How most of the Frozen fandom thinks Elsa feels about Hans:
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Disney telling us how Elsa really feels about Hans:
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More random incoherent drawings of these two!
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The main concept idea is from the lovely @galaxygolfergirl blame her if all you see on my page are these two for awhile
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WIP Wednesday Monday!
I present you with Helsa, my latest obsession. ❄️💙🔥🧡
Did I really discover this ship yesterday and have I already started drawing them? Yes. 😌 I could write a whole essay about these two. 😩
Hans should’ve really been in Frozen 2. It’s such a missed opportunity. 😭 I have this silly hope that he’ll be in the third or fourth movie. I would love to have Elsa and Hans go on some kind of adventure together and fall in love as they learn to trust each other. With Elsa being farther along in her character arc, she could help Hans and give him the encouragement and help he needs to get better and overcome his problems. They both had such lonely childhoods and parents/siblings that didn’t treat them well. But Elsa had Anna. Hans has no one. Until Elsa comes along and thaws his heart. 💕
UGH, I JUST LOVE THEM. I want to eat Hans, he’s perfect. 😩💕
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Slight collage AU where both Hans and Elsa go to the same school and fall in love.
It also could just be regular Frozen and Elsa is just wearing a striped shirt. 🤣
I SERIOUSLY CANT STOP THINKING ABOUT THIS SHIP. 😫💕💕💕 They just make so much sense to me and it practically feels canon now.
Also thank you, everyone, for all your sweet reblogs on my WIP of this piece! Everyone is so nice and supportive. 🥹💕
I’m including the reference photo again because it’s so pretty you need to look at it again.
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the worst person you know is still actively obsessed with helsa (i forgot to post this on tumblr lol)
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Hold on to your britches cuz the brain rot is real!! 
Thank you @galaxygolfergirl for igniting my love for this ship again! Y’all check out her page and concept art on these two!
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Honestly, Elsa looked way happier at the end of Frozen than she did at the end of Frozen 2. Her smile at the end of Frozen 2 looked so artificial and robotic. (All of her mannerisms at the end of the movie were so strange, she looked and sounded like she was high.) At the end of Frozen, she looked so naturally happy and at ease.
Even before Frozen 2 came out, I always felt like people didn't really understand Elsa. They just saw her for her powers and her pretty dresses but didn't really get her as a human. Frozen 2 just confirmed it for me, the takes I have seen about Elsa from Frozen 2 stans are just unbelievable. Frozen 2 also showed me that not even Jennifer Lee and Chris Buck understand her. I've noticed in interviews, Lee never talks about Elsa as a person, it's always about her powers. She really only sees Elsa as an ice machine.
Elsa Was Happy and Free in Arendelle
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Is he really an irredeemable monster?
• Let's not forget that no one is prepared to deal with a sudden magical winter.
Hans was in a situation that he had to think a lot about, the queen escaped leaving an eternal winter, the princess went to look for her and he who only had superficial ideas of Arendelle had to take charge.
Were Hans' actions bad or do we only judge him by his last actions? Well, he had in mind to marry the monarchy to be king but we are all ambitious, Besides, it wasn't just that, he wanted to be recognized by his father, he wanted to at least feel loved by his dad for once, is that bad? besides, after everything he did for Arendelle, the best option to take the throne was him.
The council insisted at all times that Elsa was a monster, which council is against their queen? It wasn't just Hans' fault.
In the film, we see that Hans distributes blankets to combat the cold, gives them food, and tries to keep a kingdom calm in a stressful situation.
How would you feel if the queen plunged them into an eternal winter and the princess was missing? He was supporting them and fulfilling a duty that he should not have been Hans, so I think telling him "Unredeemable monster" It's a term that I don't think is for Hans.
Although Hans tried to murder Elsa and Anna, he not only did it to become king of Arendelle, but also because if he killed Elsa the winter would end. On Anna's side, even if he had kissed her, he would not have saved her because, as we know, "he didn't love her."
So is Hans an unredeemable monster for doing all this?
Let's remember that he grew up in an abusive family and that affects any child,
For Arendelle, after everything Hans did for them, he is also an “unredeemable monster”? If this was so, then what would Elsa be to them?
It is not good to judge without first analyzing.
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If Frozen 3 doesn't include this dude, then what is the point?
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Me making this post TEN years ago:
When we all stopped caring and still ship it: 👌👌👌👌👌
I do wanna say I’m so glad there even is a helsa fandom. If there wasn't so much amazing art, fics, theories, etc. i probably wouldn’t still adore the ship today 🔥❄️
so... thank you all for being here and still rooting for helsa 💞
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Helsa unboxing (Unintentional tbh) 😏
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I managed to get Elsa and a bonus, Hansy came in the package 😏
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more hugs
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happy 10 years of Frozen!!!
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Santino Fontana in Josh Gad's Gutenberg Broadway (Hans' return tease?)
Yesterday, Josh Gad posted an IG photo of a collage of Jonathan Groff, Idina Menzel and Kristen Bell in his Gutenerg broadway show and of the stable door scene in the "Love is an open door" sequence with the song playing too, teasing Santino Fontana's guest star to the show too.
