he butchered his introduction to.
 After being shoved Cloak was quite… offended really, like what the  fuck RICHARD, he was a fucking queen how dare you. Not like he would  ever actually say that though, he was on the ground honestly like, she  hit him not that hard but, he was small and fragile. Getting up he  gave Veil a glare before speaking up.
 “You dare ignore my presence… such ignorance will be punished if  you are not careful.” Cloak please why do you talk like that
 However, something does catch his attention, the word gnomes. If  anybody knew anything about Cloak, it was his interest in the occult,  and sure gnomes weren't really occult but they were close enough that  he squatted down and looked under the table with Knittens
 “Gnomes you say… tricky creatures, if one has arrived here it will  surely mean all of our demise… soon enough.”
(( OOC: pls just ingore that first paragraph ))
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Two very blue eyes stared back at them, glowing much like a cats  would. Why was that dude that looked like that ink demon from that one  game staring at him? Wait it got better now his crush is. That's  goodish? Why are they talking about gnomes? Mary Janes had not a clue.
BRIT:  Duster tilted a cheeky smirk in Sukafu's direction. You're part of his  family now, and if Shades is correct, then he can give you shit for  everything. Good luck and godspeed, Sukafu. He has no filter.
 Jacket walked up silently next to Tee, looking between him and Helmet.  The fuck is going on?
BUMBLER BEE:  Dirndl glanced over to Wristband, a sense of panic flooding her for  the briefest of moments: that knowing little smile. She squeaked under  her breath, but smiled all the same. "Ah yes, I love to cook and bake!  Cottage pie is, how you say... shephard's pie with beef!" Responded  the  young woman, fixing her hair idly. "Oh yes, I am fine!" she then  spoke, putting a comfort hand on Polo's bicep for only the briefest of  times. "Maybe I am too warm, hm?"
EMI:  "Fine! BE useless! Just do it out of the gotdamn way!"  Tee shouted, throwing his arms up.  "Oh, and look at you, Mr. Buckethead. Using Ad Hominem to make  yourself sound so fucking fancy."
 Veil totally ignored the inky black boy next to her and rushed over to  Dermal, who took the glass and grave it a swig before spitting it out  onto Gogo.
SAIYAN:  Wristband quickly changed the subject. She'd had enough fun messing  with Drindl like that.
 "Ohh, that sounds delicious! You have to teach me how to cook  sometime. I'm terrible at anything in the kitchen and it would be nice  to know those skills" she said to Drindl.
KUMA:  Pasties arrived to the party fashionably late. The truth is that she  had gotten pretty caught up in an event in one of her mobile games and  attending had slipped her mind. She'd never admit it though.  Interestingly enough Pasties decided to wear a shirt for this party.  However, it was a joke t-shirt reading "Honk if you ❤️ Boobs" that  she probably just threw on once she remembered the party was  happening. She stood around casually, not thinking of approaching  anyone just yet.
OSCARK9:  Getting no answers from the guy that he just met, he walk away from  him and getting back to his seat to finish off his snacks. When he got  there, his delicious snacks was gone. "Aw man. They must've mistaken  that it was garbage." He said, feeling down. "Ah well, gotta get  more." He walk over to the snacks booth to get some more. "Next time,  I'll leave a sticky note."
Where was he, now? He must have been running for hours. He was constantly looking over his shoulder, staring at the mortar and bricks behind him. He passed through so much flora and fauna he literally had no idea where he was.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  "You sure about that? Like you sure you're sure?"  Knittens glanced at him confused, after all he's pretty sure some  people in here were already dead so unless there's a super heaven, he  isn't sure where they go. Looking back under the table his eyes widen  in surprise to find Mary Janes. So ofcourse the first question,  "Dude, what're you doing under the table? By the way, nice seeing you  again."  Headphones strolled around, not looking where he was going and knocked  into Pasties. He apologized,  "Sorry about that, I'm a bit airheaded. Oh, nice shirt. I would honk  but I like dick."
KUMA:  Pasties wasn't that bothered by being bumped into. She raised her hand  in acknowledgement. "Its fine don't worry about it," she said. Pasties  then gave a bit of a wink when her shirt got referenced. "Thank you.  Its understandable. Everyone has different taste."
KRO:  Gogo was ready to strangle Dermal, but showed restraint. Instead they  grabbed some of Dermal's hair and wiped off whatever vile liquid was  on their beautiful visage.
 "I don't know how many times I have to tell you, but your spit doesn't  count towards being a moisturizing face mask, dear."
 Sukafu squinted, he's keeping an eye on you Duster. Better have quips  ready.
 Hot Pants served himself some of his own food, poking it at a little  before looking up at the group, "So...anybody seen the priest? My boss  came in earlier to ask for him but he was kinda gone."
 Archer finally gathered the courage to talk to the pretty lady,  inhaling sharply as he approached Obi.  "Good evening, ma'am. I'm sorta new here and I'm confused as to what's  happening. I thought you may know, but I'm probably assuming that  you've been here before."
KOTORI:  How dare this feind ignore him, he would have none of it, after being  walked past once more Cloak muttered some words that were probably  ment to curse her but truthfully there was no sure way that would  work, perhaps luck would come into play and she would stub her toe or  something like that.
 Pulling out his cellphone he returned his attention to the gremlin  child under the table that he soon found out that was not a gnome…  shame
 “Ah… it's just a kid.” Where did the edge talk go… he probably  got bored
 He than began rapidly tapping away at his phone, though nobody would  really know what exactly he was doing it looked kind of like  twitter... his phone case unlike all of his other things was pink and  had a few cute charms hanging from it, why… who knows. After putting  it away he spoke up again, this time much nicer now that he had two  literal babies around him.
 “Why are you under the table child… it is not safe, what if it  were to fall, or if an evil ghost were hiding under the table with  you, I would rather you remain alive young one. —unlike some  people—.” He glared at Veil, he did not wish death upon her, but  he did wish a stubbed toe
OWLIE:  "Oh... Okay," then he flashed Dirndl a smile. Then he turned to see  Monocle chatting with his friend Boxer. Polo smiled. The two is so  different yet so alike.
 He smiled at Dirndl once more and said, "I gotta go see what Mono's up  to, so... See you later Dirndl, Wristband," Then he walked towards  Monocle and Boxer.
 "Hey there Boxer, Monocle, what's up?"
 Monocle didn't reply, he rolled his eyes and ignored him.
 "Hey, did I say something wrong?" Polo asked Monocle, still no answer.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary shrugs. " I didnt really have anyone to talk to and I don't  really know anyone. I was kinda just looking for my moms..Nice seeing  you too though. Hi there Mister ink. I um... I made cookies if that's  okay.." He looks up at Cloak. " I can probably fight it. If not it can  eat me, I don't mind too much." He nibbled a halo cookie he made.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "Hey Polo, me and Mono are just talking about jobs" Boxer said as he  hug Mono in a way that would make Polo jealous. "You great guy Mono,  you'll be a great Highschool Teacher" He said with smile aas he was  drinking his punch. "So Polo, how are you?" Boxer ask as he was drink  his punch.
BRIT:  Following after Hot Pants, Duster had his own plate stacked generously  with food. He had been eating the whole time, but it was noted that he  had literally a pile of food. He munched at it some, nodding with Hot  Pants.  "I haven't seen him, yet." He pointed. It was a little concerning, "I  thought he went hunting with Father Hiccup."
 Jacket barely dodged Tee's hands flying outward. That woulda conked  him good with all the rings he wore.  "It does look like a bucket..." He mused.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens silently judged Cloak for his phone, not because it was girly  but really because it didn't have a gudetama charm on it. For shame.  He scooted under the table with Mary Janes, whispering gently,  "Do have you seen any gnomes? They took my sandwich a week ago and I'm  looking for blood."  Headphones chuckled as he pulled out from somewhere a screen play. It  was the thickness of an encyclopedia as he sighs,  "Tell me about it, I wrote a play exactly on it. I was thinking of  calling it, 'Seven minutes in Heaven'. I needa get in touch with  people to produce it"  He put the screen play on the table, the stack of papers landing on  the table caused a loud bang to resound from it. But the more  important question: where and when did he write this thing?
DJDEVIL:  Tee was getting on Helmet's nerves. Interrupting his righteous crusade  against that foul box, calling him useless and his glorious helm a  bucket. Insult upon insult. "You believe yourself better than me, do  you knave? Well, I'll have you know that I served in the Crusades to  liberate the holy hand from the foul Saracens. I bled for the Pope and  for the Lord and would do so again and again AND AGAIN! What have YOU  done for the Lord, cur?!" Helmet shouted, pressing his face onto  Tee's.
OWLIE:  "Yeah, Monocle's so smart he got hired as a teacher. ANd he's only  19," Polo said,"And yeah, I'm great, my Job's still the same," He put  his hand on Monocle's shoulder, but Monocle slapped it off.
 Monocle glared at Polo, somehow he actually felt angry. Though it's a  different kind of angry, he was jealous
KUMA:  Em arrived to the party pretty dressed up. Even though he showed up to  the zombie fight before, he might be unrecognizable to most. He didn't  talk to many people there
EMI:  Obi whipped around to see the visage of the glorious person before  her. It was another Fallen who's face she didn't recognize.
 "Well, then, welcome!" She chirped. "My name is Obi! I own the little  teahouse a walk away from here."  She gave a little bow, trying to not let her chest fall out of her  kimono this time. She really needed to fix that somehow...
 "Wow, slow down, Grandpa." Tee held up his hands in mock defense. "I  didn't expect the Spanish Inquisition here!"
 No one expect the Spanish Inquisition, Tee.
KUMA:  He was also currently dressed as Emmy, wig, dress, and all. While he  wasn't the biggest fan of social gatherings, Emmy felt more confident  while dressed up. He was hoping he could talk to someone though before  the party ended.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Keep it together Mary you can do this. "Gnomes? Sammiches? That's a  declaration of war! And n-no I haven't..we can look for em if you'd  like? Or we can just chill under here?" He messes with a strand of his  lavender hair. Mary looks up at Cloak. "Knittend who is Mister ink?"
OMEGAPSYCHO:  Boxer looked at Mono and got close to him. "Hey Mono, you okay?" he  ask a little curious about whats happening."It's just because you  acting weird around Polo like your anger at him" He whisper to him.  "Did Polo do something wrong? Also, you want some more punch?" Boxer  ask as he look at Mono.
Finally approaching the green of the garden ahead of him, he could hear the music coming from the inside of the Rec Room. Busting down the doors, Strappon shoved himself through the doors with a loud slam. He stood there, his clothes were torn apart and his hair disheveled, some cuts, scrapes, bruises and a bloody nose. "Angels!" He managed to shout, clearly distressed.
KOTORI:  “The blood of a gnome is a powerful thing young child… I respect  your goal.”
 He gave the two boys a smile before introducing himself to Jane, a  creepy smile on his face that was probably intended to be kind  looking, wiht his peircing eyes looking at the two of them seemingly  at once.
 “As I said earlier, I am Cloak, I study ghosts… I didn’t say  that last part.”
 However, his smile darkened when Strappon came through the door hurt,  he had no idea what was going on but he knew strapon well enough, but  did not expect something like this. He stood up and simply looked at  the bloodied man with tired eyes.
 “Please knock before entering.”
KRO:  Oh sweet Jesus, she's talking to him. Today is truly a blessed day.  "Obi, what a lovely name. My name's Archer Gloves but that's a  mouthful, so just call me Archer."  He bowed in return, a rather dignified bow no less.
 "But a small teahouse, you say? I should drop by sometime soon, get  acquainted with the city and all-"
 Before he can continue he jumped out of surprise from Strappon's  abrupt entry, practically into Obi's arms. Good first impression.
OSCARK9:  While Gloves restock his sweets on his plate ones more (2 Choco.  Cookies, 2 Brownies, and 2 Reeses. With a cup of Fruit Punch.) He walk  all the way back to the table that he was sitting at. Before he took a  bite out of his Choco. Cookie, he was spooked once again by a loud  shout. He turn his head to see who it is and it was Strappon. With a  shock look on his face, he had one question to say. "My god! What  happen to you?!" He said in his shocking tone.
SAIYAN:  Undershirt, T.J., Wristband and Mesh all stopped what they were doing  and turned to look at a very distressed looking Strappon. It was quite  the shock to see him in this condition. Normally he comes screaming in  all the time but never when he looked like he was just attacked by a  bear.
 "Wow, what the fuck happened to you?" Undershirt asked as he folded  his arms.
 The other three didn't need to say much, Undershirt pretty much said  what was on their collective minds.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens began to introduce Mary to Cloak,  "Mary Janes this is... This is..."  He blushed, embarassed that he didn't catch it before but relieved  when he said it himself. Before he could begin the gnome hunt, he saw  the pink haired priest barge in looking quite messed up. He nudged  Mary Janes forawrd, curious about waht's going on.  "Ohhhhh shit..."  Headphones mumbled as he appraoched Strappon. Guy was either turning  into a werewolf or got into a gang fight. Either one very likely in  this neighborhood. He waved to Em, who was looking dastardly cute he  must say. Damn, he should've worn his sexy nurse outfit. He feels  under dressed now.
OWLIE:  Before he could reply to Boxer, he was interrupted by the sudden  appearance of the human Strappon, and boy did he look so beat up. He  was curious to know what happened.  Meanwhile, Polo is a bit dumfounded and confused to why Monocle is  giving him the cold shoulder.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "Yo Strappon" Boxer said as he gave him some punch."Here you go, it  looks like you need it more than me" He said with smile. Then he walk  back to Mono like nothing happen. "This is a fun Party" He said to  himself.
DJDEVIL:  Helmet quickly turned to Strappon when he slammed the door and saw his  injuries. "Brother Strappon!" He exclaimed and ran to him. "What foul  creature did this to you? I shall smite it with  righteous fury!" He  said holding Lucinius high in the air.
KRO:  Hot Pants nearly choked on his his food as Strappon entered with  Shades and Sukafu getting on high alert. Jesus, the guy looked like  he's been mauled. Shades broke off from the group and approached  Strappon, grabbing him and glaring at Boxer.
 "Dude, can't you see he's gotten mauled by something? Anyways, are you  okay man?"
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary waves up to Cloak, not at all phased by his weirdoness. Kinda  found it pleasantly different. Cloak = Cool duder. He looks out of the  table to where  Knittens nudged him. "Oh dear lord above.." He  clutched his small pastel punk butterfly knife. His now that mom can't  exactly wield it. "What the heck do you think happened to him?" He  turns to Knittens.
KUMA:  Pasties glanced over clearly not too bothered by Strappon's current  appearance. Sometimes parties got crazy. She thought it'd be lame if  the party got interrupted so soon after she arrived. Em waved pretty  shyly once he noticed Headphones. He felt immediate relief to see  someone that he recognized from before. Trying to ignore any potential  danger he slowly walked over to Headphones. Bow Barrettes had been  keeping to herself with some food, but was immediately concerned when  Strappon busted in. "Oh no, what happened?"
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens shrugged and whispered back,  "Fasci might have gotten into a car accident again..."  Headphones smiled excited, they weren't running immediately! That's a  new achievement. He whistled and chuckled,  "Well aren't you looking absolutely adorable tonight."  He jokingly winked, not actually hitting on Em. Aftera all, they were  friends. He doens't want to make them feel too uncomfrotable. But was  this really the time for small talk?
BRIT:  Overshirt had rushed to his side as well, shoving Boxer out of the  way. Fuck your punch, the guy's bleeding.  "Strap! What happened?" He asked, helping Shades hold him up.
 Strappon was shaking, sobbing very quietly and thanking God he was  home. He was coughing a little, definitely wheezing. Get him a damn  inhaler, he's becoming asthmatic.  "Ahh. Bloody... Father Handcuffs. He and I went hunting ghosts. Then  he... He's..."
EMI:  "Stone cold by now. 6 Feet under, pushing daisies, and worm food."  Said a voice, calling from behind Strappon. A pale-haired lady halted  her steps at the door.  "He'd probably be in better shape if you had been half the Templar you  claim to be, Pinky~"
BRIT:  Strappon's head whipped around from his position in their arms,  incredibly alert at the woman's presence.  "Who the bloody hell are you!?" He growled, "Did you follow--"
EMI:  Torsolette held her finger to his lips.
 "Shhhhhh... I'm watching the telly. You should too. Seams pretty darn  interesting today."  She held a wicked smirk on those dark-painted lips.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary shakes his head, "It looks like whatever ghost attacked him was  really really strong..if he was running like that we might be in  trouble." He moved a little bit infront of the other, knife out just  in case.
BRIT:  The television had been playing some sort of drama that Overshirt had  been watching with a couple of Tee's gang members when it cut to  breaking News.
 "This just in! People in Daten City are being attacked at a rapid rate  by large... Dog monsters!" The newscaster screamed in the  least-professional manner possible.
 In the background, there were lots and lots of screaming people being  attacked by some large werewolf-type monsters.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  Boxer drops his punch.
OWLIE:  "What the hell?!" Monocle said, alarmed.
EMI:  Obi looked between everyone and the beautiful man in her arms. She was  actually surprised she could hold him, like he had bird bones or  something.  But it seemed like things were heating up and she didn't like the  looks of it.
 Dermal, who had somehow teleported himself to the bathroom to spit out  whatever terrible alcohol that chick had given him, came back at the  wrong time. Oh, damn. He missed the punch line.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  "Doggies..?" He watched the television a little. Huh.  Zombies..werewolves..vampires? Maybe he'll watch twilight later. "Why  are they...why is no one...huh.." He had to admit they were pretty  when they weren't being terrifying. They were just pretty terrifying  right now though.
KOTORI:  “A ghost you say? Colour me intrigued, wha-” He was about to ask  about it but lucky for him the news filled him in just fine. It was  like life itself had fueled Cloaks dead heart, and he had a huge smile  on his face “AH! What a lovely ghost! Truly unique and so powerful,  it is a shame that they are evil creatures, they could be quite  entertaining to study up close if not for the fact that they would  kill me.”
 He took a moment to pause, take out his book, and doodle a little  picture of the ghost and jotting down some notes that he could gather  about it before putting it away again.
 “A wonderfully horrible creature, It fills me with excitement just  thinking of all the valuable information this creature poses…  hhhaaah im burning up wiht excitement… this is a wonderful  opportunity.”
OSCARK9:  Hearing what the news had to say gives him the chills down his spine.  "JESUS!" He said, shockingly.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens gulped as he grabbed his hockey stick, sweating a bit. The  thing was near the hospital, and his guardian had to back for an  operation. He stuck out a hand to hold Mary Janes back, just in case  something would happen. Knittens galnced at Cloak concerned, were  these the people that he shouldn't go near as his mother said?  Headphones sweated at the news channel. Fuck, it was were wolves. He  ran out of silver bullets yeaterday, and he wasn't going to costco  until next week. He cries. Headphones took of his name sake, but  didn't summon his weapon. He tried to be nonchalant but he was  obviously worried. Well, now they had to deal with that...
BRIT:  Strappon stared like a man who had been through a small civil war at  the television, dumbfounded, before turning back to the woman.
 "Who are you?" Duster asked, stepping forward and struggling his coat  off his shoulders. He was about to stab this lady into the fucking  Ancient Realm. He wasn't very fond of the color pink that her soul  threads were, either.
DJDEVIL:  "We must make haste and smite these foul beasts, lest ravage the city!  DEUS VULT!!!!" Helmet shouted.
KRO:  "What is this, fucking Bloodborne?" Shades muttered. He loved the game  and all, but he wasn't ready for a Lovecraftian horror to come to  life.
 Sukafu looked on in horror before disappearing off somewhere else in  the Abbey. He was expecting something to happen and he needed to be  appropriately dressed for the occasion. He came out of whatever hole  he went into in full Sentai armor. He's ready.
SAIYAN:  "WHAT IN THE GOD DAMN" Undershirt yelled as he watched the news story  continue.
 Damn just when he was getting used to back at home, some stupid shit  happens.
 The rest of the group were stunned as well. This woman just appeared  after Strappon came in all bloody, and now the city was under attack  from some sort of dog monster things This whole night just went from 0  to 100 really fucking fast.
