饾晻饾暎饾暁饾暉饾暅 饾暔饾晵饾暐饾晼饾暎 饾暘饾暊饾暒 饾暏饾暆饾暒饾暐.
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google how to ask a good friend to hang out without embarrassment. google how to send text to friend without sounding like an insane weirdo whos never talked to another human being before. google how to text like a normal person. wikihow to talk to anyone
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the key to not fanonizing your faves is to simply become academia-brained about it. never make a statement about a character you can鈥檛 back up with at least three references to the source material
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sorry to be part of the elitist intelligentsia but i do think you have to read the text you have an opinion on if you expect your opinion to be taken seriously
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Friendly reminder to drink more water and let go of more bullshit
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i don鈥檛 want a job i just want to order stuff online
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im switching bsck and forth between nightwing 2016 and nightwing 1996 and the way they write babs is so jarringly different omfg like
2016 babs: noooo dick please take a rest 馃ス take care of yourself omg you cant keep doing this 馃ス even superheros get a day off 馃ス ily
1996 babs: you expect having time to sleep? as a vigilante? ha. get the FUCK out of bed. we have work to do.
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between tiktok and youtube slop, kids these days are subjected to possibly one of the worst media diets in the history of mankind. unlike me who was raised on the same 10 commercials for corn syrup products cycling between variety shows, as nature intended
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If you can鈥檛 handle me at my worst, that makes two of us.
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sorry for having a huge cock and correct opinions on everything. as if it鈥檚 my fault.
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this email finds me in a field of sunflowers. i don鈥檛 give a fuck anymore
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some of you guys are freaks :/ *reblogs*
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what if you鈥檙e giving birth to twins and it鈥檚 the end of daylights savings day and the older twin was born first but the second twin travels back in time and is born an hour before the first twin, would that be fucked up or what.
263K notes View notes
you actually don't have to go on dating apps to find girlfriends. many beautiful women are waiting for you on rocks out at sea
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shes only your girl because she hasnt heard my kermit thee frog impression yet
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did the people miss facebook pokes this much.....
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Man, the flesh sucks. I'm gonna abandon it for the machine.
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