deathcvrse · 5 years
hello everybody, i shall be around very soon as i am attempting to cool down after having been banned from town of salem yet again . i hope you guys are understanding as i am currently grieving / can’t access my account for 3 days / . still don’t get how emily didn’t get banned tho :////////////
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deathcvrse · 5 years
ok i’ll say it …….i need affection ….ok damn
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deathcvrse · 5 years
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      alright it’s super late here ( once again ) but it is time for me to get some sleepy . ily all and i’ll get to replies i owe + respond to some more opens and post some closed / open starters tomorow :)
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deathcvrse · 5 years
v--bianchi‌:  * //  ⊰ veronica bianchi . ⊱
“Thank you for coming!” Veronica declared in a melodic voice, filling up the air around her and making the mansion she called home feel less empty. The brightest of smiles graced her lips as she descended the grand staircase, wearing yet another one of her colorful morning outfits. “… And on such short notice, I must say I’m impressed.” A blatant lie. It was hard to impress Veronica Bianchi León nowadays– unfortunately for her. “Do come in,” her hand gestured for them to proceed to the saloon. “How did you sleep?” It was something she often wondered about the people of Victoria: how can they sleep at night?
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        “  please , don’t tell me you fucking called me to ask me how i slept at night - who are you now .  .  . my mother ??  ” words are laced with venom as ursula speaks , chocolate hues glaring at the older femme . really , she wasn’t here to waste her time - if anything , she was doing the other a favour by showing up / and sneak into her brother’s office later / . she licks her lips , a sigh escaping her moments later as she eyed the other . the femme was still unsure about what other wanted - “ you still haven’t told me what you need , love - and i don’t have all fucking day , so shoot - the clock is ticking .  ”
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deathcvrse · 5 years
dahliahqs·: * //  ⊰ dahlia hastings . ⊱
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heels tapping on the floor, an ‘ innocent ’  look graced daliah’s face, a small smirk like smile curling on her lips. players was somewhere that the brunette spent most of her time, and right now wasn’t any different. her hips subconsciously swayed to the beat of the music, dahlia tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear. ‘ hi, ’  she giggled to the nearest person, her fingers dancing up their arm as she fluttered her eyelashes. ‘ welcome to players. ’  her voice was sugary sweet, a smile on her lips that matched the tone.
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          was enrique lothario welcomed at player’s ? not e x a c t l y . did he show up anyways ? yeah . he’s been a regular for years , before the betrayal / he’s simply v i p / and bribing some of the staff always had its perks . there’s after all a reason why he’s sitting at the best table - the most expensive of liquors placed on the table in front of him , as he sips on his cup of bourbon , his gaze shifting the second he feels the femme’s digits running up his arm , icy blue hues locking with the other’s . “  thanks . ” of course there’s a grin spreading across his features as he eyes the other , head tilting to the side . he’s nodding towards the empty seat next to him , inviting her to sit down . “  join me for a drink ?? i could use some company , honestly . ” but he means he caves h e r company - her attention .
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deathcvrse · 5 years
@amatcre  * //  ⊰ esmerelda amatore . ⊱
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          it’s a regular night , they’re hanging out - as friends ( even if he’s well aware that recently they’ve crossed certain lines within their friendship ) , gordon ramsay’s playing on tv - the sound of kitchen nightmares filling the room as mason headed back into the living room . it’s strange really , how he’s able to balance two drinks , some nachos and a full bowl of popcorn . it’s almost as if he’s done this before - but he hasn’t . if he’s lucky enough he won’t trip , and really - t h a n k  g o d he doesn’t . “  alright -  ” he starts of by placing both bowls down on the coffee table - the smell of butter and melted cheese filling the room , his lips finally curling into a grin as he turns his attention to her . “ i checked the app - the pizza should be here in .  .  . twenty minutes ! ” there’s a brief pause as he offers her the drink , allowing himself to fall back onto the couch next to her , taking a sip of his own beverage . “ it’s vodka lemonade .  ” it’s nice , to just spend time with her - s a f e , away from all the drama , all the bullshit . mason tried his best really , even if he wasn’t the greatest guy out there - or one that made the right choices ( the things he did , professionally speaking , weren’t the best after all ) he did try his best to ensure everyone he cared about would remain s a f e . he leans forward , places the glass down on the coffee table , his digits sliding into the pockets of his jeans , briefly glancing over at her . “  imma roll us one , yeah -  ” and it doesn’t take him long to - helping himself with the grinder , before he’s pouring the weed onto the transparent paper , soon follow by a small amount of tobacco . it takes him a couple of seconds to roll the joint , but it’s d o n e - and just as quickly he’s leaning back against the couch - , his free hand landing on the blonde’s thigh . “  esme ,  ” he’s holding the joint up for her to take , whiskey hues gazing into the femme’s chocolate ones . really , the joint he’s offering her in that moment , isn’t something he’d offer anyone - / he’s never been anyone to share his drugs / but as always , she’s an exception - the exception . he chuckles softly , the hand upon her thigh shifting to take a hold of the lighter , thumb pressing down only to light the joint . “  care to do the honours and take the first hit ?  ” 
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deathcvrse · 5 years
fiebre - bad gyal
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deathcvrse · 5 years
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You know, Stilinski, if I could grade you on how profoundly you disturb me, you’d be an A plus student. Thanks, Coach.