 "Jesus, I was not expecting that! And here I was thinking that I would  have a boring night inside. Looks like my luck has changed!" he said  with that confident smirk he usually wore. And why wouldn't he be  confident? He was the most capable person here.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "It's Punching Time!" Boxer shouted as he summon his weapon. "Also,  need to do one more thing" He said as he grab his list of Punching  Stuff. "Punching a Werewolf, Check" Boxer said as he check it and put  it back into his pocket. "Alright, Where-wolf is this Monster?" Boxer  said ready to punch the werewolf in the snout.
KUMA:  Em wasn't really able to give a proper response due to the news coming  on. Talk about bad timing. He watched Headphones draw his weapon with  a bit of awe. Em returned the weapon he got during the zombie hunt so  he was pretty much unarmed. Internally, Pasties sighed. She had a  confident expression though. "Well since I'm here we'll probably be  able to finish these monsters off no sweat!" She reached into her  shirt and got her knives. It probably was a good thing that she was  wearing one today.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  "I swear to god if there's love triangles today it might as well be  twilight gone worse." Mary said as he held his knife tighter.  "Knittens you ready to kick some wolf booty if we gotta?"
BRIT:  There was a flash of lightning and thunder struck the ground in front  of Strappon. Through the roof. Thanks, God.  The Templar reached town and picked up the paper warily before reading  it aloud.  "...Dog?" He worded out slowly.
 "Dogs? Isn't that something we've already witnessed?" Duster asked,  annoyance apparent in his tone.
OWLIE:  "Gee, this night just got more interesting," Monocle said, holding his  namesake in his hand, but he didn't summon it yet. It would be hard  and awkward if one tries to tote a double-bladed axe somewhere.
 "Hey, Mono, notice me," Polo said out of the blue. "Whatever I did...  I'm sorry,"
 Monocle said nothing, his eyes were onxed onto the TV, watching the  dog monsters.
KOTORI:  Cloak figured fithing was not a good option for him, but he would do  it anyways if he must, seeing as a few people were pulling out their  weapons he figured hed do the same. Although he was not an angel and  could not summon a weapon, he kept his under his cloak just like  everything else he owned really. Out of his cloak he pulled out a  sythe, which at first was folded up in some way shape or form, but  after swining it at nothing quickly it opened up into a rather large  sythe that was bigger than him, in fact it was huge, and above it was  a halo like ring that looked like it was floating above the top of the  weapon, though something else was probably casuing that. The whole  thing was coverd in a black ink, and was dripping itself onto the  floor of the abbey, who knows how to clean that up?
 Standing with his weapon to his side as ink dripped over his hand he  looked sort of flustered and excited
 “I-If you do not mind, I would like to go ahead of the others to see  thisl.. Ghost.. I am… so intrigued in seeing it wreak havoc before  the angels smite it, I am just… this is a once in the life tim  opportunity, seeing a ghost this powerful, hhhaahh, I will… meet  everybody there, I have ink to… protect myself If I so desire…. I  cannot… wait.”
 He looked like he was drooling, in fact he was, he had to wipe away  drool like every two seconds. After speaking he slithered his way past  people, trying not to get some of them covered in ink, hoping he would  be allowed to go but he didn't see why he wouldn't be able to.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens nods as he gets out from under the table, offering a hand to  Mary Janes to help up. He smiled,  "Like always, ready!"  He was hiding the fear under a smile. Seriously that thing looked like  some hell incarnate straight from the occult book at home. But he  needed to do whatever he can to help. He nods to Clock, sure that  he'll be okay. After all, he sort of looked like a ghost, especially  with all the ink talk. Knittens encouraged,  "Yeah, you can help look for it! Right?"  Headphones asked Em,  "You gonna be okay?"  He pursed his lips, worried about the other one. He'll be okay after  all the worst that happened was amnesia and honestly. Not bad.
DJDEVIL:  "Prehaps a ghost in the form of a household dog caused this. Or maybe  God meant Hot Dogs and i forgot the word 'Hot' in the paper. Either  way, it's time to launch a crusade against these foul creatures! DEUS  VULT!!!" Helmet roared before running out of the Rec Room, with  Lucinius in hand.
KRO:  "Dogs?" Shades gets up immediately, even leaving Strappon without  second thought.
 "I'm having no part of this at all, if anybody needs me, I'm going to  have a panic attack."  That sounded concerning, but he was insistent on not being followed  and went somewhere non-descriptive.
EMI:  Torsolette tapped at her chin.  "Dogs... Dogs..." She thought for a moment. "Oh!!"
 Her heels clicked as she walked away from the door.  "Like this one??"
 Behind Torsolette there stood a massive, emaciated man-dog-beast-ghost  that smelled of death and hot garbage. It looked as if she had risen  the corpse of a dog and stuffed some other stuff into it. It's  tentacles writhed from it's chest as it sniffed the air.
 It howled and lunged violently at the doorframe, but just as it  snapped inches away from Strappon's face, it was held in place by a  Soul-Thread tether held by the Hellbent behind it.
 "I figured you missed your friend, so I brought him along with me. He  was such a good boy for me, too. It could have been you..."
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary takes Knittens hand and he gets out from under the table. He  returns a smile, he wasn't scared this time. He was actually excited!  "Hell yeah!" To Mary they just looked like dogs that needed baths and  some Lord in their lives. Just a dash though. He lets go of Knittens  hand and he hops up. "Can we go check it out?"
KUMA:  Em tried to reassure Headphones with a smile, but it was still pretty  nervous. "I think I'll probably be fine... I just won't get involved  in the fighting. Unless there's like... an extra weapon around like  last time."
OMEGAPSYCHO:  Boxer goes and follows Shades thinking that something was up with him.  "Oi Shades, you alright?" He ask him. "You look kind of scared man"  Boxer said as he was following him wondering what Shades was concern  about.
BRIT:  Strappon and Overshirt had jumped backward a little, Ovy steadying his  cousin. Duster officially summoned his blade and went into his stance.  "Father Hamcaps..." Strappon said weakly. There was a look of regret  over his face.
 "I won't ask again. Who the fuck are you?" Duster hissed, his pupils  dilating. Why the fuck did they do that, anyway?
OWLIE:  'What the.,.." Monocle summoned his weapon. Polo did the same, both  are equally disturbed.
KOTORI:  Cloak did not need to look far clearly before the dog ghost was  standing there before them, he had just barley made it to the door  when it lunged in but as soon as he saw it so close up he was filled  with excitement and dropped his weapon, got on his knees, and began  kissing the floor.
 “Oh thank you lord god above for blessing me with such a wonderful  specimen, it will truly be worth studying, aaah it's so wonderful I  feel as though I might puke!”
 He got back up, weapon in hand before getting probably uncomfortably  close to the ghost that he should in fact, stay probably twenty or so  feet away from. A gross smile on his face he looked at the hellbenmt  who was speaking.
 “Is this creature yours? I am… so impressed by your handywork if  you have created it, unless you are simply… controlling it, than you  are not important… but this ghost… it is so important, look at  it's jaws, and the tentacles… OHhhh it is just… sO….  WONDerful… I… I need a momMent toT compose myself…. I Am… This  creature is magnificant!”
 He looked red and was breathing heavily, before he calmed himself,  took out his book, and began writing notes, as many as he could, his  weapon resting against the wall beside him.
SAIYAN:  "Ah shit, here we go" Undershirt said as he got into a fighting  stance, the glow on his body glowing at a little more intensity.
 The rest of the gang assembled at Undershirt's side, even Mesh Top,  who had to drag herself off of the chair. Wristband glanced over at  Strap before looking back at the dog. That poor man, Wristband thought  to herself.
 "Scary pooch you got there." Tuxedo Jacket said sarcastically. "Does  he know any tricks other than speak?"
EMI:  The manbeast gave the loudest, angriest shriek-roar, spitting  everything in it's throat on the man in front of him.
 "I'll let you two tie up your loose ends..." The woman simply cut the  Soul Thread with a pair of scissors and let him loose.
 "Consider it a gift from I, Torsolette, Leader of the Compact  Powders!"  She flipped her hair and ran off.  "See you in hell, Fuckers!"
SAIYAN:  "Actually we go to heaven" Tuxedo Jacket said with an eye roll.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Headphones backed the fuck up. Sure, he liked tentacles but he wasn't  ready. Not for this. Lord, if this is his punishment for his sin  please forgive him. He grabbed Em by the shoulder with an iron grip  and whisper-yelled,  "If we get to a fancy restaurant right now we can savalge this night  'cause I'm gonna be seeing that in my nightmares."  Knittens nudged Mary Janes away from Cloak, but kept his eyes on the  hell beast. He was trembling a bit but he kept his eyes confident.  Although he did gag at the roar, god it was like hot garbage rotting  under the sun. Welp here we go again.
OSCARK9:  Gloves was still shock to see all those dog monsters attacking people  and creating havoc in Daten. It took him a few seconds to get his  sense back together. When he did that, he summons his holy weapons  from his gloves into gauntlets. With his anger look on his face, he's  ready to teach this dog a lesson. "Dog, prepare to meet Gloves." He  said as he punches his gauntlets together.
KOTORI:  Cloak was disapointed to not get any straight answers about the ghost  asside from it being a “gift” but that did not bother him much.  After he created a mroe detailed sketch and took a bunch of notes he  grabbed his weapon again and stood up tall, drooling more than before.
 “LOooK at it MOOove…. It is so… so… SO Lovley…. Please kill  it quickly… BUt I would appreaciate… iF you could let me see it do  some things… I WOuld like… some notes…. Aaahah this …. Is so  wonderful.”
 It's hard to believe really that a heaven bent would like ghosts so  much but truthfully he understood the creatures as evil and foul, he  was more so interested in them because of that, he loved explaining  things that were… well not really explainable, he wasn't a scientist  of any sort though, and all of his notes would probably make no sense  to most.
EMI:  "Oh, balls." Obi whispered as she carried her new friend and ran as  fast as her geta would take her away from the raging wolfman ghost.
 Tee stared at the death in front of him and would have probably shit  himself if he hadn't prepared ahead of time. How, we'll never know,  but this thing smelled RANK.
 "LET'S MOSEY!" He shouted to his fallen comrades. I mean. FALLEN  comrades.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary stood tall and he held his pocket knife. He groans and covers his  nose. "Doggie breathhhhh..mama ever told ya to invest in some mint  treats!?Jeez! " He gets an idea! Running out he grabs a big stick, he  waves it. "C'mere puppo!! Mary's got a toy! It's wooden and its got  your name and bad breath all over it!" This kid was something else.
DJDEVIL:  All of a sudden, Helmet busted through one of the windows. "My  Crusaders Senses told me to return, so i have. Plus i saw the  pink-haired lady running off with an evil smile, so i thought  something wa- __Oh sweet Jesus!__ Helmet screamed when he saw Father  Handcuffs.
FATHER HANDCUFFS:  As soon as the Thread was severed, it ran past the people that was  closest to the door. That was odd, considering there were a lot of  folks just near it. It stopped dead in its tracks in front of Hot  Pants, standing up on two legs and towering over the small man. He was  frozen with fear and did nothing as the ghost yanked him off the  ground and drove its tongue inside his head.
 The ghost suddenly stopped as it retreated its tongue, setting Hot  Pants down gently. Somehow, Hot Pants' wounds healed as if nothing  happened. He saw his entire life flash before his eyes.
 Snapping its head in another direction, the ghost grabbed another  human, doing the same as it did with Hot Pants. Except this time the  human began shriveling up as if their life essense was being drained.  Retreating the tongue, there were Soul Threads wrapped around the  tongue which it ingested. It dropped the human on the ground, who got  up, transforming into a ghost. Well that's certainly new. Blinking,  the ghost looked around and simply hid in the shadows. Nope, they  weren't going to get involved in this fiasco. Goodbye, off to enjoy  the afterlife.
KRO:  Shades stopped, turning to Boxer with a glare, "I said that I didn't  want anybody to follow me."
 He kept moving through the Abbey, hoping to crash in a friend's dorm  for the night.
 Archer hopped off from Obi's arms, picking her up and running with  twice as much gusto.
 "I do not want that thing ruining my hair, let's bail."
BRIT:  Overshirt yanked Strappon out of the way of the rampaging beast but  was helpless to stop it from attacking other people. He felt really  fucking sick.
 Strappon's resolve seemed to harden significantly.
 Duster was awstruck the ghost had rushed past him and even moreso that  it... Seemingly failed to harm Hot Pants. He saw his future life with  Hot Pants flashed before his eyes, had it finally happened? No, thank  fuck. he still had another time to murder his boyfriend. Readying  Blood Covered, he took the lead.
 "Don't just stand around, we need to stop him before he harms anyone  else!" Strappon yelled, "Go!"
SAIYAN:  "Well...that was more than I thought he could do. I thought he was all  show!" T.J. said as he watched a man get sucked dry like a Capri Sun.  He shuddered at the thought of what that must feel like.
 "I just saw a man die" Mesh Top said with out the slightest care in  the world. Oh the poetry she'd write after that.
 Undershirt and Wristband continued to watch the dog ghost's movements.
(( OOC: Fighting RP go! http://dcmissionaries.boards.net/thread/174/ghost-father-handcuffs Reference Thread: http://dcmissionaries.boards.net/thread/100/combat-system-works ))
KOTORI:  The noise that escaped Cloaks mouth when it saw a ghost turn a human  into a ghost was probably really high pitched, and may have sounded a  little lewd, but that was the way he was. Holding his hands over his  chest he was actually crying, like legitimately crying, no not because  somebody died, but because now there was two ghosts in the room for  him to study and learn about, and one of them was created by a ghost.
 “HOly shit this is even better… Im… I think im in love... “
 He got quite close to both ghosts while still trying to keep low to  avoid being seen while sketching up something of the second ghost that  had appeared and taking a note or two on them both he put the book  away and found another angel to look at the dog ghost from, really not  caring at all for his own personal saftey but putting all his trust in  the angels around him.
 “What lovley creature… It will be tragic to see you perish.. You  are truley… the love of my life… perhaps not but you are still  quite wonderful.”
OMEGAPSYCHO:  Boxer heard the roar of Father Handcuffs and looked at Shades. "I'll  talk to you later, Shades!" He shouted as he charge into battle to  fight the Werewolf Ghost that is Father Handcuffs.
OWLIE:  "Oh good god," Polo said. What the fuck? He's never seen anything like  this. While he stood there like a dumbass. Monocle already readied  himself to attack. Sure, what could go wrong. Actually, so many  things, but still, a fight's a fight.
KUMA:  Em was also pretty shocked at the dog beast's appearance. He knew the  angels fought ghosts and other things, but even his previous  experience hadn't fully prepared for this. He nodded at Headphones'  offer though. A dinner after all this would have been great. Also one  that wasn't part of his job was even better.
BRIT:  Duster was first to rush the ghost, rushing at it with sword drawn.  The ghost had dodged his attacks and he scoffed, landing hard on a  table.
 Jacket rushed past Duster at the opening he'd left, bumrushing Father  Handcuffs from where he was and jamming his blade into his sides.  "Gotcha!" He laughed before jumping back to avoid attacks. His body  was thin, and he'd rather not get fucking slurped.
DJDEVIL:  Helmet charged at Father Handcuffs, but ended up slipping on some  spilled punch and fell on his back. Lord's beard, that's embarrassing.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens felt a cold sweat on his forehead as he watched that whole  scene, it was mortifying. He held a hand over his mouth to avoid  vomitting. Gulping it down, he focused on the ghost and whacked it  with his hockey stick. Looks like he did a little something.  Headphones shoos Em towards the back corner for defense, and he  summoned his weapon. Grabbing the hook, Headphones prayed nothing  gross would shoot out as he stabs it with the pointed end.Please don't  touch him, these are his everyday sleepwear.
OSCARK9:  **"AAAAHHHHH!!!"** Gloves roars. In his battle stance, he charges at  Father Handcuffs, jump in the air, clinches his right fist hard, and  give it his strongest punch from his right arm at Father Handcuffs  forehead.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Knittens tried to throw the stick but he slips and lands face first  into the ground. God damn dog drool.  He growls and he stands up.  "Hmph..maybe it'll be easy to sneak around it if I smell like it?  Still gross..."
OMEGAPSYCHO:  Boxer charges at Father Handcuff roaring his battle cry. "Hey Wolf!  Eat this!" He shouted as he wind-up his right fist. "Shoryu...." He  said as he got closer to the beast. "KEN!!!" Boxer shouted as he  executed the move by jumping and uppercut in which Boxer spins upwards  with some horizontal movement as well, knocking Handcuff to the ground  and inflicting little bit of damage.
OWLIE:  Monocle was struck down by the ghost, he crashed face-first into the  floor. Polo charged and sliced his sword across the ghost's belly, but  it only seemed to scratch him.
SAIYAN:  Undershirt prepped his mace. He built up momentum and ran at him.
 "Normally I'm against animal cruelty, but I can make an exception in  this case!!" he yelled as he struck the ghost with his mace.
 T.J. spun his pick ax in his hands before he charged at the ghost. He  raised it over his heads and struck down hard.
 Mesh and Wristband tried to attack... but it failed.
KUMA:  Bow Barrettes made an attempt at attacking the beast. Her weapon  allowed her to keep herself at range. Her magic bubbles missed though,  but she was still safe. Pasties on the other hand tried to make her  own attack with the knives. She failed her attack and managed getting  counter attacked in the process. The wind was mostly knocked out of  her and she was badly scratched up. "I hope...this shirt doesn't get  ruined," she thought out loud. Em followed Headphones' shoo and hid.
(( OOC: OhmygodMaryJanesnotknittens)) ))
FATHER HANDCUFFS:  The ghost looked at Duster, beaming with pride that it dodged the  attack of this hot-headed young man. Too bad about the food from that  table, though.  What he wasn't expecting was the sudden hockey stick, its tongue went  stiff as a response to pain with Headphone's attack not doing it any  favors. Turning around, he was ready to attack the but stumbled from  the punch to the forehead.
 As Boxer attacked, it tried to wrap its tongue around his arm, but the  force was too much for it to keep a grip. Hitting the ground, he  quickly got up on all fours looking a little high strung from all the  damage so far.  Polo's attack was more like a tickle, but managed to slice off a few  tips of the tentacles in its chest. It did however set its sights for  Monocle, dragging him from the legs close to his face to start Soul  Thread extraction. Monocole was instead launched from his hands as  Undershirt and Tuxedo Jacket whacked it. Before any other attacker  could get a hit it, it flailed an arm, striking Mesh Top away.
 Suddenly there was. Something floating near its nose. That was weird.  It was irritating at best, but it did burn up its nose a bit. That was  bad. Shaking its head, it went after Pasties. Goodbye child, we knew  ye well.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary tries again with no luck. Today's just not his day is it?
DJDEVIL:  Helmet quickly got up from the floor and into his combat stance. "Have  at thy, file wolf-man!" He shouts and charged at Father Handcuffs once  more, but this time tripped on his untied shoe laces and landed face  first on the floor again. Helmet groaned in annoyance
OMEGAPSYCHO:  Boxer then grabs a large speaker. "Fetch!" He shouted as threw the  speaker at Father Handcuffs. "Now taste the Music!" He shouted with a  smirk on his face.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary watched the angels do their thing in awe, he really wanted to get  like them. For himself and for his mothers. Did the ghost actually go  down?
BRIT:  Gritting his teeth at the near-hit he had taken from Father Handcuffs,  Duster turned completely, entered stance, and rushed him. He pounded  bricks as he ran and skewered the ghost, twisting his blade and  tossing him off to another comrade.
 Jacket, following after him, attempted to make another strike but  missed completely as the dog pretty much tripped him. He corrected  himself and prepared for the hit he would take.
OSCARK9:  Gloves charges at Father Handcuffs again and goes in for another punch  in the forehead...but he missed it.
SAIYAN:  "Alright pooch! You've met your match!" Undershirt yelled as his glow  around his body grew to blinding intensity.
 He flew up to the ceiling and dove back down swinging his mace at high  speed.
 "IT'S OVER!!" He screamed as he crashed into the ghost with his full  power, striking him in the face, imploding his nose.
 He stood back up not even looking back and waited for the classic  boom. Because cool guys don't look at explosions.
BRIT:  Having ducked behind one of the sofas and calming himself, Strappon  managed to get himself out to peer in at the battle. It was horrible  to see his friend turned into this... Werewolf. Thing. He went through  an entire inner monologue about the respect he had for the man that  had been turned into this monster that no one would care to listen to.  It was pretty dramatic, but it was really fucking long-winded.
 He pulled himself up and kept himself out of the way, but he wanted to  be there to see this whole thing through.
