demi-ro-demi · 3 years
I just… wanna remind people that asexuality was classed as a mental disorder by the DSM all the way up until 2013…. Because I feel like people don’t know this or like to ignore it because it doesn’t fit into their “asexual people don’t face discrimination” rhetoric.
Asexuality was only removed from the DSM in 2013. Please, know this and remember it.
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demi-ro-demi · 3 years
Dear tumblr,
Many human social problems were around before capitalism. Many of them have been exacerbated by capitalism, and there are probably some that are because of it entirely, but they are not because of capitalism. Capitalism is new. If something was around before, hmm, be generous and say 1600? it is not just because of capitalism.
(Abusive landlords, price gouging, product fraud, and exploitative labor practices have all been around since we started recording that kind of information. Capitalism rewards them – it didn’t invent them. Empires motivated by material gain have been around forever, too.)
It’s impossible to have a meaningful discussion about capitalism when people keep using it as a synonym for “greed” or “profit motive” or even “everything about society which I hate”.
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demi-ro-demi · 3 years
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demi-ro-demi · 3 years
You might be sexually attracted to that person if…
- You think sexual thoughts about the person out of nowhere
- You feel aroused upon seeing the person outside of a sexual setting
- You find yourself wondering what the person is like in bed and what their genitals look like 
- You want to have sex with that person because your body is screaming for sex with that one person in particular.
- Seriously though if you’re already horny and that person is there you will feel all hot and sexually aroused and might drool a bit and fantasies of doing X-rated things to that person will fly through your mind and your body will literally be screaming for that person to take you or for you to take that person. Even just thinking about that person while horny can do this to you.
- TMI but if you get off while fantasizing about you having sex with that person, the orgasms can be absolutely mind-blowing and may even give you leg cramps.
- You really do “just know.”
You might not be sexually attracted to that person if…
- You make a conscious effort to fantasize about sex with that person, mainly to see if you actually want to
- You feel aroused during a sexual situation, but that arousal has more to do with the activities instead of the specific person. Alternatively, you just don’t feel aroused at all.
- You feel aroused at random, but it’s directed towards no one
- You want to have sex with that person because you want to make them happy or are just horny and want to get off with a partner or want babies or want money or literally any other reason aside from your body screaming for sex with that one person in particular.
- TMI but if you try to get off while fantasizing about you having sex with that person, you may get bored and start thinking of other things. Or, you may start fantasizing about that person doing sexual things that don’t involve you in which case aegosexual might be worth looking into.
- You just don’t know.
If the “you might be sexually attracted” list boggles your mind, you are possibly asexual.
If the “you might not be sexually attracted” list boggles your mind, you are possibly not asexual.
If you can relate to the “might not be sexually attracted” list, but also feel like you’ve experienced some of the things on the “might be sexually attracted” list, it may be worth checking out some acespec identities.
(Disclaimer: This is strictly based off of my own experiences as acespec and is meant to be a guide for people questioning sexual attraction. Overall, you know yourself best and I’m not gonna tell you what you’re feeling or how to identify.)
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demi-ro-demi · 3 years
Please feel free to assume all characters I write ever are aspec because I don’t know how to write sexual attraction and honestly at this point I don’t care
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demi-ro-demi · 4 years
Over 1,500 ballots in GA have been rejected and we are SO CLOSE to turning the state blue—every vote counts. If you did a mail-in or absentee ballot, go check that it was counted. If it’s been rejected, you can call the GA Voter Protection Hotline at 1-888-730-5816.
Right now, every single vote counts. Check on your ballot and make sure it was accepted.
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demi-ro-demi · 4 years
Ikesen Matchup Event (OPEN)
To get this blog rolling I'm opening 5 spots for matchups (just for now, more to come later)
In the ask box write "match me!" And an oc/pen name (please don't put your real name)
Anons, and asks after the first five will be deleted deleted, the first five will be answered with a number 1-5 until spots are filled
After I've answered your ask use the template below to submit a post for the matchup
What characters do you want to be eligible for the matchup? At least 3 and up to the full cast.
Disposition: what is your general mood, how do you come across to others
What motivates you?
What is you life philosophy?
What are you afraid of?
3 positive traits
3 negative traits
Insecurity (not nessisary no pressure fam)
What relationship dynamic is your favorite?
What do you like in a partner?
What do you not like?
What would cross the line?
2 Wildcards: anything that I missed that you think is important.
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demi-ro-demi · 4 years
New blog for asks!
