defencewardsmatrimony ¡ 2 years
September 13, 2022
Defence Wards Matrimony
Infidelity is certainly one of the factors that can destroy a marriage. It is one of the worst things that can happen to a relationship. The betrayal of a partner in a marriage is one of the most traumatising events that can occur to anyone. It sometimes destroys everything that a couple had built for years, as the case may be. In many cases, love is shattered, trust is broken, families are torn apart, and both spouses and their children bear the pain.
Like many incidents of life, many partners who had been victims to an adulterous affair did not see it coming. It can blindside one and before one knows it, one is already feeling completely helpless. This is because infidelity can feel like a fatal blow, particularly to trust in one’s marriage.
To keep your marriage alive, you and your spouse must talk to one another. It sounds simple but I don’t just mean saying good morning and good night in passing. Instead, have honest conversations about how you’re feeling, what you expect from one another and what is and isn’t working in your marriage. Equally as important is never holding onto your emotions. To have effective conversations with your spouse, it’s important to let them know that they can be open and honest with you about their thoughts, feelings and desires.
Take the time to appreciate your partner everyday even for the little things. It’s usually those little things that mean the most. So even when you’re having a bad day, make a conscious effort to not to nag or belittle your partner for things that they may unknowingly do that annoy you.
Appreciation goes a long way when it comes to commitment. Since no one wants to be with somebody that makes them feel bad or worthless on a regular basis, expressing these types of feelings towards your spouse is an effective way to prevent cheating in your marriage.
Similar to intimacy, it’s crucial to keep that spark of romance alive. This means taking the time to express your love and appreciation and at the same time having some fun together. It only takes a small gesture to be romantic and to show your spouse that you still care. So try surprising them with dinner when they get home from a long day of work or offering to rub their feet when you relax on the couch together. You know these may seem like small actions but they speak volumes.
It has been proven that when you and your spouse both feel good about yourselves and the relationship, it decreases the chance of either one of you looking for love and romance.
They said with love comes jealousy.. But how far is that true? In most relationships there will come a time when you question your partner’s feelings or behavior towards someone else.
As tough as it may be, it’s important not to become angry or critical towards your partner or the person they are giving attention to.
Jealousy is a natural emotion but it’s also a toxic one that usually leads to self-pity and anger. To be jealous towards someone that your spouse shows interest in will not win back their attention. Instead, you’ll look immature and foolish and it’s also likely to push your spouse further away. It would be better to communicate with your spouse and sort things out as quickly as possible.
Although you and your spouse are already in a committed relationship, it’s still important to remind each other of the benefits of being married. You both have somebody who knows you better than anyone else. Someone you have shared history and life memories with, someone you could rely on, someone to grow old with. Reminding your partner of the many reasons you decided to commit to one another can revive nostalgic feelings and happy memories.
We all change as we age and a big part of being a married couple is to learn and grow together. If you ignore the inevitable toll of time and expect what worked in the year one of your marriage to still work in your sixth, then your relationship could very well be doomed.
A big part of growing with your spouse is finding new things to do together. One of the best ways to prevent cheating is by being a part of the things that your partner enjoys doing in their free time. Bonding over shared interests will give you both something enjoyable to do while sharing quality time with one another.
There is no single answer to not cheating. If it were that simple, no one would be doing it. Furthermore, learning how to stop cheating is a process that requires several steps and time.
Understanding why it happens is often the first and critical step towards stopping cheating. It is also essential to know what you want from a relationship and whether you can get it in your current one. What is the affair helping you accomplish? Try questioning yourself and try changing yourself to overcome the situation.
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defencewardsmatrimony ¡ 4 years
Unique traits that impress a Woman
Men need to have some formidable traits to attract women. If you do not possess such traits then hang on, we can definitely help you. After all, it’s not rocket science.
Sharing with you some important traits that a man can channelise towards his characteristic and win over any woman he likes or wants.
Communicate Actively
Mastering the art of communication is tough and different for each relationship. The way that you find out what the needs are is to COMMUNICATE. Talk about each other
Goals and ambitions
Fears and pains
Beliefs and values
Relationship with family and friends
Expectation and guidelines for the relationship.
It’s important to note that a relationship’s needs will change depending on the season of life and you have to learn how to communicate those adjustments.
Confidence Rules The Roost
Having confidence without an ounce of cockiness is absolute gold. If you think you’re good looking or/and hot, then you should shoulder off the cockiness you carry around with you. It’s absolutely unappealing to meet a man who is aware of the way he looks and uses that dismissively to try and attract women. Women will definitely turn the other way.  What you can do is carry yourself out with class and dignity and the rest will definitely follow.
Stand Your Ground, Always
Girls find it rather attractive when a man holds strong opinions and beliefs and has a strong voice. Now I don’t mean any of that in the negative. I don’t mean you should be absolutely opinionated or have a voice strong enough to crush someone else’s voice. What I mean is if you believe in something strongly, pronounce it well and let people know about it. It’s an endearing trait and women find a man who can stand his ground firmly, quite attractive.
Have A Sense Of Humor
A man who appreciates a good chuckle and who has the ability to balance the weight of serious matters with the gift of lightheartedness through laughter is a rare find.