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deathcvrse · 5 years
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          alright , it’s 4 a.m . i’m struggling to stay awake now lmao , the cat is literally me right now , so i’ll be around in the morning & write up some opens for enrique & ursula . i’ll also get back to ims in the morning too . ily all !
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deathcvrse · 5 years
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          he’s taking a break - needs to catch his breath for a moment . deciding to go out for a run with this heat perhaps wasn’t the best of ideas . mason’s tanktop was soaked in sweat , his odour in that moment wasn’t the best , but it’s something he manages to ignore as he brings his bottle of gatorade to his lips , the cool sweet flavoured drink being exactly what he needed in that instant . his attention is soon placed on his phone , as he places the drink down onto the bench , heart still thudding in his chest . this is meant to be a moment for him to chill out - relax , not be bugged by anyone , but his thoughts - yet said solitude doesn’t last long . there’s already someone standing right in front of him . mason gazes up , digits curling around the bottle once again only to bring it to his lips . mason remains calm as he finally speaks , whiskey dipped hues remaining upon the other’s . “ what do you want ? ”
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deathcvrse · 5 years
@prcdigiums​ * //  ⊰ lucian bianchi . ⊱
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           did anyone really know why ursula randomly decided to show up at the bianchi mansion ? not at all . not even lucian bianchi knew the reason behind her having chosen to pay him a visit - why she’s suddenly walking into his bedroom as if she has the right to be there , as if she owns the place . she’s the only one who knows , - and the reality is that after witnessing first hand everything that was what she’d call the - lucian bianchi experience - there’s only one thing which she’s established she wants .  .   . turn him into her little play thing . does she know that he’s most likely the one behind the murder of her brothers ? yeah . does she care ? that’s exactly the point . if there’s anything she wants , it’s revenge - and slicing his throat open ( just like that ) would be going too easy on him . gaze lands on the male’s figure - steps slow , as she approaches the tall male , her boots clicking against the perfect marble - and as she comes to a halt . “  papi -  ” her digits reach up , quickly fixing her ponytail , her chocolate hues staring right up into his own , head tilting as a small laugh managed to part her gloss tainted lips . of course he knows his little secret - how snorting lines of that white angelic powder brought him that high his soul c r a v e d and needed . maybe it’s the same for him as it is for her - a way to get closer to god or whatever . no - after the first line of coke she ever did , she realised one thing - if there’s a god , it’s her . “  i’m b o r e d , wanna do some lines with me ? ” 
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deathcvrse · 5 years
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maddy perez | euphoria 1.02
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deathcvrse · 5 years
@jacksloth  * //  ⊰ jackson lothario . ⊱
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          “  brother ,  ” steps are slow as he walks in through the door of the other’s office , digits adjusting his tie as he comes to a halt in front of the other’s desk . he’s sure the other knows why he’s there . he wants information , wishes to know how things are going - where money is being invested in their city , if there’s any way in which they can change the route of the c o i n and have it fall into their pockets . in his eyes , it’s all about control and wealth after all , and with that came p o w e r and s t r e n g t h . digits tap against the other’s desk as he sits down , icy blue hues flickering up to fall upon the other’s features . “  so ? fill me in . missing the meeting wasn’t exactly my intention - i got caught up , sadly .  ” he could’ve sent someone , sure - but why would enrique when his own brother would be there ? “  go on , shoot - i’m listening .  ”
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deathcvrse · 5 years
@florcntina  * //  ⊰ rosalina florentino . ⊱
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           there’s nowhere she’d rather be than right here - getting baked while she’s hanging out with her . she’s pretty much cracking up at every other thing , her head resting against her friend’s shoulder , gaze kept on her phone as another laugh parts her lips . it’s just nice to hang out , to chill - to pretend as if victoria wasn’t as fucked up as it was . sure , she’s sure she deals with more shit than she does - crime wise at least . the murders don’t bother her - at all , and as fucked up as it was to say - she didn’t care if she was next . she’s taking another hit from her vape , her nails gently digging into the femme’s thigh .“  rosa , you’re always so busy these days , i’m surprised you even managed to find time you hang out . ” she’s leaning back against the couch , frame shifting as she’s now laying donwn , one of her legs now resting over the femme’s thigh . as her digits curl around the vape , she extends her arm , offering the small device to the other as she spoke . “  what in the world happened to you having fun anyways ? vámonos a salir de fiesta ya , coño . que quiero un buen perreo . ”
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deathcvrse · 5 years
joshuabianchi‌:  * //  ⊰ joshua bianchi . ⊱
Joshua had just gotten out of his part time job at the taco shop. He was tired, and the day had been long, but he didn’t care. Free food was always worth it, he supposed, and he certainly wasn’t going to turn down what couldn’t be saved for the next day. He was a growing boy that needed to eat. He was heading up the street to where he’d parked his motorcycle that morning, backpack slung over his shoulder and carry out container in his hand as he walked. As he turned a corner, though, he ran directly into someone and dropped his food, watching with dismay as the container hit the ground and his tacos flopped out onto the ground. 