OWLIE:  Monocle growled as he got back to his feet. He barely touched Father  Handcuffs and yet he got his ass kicked. He charged towards the ghost  once more.he lifted his axe and begane to hack away. But it seemed to  annoy the ghost more than it did real damage.
 The sounds of a very, VERY frustrated Monocle can be heard as he  smashed his weapon agains the ghost's hide, barely hurt the ghost at  all.
 Polo used Monocle's attack as a distraction. Without the ghost  noticing, Polo ran and punched the Ghost in the face. Then he used his  gladius to stab the ghost in the gut.
FATHER HANDCUFFS:  From all of that, along with the last blow Polo pulled, The ghost  simply backed away a few steps. It began raising its arms skyward as  it fell to its knees, looking almost statuate. Despite not having a  lower jaw, it managed to speak tangibly, uttering:
 "I'm sorry."
 It fell over, but never hit the ground as its body began unraveling  like yarn. That's new too.
BRIT:  Strappon stood in stunned silence, his face was blank and  expressionless as he watched Father Handcuffs unravel. His eyes moved  to watch the strands whisp away toward Torsolette's enormous spool,  but his expression remind blank. He looked up at Torsolette.
 "Why?" His voice was steady, but there was a small hint of sadness in  his tone. His mouth had twitched only slightly, and his expression had  morphed to a more stern and angry one. His eyes glinted dangerously.
EMI:  Torsolette held up what looked like a gigantic glowing spool and  wrapped the thread that emitted from the ended foe around it like  cotton candy.
 "Ahh, well that was very refreshing. I'll be taking this. I'm sure he  won't be missing it."  She chuckled, the clicking of her heels on the hard floors echoing  through the stunned silence. A man just unraveled before them. It  wasn't long before they, too, unraveled.
 "Meanwhile, you can get rid of the updog in here."
BRIT:  Duster's eyes adjusted angrily. What was this lady on about?  "What's updog?"
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "Did you do this to Fatheer Handcuff!" Boxer shouted at Torsolette  with anger.
EMI:  "Whyy, I'm glad you asked!" Torsolette piped up with a smile.  "Unfortunately, you'll have to wait for the third act. We've simply  just passed the prologue. Much more prepwork to be done, you see."
 She swivelled on her heels and walked toward the door.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "Not before i end your second act!" Boxer roared at her as he started  to charge at her. "This is for Father Handcuff!" He shouted as wind-up  for punch.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  "Pardon my French lady, but you're a real.." He thinks of a pun for a  second. "Bitch. And no i'm not calling you beautiful because dogs pee  on trees and trees come from nature and nature is beautiful. You're  just a meany bitch." He blinks and wipes spit off him.
DJDEVIL:  Helmet looked up from the ground and saw Torsolette making her way to  the door. "I think not, wench!" He quickly got up and charged at  Toroslette.
BRIT:  Jacket managed to let out a small, sort of distant laugh. It was a  little genuine though.  "That was... Good. What the fuck?" He said, clearing his throat and  trying to get serious.
 "Wait! You could at _LEAST_ tell us something! Why are you doing  this?" Strappon called after her. His voice was a little more  pleading, "You're _one of us_ aren't you? What do you want with all  these threads? That's what you're doing, right? Why?"
SAIYAN:  "Well that was anti climactic" Undershirt said as he turned around to  not even a scorch mark on the ground.
 That certainly had never happened before. T.J. and Mesh were on the  ground while Wristband was attending to them.
 Undershirt heard Torsolette's voice and looked over to her.
 "She's still here? I thought she would have ran away by now"  Undershirt said out loud
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Headphones snorted, giggling to himself at the joke. It was  inappropriate but c'mon, it was a little funny. Turning back to Em's  hiding spot and asking,  "You up for thai food?"  Dinner plans are being made.  Knittens turns to Mary jane, gasping at his language. Such volume.  Yes, he lives with a demon hybrid who curses like a sailor but  seriously. That was a bit much. Watching the stranger walk away and he  sighs, exhausted. He purses his lips,  "Well, atleast it's over..."
EMI:  Torsolette moved gently to the side and stuck out her heel for the  crazed youth, watching him slide and drop onto his face. She swiftly  turned again and spun Helmet's helm around and kicked him in he back  of the head.
 "I'm far beyond what you are now. And there will be more. Just you  wait, deary..."
 She spun back around and headed out the door, a solumn sound of a bell  tolling following her out.
BRIT:  Duster didn't understand. What the fuck was an up-dog...?  He frowned and lowered his weapon, not intending to "sheath" it just  yet with Torsolette around.
 "Do you not intend to answer any of my bloody questions?" Strappon  growled, stepping forward a little more.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  Boxer get up and gets more angry. "Fight me, you witch! FIGHT ME!!!!"  he roared again the kick injured him but he still had the  determination and revenge to keep him fight. "Father Handcuff was good  man, you had no right to do that to him" Boxer said as he started to  walk towards her, he can't charge because he was hurt.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary gasps and covers his mouth. "I-it was in the bible!" He felt like  such a baby kid. If his moms were around he'd definitely be nommin  that soap. After a good laugh of course. He stretches. "I guess it  is?"
KRO:  Before Torsolette could be on her merry way she was stopped by  Mascara, the ghost hunting acquaintance of the deceased priest. She  tapped her her mask where her mouth would be and pointed to the spool.
 "I don't appreciate that /thing/ you're lugging around. Not because it  has my dear friend in it, but I gather you and your idiots are gonna  make something dumb. Don't think you and your Compact Powders are  smart..."
 Stepping off to the side, she let Torsolette leave, approaching  Strappon.
BRIT:  Duster's hand shot out and grabbed Boxer by the rim of his, well...  Boxers.  "Punching her face in isn't going to get us answers." He said  solemnly.
BRIT:  Strappon sighed heavily, listening to the gong of the sad, sad bell in  the distance.  "Who are you?" He asked the masked lady, adjusting his cape over his  injured shoulder.
OWLIE:  Polo stood there, shocked. Everything was... Shocking? He went over to  Monocle's side and held his hand. The eerie sound of the bell sending  chills down their spines.
 "Hey, you okay?" Polo asked Monocle.
 Monocle just nodded and watched the other angels.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens sighs and pats Mary Jane's back,  "Yeah, there were a lot of violent non PG-13 stuff in the bible."  He looks over himself, relieved he didn't have serious damage. Good,  he wasn't bleeding like last time. He had to get a few stitches, and  they just healed. He asked,  "You okay Mary?"
DJDEVIL:  Helmet held the back of his head where he was kicked. "Ow! That wench!  I swear i'll-wait, I cannot see! *THE WENCH HAS BLINDED ME!"* Helmet  screamed then began walking around the room with his hands reaching  out. "Holy father in heaven, i beg of thy! Restore my sight!"
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "But...." Boxer said as he look down at his hands then made fist. "We  can't let her leave Duster! We need Justice!" He said angrily at  Duster. "She had no right to do that and your just going to let get  away with it" Boxer said more angrily. Duster could tell that Boxer  couldn't see reason because his wrath was blinding him. "All i feel is  rage!" He shouted.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary smiled a little bit and he nodded. "A couple cuts and scrapes but  nothing too too bad. Thank you." He looks over the other, thankfully  that doggo didnt hurt him too too much.  If he did chances are Mary  would be pretty upset. "Are you okay Knittens?" He looked up at him a  little bit.
KRO:  "Well, I'm definitely not your mother if I'm approaching you  willingly."  Ouch, she felt that was a bit too much. She doesn't even know the kid  on a personal level to prod at abandonment issues.
 "I'm a dear friend of Handcuffs. Or was. I just came here for a small  request. I'm sure you're familiar with a certain Heretic that lives in  Daten. If not, find a human named Duster. He's a bit jittery. See,  Handcuffs left behind two children, their mother died long ago. I want  you to find that Heretic and tell him to take custody of the children.  He's a good man, he'll care for them dearly. He was the lover of the  old man, after all."
BRIT:  Strappon's eyes had wandered away from the woman at her statement and  he sighed before looking back at her mask.  "Okay. I'll do that. It's the least I can do." He said softly. He was  holding a lot of emotion in that tiny body of his.
 "Rage is understandable, and it's not misplaced. However, what's done  is done. We may have won this battle, but we lost someone as well.  This was a draw." Duster said, letting go of Boxer, "This is a lesson  for us, is it not? If we went rushing at her, what then? What would it  accomplish? It wouldn't bring Father Handcuffs back, or the people  that died against him."  He looked over the other Angels.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens nods, brushing off the dirt on his clothes. He sighed as he  looked around, a real mess. Everyone was having their dramatic  moments, and oh boy the mood was heavy. Well except for Headphones. He  was okay. Knittens mumbled,  "I just hope that the damage around the city isn't too bad."  He scratched his head worried, checking his pocket for his phone.  Dang, he left it at home. Knittens looked to the heavens and hoped for  the best.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "But...." Boxer said as he look down. He starts to tear up and the  tears were going down his cheeks. "Why did good people have to die!"  he shouted with anger and sadness."It's not fair, all we do is watch  this happen and do nothing! and we do something more people die! it's  not Fair!" Boxer shouted at Duster with tears coming down his eyes.  "IT'S NOT FAIR! IT'S NOT FAIR! IT'S NOT FAIR!!!" He repeated over and  over again. all the angels could see and hear Boxer.
KRO:  "Thank you," She began, "That puts my soul at ease. Truly, I am sorry  for this loss. But remember that he did it out of love and adoration  for you. It was his choice."
 She sighed, taking off her mask. She was an older woman, her hair a  mess from her hood and mask. A few cool scars across her face.
 "Now if you'll excuse me, I need a drink."
 She got past Strappon and diverted her path to meet with Duster,  pinching his cheeks.
 "Tell your papi I said hi and that I can't play uno with him on the  weekend."  And she left without giving him a chance to react.
OWLIE:  Monocle let go of Polo's hand and patted Boxer's shoulder, which took  extra effort since Boxer was tall as fuck. "Calm down, Boxer, it's  over,"
BRIT:  Duster watched Boxer throw his fit and sighed, closing his eyes for a  few moments before grabbing Boxer's shoulders and giving him a few  good smacks across his face. Backhand and all.  "Will you quit acting like a child? You're putting us Wrath falls to  shame, here." He snorted, his tone stern. He sounded like Combat  Boots... "Stop. Life's not fair all the time. You can't be a hero all  the time and you can't save everyone. It's one of the first things you  learn in war."
 He crossed his arms after he dropped the other man, then was surprised  by a pinch to his cheek, his cheeks turning pink immediately.  "I... Okay." He said, a little dumbfounded. Great, another friend of  his father's.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary noticed the other looked worried. "Knittens..you worried about  your parents..? I'll go with you to see if they're okay..?" He felt  the tension in the air. Wasnt a nice feeling.
DJDEVIL:  Helmet suddenly appeared between Duster and Boxer, his helmet still  facing backwards. "Indeed, the demons know this and use this fact  against us. They lie, trick, deceive, and do all other dastardly  things to achieve their vile ambitions! We shall avenge Father  Handcuffs one day, but sadly, that day is not today." Helmet said.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  As Boxer was slap across the face, he stop cry and stand there frozen.  What Duster did made him stop crying but his heart was only filled  with Wrath and all of this was making pure wrath right now. He wanted  to yell, shout, scream, roar, or something but he couldn't all he did  was look down.
BRIT:  Duster adjusted Helmet's helmet and nodded with certainty.
 Jacket walked up to Boxer and pet his shoulder as well.  "Pipe up, bud! He's in Heaven, now!" He chimed, offering him a wide  grin.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  "What? No! My dad is missing and my mom is in Floraida. They're fine.  I'm worried for my guardian."  Knittens puffed his cheeks as he regained his hope, he was sort of  like a Nokia. No matter what, he's still alive. Seriously, he does  more damage to the car than it does to his body. Everything was gonna  be okay. Knittens grins,  "He's probably out of surgery feeling better! Well.. Not better but  definitely drugged. But it looks like everyone else is really upset  about something..."  He tilted his head confused, unsure of waht was happening. They  defeated the ghost, so what was wrong? Something felt off.
KRO:  Meanwhile, Hot Pants was done going through his crisis of having his  brain almost sucked out. Admittedly, that was  kinda hot but he wasn't  going to say that aloud. He would be kinkshamed.
 "Well, this was...A Day."
 After the gong went off, Sukafu (still in Sentai attire) came in with  a Shades holding on to his arms. He appeared calmer than before, let's  hope so at least. He didn't really go off to interact with everybody  just yet. Keeping to Sukafu until he saw Mascara left the room.
 "So...did she destroy your cheek?" Shades asked Duster, "That's a  thing aunts usually do. Older ones at least."  But it looks like Duster had his face intact. Good on him.
 Sukafu took off his helmet as he heard the conversation Duster was  having with Boxer and Helmet, "That's naiive talk. Either way, Shades  and I agreed that higher ranks and a select other few should meet  within the week. An acquaintance managed to get some information and  I'd love for her to go over the details with everybody."
DJDEVIL:  Helmet saw that he could see again and cheered. "My sight has been  restored! HUZZAH!" He shouted with joy.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  " Oh! Cool cool... Hey if they can raise a tough guy like you I think  they're gonna be okay. Hope he feels better soon.." He smiled but it  soon faded, Knittens felt it just like he did. "Maybe..that ghost was  someone they knew? I mean it was able to turn someone else so..maybe  they got turned first?"
OMEGAPSYCHO:  "But...." Boxer said as he look at Jacket. "All i feel right now is  Rage, Hatred, and other things that have to do with Wrath" he said  making a fist but not yelling instead just talking. "Why do good  people have to suffer, Jacket?" Boxer ask him. "It's not fair for what  happen to my Father, he was good man and yet..." He said as he look  down. "I just want to release it all" Boxer said as he look at him but  something was up with his eyes.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens nods, and tries his best to keep high spirits. Doesn't help  frowning. He replies,  "But I'm sure God received another angel."  His mother would be proud. he blushed at the tough comment, pursing  his lips and huffing gently. Damn right his parents are tough. He  started to pick up rubble, helping to clean up the ruined party scene.
BRIT:  Jacket reached up and put both hands firmly on Boxer's shoulders,  looking him dead in the eyes with a stern expression. This was  probably the most serious he'd every been.  "Good peope suffer because they feel strongly for others. Men cry not  for themselves, but for their comrades." He said, affirming his  statement with a nod. "There's other ways to relieve your stress and  anger. You put it into your passion, into your punches, your resolve.  That's what makes us good people. If we didn't suffer, we wouldn't  have hearts. We'd be like those guys."
 He took his hands off Boxer's shoulders and stood there for a good  moment before he clapped them onto either side of his face, squishing  his cheeks and giving him a huge, bright, genuine smile.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary offers a small smile, " I'm sure he did. " He helps him pick up  the rubble and he notices him blush. Ohmygodwhywasthatsocute. If his  anime watching with his moms taught him anything, that was the most  tsundere thing to do. "Hey Knittens? Would you wanna train a little  bit some time? I feel like I can learn a thing or two from you.." He  quietly asked.
KRO:  Shades stared at Jacket in awe. Damn, that was deep. Where did that  come from.
BRIT:  Duster stared at Jacket for a long time.  "He stole those lines from Combat Boots." He sighed, patting Shades'  shoulder, "If we're going to have a meeting, we better clean up this  mess first. Before Sir Strappon has more of a meltdown."  He looked wistfully at the pink-haired Templar who had just been  absently cleaning things without much thought.
DJDEVIL:  As Duster finished speaking, Helmet turned to the window that he  busted through. "Brother Duster, how much does a stained glass window  cost?" He asked quietly.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  Boxer final realize it ALL! He smiles at Jacket now understanding  everything but still having a little bit of wrath in his heart. "You  know. Now you think about Jacket, you made me have another Goal" Boxer  said with a smirk. "Before i defeat God, I'm going to be Seraph! With  that power i'm going to revenge all those who have fallen!" He said  with bigger smile on his face. "SO LOOK OUT GOD AND SHROUD!HE COMES  BOXER READY FOR ANYTHING!" He shouts with no Anger but joy. Now  knowing that Father Handcuffs is in good hands with god and watching  everyone in Heaven.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittensshakes his head,  "Nah man, I'm not a trained fighter. I just play hockey. Maybe I can  teach you how to roller skate so we can play street hockey!"  He carefulyl steaps around the shrads of glass and started to  straighten out the knocked over tables. Knittens looked over to  Strappon a bit worried, it looked like this dude lost his soul or  something. He tugged on his clothes,  "Are you alright sir?"
OWLIE:  Monocle was glad that Boxer finally calmed down, "Anddd... Boxer's  back!" He grinned, clapping Boxer in the back.
KRO:  "Let me feel like I can appreciate the kid, at least," Shades said,  nudging Duster a bit before starting to clean up a little.
 "Alright folks!" Shades cupped his mouth with his hands to amplify his  voice, "Party's over, let's clean up this mess and get on with our  days."  God knows how exhausted, mentally, everybody must be from this.
 After having a delightful conversation with his new lady friend,  Archer came in laughing at Boxer's statement.  "A Seraph? Oh no, honey. That's not how that works. You need to be  born or appointed by a council for that to work. /You/ don't qualify  for that."
 There was a cheeky smirk on his face, feeling that he just delivered a  sick burn.
BRIT:  "Several grand, I take." Duster stated, "The cost to repair one is  still somewhere about $1000-$3000 a panel."
 Jacket's smile twitched a little.  "Uh, aim for the sky, buddy!" He laughed, albiet a little nervously,  swinging his arm weakly and enthusiasm.
 Duster pushed Shades and picked himself up a broom and dustpan,  approaching Hot Pants.  "You... Gonna be okay?" He asked, handing him the pan.
(( OOC: The RP will be ending shortly! Make your final posts, or continue RPing, but the plot is over with for this one! ))
DJDEVIL:  Helmet took out his wallet and opened it. There was no money inside.  Helmet slowly closed the wallet and turned his head towards Strappon.  'I mean, it was just a window, how mad could he get?' he thought to  himself.
KRO:  Hot Pants blinked some, shaking his head and looked back up to Duster.  "Uh. I think. Not sure. I'll....be going to my doctors tomorrow." He  was worried about waking up as a ghost, that's for sure, but he felt  perfectly fine.
OMEGAPSYCHO:  Boxer then fell down to ground doing that funny anime drop when  someone proves something right. "I did not know that...." He said with  nervous smile. "But anyways, i become stronger than any Angel and  defeat God, Dude!" Boxer shouted with determination to Archer. ever he  was fool or just had a lot determination but for one thing, he was  acting like a Shonen Jump Anime Hero.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary gasps, " Oh that's so cool! I'd love that."  He continues to  clean things up, being careful as he handled the glass around him. He  finds a broom and he starts sweeping a bit, it really was a mess in  there. Mary squeaks as Boxer falls to the ground. "Mister theres  glass! Be careful please!"
KRO:  Archer held up the back of his hand close to his mouth, doing that  classic oujo-sama laugh.  "Kids sure are funny nowadays! Good luck with that, deary."  And he was off to go back to bed, goodnight.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Knittens noticed the time on his watch, he waved Mary Jane good bye.  He chirps,  "See you later, Mary! It's getting late. We can hang out next  weekend!"  He looks back worried but heads out in the city, heading towards the  hospital. Hopefully, he can get up early enough.
OWLIE:  "All righty," Polo said, "I think its time we head out, bye guys!" He  and Monocle went out of the Abbey and headed home themselves. Tonight  was an interesting night, even if it turned out great.
 Monocle sqeueezed Polo's hand. He chuckled to himself, it was silly of  him to feel jealous. He smiled to himself as he and Polo went home.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Mary waves good bye,"See ya Knittens! Heheh awesome! I'll see ya next  weekend!" He swoon as he leaves and he cleans up some more before  heading home.
0 notes
dcmissionaries · 6 years
Our Princesses are Definitely in this Castle  [Part 2]
DEFINITELY THIS CASTLE PT 2 The Demons of Hell Corp have been summoned to the arena for an extra-special event. --------
The crowd was still going wild from the previous fight, Shroud seemed to be incredibly proud of himself. After Broshades had been hauled out to medical for treatment, the center of the arena had been cleared for the next set of fights.
"Sew who will be our next exhibit? These Angels aren't nearly as tough as one would thing." Shroud said, motioning to the cages, "There's plenty of prey left to pick at."
