defeyeant · 3 years
this blog will be archived and its muses moved to a larger multimuse in the future. i will post when the project is completed with a link to the blog.
last call for muse recommendations on the multi. once i have all the pages assembled with info i will not be touching them again in terms of adding characters. for those not in the know, this is concerning my attempt to consolidate all of my multis into a single entity as i no longer have the free time or brainpower to give each page due interest. i want to give my followers an opportunity to present potential characters to me while i am in the process of this change, as i am doing so much coding and writing up so much about muses anyway. please not, however, that i will be using discretion in choosing which muses i will take on and which i might not or might put off adding until a later date. 
the form to recommend/request a muse can be found here.
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defeyeant · 3 years
oh we in revamp mode lads.
complete theme revamp!
new graphics!
one new canon muse (melanie k!)
one new avatar muse (spiral-aligned!)
three new human ocs! (a hunter, a victim, and a businesswoman!)
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defeyeant · 4 years
alarmingly late additions to the rules of the institute: one that states no foreign weapons are to be introduced to the premises without prior warning and proper safety procedures ; weapon may only be introduced to institute as an artefact or evidence pertaining to an investigation ; white men are not allowed to handle katanas.
for those who survived that day in the 1980s to tell the tale, this is either regarded as the 'highlander rule' or the 'samurai showdown clause' because delano was determined he was taking that actually very real japanese sword up to the boss' office.
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defeyeant · 4 years
my stranger oc: oh boy i cant wait to see if this institute guy actually lives here so i can get his skin– leah, poking her head out of her door: oc: leah: leah: pokes a knife out also
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defeyeant · 4 years
All told, it’s not as big of a trainwreck as any outing with the Spiral’s freaks could be. Sure, Dolores is far too wasted for the philosophical side of things, trying to fit as much living into the next few weeks as she can, but it can always be worse. Drumming far too many fingers along the tabletop, she pushes her stout away with a free hand. Glass eyes turn bright under the fluorescent lights, in imitation of fever.
“And your boss just... Died? And this new one took over? I mean -- Ni--”
She thinks better of putting aside alcohol, drawing it in and hefting the pint with both hands. Chugging until she cannot breathe, she sets it back down again with a gasp and a last question.
“Can anything like them even die?”
Tilting her head, she is amazed to find her heartbeat hurts. Whatever facsimile of organs sits inside her shell now, it pushes the blood through her body hard and fast. Pins settle in just beneath her rosy skin. Only just wet, and her mouth turns to dust.
The Distortion was never anything she really thought about. It was younger than her, and far less definable than present company. Still, still, her mind could not stop winding through the concept of the Devil’s idea of a  Cherub getting taken out so recently.
By a door, she reminds herself, by its own door.
She sputters, fifteen fingers curling against her cheeks as she leans in.
“Ni... ‘Z she cute?”
@sittimoranimiinterfectorem liked. 𝔻𝕠𝕝𝕠𝕣𝕖𝕤  𝔾𝕠𝕣𝕕𝕠𝕟  &  ℕ𝕚𝕒𝕖
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defeyeant · 4 years
i may be short but that doesn’t mean you’re not about to experience the wrath of a god
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defeyeant · 4 years
and yet, in all seriousness, dolores can be a legitimate threat to humans. up close she sets off multiple alarm bells as part of the whole ‘stranger danger’ schtick, but her getting close enough for that is a good indicator you’re already fucked. as her appearance shifts from day to day, there’s no really feasible way to avoid her short of isolating yourself completely from others. she’s proven to have no qualms about using murder to meet her goals, and even takes to it for sport if someone happens to intrude on her or her employer’s domain.
the fact that one non-avatar has managed to escape her clutches for 7 years is not an actual reflection of incompetence or lack of threat on dolores’ part. it just means the woman in question is an exception to a very long and brutal history. that dolores so affable and down to earth is window dressing for what is still an apex predator to humanity.
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defeyeant · 4 years
further dolores indignities:
having one of her kills stolen from her by nikola several years ago. you put in the work and your boss takes your victim. utter bullshit. she didn’t even keep hold of the guy, he managed to run off before getting dragged back to the theater. hate to see it. hate to see it.
best friend keeps lobbing her into the lonely hoping to be rid of her.
was tasked with locating and retrieving a certain artifact for the ritual. this assignment was given to her in 2010. 7 years and multiple murders later, the human in possession of this artifact has always stayed just out of dolores’ reach.
this one time my end avatar tied dolores to a chair and threw her into a pantry for like three days. her crime was encroaching on the other’s territory. b&h didn’t even untie her when they carried her out, they just lobbed the whole chair into the back of the van with her still attached.
generally underestimated and disrespected by more powerful avatars for being little more than a messenger for her superiors.
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defeyeant · 4 years
all u need to know about dolores’ self preservation (and lack thereof) is that she tries to correct her boss about said killer clown’s own name. it should be orsinova, right, since the hunk of plastic is presenting as female? like that’s how russian works. the messenger of this asinine ‘ACTUALLY’ etymological bullshit is about to be shot, or she’s about to get out  of her boss’ fake hair for the next week, and it’s all up to dolores which option she prefers.
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defeyeant · 4 years
He takes his place on the sole corner of the desk that is still metal. The rest of Michael’s workspace has been overtaken by papers, a topography of files and follow-ups scattered across the surface. Just beside Eric is a pile nearly to his chin. Unthinking, he sighs.
“You have got to stop letting them walk all over you like this.”
He stops just short of offering to speak to the others himself. Michael is a grown man, after all, and can fight his own battles. If he can’t, then he’s in the wrong career. Planting his elbow against Mt. Research, Eric presses back against the distance between he and the younger man with a grin.
It’s the sort of good mood that comes with a single explanation: The missus is out of town, doing God only knows what God only knows where. These short reprieves are the only time Eric can feel halfway himself again. It’s a notion he will deny in totality, if anyone had the balls and lack of tact necessary to point out the facts to him.
“A few of the library staff and I were talking, and decided to make a night of it. Sorenson’s found some kind of troupe that aims to bring the States to us, it’s all very under the table.” Bootleg Broadway, what a concept -- “Thought you might want to join us.”
He still can’t get a read on Michael. The boy comes off nervous, eager to please but always with that weird edge to his voice. Beyond the garish windbreaker and love of Swedish pop, he knows little. The little he does know, however, paints the blonde in a kinder light than any of the other Archival staff. If he had his pick of coworkers for after hours entertainment, he could do far worse.
“And if it’s bollocks, well, who’s going to stop us from leaving?”
@sittimoranimiinterfectorem liked. Eric  Delano  &  Michael  Shelley
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defeyeant · 4 years
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horrified to announce that my eric, during the last years of his life, looked like an extra off the set of miami vice. man thought he belonged on the counter, looking like a snack. had the unnaturally sun-kissed complexion of a londoner whose tanning salon is on a first name basis with him. ‘in the air tonight’ premiered and eric had a religious experience. absolute chad. no one let his son see the photographs, they have aged so very poorly.
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defeyeant · 4 years
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like for something with MISS LUKAS.
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defeyeant · 4 years
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like for something with MS. GORDON.
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defeyeant · 4 years
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like for something with MR. DELANO.
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defeyeant · 4 years
tiny rundown of oc muses:
Keep reading
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defeyeant · 4 years
cracks knuckles
let’s code bros.
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defeyeant · 4 years
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a loving father who needs a reminder of why life is worth living to get through his weird, weird days.
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