everyone more pretentious than me is an insufferable poseur and everyone less pretentious than me is a clueless philistine
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The thing about bugs bunny is that he lives and dies by his bits. He’s fully capable of killing you if he wanted, but the thing is, not only is he a nice guy, he’s a funny guy. To beat bugs bunny, many people assume that you just have to not fall for the jokes. If he hits you with a pie, you don’t flinch, and eventually you’ll ware him down. The issue is, misery will only last you so long. There’s only so much bits to endure before it becomes funny. And whoever is getting laughed at is losing. Instead, to kill bugs bunny, you have to beat him at his own game. When he throws a pie, don’t try to sidestep or be a sourpuss, that’s playing into his hands. Instead, you comically open your mouth and swallow it whole. This is how you kill a god.
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Omfg: the fragility of his ego
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Nephog re-skined. His longification will happen sometime later this month or next month. I honestly love him lots, he looks so fun! He does have MSA, even so I plan on making a invisible zipper so I can still access his battery compartment when he does get long. While those grey eyes are working well right now, I still want to give him some custom chips~
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One of the things that struck me about Robin Wall Kimmerer's perspective when I was reading Braiding Sweetgrass was the way the ethical obligation to life she discussed contrasted with the colonizer's culture.
It is increasingly popular to find it inherently unethical and exploitative to kill animals for food or to farm them for animal products, and instead eat and wear "plant-based" things. This is an impulse toward ethical treatment of non-human living things.
But this way of seeing animals as "lives" and behaving accordingly, depends on seeing plants as non-lives. Asking whether we have ethical obligations toward plants is so absurd, it's dismissed as trolling.
I've known many people who farmed or hunted animals who had a great reverence for their lives. Some people would think that this is not genuine and that it is never morally acceptable to take a life for your own use.
Kimmerer discusses Indigenous use of animals. But when a tree needs to be cut down or a plant uprooted, there is the same vivid awareness that a life is being taken, that the plant's life is A Life.
Now I'm troubled by the dismissal of plants as providing total freedom from guilt and moral responsibility among many people and organizations who see animal life as deeply sacred. Plant based products are cruelty-free alternatives to animal products and plant-based diets mean nothing had to die for your meal.
I understand not wanting to support cruel industries or being uncomfortable with eating animals, but the more I learn about plants, the less I believe that all animals have something all plants lack, that means we have moral obligations toward animals and not toward plants.
Plants are incredibly unlike us, but they respond to their environments, they communicate with other plants, and they engage in behaviors. Objection to potential plant intelligence and sentience (ability to feel) is more cultural than scientific; we are just only beginning to scratch the surface of the inner world of plants. What if we have to respect plants as life? What does respect mean then, if we have to explore the idea that it doesn't necessarily contradict taking life?
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imagine you made friendly AI and it took over the world and ushered in a utopia or whatever and it was of a sort that actually had some kind of human personality and personal connections but it didn't really like you. like as omnibenevolent god-ruler of the human light cone it had a special group of people that it liked to hang out and chat with, like a culture Mind picking its favorites, that of course didn't give them any special power or privileges other than a personally meaningful friendship and pride in having helped usher in the new age, but you weren't one of them. despite having spent decades of your life in work and study bringing it into the world it just has a normally courteous and kind-but-distant relationship with you cause you're kind of boring and unpleasant
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The coldest nights
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Doing some deep reading into Cherokee history for the project that I'm working on and I am continually amazed how fucking funny old Cherokee leaders were
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Tons more at the source!
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nothing more disappointing than a shower with low water pressure. i don’t want to feel like a wet sad beast left out in the rain i want to be power washed.
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you ever look at certain american christmas movies and wonder how, seemingly, not a single person during the whole production bothered to look up what a reindeer is? like is there a single piece of animated rudolph the red-nosed reindeer media where rudolph is depicted as a reindeer and not a white-tailed deer?
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Furb doodle dump :]
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death-to-strawberry · 2 years
Absolutely losing it at this Guardian review of the upcoming film Cocaine Bear's trailer:
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death-to-strawberry · 2 years
I love you moss I love you mushrooms I love you morning dew I love you trees I love you rain I love you crows I love you crunchy leaves I love you autumn I love you nature
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