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Sneaks rested on the edge of her seat, glad that things picked up. Why  are angels this cute in cages? She'd never know. Did she wanna know  the science of dicks in a box? Nahh. SH was just gonna enjoy herself  either way.
TORI:  Etch honestly had had enough of the event so far. Seeing the angel  getting taken away because of their injuries was just sad to see and  Etch was having trouble focusing on anything. All this event was  reminding him of was the fact that he would be unable to become an  angel ever in his life. He was stuck in the body of a demon, and had  no way of changing this. He felt like crying but he held back and  simply looked around. The one creepy demon was still next to him and  the other not so creepy but maybe kinda nice demon was there too. He  only really hoped that they wouldn't notice his discomfort, as it  would probably clue on to how he felt about this. Regardless he  decided that since the creepy demon had not been doing anything to  scoot away from VF and sit more comfortably, not close to either of  them, but not too far away either.
BRIT:  Shroud turned to the cage of unfortunate souls and crossed his arms  behind his back again.  "Anyone want to volunteer as tribute?" He asked as he approached the  cage.
 Fundoshi stood quietly and uncomfortable beside the cage.
OSCARK9:  With all of the excitement from the last match, why not join in the  rumble. "I volunteer, Absolute!" He shouted while raising his hand,  almost immediately.
SAIYAN:  Undershirt watched as Shady got carried off. He slowly placed a palm  to his head. They were supposed to be better than that. They were  supposed to be high ranking Angels for god's sake! And here they were  getting slapped around! This sucked royally!
HITA:  "If I win, can I have a phone charger?  My Bejeweled game eats  battery," was the answer from Bifocals.  She narrowed her eyes at him,  kind of concerned with the answer.  Really, what kind of jailor denied  a prisoner a phone charger?  A brute, that's what.  Not even she had  been so inhumane in the wars of ages past.  "Also, you're kind of a  midget and you smell like stale crackers and it kind of causes me  concern.  Are you, like, secretly a 80 year old man?"
 VF turned its attention to Etch, eyebrow raised and scribbled on the  notepad once more.  'Violence isn't for everyone.  There's no shame in  discomfort.'  The soft smile it directed Etch's way was clearly meant  to calm.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Jeokori was already asleep, curled up on his seat and snoozing away.  It seemedc the temptation of nap time was too strong and the weather  too perfect for sleep. His breathing was slow, and his face softening  up quite a bit from his usual scowl as he snuggled into his seat. The  end of his hair swaying like it was a tail and every now and then his  right leg would twitch as he dream about chasing ducks. Damn those  ducks. Thinking they own the pond with their weird anatomy. He'll show  them, he'll take revenge for his swan friend. The battle of the pond  was a legend to behold in his dreams, one told through generations of  dream families. And it all started with a piece of bread.  Fascinator's mind wandered as he thought about cutting his hair again.  He just dyed it but he wasn't sure if he still liked his long hair but  at the same time he had a man bun. Man buns were glorious but the  amount of hair was a bit much, hell even now he could felt the hair  tie sturggling to keep the shit ton of dark brown hair contained. Then  suddenly, snap. His eyes widen with horror as he felt suddenly a huge  weight drop down and the broken hair tie flying to the distance. A  shocked whisper lef this lips,  "F u c k."  He grew pale as he touched his now let down hair. The hair band had  betrayed him and now he has to deal with the fucking mess that was on  his head. Lord, save him.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  She wiggled around waving her hand, she had so many ideas, all of  which not great for the punching bag in question. "I  volunteer,Absolute!" She shouted in unison with the other . She was  like a kid in a really messed up candy store.
KUMA:  Sukajan was still debating fighting or not. She thought about asking  Jeokori, but when glanced over at him she noticed he was asleep. A  small smile crossed her face. He probably deserved the rest. Also, he  wouldn't try and talk of her out of fighting. She gave up on this  round, but the next one would definitely be hers.
BRIT:  Fundoshi looked up at Dress Socks and then back down at his visual  guide to Hell Corp's Employees. Flipping it back, he peered up again  and motioned him to come down to the arena.
 Shroud's mask eye narrowed at Bifocals.  "I guess you'll be the next pincushion." He said, motioning Fundoshi.
 The tall Berzerker left his post to undo the cage and yank Bifocals  out of the cage, slaming it before anyone even thought about leaving,  and almost hesitantly threw her toward the Absolute, who gabbed her  shirt and let his cape do the same thing it had to Shades.
KRO:  Hairpin finally managed to relax back into his seat. Well, there goes  that dweeb. He'll be fine, he hoped. Considering that he didn't really  care for the rest of the group, he turned to Amulet. He adjusted the  other man's hair a bit, gotta see both pretty eyes at once but it all  fell back to place. Hairpin frowned, whatever.
 "Well that was a disappointment of a fight. Anyways, got any ideas of  what we could do for dinner?" he asked, grabbing Amulet's hand.
TORI:  Etch sat up a little bit to read the note that VF had wrote for him.  Any idea of the individual being unable to speak had gone, so he was a  little confused as to why he was using the note pad, but Etch was kind  of glad, its voice was kind of scary. Taking a moment to think Etch  smiled a little, was it genuine, maybe, but honestly it was hard to  tell with this boy. It was cute at least.
 "Y-you are right I um... y-y-yes I k-know its o-o-okay to be s-scared  but... I-It feels o-o-out of place f-for a d-demon to n-n-not like  violence..."
 Etch... thats a stereotype... those are bad. Etch had winced every  time he was forced to hear th estutter in his voice as well, he hated  that thing, and he wanted it gone, but he knew more than everybody  that that wasn't something that could be gotten rid of. Pulling at his  skirt a little due to insecurity he sat himself upright and looked  down at the arena. Great, another fight. Honestly the only thing  keeping Etch sane was the fact that he wasn't down there.
BRIT:  Amulet offered Hairpin a small smile before kissing his cheek.  "Maybe we should go out to eat, considering it's such a momentous  occassion. Why not? That way we don't have to stop by the store on the  way home."
 He crossed his legs again and moved himself closer to him on the  bleachers. Fights like these meant good time to smooze.
HITA:  Of all the things that could happen!  Huffing and standing straight,  Bifocals sent a narrow-eyed glare at Fundoshi.  "A pox upon your house  and family!"  Flicking her hair back into place, she seemed to sniff  the air.  "Is that prune juice I smell?  You sure smell like an old  fart, Shorty McGee.  Even Kerchief doesn't smell that old."  Rolling  her eyes, however, she turned her  attention to the demon in front of  her.  Probably younger than her.  Like, literally, everyone else.  Still, she rolled her neck with a crack and gave an encouraging smile.   "All right, kid, give it your best.  I'll probably recover in 30."  And then play Bejeweled.
 Peeking over to her friend, Rose rolled her eyes at him.  Tugging her  hair out of the bun it was in, so many bobby pins included, she  gestured for him to turn away.  "Let me fix that for you, buddy.  I  can just braid mine."  Her smile seemed to be reassuring, though all  her teeth probably would make most people flee.  "You need to start  using bobby pins and stronger ties.  I can get you some, since I make  mine."
 There was a pause before VF shrugged and dug in its pocket for its  wallet.  Finally drawing it out, it pointed out both its brother and  grandfather in an image.  Despite not liking to talk, the act being  unnecessary and also, frankly, painful at times, it felt it was best  to relay it immediately.  "It doesn't talk much but... its brother,  Luna Maschera, and great-grandfather, Loincloth, are both reluctant to  harm others.  They prefer peace and will even shy from battle.  It  understands."  The smile was wide now, kind and reassuring.  No need  to worry on impressions.
KRO:  "You wanna hit a restaurant cause we all know we have no self control  in the cereal aisle at the grocery store..." he said while fiddling  with Amulet's hand. Hairpin entered deep thought, contemplating which  cereal to actually settle on next time they went to the store. Cocoa  Puffs or Fruity Pebbles?  Oh no, he's being sappy, time to do the same by resting his head on  Amulet's shoulder. Perfect.
 A scrunchy was dangled in front of Fascinator before it was snatched  away again. The person teasing the poor guy was Halo Ring who finished  meeting with his mother a couple of hours prior.  "You need a hair tie? Sorry about the tacky choice. All I could get  before rushing out the door in the morning."
OSCARK9:  Hearing from the call from Fundoshi. He got up from his seat and walk  down to the arena, feeling joy inside his demon heart. "If I'm going  to be serious for this match..." He said to himself. "Then I'm going  to give it my all, 100%!" He clinched his right fist and fist bump in  the air, showing others his determined side. He got the vibes folks!  When he got there, he look at his apponent with a smirk on his face.  "Don't hold back." He said as he summons his Sabers in battle.
HITA:  Bifocals sighed in reply.  Grandstanding, joy of joys.  How nice.  "You give 100%, I'll give it... eh, 15%."  So saying, she rushed  forward, kicking out at the demon in front of her.  Amused when she  realized that not even trying she outsped the boy by just enough to  hit first.  How sad.  "Is this really all the modern demons can  muster?  Thousands of years ago and it was a __challenge__ to fight  even the lowest ranked demons."  Taunting him was all well and good,  she felt, as otherwise how would she be able to make him fight her at  his best?
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Fascinator refused to show his emotions, the hair would win then.  That's what it had wanted from the start, to fucking hurt him. Well he  wouldn't let it. Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know. He sighs,  "Thanks Rose, I-"  He didn't get a chance to end his sentence before his twisted from  pain to being offended. How fucking dare this man tease him in his  hour of need. Squinting his eyes, he crossed his legs and arms as he  pouts,  "You know damn well I do."
OSCARK9:  "OOFF!" he said as he took a kick by her. When he quickly got up, he  heard from what his opponent had said and he was not please at all.  "Why you..." He said as he growls.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  SN watches and she blinks, pretty amazed by Bifocals speed. She takes  out a note pad and she starts scribbling things down. She was going to  log weaknesses cause how else is she gonna fight a godly sonic?  SN  sits back and she observes both fighters, mentally predicting what  their next moves would be.
KRO:  Aw look at that pout, but Halo can't keep the guy like this. He  noticed that Rose was also offering to help with the hair situation  and handed her the tacky hair tie.
 "Here you go," he said, "I'm not exactly good other's hair and I don't  feel like messing his' up."
SAIYAN:  Bowtie took her eyes off of the fight for a second and glanced over to  one side. She noticed Sukajan sitting down by herself. Bowtie hadn't  seen her before to her recollection. She decided to go over and  introduce herself to her.
 "Hi, I don't think I've seen you here before. What's your name?"  Bowtie asked as she stood next to her.
BRIT:  "Is cereal all you're thinking of?" Amulet asked, petting HP's head.  Of all things, breakfast when they were speaking of dinner.
KUMA:  Sukajan glanced up at the girl that had walked over to her. This was  it, her first real actual conversation with a demon. She gave a casual  wave, not breaking her more cool demeanor that she had with strangers.
 "This is my first time around. My name's Sukajan."
HITA:  Smiling widely at the newcomer, Rose set about fixing Fascinator's  hair, hands carefully carding through the man's hair.  She hummed to  herself, softly singing Chinese under her breath.  It had been a while  since she got to play with someone else's hair.  "You have too much  hair to not use pins, sweetheart, you know that, right?"
 Bifocals smirked at the boy before her.  "Awww, did I hurt little boy  red's feelings?  Maybe I'll feel guilty when you graduate from  pull-ups."  More taunting, though it should have been clear it was  just that, a taunt.  She meant no ill will by it.  Sliding forward  again, she lightly shoved at him, clearly trying to show how little  she seemed to respect the boy.  "Come on, boy, try __harder__ to hit  me."
SAIYAN:  Bowtie's smile faded just a bit at Sukajan's cold response. She wasn't  sure what she was expecting from her but it wasn't that type of that  response. Regardless, she continued talking to her.
 "My name's Bowtie" She said with a smile again. "So, what brought you  here?"
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Fascinator tried to brush the hair out of his eyes, emphasize on  tried. The wild locks blocked most of right eyes and all of the left  one so he was basically the thing from the adams family. But a good  thing was no one could notice his cheeks starting to flush. He was  getting red, he felt happy to see Halo and really nervous at the same  due to himself being a hot mess but he wanted to act grumpy. Keeping  his pout he hmphed softly,  "So you're fashionably late Halo, what's up?"  He nods as he hums with her, because for some reason his biggest  fanbase was in China. So you gotta learn some of the language for the  fans. He mumbles,  "Well I use them all to keep this thing on my head."  He pointed to his name sake on the side of his head, and all the  hundreds of pins underneath it.
KRO:  From the depths of the infirmary, Jokki went to take a seat. One that  was closest to Fundoshi. She could tell that he was getting a bit  antsy, he was bad at hiding how he felt.  She waved at Fundoshi, hoping he'd notice and get him to have some  type of conversation. That or entertain her.
 "Yes! I need to think of which one to get for the kids. One that's  healthy but something they'll eat. You know how picky they are. Do you  think they'll just take honey flavored cereal?"  These were real questions Hairpin was asking. He shook his head,  looking up at Amulet from his position, "Anyways, we could go to that  one restaurant you were interested in the other day."
 "Nothing worth pointing out really. Just finished seeing my mom, is  all."  Halo sat next to Fascinator, turning his attention to the arena. What  the fuck was going on? He looked back at Fascinator as he was having  his hair fixed, "Any idea as to what's up?"  He was already getting concerned and it felt like he didn't want to  know the answer to it.
KUMA:  Sukajan sort of internally sweared at herself. Nice job already  messing it up. While she recollected herself, she moved some of her  hair behind her ear. The gesture really didn't have any significance,  just giving her hands something to do helped her calm down.  "Well..." she started, "I heard about this through some connections  and rumors and thought I'd check it out. You could say that the whole,  demon thing is a bit relevant to my interests."  Her gaze then went down to see what was going on with the fights.  "It has also been, an interesting watch."
OSCARK9:  Dress Socks was being humiliated by his opponent, just a little. How  dare she taunt him more. Today was not his day, Folks. After she shove  him, he was slowly getting angry. He got up and squishes his Sabers  harder.
TORI:  Etch was sort of happy to hear VF speak, but also a little  intimidated, however he had a point. Etch was new to this whole demon  thing and he had trouble fully grasping what exactly he was supposed  to be or how he was supposed to act. He was kind, sweet, shy, and  overall a very loving person, he didn't think he embodied any sort of  sin or really had any to begin with. Regardless of this however he was  still quite more comfortable hearing the words of the other demon.
 "A-Ah so... I guess I-Im n-not w-w-weird... Th-thank you..."
 He did mean that, he had thought he would be considered weird because  of his peaceful nature but it was nice to hear that he was not alone  in disliking violence. Sitting more comfortably Etch focused his  attention the fight. The angel this time was doing much better than  the demon, perhaps things would work out how Etch would like to see  them work out.
SAIYAN:  Bowtie nodded her head at Sukajan. She didn't feel like it was right  to continue to prod her on her interest in Demons, so she decided to  leave it at that. She then turned to look back at the fight that raged  below.
 "Yeah it has been good! It's the most entertainment I've had for a  while!" she said.
 Meanwhile, Undershirt watched the fight from his cage. It looked like  Bifocals had the other hand so far. Which was a good thing for sure.  Hopefully that trend would continue!
 "C'mon Bifocals" he thought as his nerves began to rise and he bit his  thumb.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Fascinator tried to recall the whole ordeal,  "Wellll... They caught some holy folks and now it's pretty much  beat-an-Angel. Or atleast I think so... I was looking through jobs in  case my idol job is going down hill. Could have something to do with a  fundraiser."  He shrugged, he wasn't that important so he mostly stays out of  ordeals like this. He was still starting rank, right? Wasn't like he  did anything. He joked,  "Why you wanna volunteer to fight?"
KUMA:  "If it isn't like, a weird thing to ask, do these types of things  happen often?" Sukajan asked, gesturing in the direction of the  ongoing fight. "Or was this a special occasion deal?"
SAIYAN:  Bowtie looked back from the fight and looked back at Sukajan.
 "We go to this place for a multitude of things all the time. But this  specifically, no this isn't common at all. In fact I think this is  only the second time something like this has happened. I wasn't around  for the first one though." Bowtie said to her.
HITA:  Bifocals danced out of range of another try to hit and missed a strike  of her own in the process.  Circling around Dress Socks, she pulled a  spare pair of glasses out and let them spin in her hand until they  coalesced into being Rapture.  The spear plunged into the floor and  launched her over the demon's head.  "Tick, tock, little man, you  can't keep up as long as me, I guarantee that."
 "I don't recommend it, Fasci-lover."  Rose's eyes glinted in amusement  as she spoke to Halo.  "These are higher ranked ones, I think.  Mu ��would think twice about at least the pink ones."  Finally done, she  pat Fascinator's hair.  "You never introduced me to your friend here,  Fascinator, dear."
 VF merely pat the small boy's cheek gently, as if more amused over his  comment than anything.
KUMA:  Sukajan made a mental comparison to this place and a school  auditorium. Of course she didn't vocalize it, as she felt it'd make  her seem a bit immature and limited in experience. Instead, Sukajan  simply nodded at Bowtie's explanation. She definitely planned on  keeping an eye out so she could attend other events like this.  "I guess we're both first timers then." A somewhat dry smile was on  her face, but it was certainly warmer than her previous expressions.  "Were you thinking of fighting at all?"
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Fascinator literally went pink as he buried his face in his hands. He  feels pretty, yes but also like his friend mom was low-key trying to  embarass him. It felt jsut like when he would tell his actual mother  about his crushes. Instinctively, he grumbeld sotfly,  "그만해, 엄마!"  Realizing that Rose wasn't firstly, his mother and that no one  probably understood him he blushed even more as he sunk into his seat.  Today was a bad day to be him. He managed to squeak out,  "B-By the way, thanks for my hair. It looks nice. A-And this is Halo  Ring. Halo Ring, this is Rose."
BRIT:  Fundoshi looked at Jokki from his spot next to the cages and gave her  a nod. 'Sup, cutie. How u doin. He sighed and went back to viewing the  fight.
 Amulet took some of Hairpin's hair and played with it. His eyes kept  moving back to the Seraph in the cage, but he was only mildly  interested it seemed.  "Honey-flavored cereal is probably best." He said, "And I wouldn't  mind going somewhere low-key. We go to a lot of upscale places for  work."
OSCARK9:  Dress Socks can't believe this is happening. First a taunt, then the  kick, THEN the shove, and __NOW__ you've got an Angel dancing on your  head. Man, he's having a __bad time__. The audience thinks this is  funny, but for him, not so much. __"GET OFF OF MY YOU DANCING,  ANGEL!"__ He shout at his opponent.
SAIYAN:  Bowtie smiled back at Sukajan. It seemed like she was a pretty  friendly person after all. Bowtie shook her head.
 "For this specific sort of event yes! It's pretty entertaining I would  have to say. Even better than the sparring sessions I've been a part  of here for sure" she said.
KUMA:  Sukajan watched more of the battle intrigue. So that's what Jeokori  meant when he talked about turning clothing into weapons. It seemed  like both demons, and presumably angels could do it as well. She  cleared her throat and looked back to Bowtie.  "So hear me out here. Let's say... hypothetically I got in there and  fought one of the people down there. Then, I like... won. Do you think  that'd get me some positive reputation? Also again... totally  hypothetical."  Sukajan was trying her best to lie, but she really wasn't doing great.  She was clearly still earnestly debating fighting.
KRO:  Halo held Fascinator's hand, "If you need a job, I can check if my dad  has anything to offer. His company does kinda...focus on idol stuff  for some reason. Never questioned it, but it's weird considering it  first started out as a mining company."  Rose's answer confirmed his fears. Well this is unfortunate no matter  how you looked at it.  Anyways, those formalities.
 "Uh, yes. I'm Halo Ring. Guess you can say we're...sorta together..."  Halo blushed a little. He flustered himself, lookit the baby.
 Jokki rolled her eyes at the lack of attention. As much as she wanted  to get up from her seat and be a little annoying, it wasn't worth it  considering what's happening. Ah well, she'll just blow him a little  kiss. For luck.
 "Honey-flavored it is..." Hairpin said, taking out his phone to note  it down, "Oh, low-key. Hmmm."  He tapped his chin, then snapped his fingers, "We could go to the  Surface? Majority of the restaurants are low-key. Even then ones that  claim to be fancy."