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demi-ro-demi · 4 years
ah yes, the rare and elusive ADHD mood of "I have five different things that I want to do that I've been thinking about doing all day but I can't do them all at once so instead of just picking one I'm going to do none of them and just sit and sulk about how I'm not doing any of the things I want to be doing right now"
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demi-ro-demi · 4 years
Uh.. if you're not the imposter how do you keep coming back?
impostor syndrome is a common problem in academia. For example my colleagues keep putting me in the airlock and ejecting me into space
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demi-ro-demi · 4 years
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Keep the flame going for those we have lost to suicide. 
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demi-ro-demi · 4 years
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demi-ro-demi · 4 years
So I recently joined bumble bff and it's working out really well so far (I literally swiped right on everyone) and I met this person who is really cool and we get along really well.
I have a squish on them for reals guys. Like I've met people who like I wanted to be friends with, but this is something else. It's not romantic attraction, maybe platonic?
Idk but fingers crossed we keep in touch.
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demi-ro-demi · 4 years
Stop calling it a "toxic" friendship
It's an abusive relationship.
I had a friend who used to use guilt to control my every action. They turned me against all my friends, convinced me none of them really cared for me the way they did. They made me feel gross for likening seafood, certain sodas, shows and music they didn't like. They made it very clear to me that wlw is wrong and disgusting, just in their opinion tho(I'm biromantic). They could hang out with other people, but if I did they made me feel like I left them out of something. They made me feel stupid for going out drinking with coworkers. Every other friend I have contacts me through them because it's just oh so much more convenient that way. They tell me "your emotional, I'm rational" and constantly say I'm "too sensitive" and "needy". They used to physically beat me for "acting stupid". They no longer get physical but we play RPGs and their character still beats my character and calls my character the names they used to call me.
There is no romantic element at all. They would be disgusted by the very notion.
This isn't a toxic friendship, it's an abusive relationship.
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demi-ro-demi · 4 years
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demi-ro-demi · 4 years
Demisexual “So you mean a normal person?” Don’t hate on things you don’t understand.
Person: What’s demisexuality?
Demisexual: It means you don’t get attracted to people unless there’s an emotional bond.
Person: Oh, so like, a normal person?
Demisexual: Actually, no, although I can see how you’d think that. Most people don’t have sex with people unless they have an emotional bond with them but that’s not really to do with sexuality, that’s just staying safe and having common sense.
’Normal’ people, although not intending to sleep with someone right away, still know, usually, whether they would be interested in doing that within a short amount of time, sometimes immediately. People come up to me and say “You’re attractive, can I have your number?” after just seeing me from across a bar. They’ve never spoken to me, don’t know who I am but still found me attractive and are thus interested in getting to know me more to see if they’d like to start a relationship.
Demisexuals don’t experience that. We don’t see underwear adverts and find the actors desirable. We don’t look at someone from across a room and think “they’re hot, I wonder if they’re single”. ‘Sex sells’ goes over our heads. Dating apps where you swipe pictures across the screen are useless. We literally don’t get attracted to people that quickly.
Person: Oh, I see. So it’s not just being picky or abstaining from sex, it’s literal lack of attraction?
Demisexual: Yes, you’ve got it.
Person: That must make dating difficult.
Demisexual: It does. Many of us are interested in dating but are limited to people we know emotionally. If someone asks for my number I then have to say to them ‘can we be friends for roughly two to three years, by then I should know whether I find you physically attractive and if I do we can start dating’. It’s sad because I don’t want to get people’s hopes up or seem like I’m leading them on. But I literally do have to know them for a while before I can get attracted to them if I do at all. It also meant growing up was a strange experience because everyone would be pointing out attractive people on TV, in magazines and when walking down the street and I just didn’t understand.
Person: Well thank you for taking the time to explain that to me. I understand now that there is a difference between abstaining from sex and actually lacking attraction.
Demisexual: No problem. It’s nice to be accepted and understood.
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Demisexuals, you are real and valid. Just because people don’t understand what you go through that doesn’t mean what you go through is fake. Pride is about respecting and celebrating all sexualities and their nuances. 
You should also note that demisexuality is common among those on the autism spectrum. To deny demisexuality is not only illogical but it’s also ableism. You’re erasing people’s symptoms because its convenient for you and because you don’t understand them. 
Demisexuals just want to chill and exist. They don’t want fame and to be mollycoddled. They just want awareness and acceptance. 
Let’s not hate on people just because we don’t understand. 
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demi-ro-demi · 4 years
pls give me 1(one) reason aces have ever been oppressed, and 1(one) example of aces being a part of lgbt history(before 2004 at least) and then maybe i’ll consider the idea that aces belong in the lgbt community lol
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