“My tacos!” He cried dramatically, reaching up and pressing his hands to his face. “Ah, jeez, now I’m gonna starve to death!” Josh remained that way for a moment before peeking out through his fingers, unable to stop the grin that was spreading across his lips. He’d never been able to stay serious for too long. “Nah, kidding - you alright, though?”
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        ursula was running on two hours of sleep , the mango flavoured energy drink she was sipping on being the only thing keeping her remotely s a n e . it felt like she was losing her mind , literally - and she’d mainly blame that on the one tune the dj decided to play in the bronze over and over . why it had to play five fucking times is something she still doesn’t understand , just like she doesn’t get w h y she can’t stop hearing taylor swift’s v o i c e screaming the lyrics of that song she hates in her head . it’s tragic really , it’s not her d a y - that’s a given , but it only seems to get worse the second her frame collided with the other’s , energy drink falling onto the ground , as her cellphone slipped through her fingers .
         “  are you fucking kidding me -  ” it almost takes her a moment to react , groaning as reaches for her phone , doesn’t bother with the now empty can of monster as she looks up at the other , the grin on his face being one she found irritating  . “ you’re kidding me - i drop my drink , because you couldn’t look where you’re going - and now you’re taking the piss ? ” not only is she completely dismissing the fact that he’s dropped his taco , but also the fact that she pretty much kept her gaze glued to the screen the entire time . “  it’s not fuckin’ funny . ”
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deathcvrse · 5 years
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◟ * ◊ ─  alexa demie + cis female + she/her » * believe it or not ursula belongs to the villalobos family. they are 24 years old and are known for spending their time around the bronze. the bartender has been living in victoria her entire life. the people closest to them describe the bisexual aquarius to be +realistic and +charming as well as -mean-spirited and -egocentric◝
        other than the fact that i can literally HEAR that gif , here i am leaving you all with my third character , hope y’all love her as much as i do sksksk . i’ll get to responding to ims now that this is done !
GENERAL BACKGROUND + A FEW FACTS . TRIGGER WARNING: DRUG ADDICTION ,  . - rebelling from a young age , ursula never felt at h o m e , even if she was brought up and fed everything with a silver spoon . to her , money does grow on trees , and if anyone dares to say that a good amount of cash couldn’t buy one happiness , she’ll instantly think they’re b r o k e . - not getting the best grades , her parents had always been ones to bribe her teachers with money , a quick way to ensure she wouldn’t f a i l , of course - this didn’t mean she didn’t get told off . she did , quite a lot . mixing with the wrong crowd from a young age . at sixteen ursula found herself hanging out with some members of the alliance . - said friends would be the ones she’d start her drug journey with , starting of with weed only to slowly escalate into her experimenting journey . today molly , coke , lsd and shrooms are usually her go to . - in her senior year of high school , her brothers matthias and nathaniel villalobos passed away in the bronze fire . while she’s not always gotten along with all of her siblings , family is still family . the loss of her brothers would wreck her and her family . - said event would lead her to abuse drugs on a more frequent basis , which over the years would slowly develop into a cocaine addiction . so far , that’s something she’s managed to keep a secret . to those who are aware of her use of the drug , they probably just think she’s doing a few lines here and there for a bit of fun . - ursula would drop out of high school that same year , and join the family business in the bronze as a bartender . she pretty much taught herself to mix drinks . she also sells drugs over the counter something which , not many are aware . of course , this isn’t linked to the resistance . she’d like to keep all earnings to herself . 
GENERAL STATS . - name : ursula villalobos . - nicknames : she’ll cut your tongue off if you use one on her . - age : 24 . - sexuality : bisexual . - birthday : january 25 . - occupation : bartender at the bronze , drug dealer ( unaffiliated ). - scars : / . - piercings : ears , tongue , septum ( currently not wearing it ) , belly button & nipples . - tattoos : the word ‘angel’ inked onto her hip bone , small heart on her forefinger , a set of roses on from her hip going all the way down to her thigh , a knife with a rose on the back of her arm .
WANTED CONNECTIONS . - anyone she knows from high school . this would be someone she either hated or was close with . 0/3 - anyone from the alliance or who previously was part of it . she simply used to hang out with them , and they probably introduced her to the drug scene . 0/2 - someone she gets high with on the regular . whether it’s on a night out or not 0/1 - - a regular client of hers 0/3 - enemies . she hates their guts , and would probably kill them if her family didn’t lock her up for it . 0/1 - ex boyfriend/girlfriend . something on the more toxic side of things . she probably cheated on them a couple of times tbh . we can talk out the details and timeline idm 0/1 - hook ups , current past and present . maybe they hate each other’s guts , or they’re strangers , friends with benefits , or enemies who fuck here and there . we can talk out the details of this too 0/? - friends , acquaintances , people she went to high school with , etc 0/?
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deathcvrse · 5 years
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          i’ll be answering to all ims in a moment & be around to post some opens + work on ursula’s intro ! 
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