HITA:  "You make the hair look nice, darling.  It suits you well."  Her  fingers tucked her own hair back, taking the ugly hairtie from Halo  and using it to braid her own hair.  Rose's fingers were deft as they  did, eyes narrowed on Halo.  "I'm glad he found someone worth  something in the end.  But..."  Her mouth spread into a wide and sharp  grin.  "If you break his heart, I won't leave remains when I kill  you."  So saying, she pat the boy on the shoulder.  "But for now, I  like you.  You're a good bean."
 Bifocals spun about, eyes intent on laying the flat of her spear  against Dress Socks' side.  "Shall I slow down some?  Order a venti  capuccino?  Stall for hours, maybe?  Thank you can hit me then?"  A  quick dodge didn't save her from the hit she received however.
SAIYAN:  Bowtie looked at Sukajan again.
 "Yeah I would think that you'd get a ton of respect for beating one of  those angels" She said to her. "But that's just me" she shrugged.
TORI:  Etch was having a rather difficult time focusing on everything around  him. He didint really like what was going on still and despite his new  found comfort he couldn't help but feel uneasy that things were going  the way they were. All this little outing did to him was make him more  insacure about his demonic state, and made him want to go home. Unsure  however if he was even allowed to Etch simply decided that perhaps he  should walk around. Standing up carefully before fixing his skirt he  looked around the coliseum, before turning to VF. Putting on an  awkward smile the boy spoke.
 "U-um I'm g-g-g-gonna go and g-get a dr-ink of w-w-water... i-if i can  find w-where to do th-that. U-um... I-I'll b-b-b-be back."
 However, Etch did not get very far. The boy was clumsy, this was  common knowlage to all that knew him for more tjhan an hour *
OSCARK9:  Dress Socks has his foolishness with this Angel __quit  enough!__"Lady..." He said in a growl tone while his eyes was glowing  in gold and lock on to Bifocals in pure anger. __"DON'T MESS WITH  ME!"__ He shouted in rage. He got her off of his head, grab her by the  left arm, and slam her down to the ground with all of his might. Now  he's mad.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Fascinator's mental state literally blanked as he thought,  "Oh fuck, fuck fuck, he's holding my hand. I'm not even in the  hopsital this time. Shit I think I went numb. I should proabbly get  that checked out. This isn't because he was reaching for something and  grabbed the wrong thing, rgiht? No, no he was holding it. He looks  awake, no mind control, no strings. I'm 60% sure that's Halo. So a  legit hand holding. Oh dear lord in heaven and or hell, thank you for  letting me have this moment before I will most likely perish. Shit!  Focus, Fasci. You've trained for this. You just gotta... Hold the hand  back. Right. Okay."  He gently returned the gesture and he might be trembling from either  fear or nervousness, maybe both, maybe a mysterious third emotion.  Then finally he was brought back into the real world and when he heard  Rose's semi threat he whined/whimpered,  "Rose, no. I like him alive and not dismembered... I'm sure he won't  do that I've had my heart broken 68 times already!"
TORI:  The boy was clumsy, this was common knowlage to all that knew him for  more than an hour or so, and it looked like it was VF's turn to learn  about this, probably a little sooner than expected, or wanted. Etch  took two steps before he felt the air hitting his face, oh, he was  falling, oh... he tripped. And now he was face first on the ground. He  didn't want to move... the shame... the embarrassment... maybe nobody  noticed... no... everybody did.
KUMA:  Taken aback from the bluntness of Bowtie's response, Sukajan  noticeably relaxed. Of course it made more sense that this other girl  wouldn't be that invested in this. They were in fact, total strangers.  "Well then I'm just going to drop the hypotheticals and say that's  what I'm planning to do," Sukajan then paused. She was about to  continue speaking and go on a tangent about how she wanted information  and some lead on her father. But she then realized that: A. It'd be  weird to suddenly blurt that out and B. Just in case it might be best  to not just give her backstory and motivation out to any and every.
KRO:  "If I break his heart it won't be by my hand, but by..." Halo's  sentence trailed off, catching himself sound poetic, "By whoever the  hell ends up killing me."
 Not so smooth save.  "But I don't have the heart to toy with someone's emotions like that.  Especially when the whole point of the arrangement is to care for the  other's well being."
As Demons entertained themselves by toying with the remaining high-ranking Angels, some uninvited guests were moving about Hell Corp. What seemed to be a Cyborg from Torsolette's group entered the infirmary and radioed in that the subject has been secured. Two other figures nodded at each other upon hearing the confirmation and moved in to relocate the subject. This felt too easy, though. Guess security was just absolute garbage on gladiatorial battle days. For shame, but whatever.
SAIYAN:  "Hey man, I say go for it" Bowtie said as she looked at Sukajan. "It  would be a great way to make your name known!"
 Bowtie looked at her with a smile. She also wanted to see more people  fight. This was too much fun for it to end anytime soon!
KUMA:  "Thanks for the motivation. I think I'll really do it." Sukajan said  with some confidence evident in her voice. She was thankful that she  decided to bring her bat with her. She also returned Bowtie's smile,  but it wasn't that big. Not out of negative feelings or anything, it  was just how she was.
BRIT:  Fundoshi looked away from Jokki, his face turning a little pink.  Don't flirt with him, he's working.
 Amulet chuckled.  "I supposed it would be fun to don those disguises again to go out to  eat. I wouldn't mind walking around on the surface for once." He said  as his arm slid right around Hairpin's waist. These guys are so damn  gay.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Fascinator snickered sotfly at the attempted save, he didn't mean to  but he's not exactly the best at being polite. He insisted jokingly,  "Don't worry, I'm dying first in this relationship."  The tips of his ears were burning and he again covered his blushing  face. Now he had butterflies in his tummy and felt loved at the same  time. He didn't know how to even try to cope with these feelings as he  blurts out,  "T-Thank you for caring about me?"  Well that wasn't a sentence he was use to saying. Fascinator started  to anciously play with the tips of his hair as he shrunk away shyly.  He wasn't familiar with feeling stable, safe, and loved at the same  time so he was a bit shook from the current of emotions inside of his  brain.
HITA:  Rose's eyebrow lifted and she nearly sneered but then she pressed her  cheek to Fascinator's in amusement.  "I love you, dear.  I hope he  makes you happy."  Her fingers pat her friend's arm gently.  But her  attention immediately turned to the arena again.  She was amazed that  the boys beside her were so kind, honestly.
 Bifocals grunted, standing tall near immediately.  How dare this brat?   Oh, who did she kid?  "That was actually quite good!  Good job!  Now  hit me again!"  She rolled her shoulder, smirking wide.  "I dare you."
 VF's fingers curled over its chin, chuckling at the antics of the boy  in front of it.  How cute.
OSCARK9:  "My pleasure." He said. Dress Socks walking up to her, slowly, and  thinking of what he'll do to her next. With quick thinking, he slap  her in the face on her left cheek. Not much damage, but it made him  smirk a little. "That will teach you for taunting me." He said.
HITA:  She couldn't help it, she started laughing.  Hard.  He hit her well  enough and then he gave her that?  How rude.  "A bitch slap?  How  quaint."  She hadn't even moved with the hit.  It was like she didn't  even care.  Bifocals merely grinned, finding this whole thing to be a  farce.
KRO:  Jokki managed to take out her phone and take a picture of Fundoshi's  blushing face. Look at that, what a cute face. 10/10 would always  smooch.  She had a big ol'smile but that quickly left as she received a text  message. She sighed, putting her phone away. Now she was all kinds of  anxious to the point where she began biting her fingernails. That's  nasty, stop that.
 Pulling a Sidon, Halo said with gusto, "I will try my best to make him  so! I mean...I'm not disappointing Fascinator only if this  relationship doesn't work out..."  The thought of his father hounding him for not keeping a partner made  him shudder.
 HP blinked a bit, realizing that the position he got himself in was  gonna knock him out for the rest of this event. He'll try to keep  awake, though.
 "Or maybe we could have fun and make new disguises? Match aesthetics  and be all kinds of cute. I was thinking something along greaser  aesthetics!"  The very thought excited HP, he was a sap for greaser fashion or  anything that vaguely resembled it.
OSCARK9:  "Well you did say, 'I dare you!' " He said to her to refresh her  memory. "But if that not enough..." He shrug, "How about this?" He  didn't move from where he slap her, but stomp her right foot with his  left foot. He smirk wide, just a little.
HITA:  Eyebrow raised, Bifocals stared at the offending foot.  Really?  "Considering my brother and I used to impale each other for practice,  do you really think I felt that?  Try again, kid."  Her smirk  remained, spear firmly in the ground, arms around it.  "Again, how  quaint."
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Fascinator pursed his lips as he turned to Halo with a face of being  done. He poked his boyfriend's cheek as he insists,  "Stop. Being. So. Cute."  He appreciated the kindness, he did. But there's a point where ya  gotta stop because you're turning too precious for the Earth. Fasci  pinched Halo's cheek to make his point and satleaned into his seat  again. He was huffing, his petticoats were in bunches, and his face  burning. Sure, he felt overjoyed but at the same time he felt like he  was being an idiot due to the fact that he had no idea what to do  right now. Like, how do you react to somone that you love acting  adorable as fuck? He doesn't know. He sighs,  "You're being too precious and I don't know what to do"
HITA:  Smirking, she waited for the inevitable rage and swung her spear up to  whack him in the side with the flat of the blade.  Not enough to cut  him, but enough to give warning to his current line of thought.  Bifocals' smirk spread wider as if she were preparing to taunt him  again.
OSCARK9:  "Oh Sorry!" He reply to her, sarcastic. "I would like to se-" Before  finishing his sentence, he was interrupted by getting hit by her Flat  spear. He didn't say anything but growls.
BRIT:  "G.... Greaser?" Amulet asked, shooting an odd look at HP, "I'm not so  sure about that... Uh aesthetic."  He cleared his throat and adjusted a little.
 Fundoshi stared at Jokki for a moment before furrowing his brow at  her. Stop biting your nails, that's nasty.
KRO:  Hairpin nodded with enthusiasm, but frowned at Amulet's reaction, "Not  a big fan, I presume?"  Ah well, it was worth a shot.
 "Then...If we were to match, what do you suggest?"  He really felt like having fun on the Surface for once, come on  Amulet.
 As if reading his mind, Jokki immediately stopped biting at her nails  and looked up at Fundoshi with lowered ears. She shrugged,  exaggerating the movement of her eyes as if she was resigned to  whatever will happen in the near future.
KRO:  Halo smiled at Fascinator, patting his arm, "I mean, you don't have to  do anything? I'm just saying the truth."
OSCARK9:  "Why you..." He said to her, angerly. Dress Socks runs at his  opponent, clinched his right hand, and give her a strong punch in the  abdomen. "That's for not letting me finish my sentence!" He said.  Well, she had it coming.
HITA:  Her spear returned to her side as she began to circle again, curious  as to what his next strike would bring.  She was taken aback by the  shock of the loss of breath.  There was a smirk though, as if she  didn't care.  "You actually had a sentence to finish that wasn't  unintelligible muttering?"
Fashionably late to the function, the match was interrupted by the abrupt appearance of two Angels. Both were nearly obscured by the lengths of their hair. It's everywhere, pretty sure one of them has some in their eyes right now. As the dust settled, one of the Angels that was practically radiating light, Caplet, extended a straight sword in Shroud's direction.
"Now..." They began, "We all know why we come to interrupt your small field day. Give us what we came here and we'll leave without incident. Failure to comply gives us legal rights to storm this insitution with military aid."
They weren't bluffing either and hoped that Shroud saw that. If he can see from that mask, that is. Despite their confident posture, they stuck close to their teammate, Duster. They were surrounded by a bevy of Demons after all.
"Attempt something with us, and you'll surely start a war. Everything being said is being relayed back to UN forces."
OSCARK9:  Dress Socks blinked.
SAIYAN:  "CAPLET WHAT THE FUCK!? WHERE'D YOU COME FROM" Undershirt shouted from  inside his cage.
 The love of his life had just came busting in and challenged the  Absolute. It was kinda hot tbh
 Meanwhile Bowtie looked at the Angels in disgust. This is why the  couldn't have nice things.
KUMA:  Most of what was being said went over Sukajan's head. Though she did  understand that if the captured people got set free, she'd lose her  chance to get an in with the demons. The thing with the UN seemed odd  to her. Did they know about angels and demons too? Was there some kind  of government cover up? She groaned. This was just her luck. The girl  stood up with her bat and tried to stealthily get a bit closer to  everything. Not too close of course.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Fascinator slowly grins brightly as Halo's statement sank in, and he  started feeling giddy and overjoyed. Finally, now he doesn't have to  worry about his love life. He was gonna go for a hug but then the  party crashers busted through the wall and caused him to again, scream  in panic. The Canadian police had finally figured out where he was and  now they're gonna take him to Candian jail. He clinged onto for dear  life,  "This is it, I'm going to jail for my crimes in Vanc- Oh wait..."  It wasn't the Candian police. He still clinged onto Halo, because why  not. If anything shit goes down he's lifting him and running.
KRO:  Jokki's heart was pounding at the sight of these Angels and she sunk  into her seat.
 Hairpin sat up straight, forgetting about the topic he was currently  discussing with Amulet. They'll use old disguises, fuck it, but cool  shit's happening.
 The light was a bit too bright for Halo's liking as he shielded his  eyes.
 "They...know how to make an entrance," he commented.
TORI:  Etch after probably crying to himself silently for some time got up,  and to his amazement was probably the coolest thing he'd seen all day.  That certainly had his interest over everything else. This was... so  cool! Etch stoo straight up and looked down at the event in awe at  what was occuring. That must be what its like to be strong, he would  be lying if he didint desire this for himself to some degree, not very  cute of him perhaps but he never made a promise about that.
BRIT:  Shroud stood from his seat steadily, his eye narrowing at the Angels.  His head had tilted slightly.  "Angels in Hell? What a charming notion." He answered simply, "You  want me to forfeit our entertainment?"  He shot a look in the direction of the cages.
 Fundoshi stood firm in his position by the cages, but he honestly  would move if they asked him to. As much as he hated Angels, he would  rather not have to face off against so many at once. Not like he used  to.
 Duster's hands moved up to his lapels, ready to remove his coat at any  moment.  "Hand them over, or we'll do worse than contact the UN." He said.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Jeokori woke up from the noise and jerked his head up. He looked  around wildly and saw the situation. Well looks like this'll be a  stand off. He looked over to Sukajan, yawning while tapping her  should,  "What did I miss?"
KUMA:  Sukajan whirled around, initially caught off guard by the tap, but she  relaxed when she saw it was Jeokori.  "It seems like some Angels came in to rescue the other ones," she  explained. She sighed, "And its really a pain because I wanted to  fight one of them and prove myself. Like... if I got points with some  demon higher ups I could get leads on my dad's location."  Then Sukajan rocked on her feet as she thought some more, "Maybe...  like if we jumped in to help it might have the same sort of effect,"  she suggested.
KRO:  Caplet raised a brow, lowering their sword, "You'll spare no expense  in giving them up. We'd rather not start conflict with all of you.  Especially considering that Western Heaven is in quite the uproar over  the loss of their high-ranking subjects."
 They flicked some of their cape out of the way, not breaking eye  contact with Shroud.  "The UN is the least your problems, but Western Heaven threatens with  war if an agreement between us cannot be arranged. Unless you feel  like negotiating, just let them out of the cages."
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Jeokori held her back as he shook his head. Yes, battling for sport is  okay but yet this is not. He could see they were fairly strong, and he  didn't Sukajan to get hurt. He wrote down,  "Let's see what happens... I think this might be a serious issue."  He pets her head as he comforted,  "We can spar together so you can get ready next time."  Fascinator gulped as he watched the tense scene. It was like  Thanksgiving all over again. God, he didn't want to throw down at all,  he didn't want to go to the hospital again. He ran out of insurance  money. He couldn't pay those medical bills, they charge like 900 for  an IV bag.
BRIT:  Something akin to a laugh came from behind the mask. Maybe it was a  short, abrupt chuckle or a scoff.  "There will always be war between Angels and Demons. That's the way of  the world. Fine, take them. You'll tear them from our hands,  regardless." He replied, pushing the blade the rest of the way away  from him. He motioned to Fundoshi.
 Fundoshi turned to the cages and opened them for the rest of the  Angels.  "You may leave." He said sternly.
 In the meantime, Amulet scoffed at the presence of the Angels. They  always loved to crash the party.
KUMA:  Sukajan sighed, lowering her bat. The truth is that she knew Jeokori  was right about this being a serious issue that probably didn't even  concern her. She was in her own head and was frustrated about losing  this chance. Though at the same time, Sukajan wasn't stupid enough to  stick her own neck out when she didn't need to.  "...That sounds good for now. I'll definitely hold you to training me  though."
KRO:  "Yet I pray that it won't come to that."  Seeing as they weren't going to attack them, Caplet reverted their  weapon back to their namesake and tossed it back on. They straightened  out their clothes, giving one nod to the Absolute.
 "Enjoy the rest of the day. Still looking foward to your promised city  hall meeting. Some neighborhoods are getting antsy," they said with a  cheeky smile.
 But it's time to leave. They approached the cages to lead out the rest  and collected Bifocals. They even helped take off Strappon's  restraints.
 "Thank goodness you're safe and without injury. Forgive us for taking  too long. We just had to plan for any possible outcome..."
SAIYAN:  Relief flooded over Undershirt as Caplet freed him from his prison. As  soon as he got out he gave Caplet a hug.
 "Well thank god you guys came! I don't know how much longer I could  take being cooped up in there" Undershirt said.
 He was thankful that someone came to help out but
OSCARK9:  Dress Socks de-summons his Sabers and turns them back into regular  dress socks. "Ah well." He said to himself, while he sighs softly.  First time fighting an Angel was humiliating, but at least he got his  wish and experience the feelings of fighting from one of the Angels.  While other Angels are leaving, he look at Bifocals for the final time  while she's leaving with anger in his glowing golden eyes. "Next time  we meet again, I'll show you my true strength and I'll not hold back."  He said to himself while clinching his right fist tightly to show that  he mean business. __"Mark it!"__
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Jeokori smiled as he promised,  "Only wooden weapons at first, then we'll swtich to blades."  If his mentor saw him, she would be so proud of him. Probably. He's  gonna do a good job. God, get this man away from this child before he  kills her.  Fasciantor was gone, he went to get food like 5 minutes ago. There was  curry ramen at the local curry house calling his name.
BRIT:  Strappon struggled out of the rest of his bonds and straightened his  clothes out with a huff, immediately collecting up Father Handcuffs  from the floor.  "Let's get out of this bloody dump." He grumbled. As they walked  towards the Angels, he grumbled something about a lack of manners and  good tea.
 Duster released his grip on his lapels. He didn't need to be as on  guard, but he knew he was ready at any moment. He simply helped  Strappon carry Handcuffs.
 Shroud looked up at the demons in the stands.  "Let them leave, we're done for today." He said. Emotionless and cold.
KUMA:  Sukajan shrugged. "I actually don't think I'm much of a knife person."  She held up her bat pointedly. "And I think using a sword or something  like that would be kinda like....pretentious."
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Jeokori could only see Fasci with his ridiculous machete. "It was a  gift," he said "Couldn't throw it away" he said. Where does that guy  even keep that thing? In his pants? Shaking it off,  Jeokori nods but  makes a point to write down,  "We'll need to get some equipment because I don't think I can handle  being hit with that sseveral times."  He nudged her towards the exit so they can get started planning.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  SH shrugs and she gets up, earning a groan from her guards. Was she  sleeping? Yes. Yes she was. They follow her out and they drive off,  She takes yet another nap in the dead people car. She needed a drink.
KRO:  Halo looked around at the sudden disappearance of Fascinator. He  figured the guy must of been too stressed to witness this and sent him  a text message. Knowing Fascinator, he'll probably find the guy in a  food joint.
 Caplet blushed as Undershirt came in for the hug.  "My son was getting worried he'd have nobody to chastise. So I had to  get you out fast."
 They jested. or did they? Probably. They giggled at Strappon's  ranting, being glad to hear his voice again, even if it was just  nothing but complaints. Yes Strappon, they'll get you better tea the  second you're back at the Abbey. Kinda required by law.  Father Handcuffs was sorta crying from relief, mumbling something  about being able to see his kids again and how they must be worried  sick.