Having a great sense of humour communicates to her that in tough times you will be able to smile through them. It will help anchor her trust in you as a confidante.
An often forgotten part of the humor is wit. Wit can be defined as the keen perception and cleverly apt expression of those connections between ideas that awaken amusement and pleasure. Ladies like a guy who’s quick on his feet and can have creative playful banter. A witty guy has life and vitality; he loves fun. She’ll love it too.
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defencewardsmatrimony ¡ 4 years
Qualities you should look for in your Partner in Marriage
Here are some qualities you should look for in your prospective partner…
1. Maturity This is one important quality you need to look for in your life partner. S/he should be mentally prepared to take on the responsibilities of a family and should be capable of taking independent decisions at the time of crisis. Physical, emotional and intellectual maturity can be termed as ingredients that will lead to the stability of a relationship in the future. So, find out how matured and mentally prepared s/he really is before getting hitched.
2. Good Family Background This is of utmost importance and can’t be ignored, as marriage is not just the coming together of two individuals but two families. Religion, culture, traditions and values play an important role when it comes to marriage and living under the same roof. A rift can occur and scar the relationship forever if even one of the two families is too orthodox or too broad-minded. Lifestyle, food habits, religious sentiments, etc are a few important factors to be considered.
3. Financial Stability Your partner should have a stable income. What if one of you lose your job, due to some reason after marriage? So, it’s important that both of you are equally stable. You don’t have to feel uncomfortable discussing money matters ahead of time. For instance, you could talk about your spending habits and find out where you both feel your money should go, etc. This can prevent disagreements later. Also, discuss how you and your partner feel about buying, saving, and sharing bank accounts (if needed).
4. Sense of Humour Having a partner with a good sense of humour will ease out your worries in difficult times. This gives one the courage to take things light-heartedly and adds zeal to a marriage. Believe it or not, but when the going gets tough, good sense of humour can take you smoothly even through rough situations. Life is so much fun when your partner has a good sense of humour and knows how to be there for you to put a smile on your face.
5. Emotional Compatibility and much more… Be it, good personal hygiene, adjusting nature, physical and emotional compatibility, etc these are all important factors that determine the success of a marriage. Mutual trust and respect help you share things openly, as a couple. Also, ease of communication leads to a long-lasting relationship, which in turn helps you to resolve the issues in a mature manner.
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defencewardsmatrimony ¡ 4 years
The routine of a Fauji Wife
Queen Elizabeth once said, “If you love an Army Officer, raise your glass. And if an Army Officer loves you, then raise your head and walk like a Queen!”
Here are a few things only a soldier’s wife/girlfriend will understand.
You start eating your meals N.D.A (National Defence Academy) style, even when he is not around! This eating style becomes a habit for you if you’ve been dating him for a long time.
You feel amused when girls complain about not seeing their boyfriend for a day or two. The crib and complaints about not seeing their partner for a week is rather funny, and there you are who have not seen him in 6 months.
Your heart beats faster and you tend to get worried when you hear about an attack on forces
deployed at the border. You are always tensed about him and prays for his safety at all times.
You get used to hearing “Ma’am/Ma’am Sahab” from every friend of his you have the pleasure of meeting. The amount of respect you get from his coursemates and seniors are just exemplary.
You keep counting the days till he returns and you are ready to give up just anything to be with him. The urge to meet your soldier boy is way too strong.
The hugs he gives you before leaving is just heartbreaking and is not easy to handle. But the hug that you get when he returns, your happiness knows no bound.
That one unexpected call from him just makes your day.
Your newspaper reading priorities gradually change. The first thing you check for now are reports of cease-fire violations at the borders. All you care about is his safety and protection
“THIS TOO SHALL PASS” has become your life’s mantra. In fact, you tend to become more independent and strong. You’ve become extremely patient in life.
Even though his job is dangerous, tough and takes him away for long periods of time, and also now you are aware of the hardships and sacrifices of an Army man, you actually feel proud of who he is and what he does.
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defencewardsmatrimony ¡ 5 years
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Coursemates in the defence forces become your family away from family. As a result, they share an everlasting bond of friendship and love, full of humorous stories to share with each other of their time together in the academy. Do you agree? Share with us in the comments below.#DefenceWardsMatrimony
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A few interesting GLOBAL OPINIONS ABOUT MARRIAGE by the legends. #QuoteOfTheDay#DefenceWardsMatrimony
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Ever experienced a similar dilemma? Share with us in the comments below!#HumourInMarriage #DefenceWardsMatrimony
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#DidYouKnow About 300 couples marry in Las Vegas everyday? . . . #FactOfTheDay #FunFactFriday #FunFact #FridayFeeling#DefenceWardsMatrimony
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defencewardsmatrimony ¡ 5 years
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On this auspicious day it is believed that whatever you keep in the prayer room (be it silver, gold, diamonds etc), it grows much fold. Today the most wanted thing is WATER ... not gold, silver or diamonds. So why don't we keep a pot filled with water in our prayer room & pray to God to bless our country with abundant rain and water? This is our belief. We can surely try. A trial costs nothing.
#AkshayaTritiya #Auspicious #Water #Need #Belief #DWM www.defencewardsmatrimony.com
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