Santino also reposted that photo
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And today we finally saw him arrive on stage via Josh Gad's IG story.
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Josh posted some photos of it too and Santino too reposted that saying:
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“..shake their hans.” 😆 lol that's a joke because when people try to type Hans name it autocorrects to Hands so when Santino should have written hands he deliberately wrote hans.
Okay I know what some of you may be thinking? This means nothing. But the way I see it could mean something. With Frozen 3 and now 4 recently announced, it's given that the main cast of Frozen will make an appearance in Josh Gad's show. But Santino?? Hans?? But that's not all, as I've mentioned quite a few times, if we go back in time to around 2020 (I think it was), Josh and the cast and team were face timing and told them hed only ever do a Frozen 3, if Santino returned as Hans (redeemed too I recall). Josh really loves and has a bond with Santino and he clearly loves his character too so there's another hint (to the several hints this year) that he's almost certainly returning to Frozen 3 and 4. I mean with all the Hans and Frozen 3/ 4 content lately, is it really just a coincidence, is it really just for nothing? I personally don't think so but alas we are yet to find out whenever the cast/ teaser gets revealed.
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((If Frozen is supposed to be about the sisters, then why did Jen separate them in Frozen 2? Why does she only ever talk about Elsa's powers and never Elsa as a human? It's clear she only views Elsa as an ice machine with a dress. I don't trust her or Chris Buck.))
Frozen 3 and 4 details from Jennifer Lee | Latest updates
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Jennifer Lee in an interview with Gamesradar gave a little bit more on the general story with Frozen 3 and 4. Gamesradar asked Lee if the announcement of Frozen 4 meant the threequel was being conceived as part of a larger whole.
Jennifer Lee said:
"We're really excited about where they're going, and we just have a lot of story to tell with that direction we're going in. So, I think, in my head, there may be enough for two in that story. But I'm really, really loving working with the team and where they're going."
Another interview, another sprinkle of hope as things sound positive and great. It's really good to hear that they have found more stories to tell and have decided to space it out into two films, and not rushing and cramming it all in one, because let's be honest there was still a lot left to tell after where Frozen 2 left us off at.
For Elsa I personally want to see her powers taken away and know what she really is and can be without them to show all that she's more than just her powers. Because most of her story arc is based on her powers and now that she's accepted them what would it be like if she didn't have them?
For Anna I'd like to see her be her own Queen, still keeping her goofy fun bubbly personality but as Queen.
For Kristoff, his past before the ice harvesters and Sven and his relationship growth with Anna with no longer having insecurities about Anna if Hans comes back (because Anna is way past Hans)
For Olaf maybe teenager Olaf or something along those lines of growth.
And yes for Hans. He needs to come back. I'd like to see redeemed and have a brother bond with Kristoff (maybe be adopted brothers) and yes, be with Elsa because those two have a lot more in common than one would think.
Lee also talks about Frozen approaching its milestone of 10 years.
"What I love about Frozen, I think it was unexpected for all of us. And we went into it the way we go into every story, which is really from character out. And the fact that it became something special, and that these sisters – really at the core is two sisters – I think for a lot of us was just very exciting, about, 'Who are those protagonists that we can tell these great stories of women, particularly women who are on each other's side, not against each other?' That was really exciting, that people responded to it. So I think in some ways, Frozen, to me, has encouraged us to keep telling different kinds of stories of different kinds of heroes."
From here we can rule out that the sisters will be against each other in the upcoming movies and to realise that Elsa and Anna, both and together are the core of Frozen. So there's a little hope for a permanent reunion between the two. I know she's talking about Frozen but I believe also about the franchise too. I also hope we get an emotional, beautiful duet between the two. "For the first time in forever - reprise" was quite it. It was a reprise too.
So let's see what else in the coming days gets revealed about Frozen 3 and 4. Jennifer is definitely giving subtle hints.
What do you lot make out of what Jennifer has said here?
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((I agree. Between Frozen 2, Forces of Nature, and recent interviews with Jen Lee, it's obvious that Disney is putting too much focus on world building and Elsa's powers instead of the characters themselves. That's why they were so out of character in Frozen 2. Jen only ever talks about Elsa's powers, it's clear that she only sees Elsa as an ice machine with a dress.))
Want to know how I know Frozen 3 will most definitely not be great? The announcement of a Frozen 4.
The problem with Frozen 2 was that it had many, many ideas and they attempted, and utterly failed, to condense them into one singular linear story; the problem with Frozen 3 is that they "have so many ideas" that they realized they can't realistically condense them into one singular movie so their solution to "not repeat a frozen 2" is to instead push for ALL ideas to move forward which in turn has given them an overly lengthy cut.
Watching Frozen 1 in cinemas for the first time in a long while really reminded me how Frozen worked because it was very very simple and most of its heart was in the two "main" characters and how they navigated through life after a horrendous situation they were put through.
The heart of Frozen is not all the mystical and mythical elements that they can't get enough of attempting to push, hell, the most compelling part of Elsa as a character was just how raw and human she felt DESPITE having otherworldly powers.
I truly don't know which road they're taking the franchise through, but if the podcast and the books that have come out are anything to go by, it's straying way too far from what made the first movie compelling and enjoyable: its freaking simplicity.
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