 Jokki didn't waste time in heading to the empty cages to disassemble  them. She was feeling frantic and needed something to do, leave her  alone. But now all that went through her mind was was the fear of once  more losing her rank. On one side, she can start anew with a  resolution set. One the other, she could get sent to prison for  treason...again. She didn't want that.
 Hairpin pulled on Amulet's sleeve as he got up.  "Alright, we're leaving. I have an idea what restaurant we can go to.  Let's just head home to prepare."
 He sounded a bit stern, bothered even. Probably nothing in relation to  what happened earlier in their conversation. But something was  bothering him.
SAIYAN:  "Yeah I'm sure that was the reason" Undershirt laughed.
 Regardless of the reason, he was none the less happy that he was free  from his captivity. He couldn't wait to get home and just fall asleep  in his own bed for once. He smiled at the thought, he'd been so tired  lately from not getting enough sleep for the whole time he'd been  gone.
KUMA:  Sukajan walked with Jeokori towards the exit. "Oh yeah I'd be pretty  bad if I hit you with this," she said, bragging a little.  Even if this day didn't go exactly she expected, Sukajan was pretty  pleased with the results. Jumping straight to the top was unrealistic.  It'd be slow going, but eventually she'd get the respect of some  higher ups.
BRIT:  Fundoshi started helping Jokki remove the cages from the arena.  "You need to stop fretting, I have this." He said to her, giving her a  nudge.
 Amulet nodded and got up as well.  "Alright, underlings. You have work in the morning so exit stage left,  please." He said as he beconed them to leave, "Run along now, the  Supreme Absolute has a lot of damage control to do."  One last glance at the Angels and a scoff.
 Shroud turned back to the group of Angels before they exited.  "I want you to be aware that this is the last time I'll be kind about  letting you go," He said, "You make quite a mockery of us, and I don't  take kindly to it."  The threads in his cape swirled violently to indicate his mood, even  though his voice didn't.
(( OOC: Alright folks, we're ending it here. Thanks for coming! Go ahead and make any final posts if you haven't already! ))
OSCARK9:  Dress Socks walk back to his seat to retrieve his lunch bag, full of  lollipops, wave goodbye Circlet and to the others as well, and walk  towards the exit and out of the Coliseum. Like Amulet said, 'We got  work in the morning'. That being said, he walk over to his red Dodge  Viper SRT 10 ACR, start the engine, and drove on home.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  He boot too big for he gotdamn feet
0 notes
dcmissionaries · 6 years
Our Princesses are Definitely in this Castle [Part 1]
With the flaming zombie tornado quelled and ghost hunter badges recollected from Romero and Carpen Town, our Angels returned to a distressed crowed back at the Abbey. From what little information they could give, volunteers and visiting humans reported several prominent Angels missing. Concern piled up once everybody realized that both Strappon and Father Handcuffs failed to return despite the fact that both left Romero and Carpen Town before anybody. Panic set in shortly after and a few grueling weeks passed since then. Many Abbey residents became restless and other theorized possible reasons for the disappearances. To help ease them, Thrones worked on calming the Angels, guiding them in the absense of their leaders. This gave a few others a chance to hold council to come up with a plan. At the behest of Tunic, those with seniority in Daten and military experience were gathered after receiving crucial intel from an inside informant. The group consisted of Duster, Caplet, and Ovr'Kot with guest appearances from Blazer, Hot Pants, and Sukafu. The group at first was confused as to why Demons would turn on themselves, but putting their political strife aside they made haste in formulating a plan. After a few stressful hours, they settled on a plan: Sukafu will become a scout. He shall disguise himself as a Hell Corp. cyborg and relay any useful information ranging from patrol schedules to the locations of their leaders. After the verdict, Sukafu went to work almost immediately. He successfully joined Hell Corp. with the council building upon their plan as information became available. In time, a small strike team was formed for the actual infiltration. Demons had a little less action than Angels. Sure, there was a buzz after the Angels and priests were captured, but they returned to their busy lifestyles after five minutes of mocking. They couldn't risk being off their shifts too long without having their pays docked. A few high ranking Demons did keep close tabs on their prisoners, one Demon keeping a bit too many tabs. It was the informant, Jokki, who would frequent the prisoners. She would often take them for her own projects, mostly cleaning animal enclosures, as a cover to gather information to relay back to Angels. It wasn't long until others became suspicious of her and eventually she was forbidden from seeing them. It was prime time for Shroud to unveil his plans. The week was nearing its end with Demons swamped with work as usual. That or attempting to steal their work from Fundoshi, the poor guy really needs a lengthy vacation. The intercoms turned on, feedback playing through them. "Good afternoon, we are to meet in the training arena within the hour. I think it's about time our guests were shown our true hospitality." As the intercoms turned off, many Demons became giddy. Were they gonna pit them against each other? Sounded like a good form of entertainment! Or maybe they'll fight them! Maybe they'll gain a rank by defeating high ranking Angels. Oh the possibilities! Let's pray to the Lord that nothing bad actually happens. 
DEFINITELY THIS CASTLE. YEP. The Demons of Hell Corp have been summoned to the arena for an extra-special event. --------
Today was clearly a day for celebration, and Hell Corp was practically busting at the seams with excitement. The clamor about the halls was extraordinary- as if there was some sort of free food, a peep show of momentous proportions, or everyone was let out early. Either way, it was clear to the passerby that Hell Corp had one Hell of an event planned (pun intended).   Seats in the Coliseum were filling up quickly, the murmur of excited demons filled the air as everyone whispered about the tarp-covered cages in the middle. They had captured someone from the opposing side, or several, and some could recall a similar event that had happened the year prior. Needless to say, it was worth the excitement.
BRIT:  Shroud stood in the very middle of the stadium with his arms crossed  behind his back, waiting patiently for the seats to fill. He looked so  filled with enthusiasm, the narrator points out with sarcasm.
NAIVESPACEMAN:  Bling stepped into the Coliseum, flanked on all sides by the biggest,  most basic NPC lookin' thug mother fuckers you ever did see. Her own  personal entourage of thugs she had since growing up. None of them  were demons when she had them beating up street rats back in the day.  She fixed that when she joined Hell Corp. The jewelry covered demon  made her way to a seat in the lower middle. Close enough to see the  action, but not close enough to get covered in blood. She just had  this outfit cleaned, you know. Bling folded her arms over her chest  and crossed her legs as her entourage took all the seats around and  behind her. Her eyes narrowed at bit at Shroud.
SALAD ASS:  Tails of course, was dressed for the occasion, if anything  overdressed. He tried to find a seat as close as possible to the show,  knowing he wanted to hear and see and even feel everything that  happens. He was excited to say the least, a sharp tooth grin stretched  across his face, it was rare he ever allowed himself to go out to any  big events but he made this particular one an exception.
OWLIE:  Circlet was slightly annoyed at the fact she had to delay her work.  And as she entered the Coliseum, her eardrums were nearly blasted off  by the other demons' excitement. Sighing, she seated herself at the  middle rows, alone. She's here so she might as well enjoy the show..
KRO:  Well this day has finally arrived and Jokki was a little nervous. Not  because of what they've got in store for their guests, but she was far  more concerned about the possibility of being ratted out publicly for  helping Angels. As if Fundoshi chastising her wasn't enoug.   Hairpin was just as anxious, but he actually had the ability to worry  about some of his friends since he wasnt a
OSCARK9:  Dress Socks walked into the Coliseum with a smile on his face. He  looked around and sees newly faces that he never met. Inside, he saw  some of the hellbents, demons, inquisitors, and of course, the  Absolute. He was finding a seat for himself and took the middle seat  to see the action. With a smile on his face and a little bit of  lolipops that he brought in a lunch bage, he can wait to see what's  going on in the Coliseum.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Sneaker heels was escorted out of her pimped out black hearse,four  tall body guards assuming their position at her sides. Her body  adorned in a lacey black dress. She was sipping the last drop of a  glass of wine and with a soft sigh she tosses the glass in the middle  of the street. With a smirk she sashays inside of the Coliseum. What a  lady.  Her guards crouch down, making a seat for her and with the flip  of her hair SN directed her attention to Shroud.
KRO:  SINCE he wasn't doing much to aid the enemy.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Jeokori stretches as he sits down in the very back of the coliseum,  for consideration sake. There was suddenly a bunch of commotion that  woke him out of his mid afternoon nap and he just followed the crowd  here. The sudden jolt from waking up caused a ceiling tile to be  impaled and stuck on one of his horns, not that he noticed. His eyes  still a bit sleepy, and fought back the urge to nap. Jeokori looked  around for one of the five people he actually knows.  Fascinator's eyes quieted in the sunlight, his skin itching and his  retinas slightly burning. It's been days since he last went outside  outside of work purposes and it was a fucking experience. He didn't  really know anyone here, and he felt his chest begin to tighten with  anxiety. His heart began to beat faster and it was getting hard to  breathe. Fascinator sunk into the closest seat he could find, and  prayed that someone who knew him would call him over. Hopefully.  Maybe. Possibly?
SAIYAN:  Bowtie had made her way from her desk all the way through the long  hallways to the Colosseum. She thought back to the last time she was  here. It had been a long time for sure. She made her way to her a seat  that was open next to Jokki and sat down.
 “So what do you think is in the box? Must be important if the  summoned ALL of us here” Bowtie said to her.
KUMA:  Sukajan had heard about the event and decided she'd show up. It would  really be her first time around so many demons. She didn't think it'd  be a significant lead to her father's location, but it was better than  nothing. In very back she spotted a tall, pink, and familiar figure.  Sukajan went next to Jeokori and waved.
TORI:  Ah yes, this was certainly a day for excitement and interest from  demons everywhere. Everybody would be flooding coliseum and gathering  around in anticipation for what was about to occur, though honestly  many probably weren't sure exactly what that thing was. It was just an  interesting day all around, everybody was quite excited for the events  of the day. Well… almost everybody. Not every demon today was as  excited and energetic as some of the others, and that little Demon was  Waist Belt, though he hated that name and just went by Etch. He had  sat himself quite far from some of the other Demons, as they all piled  up at the front Etch found himself a nice little seat where no other  demons had surrounded and sat his butt carefully onto the chair. Etch  was what you would call a paranoid mess, he had a bad feeling about  the day and could only imagine things going wrong, but hopefully that  wasn’t going to be the case. Etch had a lot of reasons more than  just anxiety when it came to sitting far away from the fellow demons,  for one, he didn't like demons all that much. Now sure that may be  hypocritical of him considering he was a demon, but nobody said  anything about him liking himself either. Sitting in the chair legs  swinging slightly in the air as he was far too small to actually reach  the ground with his feet, the little succubus looked around at his  fellow demons. All of them were so scary, sure some seemed nice, and  maybe a few weren't as bad as they seemed, but in the end they were  all terrifying to the boy, every single one of them. Part of the boy  just wanted to be an angel, this was more reason that he separated  himself from the demons around him. He just hoped that he wouldn't  have to talk to anybody today. Hopefully the fact that he was as alone  as he could be wouldn’t attract any unnecessary attention. From his  seat however Etch couldn't help but peek up at the absolute, of all  the scary demons, he was the scariest, he didn't even want to think  about him so as quick as he could he buried his head into his hands  and ran them back into his hair, avoiding the three little horns set  on his head… god he hoped those didn't grow at all.
HITA:  Stretching out its legs, Volto Foglia cracked its neck and adjusted  its mask on its face.  Its bird circled the room briefly before  alighting onto the demon's head again.  Ignoring the rabble of the  others took effort sometimes, truly, but not now.  Its intense focus  was centered solely on the Absolute and what he brought with him to  the Colosseum.  Would it be impressed?  Probably not.  Rarely was it  ever impressed with this Sector.  Though this Absolute had earned its  grandmother's respect, unlike many others, but clearly there was some  lunacy involved in being in charge of this Sector.  Groaning to  itself, VF cracked its neck once more as Cerniera surveyed the arena.  Perhaps it might get to beat someone up today.  Hopefully.
BRIT:  Amulet sat next to Hairpin and leaned in toward him.  "This is going to be just as fun as the last time, sans your sister  getting stabbed." He whispered to him with a short chuckle.
 Fundoshi sighed from the middle of the arena beside Shroud. This was  very different from the last time and he was actually wishing he'd  kept his underwear on. But there it was, implanted in the ground in  front of him as he rested his hands on "Unleashed."  His eyes wandered to Jokki and he gave her a kind of nod in greeting.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Jeokori peeked up seeing Sukajan as he waved enthusiastically. He  smiled brightly, the dimples in his cheeks showing as he showed a  paper,  "Sukajan! I wasn't expecting you, I'm happy to see you!"  He got up as he kneeled down to look her in the eyes.
PYROBIRD:  Any opportunity Belt Buckle had to get away from the pencil pushing  was a good opportunity, especially if there was a chance for some  action or classic Colosseum violence. She shoved her way through the  arena's halls with little care for any spilled snacks or falls she  might've caused.
 After making her way to the inner circle, BB scanned the crowd for her  friend Overalls.
 "Damn, must not be here," she thought. After all, Ralls did like to  skip out on these events time to time to follow the roaming pandas.  Instead of wasting more time standing on the steps, BB started to jog  down them towards the front row, just in case they needed some  volunteers. This might be a chance to get back some honor after being  beaten up the last time she was here.
KRO:  Jokki raised a brow at Bowtie, "We all know what's in the box... And  it's not a box of dicks. Well, I guess it depends on the context."   She stops herself before further explaining her joke. The Angels were  dicks. She waved at Fundoshi with a nervous smile. Was she sweating?  Probably. Poor thing, she's got anxiety.
  Hairpin nudged Amulet, "Honey, you're not helping. We both know this  is gonna involve some of my friends so have a little more tact."
KUMA:  Sukajan felt a bit embarrassed by him kneeling down. She knew he  didn't mean anything by it but it was an emphasis on their height  difference, and specifically her shortness. She cleared her throat.  "Yeah its nice to see you too. I'm not... exactly sure what's going  on, but I just figured I should come."
SALAD ASS:  Yeezy of course clumsily and violently made her way to her seat,  finding Tails and sitting next to him with snacks and a mouth full of  hot cheetos. He muddled excited voice was yelling and spiting chunks  of spiciness all over Tails clean and prep and perfect outfit in which  resulted in him shoving the snack down her fucking throat like a  heathen.
OWLIE:  Circlet's eyes wandered for a bit. She looked up to see the absolute,  the only demon she'll never piss off. Then she here eyes drifted  towards the faces of the other demons in the arena. almost all of them  were total strangers to her... But she saw one familiar face among the  sea of strangers.
OWLIE:  "Hey Dress socks!" Circlet waved, she's practically shouting over the  other demon's noise
SAIYAN:  Dick in a box played in Bowtie’s mind for a moment before she  started laughing as she got the joke.
 “Yeah I guess you could say that! Hopefully we can get a few hits on  them ourselves!” Bowtie smiled as she cracked her knuckles.
 That would be nice, especially since there hasn’t been much in terms  of fun going on. At least this in and of itself was a nice break from  the monotony of paper work.
OSCARK9:  While Dress Socks was waiting for the event to start from the  Absolute, he reach inside the bag and took out his main fave Green  Pop. What can he say, he like sweets. Especially if they're green. "Oh  sweet lime, take me away to a sweet life." Like that, he put it in his  mouth and enjoying the flavor. While enjoying the flavor, he heard  voice that was calling him and a familiar one at that. He turn to see  who it is and it was Circlet. "Oh! Hey Circlet!" He waved at her and  shouted back with a smile on his face.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  SN yawned softly and crossed her arms, her eyes closed, "Better than  having interviewers make me deepthroat a mic for a half hour..." She  groaned, who knew talking and oral were the same thing for her? SN  opens her eyes and she leans against the arm of her "chair" earning a  small grunt from guard. "No familiar faces either.. There's gotta be  someone as bored as me." SH murmured as she looked around.
EMI:  Mankini strolled into the bench area, wearing some bejeweled  sunglasses and holding a coffee. It had been a long time since he'd  been around and his paperwork had piled up to obscene levels. He  actually barely recognized the crowd at this point.
 He tilted his sunglasses down and looked straight at any demons he saw  under 5 feet tall. Today was gonna be a good day back.
EMI:  Somewhere in the distance, Nightshirt leaned back in his chair, far in  the back. He had a good enough view of everything, at least if he sat  up.
HITA:  Glancing around once more, Cerniera took flight and coasted around the  room, eyes locking onto a small form huddled all to itself.  She let  out a warning shriek (because she wasn't uncultured and could, in  fact, be polite) before landing on the bench next to Etch.  Creeping  forward, she considered the child and handed him one of her feathers.  A great honor, she felt, to bestow on anyone.
 With the bird's take off, Volto Foglia had to follow after its pet to  ensure she wasn't harassing others... again.  Instead, as it took an  almost circuitous route, it spotted several groupings of demons and  sneered beneath its mask.  How sad, it thought, that none of these  demons were worth even half a single South-Western demon.  Though with  this in mind it was frankly surprised to see Cerniera near another  demon, let alone a small and clearly weaker one.  Head tilting, it saw  she had given the boy a feather and it grinned beneath the mask it  wore.  Regardless of its feelings on the matter, its Nan would beat IT  for not protecting a small child.  That in mind the tall demon sat  down beside Etch, effectively blocking him from other demons, and  stretched out once more with a small wave to the boy beside it.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Jeokori nods as he pats the seat next to him, the ceiling tile shaking  on his horn. He sits backs down as he points to the covered cage and  handed her another note,  "Something about that."  Fascinator looked down at the floor, self conscious about himself.  Everyone had friends, except him. Perfect. That's fine. It wasn't  fine. He was screaming internally as he wished someone would tap his  shoulder. This is what happens when you don't got friends.
SALAD ASS:  "Stop being a food whore and sit down, Youre gonna ruin the show with  your loud mouth smacking." Tails hissed under his breath, shoveing  Yeezy into her seat a,d brushing all the discharge of food that landed  on his handsome frame.
OWLIE:  Circlet stood up from her seat and sat herself next to Dress Socks,  "Isn't this intriguing?" She asked him, "I wonder what's behind those  covered cages...?"
BRIT:  Amulet's nose scrunched up a little.  "I can't believe you're friends with those rash Angels. They're  unruly." He said, leaning back to his original position. "Ah, well.  Maybe it's just your generation."  He wasn't fond of that idea either.
KUMA:  Sukajan took the seat next to him, happy to be seated for a couple  reasons. She then glanced up at the cages. Her head tilted a little as  she tried to think of what they might be for.
KUMA:  (hit enter too early) "Well it probably isn't to show off a giant  bird,"  she commented.
OSCARK9:  "Yeah." He answers her. He look over to the cover cage. "I wonder too.  Maybe it's a price of something." He guess. "It could be anything. But  for now, want some pops?" He ask her.
OSCARK9:  *prize
HITA:  There was a pause before gloved hands landed with a smack onto  Fascinator's shoulders.  A grin spread over Rose's face as she plopped  onto the seat next to her mother's friend.  Tucking back her hair, her  eyes tracked over the action on the arena below.  How boring, she  thought, though she did lean into Fascinator.  "How's things, buddy?"
KRO:  Hairpin frowned, "If it's any better, I care more for one of them."  Hairpin leans in close, cupping his mouth as if he was a gossiping  preschooler, "It's uh...the one that hooks you up with the goods that  I care more about."   Hairpin corrected himself in his seat, straightening out his suit  hoping that Amulet at least felt sympathy for that bit.
TORI:  Well so much for sitting where nobody will bother him. Etch happened  to notice quite clearly when the weird demon that was Mankini looked  at him, and as quick as he could he did his best to avert his gaze as  quick as he could. Locking eyes with any demon in Etch mind was a bad  idea. Maybe they were like cats and considered that to be a sign of  wanting to fight or something. Regardless of what that demon wanted  Etch would do his best to just ignore him for now, hoping to god that  he wasn’t going to talk to him. However Etch nearly jumped out of  his seat when he heard of what sounded like a fucking bird coming  right towards him, he almost jumped out of his spot before looking at  the bird that hand landed next to him, which had just proceeded to  hand him a feather. Now Etch wasn’t scared of animals like he was  birds, and he was happy to receive such a gift from such a kind  creature, thinking more about it he couldnt help but feel like it was  kind of cute, and took the feather in his hand gently, unsure what to  do he spoke up to the bird. Etch’s voice was very soft and feminine,  his words came out incredibly smooth and his voice to some could  almost be considered hypnotic, maybe he should look into ASMR.
 “Th-thank you…”
 His words were quick, but to the point, however, what happened next  was something that he did not want to happen, nor did he know how to  handle. Looking away from the bird he took notice of something that he  had ignored on accident, but before he knew it, it was too late. Right  next to him was a giant of a demon, was this even allowed, were demons  allowed to be this tall, this seemed illegal, this was no fair, in  fact, being next to him only made Etch feel smaller. However, the  demon waved at him, so reflexively Etch sat up in his seat, his feet  unable to touch the ground still, in fact he felt like he shrank, and  he waved back cutlery before speaking anxiously.
 “H-H-H-Hello… I-I um… Hi… uh…. hhhh”
OWLIE:  "Yep," Circlet replied, taking a red lollipop from Dress Socks, then  she looked over to the center of the coliseum, waiting for the event  to start. She's actually felt excited by now, she hopes to see some  violence.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Jeokori pursed his lips as he replies,  "These demons do have giant birds though…"  He began to theorize of possible entities. Perhaps it was son sort of  beast abomination they made in a lab? They caught enemies? Maybe they  just wanted to show off a new cage. Yes, a shiny new cage. He leaned  closer to Sukajan as he whisper noted,  "Maybe they're trying to get demons for lab testing."  Fascinator screamed in shock as he squirmed. Lord, the curse was real.  He didn't think the gypsy was right but he was wrong. He was gonna  die, and none shall mourn his death. He didn't want this- oh wait. It  was a wild Rose. Settling back down he shakily stutters,  "H-Hi! Didn't expect you here. Seems like a crap shoot right now."
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  "God damn it I swear if its an anim-" She pauses for a moment, making  well, its an ahegao face if any of her guards knew one, before  sneezing. Not just any sneeze, one high pitched enough to break the  wine glass beside her, which was thankfully empty. "I  fuckin..ughhhhh!" She buffs and removes her lipstick tube from her  cleavage, she puts it to her lips. Now to match a dart and a birdy.
KUMA:  "They do? I guess I still have a lot to learn about demons," Sukajan  said legitimately taken aback by that fact. She was also confused by  the mention of the labs. It was really evident on her face. "Oh well  sometimes in gangs if you capture someone from the rival gang you'll  like embarrass them or torment them in front of your underlings. It's  supposed to be a moral boost."
HITA:  Tilting its head, Volto Foglia scooted slightly to the left in order  to give the small demon some space.  Despite its size and general  misanthropy towards others of the Sector, it wouldn't hurt a child.  Flipping out a notepad, it began to scratch out some sort of message  as Cerniera rubbed her face into the small demon's shoulder.  Apparently, she had decided this boy was a good child.  Message done,  VF reached over to pet Cerniera gently for a moment before revealing  the notepad.
 'It is Volto Foglia.  Its bird friend is Cerniera.  She seems to like you.  And wants to protect you.'
 Popping off its mask, the tall demon placed the mask on its lap and  smiled kindly at Etch, knowing its face was probably a kinder thing to  look at than a hunk of metal.  Cerniera let out a coo, wing draping  over the small boy's lap.
 Rose laughed at the scream, amused beyond reason that Fascinator was  so easily spooked.  "Whatever it is, I'm sure it's gonna be neat, at  least, yeah?"  Her hands gestured to the tarp-covered cages at the  center.  "I mean, maybe it's a new ghost!  Or something to beat up?  Who knows, right?"  Her hands gestured more wildly at that, excitement  clear.  She wished her mother was here but apparently she had business  to attend to with Gorgons, something about a turf war with some of the  demons of another Sector trying to take over part of the sea.  Still,  at least something interesting was happening.  "It'll be fun, I bet."
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Jeokori looked at her as he tried to imagine her humiliating someone  else. Keyword: try. He honestly couldn't see Sukajan doing that, gang  or not. She was a nice hooman. Unlike Fascinator, who does freaky  shit. He shook his head as he snickered a bit as he pats her head,  passing on a note,  "I can't… see you doing any of that."  Fascinator narrowed his eyes at the cage as he hums quietly,  "Maybe, I just hope it isn't a bull."  The gypsy's fortune will be feared. He smiles brightly at Rose as he  chuckles,  "Right, I should cheer up. Doesn't help being blue. Anyways how're you  Rose in this heat?"  He was dying in the sun, his pasty pale skin was use to playing hide  and seek with the warm rays of sun light.
SALAD ASS:  "God this is so booooring when is it gonna staaaart I came here for  fun not, whatever the fuck this is." Yeezy whined in her chain,  shoveling popcorn into her mouth out of boredom.
KUMA:  "Well we haven't really... yet." Sukajan's voice was a bit small when  she said that, but she got some confidence as she continued. "We don't  have any enemies really. We have a plan for what to do, of course.  Just in case..."
BRIT:  Shroud scanned the crowd before turning to the rather quiet set of  covered cages. Birds always quieted down when covered, even if they  needed a little help for the human.
 "Attention, demons: Thank you all for attending this event. I'm sure  you await with bated breath the reveal of our prey. First, I would  like to explain what the event is about."  He walked over to the cages, motioning Fundoshi to pull the tarps off.
 Fundoshi pulled them off to reveal their live prey: Strappon (who had  his mouth taped), Bifocals, Broshades, Father Handcuffs, Undershirt,  and Dermal.
 Strappon struggled with his bindings, clearly a spitfire.
 "Welcome our pincushions, a choice selection of high-ranking Angels  and two Men of the Lord. They will be your entertainment for tonight."  He began again, walking across the cages, "We will be choosing several  of our ranks to show these honored guests our excellent hospitality-  facing off against hem- as punishment for stitching their noses where  they don't belong."
NAIVESPACEMAN:  Bling had her head resting on her hand as she watched Shroud and his  lap dog just stay in the middle of the area, not really doing  anything. She frowned, closing her eyes for a moment in annoyance at  how long they were taking just to pull down a bunch of tarps. She  hoped that meant Shroud was actually an old man and might die of being  an old fart soon or something. So she could jump on his position. She  opened her eyes when Shroud spoke out again. Bling raised her head off  of her hand at the sight of several high and mighty jackasses in  cages. Her brow raised, with the added information that a few people  here were going to be fighting them. She should've figured something  was going to fight something. It's a Collesium.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  SUn's pointed ears perked up at the word pincushion, arousing her  curiosity. Hopefully there'd be blood the rocker thought. With a grin  she dug her nails into the back of her guard, at the edge of her seat.  "Wonder who they're gonna pick.~" Sneaker Heels purred to herself as  she watched the angels squirm. A show and bondage? Slow start but for  this it was worth it.
OSCARK9:  Dress Socks was surprise that the Higher Ups capture the Angels for  snooping. "Well serves them right for doing that." He said. With a  wide smile on his face, he wonders who will facing who. Oh the wonders  of entertainment!
KRO:  Jokki side-eyed Bowtie, clearly upset by the arrangment. She was  worried her behavior today will get her in trouble, but given her  track record she shouldn't give a fuck anymore. She was about to  respond but stopped as the tarps were removed. So it begins.
  Hairpin looked on with one hand on Amulet's which he was fiddling  with.
  Shades somewhat covered his eyes, letting them adjust to the  lighting. As that happened, he couldn't quiet put his finger on where  he heard the Demon Absolute's voice. It sounded a bit too much like...  Like... That was the mayor's voice. He finally found which exact Demon  was the gotdang mayor.   practically plastering himself on his cage's wall he pointed to  Shroud, "So this is where you are! Where's city hall you oompa  loompa!?"   Jokki nearly lost it but Hairpin didn't make the effort to contain  his laughter. Oompa loompa, holy shit.
TORI:  Etch certainly had no idea what to think of the illegally tall person  before him. Were they nice, mean, scary, crazy, kind, who knows  honestly, but Etch was having a hard time fully grasping what exactly  this demon wanted with him. However, Etch took some interest when the  demon began to write in the notepad. Etch had never met somebody who  would just sit next to you to ignore you so he figured this must have  something to do with something. Maybe they couldn’t talk? Whatever  the reason it did not entirely get rid of Etch fear, and he was still  unsure what to think. He did however quite like the bird that was  being quite friendly, though he wasn’t entirely sure what to do, or  if he could touch them. Before long however Etch was able to take a  look at the demon again and saw that they had finished writing in the  notepad. Ah… a message? Etch figured that they probably couldn't or  prefered not to speak, so he didn’t question it. Reading carefully  Etch looked up at the demon still quite frightened and spoke up again.  Though this time he forced a little smile on his face.
 “U-uh i-it's nice to m-m-meet you V-Volto… Foglia... “ He had to  think about how to pronounce the name before speaking it. Despite only  being a demon for a short ammount of time and still possessing a  little bit of a japanese accent Etch was rather good with english.  “N-Nice to um… meet you… I l-l-like your b-bird…”
 Etch was a little surprised to see the demon before him take off the  mask, and although the face underneath still scared him, it certainly  was not as bad as the mask he had on before, and did allow Etch to  find some more comfort. However His attention was turned away from the  demon before him to the announcement that was now to be spoken by  Shroud.
 Etch saw the angels in the cage and despite his demonic nature, his  heart did sink a little. Although he would not speak this Etch was  quite a fan of angels, and really did not want to see them all trapped  up like this. And to hear that the demons would be fighting against  them was well, it wasn't fun to think of. Tapping his feet together  Etch took a deep breath and simple sighed, he was hoping he wouldn't  have to fight anybody today, especially not angels. The angels they  had captured were quite friendly looking and all seemed very kind, not  at all like the demons around him. Etch just felt like hed fit in  better but, he knew that was not an option, and so he pushed those  feelings aside and sat still in his chair, clearly a little  uninterested in the situation.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Jeokori pursed his lips, unsure if the whole speech was suppose to be  taken seriously with all the puns. He pursed his lips, unsure if he  ever saw those people but he nudged Sukajan,  "Damn, you were right Suka."  Perhaps she was able to see the future. He squinted his eyes as he  considered this possibility.  Fascinator was about to say something but then voila, the cage was  revealed. He didn't really recognize everyone but then he saw Shades!  He calls out while waving,  "Shades! Heeey! Whats up buddy? What're you doing in a- Oh… wait."  He pursed his lips as he sunk in his seat. Well this was awkward.  Fascinator twiddled his thumbs as a cold sweat dripped down his brow.
SAIYAN:  Bowtie looked down at the box that was now uncovered. Well it looks  like there dicks in a box after all.
 Undershirt had been rattling a cup against the bars of the cage. The  cup was gift from Caplet that said #1 Dad on it. Why he had it with  him he had no idea. This time cooped up had been so fucking boring and  he had the bejeweled theme song stuck in his head for the past few  days. At least he could now see outside of the cage since the tarp was  removed. He then dropped the cup and looked around at the coliseum  filled with Demons.
 “Holy…” he started to say before stopping himself.
OWLIE:  "Damn, this ought to be good," Circlet said to herself, sneering.  seeing the angels in the cages, she rapped her fingers against the  armrests, excited.
KUMA:  Sukajan groaned a bit at the puns. She wondered how someone could took  all this seriously with those. However, she was very pleased with  herself at the reveal that her guess was correct. She looked back up  at Jeokori and noticed his squinted eyes of suspicion.  "It was just my intuition," Sukajan said with a shrug. "This is also  what tends to happen in movies and stuff like that."  Though she did have some concern about all this. Who were those people  down there in the cage anyways? What had they done. There was now some  unease setting in.
HITA:  Upon the revelation of what was in the cage, Rose grinned, sharp teeth  glinting violently.  "Well... it seems like today is fun!"  Turning  her attention to the question though, Rose smiled softly at the man.  "I'm fine.  I'm built for sterner things ya know.  You an' me, pasty  pal, we'll be all right."
 Humming, VF looked out at the arena, neither agreeing with or  disagreeing with Etch's statement on whether it was good to meet him  or not.  It did try to smile kindly, though its attention was arrested  quite firmly by the ruckus at the center.  Eyes narrowing on the  angels and humans, it sneered in the direction of the Absolute.  So it  was this again.  Joy of joys.
 Tap.  Tap-tap.  Tap tap-tap tap.  Bifocals continued on playing  Bejeweled, the music clearly being pushed straight towards Undershirt.   However, the comment about the Oompa Loompa's made her snort, lose,  and sigh.  Still, with a grin she brought up YouTube and began playing  the very song Shady mentioned.
BRIT:  Shroud's resounding silence at the comments about his height was  deafening.  "Oh, sew you finally recognize me?" He asked, turning to Shades.  "Don't you know where city hall is? I thought that was common  knowledge."  He scoffed and turned back to the rest of the crowd.
 Strappon struggled further in his bindings, kicking as much as he  could.
 "Sew who will be first?" Shroud asked.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Jeokori noticed Sukajan's unease and placed a hand on her shoulder. He  writes down,  "I'm sure it's fine. After all, enemy is an enemy."  His eyes lowered as he remembered the many days his mentor smashed  that into his skull. Literally. His left eye socket still burns. He  shook his head, trying to forget as he asks,  "You know any of them?"  Fascinator wanted to agree. He really did. He wanted to say he was  tough, but he couldn't lie. His soft baby hands hasn't done something  violent in months. He makes a stab at himself,  "Yeah, but I'm just a marshmallow though."  He sighs as he lowers his head, it started to sink in how much of a  wimp he was. How did he ever get a boyfriend? He grits his teeth,  trying hard to keep a smile on his face.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  SN snickers at the Oompa loompa comment, sitting back as she watched  in amusement. She hopped up a bit, quite excited for impending ass  whipping. She thought angels looked better bruised and bloody, its  kinda the whole aesthetic of her tumblr blog. Blood is low key sexy.  SN was resisting the urge to me me me!
KRO:  Shades tried not to laugh as Bifocals brought up the video. It's  appropriate, really. But Shroud's remarks snapped him back, "I can go  first! Me and you, your office! The sewage system??? School lunches?  Come on, I've been waiting months for ONE meeting."   Even in the face of the enemy does Shades care more about politics  than whatever the fuck was going on.
KUMA:  Sukajan felt comforted by the hand on her shoulder. Sure, she didn't  know any of them personally and they could have done something  terrible. There were probably a threat to demons and well, technically  she was at least half demon. A sigh escaped her lips and she seemed a  bit more reassured.  "Nope. None of them look familiar."  Her expression changed to seem more disconnected. It was a calmer look  that suited a gang member.
OWLIE:  Circlet's eyes were practically glowing with excitement, she secretly  hopes that she'll able to witness some bloody and brutal duel. She  also low-key wishes she'll be able to get into some fighting, even  though she's just recovered a broken rib.
(( OOC: God says: First round will be Circlet v. Broshades ))
EMI:  Dermal glanced around the arena, much less roughed up than his  cagemates. He blew some hair out of his face.
 "My, what a crowd this place is."  He adjusted himself in his seating position. His eyes stopped on the  green haired demon in the bleachers and the grey strands of hair in  the back, and a few other choice demons around. He concealed a smirk.
 "You've done quite a job fixing this place up after the last Absolute,  child, but if you think anyone's going to even touch me, you're sadly  mistaken."
 "Last time we had a Seraph around, he nearly skewered a small child."  Mankini said, tossing his empty coffee cup perfectly in the trash,  seating himself next to a small boy.  "I'd avoid fighting, you'd be quite the target..." He gave Etch a  toothy grin.  "So... You're new?"
BRIT:  Behind the mask, there was probably a sadistic little grin. But you  know, no one could actually see it.  "You want to meet with me?" He asked Shades, "Earn it. It seams you're  a strong Angel. I feel my ranks will put darts in you, pincushion. You  beat one of them, I'll entertain the notion of a meeting with you. Pin  that on me."
 He turned back to thr crowd.  "Our first fight will be this rather loud Angel by the name of Shades.  Who will stand to fight him?" He asked loudly.
 Amulet, from his seat, squinted at the Seraph in the cage.  "Who the fuck is that?" He asked, almost whistfully, "The Seraph..."  He tilted his head but shrugged and kind of smirked as he leaned back  in his seat again, seeming to answer his own question while touching  the hair covering his eye, playing with it a little.
(( OOC: Fight thread: http://dcmissionaries.boards.net/thread/172/event-princesses-definitely-castle ))
OWLIE:  Circlet suddenly stood up, impulsively, she said, "I want to fight!"
TORI:  Etch sat a little uncomfortably next to VF and the bird, unsure  exactly what to say. He was certainly not the best at talking and had  no idea what to say to him, but he did appreciate the company to some  degree. Etch was quite focused on the idea of not fighting, but his  attention was very quickly turned to the wicked looking demon sat next  to him. Who… who was this. The fear that had been in Etch’s chest  the whole time as of now shot up to a million, and he was now on high  alert, who the heck was this demon and why was he so scary? His grin  was scary and he had no idea what he was ment to think of this demon.  Scooting closer to VF and in turn farther from this new demon, Etch  poked his fingers together trying to find words, his face a bright  red. He felt not only fear but embarrassment, he couldn't find any  words, and had no idea how to speak, it's as though they had been  taken from him, he was embarrassed. However after some time of him  shuffling around in his seat he spoke, looking at the ground.
 “I-I um… I d-d-d-don't think I w-w-w-want to fight anyw-w-ways  um… I uh… I’d be too...t-t-t-o scared… a-a-and um… yeah.”
 Etch had no problems admitting he was scared, he was after all, but  honestly for more reasons than one at this point. He took another  breath, still poking his fingers together.
 “I um… y-yeah im… im new… m-my name is.. Uh…  E-E-E-Etch….”
 He felt like he would regret telling this demon his name, but he also  realized he had not told it to VF who had been sitting next to him,  feeling bad Etch buried his face in his hands, before shaking it off  and taking a breath, no point in stressing over that now.
HITA:  Smiling, Rose pat him on the shoulder.  "Aw come on, I'll keep you  safe.  I made a new grenade!  It lets out acid fog.  Pretty neat,  huh?"  Poor man, thinking he was in this alone.  "Besides, all else,  you might just fight the human and he can't be too tough if he can't  keep the birds from flying the coop, right?"
 Letting out a soft chirp, Cerniera eyed the newcomer with distaste.  VF narrowed its eyes as well, mouth stretching in a wide grin.  With a  whistle, it signaled Cerniera to do as she pleased.  Her claws struck  out at Mankini and she let out a sort of hissing noise.  From beside  Etch, VF's grin widened as it pulled the small boy close to its side  and let the bird settle between Etch and Mankini.
 "It would appreciate if you would ask before interrupting a  conversation with another."  The double-toned voice sounded derisive  and degrading almost, as if the demon that settled himself down were  nothing better than dirt under its shoe.  Raspy as its voice was, it  was clear the tall demon didn't view the superior demon with much  respect.
SAIYAN:  Undershirt looked at Bifocals with annoyance. That fucking song was  gonna be the death of him.
 He also couldn't believe that they were gonna be used as entertainment  for these Demons! It felt so degrading. More so because of the fact  that they were captured in the first place!
 "Hopefully this whole ordeal would be over soon enough" he hoped.
EMI:  Mankini jerked back and glared at the dumb feathered creature.  "No one taught you manners, I suppose." He spat at VF.  His scowl transitioned into a grin when he looked at Etch again.
 "I supposed another time, then, Boy." He said with a bit of a wink,  fixing his hair.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Jeokori pats her back as he smiles,  "See? No feelings hurt! I think I'll join in."  His sense of empathy was quite twisted. He was almost delighted to  hear of the events, watching intently. Should he join in the blood  bath? Sure, why not? In the spirit of the celebration. He raises his  hand, obviously unable to to call out.  Fascinator sweated a bit, he forgot that Rose made grenades. He shrugs  as he tries to object,  "W-Well I mean I broke my collarbone last fight I was in..."  He was just praying he won't be picked at all. He was a lover not a  fighter. Even then, he wasn't a lover either.
KRO:  Feeling his blood boil, Shades scooted away from the cage bars and  grabbed Bifocals by the shoulders, "Hey knowing me, I don't think I'll  last 3 seconds with a healthy and young looking Demon so if I die...  Tell my fiance and son that I love them, okay?"
 He paused for a few seconds, then spoke, "And I'm being incredibly  serious about it."
 Jokki was close to going into a full-blown panic attack and slid up  next to Shroud, "My Supreme Absolute," she started. It sounded like  she was about to gag just saying that title, "If you wish, I can  assume your mayoral duties and get this particular Angel out of your  hair. Besides I don't think it wise to hurt Angels in the first place,  it'll bring out popularity in the polls down on Earth."
 She doubted that Shroud even cared for Earth politics, but it was  worth a shot.
 Hairpin turned to Amulet briefly, looking at him as if asking what's  up, "What about the Seraph, sweetie?"  Tell him the juicy gossip.
KUMA:  Sukajan's facade was essentially broken when Jeokori said he was going  to fight. He did once tell her that he was a soldier, but she had sort  of forgotten about that. To her he seemed more like well, a gentle  giant type.  "You wanna fight? Really?"
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Sneaker heels clapped with excitement, watching the slight uproar.  Wonder if this would be okay to put on world star? Who the hell knows  but it was tempting. She sits back and she rests one leg over the  other, she was excited in more than one way. Weirdo.
TORI:  Holding his hands on his face Etch simply happily scooted towards VF,  he had no idea who this other demon was but all he got from him was  bad vibes. This was the first time he had heard VF speak and it was  quite intimidating, but much nicer than this other demons voice for  some odd reason. Looking up at VF Etch spoke up in his usual soft  tone, though he was sort of whispering, perhaps not wanting the other  demon to hear, though he was probably close enough that he could.
 “U-Um… Wh-who is that?” Etch for some reason trusted asking this  scarry demon over that one
 The words ‘another time’ resonated inside Etch, he didint speak to  him, but it made Etch curl up into something of a ball and if you  looked close enough, it looked like he was vibrating, or maybe that  was just an illusion or something. Internally however, Etch was  screaming…. loud.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Jeokori tilted his head, confused but kept his hand up as a volunteer.  It seems his decision shocked Sukajan. He shows a small note,  "What's wrong? Only way to get better is to practice."  It wasn't really even blood lust, just a desire to make his mentor  proud any way possible. She always had a small smile when they  sparred. Jeokori has a lot of mother issues. Many issues in fact.  Someone adopt this orphan, he's only 2,300+ years old. Perfectly fine.
BRIT:  Shroud looked up at Jokki for a few moments.  "Last I checked, you weren't my advisor." He said to her, "I'd rather  be the one running this machine. And if you don't mind, I have  Gladitorial combat to oversee."
 He motioned at Fundoshi to open the cage.  "Take the mouthy one out." He said.
 Fundoshi's mouth twitched and he turned to open the cage, grabbing  Shades by the arm and pulling him out promptly before shutting it  again. He leaned in to him.  "Don't fuck this up." He whispered before shoving him toward the  middle of the Arena, but hanging awfully close behind him.
BRIT:  "You, over there. Your name is Circlet, correct?" Shroud asked,  pointing to her, "You'll be our first."
 Fundoshi motioned for her to come to the arena.
OWLIE:  "Yes!" Circlet said, delighted. 'Yes! I get to fight!' She happily  thought while cracking her knuckles. She made her way down to the  arena, preparing herself to what's about to go down.
OSCARK9:  Dress Socks was waiting patiently to hear who's fighting who. It did  made him dull, just a little, but the wait was over and hear the names  called out and it was his friend Circlet. He turns to Circlet with a  smile on his face. "Have fun in their, Circlet." He said while giving  her a thumps up. "Don't hold back!" This will be fun to watch.
KRO:  Shades could feel his face flushed. Shit, was he overheating?  Medication does that to ya. Or was he just appreciating the chiseled  male figure that was Fundoshi. The guy got pretty close, just like  temptation.  That was actually kinda hot.
 He crossed himself not only to keep temptation off, but so that the  Lord is merciful and lets him live. He missed Father's day for his  son, he kinda owes it to the kid to come back, even if it's with a few  missing limbs.
 "If I lose it's gonna be an embarrassment. Not for my pals, but  because of my rank..." he whispered. It was kind of to Fundoshi but at  the same time kinda talking to himself. He was nervous, okay.
OWLIE:  Circlet reached the arena and saw her opponent clearly. Her malicious  smile nearly faded. Ok, maybe she didn't think this through, she got  nervous at the sight of the higher ranking angel... But then again,  beating him means good to her and humiliation to him. She took off her  namesake and it transformed into a bident, preparing for the battle.
KUMA:  "I mean... you're right," Sukajan said with the initial confusion  leaving her. "I guess to most people practice and training is like  hitting a punching bag or something." She then sort of gave up on that  initial topic.  "So the people down there, are those angels?"
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Was it weird that she was enjoying this more than she should be? Yeah.  Did SN give a flying fudge nugget? Nope. This was hot and she'd  definitely take pleasure in this fight. She leaned forward a bit to  get a better look and she giggled. "This'll be one hell of a sight~"  SN stop you need help.
BRIT:  Shroud looked over Circlet and turned to Shades. He walked up to him  and grabbed him by the collar of his jacket and pulled him down to his  height.  "We should make this a fair fight." He said to him in a low tone, the  whisps of his cape seeming to shift and move around their ankles for a  moment, "You're of high rank, but I think you'd operate much better on  even ground."
 There was likely a sharp pain in Shades' ankles before he tossed him  in front of Circlet.  "You may begin." He said, turning sharply and taking his seat on the  outskirts of the Arena.
KRO:  Shades tried not to scream in Shroud's ear, but he kinda wished he  did. Falling to the ground, he rolled and sat up, shaking a fist,  "Come on, man! I'm an aging guy!"  He sighed, getting up with difficulty, "Now I know how Overwatch  characters feel when they get nerfed," he mumbled to himself.
OWLIE:  Grinning, Circlet charged at the angel with great speed, kicking him  hard with her left foot in the chest and batting him with her bident,  though she knows it didn't do much damage on him.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Jeokori shrugs as the demon went up to fight, maybe next time. He made  a mental note to find out what a punching bag was later but he nods as  he points to the pink haired one,"I think that one is a human, if I'm  not wrong."  There really wasn't a distincation between human and angel but he  heard there were some mortals down there. Suddenly the ceiling tile  came loose from his horn, smashing onto his head. Unable to move his  vocal chords he made gurgling throat sounds in an attempt to speak as  he rubbed his head.  Fascinator bit his lip, silently praying for Shades. The man made good  tweets. May the angel live another day. He sighs as he looks at his  phone, looking for new employment soon since he might not have his  idol money making job. Maybe that's why he was depressed. Nah probably  not it. Proabbly the ice cream he had before he went to bed yesterday.
KRO:  "OOF," his back slammed hard on the ground again and he shielded his  head with his arm as this child batted him. Man, this wasn't different  from gang kids kicking his ass. He tried to grab the weapon out of  Circlet's hand, he was getting close to going into full Dad mode and  chastise her.
 "I know it's the point, but you're gonna splat my brains all over the  damn floor!"
 Hairpin winced at the kick Shades received. How the hell didn't his  heart stop then and there? Miracles, one could say.
OWLIE:  She pulled her weapon free from the angel's grip and used her left  fist to punch him in the chest.... Which only hurt her hand more than  him... she bit her lip to keep herself from wincing.
KUMA:  Sukajan squinted as she looked at everyone down there. She honestly  couldn't tell the difference. She was going to ask if there was  anything that gave her away as a demon hybrid, but she was caught off  guard by the ceiling tile that fell onto Jeokori's head.  "Whoa, are you okay?"
KRO:  That punch wasn't as bad, but he squinted at Circlet, "Instead of the  chest, I suggest the solar plexus. Ya know, where it'll leave people  literally breathless?"
EMI:  "Put your back into it, Spades!" Dermal shouted from the cage.  What a pathetic turn of events for the man. Pretty disappointing so  far.
OWLIE:  Circlet stared at her opponent, dumbfounded. Did he just... gave her  advice? Did he want to die? Snapping out of it, she decided to deliver  a blow to Shade's jaw, punching it hard.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Possibly the only sound someone ever heard from Jeokori and it's  horrible demonic sounds since he couldn't use his voice. It wasn't  like he was in complete pain but still. It fucking hurt?? He rubbed  his head, finally stopping the unpleasant throat sounds. He pointed to  the spot where it hit and wrote down,  "Did it leave a mark?"
KRO:  Shades stared off to the side after receiving the blow. He blinked a  few times, moved his jaw around until a gross pop was heard. Opening  and closing his jaw, he just kinda nodded, "Well, thanks for fixing  what my doctor couldn't?"
 He was getting his ass beat, but it was a win-win for him in this  regard. Girl got to punch an Angel, he got his jaw fixed. It's what he  gets for having dick2bomb.
OWLIE:  Circlet snarled and threw flurries of punches all over Shades' body,  though it seems that he's unaffected by his punches.
KRO:  Sorta sissy slapping the punches out of the way, still getting hit  with a few, he grabbed her by the wrists to make her stop. She was  getting frustrated, he could tell, but he's gotta be real with her.  She was kind of a shitty fighter at the moment.
 "Now hold up! Are you new here or something? Cause your form leaves a  lot to be desired, at least learn how to properly punch. It's like  your fists are opening up mid punch!"  He took this time to straighten himself out, sitting upright on the  floor. Ya know, this isn't that bad, except he may be overstepping a  few boundaries in terms of authority. There's a reason he's not a  trainer anymore and that's because he's a weak fuck.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  This is illegal. Nothings supposed to be this hot, hell she's not even  that hot. She was almost drooling. Pull yourself together sweet lord.  SN shakes her head and gives herself a slap. Keep the undies on.
OSCARK9:  "Woo!" He shouted at her from a far. Hope she can hear him from his  distance. "You've got him on the ropes now!" He was filled with joy  for seeing this fight. Hopefully in the future that he'll get a chance  to fight one of them. For now, all he can do is to grab another pop  from his bag and enjoy the show. This time, it was an Orange Pop.
KUMA:  Sukajan looked up to the top of his head and there didn't seem to be a  mark. She shook her head in a no. "It looks fine but geez," her glance  went back up to the ceiling. "Must be some cheap ceiling tiles... Is  there anything I could do to help?"
BRIT:  Fundoshi scowled deeply. Shades was literally doing his job...  Not that Shroud seemed to be budgeting much in terms of training. Most  of it seemed to go into ghost research.  He squinted, having a feeling this would end badly.
KRO:  He could tell that he got the kid's attention, lowering her guard and  such. Letting go of one wrist, he took her left hand and balled it up  to a fist.  Shades pointed to her knuckles, "See, you were punching with your  fingers. That's kind of a big no-no. They're kinda brittle unless you  do special training. That goes for even us Immortals. What you  actually want to do is punch with your knuckles. They're sturdier.  I mean, only reason why brass knuckles aren't called anything else.  NOW."
 He balls his right hand into a fist, sucker punching Circlet on the  forehead. Wow he felt like an asshole but in all fairness, he was  getting his ass beat by poor form, "That's how you punch."
 Jokki winced at Circlet getting punched, but she hoped Fundoshi was  taking notes on how to sucker punch unruly Demons.
OWLIE:  "Fuck!" Circlet cursed in pain, she gets up and gets into her battle  stance, this time, she'll make him pay
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Jeokori shakes his head and rubs his temples, patting her shoulder in  gratitude. He points to the fight and shakily scrawls out,  "You watch the fight, I might be a while, okay?"  He gently pats her back, before sinking deeep into his seat. To the  point that he had to bend his knees in order to sink further and that  is couldn't really be counted as sitting.  Fasciantor winced at the punch, but shit that was good form. A a man  who use to be in a not so legal underground fighting rink, having a  good punch will let you live 5 matches. Wait... Maybe that's he can  make money if he loses his job. Realizing this, he began to make plans  (or rather lies) when he goes so loved ones wouldn't worry. It'll be  like when he got into college, and after he dropped out.
KRO:  Finally getting up from the ground, Shades limped over to her, keeping  his hands up in case she tried to hit him as he approached. Until he  saw that he wasn't going to get torn to shreds, he smacked her upside  the head. He could of gone for an attack but he was hurting so it's  not like he was gonna do much damage.
 "In all fairness, it's deserved considering you had shit form."  He crossed his arms with a huff. Kids these days, right?
OWLIE:  Circlet winced in pain as she rubbed her head, Damn this angel,  Circlet was getting pissed. She panted as she stood up. In a strained  voice, she said, "You'll... Pay..."
TORI:  Etch for the most part was ignoring everything, though he did have to  admit that the angel was doing a really good job. He was honestly  hoping the angel won but he figured if he did something bad would  happen, so at the same time he hopped he didin’t. Crossing his legs  to get more comfortable Etch was reminded of his uniform. He hated the  skirt, he was a boy after all, why would his caretaker buy him the  skirt. It made him stand out more than he already did and honestly it  didint suit him. Oh well, back to resting his head in his hands.
OWLIE:  She yelled and slashed her bident across Shades' chest, but it didn't  draw any blood, it just scratched him a bit.
KUMA:  Sukajan nodded at him and hoped he felt better. To be fair she wasn't  paying too much attention to the actual fight itself. Now that she was  actually paying attention, she wasn't really sure who to root for. The  obvious answer would be the demon, but she wasn't that invested in the  conflict. It also seemed like they weren't fighting that hard.  Though Sukajan did have a thought that if she fought someone down  there and won, it could give her an in with some of the demons.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Sneaker Heels yawned a bit and she stretched. "Either they're both  holding back or they're tired as hell.." She said as she looked at her  nails, well at that length they were talons. SN digs said talons into  her body guards back and she sighs, pulling them away to pick at the  blood on them. "Boy did I miss that taste.~"
KRO:  Shades was about to make a small little quip about how his money got  stolen when he was captured. Someone owed him $20 and he was gonna pin  that on Fundoshi as soon as he got out of this mess. But the bident  was coming in fast, yelling he tried to move out of the way. He wasn't  unscathed and he rubbed his chest.
 "Hey! This was my favorite shirt, what the hell! It's Gucci!" This  shit costs an arm and a leg, what a little shit.
OWLIE:  "Like I give a damn about your damn shirt" Circlet said, twirling her  weapon,
KRO:  Better judgement was telling Shades to not hit a kid even if they were  a little gremlin. But fuck it. He grabbed her bident and flung her  across the arena. Oh would you look at that, he's still got it.
 "You should cause it literally costs as much as a newborn child!"
OWLIE:  Circlet yelled in was thrown to ground like a ragdoll. She really had  a talent of pissing people off, and it backfired on her.
KRO:  He approached Circlet once more. He helped her get back up on her feet  but then shook her a little. He wasn't exactly gonna attack, but he  was livid as all hell (ha) about his shirt.
 "Listen here you little gremlin, at least have respect for expensive  brands."  After he was done shaking Circlet, he handed her back the bident.
 "And this is yours, by the way."
OWLIE:  Okay....? Like a cornered animal, she quickly grabbed her weapon from  the angel's hands and leapt away from him. She still had one more  shot, she better not fail this time.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Jeokori looked at the areana then to Sukajan and then back to the  arena. He was wondering if she was seeing this shit too. This was  suppose to be a good fight, right? Was it the ancient Earth tradition  he heard about, opposite day? But he returned his interest, the fight  suddenly getting interesting. Hopefully the angel now does ancient way  of killing an opponent: Claw-Plach. But he watched in despair as the  opponent helped the demon up. No Claw-Plach today...  Fascinator gasped and placed a hand over his mouth, he was surprised  at the bident flick. Damn son, he didn't think this would happen.  Atfirst, he thoguht Shades was gonna pimp slap Criclet but he was  relieved ( and a bit disappointed) that he was more of a gentleman  than that.
OWLIE:  Taking a deep breath, Circlet threw her weapon towards Shade
OWLIE:  welp. It didn't cause much damage. it only ripped the shirt even more.
BRIT:  "Petty." Fundoshi scoffed, "I thought Angels weren't matierialistic."  He crossed his legs and arms a little tighter, tapping his foot. How  could they call this a fight?
KRO:  Deep breaths Shades, deeeep breaths. He decided to zip up his jacket  for the sake of decency. It was getting a bit chilly too, since ya  know, his shirt was getting ripped apart.
 Hairpin yells from the bleachers, "At least it isn't Prada!"
 Shades turns around to glare, but nods in understanding. The carrot  had a point.
OWLIE:  Gaining a bit of her confidence back, she started moving towards her  opponent, then she ran and gained forward momentum, kicking Shades  flat on the stomach while in mid-air
KRO:  Hearing hurried steps, Shades turns around only to have the air leave  his lungs from that kick. Well, he can't get mad when he literally  taught her where to hit. He flew back and on his side, rolling to face  the ground while holding his abdomen.
 "Damn, that was a pretty good kick," was all he could muster.  Jokki gave Fundoshi a look, hoping he'd understand that this Angel  clearly wasn't meant for combat if a kid's shit form was doing this  kind of damage. She ran up to him and whispered, "I'll tend to his  wounds. Or bones...They're hollow so he's probably internally bleeding  from bone fractures.."
BRIT:  The applause from the demon crowd was phenomonal. A lower-ranked, new  Demoness beat a high-ranked Angel! How incredible!
 Fundoshi looked at Jokki and gave her a nod in acknowledgement before  shooting a look at the Absolute as he stood.  "Circlet is the winner. An excellent display, even for a new spool."  Shroud commented as the crowd went wild - Whatever he meant by 'new  spools' anyway.  Fundoshi didn't hesitate to walk over to clear the Arena.
 Strappon made more noise seeing Shades get taken down. He was not  happy about this, about having one of his own taken out so early in  the game. What was the point of all this??
OSCARK9:  "You did it, Circlet! You beat that Angel!" He said to her while  applauding to her from a far. "Woo!"
KUMA:  Sukajan sort of cheered, only because it'd be awkward to not give any  acknowledgement. Taking down an angel didn't seem that hard. Of  course, the other one fighting seemed to be a full demon. She clenched  her fist as she internally debated actually get in on these fights.
OWLIE:  Meanwhile, despite all the cheering, Circlet fell down on her knees,  she's tired, and at the same time, overwhelmed, she really thought  she'll lose. But she didn't, she won (thank goodness, the guy was so  pissed with her), she sighed with relief, as she help herself up with  her bident, knees shaking.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  She clapped for the new demoness, feeling pride. She knew angels were  weak but wow this was defiantly exceeding expectations. "Go Circlet!"  She said and she sat down, pleased with what she saw.
(( OOC: We'll be ending the RP for tonight, so make your final posts! **We will be continuing tomorrow at 2-3 PM EST!** ))
TORI:  Etch to say the least was quite disapointed that the angel lost to a  demon. He was just glad it wasnt him down there fighting. Sure if he  was he would do his best but he wasn't a fighter, his weapon wasn't  even really meant for killing from what he had observed, it was blunt  and there was no way he could kill a person to begin with. He sighed  and closed his eyes. When was this gonna end.
CRACKEMWALNUTS:  Jeokori just silently stared at the arena with an unfazed face. He  wasn't really impressed no matter what. Yes, well placed kick but that  doesn't make up for chorography of the whole fight. He taps his claws  on the arm rest quietly judging.  Fascinator didn't cheer but instead worry for Shade's health. That had  to have dislocated or fractured something. Hopefully no metal plates  have to be used, but hol shit. He was still worried. He'll send  flowers once he learns where he's starying. Maybe a bouqet of sun  flowers.
KRO:  Jokki rushed over to Shades, placing a hand on his shoulder to make  sure the guy was still lucid. Seeing that it's the case, she picked up  the Angel bridal style but before she took off Shades tapped her  shoulder to make him face Circlet.
 He gave the kids a thumbs up as he was taken away. It may be odd that  an Angel was giving a Demon positive reinforcement, but that's a  Northerner for you.  It didn't take him too long before he actually knocked out of  exhaustion. He'll be okay, he's just taking a lil'nap.
OWLIE:  Circlet limped back into the bleachers next to Dress Socks, sure,  she's hurting all over, but she won't miss the next fights, she  slumped back into her seat and waited for the next fights to come.
BRIT:  Fundoshi turned to the Absolute, who seemed to be rather amused with  himself.  "Are we moving on to the next fight, Sir?" He asked, adjusting his  positioning slightly.
 "Yes, of course. It seams the people want more," Shroud said,  gesturing to the crowd of cheering demons. "Are we to deny what they  want, Fundoshi?"
 He looked over the crowd, seeing the slightly concerned faces of his  peers among their midst before sighing and nodding. He turned back to  the cage.
What will become of the Angel's Ranks if this fight continues? Will they win, or will there be another ripped Gucci shirt among their midst? Find out tomorrow, things are just starting to heat up!!
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dcmissionaries · 6 years
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...Of the Dead II: Aftermath
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